LINDBERGH’S 9/11/1941 Speech The following is an xcerpt from a speech he gave on
September 11th, 1941 n Des Moines, Iowa identifying the forces that were ulling America into World War II as being the British, he Roosevelt administration and the Jews. While he expressed sympathy for the plight of Jews in Germany, he argued that
America’s entry into the war would only inflame their predicament. He said in part: ____________________________________________
"It is not difficult to understand why the Jewish people
desire the overthrow of Nazi Germany. The persecution they suffered in Germany would be sufficient to make
bitter enemies of any race. No person with a sense of the dignity of mankind can condone the persecution the Jewish
race has suffered in Germany. But no person of honesty and vision can look on the pro-war policy here today
without seeing the dangers involved in such a policy, both for us and them. Instead of agitating for war the Jewish groups in this country should be
opposing it in every possible way, for they will be the first to feel its consequences. Tolerance is a
virtue that depends upon peace and strength. History shows that it cannot survive war and devastation.
A few far-sighted Jewish
people realize this and stand opposed to intervention. But the majority still do not. Their greatest danger to this
country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our
government." _______________________________________________________________
...Of course, after December 7th, 1941, all peace and isolationist movements
in America, such as America First, disbanded. Lindbergh accepted his failure to keep America out of the
war and ceased his peace efforts lest he suffer the label of being a traitor.
WALT DISNEY'S WAR WITH JEWS Walt Disney openly vowed to keep the commies out of his studio
and informed the press that the ongoing strikes against his studio were perpetrated by the octopus-like Communist
Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) indeed made its presence felt by championing the
rights of the film industries workers and played a vital role in the Screen Writers Guild’s long
battle to exist. Jewish guy Moses Koenigsberg, who managed William Randolph Hearst’s King Features Syndicate (a comic strip syndicator), took a swipe at Disney by accusing him
of being a "Nazi" because of a supposed swastika (appearing in the form of two crossed musical notes) that
appeared in the last panel of a Mickey Mouse syndicated comic strip that ran on
June 19 th, 1940. But it was a very unconvincing stretch of the truth. Another swastika supposedly appeared in an animated Mickey Mouse cartoon titled "The Wayward Canary"
that was spotted on a cigarette lighter that ignited when a berserk canary landed on it. But this cartoon
was released in 1932. Hitler wasn’t elected Chancellor of Germany until January 30th, 1933 and wasn’t
yet considered to be satanic at the time... so throw that "swastika" out.
And speaking of swastikas... The swastika design had been around for thousands of years before
Hitler adopted it for his Reich symbol. It dates back to the ancient Indus Valley civilization as well
as Mediterranean Classical Antiquity.
The swastika was considered a good luck sun symbol by indigenous peoples in the ancient western hemisphere. Many European military units used the swastika as their symbol. The American Army’s 45th Infantry
Division wore the swastika as their symbol patch on their left shoulder from 1923 until 1939 when it was politically
correctly changed to a thunderbird. The Finnish Air Force still uses a swastika as their symbol on the flags of the Karelian, Lapland and
Satakunta Air Commands to this day. Anyway... Efforts to
influence Disney to support Roosevelt’s pro war movement failed as long as Walt kept tight control over
his studio. So, in a scheme to get Walt away from his studio and away from the country, Roosevelt instructed
Nelson Rockefeller to draft Walt as part of a contingent heading to South America to influence the locals
to resist Nazi influence there.
Rockefeller had been named the
Official Coordinator of
the State Department’s Inter-American
Affairs organization. Roosevelt was particularly concerned about Walt’s appearance at the America
First rally standing next to Charles Lindbergh. Roy Disney
was keen on Walt being absent so he could settle that latest strike himself and clear all the charges of Walt’s being a "Nazi" sympathizer.
During Walt’s absence, Roy met with Labor Department arbitrator, James F. Dewey, and the strike was settled by Roy by agreeing to allow the commie dominated Cartoonists Guild to have power at Disney Studio. When Walt heard about Roy’s betrayal he vowed that he would close the studio
forever rather than have commie animators on the payroll.
Of course, Roosevelt got his war by setting up the military assets at Pearl Harbor
to take a contrived whipping. Disney’s studio was then occupied by Army troops on December 8th, 1941
to be used as a defense staging facility to protect the nearby Lockheed aircraft manufacturing plant. Disney’s studio was the
only Hollywood studio to be thus occupied and Walt was out of a job until the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics
contracted him to make a series of twenty aviation training films. Walt had little choice but to cooperate because
of the crippling circumstances. And he produced propaganda cartoons for the government at the behest of
Jewish Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau. Der
Fuehrer’s Face (originally titled: Donald Duck in Nutzi Land) starring Donald Duck is the most notable product of that era that mocked Hitler and won the Oscar for best animated short film at the 15th Academy
Incidentally, Spike Jones and His City Slickers enjoyed a popular hit in 1942 with their novelty song called "Der
Face" that became the inspiration for the cartoon. Disney’s
cooperation did result in his regaining full control of his studio eight months after it had been occupied
by the Army.
Walt was so incensed at the National Council of Christians and Jews, who were pressuring him to produce a cartoon to promote unity in America by depicting
human prejudices, that not only did he flatly refuse but he became inspired to help found the Motion Picture
Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals (MPA-PAI) whose membership included John Wayne, Ward Bond,
Robert Taylor, James Colburn, Hedda Hopper, Gary Cooper, Adolph Menju and sixty-five other stellar Hollywood personalities.
As vice-president of the MPA-PAI, Walt wrote to Robert Rice Reynolds, the
activist-isolationist Commie hunter and Democratic Senator from North Carolina to get support; and he asked
the HUAC to investigate the Communist control and influence in Hollywood.
Walt had had enough of the Jewish Commies and was ready to take on the “Big
Five” (Paramount, Loews, Warner Brothers, 20 th Century Fox and RKO) head on. Legal action was instigated against the “Big Five” with Paramount in the legal sights
of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled that Paramount, and the other Majors, were part of a Hollywood monopoly.
They were prohibited from expanding their holdings and control over the production, distribution, and exhibition
of movies. So Walt finally had his day... for a while.
actions taken by Disney, and the actions taken by the various associations and patriots in Hollywood, eventually
led to the House Committee on Un-American Activities investigating hundreds of Commies (mostly Jewish).
Many of the most notorious Communists were voluntarily “blacklisted” by Hollywood, including the Big Five, as a means of deflecting HUAC scrutiny that could be directed at themselves. The ban on out-right Communists lasted until about 1965 when many of the “blacklisted” persons returned to Hollywood
and began assisting in the making of movies that “exposed” their
A Woody Allen's (real name: Allen Stewart Konigsberg) movie titled, "The Front", was one
such movie that described how blacklisted Hollywood screenwriters used the names of front-men to circumvent
the blacklist and kept on working. By 1966 all of the blacklisted Jewish Commies were back in a Hollywood that was firmly under the
control of Jews. Walt was notorious for always being financially
strapped, hard as it may be to believe, but he found an ally in billionaire Howard Hughes. Hughes had dabbled
in the motion picture business since the 1920s. He gained 25% ownership of RKO Studios in 1948 and took
a real interest in movie making. By 1954 he had acquired near total ownership of RKO and during his RKO
years he became a good friend and backer of Walt Disney.
loaned Walt millions of dollars, interest free, that Walt used to expand his Buena Vista film distribution company
and Walt was able to pay back every penny he had borrowed from Hughes along the way.
Hughes tired of his RKO money-losing toy and sold it off six months after acquiring total control and
realized a personal profit of $6.5 million dollars; thus ending his twenty-five
year affair with Hollywood. Hughes had nearly run RKO into the ground before the General Tire and Rubber Company, which purchased RKO
from Hughes, finally killed the studio off through “mismanagement.” Walt, having become weary of fighting Jewish controlled Hollywood all the time, turned over control
of Disney Studios to his spineless brother, Roy, and pursued his dream of creating an amusement theme park.
Disneyland, located
in Anaheim, California, opened in 1955. But before turning total control over to Roy, Walt realized success
in the new television phenomena of the 1950s with his Mickey Mouse Club, amongst other television ventures,
that were basically excellent advertisements for his hugely successful theme park. Walt died in 1966 leaving spineless Roy without an advisory mentor and by 1984 the Disney empire
had become completely owned and controlled by Jews such as Michael Eisner, Frank Wells, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Richard
Frank and David Hoberman.
So, in summation, it was Darrell Zanuck,
Walt Disney, and Howard Hughes who were the only major Hollywood studio owners in the history of Hollywood and
it isn’t likely that there will ever be any more unless the Jewish cronyism in Hollywood is dismantled.
. .
Click on this text to hear Charles Lindbergh's - September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech...
NY TIMES HEADLINE: OCTOBER 6, 1940 'NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS' From opening paragraph: "....Arthur Greenwood member without portfolio in the British
War Cabinet, assured the Jews of the United States
that when victory was achieved an effort would be made to found a New World Order..." In his famous Iowa speech of September 11, 1941, famed aviator Charles Lindbergh of the much-maligned "America
First" movement caused a controversy which Establishment Fake Historians and the Judenpress
continue, to this day, to denounce as "anti-Semitic" ™
and false. The offending excerpts from the Lindbergh speech: "The three most important
groups who have been pressing this country toward war are the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt
administration..... First, the British: It is obvious and perfectly understandable
that Great Britain wants the United States in the war on her side. England is now in a desperate position.
Her population is not large enough and her armies are not strong enough to invade the continent of
Europe and win the war she declared against Germany. The second major group I mentioned is the Jewish. Their greatest danger to this country lies in their (the
Jews) large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government. I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people.
Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders of both the British and the Jewish races,
for reasons which are as understandable from their viewpoint as they are inadvisable from ours, for
reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in the war. But was
Lindbergh really out of line for fingering the British and the Jews as the main agitators behind FDR's
not-so-secret effort to embroil the USA into World War II? Original source evidence, from the "horse's
own mouth," appear to support the Lindbergh allegations. Let's investigate. 
Charles Lindbergh (shown receiving
a medal from German Air Force Marshal Herman Goering in 1938) and the "America First" movement
which he supported have long been denounced for claiming that American Jews were manipulating the USA
into another World War. But an old Slimes article supports the claim. THE
SETTING: 1940: Germany is in total control of the European war situation. The French have
signed an armistice with Germany and are out of the war. The British army has been forced to evacuate
the continent at Dunkirk (Hitler had graciously allowed them to escape). The Soviets and Americans
are not in the war, and Hitler has a very generous peace offer on the table for Britain. As they had during their losing days of World War I, British politicians reach out to international
Jewry for help in inducing America into the war. During that war, Britain's "Balfour Declaration" promised to open Palestine to the Jews
(after the defeat and busting-up of the Ottoman Turkish Empire) as a payoff for bringing about U.S. entry. And after Woodrow Wilson's 1916
re-election, the Zionists delivered on their end of the deal. Now, in 1940, 14 months before
the deliberate provocation which led to Japan's justifiable attack on Pearl Harbor, comes what we
might call "The Greenwood Declaration" -- issued by
British War Cabinet member Lord Arthur Greenwood through a British-Jewish intermediary,
and then on to Jewish World Congress Director Dr. Stephen S Wise of New York, and duly hyped
by Sulzberger's Jew York Slimes -- is offering (((them))) THE WORLD! Note one of Greenwood's amazingly prophetic statements contained in the article
which we post and link down below, "When we
have achieved victory, and we assuredly shall..." But
there is absolutely no chance of British victory unless the U.S. can be dragged into the conflict. Therefore,
Greenwood must already know that the U.S. will enter the war at a later date. This official promise of a "New
World Order" is clearly intended to further encourage American Jewish support and pressure for
dragging "isolationist" ™ America into the war. Greenwood
promises: "In the rebuilding of civilized society after the war, there should and will
be a real opportunity for Jews everywhere to make a distinctive and constructive contribution." Translation: "Get America in and
we'll really empower the Jew bankers and their henchmen after the war!" Greenwood's imperialist "dance with the Devil" will prove fatal. After the war, Britain would end up broke
and lose control of her own Empire to the Marxist Jews as well. From the viewpoint of forensic history, what's really interesting about the Greenwood's declaration is
how it perfectly mirrors the September, 1941 accusation made by Lindbergh. Yes, Lucky Lindy" was right
after all --- and the Greenwood statement, summed up in the original Slimes article posted below (and
also linked as a pdf), proves it.
War Cabinet member
Lord Arthur Greenwood (left), delivered his promise of a "New World Order" to British Zionist
Maurice Perlzweig (center) of the World Jewish Congress;
who in turn handed it to Stephen S Wise of the American branch of the World Jewish Congress (right) NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS Arthur Greenwood of British War Cabinet
Send Message of Assurance Here In the first public
declaration on the Jewish question since the outbreak of the war, Arthur Greenwood, member without portfolio
in the British War Cabinet, assured the Jews of
the United States that when victory was achieved an effort would be made to found a
new world order based on the ideals of "justice and
Charles Lindbergh: A Courageous American’s Prophetic Voice By Mark Weber
In May 1927, a shy, handsome 25-year-old suddenly sprang from obscurity
to instant world fame when he flew a small single-seat, single-engine airplane, called the “Spirit of St. Louis,”
from Long Island, New York, to an airfield in Paris. In a grueling 33-hour flight that covered 3,600 miles, Charles A. Lindbergh
became the first person to fly the Atlantic ocean, alone and non-stop. His daring flight, and his aviation pioneering afterwards,
made him, for some years, the most admired man in America, and the most admired American in the world. During his lifetime he made a mark not only as a pioneering global aviator,
but also as an award-winning author, environmentalist and anti-war activist. Given the scarcity of truly heroic Americans
during the past century, he towers as a man of exemplary accomplishment and courage. He deserves to be remembered today
not only as an authentic American hero, but also because much of what he wrote and said is relevant in our own age. Indeed,
some of his remarks have proven to be prophetic. Charles Lindbergh was born in 1902 of Swedish, English, Irish and Scottish ancestry. He grew up in Minnesota in
a family that was accomplished and well educated. His father was an attorney, a writer, a publisher and a U.S. Congressman.
Lindbergh travelled widely
in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa, as well as across the U.S. He met and spoke at length with many of the world’s
most prominent personalities. And he carefully observed and thoughtfully remembered much of what he saw and experienced.
During the 1930s he spent much time in Britain, France and Germany -- three countries he admired. But he was particularly
impressed by what he observed during his several visits to Germany in the years 1936 to 1939 -- that is, during a period
of dynamic change under the leadership of Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist movement. Lindbergh did not approve of everything he saw there. In particular, he
disagreed with the regime’s Jewish policy. All the same, he wrote at the time, he felt that Germany was “the
most interesting nation in the world today, and that she is attempting to find a solution for some of our most fundamental
problems.” “While
I still have many reservations,” he wrote to a U.S. Army officer who was also a personal friend, “I have come
away with a feeling of great admiration for the German people. The condition of the country, and the appearance of the average
person whom I saw, leaves with me the impression that Hitler must have far more character and vision than I thought existed
in the German leader who has been painted in so many different ways by the accounts of America and England.” In a letter to another American friend he
wrote: “With all the things we criticize, he [Hitler] is undoubtedly a great man, and I believe has done much for
the German people. He is fanatic in many ways, and any one can see that there is a certain amount of fanaticism in Germany
today. It is less than I expected, but it is there. On the other hand, Hitler has accomplished results -- good in addition
to bad -- which could hardly have been accomplished without some fanaticism.” Lindbergh’s wife was Anne Morrow Lindbergh, a remarkable woman who
was, in her own right, an accomplished aviator and a successful author. In a 1936 letter to her mother, she wrote: “Hitler, I am beginning to feel, is a very great man, like an inspired religious
leader -- and as such rather fanatical -- but not scheming, not selfish, not greedy for power, but a mystic, a visionary
who really wants the best for his country and, on the whole, has a rather broad view.”
Charles Lindbergh was so impressed with Hitler’s Germany that he
seriously considered moving there with his family. “I did not feel real freedom until I came to Europe,” he remarked
in 1939. “The strange thing is that of all the European countries, I found most personal freedom in Germany, with
England next, and then France.” After a search for a suitable place to live, he found a property in a suburb of Berlin
that he came close to buying. But as the threat of war grew in Europe, he abandoned those plans. The outbreak of war in September 1939 distressed him greatly, and he resolved
to do what he could to help keep the U.S. out of the conflict. During the next two years -- that is, until the United States
formally entered the conflict in December 1941 -- he spoke out in a series of public statements and speeches. In an address given in mid-September 1939
that was broadcast on nationwide radio and widely circulated in written form, Lindbergh said: “We must keep foreign
propaganda from pushing our country blindly into another war … We should never enter a war unless it is absolutely
essential to the future welfare of our nation. “These wars in Europe are not wars in which our civilization is defending itself against some Asiatic intruder.
There is no Genghis Khan nor Xerxes marching against our Western nations. This is not a question of banding together to
defend the white race against foreign invasion. This is simply one more of those age-old struggles within our own family
of nations — a quarrel arising from the errors of the last war — from the failure of the victors of that war
to follow a consistent policy either of fairness or of force. “As a result, another war has begun, a war which is likely to be far more prostrating
than the last, a war which will again kill off the best youth of Europe, a war which may even lead to the end of our Western
civilization. “Our safety
does not lie in fighting European wars. It lies in our own internal strength, in the character of the American people and
of American institutions. As long as we maintain an army, a navy and an air force worthy of the name, as long as America
does not decay within, we need fear no invasion of this country.”
A few weeks later, he spoke again to the American people in another coast-to-coast
broadcast. “Our bond with Europe,” he said, “is a bond of race and not of political ideology… It
is the European race we must preserve; political progress will follow. Racial strength is vital; politics a luxury. If the
white race is ever seriously threatened, it may then be time for us to take our part in its protection, to fight side by
side with the English, French, and Germans, but not with one against the other for our mutual destruction.” Lindbergh laid out similar views in an article,
“Aviation, Geography and Race” that appeared in the November 1939 issue of Reader’s Digest, the most widely
read American monthly periodical. He wrote: “We, the heirs of European culture, are on the verge of a disastrous war,
a war within our own family of nations, a war which will reduce the strength and destroy the treasures of the White race,
a war which may even lead to the end of our civilization … We can have peace and security only so long as we band
together to preserve that most priceless possession, our inheritance of European blood …” For many Americans today, Lindbergh’s views on race and culture may
seem offensive or outrageous. But for most of this nation’s history, they were not at all unusual. They were in accord
with the outlook of such prominent Americans as Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Such views were
also shared by the vast majority of Americans during the 1930s -- although it was already becoming unfashionable to express
them openly. In his address
of August 4, 1940, Lindbergh spoke about how Americans had been badly misinformed about conditions abroad. “I found
conditions in Europe to be very different from our concept of them here in the United States,” he said. “Anyone
who takes the trouble to read through back issues of our newspapers cannot fail to realize what a false impression we had
of the belligerent nations. We were told that Germany was ripe for revolution, that her rearmament was a bluff, that she
lacked officers, that she flew her airplanes from one field to another so they would be counted again and again by foreign
observers … Statements of this sort have issued forth in an endless stream from Europe, and anyone who questioned
their accuracy was called a Nazi agent. These examples show how greatly we have been misled about the military conditions
in Europe. If one goes still farther back, he will find that we have also been misled about political conditions.” In a much-publicized appearance before a
Congressional committee in early 1941, Lindbergh testified against further U.S. measures toward war. As he had on other
occasions, he voiced the hope that the conflict between Britain and Germany might be resolved through a negotiated peace,
and he expressed his view that the U.S. should not “police the world.” Active during this period was the largest and most important peace group
in U.S. history. With some 800,000 members, the America First Committee was a formidable and broad-based citizens’
organization. Lindbergh was its most popular, eloquent and influential spokesman. At a large rally in New York City in April
1941, he appealed for support. “
… We have been led toward war by a minority of our people,” he said. “This minority has power. It has
influence. It has a loud voice. But it does not represent the American people … These people -- the majority of hard-working
American citizens -- are with us. They are the true strength of our country … That is why the America First Committee
has been formed -- to give voice to the people who have no newspaper, or news reel, or radio station at their command; to
the people who must do the paying, and the fighting, and the dying, if this country enters the war. “… If you believe in an independent destiny for America, if
you believe that this country should not enter the war in Europe, we ask you to join the America First Committee in its
stand. We ask you to share our faith in the ability of this nation to defend itself, to develop its own civilization, and
to contribute to the progress of mankind in a more constructive and intelligent way than has yet been found by the warring
nations of Europe.” Lindbergh’s
most controversial -- and courageous -- public address was given at a large meeting in Des Moines, Iowa, on September 11,
1941. (It was on that same date 60 years later that the World Trade Center in New York was attacked and destroyed.) In this
speech, Lindbergh for the first and only time spoke publicly about just who was pushing for war. He said: “National polls showed that when England
and France declared war on Germany in 1939, less than ten percent of our population favored a similar course for America.
But there were various groups of people, here and abroad, whose interests and beliefs necessitated the involvement of the
United States in the war. I shall point out some of these groups tonight, and outline their methods of procedure. In doing
this, I must speak with the utmost frankness, for in order to counteract their efforts, we must know exactly who they are. “The three most important groups who
have been pressing this country toward war are the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration.” Lindbergh was careful to add these words:
“I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders
of both the British and the Jewish races, for reasons which are as understandable from their viewpoint as they are inadvisable
from ours, for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in the war.” Lindbergh went on: “As I have said, these war agitators comprise only
a small minority of our people; but they control a tremendous influence. Against the determination of the American people
to stay out of war, they have marshaled the power of their propaganda, their money, their patronage.” With regard to Jewish efforts to get the
U.S. into war, Lindbergh said: “Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence
in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government.” He then said: “We cannot blame them for looking
out for what they believe to be their own best interests, but we also must look out for ours. We cannot allow the natural
passions and prejudices of other peoples to lead our country to destruction.” He went on to explain the deceitful measures of those who were pressing
for war. “They planned: first, to prepare the United States for foreign war under the guise of American defense; second,
to involve us in the war, step by step, without our realization; third, to create a series of incidents which would force
us into the actual conflict. These plans were of, course, to be covered and assisted by the full power of their propaganda. “Our theaters soon became filled with
plays portraying the glory of war. Newsreels lost all semblance of objectivity. Newspapers and magazines began to lose advertising
if they carried anti-war articles. A smear campaign was instituted against individuals who opposed intervention. The terms
`fifth columnist,` ‘traitor,’ `Nazi,’ `anti-Semitic’ were thrown ceaselessly at any one who dared
to suggest that it was not to the best interests of the United States to enter the war. Men lost their jobs if they were
frankly anti-war. Many others dared no longer speak. Before long, lecture halls that were open to the advocates of war were
closed to speakers who opposed it. … Propaganda was in full swing.” This address unleashed a torrent of scathing criticism. Lindbergh was viciously
attacked -- above all, for his remarks about the Jewish role in the campaign for war -- even though what he has said was
measured and truthful. Ten
months before the outbreak of fighting in Europe, for example, the most influential U.S. illustrated weekly magazine was
already psychologically preparing Americans for war with alarmist claims that Germany threatened the United States. A major
article in the October 31, 1938, issue of Life magazine, headlined “America Gets Ready to Fight Germany, Italy, Japan,”
told readers that Germany and Italy “covet … the rich resources of South America,” and warned that “fascist
fleets and legions may swarm across the Atlantic.” In fact, Hitler and all other high-level German officials were eager to avoid conflict with
the U.S., Britain or France. But in September 1939 Britain and France -- encouraged by the U.S. -- declared war against
Germany. During this period,
President Roosevelt and other high-ranking U.S. officials also sought to generate public support for the administration’s
war measures with frightening allegations of fantastic German plans to conquer the world. On the very day that Lindbergh gave his controversial address in Des Moines,
President Roosevelt told the American people that Hitler and Germany were seeking “to abolish the freedom of the seas,
and to acquire absolute control and domination of the seas for themselves” as part of a grand German strategy that
aimed at “domination of the United States … [and of] the Western hemisphere by force.” With this justification,
the President went on to announce a “shoot on sight” order to the U.S. Navy against German and Italian ships
in the Atlantic -- a provocative and completely illegal war measure.
And in an address to the American people on October 27, 1941, President Roosevelt
announced that he had a “secret map” that proved Hitler’s intention to take over all of South America and
reorganize it into German-dominated states. The President also revealed that he had in his possession “another document
made in Germany by Hitler's government. It is a detailed plan to abolish all existing religions -- Catholic, Protestant,
Mohammedan, Hindu, Buddhist, and Jewish alike,” which Germany will impose “on a dominated world, if Hitler wins.”
Although millions of Americans
believed these and similarly brazen falsehoods, seasoned foreign onlookers were not so credulous. One such observer was
Poland’s ambassador in Washington, Jerzy Potocki, who reported regularly to Warsaw on conditions in the United States.
In a confidential dispatch of February 1938 -- more than a year a half before the outbreak of war in Europe -- he took note
of the Jewish role in pushing for war. “The pressure of the Jews on President Roosevelt and on the State Department is becoming ever more powerful,”
he wrote. “The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war psychosis which would plunge the entire world into
war and bring about general catastrophe. This mood is becoming more and more apparent … This hatred has become a frenzy.
It is propagated everywhere and by every means: in theaters, in the cinema, and in the press. The Germans are portrayed
as a nation living under the arrogance of Hitler who wants to conquer the whole world and drown all of humanity in an ocean
of blood. “ … This
international Jewry exploits every means of propaganda to oppose any tendency towards any kind of consolidation and understanding
between nations. In this way, the conviction is growing steadily but surely in public opinion here that the Germans and
their satellites, in the form of fascism, are enemies who must be subdued by the 'democratic world’.” In a confidential dispatch of January 9,
1939, the ambassador reported: “The American public is subject to an ever more alarming propaganda which is under
Jewish influence and continuously conjures up the specter of the danger of war. Because of this the Americans have strongly
altered their views on foreign policy problems, in comparison with last year.” The Polish envoy made similar points a few days later in his confidential
report of January 12, 1939: “The
feeling now prevailing in the United States is marked by a growing hatred of fascism and, above all, of Chancellor Hitler
and everything connected with Nazism. Propaganda is mostly in the hands of the Jews who control almost 100 percent radio,
film, daily and periodical press. Although this propaganda is extremely coarse and presents Germany as black as possible
-- above all religious persecution and concentration camps are exploited -- this propaganda is nevertheless extremely effective
since the public here is completely ignorant and knows nothing of the situation in Europe. Right now most Americans regard
Chancellor Hitler and Nazism as the greatest evil and greatest danger threatening the world. “… The American people are unequivocally told that in case
of a world war, America must also take an active part in order to defend the slogans of freedom and democracy in the world.” Twenty-five years after the end of the Second
World War, Lindbergh published his Wartime Journals. In an introduction to the book, which prompted much discussion and
comment, he looked back on the conflict and its legacy. “We won the war in a military sense,” he wrote, “but in a broader sense it seems to me we lost
it, for our Western civilization is less respected and secure than it was before. In order to defeat Germany and Japan we
supported the still greater menaces of Russia and China – which now confront us in a nuclear-weapon era. Poland was
not saved … Much of our Western culture was destroyed. We lost the genetic heredity formed through aeons in many
million lives … It is alarmingly possible that World War II marks the beginning of our Western civilization’s
breakdown, as it already marks the breakdown of the greatest empire ever built by man.” As daring as Lindbergh’s famous trans-Atlantic flight had been, he
showed greater courage and devotion to principle in his bold campaign against war. “We cannot allow the natural passions
and prejudices of other peoples to lead our country to destruction,” he warned on September 11, 1941. If Americans
had heeded those words, the U.S. would not have suffered the horrors of the 9/11 attack sixty years later. -- September 2011
For Further Reading / Sources A. Scott Berg, Lindbergh
(G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1998) Patrick J. Buchanan, Churchill, Hitler
and 'The Unnecessary War’: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World (New York: Crown, 2008). William H. Chamberlain, America’s Second Crusade (Chicago: 1950) Benjamin Colby, ‘Twas a Famous Victory (Arlington House, 1975)
Leonard Mosley, Lindbergh: A Biography (Doubleday and Co., 1976) Walter S. Ross, The Last Hero: Charles A. Lindbergh (Harper & Row, 1968 ) Charles C. Tansill, Back Door to War: The Roosevelt Foreign Policy, 1933-1941 (Chicago: 1952)
Mark Weber, “President Roosevelt's Campaign To Incite War in Europe.” 1982 ( http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v04/v04p135_Weber.html ) Mark Weber, “Roosevelt's 'Secret Map' Speech,” 1985/ 2010 ( http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v06/v06p125_Weber.html ) Mark Weber, “The ’Good War’ Myth of World War II,
and Why It’s Dangerous,” 2008 ( http://www.ihr.org/news/weber_ww2_may08.html )
The Lindbergh Murders: Bruno Richard Hauptman was Innocent The
Prosecution And Defense Combined To Frame Him                      
Editor's Note: There are many innocent people in America who are framed
and railroaded for crimes that they never committed. Bruno Hauptman was one such victim. Hauptman was executed for a murder
he never committed because a corrupt New Jersey Attorney General, in league with a corrupt New Jersey police department needed
a patsy to cover for the real kidnappers of the Lindbergh baby and Bruno Hauptman fit the bill perfectly. Lindbergh's
maid, Violet Sharpe, had to be permanently silenced because she had been working in cahoots with the real kidnappers and
could spill the beans, so she was conveniently found dead in Lindbergh's home about 3 months after the kidnapping. The
28 year old woman died of cyanide poisoning. The police department, headed by the father of the 1991 Iraq invasion, General
H. Norman Schwartzkopf, declared the woman's death a "suicide." . New Jersey politicians and police
have a well deserved reputation for being in bed with the mob. An incorruptible former chief of detectives from Burlington,
New Jersey, Ellis Parker, realized that Hauptman was being framed and discovered the real kidnappers. He even obtained a signed confession, but
he and his son, were themselves railroaded into prison for 'kidnapping' the real Lindbergh kidnapper by the same
corrupt gang who had railroaded Hauptman. Ellis Parker was conveniently 'suicided' in prison just days before he was to
receive a presidential pardon from President Roosevelt. A few months ago, I
saw the case of Melanie McGuire reviewed on the CBS crime show 48 Hours. Similar to how they handled the Jeffrey MacDonald case, 48 Hours pretends to advance a balanced and fair review of the facts, but their manipulation of the interviews
and editing leaves you with the conviction that the defendant is actually guilty as hell. I discussed the case with Don Nicoloff who, I came to find out, has remarkable psychic ability. He took a psychic peek at most of the key players involved in
the trial and came up with some amazing information (which I will discuss in greater detail in future articles about Melanie's
railroading). Melanie had the bad luck of living in New Jersey when her mind
controlled, Naval intelligence asset, excuse-for-a-husband, Billy McGuire, got himself killed by the
mob because he owed them about $170K in gambling loans and instead of paying the loan,
he buys a new house. They picked him up the next day, tortured him for several hours (in a mob-controlled auto repair shop
according to Don Nicoloff), and then terminated him. His body was hacked into suitcase size pieces and tossed over a bridge.
The body-stuffed suitcases washed up in Chesapeake Bay. Since the Navy is very
touchy about having its low level mob-liason assets being exposed in a murder investigation, they got together with
their pals in the New Jersey police department and the New Jersey court system, and arranged to set up pettite Melanie McGuire
to take the fall for Billy's killing. The mobsters who killed Billy felt so bad that Melanie was being framed for the murder,
that they even anonymously contacted the prosecutor by mail with details of the body that only the killers would know. The
prosecutor simply dismissed the letters by saying that Melanie had sent them. Melanie was given a life sentence without
the possibility of parole. If you take the time to carefully examine the
prosecutor's contrived, totally circumstantial case against Melanie, you can get an idea just how bad things have deteriorated
in the New Jersey Judicial system since the days of Hauptman's railroading. It's not the sort of state where you'd want
to raise your kids. ..Ken Adachi]. By Eustace Mullins http://educate-yourself.org/cn/eustacemullinslindbergmurdersJuly1988.shtml#top July 1988
The Lindbergh Murders: Bruno Richard Hauptman was Innocent (May 12, 2008) Facebook Censorship To post this article on Facebook,
link to the TinyUrl seen below. Facebook will remove any article identified as coming from educate-yourself.org
http://tinyurl.com/le4avmp http://www.yamaguchy.netfirms.com/7897401/mullins/lind.html Why did Charles Lindbergh perjure himself to send an innocent man to the electric
chair ? Would the arrest of the murderers of the Lindbergh child have prevented the entry of the United States into World
War II ? Why did "Editor and Publisher", the house organ of the journalism industry, note on the Hauptmann
trial, "No trial in this century has so degraded the administration of justice."?
These questions are raised, but not answered by a painstaking examination of the Lindbergh kidnapping in "Scapegoat"
by Anthony Scaduto. Published two years ago, it proves that Hauptmann was innocent and that he was convicted
solely by suborned perjury from the Jewish prosecutor, David Wilentz. Scaduto found
the paybook of Reliance Property Management and photographed the page showing that Hauptmann was working in New York on
March 1, 1932, when the baby was kidnapped. Wilentz not only hid the paybook in police files where it remained
for forty years, but got the timekeeper to testify in sworn testimony that Hauptmann had not been hired until March 15 !
Wilentz had an eighty-seven year old New Jersey neighbor of the Lindberghs,
Amandus Hochmuth, testify that at one p.m. on the day of the kidnapping, Richard Hauptmann drove up to
him, told him his name, and said he was looking for property in the area. Yet Social Security records showed that Hochmuth
was legally blind from cataracts and was also senile. At the time of Hochmuth’s testimony, Wilentz was concealing
the Reliance paybook which proved that at the very hour that Hochmuth claimed Hauptmann was conversing with him outside
the Lindbergh home, he was actually working in New York ! When J. Edgar
Hoover learned that the Jewish prosecutor Wilentz was manufacturing evidence and preparing a horde of perjured
witnesses to testify in the Hauptmann trial, he hastily withdrew the cooperation of the FBI in the prosecution. Foreseeing
a complete debacle, he remarked to his associate, Clyde Tolson, "Goddamit, I don’t know if Hauptmann is going
to jail, but I’m sure Wilentz will." Governor Hoffman of New Jersey
later wrote in Liberty Magazine that J. Edgar Hoover informed him that he and the FBI had formally withdrawn from
the case on October 10, 1934. This was three weeks after Hauptmann’s arrest, when Hoover’s agents reported to
him that Wilentz and his chief co-conspirator, the Jew Col. H. Norman Schwartzkopf, head of the New
Jersey State Police (Schwartzkopf means "blackhead" in German; [father of General Schwartzkopf
of Gulf War fame]) were concocting a completely phony case against Hauptmann. Despite Hoover’s hunger
for publicity, he was forced to sit on the sidelines throughout the most famous trial in American history. However, the
FBI tour in Washington ever since has included a lengthy discussion of the Hauptmann case, with great emphasis on the role
played by the FBI agents in the locating and arrest of Hauptmann. Actually, the arresting force included one FBI agent
and nine New York and Jew Jersey policemen. Of course the tour guides never inform the gaping public that Hoover refused
to participate in the trial because all of the evidence presented by Wilentz, with the exception of the ransom money, was
completely phony. Historians tell us that the First World War was triggered
by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. It was not until the Scaduto book appeared that this writer realized that the
Second World War actually began on March 1, 1932, when the Lindbergh child was kidnapped and ritually murdered. It was
a year and a half later that the Jewish leader Samuel Untermyer formally declared war on Germany in his speech of August
7, 1933, before the International Jewish Boycott Conference in Amsterdam, Holland. Yet that war had begun when the murder
of the Lindbergh child ensured the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the enthronement of the Jewish power in the United
States. For more than two years, the Scaduto revelations have ticked away like
a time bomb, threatening to topple the unholy combine of Jewish officialdom and the Jewish-controlled press which holds
power in the United States. Because of its ramifications, it has been ignored by the press, of which Scaduto was a member
in good standing, having been a reporter for the [Jacob] Schiff-owned New York Post. Instead of winning a Pulitzer prize
for his brilliant journalistic research on the Hauptmann trial, Scaduto has been relegated to limbo, and his great work
on this case is never mentioned. He has no idea of the real forces at work, and apparently has never heard of ritual murder.
Indeed, he naively ascribes the Lindbergh kidnapping to a plan by the Mafia to force Lindbergh and other pilots to stop
reporting sighted stills seen in their mail runs ! In fact, Lindbergh had never reported but one still, which he merely
noted in his flight log, and did not even report it to the authorities ! It
becomes the task of this writer to answer the questions raised by the Scaduto book. Why did the world’s most famous
hero, Charles Lindbergh, cooperate with the murderers of his child and perjure himself to send an innocent victim to death
? A typical gentile, he was putty in the hands of the wily Jew, Wilentz, who quickly converted him into a robot-like shabez
goy, repeating only what he had been told to say. The facts are a matter of record. On the night of April 2, 1932, Lindbergh had accompanied his go-between, Dr. Condon, known as Jafsie, to St. Raymond’s
Cemetery in New York for the payment of the $50,000 ransom. Lindbergh had remained in the car while Dr. Condon carried the
ransom money into the cemetery. He was unable to see the kidnapper, who finally whispered to Condon, "Hey Doctor."
This hoarse whisper, some three hundred feet from Lindbergh in the closed car, was barely heard by him. He testified at
the Bronx grand jury indictment of Hauptmann that he positively could not identify Hauptmann’s voice ! These
grand jury files remained sealed for more than forty years, until Scaduto obtained access to them.
During the Hauptmann trial in New Jersey, Wilentz became fearful that the parade of perjured witnesses
he and Schwartzkopf had suborned, as well as the clumsily manufactured evidence against Hauptmann, was having little effect
on the jury. In fact, the testimony of senile witnesses like Hochmuth was prejudicing them in Hauptmann’s favor.
One of his star witnesses was Albert Osborn, the famed handwriting expert, who positively identified Hauptmann
as the man who wrote the ransom notes. It was this same outfit of Osborn and Osborn which more recently
positively identified Clifford Irving’s forgeries of Howard Hughes’ handwriting as being "unquestionably
genuine", thus enabling Irving to defraud his publisher of $300,000. To
understand Wilentz’ predicament, we should realize that he was a typical Jewish fraud and loudmouth. Although he
was prosecuting the most publicized case in American history, Wilentz had never before tried a criminal case of any case!
Like most Jewish officials, he had not been elected to the office of Attorney General of the State of New Jersey, but had
been appointed by Gov. Harry Moore as a political payoff after he had persuaded a number of Jews to switch their votes !
If he could get a conviction against Hauptmann, he was assured he would become
the first Jewish Governor of New Jersey, and perhaps follow Woodrow Wilson’s example in moving from that office into
the White House. Since he had nothing to connect Hauptmann with the kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh child but the
possession of the ransom bills, he and his fellow Jew, Schwartzkopf, enlisted the state police in manufacturing a phony
ladder and other evidence, and rounding up a group of perjured witnesses who would place Hauptmann at the scene of the crime.
Because more than a dozen persons were involved in Wilentz’ conspiracy, it was inevitable that J. Edgar Hoover and
other officials would be warned of what Wilentz was doing. It was even more imperative that Wilentz convict Hauptmann in
order to protect the real murderers, the Jews who actually kidnapped and ritually murdered the baby.
As a Jew, it was his duty to his tribe not only to erase all leads to the true killers, but also to
prevent the public from learning any details of the nature of the crime, a Jewish ritual murder. This was the real reason
that Wilentz had taken the unprecedented step of a state attorney general personally taking over the case,
which otherwise was even more inexplicable since he had no experience in organizing and directing a criminal prosecution.
Traditionally, a state attorney general would remain in the state capitol, and would select a prosecutor who would personally
report to him on the developments in the case. Yet all of the hundreds of reporters at the trial unquestionably accepted
the explanation that "political ambition" was the sole reason for Wilentz’ unusual behavior.
Seeing that the case was going against him, with the possibility that Hauptmann would be freed and
that investigators might then discover the true murderers, Wilentz was forced to play his last card. He had a hurried conference
with Lindbergh in his office. "Mistuh Lintbug," he said hoarsely (a
New York University graduate, Wilentz usually was well spoken, but like many Jews, when agitated, he reverted to a thick
Yiddish accent) "Mistuh Lintbug, this monster is going to be set free ... unless," He turned away from Lindbergh
and suddenly whirled back towards him, his outstretched forefinger almost poking Lindbergh in the eye, "unless you
go out there and tell the jury that Hauptmann’s voice is the man you heard in the cemetery !"
"But I can’t do that," protested Lindbergh. "You know I’ve already testified
before the grand jury that I can’t identify Hauptmann’s voice." "That
doesn’t matter," Wilentz reassured him. "Those grand jury records are sealed. No one will ever see them.
Besides, Reilly [Hauptmann’s lawyer] doesn’t know about it." "It
doesn’t seem right, somehow," said Lindbergh. "You know that
this man murdered your child," said Wilentz. "I know it. But that jury still doesn’t believe it. You’re
the only one who can convince them. You must decide now. Is this man going to pay the penalty for his crime, or not ?"
A typical goy in the hands of the clever Jew, Lindbergh agreed. Coached by Wilentz, he returned to
the courtroom, and testified, "I heard very clearly a voice coming from the cemetery ... In a foreign accent, ‘Hey
Doctor’ ... That was Hauptmann’s voice." Reporters in the courtroom
noted that as Lindbergh spoke, the wife of the accused, Anna Hauptmann, stared directly at him as her lips moved to form
the words, "You lie." Adela Rogers St. John who was
William Randolph Hearst’s resident sob sister, wrote that afternoon, "Watching Lindbergh today in this ordeal
I cannot believe he would swear away the life of any man unless he was sure. Automatically, I looked at the jury, even
before I looked at Hauptmann. Yes." Adela Rogers St. John knew that Lindbergh
had just condemned Hauptmann to death. She did not know that he had previously testified the opposite to the grand jury,
or that he had been suborned to commit perjury by Wilentz, as had so many other witnesses in this case. However, her unusual
credentials should have told her something was wrong. The daughter of a brilliant attorney named Earl Rogers, she had grown
up in the courtroom, and was famous for her instincts as to whether a witness was telling the truth, and how a jury would
vote. Most importantly here, she did not say that she believed Lindbergh’s testimony. She said the jury believed
it, which they did. Wilentz had achieved one vital goal; he had turned the
trial into a circus. Hundreds of reporters and thousands of spectators had swarmed into the little town of Flemington, New
Jersey, and tried to batter their way into the Hunterdon County Courthouse. Wilentz’ opponent in
the case, Ed Reilly, had from the beginning played Wilentz’ game. Inexplicable at the time, it now
seems to have been no accident. Big Ed Reilly, known as the Bull of Brooklyn, had defended more than two thousand clients,
most of them accused of murder. Many of them were mobsters, for whom he won acquittals, earning fabulous fees in the process.
Now fifty-two years old, he looked sixty-five. Red-faced, with a tremendous paunch and thinning hair, he had been an alcoholic
for years. He had spent several million dollars in high living, and was paying alimony to four wives. He was nearly bankrupt,
and his law practice had dropped alarmingly. Yet this was the man whom an unusually generous William Randolph Hearst had
hired to defend the penniless Hauptmann, for a fee of $300,000 ! It was well
known that Hearst wanted a conviction. He was haunted by the fear that one of his children would be kidnapped, with a probable
demand for a million dollar ransom, which he would have difficulty in paying. He had already relinquished control of the
Hearst newspapers to a Jew, Richard Berlin. Few people knew that the Hearsts themselves were Jewish, the
original name having been "Hirsch". This fact gave further dimension to Hearst’s interest in the case.
He had forbidden any reporter to ever mention the words "Jewish ritual murder" in any story. Thus he had a common
bond with Wilentz in seeing Hauptmann convicted. This meant that Reilly’s lackluster conduct of the case was due
to more than his failing memory and his alcohol blurred speech. Reilly had refused to cross examine Hochmuth about his
87 year old memory or his loss of eyesight. He was famed as "the Bull of Brooklyn", a man who could tear any witness’s
testimony to shreds with a few sardonic thrusts, yet not a single prosecution witness was attacked by him.
Hearst himself had abandoned his wife and children to live with a cheap showgirl. As a result, he
was no longer received in polite society, and he was reduced to entertaining the Jewish offal of the silver screen in his
palace of San Simeon. His granddaughter, Patty Hearst, became the nation’s second most famous kidnap
victim. After some weeks of intimacies with her captors, a group of degenerate Negro men and lesbians, she lost all desire
to return to a normal life. Although Hauptmann knew that all of Wilentz’
witnesses were perjuring themselves, including Lindbergh, he never had an inkling that he had been set up with Reilly as
his attorney. The $300,000 fee proved to be a profitable investment for Hearst, as his accountants later found that
the additional revenues generated by the coverage of the trial totalled more than eight million dollars !
Although Hauptmann’s entire defense consisted of his story that he had legitimately acquired
the ransom money, not knowing this was the result of a crime, Reilly did nothing to develop witnesses or evidence which
would corroborate this story, nor did any of the hundreds of reporters who swarmed into Flemington. Yet forty years
later, Scaduto was able to find reams of evidence corroborating every detail of Hauptmann’s claims. He had
for several years been a partner with a Jew named Isidor Fisch, buying, trading and selling furs and other
commodities in a small way with their very limited capital. He had no idea that Fisch was a notorious confidence man.
One of Fisch’s coups had been to take Al Capone for twenty thousand dollars, but instead of winding up in the bay,
he had slick talked Capone until the supposedly vicious thug had laughed and said, "Oh, hell, forget it." On December
6, 1933, Fisch owed Hauptmann more than five thousand dollars. On that day, he sailed to Germany, undeterred
by the news that the country was in the grip of an extremely anti-Jewish movement. Before he left, he assured Hauptmann
that he had no cause to worry about the debt. In any case, he wanted to leave a box of his effects with Hauptmann.
This box contained part of the ransom money. Hauptmann put it away without examining it. In March
of 1934, Fisch was reported to have died of tuberculosis in a Leipzig hospital, although this is a disease which
usually takes many months even years to develop. In any case, most doctors in Germany were Jews, and the report was a fake.
Hauptmann was never informed of it. Fisch survived the Second World War and emigrated to Israel, where he died in
a kibbutz in 1969. When Fisch did not return, Hauptmann opened the
box. He saw the ransom money. Not knowing that Fisch had set him up, he began to spend part of it, offsetting the $5,500
Fisch owed him. However, he did keep meticulous notes of money taken from the box, indicating that he expected Fisch
to return for an accounting. Unlike Hauptmann, Fisch had been definitely
linked to the Lindbergh household, for he had been seen a number of times with a twenty-eight year old English girl,
Violet Sharpe, who worked there as a maid. After the police questioned her about the kidnapping,
on June 10, 1932, she was found dead at the Morrow household. A can of potassium cyanide was nearby. There
was no record of its purchase by anyone in the household, and it could not be traced to any store in New Jersey. No one
had ever seen it or knew what it was used for. Schwartzkopf’s police promptly ruled the death a "suicide",
and made no attempt to trace the cyanide, after deciding that Violet Sharpe herself had brought it there. As she
was the only person in the household who could identify the kidnappers, there is little doubt that she was murdered and
that Schwartzkopf’s police were guilty of collusion in covering up the murder.
Throughout the trial, the news media conditioned the American people to accept as a fact Hauptmann’s
guilt. Newsboys screamed on the street corners of the nation. "Burn Hauptmann". One reporter, Eddie Mahar,
persistently described Hauptmann in his daily stories as "the Nazi monster", even though he knew that Hauptmann
had no connection with any political groups in either Germany or the United States. The Hauptmann trial became a national
sounding board for the newly inaugurated "hate Germany" campaign which was to herd American gentile youths to
Europe to die for the Jews in profitable slaughter. The trial was being held in New Jersey only a few miles away from the
spot where Jewish saboteurs were to set fire to the Hindenburg, a German Zeppelin visiting the United States on a peaceful
goodwill mission. Every Jew in America cheered at the newsreel photos of the German crew dying a horrible death in the
exploding Zeppelin. It is now obvious that if Wilentz had not successfully directed the course of the trial away from Fisch
and the other Jews who had committed the ritual slaughter of the Lindbergh child, Roosevelt would never have been able to
involve the United States in the Second World War. The arrest of the Jewish murderers would have caused a nationwide current
of feeling against the Jews, and would have invoked national sympathy for Germany’s struggle to become "Judenfrei".
Convinced by Lindbergh’s testimony, the jury brought in a unanimous verdict of "Guilty".
Hauptmann was sentenced to die in the electric chair. Throughout the trial, his wife had been warned to stay out of the
hall when Lindbergh was coming into the courtroom, as he dared not face her. He told the bailiffs he would never enter the
courtroom until they assured him that Anna Hauptmann had already gone in and was seated. Several Christians, aware that Hauptmann had been railroaded, now began a desperate struggle to save his life.
At their own expense, and with no personal involvement in the case, they sought only to work for justice. One of these
men was Ellis Parker, former chief of detectives of Burlington, New Jersey, and considered one of
the most brilliant and incorruptible detectives in America. Having known Lindbergh’s father-in-law, Dwight
Morrow, for some years, he went to Morrow and told him how Wilentz had faked the evidence. He asked only that
Morrow persuade Lindbergh to ask for a commuted sentence to life imprisonment while he gathered evidence on the real killers.
Morrow’s health was failing rapidly, as he had been overcome by the horrible death of his grandson and the resulting
publicity. Nevertheless, in June of 1935, he summoned Lindbergh for a confidential talk. "Charles," he said,
"you must ask the Governor to commute Hauptmann’s sentence, at least for the time being."
"Never," replied Lindbergh, "he must pay the full penalty for his crime." "I
didn’t want to tell you this," said Morrow, "but Hauptmann is innocent." "I heard the evidence
against him," said Lindbergh. "It was all faked," said Dwight
Morrow. "I know that from an unimpeachable source." "But the
money!" exclaimed Lindbergh. "The money was real," said Dwight
Morrow, "but Hauptmann was set up. Can’t you understand ? He wasn’t the man in the cemetery."
"But I identified him," said Lindbergh. "Any
lawyer knows your testimony was worthless," said Dwight Morrow. "Reilly should have invoked the doctrine of familiarity.
In a capital crime, you can’t identify a voice you have heard on only one occasion. Yet Reilly didn’t challenge
your testimony. Do you know why ?" "No," said Lindbergh.
"I do," said Dwight Morrow. "He was paid to see that Hauptmann would be convicted.
Any competent attorney would have had your testimony stricken, and the jury would have been told to disregard it."
"Even if that’s true," said Lindbergh, "I can’t take back my testimony."
"You don’t have to," said Dwight Morrow. "Just ask for a commutation of the death
penalty. I’ve never asked you for anything, Charles, but I must ask you, in the name of Heaven, to do this. I don’t
have much time left, and I don’t want to see another death added to those of young Charles and Violet Sharpe. Call
the Governor today." "I won’t do it," exclaimed Lindbergh.
"Why, I’d look like a fool !" "Please," said Dwight
Morrow, half rising from his bed. "Never!" exclaimed Lindbergh.
Dwight Morrow fell back in complete collapse, and died. Lindbergh never mentioned
this conversation to his wife, claiming that his father-in-law died without speaking. Ellis Parker now enlisted the aid of the newly elected Governor of New Jersey, Harold Hoffman.
When he was shown the evidence of Wilentz’ perfidy, Hoffman began a frenetic campaign to have Hauptmann freed. Schwartzkopf
and Wilentz blocked every move he made. J. Edgar Hoover admitted to him that he had withdrawn from the case,
but refused to let Hoffman use the FBI files which showed that the evidence against Hauptmann had been faked by the New
Jersey State Police. The press launched a nationwide campaign of ridicule against him. The condemned man wrote a despairing
letter which was printed in Liberty Magazine. Hauptmann said of those who had framed him, "their suffering, their
agony, will be greater than mine. Mine will be over in a moment. Theirs will last as long as life itself."
Governor Hoffman told Wilentz that if he ever dared to run for public office, he would expose his handling
of the Lindbergh trial. Wilentz settled down to practice corporation law; soon, he was earning five hundred
thousand dollars a year. Much of his work consisted of handling business matters for the Mafia. He represented the Mafia
leader Anthony Rosso in a series of multi-million dollar deals. Eventually, he had his revenge on Governor Hoffman.
He and other Jews framed Hoffman for income tax evasion. Hoffman had been wont to entertain groups of
politicians and journalists at a night spot in Manhattan called The Pen and Pencil. Some of his tabs were picked up by
an insurance agent who liked to be with celebrities. The Jews called this "unreported income", and Hoffman was
convicted. Meanwhile, Ellis Parker had located the real kidnapper of
the Lindbergh child, a man named Paul Wendel. Wendel had been Isidor Fisch’s lawyer, and
had regularly dated Violet Sharpe, who set up the kidnapping. Wendel’s sister lived behind St. Raymond’s
Cemetery. This was the reason this spot had been chosen for the delivery of the ransom money. Parker had Wendel
sign a full confession. When he turned Wendel over to the police, Wendel immediately repudiated the confession
and accused Parker of kidnapping him ! Parker and his son were convicted under the new Lindbergh kidnapping
law, and sent to Lewisburg prison. A few months later, Parker died in prison. His gallant effort to aid Hauptmann had
cost him his life. On March 31, 1936, Richard Hauptmann was electrocuted
for a crime he had not committed. To the end, the press, showing its consistent bias, referred to him as "Bruno"
Hauptmann. Although his first name was Bruno, he had never liked it, and had been known as Richard Hauptmann throughout
his stay in America. The press seized upon Bruno because of its overtones of "brute" and "Brutal", as
another instrument to whip up anti-German sentiment. Hauptmann went to his death reiterating his innocence.
As this writer has spent thirty years investigating Jewish ritual murder, the entire handling of the
Lindbergh investigation shows the typical reactions of Jews to this crime ... the furious activity of Jewish officials such
as Wilentz to cover up all traces of the true murderers, and to find a gentile victim who can be accused of the crime.
Was it a coincidence that Richard Hauptmann shared his home in the Bronx with Victor Schuessler ? Victor Schuessler was
the grandfather of the two Schuessler boys who were murdered in one of Chicago’s most famous cases of Jewish ritual
murder ! The ritual murder of the blond, blue-eyed Lindbergh child was a crime so horrible that it leads one to cry out,
"Is there no pity under Heaven ?" But, seen in its context, this crime, had it been solved, could have led to
the saving of millions of lives in the approaching Second World War. Today, the Lindbergh case is more important to us
than ever before, as a symbol round which "the wise and the good can repair", a cross upon our banner behind which
we can rally, as did the Emperor Constantine, to march forward once more to bring the benefits of white civilization to a
suffering world. America could not seem to realize that this murder was the
high water mark of the confrontation of the black subterranean satanic forces and the forces of white civilization in modern
history. In this encounter, white civilization was found wanting; it sank back, bewildered and defeated, to endure the
agony of another world war and the unbridled rule of the satanic Jews over the gentile masses. Destiny had marked both
Charles Lindbergh and his father, Congressman Charles Lindbergh, to become Presidents of the United States. The senior
Lindbergh won immortality by leading the battle in Congress against the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, when the Rothschilds
imposed their Jewish system as the chains of slavery shackled onto the citizens of America. Logically, the American people
should have chosen him as their President. Instead, Baruch and Jewish gold reelected Woodrow Wilson and led us into the
mass slaughter of the First World War. When Congressman Lindbergh opposed our involvement in this slaughter for the profits
of the Jews, federal agents were sent to his home to burn copies of the books he had written opposing the war. One might
suppose that his neighbors and constituents, on seeing their champion under attack by the agents of the Jews, would have
rallied to his defense. Instead, they believed a whispering campaign against him, reasoning that since he had been attacked
by "federal agents", he must be some sort of super criminal. Congressman Lindbergh was defeated for re-election.
Instead of backing his courageous stand, his wife left him, preferring to live independently and earn her own living as
a school teacher. The attack of the agents on their home left a permanent scar
on the young Charles Lindbergh. This fear was aggravated by the insecurities he developed when his parents separated during
his adolescence. Overcompensating for this, he threw himself into the study of mechanics, and resolved to devote his life
to flying. Soon he had his own plane. One of his first assignments was to fly his father around the state on a new campaign
to regain his seat in Congress. The Jews sabotaged his plane, and he crashed, but due to his great skill, he brought the
plane down without injuring himself or his father. The crash put an end to his father’s hopes of a successful campaign,
and he died a broken man. It was then that Divine Providence selected the young Lindbergh as the new champion of America.
In this light, his incredible feat of flying alone across the Atlantic becomes more understandable. Handsome, shy and
inarticulate, he had become a familiar figure at the nation’s airports, but no one would have thought of him as an
international celebrity or as a national leader. Nevertheless, he found financial backers who put up the money for his
flight across the ocean. As he prepared for his entry onto the world stage, everyone believed he was setting off on a suicidal
mission. The Jew Zolotow, in his biography of Billy Wilder, claims that a cynical reporter, not wishing to see young Lindbergh
die a virgin, paid a prostitute to spend the night with him before his takeoff. He claimed that this accounted for Lindbergh’s
overwhelming fatigue and drowsiness during much of his flight. A more likely explanation is that the Jews put drugs in
his thermos, and concocted this out of character explanation for his planned disappearance. We should not forget that he
was taking off from Long Island, a stone’s throw from the world headquarters of international Jewry, the bankers whom
his father had nearly thwarted. From his own account, in his book, "WE", he seems to have been unconscious during
much of the flight, but his plane was borne up by Divine Providence, and instead of plunging into the ocean as the Jews
had planned in wreaking their revenge on his family, his survival and future role as Leader was ensured.
Nothing less can explain the hysterical outpouring of joy which greeted him when he landed at Le Bourget
field. He had already been given up for dead, and for the rest of his life he would be known as "Lucky Lindy".
Others nicknamed him the "Lone Eagle". Instantaneously, he became the most famous hero in the world. Because
Movietime News filmed his takeoff, his flight also inaugurated the era of sound in films. All of Lindbergh’s predecessors who had attempted to fly the Atlantic Ocean had vanished into the water.
All of them had better equipment and were better financed than Lindbergh, yet this drugged youth in his tiny plane succeeded
where others had failed. The Divine Plan was in operation. Lindbergh’s succeeding years including the kidnapping
and murder of his first-born son, also illustrate the workings of the Divine Plan. He returned home to worldwide acclaim,
with a ticker tape parade down the financial center of the world, Wall Street. Everything had been prepared for him to
embark on his world mission as the leader of his race. The government requested that he make goodwill missions to many
countries. On one of these missions, he met his future wife, Anne Morrow. Dwight
Morrow, Lindbergh’s father-in-law to be, had been a member of the famous Wall Street law firm of Simpson, Thacher and
Bartlett, when the great J.P. Morgan himself, struck by Morrow’s burgeoning reputation, asked him to draft the legal
provisos of the Panama Canal treaties. Morrow’s work on these treaties was superb. For many years, the Communists
have sought to abrogate these treaties, but to the present day they have been unsuccessful. Convinced of Morrow’s
capabilities, Morgan summoned him to his office and informed him that he was to be a full partner in J.P. Morgan Co., with
an assured income of one million dollars a year. After several years with J.P. Morgan, he amassed a fortune and went into
public life, becoming a candidate for the Senate, and was later appointed Ambassador to Mexico. When Lindbergh came on
his goodwill mission to Mexico, he was a guest at the Embassy. Here he met Morrow’s daughter, Anne, who had confided
in her school diary that her one ambition in life was "to marry a hero". Although Lindbergh, as shy as ever,
paid little attention to her, she arranged future meetings, and soon they were married. Lindbergh’s marriage to the daughter of one of the world’s leading international bankers is one of the
keys to the mystery of his life. It explains his lifelong silence about the Federal Reserve System, despite his father’s
courageous opposition to it, an achievement of which any son should be proud. Overnight, the penniless flier had become
a worldwide hero and a member of one of the world’s most influential families. This financial security was intended
to provide a platform from which he could proceed on this Divine mission and carry on his father’s work against the
Jewish monetary lords. Instead, Lindbergh became moody and irritable, spurning the adulation of the American people. His
wife abetted his reaction by encouraging him to retreat into the pleasant and secluded lifestyle of the very rich. Throughout
their life together, Anne Lindbergh persisted in leading the lifestyle of a typical suburbanite, with a large staff to maintain
her home while she wrote lightweight "philosophical" books propounding a vaporous Junior League attitude towards
the real problems of the world, from which she was comfortably insulated by her inherited fortune. Her writings which would
never have been published for anyone with a less famous name, were ecstatically received by the Jewish publishing world
in New York, who extolled her airy pleadings for more "brotherhood" and "understanding".
Charles Lindbergh’s escape from the world of reality was to be short-lived. Even while he was
soaring across the Atlantic, subterranean forces were at work which would bring him lifelong sorrow. In New York, the misshapen
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was already gathering about him the crew of diseased cripples who would inaugurate a Jewish dictatorship
in the United States. As the year of 1932 dawned, they had succeeded in capturing the Democratic Party, and the road to
the White House was unencumbered. Herbert Hoover, the likely Republican candidate, had already been saddled with full blame
for the Great Depression, which had been caused by classic gold movements of the Jewish international bankers. Suddenly
a threat appeared on the horizon. A panicky subordinate informed FDR that the Republican Party leaders, despairing of re-electing
Herbert Hoover, had made overtures to Charles Lindbergh to accept the Republican nomination. In fact, his father-in-law,
Dwight Morrow, one of the Republican party leaders in New Jersey, had suggested to him that he should seek the nomination,
but he had refused. FDR’s crew did not know this, and they were appalled at the possibility that the handsome blond
world hero would oppose them. There would not even be an election; he would simply be elected by acclamation, as the ancient
Roman emperors had been. The crippled Roosevelt would roll his wheelchair back to his mother’s estate in ignominious
defeat, destroying the plans for world dictatorship of the sinister crew of Communist degenerates, Frankfurter and Bela Moskowitz,
who had made his meteoric political rise possible. Something must be done, something so drastic that Lindbergh would abandon
all thought of public office. We must now ask, "Would the Jewish conspirators, who had sent federal agents to wreck
the Lindbergh home, sabotaged his plane, and drugged his thermos, actually murder a helpless child in the furtherance of
their plans ?" Let history ask this question of the Lindbergh child, Violet Sharpe, Richard Hauptmann, Ellis Parker
and Dwight Morrow, all of whom were put to death in this conspiracy. After
the murder of his first-born son, Lindbergh never again considered public office, yet this atrocity should have given him
the iron resolve to come to the rescue of his nation and to make such crimes impossible. Some day there will arise in America
a magnificent cathedral, the Lindbergh Cathedral, to honor the memory of this slaughtered child, rivalling the splendor
of the world famed Lincoln Cathedral in England, which was built to honor the martyred child St. Hugh of Lincoln, ritually
murdered by the Jews. (It is now a criminal offense for any Englishman to explain to tourists that the Lincoln Cathedral
was built to honor a victim of Jewish ritual murder, because this is a violation of England’s "group libel"
laws.) In thirty years study of cases of Jewish ritual murder, this writer
has found that in almost every case, the slaughtered child had been selected for massacre from a poor white working man’s
family. Rich and powerful families would be expected to spare no expense in tracking down the murderers of a son, whereas
white working people in the United States find that justice is a commodity which they cannot possibly afford. American
courts have become cattle pens in which leering Jews buy and sell the gentile victims for their own profit, and in which
the white worker ventures at his own peril, to be robbed of everything he has, and then sentenced to a long prison term
for a crime of which he is innocent. The father of the murdered Schuessler boys in Chicago was immediately arrested, accused
of the crime, and turned over to a Jewish psychiatrist, Dr. Schoenfeld, who gave him electric shock treatments and killed
him that same afternoon ! The police then admitted that he had no connection with the murders. He was the son of Victor
Schuessler, who shared the Hauptmann home in the Bronx twenty years earlier ! In every recorded case of Jewish ritual murder, both in the United States and Europe, the formula has been the same.
With the discovery of the child’s body, Jewish officials immediately take over the investigation, even if they have
no jurisdiction. All leads to the killers are obliterated, and false evidence is fed to the press. Large sums of money
are offered to the bereaved parents, and a gentile victim is arrested who can be framed for the murder. Persons of known
mental instability are introduced into the case, so that whatever is discovered can be discounted as being from an unreliable
source. An atmosphere of complete confusion is cultivated by the officials and by the press, until it is impossible to
discern any facts in the smokescreen which has been raised. The officials, both Jewish and shabez goy gentiles, have but
one mission, to destroy the evidence and to protect the killers. The Lindbergh
murder was unusual in that the victim was from a rich and influential family, but pressing considerations were at stake
in this case. The entire Jewish program for the world was imperilled by the possible candidacy of Charles Lindbergh for
President. Also, Lindbergh himself was a member of no political group or organization, and stood entirely alone. The money
belonged to his wife’s family. He had no official position or influence. The very modest ransom demand of $50,000
indicated that this was no ordinary kidnapping case, as the son of a world-famous hero and the grandson of a J.P. Morgan
partner would have brought a demand for at least $100,000 ! From the very outset,
Lindbergh was inundated by visits from apparently deranged persons who offered false clues, improbable stories, fake letters
and other maneuvers designed to prevent him from uncovering any leads to the kidnappers of his child. The Jews Wilentz
and Schwartzkopf never presented a single legitimate clue in the case ! Instead, they manufactured an impressive array of
completely false evidence ! Lindbergh was so demoralized by this campaign that when he was notified that the child’s
body was in the morgue, he walked in, hastily glanced at it, and turned away. "Yes," he said, "that is my
son." In fact, he did this solely to spare his wife further grief over the missing child. The body shown was two
inches taller than the Lindbergh child, and completely decomposed, so that no identification was possible. The Lindbergh
doctor, who had examined the child a few days before the kidnapping, Dr. Phillip Van Ingen, declared
there was no way he could identify this body ! After the trial, the Lindberghs
went to England to live. Anne Lindbergh complained that "the English don’t seem to like us." Only one
person paid any attention to them, a pushy journalist named Harold Nicolson, who rented them a cottage for
an exorbitant sum, and who hoped to make money from a book about Lindbergh. When they returned to the United States, Lindbergh
made several public appearances, calling on the American people to repudiate Roosevelt’s campaign to get us into the
Second World War. He abruptly halted these appearances, and never again made a public speech, after he received a telephone
call late one night. "Mr. Lindbergh," said the caller, "you must
cancel all of your public appearances immediately." "Why should I
do that ?" asked Lindbergh. "Who is this ?" "You will do it," said the caller, "because if
you do not, we will kill your wife and children. There will be evidence that you did it in a fit of insanity, and you will
spend the rest of your life in an institution." "You’re insane,"
exclaimed Lindbergh. "No, I’m not," said the caller, "but
you will be, once we have you in an institution for three days. Don’t hang up, because we want to tell you this ...
we killed your baby and we can kill the rest of your family whenever we wish. There will be eye witnesses to testify that
you did it." For several moments, Lindbergh was unable to speak. At last
he said, "Then Dwight Morrow was right." "Oh, he knew, did he
?" said the caller. "Good riddance. Now, listen to this. Anyone who dares to oppose us is diagnosed as a paranoid
schizophrenic with extremely hostile impulses. If you make one more public speech, you will spend the rest of your life
in a mental institution as a madman who slaughtered his family. You saw what we did to Hauptmann."
"I can’t listen to this," said Lindbergh. "Can we talk later ?"
"You only have to say yes or no," said the caller. "Say no and our plan goes into effect
tonight. If you tell anyone what we said, you will be diagnosed as having extreme paranoia and will be given immediate
treatments." "All right," said Lindbergh, "I agree. I don’t
believe anything you’ve said, but I can’t risk my family. I can’t take the chance."
"You don’t have a chance," said the caller. "And remember, if you think you can
change your mind, we will always have someone near you who can carry out our plan."
When Roosevelt was informed that Lindbergh had capitulated, he tried to enlist him in his war against
the Germans. He sent him an offer that he would be given the newly created post of Secretary for Air. Roosevelt, who fancied
himself a true Roman Emperor, loved nothing better than to bring former enemies into his camp where they would be forced
to humble themselves before him. Lindbergh ignored the offer, and Roosevelt issued orders that he was never to be given
any consideration of any kind. After Pearl Harbor, Lindbergh supposed that Roosevelt would renew the offer, and make him
Commander of the Air Force. He heard nothing for some weeks, and when he contacted the White House, he was rudely informed
by an underling that orders had been issued that he was not to be allowed to serve in any capacity with any of the armed
forces ! To the end of his life, Lindbergh never understood that those who
do not seize the power when it is available spend the rest of their days at the mercy of those who do seize it. Trotsky
found this out when he got an ice axe in his skull in the tropical climate of Mexico. Prevented from serving his country,
Lindbergh persuaded Henry Ford to hire him as an aviation consultant. Roosevelt was furious, but could do nothing, as he
needed the airplane production of Ford’s River Rouge plant. Lindbergh then went to the South Pacific theater as an
"observer". Still a civilian, he began to fly combat missions, engaging Japanese pilots in single-handed duels
which he always won. Like boxing, combat flying is a young man’s game, with everything depending on the quickness
of one’s reflexes, yet Lindbergh shot down men half his age. Perhaps he sought death in those Pacific skies, as relief
from the recurring tragedies in his life. If this was the case, in every battle his superior skill came through, as he
shot down the best pilots in the Japanese Air Force. Absolute censorship was imposed on his wartime exploits, and nothing
was known of them for decades after the war. In his later years, he dabbled
in airline management, while his wife continued to publish her jejune works of "philosophy". In their divorcement
from great issues of the age, they came more and more to resemble another famous couple of the 1930s, the Duke and Duchess
of Windsor. The Duke was the only King of England who ended his life as a Duke, with a Jewish "princess" by his
side who had caused him to abdicate because of his sympathy for the struggle of the German people to free themselves from
domination by the Jews. Pegler wrote of him, "He will go from resort to resort, getting more tanned and more tired."
Like Lindbergh, Edward VIII had significance for all of us in the Holy greatness thrust upon him, but was unable to rise
to the demands of a lifetime of service to his people. As a result of the abdication of these two men from their responsibilities,
the peoples of the world endured the horrors of a Second World War and the indignities of Jewish domination. Lindbergh
made a historic flight across the Atlantic Ocean, but in the almost half a century that he lived after that heroic deed,
his life was a continuous flight from reality.
_________________ Charles
Lindbergh's Noninterventionist Efforts & America First Committee Involvement The following information is offered as a resource to understand
Charles Lindbergh's involvement within the Noninterventionist movement and America First Committee prior to the start of
World War II. This site does not support the content of some of the information below, however, the goal of this web site
is to offer a perspective of available information to make your own judgment. Please feel free to submit additional information
and pictures for this page to webmaster@charleslindbergh.com. The owner/developer of this site would like
to thank Joseph Morabito for supplying files, images, and Lindbergh American First/Nonintervention information for this page.
Charles Lindbergh provided
Americans with a portrait of the European war that differed substantially from the one conceived by the Roosevelt administration... * Drawing on his experiences
and observations during four or five years abroad (1935-1939) in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, Charles Lindbergh
provided Americans with a portrait of the European war that differed substantially from the one conceived by the Roosevelt
administration and by so-called interventionists in the United States. He did not see the conflict as basically a war for
democracy or morality. He was skeptical of the ideology and moral righteousness of the British and French. He conceived
of morality in international affairs as relative to time, place, circumstances, and power. His approach was, in effect,
more understanding of the Germans (without approving of what they did) and more skeptical of the Allies than the conventional
view in the United States. Lindbergh saw a divided responsibility for the origins of the European war, rather than an assignment
of the total blame to Hitler, Nazi Germany, and the Axis states. He did not view Germany, Britian, and France as implacable
foes with irreconcilable differences that could be resolved only by war; he saw them all as parts of Western civilization.
And he conceived of the European war as a fratricdal struggle (like the wars between Athens and Sparta in ancient Greece)
that could destroy Western civilization. Conceptions of race were conspicuous in his analyses, as were his concerns about
the challenge of Asiatic hordes to the survival of Western civilization. Like later American "realists," Colonel
Lindbergh attached great weight to the role of power in international relations and in prevailing definitions of morality.
* Source: Wayne S. Cole's, Charles A. Lindbergh
and the Battle Against American Intervention in World War II Recommended Book by Wayne S. Cole
If you're interested in a detailed account of Charles Lindbergh's noninterventionist
efforts, please read the book, "Charles A. Lindbergh and the Battle Against American Intervention in World War II" by Wayne S. Cole. Although the book is out of print, it can often be found on the used book area of Amazon.com. Search for used books >> America First Committee Overview America First Committee, founded in September 1940, was the most
powerful isolationist group in America before the United States entered World War II. It had over 800,000 members, who wanted
to keep America neutral. It tried to influence public opinion through publications and speeches. America First disagreed
with another powerful group, the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies. Both
groups wanted to build American defenses and keep America out of the war. But the Committee to Defend America argued that
the best way to remain neutral was to aid Britain. America First thought it more important to stay out of the war than to
assure a British victory. America First was dissolved four days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.
America First Committee
Original Four Principles: - The United States must build an impregnable defense for America
- No foreign power,
nor group of powers, can successfully attack a prepared America
- American democracy can be
preserved only by keeping out of the European war.
- "Aid short of war" weakens national
defense at home and threatens to involve America in war abroad.
Proposed Activities- September 5, 1940: - To bring together all Americans, regardless of possible differences on other matters, who see eye-to-eye on these
principles. (This does not include Nazists [sic], Fascists, Communists, or members of other groups that place the interest
of any other nation above those of our own country.)
- To urge Americans to keep their heads
amid rising hysteria of times of crisis.
- To provide sane national leadership for the majority
of the American people who want to keep out of the European war.
- To register this opinion
with the President and with Congress.
Download Radio Addresses of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh
Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed to view and print the following PDF file. Lindbergh America First Committee speeches on non-intervention
in 1941
Lindbergh & the America First Committee
"If any one of these groups--the British, the Jewish, or the administration--stops agitating
for war, I believe there will be little danger of our involvement." Charles Lindbergh- September 11, 1941 On September 11, 1941, Charles Lindbergh appeared in Des Moines, Iowa, to speak on behalf of the isolationist America
First Committee. The famous aviator criticized the groups he perceived were leading America into war for acting against
the country's interests. He expressed doubt that the U.S. military would achieve victory in a war against Germany, which
he said had "armies stronger than our own." The Des Moines speech was met with outrage in many quarters, and Lindbergh
was denounced as an anti-Semite. In his hometown of Little Falls, Minnesota, his name was even removed from the town's water
tower. Six years earlier, Lindbergh had moved to England with his wife to escape
the publicity surrounding the kidnapping and murder of their infant son. In 1936, he inspected Germany's military aviation
program on behalf of the U.S. government, and in August attended the Summer Olympic Games in Berlin as a guests of Nazi
Hermann Goering, the head of the Luftwaffe. Impressed by German industry and society under Adolf Hitler, the Lindberghs
considered moving to Berlin. In 1938, Goering presented Lindbergh with the
Service Cross of the German Eagle for his contributions to aviation. Returning to America in 1939, Lindbergh became an advocate
of American isolationism, but was criticized for his Nazi sympathies and anti-Semitic beliefs. On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and debate over U.S. war policy came to an end. Lindbergh, who
had resigned his military commission in 1939, asked to be reinstated, but President Franklin D. Roosevelt refused. The middle-aged
Lindbergh later made it to the Pacific as an observer, and eventually ended up flying over two dozen combat missions, including
one in which he downed a Japanese aircraft. Download Brochures
& Articles that criticized Lindbergh's American Isolationism Views and Statements The following brochure was created by the Friends of Democracy, Inc.
in 1941. The brochure was titled, "Is Lindbergh a Nazi". The brochure has been converted to a PDF file format.
Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed to view and print the following PDF file. An article titled, "$10,000 to Combat Lindbergh is Sought From Movie Unit of Friends
for Democracy" appeared in the NY times. (date unknown.) Additional New York Times articles about Lindbergh's noninterventionist activities.
Audio clip of Lindbergh on non-intervention in 1941 Audio Clip About Lindbergh
& the American First Movement Author A. Scott Berg talks with Terry Gross, Fresh Air,
about the Lindbergh and his American First activities- Related Clips Pearl Harbor
Under Attack- Broadcast: FDR-Franklin Delano Roosevelt Declaration of War full broadcast from Dec
8, 1941: Download Student Essay Title: Developing for Peace: An Analysis of Charles A. Lindbergh's Views on American Foreign Policy Author: Adam Jantunen Email: adamjantunen@canada.com Written for HIS 4140: Seminar in Diplomatic
History: The American Quest for a World Order from Thomas Paine to Ronald Reagan. University of Ottawa, Canada