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Memorabilia: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations (Part 1) In this series, Ernst Zundel details the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Zionists before World War
II and how Germany was gouged for reparations after the war that they are paying to this day.
Memorabilia: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations (Part 2) It is important to know and understand history. No serious historian would say that events such those
that occurred before, during and after World War II are pieces of time that can be completely separated one
from the other, that it is possible to isolate this event from that one. After all, history is the sum
of all those events, sometimes more like briefing, because it would impossible to include every moment, every second
of all those lives that were involved in those events such as those that happened during the first half of the
twentieth century. We at CODOH are proud to look at history with an acute sense of research and with no ideological agenda.
Memorabilia: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations (Part 3) It is important to know and understand history. No serious historian would say that events such
those that occurred before, during and after World War II are pieces of time that can be completely separated
one from the other, that it is possible to isolate this event from that one. After all, history is the
sum of all those events, sometimes more like briefing, because it would impossible to include every moment, every
second of all those lives that were involved in those events such as those that happened during the first half
of the twentieth century. We at CODOH are proud to look at history with an acute sense of research and with no ideological agenda.
Memorabilia: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations (Part 4) It is important to know and understand history. No serious historian would say that events such
those that occurred before, during and after World War II are pieces of time that can be completely separated
one from the other, that it is possible to isolate this event from that one. After all, history is the
sum of all those events, sometimes more like briefing, because it would impossible to include every moment, every
second of all those lives that were involved in those events such as those that happened during the first half
of the twentieth century. We at CODOH are proud to look at history with an acute sense of research and with no ideological agenda.
Memorabilia: David Irving British Historian 1 of 3 Analysis of the Holocaust. David Irving tell us his view on this complex historical chapter we call "The Holocaust"
Memorabilia: David Irving British Historian 2 of 3 Analysis of the Holocaust David Irving tell us his view on this complex historical chapter we call "The Holocaust"
Memorabilia: David Irving British Historian 3 of 3 Analysis of The Holocaust David Irving tell us his view on this complex historical chapter we call "The Holocaust"

Click on this text to hear a Jim Rizoli and Peter Papaherarkles interview courtesy of CODOH - Committee for Open Debate on
the Holocaust... CODOH...

Jim Rizoli
Interviews Peter Papaherakles from AFP (American Free Press) ...
This video gives testimony of the real fact that Canadian
revisionist Monika Schaefer was arrested in a court in Munich while present at the trial of lawyer and activist Sylvia Stolz.
Here Alfred Schaefer gives us details about Monika Schaefer´s
arrest in a Munich court.
Monika Schaefer was arrested on January 3 2018 in the very
heart of "Holocaust country" while attending as an observer the bizarre Inquisition hearings against the courageous
Sylvia Stolz...
Horst Mahler talks about the usage of the Holocaust not
only as a series of historical events but as a blackmailing weapon against the German people and a potent brainwashing
machine for the rest of the world.
In this most important video, Frau Haverbeck explains how
German courts are behaving unconstitutionally with regard to free speech on the Holocaust question.
History contains many precedents for every element of Höss's dolorous
fate from the time of his capture...
Facebook seems to see itself as the owner of a popular bar; it allows
patrons to converse and argue but reserves the right to instantly eject anyone who threatens its popularity as a meeting
It is known to the revisionist world that Russia
was key to fabricate so-called evidence for the "Holocaust". |
(Publish Date: 2017-12-15
21:49:47) How we were manipulated
into believing... This video replaces Hunt's "Questioning the Holocaust," which had a number of quality
issues. [...]
(Publish Date: 2017-12-15
21:49:47) Wie wir dazu manipuliert
wurden zu glauben… Dieses Video ersetzt Hunts "Questioning the Holocaust," das eine Reihe von Qualitätsproblemen
hatte. [...]
(Publish Date: 2017-12-13
21:01:19) Continuing from
the previous article we will examine some more testimonies from the book The Holocaust in the Testimonies of the Greek
Jews. This book contains excerpts from published testimonies as well as oral ones. We will examine the most important
concerning the extermination claims. [...]
(Publish Date: 2017-12-13
18:01:46) Defenders of the
Holocaust story have attempted to discredit scientific reports which disprove the existence of homicidal gas chambers at
German camps during World War II. For example, Deborah Lipstadt’s defense attorney, Richard Rampton, referred in court
to The Leuchter Report as “…a piece of so-called research which is not worth the paper it is written
on…” Dr. Richard Green states about Germar Rudolf: “Owing to the fact that
he actually has some understanding of chemistry, many of his deceptions are more sophisticated than other Holocaust deniers.
[…] Ultimately, he engages in the same deceptions and specious arguments as [Fred] Leuchter and [Walter]
Lüftl , but the case he makes for those deceptions and arguments involves more difficult chemistry.”
This article will discuss attempts by chemists to discredit scientific reports which disprove the existence of homicidal
gas chambers at Auschwitz/Birkenau during World War II. [...]
(Publish Date: 2017-12-13
12:55:12) Did the US
occupational forces conducting war-crimes trials in Germany after World War II employ second- and third-degree interrogation
methods and other illegal measure to obtain the convictions they wanted? A new book by a mainstream historian disputes this,
claiming instead that those trials were paragons of fairness and justice. This denial of the obvious could hardly be more
brazen. [...]
(Publish Date: 2017-12-08
20:00:12) Oral Testimonies
of the Jews from Thessaloniki about the Holocaust. What’s this you ask? This is the book we are going to focus
on this time. As survivor testimonies are very important for the official storyline, it’s clear that the more of them
we examine, the closer we get to the truth... [...]
(Publish Date: 2017-12-01
12:46:08) A thirteen-page
letter written by Marcel Nadjari and buried near Krema III at Birkenau, where he allegedly worked in a Sonderkommando, has
now been rendered legible, and is being hailed as a central document of the Holocaust. The content of the letter, however,
destroys its credibility. [...]
(Publish Date: 2017-10-17
16:10:34) Deborah Lipstadt's
claim to fame is her 1993 book Denying the Holocaust and the events it triggered. This video exposes her book as
a collection of lies and deceptions. [...]
(Publish Date: 2017-10-09
01:33:48) British historian Laurence
Rees, the former Creative Director of History Programmes for the BBC, has written a new "magnum opus": The
Holocaust: A New History. This review lays bare a few of the shortcomings of this old wine in new wineskins.
[...] -
(Publish Date: 2017-09-06
20:48:00) From 1940 to 1943,
Rudolf Höss was the commandant of the infamous Auschwitz Camp. Today’s orthodox narrative has it that during
this time, some 500,000 people were killed at Auschwitz in gas chambers. Yet when Höss was captured after the war, he
confessed to having killed some 2,500,000 during that time. 40 years later, it was revealed that Höss had been severely
tortured by his British interrogators. This is an excerpt of the upcoming study by Carlo Mattogno. It tells the gripping
story of Höss’s capture and mistreatments, and presents the texts of the various “confessions” which
the British extorted from Höss while in their custody. [...]
(Publish Date: 2017-09-02
00:06:10) Hate speech is usually
defined as a verbal attack on someone or some group based on some feature. To qualify, it can suffice that anyone finds
that speech offensive. The present article tries to define hate speech in a rational, objective way, thus removing it from
arbitrariness and subjective feelings. [...]
Holocaust Handbücher & Dokumentarfilme Präsentiert von Castle Hill Publishers
und CODOH ISSN 2059-6073 (Bücher) & 2059-3872 (Filme)
Tabu-Brechende Bücher und Dokumentarfilme "Aufklärung ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner
selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit. Unmündigkeit ist das Unvermögen, sich seines Verstandes ohne Leitung eines
anderen zu bedienen. Selbstverschuldet ist diese Unmündigkeit, wenn die Ursache derselben nicht am Mangel des Verstandes
sondern der Entschließung und des Mutes liegt, sich seiner ohne Leitung eines anderen zu bedienen. Sapere aude! [Wage
zu wissen] Habe Mut, dich deines Verstandes zu bedienen! ist also der Wahlspruch der Aufklärung." Das ist der berühmte deutsche Philosoph Immanuel Kant im Jahre 1784. Bei dieser Webseite geht es um Aufklärung, um Mündigkeit und um Mut: - Sie zielt darauf ab, all ihre Besucher über das einflussreichste Thema der modernen
Geschichte aufzuklären: Den angeblichen vorsätzlichen Massenmord an sechs Million Juden durch Nazi-Germany hauptsächlich
mittels Gaskammern während des Zweiten Weltkrieges.
- Sie setzt die Mündigkeit der
Besucher voraus, das heißt, dass sie sich ihres Verstandes ohne die Leitung eines anderen bedienen können.
- Und schließlich setzt sie den Mut voraus, sich wohl-fundierten, rationalen aber zugleich auch wahrlich verblüffenden
und, so würden manche sagen, frevlerischen Gedanken zu öffnen.
Sind Sie bereit für Ihre eigene Aufklärungsdosis? Sehen, hören und lesen Sie und finden Sie es selbst
heraus! Wissen Sie nicht, wo Sie anfangen sollen? Fangen Sie mit einem
kostenlosen Dokumentarfilm an Um
Ihnen den Einstieg ins Thema zu erleichtern, empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich zu entspannen und sich einen einführenden Dokumentarfilm
anzuschauen. Hier sind unsere Empfehlungen: - Der erste Holocaust: Der verblüffende Ursprung der Sechs-Millionen-Zahl (1 Std. 5 Min.)
Ein Dokumentarfilm über den verblüffenden Ursprung der Sechs-Millionen-Zahl. Germar Rudolf begleitet den
Zuschauer bei einer Zeitreise zurück ins Jahr 1850, von wo aus er den Ursprung und die verschiedenen Anwendungen der
Behauptung aufspürt, sechs Millionen Juden würden leiden und seien in Gefahr, in einem "Holocaust" vernichtet
zu werden. - Prüfung des Holocaust: Das Entsetzen erklärt, Teil 1 (Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln)
(1 hr 36 min.)
Dokumentarfilmemacher Germar Rudolf zeigt mit einigen einschlägigen, gut dokumentierten Beispielen – die
Fälle Dachau, Nordhausen und Bergen-Belsen Camps –, warum ist es wichtig, der Kriegspropaganda über die behaupteten
Gräueltaten der Nazis zu misstrauen, nicht zuletzt, weil ein Großteil dieser Propaganda von Mainstream-Historikern
als verlogen anerkannt wurde. Falls Sie Appetit
auf mehr haben, können Sie sich unsere anderen Dokumentarfilem anschauen. Falls Sie tiefer in die Materie einsteigen
wollen, können Sie sich unsere Bücher zu gemüte führen, deren Informationsdichte mühelos zehnmal
so hoch ist wie die eines Dokumentarfilms. Lesen Sie ein Flugblatt oder eine Broschüre - Die Holocaust-Kontroverse: Ein Fall für Redefreiheit: Dieses DIN-A4-Flugblatt bringt auf den Punkt, worum es beim Holocaust-Revisionismus geht. Sie können die obige PDF-Datei
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- Holocaust-Skeptizismus: 20 Fragen und Antworten über den Holocaust-Revisionismus: Diese geheftete, 15-seitige Farbbroschüre stellt dem Neuling das Konzept des Holocaust-Revisionismus vor und beantwortet
20 schwierige Fragen, darunter: Was behauptet der Holocaust-Revisionismus? Warum sollte ich den Holocaust-Revisionismus
ernster nehmen als die These, die Erde sei flach? Was ist mit den Bildern von Leichenbergen in den Lagern? Was ist mit den
Aussagen Überlebender und Geständnissen der Täter? Ist es nicht einerlei, ob Häftlinge durch Krankheiten
oder Giftgas starben? Sie können die obige PDF-Datei zu Ihrem örtlichen Drucker oder Kopierladen bringen und sie
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Lesen Sie unsere Bücher Die
meisten unserer Bücher zum "Holocaust" können Sie als eBuch (im PDF- und für die meisten auch im
Kindle-Format) kostenlos runterladen, lesen und sogar verbreiten. Unsere Reihe Holocaust Handbücher
umfasst zurzeit 41 Bände, von den 35 in englischer und 26 in deutscher Sprache erschienen sind. Der Rest befindet sich
in verschiedenen Vorbereitungsphasen. Viele unserer Bücher sind hochspezialisiert, was für diejenigen unter Ihnen,
die es kurz und bündig präsentiert haben wollen, recht verwirrend und entmutigend sein kann. Wir dachten uns daher,
dass ein Lese-Wegweiser für jene angebracht ist, die sich das erste Mal mit diesem Thema befassen. Sobald wir neue Bücher
und aktualisierte Auflagen veröffentlichen, mag sich diese Liste ändern. Wir werden versuchen, sie auf dem Laufenden
zu halten. Holocaust für Anfänger Die beste kurze Einführung in das Thema Holocaust ist Jürgen Grafs Der Holocaust: Die
Argumente. Es hat lediglich 110 Seiten Text im großen Taschenbuchformat (229 x 152 mm), und kostet bloß
€12. Es ist dies eine im Jahre 2017 erschienene, völlig neu geschriebene Neufassung von Grafs 1993er Erstlingswerk
Der Holocaust auf dem Prüfstand. Sie können das Buch als kostenlose PDF-Datei hier herunterladen und testlesen. Erfahren Sie mehr über dieses Buch hier. Holocaust für Anfänger mit größerem Lesehunger
Die Übersetzung dieses ursprünglich in englischer Sprache erschienen Buches
des Titels Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & Reality (Der Fluchbrecher: Der Holocaust, Mythos &
Realität) wurde soeben fertiggestellt. Wir hoffen, das Buch Mitte/Ende 2018 veröffentlichen zu können.
In diesem Werk erklärt der Wissenschaftshistoriker Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom das Holocaust-Thema für den gemeinen
Leser sowohl von einem wissenschaftlichen wie auch gesellschaftlichem Blickpunkt. Mit etwa 220 Seite Text im großen
Taschenbuchformat (229 x 152 mm) wurde dieses Buch zu unserem Bestseller. Amazon-Kunde "Giordano Bruno," ein von
Amazon bestätigter Käufer des Buches, schrieb Folgendes zu diesem Buch:
Mythenzerstörer Ein interessantes und informatives Buch, insbesondere
wie es ausdrückt, dass der “Holocaust” im Wesentlichen zu einer heiligen Religion geworden ist, die noch
nicht einmal von der Wissenschaft hinterfragt werden darf. Jeder, der zu kritisieren oder zu erklären wagt, dass bestimmte
Geschichten im Holocaust physisch unmöglich sind, wird sofort als Häretiker gebrandmarkt und exkommuniziert. Ich
würde definitiv empfehlen, es zu lesen! Erfahren Sie mehr über dieses Buch in seiner gegenwärtigen englischen Ausgabe hier. Holocaust für Fortgeschritten
oder Leser mit großem Lesehunger  Mit knapp 550 Textseiten sind die Vorlesungen über den Holocaust schon als
Nachschlagewerk zu diesem Thema bezeichnet worden. Das Buch ist aber zugleich auch eine fesselnde Lektüre. Verfasst
in einem ungewöhnlichen Dialogstil zieht es die Leser gleich in die vom Autor geführte Debatte. Dies ist eine
brandneue Auflage vom Juli 2017, die durch neues Material stark verbessert wurde. Es kostet bloß £27 als Paperback,
kann jedoch ebenfalls als kostenlose PDF-Datei hier heruntergeladen und testgelesen werden.. Der Amazon-Kunde "HolocaustHistory channel," ein bestätigter Käufer des Buches (er erwarb es von
uns, nicht von Amazon), schrieb dazu folgende kurze Bewertung: Hervorragend Dies ist ohne Zweifel eines der besten Abhandlungen zur Holocaust-Debatte. Rudolf
ist umsichtig und gemäßigt und packt eine Menge an Informationen in das Buch. Der Dialogstil gibt ihm die Möglichkeit,
auf viele Fragen, die dem Leser einfallen werden, klare Antworten zu geben. Wenn Sie sich überhaupt für den Holocaust
interessieren, müssen Sie dieses Buch lesen. Erfahren Sie mehr über dieses Buch hier.
Holocaust Handbooks
& Documentaries Presented by Castle Hill Publishers and
CODOH ISSN 1529-7748 (books) & 2059-3872 (documentaries)
Groundbreaking Documentaries on the Biggest Taboo of the Western World In 1992, Jewish filmmaker David Cole went to Auschwitz
to make a documentary, in which he exposed the lies, distortions and outright falsifications committed by the local Polish
Museum. His movie made him famous—or infamous, some contend. With this courageous young Jewish man's deed, critical
Holocaust research entered a new era: that of well-researched documentaries bringing to light the incongruencies of the
orthodox Holocaust narrative. Copyright
Notice: The following movies have been released to the public domain for educational purposes only. They can be
copied and distributed free of charge only. No commercial use is permitted. If copied and distributed, no changes to the
movies are permitted without the prior written consent of the author/director of the movie. So far, the following 17 documentaries are available for free download:
To learn more about them, click on their respective links.
Dean Irebodd: Auschwitz—The Surprising Hidden Truth Auschwitz—where the
Germans killed the Jews. But when you look at the details of what is claimed about Auschwitz and what was physically possible,
strange, even incredible discrepancies turn up. This video describes some of the most glaring facts which don't jibe with
the usual narrative. Learn more Dean Irebodd: Buchenwald—A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil.; 2nd, revised edition The
German wartime concentration camp at Buchenwald became one of the center stages of Allied post-war propaganda depicting Germans
as profoundly evil and justifying not only the slaughters going in during WWII, but also many of the wars to come in the
future. This documentary shows how the Powers That Be manipulate the gullible American public and much of the rest of the
world for pro-war purposes. Learn more Germar Rudolf: Curated Lies—The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions
On May 9, 2016, Dr. James Fetzer, retired professor of philosophy of science, hosted Germar Rudolf
during Episode 198 of his internet broadcast The Real Deal. Rudolf presented an overview of the recently released
study CURATED LIES: The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations & Deceptions by Italian Holocaust Historian Carlo
Mattogno. Learn more David Cole: David Cole in Auschwitz—David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum;
slightly shortened, sound-remastered edition A young Jewish holocaust revisionist puts some
hard questions to a museum tour guide and to the senior curator of the Auschwitz State Museum… Learn more Anthony Lawson: Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid?; 2nd, revised edition This video discusses the social and judicial persecution of individuals voicing dissident opinions on the historical
event usually referred to as the Holocaust. It castigates that persecution and lays bare the illegality and amorality of
such activities. It also presents a number of striking arguments showing that revisionists just may be right. Learn more Dean Irebodd: Nazi Shrunken Heads—A 24-minute free video about lies which justify war; 2nd, revised edition
The German wartime concentration camp at Buchenwald became one of the center stages of Allied post-war
propaganda depicting Germans as profoundly evil and justifying not only the slaughters going in during WWII, but also many
of the wars to come in the future. This documentary shows how the Powers That Be manipulate the gullible American public
and much of the rest of the world for pro-war purposes. Learn more Dean Irebodd: One Third of the Holocaust—A holocaust denial movie on the subject of Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec
This documentary explains how Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec were not death camps, thereby debunking
1/3 of the holocaust. It asks questions like, "Would the Germans have really put a fence made out of tree branches
around a deathcamp?" Answer: "Uh, no, that's silly." And would they have then conducted a huge burning operation
inside this flammable fence? Learn more Germar Rudolf: Probing the Holocaust: The Horror Explained (Part 1); 2nd edition With
horrific images of corpses strewn on the ground and in trains at the Bergen-Belsen, Nordhausen and Dachau concentration camps,
the Allies convinced the world that six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis. This documentary analyzes this imagery.
Learn more Germar Rudolf: The Chemistry of Auschwitz—Buna Rubber, Zyklon B, Prussian Blue and the Gas Chambers; 3rd edition
Auschwitz was a center of chemistry. The German chemical industry built gigantic factories for rubber
and fuel. But that's not what we associate with the name "Auschwitz." We think of gas chambers and Zyklon B, two
chemical things as well. How did the gas chambers of Auschwitz look like? How did they operate? And Zyklon B: what is it?
How does it kill? Does it leave traces that can be found still today? These and other questions are thoroughly examined
in this documentary. The horror of Auschwitz is meticulously dissected, and thus, for the first time, it really becomes
comprehensible. This video documentary accompanies the book of the same title, which is Volume 2 of the series "Holocaust Handbooks." Learn more Germar Rudolf: The Day Amazon Murdered History In March 2017, Amazon banned all revisionist
books from its online stores worldwide. This documentary tells the inside story of what exactly happened and why…
Learn more Germar Rudolf: The First Holocaust—The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure A
documentary on the surprising origin of the six-million figure. Germar Rudolf takes the reader on a time travel back until
1850 while tracing back the origin and various usages of the claim that six million Jews were suffering and in danger of
being exterminated in a "holocaust." Learn more Eric Hunt: The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax Since its inception in 1994, Steven Spielberg's
"Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation" has recorded numerous testimonies of "Holocaust survivors."
The present documentary uses some of them to prove that the orthodox tale about the alleged extermination camp at Treblinka
is untenable. Learn more Eric Hunt: The Last Days of the Big Lie; 2nd revised edition The Last Days of the
Big Lie is a documentary which debunks the repulsive liars glorified as victims and heroes in the Steven Spielberg produced,
Academy Award winning Holocaust “documentary” fraud "The Last Days." Learn more Germar Rudolf: The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt—Part 1; 2nd edition On
April 7th of 2017, Deborah Lipstadt appeared in Oxford, England, where she related her experiences surrounding her courtroom
battle against British historian David Irving. This presentation discusses some of the claims she made during that speech.
It is demonstrated that many of her claims are not only false, but are actually deeply rooted in prejudice and a profoundly
anti-academic attitude. Learn more Germar Rudolf: The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt—Part 2 Deborah Lipstadt's
claim to fame is her 1993 book Denying the Holocaust and the events it triggered. This video exposes her book as
a collection of lies and deceptions. Learn more Eric Hunt: The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth This documentary debunks the “Gas
Chambers Disguised as Shower Rooms” propaganda coup staged by the Soviets in August 1944 when they occupied the Lublin-Majdanek
camp. Back then Allied Holocaust propaganda took flight, and with this documentary it finds it Nemesis. Learn more Eric Hunt: The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax; 2nd, revised edition The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax debunks Zionist British Archaeologist Caroline Sturdy Colls’ fraudulent
“investigation” of Treblinka, which included digging near clearly marked Christian graves claiming to have found
new “hidden mass graves”, falsely assigning homicidal intent to a normal life-saving shower room at Majdanek,
and misidentifying a terra-cotta tile excavated at Treblinka as belonging to the floor of a homicidal “gas chamber.”
Learn more