Wilson was blackmailed:
WORLD WAR I broke out in the summer of 1914.
Within two years Germany had won the war.
The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept
all the British convoys from the Atlantic Ocean and leaving
Britain without ammunition and food for her soldiers.
At that time the French army had mutinied. They lost 600,000
of the
flower of French youth in the defense of Verdun on the Somme.
The Russian army was defecting. And the Italian army had collapsed.
Not a shot had been fired on German soil yet Germany
was offering
England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace
what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis which means:
“Let’s call the war off and let everything be as it was before the war started.”
England, in the summer of 1916, was considering Germany’s
peace terms.
They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated
peace that
Germany was offering them or going on with the war and being totally
that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, led by the Jew,
Weitzman, who later became the 1st President of Israel,
went to the
British War Cabinet and said: “Don’t capitulate to Germany.
can win this war if the United States comes in as your ally. We can
this. But in return, you must promise us Palestine once the tide
turns in
your favor.”
was a Russian born chemist
moved to England in 1904. By 1915, Weitzman had developed a
chemical process of producing acetone from maize. Acetone was a vital
ingredient in production of artillery shells which Britain and her
allies had a short supply of in the beginning of World War I.
It was during this period
that Weitzman, through the mediation of
Walter Rothschild, met Sir
Arthur James Balfour, the First Lord of the
Admiralty, and David Lloyd
George, Britain’s Minister of Munitions.
Both of these political figures were under the influence of the Rothschild
banking dynasty, of which the Zionist Jew, Walter Rothschild, was the head.
It did not hurt Weitzman’s goals when in 1916 Lloyd George became the
British Prime Minister and Arthur Balfour the Foreign Secretary.
It was through this connection that the Balfour Declaration
“a Jewish homeland within Palestine.” The Balfour
Declaration was
officially written to Walter Rothschild in 1919. The
Balfour Declaration
was merely Great Britain’s promise to pay the Zionists
they had agreed upon for getting the United States into the war.
During this time period in America, President Woodrow Wilson
campaigning for his re-election in 1916 on his popular campaign
“He Kept Us out of War.” But on April 2, 1917, President
addressed both houses of Congress and pleaded with them to declare
war against Germany. What made Wilson change his mind?
a Jewish visitor in the White House by the name of Samuel Untermeyer.
The Jew Untermeyer was a prominent New York City attorney
the Law Firm, Guggenheim, Untermeyer, & Marshall.
The Firm had as one of its main clients, Kuhn Loeb Bank, of which
Jacob Schiff, an agent of Walter Rothschild, was the head. Both Untermeyer
and Schiff contributed generously to the National Democratic Committee
that installed President Wilson in the White House in both of his elections.
Untermeyer informed President Wilson that he
had been retained
to bring a Breach of Promise action against President
Untermeyer’s client was the former wife of a professor at Princeton
University at the same time that Wilson was a professor at Princeton
University. Untermeyer informed Wilson that his client was willing
accept $40,000 in lieu of commencing the Breach of Promise action.
Untermeyer produced a packet of letters from his pocket
written by
President Wilson to his colleague’s wife when they
were neighbors at
Princeton University. These letters established
the fact that an illicit
relationship had existed between Wilson and the wife
of his Princeton
colleague. Wilson immediately acknowledged his authorship
of the letters.
Untermeyer then informed Wilson that his former sweetheart
was in dire need of $40,000.
President Wilson informed Untermeyer that he did not have the
$40,000 to pay his blackmailer. Untermeyer then volunteered to give
Wilson’s former sweetheart the $40,000 out of his own pocket - but on
one condition: that President Wilson promise to appoint to the first vacancy
on the United States Supreme Court, the Zionist and Talmudic Jew,
Louis Dembitz
further talk, President Wilson accepted Mr. Untermeyer’s
offer. Then on June 5 1916, nearly one year before Wilson
asked Congress to
declare war on Germany, Wilson appointed
the Zionist Jew, Louis Brandeis,
to the Supreme Court.
Many were surprised that Wilson, the son of a Christian minister,
appoint to the highest court in the land the first Jewish
Supreme Court
Justice in US history.
President Wilson and Justice Brandeis
became unusually intimate friends.
knew the circumstances behind his appointment by
Wilson and Wilson feared him because of it.
Justice Brandeis, through the advice of his Zionist
Rabbi Stephen Wise, volunteered his opinion to President Wilson
the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English
channel with the loss of lives of US citizens justified a US Declaration
of War against Germany.
Relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis,
(as well as fear of what Brandeis knew of Wilson’s illicit affair),
President Wilson appealed to Congress to declare war against Germany.
This Congress did, on April 6, 1917. The Declaration of
War against
Germany by the United States guaranteed the Jews throughout
world that Palestine would be turned over to them upon the defeat
Germany even though Britain had already promised it to
Trans-Jordan upon the defeat of the Ottoman Empire.
Indeed, Congress declared war against Germany
because of Wilson’s
assertion that Germany had sunk the S.S. Sussex and
that US citizens
aboard had perished with the ship. But after General
Pershing’s troops
were fighting in Europe, the hoax was exposed.
The S.S. Sussex had
not been sunk and no citizens of the US had lost their lives.
But now the United States was officially at war in Europe.
In this war,
115,516 American soldiers were killed and 202,002 were
maimed for life.
is what the Anti-Christian Jews of the world conspired
to achieve in
their crooked diplomatic underworld.
The influence of Brandeis over Wilson was a prime factor in America‘s entry into World
I and its consequent prolongation with terrible blood losses to all participants, especially among boys
young men of British, French, and German stock. Although Britain had promised self-rule to the Pa-
lestine Arabs
in several official statements by Sir Henry MacMahon, the High Commissioner for Egypt, by
Field Marshal Lord Allenby,
Commander in Chief of British Military forces in the area, and by others (The
Surrender of An Empire, by Nesta
H. Webster, Boswell Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd., 10 Essex St.,
London, W.C. 2, 1931, pp. 351-356), President
Wilson was readily won over to a scheme concocted later in
another compartment of the British government. This
scheme, Zionism, attracted the favor of the Prime
Minister, Mr. David Lloyd George, who, like Wilson, had with
prominent Jews certain close relations, one
of which is suggested in the Encyclopedia Britannica article (Vol.
XIX, p. 4) on the first Marquess of Read-
ing (previously Sir Rufus Daniel Isaacs). Thus, according to S. Landman,
in his paper Secret History of
the Balfour Declaration (World Jewry, March 1, 1935), after an understanding
had been arrived at be-
tween Sir Mark Sykes and Weizmann and Sokolow, it was resolved to send a secret message
to Justice
Brandeis that the British Cabinet would help the Jews to gain Palestine in return for active Jewish
thy and support in U.S.A. for the allied cause so as to bring about a radical pro-ally tendency in the
An article, The Origin of the Balfour Declaration (The Jewish
Chronicle, February 7, 1936), is
more specific. According to this source, certain representatives of the British
and French Governments
had been convinced that the best and perhaps the only
way to induce the American President to come in-
to the war was to secure the co-operation of Zionist Jewry
by promising them Palestine. In so doing the
Allies would enlist and mobilize the hitherto unsuspectedly powerful
force of Zionist Jewry in America and
elsewhere. Since President Wilson at that time attached the greatest possible
importance to the advice of
Mr. Justice Brandeis, the Zionists worked through him and helped to bring America
The strange power of Brandeis over President Wilson is indicated
several times in the book, Challenging
Years, The Autobiography of Stephen Wise (G.P. Putnam‘s Sons, New
York, 1949). Rabbi Wise, for in-
stance, spoke of Wilson‘s leaning heavily, as I well know he chose to
do, on Brandeis (p.187), and records
a surprising remark by the supposedly independent minded World War I President.
To Rabbi Wise, who
spoke of Zionism and the plans for convening the first session of the American Jewish Congress,
said (p. 189): Whenever the time comes, and you and Justice Brandeis feel that the time is ripe for me to
and act, I shall be ready.

Baruch rescued (bought) little Winnie the drunken, spendaholic, gambler
during the stock market Crash of 1929. (here) // 2. Baruch's deep pockets also saved
Harry Truman struggling Senate re-election campaign in 1940 (here). Hiroshima
Harry would become FDR's new Vice President in 1944,
and then President when FDR died in April of 1945.
How America Entered The War (WW1)
During the war, William J. Flynn was the Head Of The United States Secret Service who later published
his War Memoirs.
The Service encompasses the whole country, and is brilliantly
In peacetime it primarily provides for the personal security
of the President.
Its attention (Secret Service) is enjoyed by whatever
else in the national capital is in need of protection, or thinks it needs so. It
keeps under surveillance all
doubtful elements somehow suspected of connections with political tendencies
hostile to the government and its
spokesmen. During the war its principal task was to keep an eye on those who
more or less loudly had made themselves
noticeable in opposition to the war, or who merely were suspected of
not being in agreement with the Wilsonian
war policy. Germans also enjoyed its special care, and at that time
many fell into the traps which had been
laid everywhere by the Federal Secret Service.
From Flynn's memoirs,
however, we learn that the Secret Service had been assigned an important mission even
before our entry into
the war. In the year 1915, a full two years before the declaration of war, the most efficient
telephone expert was summoned to Washington and assigned the task of arranging the leading telephone wires
the German and Austrian embassies in such a way that Secret Service officials could tap every conversation
any source that was held between the ambassadors and their personnel, as well as every conversation
from the embassy offices. A room was set up with which all the wires were linked in such an
ingenious way that
not even a single conversation could be missed. Service men sat in this room day and night,
dictating the overheard
conversations to the stenographers seated beside them. Every night the head of the Secret
Service Bureau, that
is, the author of the article in Liberty, received a stenographic report of all the conversations
held in the
preceding twenty four hours, so that on the very same evening he was able to communicate
everything important
to the State Department and to President Wilson.
Let us bear in mind
the time this installation was created, at the beginning of the year 1915, that is, at the time
when the United
States still lived in peace with Germany and Austria-Hungary, and Wilson never tired of giving
assurances that he harboured
no hostile intentions against Germany. It was also the time when the German
Ambassador in Washington, Count
Bernstorff, neglected no opportunity to show due appreciation of Wilson's
friendly disposition and feelings
for Germany and the German Folk. It was also the time when Wilson gave his
confidant Baruch instructions to
begin the gradual mobilisation of industry for war; also the time in which it
became increasingly obvious, as the American
historian Harry Elmer Barnes also sets forth in his book On The
Origins Of The Great War, that Wilson was firmly
decided to enter the war, and postponed the execution of his
bellicose plans only because public opinion first
had to be won over for these plans.
Flynn's memoirs must finally
remove the ground from the foolish chatter that Wilson was pushed into the war
against his will by German submarine
warfare. The tapping of the telephone wires leading to the German
embassy took place with his knowledge. We
also learn this from Flynn's memoirs. The author adds that the
material thus gathered against Germany contributed
considerably to the eventual break. This can prove only that
this put means in Wilson's hands to win public
opinion for the war long planned by him. And in fact this
material was wholly and ideally suited for it. The
Memoirs confirm to the fullest extent what unfortunately must
still be said, that Germany at that time was represented
in Washington in a downright incredibly incompetent
and incredibly unworthy way. If we hear that in one passage
Flynn writes that the stenographic reports prepared
for him daily contained enough material to keep a divorce
lawyer busy for months on end, then we get a general
idea of what went on.
The Secret Service maintained women agents in Washington and New York whose job it was to sound out the
of the German Embassy, Bernstorff included, whenever anything important happened. One of these
woman agents kept a better
class apartment in Washington in which the gentlemen met their ladies, and where
occasionally even Secretary
Of State Lansing dropped in to hear what was new. On New Year's Day, 1916,
when the news of the sinking of the
liner Persia became known in the national capital, Bernstorff telephoned five
women one after the other in order
to make sweet compliments to them and to receive similar compliments in
return, although in view of the mood which
news of the sinking of the Persia had left behind in the State
Department and the White House, he really could
not have been lacking in more serious pursuits.
One of the ladies
complimented Bernstorff on the fact that he was a great lover, and always would be, even were
he a hundred years
old. The rest of the gentlemen of the embassy were not differently built. One, whom Flynn
designates as the
best diplomatic aide in the embassy, had a lady friend in New York, a married woman, with
whom he had a daily
telephone conversation which each time cost the German Reich twenty dollars, and whom
he visited frequently.
He told her about everything that happened, and she then took care to bring this
information to the right places.
Even quite vulgar remarks about Wilson and his consort were made during the
telephone conversations, and thus
we can without difficulty imagine that thereby the mood of the White House
vis-à-vis Germany did not
get any friendlier.
From the conversation held at the beginning of March, 1916, we learn how little the embassy knew about the
country and the Folk, and with what childish plans it concerned itself. At that time a bill introduced by Senator
Gore lay before Congress to the effect that a proclamation be issued warning the American Folk not to use
armed commercial
vessels. President Wilson most bitterly fought against the proposal. He needed the loss of
American lives in
order to incite feelings against Germany. People in the German embassy knew that the
prospects of the bill were
not favourable, so they earnestly concerned themselves with plans to buy Congress.
Only at first they did not know where to get the money. On March 3rd, the Senate decided to postpone the Gore
Bill provisionally. The vote in the House was supposed to follow a few days later. So the plan first to buy the
House was further eagerly pursued, but in this case at least Bernstorff was reasonable enough to advise against
the plan decisively.
The reading of the Flynn article must leave a
feeling of deep indignation in the veins of every man of healthy
German blood, not only over Wilson's treacherous
policy, but rather, and especially, over the incredible stupidity
with which the German Embassy played into
the hands of this policy. Wilson duped Bernstorff more and more
from day to day. When Colonel House, his adviser,
returned from his European journey in May, 1916,
Bernstorff travelled to New York to meet him there. Wilson,
however, who vis-à-vis Bernstorff had acted as
though he had no objections to this meeting, secretly
instructed House not to have anything to do with the Count,
and to avoid him at all events. Thus it happened.
Bernstorff waited in New York in vain. Then he went to a
nearby beach and let himself be photographed in a bathing
suit with two lady friends in a very intimate position.
The photo accompanies
Flynn's article. At that time it fell into the hands of the Russian Ambassador
Bakhmateff, who had it enlarged
and sent it to London, where it was published in the newspapers under the
caption, The Dignified Ambassador,
and it rendered a capital service to Allied propaganda.
is what the München Latest News writes now. The man thus characterised, however, was a typical
representative of
German foreign policy before the War, just as he is also the typical representative of the
German foreign policy
of the Republic. This fellow, who would have been sentenced to hanging by a political
tribunal in any other
State, is the German representative at the League Of Nations in Geneva.
These men bear the guilt and the responsibility for Germany's collapse, and, therefore, also for the loss of the
Southern Tyrol. And with them the guilt falls on all parties and men who either caused such conditions, or
them up, or also tacitly countenanced them or did not fight against them in the sharpest manner.
The men, however, who today brazenly try to deceive public opinion anew, and
would like to aver that others
are guilty of the loss of the Southern Tyrol, must first give a detailed accounting
of what they have done for its
As for my person, at
any rate, I can proudly declare that, since the time that I became a man, I have always been
for the strengthening
of my Folk. And when the War came, I fought on the German Western Front for four and a
half years, and since its end
I have been fighting against the corrupt creatures whom Germany can thank for this
disaster. Since that time
I have entered into no compromise with the betrayers of the German Fatherland, either
in domestic or foreign
policy matters, but immovably proclaim their destruction one day as the aim of my life's
work, and the mission
of the National Socialist Movement.
I can all the more calmly endure
the yelping of the cowardly bourgeois curs as well as that of the Patriotic
Leaguers, as I know the average
poltroon of these creatures, for me unspeakably contemptible, all too well. That
they also know me is the reason
for their hue and cry.
Mr. Morgenthau Doesn’t Go to Istanbul
A little known historical incident took place in the spring of 1917, shortly
after the U.S.
entered World War I on the side of the
Allies. President Woodrow Wilson devised a plan
for bringing about an early end to the war by detaching Turkey from the Central Powers.
To this end, he sent a mission to Europe, where it was to meet with representatives
Britain and France in Switzerland and
then make its way to Turkey. The mission was
by Henry Morgenthau, Sr., who had been American ambassador to Turkey from
1912 to 1915 and had many contacts there. This story is related in
Chapter 17 of Chaim Weizmann’s 1949 autobiography, Trial and Error.
The American
mission never arrived in Switzerland, let alone Turkey. In early June of
1917, Weizmann, who was then in London, received a cable from Louis Brandeis
in the U.S., informing him of the mission and suggesting that he contact it.
immediately contacted members of the British
government and learned the nature of the
Weizmann was concerned that the Morgenthau mission might result in the war
ending with the Ottoman Empire still intact, eliminating the possibility of a Jewish state in Palestine.
A subsequent
conference with Lord Balfour lead to Weizmann’s being sent as the official
British representative to meet with the American mission and a French representative.
This meeting took place at Gibraltar after
the American mission disembarked at Cadiz on July 4, 1917.
Weizmann reports that he had no difficulty persuading
Morgenthau to drop the whole
matter, so instead of
proceeding to Switzerland and Istanbul, Morgenthau went to Biarritz,
in the South of France, where, he said, he would communicate with General Pershing and
await further instructions from President Wilson.
The Morgenthau mission was apparently
secret, for Weizmann says he does not know
how the
story got out. He also says that in 1922, when Congress was looking into the
merits of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, a senator stated that the leaders of the
movement were unworthy men and that Weizmann,
in particular,
had prolonged the war for two years
by scuttling the Morgenthau mission.
Morgenthau seems to have shown more loyalty to Zionism
than to his president or his country.
Control of the White House
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Thomas Tells Playboy ‘Jews Control the White House’
Biden Says “I Am a Zionist”
and the Jews
Changed Prayers to Make Barack Obama’s Inaugural Service ‘Jew-ier’
are the Top Five Donors to the Obama, Romney Campaigns?
Controls the White House
Runs the Obama White House

From the book by FDR's Son-in-law (Curtis B. Dall) titled:
FDR, My Exploited Father-in-law
infiltration of the U.S. government had occurred on a grand scale during the
reign of Franklin Roosevelt. Congressman Martin Dies, Democrat of Texas and chairman
of the House Committee on Un-American Activities from its inception in 1938 until 1945,
had warned Roosevelt in 1940 that there were thousands of Communists and
pro-Communists on the government payroll, but FDR refused to take action, saying:
"I do not believe in Communism any more than you do, but there is nothing wrong with the
Communists in this country. Several of the best friends I have are Communists. . . .
I do not regard the Communists as any present or future threat to our country;
in fact,
I look upon Russia as our strongest ally in
the years to come. As I told you when
you began your
investigation, you should confine yourself to Nazis and
Fascists. While I do not believe in Communism, Russia is far better off
and the world is safer under Communism than under the Czars."
...Traitorous Fool Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(Responding to Congressman Martin Dies, Democrat of Texas
and chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities)
The first spectacular triumph of the non-Christian Jewish Eastern European Democrats
was Roosevelt‘s recogni-
tion, less than nine months after his inauguration, of the Soviet government
of Russia. A lengthy factual
article, Moscow‘s RED LETTER DAY in American History, by William La Varre
in the American Legion
Magazine (August, 1951), gives many details on our strange diplomatic move which was
arranged by Jewish Soviet Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinoff, of deceitful
smiles and
by Henry Morgenthau (Jewish) and Dean Acheson, both proteges
of Felix Frankfur-
ter (Jewish). Incidentally, Litvinoff‘s birth-name was Wallach and he also used the
Finkelstein. Three of the four
persons thus named by Mr, La Varre as influential in this deal were of the same non-Christian
stock or as-
sociation and the fourth was Dean Acheson, who served as law clerk of Justice Louis D. Brandeis
News and World Report, November 9, 1951) before becoming famous as a Frankfurter boy (see below,
this chapter).
The principal Frankfurter boy is the subject of a most important article in the American
Mercury magazine (11,
East 36 th Street, New York 16, N.Y.., 10 copies for $1.00) for April, 1952. Thee au-
thor, Felix Wittner, says
in part:
Acheson‘s record of disservice to the cause of
freedom begins at least nineteen years ago when he became
one of Stalin‘s paid American lawyers. Acheson
was on Stalin‘s payroll even before the Soviet Union was
recognized by the United States.
Mr. La Varre‘s article should be read in full, among other things for its
analyses of F.D. Roosevelt,s betray-
al of Latin America to penetration by Communism. Bearing on the basic question
of the recognition of the
Soviet, here are significant quotations:
The very special agent from Moscow, Commissar of all the Red Square‘s nefarious international machina-
tions, chief of the Kremlin‘s schemes for communizing the American hemisphere, sat victoriously at the
White House desk at midnight, smiling at the President of the United States.
For fifteen deceitful years the corrupt Kremlin had tried to obtain a communist base, protected by diplo-
matic immunities,
within the United States; four Presidents—Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover—
had refused to
countenance Moscow‘s pagan ideology or its carriers. But here, at last, was a President the
could deal with.
Many patriotic, well-informed Americans, in the old
Department of State, in the American Legion, and in
the American Federation of Labor, had begged Franklin Roosevelt
not to use his new leadership of the
United States for the aggrandizement of an evil, dangerous and pagan guest but to send him back to
Moscow, red with the blood of the Commissar‘s own countrymen, without a handshake.
But Franklin Roosevelt, piqued with the power of his new office, stimulated by the clique
of Marxian and
Fabian socialists posing as intellectuals and liberals and by radicals in labor unions, universities,
and his
own sycophant bureaucracy had signed his name to the Kremlin‘s franchise. Without the approval
Congress, he made an actual treaty with the Soviets, giving them the right to establish a communist em-
bassy and consulates in the United States, with full diplomatic hospitalities and immunities to Stalin‘s
agents, the bloody bolsheviki.
November 16, 1933 at midnight!
That is a date in American history our children will long have tragic
cause to remember. That was the day Jewish
Soviet Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinov, plunderer of Estonia and
the Kremlin;s first agent for socializing
England, sat down with Franklin Roosevelt, after Dean Acheson
and Henry Morgenthau had done the spadework of
propaganda, and made the deal that has led the Amer-
ican people, and our once vast resources, into a social and economic
calamity to the very brink, now, of na-
tional and international disaster.
One of the greatest concentrations of factual information, wise analyses, police records and military intel-
ligence ever to pile up spontaneously on one subject in Washington, all documenting the liabilities of deal-
ing with the Kremlin, had no effect on Franklin Roosevelt. He had appointed Henry Morgenthau (Jewish) and Dean
Acheson, both proteges of Felix Frankfurter (Jewish), to study trade opportunities between the U.S.S.R. and the
United States, and he praised their report of the benefits to come to all U.S. citizens from Soviet friend-
The record shows that Cordell Hull, upon the receipt
of this authentic document disclosing the Soviet‘s
continuing duplicity, sent a note of protest to Moscow,
but President Roosevelt could not be persuaded to
withdraw his diplomatic recognition. He began, instead, the
reorganization of the State Department in
Washington and the dispatching to far, isolated posts of its anti-communist
career officers.
The Roosevelt-Stalin Deal, of November, 1933,
has been so costly to us, as a nation and as a hemisphere,
that the full appraisal of our losses and liabilities
will not be known for several generations. The Kremlin‘s
gains within the United States and communism‘s
cost to us is only now, in 1951 after eighteen years of
suffering a Soviet embassy in our Capital, and its agents
to roam the States coming to public conscious-
has truly been a costly era of mysterious friendship for an appeasement of the devil, of un-American
with deceit and pagan ideologies. Some of its protagonists are now dead, their graves mo-
numents to our present
predicament, but others, again mysteriously, have been allowed to step into their
strategic places.
Under the sort of government described by Mr. La Varre in his Legion article, large numbers
of recently
arrived and recently naturalized citizens and their ideological associates were infiltrated by appoint-
ment, or by civil service, into the State Department, the presidential coterie, and other sensitive spots in
the government. Among those who feathered their Washington nests in this period were not only leftist
Europeans, but actual Communist converts or sell-outs to the Communist party among native
Americans. The solicitude
of President F. D. Roosevelt for America‘s Communists was constant, as was
shown in his steady opposition
to proposed curbs upon them.
Ex-Congressman Martin Dies, former
Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Un-American
Activities, bears witness in lec-
tures (one of them heard by the author, 1950) that he was several times summoned
to the White House by
President Roosevelt and told with suggestions of great favors to come that he must stop
Communists (see Chapter IV). To the unyielding Dies, Roosevelt,s climactic argument was We need those
votes! A speech (May 17, 1951) on a similar theme by Mr. Dies has been published by the American Herit-
Protective Committee (601 Bedell Building, San Antonio, Texas, 25 cents). Another speech by Mr,
Dies, White
House Protects Communists in Government, was inserted (September 22, 1950) in the Con-
gressional Record by Congressman
Harold H. Velde of Illinois.
The government was infiltrated
with risks from the above described grooups of Eastern Europeans and
with contaminated native Americans, but
those were not all. After the beginning of World War II, so-
called refugees immediately upon arrival in this
country were by executive order introduced into sensi-
tive government positions without the formality of having
them wait for citizenship, and without any in-
vestigation of their reasons for leaving Europe. The way for
this infiltration was paved by an executive or-
der providing specifically that employment could not be denied
on the grounds of race, creed, or national
Since no form
of investigation could be made by the United Stated in the distant and hostile areas from
which these refugees came,
and since their number contained persons sympathetic to the Soviet Union,
this executive order was a potential
and in many instanced a realized death blow to security.
Almost as if
for a double check against security, the control of security measures in the new atom projects
was not entrusted
to the expert F.B.I., but to the atomic officials themselves. In view of their relative inex-
perience in such
matters and in view of the amazing executive order so favorable to alien employees, the
atomic officials were probably
less to blame for the theft of atomic secrets than the left-of-center admin-
istrations which appointed them.
Among those admitted to a proper spot for learning atomic secrets was
the celebrated alien, the British subject
but not British-born Klaus Fuchs. Other atomic spies, all aliens
or of alien associations, were named in Chapter
Next to the atomic energy employees, the United Public Workers of
America offered perhaps the best op-
portunity for the theft of secrets vital to the U.S. defense. This union
included a generous number of
people of Jewish Eastern European stock or connections, among them Leonard Goldsmith
and Robert Weinstein,
organizers of Panama Canal workers, and both of them said to have definite Communist affiliations
berty, May, 1948). This union whose chief bloc of members was in Washington was later expelled
1, 1950) by the C.I.O. on charges of being Communist-dominated (Directory of Labor Unions in
the United States,
Bulletin No. 980, U.S. Dept. of Labor, 1950. 25c). However, if the U.S. Government has
shown any signs of being
as particular about its employee (see Tydings Committee Report, U.S. Senate,
1950) as the C.I.O. is about its
members, the fact has escaped the attention of the author.
As the years
passed, the infiltration of Jewish Eastern Europeans into the government had swelled to a torrent.
Many of these persons,
of course, were not Communists and were not sympathetic with Communist aims.
As repeated elsewhere in this book,
the contrary is neither stated nor implied. the author‘s purpose is
simply to show that persons of Eastern
European stock, or of an ideology not influential in the days of the
founding and formative period of our country,
have in recent years risen to many of the most strategic
spots in the Roosevelt-Truman Democratic Party and thereby
to positions of great and often decisive pow-
er in shaping the policy of the United States. The subject was
broached by W. M. Kiplinger in a book,
Washington Is Like That (Harper and Brothers, 1942). According to a Reader‘s
Digest condensation (Sep-
tember, 1942), entitled The Facts About Jews in Washington, Jews were by 1942 conspicuously
ous in government agencies and departments concerned with money, labor, and justice. The situation
from the fact that non-Jewish officials within government, acting under the direction of the
President, were
trying to get various agencies to employ more Jews. . .
The influence of persons of Jewish Eastern European origin, or of related origin or ideology,
reached its peak
(thus far) with Mr. Milton Katz at the helm of U.S. policy in Europe (to mid -1951) with Mrs.
Anna Rosen-
berg in charge of the manpower of the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Corps; with Mr. Manly Fleischman
Administrator of the Defense Production Administration; and with Mr. Nathan P. Feinsinger (New York
August 30, 1951) as Chairman of the Wage Stabilization Board. Likewise, in October, 1948, when
President Truman
appointed a committee on religious and moral welfare and character guidance in the
armed forces, he named as
Chairman Frank L. Weil, of New York, a lawyer, and President of the Nation-
al Jewish Welfare Board (New York Times,
October 28, 1948).
It is interesting to note the prominence
of persons of Jewish Khazar or similar background or association in the
Socialist minority government of the
United Kingdom, and in French polities, beginning with Leon Blum.
Among them are the Rt. Hon. Emanuel Shinwell
and Minister Jules Moch archfoe of Marshal Petain –
who have recently held defense portfolios in the British
and French cabinets respectively. Just as in Amer-
ica the non-Christian characteristically joins the Democratic
Party, so in Britain he joins the leftist Labor
Party. Thus the British house of Commons, sitting in the summer
of 1951, had 21 Jews among its Labor
members and none among its Conservative members. Whatever his racial antecedents,
Mr. Clement At-
tlee, long leader of the British Labor Party and Socialist Prime Minister (1945-1951) has for many years
received international notoriety as a Communist sympathizer. For instance, he visited and praised the
company in the international Communist force in the Spanish Civil War (see photograph and
facsimile in The International
Brigades, Spanish Office of Information, Madrid, 1948, p. 134).
A few persons of Eastern European origin or background or associated
with persons of such back-
ground in positions high or strategic, or both, have already been named by the author, and
others, when
their prominence demands it, will be named in the pages which follow. The author hereby assures
reader again that no reflection of any kind is intended and that he has no reason for believing that any
of these people are other than true to their convictions.
First on
any list of Jewish Americans of Eastern European origin should be the Vienna-born Felix Frankfurter,
who in
the middle twentieth century appears to have replaced the stock of the Puritans as the shining
light and symbol of Harvard
University. After leaving his professorship in the Harvard Law School, Dr.
Frankfurter became a Supreme Court
Justice and President Franklin Roosvelt‘s top-flight adviser on legal
and other matters. In the formation
of our national policies his influence is almost universally rated as su-
preme. I suppose that Felix Frankfurter
. . . has more influence in Washington than any other American
Rev. John P. Sheerin, Editor of The Catholic World (March, 1951, p. 405), and the Chicago Tribune,
owned by the Presbyterian
Colonel Robert R. McCormick, has voiced a similar opinion. In fact, Mr. Justice
Frankfurter is frequently referred
to by those who know their way around Washington as the President
the United States. In a recent gag the question Do you want to see a new picture of the President of
the United
States? followed up by showing a likeness of Frankfurter.
Mr. Justice Frankfurter (Jewish) is influential not only in counsel but in furthering the appointment of favored
dividuals to strategic positions. The so-called Frankfurter;s boys‘ include Mr. Acheson, with whom
justice takes daily walks, weather permitting (New York Times, January 19, 1949); Alger Hiss; Lee Press-
man; David Niles, long Counsellor of the Department of State; David Lilienthal, long Chairman of the
Energy Commission John J. McCloy, Joe Rauh, Nathan Margold; Donald Hiss, brother to Alger,
and now a member
of the Acheson law firm; Milton Katz; and former Secretary of War Robert Patterson,
a hundred per cent Frankfurter
employee (all names and quotes in this paragraph are from Drew Pear-
son‘s syndicated column, February
1, 1950).
A powerful government figure, the Jewish Russian-born
Isador Lubin, was frequently summoned by President F.
D. Roosevelt for the interpreting of statistics (send for Lube);
and was subsequently a United States rep-
resentative to the UN (article in New York Times, August 8, 1951).
Leo Pasvolsky, Jewish Russian-born, was long
a power in the Department of State, being, among other things, in charge
of international organization
and security affairs, 1945-1946 (Who‘s Who in America, Vol. 26, 1950-51, p. 2117).
Among others very
close to Roosevelt II were Samuel Rosenman (Jewish), who as special counsel was said to write
many of the Pres-
ident‘s speeches; Henry Morgenthau (Jewish), Secretary of the Treasury and sponsor of
the vicious Morgenthau,
Plan; and Herbert Lehman (Jewish), Director General (1943 to 1946) of the United Nations
Relief and Rehabilita-
tion Administration (UNRRA), most of whose funds principally derived from the U.S. were
diverted to
countries which were soon to become Soviet satellites as a result of the Yalta and Potsdam surrenders.
Strategic positions currently or recently held by persons of Eastern European
(Jews) origin, or ideological associ-
ation with such people, include a number of Assistant Secretaryships to
members of the Cabinet, among
them incumbents in such sensitive spots as Defense, Justice (Customs and Solicitor
General‘s Office) and
Labor; the governorships of vital outposts such as Alaska (three miles from Russia)
and the Virgin Islands
(near the Panama Canal); appointments in the Executive Office of the President of the
United States; posi-
tions in organizations devoted to international trade and assistance; membership on the Atomic
Commission; and membership, which may best be described as wholesale, in the U.S. delegation to the
United Nations.
The number of persons of Eastern European
(Jews) origin or connection in appointive positions of strategic signi-
ficance in our national government is
strikingly high in proportion to the total number of such persons in
America. On the contrary, in elective positions,
the proportion of such persons is strikingly below their
numerical proportion to the total population. The question
arises; Does the high ratio of appointed per-
sons of Eastern European (Jews) origin or contacts in United States strategic
positions reflect the will of the U.S.
people? If not, what controlling will does it reflect?

Who Involved the U.S. in WWII When 83% of Americans Voted Against It?
N. Jones (Historical Tribune)
Besides the Pearl Harbour False Flag, How did They Manipulate America into WWII?
A war 83% of Americans (according to the June 3rd, 1941,
Gallup Poll results) were
against and asserted they wished
to remain uninvolved?
Protocol of the Elders of Zion – VII:6
a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of the goyim in Europe
in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if
we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond
with the guns o
f America or China or Japan….
“We Jews,” as the spokesmen of this clannish nationalism might put it, “are well aware
that in America, England, France and the Soviet Union, as well as in every
other part
of the world, the rule is: Judah must
come first!
As long as the interests of America are identical with the interests of Old Testament
‘Nazism’, we will be good Americans, but as soon as our interests
begin to conflict with
the interests of America,
we shall betray her too. Generally speaking, democracy suits
us if and when it is led by as many Jews as possible. The so-called freedom of the press
is good for us too, provided the descendants of the seed of Abraham, above all, can
avail themselves of it. Yes! this freedom is a valuable thing, but only
where we Jews
are at liberty to do anything we
Oh, you faint-hearted ones, who listen terror-stricken to the marching S.A. and S.S. troops;
be not afraid! By now we are experts in undermining and capturing democracies.
We are
familiar with the methods of imposing our
particular interests on the masses. America,
richest state of the Goyim is being shaken by mortal economic crisis. The time is
ripe to start our all-out offensive, which, will also give political power into our hands.
And ours will be a take-over of a more permanent character than that of
Hitler. We are
going to conquer America neither
by arms nor by theories. We possess a reliable
to call down Nemesis on America. The fate of America
prescribed by our own Führer – Moses! Torah is our Mein Kampf!
This will be the year for sounding the
Trumpets in America, where in Washington’s time,
the total number of Jews were a mere four thousand. But now our bankers, our socialists
and our journalists will be blowing trumpets and, our ‘Brain-Trust’ will execute the New Deal
at the expense of the American Pioneer-Population. Thereafter, the only
question will be: Whom are we going to
put in the Presidential Chair at Washington?
“Those of you living in despair in your palatial residence
in Wall Street or in 13th Street,
as well as in
the ghettos of Brooklyn and Bronx, must not doubt that we shall find our
man, who will be a real match for Hitler, while at the same time, place political power
over America into our hands. You need only read our directions
in the Protocols.”
(The World Conquerors, p. 80-81)
Protocol X:
produced constitutional status, which took the place of what was the only
safeguard of the Goyim, namely despotism (autocracy)… then it was that we replaced
the Ruler by a caricature of a government – by a president, taken
from the mob, from
the midst of our puppet overture
– our slaves. In the near future we shall establish elections,
in favour of such presidents, as have in their past some dark undiscovered stain, some
“Panama” or other – then they will be trustworthy agents
for the accomplishment of our
plans, out of fear
of revelations…”
“Who will therefore, be the new President, who will
place America in our hands and will execute our orders?”
His name is Franklin D. Roosevelt! – the late descendant
of the Spanish Sephardim.
Fear not dear Franklin, our “Advisors” are
now gathering around you, to support you in
decision making for all your future endeavours, which is at such a pivotal time in our
world history. Felix Frankfurter from Vienna, Henry Morgenthau from Mannheim, Bernard Baruch
from Könoigsberg and Albert Einstein from Berlin. Samuel Roseman who
will write your
speeches is there, so are our
labour leaders; amongst them our compatriot Sidney Hillman
who controls American labour in the Administration for you. There is David Dubinsky, also
a fellow immigrant from Russia, who will transform the Christian workers into tax payers for Zionism.
The entourage we will provide you will consist exclusively of trustworthy men, such
as La Guardia, Mayor of New York, a Jew from Fiume and, Alger Hiss, the protègè of
Frankfurter and of Senator Lehman. Bernard Baruch will control the 351
most important
branches of American industry,
which will militarily equip the American boys to go fight
our cryptonite – National Socialism.
On behalf of America, Alger Hiss will conduct the talks with Stalin
and, Einstein, Oppenheimer
and David Lilienthal
will produce the atomic bomb. As managers of the UNNRA, La Guardia
and Herbert Lehman will help the intended future Jewish ‘Displaced Persons‘ of our coming war
– a war which we will declare. Our appointed Henry Morgenthau Jr.,
Secretaty of the Treasury,
will prepare a splendid
plan for the extermination of the German people, based on the insightful
authorship of our intellectual confidant, President of the ‘American Federation of Peace,’
Theodore Kaufman. Our own Mortiz Gomberg, will see to it that 18 million
people from
the countries of our opponent will
become ‘Stateless’ in Europe, our trustworthy men will
distribute $11 million worth of cheques to provide our Bolshevik counterparts with arms
and Harry Dexter White will also give them U.S. occupation printing plates,
to enable the
‘Displaced Persons’
to print with abandon, so they can be cashed-up to usurp all positions
of European “Authority” after our boys summarily assassinate all who have opposed us –
at the expense of the American people who reject
involvement in our coming war.
No, fear not dear Franklin, the patriotism of this American dream to sail across
the seas to punish OUR enemies, is in the good
and trustworthy hands of Judah!
Bernard Baruch – the unofficial President of America.
Judge Samuel
Roseman – the Founder and Head of the ‘Brains-Trust’ – Roosevelts “Advisors”
Professor Raymond Moley – Favorite Advisor.
Rabbi Stephan Wise (Weiz) – President of the WJC and
Roosevelts closest Advisor/Firm Hand – see here:
Jewish Plan for WWII and all the Benefits it would Bring World Jewry
Henry Morgenthau Sr. – Unofficial Advisor,
Jewish State Lawyer.
Theodore N. Kaufman – President of the ‘American Federation of Peace’ /
Author of ‘Germany Must Perish’, precursor
to the Morgenthau Plan – see here: Germany Must Perish
Harry Dexter White (Weit) – Senior U.S. Treasury
department official
(Transport of U.S. printing
plates to Bolsheviks – see here: WWII:
and the US funding of the Conquering Communists of Europe
Felix Frankfurter – Supreme Court Justice
Benjamin Cardozo – Advisor.
Gerald Shwope – Advisor.
E. A. Filene – Advisor.
Charles Taussig
– Brains-Trust Advisor.
Nathan Margold – Interior Department Solicitor.
Charles Wyzanski Jr. –
Labour Department Solicitor.
Professor Leo Wolman – Labour Strike Board.
Rose Schneiderman – Labour
Advisory Board.
Isador Lubin Jr. – Labour Bureau Statistician.
Solomon Rosenblatt – Amusement Administrator.
E. A. Goldenweiser – Federal Research Director.
Jerome Frank – General Councel.
Mordechai Ezekile
– Economic Advisor (Co-author of A.A.A. Laws).
Herbert Feis – “The Brains of the State Department.”
Henry Morgenthau Jr. – Secretary of the Treasury.
David Lilienthal – TVA Director.
Sidney Hillman
– Labour Advisory Board.
L. N. Landau – PWA General Solicitor.
A. Steinhard – Minister to Sweden.
Professor Albert E. Taussig – NRA Advisor.
Alexander Sachs – NRA Code Authority.
Maurice Karp –
NRA Director of Personnel.
Robert Freshner – CC C Forest Army Head.
Robert Strauss – NRA Assistant Administrator.
Donald Richberg – NRA Advisor.
H. I. Strauss – Ambassador to France.
Ferdinand Pecora – “Special”
Samuel Untermayer – Stock-Exchange Bill Advisor.
Professor James M. Landis – Federal Trade
Just to name a few of the “Trustworthy Men” (JEWS) of American interests.
And let's
name a few more JEWS who pushed America into WWII:
President Franklin
D. Roosevelt's Jewish Cabal
Most of these Jews were directly responsible for plunging
America into WWII by deliberately alienating America
anti-Communist countries such as Germany and Japan long before the outbreak of hostilities.
These Jews
also pioneered the idea of Big Egalitarian Government in America;
some of them were later discovered to have been spies for the Soviet
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (photo at right), president of the United States of America, 1933-1945, was himself partly
of Dutch-Jewish ancestry.
1. Bernard M. Baruch -- a financier and adviser to FDR.
2. Felix Frankfurter -- Supreme Court Justice; a key player in FDR's New
Deal system.
3. David E. Lilienthal -- director of Tennessee
Valley Authority, adviser. The TVA changed the relationship of government-to-business
in America.
4. David Niles -- presidential
5. Louis Brandeis -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice; confidante
of FDR; "Father" of New Deal.
6. Samuel I. Rosenman -- official speechwriter for FDR.
7. Henry Morgenthau Jr. -- Secretary of the Treasury, "unofficial"
presidential adviser. Father of the Morgenthau Plan to re-structure Germany/Europe after
8. Benjamin V. Cohen -- State Department official, adviser to FDR.
9. Rabbi Stephen Wise -- close pal of FDR, spokesman for the American
Zionist movement, head of The American Jewish Congress.
10. Frances Perkins -- Secretary
of Labor; allegedly Jewish/adopted at birth; unconfirmed.
11. Sidney Hillman
-- presidential adviser.
12. Anna Rosenberg -- longtime labor adviser to FDR, and
manpower adviser with the Manpower Consulting Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board
and the War Manpower Commission.
13. Herbert H. Lehman -- Governor of New York, 1933-1942,
Director of U.S. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations, Department
of State, 1942-1943; Director-General of UNRRA, 1944 - 1946, pal of FDR.
14. Herbert Feis
-- U.S. State Department official, economist, and an adviser on international economic
15. R. S. Hecht -- financial adviser to FDR.
16. Nathan Margold -- Department
of the Interior Solicitor, legal adviser.
17. Jesse I. Straus -- adviser to FDR.
18. H. J. Laski -- "unofficial foreign adviser" to FDR.
19. E. W. Goldenweiser
-- Federal Reserve Director.
20. Charles E. Wyzanski -- U.S. Labor department legal adviser.
21. Samuel Untermyer -- lawyer, "unofficial public ownership adviser" to
22. Jacob Viner -- Tax expert at the U.S. Treasury Department, assistant to
the Treasury Secretary.
23. Edward Filene -- businessman, philanthropist, unofficial
presidential adviser.
24. David
Dubinsky -- Labor leader, president of International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
William C. Bullitt -- part-Jewish, ambassador to USSR [is claimed to be Jonathan Horwitz's
grandson; unconfirmed].
26. Mordecai Ezekiel -- Agriculture Department economist.
27. Abe
Fortas -- Assistant director of Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of the
Interior Undersecretary.
28. Isador Lubin -- Commissioner of Labor Statistics,
unofficial labor economist to FDR.
29. Harry Dexter White [Weiss] -- Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury; a key founder of the International Monetary Fund, and the World
Bank; adviser, close pal of Henry Morgenthau. Co-wrote the Morgenthau Plan.
Alexander Holtzoff -- Special assistant, U.S. Attorney General's Office until 1945; [presumed
to be Jewish; unconfirmed].
31. David Weintraub -- official in the Office of Foreign
Relief and Rehabilitation Operations; helped create the United Nations; Secretary, Committee on Supplies,
32. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster -- Agriculture Department official and head
of the Near East Division of the Board of Economic Warfare; helped create the United
33. Harold Glasser -- Treasury Department director of the division of
monetary research. Treasury spokesman on the affairs of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
34. Irving Kaplan -- U.S. Treasury Department official, pal of David Weintraub.
35. Solomon Adler -- Treasury Department representative in China during World War II.
36. Benjamin Cardozo -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
37. Leo Wolman -- chairman of the National Recovery Administration's Labor advisery
Board; labor economist.
38. Rose Schneiderman -- labor organizer; on the advisery board
of the National Recovery Administration.
39. Jerome Frank -- general counsel to the Agricultural
Adjustment Administration, Justice, U.S. Court o Appeals, 1941-57.
40. Gerard Swope -- key player
in the creation of the N.R.A. [National Recovery Administration]
41. Herbert Bayard
Swope -- brother of Gerard
42. Lucien Koch -- consumer division, N.R.A. [apparently-Jewish]
43. J. David Stern -- Federal Reserve Board, appointed by FDR
44. Nathan Straus -- housing adviser
45. Charles Michaelson -- Democratic [DNC] publicity man
46. Lawrence Steinhardt --
ambassador to Soviet Union
47. Harry Guggenheim -- heir to Guggenheim fortune, adviser
on aviation
48. Arthur Garfield
Hays -- adviser on civil liberties
49. David Lasser -- head of Worker's Alliance,
labor activist
50. Max Zaritsky -- labor adviser
51. James Warburg -- millionaire,
early backer of New Deal before backing out
52. Louis Kirstein -- associate of
E. Filene
53. Charles Wyzanski, Jr. -- counsel, Dept. of Labor
54. Charles Taussig -- early
New Deal adviser
55. Jacob Baker -- assistant to W.P.A. head Harry Hopkins; assistant head
of W.P.A. [Works Progress Admin.]
56. Louis H. Bean -- Dept. of Agriculture official
57. Abraham
Fox -- research director, Tariff Commission
58. Benedict Wolf -- National Labor Relations
Board [NLRB]
59. William Leiserson -- NLRB
60. David J. Saposs -- NLRB
61. A. H. Meyers
-- NLRB [New England division]
62. L. H. Seltzer -- head economist at the Treasury
63. Edward Berman -- Dept. of Labor official
64. Jacob Perlman --
Dept. of Labor official
65. Morris L. Jacobson -- chief statistician of the Government
Research Project
66. Jack Levin -- assistant general manager, Rural Electrification Authority
67. Harold Loeb -- economic consultant, N.R.P.
68. William Seagle -- council, Petroleum
Labor Policy Board
69. Herman A. Gray -- policy committee, National Housing
70. Alexander Sachs --
rep. of Lehman Bros., early New Deal consultant
71. Paul Mazur -- rep. of Lehman Bros., early consultant for New Deal
72. Henry Alsberg -- head of the Writer's Project under the W.P.A.
73. Lincoln Rothschild -- New Deal art administrator
A history
of how Israel out-foxed US Presidents, from Eisenhower to Obama
from Consortium News
By Morgan Strong
President Trump hosts Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu this week with
the new U.S. administration
expected to fall in line as so many “out-foxed”
predecessors have, as Morgan Strong described in 2010:
the end of a news conference on April 13, 2010, President Barack Obama made the seemingly obvious point that
the continuing Middle East conflict pitting Israel against its Arab neighbors will end up “costing
us significantly in
terms of both blood and treasure.”
Obama’s remark followed a similar statement in congressional testimony by Gen. David Petraeus
on March 16, linking the unresolved Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the challenges that U.S. troops face in the
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking to a joint session of the U.S. Congress on March 3, 2015,
in opposition to President Barack Obama’s nuclear agreement
with Iran.
“The conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S.
favoritism for Israel,” Petraeus said in
prepared testimony. “Arab
anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships
with governments and peoples in the [region] and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the
Arab world. Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support.”
[Petraeus later tried to back away from this implicit criticism of Israel, fearing that it would hurt his political standing with his neoconservative allies. He began insisting that the analysis was only part of his written testimony, not
his oral remarks.]
Yet, the truth behind the
assessments from Obama and Petraeus is self-evident to anyone who has spent time
the Middle East for the past six decades. Even the staunchly pro-Israeli Bush administration made similar observations.
In 2007 in Jerusalem, Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice termed the Israeli/Palestinian peace process of
“strategic interest” to
the United States and expressed empathy for the beleaguered Palestinian people.
prolonged experience of deprivation and humiliation can radicalize even normal people,” Rice said,
referring to acts of Palestinian violence.
But the recent statement by Obama and Petraeus aroused alarm among some Israeli supporters who reject any
suggestion that Israel’s harsh treatment of Palestinians might be a factor in the anti-Americanism
surging through
the Islamic world. After Petraeus’s comment, the pro-Israeli
Anti-Defamation League said
linking the Palestinian plight and Muslim anger was
“dangerous and counterproductive.”
“Gen. Petraeus has simply erred in linking the challenges faced by the U.S. and coalition forces in the region
to a
solution of the Israeli-Arab conflict, and blaming extremist activities
on the absence of peace
and the perceived U.S. favoritism for Israel,”
ADL national director Abraham Foxman said.
However, the U.S. government’s
widespread (though often unstated) recognition of the truth behind the assessment in
Petraeus’s testimony has colored how the Obama administration has reacted to the intransigence of Israel’s Likud
government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The U.S. government realizes how much it has done on Israel’s behalf,
even to the extent of making Americans the
targets of Islamic terrorism such
as the 9/11 attacks (as the 9/11 Commission discovered but played
down) and sacrificing the lives of thousands of U.S. troops fighting
in Middle East conflicts.
was the backdrop in March 2009 for President Obama’s outrage over the decision of the Netanyahu government
to continue building Jewish housing in Arab East Jerusalem despite the fact that the move
complicated U.S. peace
initiatives and was announced as Vice President Joe Biden
arrived to reaffirm American support for Israel.
However, another little-acknowledged truth about the U.S.-Israeli relationship is that Israeli leaders have frequently
manipulated and misled American presidents out of a confidence that U.S. politicians deeply
fear the political fallout from
any public battle with Israel.
Given that history, few analysts who have followed the arc of U.S.-Israeli
relations since Israel’s founding in 1948
believe that the Israeli government
is likely to retreat very much in its confrontation with President Obama.
nearly seven years into Obama’s presidency after Netanyahu’s persistent obstruction of Palestinian
peace talks and his steady expansion of Jewish settlements that assessment has proved out.]
Manipulating Eisenhower
In the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower was a strong supporter of the
fledgling Jewish state and had supplied
Israel with advanced U.S. weaponry. Yet,
despite Eisenhower’s generosity and good intentions, Israel sided with the
British and French in 1956 in a conspiracy against him. Israeli leaders joined a secret arrangement that involved Israel
invading Egypt’s Sinai, which then allowed France and Great Britain to
introduce their own forces and reclaim control of the Suez Canal.

In reaction to the invasion,
the Soviet Union threatened to intervene on the side of Egypt by sending ground troops.
With Cold War tensions already stretched thin by the crises in Hungary and elsewhere, Eisenhower faced the possibility
of a showdown between nuclear-armed adversaries. Eisenhower demanded that the
Israeli-spearheaded invasion
of the Sinai be stopped, and he brought financial
and political pressures to bear on Great Britain and France.
A ceasefire soon was declared, and the British and French departed, but the Israelis dragged
their heels. Eisenhower
finally presented Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion
with an ultimatum, a threat to cut off all U.S. aid.
Finally, in March 1957,
the Israelis withdrew. [For details, see Eisenhower and Israel by Isaac Alteras.]
Even as it backed down in the Sinai, Israel was involved in another monumental deception, a
plan for building its
own nuclear arsenal. In 1956, Israel had concluded an agreement
with France to build a nuclear reactor in the
Negev desert. Israel also signed
a secret agreement with France to build an adjacent plutonium reprocessing plant.
Israel began constructing its nuclear plant in 1958.
However, French President Charles de Gaulle was worried about nuclear weapons destabilizing the Middle East
and insisted that Israel not develop a nuclear bomb from the plutonium processing plant. Prime
Minister Ben-Gurion assured de Gaulle that the processing plant was for peaceful purposes
After John F. Kennedy
became President, he also wrote to Ben-Gurion explicitly calling on Israel not to join the
nuclear-weapons club, drawing another pledge from Ben-Gurion that Israel had no such intention. Nevertheless,
Kennedy continued to press, forcing the Israelis to let U.S. scientists inspect the nuclear
reactor at Dimona.
But the Israelis first built a fake control room while bricking
up and otherwise disguising parts of the building that housed
the plutonium
processing plant.
In return
for allowing inspectors into Dimona, Ben-Gurion also demanded that the United States sell Hawk surface-to-air
missiles to the Israeli military. Kennedy agreed to the sale as a show of good faith. Subsequently,
however, the
CIA got wind of the Dimona deception
and leaked to the press that Israel was secretly building a nuclear bomb.
After Kennedy’s assassination, President Lyndon Johnson also grew concerned over Israel’s acquiring
nuclear weapons.
He asked then-Prime Minister Levi Eshkol to sign the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty. Eshkol assured Johnson that
Israel was studying the
matter and would sign the treaty in due course. However, Israel has never signed the treaty and never
has admitted that it developed nuclear weapons. [For details, see Israel and The Bomb by Avner Cohen.]
Trapping Johnson
As Israel grew more sophisticated and more confident in its dealings with
U.S. presidents, it also sought to secure
U.S. military assistance by exaggerating
its vulnerability to Arab attacks. One such case occurred after the Egyptians
off the Gulf of Aqaba to Israel in May 1967, denying the country its only access to the Red Sea. Israel threatened
military action against Egypt if it did not re-open the Gulf.
Lyndon Johnson
Israel then asked President Johnson for military assistance in the event war broke
out against the Egyptians. Johnson
directed Richard Helms, the newly appointed
head of the CIA to evaluate Israel’s military capability in the event of war
against the surrounding Arab states.
On May 26, 1967, Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban met with Johnson, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara,
and Helms. Eban presented a Mossad estimate of the capability of the Arab armies, claiming
that Israel was seriously
outgunned by the Arab armies which had been supplied
with advanced Soviet weaponry. Israel believed that, owing
to its special relationship
with the United States, the Mossad intelligence assessment would be taken at face value.
However, Helms was asked to present the CIA estimate of the Arabs’
military capabilities versus the Israeli army.
The CIA’s analysts concluded
that Israel could “defend successfully against simultaneous Arab attacks on all fronts,
or hold on any three fronts while mounting a successful major offensive on the fourth.”
[See “C.I.A. Analysis of the 1967 Arab Israeli War,” Center for the Study of Intelligence.]
“We do not believe that the Israeli appreciation was a serious
estimate of the sort they would submit to their own high
officials,” the
CIA report said. “It is probably a gambit intended to influence the U.S. to provide military supplies, make
more public commitments to Israel, to approve Israeli military initiatives, and put more
pressure on Egyptian President Nasser.” [See A Look Over My Shoulder by Richard
The CIA report stated further that the Soviet
Union would probably not interfere militarily on behalf of the Arab states
that Israel would defeat the combined Arab armies in a matter of days. As a consequence, Johnson
refused to airlift special military supplies to Israel, or to promise public support for Israel if Israel went to
The Six-Day Success
Despite Johnson’s resistance, Israel launched an attack on its Arab
neighbors on June 5, 1967, claiming that the conflict
was provoked when Egyptian
forces opened fire. (The CIA later concluded that it was Israel that had first fired upon Egyptian forces.)
Liberty (AGTR-5) receives assistance from units of the Sixth Fleet, after she was attacked
and seriously damaged by Israeli forces off the Sinai Peninsula
on June 8, 1967. (US Navy photo)
On June 8, at the height of the conflict, which would become known as the Six-Day
War, Israeli fighter/bombers attacked
the USS Liberty, a lightly armed communications
vessel sent on a mission to relay information on the course of the
war to U.S.
naval intelligence.
The attack
killed 34 Americans sailors, and wounded 171 others. Israeli leaders have always claimed that they had
mistaken the U.S. vessel for an enemy ship, but a number of U.S. officials, including Secretary of State Dean
believed the attack was deliberate, possibly to prevent the United States
from learning about Israel’s war plans. [See As I Saw It by Dean Rusk.]
However, in deference to Israel, the U.S. government did not aggressively pursue the matter
of the Liberty attack
and even issued misleading accounts in medal citations to crew members, leaving out the identity of the attackers.
Meanwhile, on land and in the air, Israel’s powerful military advanced,
shredding the Arab defenses. Soon, the conflict
escalated into another potential
showdown between nuclear-armed superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States.
On June 10, President Johnson received a “Hot Line” message from Soviet Premier Alexi Kosygin. The Kremlin warned
of grave consequences if Israel continued its military campaign against Syria by entering
and/or occupying that country.
dispatched the Sixth Fleet to the Mediterranean, in a move to convince the Soviets of American resolve.
But a ceasefire was declared later the same day, with Israel ending up in control of Syria’s
Golan Heights, Egypt’s Sinai, and Palestinian lands including Gaza and East Jerusalem.
But a wider war was averted. Johnson’s
suspicions about Israel’s expansionist intent had kept the United States from
an even bigger commitment that might have led to the Soviets countering with an escalation of their own.
Nixon and Yom Kippur
Israeli occupation of those additional Arab lands set the stage for a resumption of hostilities
six years later, on
Oct. 6, 1973, with the Yom Kippur War, which began with a
surprise attack by Egypt against Israeli forces in the Sinai.
The offensive caught Israel off guard
and Arab forces were close to overrunning Israel’s outer defenses and entering
the country. According to later accounts based primarily on Israeli leaks, Prime Minister Golda Meir and her
cabinet” ordered the arming of 13 nuclear weapons, which were aimed at Egyptian and Syrian targets.
Israeli Ambassador to the United States Simha Dintz warned President Richard
Nixon that very serious repercussions
would occur if the United States did not
immediately begin an airlift of military equipment and personnel to Israel.
that the Soviet Union might intervene and that nuclear war was possible, the U.S. military raised its
alert level to DEFCON-3. U.S. Airborne units in Italy were put on full alert, and military aid was rushed to Israel.
Faced with a well-supplied Israeli counteroffensive
and possible nuclear annihilation, the Arab forces fell back.
The war ended on
Oct. 26, 1973, but the United States had again been pushed to the brink of a possible superpower confrontation
due to the unresolved Israeli-Arab conflict.
Nuclear ‘Ambiguity’
On Sept. 22, 1979, after some clouds unexpectedly broke over the South Indian Ocean, a U.S.
intelligence satellite
detected two bright flashes of light that were quickly
interpreted as evidence of a nuclear test. The explosion was
apparently one of
several nuclear tests that Israel had undertaken in collaboration with the white-supremacist government
of South Africa. But President Jimmy Carter at the start of his reelection bid didn’t want a showdown with
especially on a point as sensitive as its secret nuclear work with the
pariah government in Pretoria
So, after news of the nuclear test leaked a month later, the Carter administration followed Israel’s longstanding
of “ambiguity” about the existence of its nuclear arsenal,
a charade dating back to Richard Nixon’s
presidency with the United States
pretending not to know for sure that Israel possessed nuclear bombs.
The Carter administration quickly claimed that there was “no confirmation”
of a nuclear test, and a panel was set up
to conclude that the flashes were “probably
not from a nuclear explosion.” However, as investigative reporter
Hersh and various nuclear experts later concluded, the flashes were most certainly an explosion of a low-yield nuclear weapon.
[For details, see Hersh’s Samson Option.]
Getting Carter
Carter’s helpful cover-up of the Israeli-South African nuclear test, he was still viewed with disdain by Israel’s
hard-line Likud leadership. Indeed, he arguably was the target of Israel’s
most audacious intervention in U.S. politics.
Prime Minister
Menachem Begin was furious at Carter over the 1978 Camp David accords in which the U.S. President
pushed the Israelis into returning the Sinai to the Egyptians in exchange for a peace agreement. The next year,
failed to protect the Shah of Iran, an important Israeli regional ally
who was forced from power by Islamic militants.
Then, when Carter acceded to
demands from the Shah’s supporters to admit him to New York for
treatment, Iranian radicals seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage.
In 1980, as Carter focused on his reelection campaign, Begin saw both dangers
and opportunities. High-ranking
Israeli diplomat/spy David Kimche described Begin’s
thinking in the 1991 book, The Last Option, recounting how
Begin feared
that Carter might force Israel to withdraw from the West Bank and accept a Palestinian state if he won a second term.
“Begin was being set up for diplomatic
slaughter by the master butchers in Washington,” Kimche wrote. “They had,
moreover, the apparent blessing of the two presidents, Carter and [Egyptian President Anwar] Sadat, for this bizarre
and clumsy attempt at collusion designed to force Israel to abandon her refusal
to withdraw from
territories occupied in 1967, including Jerusalem, and to agree
to the establishment of a Palestinian state.”
Begin’s alarm was driven by the prospect of Carter being freed from
pressure of having to face another election, according to Kimche.
“Unbeknownst to the Israeli negotiators, the Egyptians held an ace up their sleeves,
and they were waiting to play it,”
Kimche wrote. “The card was President
Carter’s tacit agreement that after the American presidential elections in
November 1980, when Carter expected to be re-elected for a second term, he would be free to compel Israel to
accept a settlement of the Palestinian problem on his and Egyptian terms, without having to
fear the backlash of
the American Jewish lobby.”
So, by spring 1980, Begin had privately sided with Carter’s Republican
rival, Ronald Reagan, a reality that Carter
soon realized. Questioned by congressional
investigators in 1992 regarding allegations about Israel conspiring with
in 1980 to help unseat him, Carter said he knew by April 1980 that “Israel cast their lot with Reagan,”
according to notes found among the unpublished documents in the files of a House task force
that looked into the so-called October Surprise case.
traced the Israeli opposition to his reelection to a “lingering concern [among] Jewish leaders that I was too friendly
with Arabs.”
[For details, see Robert Parry’s Secrecy & Privilege.]
Doing What Was Necessary
Begin was an Israeli leader committed to do whatever he felt necessary
to advance Israeli security interests and the
dream of a Greater Israel with
Jews controlling the ancient Biblical lands. Before Israel’s independence in 1948, he had
led a Zionist terrorist group, and he founded the right-wing Likud Party in 1973 with the goal of “changing
the facts on the ground”
by placing Jewish settlements in Palestinian areas.
Begin’s anger over the Sinai
deal and his fear of Carter’s reelection set the stage for secret collaboration
between Begin and the Republicans, according to another former Israeli intelligence official, Ari Ben-Menashe.
“Begin loathed Carter for the peace agreement forced upon him at Camp
David,” Ben-Menashe wrote in his 1992
memoir, Profits of War.
“As Begin saw it, the agreement took away Sinai from Israel, did
not create
a comprehensive peace, and left the Palestinian issue hanging on Israel’s back.”
Ben-Menashe, an Iranian-born Jew who had immigrated to Israel as a teen-ager,
became part of a secret Israeli
program to reestablish its Iranian intelligence
network that had been decimated by the Islamic revolution. Ben-Menashe
that Begin authorized shipments to Iran of small arms and some military spare parts, via South Africa, as
early as September 1979 and continued them despite Iran’s seizure of the U.S. hostages in November 1979.
Extensive evidence also exists that Begin’s
preference for Reagan led the Israelis to join in a covert operation with
to contact Iranian leaders behind Carter’s back, interfering with the President’s efforts to free the 52 American
hostages before the November 1980 elections.
That evidence includes statements from senior Iranian officials, international arms
dealers, intelligence operatives
(including Ben-Menashe), and Middle East political
figures (including a cryptic confirmation from Begin’s successor
Shamir). But the truth about the October Surprise case remains in dispute to this day.
[For the latest details, see Robert Parry’s America’s Stolen Narrative.]
It is clear that after Reagan defeated
Carter, and the U.S. hostages were released immediately upon Reagan being
in on Jan. 20, 1981, Israeli-brokered weapons shipments flowed to Iran with the secret blessing of the new Republican administration.
Dealing with Reagan
The Israel Lobby had grown exponentially since its start in the Eisenhower
years. Israel’s influential supporters were
now positioned to use every
political device imaginable to lobby Congress and to get the White House to acquiesce
to whatever Israel felt it needed.
Reagan, 40th U.S. President
President Reagan also credentialed into the Executive Branch a new group
of pro-Israeli American officials the
likes of Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle,
Michael Ledeen and Jeane Kirkpatrick who became known as the neocons.
Yet, despite Reagan’s pro-Israel policies, the new U.S. President wasn’t
immune from more Israeli deceptions and
additional pressures. Indeed, whether
because of the alleged collusion with Reagan during the 1980 campaign
or because
Israel sensed its greater clout within his administration, Begin demonstrated a new level of audacity.
In 1981, Israel recruited Jonathan Pollard, an American Navy intelligence
analyst, as a spy to acquire American
intelligence satellite photos. Eventually,
Pollard purloined massive amounts of intelligence information,
some of which
was reportedly turned over to Soviet intelligence by Israel to win favors from Moscow.
Prime Minister Begin sensed, too, that the time was ripe to gain the upper
hand on other Arab enemies. He turned
his attention to Lebanon, where the Palestine
Liberation Organization was based. When U.S. intelligence warned Reagan
Israel was massing troops along the border with Lebanon, Reagan sent a cable to Begin urging him not to invade.
But Begin ignored Reagan’s plea and invaded Lebanon the following day, on June 6, 1982.
[See Time, Aug. 16, 1982.]
As the offensive progressed, Reagan sought a cessation
of hostilities between Israel and the PLO, but Israel was
intent on killing
as many PLO fighters as possible. Periodic U.S.-brokered ceasefires failed
Israel used the slightest provocation to resume fighting, supposedly in self-defense.
“When PLO sniper fire is followed by fourteen hours of Israeli bombardment
that is stretching the definition of defensive
action too far,” complained Reagan, who kept the picture of a horribly burned Lebanese child on his desk in the Oval Office as a
reminder of the tragedy of Lebanon.
The American public nightly witnessed the Israeli bombardment of Beirut on television news broadcasts. The pictures
of dead, mutilated children caught in the Israeli artillery barrages, were particularly wrenching.
Repulsed by the carnage, the U.S. public decidedly favored forcing Israel to stop.
When Reagan warned Israel of possible sanctions
if its forces continued to indiscriminately attack Beirut, Israel launched
major offensive against West Beirut the next day. In the United States, Israeli supporters demanded a meeting with
Reagan to press Israel’s case. Though Reagan declined the meeting, one was set up for
40 leaders of various Jewish
organizations with Vice President George H.W. Bush,
Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Secretary of State George Shultz.
Reagan wrote once again to Begin, reminding him that Israel was allowed to use American
only for defensive purposes. He appealed to Begin’s humanitarianism
to stop the bombardment.
next day, in a meeting with Israeli supporters from the United States, Begin fumed that he would not be instructed
by an American president or any other U.S. official. “Nobody is going to bring Israel
to her knees. You must have
forgotten that Jews do not kneel but to God,”
Begin said. “Nobody is going to preach to us humanitarianism.”
More Tragedy
government also used the tragedy in Lebanon as an
opportunity to provide special
favors for its American backers.
of Palestinian refugees at the Sabra camp in Lebanon, 1982.
(Photo credit: U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees)
In From Beirut to Jerusalem,
New York Times correspondent Thomas L. Freidman wrote that the Israeli Army conducted
tours of the battlefront for influential U.S. donors. On one occasion, women from Hadassah were taken to the hills
surrounding Beirut and were invited to look down on the city as Israeli artillery
put on a display for them. The
artillery began an enormous barrage, with shells
landing throughout the densely populated city. The shells
struck and destroyed
apartments, shops, homes and shacks in the squalid refugee camps of the Palestinians.
A ceasefire was finally agreed upon by Israel and the PLO, requiring Yasser
Arafat and all PLO fighters to leave Lebanon.
The Palestinians were assured,
as part of the agreement brokered by the United States, that their wives and children
living in Lebanese refugee camps would be safe from harm. The PLO then left Lebanon by ship in August 1982,
moving the PLO headquarters to Tunisia.
On Sept. 16, Israel’s Christian militia allies, with Israeli military support,
entered the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps,
and conducted a three-day campaign
of rape and murder. Most of the dead with estimates varying
from Israel’s
count of 400 to a Palestinian estimate of nearly 1,000 were women and children.
American Marines, who had been dispatched to Lebanon as peacekeepers to
oversee the PLO evacuation but then had
departed, hastily returned after the
Sabra and Shatila massacres. They were housed in a large warehouse complex near Beirut’s airport.
Over the next year, American forces found themselves drawn into the worsening
Lebanese civil war. A key moment
occurred on Sept. 18, 1983, when Reagan’s
national security adviser Robert McFarlane, who was
considered a staunch supporter
of Israel, ordered U.S. warships to bombard Muslim targets inside Lebanon.
As Gen. Colin Powell, then a top aide to Defense Secretary Weinberger, wrote in his memoir, “When the shells
falling on the Shiites, they assumed the American ‘referee’
had taken sides.” [See Powell’s My American Journey.]
Muslim attacks on the Marines in Beirut soon escalated. On Oct. 23, 1983, two Shiite Muslims drove explosives-laden
trucks into two buildings in Beirut, one housing French forces and the other the Marines.
The blasts killed 241 Americans and 58 French.
Over the ensuing weeks, American forces continued to suffer losses in skirmishes
with Muslim militiamen near the
Beirut airport and American civilians also became
targets for execution and hostage-taking. On Feb. 7, 1984, Reagan
announced that
the Marines would be redeployed from Lebanon. Within a couple of weeks,
the last
of the Marines had departed Lebanon, having suffered a total of 268 killed.
However, the hostage-taking of Americans continued, ironically creating an opportunity
for Israel to intercede again
through its contacts in Iran to seek the help of
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s regime in getting the Lebanese Shiite
to release captured Americans.
arms dealers and neocon Americans, such as Michael Ledeen, were used as middlemen for the secret
arms-for-hostages deals, which Reagan approved and McFarlane oversaw. However, the arms deliveries via Israel
failed to reduce the overall number of Americans held hostage in Lebanon and were eventually
exposed in November 1986, becoming
Reagan’s worst scandal, the Iran-Contra
Noriega and
Though Israel’s government had created
some headaches for Reagan, it also provided some help, allowing its arms
and intelligence operatives to assist some of Reagan’s favorite covert operations, particularly in Central America
where the U.S. Congress had objected to military assistance going to human rights
violators, like the Guatemalan military, and to the Nicaraguan Contra rebels.
As Vice President, George H.W. Bush met with
Panamanian dictator Manuel Noreiga and considered him a
compliant partner. Noriega
subsequently funneled financial and other help to Reagan’s beloved Contras and
once even volunteered to arrange the assassinations of leaders of the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.
Vice President George H.W. Bush meeting with
Panamanian Gen. Manuel Noriega in the mid-1980s.
of Noriega’s top operatives was Michael Harari, who had led Israeli assassination teams and who had served as
the Israeli Mossad station chief in Mexico. In Panama, Harari became a key intermediary for
contributions to the Contras, supplying them with arms and training,
while Noriega handed over cash.
Noriega and Harari were conducting other business in the region, allegedly working as middlemen and money
launderers for the lucrative smuggling of cocaine into the United States. When that information surfaced in the
news media and Noriega became notorious as an unstable thug George H.W.
Bush as
President found himself under enormous political pressure in 1989 to
remove Noriega from power.
Bush prepared to invade Panama in December 1989. However, the Israeli government was concerned about
the possible capture of Harari, whom U.S. prosecutors regarded as Noriega’s top co-conspirator
but who also was someone possessing sensitive information about Israeli clandestine activities.
Six hours before U.S. troops were to invade
Panama, Harari was warned of the impending attack, an alert that
enabled him to flee and may have compromised the safety of American
paratroopers and
Special Forces units preparing to begin the assault, units that
took surprisingly heavy casualties.
off by Israeli intelligence agents, Harari was whisked away by an Israeli embassy car, flying a diplomatic flag,
with diplomatic license plates to ensure he would not be stopped and held, according to an
that I had in January 1990 with Col. Edward Herrera Hassen, commander
of Panama Defense Forces.
soon was on his way back to Israel, where the government has since rebuffed U.S. requests that Harari be
extradited to the United States to stand trial in connection with the Noriega case. For his part, Noriega was captured
and brought to the United States where he was convicted of eight drug and racketeering
[Hariri died on Sept. 21, 2014, in Tel Aviv at the age of 87.]
The Lobby
The one constant in Israel’s endless maneuverings both with and against the U.S. government has been the effectiveness
of the Israel Lobby and its many allies to fend off sustained criticism of Israel, sometimes
by smearing critics
as anti-Semitic or by mounting aggressive cover-ups when
investigations threatened to expose ugly secrets.
Given this long record of success, U.S. presidents and other politicians have demonstrated a declining capacity
to press
Israel into making concessions, the way Eisenhower, Kennedy and Carter
tried to do. For instance, when President
Bill Clinton first met with Netanyahu
in 1996, Clinton was surprised to find himself getting a lecture from Israel’s Likud
prime minister. “Who the f**k does he think he is? Who’s the superpower here?” a peeved Clinton
was quoted as saying.
[See The Much Too Promised Land, by Aaron Miller,
an aide to Clinton.]
Gov. Bill Clinton debating with President George H.W. Bush in 1992
Lockhart, then White House spokesman, told Clayton Swisher, author of The Truth About Camp David, that
Netanyahu was “one of the most obnoxious individuals you’re going to come into
just a liar and a cheat.
He could open his mouth and you could have no confidence
that anything that came out of it was the truth.”
Faced with these difficulties and fending off Republican attempts to drive him from office Clinton put off any serious
for a Middle East peace accord until the last part of his presidency. Clinton
negotiated the Wye River memorandum with
Netanyahu and Arafat on Sept. 23, 1999,
calling for reciprocal undertakings by both sides. The agreement called for the
of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land, but Netanyahu failed to stop the settlement activity. Demolition
of Palestinian homes, restrictions on movement by Palestinians, and settlement building continued.
Ultimately, Clinton failed to achieve any
breakthrough as his final efforts collapsed
amid finger-pointing and distrust
between the Palestinians and the Israelis.
Handling Bush
Israel’s hopes
were buoyed further when George W. Bush entered the White House in 2001. Unlike his father who looked
on the Israelis with suspicion and felt some kinship with the Arab oil states, the younger Bush was unabashedly

Though Reagan had credentialed
many young neocons in the 1980s, he had kept them mostly away from Middle East
policy, which usually fell to less ideological operatives such as Philip Habib and James Baker. However, George W. Bush
installed the neocons in key jobs for Mideast policy, with the likes of Elliott Abrams at
the National Security Council,
Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith at the Pentagon,
and Lewis Libby inside Vice President Dick Cheney’s office.
The neocons arrived with a plan to transform the Middle East based on a scheme prepared by
a group of American
neocons, including Perle and Feith, for Netanyahu in 1996.
Called “A Clean Break: A New Strategy
for Securing the Realm,” the
idea was to bring to heel all the antagonistic states confronting Israel.
The “clean break” was to abandon the idea of achieving peace in the region through mutual understanding
compromise. Instead, there would be “peace through strength,”
including violent removal of leaders who were viewed
as hostile to Israel’s
The plan sought the
ouster of Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq, which was called “an important Israeli strategic objective
in its own right.” After Hussein’s ouster, the plan envisioned destabilizing the
Assad dynasty in Syria with hopes of
replacing it with regime more favorable
to Israel. That, in turn, would push Lebanon into Israel’s
arms and contribute
to the destruction of Hezbollah, Israel’s tenacious foe in South Lebanon.
The removal of Hezbollah in Lebanon would, in turn, weaken Iran’s
influence, both in Lebanon and in the occupied
territories of Gaza and the West
Bank, where Hamas and other Palestinian militants would find themselves cornered.
But what the “clean break” needed was the military might of
the United States, since some of the targets like Iraq were
too far away and
too powerful to be overwhelmed even by Israel’s highly efficient military. The
cost in Israeli lives and to Israel’s economy from such overreach would have been staggering.
The only way to implement the strategy was to enlist a U.S. president,
his administration and the Congress to join Israel
in this audacious undertaking.
That opportunity presented itself when Bush ascended to the White House
and the
terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, created a receptive political climate in the United States.
Turning to Iraq
After a quick strike against al-Qaeda and its allies in Afghanistan, the Bush administration turned its attention
to conquering
Iraq. However, even after the 9/11 attacks, the neocons and President
Bush had to come up with rationales that were
sellable to the American people,
while playing down any suggestion that the coming conflicts were partially designed to advance Israel’s interests.
the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, President George W. Bush ordered the
U.S. military to conduct a devastating aerial assault on Baghdad,
known as “shock and awe.”
So, the Bush administration put together tales about Iraqi stockpiles of WMD, its
“reconstituted” nuclear weapons
program, and its alleged ties to
al-Qaeda and other terrorists determined to strike at the United States. The PR
worked like a charm. Bush rallied Congress and much of the American public behind an unprovoked
invasion of Iraq, which began on March 19, 2003, and drove Saddam Hussein’s government from power three
weeks later.
At the time, the joke circulating among neocons
was where to go next, Syria or Iran, with the punch line: “Real men go to Tehran!”
Meanwhile, Israel continued collecting as much intelligence as possible
from the United States about the next desired
target, Iran. On Aug. 27, 2004,
CBS News broke a story about an FBI investigation into a possible spy working for
as a policy analyst for Under Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz. The official was identified as Lawrence Franklin.
Franklin pled guilty to passing a classified Presidential Directive and
other sensitive documents pertaining to U.S.
foreign policy regarding Iran to
the powerful Israeli lobbying group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee,
shared the information with Israel.
According to FBI surveillance tapes, Franklin relayed top secret information to Steve Rosen, AIPAC’s policy
and Keith Weissman, a senior policy analyst with AIPAC. On Aug.
30, 2004, Israeli officials admitted that Franklin
had met repeatedly with Naor
Gilon, head of the political department at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, and a
on Iran’s nuclear programs.
was sentenced to 12 years and seven months in prison for passing classified information to a pro-Israel
lobby group and an Israeli diplomat. No charges were brought against the AIPAC executives or the Israeli diplomat.
Bloody Chaos
Meanwhile, back in the Middle East, it turned out that occupying Iraq was
more difficult than the Bush administration had
anticipated. Ultimately, more
than 4,400 American soldiers died in the conflict along with hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
George W. Bush in a flight suit after landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln
to give his “Mission Accomplished” speech about the Iraq War on May
1, 2003.
The bloody chaos in Iraq also meant that the neocon “real men” couldn’t go either to Syria or
Iran, at least not right away.
They were forced into a waiting game, counting
on the short memories of the American people before revving up the fear machine again
to justify moving to the next phase.
When the U.S. death toll finally began to decline in Iraq, the neocons stepped up their alarms about Iran becoming
danger to the world by developing nuclear weapons (although Iran has disavowed
any desire to have nukes and
U.S. intelligence expressed confidence in 2007
that Iran had stopped work on a warhead four years earlier).
Still, while trying to keep the focus away from its own nuclear arsenal, Israel has pushed
the international community
to bring pressure on Iran, in part by threatening
to mount its own military attack on Iran if the U.S. government and other
powers don’t act aggressively.
The neocon anti-Iran plans were complicated by the victory of Barack Obama, who promised to reach out in a more
respectful way to the Muslim world. Inside Israel and in U.S. neocon circles,
complaints quickly spread about Obama’s
coziness with Muslims (even claims
that he was a secret Muslim or anti-Semitic). Obama further antagonized the neocons
Israeli hardliners by suggesting a linkage between the festering Palestinian problem and dangers to U.S. national security,
violence against U.S. troops in the Middle East.
Netanyahu, who again had assumed the post of prime minister, and the neocons
wanted U.S. policy refocused on Iran,
with little attention on Israel as it continued
its longstanding policy of building more and more Jewish settlements on what
once Palestinian land.
In reaction
to Netanyahu’s unwillingness to curb those settlements and with the announcement of more housing
units during Biden’s visit Obama retaliated by subjecting Netanyahu to several slights, including refusing
to have
photographs taken of the two of them meeting at the White House.
Obama walked out of one meeting with Netanyahu
after failing to get his written promise for a concession on halting
settlement construction. Obama went to dinner alone, a very pointed insult to Netanyahu. As Obama left the
meeting, he said, “Let me know if there is anything new,” according to a member
of Congress who was present.
For his part, Netanyahu has claimed that
secret agreements with the Bush administration allow for the continued building
settlements. However, Obama said on National Public Radio that he does not consider
himself bound by secret oral agreements that may have been made by President Bush.
Instead, Obama claims Israel is bound by the 2003 “Road Map”
agreement which prohibits building more settlements.
“I’ve said clearly
to the Israelis both privately and publicly that a freeze on settlements, including natural growth,
is part of these obligations,” Obama said.
Still, Obama has shied away from publicly challenging Israel on some of its most sensitive
issues, such as its undeclared
nuclear-weapons arsenal. Like presidents back
to Nixon, Obama has participated in the charade of “ambiguity.”
as he demanded “transparency” from other countries, Obama continued to dance around questions regarding
whether Israel has nuclear weapons.
Barack Obama talking on the phone in the Oval Office , Oct. 5, 2015.
(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
and Israel surely have vulnerabilities. Without America’s military, diplomatic and economic support, Israel
could not exist in its present form. One-quarter of Israeli wage incomes are derived from
American aid money, German
reparations and various charities. Without that outside
assistance, Israel’s standard of living would sink dramatically.
According to the Congressional Research Service, Israel receives $2.4 billion a year
in U.S. government grants,
military assistance, loan guarantees, and sundry other
sources. The United States also pays Egypt another $2 billion
to keep the peace
with Israel. The combined assistance to both countries comprises nearly one half of all U.S.
foreign aid assistance worldwide.
In a sense, Israel can’t be blamed for standing up for itself, especially given the long history of brutality
and oppression
directed against Jews. However, Israeli leaders have used this
tragic history to justify their own harsh treatment
of others, especially the
Palestinians, many of whom were uprooted from their ancestral homes.
Over the past six decades, Israeli leaders also have refined their strategies for taking advantage of their staunchest
ally, the United States. Today, with many powerful friends inside the United
States and with Obama facing intense
political pressure over his domestic
and national security policies the Israeli government has plenty of reasons
to believe that it can out-fox and outlast the current U.S. president as it did many of his predecessors.
LBJ and one of his Jew handlers David Dubinsky
How LBJ's Vietnam War Paralyzed
His Mideast Policymakers
(And His Role in the USS LIBERTY Slaughter)
By Grace Halsell
the summer of 1967, Iwas a staff writer for President Lyndon B. Johnson at the White
House. I was aware of that year's
Middle East crisis but, like most Americans, understood
little about it other than the fact that it involved Jews
and Arabs. In that year I did not know
a single Arab, and possibly LBJ did not either. Like most Americans, I was
Israel having been sold to most all of us as the underdog.
Everyone around me, without
exception, was pro-Israel. Johnson had a dozen or more
close associates and aides who were both Jewish and pro-Israel.
There were Walt Rostow
at the White House, his brother Eugene at State, and Arthur Goldberg, ambassador to the
United Nations. Other pro-Israel advisers included Abe Fortas, associate justice of the
Supreme Court; Democratic
Party fundraiser Abraham Feinberg; White House counsels
Leo White and Jake Jacobsen; White House writers Richard
Goodwin and Ben Wattenberg;
domestic affairs aide Larry Levinson; and John P. Roche, known as Johnson's
and an avid supporter of Israel.
around me, without exception, was pro-Israel."
I did not "know," but could sense,
that events of great portent were transpiring. I heard
rumors of CIA Director Richard Helms sending a warning to
LBJ that the Israelis were
about to attack, and the president getting word from Moscow that if the Israelis
attacked any Arab country, the Soviets would go to that nation's defense.
I could see the comings and
goings of Abe Fortas and Arthur Goldberg, and I knew that
Walt Rostow, in particular, had close Israeli connections,
and met frequently with Israeli
Embassy Minister Ephraim (Eppy) Evron.
On occasion I saw a strikingly
attractive blonde woman who, I learned, was an ardent
supporter of Israel and a woman of whom the president was fond.
Her background sounded
like material from a spy novel. She was born Mathilde Galland in 1927in Italy, where she was
reared as a Roman Catholic. Then, when her family returned to her father's birthplace in
Switzerland, she became
a Lutheran.
While a student in Geneva, she fell in love with a young Bulgarian Jew, David Danon,
had been brought up in Palestine and exiled by the British for his association with
the Irgun Zvai Leumi, a Jewish
terrorist group led by Menachem Begin. Danon was
studying to become a medical doctor, but spent most of his time
recruiting and carrying
out secret Irgun operations throughout Western Europe.
In later interviews
with former Time reporter Donald Neff, Mathilde said that as a teenager
she saw Danon as a dashing and heroic
figure, an activist dedicating his life to the founding
of a Jewish state in Palestine. He was a personal friend of
the Stern Gang terrorists, led by
Yitzhak Shamir, who killed British resident minister Lord Walter Moyne in Cairo
World War II, and the Irgun terrorists who blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in
1946,with heavy
loss of life. As bloody as these actions were, Mathilde said, she saw them
as heroic. They represented the depth of
the convictions of Danon and the Irgunists—and drew her to them.
Mathilde became so enamored of
the Jewish struggle and of Danon's daring undercover
operations in Europe that she converted to Judaism and married
Danon. Then she, too,
became an Irgun agent.
Reporter Neff, in his book entitled Warriors for
Jerusalem: The Six Days That Changed
the Middle East, documents Mathilde's role as a young "gun-runner"
for the Jewish terrorist
group. "As a seemingly innocent petite and pretty blonde out for a bicycle ride along
Switzerland's borders," wrote Neff, "she in reality was taking messages and
explosives into neighboring
France and Italy—to be passed on to the Irgunists.
Five years after the creation of Israel obviated
the need for pretty blonde gunrunners,
Mathilde received a Ph.D. in genetics at the University of Geneva in 1953.She
and Danon
then moved to Israel, where she became a cancer researcher at the Weizmann Institute.
After the
birth of a daughter, she and Danon separated. While still at Weizmann, however,
she met and later married the rich—and
20 years her senior—Arthur Krim, a motion
picture executive who became finance chairman for the Democratic National
American Jews such as Krim and Abraham Feinberg—a New York banker and the first Jew
to become a prominent moneyraiser in presidential campaigns—were by then bringing in
well over half of the Democratic
Party's funds. Thus it was natural that such fund-raisers
would become very important to many Democratic candidates—and
particularly to the leader
of the Democratic Party, Lyndon B. Johnson.
LBJ often invited the Krims
to his Texas ranch. There also were many instances in which
Arthur and Mathilde were guests at the White House, and
other times when, for many days
running, Mathilde—without her husband—was a guest there. The Krims built
a house
near the LBJ ranch known as Mathilde's house, and Johnson often traveled there by helicopter.
and Counsel LBJ Part 2
Krims, as well as other Jewish Americans who were closely associated with Johnson,
advised and counseled him on the
events leading up to the Six-Day War of June 1967.
On the Memorial Day weekend in May 1967, Mathilde and her husband
were guests at
the LBJ ranch. On arrival at the ranch, Johnson learned that the Soviets had warned the
that if Israel attacked an Arab state, the Soviets would go to the aid of that
state. The State Department was preparing
a message for LBJ to send to Israel.
While awaiting the draft message, Johnson got behind the wheel of
his Lincoln Continental
and took Mathilde and Arthur Krim for a drive over the hill country. They were at a neighbor's
house when an aide brought Johnson a message drafted by the State Department for Israeli
Prime Minister Levi Eshkol.
It relayed to Israel Moscow's warning that "if Israel
starts military action, the Soviet Union will extend help
to the attacked party."
After reassuring Eshkol of America's interest in Israel's safety, the draft
message cautioned:
"It is essential that Israel not take any preemptive military action and thereby make itself
responsible for the initiation of hostilities." The president strengthened the warning by adding
two words so
that the sentence read, "It is essential that Israel JUST MUST NOT take any
preemptive military action. . ."
June 3, Johnson traveled to New York to deliver a speech at a Democratic Party
fund-raising dinner. He moved on to
a $1,000-a-plate dinner dance, sponsored by the
President's Club of New York, whose chairman was Arthur Krim. While
at the table,
fund-raiser Abe Feinberg leaned over the shoulder of Mathilde Krim, seated next to Johnson,
and whispered: "Mr. President, it [Israel's attack] can't be held any longer. It's going to be
within the next
24 hours."
On June 4, Johnson went to the home of his close adviser and friend, Justice Abe Fortas.
The following day, June 5, Rostow woke Johnson with a phone call at 4:30 a.m.
"War has broken out,"
Rostow said. The Israelis had attacked Egypt and Syria.
Mathilde Krim was a guest at the White House
and, before going to the Oval Office,
and apparently before waking Lady Bird or notifying anyone else, Johnson dropped
the bedroom where Mathilde was sleeping and gave her the news: "The war has started."
7:45 a.m., Johnson talked—for the first time—on the hot line with Moscow. Soviet Premier
Aleksi Kosygin
expressed the hope that the United States would restrain Israel. Both leaders
vowed to work for a cease-fire.
that day—June 5, 1967—I walked the White House corridors as the telephone lines
and news tickers recorded
developments of the first morning of the war that would change
the Middle East. I learned that in the war's first
hours, Israeli planes had destroyed the
air forces of both Egypt and Syria on the ground.
Glee LBJ Part 3
Several U.S. officials in a State Department Operations Room briefing could not conceal
their glee over Israel's successes. With a wide smile, Eugene Rostow said,
"Gentlemen, gentlemen, do not forget
that we are neutral in word, thought and deed."
At the State Department's noon briefing on June
5, press spokesman Robert J. McCloskey
repeated those words for reporters. (Since the U.S. was not neutral but totally
of Israel, however, this statement would need—over the next several weeks—endless clarification.)
on June 5, Arthur Krim wrote a memo to the president saying: "Many arms shipments
are packed and ready to go
to Israel, but are being held up. It would be
helpful if these could be released." Johnson got the shipments
on their way.
Walt Rostow, in a memo to the president, referred to the results of Israel's surprise attack
on Egypt and Syria as "the first day's turkey shoot." On June 6, in another memo to the
Walt Rostow recommended that the Israelis not be forced to withdraw
from the territories they had seized—short
of peace treaties with the Arab states.
"If the Israelis go fast enough and the Soviets get worried
enough," he wrote, "a simple
cease-fire might be the best answer. This would mean that we could use the
de facto
situation on the ground to try to negotiate not a return to armistice lines but a definitive
in the Middle East."
Mathilde Krim, still a guest in the White House, left for meetings in New York.
departing, however, she wrote out a statement supportive of Israel which she asked the
president to
deliver "verbatim to the American people." Johnson was sufficiently impressed
with her comments to, later
in the day, read some of them to Secretary of State Dean Rusk.
But the president did not, as she had asked, read them
to the American people.
Jordan, treaty-bound to come to the aid of Egypt and Syria if either were attacked,
had done so and, on June 7, Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem. Also on June 7,
Wattenberg and Levinson
wrote in a memo to Johnson that the U.N. might attempt
"to sell Israel down the river."
urged LBJ to support Israel's claim to the territories seized militarily. They referred to
McCloskey's statement
that the U.S. was neutral, suggesting LBJ issue a statement
affirming total support for Israel which, they said, might
stop American Jews
from meeting in Lafayette Square to protest the "neutrality" statement.
Johnson never minded getting pro-Israel advice from such close friends as Mathilde
Krim or Abe Fortas, he apparently
resented advice from relatively minor White
House staffers such as Wattenberg and Levinson. Seeing Levinson he stormed:
Zionist dupe! You and Wattenberg are Zionist dupes in the White House! Why can't
you see I'm doing all I can for
Israel! That's what you should be telling people when they
ask for a message from the president for their rally."
As LBJ abruptly stormed off,
Levinson reports, he stood there, "shaken to the marrow of my bones."
on the night of June 7, the USS Liberty , a Navy "ferret" ship equipped to
monitor electronic communications, had approached within sight
of the Gaza Strip so the
National Security Agency personnel aboard could intercept the military communications
jamming the airwaves. The president retired at 11:30 p.m., but White House logs
reported that at one minute to midnight
he got a call from Mathilde Krim, still in New York.
By June 8, despite U.S. and Soviet demands for a
cease-fire, the Israelis were planning
one more attack to take Syria's Golan Heights. Perhaps to prevent U.S. intelligence
learning of their plan, despite Syria's acceptance of the cease-fire, the Israelis dispatched
planes to
the USS Liberty. One roared over the Liberty so closely that the portholes of the
aircraft's reconnaissance
cameras were clearly visible. Lieutenant James M. Ennes,
deck officer, saw on its wings Israel's insignia, the Star
of David.
The Liberty Assault LBJ Part 4
Ennes glanced at the U.S. flag atop his ship's tall mast. If he could see the Israeli pilots
in their cockpits, he reasoned, the pilots could certainly see the large U.S. flag. It was not
long after the last
of several such Israeli reconnaissance flights, however, that an Israeli
aircraft swooped down and fired rockets
directly at The Liberty. Rocket fragments and 30mm
bullets punched through the heavy deck plating—and
through the flesh of the stunned crewmen.
Then more planes—with cannon and napalm—turned the Liberty
into a floating hell of
flames and screaming men.
The Israeli attacks killed 34 Americans
and wounded 171. The ship was partly flooded
when an Israeli torpedo boat hit the U.S. ship with a torpedo below
the water line.
Another machine-gunned the ship's life rafts when the crew tried to launch them.
by a miracle did The Liberty remain afloat. But its threat to Israel's plans was finished.
The next day,
June 9, Israeli forces attacked and captured the Golan Heights.
On Saturday, June 10, the war's sixth day, Israel
agreed to a cease-fire.
It was Rostow who first notified Johnson of the assault on the Liberty. Asked
who did it,
Rostow said he did not know. Later the Israelis said they had done it, by mistake.
sent an immediate report to Kosygin that the Israelis had torpedoed a U.S. ship.
Thus the Kremlin now knew about
the Israeli attack, but the American people did not.
From the beginning, the Johnson administration covered it up.
Surviving crew members were
separated from each other and the Navy was ordered to make certain that no survivor
with any reporter—or to anyone else—about the assault on the USS Liberty .
It went virtually unnoticed. Not only the crew of the USS Liberty , but all Americans were
victims. Johnson and most of those who entered and left the Oval Office were oriented
toward Israel. For that matter, I too, was ready and eager to believe in 1967 that the Arabs,
not the Israelis, had
started the war and that the bombing raid on the USS Liberty was
not intentional, but a mistake.
there can be no moral justification for the White House cover-up orders to the Navy
after the assault on the Liberty,
from hindsight Johnson's political motivation is obvious.
It was the same motivation that led him subsequently
to listen to the Jewish friends and
advisers who urged him not to put any pressure on the Israelis to relinquish
they had seized in the Six-Day War.
In 1967, President Johnson felt he needed all the
support he could get to I 'win" in Vietnam.
Many American Jews were liberals outspokenly opposed to the war
there. Johnson was
told if he gave all out support to Israel—which would include ignoring the Israeli attack
on the Libertyinfluential Jewish Americans would stop opposing his Vietnam policies.
In a memo
to the president, Wattenberg, whose parents had moved to the U. S. from
Palestine and who was known as a strong supporter
of the Jewish state, said flatly
that if the president came out with strong support for Israel, he would win American
support for the war in Vietnam. Many American Jewish leaders are "doves"
on Vietnam, Wattenberg
wrote, but "hawks" on a war with Arab states.
A "Bonus" for Johnson
LBJ Part 5
stand to be cheered now by those (American Jewish leaders) who were jeering
last week," Wattenberg wrote the
president. He added that the Mideast crisis could be
"a bonus" for Johnson. All-out support of Israel,
he predicted, would "help
turn around 'the other war'—the domestic dissatisfaction about Vietnam."
support given by the American Jewish leaders "was welcome to the president,"
as reporter Donald Neff observed,
when at every turn he was being
attacked by critics, particularly in the media, of his Vietnam policy.
was, at the time, a typical American. I was convinced back then that the Arabs had started
the war and deserved what
they got. I didn't try to reason how, if the Arabs had started the
war, they were surprised with their air forces
on the ground and how it was that Israel so
easily seized all of Palestine, including the rest of Jerusalem. Instead,
like millions of Americans, I was thrilled by the might of "little Israel."
Yet, despite the
euphoria around me, what I saw in the White House planted questions in
my mind. As Americans we had just passed through
a dangerous Middle East conflict that
threatened to explode into World War III. There were two parties to the conflict,
Arabs and
Jews. But for weeks on end I had seen only one set of advisers who could call or see
Johnson whenever
they pleased. The Arabs had no voice, no representation, no access, whatsoever.
It was only later that
I came to reflect on how America, which devoted so much of the
efforts of its "best and brightest" to the
problem of Vietnam, had in 1967 quite unwittingly
stumbled into a Middle East quagmire that, long after the fall
of Saigon, would continue
to enmesh U.S. soldiers and diplomats, and project an image of double
standards and
insincerity onto U.S. diplomacy all over the world.
Far more than his failed policies in Vietnam, the
Middle East policies that LBJ allowed to
fall into place in the June 1967 war would remain to haunt the U.S. for decades
to come.
Rostow brothers, the sons of Jewish Russian socialists, were a big influence on LBJ.
Eugene V. Rostow was Dean of
the Yale Law School when he was asked to become LBJ’s
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. Walt
Whitman Rostow had been JFK’s Deputy
National Security Advisor and became LBJ’s National Security Advisor
April Fool’s Day (how poetic), 1966 until January 20, 1969.
Walt Rostow had served with
the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), under the
"Father of American Intelligence," William "Wild
Bill" Donovan, during WW II
as part of a committee that selected German targets for U.S. bombardment.
after Germany’s unconditional surrender, Walt Rostow became Assistant
Chief of the German-Austrian Economic
Division in the U.S. Department of State in Washington.
He then became the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission
for Europe in
1947. We can easily deduce that Walter Rostow was one of the key players in the murderously
Morgenthau Plan
that was perpetrated upon the demolished and helpless German nation.
Walt Rostow was
considered a staunch anti-communist, which doesn’t ring true considering
the man’s parents were Russian
born socialists. He was very prominent for his role
in shaping U.S. foreign policy in Southeast
Asia during the 1960s. Jewish German-born
Henry Kissinger replaced Walt Rostow as U.S. National Security
Advisor beginning with
the Nixon administration.
Grace Halsell, a Washington-based writer, is the author of Journey to Jerusalem
and Prophecy and Politics, as well as several other works of nonfiction.

China, Kissinger & Tricky
Dick is exactly where
the selling
off of the USA began in earnest:
Poor ole "Tricky Dick" Nixon has gone down in all of our shamelessly biased, content
agenda driven history books as the liar whose only notable accomplishment
was opening
the door to China as a trade partner.
And even his China trip from February 21st through 28th,
1972 was only a grandstanding
propaganda photo-op as far as the clueless Nixon was concerned.
The real China summit
was arranged, orchestrated and presided over by Nixon’s National
Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger.
Kissinger hammered out
trade agreement proposals and future schemes with Zhou Enlai
while Nixon and Chairman Mao went
sightseeing and attended numerous banquets.
Even Secretary of State William P. Rogers was purposely
left out of all the meetings
between Kissinger and Zhou Enlai… and Rogers, as Secretary
of State, far outranked Kissinger!
Such is the nature of perceived power versus actual power.
Kissinger and Zhou Enlai
To make a long story short: The selling out of America
to the Chinese began that week in
February of 1972 and it was orchestrated by the globalist-Zionist
Jew, Henry Kissinger.
And here we are
forty years later as the second in rank to China as the global leader in trade
and we are now heavily in debt to China. American manufacturing has been largely packed
up and literally moved to China. We aretrillions of dollars in debt to China (the balance of the
national debt is owned by the Federal Reserve Bank, or owed to Social Security and Medicare).
Wal-Mart is the all-American Chinese goods outlet franchise
and China can now militarily
kick our ass much harder than they did in Korea in the early 1950s.
They now make more
and better war toys than us and it appears as though they spend far less
than us on
weaponry while doing it.
Independent Party presidential candidate in 1992, and 1996, Ross Perot, was absolutely
regarding so called "free trade" agreements that have had a devastating effect on
American manufacturing, and therefore the economy. The agreement known as NAFTA
(North American
Free Trade Agreement) was correctly predicted by Perot to cause a
"a sucking sound"
coming from Mexico. NAFTA was implemented,
and Mexico sucked wealth and jobs from America, and
is still doing so.
Jewish Zionist and U.S. Trade Representative
(1993-1996), Mickey Kantor, was the lead
negotiator for the NAFTA deal. Jewish Zionist, Charlene
Barshefsky, was the U.S. Trade
Representative (1997-2001) who successfully helped establish
China as a major
player in the World Trade Organization.
A puppet for the Jewish Cabal, Carla Anderson Hills, who was the U.S. Trade Representative
from 1989 until 1993 helped Kantor with the NAFTA negotiations and cut such a sweet
deal for the Mexicans that she was awarded the Order of the Aztec Eagle by Mexico in
appreciation in 2000. George H.W. Bush called upon globalist Hills to help hammer out
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that totally gutted any and all trade
advantages for America related to tariffs. Hills and Jewish Zionist, Robert Rubin, presently
co-chair the Council on Foreign Relations and she is a Trilateral Commission executive officer…
In summation, she is a shameless traitor to the U.S.A. along with Kantor.
BTW: Obama’s Harvard Law School classmate, Jewish Zionist
Michael Froman,
has been the U.S. Trade Representative since June 21st, 2013.
The Deputy U.S. Trade Representative is Miriam Sapiro who is also Jewish.
Then we have American Zionist Jew authors such as Thomas Friedman who assures his
readers that globalization, trade agreements, and outsourcing jobs to foreign countries is
a great idea. He says so in his book, The World
is Flat. But this three time Pulitzer Prize
winner is just flat wrong
and should be exiled to the country where his true loyalty lays …Israel.
By the way… Joseph Pulitzer, a Jew, established the Pulitzer
Prize for journalism in 1917
and is considered the "father of yellow journalism"
as if that is a good thing. Yellow journalism
is a type of journalism that presents little
or no legitimate well-researched
news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more papers.
Eye catching techniques may include
exaggerations of news events, scandal mongering,
sensationalism, scare headlines
in huge print of minor news, lavish use of photos and
imaginary drawings, use
of faked interviews, fake experts and witnesses and conjuring
dramatic sympathy
for the underdog" against the "system." Sound familiar…?
Inquirer comes to mind doesn’t it..?
The Inquirer’s executive editor is Jewish Zionist Barry Levine. The Inquirer is owned by
American Media Inc. which is owned by Roger Charles Altman and David J. Pecker
Zionist Jews… of course).
Anyway, Nixon was fully
aware that a Jew could not be expected to be impartial on
Middle East policy and was proven
correct in 1973 when Kissinger purposely withheld
news of Israel’s attack on Egypt and
Syria during the so called "Yom Kippur War"
(aka: 1973 Arab-Israeli War, October
6 through October 25) for three and a half hours so
that Nixon would not interfere in the conflict.
Kissinger then instructed Nixon’s Chief of Staff,
Alexander Haig, to lie to the media
by saying that Nixon was informed of the attacks immediately.
October 7, the day after the "Yom Kippur War" commenced, a telephone transcript
that Kissinger was purposely keeping relevant information from Nixon related
to the Russian
support of the Arabs. It was a possibility that the Russians might enter
the conflict, so Kissinger,
without Nixon’s knowledge or approval, raised the American
military readiness to DEF CON
3 and personally drafted a letter to the Soviet Premier,
Alexei Kosygin, advising him of the
American alert status without advising Nixon.
So, a Jewish Mossad asset as Secretary of State, was flirting with WWIII
without the knowledge of the President of the United States... and so it goes.
was Secretary of State under Nixon and then under Ford,
which is another lesson
in perceived power versus actual power.
The White House Jewish Liaison
Did you know that the Director
of Jewish Outreach, White House Office of Public Engagement is
a White House staff position popularly known as the White House Jewish Liaison? …me either.
The Director is presently Matt Nosanchuk whose job it is to serve
as the Administration’s voice
to the American Jewish Community and gather the communities’ consensus viewpoint on issues
affecting it
for the ‘benefit’ of White House policy makers. There are no White House office
liaisons for Islamists, Hindus, Catholics or Buddhists
as far as I know, and
there are 78.2 million Catholics in the U.S. comprising 25% of the population!
In the past, White House Jewish Liaisons
such as Mark Siegal resigned from the position under
Jimmy Carter because he became distressed with the administration’s
position towards Israel
and Middle East policy, and felt unable to influence it. Jimmy Carter to this day is not a
regarding Israel and her designs. But the Zionist media never misses an opportunity to make Carter look like
a fool.
As Ronald Reagan’s Jewish liaison, Marshall Breger’s main task was explaining
to White House
Chief of Staff, Donald Regan, why Jews were upset over Reagan’s visit to a Bitburg,
Germany cemetery in 1985. The cemetery included the graves of Waffen SS soldiers.
Jay Footlik was
Clinton’s liaison when the position actually became an important one as the
Clinton administration became overwhelmingly
"Jewed-up." Footlik was also John Kerry’s
Middle East Advisor during Kerry’s ill-fated presidential
campaign and accompanied Kerry’s
Jewish convert brother, Cameron, to Israel during the campaign
to meet
with then present and former Israeli heads of state.
There were seven different Jewish liaisons
during the George W. Bush Administration. The
first liaisons, including Adam Goldman and Tevi Troy (former Deputy
Secretary of Health and
Human Services), angered the liberal leaders of American Jewish organizations by ignoring
their counsel. Goldman and Troy were far-right wingers who acted as gatekeepers to the sensible
left-wing school
of thought. Sensibility wasn’t a Bush administration
trait; reconfiguring the Middle East to suit Israeli designs
Bush II Jewish liaisons included researcher and schedule manager Jeff Berkowitz,
Jay Zeidman (son of U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
council chairman Fred Zeidman),
presidential speechwriter Noam Neusner (son of Rabbi Jacob Neusner who has written or
edited some 950 books on the subject
of Judaism) and special policy
advisor to the POTUS Jeremy Katz. The last Bush II liaison was Scott Arogeti.
I think it is either superhumanly astounding, or simply unbelievable, that anyone
could write or edit 950 books as
Jacob Neusner supposedly has. Do the math and you’ll
see that the man has published a book every month of his
life since birth (he is 81years old).
And this on top of his teaching duties as a professor at Bard College since
1994; and prior
teaching duties at Columbia University, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Brandeis University,
Dartmouth College, Brown University and the University of South Florida. This guy is
probably another one of those
authors that lends his name to other people’s work to help
it sell. Neusner is evidently a franchise name in
the world of books related to Judaism.
During the Obama Administration, the First Lady’s Jewish chief of staff, Susan Sher,
was co-liaison
with Jew Danielle Borrin (who is Special Assistant for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public
Engagement to Vice-President Joe Biden). Zionist Jew Jarrod Bernstein assumed the position
in 2011, then stepped
down in January of 2013 to pursue a career in New York real estate.
Zach Kelley was interim liaison until Matt Nosanchuk
came along. Prior to becoming the
Jewish Liaison, Nosanchuk held the position of Senior Counsel in the Civil Rights
Division of
the Justice Department where he helped eviscerate the Defense of Marriage Act DOMA), an
Act that
defined and defended the institution of marriage as being exclusively between a man
and a woman. Lately, it’s
become politically correct to allow men
to marry men and women to marry women. Again…What’s next?
Jewish Institute for National Security
Affairs (JINSA).
JINSA’s stated aim is to "ensure a strong and
effective U.S. national security policy and to educate American leaders on what
it views as the vital strategic relationship
between the U.S. and Israel."
There is NOTHING vital to America’s interests
by being allied with Israel. Quite the
opposite is true. Israel is an American liability to say the
Israel is America’s worst enemy says it best.
The Reagan Years
Duberstein was one of Reagan’s key handlers as the Deputy White House Chief of Staff (1987-88),
and then Duberstein became the first Jewish
White House Chief of Staff (1988-1989).
Duberstein had initially replaced Dennis Thomas as Deputy White
House Chief of Staff,
who had replaced Michael Deaver, who had to resign to deal with Congressional perjury
charges related to his lobbying activities.
Deaver was convicted and sentenced to three
years in prison; the sentence was, of course, reduced to three
years’ probation and
hours of community service.
Other Zionist Jews handling Reagan were:
R. Gergen – Communications/Speechwriter/Advisor
Mark Klugman - Speechwriter
Landon Parvin - Speechwriter
Ben Jarrett- Assistant Press Secretary
Murray Weidenbaum – Chairmen,
Council of Economic Advisors
Feldstein – Economic Advisor
Beryl Sprinkel – Economic Advisor
Jerry L. Jordan – Economic
S. Cohen – Associate Counsel to the President
Peter D, Keisler – Assistant Counsel to the President
Chuck Greener – Special Assistant
to the President
Mark Greenberg – Legislative Affairs
Mary Jo Jacoby – Assistant to the President for Women’s business
L. Lavin – Political Affairs Executive Assistant
Susan Lauffer – Political Affairs Executive Assistant
Jonathan Miller – Office
of Administration Director
Kranowitz – Legislative Office/Assistant to the President
Charles Kupperman – Office of Administration Special
Assistant to the President
Ronald B. Frankum – Policy Development
Max Friedersdorf – Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Eric I. Garfinkel – Policy
Development/Senior Commerce & Trade Staff Member
Marshall Breger – Special Assistant to President/Liaison to Jewish Community
Max Green –
Liaison to Jewish community
Stein – Public liaison for Jewish affairs
Michael Gale – Associate Director for Jewish Affairs
Most of Reagan’s National Security Council members were Jewish including:
Douglas Feith – Near East/Far
East and Political Affairs
Pipes – Director of Soviet/East European Affairs
Herman Cohen – African Affairs Nicolas Rostow – Legal Advisor
Stephen Danzansky – Economic
Dobriansky – Soviet/European Affairs
Eugene Ebner – Defense Policy
Phyllis Kaminsky – Public
Gold – Defense Policy
Korengold – Public Affairs
Green – Legal Advisor
Levine – Policy Director
Michael Lazan – Near East/South Asia
Nelson Ledsky – Euro-Soviet Affairs
Allan A. Myer – Director of
Defense Programs
Rosenberg – African Affairs
J. Sieber – International Economic Affairs
Seems like a lot of Zionist Jews working for Reagan, but during his eight years in the
White House,
Bill Clinton
appointed more Jews to high-ranking positions than any president before him,
including five Jews who were appointed to cabinet departments including:
Robert Rubin and
Laurence Summers - Treasury Secretary
Glickman - Secretary of Agriculture
Reich - Secretary of Labor
Kantor - Secretary of Commerce.
Madeleine Albright, who was Jewish but passed
herself off as a Catholic during her
overnment service, became Secretary of State in
1997 after having been the U.N. Ambassador.
Zionist Jews held portfolios with cabinet rank:
“Sandy” Berger - Special Assistant for National Security Affairs.
Charlene Barshefsky succeeded Mickey Kantor as Special Trade Representative.
Alice Rivkin and Jacob Lew were each named Directors
of the Office of Management and Budget
Gene Sperling - Assistant to the President for Economic Policy.
Three Jewish attorneys - Bernard Nussbaum, Lloyd Cutler and former Federal Circuit
Court Judge Abner Mikva,
served on
the White House staff as special presidential counsels.
Several other Zionist Jews
including Rahm Emanuel (White House Chief of Staff),
Ira Magaziner, Dick Morris, Ann Lewis, Maria Eshaveste, and
Sidney Blumenthal all served as White House advisors.
Clinton years were the golden years for Jews in American politics and government.
During Clinton’s presidency more Jews won elections
to Congress and the Senate than
time in American history. During the first four years of the 1950s only one Jew,
Herbert Lehman of New York, was a member of the Senate (who was replaced by Jewish
Senator Jacob Javits); during the 1990s, there were eleven
Jewish Senators. Clinton
Appointed three Jews to the Supreme Court, and appointed more Jews as ambassadors,
including the first non-American born Jewish ambassador
to Israel, Martin Indyk, than
any prior
Martin Indyk was born in London, raised in Australia,
and immigrated to the U.S. to
the deputy research director for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),
the uber-powerful and rabidly pro-Israel lobby organization
in D.C. In 1985 Indyk became
the founder and Executive Director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
(WINEP is another pressure-lobby for Israel group). He taught
at the Moshe Dayan Center
for Middle Eastern and African studies at Tel Aviv University. He was the special assistant to
Clinton and the Senior Director of the Near East and South
Asian Affairs at the U.S.
Security Council. He became a U.S. citizen two year prior to becoming ambassador
to Israel from April 1995 to September 1997, and again from January 2000 to July
Now that’s
what I don’t call an All-American boy.
is an Israeli Firster and a spy.
BTW: Indyk was the first U.S. ambassador to be stripped of
his security clearance while under
investigation for improperly handling sensitive material (he was a spy funneling U.S.
intelligence to Israel); but his clearance was restored a
month later,
in October
2000, by fellow Jewess and Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright.
So, who the hell do you think all the Clinton appointed Jews were working for… America?
Think again! Clinton, whether he knew it or not, was a prime
player in laying the groundwork
that was being done for perpetrating 9/11, the Afghan -Iraq wars, and the
Wall Street rip-off that would all occur during W. Bush’s regime.
Kurtzer, the Clinton appointed Jewish Zionist ambassador to Egypt (a mortal enemy of Israel),
replaced Indyk as ambassador to Israel from July 2001 to
Daniel Kurtzer, as ambassador to Egypt, installed a kosher
kitchen in the Cairo Embassy.
Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, took Kurtzer’s appointment as an insult, and rightfully so.
Obama answered the question put to him about a whether or not there would be a
9/11 Re-investigation saying, “No, let’s move on.” I was sorely
to realize
that Obama was a controlled bait and switch con man after all.
But consider that Zionist
Jew David Axelrod was an Obama election campaign advisor
and an important Obama handler as Senior Advisor until January of 2011 when he
resigned to become Obama’s re-election campaign manager.
Jewish uber-Zionist Rahm
Emanuel became Obama’s White House Chief of Staff. Then Rahm resigned to become
Mayor of Chicago and Zionist Jew Jack Lew became the White
House Chief of Staff,
Secretary of the Treasury. Zionist Jew David Plouffe was a Senior Advisor
during the first Obama term.
I have no idea if Emanuel,
Axelrod, Lew or Plouffe had anything at all to do with 9/11,
but they all wholeheartedly approved of going to war with Afghanistan and Iraq;
Iraq, that
had the nerve to launch SCUD missiles at the “holy land” of Israel during
George H.W. Bush’s first Gulf War.
There was and is a Jewish Zionist White House omnipresence.
are supposed to believe that Rahm Emanuel was only fixing the breaks on military
trucks as a member of the Israeli Defense Forces during George H.W. Bush’s
first Gulf War.
should not question that this experience as a brake fixer for the IDF gave him the skills
to become Clinton’s Chief White House Advisor…Baloney!
Rahm Emanuel became a very
Mossad asset during H.W. Bush’s first Gulf War while residing in Israel and
remains so to this day.
idea about how easy it is to blackmail the Clintons to do your bidding...

Maariv (daily paper of Israel) - 2. 9. 1994:
The Jews Who Run Clinton's Court
By Avinoam Bar-Yosef
Several weeks ago the rabbi of "Adath Ysrael" synagogue in Cleveland Park,
dedicated his Sabbath sermon to the Jewish
cultural and political center which is being
formed in
the first time in American history," the rabbi said, "we no longer feel that we
live in diaspora. The U.S. has no longer a government of Goyim
(Gentiles), but an
administration in
which the Jews are full partners in the decision making at all
levels. Perhaps the aspects of the Jewish religious law connected with the term
'government of goyim' should be re-examined, since it is an
outdated term in the U.S."
Indeed, as far as the Jews are concerned, President Bill Clinton contributed
a real change in the Administration's outlook,
having concluded a series of changes in
enhancing Jewish
power beginning during under President Reagan and his Secretary
of State, Schultz. True, the Jewish political influence was also evident in America of the
previous decades. We have already seen a Jewish Secretary of State,
Kissinger, enjoying
the confidence of President Richard
Nixon and there were Jewish Cabinet members under
However, they were usally the exceptions testifying to the rule. Especially, pious
Jews were hardly ever appointed to participate in political work concerning the Middle
The picture has now totally changed and not only about the Middle East. For example,
every morning at about 6:00 o'clock, several staff cars
travel from the CIA center to the
White House with senior
officers of the American intelligence community, who are about
to present to the president and to the four top staffers a PDB - President's Daily Briefing -
the term for the most exclusive report in Washington. the document, consisting
of 5-7
pages, is often accompanied by top secret satellite
photographs transferred by the Pentagon.
It is composed
in the course of the night by the best American intelligence experts who
analyze the telegrams and reports arriving from the CIA's world-wide network of agents.
It contains the most sensitive information regarding developments
around the world.
Its uniqueness, compared to other American
intelligence documents, lays in the fact that
it almost
always indicates the source of the information, whether the source is tapping
by means of satellite. If Clinton is in Washington, he holds a short discussion on the
contents of the document with the five other addressees:
Vice-President Al Gore,
National Scurity Advisier ("Sandy")
Berger, and National Security Adviser to the Vice-President,
Leon Perth. Two of the addressees, Berger and Perth, are warm Jews. They have reached
posts that are extremely sensitive for the U.S. politicies. They are by no means
the National Security Council, 7 out of 11 top staffers are Jews. Clinton had
especially placed them in the most sensitive junctions in the U.S. security and foreign
administrations: Sandy Berger ist the deputy chairman of the council;
Martin Indyk,
the intended ambassador to Israel, is a
senior director in charge of Western Europe;
Don Steinberg,
the senior director and adviser to the president, is in charge of Africa;
Richard Feinberg, the senior director and adviser to the president, in charge of Latin America;
Stanley Ross, the senior director and adviser to the
president, is in Charge of Asia.
The situation is not much different in the president's office which is full of
warm Jews:
the new Attorney General, Aberner Mikve (now
replaced the Jewess J. Reno); the president's
schedule and
programs manager, Ricky Seidman; deputy chief of staff, Phil Leida;
economic adviser, Robert Rubin (now Minister of Finance); media director, David Heiser;
staff director, Alice Rubin; Ely Segall, in charge of volunteers;
Ira Mezina, in charge
of the health program. Two Cabinet
members, Labor Secretary Robert Reich and Micky Cantor
charge of international trade agreements, are Jewish. They are joined by a long list of
senior Jewish officials in the State Department, headed by the head of the Middle East
Peace Team,
Dennis Ross, and followed by many deputy
secretaries and even more senior secretaries' chiefs of staff.
One of the most intersting Jews from the Israeli
point of view, who has rarely been exposed
to view till
now, is Rahm Emanuel, Clinton's senior adviser in charge of coordinating special
projects in the White House. His office is located next to the famous Oval Office
He has a face that is more suitable for an Israeli
tourist than for a senior official in the
U.S. Administration.
"You know, Rahm Emanuel is a name that would not be out of
place in the Tel-Aviv phone directory," I told him. A large warm smile spread across is face.
"Our original name was Auerbach. We opened the first pharmacies
in Tel-Aviv and in Jerusalem ...
Rahm and his two brothers
received a warm Jewish education ... Perhaps the most intriguing
that happened to me personally in the course of the past year, since I have been
posted in Washington, was the meeting with the organized American Jewry. The best
to see them as they are, the place where I always
came each year to admire them,
is the annual convention
of the pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC. This is the place not only to feel
pulse of American involvement in the Middle East, but also where I felt that somehow
it helps me to ignore the deep distress inherent in the feeling of loneliness
of living in
a state located in the heart of so many
hostile Arabs. I always asked myself what
was the value
of the Jewish experience in America as far as Israel is concerned. Did
the identification with Israel derive from a deep sensation of a common Jewish fate or
was it one of the tools of the local community to garner power for
achieving truly equal
rights in a mixed society comprised
also of many emigrants and members of various
Was the Jewish power in the U.S. a phenomenon which will decrease or
to increase? Were the intermarriages of Jews with Gentiles threatening
to weaken
the Jewish power in the U.S.? Or, so
I was sometimes afraid, were the American
Jews building a new Jewish cultural center that would compete with Israel?
"Adat Ysrael" Synagogue in Washington
is not only a place of worship. It is a Jewish
center, with a prestigious Jewish kindergarten, a Jewish school with Judaism,
literature, culture and of course, Hebrew classes. On Saturdays there are always
two seperate prayer sessions. The first is the large one, encompassings
hundreds of
worshippers, which ends in a food blessing
at tables tastefully laid withJewish
delicacies. Its
members belong to the creme de la creme of Washington society: senior
administration officials, successful lawyers, rich businessmen. All are wealthy people
The entrance fee to synagogue is 1.000 U.S. Dollar for a
single holiday ... But the most
important reason for their
praying is that they feel a close connection with Israel ...
The other synagogue competing for the young generation of wealthy Jews is
located in Georgetown ... Many Jewish Administration officials
pray there.
They not only don't try
to conceil their religious affiliations but go to a great
to demonstrate their Judaism since it may help their careers greatly.
The enormous Jewish influence in Washington is not limited to the government.
In the popular programs on the TV are warm Jews ... Let us
not forget in this
context the Jewish
predominance in the Washington academical institutions.
percentage in the population. In the fields of security and science, in the
film industry, in art and in literature, the Jewish influence can only be
as immense, with a corresponding
enhancement of the Jewish power ...
Where did they all spring from? In Israel we are already accustomed
to the names of the
Jews called Dennis Ross, Dan Kurtzer
and Aharon Miller, since they have taken part in each
of the Secretary of State's visits to the Middle East in the last six years. But that is a relatively
new phenomenon. When Dan Kurtzer, a pious Jew who observes the
Sabbath and all
commandments of Judaism arrived at the
American State Department 18 years ago with
a doctorate
in Middle East studies, he was told: "You have all the qualifications to serve
in the Middle East division, but don't even think of suggesting it because of your Jewish
origin. "Today he is the boss of those who gave him that
piece of advice,
so much had the Jewish power
increased meantime.
I phoned the State Department ...
Suddenly someone picked up the receiver and
then I heard a voice saying in perfect Israeli Hebrew: "Good Morning, how can I help you?"
Rahm Emanuel: "The Holocaust
creates a sense of a destiny shared by all Jews.
Jews must act to strenghen Israel so that the Holocaust cannot be repeated" ...
Today, when there is talk about 51 percent of interfaith marriages, the danger of assimilation
appears to be even greater, yet when examining the
phenomenon from close up one finds
that the trend is
opposite ... Can Israel really sense that at a distance of thousands of
miles away is a flourishing Jewish center that not only deeply admires and supports it,
but also feels a shared destiny with it? There is no doubt about it,
especially in the
matters concerning its existence. All
the Clinton's Administration officials dealing with
Ross, Kurtzer, Indyk and Miller being just a sample, may have different views
concerning the desired solution for the Israeli-Arab conflict but they are warm
in whatever they do ...
But they also firmly believe that the shared interests between
the two states (U.S.A. and Israel) are fundamental and permantly enduring. It is because
of this deeply held belief that they made a huge contribution to the fact that Clinton's
Administration has fully adopted their approach on the
issue of relations between the U.S. and Israel ...
The many Jews in Clinton's Administration have not been created by
a design, but their
large number is not due to chance
either. The American way of life supports the achievers ...
Although the Jewish power in the current Democratic Administration is so huge,
there are also many warm Jews heading for the top position
in the Republican Party...
was also made conscious by his many Jewish friends about the distressing
memory of the Holocaust, which still haunts the leaders of the U.S. Jewish community
and about its importance for the continual support of Israel which is obligatory on the
Partial list of Jews in the Bush Adminstration:
(March 26, 2003)
Richard Perle
One of Bush's foreign policy advisors, he is the chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy
Board. A very likely Israeli government agent, Perle was expelled from Senator Henry
Jackson's office in the 1970's after the National Security Agency (NSA) caught him passing
Highly-Classified (National Security) documents to the Israeli Embassy. He later worked
for the Israeli weapons firm, Soltam. Perle came from one the above mentioned pro-Israel
thinktanks, the AEI. Perle is one of the leading pro-Israeli fanatics leading
this Iraq war mongering within the administration and now in the media.
Paul Wolfowitz
Deputy Defense Secretary, and member of Perle's Defense Policy Board, in the Pentagon.
Wolfowitz is a close associate of Perle, and reportedly has close ties to the Israeli military.
His sister lives in Israel. Wolfowitz came from the above mentioned Jewish thinktank,
JINSA. Wolfowitz is the number two leader within the administration behind this Iraq war mongering.
Douglas Feith
Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at the
Pentagon. He is a close associate
of Perle and served as his Special
Counsel. Like Perle and the others, Feith is a pro-Israel
who has advocated anti-Arab policies in the past. He is closely associated with
the extremist group, the Zionist Organization of America, which even attacks Jews that
don't agree with its extremist views. Feith frequently speaks at ZOA conferences. Feith
runs a small law firm, Feith and Zell, which only has one International office, in Israel.
The majority of their legal work is representing Israeli interests. His firm's own website
stated, prior to his appointment, that Feith "represents Israeli Armaments Manufacturer."
Feith basically represents the Israeli War Machine. Feith also
came from the Jewish thinktank
JINSA. Feith, like Perle and Wolfowitz,
are campaigning hard for this Israeli proxy war against Iraq.
Edward Luttwak
Member of the National Security Study Group of the Department of Defence at the Pentagon.
Luttwak is reportedly an Israeli citizen and has taught in Israel. He frequently writes for
Israeli and pro-Israeli newspapers and journals. Luttwak is an Israeli extremist whose
main theme in many of his articles is the necessity of the U.S. waging war against Iraq.
Henry Kissinger
One of many Pentagon Advisors, Kissinger sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board
under Perle. For detailed information about Kissinger's evil past, read Seymour Hersch's
book (Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House). Kissinger likely had a part in
the Watergate crimes, Southeast Asia mass murders (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), Installing
Chilean mass murdering dictator Pinochet, Operation Condor's mass killings in South America,
and more recently served as Serbia's Ex-Dictator Slobodan Milosevic's Advisor. He
consistently advocates going to war against Iraq. Kissinger is the Ariel Sharon of the U.S.
Unfortunately, President Bush nominated Kissinger as chairman of the September 11
investigating commission. It's like picking a bank robber to investigate a fraud scandal.
Rabbi Dov Zakheim
Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the
Department of Defense. He is an ordained rabbi and reportedly holds Israeli citizenship.
Zakheim attended attended Jew’s College in London and became an ordained Orthodox
Jewish Rabbi in 1973. He was adjunct professor at New York's Jewish Yeshiva
University. Zakheim is close to the Israeli lobby.
Kenneth Adelman
One of many Pentagon Advisors, Adelman also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy
Board under Perle, and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war
against Iraq. Adelman frequently is a guest on Fox News, and often expresses extremist
and often ridiculus anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views. Through his hatred or stupidity, he actually
called Arabs "anti-Semitic" on Fox News (11/28/2001), when he could have
looked it up in the dictionary to find out that Arabs by definition are Semites.
Lewis Libby (Liebowitz)
Vice President Dick Cheney's
Chief of Staff. The chief pro-Israel Jewish advisor to Cheney,
helps explains why Cheney is so gun-ho to invade Iraq. Libby is longtime associate of
Wolfowitz. Libby was also a lawyer for convicted felon and Israeli spy
Marc Rich, whom Clinton pardoned, in his last days as president.
U.S. National Security Council Advisor, Satloff
was the executive director of the Israeli
lobby's "think
tank," Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Many of
the Israeli lobby's "experts" come from this front group, like Martin Indyk.
National Security Council Advisor. He previously
worked at Washington-based "Think Tank"
Ethics and Public
Policy Center. During the Reagan Adminstration, Abrams was the Assistant
Secretary of State, handling, for the most part, Latin American affairs. He played an important
role in the Iran-Contra Scandal, which involved illegally selling U.S. weapons to Iran to fight
Iraq, and illegally funding the contra rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista
government. He also actively deceived three congressional committees about his involvement
and thereby faced felony charges based on his testimony. Abrams pled guilty in 1991 to two
misdemeanors and was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of community service.
A year later, former President Bush (Senior) granted Abrams a full pardon. He was one
of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Reagan Administration's State Department.
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.
He was Director General of the Foreign
Service and Director of
Human Resources at the Department of State. Grossman is
one of
many of the pro-Israel Jewish officials from the Clinton Administration that
Bush has promoted to higher posts.
Richard Haass
Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and Ambassador at large. He is
also Director of National Security Programs and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR). He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the first Bush (Sr)
Administration who sat on the National Security Council, and who consistently advocates
going to war against Iraq. Haass is also a member of the Defense Department's National
Security Study Group, at the Pentagon.
Robert Zoellick
U.S. Trade Representative, a cabinet-level position. He is also one of the more hawkish
pro-Israel Jews in the Bush (Jr) Administration who advocated invading Iraq and occupying
a portion of the country in order to set up setting up a Vichy-style puppet
government. He consistently advocates going to war against Iraq.
Official White House Spokesman for the Bush
(Jr) Administration. Prominent in the Jewish
community, some reports
state that he holds Israeli citizenship. Fleischer is closely connected
the extremist Jewish group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, who follow the
Qabala, and hold very extremist and insulting views of non-Jews. Fleischer was the co-president
of Chabad's Capitol Jewish Forum. He received the Young Leadership
Award from the American Friends of Lubavitch in October, 2001.
One of many Pentagon Advisors, Schlesinger
also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy
Board under Perle and
is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war
against Iraq. Schlesinger is also a commissioner of the Defense
National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon.
David Frum
White House speechwriter behind the "Axis of Evil" label. He lumps together
all the lies and accusations against Iraq for Bush to justify the war.
Joshua Bolten
White House Deputy
Chief of Staff, Bolten was previously a banker,
former legislative
aide, and prominent in the Jewish community.

Click on this text to watch Senator Chuck Schumer reveal the fact that Chicago Jewish families created Barak Obama...
Who Runs the Obama White House?
The day after Barack Obama was elected president, the Israeli press proudly
proclaimed that the new president had chosen
an Israeli, Rahm Emanuel, to
manage the new administration. "Obama's first pick: Israeli Rahm Emanuel
as chief of staff"
was the Ha'aretz headline of November 6, 2008. The controlled
press in the United States,
however, keeps the American public unaware
that Obama's new chief of staff is an Israeli, with terrorist roots and a sworn
loyalty to the state
of Israel.
Rahm Emanuel, first Chief of Staff of the Obama
White House, is the son
of a real Zionist terrorist and
served in the Israeli army. The late Sherman Skolnick
of Chicago called Emanuel the "Acting Deputy
Chief for North America of the
Mossad - Israeli Intelligence." Skolnick reported that
Emanuel's father Benjamin
had been "part of the Israeli assassin team that murdered Sweden's
Count [Folke]
Bernadotte" in 1948. Bernadotte was the United Nations envoy who was sent to
Palestine to find a solution to the UN Partition Plan that gave Palestinian land
to Jews from Poland and Russia.
Here are some key extracts from the Ha'aretz article:
A day after his historic election to become the first black American president,
Barack Obama stepped
into the role of president-elect yesterday, inviting
Rahm Emanuel to join his administration as White
House chief of staff,
Democratic officials said. Emanuel,
a former Bill Clinton adviser,
is the son of a Jerusalem-born pediatrician who was a member of
the Irgun (Etzel or IZL), a militant Zionist group that operated in
Palestine between 1931 and 1948…
Emanuel's father, Benjamin, yesterday refused to comment on the
report that his son was appointed
White House chief of staff.
He told Ha'aretz that he would only comment after speaking to his
"Obama is a pro-Israeli leader and will be a friend to Israel," he said, adding
that he was pleased with Obama's election. He also said his son
is the namesake of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant who was killed.
Rahm Emanuel is named after a Zionist fighter who belonged to the Stern Gang,
which was a terrorist organization linked
with the Nazis. Before moving to
Chicago, his
father was an active member of this terrorist group of assassins
and bombers, which was also known as LEHI. This information
is not discussed
on CNN. The Zionist-controlled media censors these disturbing, but important facts.
father, Benjamin, told Ma'ariv, a Hebrew-language Israeli paper,
that his son's appointment would be good for Israel. "Obviously he will
influence the president to be pro-Israel,"
the Jerusalem Post reported.
"Why wouldn't he be? What is he, an Arab? He's not going to clean the floors of the White

Rahm Emanuel with his brothers and father, a Zionist terrorist
from the Irgun and LEHI
The Obama
White House chief of staff speaks Hebrew and spends most
summers in Tel Aviv, his Israeli father proudly told Ma'ariv.
After Emanuel
was named chief of staff, none of the Zionist-controlled media outlets in the
States mentioned the Emanuel family roots with the Nazi-linked terror
gangs in Palestine in
the 1930s and 1940s. Naftali Bendavid of the Zionist-owned
Chicago Tribune, for example, wrote a book about Emanuel
and spent a great
deal of time with him, but completely avoided discussin Rahm's
Israeli roots in the article he wrote for the Tribune
on November 6.
Bendavid wrote that Emanuel "is best known as something of a Democratic
political assassin"
who "might not appear to be the obvious choice for White
House chief of staff for a president-elect who speaks eloquently
setting aside partisan differences and bringing the country together."
Emanuel is known for using gangster tactics to threaten people.
He once mailed
a rotting dead fish to a campaign pollster who had not produced results
to Emanuel's liking. Sending a dead fish
to a person is a well-known Mafia
message, which warns the recipient that he will "sleep with the fishes"
unless he heeds the warning.
Rolling Stone magazine revealed more of Emanuel's gangster
behavior in an article entitled "The Enforcer" on October 20,
"The night after Clinton was elected, Emanuel was so angry at the president's
enemies that he
stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the
campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling
off a list of betrayers,
shouting "Dead! . . . Dead! . . . Dead!" and plunging the knife
into the
table after every name. "When he was done, the table looked like a lunar
one campaign veteran recalls. "It was like something out of The Godfather.
But that's Rahm
for you."

"Republicans are 'bad people who deserve
a two-by-four upside their heads.'"
- Rahm Emanuel, New York Times, January 24, 2009
Emanuel certainly seems to have a penchant for violence, which might not
seem so unusual for a person named after
two Irgun terrorists: one named
Rahamim (Rahm), and the other an uncle named Emanuel. Bendavid's book
was cited by the New
York Times of January 24, 2009, as being the source of
the Emanuel quote that Republicans are "bad people who deserve
a two-by-four
upside their heads." Once again, the Times article, entitled "Obama's Partisan
, Profane Confidant Reins
It In", conspicuously failed to mention Emanuel's
Israeli roots. Obviously, the New York Times considers
this information it would
prefer the reader not know. This is a perfect example how the Zionist-controlled
media controls public opinion by omitting
important information.
It should come as no surprise that the New York Times article chooses not to
mention Emanuel's Israeli roots -- or the
fact that his father was a member
of the Irgun, the most murderous terrorist group in Palestine
in the 1930s and
40s. The New York Times is the leading Zionist-controlled newspaper in
the United States by virtue of the fact
that it has been controlled by the Sulzberger
family, founding members of B'nai B'rith (secret organization of Jewish Freemasons)
Lodge No. 1 of New York, for more than one hundred years. Likewise, the
Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles
Times are both owned by a Chicago Zionist named Samuel Zell.

Sam Zell's parents, named Zielonka, left Poland in 1939.
The Zionist controlled media also failed to investigate the evidence
of Emanual's
involvement with the impeached Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich, and his
role in the activity that led to Blagojevich being removed from office.
Blagojevich specifically
told CNN's Larry King that he wanted the tapes of his
conversations with Rahm Emanuel released. So, why weren't they?
Why is Emanuel being protected?

Impeached Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and Rahm Emanuel
Emanuel's brother, Ariel, is film-maker Michael Moore's agent. The day after
the election, Moore joked about Emanuel's appointment on the Larry King Show.
Moore made a film about
9-11, produced by the Weinstein brothers, which
completely avoided mentioning the many Israeli connections to the terror attacks.
This is a good example
of how the so-called "alternative" media is just as controlled as is the
"mainstream" media – by Zionist

Rahm and Ariel, Michael Moore's Hollywood agent
Americans should be aware of the role this violent and uncouth Israeli has
played in the Obama White House. The
chief of staff controls the people around
the president - he decides who sees the president, what he hears, and what
he knows. The people surrounding
the president report to the chief of staff.
Emanuel was the intellectual handler of President Obama (a continuation of the
role he has played for
years) and the controller of the White House. Do you
think having an Israeli gangster with terrorist roots running
the White House
affects U.S. relations with Iran, Russia, the Palestinians - and the rest of the world?
Emanuel actually left the United States to serve in the
Israeli army in 1991.
A person from any other nation would lose his U.S. citizenship for serving
in a foreign military. Why are Israelis running
the U.S. government?
Emanuel's father said Rahm is "the namesake of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant."
LEHI, a.k.a. the Stern
Gang, was the most radical Zionist terrorist group in
the 1940s. The Stern Gang killed scores of British soldiers and
both Lord Moyne and Count Folke Bernadotte (the United Nations envoy from
They also killed hundreds of innocent Palestinians, such as the
civilian population of Deir Yassin. This Zionist terror
group was allied with
the Nazis in their war against the British. Both of Emanuel's parents,
(formerly Auerbach) and Marsha Smulevitz,
lived in Israel and are related to
Lehi fighters. This is to say that Emanuel's father, a Jew, fought with the Nazis.
Why would a dedicated Zionist, born in Jerusalem, and a dedicated member
of a Zionist terrorist organization, move
to Chicago after the creation of the
state of Israel? Had he given up on the Zionist state? Not at all, Benjamin
Emanuel had embarked on
a new mission for Israel – a mission for life.
After the failed "Lavon Affair," a series
of failed Zionist false-flag terror attacks
in Egypt, Israeli intelligence was revamped by Yossi Harel, a.k.a. Joseph Hamburger.
Israel sent scores
of high-level agents to the United States, often with an
American spouse. The Emanuel family of Chicago is one of them; the Chertoff
family of New Jersey is
another; Yossi Harel went to Los Angeles. There are many more.
Rahm Emanuel is the same Israeli who ran the White House under Bill Clinton,
as one of Clinton's senior
advisors. Emanuel is the person who
pushed through the disastrous NAFTA legislation, a bill that devastated the U.S.
manufacturing sector.
It should be remembered that it was during the Clinton
administration, while the president dallied with his chunky Jewish girlfriend,
that the foundation of the Zionist terror
network that pulled off 9-11 was laid.
In 2009, Rahm Emanuel, the son of a terrorist, was back in the Oval Office.
Emanuel is part of the Chicago-based team of political Zionists with David Axelrod,
Obama's chief campaign
strategist. Obama thanked Axelrod by name during his
November 2008 victory speech in Chicago's
Grant Park. Axelrod's father, Joseph,
a Jewish immigrant from someplace near the Black Sea, hanged himself in 1974
when David was a nineteen-year-old
student at the University of
Chicago. His mother was a communist journalist in New York.

David Axelrod - Obama's chief political strategist and handler
Rahm Emanuel and David
Axelrod have been working together since 1984
when they teamed up to help Paul Simon defeat Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.).
These hard-core Zionists
were not working for reform in Illinois; their only
agenda was to defeat the incumbent Sen. Percy
because he was the chairman
of the Foreign Relations Committee and was pushing for a settlement of
the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict. These Zionist agents went on to manage the
Chicago mayoral campaign of Richard M. Daley, the son of Richard J. Daley.
Finally, these two Zionists spearheaded the campaign to put Barack Obama
into the White House. Axelrod and Emanuel, however, were sponsored
by a
much higher Zionist -- Bettylu Saltzman, the daughter of Chicago's
super-Zionist, Philip M.

Bettylu Saltzman - daughter of Chicago's Philip M. Klutznick
Axelrod has been creating and shaping Candidate Obama since 1992.
"Axelrod met Obama when the senator was 30 years old and
a voter-registration drive in Chicago and Betty Lou Saltzman, a doyenne of
progressive politics in Chicago, suggested
that the two get to know each other,"
the New York Times reported in early 2007. "In the 15 years since, Axelrod
has worked through Obama's
life story again and again, scouring it for usable
political material."
Bettylu Saltzman has been supporting and financing Obama's political career
since 1992, long before he ran for office.
Saltzman is the only daughter of
the Zionist leader, Philip Morris Klutznick. In 1992, when Obama was thirty
years old, Saltzman told
Axelrod and others, "He will be our first black president.''
Saltzman then commissioned Axelrod to create Obama, the presidential

Philip M. Klutznick
Saltzman's father, Philip M. Klutznick, was Israel's biggest supporter in Chicago.
Klutznick, who passed away in August 1999,
was the former president of
B'nai B'rith International (1953-59), president of the World Jewish Congress,
general chairman of the
United Jewish Appeal (UJA), president of the American
Friends of the Hebrew University, vice-president of the Jewish Welfare
a founder of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations,
president of the Memorial Foundation for Jewish
Culture, and vice president
of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, among other things.
and Emanuel worked together to create an image for Obama the
candidate since 2003. "For four
years Axelrod has had camera crews tracking
virtually everything Obama has done in public -- chatting up World War II vets
in southern Illinois, visiting
his father's ancestral village in western Kenya --
and there were days when the camera crews have outnumbered the civilians,"
Ben Wallace-Wells reported
in the New York Times article of April 1, 2007.

Obama, the politician, was primarily created by David Axelrod, who writes his speeches and guides
his political strategy.
In October 2008 I warned readers that the Obama ticket was really a hard-core
Zionist ticket in disguise. In my article
"Colin Powell: Liar & War Criminal
Endorses Obama," I advised my readers of the Israeli gangsters behind Obama:
Powell's endorsement of Obama, a puppet of the Israeli Rahm Emanuel,
has less to do with Obama's
African roots than with getting Emanuel and
his Zionist gangsters back into control of the Oval Office. Emanuel,
the real
boss of the Democratic party, is the son of a real Israeli terrorist (Irgun and Lehi)
and thug-in-chief of the party.
What can we expect from the Obama presidency? Elected on a platform of
"Change" after eight years of a
very unpopular and dictatorial Bush regime,
we would expect a substantial change from the disastrous policies of the previous
administration. So
what changes will we see? Will we see an end to the costly
and illegal wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan? Will the senior officials of the Bush
administration who willfully
lied to start these wars of aggression be held
accountable for their war crimes? Will we finally have a proper and independent
investigation of 9-11?
Will the oppressive Department of Homeland Security be dismantled?
If the war criminals are not held accountable
and the most egregious criminal
policies of the Bush administration are not changed and reversed – what
exactly does the Obama "Change"
slogan mean? Changing the curtains?
Changing the Israelis in the White House?
Change of Zionist
Jewish "investment bankers" at the White House: Joshua Bolten,
the son of a C.I.A.
agent and second Jewish chief of staff in U.S. history, greets
Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, erstwhile
investment banker, and son
of an Israeli terrorist. Bolten served in the administration of
George H. W. Bush
(1989-93) before becoming executive director of legal and governmental affairs at
Goldman Sachs (London, 1994-1999). He left Goldman Sachs to serve as policy
director for the
presidential campaign of George W. Bush (March 1999 to
November 2000). Bolten became Deputy Chief of Staff
for George W. Bush
in January 2001 and Chief of Staff in April 2006. Bolten is credited with recruiting
Henry Paulson - CEO of Goldman Sachs - to serve as Treasury Secretary in July
2006. Paulson
crafted the disastrous A.I.G. bailout in which Goldman Sachs
became the largest single recipient of taxpayer
funds ($12.9 billion), an immense
financial scam in which the profits went to private banks --
and the costs to the U.S. public.
One of the key players in the Obama administration's $900 billion economic
stimulus package in late 2008 was Obama's
new budget director
Peter R. Orszag. The forty-year-old Orszag was Obama's director of the
Office of Management and Budget, the arm
of the White House responsible
for crafting the federal budget and overseeing the effectiveness of federal
programs. He had worked
closely with Rahm Emanuel in the Clinton
administration - when the disastrous NAFTA
legislation was passed
- and was one of the first Obama appointees to be approved.

Peter R. Orszag
"In the coming years, no bureaucrat will
be as decisive as Peter Orszag,"
Ezra Klein wrote recently in The American Prospect. So, who is Peter Richard
Orszag and what kind of
decisions will he make with the budget he controls?
Based on his background one would be well advised to prepare for a financial
train wreck.
Peter Orszag has an interesting resume. He has played key roles in some
of the biggest financial scandals of our
time. Orszag was, for example,
an advisor to the Russian Finance Ministry during the reign of the Jewish
oligarchs as they plundered
the wealth of Russia. He was an advisor to
the Central Bank of Iceland before it crashed
in 2008. During the Clinton
administration, Orszag was a key advisor to Rahm Emanuel and Bill Clinton
on the disastrous NAFTA
bill that devastated the U.S. manufacturing sector.
Oddly, Orszag's background has received virtually
no attention in the media.
He has a troubling background, which deserves to be looked at very carefully.
Orszag, for example, should
start by explaining exactly what happened to the
Icelandic economy. Orszag was, after all, the founder and president of
consultancy firm which advised the Central Bank of Iceland - before
it went bankrupt. How did Icelandic banks become so indebted? Ask Peter Orszag.
Orszag is an economist who served six years in the Clinton administration
(1993-98) under Robert E. Rubin, the former treasury secretary who recently
resigned from his senior
position at the woefully mismanaged and nearly
bankrupt Citigroup. The fact that Orszag was a protégé of the now disgraced
Rubin certainly does not
bode well for the Obama administration. Rubin strongly
opposed the regulation of derivatives when such regulation was
proposed in
1997. Credit derivatives of mortgage-backed securities were the key reason for
the recent failure of a number of large
financial institutions, including AIG and Citigroup.
In 1999, Rubin joined Citigroup as a board member and a participant "in
strategic managerial and
operational matters of the company." The Wall
Street Journal noted that Citigroup shareholders suffered
losses of more
than 70 percent since Rubin joined the firm and that he encouraged changes
that led the firm to the brink of collapse.
In December 2008, investors filed a
lawsuit contending that Citigroup executives, including Rubin,
sold shares at inflated prices while concealing
the firm's risks.
Orszag, a Jew, served on the president's Council of Economic Advisers in 1993,
under Rubin, when the Israeli Rahm Emanuel,
Clinton's senior adviser, was
pushing the disastrous NAFTA legislation through Congress. Prior
to joining
the Clinton team, Orszag was an economic adviser for the Russian Ministry
of Finance in Moscow from 1992-93. This
was a period of rampant financial
criminality during which many Russian mineral assets came under the control
of the so-called Jewish
oligarchs who became instant billionaires. Most of
these oligarchs fled Russia when their crimes were exposed and
now live in Britain or
Israel, where they obtained citizenship.
Born in Boston
on December 16, 1968, Orszag graduated from Princeton University
in 1991. He then attended
the London School of Economics, where he earned
a degree in 1992 and where he obtained his PhD in 1997. The London School
of Economics was established
by members of the Fabian Society, who believed
in advancing socialism through gradual reforms. The Fabian Society is a British
socialist movement, whose
purpose is to advance the principles of social
democracy via gradualist and reformist, rather than revolutionary means. The
ideology of the Fabians
is said to be described in the quote,
"Fabianism feeds on Capitalism, but excretes Communism."
In 1998, after serving in the Clinton administration, Orszag co-founded an
economic consulting group company with his brother and Joseph
Stiglitz called
Sebago Associates, where he served as president through 2007. The firm's
clients have included the World Bank, the
Nordic Council of Ministers, and
most notably, the Central Bank of Iceland. The once prosperous economy of
Iceland has been devastated
by the current economic crisis, which its citizens
say was carried out by a gang of financial criminals who followed
disastrous policies and
advice - provided by Peter Orszag and Company.
Americans would be well advised to be extremely vigilant with dangerous
"Young Turks"
like Peter Orszag and Rahm Emanuel running the Obama
White House and the U.S. budget.
The United States government today is not unlike the
oil tanker Sirius Star,
hijacked by Somali pirates, except that the ship of state has been taken over
by an organized gang of
Zionist pirates, an organization most people don't
even know exists. This organization was created by members of the Zionist
terror groups, the Hagana,
Irgun, Lehi, and their Mossad network. Members
of these groups were sent to the United States in the
1950s to raise dedicated
Zionist agents that would look and sound like Americans - but think like Israelis.
In this way Zionists have gained control
over our government and media
without the passengers even noticing. The only thing that most Americans
notice is that the voyage
is not as smooth as they had expected and the ship
seems to be sinking. The Zionist-controlled media assures us, however,
all is well. Dream on.
Israeli intelligence is like the criminal organization, Quantum, in the James Bond
film Quantum of Solace. They
are everywhere, supporting politicians on both
sides of the aisle, creating and running governments from the left and the right,
yet you don't even know
they exist. Over the past six decades, Israeli agents
have infiltrated every agency of the U.S.
government and gained access to the
most critical computer networks. In order to understand
what the Obama
administration will mean for America
and the world, it is
essential to understand the Zionist agents behind Obama.
Sources and Recommended Reading
Bumiller, Elisabeth, "The Brothers Emanuel,"
New York Times, June 15, 1997
"Emanuel to be Obama's chief of staff," Jerusalem Post, November 6, 2008
Joshua, "The Enforcer," Rolling Stone, October 20, 2005
Klutznick, Philip M., Biography from Biographical
Directory of the United States
Executive Branch, 1774-1989 (1990), edited by Robert Sobel, Greenwood
Publishing Group, Westport, CT
Wallace-Wells, Ben, "Obama's
Narrator," New York Times, April 1, 2007
Click on this text to watch an ISRAEL-FIRSTER-TRAITOR, Senator Chuck Schumer, brag about his role in Congress and the two
Chicago JEW families (Pritzkers & Klutzniks) who created Obama
Rahm Emanuel mulls chief of staff role in Barack Obama's administration
GOP strategist
says Emanuel could moderate Obama, add tougher style to complement
boss' gentle touchNovember 06, 2008|By Naftali Bendavid, WASHINGTON
WASHINGTON — Rep. Rahm Emanuel might not appear at first glance to be the obvious
choice to serve as White House chief
of staff for a president-elect who has spoken
eloquently of setting aside partisan differences
and bringing the country together.
Emanuel, after all, is best known as something
of a Democratic political assassin.
From his days as a top aide to President Bill Clinton to
his recent role leading the
Democrats to a House majority, Emanuel has relentlessly attacked
foes and gone ruthlessly after anyone who stood in his way.

Yet the Illinois congressman is mulling whether to accept President-elect Barack Obama's
request that he serve as his chief of staff. That means Emanuel would manage
Obama's schedule, oversee the daily operations of the White House and serve as a
top adviser to the president.
Perhaps the possibility is not as jarring as it might seem. For one thing, precisely because
Obama seems likely to adopt a unifying posture as president,
he may need someone practiced
in the art of political hardball.
Republican strategist John Feehery -- who worked
for former House Speaker Dennis
Hastert and Minority Leader Bob Michel, as well as former House
Majority Leader
Tom DeLay -- said Emanuel could help prevent House Democrats from overreaching.
"Rahm is really smart," Feehery said. "He understands that if Obama goes too far to
the left, it's not going to be good for the Democrats. I think he's the kind of guy who can
knock some heads and help Obama guide the Congress
toward the middle. I think that
will be the goal. You will need a bad cop to Obama's good cop,
and Rahm will fill that role quite nicely."
Emanuel's policies, unlike his politics, have always been centrist, very much
in the mold
of Clinton. In addition, a different Emanuel has emerged in recent years, one who
forged friendships with Republicans and shown an ability to work with them on occasion.
Emanuel is a consummate Chicagoan; he was born in the city and attended New Trier
High School in the northern suburbs. He kicked off his political career working for
such powerhouses
as Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and former Sen. Paul Simon,
before joining Clinton's 1992 presidential
Along the way, Emanuel earned a reputation for a colorful intensity unusual
even in the
hard-hitting world of politics. His profanity is legendary and seems designed in
part to
throw his interlocutors off-balance. As a young political operative, he once joined
youthful colleagues in mailing a dead fish to a Democratic pollster with whom he'd had
a falling out.
Emanuel excelled at fundraising, sometimes screaming and shouting
at donors until they
agreed to contribute -- generously -- to his candidate. He threatened to
tear up checks if
he considered them too small.
his White House stint, Emanuel returned to Chicago in 1998, making several million
dollars as
an investment banker. That gave him the financial
freedom to mount a hard-fought race for Congress
in 2002.
When Nancy Pelosi tapped Emanuel to lead the Democratic efforts to recapture
of the House in 2006, a certain mellowing and maturation became apparent. To be sure,
Emanuel continued to browbeat anyone he considered an obstacle -- steamrolling weaker
Democratic candidates in favor of stronger ones, for example, or engaging in legendary
battles with party Chairman Howard Dean, not to mention launching all-out war against GOP candidates.

But Emanuel also showed an ability to cajole, flatter and even stroke his stable of
Democratic hopefuls, going
so far as to send them Eli's cheesecake when they'd scored
a political success. His rants became
more selective, deployed as much for effect as out
of true frustration.
Leading his party to its first House
majority in 12 years, Emanuel has now become the
fourth-ranking Democrat in the House. While
continuing to launch cutting attacks on
Republicans, he also has formed friendships with such
GOP lawmakers as Reps. Adam
Putnam of Florida, Tom Cole of Oklahoma and Ray LaHood of Illinois.
He's even become friendly with White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten.
joined Rep. Walter Jones, a conservative North Carolina Republican, in an unsuccessful
to establish a memorial to the Iraq War dead in the U.S. Capitol rotunda. He also
has teamed
up with Republicans in an effort to expand children's health
"Congressional Republicans respect what he has been able to do,"
Feehery said. "They
think he's a formidable opponent. They think he works his butt off.
They won't particularly love him, but if he's smart, they will respect him."
When Emanuel's friend Obama began closing in on the presidency, many thought Emanuel
remain in the House. He is potentially in line to become House speaker in a few years,
and he
could be of great use to his fellow Illinoisan as a sounding board on the mood of Congress.
But arguably few Democrats have Emanuel's credentials for the chief of staff job. He has
served as a top White House aide, meaning he understands how that unique place works
and where
the pitfalls lie. And he holds a top leadership post
in Congress, giving him insight into that institution as well.
Obama apparently has concluded that this background, packaged
in the person of an
old Chicago friend, is too valuable to pass up.
Naftali Bendavid of the Tribune's Washington Bureau is the author of "The Thumpin':
Rahm Emanuel and the Democrats Learned to Be Ruthless and Ended the Republican Revolution"
Meet the Jews in Donald Trump’s administration
By Josefin Dolsten Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) January 26, 2017 10:29am
Top left, clockwise: Carl Icahn, Jared Kushner, Jason Greenblatt,
Steven Mnuchin (Icahn photo: Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for New York Times; Kushner photo: Drew Angerer/Getty
Images; Greenblatt photo: Uriel Heilman; Mnuchin photo: Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images for City Harvest)
(JTA) — American Jews are watching the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency with both fear and hope.
Many have expressed
worries about some of his supporters’ ties to the so-called “alt-right” movement, whose
followers traffic variously in white nationalism, anti-immigration sentiment, anti-Semitism
and a disdain for “political correctness.”
Those fears intensified when Trump named as his chief strategist Stephen Bannon, the former chairman of Breitbart News,
a site Bannon once referred to as a “platform” of the alt-right. Trump’s
strongly conservative Cabinet picks also back
policies on health care,
the environment, abortion and civil rights often diametrically opposed to the views of most Jewish voters.
Yet others have praised Trump’s stance on Israel and his nomination of David Friedman, a bankruptcy lawyer who supports
West Bank settlement construction and has expressed doubts about the two-state solution, as U.S.
ambassador to Israel.
Trump won 24 percent of the Jewish vote, with
especially strong support in the Orthodox community.
Here is a look at the president’s Jewish advisers who will be helping
to shape U.S. policy for the next four years.
Jared Kushner
Jared Kushner is simply the controlling operative du jour in the White house....
the same way Kissinger was and the same
way Rahm Emanuel, and others, were.... Kushner isn't as bright as his predecessors
(but then, he doesn't
need to be considering how dumbed-down Americans have become.... generally speaking).
All of the Jew White House controllers take their orders from intermediaries above
such as Soros who takes his instructions
ultimately from the Rothschild family.... The Rothschilds have run the American
and English empires for many
generations and have successfuly used these empires to dominate and exploit much
of the world.
We, as Americans, have been screwed in earnest since 1913 with the
establishment of the ADL that was designed to protect
the Federal Reserve Bank (which was enabled by a very compromised Woodrow Wilson
- who
also gave the Rothschilds the might of America to use against Germany during WWI).
All we can do about all of this is point it out to people with an I.Q. larger than
their waist size
and hope that good will somehow triumph over evil.... eventually.
Jared Kushner exiting Trump Tower in NewYork City, Dec. 7, 2016. (Drew
Angerer/Getty Images)
Trump’s Orthodox son-in law is serving as a senior adviser to the president. Kushner, the 36-year-old scion of a prominent real estate family from New Jersey, will not receive a salary and will focus on the Middle East
and Israel as well as partnerships with the private sector and free trade, according to The New York Times. A day before his appointment was announced, Kushner said he would step down from his role as
CEO of his family firm, Kushner Properties.
Kushner, who married Trump’s daughter Ivanka in 2009, played a crucial
role in the president’s campaign, especially on Israel.
He worked
on Trump’s speech to the AIPAC annual policy conference that earned the real estate
mogul a standing ovation,
and helped plan a trip to Israel for his father-in-law
last year. (Trump canceled the trip after Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu slammed his call to
ban Muslim immigration to the United States.)
Trump appears to be smitten with Kushner, often referring to
his “fantastic” son-in-law when boasting of his pro-Israel credentials.
Kushner may have become
a household name during the campaign, but he’s no stranger to the limelight. In 2006, at 25,
he bought the New York Observer newspaper. Two years later he became CEO of
Kushner Properties, four years
after his father was sent to jail for tax evasion,
illegal campaign donations and witness tampering. In 2015, Fortune
named Kushner to its 40 Under 40 list, an “annual ranking of the most influential young people in business.”
David Friedman

David Friedman, left, and Donald Trump exiting the Federal Building following
their appearance in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Camden, N.J., Feb. 25, 2010. (Bradley C Bower/Bloomberg News via
Getty Images)
Friedman, a bankruptcy expert and longtime Trump attorney, was tapped as the U.S. ambassador to Israel.
A statement by
Trump’s transition team in December said Friedman, who speaks Hebrew, would serve from Jerusalem, but White House
secretary Sean Spicer said last week that Trump had yet to decide on moving the embassy from Tel Aviv.
Friedman, who is in his late 50s, is the son of a Conservative rabbi
with a family history of ties to Republican presidential
— his family hosted Ronald Reagan for a Shabbat lunch in 1984, the year he won re-election. He lives
Woodmere, New York, in the largely Jewish area known as the Five
Towns, and owns a home in Jerusalem’s
Talbiya neighborhood, according to Haaretz.
Friedman has expressed support for and funded construction in Israeli settlements, and has expressed doubt
about the future
of the two-state solution, traditionally a pillar of bipartisan U.S. policy in the region.
Some of his controversial statements —
including slamming backers of the liberal Israel advocacy group J Street as
“far worse than kapos” and charging President Barack Obama with “blatant anti-Semitism”
— have sparked outrage from liberal groups.
Jason Greenblatt

Jason Greenblatt is working as a special representative for international
negotiations in the Trump White House. (Uriel Heilman)
Greenblatt, the longtime chief legal officer for the Trump
Organization, is working as special representative for
negotiations focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, U.S.-Cuba relations and American trade
with other countries. An Orthodox Jew and Yeshiva University graduate,
Greenblatt studied at a West Bank yeshiva in the mid-1980s and did armed guard duty there.
A father of six from Teaneck, New Jersey, Greenblatt said he speaks with
people involved in the Israeli government
but has not spoken to any
Palestinians since his yeshiva studies. He has cited the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
as one of his main sources for staying informed about the Jewish state, and helped
draft Trump’s speech at the lobbying group’s annual conference in March.
Greenblatt, who has
said he supports the two-state solution, has
implied that Trump
will take a laissez-faire approach to peace building.
“He is not going to impose any solution on Israel,” Greenblatt told Israel’s Army Radio in November.
He also said that Trump “does
not view Jewish settlements as an obstacle to peace.”
Steven Mnuchin

Steven Mnuchin speaking at City Harvest: An Event Of Practical Magic in
New York City, April 24, 2014. (Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images for City Harvest)
Trump picked Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive who worked as Trump’s
national finance chairman during the campaign, to serve as Treasury secretary.
Trump and Mnuchin have been friends
for 15 years, and prior to being in charge of Trump’s campaign finances, Mnuchin, 54,
served as an adviser. Part of what The New York Times describes as one of Manhattan’s “most influential
Mnuchin and his father — the prominent art dealer
Robert Mnuchin — both became wealthy working at Goldman Sachs.
The younger Mnuchin also co-founded the entertainment
company RatPac-Dune Entertainment, which has worked on
such Hollywood
hits as “Avatar” and “Black Swan.”
Some saw Trump teaming up with Mnuchin as unusual, considering that the real-estate mogul had consistently
bashed Goldman Sachs during his campaign — but it doesn’t seem to
have hindered a good working relationship.
Stephen Miller

Stephen Miller speaking at a Donald Trump campaign rally in Anaheim, Calif.
May 25, 2016. (Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images)
Trump named Miller, who has played a crucial role in his campaign by writing
and warming up crowds at rallies, as senior adviser for policy.
Miller, who has described himself as “a practicing Jew,” joined the Trump campaign in early 2016, quickly rising through
the ranks to become “one of the most important people in the campaign,”
as Trump’s campaign manager told The Wall Street Journal.
the 31-year-old worked for seven years as an aide to Trump’s choice for attorney general, Sen. Jeff Sessions,
helping the lawmaker draft materials to kill a bipartisan Senate immigration reform bill. Some of Sessions’ arguments are
similar to the harsh and often controversial statements by Trump on the issue, such as calling for
building a wall on the Mexican border and banning Muslim immigration to the U.S.
Though Miller grew up in a liberal Jewish home in Southern California, he was drawn to conservative causes early.
As a high school student he wrote a letter to the editor of a local paper in which he slammed his school for providing
free condoms to students and for making announcements both in English and Spanish, among other things.

Carl Icahn participating in a panel discussion at the 2015 DealBook Conference
at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City, Nov. 3, 2015. (Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for New York
Icahn, a businessman and investor, is serving as a special adviser on regulatory reform issues.
He is working as a private
citizen rather than a federal employee or special government employee.
An early supporter of Trump’s candidacy, Icahn, 80, is the
founder of Icahn Enterprises, a diversified conglomerate based
in New York City formerly known as American Real Estate Partners. He has also held substantial or controlling
in numerous American companies over the years, including
RJR Nabisco, Texaco, Philips Petroleum, Western Union,
Gulf & Western,
Viacom, Revlon, Time Warner, Motorola, Chesapeake Energy, Dell, Netflix, Apple and eBay.
Icahn is a major giver to Mount Sinai hospital
in New York City, among other philanthropic endeavors.
In 2012, he
donated $200 million to the renamed Icahn School of Medicine there.
In addition, Icahn established seven Icahn Charter Schools in the
Bronx borough of New York.
Gary Cohn

Gary Cohn speaking at Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit in Washington,
D.C., Oct. 13, 2015. (Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Fortune/Time Inc)
Cohn, the outgoing president and chief
operating officer at Goldman Sachs, heads the White House National Economic Council.
At Goldman Sachs, where he had worked
since 1990, Cohn answered to
CEO Lloyd Blankfein and was considered
a strong candidate to lead the bank.
The 56-year-old father of three has a reputation for abrasiveness, but also for getting
things done, according to a
Wall Street Journal profile last year. In a 2014 New York Times op-ed, Goldman Sachs executive Greg Smith wrote
on the day he resigned that Blankfein
and Cohn were responsible for a “decline in the firm’s moral fiber” that
placed its interests above those of its clients.
Cohn, a Cleveland native, in 2009 funded the Cohn Jewish Student Center
at Kent State University named for his parents.
Success wasn’t
always obvious for Cohn, whose struggle with dyslexia made school difficult for him. But the
Goldman Sachs banker, who was featured in a book on underdogs by writer Malcolm Gladwell, told the author that
his learning disability also taught him how to deal
with failure and that “I wouldn’t be where I am today without my dyslexia.”
Boris Epshteyn

Boris Epshteyn attending SiriusXM’s “White in America”
special at SiriusXM Studios in New York City, June 30, 2015. (Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images for SiriusXM)
a Republican political strategist who appeared as a Trump surrogate on TV, is working as a special assistant to
the president. Epshteyn, who is in his mid-30s,
also is serving as assistant communications director for surrogate operations.
A New York-based investment banker
and finance attorney, Epshteyn was a communications aide for Sen. John McCain’s
presidential campaign in 2008, focusing his efforts on the Arizona senator’s running mate,
then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.
He defended Trump on major TV networks over 100 times, according to The New York Times. TV hosts have described
Epshteyn, who moved to the United States from his native Moscow in 1993, as “very combative”
and “abrasive.”
In 2014, he was charged with misdemeanor assault after being involved in a bar tussle. The charge was
dropped after Epshteyn agreed to undergo anger management training and perform community service.

Dr. David Shulkin is the first Trump holdover appointment from the Obama
administration. (Wikimedia Commons, public domain)
Dr. David Shulkin, the undersecretary for health at the Department of Veterans
Affairs, will lead the department as
secretary under Trump if confirmed by the Senate. He would be the first
appointment from the Obama administration, in which he served
since 2015.
57, is an internist who has had several chief executive roles, including as president of hospitals, notably
Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City. He also has held numerous physician
leadership roles, including as chief
medical officer for the University
of Pennsylvania Health System, and academic positions,
including as chairman
of medicine and vice dean at the Drexel University School of Medicine.
As an entrepreneur, Shulkin founded and served as the chairman and
CEO of DoctorQuality,
one of the first consumer-oriented sources of
information for quality and safety in health care.
Reed Cordish

Reed Cordish attending the Celebration of Xfinity Live! Philadelphia, March
30, 2012. (Bill McCay/WireImage via Getty Images)
Trump chose Cordish, who is friends with his son-in-law Jared Kushner, to serve as assistant to the president for
intragovernmental and technology initiatives. He will be responsible for
initiatives requiring
multi-agency collaboration and also focus on technological
innovation and modernization.
Cordish is a partner at his family’s real estate and entertainment firm, the Baltimore-based Cordish Companies,
Cordish’s father,
David, the chairman and CEO of The Cordish Companies and an AIPAC board member, is a friend
of Trump. The two met during the mediation process of a lawsuit in which Trump sued
The Cordish Companies.
And Cordish, who is in his early 40s, has another connection to the Trump family — he was introduced
to his now-wife
Margaret by none other than Ivanka Trump, who attended the couple’s
wedding in 2010 with husband Jared Kushner.
Cordish and his wife were
listed as co-hosts for a Manhattan fundraiser for Trump’s presidential campaign in
October, Jewish Insider reported.
Berkowitz, 27, is serving as special
assistant to Trump and assistant to Jared Kushner. Berkowitz and Kushner met
on the basketball court of an Arizona hotel during a Passover program, Jewish Insider reported.
The two stayed in touch and Berkowitz went on to work with Kushner
in several capacities.
After graduating from Queens College, Berkowitz worked for Kushner Companies and later went
on to write for Kushner’s
paper, the New York Observer. In
2016 Berkowitz, who was then finishing up his last semester at Harvard Law School,
directed a Facebook Live talk show for the Trump campaign. Later he worked on the presidential campaign
assistant director of data analytics.
Berkowitz’s first cousin is Howard Friedman, who served as
AIPAC president in 2006-2010, according to Jewish Insider.

Last speaker before POTUS inaugurated: (((Schumer))).
First speaker after POTUS inaugurated: ((Rabbi Hier))).
Jews make up just 2 percent of the U.S. .
Here are the Jews of the Trump cabal, in order of appearance. Some are very familiar, like his daughter and son-in-law.
Others are billionaires who supported Trump’s campaign, and
others yet are not so famous:
Michael Abboud (Sephardic Jew) – Communications Coordinator, Donald J. Trump for President
Paul Achleitner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank (Donald Trump’s largest lender)
Sheldon Adelson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Elliott Broidy (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee
Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization
Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development
Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development
Lewis Eisenberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Trump Victory Committee
Boris Epshteyn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President
Stephen Feinberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)
David Friedman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump
Samuel Fox (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee
Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization
Bruce Gelb (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Michael Glassner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Campaign Manager and Former National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President
Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization
Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel
Advisory Committee for Donald Trump
Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President
Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Peter Kalikow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Daniel Kowalski (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President
Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Yael Kushner [née Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization
Bennett LeBow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Corey Lewandowski (Ashkenazic Jew/East European) – Former Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President
Ronald Lieberman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization
Howard Lorber (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund
David Malpass (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council
Douglas Manchester (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Great Again PAC
Bernard Marcus (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Rebekah Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC
Robert Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC
Amanda Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization
Eli Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chief Operating Officer, Donald J. Trump for President
Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President
Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President
Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President
Samuel Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President
David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization
Geoffrey Palmer [né Weissinger] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Rebuilding America Now PAC
John Paulson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council
Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Richard Roberts (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump
George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization
Wilbur Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Steven Roth (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization
Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Director of Security, The Trump Organization
Melvin Sembler (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee
Lara Trump [née Yunaska] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Vanessa Trump [née Haydon] (Ashkenazic Jew/North European) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Ronald Weiser (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee
Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization
Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization
Lawrence Weitzner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President
Steven Witkoff (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund
Stephen Wynn [né Weinberg] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President
Kamala Harris' background,
courtesy of General Geoffrey B. Higginbotham
Here's a timely editorial that exposes the hidden
background of Kamala Harris from the Combat Veterans for Congress
Political Action Committee that is posted
here with permission of the author. CVFC PAC supports
the election of US military combat veterans to
the US Senate and House of Representatives.
"Kamala Harris’ father was an avowed
Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo
Alto, CA. Both of
Harris’ parents were active in the Berkeley based Afro- American Association;
Fidel Castro and Che
Guevara were the heroes of the Afro-American Association.
The group’s leader, Donald Warden
(aka Khalid al-Mansour), mentored two young Afro-American Association members,
Huey Newton and Bobby
Seale; they created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party which gained strong support from
Communist China; the
Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization
Khalid al-Mansour
subsequently went on to arrange financing and facilitated for Barack Hussein
Obama to be accepted
as a student to matriculate at Harvard Law School.
Following her graduation from college, Harris
returned to California and subsequently became the mistress of the 60-year-old
married Speaker of
the California Assembly, Willie Brown, Jr. Brown’s political campaigns were supported and funded by
Dr. Carlton Goodlett,
the owner of The Sun Reporter and several other pro-Communist newspapers. Brown was elected as
Mayor of San Francisco,
and strongly endorsed Harris’ Marxist political philosophy; he guided Harris' political rise in
California politics,
leading to her election as California’s Attorney General. Willie Brown, Jr. was a well-known long-time
Communist sympathizer.
Willie Brown, Jr. was initially elected to public office with the substantial help of the Communist
Party USA. Today,
Willie Brown is widely regarded as one of the Chinese Communist Party’s best friends in the San Francisco Bay Area.
While serving as San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala Harris mentored a young San Francisco Radical
Maoist activist,
Lateefah Simon, who was a member of the STORM Revolutionary Movement;
Simon currently chairs the Bay Area Rapid
Transit (BART) Board. Simon has always been close
friends with the founder of Black Lives Matter Marxist Domestic
Terrorists, Alicia Garza, as well as
STORM member and avowed Communist, Van Jones. Harris has been openly and
aggressively supporting Black Lives Matter
Marxists; Kamala Harris is still closely associated with Maoist Lateefah
Simon and Marxist Alicia Garza.
Kamala Harris’s sister Maya Harris was a student activist at Stanford University. She was a closely associated
with Steve Phillips,
one of the leading Marxist-Leninists on campus and a long-time affiliate with the League of
Revolutionary Struggle,
a pro-Chinese Communist group. Phillips came out of the Left, and in college he studied Marx,
Mao, and Lenin, and
maintained close associations with fellow Communists. Phillips married into the multibillion-dollar
Sandler family of the
Golden West Savings and Loan fortune. He funded many leftist political campaigns, and the voter
registration drives
in the Southern and South Western states in order to help his friend, Barack Hussein Obama, defeat
Hillary Clinton.
Phillips has been a major financial sponsor for Kamala Harris’s political campaigns for various California elective
Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff works for the law firm DLA Piper, which “boasts
nearly 30 years of experience in
Communist China with over 140 lawyers dedicated to its ‘Communist
China Investment Services’ branch. He was
just appointed to Professor at Yale to school
future lawyers in the fine points of Communism. When she was elected
to the US Senate, Kamala Harris appointed
a Pro-Communist Senate Chief of Staff, Karine Jean-Pierre. Jean-Pierre
was active with the New York-based Haiti
Support Network. The organization worked closely with the pro-Communist
China/Communist North Korea Workers World
Party and supported Jean-Bertrand Aristide,
the far-left Communist former president of Haiti
and the radical Lavalas movement.
Fortunately for Harris, but potentially disastrous for the
Republic, elected office holders are not subject to the security
clearance process. If the FBI did a background
Investigation on Kamala Harris, she never would have passed, because
of her 40-year close ties with Marxists,
Communists, Maoists, and Communist China. Harris would never have been
approved for acceptance to any of the
5 Military Service Academies, been appointed to a US Government Sub-Cabinet
position, or would
have been approved to fill a sensitive position for a high security defense contractor.
Yet, since Joe Biden
was elected, Harris could be a heartbeat away from being President.
The US constitutional
Republic is being threatened by the People’s Republic of Communist China (PPC) externally, and
by of their very active
espionage operations within the United States. The People’s Republic of Communist China (PPC),
with 1.4 billion people,
is governed by the 90-million-member Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
that has been working with Russia to
destroy the US Constitutional Republic for over 70 years.
The CCP operates a massive global intelligence
network through its Ministry of State Security. The CCP operates a
vast intelligence network in the U.S
as well. It is made up, not merely of intelligence operatives working for the
Ministry of State Security,
but it is also made up of a myriad of business and industry officials, Chinese scholar
associations, and
370,000 Chinese students currently attending American universities. It also operates the Confucius
Institute indoctrination
and intelligence gathering centers in the US on 67 University campuses and in seventeen K-12
Public School Districts.
The Confucius Centers are staffed by Communist Chinese intelligence operatives. Refer to this.
Harris is now involved with the Biden Family Business, and is supporting Joe Biden, who has worked closely
with Communist China
for 12 years. Joe’s son, Hunter Biden, is the point of contact for developing the off-shore Biden
Family Businesses in
Ukraine, Russia, Communist China, Iraq, Iran, etc. Hunter was provided with a $5 million non-recourse
loan for the Biden
Family Business to form a partnership with the PPC; that loan was subsequently forgiven by
Communist China for
one dollar.
Hunter Biden was given $1.5 billion for the Biden Family Business, to strategically
purchase interests in companies
in the US Military Industrial Complex, whose technologies
would enhance and improve Communist China’s defense
industry. Hunter Biden was also instructed
to try to take control of US companies involved in sourcing rare earth
minerals in the United States. Hunter
also received $3.5 Million from the wife of the Mayor of Moscow for some carefully hidden reason.
The Peoples Republic of Communist China has a military of two million men, including the world’s largest
The United States does not have enough ships and munitions to defeat China’s
Navy, absent the use of nuclear weapons.
There is a famous book, Unrestricted Warfare,
written in 1999 by two People’s Liberation Army colonels. It argues that
war between the PRC
and the U.S. is inevitable, and that when it occurs China must
be prepared to use whatever means are
necessary to achieve victory Refer to this.
If the American voters read the background information
(in Trevor Loudon’s article) on Kamala Harris, they would
never support her election as Vice President
of the United States. Joe Biden is suffering from the early onset of dementia
and will continue
to decline in cerebral awareness; he will never be able to fill out a four-year term of office.
Since Biden was elected,
the Socialists, Marxists, and Communist who control Kamala Harris, are planning to enact
provisions of the 25th
Amendment, in order to remove Joe Biden from office, so Harris can become the first
Communist President
of the United States.
Since Biden was elected, because Biden would not be up to it, Kamala
Harris would lead the effort to appoint very
dangerous anti-American Leftist, Communist,
Socialists, and Marxists to fill highly sensitive positions in the Washington
Deep State Bureaucracy.
She would fill all appointive positions in the US Intelligence Agencies, in the Department of
Homeland Security,
in the Department of Defense, in The Justice Department, the Department of State,
the FBI, the CIA,
most cabinet positions, the National Security Council, and in the White House Staff.
voters must be alert their fellow Americans that Kamala Harris is a very serious National Security
threat to the very
survival of the US Constitutional Republic; she has been a fellow traveler of Marxists, Communists,
Maoists, Socialists,
Progressives, and Chinese Communists for over 35 years. President Trump had much more
background information
on Kamala Harris than we presented here, and he was
correct, when he accused Kamala Harris of being
a Communist subverter."
Geoffrey B. Higginbotham
Major General, USMC

To bring about this state of affairs compliant politicians are needed,
and of them the Protocols of the Learned Elders
of Zion say:
"The administrators whom we shall choose from
among the public, with strict regard
to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the arts of
government, and will therefore easily become pawns in our game in the
hands of
men of learning
and genius who will be their advisers, specialists bred
and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world".