AMERICA VANQUISHED, Part 1: America as an Israeli Colony


“We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”    — Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

 “I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government,” Jewish columnist Joel Stein wrote in the Los Angeles Times in December 2008.  “I just care that we get to keep running them.”


Mr Stein’s reckless candor in admitting that the Jews ran America was to cost him his job at the LA Times.


If Americans have lost their country to organized Jewry, they lost it slowly and imperceptibly.

Indeed, most Americans remain unaware that their country no longer belongs to them.

They fervently believe they still live in a democracy. This was a takeover not without precedent,

however. It had happened to Germany. It had happened to Russia. It has now happened to America.


Take Germany and Russia.


Germany, a mere shadow of what it might have been, is now a defeated and demoralized

nation, thoroughly browbeaten by Jewry and terrified of their masters in Israel. Without

stretching it too far, one could say that Germany has become Israel’s cash cow.


There is nothing particularly controversial about this observation.

It had occurred to Eustace Mullins over twenty years ago:


To finance the State of Israel, which was created as a direct result of the Jewish

victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews…now imposed enormous

“reparations” demands on the conquered German people. To date, they have

extorted more than thirty-five billion dollars from German workers, money which

has been collected at the points of bayonets, not Jewish bayonets but the

bayonets of the American Army, which has been maintained as an occupying

force in West Germany for nearly four decades, solely to provide military power

behind the puppet German Government which has as its primary function the

furnishing of money for the parasitic state of Israel. (See here)


In December 2009, the Israelis demanded another billion euros from Germany ($1.4 billion).

The survivors of the Holocaust, surprisingly, seem to increase in number with time.

This prompted Norman Finkelstein’s mother to ask somewhat cynically, after she had

been cheated out of her reparations money by the rabbis who administered the Holocaust Fund:

“If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one, who did Hitler kill?”




Mullins is not exaggerating when he says that the American troops foisted on Germany

after World War II were in fact an “occupying force”: an army

moreover acting on behalf, and at the behest, of organized Jewry.


It was the Morgenthau Plan, specifically designed by the vengeful Henry Morgenthau as

a collective punishment against the German people for the crimes of Hitler, that

was to turn post-war Germany into “the largest concentration camp on earth.”


As late as 1991, German chancellors were still being forced, like enslaved vassals

under the Roman Empire, to sign an “act of submission” to their Allied conquerors.


“The Jew Morgenthau wants to turn Germany into a giant potato patch,”

Goebbels complained bitterly. He was right. Anti-Semites sometimes are.


Russia too, like Germany, was to fall under Jewish domination.


According to Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag Archipelago, 66 million Russian Christians

were put to death on the orders of the Cheka or Russian secret police. Those devising

the tortures, and giving the orders to rape and kill ethnic Russians, were mostly Jews.

Yuri Slezkine’s candid quote from historian Leonard Shapiro is too well known to be

casually dismissed: “Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka

stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with and possibly

shot by a Jewish investigator.”




Out of 388 members of the new revolutionary government in Russia, only sixteen

were real Russians.  “Apart from one negro,” we are told, “the rest were Jews.”


These revolutionaries did their best to hide their Jewish identities by taking new names.

Lenin was originally Ulyanov, Trotsky was Bronstein, Zinoviev was Apfelbaum, Sverdlov

was Solomon, Zinoviev was Radomyslsky, Radek was Sobelsohn, Litvonov was Wallach,

Kamenev was Rosenfeld, Parvus was Helphand, Martov was Zederbaum, Bohrin was

Nathanson. Not one of these Jewish revolutionaries was prepared to go under his own

name or be identified as a Jew. Under Stalin, merely to draw attention to

the fact that unpopular officials were Jewish was to incur the death penalty.

Another interesting titbit of information that court historians prefer not to mention is this:

many of the Jews propping up the new Bolshevik government, happy to issue instructions

for the torture and execution of Russian Christians, were actually Jews who had been

shipped in from the East Side of New York. No surprise here. After all, the man who

helped to finance the Russian Revolution from his base in Wall Street—to

the tune of $20 million—was Jewish American banker Jacob Schiff.


A well-known French journal, L’Illustration, had

this to say in its edition of September 14, 1918:


"When one comes in contact with the functionaries serving in the Bolshevik Government,

one feature strikes the attention: almost all of them are Jews. I am not at all anti-Semitic,

but I must state what strikes the eye. Everywhere—in Petrograd, in Moscow, in provincial

districts, in commissariats, in district offices, in Smolny, in the Soviets—I have met

nothing but Jews and again Jews." (See here)


Germany…Russia…America. They all fell under Jewish hegemony.

They had their hour in the sun, and then they had their eclipse.


 It’s now America’s turn.

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002. (Widely reported, see here)

Eric Blair


Israel, America’s albatross


In Part 1 of my article, Goodbye, America, I discussed the problems facing America

today and suggested that they are far more serious than those facing National Socialist Germany

in the 1930s. Of the seven problems I listed, the four most intractable ones are these:


  1. The nuclear-armed state of Israel and its Samson Option, neither of which existed as
  2. threats to peace before the establishment of the Zionist state in the wake of WW-2.

  3. The presence of 60 million Christian Zionists in America who are hand in glove with
  4.  our new Masters, aiding and abetting them in their violation of international law and
  5.  the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.

  6. The existence of a tentacular network of Jewish organizations in America, such as the
  7.  ADL and AIPAC, holding the entire country to ransom; specifically, its mercenary and
  8. morally bankrupt politicans.

  9. The lethal weapon of multiculturalism, a weapon unavailable for use against either
  10. Germany or Russia but now deployed to devastating effect against America’s
  11.  Euro-American majority. “Global elites view the White Western world as the main
  12.  obstacle standing in the way of a future world government,” Pat Buchanan is
  13.  widely reported to have said in a 2004 speech. “Multiculturalism is a tool used
  14.  by such elites to dismantle White Western civilization.”

Given that the Jews managed to achieve almost complete control of Germany and Russia

even before the foundation of the Jewish state in 1948, it must surely be obvious that

their executive power has increased exponentially with the acquisition of a military base

in the Middle East, armed to the teeth with the deadliest nuclear warheads, many of these

aimed at European capitals and some of them probably at the United States. It would

be foolish to think that a country that killed Americans in cold blood in the USS Liberty

attack of 1967, would have any scruples about doing so on a much

vaster scale if ever America became the object of their hatred.


It is important at his point to consider the hidden facts surrounding the foundation of the

state of Israel, if only because this will help us to get a better perspective of the Jewish problem.


The Jews were given Israel on the tacit understanding that most of them would go and

live there, leaving the rest of the world Judenfrei or Jew-free. They reneged on their

collective promise however—made implicitly on their behalf by their then leaders Theodor

Hertzl and Chaim Weizmann—and they prefer now to regard Israel as a

second home and place of refuge if things get too hot for them elsewhere.


Israel’s first president, Chaim Weizmann, wrote in his memoirs:


Whenever the quantity of Jews in any country reaches the saturation point, that country

reacts against them. [This] reaction…cannot be looked upon as anti-Semitism in

the ordinary or vulgar sense of that word; it is a universal social and economic concomitant

of Jewish immigration, and we cannot shake it off. —  Chaim Weizmann, Trial and Error (1949).

Quoted in Albert S. Lindemann’s The Jew Accused, 1991 (p. 277).


Herzl himself had made the same point much earlier. Anti-Semitism, he wrote, is

“an understandable reaction to Jewish defects.” And in his diary he added:

“I find the anti-Semites are fully within their rights.” (See here)


Having been given a homeland on the tacit understanding that they had to go and live there,

the Jews were clearly under an obligation to do so. The object of the exercise is otherwise defeated.

So why is it that 58 percent of the world’s 14 million Jews now live in America and Europe and

only 37 percent in Israel? It certainly needs to be asked: why were the Palestinians expelled

from their own country in order to accommodate another people who mostly choose to live elsewhere?

“Nothing here in America compares to the horrors of Palestine….
Women are raped by Israeli military officials….Palestinian children
are doused with gasoline and
set on fire for the amusement of the IDF.”
— Jonathan Azaziah, Mizrahi American Jew


It is almost universally believed, thanks to Jewish ownership of the mass media, that

the UN created Israel and that everyone was delighted when this happened. This is demonstrably

false. Even the US government—or 99 percent of it—was adamantly opposed to the

foundation of Israel. Indeed, former Undersecretary of State Dean Acheson was one of

many who raised strenuous objections to America recognizing the Jewish state,

predicting that “the West would pay a high price for Israel.”

In spite of all these misgivings, the Jews got their state.


In reality [Alison Weir notes] while the UN General Assembly recommended the creation

of a Jewish state in part of Palestine, that recommendation was

non-binding and never implemented by the Security Council.


Second, the General Assembly passed that recommendation only after Israel proponents

threatened and bribed numerous countries in order to gain a required two-thirds of votes.


Third, the US administration supported the recommendation out of domestic electoral

considerations, and took this position over the strenuous objections of the State

Department, the CIA, and the Pentagon.


Despite the shallow patina of legality its partisans extracted from the General Assembly,

Israel was born over the opposition of American experts and of  governments around the world,

who opposed it on both pragmatic and moral grounds.


(Emphasis added)


Why the Zionist landgrabbers should now be held in such high esteem in America and

elsewhere, and their Palestinian victims spat upon and spurned at every opportunity,

can be easily explained.


Apart from the Jewish-owned mass media which has managed to glamorize and cast a

rose-tinted glow over its Frankenstein monster, the answer lies in one word: Holocaust.

The Zionists have managed to convince the world that they are the moral legatees

of the victims of the Holocaust. As such, they remain the Ultimate Victims.


Like Finkelstein, we are entitled to express concern over the cheap exploitation of Jewish suffering.

It is an undeniable fact that the Holocaust is a major industry and that it is used as moral blackmail

and carte blanche for monstrous crimes.


Israeli writer Ari Shavit summed it up neatly when he said: “We may

murder with impunity, because the Holocaust museum is on our side”.


The Enemy Within


It can be convincingly argued, with a wealth of supportive quotations, that the presence of

Jews in large numbers in any given country has always had catastrophic consequences

for that country. (See Weizmann and Herzl quotes above). Organized Jewry has now

spread its influence far and wide via the internet, newspapers, magazines and books.

Hollywood, its most effective hasbara agent, spreads its poisonous propaganda all over

the world, offering the ill-educated masses its lies and distortions and its laissez-faire Freudian

sexual morality. Meanwhile the porn industry, dominated by Jews, promotes the demoralization

of countless millions, creating sex addicts even out of children and driving many of its

victims to despair and suicide.


With the triumph of Jewry comes the subjugation and enslavement of the entire

non-Jewish world. Christianity becomes the first casualty, the family unit the second.

Homosexuality and radical feminism become more strident in their attitudes and more

extreme in their demands, opening up a Pandora’s box of evils: the push to normalize pedophilia,

for example, and the systematic corruption of children through the promotion of

child porn in the classroom.


We are in a critical situation. It was never Palestine on its own that organized Jewry wanted.

Palestine was simply to be their base of operations for the conquest of the rest of the world.  

According to Israel Shamir:


"Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is.  Palestine is just the place

for world state headquarters…..The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme

capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the Spirit on Earth.

Christianity will die, the spirit will depart from the nations in our part of the world, and

our present dubious democracy will be supplanted by a vast theocratic state.

De-spiritualized and uprooted, homeless and lonely, yesterday’s Masters of the World

[WASPs] will become slaves in all but name….The Jewish universe is good for Jews.

It is a curse for others.  In the US, as Jewish influence has grown steadily since 1968,

the lives of ordinary people have worsened. A good time for the Jews is not a good time

for mankind. The blessing of the Jews is a curse for others. The regimes that are

'good for Jews' are rarely good for anybody else."


The runes are easy enough to read. From the domination of Germany and

Russia, the Jews contrived to leapfrog to the domination of America.


We see through a glass darkly, but what we see through the gathering gloom is the grim

specter of an American dystopia: a Third World country hardly

worth living in for its rapidly diminishing Euro-American majority.


It costs the American taxpayer $12 million an hour just to keep US troops in Afghanistan,

a country America decided to invade on a rollercoaster of neoconservative lies. “The neocons,”

Gilad Azmon comments cuttingly in a recent book, “transform the American army into

an Israeli mission force.”


Incredibly, America’s closest ally, Israel, has yet to contribute a single soldier to Washington’s

wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nor are American Jews particularly noted for their presence,

let alone their heroism, in the fighting forces. And yet they fight with their pens most valiantly,

far from the din of battle. It is they who beat the war drums the loudest, who profit most from

the wanton slaughter of innocents, and who “get others to fight and die for them.”


The days of wine and roses are over. The American Dream is dead.

Like Germany and Russia before it, America lies vanquished.


“The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at

last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take its rightful

place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave.”

— Rabbi Emmanuel Rabbinovich, speech delivered at a special

conference of European rabbis in Budapest, January 12, 1952


Ruled by a Jewish elite and their Shabbat goy underlings, beyond the reach of international

law and hated throughout the world, America is now an Israeli colony in all but name.


AMERICA VANQUISHED, Part 2: America under Jewish Rule


“When the world looks at America, what it sees is an Israeli colony.”
— Paul Craig Roberts


                                                                                                       America has been taken over.


Slowly and imperceptibly, duped by lies and lulled into complacency, Americans have

let their country slip into the hands of a fifth column: of  a hostile ethnic elite whose

primary allegiance is to Israel, a country built on stolen land and engaged in systematic genocide.


This is the rogue state that is arguably responsible for the greatest mass murder in history:

the catastrophe of 9-11. If scientific evidence and forensic logic are anything to go on,

Israel has to be suspect number one here, given its unbroken record of terrorism and

its endless breaches of international law. Any country that can orchestrate such a spectacular

crime and get away with it—while somehow managing to pin the blame on

nineteen Arabs with box cutters—is clearly a force to be reckoned with.


More than 200 senior military, intelligence, and law enforcement officials, including two

generals, have now questioned the 9-11 Commission’s report. They have been joined

by over 1500 top architects and engineers, 250 pilots and aviation experts, 400 university

professors, and 250 survivors and their families. David Ray Griffin, author of eleven books

on 9-11 and a distinguished professor emeritus, has concluded definitively: “All the

proffered evidence that America was attacked by Muslims on 9-11 appears to

have been fabricated.”



Dr Alan Sabrosky, former director of the Army War College, has upped the ante and

unequivocally identified Israel as the guilty party.  “What we need to stand up and say

is not only did they [the Israelis] attack the USS Liberty, but that it is 100 percent certain

9/11 was a Mossad operation.”



If any further proof were needed of America’s abject enslavement to Zionist interests,

however, it would be Obama’s humiliation at the hands of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu earlier this year. This humiliation has occurred on three separate occasions:

in September 2009, in July 2010, and again only last May. Washington Post columnist

Dana Milbank writes almost gloatingly of Obama flying “the white flag of surrender” in the

White House—where he sat “routed and humiliated.”



Obama’s offense?


He had asked the Israelis to observe international law by stopping settlement construction

on Palestinian land. He had pleaded with them to withdraw to the 1967 borders, in

accordance with UN Resolution 242—a reasonable enough request which every American

President before him has asked the Israelis to consider in the interests of peace.


The Israeli Prime Minister’s response?

— “Israel will NOT return to the indefensible boundaries of 1967!”



So how is it that this rude and recalcitrant “ally” of America still continues to receive

its $3 billion a year subsidy? Is America so besotted with love for the Jewish state that it

cannot say ‘No’? Silly question. Since it rests on the Chomskyite assumption

that America is still the lord and master and little Israel the dependent colony.


The riddle is easily solved if one turns Chomsky’s assumption on its head: organized Jewry,

having taken over America, has transformed it into an Israeli colony. The $8.2 million per

day that the American taxpayer pays his Jewish master is not a subsidy. It is tribute

money. It is a tax or levy imposed on a vanquished people by their conquerors.


Hear the note of contempt for one’s own President in this extraordinary account

of  Obama’s humiliation at the hands of Netanyahu, his Jewish victor:


Netanyahu beat Obama like a red-headed stepchild; he played him like a fiddle; he

pounded him like a big brass drum. The Prime Minister of Israel danced rings around

his arrogant, professorial opponent. The Prime Minister mopped the floor with our

guy….Bibi ripped him to shreds…demonstrating to the whole world that the Prime

Minister of Israel has substantially more support in both the House and the Senate

than the President of the United States. 


I guess that says it all. Poor Obama. He has been symbolically castrated and buried in

excrement up to the neck. Those 29 standing ovations Netanyahu received

in Congress were equivalent to a lump of spit in the President’s face.


According to political pundit Philip Giraldi, this was “the first time in recorded history that

a small nation with less than eight million citizens has subjugated

a much larger country with a population of more than 310 million.”


The Zionization of America is complete, with AIPAC appointing the government

and 60 million Christian Zionists ready to die for their new masters in Jerusalem.


 America is now Israel’s slave.



“I’ve never seen a President stand up to them. They always get what they want.

If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government,

they would rise up in arms.”

(Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1983)


At this point I feel the need to apologize for the picture of the finger-wagging rabbi at the end

of Part 1 of this essay, together with the inflammatory words he is purported to have uttered

about the Jewish desire for world domination. I can hear my critics cry: “Silly airhead, why

do you spout all this Protocolian poppycock? Don’t you know the

Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an anti-Semitic forgery?”


Yes, I confess with a sigh that I have heard the word “forgery” often advanced as a

reason not to read this brilliant political treatise, second only to Plato’s Republic in its profundity.


What I am saying, however, has nothing to do with the Protocols. I am not a conspiracy

theorist. I am a historian who is interested only in facts. Truth alone stirs my heart.


Let’s take another quick look at Zionism.


In a recent essay called Why Palestine is Important, Israel Shamir presents

a picture that puts this entire Protocolian nonsense into perspective:


Palestine is important because it is believed to be a linchpin of Empire, one of the

key points necessary to control the world. Such was the conviction of the 19th

century British Empire-builders of the Rhodes variety….Once an arcane theory

developed by HJ Mackinder, it has grown up to become a driving force behind

globalism …. Mackinder planned the subjugation of the whole planet to the Empire

…. Napoleon [had earlier] toyed with the idea of planting Jews in Palestine as

France’s foot soldiers, but there were no takers among Jews. The Brits achieved

what the French could not.


Zionism, in other words, according to Shamir’s recent take on the subject, was a British

inspiration and a tool in the armory of Pax Britannica. It was the way the Brits intended to

conquer the world. They would plonk the unwanted Jews in Palestine as their proxies.

Israel, in effect, was to be a British colony. And Lord Balfour, when he drew up the famous

Balfour Declaration in 1917, had a glint in his beady little eye. He was more interested

in advancing the designs of the British Empire than in being nice to the Jews.


If all this is true—and I think it possibly is—we can see what happened next. By 1948

the British Empire had collapsed in ruins. It was no longer in a position to use Israel

as its cat’s paw. Another emerging nation however, the chief beneficiary of World War II,

certainly was. This was America. Yet even as far back as 1948, America was largely

controlled by its Jews. Their influence, though it was to grow by

leaps and bounds  after 1967, was enormous even in 1948.


It was the Jews who twisted President Truman’s arm and got him to give his full backing

to their fledgling state. It was the Jews again, through the vengeful  Morgenthau, as I

indicated in Part 1 of this essay, who were to make life a living hell for the conquered

Germans in the aftermath of World War II. The Jews were always in the

background, it seems, the shadowy lurkers in the cabbage patch of history.


The colony that the Brits had failed to acquire in the Middle East, Israel, was inherited

by America. So Chomsky was right after all. To start with, anyway. Israel was to be America’s

aircraft carrier in the Middle East. The Americans would use it as a gigantic military base

from which to plunder Arab oil. Nor would they have any problems with Ben Gurion’s dreams

of a Greater Israel stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates. After all, why not give the

Jews what they wanted?


Greater Israel was simply to be an extension of America: its fifty-first state.


Things didn’t work out as planned. The best-laid schemes of mice and men,

we are told, often go askew. The tables were turned on the simple-minded

Americans. The Jews were much smarter than their WASP masters could

ever be. They had acquired through three thousand years of bitter

experience the arts of duplicity and cunning. Guile was their genetic

patrimony. They were the Ultimate Survivors.


One has to hand it to the Jews. The hitherto oppressed decided to become the

oppressors. The former victims decided to take on the role of predators. The

cat’s paw decided it would rather be the Cat from now on—and it became

the Cat’s Pajamas.


In short, the Jews took over America and turned it into a Jewish colony.

As simple as that. Their American hosts were hoist with their own petard.


But why worry? American Jews are Americans, are they not? If they’re smart

enough to take over America, as they have demonstrably done, why shouldn’t

they proceed to the next logical step and take over the world—yes, dominate

the world  through America? No one denies this is America’s aim: full

spectrum dominance. So if the Jews control America, and if America

controls the world, doesn’t it follow logically that the Jews control the

world? The logic is irrefutable.


Jewish world domination takes on a different perspective when viewed through

this historical prism. No “conspiracy theories” here. No hook-nosed Jews grasping

the globe in their cruel talons. No Illuminati trying to sodomize your children

and drink their blood. Just logic. Just history. Just America striving for full-spectrum

dominance with Jews leading the pack.


You could say the wild-eyed dreams of the Protocols have at last been realized,

but not in the way their original masterminds intended.


The shape of things to come…?


Allow me now to present the testimony of Eustace Mullins, if only for the vivid pictures he

presents to the mind of the terrors endured by millions of Russian Christians in Bolshevik

Russia when it was under Jewish hegemony. Could this be the fate of American

Christians in the not too distant future?


There are too many well documented massacres in history in which the Jews

tortured and murdered their victims with the greatest glee, gloating in such

barbaric practices as tearing out the hearts of women and children and smearing

the blood on their faces.


The orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish triumph in

Russia [after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917] has never been equaled in the

history of the world. The Jews were free to indulge their most fervent fantasies

of mass murder of helpless victims.


Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were actually

sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their eyes

poked out to induce unbearable pain.


Others were placed in boxes…then hungry rats placed in the boxes to gnaw

upon their bodies. Some were nailed to the ceiling by their fingers

or by their feet, and left hanging until they died of exhaustion.


Others were chained to the floor and hot lead poured into their mouths. Many

were tied to horses and dragged through the streets of the city,

while the mob attacked them with rocks and kicked them to death.


Mothers were taken to the public square and their babies snatched from their arms….

the baby [was] tossed into the air while another member of the mob rushed to

catch it on the tip of his bayonet.


Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and

their babies cut out of their bodies.  (See here)


“We should never forget what happened when Jews were a hostile elite in the USSR,”

Prof. Kevin MacDonald notes bleakly. “The loathing and contempt for the traditional people

and culture of Russia was a major factor in the avid Jewish participation in the greatest

crimes of the 20th century.”


MacDonald is referring to the systematic murder of over 50 million Russians under

Lenin and Stalin: a period of mass murder spanning 36 years (1917-1953).


The new American elite—as I pointed out in Part 1 of this article, “America as an Israeli Colony”

—is a Jewish elite. Exactly like the elite in Bolshevik Russia and Stalin’s USSR.

And it is essentially a hostile elite that “loathes the nation it rules.”


So we need to watch out.


Because what happened to millions of Russians in the first half of the 20th century—

systematic genocide—could well happen to millions of Americans in the foreseeable future.


“It is quite possible,” Kevin MacDonald muses, “that we are

entering into a racial dystopia of unimaginable cruelty.”


A game called Survival


The extraordinary success of the Jews, who make up only 2.5 percent of America’s

population, can be attributed to meticulous organization, coordination and networking.

This advantageous cohesiveness derives from an evolutionary characteristic of the

Jews: an exceptionally strong ethnocentricism which has enabled them to infiltrate

almost every single organization that could possibly threaten them as a group. In

America, highly gifted Jews whose primary loyalty is to Israel have managed to insinuate

their way into key policy positions, including the Departments of Treasury

and State, the Pentagon, the National Security Council and the White House.


Over the past 24 months not a single policy maker [James Petras tells us] has voiced

any criticism of Israel’s most heinous crimes, ranging from the savaging of Gaza to

the massacre of the humanitarian flotilla and the expansion of new settlements in

Jerusalem and the West Bank….Many of the leading Zionist policy makers rose

to power through a deliberate strategy of infiltrating the government to shape policy

promoting Israel’s interest over and above the interests of the US populace.


If the goyim have lost the game of life and their hard-won freedoms to the Jews, it was

because they didn’t know they were playing a game in the first place. A game for

the highest possible stakes.


A game called Survival.




The world that awaits us, if our New Masters prevail, will be a grim dystopia.

    It will be a spiritual wasteland in which an unprincipled elite rides roughshod over the teeming

masses. It will be a cruel world of exploitation, moral darkness, and unspeakable brutality.


“Death solves all problems,” Stalin quipped cynically. “No man, no problem.”

When mass extermination becomes the miracle cure, exciting times can be expected.


In Otto Friedrich’s widely acclaimed Holocaust study, The Kingdom of Auschwitz,

a concentration camp survivor is quoted as saying:


Concentration camp existence taught us that the whole world is really like a

concentration camp. The world is ruled by neither justice nor morality.

Crime is not punished nor virtue rewarded. The world is ruled by power.

We are laying the foundation for some new, monstrous civilization.

An innocent victim of this “new, monstrous civilization”,
a Palestinian child, his arm cut off by an Israeli settler for throwing a stone. (See here)


 So this is where we are now: in the eye of the storm.


America, once a democracy, is now a crypto-fascist country ruled by a corporate

and cosmopolitan elite. “There is no freedom, no democracy, and no government

accountability in Amerika, a fascist state,” Paul Craig Roberts concludes ruefully

in one of his recent essays.


The Jews, fulfilling the wildest dreams conjured up in the Protocols, stand

surveying the killing fields of the world they have conquered. Iraq and

Afghanistan lie in ruins, thanks to their machinations. Iran lies in the

cross-hairs, awaiting its expected doom. And meanwhile in America,

as the body bags are flown in from foreign parts and the lurid circus

of bread and games grinds on relentlessly, there is nothing much to live

for except sex and death.


Stalin’s willing executioners, the Jews, are now the ruling elite in America.

As in Weimar Germany, the Jews make most of the money and help to

create a culture of neo-paganism and nihilism, decadence and despair.

Nothing has changed except the country.


Russia, Germany, America — they all went down like skittles in a row.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.”  — George Orwell, 1984



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