Click on this text to view THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD...



Or click on this text to view Adolf Hitler The greatest story Never told Full 6 hours Documentary...


Click on this text to visit the GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD website...



Click on this text to watch the documentary TRIUMPH OF THE WILL by German film maker Leni Riefenstahl 1935



Click on this text to see Hitler interacting with the celebrities of his day.






The epic documentary Adolf Hitler, The Greatest Story Never Told

by Dennis Wise is breaking barriers and challenging perceptions on a global scale.


This ground-breaking documentary chronicles the rise of Germany from defeat in

World War I, to communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the

Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, and Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.


It also reveals a personal side of Adolf Hitler: who he was, his family background,

his artwork and struggles in Vienna and what motivated him to come to power.


After painstaking research Dennis has produced a comprehensive, unbiased, objective

picture of what really happened during the World Wars, and why Adolf Hitler’s story is

The Greatest Story Never Told.


Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II.

Do your own research and decide what you choose to believe.


Think differently.





The Polish Atrocities

against the German Minority in Poland.


Poland Seeks Compensation From Germany For WWII

Atrocities: Should They Be Saying Sorry Instead?


A Blank Check & Forked Tongues: How Britain & Poland

Started WWII & Blamed Hitler & Germans For Eternity!


Ethnic Germans: A Forgotten Genocide


The True reason why Hitler attacked Zionist Poland





Hitler: They Used Poland As A Dummy






When the NSDAP – via popular vote -- finally came to power in 1933, the militarily powerful

and treasonous Strasser - Roehm faction plotted the violent overthrow of Hitler – a coup attempt

which surely would have plunged a still very unstable Germany into a horrible and protracted

civil war. Under the proactive leadership of Hitler, Herman Goring and Heinrich Himmler,

the conspiracy was thwarted in 1934 by Operation Hummingbird

(hyped-up as the so-called “Night of the Long Knives” by the Fake News of Britain).

Gregor Strasser and Ernst Roehm -- the homosexual leftist leaders of the powerful

paramilitary SA "Storm Troopers / Brown Shirts" -- were executed. Given the sympathetic

coverage for the executed traitors of Germany in the British press, it seems

more likely that Strasser and Roehm -- were the British agents, not Hitler!





Click on this text to see: Obersalzberg Now & Then: the Mountain Retreat of Adolf Hitler...

Click on this text to visit the TRUTH WILL OUT FILMS website to purchase DVD if you please...


Adolf Hitler: One of the Good Guys – 12 Things you were

not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany

and 10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys


This article is two articles combined – made by other people. They have excellent

information in them. I have also added two extracts from Adolf Hitler speeches at the

end – which demonstrate what national socialism was really all about – community,

family, comradery, altruism etc – as well as this I have added a gallery of Adolf Hitler

images showing him with the German people and with animals… this man was

not an evil tyrant.


Open your mind – you have been lied to about Adolf Hitler and National Socialism

incessantly – from the moment you were born. There is a reason for this.


Here is an overview of 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and

National-Socialist Germany:


1. Hitler Broke Free from the International Banking Cartels

2. Hitler Created a Thriving Economy with No Unemployment

3. Hitler Emphasized Respect for Women, Children and Strong Family Values

4. National-Socialist Preservation of Environment and Animals

 5. Hitler Banned Experimentation on Animals (Vivisection) 

6. Hitler Funded Research into “Free Energy” Technologies

7. German Workers Were Well-Treated 

8. Organized Industrial Production & Farming

9. Hitler Eliminated Crime and Improved Health of Germans

10. No Citizen Will Starve or Freeze

11. The National-Socialist Anti-Tobacco Mission 

12. National-Socialists Created a Culture that Cherished Music


Here is an overview of 10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys:

1/. He never wanted to kill any Jews 

2/. He cared about conditions for the Jews in the work camps 

3/. He had compassion for other sentient beings

4/. He tried to prevent the destruction of his fellow Europeans

5/. He cared passionately about his people and German heritage

6/. He was a humble man, from a humble background

7/. He held correspondence with Mahatma Gandhi

8/. He was a man of God

9/. He implemented cultural and social reform

10/. He stamped on usury / eliminated debt slavery


Article 1: 

12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler

and National-Socialist Germany



“After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler

will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant

figures who ever lived.”

– John F. Kennedy



Adolf Hitler was raised in a middle class family, and during the early years of his life his

family even went through a difficult period of starvation. After being a soldier in World War I,

on January 30th 1933, he found himself head of the German government, fulfilling

the dream of every poor and middle class person who ever sought to make it big.


We are all familiar with the story of Hitler that the United States would like you to

believe. Hitler has been made out to be one of the most “evil” people to have ever lived,

slaughtering millions of innocent Jews. This same story has been echoed throughout

Hollywood for decades, and by now it’s safe to say billions of dollars have been

spent to convince you of this black and white, good vs evil perspective about

the National-Socialist regime. What if it isn’t entirely accurate?


After investigating the work of others who have documented history in an unbiased fashion,

as well as those who have interviewed people who worked and lived alongside Hitler, there

is strong evidence to suggest that what we’ve been told is extremely inaccurate. A completely

new examination of Hitler and National-Socialist Germany during World War II is

required, and from this examination a different story is sure to emerge.


Here are 12 things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany:



1. Hitler Broke Free from the International Banking Cartels


When Hitler’s period as Chancellor of Germany began, the German people had no work,

no money and were starving. A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not

buy a loaf of bread at the time, and many Germans were living in shacks after countless

homes and farms had been seized by Rothschild/Rockefeller-controlled banks.


In his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Hitler’s Reichsbank President,

Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, let out the big secret:


“The mark’s dramatic devaluation began soon after the Reichsbank

was “privatized,” or delivered to private investors.”


In other words, responsible for the post-war hyperinflation was not the German government,

but rather the privately owned central bank in Germany, and its monopoly it had over the

creation of money. Germany’s economy was crashed and devastated by bankers…

that is, until Hitler arrived.


After Hitler was elected, refusing to play ball with the Rockefeller-Rothschild rules, one

of the first things he did was fix the corrupt, debt-based financial system. By completely

thwarting the international banking cartels, the National-Socialist government issued its

own currency known as Reich Marchs, which were debt free and uncontrollable by

international financial interests.


Debt Free Finance = Freedom


If America nationalized their currency as Hitler did for Germany, they would effectively sever

all ties with international bankers, the manipulation of their government and economy would

cease, and they would live debt-free. Just as Hitler issued debt-free currency for Germany,

Abraham Lincoln setup an interest free banking system in the United States when he was

President, and he was murdered for it. Former US president Andrew Jackson issued

interest-free currency, and two shots were fired at his head in an assassination attempt,

but the shots misfired and he survived. John F. Kennedy issued interest-free currency

during his presidency and we all know how he met his untimely demise.


After Germany’s public banking system was installed, world Jewry responded by declaring

war on Germany, including a global boycott of German goods. Within two years, the

German economy was flourishing with its new-found stable, and inflation-free currency.



2. Hitler Created a Thriving Economy

with No Unemployment


After setting up a public banking system, Hitler began his reign by constructing new roads,

bridges, dams, canals, port facilities, and much needed repair of public and private buildings.


Everything was done with public money that owed no interest to the International “Banksters”.

As Hitler said, “For every Mark issued, we required the equivalent

of a Mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.”


Next, the NATIONAL-SOCIALIST government encouraged women to be homemakers,

and all the work being done to repair and improve the country’s infrastructure and transportation

created jobs for men. The unemployment problem had been solved

within only two years, and Germany was back on its feet.


It’s often been claimed, that Hitler’s success in reviving his nation’s economy was based

largely on government spending for rearmament. This is a myth. As the renowned British

historian A. J. P. Taylor noted: “Germany’s economic recovery, which was complete by

1936, did not rest on rearmament; it was caused mainly by lavish expenditure on public

works, particularly on motor roads, and this public spending stimulated private spending

also, as [British economist John Maynard] Keynes had said it would. …while nearly everyone

else in Europe expected a great war, Hitler was the one man who neither expected nor planned for it.”

– A. J. P. Taylor, From Sarajevo to Potsdam (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975), p. 140.



3. Hitler Emphasized Respect for Women,

Children and Strong Family Values

During the economic hardship just before Hitler was elected, Germany was seeing a

declining rate of birth. In 1933, hitler passed a law that enabled married couples to obtain

interest free loans minimum 1000 Reich Marks (equal to 9 months salary) to set up homes

and start families.


For each child birthed, the couple was allowed to keep 250 marks and did not have to

repay it. This system pioneered by the National-Socialist government exists today in

Switzerland. In the eyes of Nazis, women were viewed as the preservers of the

tribe, the guardians of future generations, and the priestesses of domestic virtue.


Recognizing that families are the primary unit around which a functioning society is built,

Hitler emphasized the principle of maintaining a strong bond among family members.

Admired for his high regard for mother’s, families were inspired and strengthened

under the leadership of Hitler.


Poor families were helped by using financial incentives, and family allowances, marriage

loans and child subsidies were provided equally to each and every segment of society.



4. National-Socialist Preservation

of Environment and Animals

Under the National-Socialist regime, mishandling an animal was considered a heinous

crime, and if somebody was discovered mistreating an animal, they were sent to [work]

camps. As someone with great admiration for animals, Hitler showed great concern for

animals native to Germany, and passed laws that ensured their safety and well-being.


In 1934, Hitler passed a law called Das Reichsjagdgesetz (the Reich Hunting Law), which

regulated how many animals could be killed per year, and to establish proper

‘hunting seasons’. This law has now been adopted by most western countries.


Animal conservation was included in Primary, Secondary and College levels, and in 1935,

the Reichsnaturschutzgesetz (Reich Nature Protection Act) was passed. which placed

several native species on a protection list including the wolf and Eurasian lynx.

It is likely that this law saved some native forest-inhabiting species from going extinct.


The Nazi’s were also the first to create environmental protection laws in history. The

German Imperial Conservation law of 1935 was passed, which protected “remaining

portions of landscape in free nature whose preservation on account of rarity, beauty,

distinctiveness or on account of scientific, ethnic, forest, or hunting significance lies

in the general interest.”


“[It is] useful to know the laws of nature – for that enables us to obey

them. To act otherwise would be to rise in revolt against heaven.”

– Adolf Hitler



Hitler was a well-known lover of animals.



5. Hitler Banned Experimentation

on Animals (Vivisection)

‘Nazi’ Germany was the first country in the world to ban vivisection, or any experimentation

on live animals. With its great concern for animal conservation, and human

treatment, a complete ban of vivisection was enacted in April 1933.


The Prime Minister of Prussia Hermann Goring has said:


“An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only a necessary law to protect animals

and to show sympathy with their pain, but it is also a law for humanity itself…. I have therefore

announced the immediate prohibition of vivisection and have made the practice a punishable

offense in Prussia. Until such time as punishment is pronounced the culprit shall be lodged

in a concentration camp.”


(Above) This German cartoon depicts animals that were saved from vivisection

saluting Hermann Goring. The sign in the window reads “Vivisection Forbidden”.



6. Hitler Funded Research into

“Free Energy” Technologies

Hitler was well aware that in order to truly escape the stronghold of economic manipulation

by the international banking cartel he would need to find a way to eliminate Germany’s

dependence on oil. An inexhaustible source of energy that was not monopolized by the

private money cartels was required for true sovereignty, and this is what Hitler sought.


This pursuit led Germany to develop what has been called The Nazi Bell, which is described

by author Joseph P. Farrell as “a hyper-dimensional physics device being researched under

the auspices of the SS departments Entwicklungstelle-IV, Forschung, Entwicklung, und

Patente, and SS General Hans Kammler’s super-secret weapons black projects

think-tank, the Kammlerstab.“


According to Farrell, “the mission brief of the Entwicklungstelle IV was to

develop free energy and to make Germany independent of foreign oil.”


The National-Socialist Bell was designed, in Farrell’s estimation, for a threefold purpose:


Energy Independence
Advanced Propulsion Technology
A Weapon of Tremendous Power


In his book Babylon’s Banksters, Joseph P. Farrell points to evidence that after the War,

the United States made every effort to reconstruct the personnel team that worked on

the National-Socialist Bell, so that they could develop the technology for themselves

and restore the balance of power between “National-Socialist International” and

“Anglo-American” elite factions.



7. German Workers Were Well-Treated

With the goal of enhancing the standard of living for all German citizens equally,

Adolf Hitler stimulated the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, by

funding numerous worker’s welfare programs including:


– Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

– 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people (Between 1933-1938).

2 million people went on cruises, and – 11 million went on theater trips.

– Every citizen was given a radio.

– A 5 day work week for all citizens.

– Free Public Health.

– Hitler’s government banned Trade Unions, and it was mandatory

that all workers had to join the German labor Front trade union.
– Every large factory had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing

rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools for its workers.


During the Third Reich, German workers were

better treated than at any time before, or since.


8. Organized Industrial Production & Farming


As opposed to the current American economy, where production is driven by the pursuit

of maximum profit, Hitler initiated a policy of self-sufficiency, where the goal was to produce

only what is required by Germans. The goal of the National-Socialist government was to

produce for its country everything the German people needed without

having to rely on imports to meet the needs of its citizens.


Along with the calculated production of material goods, new policies were introduced so

that the aim of farming was to produce what German’s needed, not what was most profitable.

The government subsidized the farmers for loss of profit and farmers

were given guarantees that all of what was grown would be purchased.


9. Hitler Eliminated Crime

and Improved Health of Germans


By giving social misfits and criminals jobs, Adolf Hitler was able to reduce the crime rate

in Germany. In his 1976 book The Twelve-Year Reich, author R. Grunberger stated that

there were significant drops in the rates of murder, robbery, theft, embezzlement and petty

larceny during the Hitler years.


Many foreigners were impressed by the improved outlook and health of Germans, including

Sir Arnold Wilson, a British M.P. who visited Germany seven times after Hitler came to power.


“Infant mortality has been greatly reduced and is considerably inferior to that in Great Britain,”

wrote Wilson. “Tuberculosis and other diseases have noticeably diminished. The criminal

courts have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants.

It is a pleasure to observe the physical aptitude of the German youth. Even the poorest

persons are better clothed than was formerly the case, and their cheerful faces

testify to the psychological improvement that has been wrought within them.”


10. No Citizen Will Starve or Freeze

A canister used for collections during the Winter Relief Fund.


A prime philosophy of Germany at the time was that all citizens should share the same

standard of living. With this in mind, National-Socialist Germany boasted one of the largest

public welfare programs in history with the slogan “None shall starve nor freeze”. Every

year, high-ranking Nazi’s and citizens would take to the streets to collect charity for

the unfortunate, which generated a feeling of comradeship toward those in need.


They even went to the extent of publishing names of those who didn’t give charity in

the paper as a punishment or reminder of their neglect. According to Mark Weber of the

Institute for Historical Review,


“On one occasion, a civil servant was prosecuted for failure to donate, and his argument

that it was voluntary was dismissed on the grounds it was an extreme view of liberty,

to neglect all duties not actually prescribed by law, and therefore an abuse of liberty.”



11. The National-Socialist Anti-Tobacco Mission

National-Socialist doctors were the first to write a major scientific paper linking smoking

to lung cancer. Following this report, smoking was banned in restaurants and public transportation

systems. Advertising of smoking and cigarettes was severely regulated by the Nazis,

and tobacco tax was raised to deter people from smoking. In what was one of the most

expensive and effective anti-tobacco movements in history, numerous German health

organizations began educating the public that risks of miscarriage were heightened when

pregnant women engaged in smoking.


National-Socialist Anti-Tobacco Ad:

“He does not devour it, it [the cigarette] devours him!”


In the year 1940, while annual cigarette consumption per capita

in America was over 3,000, in Germany it was only 749.


Hitler prohibited the sale of cigarettes to women.

Hitler prohibited smoking for people under the age of 18.

Hitler prohibited smoking for people in uniforms.

Hitler prohibited smoking in public areas.

Hitler was the first to place “warning” photos of cancerous lungs on cigarette boxes.



12. National-Socialists Created

a Culture that Cherished Music


Recognizing the importance weaving music into the fabric of a country rich in culture, Hitler

founded the State Music Institute in 1933 after he came into power. Its purpose was to

promote the timeless work of composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Wagner,

among others. The Nazis ensured that every German citizen had a radio.


Youngsters were encouraged by the National-Socialist government to pursue music

as a career in order to preserve the rich ancient German cultural heritage.




Article 2: 

10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys – by Digger


All these points are verifiable. They just take a bit of objective, independent research.


1/. He never wanted to kill any Jews


Whenever you hear anyone espouse (repeat) the lies about Hitler the nasty Jew-killer.

Please always make a point of asking this very simple question:

“Where did you get that information from?”


Perhaps we all at some point have repeated this fable. Why would we not, when it’s

shoved down our throats 24/7, year in year out for decades(?) There hasn’t

been a man on this planet who has been demonized as much as Herr Hitler.


If Hitler wanted to kill Jews, why oh why throughout all his speeches and manuscripts and

his book Mein Kampf did he not mention this? Did he just forget? No, he didn’t



No matter what amount of destruction he had observed done by the Jews to his people;

he had enough self-discipline and ethical code not to take revenge. Being a strong

character, he was able to rise above the darkness, the demonic standards of the Judaic

mindset and show self-restraint and humility.


That is why he created ‘containment work camps’

for the Jews and certainly NOT death camps.


2/. He cared about conditions for the Jews in the work camps


Unbeknown to billions of people the Nazi camps were not death camps, nor were they

places to carry out human experiments. They were simply containment camps. Something

had to be done with these destructive anti-social Jews who were strangling Germany.

Thanks to the Jews, Germany had lost it’s moral code and had become debased

and de-cultured, does that ring a bell?


Something had to be done! And Hitler did do something – he placed all the Jews in

containment camps to allow Germany to breath again. But – this is the key point in this

essay/piece. He did it in a way which was ethical. The camps had decent sufficient food

(bearing in mind it was war time), they had theaters, swimming pools, football pitches,

post offices where inmates could communicate to the outside world, kindergartens,

art and music recreation and even prostitutes.


Quality sanitation within the camps was paramount and that is why the inmates clothes

were regularly de-loused with Zyklon B gas. There were no human gas chambers……


to which the world has had to endure for over half a century.


My theory is that if there had not have been a war effort, Hitler would not have even

made the Jews work. AND I bet you the containment camps would have been luxury

rehabilitation centers. In order to slowly de-programme the Jews from their mind control cult.



3/. He had compassion for other sentient beings

Many historians claim he was a vegetarian. I believe this is true, but whether it is or not,

the point is he had a clear connection and affection for his fellow creatures. I’m not

suggesting just because he may have been a veggie that therefore he was a good

person; but this was a man of compassion and that he recognised the importance of

compassion in society. He had so much affection for his German shepherds (picture below

with his beloved dog). He banned all animal experimentation, recognising it to be evil.

Hitler could see the connection between all life forms. It was his level of consciousness.

Respect for nature, animals and human life.


4/. He tried to prevent the destruction

of his fellow Europeans


Numerous occasions Hitler tried to warn and assist his fellow brethren about the Jewish

trap they had fallen for and who really was behind all the warmonger. He dropped fliers

from planes trying in vein to prevent Germany and Britain fighting. He initially wanted to

make alliances with Britain. Many occasions he gave opportunities to opposing European

forces, where he could have slaughtered them. It was his internal spiritual angst for him

to be fighting (defending) amongst his European brothers and sisters. He did all

he could to avoid war, he was not the warmonger we all have been led to believe.


5/. He cared passionately about his people and German heritage

Hitler observed the degrading machinations of the Jews in Austria and Germany. It not

only disgusted and angered him, but saddened him to see how these two nations were

being destroyed from the inside out like a cancer – a cancer that his sleepy folksmen could

not see. The exact same angst those of us who are Jew-conscious find ourselves in. He

was a man who cared about society, a man who cared about culture, who cared about

nature, about moral values and about building and improving as opposed to

destroying and degrading.


He was a man who had fought for his country, in the trenches and been hospitalized for

his country. How many of our sell out politicians today can claim that? He was a true

spokesman of the people, for the people who had diligently worked his way up from

grass roots. From microcosmic pep talks to his fellow workman on building sites, to talks

in beer houses, to speeches in basements, to town halls. As well as all the behind-the-scenes

work and risks. Slung in jail, mocked and defamed. Endless tireless work to resolve

the destruction of his peoples.


I would also strongly suggest he cared about all peoples. Yes, including

black people, despite the kosher myth he was a supremacist racist.


6/. He was a humble man, from a humble background

Can any of us name one present western politician who can claim that these days?

No, today they’re all criminals, fed through the kosher criminal system. All built on

materialistic gain and kudos. All content with serving the beast for their

demonic and self-serving interests. Their greed and hubris having no boundaries.


Hitler worked on building sites as a laborer for crying out loud. How many of these

leaches under the guise of politicians do you know have that background? He was

also a humble street artist, barely scraping a living together. Some days he had to

decide whether to spend his meager earnings on a political book, or to eat –

he opted for the former. Now that is passion in politics and a drive for social reform.


7/. He held correspondence with Mahatma Gandhi


This alone doesn’t necessarily suggest he was a good person. But more that Gandhi

and Hitler were in alignment on many issues. They both recognized the evil force they

were up against and both were coming from a humanitarian position. The bottom line

is Gandhi would not have corresponded with a so-called evil mad

dictator hell bent on wanting to kill the Jews and rule the world.


8/. He was a man of God


Hitler was NOT an atheist – despite what the Jewish propaganda machine wants us

to believe. He often made references to God and spoke in terms of a Divinity. He was

somebody who could clearly make the connection between Divine law and Natural laws.

He was spiritually and morally driven throughout all his political career.

Read his book Mein Kampf to see his consistent reference to Christian values.


9/. He implemented cultural and social reform


Throughout Hitler’s political career, his common theme was about ‘cleaning up’. He had

seen the filth the Jews had created and desperately wanted Germany to reverse these

degrading trends. He banned supermarkets, because he wanted local small businesses

to prosper. He banned degrading modern art, as he recognised it for what it was. He banned

vivisection (animal experiments), because in his wisdom he could see how futile and

unnecessary they were.


He encouraged healthy youth activities and social programmes to enhance cultural pride

and individual self worth, such as sports and recreational activities. He encouraged men

to be men and women to be feminine. He helped develop beauty, cleanliness and pride

back into the German people.


10/. He stamped on usury / eliminated debt slavery



This subject links in most of the points in this list and what Hitler achieved as a leader.

But I thought it was essential that this topic was highlighted in isolation, as it was probably

the single most important act of bravery and compassion Hitler offered to his people.

Unfortunately this act alone was enough to piss off the Jewish IMF and therefore create WW2.


Usury is the elite Jews most powerful and demonic weapon amongst their whole armament

of destructive weapons. More powerful than their poisons and even their mind control

techniques. Because it’s their use of compound interest that enables them to create a

stranglehold on every industry and therefore every level of society.

Nobody can escape usury – everybody is infected by it.


That is why Hitler created his own independent currency as a first move when he came

to power. And hey presto – that is why Germany was able to get back on it’s feet and

flourish as all nations should. Hitler recognised the judaic invention of usury as unlawful,

ungodly and unnatural – and as a talmudic curse which has crippled every host nation

the Jews have entered into and ultimately, that which brings about their demise.


Hitler freed his people of this curse.



In Conclusion


Hitler was probably the hero of the second world war and the 21st century. A man of

ethical courage, a man of spiritual perception and good intent. A spiritual soul who cared –

cared about all life forms, all cultures, about goodness and Light and ultimately about Truth.


Because he was one of the good guys.




Two Adolf Hitler speeches – Demonstrating much of what National

Socialism is really about: Community, Comradery, Altruism…


You can watch these speeches on YouTube – search: This is National Socialism


Hitler Speech Extract 1- National Socialism: Community and Altruism


“A new community is being built in Germany, and it is our most beautiful goal and aim.

Those who can’t even see past their own nose deserve our pity more than anything else.

It is the luck to help, which rewards those who commits themselves to this socialist state,

and this commitment must happen every new winter. Our social welfare system is so

much more than just charity. Because we do not say to the rich people: Please, give

something to the poor. Instead we say: German people, help yourself! Everyone must

help, whether you are rich or poor! Everyone must have the belief that there’s always

someone in a much worse situation than I am, and this person I want to help as a comrade.

If one should say: Yes, but do I have to sacrifice a lot? That is the glory of giving! When

you sacrifice for your community, then you can walk with your head held up high…”


Hitler Speech Extract 2 – National Socialism:

German Youth and Comradery


“A new state cannot simply fall down from the sky, instead it has to grow from within the

people. Because when I need loyalty, belief, confidence, fanaticism and commitment, then

I must turn to where I can still find these values, and these values can

always be found in the people themselves, in the masses of the people!


My German youth, just as we’re gathered here, my young comrades, as part of the life of

the people, so must the rest of the people. It was not always so. In the past, people did

not want to understand each other. Each thought only of themselves. At best, their class

alone. We have been witnesses to the consequences of this aberration of the spirit. In

your youth you must safeguard that which you possess, the great feeling of comradeship

of being part of the group. If you hold on to this, then there is no force in the world who

can take it from you. You will be one people bound together as tightly as you are now.

As German youth, our only hope, the courage and faith of our people. You, my youth,

are indeed the living guarantee of the living future of Germany – not an empty idea – not

an empty formalism, or an insipid plan. No! You are the blood of our blood, the

flesh of our flesh, and the spirit of our spirit. You are the continuation of our people…”


A link to a video of these Hitler Speeches:










Rochus Misch, Adolf Hitler's Loyal Bodyguard


Rochus Misch, who served as Adolf Hitler's devoted bodyguard for most of World War II and was the last

remaining witness to the great german leader's final hours in his Berlin bunker, has died just few years ago.


He was 96 and died in Berlin after a short illness. Misch remained proud to the end about

his years with Hitler, whom he affectionately called "boss." In a 2005 interview with

The Associated Press, Misch recalled Hitler as "a very normal man" and gave a riveting

account of the Führer's last days before he and his wife Eva Braun killed

themselves as the Soviet Red Army closed in around their bunker in Berlin.


"He was no brute. He was no monster. He was no superman," Misch said.


Born July 29, 1917, in the tiny Silesian town of Alt Schalkowitz, in what today is Poland,

Misch was orphaned at an early age. At age 20, he decided to join the SS — an organization

that he saw as a counterweight to a rising threat from the left. He signed up for the

Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, a unit that was founded to serve as Hitler's personal protection.


"It was anti-communist, against Stalin — to protect Europe," Misch said.

"I signed up in the war against Bolshevism, not for Adolf Hitler."


But when Germany invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, Misch found himself in the vanguard,

as his SS division was attached to a regular army unit for the blitzkrieg attack.


Misch was shot and nearly killed while trying to negotiate the surrender of a fortress near

Warsaw, and he was sent to Germany to recover. There, he was chosen in May 1940

as one of two SS men who would serve as Hitler's bodyguards and general assistants,

doing everything from answering the telephones to greeting dignitaries.


Misch and comrade Johannes Hentschel accompanied Hitler almost everywhere

he went — including his Alpine retreat in Berchtesgaden and his forward

Wolf's Lair headquarters.


He lived between the Fuehrer's apartments in the New Reich Chancellery and

the home in a working-class Berlin neighborhood that he kept until his death.


"He was a wonderful boss," Misch said. "I lived with him for five years. We were the closest

people who worked with him ... we were always there. Hitler was never without us day and night."


In the last days of Hitler's life, Misch followed him to live underground, protected

by the  Fuehrerbunker's heavily reinforced concrete ceilings and walls.


"Hentschel ran the lights, air and water and I did the telephones — there was nobody else,"

he said. "When someone would come downstairs we couldn't even offer them a place to sit.

It was far too small."


After the Soviet assault began, Misch remembered generals and NS brass coming and

going as they tried desperately to cobble together a defense of the capital with the ragtag

remains of the German military.


He recalled that on April 22, two days before two Soviet armies completed their

encirclement of the city, Hitler said: "That's it. The war is lost. Everybody can go."


"Everyone except those who still had jobs to do like us — we had to stay," Misch said.

"The lights, water, telephone ... those had to be kept going but everybody

else was allowed to go and almost all were gone immediately."


However, Hitler clung to a report — false, as it turned out — that the Western Allies had

called upon Germany to hold Berlin for two more weeks against the Soviets so that they

could battle communism together.


"He still believed in a union between West and East," Misch said. "Hitler liked England —

except for (then-Prime Minister Winston) Churchill — and didn't think that a people

like the English would bind themselves with the communists to crush Germany."


On April 28, Misch saw Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and Hitler

confidant Martin Bormann enter the bunker with a man he had never seen before.


"I asked who it was and they said that's the civil magistrate who has come to perform

Hitler's marriage," Misch said. That night, Hitler and longtime mistress Eva Braun

were married in a short ceremony.


Two days later, Misch saw Goebbels and Bormann talking with Hitler

and his adjutant, SS Maj. Otto Guensche, in the bunker's corridor.


"I saw him go into his room ... and someone, Guensche, said that he shouldn't be disturbed,"

Misch said. "We all knew that it was happening. He said he wasn't going to leave Berlin,

he would stay here."


"We heard no shot, we heard nothing, but one of those who was in the hallway, I don't

remember if it was Guensche or Bormann, said, 'Linge, Linge,

I think it's done,'" Misch said, referring to Hitler's valet Heinz Linge.


"Then everything was really quiet ... who opened the door I don't remember, Guensche

or Linge. They opened the door, and I naturally looked, and then there was a short pause

and the second door was opened... and I saw Hitler lying on the table like

so," Misch said, putting his head down on his hands on his living-room table.


"And Eva lay like so on the sofa with knees up, her head to him."


Misch ran up to the chancellery to tell his superior the news and then back

downstairs, where Hitler's corpse had been put on the floor with a blanket over it.


"Then they bundled Hitler up and said 'What do we do now?'" Misch said. "As they took

Hitler out ... they walked by me about three or four meters away. I saw his shoes

sticking outside the sack."


An SS guard ran down the stairs and tried to get Misch to watch as the two were covered

in gasoline and set alight. "He said, 'The boss is being burned. Come on out,'" Misch recalled.

But instead Misch hastily retreated deeper into the bunker to talk with comrade Hentschel.


"I said 'I saw the Gestapo upstairs in the ... chancellery, and it could be that they'll want to

kill us as witnesses,'" Misch said. But Misch stuck to his post in the bunker — which he

described as "a coffin of concrete" — taking and directing telephone calls with

Goebbels as his new boss until May 2, when he was given permission to flee.


Goebbels, he said, "came down and said: 'You have a chance to live. You don't have to

stay here and die.'" Misch grabbed the rucksack he had packed and fled with a few others

into the rubble of Berlin.


Working his way through cellars and subways, Misch decided to surface after hearing

German being spoken above through an air ventilation shaft. But the voices came from

about 300 soldiers who had been taken prisoner, and the Soviet guards grabbed him as well.


Following the German surrender May 7, Misch was taken to the Soviet Union, where he

spent the next nine years in prisoner of war camps before being allowed to return to Berlin

in 1954. He reunited with his wife Gerda, whom he had married in 1942 and who died in

1997, and opened up a shop.


At age 87, when he talked with the AP, Misch still cut the image of an SS man, with a rigid

posture, broad shoulders and neatly combed white hair. He stayed away from questions

of guilt or responsibility for the "Holocaust", saying he knew nothing of

"the murder of 6 million Jews".









                                        THE UNKNOWN ADOLF HITLER


Battlefield heroism knows no frontiers. However, it is difficult to identify any whose valour

equals that of a WWI (1914 – 1918) volunteer who at the time was an unknown corporal.


Corporal Adolf Hitler saw frontline action at Yser, Ypres, Flanders, Neuve Chapelle,

La Bassee, Arras, Artuis, Somme, Fromelles, Alsace Lorraine, Aillette, Montdidier,

Soissons, Rheims, Oise, Marne, Champagne, Vosle, Monchy, and Bapaume.


During those terrible years, the future leader of the German people displayed exemplary

courage in a conflict that involved more than forty battles. He was wounded on October 5,

1916, and hospitalised for two months. Then he was back at the front until October

15, 1918, when he was hospitalised again, this time for gas poisoning.



Hitler’s battlefield heroism was the stuff of legends and on a par with that of the

Spartans of Thermopylae.  Even Jews, notoriously hostile to the German statesman,

were unstinting in their praise. That few people are aware of this is entirely

due to the cowardliness of many palace publishers and media presstitutes.


Their spinelessness is such that they cannot honour their enemy; for thousands of years

a European tradition. Hitler’s wartime record is not a matter of dispute and

explains why recognition is muted, censored or lied about.




“He was a model of coolness and courage in both trench warfare and assault combat.

He was always ready to volunteer for carrying messages in the most difficult and dangerous

situations.” ~ Lieutenant Colonel Godin in his official request that Hitler be awarded

the Iron Cross 1st Class.


“He was always ready to help out in any situation, always volunteered for the most difficult

and most arduous, and the most dangerous missions, and to risk his life and wellbeing for

the Fatherland. On a human level, I felt closer to him than to any of the other men.”

~ Statement by Colonel Anton Tubeuf further on the recognition being awarded.


“Hitler inspired all his comrades. His fearless courage and devotion to duty, particularly

in combat impressed them. His qualifications, modesty, and his admirable sobriety earned

him the greatest respect of his comrades and superiors alike.”

~ Great War veteran Colonel Spatny who commanded the 16th Regiment


“Hitler’s wartime record; campaigns, decorations, wounds, periods in hospital and on

leave, is fully documented. In addition, there is evidence to show that he was comradely,

level-headed and an unusually brave soldier, and that a number of his commanding officers

singled him out for special mention.” ~ Werner Maser, former head of the Institute of

Contemporary History at the University of Munich, author of the biography

Hitler, Legend, Myth, and Reality (Harper and Row, 1971).


“Hitler was quick in mind and body and had great powers of endurance. His most

remarkable qualities were his personal courage and daring which enabled him to face any

combat or perilous situation whatsoever.” ~ (1922) General Friedrich Petz summary

of the High Command’s appreciation of the self-effacing corporal Adolf Hitler.




“Hitler was a courageous and efficient soldier and was always a good comrade.”

~ Joachim Fest, German historian, and journalist.



“The courage and the composure with which he faced the most deadly fire made him

seem invulnerable to his comrades. As long as Hitler is near us, nothing will happen to us,

they kept repeating. It appears that made a deep impression on Hitler and reinforced

his belief that he had been charged with a special mission.”

~ Joachim Fest, German historian, and journalist.


“In the course of the preceding months, he had escaped death on innumerable occasions.

It was as though he had been wearing a good luck charm.” ~ John Toland, historian.


“Corporal Hitler was in all probability one of the German soldiers

who got closest to Paris in 1918.”

~ French Historian, Raymond Cartier.


“Hitler had a fierce courage unmatched by anyone at the time or since.”

~ Sebastian Haffner, the Jewish writer who was fanatically anti-Hitler.


“He was a pleasant and likeable man who took an interest in the welfare of

all his companions.”

~ Karl Hanisch, a Jew who shared lodgings with Hitler.


Karl Hanisch later recalled that his fellow lodger “. . . was neither proud nor arrogant, and

he was always available and willing to help. If someone needed fifty hellers to pay for

another night’s lodging, Hitler would always give whatever he had in his pocket without another

thought. On several occasions, I personally saw him take the initiative and pass the hat for

such a collection.”








Click on this text to watch - In The Service Of The Führer Hitler's Shadow - Documentary







Who Financed Hitler and Why ?

Economist Henry C K Liu writes of Germany's remarkable transformation:
The Nazis came to power in 1933 when the German economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began.” (Henry C. K. Liu, "Nazism and the German Economic Miracle," Asia Times (May 24, 2005).
In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry commented: “Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers.”
These facts do not appear in any textbooks today, since Jews own most publishing companies. What does appear is the disastrous runaway inflation suffered in 1923 by the Weimar Republic, which governed Germany from 1919 to 1933. Today’s textbooks use this inflation to twist truth into its opposite. They cite the radical devaluation of the German mark as an example of what goes wrong when governments print their own money, rather than borrow it from private cartels. In reality, the Weimar financial crisis began with the impossible reparations payments imposed at the Treaty of Versailles.
Hjalmar Schacht ~ the Rothschild agent who was currency commissioner for the Republic before being dismissed when Hitler realized what he was up to~ opposed letting the German government print its own money. Schacht echoed the textbook lie that Weimar inflation was caused when the German government printed its own money. However, in his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Schacht let the cat out of the bag by revealing that it was the PRIVATELY-OWNED Reichsbank, not the German government, that was pumping new currency into the economy. Thus, the PRIVATE BANK caused the Weimar hyper-inflation. Naturally this terrifies the bankers, since it eliminates their powers. It also terrifies Jews, since their control of banking allows them to buy the media, the government, and everything else.
Therefore, to those who delight in saying “Jews financed Hitler,” I ask that they please look at all the facts. Prescott Bush and others including Henry Ford made donations to help finance Hitler. Some did it because they simply had political sympathies for Hitler. Others had a different agenda, namely they saw in Hitler a strongman who would rebuild a strong Germany which was needed for the well planned second world war. All that was needed after Hitler got into power and nationalized the German economic system and built a prosperous nation, was to get Hitler to take the bait. Jewish NKVD squads organized a massive ethnic cleansing in the former German states ceded to Poland 20 years earlier, killing tens of thousands of Germans in the preceding weeks, deliberately provoking the 1st September 1939 German attack to stop the massacre of Germans in the former German states in Poland. Have you ever wondered why France and England declared war on Germany for the well deserved German attack on Poland, but not on the Soviet Union when it also attacked and occupied most of Poland ?



How Germany Tackled Financial and Economic Crisis Within Three Years


To deal with the massive unemployment and economic paralysis of the Great Depression, both the US and German governments launched innovative and ambitious programs.


Although President Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal” measures helped only marginally, the Third Reich’s much more focused and comprehensive policies proved remarkably effective. Within three years unemployment was banished and Germany’s economy was flourishing.


 While Roosevelt’s record in dealing with the Depression is pretty well known, the remarkable story of how Hitler tackled the crisis is not widely understood or appreciated.


Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. A few weeks later, on March 4, Franklin Roosevelt took office as President of the United States. Each man remained his country’s chief executive for the next twelve years -- until April 1945, shortly before the end of World War II in Europe. In early 1933 industrial production in each country had fallen to about half of what it had been in 1929. Each leader quickly launched bold new initiatives to tackle the terrible economic crisis, above all the scourge of mass unemployment. And although there are some striking similarities between the efforts of the two governments, the results were very different.


One of the most influential and widely read American economists of the twentieth century was John Kenneth Galbraith. He was an advisor to several presidents, and for a time served as US ambassador to India. He was the author of several dozen books, and for years taught economics at Harvard University. With regard to Germany’s record, Galbraith wrote: “… The elimination of unemployment in Germany during the Great Depression without inflation -- and with initial reliance on essential civilian activities -- was a signal accomplishment. It has rarely been praised and not much remarked. The notion that Hitler could do no good extends to his economics as it does, more plausibly, to all else.”


The Hitler regime’s economic policy, Galbraith goes on, involved “large scale borrowing for public expenditures, and at first this was principally for civilian work -- railroads, canals and the Autobahnen [highway network]. The result was a far more effective attack on unemployment than in any other industrial country.” / 1 “By late 1935,” he also wrote, “unemployment was at an end in Germany. By 1936 high income was pulling up prices or making it possible to raise them … Germany, by the late thirties, had full employment at stable prices. It was, in the industrial world, an absolutely unique achievement.” / 2 “Hitler also anticipated modern economic policy,” the economist noted, “by recognizing that a rapid approach to full employment was only possible if it was combined with wage and price controls. That a nation oppressed by economic fears would respond to Hitler as Americans did to F.D.R. is not surprising.”


Other countries, Galbraith wrote, failed to understand or to learn from the German experience: “The German example was instructive but not persuasive. British and American conservatives looked at the Nazi financial heresies -- the borrowing and spending -- and uniformly predicted a breakdown … And American liberals and British socialists looked at the repression, the destruction of the unions, the Brownshirts, the Blackshirts, the concentration camps, and screaming oratory, and ignored the economics. Nothing good [they believed], not even full employment, could come from Hitler.”


Two days after taking office as Chancellor, Hitler addressed the nation by radio. Although he and other leaders of his movement had made clear their intention to reorganize the nation’s social, political, cultural and educational life in accord with National Socialist principles, everyone knew that, with some six million jobless and the national economy in paralysis, the great priority of the moment was to restore the nation’s economic life, above all by tackling unemployment and providing productive work.


“The misery of our people is horrible to behold!,” said Hitler in this inaugural address. / 5 “Along with the hungry unemployed millions of industrial workers there is the impoverishment of the whole middle class and the artisans. If this collapse finally also finishes off the German farmers we will face a catastrophe of incalculable dimension. For that would be not just the collapse of a nation, but of a two-thousand-year-old inheritance of some of the greatest achievements of human culture and civilization …”


The new government, Hitler said, would “achieve the great task of reorganizing our nation’s economy by means of two great four-year plans. The German farmer must be rescued to maintain the nation’s food supply and, in consequence, the nation’s vital foundation. The German worker will be saved from ruin with a concerted and all-embracing attack against unemployment.”


“Within four years,” he pledged, “unemployment must be decisively overcome … The Marxist parties and their allies have had 14 years to show what they can do. The result is a heap of ruins. Now, people of Germany, give us four years and then pass judgment upon us!”


Rejecting the cloudy and impractical economic views of some radical activists in his Party, Hitler turned to men of proven ability and competence. Most notably, he enlisted the help of Hjalmar Schacht, a prominent banker and financier with an impressive record in both private business and public service. Even though Schacht was certainly no National Socialist, Hitler appointed him President of Germany’s central bank, the Reichsbank, and then as Minister of Economics.


After taking power, writes Prof. John Garraty, a prominent American historian, Hitler and his new government “immediately launched an all-out assault on unemployment … They stimulated private industry through subsidies and tax rebates, encouraged consumer spending by such means as marriage loans, and plunged into the massive public-works program that produced the autobahn [highway system], and housing, railroad and navigation projects.”


The regime’s new leaders also succeeded in persuading formerly skeptical and even hostile Germans of their sincerity, resolve and ability. This fostered trust and confidence, which in turn encouraged businessmen to hire and invest, and consumers to spend with an eye to the future.


As he had promised, Hitler and his National Socialist government banished unemployment within four years. The number of jobless was cut from six million at the beginning of 1933, when he took power, to one million by 1936. / 7 So rapidly was the jobless rate reduced that by 1937-38 there was a national labor shortage.


For the great mass of Germans, wages and working conditions improved steadily. From 1932 to 1938 gross real weekly earnings increased by 21 percent. After taking into account tax and insurance deductions and adjustments to the cost of living, the increase in real weekly earnings during this period was 14 percent. At the same time, rents remained stable, and there was a relative decline in the costs of heating and light. Prices actually declined for some consumer goods, such as electrical appliances, clocks and watches, as well as for some foods. "Consumer prices rose at an average annual rate of just 1.2 percent between 1933 and 1939," notes British historian Niall Ferguson. "This meant that Germans workers were better off in real as well as nominal terms: between 1933 and 1938, weekly net earnings (after tax) rose by 22 percent, while the cost of living rose by just seven percent." Even after the outbreak of war in September 1939, workers’ income continued to rise. By 1943 average hourly earnings of German workers had risen by 25 percent, and weekly earnings by 41 percent.


The “normal” work day for most Germans was eight hours, and pay for overtime work was generous. / 10 In addition to higher wages, benefits included markedly improved working conditions, such as better health and safety conditions, canteens with subsidized hot meals, athletic fields, parks, subsidized theater performances and concerts, exhibitions, sports and hiking groups, dances, adult education courses, and subsidized tourism. / 11 An already extensive network of social welfare programs, including old age insurance and a national health care program, was expanded.


Hitler wanted Germans to have “the highest possible standard of living,” he said in an interview with an American journalist in early 1934. “In my opinion, the Americans are right in not wanting to make everyone the same but rather in upholding the principle of the ladder. However, every single person must be granted the opportunity to climb up the ladder.” / 12 In keeping with this outlook, Hitler’s government promoted social mobility, with wide opportunities to improve and advance. As Prof. Garraty notes: “It is beyond argument that the Nazis encouraged working-class social and economic mobility.” To encourage acquisition of new skills, the government greatly expanded vocational training programs, and offered generous incentives for further advancement of efficient workers.


Both National Socialist ideology and Hitler’s basic outlook, writes historian John Garraty, “inclined the regime to favor the ordinary German over any elite group. Workers … had an honored place in the system.” In accord with this, the regime provided substantive fringe benefits for workers that included subsidized housing, low-cost excursions, sports programs, and more pleasing factory facilities.


In his detailed and critical biography of Hitler, historian Joachim Fest acknowledged: “The regime insisted that it was not the rule of one social class above all others, and by granting everyone opportunities to rise, it in fact demonstrated class neutrality … These measures did indeed break through the old, petrified social structures. They tangibly improved the material condition of much of the population.”


A few figures give an idea of how the quality of life improved. Between 1932, the last year of the pre-Hitler era, and 1938, the last full year before the outbreak of war, food consumption increased by one sixth, while clothing and textile turnover increased by more than a quarter, and of furniture and household goods by 50 percent. / 16 During the Third Reich’s peacetime years, wine consumption rose by 50 percent, and champagne consumption increased five-fold. / 17 Between 1932 and 1938, the volume of tourism more than doubled, while automobile ownership during the 1930s tripled. / 18 German motor vehicle production, which included cars made by the US-owned Ford and General Motors (Opel) works, doubled in the five years of 1932 to 1937, while Germany’s motor vehicle exports increased eight-fold. Air passenger traffic in Germany more than tripled from 1933 to 1937.


German business revived and prospered. During the first four years of the National Socialist era, net profits of large corporations quadrupled, and managerial and entrepreneurial income rose by nearly 50 percent. / 20 Between 1933 and 1938, notes historian Niall Ferguson, Germany's "gross domestic product grew, on average, by a remarkable eleven percent a year," with no significant increase in the rate of inflation. / 21 “Things were to get even better,” writes Jewish historian Richard Grunberger in his detailed study, The Twelve-Year Reich. “In the three years between 1939 and 1942 German industry expanded as much as it had during the preceding fifty years.”


Although German businesses flourished, profits were controlled and by law were kept within moderate limits. / 21 Beginning in 1934, dividends for stockholders of German corporations were limited to six percent annually. Undistributed profits were invested in Reich government bonds, which had an annual interest yield of six percent, and then, after 1935, of four and a half percent. This policy had the predictable effect of encouraging corporate reinvestment and self-financing, and thereby of reducing borrowing from banks and, more generally, of diminishing the influence of commercial capital.


Corporation tax rates were steadily raised, from 20 percent in 1934 to 25 percent in 1936, and to 40 percent in 1939-40. Directors of German companies could grant bonuses to managers, but only if these were directly proportionate to profits and they also authorized corresponding bonuses or “voluntary social contributions” to employees.


Between 1934 and 1938, the gross taxable income of German businessmen increased by 148 percent, and overall tax volume increased during this period by 232 percent. The number of taxpayers in the highest income tax bracket -- those earning more than 100,000 marks annually -- increased during this period by 445 percent. (By contrast, the number of taxpayers in the lowest income bracket -- those earning less than 1500 marks yearly -- increased by only five percent.)


Taxation in National Socialist Germany was sharply “progressive,” with those of higher income paying proportionately more than those in the lower income brackets. Between 1934 and 1938, the average tax rate on incomes of more than 100,000 marks rose from 37.4 percent to 38.2 percent. In 1938 Germans in the lowest tax brackets were 49 percent of the population and had 14 percent of the national income, but paid only 4.7 percent of the tax burden. Those in the highest income category, who were just one percent of the population but with 21 percent of the income, paid 45 percent of the tax burden.


Jews made up about one percent of Germany’s total population when Hitler came to power. While the new government moved quickly to remove them from the nation’s political and cultural life, Jews were permitted to carry on in economic life, at least for several years. In fact, many Jews benefited from the regime’s recovery measures and the general economic revival. In June 1933, for example, Hitler approved a large-scale government investment of 14.5 million marks in the Jewish-owned firm Hertie, a Berlin department store chain. This “bail out” was done to prevent the ruin of the large firm’s suppliers, financiers, and, above all, its 14,000 employees.


Prof. Gordon Craig, who for years taught history at Stanford University, points out: “In the clothing and retail trades, Jewish firms continued to operate profitably until 1938, and in Berlin and Hamburg, in particular, establishments of known reputation and taste continued to attract their old customers despite their ownership by Jews. In the world of finance, no restrictions were placed upon the activities of Jewish firms in the Berlin Bourse [stock market], and until 1937 the banking houses of Mendelssohn, Bleichröder, Arnhold, Dreyfuss, Straus, Warburg, Aufhäuser, and Behrens were still active.” / 27 Five years after Hitler had come to power, the Jewish role in business life was still a significant one, and Jews still held considerable real estate holdings, especially in Berlin. This changed markedly in 1938, however, and by the end of 1939 Jews had been largely removed from German economic life.


Germany’s crime rate fell during the Hitler years, with significant drops in the rates of murder, robbery, theft, embezzlement and petty larceny. / 28 Improvement in the health and outlook of Germans impressed many foreigners. “Infant mortality has been greatly reduced and is considerably inferior to that in Great Britain,” wrote Sir Arnold Wilson, a British M.P. who visited Germany seven times after Hitler had come to power. “Tuberculosis and other diseases have noticeably diminished. The criminal courts have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants. It is a pleasure to observe the physical aptitude of the German youth. Even the poorest persons are better clothed than was formerly the case, and their cheerful faces testify to the psychological improvement that has been wrought within them.”


The improved psychological-emotional well-being of Germans during this period has also been noted by social historian Richard Grunberger. “There can be little doubt,” he wrote, “that the [National Socialist] seizure of power engendered a wide-spread improvement in emotional health; this was not only a result of the economic upswing, but of many Germans’ heightened sense of identification with the national purpose.”


Austria experienced a dramatic upswing after it joined the German Reich in March 1938. Immediately following the Anschluss (“union”), officials moved quickly to relieve social distress and revitalize the moribund economy. Investment, industrial production, housing construction, consumer spending, tourism and the standard of living rose rapidly. Between June and December 1938 alone, the weekly income of Austria’s industrial workers rose by nine percent. The National Socialist regime’s success in banishing unemployment was so rapid that American historian Evan Burr Bukey was moved to call it “one of the most remarkable economic achievements in modern history.” The jobless rate in Austria dropped from 21.7 percent in 1937 to 3.2 percent in 1939. The Austrian GNP rose 12.8 percent in 1938, and an astonishing 13.3 percent in 1939.


An important expression of national confidence was a sharp increase in the birth rate. Within a year after Hitler came to power, the German birth rate jumped by 22 percent, rising to a high point in 1938. It remained high even in 1944 -- the last full year of World War II. / 32 In the view of historian John Lukacs, this jump in the birth rate was an expression of “the optimism and the confidence” of Germans during the Hitler years. “For every two children born in Germany in 1932, three were born four years later,” he notes. “In 1938 and 1939, the highest marriage rates in all of Europe were registered in Germany, superseding even those among the prolific peoples of Eastern Europe. The phenomenal rise of the German birthrate in the thirties was even steeper than the rise of the marriage rate.” / 33 “National Socialist Germany, alone among countries peopled by whites, succeeded in attaining some increase in fertility,” notes the outstanding Scottish-born American historian Gordon A. Craig, with a sharp rise in the birth rate after Hitler came to power, and a steady increase in the years that followed.


In a lengthy address to the Reichstag in early 1937, Hitler recalled the pledges he had made when his government assumed power. He also explained the principles on which his policies were based, and looked back at what had been accomplished in four years. / 35 “… Those who talk about `democracies’ and ‘dictatorships’,” he said, “simply do not understand that a revolution has been carried out in this country, the results of which can be considered democratic in the highest sense of the term, if democracy has any real meaning … The National Socialist Revolution has not aimed at turning a privileged class into a class that will have no rights in the future. Its aim has been to give equal rights to those who had no rights … Our objective has been to make it possible for the whole German people to be active, not only in the economic but also in the political field, and to secure this by organizationally involving the masses … During the past four years we have increased German production in all areas to an extraordinary degree. And this increase in production has been to the benefit of all Germans.”


In another address two years later, Hitler spoke briefly about his regime’s economic achievement: / 36 “I overcame chaos in Germany, restored order, enormously raised production in all fields of our national economy, by strenuous efforts produced substitutes for numerous materials that we lack, encouraged new inventions, developed traffic, caused mighty roads to be built and canals to be dug, called into being gigantic factories, and at the same time endeavored to further the education and culture of our people for the development of our social community. I succeeded in finding useful work once more for the whole of the seven million unemployed, who so touched all our hearts, in keeping the German farmer on his soil in spite of all difficulties, and in saving the land itself for him, in restoring a prosperous German trade, and in promoting traffic to the utmost.”



It’s often been claimed, even by some supposedly reputable scholars, that Hitler’s success in reviving his nation’s economic life was based largely on government spending for rearmament and preparation for war. This is a myth. As the renowned British historian A. J. P. Taylor noted: / 37 “Germany’s economic recovery, which was complete by 1936, did not rest on rearmamnent; it was caused mainly by lavish expenditure on public works, particularly on motor roads, and this public spending stimulated private spending also, as [British economist John Maynard] Keynes had said it would. Hitler actually skimped on armaments, despite his boasting, partly because he wished to avoid the unpopularitiy which a reduction of the German standard of living would cause, but more from the confident belief that he would always succeed in bluff. Thus, paradoxidcally, while nearly eveeryone else in Europe expected a great war, Hitler was the one man who neither expected nor planned for it.”


American historian John Garraty compared the American and German responses to the Great Depression in a much-discussed article published in the American Historical Review. He wrote: / 38 “The two movements [that is, in the US and in Germany] nevertheless reacted to the Great Depression in similar ways, distinct from those of other industrial nations. Of the two the Nazis were the more successful in curing the economic ills of the 1930s. They reduced unemployment and stimulated industrial production faster than the Americans did and, considering their resources, handled their monetary and trade problems more successfully, certainly more imaginatively. This was partly because the Nazis employed deficit financing on a larger scale and partly because their totalitarian system better lent itself to the mobilization of society, both by force and by persuasion. By 1936 the depression was substantially over in Germany, far from finished in the United States.”


In fact, the jobless rate in the United States remained high until the stimulation of large-scale war production took hold. Even as late as March 1940, the US unemployment rate was still almost 15 percent of the work force. It was production for war, not Roosevelt’s “New Deal’ programs, that finally brought full employment.


Prof. William Leuchtenburg, a prominent American historian known best for his books on the life and career of Franklin Roosevelt, summed up the President’s mixed record in a highly acclaimed study. “The New Deal left many problems unsolved and even created some perplexing new ones,” concluded Leuchtenburg. “It never demonstrated that it could achieve prosperity in peacetime. As late as 1941, the unemployed still numbered six million, and not until the war year of 1943 did the army of jobless finally disappear.”


The contrast between the German and American economic records during the 1930s is all the more striking when one takes into account that the US had vastly greater natural resource wealth, including large petroleum reserves, as well as a lower population density, and no hostile, well-armed neighbors.


In an address given in December 1941, Hitler himself compared the record of his government and that of President Roosevelt in dealing with the challenge of the world economic crisis.


“Whereas the German Reich experienced an enormous improvement in social, economic, cultural and artistic life in just a few years under National Socialist leadership,” he said, “President Roosevelt was not able to bring about even limited improvements in his own country. This task should have been much easier in the United States, with barely 15 people per square kilometer, as compared to 140 in Germany. If economic prosperity is not possible in that country, it must be the result of either a lack of will by the ruling leadership or the complete incompetence of the men in charge. In just five years, the economic problems were solved in Germany and unemployment was eliminated. During this same period, President Roosevelt enormously increased his country's national debt, devalued the dollar, further disrupted the economy, and maintained the same number of unemployed.”


In another major address given that same year, Hitler compared the social-political-economic systems of the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany. / 42 “We’ve now gotten to know two [social-political] extremes,” he said. “One is that of the Capitalist states, which use lies, fraud and swindling to deny their peoples the most basic vital rights, and which are concerned entirely with their own financial interests, for which they are ready to sacrifice millions of people. On the other hand we’ve seen [in the Soviet Union] the Communist extreme: a state that’s brought unspeakable misery to millions and millions, and which, following its doctrine, sacrifices the happiness of others. From this [awareness], in my view, there is for all of us only one obligation, namely, to strive more than ever toward our national and socialist ideal … In this [German] state the prevailing principle is not, as in Soviet Russia, the principle of so-called equality, but rather only the principle of justice.”


Could Hitler’s economic policies work in the United States? These policies are probably most workable in countries such as Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands, with a well-educated, self-disciplined and ethnically-culturally cohesive population, and a traditionally strong “communitarian” ethos with a correspondingly high level of social trust. Hitler’s economic policies are less applicable in the United States and other societies with an ethnically-culturally diverse population, a markedly individualistic, “laissez-faire” tradition, and a correspondingly weaker “communitarian” spirit.


David Lloyd George — who had been Britain’s prime minister during the First World War -- made an extensive tour of Germany in late 1936. In an article published afterwards in a leading London newspaper, the British statesman recounted what he had seen and experienced.


“Whatever one may think of his [Hitler’s] methods,” wrote Lloyd George, “and they are certainly not those of a parliamentary country, there can be no doubt that he has achieved a marvelous transformation in the spirit of the people, in their attitude towards each other, and in their social and economic outlook.


“He rightly claimed at Nuremberg that in four years his movement had made a new Germany. It is not the Germany of the first decade that followed the war — broken, dejected and bowed down with a sense of apprehension and impotence. It is now full of hope and confidence, and of a renewed sense of determination to lead its own life without interference from any influence outside its own frontiers.


“There is for the first time since the war a general sense of security. The people are more cheerful. There is a greater sense of general gaiety of spirit throughout the land. It is a happier Germany. I saw it everywhere, and Englishmen I met during my trip and who knew Germany well were very impressed with the change.”


“This great people,” the seasoned statesman went on to warn, “will work better, sacrifice more, and, if necessary, fight with greater resolution because Hitler asks them to do so. Those who do not comprehend this central fact cannot judge the present possibilities of modern Germany.”


Although prejudice and ignorance have hindered a wider awareness and understanding of Hitler’s economic policies and their impact, his success in economic policy has been acknowledged by historians, including scholars who are generally very critical of the German leader and his regime’s policies.


John Lukacs, a Hungarian-born American historian whose books have generated much comment and praise, has written: “Hitler’s achievements, domestic rather than foreign, during the six [peacetime] years of his leadership of Germany were extraordinary … He brought prosperity and confidence to the Germans, the kind of prosperity that is the result of confidence. The thirties, after 1933, were sunny years for most Germans; something that remained in the memories of an entire generation among them.”


Sebastian Haffner, an influential German journalist and historian who was also a fierce critic of the Third Reich and its ideology, reviewed Hitler’s life and legacy in a much-discussed book. Although his portrayal of the German leader in The Meaning of Hitler is a harsh one, the author all the same writes:


“Among these positive achievements of Hitler the one outshining all others was his economic miracle.” While the rest of the world was still mired in the economic paralysis, Hitler had made “Germany an island of prosperity.” Within three years, Haffner goes on, “crying need and mass hardship had generally turned into modest but comfortable prosperity. Almost equally important: helplessness and hopelessness had given way to confidence and self-assurance. Even more miraculous was the fact that the transition from depression to economic boom had been accomplished without inflation, at totally stable wages and prices … It is difficult to picture adequately the grateful amazement with which the Germans reacted to that miracle, which, more particularly, made vast numbers of German workers switch from the Social Democrats and the Communists to Hitler after 1933. This grateful amazement entirely dominated the mood of the German masses during the 1936 to 1938 period …”


"The scale of the Nazi economic achievement should not be underestimated," concludes Niall Ferguson, a Harvard University professor of history. "It was real and impressive. No other European economy achieved such a rapid recovery ... To most people in 1930s Germany it seemed there had been an economic miracle. The Volksgemeinschaft [national community] was more than mere rhetoric; it meant full employment, higher wages, stable prices, reduced poverty, cheap radios (the Volksempfänger) and budget holidays. It is too easily forgotten that there were more holiday camps than concentration camps in Germany between 1935 and 1939. Workers became better trained, farmers saw their incomes rise. Nor were foreigners unimpressed by what was happening. American corporations including Standard Oil, General Motors and IBM all rushed to invest directly in the German economy."


Joachim Fest, another prominent German journalist and historian, reviewed Hitler’s life in an acclaimed and comprehensive biography. “If Hitler had succumbed to an assassination or an accident at the end of 1938,” he wrote, “few would hesitate to call him one of the greatest of German statesmen, the consummator of Germany’s history.” “No objective observer of the German scene could deny Hitler’s considerable exploits,” noted American historian John Toland. “If Hitler had died in 1937 on the fourth anniversary of his coming to power … he undoubtedly would have gone down as one of the greatest figures in German history. Throughout Europe he had millions of admirers.”

Mark Weber (Institute for Historical Review)



John Kennedy Called Hitler 'Stuff of Legends,' Diary Reveals

A diary kept by President John F Kennedy as a young man travelling in Europe, revealing his fascination with Adolf Hitler, is up for auction. Kennedy, then 28, predicted "Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived". "He had in him the stuff of which legends are made," he continued. Kennedy wrote the entry in the summer of 1945 after touring the German dictator's Bavarian mountain retreat. It is thought by historians to be the only diary every kept by the 35th US president. The original copy will be auctioned for the first time on 26 April in Boston by longtime owner Deirdre Henderson, who worked as a research assistant for Kennedy while he was a US senator with White House ambitions.

Their Wehrmacht Was Better Than Our Army 

... The inescapable truth is that Hitler's Wehrmacht was the outstanding fighting force of World War II, one of the greatest in history. For many years after 1945, this seemed painful to concede publicly ... The Allied leaders invited their ground troops to fight the Wehrmacht with equipment inferior in every category save artillery and transport. German machine-guns, mortars, machine-pistols, antitank weapons and armored personnel carriers were all superior to those of Britain and America. Above all, Germany possessed better tanks ... One of the more absurd propaganda clichés of the war was the image of the Nazi soldier as an inflexible squarehead. In reality, the German soldier almost invariably showed far greater flexibility on the battlefield than his Allied counterpart.

        Adolf Hitler: My Political Testament (Berlin, 29 April 1945)

Since 1914, when as a volunteer, I made my modest contribution in the World War which was forced upon the Reich, over thirty years have passed.
In these three decades, only love for my people and loyalty to my people have guided me in all my thoughts, actions, and life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions, such as no mortal has yet had to face. I have exhausted my time, my working energy, and my health in these three decades.
It is untrue that I or anybody else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish origin or working for Jewish interests. I have made so many offers for the reduction and elimination of armaments, which posterity cannot explain away for all eternity, that the responsibility for the outbreak of this war cannot rest on me. Furthermore, I never desired that after the first terrible World War a second war should arise against England or even against America. Centuries may pass, but out of the ruins of our cities and monuments of art there will arise anew the hatred for the people who alone are ultimately responsible: International Jewry and its helpers!
As late as three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish War, I proposed to the British Ambassador in Berlin a solution for the German-Polish problem -- similar to the problem of the Saar area, under international control. This offer cannot be explained away, either. It was only rejected because the responsible circles in English politics wanted the war, partly in the expectation of business advantages, partly driven by propaganda promoted by international Jewry.
But I left no doubt about the fact that if the peoples of Europe were again only regarded as so many packages of stock shares by these international money and finance conspirators, then that race, too, which is the truly guilty party in this murderous struggle would also have to be held to account: the Jews! I further left no doubt that this time we would not permit millions of European children of Aryan descent to die of hunger, nor millions of grown-up men to suffer death, nor hundreds of thousands of women and children to be burned and bombed to death in their cities, without the truly guilty party having to atone for its guilt, even if through more humane means.

After six years of struggle, which in spite of all reverses will go down in history as the most glorious and most courageous manifestation of a people's will to live. I cannot separate myself from the city which is the capital of this Reich. Because our forces are too few to permit any further resistance against the enemy's assaults, and because individual resistance is rendered valueless by blinded and characterless scoundrels, I desire to share the fate that millions of others have taken upon themselves, in that I shall remain in this city. Furthermore, I do not want to fall into the hands of enemies who for the delectation of the hate-riddled masses require a new spectacle promoted by the Jews.
I have therefore resolved to remain in Berlin and there to choose death of my own will at the very moment when, as I believe, the seat of the Fuehrer and Chancellor can no longer be defended. I die with a joyful heart in the awareness the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, of our women at home, the achievements of our peasants and workers, and the contribution, unique in history, of our youth, which bears my name.
It goes without saying that I thank them all from the bottom of my heart and that it is also my desire that in spite of everything they should not give up the struggle, but continue fighting wherever they may be, faithful to the great Clausewitz, against the enemies of the Fatherland. From the sacrifices of our soldiers and from my own comradeship with them, there will come in one way or another into German history the seed of a brilliant renaissance of the National Socialist movement and thus the realization of a true national community.
Many very brave men and women have resolved to link their lives to mine to the very end. I have requested them, and finally ordered them, not to do so, but instead to take part in the continuing struggle of the nation. I ask the commanders of the army, navy, and air force to strengthen by all possible means the spirit of resistance of our soldiers in the spirit of National Socialism, emphasizing especially that I too, as founder and creator of this movement, have preferred death to cowardly flight or even capitulation.
May it be one day a part of the code of honor; as it is already in the navy, that the surrender of an area or of a town is impossible, and above all in this respect the leaders should give a shining example of faithful devotion to duty unto death.
Several brave men have joined me by their own free will and do not wish to leave the capital of the Reich under any circumstances, but on the contrary are willing to perish with me here. Yet I must ask them to obey my request, and in this instance place the interests of the nation above their own feelings.
Through their work and loyalty they will remain just as close to me as companions after my death, just as I hope that my spirit will remain amongst them and will always accompany them. Let them be hard, but never unjust; above all, let them never allow fear to counsel their actions, but may they place the honor of the nation above everything on this earth. Finally, may they be conscious of the fact that our task of building a National Socialist state represents the labor of the coming centuries, and this places every single person under an obligation always to serve the common interest and to subordinate his own interests. I demand of all Germans, all National Socialists, men and women and all soldiers of the Armed Forces, that they remain faithful and obedient to the new government and to their President unto death.
Above all, I charge the leadership of the nation and their followers with the strict observance of the racial laws and with merciless resistance against the universal poisoners of all peoples, international Jewry.
Given at Berlin, 29 April 1945, 4 AM.
As witnesses:


Jesse Owens and Adolf Hitler: The REAL Story!



The 1936 Olympics had already been awarded to Germany before Hitler became Chancellor in '33. So,

despite the protests and boycotts organized by Jewish groups, it is too late to take the games away from Germany.

The games showcase the new Germany. Visitors are impressed at the spirit and positive outlook of the German people. Germany wins more

medals than any other nation, but it is Black American Jesse Owens who is the biggest star of the games. The German crowd cheers wildly

for Owens as he wins 4 Gold Medals as both a sprinter and long jumper. Owens is befriended by his German Long Jump competitor, Luz Long.

(The two become good friends, and will remain penpals until Long is killed in World War II). German National Radio even interviews Owens (audio here!).



The Zionist media had been agitating against Germany since 1933. Owens is used to vilify Hitler. It was reported then, and has been repeated

endlessly ever since, that Hitler "snubbed" Owens because he was Black, storming out of the stadium in a

fit of rage when Owens won his first race. This "snub" makes Hitler seem petty and rude in the eyes of the world.




Owens himself will confirm that the “snub” story is a hoax, stating in 1936:

"When I passed the Chancellor, he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back.

I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany [Hitler]."


Years later, in his autobiography, Owens again clarifies: .

"Hitler didn't snub me -it was FDR who snubbed me.

The president didn’t even send me a telegram."



Finally, in 2009, well known German sportwriter Siegfried Mischner, comes clean with a secret he had been keeping. Mischner describes an encounter

he had with Jesse Owens in 1960's. Mischner, now 83, claims that Owens carried around a photograph in his wallet of Hitler shaking Owen's hand!


*The following excerpt is from a story appearing in the UK Daily Mail:Owens, who felt the newspapers of the day reported 'unfairly'

on Hitler's attitude towards him, tried to get Mischner and his journalist colleagues to change the accepted version of history

in the 1960s. Mischner claimed Owens showed him the photograph and told him: 'That was one of my most beautiful moments.'

Mischner said: 'It was taken behind the honour stand and so not captured

by the world's press. But I saw it, I saw him shaking Hitler's hand.


'The predominating opinion in post-warGermany was that Hitler had ignored Owens.

'We therefore decided not to report on the photo. The consensus was that

Hitler had to continue to be painted in a bad light in relation to Owens.'

Mischner, who went on to write a book about the 1936 Olympics, said other journalists were

with him on the day that Owens produced the photo and they too did not report on it.

'Owens was disappointed,' he said. 'He shook his head disapprovingly. The press then was very obedient.

I can make no excuses, but no one wanted to be the one to make Hitler the monster look good.

'All my colleagues are dead, Owens is dead. I thought this was the last chance

to set the record straight. I have no idea where the photo is or even if it exists still.'




Adolf Hitler's Spot-On 1936 Speech on

the Evil of Soviet Bolshevism (Transcript)

 Delivered at the September 1936 Nuremburg Nazi party rally. Source: The Ethnic European.



"The aim of Bolshevism ... is to exterminate all that is healthy

and replace the same by depravity and degenerate elements.

We do not want a situation here in Germany, as in Russia,

in which 98% of official key positions are held by alien Jews."


"Such is the difference between the Bolshevik and the

National Socialist revolutions: The one transforms prosperous

and peaceful countries into a waste of ruinand devastation, whilst the other, re-builds a

broken-down and poverty-stricken Reich into an economically sound and prosperous state."



“We do not deny the grave concern which we feel at the

thought of other nations becoming a victim of Bolshevism

towards which we are deadly antagonistic. This deadly

enmity of ours is not based on an obstinate refusal to recognise

any ideas that may be contrary to ours.

But this hostility is based on a natural feeling of

revulsion towards a diabolical doctrine that

threatens the world at large and Germany.


The first phase in the fight of National Socialism against

Communism did not take place in Russia. Soviet Communism

tried to poison Germany between the years 1918 and 1920,

and its methods of penetration into this country was much

the same as its present-day military efforts in moving the Bolshevik

military machine closer and closer to German frontiers.


We have stamped out Bolshevism, which Moscow’s blood-fiends

such as Lewin, Axelroth, Neumann, Bela-Kuhn, etc.

tried to introduce into Germany. And it is because we see

day by day these efforts of Soviet rulers to meddle in our

domestic affairs have not yet ceased, that we are forced to

regard Bolshevism beyond our frontiers as our deadly enemy.


We have fought Bolshevism in Germany as a philosophy

that endeavoured to poison and destroy our people. 

And Bolshevism will continue to be fought if it attempts to introduce

its sordid Spanish methods into Germany (Spanish Civil War).


It is not the aim of Bolshevism to free nations from their ailments.

 Its object is to exterminate all that is healthy and

replace the same by depravity and degenerate elements. We

do not want a situation here in Germany, as in Russia,

in which 98% of official key positions are held by alien Jews. Under no

circumstances do we want our national intelligence debased.


Communism, however, cannot deny that in Russia today 98%

of all official positions are held by Jews who not only

can never be classed as members of the proletariat, but

who have never earned an honest penny in their lives.


We have fought Bolshevism because its leaders had planned

for us a slaughter house on Russian and Spanish

lines. Such is the difference between the Bolshevik and

the National Socialist revolutions. The one transforms

prosperous and peaceful countries into a waste of

ruin and devastation, whilst the other, re-builds

a broken-down and poverty-stricken Reich into

an economically sound and prosperous state.


The German people were familiar with the true nature of

Bolshevism whilst the peoples of Britain and the United States

were kept in ignorance. Censorship protected Jewish-owned finance

houses and corporate interests that were investing in Bolshevik USSR.


Defeated the Wrong Enemy

We believe that it is a bigger task to put five million people

back to work than to burn down houses and churches

and allow hundreds of thousands of workers

and peasants and others to kill each other. 

We have also fought Bolshevism

on general economic grounds.


From time to time, the world hears of hunger famines in Russia.

 Since 1917, that is, since the victory of Bolshevism,

there is no end to this form of distress. Russia, starving for close

on 20 years, was one of the richest grain countries in the world.


When compared with Germany, Russia possesses eighteen

times more land per head of population, and yet

what a sorry form of economic policy this country must have to

deny its people a decent form of livelihood. If Bolshevism

in Russia, however, does not succeed in getting nine farmers

to produce sufficient to at least support one non-farmer

what then would have happened in Germany, where two and a half

farmers produce enough to support seven and a half non-farmers?


What would have happened to Germany

and the whole of its economic structure if

Jewish-Bolshevik economic malpractice

had ever been allowed to take root here?


We have fought Bolshevism because a victory for it in

Germany would have spelled starvation for perhaps

50% of our population. If Russia were incapable of

supporting not even eight people per square kilometre,

then in Germany under Bolshevik rule, not even ten million

would have had the necessary minimum standard of

living. For here in Germany, our 68 million people occupy the same

area, which in Russia would not support more than 5 million.


Bolshevism preaches world revolution, and it would use the

German workers as cannon fodder for the attainment

of its goal. We National Socialists, however, do not want our

military forces to be used for forcing upon other nations

something that they do not want. Our Army does not swear an oath

that it will carry our National Socialist ideology to other nations.


British politicians in England have so far not had the opportunity of

learning what Communism in one’s own country stands for. But we have.


As I am the one who has fought against this Judeo-Soviet

teaching in Germany and stamped it out. I flatter myself

that I possess more understanding of

the true character of Bolshevism than

those armchair critics who at most

have read up on the subject a little.


Today, I follow the spread of Bolshevik poison throughout the

world just as assiduously as I followed its poisonous trail

years ago in Germany, and never lost an opportunity

of warning the country. The abhorrent mass-murders of

nationalists, the burning alive of wives of nationalist officers

after soaking them in petrol, the revolting murder of

children of nationalist parents as for example in Spain, should serve

as a warning to help to break down resistance in other countries.”





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The Untold Story of Adolf Hitler



Happy Birthday, Adolf Hitler

April 20, 1889


THERE WAS A TIME when the personality of Adolf Hitler dominated European consciousness; when his voice stirred millions; when he used to pass by, on solemn occasions, cheered by millions—the idol of the nation whom he had raised from the abyss to unparalleled greatness. There was a time when Germany was prosperous, strong, full of self-confidence; when her reborn people, well-fed, well-clothed, and well-housed, were happy to work together for a future in which they believed; when they lived, as they had yet never lived before, under the firm and wise rule of the Leader who loved them as no man ever had.

One can hardly believe it today. It all seems so unreal—like a wonderful story from another world. And yet, it is true. There really was such a time, and that, not long ago. Collective enthusiasm was then as general in Germany as fear and bitterness have become since. Military parades, youth demonstrations, and enormous mass gatherings were usual occurrences. One watched the Brown battalions march past one’s house, and listened to the inspiring music of the Horst Wessel Song as a matter of course. One saw portraits of the Führer wherever one went. And one greeted one’s colleagues in offices and factories, and one’s friends in the street, in trams and buses, everywhere, with one’s right arm outstretched and with the two magic words that expressed all one’s love and reverence for the godlike Leader, all one’s hopes, all one’s dreams, all one’s pride—all the joy of those splendid days: “Heil Hitler!”



The German ambassador had greeted the King of England—at that time, also Emperor of India—with those triumphant words and that gesture. England was amazed, but said nothing. Could say nothing, for there was nothing to be said. There was only a fact to be faced: the fact that Hitler ruled over eighty million people who adored him, and that, in those people, a new soul was rapidly taking birth—or rather, that the old, real, everlasting Aryan Soul was re-awakening in them. “Deutschland, erwache!”—“Germany, awake!” These words of the early poet of National Socialism had not only the honour of becoming one of the battle-cries of the Movement; not only were they written upon the standards of the Party formations, but they had rung through the hearts of the German people as a supernatural signal calling the dead to life. And Germany had awakened indeed.

And the people of the Earth were watching her—some, already, with hateful envy, and fear; many with genuine admiration; some with love; with the certitude that Hitler’s New Order was the first step towards the sort of world they had always wanted. Glorious days!

— Savitri Devi (from Gold in the Furnace)





For further reading:

British Girls in the Third Reich: 'We Had the Time of Our Lives'

In the 1930s, many English families sent their daughters to finishing school in Nazi Germany.
Rachel Johnson, sister of the London mayor, interviewed several for her most recent book.
/ ... They said: "We had the best time of our lives." They felt fantastic being in Germany
during the Third Reich. "It was the highlight of my life," one told me. To them, it was a
rich experience, because England was very stuffy at that time -- lots of unemployment,
terrible food and nasty weather. In Bavaria they had the crisp mountain air, a healthy life,
the opera, the mountains and handsome Germans in uniform. They couldn't believe their luck!
No chaperons, no parents. They had everything, including sex.