Our policy is “leading us toward a Communist state with as dreadful certainty
as though the leaders of the Kremlin themselves were charting our course.”
— Gen. Douglas MacArthur in 1952

Click on this text to watch The Iron Curtain's Enduring Darkness...


The short answer is because he was on to the Commie
Jews and tried to expose them for what they are.
"This must be the product of a great conspiracy, a conspiracy on a scale
so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man." 
- Joseph McCarthy


Who was Joseph McCarthy, and why is he, without question, hands-down -- the most widely

and most viciously vilified personage in American history? The official version of history

-- written by academic operatives serving the same ruling class which McCarthy sought to expose

– teaches us that the Wisconsin Senator was a nasty bullying brute who dirtied the reputations

of anyone who disagreed with him politically. As the story goes, if one was a “liberal,” the

demagogue McCarthy slandered him as a “communist” and, just like that, an innocent man,

or woman, was ruined.


McCarthy’s mole-hunting came to be known as “McCarthyism” – a derogatory term still used

today to describe political slanderers. More than sixty years after his crusade against “Red”

traitors was stopped in its tracks, American school children, who learn very little about history

(real or fake), will surely learn about the “evil” Joe McCarthy. Here is a typical excerpt

– one of thousands -- of the type of commie crap that has been fed, and

continues to be fed, to generations of students:


History Channel:  “Senator McCarthy spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists

and other left-wing “loyalty risks” in the U.S. government. In the hyper-suspicious atmosphere of

the Cold War, insinuations of disloyalty were enough to convince many Americans that their

government was packed with traitors and spies. McCarthy’s accusations were so intimidating

that few people dared to speak out against him.”


All of these factors combined to create an atmosphere of fear and dread. (1)


Feel the hatred from Establishment biographer and “ex-Communist,”

Richard H. Rovere, who described McCarthy thusly:


 “an essentially destructive force” -- “a chronic opportunist -- “a fertile innovator, a first-rate

organizer and galvanizer of mobs, a skilled manipulator of public opinion,

and something like a genius at that essential American strategy: publicity.”

 “a vulgarian” -- “a man with an almost aesthetic preference for untruth” -- he “made sages of

screwballs and accused wise men of being fools” -- “the first American ever to be actively

hated and feared by foreigners in large numbers.” He could not comprehend true

outrage, true indignation, true anything”  --- “The haters rallied around him.” (2)

Image result for rovere joe ,mccarthy Image result for rovere joe ,mccarthy Image result for rovere joe ,mccarthy  

Many Fake Historians have collected their fair share of shekels for dumping on Joe McCarthy.


If you think about it logically and deductively, the sheer scope and intensity of the unremitting

attacks against a man who died way back in 1957 can only mean one of two things. Either:


 A: Joe McCarthy was an evil scumbag of such gross proportions that the wickedness of

his deeds cannot and should not ever be forgotten by lovers of liberty and decency --- or


B: Joe McCarthy’s dauntless crusade against treason in high places rattled the Reds and the Globalist

ruling class above them to such an extent that “they” want to make sure no one ever

dares to attempt to expose the self-perpetuating “powers that be” ever again.


As you may have already deduced by the title of this book, your McCarthy-loving investigative

historian here believes knows that the latter case represents the true history. Yours truly does

not believe in dishonestly hiding behind the veil of fake neutrality when presenting a historical case.


The history of Joe McCarthy is a story that absolutely must be corrected not merely for the sake

of academic scholarship, but more importantly, because the very same “conspiracy so immense”

that ultimately destroyed McCarthy is still alive and well today – and more dangerous than ever.


This is the true story of Senator Joseph McCarthy –

“Saint” Joseph of Wisconsin. Hallowed be his unjustly dirtied name.


Image result for what is mccarthyism Related image
McCarthyism... Blah blah blah -- Blah blah blah --- Blah blah blah

Joe McCarthy (Joseph Raymond McCarthy, November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) was

a two-term Republican United States Senator from Wisconsin. He dominated the anti-communist

movement in the United States, 1950–54, until his career receded after censure by the

Senate. "McCarthyism" is the aggressive exposure of Communist influences in

America and the people who protect them.


Beginning in 1950, McCarthy became the most visible public figure to object to Communist

infiltration of the United States government. A 1954 Gallup poll found that Joe McCarthy

was the fourth on its list of most admired men. He is now considered an

American hero by many, though liberals still seek to tarnish his name.


He was noted for claiming that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies

and sympathizers, engaged in a conspiracy to undermine the United States, inside the

federal government. He was proven correct by government documents and inquiry, including

decrypted Venona files.


McCarthy lost support in 1953 when he started attacking the U.S. Army and suggesting that

Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower was protecting subversives. Eisenhower

signaled Republicans to stop his attacks on the Army. Although McCarthy had strong

support among Catholics, such as Joe Kennedy, in 1954 the Senate censured him on

charges of attacking fellow Senators; this caused his influence to collapse abruptly.


The term "McCarthyism" was coined in 1950 in reference to McCarthy's aggressive

attempts to ferret out suspects, occasionally in the absence of evidence.



Early life


Joseph McCarthy was born to a poor Irish Catholic farm family in Appleton, Wisconsin.

A hyperactive, extroverted youth, he dropped out of school after eighth grade to start

his own poultry business. After the chickens all died, he enrolled in the local public high

school. Thanks to enormous energy and a retentive mind, he finished his coursework

in less than a year at age 20. After two undergraduate years at Marquette University, a

leading Jesuit school in Milwaukee, McCarthy entered Marquette Law School, acquiring

the rudiments of the profession that he soon used to knit together a statewide network

among Irish and German Catholics. McCarthy was a practicing Catholic his entire life,

but rarely referred to religion or ethnicity in his speeches. He actively supported President

Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Young Democrats, but did not join Irish organizations.


Although defeated in his 1936 race for district attorney, McCarthy displayed remarkable

campaign abilities and an astonishing memory for faces. He had the energy and determination

to meet every voter in person, exuding charm and a concern for the voter as an individual.

The same tactics paid off in 1939, when he was successful in a nonpartisan contest

for a regional judgeship.


The youngest judge in state history, he worked long hours to clear up a large backlog.

He administered justice promptly and with a combination of legal knowledge and good

sense. He was still a Democrat, but that party was very weak statewide at the time.


       Military service


In 1942 McCarthy, volunteered for the Marines (as a judge he was draft exempt), becoming

an intelligence officer in an aviation unit heavily engaged in combat in the South Pacific.

Although assigned a desk job McCarthy flew numerous combat missions as a tail gunner

—he exaggerated the number to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross.


During his 30 months of military service, McCarthy's record was unanimously praised by

his commanding officers and Admiral Chester Nimitz, commander in chief of the Pacific

Fleet. Admiral Nimitz issued the following citation regarding the service of Captain McCarthy:

For meritorious and efficient performance of duty as an observer and rear gunner

of a dive bomber attached to a Marine scout bombing squadron operating in the

Solomon Islands area from September 1 to December 31, 1943. He participated

in a large number of combat missions, and in addition to his regular duties, acted

as aerial photographer. He obtained excellent photographs of enemy gun positions,

despite intense anti-aircraft fire, thereby gaining valuable information which

contributed materially to the success of subsequent strikes in the area. Although

suffering from a severe leg injury, he refused to be hospitalized and continued

to carry out his duties as Intelligence Officer in a highly efficient manner. His

courageous devotion to duty was in keeping with the highest traditions of the

naval service.


Elected to Senate, 1946


McCarthy had his name entered in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate in 1944,

opposing a well-entrenched incumbent Republican, Alexander Wiley. The absentee

war hero ran a strong second, making a name for himself statewide and making himself

available for the 1946 Senate contest.


Why McCarthy suddenly changed parties was never explained, but prospects for ambitious

Wisconsin politicians were dim inside the poorly organized Democratic party, for most

New Dealers supported the state’s Progressive party. During the war, however, that

party collapsed, torn apart between its New Deal domestic liberalism, and its intensely

isolationist opposition to Roosevelt’s foreign policy. Increasingly out of touch with

Wisconsin, its leader Robert LaFollette Jr. looked to his family’s past glories and

made the blunder of trying for reelection to the Senate in 1946 as a Republican.


"Tail Gunner Joe," as his posters called him, endlessly crisscrossed Wisconsin while

LaFollette remained in Washington, offered an alternative in the Republican primary

to old guard Republicans who had opposed the Lafollettes for a half century. McCarthy

brilliantly captured the frustrations citizens felt about massive strikes, unstable economy,

price controls, severe shortages of housing and meat, and the growing threat of from the

far left in the CIO. He nipped LaFollette in the primary. The slogan “Had Enough?—Vote

Republican” gave the Republicans a landslide all across the North, electing a new

junior senator from Wisconsin.


Communist Issue


In Washington, McCarthy was a mainstream conservative in domestic policy, and, like

many veterans, was an internationalist in foreign affairs, supporting the Marshall Plan

and NATO. His speeches rarely mentioned domestic Communism or flaming issues

like the Alger Hiss espionage case, but that suddenly changed in early 1950 when his

vivid anti-Communist rhetoric drew national attention. "The issue between the Republicans

and Democrats is clearly drawn. It has been deliberately drawn by those who have

been in charge of twenty years of treason.” Alleging there were many card-carrying

Communists in U. S. President Harry S. Truman’s State Department, McCarthy forced

a Senate investigation led by Millard Tydings, Democrat of Maryland. McCarthy named

numerous suspect diplomats but failed to convince the three Democrats on the panel;

they concluded his allegations were “a fraud and a hoax,” while the two Republicans

dissented. McCarthy retaliated by campaigning against Tydings, who was defeated for

reelection in November 1950. What the senator himself called McCarthyism was a factor

in key races across the country; all his candidates won and his stock soared. A few

weeks later American forces were crushed by the Chinese in Korea, and in spring

1951 Truman tried to shift the blame by firing General Douglas MacArthur.


Support from Catholics and Kennedys


The great majority of Catholics were anti-Communist, but they were also loyal Democrats,

so to enlarge his base McCarthy, a Republican, needed an alliance with anti-Communist

Catholics. The Catholic bishops and the Catholic press was "among McCarthy's most

fervid supporters."  A major connection was with the powerful Kennedy family, which had

very high visibility among all Catholics in the Northeast.[7] Well before he became famous

McCarthy became closely associated with Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.. He was a frequent

guest at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port and at one point dated Joe's daughter

Patricia. After McCarthy became nationally prominent, Kennedy was a vocal supporter

and helped build McCarthy's popularity among Catholics. Kennedy contributed cash and

encouraged his friends to give money. Some historians have argued that in the Senate

race of 1952, Joe Kennedy and McCarthy made a deal that McCarthy would not

make campaign speeches for the Republican ticket in Massachusetts, and in return,

Congressman and future U.S. President John F. Kennedy would not give anti-McCarthy

speeches. In 1953 McCarthy hired Robert Kennedy as a senior staff member. When the

Senate voted to censure McCarthy in 1954, Senator Kennedy was in the hospital and never

indicated then or later how he would vote; he told associates he could not vote against

McCarthy because of the family ties.


Political dominance


In 1950, McCarthy discussed his upcoming 1952 campaign with three fellow Catholics

(Father Edmund A. Walsh and Charles H. Kraus of Georgetown University and Washington

attorney Wiliam A. Roberts). Kraus had recommended Father Walsh's recent books

dealing with Communism to McCarthy, and was hoping to interest McCarthy in the problems

of Communism in the world. McCarthy's reputation among the voters was not good at

that time, due to various ethical and tax violation problems, and he needed an issue that

would help improve his chances of re-election. He latched enthusiastically onto the idea

of attacking Communists in the government.


Subsequently, McCarthy called Willard Edwards of the Chicago Tribune asking for assistance

with a speech on Communism. Edwards sent some materials, including a copy of a letter

written on July 26, 1946, by James F. Byrnes, Secretary of State under Truman. This

letter was the central support for McCarthy's subsequent claims to have a list of

Communists in the government.


"Pursuant to Executive Order, approximately 4,000 employees have been transferred...
Of those 4,000 employees, the case histories of approximately 3,000 have been
subjected to a preliminary examination, as a result of which a recommendation against
permanent employment has been made in 284 cases by the screening committee...
Of the 79 actually separated from the service, 26 were aliens and therefore under
"political disability" with respect to employment in the peacetime operations of the
Department. I assume that factor alone could be considered the principal basis
for their separation."

This document was repeatedly cited by McCarthy as the basis for

his accusations; unfortunately, there was no list at that time.


McCarthy now became one of the dominant leaders in American politics, with strong

support among both Republicans and Catholic Democrats, as he alleged that Truman’s

top people had betrayed America. He singled out Secretary of State Dean Acheson and

Secretary of Defense George Marshall. Liberals were aghast; Truman had picked General

Marshall to head the State and Defense departments precisely because he thought the

elderly statesman would always be above criticism, no matter that China turned from a

staunch ally to a bitter enemy on his watch. McCarthy’s blistering attacks on Marshall as

“part of a conspiracy so immense, an infamy so black, as to dwarf any in the history of

man” fueled the belief he was a wild-man, a pathological liar who overstepped the

bounds of political discourse.


With Dwight D. Eisenhower crusading against “Korea, Communism and Corruption” in

1952, Republican victory was assured. As a senior member of the majority party McCarthy

for the first time became a committee chairman, with control of staffing and agenda. He

used his Government Operations Committee to open highly publicized hearings in

1953-54 alleging disloyalty in the State Department, the United States Central Intelligence Agency

(CIA), the U.S. Information Agency, and finally the Army. His furious attacks on the Army

led to the televised “Army-McCarthy” hearings in spring 1954, which exposed his bullying

tactics to a national audience. As McCarthy’s poll rating plunged, his enemies finally

pulled together to introduce a censure resolution focused on charging McCarthy

with contempt for the federal government, and especially for his fellow senators.




McCarthy’s charges that over-educated liberals tolerated Communism at home and abroad

had stung the liberals. He alleged that they had corruptly sold out the national interest

to protect their upper class privileges, and were so idealistic about world affairs that

they radically underestimated the threat posed by Soviet dictator Stalin, his spies, and

the worldwide Communist movement. Instead of refuting the allegations, Liberals tried

one of two approaches. Some became intensely anti-Communist and claimed they were

more effective than McCarthy and the Republicans in eliminating Communism in the

unions and Democratic party, and in containing the Stalinist menace in Europe. The other

approach was to counterattack, to charge that “McCarthyism” never found a single spy

but hurt innocent people in hunting for nonexistent witches; thus it represented an evil

betrayal of American values. In an appeal to upscale conservatives and liberal intellectuals,

critics ignored the Communist infiltration of labor unions and liberal causes and focused

on stereotyping anticommunists as ill-mannered ignorant troglodytes, oblivious to American

traditions of free speech and free association. McCarthy’s exaggerations and false charges

encouraged opponents to stress the second approach, but it escalated the controversy

to a pitch of hatreds and fears unprecedented since the days of Reconstruction.


Loss of influence


McCarthy’s superb sense of timing and his media instincts kept his partisan attacks

on the front page every day; his willingness to do battle in the hustings with Democratic

opponents across the country strengthened his base in the Republican party. His

religion and ethnicity, refreshed with highly visible friendships with leading Irish Catholics,

especially the Kennedy family, bolstered his standing among Democrats. According to

Gallup, McCarthy’s popularity crested in January 1954, when he was endorsed by all

voters 50-29 (with 21 having no opinion). His core support came from Republicans and

Catholics who had not attended college.


McCarthy, however, failed to create any sort of grass roots organization. He had no

organizational skills; he did not effectively use his talented staffers (such as Robert Kennedy).

He was a loner who lurched from issue to issue, misled by the enormous media publicity

into believing that a one-man crusade was possible in an increasingly well-educated

complex society honeycombed with local, regional and national organizations. By operating

within the Republican party apparatus he lost the opportunity to create an independent grass

roots political crusade in the style of Teddy Roosevelt, Huey Long, or Ross Perot. He

never launched his own magazine or radio show or formed alliances with publishers

who agreed with him.


McCarthy’s strained relations with Senate colleagues created a trapdoor. It was sprung

after many Republicans realized that he had shifted the attack away from the Democrats.

What use was his slogan “20 Years of Treason” once Eisenhower was in office? McCarthy’s

answer was “21 Years of Treason!” Eisenhower’s supporters could no longer tolerate such

a loose cannon, and as McCarthy unwisely shifted his attacks to Eisenhower’s beloved Army,

his cause was doomed. While many Americans distrusted Ivy League, striped pants diplomats,

soldiers were held in high regard; McCarthy’s charges of subversion were flimsy (one Communist

dentist had been automatically promoted); he sabotaged his own reputation by finagling favors

for an aide who had been drafted. The televised hearings proved fatal to an ill-prepared bully.

After the Democrats regained control of Congress in the 1954 elections, the censure motion

carried, 67-22. McCarthy’s appeal, so widespread yet superficial,

evaporated overnight and the Senator faded into the shadows.



The term "McCarthyism"



McCarthy is permanently associated with the use of the word "McCarthyism" (a word which

he did not coin, but of which he did make use according to a sense more aligned with his

actual philosophy) to mean an aggressive attack on Communists who had infiltrated America

and on the liberals who protected them—an attack, however, without regard for due

process. Although the left was unable to make heroes of the people who supported and

sometimes were controlled by Stalin, they did make heroes of opponents of McCarthy,

painting him as the internal menace to American values that was far worse than

Communist subversion. Schrecker (1998) sees McCarthyism as anti-Communist political

repression of the early Cold War, and explores its mechanisms through, and what she

considers the exaggerated public fears on which it depended. During the 1940s-1950s,

McCarthyism took on a variety of forms with an array of agendas, interested parties,

and modes of operating. Despite its widespread and popular character, it started with

the federal government and was driven by a network of dedicated anti-Communist

crusaders such as J. Edgar Hoover, director of the United States Federal Bureau of

Investigation (FBI). McCarthyism's repression both responded to and

helped create widespread fears of a significant threat to national security.


Margaret Chase Smith, Republican senator from Maine, gained a national reputation as

one of the earliest critics McCarthyism with a Senate speech on June 1, 1950, called

"the Declaration of Conscience." It was an attempt by Smith to address the excesses of

McCarthyism, and was widely hailed as a call to reason by McCarthy's opponents. Smith

gave a critique of the American political process and political institutions in the responses

to dissent on the left and the right. Smith, like other McCarthy critics, sought to bring a

level of civility to political protest and dissent. She and many others who objected to

the tactics of McCarthy actually believed in the underlying tenets of his anti-Communist

crusade. Their responses to his excesses reflected a desire to narrow the scope

of acceptable political dissent.


Impact on government


Rausch (2000) argues McCarthy's campaign


had a lasting impact on the conduct of U.S. foreign relations, particularly among

professional diplomatic institutions like the State Department and its Foreign Service

personnel, and McCarthyism did not disappear with the senator's censure in 1954.

The 'ism' in a broad sense was a set of ideas not only about internal subversion but

also about the outside world, including a simplistic, isolationist anti-communism and

a deep suspicion about social reform movements abroad. It stood in open opposition

to a more complex, even accommodating, view of communism. Instead of ending

the hunt for subversives begun under Truman, Eisenhower made the search systematic,

universal, and more broadly defined. McCarthyist Scott McLeod took over security

and personnel functions of the State Department and became one of the most

famous and despised men in the executive branch. McLeod brought McCarthyist

methods and assumptions to bear in ridding the department of what he defined

as security risks. Oral history sources provide key evidence for the destructive

atmosphere within the department in these years, and they shed valuable light on

McLeod's impact on the foreign affairs bureaucracy. In the short term, the Foreign

Service declined in morale, prestige, and influence. By 1954, professionally trained

diplomacy, with nuanced, internationalist views lost ground to more simplistic, strictly

anticommunist views. During Eisenhower's second term, the Foreign Service and the

more moderate approach experienced a resurgence but still faced opposition from

hard-liners who survived the McCarthy years. The Latin American branch of the department

embodied the changes in professional diplomacy towards one region of the world.

Within the division were the institutionalized tensions of the Eisenhower administration,

between career diplomats and political appointees, conservative and moderate anti-communists,

and trained diplomats and other specialists. The U.S. embassy in Cuba showed this

internal conflict in a microcosm, as the administration's response to Latin American

revolution evolved after 1954. McCarthyism accompanied Eisenhower into office,

and its effects continued into his last foreign policy crisis and beyond."


In California McCarthyism began before the Senator was famous. In 1946 in the Los Angeles

schools two teachers from Canoga Park High School were called before the Tenney

Senate Investigating Committee on charges of communistic teaching. The two teachers

were exonerated of all charges, but a campaign to rid the LA district of dissident teachers

was effectively launched. The target of the campaign was a group of teachers who belonged

to the Los Angeles Federation of Teachers (LAFT), formerly known as Union Local 430

and chartered under the American Federation of Teachers, until 1948, when the AFT revoked

the charter. By 1954, Los Angeles teachers were required to take five loyalty oaths, although

not one teacher was ever charged with or convicted of subversion. In 1953, the Los Angeles

City School Board announced that 304 teachers were to be investigated because of alleged

Communist affiliations. The Dilworth Oath, made law in 1953, required teachers to answer

questions posed to them by the Investigating Committees. Teachers who refused to answer

the Committee questions by claiming their Fifth Amendment rights could then be fired by

the Board for insubordination.


Media and popular culture


Historians have debated the degree to which McCarthyism permeated the American

mood and popular culture. Anti-Communist liberals at the time said it played to isolationism

(especially strong in McCarthy's Wisconsin) by diverting attention away from the real

threat, Stalin's Soviet Union as an external power. The Left said that they had a First

Amendment right to their beliefs and that McCarthyism had a chilling effect. Dussere

(2003) shows that comic strip artist Walt Kelly in "Pogo" parodied McCarthyism and promoted

leftist politics as old-fashioned American common sense, representing a time when

concerns about art and politics with respect to popular culture were in the forefront.


Hoover's FBI targeted retired film comedian Charlie Chaplin because of his status as a

cultural icon and as part of its broader investigation of Hollywood. Some of Chaplin's films

were considered "Communist propaganda," but because Chaplin was a British citizen and

was not a member of the Communist Party, he was not among those investigated by the

House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947. Nevertheless, he was vulnerable to

protests by the American Legion and other patriotic groups because of both his sexual and

political unorthodoxy. Although countersubversives succeeded in driving Chaplin out of the

U.S., they failed to build a consensus that Chaplin was a threat to the nation. Chaplin's story

testifies to both the power of the countersubversive campaign at mid-century and to some

of its limitations.


Strout (1999) looks at The Christian Science Monitor during the McCarthy era (1950-1954);

it was a highly influential newspaper at home and abroad. Strout asks: (1) Was the Monitor

a consistent critic of McCarthy? (2) How did the coverage compare to other elite and popular

press newspapers? (3) How did the pressures associated with McCarthyism effect individuals

at the Monitor and its news product? An extensive review of editorials and news articles

suggests that it was thorough and fair in reporting, yet outspoken and responsible in

editorial criticism. Mary Baker Eddy's original 1907 statement that, "The purpose of

the Monitor is to injure no man, but to bless all mankind," was referred to repeatedly in

interoffice correspondence during the McCarthy era. The Monitor did not attack McCarthy

personally as other papers did; rather, its criticism centered on the actions of the senator

and the negative effects they were having at home and abroad. The Monitor served as

a voice of moderation, yet at the same time, remained a persistent critic of McCarthy's tactics.

Individuals were affected by the pressures of McCarthyism. For instance, veteran Washington

correspondent Richard L. Strout was suspended from covering McCarthy for eight to 12

months after being mentioned in McCarthy's book, McCarthyism: The Fight for America.


I have in my hand...

FBI Master Chart of distribution in 1945-46 of investigative reports to the White House, Attorney General, and employing agencies of Communist agents in the Federal government.

It was McCarthy's charges of Communist, security, and loyalty risk infiltration of the

State Department that shot him into prominence in 1950. At a Lincoln Day speech, on

February 9, 1950, before the Republican Women's Club of Wheeling, West Virginia,

at the Colonnade Room of Wheeling's McClure Hotel, he stated:


I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to

be either card-carrying members or certainly loyal to the

Communist Party, but who nevertheless are still

helping to shape our foreign policy.


McCarthy compiled a list of 57 security risks and publicly named John S. Service, Gustavo

Duran, Mary Jane Keeney, Harlow Shapley, and H. Julian Wadleigh  as being on the list.

These names came from the "Lee List" of unresolved State Department security cases

compiled by the earlier investigators for the House Appropriation Committee in 1947.

Robert E. Lee was the committee’s lead investigator and supervised preparation of the list.


In a six-hour speech on the Senate floor on February 20, 1950 in which McCarthy was

constantly interrupted by hostile senators; four of whom — Scott Lucas (61 times),

Brien McMahon (27 times), Garrett Withers (22 times), and Herbert Lehman (13 times)

— interrupted him a total of 123 times, McCarthy raised the issue of some eighty individuals

who had worked in the State Department, or wartime agencies such as the

Office of War Information (OWI) and the Board of Economic Warfare (BEW).



McCarthy sought to avoid naming names publicly when possible, using numbered cases

instead of names in public session. He preferred to name his suspects only in executive

session, in order to protect those who might have been erroneously identified by the

FBI, State Department Security, Army counterintelligence, etc. "[I]t would be improper

to make the names public until the appropriate Senate committee can meet in executive

session and get them," explained McCarthy. "If we should label one man a Communist

when he is not a Communist I think it would be too bad."



But when McCarthy began reading his numbered cases to the Senate, the Democrat

Majority Leader, Illinois Senator Scott Lucas, interrupted, "I want him to name those

Communists." In response to McCarthy's desire not to name names publicly in order to

protect the innocent, Lucas bizarrely referred to the fact that statements in Congress are

privileged against defamation suits, saying, "if those people are not Communists the senator

will be protected." (This was hardly germane: McCarthy's expressed concern was not

about protecting himself, but protecting suspects who might be innocent.) McCarthy responded:


The Senator from Illinois demanded, loudly, that I furnish all the names. I told him at

that time that so far as I was concerned, I thought that would be improper; that I

did not have all the information about these individuals ... I have enough to convince

me that either they are members of the Communist Party or they have given great

aid to the Communists: I may be wrong. That is why I said that unless the Senate

demanded that I do so, I would not submit this publicly, but I would submit it to any

committee — and would let the committee go over these in executive session.

It is possible that some of these persons will get a clean bill of health...


Democratic Senator William Benton of Connecticut introduced a bill to eject McCarthy

from the Senate. His first charge was that at Wheeling, McCarthy had said that he had

a list of 205 names, rather than 57 names. The Senate (then under Democrat control)

sent staff investigators to Wheeling to try to substantiate Benton's charges. The

investigation found no evidence to support Benton's charge. According to one investigator:


The newly unearthed evidence demolished Senator Benton’s charges in all their material

respects and thoroughly proved Senator McCarthy’s account of the facts to be truthful.


Senate Democrats quietly buried the 44-page staff memo summarizing these findings, but

the charge that McCarthy had said “205” was likewise dropped. Thus the Congressional

Record to this day records that McCarthy said "57," not "205." Nevertheless, many on

the left continue to promote Benton's discredited claim as gospel. Benton made this allegation

only about McCarthy's speech in Wheeling, West Virginia and not in the other cities where

he made the speech. The 205 number actually came in another part of his speech; on

February 20, 1950, in a speech made on the floor of the Senate, McCarthy officially

clarified the issue:

I have before me a letter which was reproduced in the Congressional Record on
August 1, 1946, at page A4892. It is a letter from James F. Byrnes, former Secretary
of State. It deals with the screening of the first group, of about 3,000.
There were a great number of subsequent screenings. This was the beginning.

The letter deals with the first group of 3,000 which was screened. The President—

and I think wisely so—set up a board to screen the employees who were coming to

the State Department from the various war agencies of the War Department.

There were thousands of unusual characters in some of those war agencies. Former

Secretary Byrnes in his letter, which is reproduced in the Congressional Record, says this:


Pursuant to Executive order, approximately 4,000 employees have been transferred

to the Department of State from various war agencies such as the OSS [Office of

Strategic Services], FEA [Foreign Economic Administration], OWI [Office of War

Information], OIAA [Office of Inter-American Affairs], and so forth. Of these 4,000

employees, the case histories of approximately 3,000 have been subjected to a

preliminary examination, as a result of which a recommendation against permanent

employment has been made in 285 cases by the screening committee to which you

refer in your letter.


In other words, former Secretary Byrnes said that 285 of those men are unsafe risks.

He goes on to say that of this number only 79 have been removed. Of the 57 I

mentioned some are from this group of 205, and some are from subsequent groups

which have been screened but not discharged. I might say in that connection that the

investigative agency of the State Department has done an excellent job. The files show

that they went into great detail in labeling Communists as such. The only trouble is

that after the investigative agency had properly labeled these men as Communists

the State Department refused to discharge them. I shall give detailed cases.


McCarthy was able to characterize President Truman and the Democratic Party as soft

on or even in league with the Communists. McCarthy's allegations were rejected by Truman

who was unaware of Venona project decrypts which corroborated

Elizabeth Bentley's debriefing after her defection from the Communists.


According to Gallup, McCarthy’s popularity crested in January 1954, when he was

endorsed by all voters 50-29 (with 21 having no opinion). His core support came from

Republicans and Catholics who had not attended college. On March 9, 1954, CBS

broadcasted Edward R. Murrow's See It Now TV documentary attacking McCarthy.


Venona files


In 1995, when the Venona transcripts were declassified, further detailed information was

revealed about Soviet espionage in the United States. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

was among only a handful of people in the U.S. Government who was aware of the

Venona project, and there is no indication whatsoever Hoover shared Venona information

with McCarthy. In fact, Hoover may have actually fed McCarthy disinformation, or dead

end files, in an effort to put pressure on relatives, friends, or close associates of real

Venona suspects by threatening to reveal embarrassing information about them in

a public forum if they failed to cooperate and reveal what they might have known about

someone's else’s activities and associations. And there is no indication

McCarthy might have known he was being used by Hoover in this way.


On February 7, 1950, three days before McCarthy's acclaimed Wheeling, West Virginia

speech, Hoover testified before House Appropriations Committee that counterespionage

requires "an objective different from the handling of criminal cases. It is more important

to ascertain his contacts, his objectives, his sources of information and his methods of

communication" as "arrest and public disclosure are steps to be taken only as a matter

of last resort." He concluded that "we can be secure only when we have a full knowledge

of the operations of an espionage network, because then we are in a position to

render their efforts ineffective."


McCarthy is said to have made the claim, "I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list

of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the

Communist Party." The famous "List", as it has come to be known, has always engendered

much controversy. The figure of 205 appears to have come from an oral briefing McCarthy

had with Hoover regarding espionage suspects the FBI was then investigating. The FBI

had discovered on its own five Soviet agents operating in the United States during World

War II; defector Elizabeth Bentley further added another 81 known identities of espionage

agents; Venona materials had provided the balance, and by the time a full accounting of

true name identities was compiled in an FBI memo in 1957, one more subject had

been added to the number, now totaling 206.


Much confusion has always surrounded the subject. While the closely guarded FBI/Venona

information of identified espionage agents uses the number of 206, McCarthy in his Wheeling

speech only referred to Communist Party membership and other security risks, and not

espionage activity. Being a security risk as a Communist Party of the United States of America

(CPUSA) member does not necessarily entail or imply that a person was or is actively involved

in espionage activity. Venona materials indicated a very large number of espionage agents

remained unidentified by the FBI. When McCarthy was questioned on the number, he

referred to the Lee List of security risks, by which it appears Hoover was attempting to

match unidentified code names to known security risks. Hoover kept the identities of persons

known to be involved in espionage activity from Venona evidence secret. Hoover in the very

early days of the FBI's joint investigation with the Army Signals Intelligence Service in May

1946 did precisely the same deception with a confidant of President Truman using Venona

decryptions. Hoover reported that a reliable source revealed “an enormous Soviet espionage

ring in Washington.” Of some fourteen names, Soviet agents Alger Hiss and Nathan Gregory

Silvermaster were listed well down the list. The name at the top was “Undersecretary of State

Dean Acheson” and included others beyond reproach, thus discrediting the Hiss and

Silvermaster accusations, which actually were on target. Hence the Truman White

House always suspected Hoover and the FBI of playing partisan political games with

accusations of various administration members’ complicity in Soviet espionage.


The Venona project specifically references at least 349 pseudonyms in the United States

—including citizens, immigrants, and permanent residents—who cooperated in various

ways with Soviet intelligence agencies, however not all were ever identified. In public

hearings before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) conducted by

McCarthy, 83 persons pled the Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination. An

additional 9 persons refused to testify on constitutional grounds in private hearings,

and their names were not made public. Of the 83 persons pleading the Fifth Amendment,

several have been identified by NSA and FBI as agents of the Soviet Union

in the Venona project involved in espionage. Several prominent examples are:

Venona transcripts confirm the Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, chaired by former

Senator Robert LaFollette, Jr., whom McCarthy defeated for election in 1946, had at least

four staff members working on behalf of the KGB. Chief Counsel of the Committee

John Abt; Charles Kramer, who served on three other Congressional Committees; Allen

Rosenberg, who also served on the National Labor Relations Board, Board of Economic Warfare

(BEW), the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA) and later argued cases before the

United States Supreme Court; and Charles Flato, who served on the BEW

and FEA, all were CPUSA members and associated with the Comintern.


While the underlying premise of Communists in the government was true, many of McCarthy's

targets were not complicit in espionage. Recent scholarship has established of 159 persons

investigated between 1950 and 1952, there is substantial evidence nine had assisted Soviet

espionage using evidence from Venona or other sources. Of the remainder, while

not being directly complicit in espionage, many were considered security risks.


Known security/loyalty risks


In June 1947, a Senate Appropriations subcommittee addressed a secret memorandum

to Secretary of State George Marshall, calling to his attention a condition that

developed and was continuing in the State Department. The memo stated that


it was evident there was a deliberate, calculated program being carried out not

only to protect communist personnel in high places, but to reduce security and

intelligence protection to a nullity. On file in the department is a copy of a preliminary

report of the FBI on Soviet espionage activities in the United States which involved

a large number of State Department employees, some in high official positions.


Robert E. Lee was the committee’s lead investigator and supervised preparation of the list.

The Lee list, also using numbers rather than names, was published in the proceeding

of the subcommittee.


The memorandum listed the names of nine State Department officials and said that they

were "only a few of the hundreds now employed in varying capacities who are protected

and allowed to remain despite the fact that their presence is an obvious hazard to national

security." Ten persons were removed from the list by June 24. But from 1947 until McCarthy's

Wheeling speech in February 1950, the State Department did not fire one person as a

loyalty or security risk. In other branches of the government, however, more than 300

persons were discharged for loyalty reasons alone during the period from 1947 to 1951.


Most but not all of Senator McCarthy’s numbered cases were drawn from the “Lee List”

or “108 list” of unresolved Department of State security cases compiled by Lee for the

House Appropriations Committee in 1947. The Tydings subcommittee also obtained

this list. In addition to some of the person involved in espionage identified in the

Venona project listed above, there are other security and loyalty risks

identified correctly by Senator McCarthy included in the following list:



  • Robert Warren Barnett & Mrs. Robert Warren Barnett, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's
  •  Case #48 and #49 respectively and both are on Lee list as #59;
  • Esther Brunauer, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #47 and Lee list #55;
  • Jewish Star Of David - Blue Outline Version Digital Art by Shazam ImagesStephen Brunauer, U.S. Navy, chemist in the explosive research division;
  • Gertrude Cameron, Information and Editorial Specialist in the U.S. State Department;
  • McCarthy's Case #55 and Lee list #65;
  • Nelson Chipchin, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's list #23;
  • Oliver Edmund Clubb, U.S. State Department;
  • John Paton Davies, U.S. State Department, Policy Planning Committee;
  • Gustavo Duran, U.S. State Department, assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State in
  • charge of Latin American Affairs, and Chief of the Cultural Activities Section of the
  •  Department of Social Affairs of the United Nations;
  • Arpad Erdos, U.S. State Department;
  • Herbert Fierst, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's case #1 and Lee list #51;
  • John Tipton Fishburn, U.S. State Department; Lee list #106;
  • Theodore Geiger, U.S. State Department;
  • Stella Gordon, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #40 and Lee list #45
  • Stanley Graze, U.S. State Department intelligence; McCarthy's Case #8 and Lee list #8,
  •  brother of Gerald Graze, confirmed in KGB Archives;
  • Ruth Marcia Harrison, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #7 and Lee list #4;
  • Myron Victor Hunt, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #65 and Lee list #79;
  • Philip Jessup, U.S. State Department, Assistant Director for the Naval School of Military
  • Government and Administration at Columbia University in New York, Delegate to the U.N.
  • in a number of different capacities, Ambassador-at-large, and Chairman of the Institute
  •  of Pacific Relations Research Advisory Committee; McCarthy's Case #15;
  • Dorothy Kenyon, New York City Municipal Court Judge, U.S. State Department appointee
  • as American Delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women;
  • Leon Hirsch Keyserling, President Harry Truman's Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers;
  • Mary Dublin Keyserling, U.S. Department of Commerce;
  • Esther Less Kopelewich, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #24;
  • Owen Lattimore, Board member of the communist-dominated Institute of Pacific Relations
  •  (I.P.R) and editor the I.P.R.’s journal Pacific Affairs;
  • Paul A. Lifantieff-Lee, U.S. Naval Department; McCarthy's Case #56 and Lee list #66;
  • Jewish Star Of David - Blue Outline Version Digital Art by Shazam ImagesVal R. Lorwin, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #54 and Lee list #64;
  • Jewish Star Of David - Blue Outline Version Digital Art by Shazam ImagesDaniel F. Margolies, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #41 and Lee list #46;
  • Jewish Star Of David - Blue Outline Version Digital Art by Shazam ImagesPeveril Meigs, U.S. State Department; Department of the Army; McCarthy's
  •  Case #3 and Lee list #2;
  • Ella M. Montague, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #34 and Lee list #32;
  • Philleo Nash, Presidential Advisor, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman administrations;
  • Olga V. Osnatch, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #81 and Lee list #78;
  • Jewish Star Of David - Blue Outline Version Digital Art by Shazam ImagesEdward Posniak, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case Number 77;
  • Philip Raine, U.S. State Department, Regional Specialist; McCarthy's Case #52 and Lee list #62;
  • Jewish Star Of David - Blue Outline Version Digital Art by Shazam ImagesRobert Ross, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #32 and Lee list #30;
  • Jewish Star Of David - Blue Outline Version Digital Art by Shazam ImagesSylvia Schimmel, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #50 and Lee list #60;
  • Frederick Schumann, contracted by U.S. State Department as lecturer; Professor
  •  at Williams College; not on Lee list;
  • John S. Service, U.S. State Department;
  • Harlow Shapley, U.S. State Department appointee to UNESCO, Chairman of the
  • National Council of Arts, Sciences, and Professions;
  • William T. Stone, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #46 and Lee list #54;
  • Frances M. Tuchser, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #6 and Lee list #6;
  • John Carter Vincent, U.S. State Department; McCarthy's Case #2 and Lee list #52;
  • Jewish Star Of David - Blue Outline Version Digital Art by Shazam ImagesDavid Zablodowsky, U.S. State Department & Director of the United Nations
  • Publishing Division. McCarthy's Case #103;


Attacks on McCarthy


One of the most prominent attacks on Senator McCarthy was an episode of the TV

documentary series See It Now, hosted by Edward R. Murrow, which was broadcast

on March 9, 1954. By the time Murrow produced his "See It Now" assault on Senator

McCarthy in 1954, the senator had been under almost constant vicious attack for four

years. According to McCarthy biographer Arthur Herman, Murrow and his staff had

spent two months carefully editing film clips to portray McCarthy in the worst possible

light. There were no clips showing McCarthy in a professional manner. Despite Murrow's

claims, this "was not a report at all but instead a full-scale assault, employing exactly the

same techniques of 'partial truth and innuendo' that critics accused McCarthy of using."

The episode consisted largely of clips of McCarthy in the most unflattering context, including

"belching and picking his nose".


In these clips, McCarthy accuses the Democratic Party of "twenty years of treason" because

of the Democratic Party's concessions to the Soviet Union at the Yalta conference and

Potsdam conference, describes the American Civil Liberties Union as "listed as 'a front

for, and doing the work of,' the Communist Party," and berates General Zwicker for Zwicker's

claim that he would protect any other general who promotes Communists within the military.

Murrow also portrays a Pentagon coding room employee, Annie Lee Moss as an innocent

victim of McCarthy even though it was later established that the FBI had warned the

Army and the Civil Service Commission about her Communist Party connection.


However, even some McCarthy critics were outraged by this one-sided presentation.

Consistent McCarthy critic, John Cogley of Commonweal, "sharply attacked Murrow

and his producers for their distorted summary and selected use of video clips." Cogley

commented that a different selection of footage could have easily portrayed McCarthy in

an extremely positive light and then further warned against the misuse of television in

this fashion. He and another McCarthy critic from the Saturday Review

agreed that it "was not a proud moment for television journalism".


To counter the negative publicity, McCarthy appeared on See It Now on April 6, 1954,

and presented his case in order to clarify the misconceptions that Murrow had televised.

McCarthy countered that his committee, "has forced out of government, and out of important

defense plants, Communists engaged in the Soviet conspiracy." McCarthy went on to say,

"For example, 238 witnesses were examined [in] public session; 367 witnesses examined

[in] executive session; 84 witnesses refused to testify as to Communist activities on

the ground that, if they told the truth, they might go to jail; twenty-four witnesses with

Communist backgrounds have been discharged from jobs [in] which they were handling

secret, top-secret, confidential material, individuals who were exposed before our committee."

McCarthy also exposed Murrow's left-wing background and previous associations with

Communist organizations.


The Murrow report, together with the televised Army-McCarthy hearings of the same year,

and four years of consistent anti-McCarthy media reporting were the major causes of a

nationwide popular opinion backlash against McCarthy. However, well-known broadcaster

Eric Sevareid said the Murrow assault "came very late in the day.... The youngsters

read back, and they think only one person in broadcasting and the press stood up to

McCarthy, and this has made a lot of people feel very upset, including me, because that

program came awfully late."


Even Murrow discounted his role in the decline of Senator McCarthy's popularity. Murrow

stated, "My God, I didn't do anything. (Times columnist) Scotty Reston and lot of guys have

been writing like this, saying the same things, for months, for years. We're bringing up the rear."


Nevertheless, despite the deceptive nature of the See It Now program and the late date

in which it appears, anti-McCarthy historians have credited and celebrated Murrow as

playing a major role in damaging Senator McCarthy's campaign to remove security risks

from the U.S. government.


Senate opposition to McCarthy


While over the previous few years, Senator McCarthy had withstood countless biased and

unsubstantiated attacks by Liberals, Communists, etc., who sought to prevent him from

damaging their causes any further; the organized and co-ordinated effort between the two

groups to remove McCarthy from his Chairmanship and officially condemn him began in

March 1954.


Senate opposition


On March 9, 1954 a fellow conservative and anti-communist Republican Senator,

Ralph E. Flanders of Vermont, gave a speech criticizing what he felt was Senator

McCarthy’s "misdirection of our efforts at fighting communism” and his role in “the loss

of respect for us in the world at large.” Flanders felt the nation should pay more attention

looking outwards at the “alarming world-wide advance of Communist power” that would

leave the United States and Canada as “the last remnants of the free world.”  Eisenhower

Administration cabinet officials told Flanders to “lay off,” while President Eisenhower sent

Flanders a brief note of appreciation for his speech, but did not otherwise confer with him

or explicitly support him. In a June 1, 1954 speech, Flanders emphasized how the Soviet

Union was winning military successes in Asia without risking its own resources or men,

and said this nation was witnessing "another example of economy of effort...in the conquest

of this country for communism." He added, "One of the characteristic elements of communist

and fascist tyranny is at hand as citizens are set to spy upon each other." Flanders told the

Senate that McCarthy's "anti-Communism so completely parallels that of Adolf Hitler as

to strike fear into the hearts of any defenseless minority"; he accused McCarthy of spreading

"division and confusion" and saying, "Were the Junior Senator from Wisconsin

in the pay of the Communists he could not have done a better job for them."


On June 11, 1954 Flanders introduced a resolution charging McCarthy “with unbecoming

conduct" and calling for his removal from his committee chairmanship. Upon the advice

of Senators John Sherman Cooper and J. William Fulbright and legal assistance from

the National Committee for an Effective Congress, a liberal organization, he modified

his resolution to “bring it in line with previous actions of censure.” After introducing his

censure motion, Flanders had no active role in the ensuing Watkins Committee hearings.

Flanders bore McCarthy no personal animosity and reported that McCarthy

accepted his invitation to join him at lunch after the hearings had taken place.


Watkins Committee


Ultimately, McCarthy was accused of 46 different counts of allegedly improper conduct

and another special committee was set up, under the chairmanship of Senator Arthur Watkins,

to study and evaluate the charges. This was to be the fifth investigation of Senator McCarthy

in five years. This committee opened hearings on August 31, 1954. After two months of

hearings and deliberations, the Watkins Committee recommended that McCarthy be censured

on only two of the original 46 counts. The committee exonerated McCarthy on all

substantive charges.


On November 8, 1954, a special session of the Senate convened to debate the two charges.

The charges to be debated and voted on were: 1) That Senator McCarthy had "failed to

cooperate" in 1952 with the Senate Subcommitee on Privileges and Elections that was

looking into certain aspects of his private and political life in connection with a resolution

for his expulsion from the Senate; and 2) That in conducting a senatorial

inquiry, Senator McCarthy had "intemperately abused" General Ralph Zwicker.


The Zwicker count was dropped by the full Senate on the grounds that McCarthy's conduct

was arguably "induced" by Zwicker's own behavior. Many senators felt that the Army had

shown contempt for committee chairman McCarthy by disregarding his letter of February 1,

1954 and honorably discharging Irving Peress the next day. So, for this reason, the

Senate concluded that McCarthy's conduct toward Zwicker on February 18 was justified.


Therefore, the Zwicker count was dropped at the last minute and was replaced with this

substitute charge: 2) That Senator McCarthy, by characterizing the Watkins Committee

as the "unwitting handmaiden" of the Communist Party and by describing the special Senate

session as a "lynch party" and a "lynch bee," had "acted contrary to senatorial ethics and

tended to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute, to obstruct the

constitutional processes of the Senate, and to impair its dignity."


On December 2, 1954, even though more than a dozen senators told McCarthy that they

did not want to vote against him but had to do so because of the enormous pressure being

put on them by the Eisenhower Administration and by leaders of both political parties, the

Senate voted to "condemn" Senator Joseph McCarthy on both counts by a vote of 67 to

22. The Democrats voted unanimously in favor of condemnation and the Republicans split evenly.


Resolution condemns McCarthy


The resolution condemning Senator McCarthy has been criticized as a ridiculous attempt

to silence the strongest voice in the Senate investigating security and loyalty risks in the

U.S. government. When examined closely, the two counts used in condemning McCarthy

were hopelessly flawed.


In analyzing the first count, "failure to cooperate with the Subcommittee on Privileges

and Elections", the fact is that the subcommittee never subpoenaed McCarthy, but

only "invited" him to testify. One senator and two staff members resigned from the

subcommittee because of its dishonesty towards McCarthy. In its final report dated

January 2, 1953, the subcommittee, stated that the matters under consideration

"have become moot by reason of the 1952 election." Up until this moment in U.S.

history, no senator had ever been punished for something that had happened in a

previous Congress or for declining an "invitation" to testify. Therefore, the first count

was a complete fraud and nothing more than a trumped up charge in order to damage

Senator McCarthy.


The second count was even more flawed than the first. McCarthy was condemned for

opinions he had expressed outside the Senate when he criticized the Watkins Committee

and the special Senate session. In an editorial by David Lawrence in the June 7, 1957

issue of U.S. News & World Report, other senators had accused McCarthy of lying under

oath, accepting influence money, engaging in election fraud, making libelous and false

statements, practicing blackmail, doing the work of the communists for them, and engaging

in a questionable "personal relationship" with Roy Cohn and David Schine. However,

these other Senators were not censured for acting "contrary to senatorial ethics" or for

impairing the "dignity" of the Senate. Only Senator McCarthy would be held responsible

for his words.


Final years

The flag-draped coffin containing the body of Senator McCarthy is carried up the steps of the U.S. Capitol for funeral services in the Senate chamber after an earlier service at St. Matthew's Cathedral, May 6, 1957. Photograph courtesy of The Post-Crescent

Senator McCarthy's power and clout to continue the search for Communists in positions

of power in America was severely curtailed. After the Republicans lost control of the Senate

in 1954, McCarthy, now a member of the minority Party, had to depend on public

speeches to continue his campaign of warning the American people to the danger of

Communism. He did this in a number of important addresses during those two and a half years.


In January 1957, McCarthy and his wife, Jean, adopted a baby girl and named her, Tierney.

Unfortunately, several months later, McCarthy died of acute hepatitis, likely brought on by

his lifelong struggle with alcoholism, in Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48.


McCarthy was given a state funeral attended by 70 senators. McCarthy was the first senator

in 17 years to have funeral services in the Senate chamber. Thousands of people

viewed the body in Washington D.C. and it is estimated more than 30,000 people

from Wisconsin filed through St. Mary's Church in the senator's hometown of Appleton,

Wisconsin, where the clergy performed a Solemn Pontifical Requiem before more than

100 priests and 2,000 others. Three senators, George Malone, William E. Jenner, and

Herman Welker, had flown from Washington D.C. to Appleton on the plane carrying

McCarthy's casket. Robert Kennedy attended the funeral in Wisconsin. McCarthy was

buried in St. Mary's Parish Cemetery in Appleton and was survived by his wife, Jean, and

their adopted daughter, Tierney.


Retrospective views on McCarthy


  • In her popular book, Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold
  • War to the War on Terrorism, Ann Coulter said of McCarthy:

"A half century later, when the only people who call themselves Communists are
harmless cranks, it is difficult to grasp the importance of McCarthy's crusade. But
there's a reason 'Communist' now sounds about as threatening as 'monarchist'
-- and it's not because of intrepid New York Times editorials denouncing McCarthy
and praising Harvard educated Soviet spies. McCarthy made it a
disgrace to be a Communist. Domestic Communism could never recover."

When Ann Coulter asked Fox NewsBill O'Reilly to identify a McCarthy-tormented

innocent, O'Reilly responded with Dalton Trumbo, one of House Un-American Activities Committee's

(HUAC) “Hollywood Ten”, not realizing HUAC investigated CPUSA infiltration in Hollywood

and called “the Hollywood Ten” of writers, directors and producers to testify in

1947. McCarthy did not start his crusade against Communism until 1950.


  • In 1953-54, McCarthy had been investigating lax security in the top secret facility at
  •  Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey. He was attacked by liberals and Communists on the
  •  grounds that there were no security problems at Ft. Monmouth. Years later, in
  • addressing the reason why the U.S. Army's top-secret operations at Fort Monmouth
  •  were quietly moved to Arizona, Senator Barry Goldwater, in his 1979 book With
  • no apologies: The personal and political memoirs of United States Senator
  • Barry M. Goldwater, Goldwater stated:

"Carl Hayden, who in January 1955 became chairman of the powerful
Appropriations Committee of the United States Senate, told me privately
Monmouth had been moved because he and other members of the majority
Democratic Party were convinced security at Monmouth had been penetrated.
They didn't want to admit that McCarthy was right in his accusations. Their
only alternative was to move the installation from New Jersey to a new location
in Arizona."

Even though McCarthy's investigations proved that his suspicions were right, for many

years afterward and continuing to this day, liberals have spread the falsehood that McCarthy

had found nothing at Fort Monmouth.


  • Before the 1989 release of Carl Bernstein's book, Loyalties: A Son's Memoir, Albert
  • Bernstein, Carl's father, expressed dismay at the revelations that the book would make
  •  regarding Communist infiltration of the U.S. government and other sectors of American
  • society. Albert Bernstein stated:

"You're going to prove [Sen. Joseph] McCarthy was right, because all he
was saying is that the system was loaded with Communists. And he was
right. I'm worried about the kind of book you're going to write and about
cleaning up McCarthy. The problem is that everybody said he was a liar;
you're saying he was right. I agree that the Party was a force in the country."

Both Albert Bernstein and Sylvia Bernstein, Carl's mother, had both been Communists

since the 1940s. Albert Bernstein was a Union activist, while Sylvia Bernstein was a

secretary for the War Department in the 1930s and, during the Clinton Administration,

volunteered in the White House, answering letters that were addressed to Hillary Clinton.

During the 1950s, Sylvia Bernstein invoked the Fifth Amendment to avoid revealing her

party ties to Congress but worked openly in assisting convicted spies Julius Rosenberg

and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed in 1953 for espionage.


It should be pointed out how many people followed McCarthy on his crusade, and that

many pro-Americans still do. The majority of the sources that discredited Senator McCarthy

originated from a large assault by the liberal media that managed to sway the majority of

Americans against him at that time. While many Americans – liberals and conservatives–

use McCarthy's name in a negative connotation, such references are unfair to McCarthy.




  • "if liberals were merely stupid, the laws of probability would dictate
  •  that at least some of their decisions would serve America's interests."



  • Buckley, William F. McCarthy and His Enemies (1954),
  •  a major statement by a young conservative

  • Crosby, S.J., Donald F. God, Church and Flag:
  • Senator Joseph R. McCarthy and the Catholic Church,
  •  1950-1957 (1978). online edition

  • Fried, Richard M. Nightmare in Red:
  • The McCarthy Era in Perspective 1990 online edition

  • Joe-McC.jpg

  • Griffith, Robert. The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate 1987 online edition

  • Herman, Arthur Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s
  •  Most Hated Senator (2000). excerpt and text search, very favorable to McCarthy

  • Latham, Earl Communist Controversy in Washington: From the New Deal to McCarthy. (1969).

  • O'Brien, Michael. McCarthy and McCarthyism in Wisconsin. (1981)

  • Oshinsky, David M. A Conspiracy So Immense: The World of Joe McCarthy (1983), standard biography excerpt and text search

  • Reeves, Thomas C. The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy: A Biography (1982),
  • standard biography by a leading conservative scholar



  • Klehr, Harvey, John Earl Hayes and Fridrikh Igorevich Firsov. The Secret World of
  • American Communism (1995) excerpt and text search

  • Klehr, Harvey, and Ronald Radosh. The Amerasia Spy Case: Prelude to McCarthyism
  •  (1996), suggests that Soviet spying in the postwar United States was extensive and
  • that in the case of the arrest of the editors of the Amerasia magazine, and others, in
  •  1945, naive liberals in the Justice and State departments blocked efforts to bring the
  •  spy ring to justice. excerpt and text search

  • Lipset, Seymour Martin, and Earl Raab. The Politics of Unreason: Right Wing
  •  Extremism in America, 1790-1970 (1970) (Chap. 6 "The 1950's: McCarthyism")
  •  online edition

  • Morgan, Ted. Reds: McCarthyism in Twentieth-Century America. 2003. 685 pp.
  •  excerpt and text search

  • O'Reilly, Kenneth. Hoover and the Un-Americans: The FBI, HUAC, and the
  • Red Menace 1983

  • Ottanelli, Fraser M. The Communist Party of the United States: From the Depression
  •  to World War II 1991 excerpt and text search

  • Rausch, Scott Alan. "McCarthyism and Eisenhower's State Department, 1953-1961."
  •  PhD dissertation U. of Washington 2000. 231 pp. DAI 2000 61(6A): 2438-A. DA9976046

  • Schrecker, Ellen. "McCarthyism: Political Repression and the Fear of Communism." 
  • Social Research 2004 71(4): 1041-1086. Issn: 0037-783x Fulltext: in Ebsco;
  • summarizes her books on the subject

  • Schrecker, Ellen. Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America (1998)
  • excerpt and text search

  • Schrecker, Ellen. The Age of McCarthyism: A Brief History with Documents.
  •  (2d ed. 2002). 308 pp. excerpt and text search

  • Tanenhaus, Sam. Whittaker Chambers: A Biography (1998) excerpt and text search

  • Theoharis, Athan. Chasing Spies: How the FBI Failed in Counterintelligence but
  • Promoted the Politics of McCarthyism in the Cold War Years. (2002). 307 pp. 
  • excerpt and text search

  • Weinstein, Allen, and Vassiliev, Alexander. The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage
  •  in America: The Stalin Era (1999) excerpt and text search

Media issues


  • Doherty, Thomas. Cold War, Cool Media: Television, McCarthyism, and American
  •  Culture (2003) excerpt and text search

  • Dussere, Erik. "Subversion in the Swamp: Pogo and the Folk in the McCarthy Era."
  • Journal of American Culture2003 26(1): 134-141. Issn: 1542-7331 Fulltext: in Ebsco

  • Murphy, Brenda. Congressional Theatre: Dramatizing McCarthyism on Stage, Film,
  • and Television. (1999). 310 pp. excerpt and text search

  • Sbardellati, John and Shaw, Tony. "Booting a Tramp: Charlie Chaplin, the FBI, and
  • the Construction of the Subversive Image in Red Scare America." Pacific Historical Review 2003 72(4): 495-530. Issn: 0030-8684 in JSTOR

  • Strout, Lawrence N. Covering McCarthyism: How the Christian Science Monitor
  • Handled Joseph R. McCarthy, 1950-1954. 1999. 171 pp. online edition

Primary sources


  • Joe McCarthy. Major Speeches and Debates of Senator Joe McCarthy Delivered in
  •  the United States Senate, 1950-1951 U. S. Government Printing Office, 1953 online edition

  • Joe McCarthy. McCarthyism: The Fight for America 1952 online edition

  • Fried, ed. Albert. McCarthyism: The Great American Red Scare: a Documentary
  • History 1997 online edition

  • Schrecker, Ellen W. "Archival Sources for the Study of McCarthyism," The Journal
  •  of American History, Vol. 75, No. 1 (Jun., 1988), pp. 197–208 at JSTOR

See also




How the Jewish Marxists in America Destroyed Joe McCarthy
by Scott Speidel, Florida State University 

"Average Americans can do very little insofar as digging Communist espionage agents

out of our government is concerned. They must depend upon those of us whom they

send down here to man the watch-towers of the nation. The thing that I think we must

remember is that this is a war, which a brutalitarian force has won to a greater

extent than any brutalitarian force has won a war in the history of the world before.


"You can talk about Communism as though it's something ten thousand miles away.

Let me say it's right here with us now. Unless we make sure that there is no infiltration

of our government, then just as certain as you sit there, in the period of our lives

you will see a Red world.


"Anyone who has followed the Communist conspiracy, even remotely, and can add two and two,

will tell you that there is no remote possibility of this war which we are in today--and it's a war,

a war which we've been losing--no remote possibility of this ending except by victory or by

death for this civilization."


Those words were spoken 40 years ago by U.S. Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy,

Republican of Wisconsin, a man who since has been demonized unjustly. Since McCarthy's

time the subversion of our nation has proceeded steadily, and his warning to us resonates

more and more clearly as truth, now that death for this civilization is in view.


Joseph McCarthy's fame as an anti-Communist began with a speech he delivered on

February 9, 1950, to the Republican Women's Club in Wheeling, West Virginia, in which

he said that there were at least 57 known Communists in the U.S. State Department,

and that the State Department knew they were there.


McCarthy's charge was credible, because President Harry Truman's Secretary of State

at the time, Dean Acheson, was well known as a man sympathetic to Communism and

Communists. As far back as the 1930s Acheson had worked as a lawyer on behalf of Stalin's

regime, prior to the diplomatic recognition of the Soviet Union by the United States, and

recently he had ignored reports about the Communist Party connections of his protege at

the State Department, Alger Hiss. Acheson also had been the chief U.S. advisor at the

Yalta Conference, in February 1945, which consigned eastern Europe to Communist rule,

and he presided over the drafting of the United Nations Charter. In the State Department Acheson

fostered the careers of Communists and stifled the careers of anti-Communists.


Furthermore, as Ohio's Republican Senator Robert Taft said at the time, "Pro-Communist

policies of the State Department fully justify Joe McCarthy in his demand for an investigation."


Communist infiltration of the U.S. government had occurred on a grand scale during the

reign of Franklin Roosevelt. Congressman Martin Dies, Democrat of Texas and chairman

of the House Committee on Un-American Activities from its inception in 1938 until 1945,

had warned Roosevelt in 1940 that there were thousands of Communists and

pro-Communists on the government payroll, but FDR refused to take action, saying:


"I do not believe in Communism any more than you do, but there is nothing wrong with the

Communists in this country. Several of the best friends I have are Communists. . . .

I do not regard the Communists as any present or future threat to our country; in fact,

I look upon Russia as our strongest ally in the years to come. As I told you when

you began your investigation, you should confine yourself to Nazis and

Fascists. While I do not believe in Communism, Russia is far better off

and the world is safer under Communism than under the Czars."


Under the circumstances, McCarthy's charge that there were 57

known Communists in the State Department seems very modest.


McCarthy had been a maverick from the beginning. In 1949 he had dared champion

the cause of German prisoners of war held in connection with the alleged "MalmÊdy massacre."

In truth, what had happened near the Belgian town of MalmÊdy in December 1944 was

unclear at the time, part of what U.S. General Thomas T. Handy, who in 1949 was the

commander in chief of U.S. forces in Europe, called "a confused, mobile, and desperate

combat action." It is known now that a number of American soldiers who had surrendered

there to the Germans were shortly thereafter killed in cross fire when their captors, who

were marching them to a rear area, were engaged by other U.S. units. When their bodies

were found by U.S. forces afterward with their hands tied behind their backs, however,

it appeared that they might have been deliberately killed.


After the war, Germans who had taken part in the fighting at MalmÊdy were turned over

to U.S. Army Colonel A.H. Rosenfeld and his Jewish underlings for "interrogation."

The prisoners were arbitrarily reduced to civilian status so that they would not be protected

by the Geneva Convention, and brutal torture was used to extract confessions. When

18-year-old prisoner Arvid Freimuth hanged himself after repeated beatings rather than

sign a "confession," the prosecutors were permitted to use as "evidence"

the unsigned statement which they themselves had contrived.


McCarthy dared to speak against this officially sanctioned lynching, when almost no one else

had the courage to do so. By fearlessly championing the underdogs, the defeated and vilified

Germans, and speaking out against the actual atrocities committed by self-righteous aliens

in American uniform, the Senator demonstrated the rare moral courage that later

propelled him into the forefront of the struggle against Communism.


The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Raymond Baldwin, Republican of

Connecticut, was assigned to investigate the charges of torture, but whitewashed them

instead. On July 26, 1949, Senator McCarthy withdrew in disgust from the hearings and

announced in a speech on the Senate floor that two members of the Committee, Senator

Baldwin and Senator Estes Kefauver, Democrat of Tennessee, had law partners among

the Army interrogators they were supposedly investigating. This was in several ways a

preview of things to come.


The Jews showed instant hostility toward anyone who interfered with their campaign of

vengeance against the conquered Germans, and so they began turning their big guns in

the media against McCarthy: a December 1949 poll of news correspondents covering the

United States Senate already had reporters branding McCarthy "the worst Senator"--

a high honor indeed.


When McCarthy had arrived in Washington as a freshman Senator in 1946, he had

been invited to lunch by Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal. McCarthy writes:


"Before meeting Jim Forrestal I thought we were losing to international Communism

because of incompetence and stupidity on the part of our planners. I mentioned that to

Forrestal. I shall forever remember his answer. He said, 'McCarthy, consistency has

never been a mark of stupidity. If they were merely stupid they would occasionally make

a mistake in our favor.' This phrase struck me so forcefully that I have often used it since."


Considering the destructive policies that thrived in Washington, McCarthy concluded that

to fight Communism effectively it was not enough to denounce Communism in general;

anyone--even a Communist--could claim to oppose Communism. The Senator decided

that it was necessary to identify those responsible for treasonous policies and then

accuse them on the basis of what they actually had done, not on the basis of the

ideas to which they paid lip service.


A special investigating subcommittee chaired by Senator Millard Tydings, Democrat of

Maryland, was set up purportedly to investigate McCarthy's claim that Communists

and pro-Communists were being harbored in the State Department. In reality, as Tydings

himself admitted, the purpose was to silence McCarthy. Tydings boasted, "Let me have

McCarthy for three days in public hearings, and he will never show his face in the Senate

again." Tydings' effort to discredit the upstart patriot would be heavily aided by the major media.


One of the reporters present at the hearings was Elmer Davis, a prominent radio

commentator who had been head of the Office of War Information (OWI). McCarthy noted:


Many of the [principals in the] cases I was about to present had once been employees

in the OWI under Davis and then had moved into the State Department. As I glanced at

Davis I recalled that Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, one of the anti-Communist leaders of

Poland, had warned the State Department, while Davis was head of the OWI, that

OWI broadcasts were "following the Communist line consistently," and that

the broadcasts "might well


have emanated from Moscow itself." There could be no doubt how Davis would report

the story. . . . At one of the other tables I saw [left-wing, muckraking columnist] Drew Pearson's

men. I could not help but remember that Pearson had employed a member of the

Communist Party, Andrew


Older, to write Pearson's stories on the House Committee on Un-American Activities

and that another one of Pearson's limited staff was David Karr, who had previously

worked for the Communist


Party's official publication, the Daily Worker. No doubt about how Pearson would cover the

story. . . . As I waited for the chairman to open the hearing I, of course, knew the left-wing

elements of the press would twist and distort the story to protect every Communist whom

I exposed, but frankly I had no conception of how far the dishonest news coverage would go.


In the case of Owen Lattimore, the testimony of McCarthy's chief witness, ex-Communist

Louis Budenz, was widely misrepresented. Lattimore was a scholar on Far Eastern

affairs employed by the State Department as a consultant; he had advised the State

Department that Chinese Communist leader Mao Tse-Tung was merely "a liberal agrarian

reformer" at a time when Washington was still unsure how to react to

Mao's efforts to overthrow the Chinese government. In McCarthy's words:


[Budenz] . . . testified that . . . [Lattimore], who had been employed by the government,

consulted for years by State Department officials on Far Eastern policy, and looked to

by newspapermen and magazine editors for news on Far Eastern trends, had been a

member of the Communist Party.


Many newspapers and wire services so twisted Budenz's testimony about Lattimore,

however, that it was not clear to most Americans that Lattimore had indeed been

identified positively as a Communist.


One honest reporter, Dave McConnell of the New York Herald Tribune, wrote in the

May 16, 1950, edition of his now defunct paper that "you have to use a sieve

to strain out the bias in the McCarthy stories published in many papers."


"Tail-gunner Joe," as McCarthy was nicknamed by the press, was seen by many as a

national hero. A Gallup poll taken May 21, 1950, showed that among the general public

he had four supporters for every three detractors. In a later Gallup poll, taken in January

1954, 50 per cent of the public viewed him favorably, and 29 per cent viewed him

unfavorably. McCarthy was the one man in Washington, D.C., who bucked the bipartisan

pressure to be polite to America's enemies and to "get along by going along." He was the

one man who took anti-Communism seriously and was willing to do something about it.


At the time conservative writer Harold Lord Varney wrote in American Mercury:


McCarthy is where he is today because he satisfies the deep national hunger for an

affirmative man. In a Washington of vacillating, irresolute, pressure-group-cowed politicians,

he stands out in sharp relief as a man sure of himself. His unshaken self-confidence

is shown by the opponents he has tackled: they have been Marshall, Acheson, Tydings,

Conant--men in the full tide of their authority. And he has never lost a major Washington

fight. . . . He sometimes gets too far out in front of public opinion, but so far public opinion

has always followed him. . . . Because McCarthy has been willing to act as the shock

absorber of the main stream of pro-Communist abuse, the careers of all [other] anti-Communists

have been made easier. . . . One far-reaching consequence of [McCarthy's fight] has been

its impact upon the American world of ideas. The climate of American public discussion

has been amazingly cleared since McCarthy began to fight. . . . The long grip on the nation's

communications media exercised by the literary Reds and Pinkos has been broken. . . .


This is all very different, of course, from today's popular conception, which was molded

by the controlled media. Little is said of McCarthy's popularity, which even Eisenhower

dared not challenge directly. Instead, we are led to believe that McCarthy was a brutal

tyrant who somehow managed to run roughshod over everyone's civil liberties and give

the entire country a very bad case of claustrophobia for several years, all of this as

chairman of a Senate subcommittee.


Make no mistake about it: McCarthy did cause considerable discomfort to some people:

to the alien subversives and traitors whose ultimate goal was and still is the New World Order.

It was these people who, in their effort to silence McCarthy, ironically characterized him as

an enemy of free speech. The First Amendment, of course, had been drafted precisely

to protect men like McCarthy, who dared to identify treason in high places.


There were undoubtedly, however, some sincere, patriotic Americans who agreed

with McCarthy's aim of removing Communists from government, but who found

his method, with all of its sensationalism and public-relations gimmickry, distasteful.

McCarthy's method was, as he himself explained, a last resort:


"I have followed the method of publicly exposing the truth about men who, because of

incompetence or treason, were betraying this nation. Another method would be to

take the evidence to the President and ask him to discharge those who were serving

the Communist cause. A third method would be to give the facts to the proper Senate

committee which had the power to hire investigators and subpoena witnesses and records.

The second and third methods . . . were tried without success. . . .

The only method left to me was to present the truth to the American people. This I did."


People who criticized McCarthy's public accusations merely as being in poor taste clearly

did not appreciate the gravity of the situation and the necessity for taking action. Also

it should be noted that McCarthy had not wanted to read his original list of 57 subversives

publicly, but the Tydings Committee required it of him. According to the Congressional

Record of Feb 20, 1950, p. 2049, McCarthy protested on the Senate floor:


"I think . . . it would be improper to make the names public until the appropriate Senate

Committee can meet in executive session and get them. . . . It might leave a wrong impression."


Unfortunately, "the wrong impression" was exactly what the Tydings Committee wished to

promote. In other words, contrary to the reputation for "recklessness" that was

applied to him, McCarthy exercised his First Amendment right with great care.


Like some resurrected Paul Revere or latter-day Cicero, it was he who sounded the alarm,

who let the American people know that their government had been subverted by alien

interests; and it was the shadow government of "globalists" who wished to silence him, so

that their power and their pernicious influence would remain hidden from the American people.


International Communism and international finance--the twin thrusts of Jewish power--were

both ill-served by the attention McCarthy drew to the issues of loyalty and subversion.


In the 1952 elections the Republicans captured both houses of Congress and the Presidency,

largely due to McCarthy's influence. McCarthy became chairman of the Senate's Government

Operations Committee and its Subcommittee on Investigations. The new President, however,

was a pet of the New World Order clique, and he would succeed where Truman had failed

in discrediting McCarthy.


In the discrediting of McCarthy, there is no doubt that there was a conspiracy at work.

We know this because men who were privy to the conspiracy later wrote books about it.

The activities of the conspirators were, of course, necessarily subtle; Eisenhower himself

studiously avoided even mentioning McCarthy's name in public, and the media coverage

was almost unbelievably biased. Thus, for the general public, the arrangements which

brought down McCarthy were a mystery, though in essence they were very simple:

McCarthy was maneuvered into an awkward position, the major media portrayed

him as unfavorably as possible, and his colleagues deserted him.


McCarthy's reputation was destroyed chiefly by the feud that two staffers on his Subcommittee

on Investigations, Roy Cohn and G. David Schine, conducted against

the United States Army, contrary to McCarthy's wishes.


Under pressure from influential Jewish columnist George Sokolsky and the Jewish president

of the Hearst Corporation, Richard Berlin, both purported anti-Communists, McCarthy

announced on January 2, 1953, that 26-year-old Roy Cohn would be the chief counsel

of the Investigations Subcommittee. Cohn, the son of New York Supreme Court Judge

Albert Cohn, had been well served by his Jewish connections in the past, having been

hired as an assistant U.S. attorney immediately after passing the New York bar examination.

Cohn himself later admitted that he was hired by McCarthy primarily because he was a Jew:


"There was a growing slander abroad in the land . . . that McCarthy was a Jew-hater . . .

and he wanted to deflect it. I was the obvious answer, and the alternative--[Robert Kennedy,]

the son of the well-known, well-documented anti-Semite Joseph P. Kennedy, the former

pro-Hitler ambassador to the Court of St. James--was the last person McCarthy needed to

head his committee."


It probably need not be stressed that the Jews themselves were

the source of this "slander" that McCarthy felt obliged to counter.


Thus, McCarthy was stuck with Cohn; privately he expressed the fear that if Cohn resigned

for any reason the charge of "anti-Semitism" immediately would be raised against him again.


Furthermore, with most of the news media already solidly against him, McCarthy was

desperate for some favorable press coverage. Illinois Republican Senator Everett Dirksen

commented, "Cohn was put on the Committee by the Hearst press, and Joe doesn't dare

lose that support."


Cohn, who died of AIDS in 1986, was a homosexual, and rumor of the perversion

became widespread after Cohn had brought another young Jew, G. David Schine, onto

McCarthy's staff. According to Cohn himself in his autobiography, Cohn and Schine

were then rumored to be "Jack and Jill." This rumor was undoubtedly a great

embarrassment to McCarthy, since the controlled media had not yet succeeded in

making homosexuality fashionable, and homosexuals were among the security

risks to be investigated.


At Cohn's insistence, Schine was accepted as an unpaid "chief consultant" on Communism.

Schine's credentials for this position were that he had authored a pamphlet, Definition of

Communism, which his wealthy parents had allowed him to distribute in their hotel chain.

This pamphlet gave incorrect dates for the Russian Revolution and the founding of the

Communist Party, confused Marx with Lenin, Stalin with Trotsky, and Kerensky with

Prince Lvov, and got Lenin's name wrong. The Jewish millionaire-playboy

was thus highly qualified, in Cohn's view, to be a consultant.


McCarthy hoped that he could save himself from accusations of "anti-Semitism" with

Roy Cohn, and if necessary, with Dave Schine. But the day McCarthy accepted

these two Jews as his assistants was the day his downfall really began.


As the son of a Jewish multi-millionaire, Schine had avoided the draft for the Korean War

by getting himself classified 4-F. As soon as he became a staff member of McCarthy's

committee, however, at the instigation of left-wing journalist Drew Pearson the Army

reclassified Schine 1-A and drafted him. Thus, the stage was set for

Roy Cohn to involve McCarthy in a dispute with the United States Army.


It is clear that McCarthy was dragged into this dispute

against his will. Army lawyer John Adams relates:


"Senator McCarthy spoke out quite freely about his irritation over Schine. He told me that

the individual is of absolutely no help to the committee, was interested in nothing but the

photographers and getting his picture in the papers, and that things had reached the point

where he was a complete pest. McCarthy stated to me quite emphatically that he was

anxious to see this individual drafted, and . . . he hoped . . . we would send him as far

away as possible 'to get him out of [his] hair.' . . . "Send him wherever you can, as far

away as possible. Korea is too close."


Cohn raised hell with the Army, first threatening revenge for the drafting of Schine, then

agitating for special treatment for his putative boyfriend. John Adams stated in a

January 21, 1954, meeting in Attorney General Herbert Brownell's office that demands for

the names of Army loyalty-board members usually were preceded by flare-ups over the

reassignment of Schine. McCarthy was not happy about this behavior, and he privately

complained that Cohn was indeed carrying out a vendetta against the Army on account of Schine.


McCarthy had instructed Adams on December 17, 1953, that, having learned the extent

of the interference Cohn and Schine were causing for the commanding general of Fort Dix,

he wished the Army to discontinue all special treatment for Schine. Subsequently, the

alleged anti-Communist Jew, columnist George Sokolsky, contacted Adams repeatedly,

continuing to urge special treatment for Schine. On February 12, 1954, Sokolsky went

so far as to tell Adams that he, Sokolsky, would "get them to drop all this stuff they are

planning for the Army [i.e., McCarthy's investigation of Communist subversion in the Army],"

if a special assignment were arranged for Schine. It seemed that Sokolsky was more

concerned about the comfort and convenience of one fellow Jew than about the national

security of the United States--or he was deliberately exacerbating the animosity between

the Army and McCarthy.


Meanwhile, in late January 1954 a story in the New York Post featured Fort Dix recruits

complaining that Schine lived among them like a visiting dignitary--and Joseph McCarthy

was taking the blame.


Secretary of the Army Robert Stevens said that he was wary about "discriminating against"

Schine, because Schine was a Jew. Likewise, McCarthy said that he was afraid to fire Cohn,

"because [I] might be accused of being anti-Semitic." Here we have the Secretary of

the Army and the chairman of a Senate committee, both paralyzed by fear of being called

"anti-Semitic," allowing 26-year-old Roy Cohn and the utterly inconsequential

G. David Schine to walk all over them.


It was not only the fact that McCarthy had felt the wrath of the Jews when he had spoken

out against the barbarous treatment of German prisoners five years earlier that made

him wary of offending them again. His investigations into Communist subversion were

turning up a vastly disproportionate number of Jewish Communists, and he was

afraid that the Jews would believe he was hunting Jews rather than Communists.


By using the threat of investigation as a weapon to coerce the Army into giving special

treatment to his friend Schine, Cohn had tainted the legitimacy of McCarthy's patriotic work.

Cohn was creating exactly the impression of reckless disregard

for fairness and propriety that McCarthy had wished to avoid.


McCarthy had apparently hoped that the alleged anti-Communist Jews with whom he

dealt were what they claimed to be. With their involvement, however, all his efforts

met with grief. If the Senator had taken account of Jewish traits--especially their bent

for deception, which goes far beyond anything encountered in the Gentile world--then

perhaps he would have braved the charges of "anti-Semitism" rather than tolerate Jews on his staff.


The anti-Communist credentials of Jewish columnist George Sokolsky, for example, who

had recommended Roy Cohn, were invented rather late in life. In 1917, at the age of 24,

Sokolsky had gone to Russia with a large number of other Jews, filled with ardor for the

prospect of world Communism and hoping to lend a hand to the Bolsheviks in fastening

the Communist yoke on the Russians. For a while he edited the English-language Communist

newspaper Daily News in Petrograd; then he left for China to practice his journalistic

skills on behalf of the revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen, who was working to set up a

Communist government in China and was receiving aid from the Soviets. In 1931,

claiming disillusionment with the methods of Bolshevism, he returned to the

United States, where he used different methods.


As a right-wing columnist for the Hearst newspapers, Sokolsky was well-placed to accomplish

much for the Jewish obsession with the New World Order by misdirecting the anti-Communist

movement into blind alleys, false hopes, and confusion--and away from the truth. Considering

these facts, are we justified in believing his claim that he had completely changed his

ideals and in the 1950s was fervently against what he had been fervently for earlier in

Russia and China? A clue may be provided by Sokolsky's 1935 book, We Jews, in which

he lamented the fact that Jews are not even more cohesive than they are. Certainly,

no race-conscious Jew could have genuinely supported McCarthy's efforts to root Communists

out of positions of influence in American life, since he would have understood that exposing

Communism meant exposing Jews.


Similarly, Roy Cohn, who called Sokolsky his "rabbi," was another member of the far

left who claimed a miraculous conversion: as late as 1949 he was openly calling anti-Communism

a "witch-hunt" and said that Alger Hiss was a victim of a "right-wing conspiracy." Given the

legendary cohesiveness of the Jewish people and the Jewishness of Communism,

one is justified in viewing these overnight conversions with suspicion.


There is more than Roy Cohn's youthful attachment to leftist causes to make us suspicious

of his motives: his father Albert Cohn had been the first judge appointed by Franklin

Roosevelt after the latter became governor of New York. Thus, the Cohns were firmly

attached to the very clique that had fostered what McCarthy called "twenty years of treason."


It looks very much as if McCarthy, who wished so much to avoid crossing the Jews,

allowed himself to be swindled in the age-old game of Good Jew/Bad Jew.


The man whom Eisenhower had appointed Secretary of the Army, Robert Stevens,

head of the J.P. Stevens textiles business, was staunchly anti-Communist, having

witnessed the pernicious influence of Communists in exacerbating labor disputes.

Stevens was even distrustful of New Deal supporters. He was thus appointed not as a

member of the New World Order clique around Ike, but merely as a valuable (if misguided)

Republican booster. Stevens had apparently taken Eisenhower's anti-Communist campaign

rhetoric at face value.


Upon assuming office in February 1953, Stevens requested a briefing on the Army's Loyalty

and Security Program: "The presentation should set forth what steps are to be taken to

prevent disloyal and subversive persons from infiltrating the Army, and what steps have

been taken to discover and remove such persons who may have found their way into

the Army Establishment." So concerned was Stevens about combatting subversion that

he asked advice from J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Finally, when Stevens heard that McCarthy was concerned about security risks in

the Army, he rushed a telegram to him, offering his assistance in the investigation.


McCarthy's staff announced on September 10, 1953, that there was very serious evidence

of espionage at Fort Monmouth. The evidence was an extract of a report from J. Edgar

Hoover to the head of Army Intelligence. The document mentioned 35 Fort Monmouth

employees as security risks, most of them Jews of Russian origin who had been in

contact with the atom-bomb spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Stevens instructed the

commanding general at Fort Monmouth: "Cooperate! See to it that they interview

anyone they wish to."


During the investigation at Fort Monmouth, however, attention was diverted to nearby

Camp Kilmer. This was the case of the Jewish Communist Irving Peress. Peress,

an Army dentist who was proved to be not only a member but an organizer of Communist

groups, had sworn a false oath upon receiving his officer's commission. Worse, when the

matter was exposed Peress was promoted and later given an honorable discharge,

thus escaping the jeopardy of a court-martial. The Peress case was a tremendous

embarrassment to the Army, because it showed that security in

the Army was a mere formality which was easily circumvented.


McCarthy's confidential informant on the Peress case was General Ralph Zwicker. A

hearing in New York City was arranged, and General Zwicker was called to testify as to

the identity of the Pentagon official who had ordered Peress' honorable discharge. On

the very morning of the hearing, however, Zwicker received an order from John Adams

not to reveal the official's name. McCarthy did all he could

to persuade Zwicker to talk in spite of the order, but he failed.


Thereafter the press made a great fuss over McCarthy's rough treatment of Zwicker

and the "insult to the uniform." It was alleged that McCarthy

had without cause accused Zwicker of shielding subversives.


Secretary Stevens decided not to allow General Zwicker or other Army officers to testify

further. Says William Ewald, a Department of Defense official at the time: "A cheer went

up: from anti-McCarthyites within the Administration itself, from editorial writers far and wide,

from liberals coast to coast." Especially noteworthy was a telephone call to Stevens from

Marshall Plan administrator Paul Hoffman in California--at whose residence Eisenhower

was then vacationing. This congratulation was inferred to represent

the attitude of that champion McCarthy-hater, President Ike.


Eisenhower's friend Hoffman was married to Anna Rosenberg, who had been Truman's

Jewish Assistant Secretary of Defense in 1950 and had been diligent in promoting liberal

programs in the Army and the other armed services. She, more than

anyone else, had forced full racial integration on the services.


Unlike Ike, however, Secretary Stevens was not an implacable foe of McCarthy and

anti-Communism. Although he thought Roy Cohn was awful, he said he saw McCarthy

as a "reasonable" man. In a conference with the majority members of McCarthy's

subcommittee, an agreement was reached and Stevens signed a document that

stated this accord. The anti-McCarthy interpretation of this event has been that Secretary

Stevens did not understand what he was doing. More likely, Stevens did not

understand what Eisenhower was doing. Nor did the American people understand!


Stevens said of the media's explosively hostile reaction to his reconciliation with McCarthy,

"I think I have been absolutely crucified. . . ." Furthermore, he showed

naivetÊ by saying that he thought the press had "misunderstood" the agreement.


Eisenhower decided to have Secretary Stevens "admit an administrative error" and renege

on the agreement. A repudiation of Stevens' agreement with

McCarthy was composed, and Stevens was made to read it publicly.


Meanwhile, President Eisenhower's staff, without Stevens' knowledge, had instructed

Stevens' subordinate John Adams to compile a written record of Cohn's and Schine's

behavior. Adams, a holdover from the Truman administration, apparently

was considered more politically reliable than the conservative Stevens.


On March 8, 1954, when Secretary Stevens was asked about the record of improper

pressure by Cohn and Schine (which John Adams had leaked to the press a few days earlier)

he said, "I personally think that anything in that line would prove to be very much

exaggerated. . . . I am the Secretary, and I have had some talks with the committee and

the chairman . . . and by and large as far as the treatment of me is concerned, I have no

personal complaints . . . ."


On March 10, although Stevens had not even been aware of the Schine chronology

two days earlier, he was pressured into approving a version heavily "revised" by

Defense Department attorney Struve Hensel. It was called the "Stevens-Adams chronology,"

although Stevens had only just learned of it. Under pressure, the Secretary of the

Army was now lending his name to a document that he had said would be "very much exaggerated."


In late April 1954 the Army-McCarthy hearings began. The Army had accused McCarthy

and Roy Cohn of using improper pressure, evidence of this being the so-called "Stevens-Adams

chronology." McCarthy counter-charged that the Army was trying

to discredit his committee and stop its investigation of the Army.


During the hearings Stevens was the Army's "star witness." He "stonewalled" the

subcommittee, giving vague, unresponsive, and often self-contradictory testimony.

It became clear to McCarthy that Stevens was acting under orders from Eisenhower's

staff. The Army's case, however, already had been blown sky-high, and McCarthy

essentially vindicated, when Senator Everett Dirksen, a member of the McCarthy Subcommittee,

testified that the Army's counsel John Adams and Eisenhower's administrative assistant

Gerald Morgan had approached him on January 22, 1954, seeking to stifle part of McCarthy's

investigation of the Army. Dirksen testified that Adams had mentioned the Army's file on

Cohn and Schine, dropping a "hint" that these files might be very damaging

if they were "issued and ventilated on the front pages" of newspapers.


At this point, John Adams, not wishing to be the lone scapegoat for Eisenhower, and,

furthermore, living under the possibility of a prosecution for perjury, revealed that he

had been told to compile the chronology on Cohn and Schine by members of Eisenhower's

staff in a secret meeting in the Attorney General's office the day before approaching Dirksen.


The White House was now clearly implicated in a conspiracy to shield subversion in the

government. On May 17 Eisenhower, in an obvious attempt to prevent his own role

from being investigated further, issued what became known as the "iron curtain" order.

Eisenhower claimed that it was a Constitutional principle that the President

could forbid his subordinates from revealing any information to the Congress.


On May 27, after several more days of vague, unresponsive, and sometimes conflicting

testimony from Stevens, McCarthy responded in exasperation to Eisenhower's gag order:

"The oath which every person in this government takes, to protect and defend the country

against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that oath towers far above any presidential

security directive." He urged federal employees to come forward with any

information they might have about corruption and subversion in government.


The next day Eisenhower had his press secretary convey to the media a statement that

likened McCarthy to Hitler: a comparison that was not meant to flatter McCarthy.

Edward R. Murrow and other media figures took their cue and began echoing that line.


McCarthy, however, was expressing essentially the same idea which

Theodore Roosevelt had expressed half a century earlier, when the latter said:


It is patriotic to support [the President] insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is

unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails

in his duty to stand by the country. . . . In any event, it is unpatriotic

not to tell the truth--whether about the President or anyone else.


And of course, the truth was exactly what Ike feared. Was this not the Eisenhower who

had carried out Operation Keelhaul after the Second World War, in which anti-Communist

Russians, Hungarians, and others were forcibly repatriated to a certain death under

Communism? Was this not the Eisenhower who deliberately starved to death over a

million German prisoners of war? And was this not the same Eisenhower who later

sent paratroopers into Little Rock to enforce racial integration with bayonets?


Regardless of the legal result, biased media coverage made the Army-McCarthy hearings

a propaganda victory for the pro-Communists. Army counsel Joseph Welch, through

hyperbole and histrionics, managed to convince a large portion of the public that a few

peripheral issues he raised during the hearings were serious embarrassments to McCarthy.


For example, Welch insisted for the television cameras that part of an FBI report listing

subversives at Fort Monmouth was "a carbon copy of precisely nothing" and "a perfect

phoney," even though FBI Director Hoover said that he had written it. Similarly, Welch

dramatically accused McCarthy of introducing a "doctored" photograph into evidence:

it was a quite genuine photograph, which merely had been cropped and enlarged for

the sake of clarity. The media played up Welch's accusations and ignored McCarthy's explanations.


Welch was much more an actor than a lawyer: later, in 1959, he starred in a major Hollywood

production, Anatomy of a Murder, alongside Jimmy Stewart and Lee Remick. In any

event, during the Army-McCarthy hearings the Senate hearing room was his stage,

and he played his role to the hilt. When McCarthy pointed out that a member of Welch's

own law firm, Fred Fischer, had been a member of the National Lawyers' Guild, an

organization cited as a Communist front by the Attorney General, Welch waxed maudlin

and sobbed the famous line, "Have you no sense of decency at long last?" Later,

outside the hearing room, Welch wept again for the benefit of the news photographers.


As reported by the media, Welch was a man of great humanity who was shocked that

McCarthy would be so ignoble as to attempt to ruin Fischer's career with his accusation,

while McCarthy was a heel for even raising the matter. The fact that McCarthy's

charge was perfectly accurate seemed to make no difference at all to the media.


And so it was with other episodes in the hearings. One contemporary

observer, Harold Varney, noted in the American Mercury:


"Unfortunately, the anti-McCarthy press was not honest enough to admit publicly that the Senator

had been vindicated. The smearers continued to parrot the smears, just as if the disproof were

not before the country."


The masters of the controlled media were determined to "get" McCarthy, and they did.

They had not directed as much hatred on any public figure since Adolf Hitler.


By September many of his supporters in the Congress, ever sensitive to the direction

of the political wind, had thrown in the towel. McCarthy's Senate colleagues stripped

him of his committee chair in November. On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted

67-22 to condemn him for "conduct contrary to Senatorial traditions."

The condemnation permanently ended his effectiveness as a legislator.










Joe McCarthy vs Joe Welch:

The REAL Story


by Mike King



During the Army-McCarthy confrontation of 1954, Joe Welch -- corrupt sleazeball attorney

representing the Red infiltrated U.S. Army -- launched a prepared platitude which the Fake

News of the day had, and Fake Historians ever since have, misrepresented as "the beginning

of the end" for the great anti-Communist Senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy.

Welch's self-righteously dramatic “Have you no sense of decency, Sir?” quickly became

and remains the stuff of Libtard legend. Welch's grandstanding snippet is taught in schools

and the event is replayed (out of context) on TV crockumentaries to this day.  It's even got

its own Real History Channel trademark now -- “Have you no sense of decency, Sir?” 

Now if any of the circle-jerk repeater "historians" of today would take the initiative to

actually examine original-source history (the only way to uncover real history) in the

full context of things, he would soon understand that Welch's theatrical accusation that

McCarthy was lacking in "decency" was not the protestation of a righteous man; but rather,

a classic, textbook case of a caught-red-handed liar feigning moral indignation toward the

investigator. McCarthy's questioning of Welch was neither out of order nor outside the

boundaries of "decency", at all! To the contrary, as you shall see, it was Welch who raised

his voice,turned hostile and displayed "indecency."


1. The Joe Welch performance was nothing but a rigged drama act. 

2. Books like "The Venona Secrets" and my very own, "St. Joseph of Wisconsin"

provide the necessary context for understanding the shocking level of the

Communist subversion which was enabled and protected by the

FDR-Truman-Eisenhower administrations from 1933-1954.


The Army–McCarthy hearings came about due to McCarthy's allegations of Red penetration

of the Army and the Army's counterattacks upon McCarthy's assistant, Roy Cohn

(who, during the 70's & 80's became an adviser to Donald Trump). Joseph Welch was

a partner at Hale and Dorr, the Boston law firm hired to represent the Army. Prior to the

start of the hearings, Welch had tapped Fred Fisher as the junior attorney to assist him

during the hearings. It was soon discovered that Fisher, while in Harvard Law school,

had joined the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) - a known Communist front organization

if ever there was one! (here)

McCarthy was understandably suspicious over the fact that the Army's chosen law firm

tried to assign a Communist - or at least a Communist "fellow traveler" - to confront and

confound a Senate Committee tasked with exposing Communists within the ranks of

the very government which the Army is supposed to answer to. (Welch had to withdraw

Fisher from the case.) In a very calm and civil tone (video linked down below), McCarthy

(an ex-Judge) questioned Welch about his Communist boy Fisher. That's when the

grand-standing and oh-so-offended Welch, animated and agitated, put on the self-righteous

and aggressive victimization act which the press, court historians, and Hollywood have made so famous.


1. Point of Order (1964) - Cherry-picked clips of the Army-McCarthy hearings include

“Have you no sense of decency, Sir?”

 2. Tail Gunner Joe (1977) Burgess Meredith played Joe Welch in a badly distorted

TV movie about the Army-McCarthy hearings. -- “Have you no sense of decency, Sir?” 

3. Blah, blah blah -- circle jerk "historians" repeat each other's errors.



Welch accused McCarthy of "recklessness"

and "cruelty" -- accusations which stick to this

day. But was Joe McCarthy really being "reckless"

and "indecent" in his exchange with Attorney Welch?

We present -- You decide.




McCarthy has asked Welch about Fred Fisher and his membership in the Communist NLG.


Welch: Until this moment, Senator, I think I have never really gauged your cruelty or your

recklessness. Fred Fisher is a young man who went to the Harvard Law School and came

into my firm and is starting what looks to be a brilliant career with us. Little did I dream you

could be so reckless and so cruel as to do an injury to that lad. It is true he is still with Hale

and Dorr. It is true that he will continue to be with Hale and Dorr. It is, I regret to say, equally

true that I fear he shall always bear a scar needlessly inflicted by you. If it were in my power

to forgive you for your reckless cruelty I would do so. I like to think I am a gentleman,

but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me.

McCarthy: May I say that Mr. Welch talks about this being cruel and reckless. He was

just baiting -- he has been baiting Mr. Cohn (McCarthy's legal assistant / later adviser to

Trump) for hours ----- now I just give this man's (Fisher's) record, and I want to say Mr. Welch,

that is has been labeled long before he became a member (of Welch's law firm), as early as 1944...

Welch: Senator, may we not drop this? We know he belonged to the Lawyers Guild.

Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough. Have

you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?

McCarthy: Mr. Welch talks about any sense of decency. It seems that Mr. Welch is pained

so deeply -- he thinks it is improper for me to give the record - the Communist front record

- of a man whom he wanted to foist upon this committee. -- Mr.Welch, if I have said anything

here which is untrue, then tell me. I have heard you and everyone else talk so much about

laying the truth on the table.

McCarthy then tries to ask Welch another question about Fisher.

The combative Welch, invoking God, quickly interrupts:

Welch: Mr. McCarthy, I will not discuss this further with you. You have sat within six feet

of me and could have asked me about Fred Fisher. You have seen fit to bring it out.

And if there is a God in Heaven it will do neither you nor your cause any good. I will not

discuss it further. I will not ask Mr. Cohn any more questions. You, Mr. Chairman, may, if you will,

call the next witness.


Now, I ask you, dear reader -- what was so "cruel" -- what was so "indecent" about

Senator McCarthy wanting to get to the bottom of the mystery of how and why a Communist

lawyer was assigned to represent the U.S. Army during hearings indirectly related to the

exposure of Communist moles? One must admit -- it is a bit troubling, no, mind-boggling,

is it not? Why did Welch over-react and turn so defensive? Answer: Because he was

stone-cold busted - that's why!

The following day, The New York Slimes, The Washington Compost, and the rest of the

Piranha Press Fake News whore pack followed "hero" Welch's lead and denounced McCarthy

for his "tactics." The Fake News of yesteryear became the Fake

History of today -- taught to every schoolchild in America. Typical!




All throughout the Army-McCarthy hearings - which worried the phony "anti-Communist"

President / ex-General Eisenhower - the press smeared McCarthy and misrepresented all the testimonies.

On the other hand, Deep State-connected Welch, the slick sophist and defender

of Communists, was hyped up as a heroic fighter for freedom and human rights!


Proving that crime does indeed pay, the Communist Fred Fisher went on to become

a full partner at Welch's Hale and Dorr. In 1973–74, he served as president of the

Massachusetts Bar Association. In 1989, he died in Israel, (cough-cough) where he was lecturing.

Joseph Welch, that big-mouth drama queen with the nasty demeanor, became a living

legend of the left -- even playing a judge in the film Anatomy of a Murder (1959). His

wife, Agnes, was also cast in the film, as a juror. He was nominated for a Golden Globe

Award for Best Supporting Actor. Welch also narrated two television shows before his death in 1960.

And what of the great, the good and the misunderstood Joseph McCarthy? President Eisenhower,

working behind the scenes, eventually had the anti-Communist hearings killed and McCarthy

censured by his Senate colleagues (prominent among them being Senator Prescott Bush -

patriarch of that vile Bush Family Dynasty. The "disgraced" Senator McCarthy soon

died of a very suspicious and sudden death (poison?) in 1957. He was just 47.

In terms of inducing pure revulsion and hatred, McCarthy's name ranks second only to that

of The Great One (that's Adolf Hitler for all of you newbies and normies) -- which tells us

all we need to know about both men! As the Roman poet-philosopher Ausonius once observed:

"Truth is the mother of hatred."



1. Eisenhower and Prescott Bush (and many others) plotted to destroy McCarthy

before his investigations could reach up to the New World Order bosses who

were ultimately behind the lower-level Communist penetration.


2. Acting in a film came naturally to a phony poser like Joe Welch.


3. Great Quote! -- "This must be the product of a great conspiracy, a conspiracy

on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man."

- Joe McCarthy

1. A libtard named Michael L. urinates on the grave of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy

in St. Mary's Cemetery - Appleton, WI. -- a common practice among area

Communists & Libtards. (here) 2. McCarthy's Senate seat is held today by

Commie-Pinko lesbian Tammy Baldwin.











 The Kennedy Family Supported Joe McCarthy


To American liberals and Democrats, the Kennedy Dynasty is like American royalty. Though

today’s descendants of the original Kennedy clan are generally as leftist as Karl Marx ever was;

the Patriarch, Joseph Kennedy, hated Communists and also disliked what he once referred

to as “those Jews around Roosevelt.” During his tumultuous time as U.S. Ambassador to Great

Britain, Papa Kennedy fought with the State Department, as well as FDR. Actually, the only

reason FDR had even appointed Kennedy was to win and maintain the Irish-Catholic vote.


Kennedy was dead-set against the Globalists' drive to World War 2 in general, and U.S. involvement

in particular. During the build-up years to the war, Ambassador Kennedy, on his own, directly

communicated with the German ambassador to Great Britain for the purpose of arranging a meeting

with Hitler himself. When FDR and the Reds at State learned of this,

Kennedy was kept "out of the loop" for future policy discussions.


Kennedy resigned in disgust in October, 1940, but not before making further unauthorized attempts

to end the war which had started in September of 1939 when Poland – openly prodded on by the

Globalist warmonger faction of Britain and France, and secretly by FDR -- picked

a fight against Germany. (True story -- Refer to “The Bad War,” by yours truly).


During the war, Joseph Kennedy’s eldest son, Joe Kennedy Jr. was killed in a mysterious plane

explosion while on a “secret mission.” Another son, future President John F. Kennedy, was very

nearly killed in another strange incident. And in 1948, another child of Kennedy’s, daughter

Kathleen was killed in a small plane crash in Europe. Were these three strange events part of a

“message” being sent to the Kennedy Patriarch who had such high ambitions for his

sons? These Globalist bastards were, and still are, are indeed capable of anything.


Image result for Joe Kennedy (l) with Hitler’s Foreign Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop Image result for Joe Kennedy and john war


1. Joe Kennedy (l) with Hitler’s Foreign Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop. Papa Joe tried

to prevent the war and the Globalists never forgave him for it. // 2. Son Joe Jr. was killed

in a strange “accident” --- and son JFK barely survived an equally strange incident.


Fast forward to December 1952 -- Joseph Kennedy asked fellow Irish-Catholic and family friend

Joseph McCarthy to take on his son, Robert, as assistant counsel of the U.S. Senate Permanent

Subcommittee on Investigations, on which McCarthy served and would later chair.  Bobby resigned

in July 1953 due to conflicts with Roy Cohn. But in February 1954, he rejoined the Senate committee

staff as chief counsel for the Democratic minority in February 1954.  For his work on the McCarthy

committee, Kennedy was included in a list of Ten Outstanding Young Men of 1954, created

by the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce. Papa Joe had arranged the nomination.


Like Papa Joe and Bobby, John F Kennedy also liked McCarthy and hated the elitist Anglo and

Jewish Reds in the State Department. Before anyone had even heard of Joe McCarthy, young

JFK had already aligned himself with the anti-Communists who blamed the Truman

State Department for the loss of China -- declaring on the House floor in January 1949:


"The responsibility for the failure of our foreign policy in the Far East

rests squarely with the White House and the Department of State."  (1)


There had been other personal bonds between JFK and McCarthy by the time McCarthy was to

reach the peak of his influence and popularity in 1952 and 1953. McCarthy was a frequent guest

at the now-legendary Kennedy compound in Hyannis, MA. He had also dated two Kennedy

sisters, first Eunice and then Pat. McCarthy was even invited to Eunice's wedding reception, and

 presented her with a silver cigarette case inscribed, "To Eunice and Bob from one who lost." 


Despite RFK’s falling out with Roy Cohn, he would maintain a personal loyalty

to McCarthy -- making him Godfather of his first child, Kathleen in 1951. (2)


Image result for McCarthy with Robert F Kennedy Image result for McCarthy with Robert F Kennedy Image result for Kathleen Kennedy Townsend

 1 & 2. McCarthy with Robert F Kennedy   3. Former Maryland

Attorney General Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is McCarthy’s Godchild.


In 1955, even after the Senator's unjust fall into disgrace, Bobby displayed his loyalty to McCarthy

at a dinner meeting described by the Kennedy Clan court-historian, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr:


"Still his Irish conception of loyalty turned him against some he felt had treated McCarthy unfairly.

In January 1955, Edward R. Murrow [who had issued a famous anti-McCarthy telecast the previous

year] spoke at the banquet honoring those, Kennedy among them, who had been selected by the

Junior Chamber of Commerce as the Ten Outstanding Young Men of 1954. Kennedy grimly walked out."  (3)


JFK's affection for McCarthy had led him to make a similar gesture in 1954. At a Harvard Spree

Club dinner, when a speaker had likened McCarthy to the convicted Soviet spy Alger Hiss, JFK rose

to his feet and declared:


"How dare you couple the name of a great American

patriot with that of a traitor!" and walked out. (4)


The incident has never been denied by anyone who was present that evening,

and is accepted by JFK biographers and "official historians" alike.


JFK likewise considered McCarthy a supporter. So much so that in 1952, when he took on Henry

Cabot Lodge for one of Massachusetts’ Senate seats, McCarthy privately supported JFK by “standing down.”

Because he already had an intense dislike of Lodge and had such a good rapport with the Kennedys,

the decision was easy for him. Lodge would be the only Republican Senate candidate that McCarthy

made no active attempt to campaign for.


In 1954, when the Senate voted to censure McCarthy; JFK would be the only Democratic Senator

not to publicly declare support for the censure of McCarthy. He would not even be present for the

humiliating vote, having conveniently scheduled a surgery for that day. It was not until 1956 that

JFK would issue a vague public statement supporting McCarthy's censure, and that was only because his

political future dictated it.


JFK's late, mild, and certainly insincere conversion to anti-McCarthyism did not impress the far

left crazies of the Democrat Party. Eleanor Roosevelt, the beloved bigmouth hag of the Communists

and their libtard dupes, openly confronted JFK at the 1956 Democratic Convention for not having

taken a stand against McCarthy – which may have been the reason why he was not selected for the

Vice Presidential spot that year.


The Communists and their unseen Globalist bosses hated the "Hitler lover" Joe Kennedy, and

never really liked his sons either -- facts which should be closely considered when analyzing the

respective “lone gunman” assassinations of President JFK (1963), and destined-to-be-President

RFK (1968), as well as the strange plane "accident" which killed destined-to-be-President  JFK Jr. (1999)

--- but we digress.


There can be no historical doubt. The Kennedy Family loved Joe McCarthy, believed in what he

was trying to do, and openly supported his investigation until later events and political

realities forced them to tone down their open "McCarthyism" and “get with the program.”

  The Kennedy Family supported Joe McCarthy.





The Destruction of Joe McCarthy

Joseph McCarthy: His efforts to expose and remove Communists from the U.S. government caused forces far wider than Communism itself to viciously attack and destroy him.
Joseph McCarthy: His efforts to expose and remove Communists from the U.S. government
caused forces far wider than Communism itself to viciously attack and destroy him.

There are profound lessons for us today in the saga of this misled hero.

by Scott Speidel, Florida State University


* * *


“Average Americans can do very little insofar as digging Communist espionage agents

out of our government is concerned. They must depend upon those of us whom they

send down here to man the watch-towers of the nation. The thing that I think we must

remember is that this is a war, which a brutalitarian force has won to a greater

extent than any brutalitarian force has won a war in the history of the world before.


“You can talk about Communism as though it’s something ten thousand miles away. Let

me say it’s right here with us now. Unless we make sure that there is no infiltration of our

government, then just as certain as you sit there, in the period of our lives you will see

a Red world.


“Anyone who has followed the Communist conspiracy, even remotely, and can add two and

two, will tell you that there is no remote possibility of this war which we are in today — and

it’s a war, a war which we’ve been losing — no remote possibility of this ending except by victory

or by death for this civilization.”


* * *


THOSE WORDS were spoken 40 years ago by U.S. Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy,

Republican of Wisconsin, a man who since has been demonized unjustly. Since McCarthy’s

time the subversion of our nation has proceeded steadily, and his warning to us resonates

more and more clearly as truth, now that death for this civilization is in view.


Joseph McCarthy’s fame as an anti-Communist began with a speech he delivered on

February 9, 1950, to the Republican Women’s Club in Wheeling, West Virginia, in which

he said that there were at least 57 known Communists in the U.S. State

Department, and that the State Department knew they were there.


Dean Acheson
Dean Acheson

McCarthy’s charge was credible, because President Harry Truman’s Secretary of State

at the time, Dean Acheson, was well known as a man sympathetic to Communism and

Communists. As far back as the 1930s Acheson had worked as a lawyer on behalf of Stalin’s

regime, prior to the diplomatic recognition of the Soviet Union by the United States, and

recently he had ignored reports about the Communist Party connections of his protege at

the State Department, Alger Hiss. Acheson also had been the chief U.S. advisor at the

Yalta Conference, in February 1945, which consigned eastern Europe to Communist rule,

and he presided over the drafting of the United Nations Charter. In the State Department

Acheson fostered the careers of Communists and stifled the careers of anti-Communists.


Furthermore, as Ohio’s Republican Senator Robert Taft said at the time, “Pro-Communist

policies of the State Department fully justify Joe McCarthy in his demand for an investigation.”


Grand Scale of Subversion


Franklin Delano Roosevelt ("FDR")
Franklin Delano Roosevelt ("FDR")

Communist infiltration of the U.S. government had occurred on a grand scale during the

reign of Franklin Roosevelt. Congressman Martin Dies, Democrat of Texas and chairman

of the House Committee on Un-American Activities from its inception in 1938 until 1945,

had warned Roosevelt in 1940 that there were thousands of Communists and

pro-Communists on the government payroll, but FDR refused to take action, saying:


“I do not believe in Communism any more than you do, but there is nothing

wrong with the Communists in this country. Several of the best friends I have are

Communists. . . . “I do not regard the Communists as any present or future threat

to our country; in fact, I look upon Russia as our strongest ally in the years

to come. As I told you when you began your investigation, you should confine

yourself to Nazis and Fascists. While I do not believe in Communism, Russia is

far better off and the world is safer under Communism than under the Czars.”


Under the circumstances, McCarthy’s charge that there were

57 known Communists in the State Department seems very modest.


A Maverick for the Truth


McCarthy had been a maverick from the beginning. In 1949 he had dared champion

the cause of German prisoners of war held in connection with the alleged “Malmédy massacre.”

In truth, what had happened near the Belgian town of Malmédy in December 1944 was

unclear at the time, part of what U.S. General Thomas T. Handy, who in 1949 was the

commander in chief of U.S. forces in Europe, called “a confused, mobile, and desperate

combat action.” It is known now that a number of American soldiers who had surrendered

there to the Germans were shortly thereafter killed in cross fire when their captors, who were

marching them to a rear area, were engaged by other U.S. units. When their bodies were

found by U.S. forces afterward with their hands tied behind their backs, however, it appeared

that they might have been deliberately killed.


After the war, Germans who had taken part in the fighting at Malmédy were turned over

to U.S. Army Colonel A.H. Rosenfeld and his Jewish underlings for “interrogation.” The

prisoners were arbitrarily reduced to civilian status so that they would not be protected by

the Geneva Convention, and brutal torture was used to extract confessions. When 18-year-old

prisoner Arvid Freimuth hanged himself after repeated beatings rather than sign a “confession,”

the prosecutors were permitted to use as “evidence” the unsigned statement which they

themselves had contrived.


McCarthy dared to speak against this officially sanctioned lynching, when almost no one

else had the courage to do so. By fearlessly championing the underdogs, the defeated

and vilified Germans, and speaking out against the actual atrocities committed by self-righteous

aliens in American uniform, the Senator demonstrated the rare moral courage

that later propelled him into the forefront of the struggle against Communism.


The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Raymond Baldwin, Republican of

Connecticut, was assigned to investigate the charges of torture, but whitewashed them

instead. On July 26, 1949, Senator McCarthy withdrew in disgust from the hearings and

announced in a speech on the Senate floor that two members of the Committee, Senator

Baldwin and Senator Estes Kefauver, Democrat of Tennessee, had law partners among

the Army interrogators they were supposedly investigating. This was in several ways a

preview of things to come.


The Jews showed instant hostility toward anyone who interfered with their campaign of

vengeance against the conquered Germans, and so they began turning their big guns in

the media against McCarthy: a December 1949 poll of news correspondents covering the

United States Senate already had reporters branding McCarthy “the worst Senator”

— a high honor indeed.


Patriotic Motivation

James Forrestal: a patriot who fought subversion, and who died under mysterious circumstances.
James Forrestal: a patriot who fought subversion,
and who died under mysterious circumstances.

When McCarthy had arrived in Washington as a freshman Senator in 1946, he had

been invited to lunch by Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal. McCarthy writes:


“Before meeting Jim Forrestal I thought we were losing to international Communism

because of incompetence and stupidity on the part of our planners. I mentioned that to

Forrestal. I shall forever remember his answer. He said, ‘McCarthy, consistency has

never been a mark of stupidity. If they were merely stupid they would occasionally

make a mistake in our favor.’ This phrase struck me so forcefully that I have often

used it since.”


Considering the destructive policies that thrived in Washington, McCarthy concluded that

to fight Communism effectively it was not enough to denounce Communism in general;

anyone — even a Communist — could claim to oppose Communism. The Senator decided

that it was necessary to identify those responsible for treasonous policies and then accuse

them on the basis of what they actually had done, not on the basis of the ideas to which they

paid lip service.


A special investigating subcommittee chaired by Senator Millard Tydings, Democrat of

Maryland, was set up purportedly to investigate McCarthy’s claim that Communists and

pro-Communists were being harbored in the State Department. In reality, as Tydings

himself admitted, the purpose was to silence McCarthy. Tydings boasted, “Let me have

McCarthy for three days in public hearings, and he will never show his face in the Senate

again.” Tydings’ effort to discredit the upstart patriot would be heavily aided by the major media.


One of the reporters present at the hearings was Elmer Davis, a prominent radio commentator

who had been head of the Office of War Information (OWI). McCarthy noted:


“Many of the [principals in the] cases I was about to present had once been employees

in the OWI under Davis and then had moved into the State Department. As I glanced

at Davis I recalled that Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, one of the anti-Communist leaders of

Poland, had warned the State Department, while Davis was head of the OWI,

that OWI broadcasts were ‘following the Communist line consistently,’ and that the

broadcasts ‘might well have emanated from Moscow itself.’ There could be no doubt how Davis

would report the story. . . .


“At one of the other tables I saw [left-wing, muckraking columnist] Drew Pearson’s

men. I could not help but remember that Pearson had employed a member of the

Communist Party, Andrew Older, to write Pearson’s stories on the House Committee

on Un-American Activities and that another one of Pearson’s limited staff was David

Karr, who had previously worked for the Communist Party’s official publication,

the Daily Worker. No doubt about how Pearson would cover the story. . . .


“As I waited for the chairman to open the hearing I, of course, knew the left-wing elements

of the press would twist and distort the story to protect every Communist whom I exposed,

but frankly I had no conception of how far the dishonest news coverage would go.”


In the case of Owen Lattimore, the testimony of McCarthy’s chief witness, ex-Communist

Louis Budenz, was widely misrepresented. Lattimore was a scholar on Far Eastern

affairs employed by the State Department as a consultant; he had advised the State

Department that Chinese Communist leader Mao Tse-Tung was merely “a liberal agrarian

reformer” at a time when Washington was still unsure how to react to Mao’s

efforts to overthrow the Chinese government. In McCarthy’s words:


“[Budenz] . . . testified that . . . [Lattimore], who had been employed by the government,

consulted for years by State Department officials on Far Eastern policy, and looked to

by newspapermen and magazine editors for news on Far Eastern trends, had been a

member of the Communist Party.”


Reporters, Some of them Honest


Joseph R. McCarthy, in the days when he was named "Tail-gunner Joe"
Joseph R. McCarthy, who earned the nickname
"Tail-gunner Joe," shown here during his military service.

Many newspapers and wire services so twisted Budenz’s testimony about Lattimore,

however, that it was not clear to most Americans that Lattimore had indeed been identified

positively as a Communist.


One honest reporter, Dave McConnell of the New York Herald Tribune, wrote in the May 16,

1950, edition of his now defunct paper that “you have to use a sieve to

strain out the bias in the McCarthy stories published in many papers.”


“Tail-gunner Joe,” as McCarthy was nicknamed by the press, was seen by many as a

national hero. A Gallup poll taken May 21, 1950, showed that among the general public

he had four supporters for every three detractors. In a later Gallup poll, taken in January

1954, 50 per cent. of the public viewed him favorably, and 29 per cent. viewed him

unfavorably. McCarthy was the one man in Washington, D.C., who bucked the bipartisan

pressure to be polite to America’s enemies and to “get along by going along.” He was the

one man who took anti-Communism seriously and was willing to do something about it.


An issue of <i>The American Mercury</i> magazine. Young people who haven't studied literature may never have heard of it, but it was once one of leading periodicals in the United States. Founded by the brilliant and iconoclastic H.L. Mencken in the 1920s, it remained a thorn in the side of pious frauds and political hacks until its last issue in 1980.
An issue of The American Mercury magazine. Young people who haven't studied literature
may never have heard of it, but it was once one of the most well-known periodicals in the
United States. Founded by the brilliant and iconoclastic H.L. Mencken in the 1920s, it
remained a thorn in the side of pious frauds and political hacks until its last issue in 1980,
featuring the work of writers such as Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, Revilo Oliver,
and Karl Hess. According to its publisher, J.B. Matthews, its circulation was purposely
suppressed by Jewish magazine distributors who refused to carry it for political reasons.

At the time conservative writer Harold Lord Varney wrote in the American Mercury:


“McCarthy is where he is today because he satisfies the deep national hunger for an

affirmative man. In a Washington of vacillating, irresolute, pressure-group-cowed

politicians, he stands out in sharp relief as a man sure of himself. His unshaken

self-confidence is shown by the opponents he has tackled: they have been Marshall,

Acheson, Tydings, Conant — men in the full tide of their authority. And he has never lost

a major Washington fight. . . .


“He sometimes gets too far out in front of public opinion,

but so far public opinion has always followed him. . . .


“Because McCarthy has been willing to act as the shock absorber of the main stream

of pro-Communist abuse, the careers of all [other] anti-Communists have been made easier. . .


“One far-reaching consequence of [McCarthy’s fight] has been its impact upon the

American world of ideas. The climate of American public discussion has been

amazingly cleared since McCarthy began to fight. . . . The long grip on the nation’s

communications media exercised by the literary Reds and Pinkos has been broken. . . .”


This is all very different, of course, from today’s popular conception, which was molded

by the controlled media. Little is said of McCarthy’s popularity, which even Eisenhower

dared not challenge directly. Instead, we are led to believe that McCarthy was a brutal

tyrant who somehow managed to run roughshod over everyone’s civil liberties and

give the entire country a very bad case of claustrophobia for several years, all of this as

chairman of a Senate subcommittee.


McCarthy’s Methods


Joseph McCarthy speaks on KFAB. According to professor Revilo Oliver, a CIA officer told McCarthy in 1950 "Senator, you said there were 57 known Communists in the State Department. If you had access to the files of my agency, you would know that there is absolute proof that there are ten times that many. But Senator, you do not realize the magnitude and the power of the conspiracy you are attacking. They will destroy you -- they will destroy you utterly."
Joseph McCarthy speaks on KFAB. According to professor Revilo Oliver, a CIA officer
told McCarthy in 1950 "Senator, you said there were 57 known Communists in the State
Department. If you had access to the files of my agency, you would know that there is
absolute proof that there are ten times that many. But Senator, you do not realize the
magnitude and the power of the conspiracy you are attacking.
They will destroy you -- they will destroy you utterly."

Make no mistake about it, McCarthy did cause considerable discomfort to some people:

to the alien subversives and traitors whose ultimate goal was and still is the New World Order.

It was these people who, in their effort to silence McCarthy, ironically characterized him as

an enemy of free speech. The First Amendment, of course, had been drafted precisely

to protect men like McCarthy, who dared to identify treason in high places.


There were undoubtedly, however, some sincere, patriotic Americans who agreed with

McCarthy’s aim of removing Communists from government, but who found his method,

with all of its sensationalism and public-relations gimmickry, distasteful.

McCarthy’s method was, as he himself explained, a last resort:


“I have followed the method of publicly exposing the truth about men who, because of

incompetence or treason, were betraying this nation. Another method would be to

take the evidence to the President and ask him to discharge those who were serving

the Communist cause. A third method would be to give the facts to the proper Senate

committee which had the power to hire investigators and subpoena witnesses and records.

The second and third methods . . . were tried without success. . . . The only

method left to me was to present the truth to the American people. This I did.”


People who criticized McCarthy’s public accusations merely as being in poor taste clearly

did not appreciate the gravity of the situation and the necessity for taking action. Also it

should be noted that McCarthy had not wanted to read his original list of 57 subversives

publicly, but the Tydings Committee required it of him. According to the Congressional

Record of Feb 20, 1950, p. 2049, McCarthy protested on the Senate floor:


“I think . . . it would be improper to make the names public until the appropriate Senate

Committee can meet in executive session and get them. . . . It might leave a wrong impression.”


Unfortunately, “the wrong impression” was exactly what the Tydings Committee wished

to promote. In other words, contrary to the reputation for “recklessness” that was

applied to him, McCarthy exercised his First Amendment right with great care.


Republicans Without Honor


Like some resurrected Paul Revere or latter-day Cicero, it was he who sounded the alarm,

who let the American people know that their government had been subverted by alien

interests; and it was the shadow government of “globalists” who wished to silence him, so

that their power and their pernicious influence would remain hidden from the American people.


International Communism and international finance — the twin thrusts of Jewish power —

were both ill-served by the attention McCarthy drew to the issues of loyalty and subversion.


Dwight David Eisenhower
Dwight David Eisenhower

In the 1952 elections the Republicans captured both houses of Congress and the

Presidency, largely due to McCarthy’s influence. McCarthy became chairman of the

Senate’s Government Operations Committee and its Subcommittee on Investigations.

The new President, however, was a pet of the New World Order clique,

and he would succeed where Truman had failed in discrediting McCarthy.


In the discrediting of McCarthy, there is no doubt that there was a conspiracy at work.

We know this because men who were privy to the conspiracy later wrote books about it.

The activities of the conspirators were, of course, necessarily subtle; Eisenhower himself

studiously avoided even mentioning McCarthy’s name in public, and the media coverage

was almost unbelievably biased. Thus, for the general public, the arrangements which

brought down McCarthy were a mystery, though in essence they were very simple:

McCarthy was maneuvered into an awkward position, the major media

portrayed him as unfavorably as possible, and his colleagues deserted him.




The Destruction of Joe McCarthy, part 2


Roy Cohn and David Schine: agents of destruction given huge publicity by the media as "McCarthy's Men"
Roy Cohn and David Schine: agents of destruction given
huge publicity by the media as "McCarthy's Men"

Fear of “Anti-Semitism” Provides an Opening


MCCARTHY’S REPUTATION was destroyed chiefly by the feud that two staffers on his

Subcommittee on Investigations, Roy Cohn and G. David Schine, conducted

against the United States Army, contrary to McCarthy’s wishes.


Under pressure from influential Jewish columnist George Sokolsky and the Jewish president

of the Hearst Corporation, Richard Berlin, both purported anti-Communists, McCarthy

announced on January 2, 1953, that 26-year-old Roy Cohn would be the chief counsel

of the Investigations Subcommittee. Cohn, the son of New York Supreme Court Judge

Albert Cohn, had been well served by his Jewish connections in the past, having

been hired as an assistant U.S. attorney immediately after passing the New York bar

examination. Cohn himself later admitted that he was hired by McCarthy primarily

because he was a Jew:


“There was a growing slander abroad in the land . . . that McCarthy was a Jew-hater

. . . and he wanted to deflect it. I was the obvious answer, and the alternative — [Robert Kennedy,]

the son of the well-known, well-documented anti-Semite Joseph P. Kennedy, the former

pro-Hitler ambassador to the Court of St. James — was the last person McCarthy needed

to head his committee.”


It probably need not be stressed that the Jews themselves were

the source of this “slander” that McCarthy felt obliged to counter.


Thus, McCarthy was stuck with Cohn; privately he expressed the fear that if Cohn resigned

for any reason the charge of “anti-Semitism” immediately would be raised against him again.


Furthermore, with most of the news media already solidly against him, McCarthy was

desperate for some favorable press coverage. Illinois Republican Senator Everett Dirksen

commented, “Cohn was put on the Committee by the Hearst press, and Joe doesn’t

dare lose that support.”


Roy Cohn: His initial fame came from his fateful association with McCarthy; later in life he became known as a spectacularly unethical New York attorney and homosexual habitué of Manhattan's Studio 54 discotheque.
Roy Cohn: His initial fame came from his fateful
association with McCarthy; later in life he
became known as a spectacularly unethical New York attorney and
homosexual habitué of Manhattan's Studio 54 discotheque.

Cohn, who died of AIDS in 1986, was a homosexual, and rumor of the perversion

became widespread after Cohn had brought another young Jew, G. David Schine, onto

McCarthy’s staff. According to Cohn himself in his autobiography, Cohn and Schine were

then rumored to be “Jack and Jill.” This rumor was undoubtedly a great embarrassment

to McCarthy, since the controlled media had not yet succeeded in making homosexuality

fashionable, and homosexuals were among the security risks to be investigated.


At Cohn’s insistence, Schine was accepted as an unpaid “chief consultant” on Communism.

Schine’s credentials for this position were that he had authored a pamphlet, Definition of

Communism, which his wealthy parents had allowed him to distribute in their hotel chain.

This pamphlet gave incorrect dates for the Russian Revolution and the founding of the

Communist Party, confused Marx with Lenin, Stalin with Trotsky, and Kerensky with

Prince Lvov, and got Lenin’s name wrong. The Jewish millionaire-playboy

was thus highly qualified, in Cohn’s view, to be a consultant.


Washington Post columnist Drew Pearson broadcasts via Washington DC's WMAL radio
Influential Washington Post columnist Drew Pearson
broadcasts via Washington DC's
WMAL radio: a self-styled muckraker, many on
Capitol Hill feared his scandal-mongering column.

McCarthy hoped that he could save himself from accusations of “anti-Semitism” with Roy

Cohn, and if necessary, with Dave Schine. But the day McCarthy accepted

these two Jews as his assistants was the day his downfall really began.


As the son of a Jewish multi-millionaire, Schine had avoided the draft for the Korean War

by getting himself classified 4-F. As soon as he became a staff member of McCarthy’s

committee, however, at the instigation of left-wing journalist Drew Pearson the Army

reclassified Schine 1-A and drafted him. Thus, the stage was set for Roy

Cohn to involve McCarthy in a dispute with the United States Army.


Army-McCarthy Hearings: Dragged Against His Will


It is clear that McCarthy was dragged into this dispute

against his will. Army lawyer John Adams relates:


“Senator McCarthy spoke out quite freely about his irritation over Schine. He told me that

the individual is of absolutely no help to the committee, was interested in nothing but the

photographers and getting his picture in the papers, and that things had reached the point

where he was a complete pest. McCarthy stated to me quite emphatically that he was

anxious to see this individual drafted, and . . . he hoped . . . we would send him as far

away as possible ‘to get him out of [his] hair.” . . .

“Send him wherever you can, as far away as possible. Korea is too close.'”


Cohn raised hell with the Army, first threatening revenge for the drafting of Schine, then

agitating for special treatment for his putative boyfriend. John Adams stated in a January

21, 1954, meeting in Attorney General Herbert Brownell’s office that demands for the

names of Army loyalty-board members usually were preceded by flare-ups over the

reassignment of Schine. McCarthy was not happy about this behavior, and he privately

complained that Cohn was indeed carrying out a vendetta against the Army on account of Schine.


McCarthy had instructed Adams on December 17, 1953, that, having learned the extent

of the interference Cohn and Schine were causing for the commanding general of Fort Dix,

he wished the Army to discontinue all special treatment for Schine. Subsequently, the

alleged anti-Communist Jew, columnist George Sokolsky, contacted Adams repeatedly,

continuing to urge special treatment for Schine. On February 12, 1954, Sokolsky went

so far as to tell Adams that he, Sokolsky, would “get them to drop all this stuff they are

planning for the Army [i.e., McCarthy’s investigation of Communist subversion in the Army],”

if a special assignment were arranged for Schine. It seemed that Sokolsky was more

concerned about the comfort and convenience of one fellow Jew than about the national

security of the United States — or he was deliberately exacerbating the animosity between

the Army and McCarthy.


Meanwhile, in late January 1954 a story in the New York Post featured Fort Dix recruits

complaining that Schine lived among them like a visiting dignitary —

and Joseph McCarthy was taking the blame.


Secretary of the Army Robert Stevens said that he was wary about “discriminating against”

Schine, because Schine was a Jew. Likewise, McCarthy said that he was afraid to fire Cohn,

“because [I] might be accused of being anti-Semitic.” Here we have the Secretary of the

Army and the chairman of a Senate committee, both paralyzed by fear of being called

“anti-Semitic,” allowing 26-year-old Roy Cohn and the utterly inconsequential G. David Schine

to walk all over them.


It was not only the fact that McCarthy had felt the wrath of the Jews when he had spoken

out against the barbarous treatment of German prisoners five years earlier that made

him wary of offending them again. His investigations into Communist subversion were turning

up a vastly disproportionate number of Jewish Communists, and he was afraid

that the Jews would believe he was hunting Jews rather than Communists.


By using the threat of investigation as a weapon to coerce the Army into giving special treatment

to his friend Schine, Cohn had tainted the legitimacy of McCarthy’s patriotic work. Cohn was

creating exactly the impression of reckless disregard for fairness and propriety that McCarthy had

wished to avoid.


McCarthy had apparently hoped that the alleged anti-Communist Jews with whom he dealt

were what they claimed to be. With their involvement, however, all his efforts met with

grief. If the Senator had taken account of Jewish traits — especially their bent for deception,

which goes far beyond anything encountered in the Gentile world — then perhaps he would

have braved the charges of “anti-Semitism” rather than tolerate Jews on his staff.


"Conservative" columnist George Sokolsky
"Conservative" columnist George Sokolsky

The anti-Communist credentials of Jewish columnist George Sokolsky, for example, who

had recommended Roy Cohn, were invented rather late in life. In 1917, at the age of 24,

Sokolsky had gone to Russia with a large number of other Jews, filled with ardor for the

prospect of world Communism and hoping to lend a hand to the Bolsheviks in fastening

the Communist yoke on the Russians. For a while he edited the English-language Communist

newspaper Daily News in Petrograd; then he left for China to practice his journalistic

skills on behalf of the revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen, who was working to set up a

Communist government in China and was receiving aid from the Soviets. In 1931,

claiming disillusionment with the methods of Bolshevism, he returned to the United States,

where he used different methods.


As a right-wing columnist for the Hearst newspapers, Sokolsky was well-placed to accomplish

much for the Jewish obsession with the New World Order by misdirecting the anti-Communist

movement into blind alleys, false hopes, and confusion — and away from the truth. Considering

these facts, are we justified in believing his claim that he had completely changed his ideals

and in the 1950s was fervently against what he had been fervently for earlier in Russia

and China? A clue may be provided by Sokolsky’s 1935 book, We Jews, in which he lamented

the fact that Jews are not even more cohesive than they are. Certainly, no race-conscious

Jew could have genuinely supported McCarthy’s efforts to root Communists out of positions

of influence in American life, since he would have understood that exposing Communism

meant exposing Jews.


Similarly, Roy Cohn, who called Sokolsky his “rabbi,” was another member of the far

left who claimed a miraculous conversion: as late as 1949 he was openly calling anti-Communism

a “witch-hunt” and said that Alger Hiss was a victim of a “right-wing conspiracy.” Given the

legendary cohesiveness of the Jewish people and the Jewishness of Communism,

one is justified in viewing these overnight conversions with suspicion.


There is more than Roy Cohn’s youthful attachment to leftist causes to make us suspicious

of his motives: his father Albert Cohn had been the first judge appointed by Franklin

Roosevelt after the latter became governor of New York. Thus, the Cohns were firmly

attached to the very clique that had fostered what McCarthy called “twenty years of treason.”


It looks very much as if McCarthy, who wished so much to avoid crossing the

Jews, allowed himself to be swindled in the age-old game of Good Jew/Bad Jew.


Ike and McCarthy


The man whom Eisenhower had appointed Secretary of the Army, Robert Stevens, head

of the J.P. Stevens textiles business, was staunchly anti-Communist, having witnessed the

pernicious influence of Communists in exacerbating labor disputes. Stevens was even

distrustful of New Deal supporters. He was thus appointed not as a member of the

New World Order clique around Ike, but merely as a valuable (if misguided) Republican

booster. Stevens had apparently taken Eisenhower’s anti-Communist campaign rhetoric

at face value.


Upon assuming office in February 1953, Stevens requested a briefing on the Army’s Loyalty

and Security Program: “The presentation should set forth what steps are to be taken to

prevent disloyal and subversive persons from infiltrating the Army, and what steps have

been taken to discover and remove such persons who may have found their way into the

Army Establishment.” So concerned was Stevens about combatting subversion that he asked

advice from J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Finally, when

Stevens heard that McCarthy was concerned about security risks in the Army,

he rushed a telegram to him, offering his assistance in the investigation.


McCarthy’s staff announced on September 10, 1953, that there was very serious evidence

of espionage at Fort Monmouth. The evidence was an extract of a report from J. Edgar

Hoover to the head of Army Intelligence. The document mentioned 35 Fort Monmouth

employees as security risks, most of them Jews of Russian origin who had been in

contact with the atom-bomb spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Stevens instructed the

commanding general at Fort Monmouth: “Cooperate! See to it that they interview anyone t

hey wish to.”


During the investigation at Fort Monmouth, however, attention was diverted to nearby Camp

Kilmer. This was the case of the Jewish Communist Irving Peress. Peress, an Army dentist

who was proved to be not only a member but an organizer of Communist groups, had

sworn a false oath upon receiving his officer’s commission. Worse, when the matter was

exposed Peress was promoted and later given an honorable discharge, thus escaping the

jeopardy of a court-martial. The Peress case was a tremendous embarrassment to the Army,

because it showed that security in the Army was a mere formality which was easily circumvented.


McCarthy’s confidential informant on the Peress case was General Ralph Zwicker. A

hearing in New York City was arranged, and General Zwicker was called to testify as to

the identity of the Pentagon official who had ordered Peress’ honorable discharge. On

the very morning of the hearing, however, Zwicker received an order from John Adams

not to reveal the official’s name. McCarthy did all he could to persuade Zwicker to talk in spite

of the order, but he failed.


Thereafter the press made a great fuss over McCarthy’s rough treatment of Zwicker and

the “insult to the uniform.” It was alleged that McCarthy had without cause accused

Zwicker of shielding subversives.


Secretary Stevens decided not to allow General Zwicker or other Army officers to testify

further. Says William Ewald, a Department of Defense official at the time: “A cheer went

up: from anti-McCarthyites within the Administration itself, from editorial writers far and

wide, from liberals coast to coast.” Especially noteworthy was a telephone call to Stevens

from Marshall Plan administrator Paul Hoffman in California — at whose residence Eisenhower

was then vacationing. This congratulation was inferred to represent

the attitude of that champion McCarthy-hater, President Ike.


Anna M. Rosenberg: she pushed for racial integration of the U.S. military.
Anna M. Rosenberg: she pushed for
racial integration of the U.S. military.

Eisenhower’s friend Hoffman was married to Anna Rosenberg, who had been Truman’s

Jewish Assistant Secretary of Defense in 1950 and had been diligent in promoting liberal

programs in the Army and the other armed services. She, more than

anyone else, had forced full racial integration on the services.


Unlike Ike, however, Secretary Stevens was not an implacable foe of McCarthy and

anti-Communism. Although he thought Roy Cohn was awful, he said he saw McCarthy

as a “reasonable” man. In a conference with the majority members of McCarthy’s

subcommittee, an agreement was reached and Stevens signed a document that stated

this accord. The anti-McCarthy interpretation of this event has been that Secretary Stevens

did not understand what he was doing. More likely, Stevens did not understand

what Eisenhower was doing. Nor did the American people understand!


Stevens said of the media’s explosively hostile reaction to his reconciliation with McCarthy,

“I think I have been absolutely crucified. . . .” Furthermore, he showed naiveté

by saying that he thought the press had “misunderstood” the agreement.


Eisenhower decided to have Secretary Stevens “admit an administrative error” and renege

on the agreement. A repudiation of Stevens’ agreement with McCarthy

was composed, and Stevens was made to read it publicly.


Meanwhile, President Eisenhower’s staff, without Stevens’ knowledge, had instructed

Stevens’ subordinate John Adams to compile a written record of Cohn’s and Schine’s

behavior. Adams, a holdover from the Truman administration, apparently

was considered more politically reliable than the conservative Stevens.


On March 8, 1954, when Secretary Stevens was asked about the record of improper

pressure by Cohn and Schine (which John Adams had leaked to the press a few days

earlier) he said, “I personally think that anything in that line would prove to be very much

exaggerated. . . . I am the Secretary, and I have had some talks with the committee and

the chairman . . . and by and large as far as the treatment of me is concerned, I have no

personal complaints . . . .”


On March 10, although Stevens had not even been aware of the Schine chronology two

days earlier, he was pressured into approving a version heavily “revised” by Defense Department

attorney Struve Hensel. It was called the “Stevens-Adams chronology,” although Stevens

had only just learned of it. Under pressure, the Secretary of the Army was now lending

his name to a document that he had said would be “very much exaggerated.”


The Army-McCarthy Hearings Commence


In late April 1954 the Army-McCarthy hearings began. The Army had accused McCarthy

and Roy Cohn of using improper pressure, evidence of this being the so-called “Stevens-Adams

chronology.” McCarthy counter-charged that the Army was trying to

discredit his committee and stop its investigation of the Army.


An anti-McCarthy cartoon, one of many by Jewish Washington Post cartoonist "Herblock," portraying McCarthy as an ugly, lying, monster-like figure. (Click on the image for a larger version.) In reality, and as found in the hearings, McCarthy's charges were true, and his evidence was not doctored. But the media simply declared otherwise.
An anti-McCarthy cartoon, one of many by
Jewish Washington Post cartoonist "Herblock,"
portraying McCarthy as an ugly, lying, monster-like
figure. (Click on the image for a larger version.)
In reality, and as found in the hearings,
McCarthy's charges were true, and
his evidence was not doctored. But the
media simply declared otherwise.

During the hearings Stevens was the Army’s “star witness.” He “stonewalled” the subcommittee,

giving vague, unresponsive, and often self-contradictory testimony. It became clear to

McCarthy that Stevens was acting under orders from Eisenhower’s staff. The Army’s case,

however, already had been blown sky-high, and McCarthy essentially vindicated, when

Senator Everett Dirksen, a member of the McCarthy Subcommittee, testified that the

Army’s counsel John Adams and Eisenhower’s administrative assistant Gerald Morgan

had approached him on January 22, 1954, seeking to stifle part of McCarthy’s investigation

of the Army. Dirksen testified that Adams had mentioned the Army’s file on Cohn and

Schine, dropping a “hint” that these files might be very damaging if they were “issued and

ventilated on the front pages” of newspapers.


At this point, John Adams, not wishing to be the lone scapegoat for Eisenhower, and,

furthermore, living under the possibility of a prosecution for perjury, revealed that he

had been told to compile the chronology on Cohn and Schine by members of Eisenhower’s

staff in a secret meeting in the Attorney General’s office the day before approaching Dirksen.


The White House was now clearly implicated in a conspiracy to shield subversion in the

government. On May 17 Eisenhower, in an obvious attempt to prevent his own role

from being investigated further, issued what became known as the “iron curtain” order.

Eisenhower claimed that it was a Constitutional principle that the President

could forbid his subordinates from revealing any information to the Congress.


On May 27, after several more days of vague, unresponsive, and sometimes conflicting

testimony from Stevens, McCarthy responded in exasperation to Eisenhower’s gag

order: “The oath which every person in this government takes, to protect and defend

the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that oath towers far above any

presidential security directive.” He urged federal employees to come forward with

any information they might have about corruption and subversion in government.


The next day Eisenhower had his press secretary convey to the media a statement that

likened McCarthy to Hitler: a comparison that was not meant to flatter McCarthy.

Edward R. Murrow and other media figures took their cue and began echoing that line.


McCarthy, however, was expressing essentially the same idea which

Theodore Roosevelt had expressed half a century earlier, when the latter said:


“It is patriotic to support [the President] insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is

unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails

in his duty to stand by the country. . . . In any event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth–whether

about the President or anyone else.”


And of course, the truth was exactly what Ike feared. Was this not the Eisenhower who

had carried out Operation Keelhaul after the Second World War, in which anti-Communist

Russians, Hungarians, and others were forcibly repatriated to a certain death under

Communism? Was this not the Eisenhower who deliberately starved to death over a

million German prisoners of war? And was this not the same Eisenhower who

later sent paratroopers into Little Rock to enforce racial integration with bayonets?


Regardless of the legal result, biased media coverage made the Army-McCarthy hearings

a propaganda victory for the pro-Communists. Army counsel Joseph Welch, through

hyperbole and histrionics, managed to convince a large portion of the public that a few

peripheral issues he raised during the hearings were serious embarrassments to McCarthy.


The Army-McCarthy hearings: Welch, left; McCarthy, right
The Army-McCarthy hearings: Welch, left; McCarthy, right

Welch, the Television Cameras, and the End


Attorney Joseph Welch: Though he had little of substance to say, his carefully-crafted media image and accomplished TV histrionics sealed McCarthy's fate.
Attorney Joseph Welch: Though he had little
of substance to say, his carefully-crafted
media image and accomplished TV
histrionics sealed McCarthy's fate.

For example, Welch insisted for the television cameras that part of an FBI report listing

subversives at Fort Monmouth was “a carbon copy of precisely nothing” and “a perfect

phoney,” even though FBI Director Hoover said that he had written it. Similarly, Welch

dramatically accused McCarthy of introducing a “doctored” photograph into evidence:

it was a quite genuine photograph, which merely had been cropped and enlarged for

the sake of clarity. The media played up Welch’s accusations and ignored

McCarthy’s explanations.


Welch was much more an actor than a lawyer: later, in 1959, he starred in a major Hollywood

production, Anatomy of a Murder, alongside Jimmy Stewart and Lee Remick. In any event,

during the Army-McCarthy hearings the Senate hearing room was his stage, and he played

his role to the hilt. When McCarthy pointed out that a member of Welch’s own law firm,

Fred Fischer, had been a member of the National Lawyers’ Guild, an organization cited

as a Communist front by the Attorney General, Welch waxed maudlin and sobbed the

famous line, “Have you no sense of decency at long last?” Later, outside the hearing

room, Welch wept again for the benefit of the news photographers. (Welch’s goading

of McCarthy and tearful denouement may have been planned in advance;

see Appendix below. — Ed.)


Joseph Welch also found more legitimate venues for his acting talent.
Joseph Welch also found more legitimate
venues for his acting talent.

As reported by the media, Welch was a man of great humanity who was shocked that

McCarthy would be so ignoble as to attempt to ruin Fischer’s career with his accusation,

while McCarthy was a heel for even raising the matter. The fact that McCarthy’s

charge was perfectly accurate seemed to make no difference at all to the media.



And so it was with other episodes in the hearings. One contemporary

observer, Harold Varney, noted in the American Mercury:


“Unfortunately, the anti-McCarthy press was not honest enough to admit publicly that the

Senator had been vindicated. The smearers continued to parrot

the smears, just as if the disproof were not before the country.”


The masters of the controlled media were determined to “get” McCarthy, and they

did. They had not directed as much hatred on any public figure since Adolf Hitler.


By September many of his supporters in the Congress, ever sensitive to the direction of

the political wind, had thrown in the towel. McCarthy’s Senate colleagues stripped him

of his committee chair in November. On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted 67-22

to condemn him for “conduct contrary to Senatorial traditions.” The condemnation

permanently ended his effectiveness as a legislator.


* * *

Additions and annotations by Kevin Alfred Strom; originally published in 1994;

American Dissident Voices broadcast series title “Joe McCarthy: Tragic hero.”




The Set Up: Welch and McCarthy


MANY BELIEVE that Welch set up McCarthy through his breaking of a pre-hearing

agreement and threatening to expose Cohn and Schine as homosexuals.

According to writer Brian Burns:


The quote, “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense

of decency?” was asked of the notorious Senator Joe McCarthy by Attorney Joseph

Welch at the climactic moment of the Army-McCarthy Hearings, a 55-day

spectacle that riveted the attention of the nation in the spring of 1954.


A grandfatherly, bespectacled man with a fondness for neckties, Walpole’s Welch was

the lead counsel for the Army during the hearings, which aired live on the ABC

and DuMont networks.


Welch’s memorable excoriation of McCarthy came as the bullet point of a tearful

and impassioned speech in which he blasted McCarthy for his “cruelty and

recklessness.” It was a moment that would forever alter the lives of both men….


Welch, an attorney at the Boston law firm of

Hale and Dorr, was hired to represent the Army….


The penultimate confrontation with the Wisconsin senator came on June 9, while Welch

was needling Cohn in cross examination about the contention that there

were 130 known Communists working in Army labs throughout the country.


After stewing for a while in the background, McCarthy finally interjects after Welch

playfully asks Cohn why he doesn’t just have the FBI get all of the Communists out

of the Army by sundown.


McCarthy tells Welch that one of his co-workers at Hale and Dorr, “a young man

named Fischer,” had belonged for three or four years to the National Lawyers Guild,

an organization that was named “years and years” ago as the legal bulwark

of the Communist party.


Since Welch was so interested in ferreting out Communists, he should be made aware

of the fact that Fischer was a member of his own firm, McCarthy said. Welch’s response

was brutally effective.


Welch: ‘Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your

recklessness. Fred Fischer is a young man who went to the Harvard Law School and

came into my firm and is starting what looks to be a brilliant career with us. When I

decided to work for this committee, I asked Jim St. Clair, who sits on my right, to be

my first assistant. I said to Jim, “Pick somebody in the firm to work under you that

you would like.” He chose Fred Fischer, and they came down on an afternoon plane.

That night, when we had taken a little stab at trying to see what the case was about,

Fred Fisher and Jim St. Clair and I went to dinner together. I then said to these two

young men, “Boys, I don’t know anything about you, except I’ve always liked you, but

if there’s anything funny in the life of either one of you that would hurt anybody in this

case, you speak up quick.”


‘And Fred Fisher said, “Mr. Welch, when I was in the law school, and for a period

of months after, I belonged to the Lawyers Guild,” as you have suggested, Senator.


‘He went on to say, “I am Secretary of the Young Republican’s League in Newton with

the son of [the] Massachusetts governor, and I have the respect and admiration of

my community, and I’m sure I have the respect and admiration of the twenty-five

lawyers or so in Hale & Dorr.”


‘And I said, “Fred I just don’t think I’m going to ask you to work on the case. If I do,

one of these days that will come out, and go over national television and it will

just hurt like the dickens.” And so, Senator, I asked him to go back to Boston.


Little did I dream you could be so reckless and so cruel as to do an injury to that

lad…It is, I regret to say, equally true that I fear he shall always bear a scar needlessly

inflicted by you. If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty, I would do so.


‘I like to think I’m a gentle man, but your forgiveness

will have to come from someone other than me.’


McCarthy: ‘Mr. Chairman, may I say that Mr. Welch talks about this being cruel and

reckless. He was just baiting; he has been baiting Mr. Cohn here for hours, requesting

that Mr. Cohn before sundown get out of any department of the government anyone

who is serving the Communist cause. Now, I just give this man’s record and I want to

say, Mr. Welch, that it had been labeled long before he became a member, as early as 1944.’


Welch: ‘Senator, may we not drop this? We know he belonged to the Lawyers Guild.

And Mr. Cohn nods his head at me. I did you, I think, no personal injury, Mr. Cohn?’


Cohn: ‘No, sir.’


Welch: ‘I meant to do you no personal injury, and if I did, I beg your pardon. Let us

not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You’ve done enough. Have you

no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?’


Welch’s stirring condemnation was the beginning of the end for

McCarthy, who would be censured by the Senate later that year.


Following his censure McCarthy returned home to Wisconsin, where

he died of complications from alcoholism in 1957. He was only 48.


Welch, on the other hand, found himself a national celebrity. His exposure of McCarthy’s

bluster earned him high praise from the media and various civic organizations

and his stirring speech secured him a permanent place in the annals of history.


…While there is little question of the effectiveness of Welch’s condemnation, recent

evidence has suggested that it may not have been as spontaneous as it seemed to those who

watched it unfold live on the air.


A number of historians now believe that McCarthy may

have blundered his way into a carefully planned trap.


One of the strongest advocates of this theory is Nicholas von Hoffman, who describes

the encounter from Cohn’s perspective in Citizen Cohn (The Life and Times of Roy

Cohn. Doubleday). Von Hoffman writes that despite the animosity between the two

parties, Welch and McCarthy agreed before the trial that several areas would be off limits.


Welch agreed that he would not mention Cohn’s avoidance of the draft during

World War II. In return, McCarthy’s camp agreed that they

would not bring up Fischer’s membership in the Lawyer’s Guild.


Von Hoffman and several other sources suggest that the agreement also extended

to Cohn’s sexual orientation. Though he denied it to his dying day, Cohn was widely

known as a homosexual, especially to the Washington insiders that packed the hearing

room each day.


According to several sources, it is possible that Welch had intentionally provoked

McCarthy earlier in his cross examination by showing Cohn a picture that

had been doctored by the McCarthy camp prior to being submitted as evidence.


After Cohn offers no explanation for how the altered picture came to be, Welch

playfully asks him if it might have been created by a pixie. McCarthy angrily jumps in.


McCarthy: ‘Will the counsel for my benefit define —

I think he might be an expert on that — what a pixie is?’


Welch: ‘Yes, I should say, Senator, that a pixie is a close

relative of a fairy. Shall I proceed, sir? Have I enlightened you?’


At this point, according to sources, the room erupted in laughter. It was a dig at

Cohn’s expense, but it wasn’t a direct violation of the agreement, a subtle point that may

have been lost on McCarthy.


Von Hoffman quotes from Michael Straight, who

wrote about the moment in the New Republic.


“As law the comment was improper; as humor it was unjust; as drama

it was beyond anything that the theatre could conceive or reproduce.”



Was this dig, and Welch’s subsequent needling about getting all the Communists

out by sundown, designed to lure McCarthy into making a foolish attack on Fischer?


There seems to be some legitimacy to this argument, especially

when one considers the way that McCarthy later reacts.


McCarthy: ‘Mr. Chairman, may I say that Mr. Welch talks about this being cruel and

reckless. He was just baiting; he has been baiting Mr. Cohn here for hours…’


Cohn, a talented if unscrupulous lawyer in his own right, is smart enough not to respond

to Welch’s thrust and later tries to dissuade McCarthy from pursuing his inquiry into Fischer,

though it is to no avail.


Welch: ‘Senator, may we not drop this? We know he belonged to the Lawyers Guild.

And Mr. Cohn nods his head at me. I did you, I think, no personal injury, Mr. Cohn?’


Cohn: ‘No, sir.’


Yet McCarthy insists on pursuing the issue, sealing

his own fate at the hands of Welch’s eloquence.


Without asking Welch himself, it’s difficult to know how much of his speech was real

and how much was part of a carefully designed plan. This anecdote

recounted by von Hoffman seems to suggest that it was a bit of both.


“Welch had tears in his eyes as he delivered the last line; they were rolling down his

cheeks as he left the center area; he passed a young reporter named John Newhouse

who had been late and had to accept standing room by the door. As

Welch went by, tears still coursing, he looked at Newhouse and winked.”








Albert Einstein on the McCarthy hearings

and the Fifth Amendment, 1953


Einstein and his sycophantic crowd of academic lefties and star-struck reporters hated

McCarthy as much as they had hated Hitler. To the extent that so many weak-minded

"intellectuals" worshiped Einstein, his anti-anti-Communism (presented as a concern for

"political freedom") influenced other academics who were not Communists -- just

well-meaning libtards who believed that big-bad McCarthy might also come for them one day.

In 1953, several Communists would seek Einstein's advice as to how to confound and defy

McCarthy's committee as well as other state/local investigations. Republished below is a

brief article -- originally published by the Gilder Lehrman Insitute of American History

-- which described the type of traitorous advice which the recent "American" Einstein

gave to his Red buddies.

Albert Einstein on the McCarthy hearings and the Fifth Amendment, 1953

"During the "McCarthy hearings" of the 1950s, the government investigated American

society and industry in an attempt to root out communist sympathizers. Among those

investigated were scientists and scholars, who were called upon to appear before the

committee to answer questions concerning their political affiliations. Some refused to

testify, citing the Fifth Amendment. Rose Russell, a member of the Teachers Union of

the City of New York, considered invoking of the Fifth Amendment in a letter to famous

physicist and avowed socialist Albert Einstein in 1953.

Einstein advised Russell, as he did others, to refuse to testify but not on the grounds of

the Fifth Amendment. In this May 28, 1953, letter Einstein wrote that although

invoking the Fifth Amendment was not "unjustified," the McCarthy hearings were not

the circumstance it was meant for. "The 5th Amendment was adopted," he wrote, "in

order to make it impossible for the judicial authorities to bring the accused to confess

through means of extortion." He continued, "In the present cases, it is not a matter

of violent extortion of the accused," but rather a "matter of using people as

tools for the prosecution of others that one wants to label as ‘unorthodox.’"

* The Rose Russell case appears to have been a local

New York City matter, not a McCarthy investigation.

(continued) "Invoking the Fifth Amendment was problematic, Einstein wrote, because

"the individual is offered no legal middle ground for him to defend his actual rights." In closing,

he pointed to a more "revolutionary" tactic—"non-cooperation, like Gandhi

used with great success against the legal powers of the British Authorities."

Advising Communists to engage in contempt-of-court is itself contempt-of-court; and an

act of treason. But Globalist agents puffed-up to the stature of Albert Einstein have long been

above the law and beyond reproach.

The Globalists immortalize their own as the "intellectual" boobs

guzzle down their liquid excrement as if it were mothers' milk.


Einstein the Red later made headlines by counseling fellow Jewish-Communist physicist

Al Shadowitz to refuse to provide testimony at the McCarthy hearings—not by invoking

the Fifth Amendment, but by asserting that any questioning of his loyalty or affiliations was

a violation of the First Amendment.


Front-page Headline: New York Times (December 17, 1953)

Witness on Einstein Advice Refuses to Say if He Was a Red

"On the advice of Dr. Albert Einstein, a 38-year-old engineer refused here yesterday to tell

Senator Joseph R. McCarthy whether he had been a Communist while working for the

Army or on Government contracts since 1941. The engineer denied any

spying. ... In Princeton, Dr. Einstein confirmed he had given the advice.

Senator McCarthy, a Wisconsin Republican said he would seek a contempt citation against

Mr. Shadowitz, who based his attitude on the first amendment ....five other witnesses refused

to tell the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations whether they had been Communists.

It was the second time that Dr. Einstein had counseled

"noncooperation" to a witness in a Congressional investigation."

Again, Einstein, in advising Shadowitz to engage in contempt of Congress, himself

committed a crime – or, at the very least, a subversive act which ought to have gotten

him deported out of the United States. But ugly Albert was too much of a

cultural icon. The Time Magazine “Man of the 20th Century” was untouchable.

December 16, 1953 Communist physicist Al Shadowitz became a celebrity of the

Left when he, on Einstein's treasonous advice, contemptuously cited the "free speech"

clause of the 1st Amendment, instead of the 5th, in order to thwart McCarthy.