Commission chairman Thomas Kean was a director and
part owner of
Amerada Hess, a company that had a
partnership deal with Delta Oil of Saudi Arabia. Since
Saudi Arabia
was the home of most of the 9/11 hijackers,
and since the Bush family has close business ties with the
elite, some people said there was a serious conflict
of interest. Yes, there sure as hell was! After Kean’s
appointment, the White House shifted from simply
resisting the idea of an investigation to actually
it. They started by telling Kean to make
himself quiet and scarce.
Zionist Jew Philip Zelikow qualified for becoming the
executive director of the
9/11 Commission because he
and Condoleeza Rice worked together in the late 1980’s
for George H.W.
Bush as a National Security Council
staffer. Philip and Condi were chummy and even wrote a
book together
in 1997 titled Germany Unified and
Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft. I haven’t
read it,
but I already wonder what the hell “statecraft” is.
Is it like destroying a country, rebuilding
it on your terms
using your own design, and then maintaining actual
control over it for a century or more?
Zelikow and Rice again worked together during the
Bush II transition of 2000-2001 ironically as “terror
threat advisors.” Zelikow officially went
to work for
Bush II two days before the invasion of Afghanistan as a
member of the White House Advisory Board
on Foreign
of “terror threat advisors,” do you recall those
ridiculous color bars they would show on TV to
let us
know what the terror threat level was for any particular
day following 9/11? It’s very hard
for me to fathom that
anyone took that crap seriously. But then there is a lot of
crap that people seem
to take seriously and I can’t really
tell if they are serious, or just pretending so that they
seem to conform
to the norm. Conformity-Obedience-
Punctuality (COP), in many cases is not a plus, no matter
how hard they
drive it into you in public schools.
As the
Executive Director of the Investigation
Commission Philip Zelikow was responsible for framing
the agenda,
leading the research staff and deciding what
evidence the commission saw. It was all his show! And
star witness, Condi Rice, was a buddy. Zelikow had
no business investigating the Bush Administration. He
was part of the administration and a buddy to all. He was
the perfect operative stooge for the bad guys.
Delay shenanigans such as requiring all the
to have top security clearance took
months even though they were already government and
national security insiders.
For the first year the White
House claimed executive privilege in withholding access
to the Presidential Daily Briefings
(PDBs). Rules were
fashioned so that issuing a subpoena required a majority
vote by Commission members. Bush initially
approved a
budget of only $3 million and it took months to agree on
$9 million. The commission staff had
to comb through
millions of documents before recommending a course of
action. This took a while.
The White House was necessarily obstructing justice
because Bush, Cheney and company were all players in
the planning, execution and cover-up of the 9/11 mass
murder. Why in the hell else would they obstruct the
investigation ...for sport?
The Commission’s Vice Chairman was Lee Hamilton
who was the Chairman
of the House Select Committee
on Iran/Contra in the 1980’s. He’s the very guy who said
he did not want to indict President Reagan or
Vice President Bush for their roles in the Iran/Contra
because he didn’t think it would be “good for the
country.” A wealth of evidence showed that
Reagan and
Bush authorized illegal arms shipments to Iran in 1985
but heavy handed pressure from a fellow
from Wyoming named Dick Cheney convinced Hamilton
to lay off. It’s always good to have
an easily manipulated
weakling as the vice chairman of any committee of
criminals investigating criminals.
Shortly after joining the 9/11 Commission Zionist Jewess
Jamie Gorelick, who was the former Deputy Attorney
General of the U.S. under Clinton, joined the Washington
firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering. A month earlier
this firm announced that it would defend Saudi Prince
al Faisal, the third in command in the Saudi
government, who was being sued by 9/11 survivors and
of the deceased. Bush family lawyer James
Baker also defended the Saudis.
9/11 Commission General Counsel and Zionist Jew
Daniel Marcus was
also a Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
law firm alumni. Between 1999 and 2001 he held several
senior positions
at the Department of Justice, including
Associate Attorney General.
Commission member and Jewish Zionist Richard Ben-
Veniste first made a name for
himself as a special
prosecutor during the Watergate scandal. He was a
former Clinton White House lawyer and
was a partner
until February 2003 in one of the largest bankruptcy
firms in the world, Weil, Gotshal and Manges.
This firm
received a famously inflated retainer of $3 million dollars
from Enron when they filed for bankruptcy
in 2001. Ben-
Veniste has long standing ties to Miami Jewish criminal
mobsters such as Joel Steinger and
Alvin Malnik.
Former Republican Senator Slade Gorton was a lawyer at
the Seattle firm of Preston, Gates, and Ellis
counted amongst its clients both Delta Airlines and the
Boeing Employees’ Credit Union.
Republican Commission member John Lehman had been
by Henry Kissinger for his Secretary of State
staff during the Nixon regime. Lehman was Secretary of
Navy during the Reagan Administration and was
close to many in the Bush Administration. Along with
Hamilton, and Gorelick, he was a member of the
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
Former Illinois Governor James Thompson joined the
Commission as
chairman of the Winston & Strawn law
firm of Chicago. Between January 1997 and 2002,
Winston and Strawn
received $1.66 million dollars for
federal lobbying efforts on behalf of American Airlines.
American Airlines
being one of the two airlines
potentially liable for negligence on 9/11.
Under a deal the Kean Commission made with the White
House only Zelikow and
Gorelick, both Jews with
agendas, were allowed to see any White House
documents such as the famous Presidential
Briefing (PDB) titled: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike
in U.S.” which was a fraudulent
PDB in the first place
designed to indict Bin Laden in the court of public
opinion. George Tenet delivered
that PDB to President
Bush on August 6, 2001. Again, Jamie Gorelick was a
long standing Tenet associate
and advisor.
Commission member Timothy Roemer
served as a
Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2 nd
Congressional District of Indiana
from 1991 to 2003. He
served on the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence. He helped create
legislation that developed
the Department of Homeland Security and the National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States
aka: The 9/11 Investigation Commission! Roemer helped
set up the Commission and
then served on the
member Fred Fisher Fielding was an
assistant to John Dean during the Nixon era Watergate
scandal. He was
Counsel to President Reagan from 1981
to 1986. Fred was a member of the Commission on
Federal Ethics Law
Reform in 1989. He is a good buddy
of Dick Cheney and often advises him. In 2007, he
defended Cofer Black’s
mercenary army called
Blackwater Worldwide that was charged many times with
cold blooded murder in Iraq.
Now, can anyone see any conflict of interest related to
any of the Dog and Pony Show people? Senator Jeff
Sessions (R-Alabama) had called on Gorelick to resign
stating in a CNN interview that such a move would help
the commission salvage its credibility, but she refused.
Philip Zelikow was asked to step down by the 9-11
Family Steering Committee and the 9-11 Citizens Watch,
but he absolutely refused. It’s blatantly evident that the
investigators were on the friendliest of
terms with the
investigated. With the departure of Max Cleland, all that
was left on the Commission were
insiders in bed with the
bad guys.
A list of Omission Commission
This fraternity of smug clowns did not even address the
issue of the collapse of WTC Building
7 at all...
The oddities of the 8 story
WTC Building 6 were not
addressed at all. All 800 employees of U.S. Customs
housed in WTC 6 were evacuated
in twelve minutes after
the first strike on the North Tower. The exterior walls of
WTC 6 were still intact,
but a crater went to the basement
level through the center of the building while no
significant debris
fell onto building. The central interior
of the building looked as if the center had been scooped
out or
purposely demolished by explosives. A mysterious
white plume of smoke can be seen in pictures emitting
WTC 6 just prior to the collapse of the second
tower. No data was collected from building 6 before it
demolished as part of the clean-up effort.
demolishing of WTC 6 was probably to cover up the
extremely suspicious extraction of the gold and silver
just prior to 9/11/2001 from a large vault located
there. The vault belonged to the El Dorado Task Force
that was
a multi-agency law enforcement body occupying
WTC 6 that dealt primarily with narco money laundering
El Dorado had $580 million in confiscated
bullion stashed in their holding vault. Extracting the
just prior to 9/11 indicates prior knowledge.
There was no Pentagon video evidence examined or
even subpoenaed.
There were a
hundred or more
security video cameras trained on the Pentagon and the
surrounding vicinity on 9/11 but
not one camera’s
captured imagery was looked at and there was no
mention at all of Pentagon security
cameras in the final
Commission Report.
was no mention of the duration of the collapse
of the North Tower contained in the report. However,
on page
305 of the report, the South Tower was
mentioned as collapsing in ten seconds commencing at
9:58:59. According
to the equation published in every
high school physics’ textbook it takes more than 9
seconds to
free-fall from the South Tower’s former
height... even in a vacuum! It takes at least a second or
more to free-fall that distance considering the air
density at sea level. It was physically impossible for a
gravitational collapse to proceed through so many
supposedly undamaged stories without being slowed
There was no mention of the explosions that either
or accompanied the collapse of the Twin
Towers and Building 7 in the report. There are still plenty
credible eye and ear witness accounts of secondary
explosions that preceded and accompanied the
of buildings 1, 2, and 7. Also omitted were
any witness accounts of basement level explosions
which accompanied
the initial aerial assaults on the
The 9/11 Commission preferred to rely solely upon
supportive witness statements. The Commission report
omitted contradictory witness statements and even
government video evidence of a non-Boeing 757 at the
Pentagon impact site.
There was no mention
at all of Bush stating that he saw
the first Tower hit on TV while waiting to enter a
classroom at a Florida
elementary school before the only
known video of that event was ever broadcast on TV the
next day. The
9/11 Commission totally failed to address
this revealing statement to help us all understand that
either there
was a video and he had seen it, or his
statement indicates a prior knowledge of events that were
to occur.
The best way for the Commission to deal with
the Bush statement was to ignore it.
There was no mention of Secretary of Transportation
Norman Mineta’s
testimony about what he observed
and overheard in the Presidential Emergency Operating
Center on 9/11.
Recall the story about the “young man”
advising Dick Cheney that the plane is 50 miles out...
then the plane was 30 miles out... until the young man
asked, “Do the orders still stand?”...
It’s a fishy story
that should have been properly resolved.
FBI translator Sibel Edmonds claims to have found a lot
of shenanigans going
on both within the FBI’s
translation department and contained in the
documents she was translating.
She became a whistle
blower but was repeatedly silenced and denied her day in
court by Attorney General
Ashcroft and Assistant
Attorney General Michael Chertoff who claimed that her
information would compromise national
security secrets
(I think “national security secrets” is just another way of
saying “national
level criminality”).
Sibel Edmonds did
testify before the Commission behind
closed doors for hours. None of her testimony made it to
the Commission
report. One aspect of the stifled
information involves an “outside group” penetrating
and compromising
the FBI translation department
which is one aspect too many and should have required
remedy not cover-up.
The only “outside group”
capable of penetrating the FBI translation
department is the Israeli
There was no mention of the multiple
War Games
going on in the North East Air Defense Sector of the
country in the 9/11 Report. The total ineffectiveness
the U.S. Air Force on 9/11 was basically accomplished
by the convoluted confusion caused by the multiple
games that just so happened to commence or was
ongoing on the morning of 9/11. To omit this aspect of
events of that day is inexcusable; but understandable
if you are covering up a mass murder by obstructing
justice... which was the expressed task of the 9/11
Investigation Commission.
There was no mention of the NASA video
enhancements. The videos and still
images of all three
WTC buildings revealed evidence of anomalies when
enhanced by NASA techniques; anomalies
enough to shatter the government explanations for the
cause of the collapses; anomalies such as
windows on
floors far below the impact area blowing out prior to the
collapse indicating prior explosions.
The Commission’s Team 8 looked at the Pentagon
frames of security camera video imagery (with the wrong
date on it shown on CNN), but no mention of
this was in
the Commission report. The slate date on the five video
frames was September 12, 2001.
The testimony of WTC North Tower janitor William
did not appear in the Commission Report. His
testimony was not allowed to be given in public nor
was the testimony
of approximately 1,140 other
witnesses. 160 witnesses did testify in public after
screening by Zelikow.
All the testimonies were
October 2004, William Rodriguez sued George W.
Bush and 155 other parties using the RICO Act angle for
in the 9/11 attacks in the U.S. District Court
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The case was
to the Southern District of New York and finally
dismissed... of course. Rodriguez and others testified
there were huge explosions in the basement and
elsewhere inside the North Tower before the collapse.
Recall that Cheney and Bush agreed to testify, but
only together (an indication of the master-servant
relationship), at the White House, not under oath, and
off the record. Nothing they said was included in the
Commission Report and I have no doubt they chatted
about everything except 9/11during their testimony.
Thomas H. Kean, Chair
Lee H.
Hamilton, Vice Chair
Richard Ben-Veniste
Max Cleland (replaced
when he started asking questions)
Fred F. Fielding
Jamie S. Gorelick
Slade Gorton
John F. Lehman
J. Roemer
James R. Thompson
WTC Building 7 Collapse - 23 angles ...