Under a Fascist government, the state
monitors film, theater, art, literature, music, education,
etc in order to maintain high moral and intellectual standards, promote senses of patriotism,
duty & honor, and censor the type of depraved filth and "artistic" ugliness
which has corrupted
the materialistic and overly
sensualized cultures of so many Marxified societies throughout the
world today.
Fascism also holds women in very high regard. Women are the carriers of new life. As such,
they are expected and encouraged to marry, have
children, and dedicate themselves to
family first.
Though women can certainly be educated and have careers -- family comes first,
There is no "gender neutrality" under
Fascism. Little girls are raised and expected to be
-- and the boys, strong and brave. Consistent with these ideals, Fascist art
often portrays women as sweet and nurturing, and men as manly and straight. A Fascist
society does not churn out nasty bitches like Mamma
Merkel or Killary Clinton ---
or insane cross-dressers like "Big Mike" Obama.
Also, under
Fascism, if a Marxist or libtard doesn't like the way things are, he/she can either
stay and refrain from political subversion -- or is free to leave the country. Communist
Enrico Fermi left Italy; Communist Albert Einstein left Germany -- and no
one attempted
to stop them. And contrary to what far too many conservatives
believe, the Fascists did
not abolish private ownership of firearms.
To the contrary, The Great One (that's Hitler
for you newbies and normies) actually repealed the gun bans imposed upon German
citizens by the cruel and unjust post-World War I Treaty of Versailles.
Now compare and contrast this degree of liberty under Fascism
with totalitarian Communism
--- where if one had wanted to
leave Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, or Castro's Cuba
which the "anti-fascists" just lovvvved), he could not. It was either submission, or
a re-education camp to be brainwashed into accepting "the worker's paradise."
And if
one still resisted, he'd probably be killed. And if he managed
to leave the country, his
property would be confiscated (in
accordance with Plank #4 of Marx's 1848 Manifesto (here)).