"There is  no physical evidence for the Holocaust.

What further proof do we need that the Holocaust occurred?

...Ephraim Kaye


Ephraim Kaye is the director at Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum

in Israel—using classic Orwellian doublethink—in which he attempts to explain

how the complete lack of physical evidence to support the official Holocaust narrative

is actually proof that the Holocaust happened.




Click on this text to hear Horst Mahler discuss how The Holocaust is used as a Political Weapon Against the Germans...

 Auschwitz a good point

Holocaust Revisionism Articles


The Anne Frank Diary Fraud


Anne Frank’s Diary – Some Honest Questions


As Many as 90% of Those Claiming to Be Holocaust Survivors May Be Frauds


Australian Man’s Holocaust Story Labelled a ‘Lie’


Brighton Beach Holocaust Fund Scammer Jailed for Neary Two Years


Documentary Photographs Proving the National Socialist Persecution of the Jews?


Fraudster Gets Eight Years in $57 Million Holocaust Scheme


Holocaust Propaganda Photographs


Holocaust Trauma Affects Grandchildren of Survivors


How Britain Tortured Nazi PoW’s


How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss


The Illustrated Auschwitz Lie


Jewish Soap


A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel


Made in Russia: The Holocaust


Money Running Out for Needy Holocaust Survivors


Moshe Peer’s Astounding Holy Shoah Tale


The Most Famous Holocaust Photo a Fraud


The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust


Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Volume 1
Article 19
>The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence. It shall adopt and apply to the greatest possible extent expeditious and nontechnical procedure, and shall admit any evidence which it deems to be of probative value.


Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Volume 1
Article 21
>The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof. It shall also take judicial notice of official governmental documents and reports of the United Nations, including the acts and documents of the committees set up in the various allied countries for the investigation of war crimes, and of records and findings of military or other Tribunals of any of the United Nations.


The Origin of the ’6 Million Jews’ Figure


Photo Manipulations in the USSR


The “Six Million” Myth


Soap Story


Test Your Holocaust Knowledge


Zyklon-B and the German Delousing Chambers


Holocaust Revisionism Documentaries and Videos


Auschwitz – Why the Gas Chambers are a Myth


Buchenwald a Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil


David Irving The Holocaust Truth, The Whole Truth ~ And Nothing but the Truth


David Stein on the Holocaust


Ernst Zundel – Holocaust Debunked


Zundel vs. Zionist – Truth vs. Lies


The Holocaust Big Lie


Holocaust Faker Explains Himself


The Holocaust Lie by David Irving


Holocaust Revisionism: The Truth by Thomas Dalton, PhD


The Holocaust Testimonies You Didn’t Hear


Holocaust Hoax Exposed!


Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax, The


Made in Russia: The Holocaust – Carlos W. Porter


The Montel Williams Show – David Cole and Mark Weber


Nazi Shrunken Heads


One-Third of the Holocaust


Six Million Jews 1915-1938


Sylvia Stolz – Lawyer Who Was Jailed for Presenting Evidence in the Zundel Trial


Spielberg’s Hoax – The Last Days of the Big Lie


The Phil Donahue Show – Holocaust Denial


The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz


The Truth is No Defense


Understanding the Holocaust as a Legend


  Holocaust Revisionism Websites


Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust


Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust – Holocaust Revisionism Books


Exposing the Holocaust™ Hoax


Historical Revisionism


Holocaust Handbooks & Movies


The Holocaust Historiography Project


Institute for Historical Review


Historical Revisionism


Historical Revisionism – Holocaust Revisionism Books


Nazi Gassings




Shoah Blogger


Spielberg’s Hoax









Click on this text to watch Robert Faurisson, An Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism, Sweden, 1992...




Click on this text to read or copy the book "DID SIX MILLION REALLY DIE...


Before and After the “Holocaust”:
Jewish Population Numbers in 1933 and 1948
by The Rebel - Posted November 30, 2013

For over a century, the Jewish World Almanac has been widely regarded as the most authentic source for the world’s Jewish population numbers. Academics all over the world, including the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, used to rely on the accuracy of those numbers. Here is what the World Alamanacs of 1933 and 1948 had to say about the world population of Jews.

World Almanac 1933

World Almanac 1948

In other words, according to the World Almanac the world population of Jews increased (!) between 1933 and 1948 from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000. If the German government under Adolf Hitler had – as alleged – murdered six million Jews those losses should have been reflected in the Jewish population numbers quoted in the World Almanac.
The suspicions raised by above numbers concerning the veracity of the allegations made against the Hitler government are confirmed by the official three-volume report by the International Committee of the Red Cross, released 1948 in Geneva, according to which 272,000 concentration camp inmates died in German custody, about half of them Jews. The following article elaborates.

A Factual Appraisal Of The ‘Holocaust’ By The Red Cross

The Jews And The Concentration Camps: No Evidence Of Genocide

There is one survey of the Jewish question in Europe during World War Two and the conditions of Germany’s concentration camps which is almost unique in its honesty and objectivity, the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948.
This comprehensive account from an entirely neutral source incorporated and expanded the findings of two previous works: Documents sur l’activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947). The team of authors, headed by Frédéric Siordet, explained in the opening pages of the Report that their object, in the tradition of the Red Cross, had been strict political neutrality, and herein lies its great value.
The ICRC successfully applied the 1929 Geneva military convention in order to gain access to civilian internees held in Central and Western Europe by the Germany authorities. By contrast, the ICRC was unable to gain any access to the Soviet Union, which had failed to ratify the Convention. The millions of civilian and military internees held in the USSR, whose conditions were known to be by far the worst, were completely cut off from any international contact or supervision.
The Red Cross Report is of value in that it first clarifies the legitimate circumstances under which Jews were detained in concentration camps, i.e. as enemy aliens. In describing the two categories of civilian internees, the Report distinguishes the second type as “Civilians deported on administrative grounds (in German, “Schutzhäftlinge”), who were arrested for political or racial motives because their presence was considered a danger to the State or the occupation forces” (Vol. 111, p. 73). These persons, it continues, “were placed on the same footing as persons arrested or imprisoned under common law for security reasons.” (P.74).
The Report admits that the Germans were at first reluctant to permit supervision by the Red Cross of people detained on grounds relating to security, but by the latter part of 1942, the ICRC obtained important concessions from Germany. They were permitted to distribute food parcels to major concentration camps in Germany from August 1942, and “from February 1943 onwards this concession was extended to all other camps and prisons” (Vol. 111, p. 78). The ICRC soon established contact with camp commandants and launched a food relief programme which continued to function until the last months of 1945, letters of thanks for which came pouring in from Jewish internees.

Red Cross Recipients Were Jews

The Report states that “As many as 9,000 parcels were packed daily. From the autumn of 1943 until May 1945, about 1,112,000 parcels with a total weight of 4,500 tons were sent off to the concentration camps” (Vol. III, p. 80). In addition to food, these contained clothing and pharmaceutical supplies. “Parcels were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Ravensbrück, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, to camps near Vienna and in Central and Southern Germany. The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews” (Vol. III, p. 83).
In the course of the war, “The Committee was in a position to transfer and distribute in the form of relief supplies over twenty million Swiss francs collected by Jewish welfare organisations throughout the world, in particular by the American Joint Distribution Committee of New York” (Vol. I, p. 644). This latter organisation was permitted by the German Government to maintain offices in Berlin until the American entry into the war. The ICRC complained that obstruction of their vast relief operation for Jewish internees came not from the Germans but from the tight Allied blockade of Europe. Most of their purchases of relief food were made in Rumania, Hungary and Slovakia.
The ICRC had special praise for the liberal conditions which prevailed at Theresienstadt up to the time of their last visits there in April 1945. This camp, “where there were about 40,000 Jews deported from various countries was a relatively privileged ghetto” (Vol. III, p. 75). According to the Report, “‘The Committee’s delegates were able to visit the camp at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed by special conditions. From information gathered by the Committee, this camp had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich … These men wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under their own administration and possessing almost complete autonomy. . . two delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6th, 1945. They confirmed the favourable impression gained on the first visit” (Vol. I, p . 642).
The ICRC also had praise for the regime of Ion Antonescu of Fascist Rumania where the Committee was able to extend special relief to 183,000 Rumanian Jews until the time of the Soviet occupation. The aid then ceased, and the ICRC complained bitterly that it never succeeded “in sending anything whatsoever to Russia” (Vol. II, p. 62). The same situation applied to many of the German camps after their “liberation” by the Russians. The ICRC received a voluminous flow of mail from Auschwitz until the period of the Soviet occupation, when many of the internees were evacuated westward. But the efforts of the Red Cross to send relief to internees remaining at Auschwitz under Soviet control were futile. However, food parcels continued to be sent to former Auschwitz inmates transferred west to such camps as Buchenwald and Oranienburg.

No Evidence Of Genocide

One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: “In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 … In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp …” (Vol. III, p. 83).
Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against “the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies” (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78). By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable.
In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend. Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. So far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff) – Incidentally, it is frequently claimed that mass executions were carried out in gas chambers cunningly disguised as shower facilities. Again the Report makes nonsense of this allegation. “Not only the washing places, but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged” (Vol. III, p. 594).

Not All Were Interned

Volume III of the Red Cross Report, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the “aid given to the Jewish section of the free population,” and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps, but remained, subject to certain restrictions, as part of the free civilian population. This conflicts directly with the “thoroughness” of the supposed “extermination programme”, and with the claim in the forged Höss memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing “every single Jew he could lay his hands on.”
In Slovakia, for example, where Eichmann’s assistant Dieter Wisliceny was in charge, the Report states that “A large proportion of the Jewish minority had permission to stay in the country, and at certain periods Slovakia was looked upon as a comparative haven of refuge for Jews, especially for those coming from Poland. Those who remained in Slovakia seem to have been in comparative safety until the end of August 1944, when a rising against the German forces took place. While it is true that the law of May 15th, 1942 had brought about the internment of several thousand Jews, these people were held in camps where the conditions of food and lodging were tolerable, and where the internees were allowed to do paid work on terms almost equal to those of the free labour market” (Vol. I, p. 646).
Not only did large numbers of the three million or so European Jews avoid internment altogether, but the emigration of Jews continued throughout the war, generally by way of Hungary, Rumania and Turkey. Ironically, post-war Jewish emigration from German-occupied territories was also facilitated by the Reich, as in the case of the Polish Jews who had escaped to France before its occupation. “The Jews from Poland who, whilst in France, had obtained entrance permits to the United States were held to be American citizens by the German occupying authorities, who further agreed to recognize the validity of about three thousand passports issued to Jews by the consulates of South American countries” (Vol. I, p. 645).
As future U.S. citizens, these Jews were held at the Vittel camp in southern France for American aliens. The emigration of European Jews from Hungary in particular proceeded during the war unhindered by the German authorities. “Until March 1944,” says the. Red Cross Report, “Jews who had the privilege of visas for Palestine were free to leave Hungary” (Vol. I, p. 648). Even after the replacement of the Horthy Government in 1944 (following its attempted armistice with the Soviet Union) with a government more dependent on German authority, the emigration of Jews continued.
The Committee secured the pledges of both Britain and the United States “to give support by every means to the emigration of Jews from Hungary,” and from the U.S. Government the ICRC received a message stating that “The Government of the United States … now specifically repeats its assurance that arrangements will be made by it for the care of all Jews who in the present circumstances are allowed to leave” (Vol. I, p . 649).
Biedermann agreed that in the nineteen instances that “Did Six Million Really Die?” quoted from the Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War and Inter Arma Caritas (this includes the above material), it did so accurately.
A quote from Charles Biedermann (a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Director of the Red Cross’ International Tracing Service) under oath at the Zündel Trial (February 9, 10, 11 and 12, 1988).
The above is chapter nine from the book “Did Six Million Really Die?”.


Holocaust Or Holohoax? 21 Amazing Facts


In British Schools, and constantly on British television, we are bombarded with the alleged murder of 6 million jews by the Germans during World War Two. This is commonly referred to as “The Holocaust”. This alleged historical event is also thrown at anyone objecting to mass immigration in to White Nations as proof of the absolute evil  of White Nationalism.The alleged holocaust was also the official reason for setting up the Sate of Israel on May 14th 1948 – if the alleged holocaust was proved not to have happened then the State of Israel would have no legal basis.



Holocaust denial in London, England during January 2015.


In most European Countries even disputing any detail of this alleged historical event is a very serious criminal offence, which can result in up to 20 years imprisonment. In France this can be served in solitary confinement if the authorities believe there is any chance of re-offending.




Even though this blog in no way denies “The Holocaust”, or disputes any of the alleged details of any of the different versions, we did list 21 amazing facts about it here:


1. International Committee of the Red Cross Records:

The International Red Cross was stationed in all German labour, internment, concentration and prison camps throughout World War Two. The Red Cross were never given access to any Russian camps before, during or after World War Two. At his trials in Canada, during the 1980s and 1990s, Professor Ernst Zundel finally got the Red Cross to release their records from the German camps despite strong Israeli objections. The  Red Cross records seem to suggest that there were no gas chambers, and a total of 271,301 died during World War Two in these camps, mostly from typhus.

In a letter to the US State Department dated November 22nd 1944 The Red Cross, who were stationed in all the camps, stated : “We have not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners.”

Offical Red Cross records.

Official Red Cross records.

2.United States Airforce Aerial Photos Of Camps:

From 1942, until the end of World War Two, the United States Airforce performed low flying, low-speed photography of all the alleged “death camps” to obtain evidence of what was going on. This followed jewish claims in the West that a mass murder was occurring. All these photographs were released in 1979 when they were declassified. None of these photographs show any sign of mass murder or disposal of millions of bodies.

No USAF aerial photos show any mass murder in the camps.

No USAF aerial photos show any mass murder in the camps.

3. Western Allies Never Liberated Any Death Camps With Gas Chambers:

None of the Western Allies ( Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, France etc. ) liberated any camps that had gas chambers, or other systems of mass murder in them. All the alleged death camps with gas chambers were liberated by the Russians.


Consequently any alleged evidence of death camps and/or gas chambers was forthcoming solely from Soviet Russia.  The Western Allies liberated a total of 12 main camps and the Soviet Russians 8 main camps.

Western Allies never liberated or inspected any death camps or gas chambers.

Western Allies never liberated or inspected any death camps or gas chambers.

4.The Leuchter Report:

One of the pieces of evidence Professor Ernst Zundel produced at his trials in Canada was the “Leuchter Report” compiled by Fred Leuchter on his commission. Fred Leuchter is the World’s foremost expert on gas chambers, and holds the patents for nearly all the gas chambers used for executions in the World. He has also personally built, or supervised the building, of all gas chambers in the USA and most in the rest of the World.

img759After inspecting the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Leuchter concluded they were unsuitable for use as gas chambers due to their lack of airtight doors, lack of a gas extraction system and general shoddy build. He also chemically analysed the walls for ferrocyanide ( produced when Zyklon-B reacts with brick walls ) and concluded there was none – the Auschwitz authorities took the same tests with the same results and now admit there was no gas chamber in Auschwitz.


5. The British Secret Service Monitored All Concentration Camp Deaths:

Using some of the World’s first computers the British Secret Service had cracked the German top-secret Enigma code and had access to most German Military communications by 1942. Sir Frank H. Hinsley, in his book British Intelligence In The Second World War ; It’s Influence On Strategy And Operations, stated “The returns of Auschwitz mentioned illness as the main cause of death but included references to shootings and hangings. There were no references in the decrypts to gassings.” The numbers of dead in the decoded messages tallied exactly with Red Cross and German Military records of the time. The British Secret Service also monitored various atrocities carried out by the Germans across the rest of Europe – why would the Germans report these to Berlin but not the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz and other camps?

The British Secret Service were monitoring all German Military and Police communications by 1942.

The British Secret Service were monitoring all German Military and Police communications by 1942.

6. The French Resistance Denied The Holocaust:

During World War Two Germany invaded France and occupied Northern France from 1940 to 1944. A secret army of French Patriots known collectively as “The French Resistance” fought the German occupiers in various ways. A large number of French Resistance members were imprisoned, tortured and executed including their leader, and French National hero, Jean Moulin. After World War Two French resistance members were released from various German concentration camps, including Auschwitz and other alleged death camps. On their return to France they all gave horrific accounts of their treatment by the Germans, and were full of hatred for them because of the events of World War Two. However they all denied any knowledge of gas chambers and a mass murder programme in the concentration camps. 

French Resistance leader Jean Moulin

French Resistance leader Jean Moulin

7. The Gas Chambers Of World War One:

It was widely reported during World War One ( 1914 to 1918 ) that the Germans, and their allies, were using gas chambers to kill thousands of prisoners. However after the end of the War Stanley Baldwin admitted in Parliament that it had been propaganda and no such gas chambers had existed. He also apologised publicly to the German People for this racist slur on them.

During World War One it was falsely claimed that the Germans were gassing prisoners.

During World War One it was falsely claimed that the Germans were gassing prisoners.

8. Amounts Of Zyklon-B Used At The Camps:

Zyklon-B was the trade name for of a cyanide-based pesticide  invented in the early 1920s. It was used in Germany, before and during the Second World War, for disinfection and pest extermination in ships, buildings and machinery.  Zyklon-B consisted of diatomite, in the form of granules the size of fine peas, saturated with prussic acid. In view of its volatility and the associated risk of accidental poisoning, it was supplied in sealed metal canisters. One of the co-inventors of Zyklon-B, the chemist and businessman Bruno Tesch, was executed by the British in 1946 for his role in the alleged Holocaust.

In the concentration camps it was used for sanitation and pest control. There were disinfectant chambers, in all the camps, where inmates clothes were disinfected to combat typhus and other diseases. When you break down the amount of Zyklon-B used in all the camps, those not alleged to have gas chambers and those alleged to have gas chambers, the amount per inmate is very similar. This means the alleged death camps would have had to have had a secret supply for the “gas chambers”.

Zyklon-B granules came in sealed tins.

Zyklon-B granules came in sealed tins.

9. The Nuremberg Trials 1945 to 1949:

The Nuremberg Trials were held in the German City of Nuremberg from 1945 to 1949. These Trials were held by the victorious Allies ( France, Britain , USA and Soviet Russia ) with the Germans as defendants. They were the worst sort of show trials with the main Judge being Nikitchenko, who had presided over Stalins’ show trials of 1936 to 1938 in the Soviet Union. The Court came up with ridiculous findings like jews being turned in to lampshades and even soap, these claims are now discredited and even the jews admit they were untrue.

The Chief Justice of the United States Harlan Fiske Stone called the Nuremberg trials a fraud. He said “Chief US prosecutor Jackson is away conducting his high-grade lynching party in Nuremberg,” he wrote. “I don’t mind what he does to the Nazis, but I hate to see the pretense that he is running a Court and proceeding according to common law. This is a little too sanctimonious a fraud to meet my old-fashioned ideas.”

The Nuremberg Trials - the ultimate Soviet show trial held under the Allies.

The Nuremberg Trials – the ultimate Soviet show trial held under the Allies.

Associate Supreme Court Justice William O Douglas charged that the Allies were guilty of “substituting power for principle” at Nuremberg. “I thought at the time and still think that the Nuremberg trials were unprincipled,” he wrote. “Law was created ex post facto to suit the passion and clamor of the time.”

According to British General Montgomery, the Germans had only one sin : They lost the war.

President John F Kennedy in his book,  Profiles in Courage, criticised Nuremberg as a show trial. 

Out of 139 German witnesses who testified that the Holocaust had occurred, the British Medical Officer recorded that 137 had “damage to their testicles that is beyond repair”. A number of Germans had died under interrogation by the Allies. There was also the threat of sending Peoples’ families to Soviet Gulags.

The Nuremberg prosecutors - Kempner, Rapp, Niederman - all Jews.

The Nuremberg prosecutors – Kempner, Rapp, Niederman – all Jews.

10. The Concentration Camp Crematorium:

One of the main problems with the 6 million jews being murdered claim was disposal of the bodies. It was claimed at Nuremberg that they had been disposed of in the camp crematorium. There were crematorium in each camp, but they simply didn’t have the capacity. Each crematorium oven could burn a body in about one and a half hours, meaning a maximum capacity of 16 bodies every day or just less than 6000 bodies per year per oven. The camps had between four and twelve ovens each giving 24,000 to 72,000 bodies per year maximum at each camp – this still wouldn’t be possible as you can’t run these ovens non-stop without the metal fracturing. Even double or triple loading wouldn’t help as this increased the time to three hours for two bodies or four and a half hours for three bodies. Also bodies aren’t totally reduced by this process and usually leave the pelvis and thigh bones which need crushing with special machinery – no such machinery was found at any of the camps. There is also the problem of fuel as each body would need about 40 kilograms of coke to burn – there is no record of the massive amount of coke required being supplied.

Each oven could only burn less than 600 bodies per year if working non-stop which isn't possible without fracturing the metal.

Each oven could only burn less than 6000 bodies per year if working non-stop which isn’t possible without fracturing the metal.

11. The Liberation Of Belsen Concentration Camp Film:

The whole World has probably seen the film of the liberation of Belsen concentration camp, it is horrific to say the least. Human skeletons are walking round with dead bodies covering the ground. This film was shown Worldwide at the time to show the evil of Nazi Germany.  However Belsen was liberated by the Western Allies, and was never alleged to have had any gas chamber or be part of a systematic mass murder programme. The victims are in fact all dying from typhus which is confirmed by German Military, Red Cross and British Military medical records – this is never pointed out whenever this film is shown. Ironically the deaths were mostly due to a lack of Zyklon-B, at the end of the war with Germany collapsing, leading to a mass typhus outbreak in the camp.

British Military sign warning of typhus outbreak at Belsen concentration camp shortly after liberation.

British Military sign warning of typhus at Belsen concentration camp shortly after liberation.

12. No Film Or Photographs Of Any Gas Chambers:

The Nazis were technology freaks, to say the least, and filmed and photographed virtually everything they did during World War Two. Hitler even had executions of his political enemies filmed so he could watch them with his cronies. However there has never been a single photograph or film found of any of the alleged gas chambers in operation. The Nazis did film, and photograph, themselves committing many atrocities across occupied Europe so it seems unlikely they wouldn’t film the alleged gas chambers. All the films we are shown of gas chambers are Hollywood recreations made after the war.

Hitler and his cronies demanded film of virtually everything happening in Nazi occupied territory but no film of gas chambers was ever found.

Hitler and his cronies demanded film of virtually everything happening in Nazi occupied territory but no film of gas chambers was ever found.

13. Sir Winston Churchill Never Mentioned The Alleged Holocaust:

In his monumental six volume The Second World War Sir Winston Churchill, British wartime Prime Minister, never makes any reference to gas chambers or a planned mass extermination of European jews. This is despite the fact he goes in to great detail about virtually every facet of World War Two including many atrocities committed by the Nazis. The same can be said about Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe. After the Second World War, with the Cold War starting, Churchill stated “I think we slaughtered the wrong pig here” a clear reference to the fact Britain would have been better helping Germany defeat Soviet Russia, or at least staying out completely. 

Sir Winston Churchill - realised too late that Soviet Russia was more of a threat than Nazi Germany.

Sir Winston Churchill – realised too late that Soviet Russia was more of a threat than Nazi Germany.

14. Star Witness To The Alleged Holocaust Elie Wiesel:

One of the star witnesses to the Auschwitz allegations is Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel. Wiesel was born in Sighet, Romania on September 30th, 1928. Wiesel has given evidence at various trials around the World on his alleged experiences in German camps during World War Two. Wiesel is a well-known writer of fiction with over 40 published books. However it is his autobiography of Auschwitz, Night ,  which has come under scrutiny. Firstly, Wiesel claims the bodies were disposed of by a secret Nazi method of using bodies to burn bodies – if this was scientifically possible wouldn’t they just use this method to burn the bodies? Secondly Wiesel claims that his concentration camp number  A7713 was tattooed on his left arm like all inmates, however video evidence shows no such tattoo and he has never explained where his tattoo went. Thirdly his camp number, A7713, was assigned to a different prisoner and there is no record of him at Auschwitz despite all camp records being recovered after the War. Fourthly in all his different accounts of Auschwitz Weisel never mentions any gas chambers. Fifthly Wiesel makes bizarre claims about mass graves that would shoot fountains of blood up in to the air, this is also scientifically impossible. Sixthly Wiesel claims he spent three weeks in the Auschwitz Camp hospital with an infected leg – would a death camp bother curing prisoners? There are many other major discrepancies to his claims, and a read of his book Night is recommended.

For a more precise look at Elie Wiesel and why his allegations don’t stand up to any scrutiny please visit:




Elie Wiesel without his tattoo.

Elie Wiesel without his tattoo.

15. Fake Photographic And Film Holocaust Evidence And The Ever Changing Numbers:

The first time fake evidence was used was during the Nuremberg Trials. This however became an industry in its own right after 1945, with large rewards paid to investigators for “finding” Holocaust evidence. At the time a lot of this evidence was very cutting-edge, but under modern scrutiny it simply doesn’t stand up.

Modern forensic techniques have exposed a lot of

Modern forensic techniques have exposed a lot of “Holocaust” photographic evidence as faked.

New systems of examining photographs and film have exposed large amounts of it as totally fake, other evidence has been exposed as coming from completely different sources e.g. The Russian Gulags.


As evidence has emerged discrediting large parts, if not all, of the alleged Holocaust narrative the jews have been forced to constantly change the numbers in their claims. They have, however, constantly stuck to an overall total of 6 million jewish deaths, even though this makes no mathematical sense as the component numbers are revised downwards. This hasn’t led to a partial refund of the damages paid to Israel by Germany based on the 6 million figure.


16. The Balfour Declaration, World War One And 6 Million Jews:

During World War One the British Government had agreed with leading jews that they would support a jewish homeland in Palestine in exchange for the powerful jewish lobby in America getting the USA to join the Allies. This led to the Balfour Declaration being made by the British Government promising the jews a homeland in Palestine.


After discussions in the British Cabinet, and consultation with Zionist leaders, the decision was made known in the form of a letter by Arthur James Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. The letter represents the first political recognition of Zionist aims by a Great Power.

After World War One the British Government were unable, or unwilling, to make good on this promise. From 1919 onwards the jews claimed 6 million jews in Europe were under threat from extermination unless they got a homeland in Palestine. This was 14 years before the Nazis came to power and 24 years before the alleged Holocaust started.

The jews have been waving the 6 million figure around since at least 1914 and maybe even earlier - the number seems to have a special signicance to them.

The jews have been waving the 6 million figure around since at least 1914 and maybe even earlier – the number seems to have a special significance to them.

17. Holocaust Denial And The Holocaust Deniers:

In most parts of Europe questioning any aspect of the findings of the Nuremberg Trials is a very serious criminal offence on par with rape, murder or armed robbery. In France you can receive up to 20 years in prison, which may have to be served in solitary confinement. Even where it is not illegal questioning the official Holocaust narrative will probably cost you your job, family, house etc.

Despite this a lot of top writers, academics, historians and scientists have questioned the official Holocaust narrative or denied it entirely. Professor Ernst Zundel was put on numerous trials around the World, had his house firebombed, received death threats, his family broke up, was deported from several countries and eventually was imprisoned for five years in Germany. No other historical event can attract this type of punishment for questioning the official narrative.

Despite these threats, the official narrative is constantly exposed as being a lie and the jews have to constantly change their claims when faced with irrefutable evidence of their lies.


18. The Main Stream Media And The Alleged Holocaust:

The Main Stream Media never question the official narrative of the holocaust, and go on an all-out attack on anyone who does. They have created the term “Holocaust Denier”  for anyone who doesn’t believe, or dares to question, the official narrative. “Holocaust Denier” is one of the multicultural buzz-words like “Fascist/Nazi/racist/homophobe” designed to denigrate the person described as such,  and lead to “pack-attacks” by the media, politicians and the general lefty PC crowd. However bear in mind that around 96% of the Western World’s media is controlled by jews and/or zionists. You will notice that the jews/zionist are willing to keep running newspapers/TV channels and other media outlets at a financial loss simply to keep control of the MSM.

The jews and zionists control about 96% of the Western World's media.

The jews and zionists control about 96% of the Western World’s media – a large part is now run at a financial loss.

19. There’s No Business Like Shoa Business:

“Shoa” is the term used by jews and zionists to describe the alleged Holocaust. After the Second World War Germany was forced to pay trillions of Dollars in compensation to set up Israel, and is still paying to this day. There are now second and third generation, the children and grandchildren of alleged Holocaust victims, who receive compensation from the German Government and various German Corporations. The American Government also use this as an excuse to give billions of American taxpayers’ money to Israel, although the real reason behind these payments is the strength of the Israeli lobby in America.

As early as 1941, two years before the alleged Holocaust was even meant to have started, the World Jewish Congress had been demanding that the Germans pay for the resettlement of jews in Israel as reparations.


20. The Census of Jews Worldwide Figures:

Here are some census figures of jews living Worldwide to consider:

World Almanac, 1925, pg. 752 — 15,630,000, “In 1925 a census of Palestine gave a total of 115,151 Jews”
World Almanac, 1929, pg. 727 — 15,630,000
National Council of Churches 1930 — 15,600 ,000
March 24, 1933, jewish newspaper Daily Express — 14,000,000 jews worldwide
World Almanac, 1933, pg. 419 — 15,316,359, [“The estimate for Jews in the above table is for 1933, and is by the American Jewish Committee”
World Almanac, 1936, pg. 748 — world jewish population = 15,753,633
World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510 — world jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany
American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 — 15,600,000
World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population — 15,319,359
World Almanac, 1941, pg. 510: World Jewish Population — 15,748,091
World Almanac, 1942, pg. 849 — 15,192,089, “Jews include Jews by race not necessarily by religion”
World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population — 15,690,000
World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population — 15,713,638
Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951 — 15,300,000
World Almanac, US News & World Report, 1983 population of jews — 16,820,850
World Almanac, 1996, pg. 646: World Jewish Population — 14,117,000
World Almanac & Book of Facts, 1989: World Jewish Population –18,080,000
World Almanac & Book of Facts, 2001: World Jewish Population — 13,200,000

World Almanac 1933

World Almanac 1933

World Almanac 1948

World Almanac 1948

21. Inmate Facilities At Auschwitz:

With two very different witness versions of what was going on in the camps, let’s have a quick look at the facilities available to inmates to see if that can clarify matters. The jews have now admitted there wasn’t any gas chambers in Auschwitz following the two sets of scientific tests, but there were some facilities that certainly were in Auschwitz and can still be seen today.

A walk-in clinic and hospital for inmates.
A free dental service available to all inmates - specialist dentists were brought in for intricate work.

A free dental service available to all inmates – specialist dentists were brought in for intricate work.





The “Gas Chambers”


No Holes, No Holocaust”  Robert Faurisson first put this forth in 1994 and says his reasoning behind it was as follows:


  1. Auschwitz is at the centre of the “Holocaust”;

  2. The great crematoria of Auschwitz-Birkenau, or Auschwitz-II, are at the centre of the vast Auschwitz complex;

  3. At the heart of these crematoria there were, supposedly, one or several homicidal gas chambers;

  4. At a single one of these crematoria (crematorium # 2), although it is in ruins, is it today possible to go and examine the room said to have been a gas chamber; it is the presumed scene of the crime, itself presumed as well;
  5. We are told that, in order to kill the Jewish detainees locked inside, an SS man, moving about on the concrete roof of the said gas chamber, poured Zyklon B pellets through four regular openings situated in the roof;
  6. However, one need only have eyes to see and realise that no such openings have ever existed there;
  7. Therefore the crime cannot have been committed.

For R. J. van Pelt, testifying against Irving at the Irving vs Lipstadt libel trial in Canada in the year 2000, it was near torture trying to find a reply to this argument. Justice [Charles] Gray as well had to acknowledge “the apparent absence of evidence of holes” (p. 490 of the verbatim transcript) and, in a more general way, he conceded that “contemporaneous documents yield little clear evidence of the existence of gas chambers designed to kill humans” (p. 489; for more details one may consult pages 458-460, 466-467, 475-478 and 490-506). In the text of his judgment, Charles Gray admitted surprise: “I have to confess that, in common I suspect with most other people, I had supposed that the evidence of mass extermination of Jews in the gas chambers at Auschwitz was compelling. I have, however, set aside this preconception when assessing the evidence adduced by the parties in these proceedings.”


The coup de grâce given, on December 27, 2009,


to the myth of the Nazi “gas chambers”


The blow was administered by a Jewish academic, Robert Jan van Pelt, whom one may consider the last person to have sought to prove scientifically that Auschwitz, the capital of “the Holocaust”, had been an “extermination camp” (an American term coined in November 1944), that is, a camp equipped with extermination “gas chambers”. The revisionists had no opponent more determined and more resolved to fight them on the historical and scientific level than this professor teaching the history of architecture at the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada). He defended the usual argument holding that, to gas several thousand Jews at a time, an SS man, having got up on the roof of certain “gas chambers”, poured Zyklon B pellets through four holes made in the concrete ceiling of the said “gas chambers”. Ever under the pressure of revisionist discoveries, he had been bound to concur that the holes in the small Krematorium I had been created by… the Soviets and the Polish communists. But R.J. van Pelt and his friends were sure of finding such holes in the concrete roofs, in ruins, of Krematoriums II and III [in the Birkenau camp]. However, after years of research, they proved unable to supply a single photograph of those holes or of the perforated shafts (?) that allegedly had allowed the diffusion of hydrogen cyanide gas underneath, thus failing to meet my challenge summed up in the formula: “No holes, no Holocaust” 


jan27_Crema 2

Crema II at Birkenau still under construction. The controversy is whether there were introduction holes in the flat roof of the partially underground section at right-foreground.


For more, see: http://robertfaurisson.blogspot.com/2011/09/victories-of-revisionism-continued.htm


For further study of this subject, see the following articles from The Revisionist magazine, 2004 :  “The Elusive Holes of Death”, Germar Rudolf“No Holes, No Gas Chamber(s)”, Carlo Mattogno;  “The Openings For the Introduction of Zyklon B, Part 1” and  “The Openings For the Introduction of Zyklon B, Part 2”,  Carlo Mattogno.

*       *        *

Wiki-Lies and Auschwitz Truth   by Germar Rudolf


How to get your own Wikipedia entry. Who do you ask, if you want to find out general information about Auschwitz? How about an encyclopedia? Search engine statistics show that Wikipedia is the world’s most frequently consulted encyclopedia. The problem with this encyclopedia is, though, that sensitive entries are closely monitored by a cabal that deletes everything which does not jibe with political correctness.


Take, for instance, Wikipedia’s English language entry about me, Germar Rudolf. My name was included in Wikipedia, because I had gotten involved in a controversy in the early 1990s: I had written a chemical and technical expert report on the Auschwitz gas chambers called The Rudolf Report. This expert report was used in a number of court cases in Germany and was also published in book form in various languages. Since I concluded in this work that the generally held views about mass murders in gas chambers at Auschwitz are refuted by extant documents and material traces, I became a person of public notoriety (see the Wikipedia entry for a few more details). Hence in 2004 my name was included first in the German section and then a few months later also in the English section of Wikipedia without my knowledge and initial contribution. Most of what is written in it now about me as a person is for the most part fairly accurate, because in 2010 I got involved for a brief time and fixed several gross misrepresentations and errors of my biography, most of which were accepted by the editors in charge.


Sheer Indelible Misrepresentations


Although I managed to correct errors regarding my personal life history, I was not so fortunate about distorted claims made in that entry about my work. In the English language entry, for instance, the following can be read, among other things:


Among other things, the report states that, after having collected and analyzed samples from the walls of various buildings in the Auschwitz concentration camp, only insignificant and non-reproducible traces of cyanide compounds can be found in the samples taken from the gas chambers. Richard Green and Jamie McCarthy from The Holocaust History Project have criticized the [Rudolf] report, saying that like Fred Leuchter in the Leuchter report, Rudolf did not discriminate against the formation of iron-based cyanide compounds, which are not a reliable indicator of the presence of cyanide, and that thus his experiment was seriously flawed.” [Emph. added]


Now, if you are a novice to the issue, you would have no clue what it means that Rudolf found “only insignificant and non-reproducible traces of cyanide compounds in the samples taken from the gas chambers.” But you sure know what it means when my critics say that my “experiment was seriously flawed.” This wording gives the impression that I conducted just an “experiment” and that I am probably rather incompetent.


You don’t find a hint in this entry that my report has more than 200 pages, more than 500 footnotes, and consists of an awful lot more than just one “experiment.” To top if off, you will find no information whatsoever about my work: not a link to it, not its English title, not any bibliographic information. Nothing. And don’t try to change it, because others have tried it before (me included), but the censors in the background erased all such attempts.


For instance, a pertinent link to the Rudolf Report, which is, after all, discussed in this entry, was added by one user at 11:35am on 17 April 2013 and removed by an eager censor with the user ID “Dougweller” at 3pm that same day. This dance was repeated over the next days: re-entry at 2:15am, deletion at 5:49am, re-entry at 9:21pm, deletion at 12:30pm the next day, re-entry at 4:26am the following day, deleted at 5:47am by some other user.


The reason given for this censorship is that I and the places where my works are published have a bad reputation in the public market of ideas, whereas my slanderers have not. And disreputable sources are subject to deletion. It’s Wikipedia’s “quality” control policy. Never mind that this “disreputable source” is the main reason for this very entry to begin with. You people out there are allowed to read about it (from its opponents), but you are not allowed to read the thing itself.


Only in July of 2012 was a brief reference added and tolerated which points to my first, 1998 paper addressing some of Green’s initial deliberations. It’s outdated, to be sure, but it’s a start.


Why Wikipedia Is Wrong


But let’s get back to the above quote from Wikipedia. Let’s read that again: “Richard Green” is saying that “iron-based cyanide compounds” are not a reliable indicator of the presence of cyanide compounds.


Excuse me? Cyanide compounds do not indicate the presence of cyanide compounds???


To Richard Green’s credit must be stated that he never made such a nonsensical claim. In the paper quoted by Wikipedia, Green claims, among other things, that iron-based cyanide compounds are not a reliable indicator of past homicidal mass gassings. Whoever wrote this Wikipedia entry must therefore have had some serious mental impairment.


I tried to change that on Dec. 28 to a phrasing which would make at least some sense (“iron-based cyanide compounds, which are not a reliable indicator of homicidal mass gassings”), but that change was reversed a short while later by one of Wikipedia’s zealous editors. A day later, another attempt to have this corrected was made. It read “cyanide compounds are not a reliable indicator of past homicidal gassings”, and to make sure the censors understand that this is a correction to be taken seriously, a brief explanation was given: “How can cyanides not be a reliable indicator for the presence of cyanides? Green claims they don’t reliably indicate homicidal gassings!” But guess what! A little more than a day later that change was reversed as well. (then again: reversion reverted at 10:47 on Jan. 2, 2014, nixed not even three hours later)


What are these editors thinking, if anything?


But even if that correction were accepted, this wouldn’t change the fact that Wikipedia circulates here nothing more than the lie bandied about by Green, although he is not the inventor. That’s a strong accusation, I know, so let me explain.


Why Green & Co. Are Wrong


First a few historical basics. I’ll keep it brief.


Auschwitz was the biggest concentration camp of Third Reich Germany. It also is said to have served for the extermination of around one million people, mostly Jews. Most of them are said to have been killed in homicidal gas chambers. The poison gas allegedly used for this was hydrogen cyanide soaked on gypsum pellets, sold in Germany in those years under the trademark Zyklon B. It is actually a pesticide which has been used to kill vermin since the 1920s and is still being used today, although under different names.

rudolf in auschwitz

Germar Rudolf in a small disinfestation chamber at Auschwitz where Zyklon B was used to disinfect clothing, leaving permanent blue staining on the wall. -ed.


Now a tiny bit of chemistry. I’ll keep it brief and simple.


Hydrogen cyanide is a poisonous chemical that can also react with rust to form a very long-term stable blue pigment known as Iron Blue. This is the most notorious of the “iron-based cyanide compounds” mentioned in the Wikipedia entry about me. Rust in turn is a natural component of all wall materials (plaster, mortar, concrete, up to 2%). Exposing walls to hydrogen cyanide (=Zyklon B) has led in numerous well-documented cases to the formation of that blue pigment, and that pigment sticks around for centuries. So if it formed in, say, 1942, it still can be found today.


Now comes the forensic part. Again, I’ll keep it brief and simple.


If the blue pigment can be found in the walls of the rooms said to have served as homicidal gas chambers, then this would prove that Zyklon B was used in these rooms. The problem is, though, that basically no such traces can be found. What do we conclude from this?


The U.S. expert for execution technology Fred A. Leuchter was the first to take samples and have them analyzed in 1988. Since he found basically no pigment traces, he concluded, succinctly put:


No blue pigment, no Zyklon B poisoning.


ausch gaschamberbackwall_2005

Photo taken in 2005 of the back wall of the Auschwitz 1 “gas chamber” which tourists visit shows flimsy door, drains for toilets along the right wall and manhole cover in center of floor – but no blue pigment. (courtesy furtherglory.wordpress.com) -ed.

ausch gas chamber_2012

Photo taken in 2012. Notice the back door has been hidden by a partial wall, and no one is allowed past the railing because a “reverent” attitude is now demanded. No blue staining on walls, and note the floor drain in left foreground. (courtesy samarkandbound.blogspot.com) -ed.


I was the next in line with my research. Since I felt that Leuchter had jumped to conclusions, I wanted to be a bit more circumspect. But I, too, failed to find pigment traces. Hence my line of reasoning after lots of research was in 1993 something like this:


For a number of reasons, the homicidal mass gassings attested to by numerous witnesses must have led to the formation of a considerable amount of blue pigment. The amount ought to be similar to that found in a number of documented cases where Zyklon B gas had been used for pest control. There, the walls had turned blue due to that blue pigment. Since basically no blue pigment can be found in the alleged homicidal gas chambers, the witness statements are false.


Next in line was the Auschwitz State Museum. They commissioned a local Polish institute for forensics to do their own testing. The results were published in 1994. Their line of reasoning can be summarized as follows:


We don’t understand how blue pigments could possibly form in walls exposed to Zyklon B gas.


One chemist said it was not possible for blue pigments to form in walls exposed to Zyklon B gas. He also suggested that wall paint containing that blue pigment could give false positives.


In part as a reaction to the first chemist, another chemist proved how the blue pigment can form and how it has formed in the past. He also demonstrated that no wall paint with that pigment ever existed and that the rooms under considerations never had any wall paint, let alone blue wall paint.


We ignored the second chemist (since we suspected him, without proof, of having despicable political motives) and chose an analytical method that cannot detect the blue pigment.


All samples tested, even those exposed to Zyklon B gas in laboratory experiments, therefore yielded basically negative results. We therefore conclude that homicidal gassings indeed took place.


Does that sound strange? Yes, but is it logical? If tests yield nothing, then ‘nothing’ proves a mass murder. So next time you do nothing, be aware that this proves that you are a mass murderer!


To put it in a nutshell: The Polish scientists excluded exactly that chemical compound (the blue pigment) which alone can be detected after so many decades. They did this due to false assumptions, and they ignored arguments refuting them, although they knew about them (since they quoted that second chemist in their paper, who happened to have been me writing under a pen name in 1993).




  • If you claim to be a scientist but must admit you don’t understand what you’re about to investigate (formation of blue cyanide pigments in walls), do your homework first before getting involved, or else stay out of it.

  • If a fellow scientist has already refuted the theory which you want to use as the starting point for your research (excluding blue pigments from the analysis), either show that this refutation doesn’t hold water, change your starting point (=include the pigment), or else stay out of it.

Hence the Poles did


  1. exclude the data which they didn’t like,

  2. refused to learn about arguments contradicting their theory,

  3. and refused to address known refutations to their theory.

Three reasons why their work is the opposite of scholarly. And this paper appeared in a peer-reviewed “scientific” journal! So much about the value of the peer review process, if taboos are at stake.


In case you want to read more about these Polish frauds, feel free to read it here, on pp. 45-67.


Finally we have Richard Green and Jamie McCarthy, as quoted by Wikipedia. Since only Green is a chemist, I henceforth ignore McCarthy. Green, a self-confessed Jew (whether that indicates an agenda is up to the reader to decide), has not done any research of his own. He has merely bickered about my research results and has insulted me on numerous occasions, even in the paper linked to by Wikipedia, thus proving to be quite a Jewish political zealot indeed. Although Green had to admit that there is no evidence of any blue wall paint at Auschwitz and that the blue pigment in question can indeed form in walls as a result of being exposed to Zyklon B gas, he still backs the Polish pseudo-scientists’ fraudulent approach.


The interested reader can pursue the papers linked to here for more details about Green. Suffice it to say that Green and in extension Wikipedia rubber-stamp the Polish hoax by saying that any analysis has to “discriminate against the formation of iron-based cyanide compounds,” that is to say: has to exclude the blue pigment from the analysis. But why, if there is no blue wall paint? Because the Poles still don’t understand the chemistry involved? Then THEY and in extension Green should be excluded from the debate, not the blue pigment.


Anyway, by quoting Green as a serious critic of my work, a Polish political lie backed by a Jewish zealot becomes encyclopedic “truth.”


Needless to say that any attempt to get the facts about this swindle included in this Wikipedia entry is doomed to failure.


Why Mentioning Green on Wikipedia Is Wrong


Wikipedia has a strict policy when it comes to backing up claims with references. If science is involved, one ought to resort to peer-reviewed publications if possible, but one must not use sources published by oneself, by a mere web blog (all the more so, if it is your own blog), and also certainly not, if the source includes insults and personal attacks. All this is true for Green’s papers: They are steeped in innuendos, have not been peer-reviewed, are posted on a web blog only, which is owned or at least administated by Green himself, among others. Hence none of Green’s papers on this topic should be used as a reference to back up any factual scientific claims on Wikipedia.


Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia. They are constantly asking for donations to keep it free. Although I appreciate their free encyclopedic services, I’m not going to donate a penny to an enterprise that spreads lies and vilifications about me and my work and gives frauds like Green a platform to disseminate their lies.



*     *     *

Letter #37  by Carlos Porter


 Holocaust survivors and propagandists concentrate on the “nit-picking” and forget about the cremation processes, and problems involved in determining:

a) how much Zyklon to use;

b) how much HCN is in the air;

c) how to know when to stop tossing all those cans through the hole;

d) how long to wait — i.e., how to know when they’re dead; — and then

e) how to get the bodies out afterwards without poisoning yourself. 


 Not to mention the problems involved in:

a) crematory oven cremation times and capacities (all German ovens were coke-fired, and relatively inefficient);

b) the problems involved in open-air cremation;

c) using wood for fuel.


Two of the cremation ovens that can be seen today at Auschwitz I.



d) in holes;

e) in swampy ground, with the water table one foot below the surface;

f) in mud, rain and snow;

g) tossing the bodies in first, and the fuel in later, on top (ever try this in the Boy Scouts?); or even

h) building the fire first, then approaching the fire afterwards, to toss the bodies in, etc., etc., etc.

i) when there were no holes in the roof at that time, anyway; William L. Shirer and others describe infrastructures which never existed, and do not exist today: (“mushroom-shaped” Zyklon introduction ports, gigantically heavy “hermetically sealed doors”, “powerful fans”, “shower heads” in the gas chambers, etc. etc. etc.).


 People go and visit all this junk and don’t notice that half of it is missing.


cp_gas chamber door

So called “hermetically-sealed gas chamber door” according to William L. Shirer and others (without “shower heads”).


Exact quote:

“Once they were inside the shower room… the
massive door was slid shut, locked and hermetically sealed... Up above, where the well-groomed lawn and flower beds almost concealed the mushroom-shaped lids of vents…The naked prisoners would be looking up at the showers from which no water spouted or perhaps at the floor wondering why there were no drains. It took some moments for the gas to have much effect. But soon the inmates became aware that it was issuing from the perforations in the vents…Twenty or thirty minutes later when the huge mass of naked flesh had ceased to writhe, pumps drew out the poisonous air, the large door was opened… Protected by gas masks and rubber boots and wielding hoses they went to work.” (p. 970, Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, original hardcover, or p. 1154, Pan paperback, 1960.)


Where is all this junk? Let’s start with the doors, pumps and shower heads. There are drains. Shirer is referring to Auschwitz. This is Auschwitz.



Auschwitz oven allegedly capable of burning “thousands of bodies a day.”


How stupid do the Hoaxoco$t con-artists think we are?

Ever try to burn anything in your back yard? OK, you’ve got your answer right there. Everybody is aware of the problems involved in burning trash; just imagine the problems involved in burning thousands of human bodies. Try it with a dead bird or animal and see what happens.


And I almost forgot:

a) crematory ovens do not smell or emit smoke;

b) the cremation of a human body requires at least an hour — usually an hour and a quarter or a half — even with the most modern technology, etc., etc., etc.


At Birkenau, 2000 people are alleged to have been gassed and cremated per hour, every hour. One problem is the “gas chamber” is located in the cellar, while the crematory ovens are on the ground floor. The bodies would have to be transported up by means of freight elevator, without sides, carrying at most 3 bodies at a time. There are 5 coke-fired three-muffle ovens (equivalent to 15 ovens), designed for 4 or 5 cremations a day. So that after one hour, about 15 bodies would have been burned, and then not even completely, while about 40 or 50 might have been transported up in the freight elevator. Meanwhile, 2000 “new victims” are supposed to have been unsuspectingly waiting, to “take a shower”, although the room is empty, and is obviously not a “shower bath”.


Auschwitz I, the camp visited by the most tourists, is a reconstruction modified by the Soviets after the war, not according to the original plans. It is very easy to see that the chimney is not even connected to the building. None of these buildings had any holes in the roof (to be used as “Zyklon B introduction ports”) at the time of the alleged “mass gassings”. No holes, no Holocaust.


All doors opened inwards. So how did they get them open again with all those bodies slumped down dead inside?


And so on… and on, and on, and on…



Phony “gas chamber”, Stammlager, Auschwitz.  Maximum capacity: 2,000 persons.



Real gas chamber, United States of America. Weight: 1/2 ton. Maximum capacity: 2 persons.


There’s a sucker born every minute. A two-legged animal will believe anything, and the more preposterous the better.”  For more, see: http://www.cwporter.com/letter37.htm


*     *     *


Court finds “gassing through fake shower heads is not possible  by Carlo Mattogno


fake shower head_dachau

“Fake” shower head from the shower room in the Dachau Crematoria.


At the Degesch trial in 1949, a witness mentioned the rumour that “at Birkenau, the gas was introduced into the chamber through fake shower heads”, but both Dr. Heli, the inventor of Zyklon B, and Dr. Ra., physicist, declared that this gassing technique was impossible, so that the High Court of Frankfurt am Main, in its judgement of 28 March 1949, acknowledged that it was incorrect:


“The Tribunal does not doubt the fact that the hypothesis that the gas was emitted from a tin can of Zyklon B by means of a tap and introduced into the gas chamber, is erroneous, so that it is no longer necessary to perform the experiment requested by one of the defendants” 26.


[In other words, all the stories of gas coming through real or fake shower heads in fake shower rooms ARE FALSE … as found by the high court in Frankfurt am Main in 1949, yet such stories continue to be told by camp tour guides and accepted even by some “holocaust historians.” -ed.]


The story of the “cylinders of hydrocyanic acid” was an adaptation of the more commonly-heard version of the “bombs” containing hydrocyanic acid, which was invented towards the end of 1943 and the beginning of 1944 by Jerzy Tabeau, who was interned at Auschwitz under the name of Jerzy Wesoowski on 23 March 1942 and escaped on the night of 19-20 November 1943. In his report, which began circulating in the summer of 1944, he wrote:


After reaching the area with the gas chamber in it, which was surrounded by barbed wire, the condemned men had to undress completely, men, women and children together. Each person received a towel and some soap. They were then all crammed into the chamber, with plenty of blows and mistreatment. This is how the chamber was filled with as many people as it could hold, after which the door was closed tight and SS men assigned for the purpose poured the bombs, which were filled with Prussic acid, through the valves located in the walls. After ten minutes, the doors were opened and a special commando (always made up of Jews) carried away the bodies and made room for the next convoy” 27.


A report dated 23 August 1944, by contrast, mentioned “vials”:


“Under the pretext of visiting a shower bath, they make the people undress, give them soap and send them to the ‘shower area’, where they close the doors air-tight, after which they throw vials inside, full of an unknown liquid. The vials break and release the gas, which causes their death […] within five or ten minutes.” 28.


This fantastic story was also echoed by Kurt Gerstein, who wrote that the Degesch director had told him “that for the killing of men, he had supplied hydrocyanic acid in vials (in Ampullen)” 29.


However, according to him, at Auschwitz, these “vials” were used in a different manner:


“Only at Auschwitz were millions of children killed by holding a wad [soaked with] hydrocyanic acid underneath their noses” 30.


In addition to “bombs” or “cylinders” or “vials” of hydrocyanic acid, other substances were indicated as methods of extermination: “sternutory gases” (gaz sternutatoires) 31 and a “certain substance which put the victims to sleep (einschläfern) in one minute” 32.


Ex-inmate Otto Wolken, by contrast, spoke of gassing ditches:


“Ditches were dug and covered with canvas, serving as provisional gas chambers”33.


At the Nuremberg Trial, on 21 June 1946, the American prosecutor, [Robert H.] Jackson, mentioned another method of alleged extermination “in the vicinity of Auschwitz”: the atomic bomb!


A village, a small village was provisionally erected, with temporary structures, and in it approximately 20,000 Jews were put. By means of this newly invented weapon of destruction, these 20,000 people were eradicated almost instantaneously, and in such a way that there was no trace left of them; that it developed, the explosive developed, temperatures of from 400° to 500° centigrade and destroyed them without leaving any trace at all.” 34.


As we may see, the Americans, to put it in a nutshell, already possessed the bad habit of imputing their own crimes to their enemies of the moment.


These fairy tales quickly fell into oblivion, being replaced by other, better organised, fairy tales […] which nonetheless also causes a certain disconcertment among Holocaust historians. The latter, after all, were then compelled to proclaim that it was not the case that these same propaganda fairy tales later developed, through a variety of literary elaborations, into the Holocaust “revealed truth” which reigns supreme for the moment. On the contrary, it was claimed that such tales were a mere “reflection” of a “truth” which was only discovered later, but which was not yet known when these fairy tales were invented.


26 C.F. Rüter, Justiz und NS-Verbrechen. Sammlung deutscher Strafurteile wegen nationalsozialisticher Tötungsverbrechen 1945-1966. Amsterdam, 1968-1981, vol. XIII, p. 134.


27 Das Lager Oswiecim (Auschwitz), in: A. Silberschein, Die Judenausrottung in Polen. Series Three, Section II.: Die Lagergruppe Oswiecim (Auschwitz). Geneva, 1944, pp. 67-68.


28 Report published at: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=96187&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=pressac


29 German report by K. Gerstein dated 6 May 1945. PS-2170, p. 9.


30 Idem.

31 La politique pratiquée par la Suisse à l’égard des réfugiés au cours des années 1933 à 1945. Report intended for the Conseil fédéral à l’intention des conseils législatifs by Professor Carl Ludwig, Basel. Berne, 1957, p. 220.


32 Alleged report of SS-Sturmbannführer Franke-Gricksch of May 1943. Text in: J.-C. Pressac, Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambers. The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York, 1989, p. 238. The report consists solely of an alleged “transcription” by a certain Erich M. Lippmann, an officer in the US Army, responsible for collecting documents for purposes of evidence at the American trials at Nuremberg. The original document does not exist.


33 AGK, NTN, 88 (Höss trial), p. 45.


34 Der Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem internationalen Militärgerichtshof. Nuremberg 14. November 1945-1. October 1946. Nuremberg, 1948, vol. XVI, p. 580 [pp. 529-30 in English]


From AUSCHWITZ – 27 JANUARY 1945 TO 27 JANUARY 2005: SIXTY YEARS OF PROPAGANDA by Carlo Mattogno, translated into English from the original Italian for jan27.org by Carlos Porter. The entire book is archived on this site HERE.



 *      *      *

The Origin of “Special Treatment” in Auschwitz by Carlo Mattogno


The origin of ‘special treatment’ in Auschwitz occurs chronologically within the program of the deportation of Jews fit for labor into this camp as outlined in the preceding section. On March 31, 1942, Bischoff prepared a list of buildings planned as well as already constructed. BW 58 is described as follows:


5 horse-stable barracks (special treatment) 4 in Birkenau 1 in Budy.”


In the first version of this document – it bears the same date – the existence of the BW is announced in the following handwritten memo:


5 horse-stable barracks/special treatment 4 in Birkenau 1 in Bor-Budy.”


These are the same barracks already mentioned in Bischoff’s explanatory report of July 15, 1942. These barracks are also mentioned in a document of March 31, 1942, together with the term ‘special treatment,’ although Pressac maintains wrongly that this term appeared “at the end of July 1942 […] for the first time.” In addition to that, March 31, 1942, was two months before the date, on which Höß [english spelling: Hoess] was supposedly summoned to Berlin in order to be informed by Himmler that “his camp was selected as the center for the mass extermination of the Jews.”


The construction of the four barracks planned for ‘special treatment’ (as noted in the March 31, 1942, document) was requested in the following letter of June 9, 1942, from Bischoff to the SS WVHA:


For the special treatment of the Jews, the camp commandant of the concentration camp, SS Stubaf. Höß, has applied orally for the erection of 4 horse-stable barracks for the accommodation of personal effects. It is asked that the application be approved, since the matter is extremely urgent and the effects must absolutely be brought under shelter.”


The economic function of the barracks for ‘special treatment’ is confirmed by another document, which preceded the ‘first selection’: The “assignment of the barracks” by the Central Construction Office, which Bischoff had outlined on June 30. In the list concerned, there are three “barracks for personal property” of type 260/9 in the construction project, besides a “personal property barrack in the women’s concentration camp” and a “barrack for accommodation, Bor” of the same type.


Another “assignment of the barracks” by the Central Construction Office enumerates the barracks needed, those already constructed, and those missing, by type. Corresponding to the term ‘special treatment’ are five barracks “needed” three “erected,” and two “missing.”


Quite obviously, this refers to the five barracks mentioned in Bischoff’s explanatory report of July 15, 1942; at the beginning of this report are mentioned the “5 barracks for special treatment of the prisoners,” which, as we have seen, correspond to the five barracks for ‘special treatment’ of the list of March 31, 1942. The two missing barracks were built before the end of October. They are mentioned in a list of November 15, 1942, under the heading “G.B. Bau VIII E Ch-m/wo 19” as “5 barracks for special treatment”; including installation, they cost a total of 90,000 RM.


Another document deals the fatal blow to Pressac’s interpretation: It is the “assignment of barracks” of December 8, 1942, which assigns the five barracks “already erected” to the “Prisoner of war camp B.A.I.,” thus to the section BAI of Birkenau, where “special treatment (old)” is stated as their purpose.


The significance of this document is the position of these five barracks: construction section 1 (B.A.I) of Birkenau. The adjective “alt” may refer to the fact that these barracks belong administratively to the earlier carrying out of ‘special treatment,’ in place of which a new ‘special treatment’ had emerged as the institutional mission of the Birkenau prisoner of war camp a few months earlier.


The function of the five “personal property barracks for special treatment” was thus closely tied up with the sorting out and storage of personal articles, which had been taken from the deported Jews. This took place within the scope of the “Operation Reinhardt” buildings planned as well as already constructed. BW 58 is described as follows:


5 horse-stable barracks (special treatment) 4 in Birkenau 1 in Budy.” In the first version of this document – it bears the same date – the existence of the BW is announced in the following handwritten memo:


5 horse-stable barracks/special treatment 4 in Birkenau 1 in Bor-Budy.”


Another “assignment of the barracks” by the Central Construction Office enumerates the barracks needed, those already constructed, and those missing, by type. Corresponding to the term ‘special treatment’ are five barracks.


When Pohl inspected Auschwitz on September 23, 1942, he visited, among others, the following facilities:


Disinfestation and personal property barracks/Operation Reinhardt […] Stage 2 of Operation Reinhardt.”


The visit had been carefully organized and followed a strictly logical program. The inspection of a disinfestation (i.e., delousing) chamber and of the personal articles confiscated during the course of Operation Reinhardt followed that of the construction depot and of the DAW (Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke, German Equipment Works), so that Pohl in any case inspected BW 28, the “Delousing and Personal Property Barracks” in the “Kanada I” depot. The visit to stage 2 of Operation Reinhardt, on the other hand, took place after that of the “Birkenau Camp,” which means that this facility was formerly part of this camp (like the “Birkenau Military Camp,” to which Pohl made a visit directly afterwards) or at least was located in its vicinity. As of the end of February 1943, 825 train cars with “old textiles,” which had been confiscated during the “resettlement of Jews”, had been sent to the Auschwitz camp and Lublin (Majdanek) within the framework of Operation Reinhardt.


This confiscation and recycling of personal property was exactly what Operation Reinhardt was all about, as can also be gathered from the following communication of SS Gruppenführer Fritz Katzmann:


Simultaneously with the resettlement operations, the seizure of Jewish property was carried out. Extraordinary assets were able to be taken into custody and placed at the disposal of the ‘Reinhardt’ special staff.”


In May 1944 there was still a “Reinhardt Special Unit” in Birkenau, where 287 female prisoners worked.


From Special Treatment in Auschwitz: Origin and Meaning of a Term  by Carlo Mattogno, 2000, Part two, chapter two.


 *     *     *

The Auschwitz Crema 1 Hole Hoax  by Eric Hunt


Auschwitz Krema1_hospital

Figure 1 – “Reconstructed” Crematorium 1. The SS Hospital is located directly behind it.


As pointed out by many revisionists before, the four holes in the roof of the morgue of Crematorium 1 at Auschwitz 1 camp, do not “fit” the original configuration of the building. In fact, they are centered over the current post-war modified configuration of the room.


The Auschwitz Museum claims these were the locations of genuine holes, which were then filled in by the Germans when they chose to convert the crematorium to an air raid shelter for the nearby SS hospital.


Under Soviet occupation, the Auschwitz museum kindly “re-opened” the holes the Germans supposedly covered up. Revisionists deny these holes existed in the first place.


For decades, tour guides and historians insisted Crematorium 1 was in its original state. However, a modern sign acknowledges that Crematorium 1 existed in several stages throughout the war, and was modified after the war. This is thanks to Robert Faurisson who exposed the original plans of the structure.


EH_Auschwitz crema1 sign

Figure 2 – Sign acknowledges Crematorium 1 was modified post-war


On the above sign, which was only added in recent years, we can see some of the differences between the building in its original state, at the time of alleged gassings, and today.


EH_auschwitz crema1 descriptive plaque

Figure 3

The museum sign above admits “After the war, the Museum partially reconstructed the gas chamber and crematorium. The chimney and two incinerators were rebuilt, using original components, as were several of the openings in the gas chamber roof.”


A 3D representation of the important area of Crematorium 1 is useful to understand this hole hoax. For this basic 3D representation, The “roof” has been lowered so the interior walls can show through. The top half of the building is devoted to the oven room and smaller rooms and has not been represented in 3D.




This is part of Crematorium 1 at the time of alleged mass gassings. The alleged Zyklon B insertion holes are represented in the roof. The room designated as a morgue on original German plans is the alleged “gas chamber”. What was used as a morgue when the morgue was used as a gas chamber? Who knows…


As we can see, the placement of the holes looks rather odd and is not centered over the morgue, which is the long rectangular room the hole should be centered over.


The next image shows the location of an oddly placed hole, very close to the location of both an original wall dividing the morgue and wash room and the door to the oven room.



                                                                                                             The beam coming from the left was once a wall. This wall was removed during Soviet occupation.


Crematorium 1 was converted into an air raid shelter for the SS hospital located across from it. We can see the many interior walls added, as well as an additional entrance/exit and air lock on the right. The doorway between the morgue/alleged gas chamber and the oven room was walled up.




The current configuration is revealing. The museum knocked down one wall too many – the one originally dividing the morgue and washing room. But all of a sudden those holes appear to “fit.” They’re centered over the large chamber tourists walk into.



According to Carlo Mattogno’s measurements, the holes in the upper left and lower right are 5.1 meters away from walls. However, this measurement is senseless as we’ve seen the hole in the upper left was located next to a dividing wall and its distance from the opposite wall of the washing room was irrelevant at the time.


In addition, the other two holes are 7.1 meters away from walls. One of the walls, a wall of an air lock created for the entrance for the air raid shelter, didn’t even exist at the time of alleged gassings! The other wall is the irrelevant opposite side wall of the washing room.




The placement of the holes in the roof of Auschwitz’s Crematorium 1 are centered over a building configuration which only existed after the war.


The Soviets found an air raid shelter for the SS Hospital, with an operating room and attached washing room with toilets and sinks. This served no use for propaganda.


They added a chimney on about the same spot it was located previously. They rebuilt ovens to put in the adjoining oven room.


They removed all but one of the interior walls dividing up the air raid shelter, removing one too many – the original dividing wall between the morgue and washing room which existed at the time of alleged gassings. The wash room’s toilets and a sink have been removed.


They left the air lock and second entrance, passing it off for decades as the “victim’s entrance”. Tourists would walk past the gallows allegedly used to hang Rudolf Hoess to enter this entrance, neither existed at the time of mass gassings.


These holes should never have been “re-opened” in the first place. This is tampering with the scene of a crime – mass murder!


But the placement of the four holes points to a crude mistake on the part of the hoaxers, who centered the supposedly “re-opened” holes not over the morgue, but the morgue + washing room + second entrance air lock which didn’t exist at the time of mass gassings. ~


Carlo Mattogno’s study on Auschwitz 1’s Crematorium 1 is available at holocausthandbooks.com




Click on this text to watch "The Holocaust Made in Russia" - It is known to the revisionist world that Russia was key to fabricate so called evidence for the "Holocaust" . Watch this interesting documentary. By Carlos W. Porter...

                                                              I DENY NO HOLOCAUST


Many ignorant, brainwashed people have contemptuously called me a “Holocaust Denier”.  The following is the response I give, to those who will listen:

Excuse me, but I don’t “deny” ANY “Holocaust”… Do you?


I fully accept the account of the brave and famous Russian writer and historian, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who was often called “The Conscience of the 20th Century”; who served eight long years in the Soviet Gulag prison system, when he reports in the book he published in the year 2000 entitled “Together For Two Hundred Years” that, in the Soviet Holocaust, 66 million innocent Gentiles, mostly Christians (and it being a full ELEVEN TIMES the number of Jews claimed to have been killed by the Germans in WWII), were kidnapped, tortured, raped, and murdered in a wide variety of cruel, wanton, and horribly inhuman ways in the thousands of monstrously evil Gulag concentration camps at the hands of the Jewish Bolshevik “Ivan the Terrible” Cheka corps.


I freely acknowledge the fact that on February 13 & 14, 1945, in the quintessential Holocaust of the non-military city of Dresden, more than 700,000 phosphorus bombs were dropped on 1.2 million helpless people, which produced a firestorm that was called a “Single Column of Flame”, where the temperature in the center of the city reached 1600 degrees centigrade, and in which approximately 500,000 German women, children, elderly, wounded soldiers, random citizens, and even all of the animals in the city zoo were slaughtered by concussion and fire in a single night.


I absolutely recognize that more people died there in Dresden, in that one big flame, than the estimated total of 246,000 helpless people who died in two other quintessential Holocausts, the senseless, wantonly murderous, abominable, and unnecessary atomic attacks upon the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.


I openly avow the virtually forgotten Holocaust endured by the passengers and crew of the Wilhelm Gustloff, an unarmed German passenger liner which was torpedoed and sunk in the freezing waters of the Baltic Sea, 13 miles off the coast of Pomerania on January 30, 1945, as it carried, besides it’s men and crew, some 73 wounded soldiers, 373 members of the Womens’ Naval Auxilliary, and some 9,000 German civilian refugees – mostly women and children – who were all fleeing in terror from East Prussia in the advance of the Red Army, and where only a few hundred lived to tell the tale, making it the deadliest disaster in maritime history, killing nearly ten times the number who died on the Titanic.


And I fully admit that, as tallied and reported by the International Red Cross, a grand total of 271,304 people – not all of them Jews – died in all of the German concentration camps, combined, by the end of World War II – a Holocaust which was solely the result of typhus epidemics and starvation caused by the Zionist controlled, allied carpet bombings of supply routes and centers all over Germany that made it impossible to transport food and medical supplies to prisoners, soldiers, and civilians alike.



I certainly do not deny the Holocaust of the over 1,000,000 German post-war, non-combatants who were rounded up, detained without any food, water, shelter, or medical care, and purposely, and systematically killed through starvation and exposure in 1945-46 under the supervision of the allied commander Dwight D. Eisenhower, in the largest outdoor concentration camp this side of modern-day Palestine, or the concurrent Holocaust of the wholesale cold-blooded rape and murder of untold hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of women and children as the communist Red Army of the Soviets also took its “revenge” upon the defeated Germans.


I do not deny the Holocaust suffered by the good men and crew of the practically unarmed USS Liberty surveillance ship, which was deliberately attacked by air and sea, with machine gun, cannon, and torpedo fire by Israeli forces on June 8, 1967, killing 34 and wounding 174, in an attempted false flag operation which was intended to sink the ship, and murder all aboard, in order to draw the United States into the Middle East conflict on the side of Israel, and was only foiled by the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the crew in aiding the radio operator to successfully get off a call for help.


And I do not deny the Holocaust of the some 3,000 people who died in a single day as a result of the false flag attack on the World Trade Center in New York which was engineered and perpetrated by leaders of Israel in order to kick off their pre-planned “Clash of Civilizations” which they hope will eventually cause their two sworn enemies, the Christians, and the Muslims, to forget their historical religious commonalities, and annihilate one another in the yet to be the greatest Holocaust in history – a third world war – as the “Chosen Ones” sit on the sidelines… and direct… and watch… and profit… while gleefully rubbing their hands as even more untold millions of innocents die.


I also do not deny the Holocaust of the Jenin Refugee Camp, on April 13, 2002, where Israeli forces attacked the camp using bulldozers, tanks, and Apache helicopters, in a cruel, indiscriminate, blood-lust slaughter, which was said to be “Horrific beyond belief”, and which lasted for 13 days, flattening large areas of the town, and killing unknown hundreds of innocent men, women, and children, many of whom were buried alive; or the earlier, similar, Holocausts at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon in 1982, in which it is known that at least 800 Palestinians were killed.


Nor do I deny the wholesale slaughter and destruction perpetrated upon the sovereign nation of Iraq, in the Holocaust that was the illegal, and unjustified war of aggression that, from 2003 to the present, has resulted in the murder of over 1,000,000 innocent Iraqi men, women, and children, and brought their country to ruin, as one of the first steps in Israel’s ongoing war of terror, which they have the unmitigated gall to present to the world as a war “ON” terror… for which the final tally of victims is yet to be seen.


while I’m at it, let me just note here that I fully acknowledge the fact that the perpetrators of the above mentioned, and relatively recent Holocausts have a very long history of either directly, or indirectly committing numerous other such atrocities against many peoples over many millenia, even since ancient Biblical times – from the slaughter of the Midianites to the African slave trade – a number of which being the basis of, and celebrated during various Jewish holidays. And though I do not particularly describe them here, I don’t deny any of them either.


What I do deny is the ridiculous and exaggerated claim that there is ANY evidence at all that ANY Jews at all – much less “six million” of them – died from ANY intentional gassings, or as a result of ANY kind of organized or systematic program of genocide perpetrated against Jews by Germany’s Nazi regime… and I challenge you to produce ANY evidence or “proof” that is not merely made up of either pre-war, wartime, or post-war anti-German propaganda… because none, from either then or now, actually exists.


So, if you want to talk about a “Holocaust”… and I mean a REAL, genuine, genocidal “Holocaust”, and not only the ones from the past, but one that is happening right NOW, in the present, all you need to do is to pull your brain-dead/brainwashed heads out of your collectively ignorant rear ends, and look into the current goings-on in Gaza, The West Bank, Syria, and the Middle East in general, where the racist, supremacist, Zionist, Talmudic Jews are feverishly working day and night to exterminate anyone, either Gentile or Jew, who stands in their way in their quest to build their racist, supremacist, “Kingdom of the World”… a.k.a., Eretz Israel.


And if any of you sanctimonious accusers deny any of these realities, and merely cling to the all too common view that the only “Holocaust” that really matters is one that is purported to have been suffered by the Jews, then for people like you to call anyone else a “Holocaust Denier” is one of the most laughable, and hypocritical examples of psychopathic projection I have yet seen anywhere… even as you continue to stupidly, and unashamedly, prove your ignorance and psychopathy with every ridiculous charge you make.







Holocaust Remembrance: What's Behind the Campaign?
... Holocaust remembrance is not, as its supporters claim, a noble effort motivated by sincere concern for humanity. Instead, this relentless campaign is an expression of Jewish-Zionist power, and is designed to further Jewish-Zionist interests ... Jewish death and suffering do not deserve to be venerated more than the death and suffering of non-Jews. The Holocaust remembrance campaign deserves scorn, not support, because it is a one-sided effort that serves narrow Jewish and Israeli interests and bolsters Jewish-Zionist power.


Is the Holocaust a Hoax?

Within five minutes, any intelligent, open-minded person can be convinced that the Holocaust gassings of World War II are a profitable hoax. 

Fred A. Leuchter is America's leading specialist on the design and fabrication of execution equipment, including homicidal gas chambers. In 1988, Leuchter scraped samples from the alleged gas chamber walls in Auschwitz, Birkenau and Lublin. Cyanide residue would be clearly evident on all these walls if gassings did occur. To his astonishment, Leuchter found no significant cyanide traces in any one of these rooms. 

In 1991, the Polish government repeated these tests to disprove Leuchter's findings, but they as well found no evidence of any gassings ever occurring. 

The structural integrity of these "gas chambers" is also extremely faulty. These rooms have ordinary doors and windows which are not hermetically sealed! There are large gaps between the floors and doors. If the Germans had attempted to gas anyone in these rooms, they would have died themselves, as the gas would have leaked and contaminated the entire area. Also, no equipment exists to exhaust the air-gas mixture from these buildings. Nothing was made to introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chambers. There are no provisions to prevent condensation of gas on the walls, floors or ceilings. No exhaust stacks have ever existed. 

Though six million Jews supposedly died in the gas chambers, not one body has ever been autopsied and found to have died of gas poisoning. We have been shown piles of bodies from World War II, but most of these persons died of typhus or starvation or Allied bombings and a great many of those were murdered Germans, not Jews. Roughly the equivalent of ten football fields should be packed full of gassed bodies to present as evidence, yet not one body has ever been discovered. 

The Germans documented everything in meticulous detail from shrubbery to arbors, but no pre-war or wartime plans or documents exist that detail or even mention any gas chambers for reasons of genocide. All documents ever presented were drawn up AFTER the war. 

Even if we threw away all the evidence and accounted for every so-called gas chamber, it would have taken 68 YEARS to accomplish gassing six million Jews! 

Even The Diary of Anne Frank is a hoax. Portions of the diary were written with a ball point pen. These pens were not in use at the time Anne Frank lived. 

It is not denied concentration camps existed. Tragically, many died of typhus or starvation, as often happens in such situations. There is, however, no evidence that any gassings occurred for the reasons of genocide. 

Israel continues to receive trillions of dollars worldwide as retribution for Holocaust gassings. Our country has donated more money to Israel than to any other country in the history of the world—over $35 billion per year, everything included. If not for our extravagantly generous gifts to Israel, every family in America could afford a brand new Mercedes Benz. Surely the American people would be outraged if they realized their hard-earned money is being squandered in these difficult times. 

With all this money at stake for Israel, it is easy to comprehend why this Holocaust hoax is so secretly guarded. The Jewish name for Holocaust is "Shoah." In Zionist circles, it is known as "Shoah Business." If nothing else, this unbelievable coverup demonstrates the irrepressible Zionist influence and control of our country. Their only defense against the facts is to cry out "antisemitic," "Skinhead" or "Nazi," whereas the majority of those who question the Holocaust are ordinary citizens...though you would never know it from the media. 

In whatever way you can, please help shatter this profitable myth. It is time we stop sacrificing America's welfare for the sake of Israel and spend our hard-earned dollars on Americans. (For more information contact The Institute for Historical Review P.O. Box 2739 Newport Beach, CA 92659 USA).

orchestra at Theresienstadt
Jewish Orchestra performing at Theresienstadt
'Konzentrationslager' Camp. Photo taken by Kurt Gerron, 
Jewish wartime film producer.

There are compelling reasons to believe that the so-called holocaust never existed. Page 223, in The Diary of Anne Frank, (Pan Horizons edition, Pan Books Ltd., London, 1989), indicates that the size of Auschwitz, the most notorious of all German work camps, WAS VERY SMALL, with only 11,000 people (many of whom may not even have been Jews) being evacuated by the Germans at the time of the Russian advance in 1945. Certainly, compared to Spielberg's film, Schindler's List (which Emilie Schindler, Oskar's widow, said was full of lies), and other Jewish propaganda, that millions upon millions of Jews were systematically exterminated, 11,000 people is a very small number. Simple arithmetic tells us that the Germans would have had to have had hundreds of camps, or else they would have had to exterminate 137 people PER HOUR, in order for six million Jews to have been exterminated at such small camps as Auschwitz, a feat that would have been humanly impossible considering that, according to Douglas Reed's Behind the Scene and The Controversy of Zion, a mere 850,000 soldiers and others were killed by the entire German and Japanese war machines combined during WW2 (see p.397-400 of Douglas Reed's book Controversy of Zion). People who would believe the Jewish propaganda that six million Jews were exterminated by Hitler must KEEP IN MIND THE SMALL SCALE CONSTRUCTION OF AUSCHWITZ AND THE VERY FEW OTHER GERMAN WORK CAMPS THAT EXISTED DURING WW2. 

On July 13, 1994, a documentary on the life of Charles A. Lindbergh broadcast on the Public Broadcast System (PBS - KENW-TV) said that when Lindbergh visited one of these few camps in Germany following WW2, he was told that 25,000 died in 1-1/2 years. Again, simple arithmetic tells us that 25,000 times a half dozen camps does not equal 6,000,000. In fact, it doesn't even equal 600,000. . . .

It is an interesting fact that the number of so-called persecuted Jews KEEPS INCREASING. Hal Greenwald, program director for the Hillel Foundation at Duke University, a Jewish student group, has been promoting the idea that NINE MILLION JEWS WERE EXTERMINATED IN HITLER'S GAS CHAMBERS (New York Times, Nov. 9, 1991, AP). NOW IT'S 9 MILLION AND GROWING. ..JUST LIKE OUR DEBT/TAX MONEY SUPPLY...THE NUMBERS JUST KEEP COMING OUT OF THIN AIR. . . (The Bible Caused Economic and Financial Slavery in the New World Order by Lee Cheney).

The Holocaust Issue: Three Christian Views

Christian Responsibility to Truth by Herman Otten

While most Revisionists appear to be opposed to the construction of the [US government] Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, right next to some of our nations's most cherished monuments, I say: Let it be built! One day it will serve as a monument to the stupidity of modern man, who can still accept a hoax as a fact. Hopefully it will then serve as a reminder to study all the facts and evidence, and repudiate all hoaxes. 

The day is surely coming when all the evidence showing that the Germans never exterminated six million Jews can no longer be suppressed. Truth is not determined by majority vote. I learned this lesson in high school, and since then have repeatedly discovered how the majority of scholars, even within our churches, can be in error. That our presidents, senators and congressmen are all supposed to be convinced that the Germans killed six million Jews, that almost all of our nation's professors and churchmen are said to maintain that the Holocaust is a fact, doesn't make it a fact. 

There is no dispute over the fact that large numbers of Jews were deported to concentration camps and ghettos, or that many Jews died or were killed during World War II. Revisionist scholars have presented evidence, which "exterminationists" have not been able to refute, showing that there was no German program to exterminate Europe's Jews, and that the estimate of six million Jewish wartime dead is an irresponsible exaggeration. 

The Holocaust—the alleged extermination of some six million Jews (most of them by gassing)—is a hoax and should be recognized as such by Christians and all informed, honest and truthful men everywhere. 

Here are the reasons that have impressed me as particularly persuasive in coming to my own conclusion that the Revisionist view of the Holocaust story is the correct one: 

- There is no convincing or substantial evidence for the allegation of mass killings in gas chambers in the wartime German camps. Careful investigation—in particular that carried out by American engineer Fred Leuchter—has thoroughly discredited the "gas chamber" extermination claims. 

- The most reliable statistics available cannot be reconciled with the legendary "six million" figure. The best evidence indicates that no more than a million, or perhaps a million and a half, European Jews perished from all causes during the war years. 

- Neither the major Jewish organizations in the United States, nor the wartime Allied governments, nor the International Red Cross, nor the Vatican acted as if they seriously believed the wartime extermination propaganda. 

- Although the German government kept extensive and detailed records of its wartime Jewish policy, not a single document has ever been found which substantiates or even refers to an extermination program or policy. Instead, the voluminous German records confiscated by the Allies at the end of the war clearly show that the German "final solution" program was one of emigration and deportation, not extermination. 

- Even prominent Jewish "exterminationist" historians now acknowledge that the stories of gassings and extermination in camps in Germany proper are not true, in spite of the fact that such claims were once seriously made, particularly at the great Nuremberg Trial of 1945-1946. 

- The Holocaust story now centers on just six former camps in Poland. The so-called "evidence" presented to prove mass exterminations in these camps is qualitatively no better than the now discredited "evidence" once cited for extermination in the camps in Germany proper. 

- Much of the so-called "evidence" presented by "exterminationists" over the years has already been thoroughly discredited. For example, the well-known horrific photographs of piles of corpses taken in camps in western Germany at the end of the war are now acknowledged to be photos of victims of disease and malnutrition who perished as indirect victims of the war in the final weeks and months of the conflict. Also, so-called "confessions"—such as those of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoss—have been shown to be untruthful and extracted by torture. Many of the official reports and testimonies presented as "evidence" by the prosecution in the Nuremberg trials have since been shown to be lies. 

- The fact that so many Jews "survived" German rule during the war—many of them even in so-called "extermination" centers such as Auschwitz-Birkenau—is enough to show that there was no German program or policy to exterminate the Jews of Europe. 

Swimming pool at Auschwitz
View of the swimming pool at Auschwitz 'Konzentrationslager' Camp

The Holocaust is a hoax. The time has come for Christian scholars and pastors to recognize this, and to stop perpetrating a hoax as the truth. A Christian is not free to believe and promote a lie about any person or nation. True Christian scholars should at least read what the Revisionists write. 

Many have said to us: "What difference does it make? The truth of the Holocaust is of no concern to Christians." Nonsense! A Christian is not free to believe and promote a lie about any person or nation. A Christian is guided by truth and facts, not emotions and majority opinion. 

If Christians can accept as historical fact the Holocaust, despite all the powerful evidence that it is a hoax, what does that say about their ability to evaluate evidence? What about their scholarship? Is it any wonder that some Revisionists, who have made a careful study of the Holocaust, question the scholarship of Christians, so many of whom swallow as absolute truth what is clearly a hoax? 

I have been told numerous times, even by theologians who claim to be orthodox: "I don't care whether it was six million or one Jew, even one is too many." Such an attitude shows contempt for the truth. A Christian is to show true love, and the Apostle Paul tells us that love is "happy with the truth." (1 Cor. 13:6) The writing of Proverbs tells us: "Speak out for those who can't speak, for the rights of those who are doomed. Talk up, render fair decisions, and defend the rights of the poor and needy people."(Proverbs 31:9) 

A Christian bases his faith upon facts and absolute truth, not feelings and emotion. A Christian recognizes that only God is all-knowing. A Christian is willing to listen to evidence and evaluate various viewpoints. He doesn't close his mind to the facts and evidence. He doesn't start out with the assumption that the Jew is right and the German is wrong, or that the Jew is wrong and the German is right. He looks at the evidence. Those who say they don't care if it was six million or one are showing a despicable attitude toward truth. They are saying: "We don't care about the truth." Such an attitude is sinful and worldly. Is it any wonder that so many then go on to act as it they don't care about another man's wife or property? The truthfulness of the Holocaust is a moral issue. Those who maintain that the Germans exterminated some six million Jews, most of them by gassing, are seeing to it that the Christian Church can no longer avoid speaking out. Churches are being pushed, as never before, to have special services commemorating the Holocaust. 

A Christian is ready to change his opinion if the evidence shows he is wrong. Numerous times we have invited "exterminationists" to refute the Revisionists. 

Some tell us that we have not shown love to the Jews, and that we are being racists and anti-Semitic when we publish articles by Revisionists questioning the Holocaust, and when we insist that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. 

We have repeatedly emphasized in many editorials that the Bible teaches that there is no special chosen race. All those—regardless of color, race, nationality, sex, wealth, et cetera—who trust in the merits of Jesus Christ alone for their salvation are God's chosen people and will go to heaven. Those who tell Jews, Muslims, and any other non-Christian that they worship the true God, and can get to heaven without Christ, are not showing true love to the Jews and other non-Christians. 

The so-called "fact" of the Holocaust is being used to deport innocent men from this country who, as teenagers, served with the German armed forces. In some cases they have been sent back to certain death in Communist lands. The [US government's] Office of Special Investigation is using the Holocaust as an excuse to force from the United States even such a reputable person as the scientist Arthur Rudolph. 

Israel is using the "fact" of the Holocaust as an excuse to execute John Demjanjuk, an innocent Ukrainian-American. "The Jewish people have a long score to settle with the Ukrainian people" says Dov Ben-Meir, a deputy speaker of Israel's Knesset [parliament]. According to this top Israeli official, "unaccounted numbers" of Ukrainians "collaborated with the Nazi regime, especially in the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of Jews." 

The "fact" of the Holocaust is being used by some to deny that Christianity is the only true religion, or that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. 

Israel is using the "fact" of the Holocaust as an excuse to kill Palestinians in Israel. This slaughter, together with the anti-scriptural notions of the Israel-first Millennialists, almost all of whom believe in the Holocaust, could lead to another bloody war. 

The Holocaust is not some innocent hoax, such as children's fairy tales that entertain and have no evil consequences. 

The "chosen people" and "Holocaust" myths make mission work among non-Christians far more difficult. Arabs, who are told that the Bible teaches that their land belongs to the Jews, find it more difficult to believe what the Bible says about Christ. Herman Otten is a Lutheran pastor and editor-publisher of the weekly Christian News of New Haven, Missouri. This commentary is excerpted from his address at the Ninth IHR Conference. The complete text is published in the Fall 1989 Journal). 

Celebrating Hannukkah at Westerbork
Celebrating Hannakkak at Westerbork 'Konzentrationslager' Camp, in Holland

"Victims Deserve Better" by Joseph Sobran 

I haven't been to the new United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, but even a Washington Postreporter was shocked by what he describes its "outrageous" anti-Christian propaganda. The exhibition apparently dates anti-Semitism from the birth of Christ. And of course the implication of the Museum is that mass murder is worse when its victims are Jews. 

Some surprisingly critical notes have been struck in the reviews of the Museum. Kay Larson, art critic for New York magazine, objects that "the Germans depicted here . . . are almost exclusively Nazis. . . Most American children who endure the walk-through will think of Germans as Nazi pigs." 

She continues: 

The Jews endured the most dementedly calculated and well-documented—but hardly the only—case. To separate the Nazi evil from other evils is understandable but Eurocentric. It trivializes all suffering but its own. . . It awards special, extra-human stature to the victims. Nothing that occurs inside Israel can be wrong, because Jews were gassed at Auschwitz. And so people set themselves apart from, against, and above others. 

She has caught the note of most Holocaust rhetoric: intense self-absorption. This is a human reaction, and it can be excused up to a point. That point comes when those whose rights have been violated begin disregarding others' rights, as when Jewish apologists for Israel feel persecuted by criticism of Israel's brutality toward non-Jews. 

Even many pro-Israel Jews feel uneasy about the Museum being in America, on government land, paid for with tax money. The implication of its presence is that all Gentiles, especially Christians, need to be instructed, to have their consciousness raised, even to be made to feel guilty about Jewish suffering. As if we didn't know that murder and persecution are wrong! As if Israel were a moral model for *us*! 

In the same way, the implication of the word "anti-Semitism" is that the chief moral test for anyone is whether he has the correct attitude toward Jews. And again, this is understandable—but also very narrow. Murdering Ukrainians is every bit as evil as murdering Jews, after all. But why should we even have to say that? 

The wrong lesson is being drawn. You would think that the evil of Hitler was mere anti-Semitism as such, rather than mass murder. But if anti-Semitism were confined to country-club snobbery, even Jews wouldn't mind it too much. The real evil is the use of the state as an instrument of death. Government, perverted from it modest uses, can magnify every crime unimaginably. 

That is the real "lesson of the Holocaust," the lesson our time still refuses to learn. We think it's only the Hitler or Stalin version of the superstate that is wrong. But think how America's conduct in World War II would have appeared to our ancestors. It's hard for us to feel the sheer monstrosity of bombing cities. 

I recently heard some interesting testimony on this point. During that war the US government commissioned a series of propaganda films from Frank Capra, which were made under the collective title "Why We Fight." One of them, "The Battle for China," describes the barbarity of the "Japs," also called "Nips," and mocked them for their "grinning yellow faces." Among the horrors perpetrated by the Japs was the unprecedented atrocity of bombing cities, killing civilians by the thousands! 

Of course Capra and his staff didn't know that the US government was planning to do exactly that to Japanese and German cities. In their innocence, they assumed that only a savage, alien race could have stooped to such barbarism. 

But we have supped full with horrors. Evil bores us. Its statistical extremes have long since lost their interest, and there is something ritually formulaic in the demands that we profess belief in, and abhorrence toward, Nazi and Communist abominations. "Holocaust denial" has become the big thought crime, denounced by Christians who are quite tolerant of those who deny the Redemption. No similar opprobrium, by the way, attaches to Gulag denial. After all, nobody who really believes a thing wants to force others to profess belief in it. Sincerity never demands hypocrisy. 

Even the word "Holocaust" has come to seem a polemical appropriation of human suffering that verges on the indecent. I remember an old Jewish woman I slightly knew who had a number tattooed on her wrist. That told me all I needed to know about Hitler, and it would be pedantic to wonder whether a regime that was willing to brand Jews like cattle meant to kill them all. But it would have seemed morally crass to call what that woman had been through as a girl "the Holocaust": It's beginning to sound like a brand name, of special utility to glib hawkers. All the victims of World War II, including Jews, deserve more respect than that. (Joseph Sobran is a nationally-syndicated columnist, lecturer and Critic-at-Large for National Review. This commentary is taken from his "Washington Watch"column in the May 13, 1993, issue of The Wanderer, a conservative Roman Catholic weekly). 

"Examine All the Evidence" by Louis Vezelis 

On April 22, 1993, an ugly, monstrous edifice was dedicated in Washington, DC. It is a grotesque museum dedicated to the victims of evil. The only problem is that the majority of people throughout the world have been conditioned like Pavlovian dogs to react irrationally to predetermined stimuli. Those who refuse are summarily isolated from the rest of the dehumanized human herd through use of meaningless but emotionally-charged epithets. 

It is quite easy to observe which newspapers are subservient to this modern day hoax. The subject is the so-called "Holocaust Museum" built on public land "generously" donated by the US government... 

Insulting terminology in an editorial appearing in the left-wing, pro-Zionist, anti-Christian Democrat and Chronicle [newspaper of Rochester, New York] introduces the reader to the most obvious abuse of logic and good taste. But, logic and good taste have systematically been expunged from the American mind during a period of more than thirty years. 

Well-informed American citizens demonstrated [in Washington, DC, on April 22] against the historically false accusations constantly made against the German people and other nationalities whose only real crime was resisting the international gangsters who facetiously call their brand of exploitation "Communism." 

The Democrat and Chronicle editorial starts out: 

The mindless folks who were waving signs at the opening of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, last week claiming that the Holocaust never happened merely demonstrate why the museum is so important: to preserve the facts, before they disappear in the mists of history. 

These "mindless folks" include none other than well-educated professors and professional historians, investigative reporters and, in general, are among the most descent people of a civilized society. It is their *right and duty* to examine all the evidence, and draw the truthful conclusions concerning what really happened in history. 

There is already a strong indication that those who promote the Holocaust story are afraid of the truth. That can only explain the need for ridiculing those who seek only to present the entire matter before an open world forum of unbiased and unprejudiced investigators. Because the preponderance of objective and factual evidence shows the promoters of the Holocaust story to be libelous frauds, sneak tactics and irrational emotionalism must be used. 

We are concerned for the truth. Only those who are not of the truth must resort to lies and bloodshed. Facts by themselves do not constitute truth. Truth is in the judgment . . . 

The Hollywood cosmetics exploiting the unfortunate victims of death do not prove anything. For example, to film or photograph dead bodies, and then label them according to one's political need is a travesty of justice and truth beyond the capability of morally responsible individuals. Facts must be correctly interpreted before they can tell something of truth. 

Another example is the famous "Anne Frank Diary" which has been foisted upon the American people at all levels. We all wept at the Hollywood tear-jerker action on the silver screen. Decent people reacted as expected by the unscrupulous falsifiers of fact. It has come to the attention of more and more people that this diary is a fraud. Yes, it has been proven to be fake. Public school facilities are periodically used to foist this fraud upon unsuspecting citizenry to re-enforce the psychological brainwashing. 

Anne Frank was not fake: She really did live. But everything else about her life is a melodramatic, money-making operation to overwhelm the world with hatred for a nation. . . No one says anything comparable about the children brutally murdered by the Soviets when they occupied the Baltic States in 1940, and Germany in 1945. 

A French Professor whose love for truth is greater than his love for fame and life, Robert Faurisson, has proven that the alleged "diary" of Anne Frank could not have been written by her . . . 

While the American people are being lulled into very dangerous apathy by being fed psycho-babble, a real holocaust, including child murder, is taking place every day in occupied Palestine. . . 

Could it be that someone is trying to put a guilt complex on the American people so they will not dare raise a loud voice of protest against greater evils? (Louis Vezelis, O.F.M., is editor of The Seraph, a traditionalist Roman Catholic monthly published by the Franciscan Friars (Order of St. Francis of Assisi) of Rochester, New York. This commentary is from an editorial by Bishop Vezelis in the May 1993 issue of The Seraph). 

Articles reprinted by permission from The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 13, Number 5 (Sept./Oct. 1993): P.O. Box 1306, Torrance, CA 90505, USA. 

Children in Belsen
Children in Belsen 'Konzentrationslager' Camp, 1945 
from BBC documentary "In the Camps"

You Have a Right to Know the Truth!

David Irving: Intrepid Battler for Historical Truth by Mark Weber 

Soviet premier Nikita Kruschev might have had David Irving in mind when he once warned that historians are dangerous because they have the power to upset everything. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once said that the main thing is not to write history, but to make it. Irving is a man who has been able to do some of both. 

He is also living proof that the life of a historian need not be dull. The leftist British daily The Guardianonce commented, "If one can overlook his outrageously odious views, Irving—like Hitler—can be a funny man. The humor comes from a hint of self-mockery and an obvious delight in making liberal flesh creep." 

At the Eleventh IHR Conference in October 1992—as he had in his presentations at the IHR Conferences of 1983, 1989 and 1990—this good friend of the Institute for Historical Review not only shed new light on important chapters of twentieth-century history, he delighted attendees with humorous updates on some of the new ways he had found to make liberal flesh creep. 

In the three decades since he published his first book, Irving has firmly established himself as not only one of the most successful and widely-read historians of our time, but also as one of the most courageous. 

He has an enviable track record of uncovering startling new facts about even supposedly well-known episodes of history. His effectiveness is due in very large measure to his discovery of original source materials, such as diaries, original documents, and so forth, from both official and private sources. He is tenacious in his ceaseless digging in just about every important historical archive in the western world. 

A professional historian, Irving has little respect for taxpayer-financed scholars who are guilty of what he calls "inter-historian incest," and who thereby help to keep alive dangerous myths and legends left over from wartime propaganda. 

His first work, The Destruction of Dresden, was published in 1963 when he was 25 years old. Since then, he has published more than two dozen books, many of them best-sellers, including biographies of Hermann Goring, Winston Churchill, and Erwin Rommel. He is currently at work on a biography of Joseph Goebbels. 

Several of Irving's books have appeared in various languages, and several have been serialized in prominent periodicals, including the Sunday Express, the Sunday Telegraph and Der Spiegel. 

Over the years, he has also contributed articles to some 60 British and foreign periodicals, including the Daily Telegraph and the Sunday Express in London, the Mainichi Shimbun in Tokyo, and Stern and Der Spiegel in Hamburg. 

Irving's reputation first came under vicious attack following the publication in 1977 of Hitler's War, a monumental work that was hysterically criticized for its contention that Hitler did not order the extermination of Europe's Jews. The mass killings must have been carried out by Himmler and his cohorts behind Hitler's back, Irving concluded at that time. 

As a journalist for Time magazine once told him, "Until Hitler's War you couldn't put a foot wrong, you were the darling of the media. After it, they heaped slime on you." 

So enraged was the Zionist Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith by this book that the shadowy organization promptly added his name to its ever-growing list of enemies. As it turned out, the ADL's troubles with Irving were only just beginning. 

The international campaign against him became even more vicious following the publication in 1981 of Uprising, a history of the 1956 anti-Communist revolt in Hungary. This book enraged the ADL crowd because it does not whitewash the significant Jewish role in the Hungarian Communist regime. 

Irving has made several highly successful speaking and promotion tours in Germany, Canada, Australia, South Africa, the United States, and other countries. German listeners in particular delight in hearing an Englishman say out loud what many in that country believe in their souls but have been intimidated into keeping to themselves. In Germany, Irving has become a kind of conscience for a people who have been largely robbed of their own. 

A startling climax in the second "Holocaust Trial" of Ernst Zundel in 1988 was the testimony of Irving, who was the last of 23 defense witnesses. He stunned the completely packed Toronto courtroom by announcing that he had changed his mind about the Holocaust story. During his three days on the stand, he explained in detail why he now endorses the Revisionist view of the extermination story. 

In June 1989, Irving published the British edition of The Leuchter Report. This handsome, illustrated edition, for which he wrote a foreword, was launched by him at a press conference in London. He told the journalists there that the infamous extermination gas chambers of Auschwitz and Majdanek did not exist, except, perhaps, as the brainchild invention of Britain's wartime propaganda bureau, the Political Warfare Executive (PWE). 

A magnificent 860-page Focal Point edition of Hitler's War was published last year. Taking account of his most recent research and insights, references to so-called "extermination camps" have been removed from this revised edition. And in his introduction, Irving deftly tears apart one historical legend after another. 

This work—the product of decades of patient research and writing—has proven particularly enraging to the enemies of truth in history. 

In addition to the usual lies, his adversaries have even turned to criminal burglary and arson in their fitful and frantic efforts to silence him. 

Not long ago, an official of the American Jewish Committee, a certain Kenneth S. Stern, declared that Irving "NEVER has been considered a serious historian." (The Oregonian, Portland, Oct. 7, 1992). 

That is simply a baldfaced lie. 

In fact, Irving's remarkable abilities have been acknowledged by some of the most prominent names in the field. British historian Hugh Trevor-Roper, writing in the Sunday Times of London, once declared, "No praise can be too high for Irving's indefatigable scholarly industry." Trevor-Roper also called Irving one of the "few guides I would entirely trust . . . indefatigable in pursuit of the evidence, fearless in face of it, sound in judgment . . ." 

Another prominent British historian, A. J. P. Taylor, once wrote of him: "David Irving is a patient researcher of unrivalled industry and success." 

David John Cawdell Irving was born in Hutton, Essex, England, on March 24, 1938, the son of an illustrator and Royal Navy commander. His father and mother were both well-known writers. After a liberal arts education at the four-century-old Sir Anthony Browne's school in Brentwood, Essex, young Irving won a scholarship to study physics at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London. 

It did not take long, though, for him to realize that his life's calling would not be in the hard sciences. 

In 1959 he moved to Germany's industrial Ruhr region to spend a year working in a steel mill to perfect his fluency in German. Then, after a stint working as a clerk-stenographer with the US Strategic Air Command at an airbase near Madrid, he returned to England to study political economy at London's University College. 

Irving speaks fluent German, very good Spanish, and quite passable French, and reads several other languages. 

On a personal note, he is the father of four daughters. His hobbies are oil painting, travel, and cinematography, and his favorite song is the English naval hymn, "For Those in Peril of the Sea." 

He lives in the Mayfair district of London's West End, although in recent years has spent quite a lot of time at a south Florida retreat, where he now prefers to do his serious writing. 

You'd need a pickup truck to carry away all the newspaper and magazine clippings that have appeared over the years about Irving. 

In January 1992, for example, a flurry of reports appeared in newspapers and television broadcasts around the world suggesting that he had abandoned his highly skeptical view of the Holocaust extermination story because of what he had found in the postwar "memoir" of Adolf Eichmann, the German SS officer who coordinated the wartime deportations of Jews. 

Had Irving defected from the Revisionist camp? In the wake of this uproar, he told the IHR: "My position remains unchanged." There were "certain My-Lai-type atrocities" by German troops in the occupied Soviet territories, but the "gas chambers and factories of death are legend," and there is no wartime evidence of an order by Hitler to exterminate the Jews. In an interview at the time with the London Jewish Chronicle (January 17, 1992), Irving said, "The Jews are very foolish not to abandon the gas chamber theory while they still have time." 

Last May, a German court fined Irving 10,000 marks—about $6,000—for public statements he had made challenging the Holocaust story. His crime? At a meeting in Munich in 1990, Irving had said that the building in the Auschwitz main camp that has been portrayed for years as an extermination gas chamber is a phony reconstruction (or, in German, "Attrappen").

The Munich district court refused to permit the defense to present even a single witness or exhibit. For example, it would not permit Irving's attorneys to call as a witness the director of the Auschwitz State Museum, Dr. Franciszek Piper, who has privately confirmed on several occasions that what Irving had told the meeting in 1990 is, in fact, the truth. After his attorneys dramatically walked out of the courtroom to protest the judge's outrageous rulings, Irving delivered a stirring plea for truth and justice that has since been widely circulated in Germany on audio cassette and as a leaflet. (For more on this trial, see the July-August 1992 IHR Newsletter).

Also last year, Irving played the key and highly publicized role in bringing to light the long-suppressed diaries of Third Reich propaganda chief Dr. Joseph Goebbels. Last July, the London Sunday Times,one of the world's most influential papers, published extensive translated excerpts from the diary, which Irving found and transcribed. (See report in the October 1992 IHR Newsletter).

International and British Jewish organizations lost no time in attacking the paper for employing Irving, and the resulting furor made headlines in newspapers and magazines around the world. A report in the London Jewish Chronicle headlined "Sunday Times comes under pressure" (July 17, 1992), described the extent of the campaign to punish the paper for its collaboration with Irving. Officials of the American Jewish Committee added their voices to the worldwide pressure campaign, expressing particular anger because the historian has addressed several IHR conferences. The Sunday Times capitulated, and in breach of contract, refused to pay Irving the agreed-upon fee of 83,000 pounds. He is suing. 

On July 3, more than 300 Jewish demonstrators gathered outside Irving's London residence to denounce him. The next day, July fourth (by the way, the ninth anniversary of the devastating 1984 arson attack against the IHR office-warehouse), a larger crowd of several hundred met at the same place to shout more insults. Among the banners carried by the crowd of Marxists, Jews, homosexuals and Rastafarians were placards reading "Return to the Road of Lenin and Trotsky!," and "Build a Bolshevik Party, Tribune of All the Oppressed!" 

That same day, though, about 250 persons defied intimidation and threats to hear and cheer Irving and other speakers at a Revisionist seminar in London. Besides Irving, the audience heard addresses by Kirk Lyons, Leuchter's US attorney, and Georgia attorney Sam Dickson (who addressed the 1986 IHR conference). 

In all this, it is gratifying to note that it is a Revisionist historian who was—once again—at the forefront of historical discovery. In spite of the well-organized international campaign to boycott and silence him, David Irving remains at the vanguard of his profession—and, by the way, SOLELY on the basis of his indisputable knowledge, skill and industry. 

It is also gratifying to realize that, as a result of each of those recent controversies, hundreds of thousands—if not millions—of newspaper and magazine readers around the world are now aware that a historian of recognized international stature rejects critical aspects of the orthodox Holocaust extermination story. (Based on introduction of Irving at the Eleventh IHR Conference, 1992. Reprinted by permission from The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 13, Number 1 (Jan./Feb. 1993): P.O. Box 1306, Torrance, CA 90505, USA).

Jewish Wedding, Westerbork
Celebrating a Jewish wedding in Westerbork 'Konzentrationslager' Camp, Holland.
Following are four articles: 

  1. An opinion piece from a revisionist perspective (written by Bradley R. Smith) on a typical reaction of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) to a revisionist critique of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C.
  2. The article by ADL spokesman Marvin Stern which appeared in The Oregonian (Portland, OR) and is representative of the ADL response to what Mr. Stern describes as "the growing Holocaust revisionist movement."
  3. The CODOH advertisment (written by B. R. Smith) criticizing the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum that so exercises the ADL and others. This is the second major CODOH campus ad.
  4. The first (and now-famous) major CODOH campus ad, also written by Bradley R. Smith.
First a brief note from Bradley R. Smith: 

"I suspect that if spokesmen for the Museum, or for the ADL, could answer any of the questions suggested by the text of the ad, they probably would not react to it so hysterically. 

"The ad or the text of the ad has run in student newspapers at Stanford, Georgetown, University of Michigan, SUNY-Buffalo, Michigan State, Notre Dame and at other major campuses. 

"If you have any questions or need more background please call me at (209) 627 8757. Thanks, [signed] Bradley R. Smith" 

Bradley R. Smith PO Box 3267 Visalia CA 93278 Tel/Fax: (209) 733 2653 

The AntiI-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith: Trapped in a Nazi Fantasyland by Bradley R. Smith 

Marvin Stern, director for the Northwest regional branch of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), can't conceal his bewilderment over what he calls "the growing Holocaust revisionist movement." 

Mr. Stern expressed his dismay in a column published in The Oregonian, the largest-circulation daily in the Northwest. His alarm was triggered by the appearance in that newspaper of our ad, "A Revisionist's View of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum." 

He lays the blame for the growing influence of revisionism on the "ignorance" and "anti-semitism" of Americans. He appears not to understand that he's charging tens of millions of American citizens with being ignorant, anti-Jewish bigots (a recent Roper poll reported 20 to 30 percent of adult Americans doubt they are being told the truth about the Holocaust story). 

Spokesmen for the ADL have propagandized themselves into an empty intellectual corner. Having refused to judge revisionist research on its merits, refusing still to admit that revisionists have any substantive arguments whatever, refusing debate or even an exchange of civility, the ADL'ers are left with no intellectual tools to work with but invective, misrepresentation, slander, and a sickly dependence on playing their "nazi" card. 

One result of this intellectually and psychologically stunted behavior is that many ADL-ers appear to be obsessed with nazis and nazism, neo-nazis, intimations of nazism, rumors about nazis and crazy nazi conspiracies to rehabilitate Adolf's reputation. 

Some ADL'ers, Stern appearing to be one of them, live in an imaginary nazi wonderland where they fantasize armies of nazis marching toward them from distant horizons, singing songs of conquest, whips in hand, about to leap through the ADL office window to lash the hapless drudges inside and mistreat them sexually. Such fantasies must be traumatizing for those who suffer them, but to others they can appear comic and infantile. 

The text of my ad, which prompted Stern's response, makes at least two claims which admittedly are controversial. It asserts that the Holocaust Museum exhibits no proof that homicidal gas chambers existed anywhere in Europe, and no proof that even one child, woman or man was "gassed" at any German camp liberated by the Allies. I flew to Washington, toured the Museum, and that's my assessment of its exhibits. 

Mr. Stern writes that the best response to the "outrageous lies" of revisionism, that is, the text of my ad about the Museum, is to "reiterate the truth" and "repeat the facts." It's good advice, but Stern avoids it like the plague. Instead, he reveals the common ADL self-serving obsession with hate movements growing like cancers in American society. He doesn't even try to assure his readers that the Museum does, in fact, exhibit proof of one gas chamber or one victim of a gas chamber. Why? 

The Marvin Sterns and the ADL face a conundrum. They can continue to rail with empty irrationalism against legitimate revisionist research and watch the number of Americans who are increasingly unsure what to believe about the Holocaust story increase year after year. 

Or they can turn to the orthodox scholars in the field for help in responding to revisionist questions. That would be the adult thing to do. The ADL'ers however, true to form, have chosen to do the childish thing—to substitute schoolyard insults for a grown-up exchange of ideas. 

Stern's article in The Oregonian ran under the head, "Holocaust Revisionists Should Be Challenged, Repudiated With Truth." Marvin and I are in complete agreement on this one. Do it! Challenge the claims in my ad with truth! That has always been what I've asked for. It's my invitation to the ADL'ers and my challenge to them—and to all others. Respond to my ads with truth. I don't EVER want to run an ad that contains an inadvertent error of fact. 

Why do the Marvin Sterns talk about repudiating revisionism with "truth" and always evade doing so? Here's my guess. While revisionists almost certainly are not right about everything, we're not wrong about everything either. No one is wrong about everything! That's what terrifies Marvin Stern and his ADL buddies. The day they admit the possibility that revisionists are not wrong about everything, their psychological world will collapse. They'll have admitted that revisionists are human beings, that we eat our soup with a spoon just like they do. 

And there's the rub. The ADL-ers can't afford to admit that revisionists are ordinary men and women—that is, human beings. The ADL committed itself to its nazi devil fantasy half a century ago and has ridden it so long so successfully it can't get off, no matter how broken down and exhausted the old nag is. 

Marvin Stern is probably a nice guy. He's probably a smart guy. When a smart guy goes over the line and becomes a true believer it's almost impossible for him to change his mind. When a true believer changes his mind he becomes an apostate. He feels like a traitor. A dumb guy can just change his mind and go about his business. A smart guy who's become a true believer has to work out a theory explaining how, being so smart, he could have believed something so dumb so long. It's not easy. I know. 

Marvin, I used to believe everything about the Holocaust story you believe now. It's not a sin to be wrong. It's human. You have a theory you believe is true, I have a theory I think is true. Let's talk things over. You know how it goes. I listen to you. You listen to me. We have a beer. We settle the world's problems. (Bradley R. Smith is director of Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust.)

Holocaust Revisionists should be Challenged, Repudiated with Truth 
by Marvin Stern

The changes in the world over the last five years have been breath-taking. If anyone sought to deny the facts of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the crumbling of South African apartheid, the anti-Iraq coalition in the Persian Gulf War, the historic handshake on the White House lawn, he would be met with ridicule or ignored as a fool. 

How then to explain the growing Holocaust revisionism movement, spearheaded by the California-based Institute for Historical Review—founded by longtime anti-Semite Willis Carto of the Liberty Lobby to deny history's most fully documented atrocity? 

There are two answers: the danger of ignorance and the power of anti-Semitism. 

Consider how Holocaust denial reflects traditional anti-Semitic themes. Typically, anti-Semites charge Jews with too much power, with conspiratorial control of events and institutions. The best-known illustration of this is "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," the notorious turn-of-the-century forgery. 

Distributors of Holocaust-denial literature spread this hoax as well. Deniers describe the Holocaust as a myth concocted by Jews to extract sympathy, money, and moral carte blanche; they portray the Holocaust and the Nuremberg Trials as conspiracies to promote Jewish power and influence. 

When Holocaust revisionists dispute the facts of the Nazi genocide, they are attacking what they assert is the Jewish stranglehold on academia, the media and international politics. 

Another motive behind far-right efforts to deny the Holocaust is the rehabilitation of the reputation of Nazism and its leaders. A third goal is to undermine the legitimacy of the state of Israel. Indeed, revisionists have often referred to the Holocaust as Zionist propaganda. 

How to respond to such outrageous lies? First, reiterate the truth. Repeat the facts—they are clear, hideous and plentiful—as often as necessary. Education is crucial. The following noteworthy development at a major campus is instructive: 

When the campus newspaper at Duke University published a large advertisement by Holocaust deniers, the university's History Department published a unanimous rebuttal, criticizing the paper for treating such garbage as legitimate analysis. 

"As historians," they wrote, "we deplore this effort to use the language of scholarship to distort and obliterate an event which to our everlasting shame did occur. We urge all members of the (campus) community to treat such advertisements with the contempt they deserve." 

In addition, we must demand the same sense of moral courage and principle from other intellectual and political leaders in the face of this hate movement masquerading as scholarship. Otherwise it will continue to grow like an untreated cancer. 

Clearly, today's extremists are more subtle, deceptive and technologically sophisticated. The Institute for Historical Review publishes a journal and holds conventions to mimic the formalities of legitimate learning. Resourceful racists, anti-Semites and xenophobic haters around the world are using sanitized and computerized campaigns to exploit controversial social issues, to gain access to national debates, and to influence an all-too-often uninformed public. 

In response to this propaganda, measures to preserve the memory of Adolf Hitler's victims have taken on a new importance. The Anti-Defamation League's work in this regard includes the activities of the Braun Center for Holocaust Studies, the Jewish Foundation for Christian Rescuers and the Hidden Child Foundation, our yearly Holocaust symposium for high school students and teachers held in conjunction with the Oregon Holocaust Resource Center at Portland State University, as well as curriculum materials used in hundreds of school systems. 

But a largely uninformed new generation presents Holocaust revisionists with an opportunity to exploit. An increasing distance separates this generation from the events of World War II. As the survivors pass from the scene, and as hollow comparisons proliferate, the danger posed by ignorance about the Holocaust grows. 

We know that an awareness of the past is crucial to understanding its consequences in the present, and avoiding its tragedies in the future. Understanding and communicating the uniqueness of the doctrines and methods through which the Nazis implemented their destructive agenda are crucial steps toward ensuring that such horror never recurs. 

The task of the decent majority is to safe-guard historical memory, and to educate our neighbors and future generations against lies, hatred and the blandishments of evil. (From The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 9 November 1993). (MARVIN STERN IS PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL DIRECTOR FOR THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI B'RITH IN SEATTLE). 

A Revisionist's View of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museumin Washington, D.C. 
by Bradley R. Smith 

After ten years in the planning, $165 million in start-up costs and a government guarantee of tens of millions more in tax subsidies, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum demonstrates why, according to a Roper Organization poll, 22 percent (some 25 millions!) of all adult Americans have doubts about the orthodox Holocaust story. 

What are the facts? 

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum displays no proof anywhere of homicidal "gassing" chambers and no proof that even ONE INDIVIDUAL was "gassed" at any camp liberated by Allied armies. 

"Proof" for a gas chamber at Birkenau is a plastic model created by a Polish ARTISTE. A plastic copy of a metal door is displayed as "proof" of a homicidal gas chamber at Maidanek. And, INCREDIBLY, the Museum has simply "dropped" the Auschwitz gas chamber, the basement room visited yearly by hundreds of thousands of tourists in Poland. 

There is no mention of the alleged gas chambers at Buchenwald or even at Dachau, where after World War Two American G.I.s and German civilians were assured that more than 200,000 victims were "gassed and burned." 

Human soap? Human skin lamp shades? Not a sign of them in this Museum. These monstrous lies are now all gone—straight down the memory hole! 

The notion that eyewitness testimony given under highly politicized and emotional circumstances, which this museum relies so heavily on, is, PRIMA FACIE, true, was refuted by the Israeli Supreme Court when it acquitted John Demjanjuk of being "Ivan the Terrible." The Israeli Court found that the eyewitnesses who testified against Demjanjuk could not be believed! 

Deborah Lipstadt argues in her much-praised Denying the Holocaust, that revisionists ["deniers"] should not be debated because there "can not be" another side to the Holocaust story. She charges that it is "hateful" to listen to a defense of those accused of mass murder! In essence, she argues that we bury America's old civil virtues of free inquiry and open debate—but to what end? 

The Deborah Lipstadts—and there is a clique of them on every campus—work to suppress revisionist research and demand that students and faculty ape their fascist behavior. If you refuse to accept the Lipstadt clique as your intellectual FUHRERS, you risk being slandered as an "anti-semite." These quasi religious Holocaust zealots claim that because of the "purity" of their own feelings about the Jewish experience during World War Two, yours are soiled if you doubt what they preach as "truth." 

Winston Churchill, in his massive six-volume history of World War Two, and Dwight D. Eisenhower in his memoirs, both omitted all reference to "gas chambers" and their use in an alleged "genocide" of the Jews. How do the Museum and the Deborah Lipstadts explain that? 

To many it will appear impossible that deception on such a grand scale can actually be taking place. Yet such deception is not unusual in the realms of politics, ideology or religion. We are being deceived for one reason, and one reason only—we have refused to listen to the other side of the story. 

The Operation and Technique of the Museum 

The Museum's exhibit technique is a mixture of sinister suggestion and dishonest omission. The first display confronting visitors beginning the Museum tour is a wall-sized photograph of American soldiers looking at corpses smoldering on a pyre. The "context" in which you see the photo suggests that the dead are "exterminated" Jews. 

But were the prisoners killed or did they die of typhus or some other disease during the last terrible weeks of the war? Autopsies made by Allied medical personnel found that inmates died of disease. Not one was found to have been "gassed." ALL SUCH RELEVANT INFORMATION IS PURPOSELY OMITTED FROM THE EXHIBIT. WE DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT THE DEAD PICTURED IN THE PHOTO ARE JEWS! 

Unable to judge the significance of the photograph, and not wanting to believe the Museum would mislead you, you are moved to accept the false and manipulative suggestion that it represents the "genocide" of the Jews. 


Academic bureaucrats, career-driven professors and an opulent Holocaust Lobby of self-described intellectual "giants" are those who form the last barrier against a free exchange of ideas. It is childish and dishonest to insinuate that open debate is "dangerous" to the Jewish community. Don't believe it! Open debate BENEFITS Jews and Gentiles alike—for precisely the same reasons! 

Contact CODOH to inquire about speakers or to view our one-hour video on the scandal of the Auschwitz "gas chamber." Demonstrate to the fuhrers of conformity on your campus that you want intellectual liberty, not "leaders." 

This ad [when published in newspapers] has been published and paid for by CODOH Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust 

PO Box 3267 Visalia CA 93278 Tel/Fax: 209 733 2653 

(CODOH) was founded to promote a free exchange of ideas about the Holocaust story. CODOH is not a membership organization and is not affiliated with any political party or group. Only your contributions enable us to publish this ad in college and high school newspapers across the country. Our overhead is minimal. Every donation is welcome. Your support is needed. 1093 

by Bradley R. Smith


No subject enrages campus Thought Police more than Holocaust Revisionism. We debate every other great historical issue as a matter of course, but influential pressure groups with private agendas have made the Holocaust story an exception. Elitist dogma manipulated by special interest groups corrupts everything in academia. Students should be encouraged to investigate the Holocaust story the same way they are encouraged to investigate every other historical event. This isn't a radical point of view. The premises for it were worked out centuries ago during a little something called the Enlightenment. 


Revisionists agree with establishment historians that the German National Socialist State singled out the Jewish people for special and cruel treatment. In addition to viewing Jews in the framework of traditional anti-Semitism, the Nazis also saw them as being an influential force behind international communism. During the Second World War, Jews were considered to be enemies of the State and a potential danger to the war effort, much like the Japanese were viewed in this country. Consequently, Jews were stripped of their rights, forced to live in ghettos, conscripted for labor, deprived of their property, deported from the countries of their birth and otherwise mistreated. Many tragically perished in the maelstrom. 

Revisionists part company with establishment historians in that Revisionists deny that the German State had a policy to exterminate the Jewish people (or anyone else) by putting them to death in gas chambers or killing them through abuse or neglect. Revisionists also maintain that the figure of 6 million Jewish deaths is an irresponsible exaggeration, and that no execution gas chambers existed in any camp in Europe which was under German control. Fumigation gas chambers did exist to delouse clothing and equipment to prevent disease at the camps. It is very likely that it was from this life-SAVING procedure that the myth of extermination gas chambers emerged. 

Revisionists generally hold that the Allied governments decided to carry their wartime "black propaganda" of German monstrosity over into the postwar period. This was done for essentially three reasons. First, they felt it necessary to continue to justify the great sacrifices that were made in fighting two world wars. A second reason was that they wanted to divert attention from and to justify their own particularly brutal crimes against humanity which, apart from Soviet atrocities, involved massive incendiary bombings of the civilian populations of German and Japanese cities. The third and perhaps most important reason was that they needed justification for the postwar arrangements which, among other things, involved the annexation of large parts of Germany into Poland. These territories were not disputed borderlands but included huge parts of Germany proper. The millions of Germans living in these regions were to be dispossessed of their property and brutally expelled from their homelands. Many hundreds of thousands were to perish in the process. A similar fate was to befall the Sudetan Germans. 

During the war, and in the postwar era as well, Zionist organizations joined with the Allied Governments and became deeply involved in creating and promulgating anti-German hate propaganda. There is little doubt that their purpose was to drum up world sympathy and political and financial support for Jewish causes, especially for the formation of the State of Israel. Today, while the political benefits of the Holocaust story have largely dissipated for the others, the story still plays an important role in the ambitions of Zionist and other organizations in the Jewish community. It is the leaders of these political and propaganda organizations who continue to work to sustain the orthodox Holocaust legend and the myth of German monstrosity during the Second World War. 

Those who would claim that these interpretations are anti-Jewish are reading into them something which simply is not there. Revisionists do not claim that Jewish leaders or organizations did anything in the war and postwar era which the Allied Governments themselves did not do. 

For those who believe that the Nuremberg Trials revealed the truth about German war crimes, it is a bracing shock to discover that the then Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Harlan Fiske Stone, described the Nuremberg court as "a high-grade lynching party for Germans." 


We've all seen "The Photographs." Endlessly. Newsreel photos taken by U.S. and British photographers at the liberation of the German camps, and especially the awful scenes at Dachau, Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen. These films are typically presented in such a way in which it is either stated or implied that the scenes resulted from deliberate policies on the part of the Germans. The photographs are real. The uses to which they have been put are base. 

There was no German policy at any of those camps to deliberately kill the internees. In the last months of the war, while Soviet armies were advancing on Germany from the east, the British and U.S. air arms were destroying every major city in Germany with saturation bombing. Transportation, the food distribution system and medical and sanitation services all broke down. That was the purpose of the Allied bombing, which has been described as the most barbarous form of warfare in Europe since the Mongol invasions. 

Millions of refugees fleeing the Soviet armies were pouring into Germany. The camps still under German control were overwhelmed with internees from the east. By early 1945 the inmate population was swept by malnutrition and by epidemics of typhus, typhoid, dysentery and chronic diarrhea. Even the mortuary systems broke down. When the press entered the camps with British and U.S. soldiers, they found the results of all that. They took "The Photographs." 

Still, at camps such as Buchenwald, Dachau and Bergen-Belsen TENS OF THOUSANDS of relatively healthy internees were liberated. They were there in the camps when "The Photographs" were taken. There are newsreels of those internees walking through the camp streets laughing and talking. Others picture exuberant internees throwing their caps in the air and cheering their liberators. It is only natural to ask why you haven't seen those particular films and photos while you've seen the others scores and even hundreds of times.

football at Theresienstadt
Jewish internees playing football at Theresienstadt 'Konzentrationslager' Camp.
football at Auschwitz
British football team at Auschwitz. There were also Scottish, Irish and Welsh teams.
The internees were not "worked to death" or ill-treated as claimed;   HUNDREDS of 
other prisoners always watched and cheered.  Do they look undernourished, badly 
treated, or over worked? I don't think so either.

Spokesmen for the Holocaust Lobby like to assure us that there are "tons" of captured German documents which prove the Jewish genocide. When challenged on this, however, they can produce only a handful of documents, the authenticity or interpretation of which is always highly questionable. If pressed for reliable documentation, the Lobby will then reverse itself and claim that the Germans destroyed all of the relevant documents to hide their evil deeds, or it will make the absurd claim that the Germans used a simplistic code language or whispered verbal orders for mass murder into each others' ears. 

With regard to the alleged genocide of the European Jews, all available documentation indicates that there was no order for it, no budget, no weapon (that is, no so-called execution gas chamber) and no victim (that is, not a single autopsied body at any camp has been shown to have been gassed). 


As documentary "proofs" for the mass-murder of the European Jews fall by the wayside, Holocaust historians depend increasingly on "eye-witness" testimonies to support their theories. Many of these testimonies are ludicrously unreliable. History is filled with stories of masses of people claiming to be eyewitnesses to everything from witchcraft to flying saucers. 

During and after the war there were "eyewitnesses" to mass murder in gas chambers at Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau and other camps in Germany proper. Today, virtually all recognized scholars dismiss this eyewitness testimony as false, and agree that there were no extermination gas chambers in any camp in Germany proper. 

Establishment historians, however, still claim that extermination gas chambers existed at Auschwitz and at other camps in Poland. The eyewitness testimony and the evidence for this claim is, in reality, qualitatively no different than the false testimony and evidence for the alleged gas chambers at the camps in Germany proper. 

During the war crimes trials many "eyewitnesses" testified that Germans made soap out of human fat and lamp shades from human skin. Allied prosecutors even produced evidence to support these charges. For decades, highly respected scholars at the most prestigious universities in the Western world sanctioned these stories, leading us to believe that they were "irrefutable truths." But with time, many such stories have become untenable, and in May 1990 Yehuda Bauer, director of Holocaust studies at Hebrew University in Tel Aviv, admitted that: "The Nazis never made soap from Jews . . ."(quoted in The Jerusalem Post, International Edition, 5 May 1990, p. 6). This is only one recent example where an "irrefutable" Holocaust "truth" has been exposed as a monstrous lie. 

With regard to confessions by Germans at war crimes trials, it is now well documented that many were obtained through coercion, intimidation and even physical torture. 


British Historian David Irving, perhaps the most widely read historian writing in English, has called the Auschwitz death-camp story a "sinking ship" and states that there were "no gas chambers at Auschwitz . . ." 

The Auschwitz State Museum has recently revised its half-century-old claim that 4 million humans were murdered there. The Museum now says maybe it was 1 million. But what proof does the Museum provide to document the 1 million figure? None! The communist propagandists who manage the museum have put on display piles of hair, boots and eyeglasses, etc. While such displays are effective propaganda devices, they are worthless as historical documentation for "gassings" or a program of "extermination." 

Meanwhile, Revisionists want to know where those 3 million souls have been the last 45 years. Were they part of the fabled Six Million? 

Those who promote the Holocaust story complain that "the whole world" was indifferent to the genocide which allegedly was occurring in German occupied Europe. When asked why this was the case the promoters usually respond by saying that it was due to some great moral flaw in the nature of Western man. At other times they make the absurd claim that people did not realize the enormity of what was happening. It is true that the world responded with indifference. How else should people have responded to that which they did not believe, and which for them was a non-event? 

It is certain that if there had been "killing factories" in Poland murdering millions of civilians, then the Red Cross, the Pope, humanitarian agencies, the Allied governments, neutral governments, and prominent figures such as Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill, Eisenhower and many others would have known about it and would have often and unambiguously mentioned it, and condemned it. They didn't!The promoters admit that only a tiny group of individuals believed the story at the time—many of whom were connected with Jewish propaganda agencies. The rise of the Holocaust story reads more like the success story of a PR campaign than anything else. 

Winston Churchill wrote the six volumes of his monumental work, The Second World War, without mentioning a program of mass-murder and genocide. Maybe it slipped his mind. Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his memoir Crusade in Europe, also failed to mention gas chambers. Was the weapon used to murder millions of Jews unworthy of a passing reference? Was our future president being insensitive to Jews? 


Many people, when they first hear Holocaust Revisionist arguments, find themselves bewildered. The arguments appear to make sense, but "How is it possible?" The whole world believes the Holocaust story. It's just not plausible that so great a conspiracy to suppress the truth could have functioned for half a century. 

To understand how it could very well have happened, one needs only to reflect on the intellectual and political orthodoxies of medieval Europe, or those of Nazi Germany or the Communist-bloc countries. In all of these societies the great majority of scholars were caught up in the existing political culture. Committed to a prevailing ideology and its interpretation of reality, these scholars and intellectuals felt it was their right, and even their duty, to protect every aspect of that ideology. They did so by oppressing the evil dissidents who expressed "offensive" or "dangerous" ideas. In every one of those societies, scholars became Thought Police. 

In our own society, in the debate over the question of political correctness, there are those who deliberately attempt to trivialize the issues. They claim that there is no real problem with freedom of speech on our campuses, and that all that is involved with PC are a few rules which would defend minorities from those who would hurt their feelings. There is, of course, a deeper and more serious aspect to the problem. On American campuses today there is a wide range of ideas and viewpoints that are forbidden to be discussed openly. Even obvious facts and realities, when they are politically unacceptable, are denied and suppressed. One can learn much about the psychology and methodology of Thought Police by watching how they react when just one of their taboos is broken and Holocaust Revisionism is given a public forum. 

First they express outrage that such offensive and dangerous ideas were allowed to be expressed publicly. They avoid answering or debating these ideas, claiming that to do so would give them a forum and legitimacy. Then they make vicious personal attacks against the Revisionist heretic, calling him dirty political names such as "anti- Semite," "racist" or "neo-Nazi," and they even suggest that he is a potential mass murderer. They publicly accuse the Revisionist of lying, but they don't allow the heretic to hear the specific charge against him or to face his accusers so that he can answer this slander. 

The Holocausters accuse Revisionists of being hate filled people who are promoting a doctrine of hatred. But Revisionism is a scholarly process, not a doctrine or ideology. If the Holocaust promoters really want to expose hatred, they should take a second look at their own doctrines, and a long look at themselves in the mirror. 

Anyone on campus who invites a Revisionist to speak is himself attacked as being insensitive. When a Revisionist does speak on campus he is oftentimes shouted down and threatened. Campus libraries and bookstores face intimidation when they consider handling Holocaust revisionist materials. All this goes on while the majority of faculty and university administrators sit dumbly by, allowing political activists to determine what can be said and what can be read on their campus. 

Next, the Thought Police set out to destroy the transgressor professionally and financially by "getting" him at his job or concocting a lawsuit against him. The courts are sometimes used to attack Revisionism. The Holocausters often deceptively claim that Revisionist scholarship has been proven false during a trial. The fact is that Revisionist arguments have never been evaluated or judged by the courts. 

Finally, the Thought Police try to "straighten out" that segment of academia or the media that allowed the Revisionists a forum in the first place. 

It can be an instructive intellectual exercise to identify taboo subjects, other than Holocaust Revisionism, which would evoke comparable responses from Thought Police on our campuses. 

Recently, some administrators in academia have held that university administrations should take actions to rid the campus of ideas which are disruptive to the university. This is a very dangerous position for administrators to take. It is an open invitation to tyranny. It means that any militant group with "troops at the ready" can rid the campus of ideas it opposes and then impose its own orthodoxy. The cowardly administrator finds it much easier and safer to rid the campus of controversial ideas than to face down a group of screaming and snarling militants. But it is the duty of university administrators to insure that the university remains a free marketplace of ideas. When ideas cause disruptions, it is the disrupters who must be subdued, not the ideas. 


The influence of Holocaust Revisionism is growing steadily both here and abroad. In the United States, Revisionism was launched in earnest in 1977 with the publication of the book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century by Arthur R. Butz. Professor Butz teaches electrical engineering and computer sciences at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. 

Those who take up the Revisionist cause represent a wide spectrum of political and philosophical positions. They are certainly not the scoundrels, liars and demons the Holocaust Lobby tries to make them out to be. The fact is, there are no demons in the real world. People are at their worst when they begin to see their opponents as an embodiment of evil, and then begin to demonize them. Such people are preparing to do something simply awful to their opponents. Their logic is that you can do anything you want to a demon. 

That logic will not succeed. 

* * *

For those wishing to verify the truthfulness of statements made in this paper, you may want to contact experts who are prominent authorities on these matters. It's important to ask specific, concrete questions on matters of fact and receive direct and unambiguous answers. Organizations such as the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Hillel and the Anti-Defamation League are not scholarly institutions, but are primarily political and propaganda organizations. 

Auschwitz Director Comes Clean About Fraudulent "Gas Chamber"

An exclusive videotape interview Debunks a major part of the "Holocaust" story, and reveals the deception that is STILL GOING ON. . . ! 

This is a video that will make you ask—"Just how much of the 'Holocaust' story can we believe?"—as you learn of falsified "proofs" and deceptive claims about "gas chambers," not from the mouths of Holocaust "revisionists" but in the words of one of the most knowledgeable and ardent supporters of the orthodox "Holocaust" story. This is a video that affirms what revisionists have maintained for years: that the Soviets and Poles made a practice of "creating" proofs of "homicidal gas chambers" AFTER World War Two, and that the hundreds of thousands of tourists who journey to Auschwitz each year to see for themselves proof of the "final solution" are being deceived. 

In this unprecedented interview given to Jewish revisionist David Cole, (who has debated the "Holocaust" nationally on the Montel Williams Show and has been profiled by CBS' 48 Hours), Dr. Franciszek Piper, Senior Curator and Director of Archives at the Auschwitz State Museum states on camera that the alleged "homicidal gas chamber" at the Auschwitz main camp shown off to tourists from all over the world as being in its "original state" is, in fact, a RECONSTRUCTION, redesigned AFTER THE WAR to look like a gas chamber. 

Dr. Piper reveals to David Cole, on camera, how walls were knocked down and holes with "Zyklon B induction chimneys" installed in the roof so that the building could be exhibited as a "proof" of the "final solution." And he doesn't stop there. For a solid hour Dr. Piper talks about other "proofs" at Auschwitz for the "final solution" which are ALSO "reconstructions," and discusses details of the camp that only a man such as he, who has worked at Auschwitz for a quarter century, would know. Then, in stunning footage, you'll see David Cole, while on the official tour of Auschwitz, being told by his guide that the Auschwitz main-camp "gas chamber" is in its ORIGINAL STATE, the same—and there's no other word for it—lie told to all tourists. The uncomfortable conclusion cannot be avoided: the people who run Auschwitz tell people things that THEY THEMSELVES KNOW ARE NOT TRUE! 

Will you be able to argue with the words of a respected "Holocaust" scholar when he states for the record that one of the main "proofs" of the "final solution" is NO PROOF AT ALL? (Video available from: "CODOH," POB 3267 Visalia CA 93278, or the Institute for Historical Review P.O. Box 2739 Newport Beach, CA 92659).

"We're Loud, We're Proud, & Best of All, We're Right!"


(Presented at the Eleventh IHR Conference, October 1992) 

When I decided last September to take a well-deserved vacation, I thought, what better destination than Europe. After all, as a Revisionist, I'd always felt it my duty to see the concentration camps in person. My girl-friend, though, said that she'd like to go to Europe to visit Euro-Disney, the new Disneyland theme park in France. So I thought for a while about where to go: Auschwitz or Euro-Disney. And as I looked around, and saw the miserable state of the world and this country, the political and social malaise and depression, I realized that if I did take a vacation, I wanted to go to a place as far away from reality as possible: a fantasy land of wondrous fairy tales. So, of course, I chose Auschwitz. 

Now that I've gone through the Auschwitz main camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek, Mauthausen, and Dachau, I feel even more secure in my position as a Revisionist that there exists no convincing evidence that Jews or anyone else were taken EN MASSE into gas chambers and killed by the Nazis at these camps. In fact, the remains that I inspected at the camp sites seem, in many different ways, to directly contradict these claims. 

I returned to the United States with more than 25 hours of video footage from the camps. At Majdanek I uncovered obvious tampering with the buildings exhibited as gas chambers. This evidence was discovered when my attractive camerawoman busted a lock and got us into a room that is not open to tourists. There we were able to view several items in their original state, most notably the doors, which were clearly constructed to latch from both the outside AND the inside. 

(DAVID COLE [is a Jew who] was raised and educated in Los Angeles, where he lives and works. Because of his support for Holocaust Revisionism, he was assaulted during a meeting at the University of California at Los Angeles on January 22, 1992, by thugs of the Jewish Defense League, who hit him in the face and bloodied his nose. JDL leader Irv Rubin also tried to push Cole down a flight of stairs. In April 1992 he appeared—along with Journal editor Mark Weber—as a guest on the Montel Williams Show, a nationally syndicated television program, to present the Revisionist view of the Holocaust story). 

The high point of my visit, though, was my interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper, Senior Curator of the Polish government's Auschwitz State Museum. He has worked there for more than 26 years. On tape, he admits that the so-called gas chamber in Crematory Building (Krema) I, which is shown to half a million visitors a year as a genuine homicidal gas chamber, is in fact a reconstruction—even down to the holes cut into the ceiling. Piper also admits that walls were knocked down and bathroom facilities removed. He went on to tell us that the remains of the "white cottage," supposed site of the first preliminary gassings at Birkenau, are also reconstructed. This was hardly news to me. Even a quick examination of the remains of the "white cottage" shows that the bricks are not connected in any way, but are simply laid on top of each other like children's building blocks. 

Piper has no problems with the Leuchter Report. He told me that he agrees with Leuchter's findings regarding traces of ferro-ferric-cyanide in the walls of Crematory Buildings (Kremas) I, II and III. So what is his explanation for this lack of traces in the supposed homicidal gas chambers when, by contrast, there are significant traces in the non-homicidal delousing chambers? He told me that the amount of hydrogen cyanide (from Zyklon) supposedly used by Germans to kill people—unlike the amount needed to kill lice in delousing chambers—was not enough to leave blue (ferro-ferric-cyanide) staining, or appreciable traces. 

This argument has problems, though. For one thing, the supposed homicidal gas chambers at Majdanek (which in reality were non-homicidal delousing chambers) have abundant blue staining. So according to Piper's "Holocaust logic," gassing people in Auschwitz did not leave blue stains, but gassing people at Majdanek did. Talk about a Magic Kingdom! As we spoke, I half expected to see Piper's nose grow as long as Pinocchio's! 

The importance of Piper's revelations is obvious. The burden of proof has now shifted decisively to the Exterminationist side. For example, Piper's admission that the four holes in the ceiling of Crematory Building (Krema) I were put in after the war makes ludicrous the oft-repeated claim of Auschwitz tourists that "Now I've seen the gas chambers with my own two eyes." Now that the often-made claims about Krema I in its present state are no longer valid, can the Exterminationists produce ANY evidence—a photograph, document, plan or order—showing that the supposed gas chamber there was EVER used to kill people as alleged? Most likely not, but what else is new? We've never been asked to accept the Holocaust story on anything but faith, and for me, that's not good enough. 

On the issue of the Holocaust—and perhaps uniquely on this issue—we are told: "Close the books, there will be no more learning, no more discussion, no more questions. Not only will no questions be tolerated, but anyone who dares to ask such questions will be slandered and viciously attacked." 

Now, as someone who believes that part of being human is to learn something new every day, I respond: "How dare you tell me there will be no more learning?" The establishment that maintains the Holocaust story on life support admits that there is no direct proof of homicidal gassings. No order, no document, no pictures, only "eyewitnesses." 

And what of these eyewitnesses? The Holocaust lobby insists that this is convincing evidence. But what kind of evidence is this? In some European countries, a person who denies the gas chambers can be jailed, fined, or physically attacked. He might lose his job, his standing in the community, maybe even his life. Something similar has happened in Canada. In the United States, he might be attacked and vilified. And if he says that he comes by his knowledge from first-hand experience—in other words from helping to run the camps during the war years—then he might easily find himself deported to Israel or eastern Europe, where he might be sentenced to death or at least stripped of his US citizenship and denied due process. 

In other words, we only hear of eyewitnesses from one side because witnesses from the other side have been strong-armed into silence. This is governmental coercion of the worst kind, and on a worldwide scale no less. One kind of eyewitness is encouraged, the other kind if warned that his words might lead to deportation, imprisonment, loss of livelihood, property, and even life. Some great victory for the Holocaust lobby: The game has been fixed! 

Let people speak! If for no one else, I demand this for my own sake. I want to know what happened during World War Two, and yet how can I if those who might have firsthand knowledge are told: "Speak only the official line, or suffer the consequences." I insist on my human right to learn. 

There are those who say, "Okay, so maybe the Holocaust is a bit exaggerated, but do we really want to destabilize society by openly talking about all this, possibly encouraging hostility against Jews?" This raises an important philosophical question: Do you believe mankind to be so inherently cruel and stupid that people must be lied to in order to make them behave? If so, then the lies you tell them are only a small bandage to cover up a much greater evil: Lack of confidence in mankind's ability to handle the truth. And if you truly believe that people cannot handle the truth, but instead need a "Big Brother" to handle it for them, then surely democracy is the most dangerous thing on earth. 

Of course, I understand that people can be cruel and stupid, but I also believe in the human ability to learn, and to grow with each new piece of knowledge. Rather than censor information that we subjectively perceive to be "dangerous," we should teach our children to think critically, to remain open-minded, and to look for truth rather than cling to emotionally appealing falsehoods. 

And that is just about all we can do: teach our children and hope for the best, realizing that people cannot be programmed like robots. Eighty years of failed Communism should have taught us that. To use the power of the state to force men to be what the state defines as "good" creates a world far more hellish than the one that is supposedly being prevented. I would rather live in a world where people are free to be cruel and stupid than one in which "goodness" is enforced at gun point. 

Keep in mind also that truth, objective truth, does not need threats and intimidation to prevail. We Holocaust Revisionists are often likened to those who said that the earth was flat. But just the reverse is true: It is the other side that acts like a Holy Inquisition, institutionalizing one viewpoint and punishing heretics. Remember: We only accepted that the earth is round after the debate was opened. And since then, the round-earth adherents have not needed false news laws, hate crimes laws, and libel or slander laws to protect the truthfulness of their view. Likewise, all we ask is that the Holocaust story either stand or fall according to the evidence—or lack of it. 

While we Holocaust Revisionists sit on a wealth of wonderfully heretical information, can we get it out to the general public? Can we "mainstream" Holocaust Revisionism before it's too late, that is to say, before all those who have firsthand information of what really happened die off entirely? 

As a Jew, it would be wrong for me not to mention the issue of Jewish influence. Influence is a very strange thing. People spend so much time and energy to acquire it, and then an equal amount of time and energy denying they have it. Jewish influence does exist. If it didn't, why would billions of dollars be spent annually by Jewish lobbying groups? That money isn't to pay for dance lessons for Senators and Congressmen, of course, it's for influence. Jews must come to terms with the fact that they are not only a powerful and influential group, but have responsibilities that come with that—particularly the responsibility not to abuse power, or, more specifically, to avoid abusing people with that power. 

It is a testament to the strength of Revisionist research and scholarship, and to Revisionist tenacity, that all the Jewish influence in the world has not erased this movement. Despite the best efforts of our most clever and determined adversaries, Revisionist books are still read, and the Institute for Historical Review continues to function. 

But how much progress are we really making in getting our message to the public? Unfortunately, we've been making only tiny, pussycat steps. I am not a patient man. Every day, I fool myself into thinking that I can be patient—I can't. I don't want to be a guerrilla fighter of the political underground for the rest of my life. The time has come, indeed has never been better, to take Revisionist scholarship to the rest of the world, and if the powers that be try to stop us, we either go around them or, if necessary, we go right through them. 

TWO MORE YEARS! That's my new motto. In two years' time, Holocaust Revisionism should be in the mainstream, squarely in the public eye. 

I am sure that we will eventually succeed in getting out our message. Information can be suppressed for just so long. But that's not enough for me. It's not enough that fellow Revisionists recognize Professor Faurisson's scholarship for the brilliant work it is. I want it to be WIDELY recognized as such, and in his lifetime! 

So let's make a concerted effort. Mindful of the recent Jewish New Year, I hereby make a Jewish New Year's resolution: Two more years! No more sitting in the back of the ideological bus. We're loud, we're proud, and best of all, we're right! (Institute for Historical Review P.O. Box 2739 * Newport Beach, CA 92659. Reprinted by permission from The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 13, Number 2 (Mar./Apr. 1993): P.O. Box 1306, Torrance, CA 90505, USA).

Concentration bearing shekel coin Concentration bearing shekel notes
Shekel coin and notes issued by 'Konzentrationslager' bank
funded to over M54 million.

Whitewashing Hitler

Taking the Gas Out of Nazi Infamy by Jim Redden 

Some historians say Hitler had no master plan to exterminate the Jews in World War II . . . But what are Nazis without the Holocaust? 

Irving declares that he has never come across a document proving that Hitler ordered the total eradication of European Jews. 

October 16, 1992: David Irving, a British historian specializing in World War II, is speaking at Mount Hood Community College near Portland, Oregon. Irving is an advocate of Holocaust revisionism, a controversial movement that disputes the historical accuracy of the widely held version of what happened to European Jews at the hands of the Germans during Hitler's Third Reich. 

Police dressed in riot gear line the road that leads to the windowless building where Irving is scheduled to talk. The police have been summoned to protect people who wish to attend Irving's speech from an angry mob harassing everyone who tries to enter the building. An elderly couple slips through the corridor of Plexiglass shields held by police and reaches the front doors. From the mob, a young man yells, "We know where you live!"

Shaken, the couple approaches a police officer stationed in the lobby. "They said they know where we live," the man says in a quavering voice. The cop answers coolly, "I'm sorry, sir, but there's nothing we can do about that," leaving the couple to wonder if a late-night fire bombing is the price they will pay for attending a history lecture. 

* * * *

At age 54, David Irving has authored more than a dozen books on World War II. Unlike many chroniclers of the past, Irving does not rely on the writings of other historians when researching his works, but insists on seeing original documents whenever possible. According to the New York Times Book Review, "Mr. Irving is an indefatigable interviewer, a prodigy of enterprise and industry, a researcher who almost literally [leaves] no stone unturned and [succeeds] in digging up papers, letters and diaries which [are] believed to be lost or nonexistent, or which escaped, for other reasons, earlier writers. His dogged persistence puts many professional historians to shame."

After more than ten years researching declassified war records, Irving declares that he has never come across a document proving that Hitler ordered the total eradication of European Jews, no written or other correspondence proving that Hitler was aware of concentration-camp gassings, and no evidence that Hitler ordered the death of the Jews in any of the top-secret Nazi radio transmissions that were intercepted by the Allies during the war.

As a result of this research, Irving concluded that Hitler did not, in fact, order the notorious Final Solution. 

Irving calls the Holocaust a legend. "Historians have all been busy quoting each other. They've been pumping hot air into this bubble, and the bubble has been getting bigger and bigger and more and more unstable. These professors know the truth, but they're terrified that some irresponsible idiot is going to come along and prick that bubble. And," he adds with comic timing, "I am that prick."

Mainstream historians acknowledge the lack of a documented Final Solution order from Hitler, believing the Fuehrer was too shrewd to leave behind palpable evidence of his evildoing.

"[That Hitler would not sign a written order] is hardly surprising considering the monstrosity of the crimes being committed," notes British historian Alan Bullock.

In May 1988 Irving provided expert testimony on behalf of Canadian Ernst Zundel, who was charged with violating Canada's "false news" laws by reprinting a 28-page booklet titled Did Six Million Really Die? Irving produced a report prepared by Fred Leuchter, an American authority on gas chambers who performed forensic tests on the gas chamber at Auschwitz. Leuchter's report found no indication of traces of poisonous gas in the walls of the gas chamber and alleged the chamber was, consequently, a fake. 

Irving testified that there were no grounds to support the existence of a Nazi plan to exterminate Jews. Upon returning to Europe, Irving published a special edition of the Leuchter report, writing an introduction in which he boldly dismissed the traditional version of the Holocaust as a "well-financed and brilliantly successful postwar publicity campaign." 

Publication of the Leuchter report in Europe led to Irving's arrest. By alleging that the Auschwitz gas chamber was built AFTER the war, he was convicted of a serious crime in Germany. In May 1992, a Munich court fined Irving the equivalent of $7,000 for violating a German law against "defamation of the memory of the dead."

* * * *

Books and pamphlets challenging various aspects of the Holocaust began to appear shortly after the end of WWII. One of the first revisionist texts was written by a French concentration-camp survivor named Paul Rassinier. Rassinier's books, Le Mensonge d'Ulysse [The Lie of Ulysses], published in 1949, and Le Drame des Juifs Europeens [The Drama of the European Jews], published in 1964, claimed Rassinier had not seen any evidence of the mass gassings that had come to light after the camps were liberated. 

(Dr. Arthur Butz argued that although Jews were persecuted by the Nazis, they were not specifically targeted for mass extermination).

In the 1970s, Holocaust revisionism saw public debate in the United States. In 1976, Dr. Arthur Butz, an American professor from Northwestern University, published The Hoax of the Twentieth Century.Butz argued that although Jews were persecuted by the Nazis, they were not specifically targeted for mass extermination. According to Butz, less than half a million people died in Nazi concentration camps during WWII, and only a fraction of them were Jews.

Today, the central core of Holocaust revisionism in the U.S. is the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) in Costa Mesa, California. Founded in 1979 by conspiracy theorist Willis Carto, the IHR largely functions as a clearing house for a broad range of revisionist propaganda, including such titles as Dealing in Hate: The Development of Anti-German Propaganda; My Father, Rudolph Hess; and Auschwitz: Truth or Lie—An Eyewitness Report. The IHR also holds annual conferences at which Irving and other revisionists present their latest findings. The definition of the term HOLOCAUST lies at the heart of the revisionism controversy. Since WWII, the expression has been used to describe a systematic Nazi effort—either originating with Hitler or approved by him—to exterminate all of Europe's Jews. Commonly known as the Final Solution, the plan is thought to have culminated in the construction and operation of the gas chambers at Nazi concentration camps.

Opponents of Holocaust revisionism—those who embrace the traditional version of the war (the American Jewish Committee [AJC] and the Anti-Defamation League [ADL] in particular)—consider the fight against Holocaust revisionism a crusade against a growing army of neo-Nazis around the world. In a series of extensively researched briefing papers, the AJC and the ADL argue that Hitler's dream of an Aryan world did not die with him, but comprises a conspiracy that stretches from the U.S. to Europe and the Middle East. They refer to their opponents not as Holocaust revisionists, but Holocaust DENIERS.

"The movement to deny that six million Jews were exterminated by the Nazis during World War II is a weapon of anti-Semitic extremist groups operating in the United States and abroad," claims the ADL. 

Jewish advocacy groups and their supporters admit that legitimate Holocaust reappraisal has occurred since the end of WWII. For example, it was widely assumed after the war that 2.5 million Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz alone. Recently Yahuda Bauer, the director of the Division of Holocaust Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Institute of Contemporary Jewry, announced that the actual number was probably closer to 1.35 million. 

Though this revision raises questions about the total number of Jews killed by the Nazis, the questions raised by Holocaust revisionists are seen as part of a larger agenda of discrimination. 

Irving denies that his views on the Holocaust are anti-Semitic. 

"The revisionist scene [incorporates] people from the field of history, like myself, to people who are at the other end of the spectrum, who find in revisionism a [means] to vent their anti-Semitism," he explains. 

Holocaust revisionism is a common link between many overtly racist and anti-Semitic groups, such as the California-based White Aryan Resistance, which produces a cable-access television show called RACE AND REASON. 

Some viewers claimed to be offended by an early episode of the program that opened with canned laughter playing behind WWII film footage of corpses at Nazi concentration camps. 

But support for Holocaust revisionism comes from pro-Semitic sides as well. A young Jew named David Cole visited Auschwitz in late 1992 and videotaped an interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper, the curator of the Holocaust museum at the camp. 

In the interview, Piper admitted that the gas chamber shown to tourists was remodeled by the Soviets after the war. In Cole's view, this statement confirms Irving's support of the Leuchter Report. 

Mainstream historians supporting the traditional version of the Holocaust point to an abundance of eyewitness accounts and Nazi confessions collected during numerous war-crimes trials. At the International Military Tribunal, otherwise known as the Nuremberg Trial, Auschwitz commander Rudolf Hess testified that he personally arranged the gassing of two million Jews between June 1941 and the end of 1943.

(Revisionists argue that the Germans, obsessive insect-haters, shipped large quantities of Zyklon-B to concentration camps during the war to kill lice).

"There's no doubt that the Germans did kill thousands of people, machine-gunning them into pits," says Irving. "But I don't believe they planned and installed factories of death with gas chambers." 

* * * * 

The presence of gas chambers at several Nazi concentration camps is the most incriminating evidence of Hitler's genocidal intent. Unsuspecting Jews were tricked into entering the deadly chambers, usually under the pretext that the rooms were large showers. Once the doors locked behind them, poisonous gas spewed out of the shower heads, killing great numbers in a matter of minutes. The bodies were then hauled out, and either burned in adjacent crematoriums or dumped into pits. According to eyewitness accounts and Nazi testimony, this process was repeated until millions of Jews had been gassed. 

Physical evidence of gas-chamber extermination is hard to come by. Mainstream historians agree that the Germans installed gas chambers at only seven camps in Poland—Auschwitz (and its satellite facility, Birkenau), Stutthof, Treblinka, Chelmno, Sobibor, Majdanek, and Belzec. All of these camps were liberated by Soviet troops, and Poland became part of the Soviet Union after the war. The result was that during the long decades of the Cold War, the camps and the tons of documents captured by the Russians have been restricted from Western researchers. 

Most of the concentration camps were destroyed by the Germans before they fell into Soviet hands. Many of the buildings were blown up, including those that reportedly housed the gas chambers. 

Today, the only gas chambers extant are found at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek. Basic operating equipment is missing at all of the facilities. None of the chambers currently have air-tight doors, venting systems for piping gas or exhaust systems for removing the gas after the victims have been killed.

Historians agree that the gas chambers used a cyanide-based insecticide called Zyklon-B. Revisionists argue that the Germans, obsessive insect-haters, shipped large quantities of Zyklon-B to concentration camps during the war to kill lice and other insects. Delousing rooms, the doubters point out, can still be found at many of the camps. 

More scientifically minded revisionists argue that Zyklon-B does not vanish without a trace, but bonds permanently with porous surfaces like bricks and mortar. According to Rick Gates, a chemist with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality who is not involved in the revisionist debate, "Cyanide traces can remain in [such materials] a long time." 

Acting on this scientific principle, Fred Leuchter and several companions traveled to Poland in 1988, where they took samples from the walls and floors of the gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek. According to the Leuchter report, only minimal traces of cyanide could be found in the gas chambers. This shortage of forensic evidence leads Leuchter to conclude that the rooms could not have been used as gas chambers, and revisionists take this as proof that the gas chamber story is a hoax. 

Jean-Claude Pressac, author of Auschwitz: Design and Fabrication of the Gas Chambers, refutes Leuchter's theory, alleging that the Germans used enough Zyklon-B to kill people, but not enough to leave substantial traces. 

Pressac, a French pharmacist, uses complex chemical formulas to prove that traces of cyanide would be found in the delousing rooms, but not in the gas chambers. 

"A hydrocyanic gas concentration of 0.3 grams per cubic meter—a lethal dose—is immediately fatal to a man, while killing lice requires a concentration of five grams per cubic meter for a period of at least two hours," claims Pressac. "Maintaining that concentration for six hours will kill [every insect infesting a person]. The dose used at Birkenau was lethal 40 to 70 times over (12 to 20 grams per cubic inch)—which infallibly killed 1,000 persons in less than five minutes." 

Without a master plan to eradicate Europe's Jewry, the revisionists argue, the Nazis were no worse than many other military aggressors in recorded history. "The killings [perpetrated by the Nazis], the pits and so on, were no worse than what the Americans did in Vietnam in My Lai," claims Irving, referring to the March 16, 1968, slaughter by American ground troops of nearly 300 unarmed and unresisting Vietnam civilians, many of whom were forced to stand on the edge of a ditch and machine-gunned. "There are eyewitness descriptions of both. But the idea of setting up killing factories, with the gas chambers and so on, implies a certain degree of industrialization and precision that, frankly, I don't think [belongs] in the record." 

Jewish advocacy organizations are not willing to be drawn into a public debate with Holocaust revisionists. They contend that the Holocaust is not a matter to be argued and that, for the sake of the memories of countless families whose relations perished at Nazi hands, the claims of the revisionists should not be dignified with public responses. "We need not waste time or reffort answering the deniers' contentions," states Jewish historian Deborah Lipstadt. "It would be never-ending to respond to arguments posed by those who freely falsify findings, quote out of context and simply dismiss reams of testimony. Their commitment is to an ideology, and their 'findings' are shaped to support it." 

The AJC and the ADL routinely publish and distribute the results of lengthy background checks indicating that revisionists are not merely disinterested academics, but anti-Semitic political activists. 

The ADL has identified former Institute for Historical Review director David McCalden as the founder of the British National Party, an offshoot of the neo-Nazi National Front, and reports that revisionist writer Arthur Butz addressed the 1985 convention of the Nation of Islam, led by notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. 

Irving has a proposal for settling the controversy: a full enquiry. Says Irving, "I think it would be most satisfactory if the Jews themselves investigated and discarded the legend [of the Final Solution], because any other solution is going to lead to an increase in anti-Semitism. The world will say, 'Look how they tried to get away with it for 50 years!'" (From Hustler magazine, August 1993: 

Revisionists Challenge Extermination Story

THE HOLOCAUST: Let's Hear Both Sides by Mark Weber 

Just about everyone has heard that the Germans killed some six million Jews in Europe during the Second World War. American television, motion pictures, newspapers and magazines hammer away on this theme. In Washington, DC, an enormous offical Holocaust Museum is being built. 

Scholars Challenge Holocaust Story 

During the past decade, though, more and more "Revisionist" historians, including respected scholars such as Dr. Arthur Butz of Northwestern University, Prof. Robert Faurisson of the Univeristy of Lyon in France and best-selling British historian David Irving, have been vigorously challenging the widely-accepted extermination story. They do not dispute the fact that large numbers of Jews were deported to concentration camps and ghettos, or that many Jews died or were killed during the Second World War. Revisionist scholars have, however, presented considerable evidence to show that there was no German program to exterminate Europe's Jews and that the estimate of six million Jewish wartime dead is an irresponsible exaggeration. 

Many Holocaust Claims Abandoned 

Revisionists point out that the Holocaust story has changed quite a lot over the years. Many extermination camps that were once widely accepted have been quitely dropped in recent years. At one time it was alleged that the Germans gassed Jews at Dachau, Buchenwald and other concentration camps in Germany proper. That part of the extermination story proved so untenable that it was abandoned more than twenty years ago. No serious historian now supports the once supposedly proven story of "extermination camps" in the territory of the old German Reich. Even famed "Nazi hunter" Simon Wiesenthal acknowledged in 1975 that "there were no extermination camps on German soil." ('Books & Bookmen', London, April 1975, p.5). Prominent Holocaust historians now claim that masses of Jews were gassed at just six camps in what is now Poland: Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Sobibor, Chelmno and Belzec. However, the "evidence presented for "gassings" at these six camps is not qualitatively different than the "evidence" for alleged "gassings" at the camps in Germany proper. At the great Nuremberg trial of 1945-1946 and during the decades following the end of the Second World War, Auschwitz (especially Auschwitz-Birkenau) and Majdanek (Lublin) were generally regarded as the really important "death camps." 

For example, the Allies alleged at Nuremberg that the Germans killed four million at Auschwitz and another 1.5 million at Majdanek. Today, no reputable historian accepts these fantastic figures. In addition, more and more striking evidence has been presented in recent years which simply cannot be reconciled with the allegations of mass exterminations at these camps. 

For example, detailed aerial reconnaissance photographs taken of Auschwitz-Birkenau on several random days in 1944 (during the height of the alleged extermination period there) were made public by the CIA in 1979. They show no trace of the piles of corpses, smoking chimneys and masses of Jews awaiting death, all of which have been alleged and would have been clearly visible if Auschwitz had indeed been an extermination center. We now also know that the postwar "confessions" of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hess, which is a crucial part of the Holocaust extermination story, was obtained by torture. (Rupert Butler, "Legions of Death" (England: 1983), pp. 235-237, and R. Faurisson, "Journal of Historical Review", Winter 1986-1987, pp. 389-403.) 

Other Absurd Holocaust Claims 

At one time it was also seriously claimed that the Germans exterminated Jews with electricity and steam, and that they manufactured soap from Jewish corpses. For example, at Nuremberg the United States charged that the Germans killed Jews at Treblinka, not in gas chambers, as is now claimed, but by steaming them to death in "steam chambers" (Nuremberg document PS-3311 (USA-293). IMT blue series, Vol. 32, pp. 153-158; IMT, Vol 3, pp. 566-568.; NMT green series, Vol. 5, pp. 1133, 1134.) These bizarre stories have also been quietly abandoned in recent years. 

Disease Claimed Many Inmates 

The Holocaust extermination story is superficially plausible. Everyone has seen the horrific photos of dead and dying inmates taken at Bergen-Belsen, Nordhausen and other concentration camps when they were liberated by British and American forces in the final weeks of the war in Europe. These people were unfortunate victims, not of an extermination program, but of disease and malnutrition brought on by the complete collapse of Germany in the final months of the war. Indeed, if there had been an extermination program, the Jews found by Allied forces at the end of the war would have long since been killed. In the face of the advancing Soviet forces, large numbers of Jews were evacuated during the final months of the war from eastern camps and ghettos to the remaining camps in western Germany. These camps quickly became terribly overcrowded, which severely hampered efforts to prevent the spread of epidemics. Furthermore, the breakdown of the German transportation system made it impossible to supply adequate food and medicine to the camps. 

Captured German Documents 

At the end of the Second World War, the Allies confiscated a tremendous quantity of German documents dealing with Germany's wartime Jewish policy, which was sometimes officially referred to as the "final solution." But not a single German document has ever been found which even refers to an extermination program. To the contrary, the documents clearly show that the German "final solution" policy was one of emigration and deportation, not extermination. Consider, for example, the confidential German Foreign Office memorandum of August 21, 1942 (Nuremberg document NG-2586-J. NMT green series, Vol. 13, pp. 243-249). "The present war gives Germany the opportunity and also the duty of solving the Jewish problem in Europe," the memorandum notes. The policy "to promote the evacuation of the Jews (from Europe) in closest cooperation with the agencies of the Reichsfuhrer SS Himmler] is still in force." The memo noted that "the number of Jews deported in this way to the East did not suffice to cover the labor needs." The document quotes German Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop as saying that "at the end of this war, all Jews would have to leave Europe. This was an unalterable decision of the Fuhrer [Hitler] and also the only way to master this problem, as only a global and comprehensive solution could be applied and individual measures would not help very much." The memorandum concludes by stating that the "deportations [of Jews to the East] are a further step on the way to the total solution . . . The deportation to the [Polish] General Government is a temporary measure. The Jews will be moved on further to the occupied [Soviet] eastern territories as soon as the technical conditions for it are given." This unambiguous document, and others like it, are routinely suppressed or ignored by those who uphold the Holocaust extermination story. 

Unreliable Testimony 

Holocaust historians rely heavily on so-called "survivor testimony" to support the extermination story. But such "evidence" is notoriously unreliable. As one Jewish historian has pointed out, "most of the memoirs and reports [of "Holocaust survivors"] are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks and apologies." (Samuel Gringauz in "Jewish Social Studies" (New York), January 1950, Vol. 12, p. 65) 

Hitler and the "Final Solution" 

There is no documentary evidence that Adolf Hitler ever gave an order to exterminate the Jews, or that he knew of any extermination program. Instead, the record shows that the German leader wanted the Jews to leave Europe, by emigration if possible and by deportation if necessary. A document found after the war in the files of the Reich Ministry of Justice records his thinking on the Jews. In the spring of 1942, State Secretary Franz Schlegelberger noted in a memorandum that Hitler's Chief of Chancellery, Dr. Hans Lammers, had informed him: "The Fuhrer has repeatedly declared to him [Lammers] that he wants to see the solution of the Jewish problem postponed until after the war is over." (Nuremberg document PS-4025. D. Irving, "Goering: A biography" (New York: 1989) p. 349.) And on July 24, 1942, Hitler emphasized his determination to remove all Jews from Europe after the war: "The Jews are interested in Europe for economic reasons, but Europe must reject them, if only out of self-interest, becuase the Jews are racially tougher. After this war is over, I will rigorously hold to the view . . . that the Jews will have to leave and emigrate to Madagascar or some other Jewish national state." (H. Picker, "Hitlers Tischgesprsche im Fuhrerhauptquartier" (Stuttgart: 1976), p. 456). 

'Starving' Jews, Stammlag
"Starving" Jewish prisoners at Stammlag 'Konzentrationslager' Camp.
Himmler's SS and the Camps 

Jews were an important part of Germany's wartime labor force, and it was in Germany's interest to keep them alive. The head of the SS camp administration office sent a directive dated Dec. 28, 1942, to every concentration camp, including Auschwitz. It sharply criticized the high death rate of inmates due to disease, and ordered that "camp physicians must use all means at their disposal to significantly reduce the death rate in the various camps." Furthermore, it ordered: "The camp doctors must supervise more often than in the past the nutrition of the prisoners and, in cooperation with the administration, submit improvement recommendations to the camp commandants. . . The camp doctors are to see to it that the working conditions at the various labor places are improved as much as possible." Finally, the directive stressed that "The Reichsfuhrer SS [Heinrich Himmler] has ordered that the death rate absolutely must be reduced." (Nuremberg document PS-2171, Annex 2; NC&A red series, Vol. 4, pp. 833-834). The head of the SS department that supervised the concentration camps, Richard Glucks, sent a circular letter to each camp commandant dated January 20, 1943. In it he ordered: "As I have already pointed out, every means must be used to lower the death rate in the camp." (Nuremberg document NO-1523; NMT green series, Vol. 5, pp. 372-373) 

Six Million? 

There is no real evidence for the incessantly repeated claim that the German exterminated six million Jews. It is clear, though, that millions of Jews "survived" German rule during the Second World War, including many who were interned in Auschwitz and other so-called "extermination camps." This fact alone should raise serious doubts about the extermination story. A leading newspaper of neutral Switzerland, the daily "Baseler Nachrichten", carefully estimated in June 1946 that no more than 1.5 million European Jews could have perished under German rule during the war ("Baseler Nachrichten",June 13, 1946, p.2).

One-Sided "Holocaustomania" 

Even after more than forty years, the stream of Holocaust films and books shows no sign of diminishing. This relentless media campaign, which Jewish historian Alfred Lilienthal calls "Holocaustomania," portrays the fate of the Jews during the Second World War as the central event of history. There is no end to the heavy-handed motion pictures, the simplistic television specials, the vindictive hunt for "Nazi-war criminals," the one-sided "educational courses," and the self-righteous appearances by politicans and celebrities at Holocaust "memorial services." Britain's chief rabbi, Immanuel Jakobovits, has accurately described the Holocaust campaign as "an entire industry, with handsome profits for writers, researchers, film-makers, monument builders, museum planners and even politicians." He added that some rabbis and theologians are "partners in this big business." (H. Shapiro, "Jakobovits," 'Jerusalem Post' (Israel), Nov. 26, 1987, p.1) Non-Jewish victims just don't merit the same concern. For example, there are no American memorials, "study centers," or annual observances for Stalin's victims, who vastly outnumber Hitler's. 

Who Benefits? 

The perpetual Holocaust media blitz is routinely used to justify enormous American support for Israel and to excuse otherwise inexcusable Israeli policies, even when they conflict with American interests. The sophisticated and well-financed Holocaust media campaign is crucially important to the intersts of Israel, which owes its existence to massive annual subsidies from American taxpayers. As Prof. W. D. Rubinstein of Australia has candidly acknowledged: "If the Holocaust can be shown to be a 'Zionist myth,' the strongest of all weapons in Israel's propaganda armory collapses." ("Quadrant" (Australia), Sept. 1979, p.27).

Jewish history teacher Paula Hyman of Columbia University has observed: "With regard to Israel, the Holocuast may be used to forestall political criticism and suppress debate; it reinforces the sense of Jews as an eternally beleaguered people who can rely for their defense only upon themselves. The invocation of the suffering endured by the Jews under the Nazis often takes the place of rational argument, and is expected to convince doubters of the legitimacy of current Israeli government policy." ('New York Times Magazine', Sept. 14, 1980, p. 79). One major reason that the Holocuast story has proven so durable is that the government of the major powers also have a vested interest in maintaining it. The victorious powers of the Second World War—the United States, the Soviet Union and Britian—have a stake in portraying the defeated Hitler regime as negatively as possible. The more evil and satanic the Hitler regime appears, the more noble and justified seems the Allied cause. For many Jews, the Holocaust has become both a flourishing buisness and a kind of new religion, as noted Jewish author and newspaper publisher Jacobo Timerman points out in his book, 'The Longest War.'He reports that many Israelis, using the word Shoah, which is Hebrew for Holocaust, joke that "There's no business like Shoah business." ('The Longest War', (New York: Vintage, 1982), p. 15). The Holocaust media campaign portrays Jews as totally innocent victims, and non-Jews as mortally retarded and unreliable beings who can easily turn into murderous Nazis under the right circumstances. This self-serving but distorted portrayal greatly strengthens Jewish group solidarity and self-awareness. A key lesson of the Holocaust story for Jews is that non-Jews are never completely trustworthy. If a people as cultured and as educated as the Germans could turn against the Jews, so the thinking goes, then surely no non-Jewish nation can ever be completely trusted. The Holocaust message is thus one of contempt for humanity. 

Holocaust Hatemongering 

The Holocaust story is sometimes ued to promote hatred and hostility, particularly against the German people as a whole, eastern Europeans and the leadership of the Roman Catholic church. The well-known Jewish writer, Elie Wiesel, is a former Auschwitz inmate who served as chairman of the offical U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. He recieved the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize. This dedicated Zionist wrote in his book, 'Legends of Our Time': "Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate—healthy, virile hate—for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German." ('Legends of Our Time' (New York: Schocken Books, 1982) chap. 12, p. 142). 

Let Both Sides Be Heard 

For several years now, the Holocaust story has been the subject of legitimate controversy in Europe. It was debated for several hours on Swiss television and over French national radio. The respected Italian historical journal "Storia Illustrata" has given extensive coverage to both sides of this issue. Here in America, though, powerful organizations have so far prevented any real public exchange of views on this issue. Many thoughtful Americans are having growing doubts about at least some of the more sensational Holocaust claims, but all the public ever sees and hears is the orthodox view of the extermination story. That's not right. Americans have the right to judge this important issue for themselves. 

In summation: 

The Holocaust extermination story is breaking down as suppressed evidence becomes better known, and as more people become aware of the facts about what is certainly the most hyped and politicized chapter of modern history. Artificially maintaining the hatreds and passions of the past prevents genuine reconciliation and lasting peace. Revisionism promotes histiorical awareness and international understanding. That's why the work of the Institute for Historical Review is so important and deserves your support. 

About the Author: 

Mark Weber is editor of the 'IHR Newsletter' and associate editor of the 'Journal of Historical Review', both published by the Institute for Historical Review. He studied history at the University of Illinois (Chicago), the University of Munich, Portland state University, and Indiana University (M.A., 1977). For five days in March 1988, he testified as a recognized expert witness on the "Final Solution" and the Holocaust issue in a Toronto District Court case. He is the aurthor of many published articles, reviews and essays on various aspects of modern European history. (Institute for Historical Review P.O. Box 2739 Newport Beach, CA 92659)

66 Questions on the Holocaust

Read these questions. If you would like the answers send a stamped addressed envelope to the INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVIEW, 1822 1/2 Newport Blvd., Suite 191, Costa Mesa CA 92627 USA.

  1. What proof exists that the Nazis practiced genocide or deliberately killed six million. Jews?
  2. What evidence exists that six million Jews were not killed by the Nazis?
  3. Did Simon Wiesenthal once state in writing that "there were no extermination camps on German soil?
  4. If Dachau was in Germany and even Simon Wiesenthal says that it was not an extermination camp, why do thousands of veterans in America say that it was an extermination camp?
  5. Auschwitz was in Poland, not Germany. Is there any proof that gas chambers for the purpose of killing human beings existed at or in Auschwitz?
  6. If Auschwitz wasn't a "death camp," what was it's true purpose?
  7. Who set up the first concentration camps, and where and when?
  8. How did German concentration camps differ from America relocation camps which interned Japanese-German-and Italian-Americans during W.W.II?
  9. Why did the German intern Jews in concentration camps?
  10. What extensive measure did world Jewry undertake against Germany as early as 1933?
  11. Did the Jews of the world "declare war on Germany?"
  12. Was this before or after the rumors of the "death camps" began?
  13. What nation is credited with being the first to practice mass civilian bombing?
  14. How many gas chambers to kill people were there at Auschwitz?
  15. How many Jews were in areas that came to be controlled by the Germans before the war?
  16. If the Jews of Europe were not exterminated by the Nazis, what happened to them?
  17. How many Jews fled to deep within the Soviet Union?
  18. How many Jews emigrated prior to the war, thus being outside of German reach?
  19. If Auschwitz was not an extermination camp, why did the commandant, Rudolf Hoess, confess that it was?
  20. Is there any evidence that it was American, British, French, and Soviet policy to torture German prisoners in order to exact confessions before the trials at Nuremberg and elsewhere?
  21. How does the "Holocaust" story benefit the Jews today?
  22. How does it benefit the State of Israel?
  23. How does it benefit many Christian clergy?
  24. How does it benefit the Communists?
  25. How does it benefit Britain?
  26. Is there any evidence that Hitler knew of a mass extermination of Jews?
  27. What kind of gas was used by the Nazis in concentration camps?
  28. For what purpose was, and is, this gas manufactured?
  29. Why did they use this instead of a gas more suitable for mass extermination?
  30. How long does it take to ventilate fully an area fumigated by Zyklon-B?
  31. Auschwitz commandant Hoess said that his men would enter the gas chamber ten minutes after the Jews had died and remove them. How do you explain this?
  32. Hoess said in his confession that his men would smoke cigarettes as they pulled the dead Jews out of the gas chambers ten minutes after gassing. Isn't Zyklon-B explosive?
  33. What was the exact procedure the Nazis allegedly used to exterminate Jews?
  34. How could such a mass program have been kept secret from Jews who were scheduled for extermination?
  35. If Jews scheduled for execution knew the fate in store for them, why did they go to their deaths without fight or protest?
  36. About how many Jews died in the concentration camps?
  37. How did they die?
  38. What is typhus?
  39. What is the difference if six million or 300,000 Jews died during this awesome period?
  40. Many Jewish survivors of the "death camps" say they saw bodies being piled up in pits and burned. How much gasoline would have to be used to perform this?
  41. Can bodies be burned in pits?
  42. "Holocaust" authors claim that the Nazis were able to cremate bodies in about 10 minutes. How long does it take to incinerate one body according to professional cremator operators?
  43. Why did the concentration camps have crematory ovens?
  44. Given a 100 (to the 6th power) duty cycle of all the crematoria in all the camps in German-controlled territory, what is the maximum number of corpses it would have been possible to incinerate during the entire period such cremators were operating?
  45. Can a crematory oven be operated 100 (to the 6th power) of the time?
  46. How much ash is left from a cremated corpse?
  47. If six million people had been incinerated by the Nazis, what happened to the ashes?
  48. Do Allied wartime photos of Auschwitz (during the period when the "gas chambers" and crematoria were supposed to be in full operation) reveal gas chambers?
  49. What was the main provision of the German "Nuremberg laws" of 1935?
  50. Were there any American precedents for the Nuremberg Laws?
  51. What did the International Red Cross have to report with regard to the "Holocaust" question?
  52. What was the role of the Vatican during the time the six million Jews were alleged to have been exterminated?
  53. What evidence is there that Hitler knew of the ongoing Jewish extermination?
  54. Did the Nazis and the Zionists collaborate?
  55. What caused Anne Frank's death just several weeks before the end of the war?
  56. Is the Anne Frank Diary genuine?
  57. What about the numerous photographs and footage taken in the German concentration camps showing piles of emaciated corpses? Are these faked?
  58. Who originated the term "genocide"?
  59. Were films such as 'Holocaust' and 'The Winds of War' documentary films?
  60. About how many books have been published which refute some aspect of the standard claims made about the "Holocaust"?
  61. What happened when a historical institute offered $50,000 to anyone who could prove that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz?
  62. What about the claim that those who question the "Holocaust" are anti-Semitic or Neo-Nazi?
  63. What has happened to the historians who have questioned the "Holocaust" material?
  64. Has the Institute for Historical Review suffered any retaliation for its efforts to uphold the right of freedom of speech and academic freedom?
  65. Why is there so little publicity for your point of view?
  66. Where can I get more information about the "other side" of the "Holocaust" story as well as facts concerning other areas of W.W.II Historical Revisionism?
If you would like the answers send a stamped addressed envelope to the INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVIEW, 1822 1/2 Newport Blvd., Suite 191, Costa Mesa CA 92627


A Factual Appraisal Of The 'Holocaust' By The Red Cross

No Evidence Of Genocide

There is one survey of the Jewish question in Europe during World War Two and the conditions of Germany's concentration camps which is almost unique in its honesty and objectivity, the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948.

This comprehensive account from an entirely neutral source incorporated and expanded the findings of two previous works: Documents sur l'activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947). The team of authors, headed by Frédéric Siordet, explained in the opening pages of the Report that their object, in the tradition of the Red Cross, had been strict political neutrality, and herein lies its great value.

The ICRC successfully applied the 1929 Geneva military convention in order to gain access to civilian internees held in Central and Western Europe by the Germany authorities. By contrast, the ICRC was unable to gain any access to the Soviet Union, which had failed to ratify the Convention. The millions of civilian and military internees held in the USSR, whose conditions were known to be by far the worst, were completely cut off from any international contact or supervision.

The Red Cross Report is of value in that it first clarifies the legitimate circumstances under which Jews were detained in concentration camps, i.e. as enemy aliens. In describing the two categories of civilian internees, the Report distinguishes the second type as "Civilians deported on administrative grounds (in German, "Schutzhäftlinge"), who were arrested for political or racial motives because their presence was considered a danger to the State or the occupation forces" (Vol. 111, p. 73).

These persons, it continues, "were placed on the same footing as persons arrested or imprisoned under common law for security reasons." (P.74).The Report admits that the Germans were at first reluctant to permit supervision by the Red Cross of people detained on grounds relating to security, but by the latter part of 1942, the ICRC obtained important concessions from Germany. They were permitted to distribute food parcels to major concentration camps in Germany from August 1942, and "from February 1943 onwards this concession was extended to all other camps and prisons" (Vol. 111, p. 78).

The ICRC soon established contact with camp commandants and launched a food relief programme which continued to function until the last months of 1945, letters of thanks for which came pouring in from Jewish internees.

The Report states that "As many as 9,000 parcels were packed daily. >From the autumn of 1943 until May 1945, about 1,112,000 parcels with a total weight of 4,500 tons were sent off to the concentration camps" (Vol. III, p. 80).

In addition to food, these contained clothing and pharmaceutical supplies. "Parcels were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Ravensbrück, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, to camps near Vienna and in Central and Southern Germany.

The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews" (Vol. III, p. 83).

In the course of the war, "The Committee was in a position to transfer and distribute in the form of relief supplies over twenty million Swiss francs collected by Jewish welfare organisations throughout the world, in particular by the American Joint Distribution Committee of New York" (Vol. I, p. 644).

This latter organisation was permitted by the German Government to maintain offices in Berlin until the American entry into the war. The ICRC complained that obstruction of their vast relief operation for Jewish internees came not from the Germans but from the tight Allied blockade of Europe. Most of their purchases of relief food were made in Rumania, Hungary and Slovakia.The ICRC had special praise for the liberal conditions which prevailed at Theresienstadt up to the time of their last visits there in April 1945. This camp, "where there were about 40,000 Jews deported from various countries was a relatively privileged ghetto" (Vol. III, p. 75).

According to the Report, "'The Committee's delegates were able to visit the camp at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed by special conditions. From information gathered by the Committee, this camp had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich. These men wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under their own administration and possessing almost complete autonomy, two delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6th, 1945. They confirmed the favourable impression gained on the first visit" (Vol. I, p . 642).

The ICRC also had praise for the regime of Ion Antonescu of Fascist Rumania where the Committee was able to extend special relief to 183,000 Rumanian Jews until the time of the Soviet occupation. The aid then ceased, and the ICRC complained bitterly that it never succeeded "in sending anything whatsoever to Russia" (Vol. II, p. 62).

The same situation applied to many of the German camps after their "liberation" by the Russians. The ICRC received a voluminous flow of mail from Auschwitz until the period of the Soviet occupation, when many of the internees were evacuated westward. But the efforts of the Red Cross to send relief to internees remaining at Auschwitz under Soviet control were futile. However, food parcels continued to be sent to former Auschwitz inmates transferred west to such camps as Buchenwald and Oranienburg.No Evidence Of Genocide One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945. In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp ..." (Vol. III, p. 83).

Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78).

By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable.In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews.

In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination.

Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. So far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff)

Incidentally, it is frequently claimed that mass executions were carried out in gas chambers cunningly disguised as shower facilities. Again the Report makes nonsense of this allegation. "Not only the washing places, but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged" (Vol. III, p. 594).

Volume III of the Red Cross Report, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the "aid given to the Jewish section of the free population," and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps, but remained, subject to certain restrictions, as part of the free civilian population.

This conflicts directly with the "thoroughness" of the supposed "extermination programme", and with the claim in the forged Höss memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing "every single Jew he could lay his hands on."In Slovakia, for example, where Eichmann's assistant Dieter Wisliceny was in charge, the Report states that "A large proportion of the Jewish minority had permission to stay in the country, and at certain periods Slovakia was looked upon as a comparative haven of refuge for Jews, especially for those coming from Poland. Those who remained in Slovakia seem to have been in comparative safety until the end of August 1944, when a rising against the German forces took place. While it is true that the law of May 15th, 1942 had brought about the internment of several thousand Jews, these people were held in camps where the conditions of food and lodging were tolerable, and where the internees were allowed to do paid work on terms almost equal to those of the free labour market" (Vol. I, p. 646).

Not only did large numbers of the three million or so European Jews avoid internment altogether, but the emigration of Jews continued throughout the war, generally by way of Hungary, Rumania and Turkey. Ironically, post-war Jewish emigration from German-occupied territories was also facilitated by the Reich, as in the case of the Polish Jews who had escaped to France before its occupation. "The Jews from Poland who, whilst in France, had obtained entrance permits to the United States were held to be American citizens by the German occupying authorities, who further agreed to recognize the validity of about three thousand passports issued to Jews by the consulates of South American countries" (Vol. I, p. 645).

As future U.S. citizens, these Jews were held at the Vittel camp in southern France for American aliens. The emigration of European Jews from Hungary in particular proceeded during the war unhindered by the German authorities. "Until March 1944," says the. Red Cross Report, "Jews who had the privilege of visas for Palestine were free to leave Hungary" (Vol. I, p. 648).

Even after the replacement of the Horthy Government in 1944 (following its attempted armistice with the Soviet Union) with a government more dependent on German authority, the emigration of Jews continued.The Committee secured the pledges of both Britain and the United States "to give support by every means to the emigration of Jews from Hungary," and from the U.S. Government the ICRC received a message stating that "The Government of the United States ... now specifically repeats its assurance that arrangements will be made by it for the care of all Jews who in the present circumstances are allowed to leave" (Vol. I, p . 649).

Biedermann agreed that in the nineteen instances that "Did Six Million Really Die?" quoted from the Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War and Inter Arma Caritas (this includes the above material), it did so accurately.A quote from Charles Biedermann (a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Director of the Red Cross' International Tracing Service) under oath at the Zündel Trial (February 9, 10, 11 and 12, 1988).The above is chapter nine from the book "Did Six Million Really Die??

Sefton Delmer (Jew) was a foreign reporter for the English Beaverbrook Press, and in that capacity accompanied Hitler on many of his election tours. After Hitler came to power, Delmer was one of the most respected foreign journalists in Berlin. In 1940, Delmer was the official news announcer on the BBC and was in a position, without even consulting the British Foreign Minister, to turn down an offer of peace made by Hitler. Subsequently, he was the propaganda leader in the British Information Ministry and had a large staff. He carried out so-called “black propaganda” after the end of the war. He was sent to the British-occupied zone in order to co- ordinate the black propaganda with the French, Soviets and Americans.

Delmer was the head of “black propaganda,” meaning forged documents. He managed not only groups of people working in this type of work, but also managed the relevant radio stations. He was a personal friend of the British Information Minister. In June, 1944, the Information Ministry sent out an official directive to all the higher-echelon civil servants and managers of the public media, instructing them that with the Red Army in Europe, they would have to expect incredible cruelty from which they could distract world attention only through a strengthened atrocity propaganda campaign against Germany.

Sefton Delmer was the head functionary who carried out this work for the British government. His main method was to lie as exactly as possible so that the lies couldn’t be uncovered right away. After the end of the war in occupied Germany, Delmer co-ordinated the “black propaganda” campaign with the French, the Soviets and the Americans. These co- ordinated lies and inventions could not be recognized as such right away. Delmer’s work in occupied Germany lasted until 1947. During that period he and his staff forged a wealth of German documents which reached official files. He described this work to a large extent in his own book. Walendy testified that most of these forged documents had the Germans committing a large number of war crimes. Delmer provided the documents to the British Ministry of Information which in turn sent them to the Nuremberg trial as official documents. The International Military Tribunal, pursuant to the London Agreement, did not check whether the documents were true or false, but simply entered them as evidence of “generally-known facts.” Because they were considered authenticated official documents, they had now been introduced into history books. In this situation, Walendy testified, even officially published documents had to be analyzed to determine whether or not they were forgeries.

Walendy did not believe the Nuremberg trials to be fair and impartial. All laws valid in Germany at that time were declared invalid and in their place were put the so-called Control Council laws.

The Control Council laws as well as the London Agreement provided that war crimes could only have been committed by Germans or enemies of the Allies and that the military tribunals were not to be held to normal rules of evidence. This new law was codified in a political agreement between the major powers: the Soviet Union, the United States, France and England. The defence at Nuremberg did not have the possibilities of a normal defence in a regular legal dispute. The witnesses were usually prisoners themselves and were limited with regard to their freedom. The victor ruled in its own interest and ruled what were historical facts and what were not”

“I gazed into the mirror… There, staring at me, was the pallid, flabby-mouthed face of a crook” ~ Sefton Delmer, Black Boomerang p. 218

Sefton Delmer was among the men “who were given the opportunity in 1945 of making changes in Germany” (Udo Walendy, Allied Atrocity Propaganda in WW I

Click on this text and cover your eyes whenever you need to while watching this video of actual film footage taken at actual "NAZI DEATH CAMPS"...


Almost no one understands that the Holocaust Hoax is the indispensable Centerpiece of the New World Order. Without this lie, the Jews would have a very difficult time enslaving the population of the world through the coming One World Government. And here is why: 1) The Jews and their puppets have the ability to operate from behind the scenes (of the governments, of corporations, of foundations, etc.) and not be exposed in their secretive, destructive, criminal schemes, because, if anyone exposes them, they wail, “You are ANTI-SEMITIC!” And the exposer is branded for life! You are not allowed to expose any illegal or immoral schemes of the Jews because “they have already suffered so much"!


By playing the victim (of the “Holocaust”) and collecting billions in reparations from Germany, and billions in foreign aid from the U.S., they have been able to steal Palestine and slaughter the Palestinians, to build the Israeli state, from which they plan to take over the entire Middle East, and then the whole world.


And they also have one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world, by infiltrating all the churches and reminding the Christians of “how much the Jews have suffered, particularly during the Holocaust,” they are now viewed as God’s “chosen people” and should never be criticized for ANYTHING, even if their actions are immoral and illegal, and because of the suffering of the Jews during the “Holocaust” they are setting themselves up to replace Jesus Christ and HIS sufferings on the cross to save the world from sin.


The “Holocaust” will become the new religion, with ‘churches’ (Holocaust museums) eventually built in every city, which the people approach with quietness, reverence and respect (far more than is found in any of today’s churches). The Jews have already stated that they will become their own Messiah.


This will bring about not only the One World Government for enslavement of the world’s population by the Jews, but it will become the basis for the coming One World Religion. Laws will be passed in every country, similar to the laws now on the books in Germany, Canada, Austria, Australia and several other countries, making it illegal to doubt the Jewish version of the “Holocaust.”


This crime will be punishable by a massive fine, and/or many years in prison. Eventually, the same penalties will be imposed for any type of “anti-Semitism” – the definition of which will be in the hands of the Jews. The only way the “suffering of the Jews during the Holocaust” can be described as “unique” is that–it didn’t happen! It’s all a LIE!



Click on this text to examine the Colchester collection of "holocaust" truth and facts books...




                                             Jewish Propaganda Photo Fakery

Jews, made into soap by the Nazis, Page 1

Jews, made into soap by the Nazis, Page 2

Auschwitz Modern Propaganda Tricks & Ploys: How dead can they get?

A Roundup of Jews, maybe, in WW2 by Germans in WW1 helmets?

Photo--faked--of a German soldier allegedly shooting a Civilian

Photo--actual--of a German soldier not shooting a Civilian

A Jewish labor force, Hollywood style

A genuine defiance; maybe.

A genuine act of defiance, Close-up

A Firing Squad committing Suicide?

A German soldier, pasted-in a photo-faked image, as if watching displaced Jews

A vicious looking Hitler, 12 months old(?)

Photo Trickery 1: Italian, German, and/or US Panama gun?

Photo trickery 2: Italians claim US Panama coastal gun as a German gun

Hanging Jewish giants amongst Germanic midgets

Unidentifiable Photo of alleged German Soldiers in Mass-Shooting of Civilians, Page 1

Unidentifiable Photo of alleged German soldiers in Mass-Shooting of Civilians, Page 2





Was there Really a Holocaust?
By Dr. E. R. Fields


The Holocaust has become the greatest instrument of sympathy which any nation has ever been able to use to gain support for wars, expansion and foreign-aid: This has made Israel the world’s sixth strongest military power. The gravest threat to all this wealth and influence is the growing doubt over the question of whether or not a real holocaust of 6 million Jews actually took place.


Numbers of Victims Don’t Add Up


The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was 15,688,259. The Almanac’s figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Next the Jewish-owned New York Times of February 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish population for that year amounted “to 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine.” How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people? (See Note 1).


Following the rise of Hitler there were no more than 4 million Jews at most living in areas occupied by the Third Reich at the height of its power. Yet on June 30, 1965, the West German government announced that some 3,375,000 Jewish holocaust “survivors” had applied for reparations money. The International Red Cross had already reported in 1946 that of registered Jewish camp inmates no more than 300,000 could have died, and their audit to December 31, 1984 records a total 282,077 registered deaths of all internees in all German Concentration Camps from all causes.


It is interesting to note that in the Jews’ real “bible”, The Talmud, it is claimed that 800,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Romans in Hadrian’s era. Yet there is no historical evidence to support this claim either. The Jewish-owned New York Times, in 1945 carried an article by the well known Jewish writer C.L. Sulzberger. It openly stated that Soviet Russia had supplied the figure of 4 million Jews having been put to death “in the gas chambers of Auschwitz.” Thus it was the Judaeo-Communists and the Jews who initially originated these figures which today are accepted as “gospel truth”. It is claimed that from 1934 to 1945 some 50,000 people died in the huge Bergen-Belsen camp. This count is considered exaggerated, still Time Magazine reports that of this figure 20,000 died of typhus during the single month of March, 1945! If nearly half died of this plague in just one month at the end of the war there is no way Bergen-Belsen could have been an “extermination camp”. (See Note 2).


Himmler – “Reduce Deaths at all Costs”


Heinrich Himmler, chief of the Concentration Camps issued orders on December 28, 1942, that “The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs” (Reitlinger, “The Final Solution”). The camps had been hit with a deadly typhus epidemic that spread by fleas and body lice. Stomach pain, high fever, emaciation and death can quickly follow. All of the camps were factories and the loss of workers was hurting war production. Inspector of the camps, Richard Glucks responded to Himmler’s order on January 20, 1943, “Every means will be used to lower the death rates” (Nuremberg Tribunal Document No. 1523).


On April 10, 1943, Oswald Pohl, head of the Economic Administration Office of the camps issued a letter stating that persons with tuberculosis were being sent to the camps resulting in the “shockingly high mortality figures” (Nuremberg Documents). Later, on September 30, 1943, Pohl was able to show that the camp death rate had been reduced from 8.5% in July, 1942 to 2.8% in June 1943.


The German SS arrested Buchenwald Commandant, Karl Koch in 1943 for mistreating and even executing some prisoners. After an investigation Koch was found guilty by SS Judge Konrad Morgen and shot. Does this sound like a policy of “extermination?”


After the War, with suspicion rapidly rising about the holocaust claim, a committee of Jewish leaders from New York and Paris met with communist leaders in Warsaw. There they established the “Committee for the Investigation of War Crimes and War Criminals”. It was after this meeting that the announcement was made that all gas chambers were located in Poland.


The Problems of Mass Gassing


In 1945 it was announced that gas death chambers existed in all concentration camps in Poland, Germany, Austria and Alsace. Some 15 years later, in 1960, this was revised to the new claim that gas chambers existed only in camps located in Soviet held Poland. Simon Weisenthal of the Los Angeles Holocaust Center states in the paper, “Books and Bookmen”, April 1975, page 5, “No gassing took place in any camp on German soil.” The pressure had been growing since The Vatican, Red Cross, English Intelligence and German Intelligence chiefs Canaris and Oster (who collaborated with the British) either did not know or did not believe in rumors of gassings.


This brings up the following questions:


1). Germans are meticulous record keepers but there is not one order for the construction of any gas chamber, no blueprint, no photo of any gas chamber or gassed victims.


2). There have been thousands of investigations of alleged Nazi war criminals, hundreds of trials, yet not one person was ever accused of being involved with actual gassings! No reliable witness on either side has ever come forward who saw a single person gassed – AND THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN OVER 10,000 MASS GASSINGS!


3). Photos of bodies at Dachau and Belsen camps are of prisoners who died of typhus and malnutrition. Many Germans also died from typhus.


4). The Vatican and Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the War about alleged gas chambers. The response was always the same, “The detainees themselves have not spoken of them” (Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946).

Forced Confessions of Gassings


Rudolf Hoess was the commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943. When captured by the Soviets they extracted a confession to mass gassings using Zyclon-B gas. Such “confessions” are about as reliable as any forced by Stalin from victims tortured before taking the stand to confess during the Moscow show trials of 1936. The communists wrote the “Confession’ and Hoess signed it. Later he was hanged. An assistant commandant refused to sign – he died in his cell. Hoess’ statement read, “half an hour after having released the gas, they opened the door and started the ventilation machines. They began immediately to extract the bodies while eating and smoking.”


Was Hoess trying to get a message across that there were no gassing? Zyklon-B is not “ventable”. The manufacturers state Zyklon-B adheres to surface clothing and skin. They say that only after a 24 hour period, wearing a gas mask with the strongest filter, could any bodies be removed without killing such workers.


If we believe the Hoess confession that the workers ran into the gas chamber “eating and smoking” – without gas masks – only minutes after the gassing – ALL WOULD HAVE DIED!



Gas Stories not Possible


The Jew Mosche Pearlmann in his book, “The Capture and Trial of Adolph Eichmann” states on pages 375 and 385 that Zyclon-B crystals were introduced from the ceilings of the gas chambers and “became immediately gaseous.” The American Cyanamid Co. of Linden N.J. states: “We know of no chemical process whereby HCN (Zyklon-B) may be made to become instantly gaseous upon exposure to air.” (See Note 3).


Claims of William Shirer


Shirer claims the gas was released from overhead through fake shower outlets, (page 970) and quickly killed its victims. The truth is that Zyklon-B gas is lighter than air and would rise to the ceiling so that anyone throwing themselves to the floor would be saved. Shirer also quotes the Soviet written confession signed by Hoess as stating (page 968), “We knew when the people were dead because their screaming stopped.” If anyone were actually killed with a cyanide type gas they would die instantly thus there would be no screaming at all. The truth is that Zyklon-B was used to delouse inmates’ clothing of lice and fleas which carry typhus.


The Problem of the Crematoriums


At the Auschwitz I camp there were only 6 crematory ovens. At the hospital in Auschwitz II there are 46 single cremators. In the Lubin camp there were only 6. THAT’S ALL! In these three camps 3 to 4 million Jews were supposed to have been exterminated and their bodies cremated. Furthermore, these cremation ovens were very small with only 18′ doors and required from 4 to 6 hours to burn each body using a large amount of coal. Cremation was used in the camps for those who passed away in order to prevent epidemics. No large supplies of coal were ever stored at the camps for cremations. A VERY INTERESTING NOTE appears only in the German edition of William L. Shirer’s book, “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.” It seems the Didler-Werke Company, which built the crematory ovens, sued Shirer who previously wrote that millions of people were gassed and then burned in this company’s ovens. In an out-of-court settlement of the suit Shirer agreed to add the following footnote on page 972 of the German edition: “The Didler-Werke have raised objection to the name of their firm appearing in the chapter concerning the extermination camps. Dr. S. Trastel, a professor of engineering in a statement of August 1961 established that the measurements are those which are standard for a crematory oven of not very modern design intended for small cemeteries and would be unsuitable for mass burning.”




On the question of cremating 6,000,000 people – this would leave 15,000 tons of ashes! Such gigantic piles of ashes created over the short 2 1/2 year period the holocaust supposedly took place would have been very difficult to dispose of. No one has ever come forward to report seeing such huge piles of tons of ashes. It was not until 1960 that the Soviets opened the Auschwitz camp to tourists and independent investigators. No gas chamber could be found. The official answer was that it was “taken to another camp for gassings and then later went into oblivion!” (See Zimunism).


What Experts say about the Holocaust


Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes, eminent historian, author of 40 books, many of which are standard college texts, noted in Rampart Journal, 1967. “It has been demonstrated that there had been no systematic extermination in those camps.” Thies Christopherden, a German soldier and author wrote: “I was at Auschwitz! There was no gas chamber there.” Paul Rassiner, historian and anti-Nazi activist, who served a prison sentence in Buchenwald and the Dora camps stated in 1962. “The claim that a holocaust took place is an historic lie – the most tragic and most macabre imposture of all time.” Prof. Robert Faurisson, a specialist in Document Analysis at the University of Lyon. France, stated on April 25, 1979. “The holocaust lie, which is largely of Zionist origin, has made an enormous political and financial fraud possible, whose principal beneficiary is the state of Israel.”


Why the Holocaust Campaign


Hardly a week goes by when there are not stories in the press, on TV-News or movies about the alleged holocaust. What is the long range design for this constant attempt to fill Germans and indeed all Christians with a feeling of guilt over a holocaust which never occurred?


Bernard Postal wrote in the Jewish Week, July 14, 1979, “Not until after the holocaust, did anti-Semitism become taboo. There was a time when anti-Semitic speeches were an open factor in national campaigns. The holocaust put a taboo on overt anti-Semitism among upper-level statesmen and publicists.”


S.E.D. Brown of South Africa, a noted journalist writes, “The holocaust instills a guilt complex in those said to be guilty and spreads the demoralization, degeneration, and eventually the destruction of the natural racial elite among a people. This transfers effective political control to the lowest elements who will cowtow to the Jews.”


Zionist spokesmen often boast of: “The shattering effect of the holocaust on the Christian conscience resulting in a feeling of collective indebtedness to the Jews.”


Massive unending U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel in made possible because anyone who dares to oppose these outrageous giveaways is condemned as being “anti-Semitic” and “insensitive” to holocaust victims. The Jews hold an unnatural violent hatred for the German people. Jews seek to turn all other peoples of the world against the Germans and keep that nation divided for all time to come. That is why no peace treaty has been signed as yet with Germany and why they still live under Allied military occupation laws.


A Question of Fund-raising


The Wall Street Journal quotes a Jewish professional fund-raising consultant firm of Milton Goldin Co., as saying the main theme of Jewish fund-raising is the holocaust and has been for 38 years. When they don’t use the holocaust the money collection sharply drops off. Thus the more the Press, TV and Hollywood promotes the holocaust the more money the United Jewish Appeal and other Zionist funds can extract from gullible people (Note 4).


Holocaust Silences Opposition


Jewish leaders have discovered that by repeating holocaust stories over and over again they can instill a guilt complex within all Gentiles. This effectively silences most critics of Zionist political goals.


What about Real Holocausts?


Why doesn’t the Jewish-controlled press, TV and film industry give massive media attention to real victims and to proven holocausts of Gentiles in recent history?







Info Brochure "the holocaust never happened"
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This brochure is a more thorough introduction into revisionism. It answers questions like: What is historical revisionism and why is it important? What is meant by "The Holocaust" or "Shoah?" What does Holocaust revisionism claim? What about those pictures of mountains of dead bodies in the concentration camps? Does it really matter whether prisoners died from disease or poison gas? Does it matter how many Jews were killed during the Third Reich since even one thousand would have been too many?


Germar Rudolf, Lectures on the Holocaust. Controversial Issues Cross Examined
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Since 1991, German scholar Germar Rudolf does researching, publishing, and lecturing on the Holocaust. This book offers the main arguments for being skeptic about the Holocaust in a very sensitive way. All arguments and counter-arguments are discussed in a virtual exchange with the reader. The best introduction to revisionism one can find.

Fred A. Leuchter, Robert Faurisson, Germar Rudolf, The Leuchter Reports. Critical Edition
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Between 1988 and 1991, American expert on execution technologies Fred Leuchter wrote four expert reports addressing the question whether or not the Third Reich operated homicidal gas chambers. The first report on Auschwitz and Majdanek became world famous. This edition republishes all four reports, and accompanies the first one with critical notes and research updates.

Germar Rudolf (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust. The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and 'Memory', 2nd., revised paperback edition
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Dissecting the Holocaust applies state-of-the-art scientific technique and classic methods of detection to investigate the alleged murder of millions of Jews by Germans during World War II. In 22 contributions of each ca. 30 pages, the 17 authors dissect generally accepted paradigms of the ‘Holocaust’. It reads as exciting as a crime novel. This is the intellectual adventure of the 21st

Germar Rudolf, The Rudolf Report. Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the "Gas Chambers" of Auschwitz
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The so-called Leuchter Report about the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz and Majdanek has been subject to massive, and partly justified, criticism. Rudolf wrote a thorough forensic study about the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz which irons out the deficiencies and discrepancies of the Leuchter Report. The Rudolf Report is the first English edition of this sensational scientific work.

Jürgen Graf The Giant With Feet of Clay. Raul Hilberg and his Standard Work on the 'Holocaust'
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Raul Hilberg's major work The Destruction of European Jewry is generally considered the standard work on the Holocaust. Jürgen Graf applies the methods of critical analysis to Hilberg’s evidence and examines the results in the light of Revisionist historiography. The results of Graf’s critical analysis are devastating for Hilberg.

Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno, Concentration Camp Stutthof and its Function in National Socialist Jewish Policy
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According to communist literature, the Stutthof camp was a ‘makeshift’ extermination camp within the framework of the so-called ‘Final Solution of the Jewish Question’ in 1944. Jürgen Graf and Carlo Mattogno have examined this view of Stutthof. Not only do the authors prove that the Stutthof camp did not serve as a ‘makeshift’ extermination camp...

Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno, Concentration Camp Majdanek. A Historical and Technical Study
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Common information available on the Madjanek camp is thoroughly discredited Polish Communists propaganda. With their exhaustive study, Mattogno and Graf expertly dissect and repudiate the myth of homicidal gas chambers at Majdanek. They also investigated the legendary mass executions of Jews in tank trenches ("Operation Harvest Festival") critically and prove them groundless.

Don Heddesheimer, The First Holocaust. Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns With Holocaust Claims During And After World War One
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Supported with many publications, in particular from The New York Times, the author shows that between 1916 and the late 1920s, mainly American Jewish organizations were claiming that up to six million Jews(!) would suffer terribly in Eastern Europe and would face a holocaust if they did not receive massive aid.

Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, third, revised and expanded edition
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Professor A. R. Butz was the first (and so far the only) writer to treat the entire Holocaust complex from the Revisionist perspective, in a precise scientific manner. This book exhibits the overwhelming force of historical and logical arguments which Revisionism had accumulated by the middle of the 70s. This new edition comes with several supplements adding new information.

Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Treblinka. Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?
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It is claimed that at Treblinka camp, between 700,000 and 3,000,000 Jews were murdered in 1942 and 1943. The weapons used were alleged to have been stationary and/or mobile gas chambers, poison gases of both fast acting and slow acting varieties, quicklime, superheated steam, electricity, diesel exhaust fumes... This thorough study exposes the Treblinka hoax.

Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz: Crematorium I and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings
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The morgue of crematorium I in the Auschwitz concentration camp is said to have been the first location where mass gassings of Jews occurred over an extended period of time. This study investigates all the documentary, physical, and anecdotal evidence. Carlo Mattogno shows that this morgue always was only what it was meant to be: a morgue.


Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz: Open Air Incinerations
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Due to a restricted capacity of the Auschwitz crematoria, hundreds of thousands of corpses of murdered victims are said to have been incinerated in fires lit in deep trenches in Auschwitz. This study investigates all the documentary, physical, and anecdotal evidence. Carlo Mattogno shows that the stories about these open air incinerations, although based on a kernel of truth, are vastly exaggerated, and their homicidal background is untrue.


Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz: The First Gassing. Rumor and Reality
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The first gassing of human beings in Auschwitz is claimed to have occurred on Sept. 3, 1941. The accounts reporting it are the archetypes for all later gassing accounts. This study exhibits the sources about this alleged event and analyzes them critically. It shows that these sources contradict each other in every essential point, rendering it impossible to extract a consistent story. Original wartime documents inflict a final blow to the tale of the first homicidal gassing.


Carlo Mattogno, Belzec in Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and History
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600,000, if not as many as 3 million Jews, were allegedly murdered in Belzec camp between Nov. 1941 and Dec. 1942. Various murder weapons are claimed: diesel gas chambers; quicklime in trains; high voltage; vacuum chambers. According to witnesses, the corpses were finally incinerated on huge pyres without leaving any traces... This study exposes the Belzec hoax by thoroughly examining all available evidence, including forensic drillings and excavations of the late 1990s.

Carlo Mattogno, Special Treatment in Auschwitz. Origin and Meaning of a Term
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According to official historiography, terms like "special treatment," or "special action," when occurring in German documents in the context of the "Holocaust", were camouflage words which really meant the killing of inmates.
By bringing numerous documents into their proper historical context, Carlo Mattogno shows that this interpretation is profoundly wrong...

Carlo Mattogno, The Bunkers of Auschwitz. Black Propaganda versus History
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The so-called “Bunkers” at Auschwitz are claimed to have been the first homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz specifically erected for this purpose in early 1942. With help of the files of the Auschwitz construction office, this study shows that these “Bunkers” never existed, how the rumors of these alleged gas chambers evolved as black propaganda created by resistance groups within the camp, and how this propaganda was transformed into ‘reality’ by historians.

Carlo Mattogno, The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz. Organization, Responsibilities, Activities
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The Central Construction Office of Auschwitz was responsible for the planning and construction of the Auschwitz camp complex. This study sheds light into hitherto hidden aspects of this camp’s history. This pioneering study, which is based on mostly hitherto unpublished Moscow documents, is indispensable for those wishing to avoid misinterpretations of Auschwitz documents.

Carlos W. Porter, Not Guilty at Nuremberg
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Porter exposes a multitude of legal absurdities as well as glaring violations of juridical procedure of the Nuremberg Trials. He considers all the accused defendants of the tribunals as well as other significant personalities and important witnesses. On the basis of tribunal protocols, he demonstrates the crass and extralegal means used to "prove guilt" at the Nuremberg.

Ingrid Weckert, Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich
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Jewish emigration was welcomed by the German authorities of the Third Reich. It was not some kind of wild flight, but rather a lawfully determined and regulated matter. Weckert's booklet elucidates the emigration process in law and policy, thereby augmenting the traditionally received picture of Jewish emigration from Germany. The accounts of Jews fleeing Germany in secret by night across some border are untenable.


Germar Rudolf (ed.), Special Treatment in Auschwitz. Origin and Meaning of a Term. Download: PDF: 2.8 MB - HTML-ZIP: later | Buy this item
French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac was praised by mainstream Europe for his alleged refutation of the revisionists. Auschwitz: Plain Facts subjects Pressac's works to a devastating critique by leading revisionist scholars. The verdict: Pressac did not pay any attention to "the technique" of mass murder, as his books claim. In fact, he reveals such a massive technical incompetence that his works belong into the category of novels rather than history.

Germar Rudolf, Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz Lies. Legends, Lies, and Prejudices on the Holocaust. Download: PDF: 14.3 MB - HTML-ZIP: later | Buy this item
What do Prof. G. Wellers, Prof. J. Markiewicz, Prof. J. Roth, Dr. R. Green, Prof. J. Zimmerman, and Prof. M. Shermer have in common? They all tried to refute the scientific findings of Holocaust revisionism -- and they all failed. This volume discusses these and more authors and exposes their attempts at refutation as a mixture of scientific bungling and frau

Dr. Fredrick Töben, Fight or Flight. The Personal Face of Revisionism
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On the travels, travails, trials, and tribulations of Australia's top-revisionist Dr. Fredrick Töben, Director of the Adelaide Institute. In this book he describes a multitude of encounters with many personalities of the world, from Konrad Lorenz and Werner Heisenberg to the whole range of representatives of Revisionism and their enemies. A world to be explored.

Curtis B. Dall, Franklin Delano. My Exploited Father-in-Law | 1 MB  

Norman G. Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry | 0.64 MB  

Jürgen Graf, Holocaust Revisionism and its Political Consequences | 0.2 MB  

David Hoggan, The Myth of the Six Million | 0.2 MB  

David Irving, Nuremberg. The Last Battle | 1.5 MB  

Barbara Kulaszka, 'Did Six Million Really Die?' | 16 MB  

George Orwell, Animal Farm | 777 KB  

George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four | 5.8 MB  

Michael Collins Piper, BEST WITNESS. The Mel Mermelstein Affair and the Triumph of Historical Revisionism | 1 MB  


J. M. Spaight, Bombing Vindicated | 574 KB  

Freda Utley, The High Cost of Vengeance | 0.8 MB  

Herbert Verbeke, Auschwitz: Plain Facts. A Response to Jean-Claude Pressac | 1.45 MB

Click on this text to see documentary: The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax...

A Factual Appraisal Of
The 'Holocaust'
By The Red Cross
The Jews And The Concentration Camps: No Evidence Of Genocide

There is one survey of the Jewish question in Europe during World War Two and the conditions of Germany's concentration camps which is almost unique in its honesty and objectivity, the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948.  
This comprehensive account from an entirely neutral source incorporated and expanded the findings of two previous works: Documents sur l'activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947). The team of authors, headed by Frédéric Siordet, explained in the opening pages of the Report that their object, in the tradition of the Red Cross, had been strict political neutrality, and herein lies its great value.   The ICRC successfully applied the 1929 Geneva military convention in order to gain access to civilian internees held in Central and Western Europe by the Germany authorities. By contrast, the ICRC was unable to gain any access to the Soviet Union, which had failed to ratify the Convention. The millions of civilian and military internees held in the USSR, whose conditions were known to be by far the worst, were completely cut off from any international contact or supervision.  
The Red Cross Report is of value in that it first clarifies the legitimate circumstances under which Jews were detained in concentration camps, i.e. as enemy aliens. In describing the two categories of civilian internees, the Report distinguishes the second type as "Civilians deported on administrative grounds (in German, "Schutzhäftlinge"), who were arrested for political or racial motives because their presence was considered a danger to the State or the occupation forces" (Vol. 111, p. 73). These persons, it continues, "were placed on the same footing as persons arrested or imprisoned under common law for security reasons." (P.74).  
The Report admits that the Germans were at first reluctant to permit supervision by the Red Cross of people detained on grounds relating to security, but by the latter part of 1942, the ICRC obtained important concessions from Germany. They were permitted to distribute food parcels to major concentration camps in Germany from August 1942, and "from February 1943 onwards this concession was extended to all other camps and prisons" (Vol. 111, p. 78). The ICRC soon established contact with camp commandants and launched a food relief programme which continued to function until the last months of 1945, letters of thanks for which came pouring in from Jewish internees.   Red Cross Recipients Were Jews  
The Report states that "As many as 9,000 parcels were packed daily. >From the autumn of 1943 until May 1945, about 1,112,000 parcels with a total weight of 4,500 tons were sent off to the concentration camps" (Vol. III, p. 80). In addition to food, these contained clothing and pharmaceutical supplies. "Parcels were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Ravensbrück, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, to camps near Vienna and in Central and Southern Germany. The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews" (Vol. III, p. 83).   In the course of the war, "The Committee was in a position to transfer and distribute in the form of relief supplies over twenty million Swiss francs collected by Jewish welfare organisations throughout the world, in particular by the American Joint Distribution Committee of New York" (Vol. I, p. 644). This latter organisation was permitted by the German Government to maintain offices in Berlin until the American entry into the war. The ICRC complained that obstruction of their vast relief operation for Jewish internees came not from the Germans but from the tight Allied blockade of Europe. Most of their purchases of relief food were made in Rumania, Hungary and Slovakia.  
The ICRC had special praise for the liberal conditions which prevailed at Theresienstadt up to the time of their last visits there in April 1945. This camp, "where there were about 40,000 Jews deported from various countries was a relatively privileged ghetto" (Vol. III, p. 75). According to the Report, "'The Committee's delegates were able to visit the camp at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed by special conditions. From information gathered by the Committee, this camp had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich ... These men wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under their own administration and possessing almost complete autonomy. . . two delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6th, 1945. They confirmed the favourable impression gained on the first visit" (Vol. I, p . 642).  
The ICRC also had praise for the regime of Ion Antonescu of Fascist Rumania where the Committee was able to extend special relief to 183,000 Rumanian Jews until the time of the Soviet occupation. The aid then ceased, and the ICRC complained bitterly that it never succeeded "in sending anything whatsoever to Russia" (Vol. II, p. 62). The same situation applied to many of the German camps after their "liberation" by the Russians. The ICRC received a voluminous flow of mail from Auschwitz until the period of the Soviet occupation, when many of the internees were evacuated westward. But the efforts of the Red Cross to send relief to internees remaining at Auschwitz under Soviet control were futile. However, food parcels continued to be sent to former Auschwitz inmates transferred west to such camps as Buchenwald and Oranienburg.  
No Evidence Of Genocide.  
One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 ... In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp ..." (Vol. III, p. 83).   Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78). By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable.  
In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend. Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. So far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff) - Incidentally, it is frequently claimed that mass executions were carried out in gas chambers cunningly disguised as shower facilities. Again the Report makes nonsense of this allegation. "Not only the washing places, but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged" (Vol. III, p. 594).   Not All Were Interned

Volume III of the Red Cross Report, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the "aid given to the Jewish section of the free population," and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps, but remained, subject to certain restrictions, as part of the free civilian population. This conflicts directly with the "thoroughness" of the supposed "extermination programme", and with the claim in the forged Höss memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing "every single Jew he could lay his hands on."  
In Slovakia, for example, where Eichmann's assistant Dieter Wisliceny was in charge, the Report states that "A large proportion of the Jewish minority had permission to stay in the country, and at certain periods Slovakia was looked upon as a comparative haven of refuge for Jews, especially for those coming from Poland. Those who remained in Slovakia seem to have been in comparative safety until the end of August 1944, when a rising against the German forces took place. While it is true that the law of May 15th, 1942 had brought about the internment of several thousand Jews, these people were held in camps where the conditions of food and lodging were tolerable, and where the internees were allowed to do paid work on terms almost equal to those of the free labour market" (Vol. I, p. 646).  
Not only did large numbers of the three million or so European Jews avoid internment altogether, but the emigration of Jews continued throughout the war, generally by way of Hungary, Rumania and Turkey. Ironically, post-war Jewish emigration from German-occupied territories was also facilitated by the Reich, as in the case of the Polish Jews who had escaped to France before its occupation. "The Jews from Poland who, whilst in France, had obtained entrance permits to the United States were held to be American citizens by the German occupying authorities, who further agreed to recognize the validity of about three thousand passports issued to Jews by the consulates of South American countries" (Vol. I, p. 645).  
As future U.S. citizens, these Jews were held at the Vittel camp in southern France for American aliens. The emigration of European Jews from Hungary in particular proceeded during the war unhindered by the German authorities. "Until March 1944," says the. Red Cross Report, "Jews who had the privilege of visas for Palestine were free to leave Hungary" (Vol. I, p. 648). Even after the replacement of the Horthy Government in 1944 (following its attempted armistice with the Soviet Union) with a government more dependent on German authority, the emigration of Jews continued.  
The Committee secured the pledges of both Britain and the United States "to give support by every means to the emigration of Jews from Hungary," and from the U.S. Government the ICRC received a message stating that "The Government of the United States ... now specifically repeats its assurance that arrangements will be made by it for the care of all Jews who in the present circumstances are allowed to leave" (Vol. I, p . 649).  
Biedermann agreed that in the nineteen instances that "Did Six Million Really Die?" quoted from the Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War and Inter Arma Caritas (this includes the above material), it did so accurately.  
A quote from Charles Biedermann (a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Director of the Red Cross' International Tracing Service) under oath at the Zündel Trial (February 9, 10, 11 and 12, 1988).   The above is chapter nine from the book "Did Six Million Really Die?"   For the entire book "Did Six Million Really Die?", click here.
Comment From 'Interesting'   From the above account, it would appear that those in charge of the barbarous Allied civilian bombing of Germany, thus attacking the civilian infrastructure (which is a war crime), are primarily responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of gays, gypsies, political dissidents, Jews, etc. in the concentration camps of wartime Germany due to disease and starvation.    
Comment William Landsford   By 1944, most of Germany was already at or near starvation, and disease among the civilian population was a severe problem. Transportation and the food supply were in tatters from the unceasing bombing of the US and UK on German civilian targets and infrastructure. Read some biographies of Germans who survived the war. Many Germans died of disease...typhus was very common. One account of a young boy about age 12 at the time described how he was so malnourished he became sickly and then infected with typhus. He was put in a hospital ward with dozens of other typhus victims. Incredibly, he described how a cart with a gas bottle was wheeled into the ward and zyklon gas was actually turned released in an effort to kill all lice, etc, while all the patients were in their beds. A remarkable story of survival. It can be heard in the Rense Archives...the program date is August 1, 2005.

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Tabu-Brechende Bücher und Dokumentarfilme

"Aufklärung ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit. Unmündigkeit ist das Unvermögen, sich seines Verstandes ohne Leitung eines anderen zu bedienen. Selbstverschuldet ist diese Unmündigkeit, wenn die Ursache derselben nicht am Mangel des Verstandes sondern der Entschließung und des Mutes liegt, sich seiner ohne Leitung eines anderen zu bedienen. Sapere aude! [Wage zu wissen] Habe Mut, dich deines Verstandes zu bedienen! ist also der Wahlspruch der Aufklärung."

Das ist der berühmte deutsche Philosoph Immanuel Kant im Jahre 1784.

Bei dieser Webseite geht es um Aufklärung, um Mündigkeit und um Mut:

    Sie zielt darauf ab, all ihre Besucher über das einflussreichste Thema der modernen Geschichte aufzuklären: Den angeblichen vorsätzlichen Massenmord an sechs Million Juden durch Nazi-Germany hauptsächlich mittels Gaskammern während des Zweiten Weltkrieges.
    Sie setzt die Mündigkeit der Besucher voraus, das heißt, dass sie sich ihres Verstandes ohne die Leitung eines anderen bedienen können.
    Und schließlich setzt sie den Mut voraus, sich wohl-fundierten, rationalen aber zugleich auch wahrlich verblüffenden und, so würden manche sagen, frevlerischen Gedanken zu öffnen.

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Klicken Sie auf diesen Text um zu sehen:Holocaust Handbücher & Dokumentarfilme...


Sealed and guarded since the end of WWII at Arolsen, Germany, the Official IRC records reveal the actual Concentration Camp total death toll was 271,301


For years, people around the world – “the West” in particular – have been told that “six million Jews were systematically murdered by Germans in ‘Concentration Camps’ during World War 2.”


Thousands of honest people disputing this claim have been viciously smeared as a hateful anti-Semite. Several countries around the world have jailed and heavily fined people for disputing the claim that “6 Million” Jews were killed.


Provided here is a scanned image of an Official International Red Cross document, proving the so-called “Holocaust” [the long-and-often-claimed-6-million Jews] is just plain wrong. Jews around the world have intentionally exaggerated and perpetually lied for the purpose of gaining political, emotional and business advantages for themselves.


They committed willful, criminal FRAUD upon millions of trusting people around the world!


Please NOTE that the truth has been known since long before 1979!!! The above compiler, replying to a letter, had to rely on information that was already in existence!!!


Tax-payers of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Latvia, Poland and other nations have had multiple Millions of dollars taken from their wages to be paid out to “holocaust survivors” and their descendants for something that DID NOT HAPPEN.


The tax-payers of these United States of America spend Billion$ each year in direct, indirect and military support of the State of Israel (which is not Biblical Israel).


This is intentional, criminal fraud on a scale so massive as to be almost incomprehensible.


Red Cross and East German government figures put the total deaths at every camp as 272.000, and 282,000 respectively which includes homosexuals, communists, gypsies, murderers, paedophiles etc. The 6 Million figure is a Kabbalist number, a magickal figure which featured in news papers in the early 1900’s


Where do the innocent Germans, Americans and others go to get a refund?


I call for criminal prosecution of individuals and groups who filed false lawsuits to obtain holocaust reparations and financial damage awards and perpetrating deliberate fraud upon Courts.


I call for the removal of Holocaust references in History books and educational materials.


I call for the removal of Holocaust Memorials worldwide.


It is long overdue that this intentional fraud be halted and those who perpetrated it be brought to justice for over 60 years of National Blood Libel against Germany and other nations through vicious lies and financial fraud.


Two of the most important surveys of the Jewish question in Europe during World War II are David Irvings examination of the Russian archives after the wall came down. Irving published his findings in his book, “Hitler’s War” and said not one word about gas chambers.


When question about this omission he said that there was no reference to gas chambers in the archives and therefore he did not discuss the question of gas chambers. Irving was arrested in several countries for hate speech for his scholarly omission.


The International Red Cross published their analysis in a three volume “Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War” published in Geneva in 1948. This analysis expanded findings of two previous publications: “Sur L’activite’ du CICR en faveur des civils detencus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946) and “Inter Arma Caritas: The Work of the ICRF during the Second World War” (Geneva, 1947).


In 1949 the International Red Cross interviewed prisoners in the German camps. They were not allowed to interview prisoners in the Russian camps which were far more harsh.


The German camps held both political prisoners (Schutzhaflinge) and those convicted of crimes. The Germans allowed the Red Cross to distribute food, medicine and clothing to the prisoners.


Grateful prisoners sent letters of thanks from Dachau, Buchenwalk, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Fibha, Ravensbruck, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and others.


“The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews” (Vol. III, p. 83).


Regarding Theresienstadt, the Red Cross said, “”where there were about 40,000 Jews deported from various countries, was a relatively privileged ghetto” (Vol. III, p. 75).


“The Committee’s delegates were able to visit the camp at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed by special conditions … From information gathered by the Commmee, this camp had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich … These men wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under their own administration and possessing almost complete autonomy … two delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6, 1945.


They confirmed the favourable impression gained on the first visit” (Vol. I, p. 642).


The ICRC also had praise for the regime of Ion Antonescu of Fascist Rumania where the Committee was able to extend special relief to 183,000 Rumanian Jews until the time of the Soviet occupation.


The aid then ceased and the ICRC complained bitterly that it never succeeded “in sending anything whatsoever to Russia” (Vol. II, p. 62). The same situation applied to many of the German camps after their “liberation” by the Russians.


The ICRC received a voluminous flow of mail from Auschwitz until the period of the Soviet occupation, when many of the internees were evacuated westward. But the efforts of the Red Cross to send relief to internees remaining at Auschwitz under Soviet control were futile.


However. food parcels continued to be sent to former Auschwitz inmates transferred west to such camps as Buchenwald and Oranienburg.




One of the most important aspects of the Report of the ICRC is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps towards the end of the war.


Says the Report: “in the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims.


Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1, 1945 … In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results.


Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp .I.” (Vol. III, p.83).
Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able.


The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15, 1944 against “the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies” (Inter Armet Caritns, p. 78). B


By October 2, 1944, the ICRC had warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable.


In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatsoever of ‘gas chambers’.


The original 1946 edition did not even talk of ‘extermination’ or ‘death camps’ but after the emotional impact of the Nuremberg trials the Red Cross felt compelled to introduce into the expanded 1948 Report several, very cursory references to ‘death camps’ (Vol. 1 p. 641) and ‘extermination camps’ (Vol. I p. 645).

However, no means of’extermination’ is indicated.


In all its 1,600 pages the three-volume Report does not even mention such a thing as a
‘gas chamber’. It acknowledges that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but’ its complete silence
on the subject of’gassings’ is ample refutation of the ‘Holocaust’ legend.



Volume III of the Report of the ICRC, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the “aid given to the Jewish section of the free population” and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps but remained, subject to certain restrictions, as part of the free civilian population.


This conflicts directly with the “thoroughness” of the supposed “extermination programme”, and with the claim in the forged Hoess memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing every single Jew he could lay his hands on,” In Slovakia, for example, where Eichmann’s assistant Dieter Wisliceny was in charge, the Report states that “A large proportian of the Jewish minority had permission to stay in the country, and at certain periods Slovakia was looked upon as a comparative haven of refuge for Jews, especially for those coming from Poland.


Those who remained in Slovakia seem to have been in comparative safety until the end of August 1944, when a rising against the German forces took place. While it is true that the law of May 15, 1942 had brought about the internment of several thousand Jews, these people were held in camps where the conditions of food and lodging were tolerable, and where the internees were allowed to do paid work on terms almost equal to those of the free labour market” (Vol. I, p. 646).


Not only did large numbers of the three million or so European Jews avoid internment altogether, but the emigration of Jews continued throughout the war, generally by way of Hungary, Rumania and Turkey. Ironically, post-war Jewish emigration from German-occupied territories was also facilitated by the Reich, as in the case of the Polish Jews who had escaped to France before its occupation.


“The Jews from Poland who, whilst in France, had obtained entrance permits to the United States were held to be American citizens by the German occupying authorities, who further agreed to recognise the validity of about three thousand passports issued to Jews by the consulates of South American countries” (Vol. 1, p. 645).


As future U.S. citizens, these Jews were held at the Vittel camp in southern France for American aliens. The emigration of European Jews from Hungary in particular proceeded during the war unhindered by the German authorities. “Until March 1944,” says the Red Cross Report, “Jews who had the privilege of visas for Palestine were free to leave Hungary” (Vol. 1, p. 648). Even after the replacement of the Horthy Government in 1944 (following its attempted armistice with the Soviet Union) with a government more dependent on German authority, the emigration of Jews continued.


The Committee secured the pledges of both Britain and the United States “to give support by every means to the emigration of Jews from Hungary, ” and from the U.S. Government the ICRC received a message stating that “The Government of the United States… now specifically repeats its assurance that arrangements will be made by it for the care of all Jews who in the present circumstances are allowed to leave” (Vol. 1, p. 649).



Official International Red Cross Records Released
Sealed And Guarded Since The End Of WWII At Arolsen, Germany,
The Official IRC Records Reveal The Actual Concentration Camp Total Death
Toll Was 271,301




The Source of the six million figure is a Talmudic (Jewish Talmud) reference to a future holocaust in which six million Jews die.


The reason why they are claiming six million deaths in Nazi camps, even though that number vastly exceeds the number of Jews in Europe at the time, is because this reference in their scripture is something they fear deeply and wish to prevent at all costs.


The Ashkenazi Jews, which I have experience with honestly believe that prophecy is real, but can be manipulated.


They believe that prophets see into the future, and see what was believed and said, and then write that down as much as they reveal the word of GOD.


SO there is a group of Ashkenazi Jews who wish to make the six million figure HISTORY to prevent it from ever happening in the FUTURE by repeating this number over and over and over into the social concience, in the hope that prophets of old will also latch onto this, and report it as a factual event in the future, which would now be history.


In other words, they believe they can lie themselves a new future. I don’t think so – I think their hardest days are ahead and one thing is certain, the genie is out of the bottle and through the word, the real truth of Fukushima may be like silly putty slowly sinking into the carpet, eventually it will be TOTALLY sunk in the carpet and nothing will get it out.


THIS could cause the six million Jewish deaths the prophecy speaks of, and No, I do not believe they can lie their way out of it.



The Holocaust Hoax: The "Six-Million" Lie... http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Holocaust_Hoax.html


Deniers of the Holocaust, the systematic murder of around 6 million Jews in World War II, either deny that such a genocide took place or minimize its extent. These groups (and individuals) often cloak themselves in the sober language of serious scholarship, call themselves “historical revisionists” instead of deniers, and accuse their critics of trying to squelch open-minded inquiries into historical truth.


Firstly, the statement reiterates the highly problematic six million figure as fact. As I wrote in “The Shoah Must Go On: The Holocaust Story vs. Christian & Other Genocides”:



The six million number was associated with Jews in various situations prior to the claim that 6 million were killed during World War II. For example, The New York Times ran a piece on October 31, 1869 stating that, according to The Hebrew National, there were 6,000,000 Jews in the world, half of whom lived in Europe. Between 1900-45 there were (at least) 200 allegations of six million jews being in peril, persecuted and/or eliminated.


The six million number persisting as fact, despite the total Auschwitz numbers — which includes both Jews (the vast majority) and non-Jews (the minority) — having been reduced over the years from four million to 1.1 million.


Secondly, unsuspecting members of the Matrix will likely read the SPLC definition while nodding their sheeple heads in agreement, yet it’s a thoroughly disparaging and downright defamatory description, designed to cast doubt on the integrity and credibility of anyone who has either done first-hand research into the subject or who has taken the time to dig into the many books, articles, films, etc., that are the result of the work of such researchers.


In response to Monika’s arrest, (((B’nai Brith Canada)))’s CEO Michael Moyston is quoted as saying:


German officials should be commended for taking action against Holocaust denial. Antisemitism has no place in Canadian politics or Canadian universities, and we will continue to work, even across borders, to ensure that racism and bigotry find no haven in Canada.


Ah, now we’re getting somewhere: “holocaust denial” equals “anti-Semitism”, two highly weaponised terms that serve to place barriers in the brain which the vast majority of folk are unable or unwilling to break through. Also, note the trend towards removing the hyphen and making lowercase the letter ‘s’, thus creating a new word that’s two steps removed from the literal definition of anti-Semitism: being opposed to or against Semitic peoples.


“Anti-Semitism” is a nonsensical slur and a great example of Orwellian doublespeak, taking something with meaning (Semitic) and turning it on its head (the vast majority of so-called Jews are not Semitic). The term “holocaust denier” is first and foremost a fabricated label to disparage the “deniers” and deter others from crossing the uncrossable line. Just as the CIA-created, weaponised term “conspiracy theorist” was devised to keep the masses firmly in their programmed box in the immediate aftermath of the JFK assassination, the term “holocaust denier” is designed to do likewise in regard to “THE Holocaust”.


Indeed, the (((Wikipedia))) entry on “holocaust denial” quotes psychiatrist and one-time director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, (((Walter Reich))), as directly attributing “holocaust denial” to so-called “anti-Semitism”:


The primary motivation for most deniers is anti-Semitism, and for them the Holocaust is an infuriatingly inconvenient fact of history. After all, the Holocaust has generally been recognized as one of the most terrible crimes that ever took place, and surely the very emblem of evil in the modern age. If that crime was a direct result of anti-Semitism taken to its logical end, then anti-Semitism itself, even when expressed in private conversation, is inevitably discredited among most people. What better way to rehabilitate anti-Semitism, make anti-Semitic arguments seem once again respectable in civilized discourse and even make it acceptable for governments to pursue anti-Semitic policies than by convincing the world that the great crime for which anti-Semitism was blamed simply never happened—indeed, that it was nothing more than a frame-up invented by the Jews, and propagated by them through their control of the media? What better way, in short, to make the world safe again for anti-Semitism than by denying the Holocaust?


The (((official))) bottom line, therefore, is that a “holocaust denier” is anyone who harnesses their inherent “anti-Semitism” to attack, without reason, the official holocaust narrative. Which is, of course, preposterous.


The reality is quite different. It’s a story of real men and women who’ve had the courage to look into that which is verboten — to ask legitimate questions, conduct extensive research and/or delve into the resulting research and, thereby, be in possession of highly inconvenient facts that stand in contrast to the official story.


The holocaust in context: atrocity propaganda, Dachau and Nuremberg Trials





Speaking of the official story, it’s crucial to be aware of the context in which it was formed — a combination of factors which included post-war atrocity propaganda and key “confessions” having been extracted by coercion and/or torture during both the Dachau and Nuremberg Trials.


Regarding atrocity propaganda, the British Ministry of Information sent the below letter to the higher British clergy and the BBC in February 1944. The letter was published in the 1958 book, Allied Wartime Diplomacy: A Pattern in Poland by Edward J. Rozek (bold emphasis mine).



I am directed by the Ministry to send you the following circular letter:


It is often the duty of the good citizens and of the pious Christians to turn a blind eye on the peculiarities of those associated with us.


But the time comes when such peculiarities, while still denied in public, must be taken into account when action by us is called for.


We know the methods of rule employed by the Bolshevik dictator in Russia itself from, for example, the writing and speeches of the Prime Minister himself during the last twenty years. We know how the Red Army behaved in Poland in 1920 and in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Galicia and Bessarabia only recently.


We must, therefore, take into account how the Red Army will certainly behave when it overruns Central Europe. Unless precautions are taken, the obviously inevitable horrors which will result will throw an undue strain on public opinion in this country.


We cannot reform the Bolsheviks but we can do our best to save them — and ourselves — from the consequences of their acts. The disclosures of the past quarter of a century will render mere denials unconvincing. The only alternative to denial is to distract public attention from the whole subject.


Experience has shown that the best distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy. Unfortunately the public is no longer so susceptible as in the days of the “Corpse Factory,” and the “Mutilated Belgian Babies,” and the “Crucified Canadians.”


Your cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from the doings of the Red Army by your wholehearted support of various charges against the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put into circulation by the Ministry.


Your expression of belief in such may convince others.


I am, Sir, Your obedient servant,




The Ministry can enter into no correspondence of any kind with regard to this communication which should only be disclosed to responsible persons.


As for the Nuremberg and Dachau “confessions”, these were foundational for the lasting success of the atrocity propaganda since they corroborated the official narrative. The Chief United States Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson stated that: “The Nuremberg Tribunal, as a military tribunal, is a continuation of the war effort of the Allied nations.” (Nuremberg Protocols, Vol. 19, p. 440)


The typical “holocaust denier”?


While so-called “holocaust deniers” come from varying backgrounds with different areas of expertise, there are common threads of sensitivity, courage, intelligence, integrity and a thirst for truth — qualities that enabled prior adherents to the holocaust story to approach the subject with an open mind and let the results of their enquiries stand for themselves. In the case of more prominent “holocaust deniers” another significant common thread is that of being subjected to defamation and persecution. In the words of Karl Schlögel (writing in defense of Gabor Tamas Rittersporn, who was accused of having lent his support to Robert Faurisson in 1980):


“Holocaust denier,” “revisionist,” “negationist”: everyone knows what such an accusation means. It effectively means exclusion from civilized humanity. Anyone who is suspected of this is finished. His public life is destroyed, his academic reputation ruined.


The qualities of courage, integrity and a thirst for truth cannot be overstated. Such qualities drive a person to follow truth wherever it leads, however much it flies in the face of everything that was once understood as fact. As Jesus says in Luke 6:43-44: “For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.” Thus, the honest mind earnestly in search of truth will deal honestly with the results of any investigation.


How “holocaust denial” is leading the one world order charge




More fundamental than disparaging and discrediting individuals, the “holocaust denial” label and associated laws are a brutal whack-a-mole style bludgeoning device designed to keep all future inquisitive moles firmly in their hole from fear of sudden death, as well as being a template for quashing dissent in any area deemed to be unacceptable to the prevailing powers-that-be that comprise the Jew World Order.


This tyrannical tool of oppression has been well used throughout history, especially against those living under the communist jackboot in the Soviet Union and China. Anyone coming close to crossing the party line, whether in thought or deed, was swiftly disposed of, resulting in up to 166 to 186 million deaths by torture, murder or deliberate starvation.


Thus, “holocaust denial” laws are at the forefront of the coming one world government, a system which will be headed up by the Antichrist as he rules from the third temple in the Jerusalem, declaring “peace and safety” while uniting all peoples of the world under a one world religion, as well as initiating and enforcing a one world currency.


But before we even get to that point of absolute tyranny, it’s clear that more and more bludgeoning devices will be wielded against those of us who refuse to blindly follow the dictates of our respective (wholly unlawful) governments.


Relatively few people are both aware of and care about every type of transgression being perpetrated against us. Thus, only those who understand the holocaust is not as reported will care to stand for those who have been bludgeoned by denial laws. Likewise, those who have a stake in one of the many other areas being subjected to societal disdain and, increasingly, tyrannical laws, are the only ones standing for others’ inherent right to think, speak and act in accordance with their understanding of that particular area.


This is hugely significant in clearing the way for the coming one world government. People are divided in their resistance — some are focused on the tyranny of compliance and others on the tyranny of “hate” crime, thought crime or some kind of “denial” crime.


The former includes but is not limited to: the push for mandatory vaccinations; compulsory education (homeschooling is illegal in approximately 30 countries); gun control (already achieved in many countries); forced medical “treatment” for children; and psychiatric “sectioning” (being committed against one’s will).



The latter includes but is not limited to: “holocaust denial”; 9/11 and 7/7 “conspiracy theories”; “climate change denial“; and “gender” theory denial; as well as standing firm to one’s beliefs about marriage by declining to bake a cake, host or photograph a “wedding” for a same-sex couple. And so on.


These transgressions against our inalienable right of autonomy are just the beginning. Which is why it’s important to see the larger picture — to understand that even when governmental or societal tyranny doesn’t directly affect us now, there will come a day when something we do or don’t do, something we say or don’t say, something we think or don’t think will be held against us — at which point we’ll be the one facing defamation, ostracisation, a fine, death threats, violent attacks on our person, our family and/or our home (essentially state-sanctioned terrorism and thuggery), a prison sentence, or even a death sentence.


Profiles of “holocaust deniers”


Here are brief summaries of a handful of “holocaust deniers”, all of whom are neither haters nor bigots but are (or were) extraordinarily courageous, principled, intelligent and articulate human beings who have taken a stand for truth in the face of overwhelming lies and deceit.


Ernst Zündel


A native German who emigrated to Canada when he was 19 years old, Ernst Zündel, a graphic artist by trade, was charged for “publishing false news” under his publishing house, Samisdat — specifically, the 1974 booklet by Richard Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last?.


Zündel was subsequently subjected to two lengthy trials (1985 and 1988). He was found guilty in 1985 but the appeals court ruled that the judge had given improper advice to the jury and excluded evidence for the defense. He was also found guilty in 1988, but his conviction was overturned by the Canadian Supreme Court on the grounds that the archaic “false news” law was a violation of Canada’s Charter of Rights.


After this, Zündel was brought before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on charges of promoting “hate” through his website “The Zundelsite” (now only available in archived form). Since the site was based in the United States the ruling that its content was unlawful was not enforceable in Canada.


Like Robert Faurisson, Zündel was subjected to violent attacks. In 1995, his house was attacked by arsonists calling themselves the “Jewish Armed Resistance Movement”, a group with affiliations to the Jewish Defence League (JDL), an FBI-listed terrorist organisation. A few days after the arson attack, Meir Weinstein (Toronto JDL leader) and Irv Rubin (American JDL leader) tried to break into his house; and a few weeks later a parcel bomb was sent to his Toronto home.


Constitutions are important! They are not promises made to be broken! Ernst Zündel, 2004

Subsequently, Zündel moved to the United States to live with his new wife, Ingrid Rimland, who created and lovingly maintained Zündelsite. He was then arrested in 2003 on spurious grounds of not complying with immigration laws, extraordinarily renditioned to Canada where he spent two years in solitary confinement without charge, before then being deported to Germany where he was imprisoned, tried and convicted of “holocaust denial”, specifically “popular incitement”.


After his release in 2010, he remained in Germany as he was banned from entering either Canada or the United States, and as a result was never able to live with his wife again. Ernst Zündel died on August 5, 2017. Ingrid died shortly after Ernst, on October 12, 2017.


More on Ernst Zündel


The Zündel Trials (1985 and 1988) Robert Faurisson, The Journal of Historical Review, Winter 1988-89 (Vol. 8, No. 4), pages 417-431

My Role in the Zündel Trial Mark Weber, The Journal of Historical Review, Winter 1989-90 (Vol. 9, No. 4), pages 389-425

Off Your Knees, Germany! Zündel’s story from 1983 to 2003 (YouTube)

Ernst Zündel interviewed by an Israeli journalist Toronto, 1996 (YouTube)

Ernst Zündel Paintings and Drawings November 2013 (YouTube) [art created in six prisons, in three countries, on two continents]

Ernst Zundel Prisoner of Conscience Victim of Thought Crime (extensive compilation of links to articles about Zündel)


                                                                                                                       Robert Faurisson


A man of exactitude, Robert Faurisson of Vichy, France, employed painstaking methods of investigation into the alleged gas chambers. After publicising his findings, he’s been subjected to numerous trials and has been fined various times over the years.


In 1979, a statement was issued by 34 leading French historians in response to Robert Faurisson’s technical counter-evidence against the existence of gas chambers, which concluded as follows:


It is not necessary to ask how technically such a mass murder was possible. It was technically possible, seeing that it took place. That is the required point of departure of every historical inquiry on this subject. This truth it behooves us to remember in simple terms there is not and there cannot be a debate about the existence of the gas chambers. Le Monde, February 21, 1979


Following Faurisson’s 1983 appeal against the verdict of his 1981 trial, the court made an astounding statement:


[…] the existence of the gas chambers, such as usually described since 1945, conflict with an absolute impossibility, which suffices by itself to invalidate all the existing testimonies or, at the least, to stamp them with suspicion.


Due to the results of his work, Faurisson and his wife have been threatened by court officials, his bank account has been frozen, he’s been physically assaulted by Jewish thugs no less than ten times (between November 1978 and May 1993), the worst of which, perpetrated by the so-called “The Sons of the Memory of the Jews” in September 1989, was nearly fatal.


Faurisson had a significant role to play in the Zündel trials of 1985 and 1988, not only providing testimony on the stand in both trials but also preparing many of the technical questions for Doug Christie, Zündel’s lawyer, during the 1985 trial, as well as securing Fred Leuchter as a gas chamber expert for the 1988 trial.


More on Robert Faurisson

The Man, the Scientist, and his Method of ‘Exactitude’ Fredrick Töben, CODOH, 2004

Impact and Future of Holocaust Revisionism Robert Faurisson, Institute for Historical Review

The ‘False News’ Trial of Ernst Zündel, 1988 Witness for the Defense: Robert Faurisson

Witnesses to the Gas Chambers of Auschwitz Robert Faurisson, CODOH, 1993

Response to a Paper Historian Robert Faurisson, The Journal of Historical Review, Spring 1986 (Vol. 7, No. 1), pages 21-72

Robert Faurisson — A Most Honorable Man Anthony Lawson, March 2014 (YouTube)

Gilad Atzmon interview with Robert Faurisson June 2014 (YouTube)

Jim Rizoli interviews Robert Faurisson October 2015 (YouTube)


                                                                                                                                    Sylvia Stolz



A German lawyer, Sylvia Stolz is a woman who has shown great courage in the face of a tyrannical legal system. For a short time, she was part of Ernst Zündel’s defence team during his 2005-2007 trial in Germany, before being barred from speaking and/or presenting evidence, and subsequently being criminally charged with contempt of court as well as inciting contempt. Stolz was charged and tried under the same section of the German Criminal Code as Ernst Zündel and received a three-and-a-half-year sentence, of which she served three years and three months. Stolz was also barred from practising law.


During the trial, Stolz witnessed the judge saying that evidence is irrelevant when it’s illegal to deny the holocaust. The Berlin newspaper, Die Tageszeitung, reported the statement by Judge Ulrich Meinerzhagen as follows:


Towards the end and much to the shocking surprise of the anti-fascist groupings present the court dismissed all the petitions for evidence for the short and simple reason that

it was completely irrelevant whether the holocaust really did happen or not. It is illegal to deny it in Germany and that is all that counts in court. (TAZ, 9 Feb 2007)


In 2012, Stolz gave a presentation at the Anti-Zensur-Koalition Conference in Switzerland and, as a result, is once more facing criminal charges. It was while attending a session at Stolz’s trial in January 2018 that Monika Schaefer was arrested.


More on Sylvia Stolz

Talk at the 8th Anti-Zensur-Koalition Conference Chur, Switzerland, November 2012 (YouTube)

Sylvia Stolz’s response to criticism of her AZK talk January 2013 (YouTube)

Sylvia Stolz Sent to Prison for Criticizing German Law Roberto Hernández, CODOH, September 2015

Sylvia Stolz Bio, Anti-Zionist League

Sylvia Stolz, The German Joan of Arc Carolyn Yaeger, 27 September 2011


                                                                                                                    Germar Rudolf



A German chemist, Germar Rudolf is a man of precision and rationale. While attending Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (1990-1993), Rudolf researched and wrote a report on the chemical and technical questions of the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz. First published as The Rudolf Report, the revised and expanded version is now available as The Chemistry of Auschwitz—The Technology and Toxicology of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers – A Crime-Scene Investigation.


In Germar’s own words, this is why he has dedicated his life to bringing forth holocaust truth:


Here then are the reasons I have dedicated myself to revisionism:


Because of my upbringing, I felt bad merely for doubting. I knew something was wrong with a society when it instills guilt-feelings in its members simply because they dissent. The Holocaust is the one area, and almost the only area, where one is admonished to accept facts blindly; not to think critically. But we are taught to question practically everything else, even that which is kept in high regard, such as the reality of God, or sexual intimacy. We are primed to be docile subjects and kept fearful of any transgressions with respect to the Holocaust. That angered me then and it angers me still.


Because of my doubts, my entire outlook on life became unstable. I was no longer certain what was correct or incorrect, who lied and who told the truth. The eternal conflict of good and evil was revived in me. The question where the truth could be found concerning the Holocaust was so important, that I knew I could only recover my peace of mind by finding out for myself, personally, where the truth lay. I wanted to rid myself of uncertainty one way or the other.


There is no scientific area in which those who hold dissident opinions are persecuted more mercilessly by the “ruling order” than that of revisionism. That is probably why most people don’t want to touch it, and most avoid it by convincing themselves that the subject is not relevant to current problems. But for me, this draconian persecution is the best proof there is that this is a crucial subject, because the powers that be regard it as most important that nobody touches this taboo. Comprehensive and critical research in this area is therefore very important for scientific, political and social reasons.


The treatment of revisionism and its proponents in areas of science, journalism, politics and law is a scandal worldwide — it demands redress.


Rudolf has had his home raided and his computer and papers seized. He has also lost three jobs and been ousted from his apartment on two occasions. He was subsequently tried for “holocaust denial” in 1994-1995 and found guilty of “stirring up the masses”, “inciting to hatred”, “libel” and “disparaging the remembrance of the dead”, which incurred a 14-month prison sentence.


In order to avoid incarceration, Rudolf fled first to England and then to the United States, however, he was arrested in 2005 and deported to Germany where he was imprisoned and subjected to further charges. In 2007, he received an additional two-and-a-half-year sentence.


While in England, Rudolf launched Castle Hill Publishers, now the foremost publisher of books on the subject of the holocaust.


More on Germar Rudolf


What Made Me a Revisionist? Germar Rudolf


Resistance Is Obligatory Germar Rudolf, Summary of his 2012 book with the same title. The book’s subtitle is: Address to the Mannheim District Court 15 November 2006 to 29 January 2007


Jim Rizoli interviews Germar Rudolf November 2015 (YouTube)


Germar Rudolf — Persecution of Revisionists & Demographic Disaster (Part 1) Red Ice Interview, August 2016 (YouTube)


Germar Rudolf — Persecution of Revisionists & Demographic Disaster (Part 2) Red Ice Interview, August 2016 (YouTube)



A few more “holocaust deniers”

Vincent Reynouard and here

Fred Leuchter

Mark Weber

Fredrick Töben

Bradley Smith



Related posts on “the holocaust”

The Shoah Must Go On: The Holocaust Story vs. Christian & Other Genocides

Humanity, Rejoice! Sylvia Stolz Rings the Holocaust Myth’s Death Knell

Lionesses of Truth: Ursula Haverbeck, Sylvia Stolz & Monika Schaefer

Monika Schaefer Arrested & Indefinitely Detained in Germany

Amazon’s Virtual Burnt Offering to the Jew World Order: Truth-Telling Books Banned

Jewish Holocaust resources page (videos, pdf documents and links)

Jews and Judaism resources page (videos, pdf documents and links)


The Holocaust is the modern religion. Those of us who question it are witches and heretics, easily able to be hunted down and burned at the stake. None are bothered by this gross breach of our rights, after all, because religious law supersedes natural and national laws. When it comes to our faith in the dead & holy Jews, everything else takes a backseat.
As a result of this way of thinking, by extension, we must utterly worship Israel. Israel is the embodiment of our atonement, the guilt-construct that constantly forgives us for our transgressions. Through our ritual confessions by way of foreign aid to Israel, we expunge our sins and once again find ourselves in good favor with God's Chosen.
The ways of God are mysterious and unknown. Why Israel should be allowed to massacre other peoples scot-free is one of the divine mysteries. God's Chosen are immune to criticism, to censure, or any other form of critique--after all, to question the ways of God is sheer blasphemy, that most cardinal of sins, antisemitism.
Facts, after all, do not matter. We often hear of Hitler talking about "The Big Lie," and the quote is distorted into sounding like he is talking about a lie he himself is propagating. On the contrary, The Big Lie refers to the machinations of the Lügenpresse (lying media) to distort reality before the public. This quote is so distorted because the Lügenpresse Hitler refers to is still very much present amongst us today.
Nor does it matter that many Holocaust survivors are proven liars, admitted to writing works of fiction (Schindler's List, by the way, is based on a work of fiction), receive money and pensions for being considered a Holocaust survivor, and suffer from mass illusions they have been endlessly told they experienced by the media. None of this matters.
Because the Holocaust is not about facts. It is not about what actually happened. As we have seen: nobody actually cares, and when pressed by the issue they launch into a vicious emotional outrage that someone would dare question their religion.
It just astounds me that in this age of science and reason, so many people are still tethered by primitive superstition.


Once anyone fully realizes that Jewish Zionists control every important aspect of what is known as "America"...particularly all of the important media and government... then you'll fully realize that most of history is a lie and completely turned around and flipped upside-down...

What Hitler and Germany attempted to do was indeed reasonable and prudent, and all the "death camp" propaganda is a only one lie amongst a sea of lies... Sad to say... it will take some time and effort to reverse a lifetime of brainwashing for Americans and

The good news is that 9/11 makes exposing the Jewish-Zionist Cabal and the lies of history much easier, ...and we can thank the Cabal for that... the God Damned arrogant fools shot themselves in their own Achilles Heel....

Holocaust Lies Debunked Once and for All ... https://youtu.be/1slx74zKQMc

The Transfer Agreement... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMbZ8alUWos&feature=youtu.be

                                                                 TRANSFER AGREEMENT

Be aware of the NASDAP hand in providing for Jews (with their wealth) being established in the former Palestine (British Mandate at the time)...

The Haavara (TRANSFER) Agreement was a pact between the NSDAP and Zionists regarding Jewish emigration from Germany during the 1930's. It is the only contract between an official Third Reich authority and a Zionist organization. This agreement is considered to have benefited the interests of both parties. Haavara was intended to promote both the emigration of German Jews and the export of German products to Palestine.

As a result of the Agreement, German exports arrived in Palestine at bargain prices with the help of Jewish capital and Jewish commercial assistance. The Agreement also made it possible to settle a large number of German Jews in Palestine. Goods worth a total of 139.5 million Reichsmark were transferred by 1939. Only the outbreak of war in September 1939 ended the transfer practice.

The Madagascar Plan was a proposal of the NSDAP government of Germany to relocate the German-Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar. Franz Rademacher, head of the Jewish Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the NSDAP government, proposed the idea in June 1940, shortly before France's defeat in the fall of France. The proposal called for the handing over of Madagascar, then a French colony, to Germany as part of the French surrender terms.


The idea of deporting Polish Jews to Madagascar was investigated by the Polish government in 1937, but the task force sent to evaluate the island's potential determined that only 5,000 to 7,000 families could be accommodated, or even as few as 500 families by some estimates. As efforts by the Nazis to encourage emigration of the Jewish population of Germany were only partially successful, the idea of deporting Jews to Madagascar was revived by the NSAP government in 1940.


Rademacher recommended on 3 June 1940 that Madagascar should be made available as a destination for the Jews of Europe. With Hitler's approval, Adolf Eichmann released a memorandum on August 15th 1940 calling for the resettlement of a million Jews per year for four years, with the island governed as a police state under the SS.

The plan was postponed after the Germans failed to defeat the British in the Battle of Britain later in 1940 and was permanently shelved in 1942 as the fortunes of war turned against Germany.







Click on this text to see Spielberg's Hoax - The Last Days of The Big Lie...

The Last Days of the Big Lie is a documentary which debunks the disgusting liars glorified as heroes and victims in the Steven Spielberg produced, Academy Award winning "Holocaust" documentary The Last Days.

The Last Days of the Big Lie uses Spielberg's Oscar winning hoax as a jumping off point to debunk Spielberg's USC Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation as well as the greater Holocaust Hoax.





‘Dear M.Spielberg, I wish your honesty to be equal to your very great talent. I saw you on T.V in France. You declared that you would pour out Shoa propaganda in German schools. You mentioned that witnesses would convince for good, as to the reality of the Shoa (6-million-gas-chambers).

I feel it my duty as a Jew and after 20 years study of the historical problem of the holocaust, to call your attention to the facts. Facts are very stubborn and as no one can gainsay them, our congeners have been compelled to make disgusting politicians enact stalino-orwellian laws which forbid to mention anything concerning the dogma of the’six-million-gas-chambers,’ definitively reduced to perpetual worship of this alchemy.

In case of no respect of silence and worship of the myth, you suffer the penalty of fines or prison or both. Professor Faurisson who has been studying the subject for 20 years, has been practically massacred. This is utterly ridiculous but give the Police and the Justice of all countries to Mr Lévy, he will not be ridiculous any more: here is the XXth century!

These laws are, accordingly, the absolute proof of the fake before we study its arithmetical and technical ineptitude. No Sir, you will not find ONE witness who saw 6 millions Jews slaughtered. You will not find ONE witness of Zyclon- B- gas chambers to exterminate 1000 or 2000 people at a time, close to the crematoria. See my ‘Shoa Sherlockholmised’ herewith: it is the summary of 20 years study on the subject. The ‘6-million-gas-chambers myth ‘is an arithmetic and technical nonsense.

As a matter of fact the howling, snivelling, Shoa business, 50 years after the war, is disgusting, debasing, : it is a disgraceful shame . No people in History has ever been wailing about its losses 50 years after a war, even its true and real losses. Even if the 6-million-gas-chambers were true, it would be a dishonour to make such din and pump up so much money everywhere: who were the usurers of the Weimar Republic? You know it as well as I do. It is all the more so as we know that 6.000.000 is gross exaggeration and that the zyclon B gas chambers are a technical impossibility. ( See Degesh Trial in 1949).

In fact 150,000 or 200,000 Jews died in the German camps of typhus or starvation. Many others died but as fighters against Germany to which we, the Jews, had declared war in 1933! ( Hitler was allergic to the hegemony of gold and of the dollar: so he could give work to six million unemployed, before the functioning of German armament factories!). Do you know the book published at this period and written by our congener Kaufmann: ‘GERMANY MUST PERISH?’

We know that 80,000,000 Goyim were slaughtered in the USSR, in a political regime which was entirely Jewish, from Marx and Warburg, to Kaganovitch, Frenkel, Yagoda, the executioners. We know that after 1945 Americans and Russians killed and raped German communities all over Europe from Lithuania to Albania.

We know that 1,500,000 German war prisoners were starved to death after the war (a famous book was published a few years ago, but is ignored to day). You will find here included in French the text of a rabbi: ‘ A rabbi pleads guilty’: unfortunately I possess neither the German original nor an English translation. You should have it translated. The Rabbi condemns the Jewish behaviour in Germany 50 years before Nazism and vindicates the emergence of Hitler.

As for the harm we have done to Humanity is absolutely not redeemed by your excellent films or the virtuosity of Yehudi Menuhin, or the neutron bomb of S.T. Cohen, I wrote a book about it from texts written by important Jews which are much above the most anti-Semitic text written by Goyim. Simone Weil drew a tragic summary: ‘The Jews, this handful of uprooted people, have been the cause of the uprooting of the whole mankind’. And George Steiner: ‘For 5000 years we have been talking too much: words of death for us and for the others.’

We know that all the German towns of more than 100,000 people have been destroyed during the last war, with women and children : silence about this real holocaust. If we consider the turn taken by the Shoa business, what you intend to do in Germany is actually the safest way to a heaping up of a huge amount of anti-jewism the explosion of which will be unique in History.

Discretion and moderation must be our behaviour : all the rest is suicide. Neither ‘mondialism’ nor orwellian laws for ‘crime of thought’ can prevent antisemitism to explode: only OUR behaviour can. What you do and all the whining and money pumping can only egg it on. It will increase out of reasonable proportions, if there can be a reasonable proportion to antisemitism.

I know that it is practically impossible to check our propensity to speculation and that only the abolition of circumcision at the 8th day could ( our particularism derives from the disturbance of the 21 days of the 1st puberty, which starts precisely at the 8th day ) but we must, at least, try to avoid such blunders as the one you intend to perform in Germany and which would be appalling.

I am a great admirer of your films (except the Shindler list: ask his wife and the historical real reality, but this is a minor blunder). I hope your will scrutinise what I send you and escape the folly of the majority of our congeners . I will always answer you if you have the integrity to write to me.

Thought for the Day: “We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America.” (Chairman Zinoviewff - Apfelbaum of the Communist 3rd International, U.S. Congressional Record, December 13, 1923)

Revisionist Germar Rudolf Website: http://germarrudolf.com/germars-views/

Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust... http://codoh.com/


                                                              How the "Holocaust" Was Faked

The alleged "Holocaust" of "6 million Jews" at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity. The very idea that the Germans organized and executed a complex conspiracy involving "homicidal gas chambers" and other barbaric, sadistic forms of mass murder designed to exterminate European Jewry during WWII is laughable on its face when you stop and objectively think about it.

National Socialist Germany and her allies were fighting a multi-front war against some of the most powerful nations in the world at the time, including the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union. The idea that they would divert their precious and extremely scarce resources and manpower towards implementing a systematic campaign of mass murder specifically designed to annihilate European Jewry is absurd.

There was no German conspiracy to systematically genocide and destroy European Jewry during WWII. There were no "homicidal gas chambers" utilized to murder Jews and other "undesirables". The system of concentration camps throughout much of Europe developed and administered by the Germans and their allies during WWII was simply a network of labor, transit, industrial and detention facilities - not "death camps". Jews, political prisoners and Communist subversives (many of whom were in fact Jewish), homosexuals and many others were detained and either put to work or imprisoned in German-administered concentration camps and industrial facilities throughout Europe.

These forced laborers and prisoners were well-cared for, at least until the end of the war when Germany's supply lines broke down and chaos ensued as a result of the Soviet and Anglo-American invasion of German territory. They were well-fed, well-provided for, and given medical treatment and entertainment. They were allowed to attend concerts, organize plays, make music and play sports. If the Germans were hell bent on murdering these people, why would they provide medical care for them and allow them to entertain themselves?

The entire WWII narrative, especially the fake "Holocaust" story, is basically the exact opposite from what we've been told and taught.

The Jewish Bolshevik terrorists who overthrew the Russian monarchy during WWI and their allies - the USA and the UK, primarily - committed the real atrocities and genocides against the German people and their sympathizers during and after WWII. The British and Americans engaged in a systematic fire-bombing campaign specifically targeting German industrial and urban areas for destruction. Major cities all throughout Germany were fire-bombed on a regular basis, resulting in the horrific death for millions of innocent German civilians - men, women and children.

The Allies sunk German civilian ships escaping the rampaging Soviet Red Army towards the end of the war, ending the lives of countless innocent civilians including, ironically enough, many Eastern European Jews fleeing from the advancing Red Army. The barbaric, out-of-control Red Army was encouraged to rape, pillage, torture and murder Germans as they advanced into German territory, and they did. Hundreds of thousands of German POWs and civilians were starved and murdered after the war, often suffering gruesome deaths from exposure, thirst and torture at the hands of the victorious and ruthless Allies. The National Socialist political, cultural and educational establishment was systematically dismantled and destroyed, with many top officials and leaders murdered, tortured, robbed, imprisoned and otherwise mistreated.

Jewish propagandists have entirely reversed the reality of the situation using their control of the media, and have blamed the Germans for starting the war and committing all the alleged atrocities, when in reality the Germans and their allies were the most disciplined, honorable and righteous forces fighting in that fratricidal Jewish-instigated war. The German people and their allies were the ones who experienced a genuine holocaust - a real genocide - during WWII, not the Jewish population of Europe.

The simple fact of the matter is that the "Holocaust" narrative - 6 million Jews persecuted, abused, and systematically exterminated by "those evil Nazis" during WWII - endlessly promoted and perpetuated by the Jewish-owned mass media, Hollywood and "entertainment" complex, and educational and political establishment is 100% bogus in virtually all respects. The Germans simply wanted the Jews out of Germany, clearly and correctly recognizing them as an alien, hostile and treacherous force working to subvert, pollute and destroy the German nation and Western civilization.

Jews were encouraged to leave Germany, and many did. Others were imprisoned or detained in the various labor and concentration camps established and administered by National Socialist Germany, and were well provided for. They were certainly not killed using "homicidal gas chambers" and other sadistic forms of murder in a systematic campaign to eliminate European Jewry.

But how exactly was such a monstrous hoax manufactured and presented to the public as if it actually happened? What follows is a brief overview identifying the primary means in which the alleged Jewish "Holocaust" during WWII was faked and sold to the public as if it were a genuine aspect of our collective history in order to advance certain geopolitical, cultural and economic agendas.






Click on this text to see: Do Photographs Prove the NS Extermination of the Jews?

                                    The role of Allied propaganda before, during and after WWII

The fake Jewish "Holocaust" narrative is really just an extension of an on-going anti-German propaganda campaign going back to WWI. During WWI, Western (often Jewish) propagandists targeted Germany and her armed forces with ridiculous "atrocity propaganda", alleging in their newspapers and other media outlets that the Germans were engaging in barbaric, ruthless behavior, including raping and murdering innocent civilians.

The fabricated idea that "millions of Jews" in Europe were being exterminated by the Germans and other "fascists" was regularly promoted by Jewish propagandists and their allies in the West beginning in 1915 during WWI. This slanderous, entirely false accusation had been and continues to be endlessly promoted to the often gullible and susceptible Western public, resulting in extremely negative anti-German sentiment, not to mention the widespread belief that the Germans did in fact commit these outrageous (although quite ridiculous) atrocities. The following video demonstrates this point perfectly:

During and immediately following WWII, deceitful propagandists continued to level this "atrocity propaganda" against the Germans in order to demonize them and prepare the Western world for the institutionalization of the myth of "6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis". Western and Soviet propagandists, including psychological warfare specialists in the United States Army and individuals connected to Hollywood, were involved in manufacturing "evidence" - including fake, altered or otherwise misrepresented photographs and videos, "human lampshades", "shrunken heads" and other absurd props - which was used to "demonstrate" to the world that the Germans did in fact commit outrageous atrocities during the war, particularly at the various concentration camps and industrial facilities under their administration. Dave Mansfield of MindWideOpen.net and Mike King of TomatoBubble.com recently collaborated and produced the following video underscoring the points I am making here:

The propaganda used to sell the idea of a "Jewish Holocaust" is extremely emotionally and psychologically exploitative, resulting in psychological trauma and an inability for the broad masses to objectively evaluate the information they are being presented with. This will be discussed in more detail as we continue.
                                                                                         The role of the Nuremberg show trials

Following Germany's defeat in WWII, the Allied countries organized a series of military tribunals often referred to simply as the Nuremberg Trials. The trials consisted of the International Military Tribunal and the Nuremberg Military Tribunal. The Nuremberg Trials were a total sham - "show trials" if there ever were any.

The trials were essentially organized to not only demonize, vilify and falsely blame the Germans for initiating the war and committing all of the "atrocities" and "war crimes", but also to whitewash and cover up the very real crimes committed by the Allies in addition to officially institutionalizing the fake Jewish "Holocaust" narrative.

Fabricated evidence and false testimony was introduced by the Allies, and many of the German defendants were physically and psychologically tortured or otherwise coerced into making false confessions during the trials.
The role of fabricated, altered or otherwise misrepresented imagery associated with the "Holocaust" and alleged "Nazi death camps"
Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish "Holocaust" turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context.

The imagery associated with the "Holocaust" - photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being "rounded up", train cars filled with dead people, etc. - has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of "6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis" to be literally implanted in their minds.
Images showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown to unsuspecting audiences, inducing psychological trauma and fear in their minds, in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in "death camps". The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps. It simply demonstrates how deceitful, brazen and ruthless the Western and Soviet propagandists were in their efforts to demonize and slander the Germans.

Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish "Holocaust" turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as "proof" of German atrocities. Again, the shameless, deceitful behavior of the Western Allies and their Soviet Communist partners knows no bounds.

The iconic "Holocaust" imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the "Holocaust" was a real event.

The aforementioned Dave Mansfield of MindWideOpen.net produced the following short video highlighting some of the more brazenly fabricated photographs that have been used to demonize the Germans and support the fake Jewish "Holocaust" narrative:

The vast majority of people have never objectively investigated the claims being made about the alleged "Holocaust" simply because of the psychological trauma and fear induced by the imagery (and "Holocaust survivor" and other "eye witness testimony", which is also extremely traumatic and psychologically and emotionally exploitative).
                                                                             The role of "Holocaust survivors" and other "eye witnesses" of "Nazi atrocities"

In addition to the iconic imagery associated with the fake Jewish "Holocaust", which as we've seen has been either taken out of context or entirely fabricated, the testimony of alleged "Holocaust survivors" and other "eye witnesses" of "Nazi atrocities" has been used to effectively psychologically and emotionally exploit the masses in order to instill in their minds the entirely fabricated and deceitfully manufactured narrative of "6 million Jews murdered at the hands of the National Socialists" during WWII.

The courageous historical revisionist and film producer Eric Hunt has done a masterful job not only debunking the claims about the fake Jewish "Holocaust", but also demonstrating how entirely ridiculous and absurd the "testimony" alleged "Holocaust survivors" have given truly is.

In virtually all cases, the alleged "Holocaust survivors" are either entirely fabricating or outrageously embellishing their experience during WWII or they are providing testimony that actually discredits and disproves certain aspects of the official "Holocaust" narrative (particularly as it relates to the alleged "extermination camps" in the East often referred to as the "Aktion Reinhard death camps" or "death factories"). I recently interviewed Eric Hunt on The Realist Report, which you can download here. Be sure to take the time and watch The Last Days of the Big Lie and The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax, both of which were produced by Eric.
                       The role of Jewish Hollywood and the organized international Jewish community

Since WWII, an entire industry relating to the fake "Holocaust" has arisen in the West. Disgusted by the outrageously brazen corruption emanating from the deceitful, exploitative leaders and representatives of "Holocaust survivors", Jewish academic Norman Finkelstein wrote a book discussing and exposing what he calls The Holocaust Industry. Organized Jewish interests and their lobbies have successfully created an extremely lucrative financial and sympathy racket based on their false, entirely fabricated narrative of "6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis" during WWII.

"At the end of the twentieth century, the 'Holocaust' is being bought and sold," wrote Tim Cole, a Professor of History specializing in the "Holocaust" at Bristol University, in his book Selling the Holocaust: From Auschwitz to Schindler, How History is Bought, Packaged and Sold. "In short, 'Shoah [Hebrew word for Holocaust] business' is big business." (See here and here for more.)

The "Holocaust" is indeed an industry at this point - a commodity endlessly pushed and promoted by academia, politicians, government officials, international political organizations such as the UN, media moguls, Hollywood producers, organized Jewish groups, the Jewish state of "Israel" and others connected to the "Holocaust" racket.

Hollywood and the "entertainment" complex in the West - which is virtually entirely owned and dominated by Jews with deep ties to the Jewish state of "Israel" and the "Holocaust" industry - have produced countless propaganda films masquerading as objective depictions of experiences of European Jews during WWII. These films and documentaries have served to perpetuate, reinforce and even expand upon the false, entirely fabricated narrative of "6 million Jews systematically genocided by the Nazis" which has been manufactured and sold to the public during and after WWII.
There are countless "Holocaust" museums and memorials all across the globe, many of which receive official state funding and endorsement, including the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. Not a day goes by without a mention of the fake "Holocaust" story in the mass media, entertainment complex, or political establishment. This false narrative is constantly being reinforced and perpetuated to the public on a daily basis, often in the most crass, deceptive, and emotionally exploitative ways imaginable.

The fake "Holocaust" narrative has advanced a number of important geopolitical, cultural and economic agendas primarily benefitting international Jewry and the illegitimate Jewish state of "Israel", including:
  1. Elevating the alleged "suffering and persecution" of the Jewish people during WWII specifically, and all throughout history generally, over all others;
  2. Covering up the crimes committed by Jewish terrorists, Communists and propagandists prior to, during and after WWII by projecting those crimes (and even fabricating new ones) on to the German armed forces and their allies;
  3. Creating an extremely lucrative financial and sympathy racket, netting the Jewish state of "Israel" and the organized international Jewish community billions of dollars annually;
  4. Serving as a basis for the creation of the Jewish state of "Israel", while excusing and justifying the genocidal, illegal policies she has pursued since her founding;
  5. and demonizing the one man - Adolf Hitler - and his political movement who stood up for their country and race against the Talmudic forces of internationalism and globalism seeking the subjugation and ultimate destruction of the White race and all genuine nationalities, ethnicities and cultures.

That is how the "Holocaust" was faked, and what agenda this fabricated, insidious and deceitfully manufactured narrative has and continues to advance on a daily basis.

Writing in Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described the Jews as having an "unqualified capacity for falsehood," and would go on to explain the concept of the Big Lie technique of psychological warfare and propaganda, which organized Jewry has used masterfully throughout history and to this very day, especially concerning the alleged "Holocaust" narrative, in order to falsify history and psychologically exploit mass audiences:
[...] in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.


                                                                                                 A Bird’s Eye View of Auschwitz


I don’t doubt that there was a deadly backlash directed at European Jews that was perpetrated by the Germans, and we all refer to it as THE Holocaust. I do think that the figure of 6,000,000 Jews being gassed and cremated may be a gross exaggeration for added effect. I doubt that any Jews were gassed at all. 


I did my own investigation into the "death camps" and became curious as to exactly how 6,000,000 Jews, plus millions of Russian POWs, Poles, Gypsies, Catholic priests, political dissidents and so forth were "disappeared." We are supposed to believe that the victims were mostly gassed in what they thought were "shower" facilities and then cremated in ovens provided by a German manufacturer of baking ovens. Let’s have a look at the grand- daddy of death camps at Auschwitz, Poland.


First of all, I was unaware that Auschwitz-Birkenau actually had a soccer field that was used regularly by the inmates and was located next to, and in full view of, Crematorium #2. The inmates also enjoyed a swimming pool, movie theater, plays and Sunday orchestra concerts… which seems like a waste of time for the Germans to provide such pleasurable leisure’s for people doomed to die soon. And how the hell could Jewish inmates playing soccer not be disturbed to the point of calling off their soccer game because of seeing the long lines of people entering crematoriums not to be seen again; or only to be seen as a greasy black, foul smelling smoke emitting from the crematorium smoke stack?


There are a lot of curiosities related to the gas chamber/crematorium complex itself. The Germans were, and still are, admired for their practicality, their precision engineering, and are considered masters of organization.


                                                        The Auschwitz killing process does not reflect any practicality at all.


Facts to consider: the Auschwitz crematorium operated for one and a half years from the spring of 1943 until November of 1944. Supposedly 1,400,000 Jews were gassed and cremated during that time. There is a plaque at the present day Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp museum stating that there were 1,400,000 murdered there. The plaque replaced the one that had stated it was 4,000,000. The Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum website presently states that it was 1,100,000.


If people were packed very tightly, then 1,680 people could fit in the gas chamber that was one hundred feet long and twenty three feet wide. But first they had to step down into the underground undressing room that was larger by a third than the gas chamber. After undressing, everyone proceeded to the gas chamber that was accessed by making a right hand turn at the far end of the undressing room, proceeding through a narrow corridor and entering the "gas chamber."


There was only one wooden slat door, the size of a residential door, through which anyone could enter or exit the "gas chamber." It takes a while for 1,680 people to enter a room with only one residential sized door; and it would take a very long time for 100 Sonderkammandos (Jewish workers), overseen by Kapos (Jewish bosses), to drag out all of the bodies, using a cane-like tool, from the underground room with the one door and load them on an elevator hoist for transfer upstairs to the crematorium. The elevator hoist had a 660 pound lift capacity, or around seven average weight bodies, which would require about 240 separate lifts to hoist 1,680 bodies to the ovens. 240 separate lifts would require at least four minutes each, requiring about sixteen hours to load 1,680 bodies into the fifteen ovens. Each oven had the capacity for no more than 2 bodies at a time, each body requires at least one hour for cremation in the coke fueled ovens. We are talking a lot of inefficiency and time consumed here… like a week!


And who the hell were these Jewish Sonderkammandos and Kapos; and who was overseeing them? If Germans weren’t being used to do this repulsively dirty work, why weren’t some ethnicity other than Jews used? What sort of Jew would assist in herding fellow members of the Jewish tribe to their deaths, including women and children?


Surviving Sonderkammandos such as Dario Gabbai (net search him) stated that no more than two armed German guards were present during the underground phase of the gassing operations and no more than six guards at ground level. Were there ever any revolts enacted by the doomed victims and why didn’t the Kapos lead a revolt? Sure, a revolt would ultimately be doomed to fail… or would it?


Wouldn’t it be far better to go down swinging than be packed like a sardine in a gas chamber? With 1,680 people, plus the 100 or so Jewish workers to assist in a revolt, couldn’t the German guards have been easily overwhelmed, disarmed, especially while re-loading, and their weapons be used against the German guards coming to assist in quelling the revolt? …Or, did you have to actually be there to fully understand the defeated and fatalistic state of mind of the victims. By actually being in the Sonderkammandos shoes we all might understand the desire to live a while longer by doing unspeakably dirty deeds against your fellows. But I doubt it.



                                                                                  HOLOHOAX Pt.2


When the Zyklon B gas was introduced into the killing chamber by dropping it down from the roof beside the 7 concrete pillars spaced throughout the room, wouldn’t there have been such a panic, and such a rush to push out through the only door, that the wooden slat door with only two relatively flimsy metal bands would have given way? Crushing to death those closest to the door of course. The door only opened outward from the room, not into the room. The bodies would have piled up in front of the door blocking access to the room if the door opened into the room, as in other "death camps"... and would'nt the people administering the gas be in mortal danger of gassing themselves? 


Some 100,000 prisoners populated the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex at any given time. Carlo Mattogno, in his book, Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity claims that in July of Nineteen forty two, 8,600 prisoners died of typhus, another 4,400 died in August and that was when and why the crematorium was installed and used to burn the infected bodies. Mattogno states that Zyklon B was actually used for de-lousing incoming prisoner’s clothes. Why would the Germans bother with de-lousing anyone destined to be gassed and cremated in the first place?


The original blueprints for the construction of the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex were discovered by French holocaust investigator, Robert Faurisson, where they had been hidden in the Auschwitz State Museum. The underground rooms that have been designated as the "undressing room" and the "gas chamber" by historians were designated in the blueprints as "leichenkeller 1" and "leichenkeller 2." Leichenkeller, in the German language means, "corpse cellar." The rooms were cool storage facilities for the dead that were built underground to enhance cold efficiency until cremation could be accomplished. Cremating the 13,000 corpses of those who died of typhus and natural causes took time, so cool storage was a necessity.


BTW: The most gruesome impression made upon my young mind about the holocaust and concentration camps that had stuck with me until lately was this business about Nazis making lampshades out of human (Jewish) skin. But this lampshade story has evidently turned out to be a myth as not a single lampshade has been proven to be of human origin.


Norm Sauer, a professor of forensic anthropology at Michigan State University, examined a number of alleged human souvenirs that had been donated to the Holocaust Memorial Center located in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Chess pieces supposedly made from human bones were found to be of animal origin and the soap supposedly made by rendering human fat was unfounded. The lampshades were made of either deer or goat skin.


Modern DNA techniques are valuable tools. It’s too bad that any gruesome fact in history is found out to be fiction because it casts doubt upon anything and everything else. And once you are caught in a lie, then a liar is all you’ll ever be. Like the Jews who lie about the USS LIBERTY "incident," 9/11, and Auschwitz.


Ilse Koch, the wife of the commandant at Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar, Germany was tried in 1947for war crimes where prosecutors produced evidence against her such as a shrunken head and pieces of tattooed skin, but no lampshade, and she was the one who was supposedly was having lampshades manufactured. All the hearsay evidence of her accusers was dismissed as unreliable. She did receive a life sentence in a German court just on principle and prosecutors saved face.



                                                                                       HOLOHOAX Pt.3



It is true that Buchenwald concentration camp was out of control even by Nazi standards and Ilse’s husband, Karl, was by all accounts a cruel and corrupt administrator; so much so that the SS conducted an internal investigation related to charges of incitement to murder and corruption in 1943. Karl was found guilty by SS judge Konrad Morgen and executed; Ilse was acquitted in this case. The SS executing one of their own for murder while the convicted party was commandant of a concentration death camp is a very odd thing to do if murder was the primary purpose of concentration camps in the first place.


Austrian born Jewish-American filmmaker Billy Wilder can be credited with making a documentary about Buchenwald after its liberation by U.S. troops in 1945 to publicize Nazi atrocities. A widely circulated still photo from the film showed a table covered with preserved human remains such as two shrunken heads (of unknown origin), pieces of tattooed skin and an ordinary looking table lamp. The film’s narration says that among the items found was "a lampshade, made of human skin, made at the request of an SS officer’s wife." Of course the press corps went berserk and the lampshade became the prime symbol of Nazi barbarity.


Of course it is absolutely unacceptable to deny or question any aspect of the official version of the Jewish holocaust; especially after Jewish Professor Debra Lipstadt presented a paper on November 19, 2010 at the International Conference on anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial titled:


                                                              Holocaust Denial and Freedom of Speech that concludes thusly:


"Ultimately and with this I conclude, our objective should be to create a society where denial of the genocide is seen as so outrageous and so despicable, that anyone who engages in it would be rendered a pariah."

Rendering me a pariah... which is something I have no problem being.


In some European countries, in Germany in particular, it is a crime to deny that any or all parts of the WWII holocaust actually happened. German lawyer, Sylvia Stolz, who defended Ernst Zundel who was on trial for denying the holocaust in 2007, was herself sentenced to five years in prison for stating that the holocaust is "the biggest lie in world history." This is a good example of how Germany is STILL under the Zionist jackboot sixty nine years after WWII; and it’s a good example of life in the so called "Eurozone." At least in America we can deny the holocaust… for a little while longer.


A staunch denier of the "gassing" murder of Jews is a Jewish-American documentary maker named David Cole. David had to go into hiding after appearing on the Phil Donahue Show in 1994 along with fellow gas chamber denier Bradley Smith. The Jewish Defense League made specific death threats against David. Net search <David Cole on Donahue show> and hear what transpired. Donahue was flustered and would not discuss any of the evidence offered by Cole.



BTW: David Cole resurfaced as David Stein in Los Angeles as a "Republican Party Animal." The RPA being a fundraising organization for Republican causes…or some such thing.


Anyway… This "death-camp" issue is very much open to debate in spite of Jewish efforts to stop any debate at all. I could indeed write a book on the subject, but that’s for another time. For now, proceed to examine David Cole’s Forty-Six Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers at the CODAH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) website and look around.



hoax summary


Click on this text to see THE GERMAR REPORT

The Revisionists’ Total Victory on the Historical 

and Scientific Level

By Robert Faurisson

December 31, 2015

“The rising flood, particularly on the Internet, that is bringing to the world’s knowledge the spectacular achievements of historical revisionism is not suddenly going to halt its advance or return towards its source.”

~ Robert Faurisson


In France and in the rest of the world historians and specialists of “the Holocaust” no longer know what to answer to the revisionists’ arguments. And to speak only of my own case, which has been going on since 1978 (that is, for some thirty-seven years), never has my country’s justice system, despite the tireless requests by self-righteous associations to rule against me on the substance of my writings or statements, been able to note therein the least trace of any rashness, negligence, deliberate ignorance, falsehood, falsification or lying. My adversaries, rich and powerful though they may be, have never succeeded in getting our judges to convict me on the merits of the conclusions reached through my research work which, for over half a century, has focused on what is commonly called “the genocide of the Jews”, “the Nazi gas chambers” and “the six million (or nearly)” Jewish victims of the Third Reich. At most, at the end countless cases I have lost suits (whether as plaintiff or defendant) or been found guilty mainly 1) for a malevolence, supposed but not demonstrated, towards the Jews, 2) for breaking the gayssotine (the Fabius-Gayssot or Faurisson Act, legislation of convenience specifically targeting the findings of my research) or 3) by virtue of the “good faith” (sic) of individuals like Léon Poliakov or Robert Badinter, even though found to be at fault by the judges themselves.


For years Poliakov had well and truly manipulated the writings of SS officer Kurt Gerstein (who, having “repented” (?), then committed suicide (?)), when not fabricating outright fragments of text to attribute to him. But the judges granted the presumption of good faith to Poliakov. He had been, we were told, “animated by the passionate and legitimate desire to inform the public about a period and about facts of contemporary history that were particularly tragic”. It was therefore appropriate to forgive him for having “perhaps, on minor points [sic!!!], broken scientific standards of rigour without, however, it being permissible to state that he is a manipulator or fabricator of texts”. As for Badinter, in 2006 he claimed that in 1981, when he was still barrister for the LICRA and just before becoming Minister of Justice, he had got a court to rule against me “for being a falsifier of history”. A decision of 2007 restored the truth and held that Badinter had “failed in his evidence” to demonstrate my alleged dishonesty; but, the court hastened to add, he had been in good faith. For want of both money and a lawyer (Eric Delcroix having retired – not without being refused honorary membership of the bar), I did not appeal and was forced to pay the Socialist millionaire the sum of €5,000. But at least since then I have had the satisfaction of being able to speak of “Robert Badinter, my liar, my slanderer… in good faith”.


An astute observer will have noted that the more our opponents sense the game is getting away from them on the historical or scientific level, the more they feel the need to increase their propagandistic drum beating, and the repression as well. In France, at this very moment, they are putting all their hopes in having Parliament pass a supergayssotine. Good for them! A few weeks short of my 87th birthday, I have six cases pending, four against me and two others that I have had to instigate, albeit quite unwillingly. Will my judges finally decide, in 2016, to leave us, my wife and me, destitute? Or are they getting ready simply to throw me into a prison of the République? It is understood beforehand, is it not?, that if they were to carry things to such extremes it would only be on the grounds of the noblest républicain principles and in the name of human rights.


Let’s consider our current Prime Minister. One day, Manuel Valls, in full pomposity, his mouth, heart and left hand clenched, let fly: “I am, by my wife, eternally linked to the Jewish community and Israel”. He saw himself as “eternal”: a vast programme! But fervour was leading him astray. He ought to come back down to earth, reconnect with the ground, get treatment and stop deluding himself: the revisionists have, already as of now, won the match.


As early as in 1983-1985, Raul Hilberg, surrendering to the arguments of “Faurisson and others…” had to drop the pretension of explaining, on the basis of valid arguments and documents of his own, that the Third Reich had, with proper Germanic efficiency, designed, prepared, developed, organised and financed the killing of millions of European Jews. The eminent Jewish American historian ended up finding himself reduced to trying to have us believe that this gigantic massacre had come about by the operation of the Holy Spirit or, in his words, by “an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus-mind reading within a large bureaucracy” that had, on its own, spontaneously decided, it seemed, gradually to abandon written communication in favour of verbal or indeed telepathic exchange to such an extent that no written or material evidence bespoke the six million Jews’ (or, in Hilberg’s case, a bit fewer) had been systematically killed either on the Eastern Front or in the gas chambers, mainly at Auschwitz.


A number of historians or researchers, such as Arno Mayer, Jean-Claude Pressac and Robert Jan van Pelt, have also capitulated, in a more frank and direct manner. The first has had to admit, among other bitter observations, that “Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable”. The second, a protégé of the Klarsfeld couple, came to understand that the dossier of the official story of the Jews’ extermination, “rotten” with too many lies, was bound for “the rubbish bins of history”. The third has concluded that “Ninety-nine per cent of what we know [about Auschwitz] we do not actually have the physical evidence to prove”; despite this, millions of visitors there have been and continue to be shown a “gas chamber” said to be in its “original state”, as well as ruins of other alleged “gas chambers”. As for the figure of “six million”, never subjected to the least scientific verification, it is rooted in the most sordid of realities: an old American publicity slogan used already before 1900 and up to the end of the Second World War to collect a windfall of cash especially from the Jewish community. The searing words amounted to the cry “Six million of our brothers are dying in Europe [by the acts, according to circumstance, of Poland, the Balkan countries, Tsarist Russia, National-Socialist Germany…]; we await your money for the victims of this holocaust [sic already in 1919]!”


Manuel Valls, our Prime Minister, and François Hollande, President of our Republic, devote themselves to launching, in several foreign countries, warlike crusades of the kind that have backfired horribly for us French this year. To proceed as they do, contrary to the Constitution, they dispense with the approval of Parliament, either in advance or within forty days from the start of operations. On top of their foreign wars, conducted in the most cowardly as well as the most comfortable conditions, they instil an atmosphere of internecine war at home. They call “cowards” certain enemies who, after all, are inspired on a grand scale by the practices of our glorious Résistants: “Hey, killers with the bullet and the knife, kill quickly!” If François Hollande has the stature of a pedalo admiral, Mr Valls resembles Picrochole, that character in Rabelais whose Greek name means “bitter bile” and who regularly gets all excited at the prospect of going off to war. Mr Valls began with a crusade against the Saracens of today and against the real or supposed enemies of Israel but he is also on a campaign against the revisionists, against “Dieudonné in peace”, against Marine Le Pen – even though she has pushed her own father down the stairs – and even against his friends of the Socialist clan. A good suggestion for him would be to calm down, take care of himself, try to laugh with Dieudonné, reflect for a moment with the revisionists, allow historians or researchers to work as they wish and, at long last, spare us the flag-waving frenzy, the bugle-blowing, the verse and chorus of the Marseillaise on the “day of glory”, the “impure blood” and the “ferocious soldiers”. As we know, it is, unhappily, all too easy to take the French in with that sort of thing.


Such, today, are the modest New Year wishes for 2016 that I allow myself to make for that person, for his victims, for the French and for the rest of the world. But is it perhaps already asking too much?


For their part, the revisionists know what awaits them: the confirmation in the mainstream media, sooner or later, that they have already won a total victory on the historical and scientific level. The political and media powers will indeed have to resign themselves to the facts: persistence in gunboat policies abroad and in those of gagging and censorship at home will only dishonour them a bit more. For nothing.


The rising flood, particularly on the Internet, that is bringing to the world’s knowledge the spectacular achievements of historical revisionism is not suddenly going to halt its advance or return towards its source.


The lies of “the Holocaust” are modelled on those of the First World War. All those “Nazi death-works”, like the ones at Auschwitz, are but a reprise of the myth of German “corpse factories” of 1914-1918. They were merely modernised by the adding of gas (Jewish-American version of November 1944) and sometimes of electricity (Jewish-Soviet version of February 1945). The good people, already generally not well disposed towards the practice of cremating the dead, were led to believe that Germany, a nation considered modern and known for having an abundance of engineers and chemists, had built structures containing, in addition to a cremation space, others called “gas chambers” (in reality, the “depositories”, Leichenhalle or Leichenkeller, technically designed to hold bodies awaiting cremation). Thus a certain propaganda has managed to persuade us that those Germans devils were dumb enough to house under the same roof, on one side, spaces full of a highly inflammable and explosive gas (the hydrocyanic acid or hydrogen cyanide contained in the pesticide Zyklon B, created in the 1920s) and, on the other side, crematory ovens that had to be laboriously brought to a temperature of 900° C.


In 1943 some of the men in charge of British war propaganda deplored “this gas chambers story”. For his part, the revisionist Germar Rudolf sums up the subject rather well in his Lectures on the Holocaust (Chicago, Theses & Dissertations Press, 2005, 566 p., p. 82-85). Even Victor Cavendish-Bentinck, a senior official of the Intelligence Service in London ready to believe just about any nonsense said against the Germans, was to write: “I feel certain that we are making a mistake in publicly giving credence to this gas chambers story” (p. 83). The trouble was that the British, undisputed champions of lying propaganda during the two world wars, needed those fables. On February 29, 1944 their Ministry of Information sent the BBC and the Church of England a circular letter of the greatest cynicism, requesting their respective cooperation for the spreading of propaganda on the basis of atrocity stories either already in circulation or currently being concocted. It was a matter of forestalling the disastrous effect that the Red Army, an ally, was inevitably to bring about in Central Europe by real atrocities (p. 84)! On these inventions, these fabrications and the wide-scale dissemination of enormous tall tales, two books remain of great interest: Edward J. Rozek’s Allied Wartime Diplomacy: A Pattern in Poland, New York, Wiley, 1958 and, especially, by Walter Laqueur (a Jew born in Breslau in 1921): The Terrible Secret, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980, 262 p., wherein we see Cavendish-Bentinck, him again, “Chairman of the British Intelligence Committee”, writing in July 1943 that “The Poles and, to a far greater extent the Jews, tend to exaggerate German atrocities in order to stoke us up” (p. 83).


Fifteen months ago, referring to the crisis that the historians of “the Holocaust” were experiencing, I wrote that there was “more and more water in their gas, and slack in their knotted rope”. Since January 2015 and the anniversary of the “liberation” of Auschwitz I have noted a sudden acceleration of the phenomenon. I have a whole file and a whole demonstration on the subject but the continuing judicial repression has not yet left me time to publish this information. In any case, for the historian, it has become captivating to observe the never-ending agony of the “magical gas chamber” (Céline in 1950). This agony is accompanied, as we have seen, by a redoubling of the repression of revisionism and a turning up of the volume of holocaustic propaganda. May our Picrochole refrain, then, from going on the stage and into a trance! He would have a stroke. He might even be cruelly snatched away from us. Who knows? He could precede in death a man who will be 87 years of age on January 25, 2016 and whom some have, thus far in vain, so often sought to kill, not for his ideas (he has hardly any) but for having wanted to publish the result of his research, which is summed up in a phrase of about sixty words. I repeat it here for memory, and to have done with it:


The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the state of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in their entirety.



Note: For sources or references especially regarding certain points of this text one may consult the indices of the seven volumes of my Ecrits révisionnistes thus far published. On the Internet, for “The Victories of Revisionism” (11 December 2006), see robertfaurisson.blogspot.com/2006/12/victories-of-revisionism.html and for “The Victories of Revisionism (continued)” (September 11, 2011), see robertfaurisson.blogspot.it/2011/09/victories-of-revisionism-continued.html.


Aficionados of court rulings by imbeciles are invited to refer to pages 152-155 of the first volume, where there are some titbits from a decision handed down in 1979 by Dame Baluze-Frachet, judge of a Lyon police court. The good lady decreed back then that simply asking the question of the existence of the gas chambers was an affront not only to “good morals” but also to “the moral order”. The amusing bit of it is that by invoking “the moral order” she was advocating – although probably unawares – a value dear to count MacMahon, Marshal of France, President of the French Republic and perennial model of reactionary conservatism. “The moral order” was to return seventy years later on with… Marshal Pétain. As for the aficionados of behavioural curiosities, there is fare for them in the following two videos featuring the current head of the French government: “The left hand of Manuel Valls” and “Rally of March 19, 2014 – speech by Manuel Valls, Minister of the Interior”.


In preparation: 1) an article about an embarrassing secret of Serge Klarsfeld; 2) a study of the highly inflammable and explosive nature of hydrogen cyanide.

Click on this text to see THE GAS CHAMBER LIE

Reality of Auschwitz



                                                        Léon Poliakov and the Wisliceny Story



The genocide legend was propagated with increased zeal after the brutal unconditional surrender pronouncement. Numerous statements were extracted from a few of the German defendants in Allied custody after World War 11 to document the charge that there was a gradual drift into a policy of exterminating the Jews of Europe after the outbreak of war between Germany and the USSR in June. 1941. 'Many of these so-called key statements appear in Léon Poliakov and Josef Wulf, Das Dritte Reich und die Juden: Dokumente und Aufsätze (The Third Reich and the Reich: Documents and Articles, Berlin, 1955). Poliakov is the director of the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine in Paris, which was launched by Isaac Schneersobn in 1943 during the German occupation. The Centre was presented with the files of the German Embassy in Paris by Provisional French President Charles de Gaulle in 1944. Its collection of materials on German policy toward the Jews, 1933-1945, is more extensive than any other, including the Haifa Document Office for Nazi Crimes and Dr. Albert Wiener's similar Library in London.


The most celebrated of all key "documents" is the statement of Dieter Wisliceny obtained at the Communist-controlled Bratislava prison on November 18, 1946. Wisliceny, who had been a journalist before engaging in police work, was an assistant of Adolf Eichmann in the Jewish Division of the Chief Reich Security Office prior to receiving his assignment in Slovakia. Wisliceny was a nervous wreck and addicted to uncontrollable fits of sobbing for hours on end during the period of his arrest prior to his execution.


The Wisliceny statement begins convincingly enough. It indicates that Reich SS Leader Heinrich Himmler was an enthusiastic advocate of Jewish emigration. More than 100,000 Jews had been persuaded to leave Austria between March, 1938, and January, 1939. This figure eventually reached 220,000 of the total 280,000 Austrian Jews. A special Institute for Jewish emigration in Prague had produced remarkable results in the period after March, 1939, and secured an eventual emigration of 260,000.


The above points are indisputable, but the comment follows, allegedly from Wisliceny, that more than three million Jews were added to the German sphere by the war in Poland in 1939. This would be a major factual error for any expert on European Jewry. There were more than 1,130,000 Jews in the section of Poland occupied by Russia, whereas the figure of more than three million Jews could scarcely apply even to the total territory of Poland before the war. An estimated 500,000 Jews had emigrated from Poland prior to the war. The 1931 Polish census had established the number of Jews in Poland at 2,732,600 (Reitlinger, Die Endlösung, Berlin, 1956, p. 36). An additional minimum of 250,000 Jews had fled from Western Poland to the Soviet occupation sphere in 1939. If one subtracts 1,880,000 from 2,732,600 and allows for the normal Jewish population increase, the Polish Jews under German rule at the end of 1939 could scarcely have exceeded 1,100,000 (Gutachten des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte, Munich, 1958, p. 80).


The Wisliceny statement emphasizes that the emigration of Jews from German occupied territories continued after the outbreak of war. The emigration of Danzig Jews by way of Rumania and Turkey in September, 1940, is cited as a typical instance. Himmler and Eichmann had taken over the idea of a Madagascar haven for the Jews from the Poles. The latter had sent the Michal Lepecki expedition -- accompanied by Jewish spokesmen -- to Madagascar in 1937, and Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, had also considered Madagascar as a good possible basis for the future Jewish state. Madagascar meant the "final solution" of the Jewish question to Himmler and Eichmann. The Madagascar plan was still under discussion many months after the outbreak of war with the USSR.


The statement of Wisliceny goes on to state that until June 1941, the conditions of Jewish life in Germany, including Austria, and in the Bohemia-Moravia protectorate, were no worse than before the war. The Jews in Poland had returned to their customary and traditional ghetto life, but war plants were being located in the ghettos to provide adequate employment.


The Rise and Fall of the Holocaust Industry

 May 19, 2013

“At the end of the twentieth century, the ‘Holocaust’ is being bought and sold…In short, ‘Shoah [Hebrew word for Holocaust] business’ is big business.”Tim Cole, Jewish Professor of History at the University of Bristol

… by Jonas E. Alexis

When Norman Finkelstein wrote The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering in 2000, he argues that Holocaust “hoaxers” and “hucksters”—namely Jewish organizations—have exploited what happened in Nazi Germany in order to get millions of dollars from Swiss banks. Finkelstein calls those Jewish leaders a “repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums, and hucksters.”

The book was quickly denounced as a work of an anti-Semite, despite the fact that Finkelstein lost his grandparents in Nazi Germany. Finkelstein was teaching at Hunter College at the time and lost his job right after the publication of the book.

Many skeptics questioned his motives—and they should have, since serious scholarship dictates that a person’s motive should also be put under the light of reason and intellectual honesty.

Yet no one has put forward a reasonable counterargument to Finkelstein’s thesis. Haaretz told us that the Jewish establishment thought that killing the book “with kindness was the best strategy.”

Anti-Semitism, distortion of facts, among other words, were applied to describe the book by a number of Jewish writers. Israel Guttman, “formerly the chief historian of Yad Vashem,” called the book an “anti-Semitic lampoon.”

Yet when those people are challenged to back up such charges from assertions made in the book itself, and to refute the documented claims Finkelstein made, none could produce evidentiary foundation. As some have stated, it is not a matter of facts that is the issue, but the style that Finkelstein uses in the book.

Michael Brenner, a professor of Jewish history at the University of Munich, Germany, somewhat agrees with Finkelstein’s work, and at the same time diverges from him because, well, of his style:

“There is a nucleus of justified claims in the book, including the stuff about the compensation issue, the lack of transparency of the Jewish organizations that are handling the matter, and the Holocaust obsession of the American Jewish establishment. Nevertheless, in order to gain a proper understanding of these claims, Novick’s book was definitely enough. Finkelstein’s style only makes it harder to accept these claims.”

Ten years later, some Jewish organizations continued to prove that Finkelstein was right. The Nadav Haetzni’s law firm, “which provides legal advice to the state-owned Company for Restitution of Holocaust Victims Assets,” was one of those organizations. The law firm, Haaretz tells us, “has earned millions of shekels in fees over the last three years.”

That’s not all, the firm “took in NIS 1.2 million in fees in 2008 and over NIS 1 million in 2009; the figure for 2007 was similar. That sum is on top of the hundreds of thousands of shekels the company paid to other law firms during those years.”

The same year, The Jewish Week told us,The Claims Conference fired three employees last week who allegedly approved more than 100 fraudulent Holocaust-era claims — filed primarily by Russians now living in Brooklyn — that bilked the German government out of more than $350,000, The Jewish Week has learned.”

Semen Domnister, a Claims Conference Leader worker and ringleader, was found guilty of “falsified applications for German funds.” 28 other people were found guilty as well.

The FBI, the Jerusalem Post told us in 2010, “was investigating fraudulent misappropriation of at least $7 million, possibly substantially more, over the past decade from the Article 2 Fund created in 1995 by the German government to provide quarterly pensions to eligible Holocaust survivors.”

The Claims Conference, in the end, was responsible for a massive fraud, and Jewish hoaxers were amassing a whopping $57 million from it. One German observer who was at the trial simply was shocked to see how the organization was taking “money collected as taxes from German citizens” and how the money “went to individuals who were not Holocaust survivors.”

The Claims Conference has been responsible for pressing the German government over compensation claims made by alleged victims of the Holocaust. This is very bizarre for obvious reasons.

What kind of compensation did Christians or the Russian peasants receive after the Bolshevik regime wiped out more than twenty million people—a figure that is far greater than the figure that is attributed to the Jews killed in Nazi Germany? Within less than three years, the Bolsheviks were responsible for starving more than six million people. No compensation was allocated to their children, let alone their generational children. (Yet the Jerusalem Post declared that in 2010 Benjamin Netanyahu was considering designs for a Red Army memorial!)

What kind of compensation did the German civilians receive right after World War II, when the Red Army raped and tortured millions of men, women and children? The Turkish government, which was run by Jewish revolutionaries and Freemasons known as the Donmeh from 1915 until 1923, liquidated about 1.5 million Armenian Christians. What kind of compensation did those Christians receive? What kind of compensation did the Germans receive after the bombing of Dresden? What kind of compensation did Iraqi families receive when the neoconservative movement largely destroyed the country?

Yet during her presidential debate last year, Michelle Bachmann—bless her heart—declared that countries such as Iraq and Libya should reimburse the United States because we have liberated them. What a genius.
Never mind that the neoconservatives sent a six-trillion dollar bill to the average American.
Never mind that the war in Iraq was based on hoaxes. The Iraqis who are still ruined by the war have to reimburse!

Bachmann said this maybe because she realized that America had already become “the greatest debtor nation in history.” And after George W. Bush did Israel’s dirty work by invading Iraq, Daniel Tauber of the Jerusalem Post declared, “Thank you, George W. Bush!”

This is certainly immoral. As former security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski noted, “Hitler’s crimes continue to be justly punished. But there are literally thousands of former killers and former torturers in the Soviet Union, who live off official pensions and attend the various revolutionary celebrations, decked out with their medals.”

In 2009, “Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz will demand between 450 million to 1 billion euros in reparations from Germany on behalf of Jews forced into slave labor during the Holocaust.”

In 2011, alleged Holocaust survivors in Miami, Florida (where this writer is from), wanted to sue European insurance companies in order to gain $20 billion in compensation and wanted Congress to help them achieve that goal.

In the same year, “Menachem Youlus, a rabbi who claimed that he rescued Torah scrolls lost during the Holocaust, was arrested on fraud charges and accused of fabricating the stories.” Youlus, the “Jewish Indiana Jones,” was discovered to have used his organization, Save a Torah Inc., to embezzle thousands of dollars.”

As the late Jewish academic Israel Shahak rightly argues,

“In the last 40 years the number of non-Jews killed by Jews is by far greater than the number of the Jews killed by non-Jews…Although the struggle against anti-Semitism (and of all forms of racism) should never cease, the struggle against Jewish chauvinism and exclusivism, which must include a critique of classical Judaism, is now of equal or greater importance.”

And what does Europe say in return? By the end of January of this year, Angela Merkel declared that Germany has an “everlasting responsibility for the crimes of National Socialism, for the victims of World War II and, above all, for the Holocaust.”
She continued to say, “And this must be made clear from generation to generation and it must be said with bravery and moral courage, every individual can make a contribution so that racism and anti-Semitism have no chance.”

Everlasting responsibility? Should the former Soviet Union have an “everlasting” responsibility for the extermination of more than fifty million people? Should Marxist Mao have an everlasting responsibility for the extermination of about 45 million people within less than six years?

Why can’t we be consistent and memorialize all the dead? All people are precious, regardless of their background. Why should we apotheosize one group of people at the expense of everyone else?

The more we learn about the Holocaust business, the more ridiculous the business becomes. It becomes so ridiculous that Jewish scholar and flaming Zionist Menachem Rosensaft, a lecturer at Columbia and Cornell universities, declared in 2011 that “profiting from Nazi memorabilia should be banned.”

In 2010, a Jewish watchmaker by the name of Jack Barouh was guilty of tax evasion, and his response was thathis secretive behaviour was motivated by his fear as a Jew of persecution and sudden loss. He is just one of many US citizens being tried for tax evasion who held secret accounts at the Swiss bank, UBS. The bank last year admitted to the US government it had hundreds of such accounts…[Barouh] He admitted hiding about $10m (£6.5m) in bank accounts he controlled from 2002 to 2008, not only in Switzerland. He, alongside hundreds of others, were caught after UBS last year admitted orchestrating tax evasion among rich US clients and paid a $780m fine.”

And almost every year we are discovering that the Holocaust industry is a one of the biggest rackets in the twentieth century. But the issue of racketeering goes much deeper—and it is the by-product of an ideology.
For example, the idea that Nazi Germany made soap out of Jewish fat was largely engineered by Simon Wiesenthal, co-founder of the Jewish Historical Documentation Center in Austria, and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, California. The idea was so popular then that it was later uncritically accepted as fact in popular history books such as The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer
Even before that, the most famous Jewish propagandist of that era, Ilya Ehrenburg, made it clear in his book The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry that “In another section of the Belzec camp was an enormous soap factory. The Germans picked out the fattest people, murdered them, and boiled them down for soap. The Gestapo thugs never denied the existence of a ‘production process’ of this kind. Whenever they wanted to imitate a Jew, they would say to him, ‘We’ll make a soap out of you.’”

Previously Ehrnburg wrote,

“The Jews were taken into an enormous hall that could hold up to a thousand people. The Germans had led electric wires along the walls of the hall. The wires had no insulation. The same wires also ran across the floor. As soon as the hall was filled with naked people, the German ran a powerful electrical current through the wires.” It was one huge electric chair. The likes of which no criminal fantasy has ever dreamt up.”
Ehrenburg’s complete forgeries did not stop there, and he went on to imagine that “As the bodies burned, they would start to move in various ways; they curled up and stretched out…It was as though the dead were saying that all goodness was lost, that this world might be transformed into the finest soap…”
These powerful assertions and imaginary reactions had a strong and detrimental effect on the Holocaust story. These stories were also presented at the Nuremberg Trial of 1945-1946 and were later established to be “true.” Even alleged eyewitnesses were summoned to testify that they actually saw the whole event.

A large part of Europe ended up believing the Jewish soap story. In America, the story was even more incredible and hysterical. Soviet Jewish leader Solomon Mikhoels from Moscow would tour the United States showing his audience a bar of soap which he maintained was a direct result of Jewish soap manufactured by Nazi Germany.
Ilya Ehrenburg cited one bank clerk by the name of Arthur Rozenshtraukh who “held this ‘Jewish soap’ in his own hands.” So after World War II, a number of books and articles immediately began to pick up the idea and propagate it as historical truth, and during the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, the Jewish soap story was established as a “historical” event.  The Jewish writer Max I. Dimont made those ideas even more popular in his book Jews, God and History, first published in 1962. Over a million and half copies of this book were sold.
Even today, there are a number of people who still maintain that there might have been some truth to the story. Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine and his co-author Alex Grobman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center write a section about the soap story in their book Denying History, concluding:
“What can we conclude about this story? Soap was never manufactured on an industrial scale from victims’ bodies, but it may have been done experimentally. As in the case of renegade SS unit abusing corpses, there may have been isolated cases of turning human fat into soap, but certainly not an organized plan to do so on any scale. We agree with the holocaust historian Yisrael Gutman, who concludes that ‘it was never done on a mass scale.’”
Shermer quotes Raul Hilberg to the effect that the soap story might have actually been a historical event, yet Hilberg himself declared in his widely read study that the soap story is a sheer myth. Other Jewish historians such as Walter Laqueur and Yehuda Bauer declare the same thing. Jewish writer D. D. Guttenplan, who interviewed Hilberg for his book The Holocaust on Trial, wrote:
“For a long time everyone knew the Nazis made soap from the fat of murdered Jews. In its first reports on the extermination camps in November 1942 the New York Times quoted Dr. Stephen Wise, head of the American Jewish Congress, who claimed that the bodies of the dead were being exploited for soap, fat, and lubricants. In the Polish town of Piotrkow, as the transports of Jews passed through the town the locals would say “Jada na midlo.” (‘They travel on their way to soap.’
“After the war, the municipal museum in Prague displayed a bar of soap it said had been made from Jewish corpses. It wasn’t. The grisly tale of human beings rendered into soap, though it figured in some of the earliest accounts of events inside Nazi-occupied Europe, has long been rejected by historians as a recycled left-over from the First World War, when similar atrocity stories were staples of Allied propaganda.”

Guttenplan does not tell us that when the story first came out, it was rejected by a number of people who are now being labeled “Holocaust deniers.” Those same people were persecuted, harassed and were even called anti-Semites for exposing it. Yet when the soap story turned out to be false, popular historians gave no credit where credit is due. Those “Holocaust deniers” could have accused those popular historians of plagiarism.
What strikes me as odd is that Shermer claims to be a skeptic of any claim, but he does not apply his skeptical skills to the claims that have been made by the Holocaust establishment.
Shermer continues to claim that extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence, but he still believes that there was probably some truth in the soap story, despite the fact that he does not give the evidence for this.
Leaving this aside, even the Israeli documentation center Yad Vashem in Jerusalem stays away from the soap story as much as possible. They declared that “There is no documentary evidence that the Nazis made soap out of human fat.”

Yet no matter how many times a lie is repeated, always keep in mind that truth in the end will triumph. No serious historian would now maintain that the soap idea can sustain any historical and forensic validity, unless he wants to lose his credibility as a historian. So we can ignore Shermer and his co-author now.
Even Jews who would hold the most extreme views of the Holocaust would grudgingly back away from the idea. Deborah Lipstadt of Emory University herself told the Los Angeles Times in 1981: “The fact is that the Nazis never used the bodies of Jews, or for that matter anyone else, for the production of soap.”
In the same vein, Yehuda Bauer, head of the Hebrew University’s Holocaust history department, declared: “The Nazis did enough horrible things during the Holocaust. We do not have to go on believing untrue stories.”
What’s even more shocking is that historians from the 1980s were pretty much clear about the soap story: that it was only rumors with no factual accuracy. Shermer would have made a stronger case as a skeptic had he thoroughly examined the validity of the claims made by the Holocaust establishment. But far be it from me to tell a self-proclaimed skeptic how to do his job.
 The Hoax of Simon Wiesenthal
Simon Wiesenthal, according to the secular standard, is a Nazi Holocaust hero. He was nominated four times for the Nobel Peace Prize. Yet, until 2009 no one was able to decipher the complete hoaxes and frauds fabricated by Wiesenthal. As noted British writer Guy Walters documents:
“His reputation is built on sand. He was a liar — and a bad one at that. From the end of the Second World War to the end of his life in 2005, he would lie repeatedly about his supposed hunt for Eichmann as well as his other Nazi-hunting exploits. He would also concoct outrageous stories about his war years and make false claims about his academic career.

“There are so many inconsistencies between his three main memoirs and between those memoirs and contemporaneous documents, that it is impossible to establish a reliable narrative from them. Wiesenthal’s scant regard for the truth makes it possible to doubt everything he ever wrote or said.

“Some may feel I am too harsh on him and that I run a professional danger in seemingly allying myself with a vile host of neo-Nazis, revisionists, Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites. I belong firmly outside any of these squalid camps and it is my intention to wrestle criticism of Wiesenthal away from their clutches. His figure is a complex and important one. If there was a motive for his duplicity, it may well have been rooted in good intentions.
“For his untruths are not the only shocking discoveries I have made researching the escape of Nazi war criminals. I found a lack of political will for hunting them. Many could have been brought to justice had governments allocated even comparatively meagre resources to their pursuit. It is partly thanks to Wiesenthal that the Holocaust has.”

Walters has meticulously gone over many of Wiesenthal’s obvious lies and fabrications in his book Hunting Evil. Even Deborah Lipstadt, of all people, declares that Wiesenthal is a charlatan and is not interested in the truth. Building on Tom Segev’s work Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends.

Lipstadt writes that Wiesenthal indeed“‘fabricated’ evidence, ‘snatched’ stories out of thin air, ‘fantasized,’ was ‘often inaccurate,’ ‘came up with things that never happened, ‘invented’ facts, ‘claim[ed] credit’ for things he never did…Wiesenthal’s account of his experiences during the years of the Holocaust is clearly fabricated.”Wiesenthal, for most of his life, was working for the Mossad, one of the evil and covert intelligence operations on the face of the earth. They are known for their acts of acts of terrorism against perceived enemies.
In 1974, Simon Wiesenthal accused Frank Walus of having collaborated with the Gestapo during World War II. It must have been a bad omen for Walus when at least twelve Jews came to the stand and testified that as Nazi survivors, they believed that Walus was guilty of war crime in the killing of young children and Jews in the Polish towns of Czestochowa and Kielce. Not only that, one of the “witnesses” alleged that Walus “stomped to death a young pregnant Jew.”

With all his honesty and courage, Walus presented evidentiary documents which proved that the testimonies by the “eyewitnesses” were false. As the Toronto Star declared,
There were numerous glaring discrepancies in Wiesenthal’s case against Walus. For one, Walus would have been only 17-years-old when he was ‘a Gestapo officer.’  He had been described as being 6 feet tall; when he was only 5 feet and 4 inches tall. Walus, moreover, was Polish; hence, the Nazis would never have allowed him to join the Gestapo.”
Other convincing evidence was on Walus’ side:

“Searches of German war records failed to turn up any record of a Frank Walus, or anyone with a similar name. A Polish war crimes commission had no record of any Walus. Perhaps most important, Walus was able to substantiate with documents and witnesses his wartime alibi: he had been sent to Bavaria, where he performed forced labor on farms.

“Wartime photographs of Walus on a Bavarian farm—which looked so different from his 1978 appearance that the judge in Walus’s first trial suspected that it was somebody else in the photo—were matched to another, indisputable photograph of Walus as a civilian guard in the American occupation.”

The Jewish party was over. Walus was indeed acquitted, and the U.S. Justice Department paid him $34,000 for defaming his reputation. Walus said he spent “$120,000 trying to clear his name.”
But after this incident, one Jewish expert, Gideon Epstein, agreed that there needs to be more than just “eyewitnesses” because alleged eyewitnesses can be wolves in sheep’s clothing: “The Walus case, more than anything else, clearly demonstrates the importance of documentary evidence as opposed to eyewitnesses.”
One man who helped Walus financially was the Christian activist Jerome Brentar. In the late 1980s, Brentar served on Vice President Bush’s nationalities coalition, and for the latter part of his life he spent his own money to defend those who were falsely accused of crimes. “He lost his once thriving travel agency because of his vicious publicity engendered, and now lives at the edge of poverty in forced retirement on his social security pension.”
What made Brentar a spotlight in the media and within the Jewish community was his strong conviction that John Demjanjuk was not a war criminal. He declared, “I could have been an atheist. I could have been a polygamist. I could have been anything else and questions wouldn’t have been asked. And now because I helped a poor victim, I’m everything under the sun.” Wiesenthal did accuse Demjanjuk of the real person responsible for the alleged gas chambers at Treblinka.
Jewish War Criminals After World War II?
When the table got turned around, Wiesenthal and the state of Israel used a different set of rules. In 2005, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz declared that
​ ​
Israel has refused for a second time to extradite to Poland a Jewish man accused of crimes against German prisoners just after the end of World War II…Morel commanded a communist-run camp for German prisoners in southern Poland in 1945 after Soviet troops occupied the country.
“Polish authorities accuse him of genocide by seeking to exterminate German prisoners by starving them to death, depriving them of medical care as well as carrying out torture and sanctioning torture by his subordinates. Polish prosecutors charge that Morel is responsible for the deaths of at least 1,500 prisoners in the Swietochlowice camp…Polish historians generally agree that the communist government imprisoned 100,000 Germans, mostly civilians deemed threats to the state after World War II. At least 15,000 died due to ill treatment, and the rest were freed by 1950.”
So much for Nazi hunters. As Professor Tim Cole declared, Shoah business has become big business. And to challenge Shoah is to be an anti-Semite.
David Horowitz writes in The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America that Finkelstein was fired at New York University “because of pseudo –scholarship and rantings against Jews and Israel. The fact that Professor Finkelstein was hired after his anti-Semitic statements had made him notorious reflects on the university itself.”
In other words, “pseudo-scholarship” is pseudo-scholarship because Horowitz says so and because anti-Semitism has been nuclearized by the Holocaust industry and the Jewish establishment.
To give a classic example, Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post recently chastised Jewish political advisor David Axelrod for saying that Sheldon Adelson is “greedy.” Glick declared, “By calling Adelson ‘greedy,’ Axelrod was channeling age-old anti-Semitic imagery, and by inference engaging in it, in his assault against Adelson.”
In other words, everyone can be greedy—except Zionist Jews and supporters of Israel. The word greedy is anti-Semitic because Glick sets the parameters in such a way that only Jews like herself can define what is and is not anti-Semitism. I can understand why she did not want to continue to respond to my queries.
Challenging the Holocaust Industry Is Costly
Just like the Pharisees in the first century who cast people out of the synagogue if they dare say that Jesus was the Messiah, Finkelstein was cast out of the academia in 2007 because he stood against the Jewish establishment. One of its most vocal representatives is none other than Alan Dershowitz.
“It’s like death,” Finkelstein said when he was fired. “You keep saying you’re going to die, but you never really come to grips with it. And I can see I’m not going to get another job. I haven’t yet fully absorbed it.”
Right after he was banished from the academia, Finkelstein resorted to a sort of spiritual healing. “I’m an old fan of the Negro spirituals. I was going around singing to myself, ‘Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there?’ That’s how I felt. I was being crucified by the end.”
When I asked him whether he was a spiritual person or not, he responded, “I am a ‘Negro Spirituals’ kind of guy.”

How did Finkelstein end up losing his academic career? What really happened?

The Ventilation Systems of Crematoria II and III in Birkenau


Every morgue needs a ventilation system to remove putrid gases developing when corpses decompose. Hence, the basement morgues of the Auschwitz Crematoria II & III had ventilation systems. In 1989, French historian J.-C. Pressac posited that the capacity of these morgues’ ventilation systems was increased in early 1942, and that this change allowed the use of these basement rooms for homicidal purposes. Based on wartime documents and modern expert literature, this paper determines and analyzes the ventilations systems’ features in minute detail, and how it changed during the years 1941-1943. The systems’ features lead to conclusions as to whether these rooms could have been used for homicidal purposes.


The following study is a revised version of a series of articles written by Carlo Mattogno and Giuseppe Poggi, and published during 2016 on the Italian blog “Olodogma” in a rather polemic context due to contemporary circumstances, whereby the authors adopted the pseudonym “I Carolingi”. The arguments are presented in a logical and structured way, unburdened by any element detracting from a strict documental and technical demonstration.

I) The ventilation equipment of the new crematorium (the future Crematorium II) of Birkenau

Jean-Claude Pressac claims that Leichenkeller 1 (Corpse Cellar 1 or Morgue #1) of Crematorium II of Birkenau was projected as a normal morgue, and that only at the end of 1942 it was transformed into a homicidal gas chamber. His general arguments have already been discussed in detail elsewhere.[1] In the present study, the function of Morgue #1 is examined from another point of view.


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Document 1

Document 2

Document 3

Document 4

Document 5

Document 6

Document 7

Document 8

Document 9

Document 9a

Document 10

Document 11

Document 12

Document 13

Document 14

Document 15

Document 16

Document 17

Document 18

Document 19

Document 20

Document 21a

Document 21b

Document 21c

Document 21d

Document 22

Document 23

Document 24

Document 25

Document 26

Document 27

Document 28

Document 29

Document 30

Document 31

Document 32

Document 33

Document 34

Document 35

Document 36

Document 37

Document 38

Document 39

The ventilation system (intake/exhaust) of the new crematorium (the future Crematorium II) of Birkenau was designed by the engineer Karl Schultze of the Topf Company on March 10, 1942. It consists of a plan of the crematorium (D-59366),[2] in vertical and horizontal sectional views, in which the ventilation system of the prospective Morgue #1 – here called “B.Raum” (Belüfteter Raum, ventilated room) is very well highlighted. See Document 1. This ventilation system was composed of an intake pipe for the fresh air supply (Frischluftkanal) of green color, as well as an exhaust pipe for the stale air (Abluftkanal) of blue color.

The map shows the distribution of the intake and exhaust ducts in the various horizontal and vertical sections.

1) Intake:

The two longitudinal brickwork ducts are positioned at two edges on top of the room. In Document 2, the vertical section, they are indicated with the letter A. Document 3 represents a horizontal section of the two ducts (A1) which run into a crosswise duct (A2) above the door; it presents the opening (A3) of a short horizontal duct which becomes vertical in A4; A4 is indeed the visible horizontal section of this vertical duct. The crosswise duct A2 and the opening A3 are drawn in Document 4 (vertical section). The position of section A4 of the vertical duct is indicated in Document 5: it rises from the basement up to the attic of the crematorium, running through the A-Raum (Aufbahrungs-Raum, laying-out room for the corpses).

This vertical tract of the duct, which we indicated with A6, is represented in Document 6 (vertical section of the ground floor and of the attic); in the attic, running through a bend, the duct becomes horizontal again, and it ends in opening A7 in front of the air-blower.

Document 7 shows a vertical section of the duct A6 which discharges into the opening A7; A8 is the connection sleeve between the brickwork duct and the air-blower A9, while A10 is the intake tubing or chimney. At the bottom A2 is the vertical section of the duct A2, A3 is the short duct, which connects the horizontal duct A2 to the vertical one A6, and A4 is the point in which the section A4 appears in Document 3.

On April 2nd, 1942, the head of the Central Construction Office, Karl Bischoff, at the time SS-Hauptsturmführer, notified the Topf Company of the decision to implement the intake and exhaust chimneys, which were originally planned to be made of metal plates “in the form of brickwork chimneys” (in Form gemauerter Kamine).[3] We will return to this issue in § I. 8) (“Later modifications”).

2) Exhaust:

Two horizontal ducts D run along the bottom, behind the brickwork of the room, and are connected to this through the openings D1 (Document 2). In accord with the internal wall, the two ducts turn 90 degrees towards the top into two vertical ducts D2; the left duct turns again 90 degrees, and it flows into a horizontal duct D3, which runs above the door, and enters into vertical duct D5, which is the extension of the right duct D2 (Document 8). As one can see in Document 3, duct D3 runs in front of the intake duct A2, and it flows into the vertical duct D5, of which D4 represents the horizontal section. Document 5 shows the dislocation of this opening D4, at the edge of the O-Raum (Ofen-Raum, furnace room). In Document 4, D5 is the vertical section of this vertical duct. As shown in Document 9, it runs through the ground floor, and with a turn, it becomes horizontal again and is connected to the air-blower D6; D7 is the exhaust tubing.

3) Exhaust chimney

Document 10 shows the view from above and from the front of the exhaust air-blowers of the furnace room (in red), and Morgue #1 (in blue), and the common brickwork chimney.

  • Morgue #1: horizontal duct D5 is connected by the sleeve S to the air-blower D6; the stale air exits from the opening of the air-blower F2 and enters the vertical duct of the chimney.
  • Furnace room: the hot air exits through the opening of the air-blower F1 and flows into the vertical duct of the common chimney. The motors of the air-blowers are indicated with the letter M.

4) Intake and exhaust ducts in Morgue #1

Inside Morgue #1 fresh air entered through 2 triangular-shaped ducts installed behind the masonry of the room, positioned on the two upper angles (Document 2, A).

For the extraction of the stale air, two masonry ducts were installed on the bottom, at a short distance from the floor of the room, behind the longitudinal walls (Document 2, D).

The Construction Office blueprint no. 934 of January 27 1942[4] shows the four ventilation ducts positioned symmetrically at the two sides of the room and configured respectively as “Belüftung” (intake) and “Entlüftungskanal” (exhaust duct). See Document 11.

The slanted part of the two intake ducts directed to the room featured 40 openings, 20 for each side, which allowed the flow of fresh air into Morgue #1. Also, the exhaust duct was connected to the room through 40 openings, 20 for each side, which slanted towards the floor (Document 2, D1), as it is clearly visible in Document 12, which shows a section of these two ducts.

The 40 bottom openings for exhaust were placed behind the brickwork of Morgue #1, 20 on each side, alternating in location. The openings on the left side (having their backs toward the crematorium’s main building) were located at a distance of 152 cm from each other, measured at the center of each opening. The design project of March 10, 1942, also shows the indication “19 x 152 = 2,888”. The number 19 corresponds to the number of spacings between one opening and the next (20 openings = 19 spacings). The sequence of the spacings, starting from the wall towards the crematorium, is as follows: 0.36 + 28.88 + 0.76 = 30 meters, where 0.36 cm and 0.76 cm are the wall sections before the first opening and after the last opening. The openings on the right side were placed in such a manner that each opening was placed exactly between the two openings on the opposite wall, as Document 13, section 1, segment A-B shows. The same system was also adopted for the intake openings, which were also designed in alternate locations (section 2, segment G-H).

The sections 1 and 2 of Document 13 represent, respectively, the lower and upper part of Morgue #1; the exhaust openings of the bottom right side of the room were located in a position exactly corresponding to the openings of the upper left side of the intake duct (segment C-D), and those exhaust openings of the bottom left side corresponded to those of the upper right side of the intake duct (section E-F). This system guaranteed the best air circulation inside the room and therefore the best air exchange, avoiding the laminar flows with subsequent clusters of stale air.

5) The throttles of the ventilation ducts

These devices are mentioned in a handwritten note of February 3rd 1943, by the installer of the Topf Company Heinrich Messing, who writes:[5]

“Frischluftgebläse Nr. 450 für L. Keller I mit Saug- und Druckstutzen Drosselklappe”

“Air blower for fresh air no. 450 for Morgue #1 with aspiration and exhaust sleeve [and] butterfly valve.”

The Druckstutzen (exhaust sleeve; Document 14) was the connection (A8) which linked the air-blower (A9) to the brickwork duct towards Morgue #1 (A7), the Saugstutzen (aspiration sleeve) was the connection (A8') which linked the air-blower (A9) to the aspiration duct (A10), here represented in horizontal section (in fact it was the intake chimney for fresh air). M represents the engine of the air-blower.

This is confirmed by a drawing of the air-blowers of the Topf Company (Document 15),[6] which clearly indicates Saugstutzen (aspiration sleeve) and Druckstutzen (exhaust sleeve); from the drawing, it results that the aspiration sleeve was linked laterally to the air-blower; the engine was located on the other side.

The Drosselklappe (butterfly valve) of the intake system was installed in the pressure sleeve (after the air-blower); in the exhaust system, the butterfly valve was installed in the aspiration sleeve (before the air-blower). Since the intake and exhaust ducts were structurally different, also different were their capacity losses; the aforementioned valves were needed to keep the whole ventilation system in balance.

6) The grates of the ventilation openings in Morgue #1 (Crematoria II and III)

The “protocol” issued by the Polish investigating judge Jan Sehn on July 24, 1945, which was later presented at the Höss trial,[7] recaps all the internal orders related to the crematoria in Birkenau made by various Auschwitz offices to the inmates’ metalworking shop (Häftlings-Schlosserei). The internal orders are summarized with the transcription of the German text (the original documents were mostly handwritten), mingled with Polish terms.

As far as the closing devices of the ventilation openings of Morgue #1 are concerned, made in the form of grates, the “protocol” reports the following registrations:

– Crematorium II:[8]

“18.2.43, Nr. 83. K.G.L. Krematorium II.BW.30. Przedmiot [concerns] … 50 Stïck [sic, for: Stück] Blechsiebe [50 pieces sheet-metal screens] 7 x 18 cm. Liefertermin [delivery date] 17.2.43”.

“19.2.43. Nr. 103. Krematorium BW 30. Przedmiot: Schutzgitter vor die Abluftlöcher aus 10 mm ø Eisen lt. beigefügter Skizze. Auftrag Nr. 2575 vom 3.2.43 der Zentralbaultg. Von der ehem. Häflt. Schlosserei übernommener Auftrag. Ukończono: 15.3.43 [concerns: protection grates in front of the stale air openings made of 10 mm ø iron according to the enclosed drawing. Order no. 2575 of Feb. 3, 43 of the Central Construction Office. Order taken over by the former inmates’ metalworking shop. Completed: March 15, 43.]

– Crematorium III:[9]

“15.3.43. Nr. 192. Zentr. Baultg. K.G.L. Krematorium III-Bw.30 a. Przedmiot: … 5/ 45 Stück Schutzgitter für die Abluftlöcher aus Rundeisen ø 10 mm. 6/ 95 Stück Zinkblechsiebe 7 x 18 cm/: f. Keller 1: /. Lieferzeit: Dringend Baults. Auftrag Nr. 83 bom [vom] 14.3.43. Wykonawcy: Dyntar, Puzyger, Durski, Kostkowski. Ukończono: 22.3.43 [concerns: … 5/ 45 items protection grates for the stale air openings made of round iron bars ø 10 mm. 6/ 95 pieces of zinc-coated sheet-metal screens 7 x 18 cm/: for basement 1: /. delivery date: urgent. Order of the Construction Office no. 83 of March 14, 43. Made by: Dyntar, Puzyger, Durski, Kostkowki. Completed: 22.3.43.]

To recap:

Crematorium II, fresh-air intake: 50 sheet-metal screens

            "           , stale-air exhaust: ? iron-rod grates.

Crematorium III: fresh-air intake: 95 sheet-metal screens

            "           , stale-air exhaust: 45 iron-rod grates.

From these internal orders, Pressac deduced that the project of March 10, 1942 was modified for what would concern the openings of the ventilation ducts of the future Morgue #1; those of the fresh air were not 40 anymore, but 50, at a distance of 1.20 m from each other, resulting in the following calculation: (30 + 30) ÷ 50 = 1.2 (double the length of the room in meters, divided by the number of protection devices).

In Crematorium III, according to Pressac, 95 openings were made (evidently 47 on one side and 48 on the opposite wall), one every 60 centimeters, in the fresh-air duct and 45 openings (22 on one side and 23 on the opposite wall), one every 1.5 meters, in the stale air duct.[10]

With this system, the fresh air entering from two intake openings had to be extracted from a single exhaust opening, thus creating a net imbalance in the intake-exhaust system of the original project. Pressac does not explain this obvious anomaly: why 50 intake openings were necessary in Crematorium II, but 95 in Crematorium III.

The main problem is that nothing is known about these architectural alterations. The only reference to them, which is not mentioned by Pressac, and which is rather enigmatic, appears in a letter of the Topf Company to the Central Construction Office of May 8, 1942, which has as a reference, “Intake and exhaust system for the crematorium to be built in the KL Auschwitz” (Be- und Entlüftungsanlage für das zu errichtende Krematorium im K.L. Auschwitz):[11]

“Die Raum-Abmessungen der Leichenkeller 1 und 2 haben sich geändert. Hieraus ergeben sich für die Frischluft Zu- und für Abluft-Rückführung andere Eintritts- bezw. Austrittsöffnungen.”

[“The room measurements of Morgue #1 and 2 have changed. Therefore, other entry and exit openings for the intake of fresh air and for the exhaust of stale air result”.]

In fact, the dimensions of Morgue #1, 30 x 7 x 2.40 m, remained unchanged. The above-mentioned letter and the one of May 21, 1942,[12] which will be discussed later, make specific reference to two plans of the Topf Company, D 59394 and D 59395, a ground plan and a vertical section of the new ventilation system. Apparently, these documents have been lost; therefore it is not known which modifications were proposed by the Topf Company, or if they were eventually accepted by the Central Construction Office. No plan of Crematoria II and III and in fact no document dated later than May 21st 1942, contains any mention of these modifications, therefore the openings connecting the intake and exhaust ducts of Morgue #1 were constructed according to the plan of March 10, 1942.

Any modification after the construction of the crematorium appears rather improbable, if not illogical.

The explanation of Pressac – that on each side of Morgue #1, 25 openings were placed at a distance of 1.20 m from each other - would have been a radical and total change of the system envisaged in the plan design of March 10, 1942. In fact, if the first opening of this plan had been left unchanged, none of the remaining 19 openings would have been coincidental with the 24 of the new project, or in other words, no overlap of old and new openings would have occurred, because the new ones had a different “pitch” (distance) from each other. Therefore, it would have been necessary to drill 48 new holes in the 51-cm-thick brick wall in order to create the new openings.

And besides, during the week preceding the day of the first order for the manufacturing of the protection grates (February 18, 1943), the Topf Company sent the Auschwitz Central Construction Office various letters which also mentioned the ventilation of the crematoria, in particular the days of 11, 12 and 17 (see below, § II). On March 17, Bischoff, meanwhile promoted to SS-Sturmbannführer, notified the shops of the Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke that, in the basement of Crematorium II, the dimensions of a door had to be changed “für eine bauliche Abänderung” (for a structural modification).[13] A few days later, on the 26th, the plan to create an access to Morgue #2 (Eingang Keller 2) of Crematorium II was established.[14] It is therefore not credible that a structural modification of the openings connecting the intake and exhaust of Morgue #1 would have been implemented without any documentary trace. Such a change would moreover have been completely illogical: the motivation mentioned in the Topf letter of May 8, 1942 was in fact unsubstantiated, because Morgue #1 did not incur any volumetric change.

The installer of the Topf Company, Heinrich Messing, worked on the ventilation system of Morgue #1 of Crematorium II in the week from March 8, to March 14, 1943. He performed functional tests, and on March 13 he activated the system (“Be- und Entlüftungsanlagen Keller I in Betrieb genommen”, “Intake and exhaust ventilation systems in the basement I activated.”)[15]

At the time the internal orders for the protection devices (grates) had already been placed, but who, if not Messing, would have noticed a possible error in the number of the connecting openings between the ducts and the room; a mistake as substantial to require such radical modifications? The ventilation ducts in Morgue #1, as explained above, were masonry work, and the change of the number of openings would have required a substantial masonry job.

On the other hand, Messing did not mention any functional anomalies of the ventilation system: if, therefore, the real 40 intake openings or the assumed 50 adequately fulfilled their function, why then would 95 have been necessary in Crematorium III?

Therefore, it must be assumed that the openings remained unchanged, 40 + 40, according to the project of March 10, 1942, and that the discrepant numbers of the protection devices which were ordered from the inmates’s metalworking shop are either the result of transcription errors, or that the devices were ordered in excess, for unknown reasons.

Pressac published some pictures of the protection grates for the openings for fresh air. They were as they appear in Document 16.[16] They were made of a perforated iron sheet welded to a sort of casing which was inserted in the masonry opening. The dimensions appear to conform to the measurements (7 cm x 18 cm) mentioned in the relative orders to the inmates’ fitter’s shop (no. 83 of 18.2.43 and no. 192 of 15.3.43).

The devices made of round iron bars which protected the exhaust openings for the stale air were without doubt more or less similar to Pressac’s drawing (Document 17).[17]

This seems to be confirmed by a picture taken on August 18, 1968, during excavation work in Morgue #1.17

It must be observed that the protection devices mentioned above were designed for a normal morgue; this is deduced from the fact that, while the stale air openings had only a grate made of round iron bars, the fresh air openings were covered by iron sheeting perforated by some 120 holes of 3 mm diameter each. These screens had a rather high air-flow resistance, resulting in the pressure loss along the entire length of the air-intake duct being small compared to the loss at each of those openings. That in turn made sure that the amount of air coming out of each opening was similar, and that the entire room had a reduced pressure compared to the outside.

The air-shutters of the ventilation system (Saugstutzen and Druckstutzen), which without doubt were regulated by Messing during the final inspection, obviously had to remain in an open position.

7) The function of Morgue #1

The plans of the basement morgue (Leichenkeller) of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp help us understand the project of the morgue of the new crematorium in Birkenau. Even though the documentation in question always refers to “Leichenkeller”, in the singular,[18] the facility contained de facto three morgues, as shown in the attached plan:

  1. one for corpses without a casket (ungesargte Leichen): 80 corpses in 133.63 m2
  2. one for the corpses inside a casket (eingesargte Leichen): 100 corpses in 80.63 m2
  3. one for infected corpses (Infektionsleichen): 20 corpses in 37.51 m2.

The surface areas are calculated without the area of the concrete supporting pillars.[19]

The first case was similar to the one in Birkenau; the effective surface area of Morgue #1, without the area occupied by the 7 concrete pillars, was – as we will show below – of 208.88 m2; and applying the same coefficient as in Sachsenhausen, it was planned for approximately 120 corpses. It can be assumed that it was planned to place them on the floor; 60 on each side, leaving the necessary space in the center for a transport trolley. Each exhaust opening would have expelled the fetor of 3 corpses. Since the corpses had to be aligned on the floor, the exhaust openings were designed to be at floor level.

The intake from above and the exhaust from below was the only way to assure the continuous apportionment of fresh air, and to assure that the stench created by the initial decomposition of the corpses would be immediately aspirated away, and to pollute as little as possible the air inside the morgue and to inconvenience as little as possible the personnel who had to work there. All this was perfectly normal for a morgue.

8) Later modifications

The brickwork chimneys of the ventilation system, one isolated and four in a single masonry structure, are drawn in particular on Plan 1311 of May 14, 1942, 2003 of December 19, 1942 and 109/16A (Huta Company) of October 9, 1943.[20] Plan 109/15 of September 24, 1943, also of the Huta Company, shows that the right exhaust duct proceeded over the point D4 of Document 3 up to a vertical exhaust ventilation duct (Entlüftungsschacht) located at the corner of the room labelled “Goldarbeit” (gold work) between the corridor and the furnace room, and which emerged in the first chimney on the right from the group of four mentioned above.

The left intake duct A1, taking into consideration the drawings, also proceeded along the left wall of the vestibule (Vorraum) and emerged in the isolated chimney which was on the same line, but some meters away. The route of the ventilation ducts for the other rooms is not indicated in the drawings; it is sure that the isolated chimney was employed for the intake of fresh air into Morgue #1 and the group of four chimneys for the evacuation or exhaust of all rooms.

However there is no agreement with Pressac when he states that the first chimney on the right was planned for the expulsion of the hot air from the furnace room,[21] because the above-mentioned drawings connect it directly to the exhaust of Morgue #1.

And besides, the comparison with the drawing of March 10, 1942 shows that the isolated chimney corresponded to the fresh air intake duct of Document 7 and that the group of the four chimneys represented the bundling into one single brickwork structure of the two sheet-metal chimneys of Document 9, which respectively collected the flux of stale air from two rooms and aspirated by two air-blowers, specified as follows (Document 9a):[22]

  1. ventilation of Morgue #1 (air-blower Type 450)
  2. ventilation of the furnace room (air-blower Type 550 with 4.5 HP motor)
  3. ventilation of Morgue #2 (air-blower Type 550 with 7.5 HP motor)
  4. ventilation of the dissecting room [Sezierraum], of the laying-out room for the corpses [Aufbahrungsraum] and room for the washing of the corpses [Waschraum] (air-blower Type 375).

In the final project each of these ventilation ducts had its own brickwork chimney.

The data relative to the number and to the power output of the air-blowers is explained in the next section.

II) Capacity of the air-blowers of Morgue #1: the documents

1) The first cost estimate of the ventilation system of the future Crematorium II was prepared by engineer Schultze on November 4, 1941, in which the devices foreseen for the single rooms of the new crematorium (the future Crematorium II) are described. Point I refers to a “ventilation device for room “B”“ (Entlüftungs-Anlage für “B”-Raum) – that is the future Morgue #1. A “tubing for intake of fresh air” (Frischluft-Ansaugerohrleitung) is mentioned, therefore, it is certain that the intake system was implied. In Point II the wording “ventilation device for the room ‘B’” (Entlüftungs-Anlage für “B”-Raum) is repeated, but this time it refers to a “tubing for the stale air” (Abluft-Rohrleitung), and therefore, here the exhaust system was implied.

The technical description of both systems is identical (Documents 18 and 19):

“Gebläse zur Förderung von stündlich 4800 m³ Luft[[23]] gegen eine Gesamtpressung von 40 mm WS bei einer Umdrehungszahl des Schaufelrades von n = 925 min. und einem Kraftbedarf, an der Welle gemessen, von 1,6 PS.”

“Air-blower with the capacity of 4800 m3 of air per hour against a total pressure of 40 mm of water column with a number of revolutions of the blower wheel of n=925 per minute and a power demand, measured at the drive shaft, of 1.6 HP”

Both systems were powered by a 380 volt three-phase motor (Drehstrommotor), 50 cycles (Perioden: Hz), with a power output (Leistung) of 2 HP at 925 revolutions per minute. Both the intake duct and the exhaust duct had a round section with a diameter of 450 mm. The total cost was 1,847 RM.

For the “L”-Raum (“L” room, the future Morgue #2), Point V, an air-blower with a capacity of 10,000 m3 of stale air (Abluft) per hour was foreseen, against a total pressure of 55 mm of water column, with a number of revolutions of the blower wheel of n=920 per minute and a power demand of 4.5 HP; it was powered by a three-phase motor of 380 volts, 50 cycles, with a power output of 5.5 HP.

Point III refers to the “ventilation system for the furnace room (Entlüftungs-Anlage für Ofenraum)”, equipped with an air-blower with a capacity of 10,000 m3 of stale air per hour, against a total pressure of 32 mm of water column, with a number of revolutions of the blower wheel of n=720 per minute and a power demand of 2.8 HP. The three-phase motor was equally of 380 volts, 50 cycles, with power output of 3.5 HP. The ventilation ducting started from a diameter of 550 mm and decreased down to 250 mm.

And finally (Point IV), the “ventilation system of the dissecting room, of the laying-out room for the corpses and of the room for the washing of the corpses” (Entlüftungs-Anlage für Sezier- Aufbahrungs- und Waschraum) foresaw an air-blower with a capacity of 3,000 m3 of stale air per hour against a total pressure of 20 mm of water column, with a number of revolutions of the blower wheel of n=720 per minute and a power demand of 0.65 HP; it had also a three-phase motor of 380 volt, 50 cycles, with a power output of 1 HP. The exhaust ducting had a round section with a diameter of 375 mm.[24]

2) In the drawing of the new crematorium D 59366 of March 10, 1942 (Section g-g), the power outputs of the motors are modified as follows:

  • B”-Raum: from 2 to 3.5 HP (air-blower [Gebläse] Type 450)
  • L”-Raum: from 5.5 to 7.5 HP (air-blower [Gebläse] Type 550)
  • Ofenraum: from 3.5 to 4.5 HP (air-blower [Gebläse] Type 550)
  • Sezier- Aufbahrungs- und Waschraum: from 1 to 1.5 HP (air-blower [Gebläse] Type 375)

The significance of these modifications will be explained below.

3) The letter of Bischoff to the Topf Company dated February 11, 1943, says that in the delivery of materials of February 6 “an air-blower Type 450 with  3.5 HP motor” (ein Gebläse Nr. 450 mit 3,5 PS-Motor) foreseen for Morgue #1 and “a 7.5 HP motor for the exhaust air-blower Type 550” (1 Motor 7,5 PS für das Abluftgebläse Nr. 550) of Morgue #2 were missing.[25]

4) In its reply, dated February 12, the Topf Company reported that the air-blower Type 450 was delivered on November 8, 1942, and that the “air-blower Type 450 (wooden air-blower)” [Gebläse Nr. 450 (Holzgebläse)] was delivered on January 25, 1943. For the air-blower Type 550 the 7.5 HP motor was still missing; the Topf Company proposed to substitute it temporarily with a 10 HP motor “with the same revolution speed” (mit gleicher Drehzahl).[26] In a later letter, dated February 17, 1943, the Topf Company indicated as delivery date: November 18, 1942.[27] The delivery occurred therefore either on November 8 or 18, 1942, and the first date was only the result of a typing error (8 instead of 18).

The issue of the wooden fan casing has been explained elsewhere.[28]

5) The invoice (Rechnung) of the Topf Company no. 171 February 22nd 1943, refers to the ventilation system of Crematorium II (Document 20).

For the “B”-Raum “1 air-blower with a capacity of 4,800 m3 per hour against a 40 mm water column of total pressure with a three-phase motor of 380 volts, 50 cycles, protected from water splashes, power output = 2 HP, safety switch and star-delta switch without protection” (1 Gebläse zur Förderung von stündl. 4800 cbm Luft gegen 40 mm WS Gesamtpressung mit Drehstrommotor für 380 Volt, 50 Per. spritzwassergeschützt, N = 2 PS, Motorschutzschalter und Sterndreieckschalter ohne Sicherung) was invoiced and a second air-blower similar to this one for exhaust. The total amount was 1,847 RM. This data corresponds exactly with the cost estimate of November 4, 1941 and this is also valid for the systems relative to the “L”-Raum, Ofenraum and Sezier- Aufbahrungs- und Waschraum.[29]

6) The invoice of the Topf Company no. 729 of May 27, 1943 relative to Crematorium III, reports the same data and the same prices (Document 21 a,b,c,d)

7) Pressac published an extract of the plan of the roof of Crematorium II of the delivery receipt of Crematorium II of March 19, 1943, which shows the power output of the ventilation devices located in the attic of the building:

  • B”-Raum: 3.5 HP
  • L”-Raum: 7.5 HP
  • Ofenraum: 4.5 HP
  • Sezier- Aufbahrungs- und Waschraum: 1.5 HP.[30]

However, it is not an original document, but simply an elucidation by Pressac, as follows from the comparison with the original plan (Document 22).

However, Pressac confirmed the power output of the motors indicated above.

As a result of this long procedure, the capacity of the air-blowers remained unchanged. Particularly the two rooms of interest, which concern us most:

  • Morgue #1: 4,800 m3 per hour (air blower for intake and exhaust)
  • Morgue #2: 10,000 m3 per hour (air-blower).

Morgue #1 measured in meters, was 30 x 7 x 2.40 = 504 cubic meters; Morgue #2 was 49.49 x 7.93 x 2.30 = approx. 903 m3.

The hourly air exchanges foreseen were respectively:

  • 4,800 ÷ 504 = approximately 9.5
  • 10,000 ÷ 903 = approximately 11.

Morgue #2 (or “L”-Raum) was the alleged “undressing room” of the victims; therefore, even after the purportedly “criminal” modifications claimed by Pressac, the “undressing room” remained more ventilated than the “gas chamber”!

III) The increase of the output power of the motors of the air-blowers

In his second study about Auschwitz, Pressac writes:

“About mid-March, the Central Construction Office received a new Topf plan for the ventilation, written on March 10th, which was still based on the first two studies of Dejaco. Schultze distinctly increased the power output of the electrical motors, and therefore of the intake and exhaust, however without changing the type of the air-blowers. The new power outputs are explained as follows:” (My emphases)

We report the relative data in simplified form.[31]

Room motor power New capacity Previous capacity
B-Keller/intake 3.5 HP 8,000 m3/h 4,800 m3/h
B-Keller/exhaust 3.5 HP 8,000 m3/h 4,800 m3/h
L-Keller/exhaust 7.5 HP 13,000 m3/h 10,000 m3/h
O-Raum/furnace room 4.5 HP 12,000 m3/h 10,000 m3/h
A u. W-Räume 1.5 HP 4,000 m3/h 3,000 m3/h

Whence did Pressac deduce the alleged new capacities of the air-blowers? Apparently, he based the information on the Topf invoice no. 2134 of December 23, 1943 relative to the ventilation systems for Crematoria IV and V, to which we will return below. He refers to this document speaking about Crematoria IV and V:[32]

“For the two gas chambers and for the corridor, representing a volume of 480 m3 almost identical to the one in Morgue I of Crematoria II and III, Schultze foresaw an exhaust blower  of the same power: a pump [soufflerie: air-blower] Type 450 with a 3.5 HP motor, able to exhaust 8,000 m3 per hour”.

Footnote 21 on page 120 refers indeed to the “preliminary invoice [sic] Topf of December 23rd 1943”. Here an air-blower of Type 450 with a capacity of 8,000 m3 of air per hour with a three-phase motor of 3.5 HP is mentioned. If, therefore, it could have made sense to assume this capacity for Morgue #1 (equipped with two air-blowers Type 450), for the other rooms the values given by Pressac do not have any foundation, being based solely on simple arithmetical equations between the data relative to the power output of the motor and the capacity of the air-blowers, for which the results do not match at all:

10,000 ÷ 2 = x ÷ 3.5; hence x = 8,400.

The above-mentioned document says in fact 8,000, and therefore Pressac was forced to “rectify” the results of all other equations:

10,000 ÷ 5.5 = x ÷ 7.5; result ca. 13,600, reduced to 13,000

10,000 ÷ 3.5 = x ÷ 4.5; result ca. 12,900, reduced to 12,000

3,000 ÷ 1 = x ÷ 1.5; result 4,500, reduced to 4,000.

Before examining the technical aspects of the issue, it is necessary to solve a preliminary problem, which can be summarized in this question: why was the power output of the motors increased? Once this point is clarified, the question has to be examined whether the increase of the power output of the motors really corresponded to an increase of the capacity of the air-blowers.

It can be immediately noted that, in the Holocaustic prospective, the alleged increase of the capacity of the air-blowers in no case could have had any criminal inference, or rather it could not have borne any relation to the alleged transformation of a normal morgue room into a homicidal gas chamber. This results irrefutably from the fact that the increase of the power output of the engines was foreseen by Schultze on March 10, 1942; a date preceding by many months the date of the alleged idea to transform the “B”-Raum, the future Morgue #1, into a homicidal gas chamber. It results, therefore, that the modifications concerned only a normal hygienic-sanitary facility, such as a crematorium.

The only plausible reason for the increase of the power output of the motors is the following: Schultze redacted the cost estimate based on a verbal order which was given to the Topf Company during the visit of Oberingenieur Kurt Prüfer in Auschwitz on October 21 and 22n, 1941.[33] The first drawing of the new crematorium was created on October 24, 1941.[34] Both Leichenkeller, only outlined, do not present any indication of ventilation ducts. This applies also to the plan drawn by the architect Werkmann in November 1941.[35] The first cost estimate of the ventilation system, dated November 4, 1941, was therefore created based on the first or second project, both without any indication regarding the ventilation systems. Essentially, Schultze revised the cost estimate at issue without knowing neither the structure, nor the path of the ventilation ducts; but besides this, he knew all the fundamental technical data: capacity of the air-blowers, total pressure, voltage, cycles, number of the air-blowers.

It has to be kept in mind that November 4, 1941 was also the day when the Topf Company confirmed the order by the Construction Office of Auschwitz (placed on October 22) of five furnaces with three muffles each, two devices for the introduction of a casket (Sarg-Einführungs-Vorrichtungen), three forced-draft devices (Saugzug-Anlagen), and one waste-incineration furnace (Müll-Verbrennungs-Ofen).[36]

In the letter of February 10, 1942, the Topf Company informed the Construction Office that the “necessary construction drawings for the realization of the brickwork intake and exhaust ducts” (die notwendigen Bauzeichnungen für die Ausführung der gemauerten Be- und Entlüftungs-Kanäle) would be ready within 3-4 weeks;[37] obviously they did not yet exist on November 4, 1941 and this fact confirms that Schultze, when writing the relative cost estimate, could not possibly have determine exactly the power output of the air-blower motors. When these drawings were eventually created, probably by Schultze himself, he recalculated the power output of the engines based on the passive drags of the system (length, sections, roughness of the internal walls of the ducts, change of section and direction, presence of 80 small openings inside the room) as it is indicated in Plan D 59366 of March 10, 1942. We summarize the data in the following table:

Room Air-blower type
diameter (mm)
Capacity (m3/h) Output power (HP)
Date 11/4/41 3/10/42 11/4/41 3/10/42 11/4/41 3/10/42
LK 1 intake 450 450 4,800 4,800 2 3.5
LK 1 exhaust 450 450 4,800 4,800 2 3.5
Furnace room 550 550 10,000 10,000 3.5 4.5
Dissection room, etc. 375 375 3,000 3,000 1 1.5
LK 2 550 550 10,000 10,000 5.5 7.5

The letter of the Friedrich Boos Company to the Central Construction Office of May 24, 1943, which refers to the technical specifications of the Saugzuganlage Type H 13 (aspirated air-supply device Type H13) for a furnace, presents a similar case regarding the total pressure:

  • volume of the gases: 13,500 m³/h
  • static pressure at the exhaust of the air-blower: 40 mm water column
  • increase of 10% as specified: 4 mm water column
  • increase for additional drag: 55 mm water column
  • difference of the static pressure: 99 mm water column
  • power demand for the air-blower: 10 HP
  • number of revolutions of the : 1,435 revolutions per minute.[38]

The nominal value of 40 mm of water column resulted in a real value of 99 mm, and therefore a power demand of 10 HP was calculated.

IV) Output power of the motors and capacity of the air-blowers

It remains only to determine, as Pressac claims, whether or not the increase of the output power of the engines of the air-blowers resulted also in the increase of the capacity of the air-blowers.

First of all, it has to be noted that no known document states that the capacity of the air-blowers of Morgue #1 of Crematoria II and III was increased from 4,800 to 8,000 m3 of air per hour; incontrovertible data stating exactly the opposite exists: the cost estimate of the Topf Company of November 4, 1941, claims in fact, for the two air-blowers of the room at issue, a capacity of 4,800 m3 of air per hour, and this is fully confirmed both by invoice no. 171 of February 22nd 1943 for Crematorium II, and by invoice no. 729 of May 27, 1943, for Crematorium III.

The basic technical elements relative to the two air-blowers of Morgue #1 are:

  • three-phase motor
  • 50 cycles (Hz)
  • 380 volt
  • 925 revolutions per minute
  • total pressure 40 mm of water column
  • capacity: 4,800 m3/h.

The three-phase motor (Document 23) is constituted by a stator, which is “the fixed part where the three main coils are inserted to which the supply voltage is applied”, and by a rotor, which is located inside the stator, which “due to the ‘activation’ by the magnetic field generated by the stator coils, starts to rotate”. In the stator more triplets of coils can be mounted, so that more magnetic fields are generated, one for each triplet.

A motor with one triple set of coils, in technical language, has one polar couple or more simply, two opposing poles.

And this is the central core of the question, the speed of rotation:[39]

“The speed of rotation of a motor depends on the Rotating Magnetic Field, which depends on the frequency of the supply voltage. In practice, for a motor with one polar couple, applying a voltage of 50 Hz, the speed of the rotor will be 50 revolutions per second, or 3,000 revolutions per minute [please see below]. When the stator is instead built with more polar couples, the rotating magnetic field does not rotate at 3,000 revolutions per minute anymore, but at lower speeds, due to the presence of other magnetic poles, which enable the rotor to cover a shorter path before finding the pole attracting it.”

In practice, the rotating speed of a three-phase motor is fixed, because it depends exclusively on the frequency and on the number of polar couples, according to the known formula:

n = ( 60 sec/min × f ) ÷ p


n = number of revolutions per minute
f = frequency (50 Hz, “the standard frequency in Europe for the systems of distribution of alternating current “)
p = number of polar couples.

In our example, we obtain:

n = (60 x 50) ÷ 1 = 3,000 revolutions per minute

Since the frequency of 50 Hz remains unchanged, the speed of rotation is fixed, and it depends solely on the number of polar couples, as explained by Dal Prà in the following table:

Numbers of poles Polar Couples Speed (rpm)
2 1 3000
4 2 1500
6 3 1000
8 4 750
10 5 600
12 6 500
20 10 300
30 15 200
etc. ... ...

The invoices of the Topf Company no. 171 of February 22nd 1943, and no. 729 of May 27, 1943, refer explicitly to the frequency of 50 periods or cycles, that is 50 Hz. Therefore, increasing the power output of the motor, from 2 to 3.5 HP, the number of the revolutions would have remained unchanged.

In the cost estimate of November 4, 1941, 925 revolutions per minute instead of 1,000 were indicated, because the rotor does not rotate at the same speed as the stator magnetic field, but at a speed slightly lower (due to mechanical and cooling losses); the difference between the stator speed (synchronic speed) and the speed of the rotor, known as run rate of flow, is set between 3% and 7%. The effective speed, and therefore the effective number of revolutions, results, consequently, as a little lower. In our specific case the rate of flow was calculated at 7.5%: 1000 – (0.075 x 1000) = 925 revolutions/min.

The relation between performance, total pressure and used power are explained as follows:

  1. the performance is directly proportional to the number of revolutions
  2. the total pressure is directly proportional to the square of the number of revolutions
  3. the used power is directly proportional to the cube of the number of revolutions.[40]

The cost estimate of November 4, 1941, as it was also stated above, indicates the number of revolutions of the three-phase motor and therefore of the air-blower as n=925 revolutions/min. If the capacity of the air-blower (intake/exhaust), somehow increases from 4,800 to 8,000 m3/h, the number of revolutions would increase proportionally from 925 to 1,540; the total pressure would also increase (1540)2 ÷ (925)2 = 2.77 times, and therefore from 40 to approx. 110 mm of water column, and finally, the used power would have increased (1540)3 ÷ (925)3 = 4.6 times, or from 2 to 9.2 HP.

This confirms that the increase of capacity, within the conditions described, was impossible.

Because after increasing the number of revolutions, the total pressure increases (to the square), it is obvious that the used power also increases (to the cube), because the friction of the air in the ventilation ducts increases at higher speeds.

This is the only reason why Engineer Schultze, after having created the project of the whole ventilation system of the new crematorium, changed the power of the motors of all air-blowers.

This has also a precise technical explanation.

The mechanical performance (Pw) of an air-blower is calculated according to the formula:

Pw = (Q · pt · 100) ÷ η,


Q = air capacity in cubic meters/second (m3/s)
pt = total pressure in Pa (Pascal: 1 mm H2O = 9.8 Pa)
η = efficiency rate of the air-blower in %.

Knowing that engineer Schultze, in the cost estimate of November 4, 1941, calculated a performance at the motor shaft of the air-blower of 1.6 HP (= 1,177 W) and of 2 HP for the three-phase motor; and further knowing the capacity (4800 m3/h = 1.33 m3/s) and the total pressure (40 mm water column [H2O] = 392 Pa); and finally, knowing that the centrifugal type air-blowers had an efficiency rate of between 25 and 50%,[41] the performance of the air-blower results in 0.443:

Pw = (1.33 · 392 · 100) ÷ 44.3 = 1,177 W.

The electrical power (Pe) of the motor used from the electrical power grid is calculated according to the formula:

Pe = (Pw ÷ ηmot),

where ηmot = is the efficiency rate of the motor in %, which is set between 0.7 and 0.95.[42]

Since the output power of the motor calculated by Schultze was 2 HP, or 1,471 W, it is obvious that the efficiency rate of the motor was 0.8:

(1,177 ÷ 1,471) = 0.8,

or rather:

1,177 W (1.6 HP) ÷ 0.8 = 1,471 W (2 HP).

Applying the above-mentioned formula for the calculation of the used power of the air-blower, knowing the speed (1.33 m3/s), the performance rate of the air-blower (44.3%) and the efficiency rate of the motor (80%), results in:

3.5 HP (× 735.5 W/HP) 2,574 W; 2,574 x 0.8 = 2,059 W (used power of the motor);

1.33 x P (effective pressure) x 100] ÷ 44 = 2,072;

P = 686 Pa or (686 ÷ 9.8) 70 mm H2O.

In practice, the change of the motor was required to overcome an additional real pressure of 30 mm H2O, due to the summation of the total friction in the air ducts.

What is explained above is confirmed in a table relative to the low-pressure centrifugal air-blowers in the Manuale dell’ingegnere Colombo[43] (see Document 24) where the data of different air-blowers are indicated with intake areas of increasing dimensions, with variable numbers of revolutions, variable air flow per minute, with variable effective pressure in mm of water column and used power.

Already the first two data are significant. An air-blower with an intake area of 210 x 210 mm at 600 revolutions/min has a capacity of 18 m3/min, with a pressure of 9 mm H2O and a used power of 0.07 HP; at 1,450 revolutions, the capacity turns into 50 m3/min, the pressure to 45 mm and the used power to 1 HP. Therefore, increasing the capacity (50 ÷ 18) 4.44 times, the used power increased (1 ÷ 0.07) 14.28 times.

In conclusion, Pressac’s hypothesis is technically absurd and necessarily without any scientific foundation.

V) The air-blower Type 450 foreseen for Crematoria IV and V

The fact remains to be explained, noted by Pressac, that the invoice of the Topf Company no. 132 of December 23rd 1943, referring to “Ventilation devices for Crematoria IV and V” (Entlüftungsanlagen für die Krematorien IV und V) assigns to an air-blower Type 450 a capacity of 8,000 m3 of air per hour. First of all, the technical data written there has to be analyzed (Document 25):

“Gebläse Nr. 450 zur Förderung von stündlich etwa 8000 cbm Abluft gegen 40 mm W.S. Gesamptpressung, Drehstrommotor für 380 Volt, 50 Per. mit Doppelnutanker, Spreitzwassergeschützt [sic], N = ca. 3,5 PS. n = 925 Upm).”[44]

[“Air-Blower Type 450 with the capacity of approximately 8,000 m3 of stale air per hour against a total pressure of 40 mm of water column, three-phase motor of 380 volts, 50 cycles, with rotor with double groove bolt, protected from water against splashes, output power N = approx. 3.5 HP, n = 925 revolutions per minute” ]

The related cost estimate (Kostenanschlag) of June 6, 1943, (Document 26)[45] reports the same technical data, but it further clarifies that “das Schaufelrad, welches fliegend auf Motorwellenstumpf aufgebaut wird” [“the blower wheel was connected directly on to the motor shaft”]. In other words, this formula characterizes the direct system of coupling of the motor shaft and the blower wheel, as shown in Document 27, taken from the drawing of the Topf Company D 57999 of November 30, 1940.[46] The detail shows the project of the aspiration device of Crematorium I of Auschwitz: M is the motor directly coupled through the motor shaft MW to the air-blower G; S is the chimney.

Document 28 shows the connection of the engine to the air-blower Type 450 in the future Crematorium II.

At the time, there were three types of connections: with a belt (durch Riemen) (Document 29), with sprocket gears reducer (Zahnradvorgelege) and with direct coupling (in direkter Kupplung) (Document 30).[47]

The sprocket gears reducer was formed by two or more cog wheels. For the air-blowers a special form of this system was the so called “Zentratorkupplung,” which was designed as a reducer, but it could also be used as a multiplier. The blower wheel had on its internal part three elastic rings which were mounted on the motor shaft, from which they received the motion and transmitted it to the blower wheel circulating over a bigger ring on its inside, as is shown in Document 31.[48]

Because of its configuration, this system was also called “Planetengetriebe” (planetary gear drive) or “Umlaufrädergetriebe” (circular gear drive) which could also have cogged pinions instead of the rings as shown in Document 32.

The latter system could also be used as a multiplier of revolutions, that means that it could induce the number of revolutions of the blower wheel to be greater than that of the motor shaft; in the case at issue this is excluded since the motor of the air-blower was directly coupled to the blower wheel.

In comparison to the two air-blowers Type 450 foreseen for Morgue #1 of Crematoria II and III, the differences are twofold: the capacity (8,000 m3 instead of 4,800) and the power output of the motor (3.5 HP instead of 2 HP originally foreseen). All the other parameters are identical. Since the power output of the motor could not influence the number of revolutions, which in fact in both cases remained the same (925 revolutions per minute), there are only two explanations: either one of the two capacities is wrong (4,800 or 8,000 m3/h), or different models of air-blower Type 450 existed with different volume capacities for each revolution of the blower wheel.

However, the first option of the dilemma is untenable, because another cost estimate of the Topf Company, the one of December 9, 1940, referring to a “Ventilation device for corpse cubicles and dissection room” (Entlüftungs-Anlage für Leichenzellen und Sezierraum) – the first facility foreseen for the crematorium of the main camp in Auschwitz – refers to an air-blower of Type 450 with a capacity of 6,000 m3 of stale air per hour against a total pressure of 25 mm of water column, powered by a three-phase motor of 1.5 HP for 220/380 volts, 50 cycles, at 720 revolutions per minute.[49]

The total pressure is related to the number of revolutions, and therefore to the capacity of the air-blower, and therefore 25 mm of water column is linked to the 720 revolutions. In practice this fan no. 450, at 720 revolutions per minute, had a capacity of 6,000 m3 of air per hour.

The alternative remaining (the second option above) is that different models of air-blower Type 450 existed, with a different volume capacity, as we will show below.

Returning to the air-blowers Type 450 foreseen for Morgue #1 and for Crematoria IV and V, it results in fact that the former had a volume capacity of

1) 4,800 ÷ 60 = 80 m3/min;

80 ÷ 925 = 0.086 m3 (of air passing through the air-blower for each revolution of the motor wheel);

while for the second, the capacity was instead:

2) 8,000 ÷ 60 = 133.3 m3/min

133.3 ÷ 925 = 0.144 m3;

for air-blower Type 450 of the crematorium of the main camp the capacity was:

3) 6,000 ÷ 60 = 100 m3/min

100 ÷ 720 = 0.139 m3.

At 925 revolutions this air-blower would have had a capacity of ([925 x 6,000] ÷ 720 =) approximately 7,700 m3/h.

This value can be considered identical to Case 2, because the capacity of 8,000 m3/h was rounded off (“etwa”, approximately) and probably also the capacity of 6,000 m3/h was rounded off.

Since the capacity – as explained above – is directly proportional to the number of revolutions, it is impossible that two identical air-blowers both running at 925 revolutions per minute could have had different capacities; one of 4,800 m3/h, and the other of 8,000 m3/h; a fact that only enhances the explanation made above.

The only possible explanation is that the air-blower Type 450, while assuming both the total volume of the casing and the diameter of the intake and exhaust tubes as equal, appeared in at least two different variants regarding the position of the vanes (concave or convex) and/or their angulation; this produced a different volume of air movement for each revolution of the blower wheel.

From the documents, it can be deduced that these models, running at the same numbers of revolutions, were distinguishable only by the diameters of the casings and by the capacities of the air-blower:

  1. 450/4,800 and
  2. 450/8,000.

VI) The deceptions of Richard Green-Jamie McCarthy and the tacit approval of Robert Jan van Pelt

In any case, it is certain that the increase in power of the motor of air-blower Type 450 from 2 to 3.5 HP does not equate to an increase in the capacity of the air-blower from 4,800 to 8,000 m3/h. On the contrary, this appears patently absurd, because – from Pressac’s perspective – the increase of power should have induced an increase in the number of revolutions per minute of the motor (the capacity being conditioned by this factor), but Topf’s invoice no. 132 of December 23, 1943  mentions clearly the same number of revolutions in the cost estimate of November 4, 1941 (925 rpm), which relates to the same capacity in both invoices no. 171 of February 22 and no. 729 of May 27, 1943 (4.800 m3/h).

The significance of the issue discussed above lies in the fact that Robert Jan van Pelt repeated the error of Pressac, in writing:[50]

“However, Richard Green and Jamie McCarthy have shown that the ventilation system of the crematoria was able to quickly remove the gas. The gas chambers of the Crematoria 2 and 3 were 30 m long by 7 m wide and 2.4 m high, which resulted in a volume of 504 cubic meters. They were equipped with a ventilation system with both intake and exhaust fans that were capable of cycling 8000 cubic meters [of air] per hour through the room. In other words, the system was able to create 8,000 : 604 = 15.8 air exchanges per hour.”

Van Pelt referred to an article by Richard J. Green and Jamie McCarthy with the title Chemistry is not the science: Rudolf, Rhetoric & Reduction.[51] The copyright is from 1999, but the last revision of the article was done on July 28, 2000.

The two authors write:

“The gas chambers were 30 m long by 7 m wide: 210 sq m. They were 2.4 m high, for a volume of 504 cubic meters.[52] Those same chambers had a ventilation system with both intake and exhaust fans, capable of cycling 8000 cu m through the room each hour. This is commonly referred to as 8000 ÷ 504 = 15.8 ‘air exchanges per hour.’ Note that the Holocaust-denier, Carlo Mattogno, has misrepresented these figures in his essay, Auschwitz: The End of a Legend”.

In the footnote, they explain:

“Mattogno, Carlo, Auschwitz: The End of a Legend, Newport Beach: IHR, 1994, pp. 60-62. Available in German translation as ‘Auschwitz: das Ende einer Legende’ at www.codoh.com/inter/intnackt/intnackausch3.html
[now at http://holocausthandbuecher.com/dl/14d-anf.pdf; English: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/14-apf.pdf].

Mattogno misrepresents the planned ventilation capacity that was at one point planned as if it were real:

Consequently, for the supposed homicidal gas chamber, the SS had foreseen 4,800 ÷ 506 = 9.48 air exchanges per hour, while in the supposed changing room 10,000 ÷ 902.7 = 11 air exchanges per hour: thus the gas chamber was less ventilated than the changing room!

However, he is at least honest enough to point out (two pages earlier) that a larger capacity ended up being used:

Pressac states that Leichenkeller 1 of Crematories II and III was actually equipped with ventilators with a capacity of 8000 m³/h of air (p. 74 and 118), and even mentions the invoice of the ventilation system for Crematory III: invoice No. 729 of 27 March 1943 (p. 105, note 184).”

Mattogno would also have misrepresented the capacity foreseen in the planned project (4,800 m3/h) with the alleged one, of the realization of the project (8,000 m3/h) and this would be the base of his “misrepresentation”.

In reality, a veritable misrepresentation was actually performed by Green and McCarthy. In the above-mentioned book Auschwitz: The End of a Legend. Critique of Jean-Claude Pressac[53] (the English translation of Auschwitz. Fine di una leggenda[54]) the facsimile copies of the Topf invoices no. 171 of February 22nd, and no. 729 of May 27, 1943, are shown,[55] which both, we repeat, mention a capacity of 4,800 m3/h. Now a high degree of brazenness is needed to pretend that invoices, which by definition correspond to items actually delivered, referred instead to a mere design specification!

What concerns the alleged admission of Mattogno that the effective capacity of the air-blowers was of 8,000 m3/h, the two authors maliciously pretended not to understand that Mattogno simply explained the hypothesis of Pressac, only to later refute it based precisely on the above-mentioned invoices.[56]

In fact, writing that Pressac “mentions even the invoice of the ventilation device for Crematorium III: invoice no. 729 of May 27, 1943”, which states a capacity of 4,800 m3/h, Mattogno only intended to underline the simple fact that Pressac was refuting himself.

In his report, written in 2001 as an expertise for the appeal trial of Irving-Lipstadt, Green returned to the question in these terms:[57]

“Holocaust-denier Carlo Mattogno claims in his essay, "Auschwitz: The End of a Legend" that the ventilation capacity is 4,800 ÷ 506 = 9.48 air exchanges per hour based upon what the SS planned to use originally.[58] Pressac claims that although the SS planned for only 4,800 cu m/hour, they eventually installed ventilation capable of 8000 cu m/hour. John Zimmerman has recently researched, 502-1-327, a Topf bill dated May 27, 1943, which may refer to Crematorium II (however, the first page in his copy is missing so he cannot yet be sure); it may indicate that the 4800 cu m/hour figure is correct”.

Therefore “recently”, that is, allegedly after July 28, 2000, the date of the last revision of the article mentioned above, Zimmermann found one page only of the invoice no. 729 of May 27, 1943, for which Mattogno published in facsimile the complete text already in 1994! This document is kept in the Museum of Auschwitz (Documents 21c-d). The other document kept in the Russian State Archive of War in Moscow with the reference number 502-1-327, pages 16 and 16a, is shown in Documents 21a-b. However, here the date of May 27, 1943, appears on the first page only; therefore, if the first page was really missing in the copy found by Zimmermann, how could Green claim that the invoice was “dated May 27, 1943”? And moreover: how could he mention the capacity of 4,800 m3/h, since this value is reported only in the first page of the invoice?

It is clear that Zimmermann also found the first page, and he transferred it to Green (who also stated that it may “refer to Crematory II” only to create further deception). All these deceptions were needed to avoid public admission that the capacity indicated by Mattogno was the correct one, and only reluctantly did Green concede that it “may” (!) be correct.

This excursus shows the incompetence and the dishonesty of the most acclaimed orthodox holocaust experts regarding the ventilation in the crematoria of Birkenau.

From the revisionist point of view, the significance of the issue relating to the capacity of the air-blowers remains intact, that after the alleged transformation of Morgue #1 of Crematorium II into a gas chamber working with hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B), the capacity of both air-blowers, the intake and exhaust, still conformed to a normal morgue. The number of air exchanges foreseen, approx. 9.5 per hour, was in fact the one prescribed by the technical manuals of the time, like the one by engineer Wilhelm Heepke:[59]

“The supply of fresh air is carried out from above. An air exchange rate of at least 5 times per hour has to be taken into consideration; owing to circumstances, the figure of 10 air exchanges may be reached due to higher usage of the room, whereas the higher number of air exchanges shall be reached by means of an air-blower (Eine Zuführung frischer Luft erfolgt von oben. Man hat mindestens mit einem 5fachen stündlichen Luftwechsel zu rechnen; unter Umständen kann man sogar bei stärker Benutzung des Raumes bis auf 10fachen gehen, welch hohe Luftabfuhr mit Hilfe eines Ventilators erreicht wird)”.

Paradoxically Engineer Schultze, in the above-mentioned cost estimate of December 9, 1940, stated:[60]

“Für den Sezierraum haben wir einen 10-fachen und für die Leichenzelle einen 20-fachen Luftwechsel vorgesehen.” [For the dissecting room we have foreseen 10 air exchanges and for the corpse cubicle 20 exchanges]

VII) Pressac, destroyer of the “gas chambers” of Auschwitz

1) The claim of a revisionist and Pressac’s answer

In his first book about Auschwitz, Pressac wanted to respond to the argument of a revisionist. The title of the “Attachment”, which summarized the objection, is: “GAS 3000 PEOPLE IN LEICHENKELLER I OF KREMATORIUM II? IMPOSSIBLE, THE BODIES WOULD HAVE BLOCKED THE LOWER AIR EXTRACTION ORIFICES”.

Pressac writes:[61]

“Following the exchange of letters and telephone calls with a correspondent who doubts the reality of the gas chambers, I have extracted two of his arguments that appear to me valid.

Describing the ventilation system of Leichenkeller I [of the future Krematorium II as per the cross-section on drawing 933], he pointed out to me that the air entered through the upper orifices, then was extracted through the lower ones, and concluded:

‘This arrangement is perfectly suitable if the room is used as a morgue: the air entering cools, becomes denser, and is extracted from the lower part.’

He then asked me to imagine:

‘the situation in the LK 1 after the gassing of a large number of people: the corpses are heaped on top of one another; they block most of the air extraction orifices; the room is full of warm toxic gas; how can there be rapid and efficient mechanical ventilation? I would say that it is not possible...’

These remarks mean that Leichenkeller I used as a gas chamber had a poorly designed ventilation system and in the case of large-scale gassings [3000 people in 210 m² according to Nyiszli, or 13.3 per square meter], the lower orifices being blocked ventilation would become impossible [a model visible at the Museum illustrates this ‘maximum’ case, though there are probably no more than one thousand victims depicted].

The figure of 3000 is theoretical and exaggerated, but if we take it as correct, then so is my correspondent’s hypothesis and the ventilation is blocked and cannot work.

What would the SS have done in the case of such an ‘incident’?

They would have proceeded in two stages:

1.  Open wide the doors giving basement access through the north yard and those of the undressing room, whose ventilation system working at full power would prevent the basement being contaminated:

Before putting on their gas masks, the SS would have then ordered two to four members of the Sonderkommando to put on masks, open the gas chamber door and drag bodies out into the vestibule until several of the air extraction orifices had been cleared. Then the gas-tight door would have been closed again, the ventilation restarted, and to improve its efficiency all that was required was to open the Zyklon-B introduction covers, but not until that moment. After verifying by means of a gas detector that there was no longer any danger of hydrocyanic acid intoxication outside the gas chamber, operations would have resumed their ‘normal’ course.

2.  Once the gas chamber had been emptied, a squad of fitters or bricklayers would have fixed at the end of the chamber, in the southeast corner a steel duct of about 20 cm diameter and 2 meters high or built a brick chimney of about the same dimensions connecting with or protecting one of the lower air extraction orifices and enabling it to take in warm contaminated air from above. The time taken for the ‘repair’ would not have been longer than an afternoon. Such an incident would not have interrupted the ‘operation’ of the Krematorium. As the documents we possess at present make no mention of such work we can assume for the moment that the case of the ‘3000’ never occurred, the number of victims from a convoy always being less than this.

The initial ventilation system of Leichenkeller I, which was designed for a basement morgue, is not a ‘definitive’ obstacle to using the room as a gas chamber.” (bold Pressac’s; underscore added here)

The anonymous revisionist was without doubt the engineer Pierre Marais, who published similar reasonings in a book in 1991.[62] However, he did not presume the impossibility of the de-aeration from the occlusion of the related openings by a certain number of victims; he spoke generally of “several hundreds, or also of several thousand.”[63] On the other hand, he constructed his argument in opposition to the explanations which were claimed by Georges Wellers in his book Les chambres à gaz ont existé,[64] in which he published the drawings of the vertical sections of Morgue #1 and 2 of the future Crematorium II. The written correspondence which Marais had with this orthodox historian shows that the case of “3,000” was completely outside his scope of contemplation.

This number was a simple ploy of Pressac in order to somehow extricate himself from a tight spot. In fact, as will be shown, such an obstacle would have been “crucial” even with half of the victims considered by Pressac: 1,500 and even less. On the other hand, Pressac himself, while discussing the claim of Nyiszli, states that 3,000 persons is an exaggerated number, and that the “real number was without doubt much lower, probably from 1,000 to 1,500”.[65]

2) An insufficient solution

Could Pressac really have believed that a single opening with a total cross-sectional area equal to 1/40 of the total planned in the ventilation system of the room, if left unobstructed, would have allowed a “normal” ventilation of Morgue #1?

Document 33 shows the “chimney” imagined by Pressac in the south-east corner of Morgue #1. The air would have entered only from above (the same as in the duct hypothesis) and would have been expelled only through a single opening. Therefore this “repair work” would have been completely insufficient.

In order to overcome the above-mentioned difficulty, it would have been necessary to keep open all the ventilation openings; the simplest system in order to achieve this would have been the installation of iron gratings, cemented at the bottom and to the wall, at an appropriate distance from the wall and to the height of a couple of meters, in order to protect all the ventilation openings on both sides of the room.

An example of such an iron grating is shown in Documents 34 and 34a.

Such work would have taken longer and also more floor space would have been lost, but – as we will prove below – without some protection devices of this kind, the homicidal gassing would have encountered a “crucial” and insurmountable obstacle, not only in the case of “3,000”, but also with 1,500 victims or 1,000 or even fewer.

The conclusion of Pressac is mind-boggling: because the documents do not mention the chimerical works imagined by himself, it follows that (!) the case of 3,000 victims never happened! Therefore the “gas chambers” always worked flawlessly!

It is obvious that, by accepting the reality of the extermination of the Hungarian Jews during Spring-Summer of 1944, due to their huge inflow in a short period, the case of 3,000 victims had to happen every day. Just to supply evidence, from May 14 to June 7, 1944, 289,357 Jews started from Hungary in the direction of Auschwitz in a period of 24 days, on average more than 12,000 per day. Taking into consideration that, from the orthodox perspective, during the period mentioned, the number of the alleged-gassed persons was around 70%, about (12,000 x 0.7 =) 8,400 Jews would have been killed every day,[66] and would have had to be gassed in the three crematoria in operation (II, III and V). Therefore, Morgue #1 of Crematoria II and III would have been crowded every day.

3) The “accident” of clogged ventilation openings

According to Pressac, Morgue #1 in the plan had the following dimensions: length: 30 m, width: 7 m; height: 2.41 m.[67] For the sake of exactitude, the most exact drawing of the Huta Company 109/13A and 109/14A of September 21st 1943, published by Pressac himself,[68] shows the presence of 7 concrete pillars to support the ceiling of 40 x 40 cm and 199 cm high, which support a concrete beam 41 cm high; the height of the room, indicated as 2.40 m in the drawing of September 21st 1943, is in fact the sum of 1.99 + 0.41.

The 7 pillars occupied a surface of (7 x 0.4 x 0.4) 1.12 m2, and had a volume of (1.12 x 1.99) = 2.22 m3; the beam had a volume of (30 x 0.41 x 0.41) = 5 m3.

In the orthodox scenario, also the surface area of 4 columns for pouring in Zyklon B (4 x 70 x 70 cm, in total 1.96 m2 and had a volume of 1.96 x 2.4 = 4.7 m3) has to be added; the dimensions thereof were given by the notorious witness Michał Kula in his first deposition[69] (he reduced the size of these column down to 24 × 24 cm in a second deposition[70]).

Therefore, the usable surface area for the victims was (30 x 7) = 210 m2, minus (1.12 + 1.96), or, approx. 3 m2; that is approximately 207 m2.

Rudolf Höss claimed that in this room, 1,500-1,600 victims were crammed (see below). In a room of 207 m2, 1,500 standing persons have a density of (1,500 ÷ 207), over 7 persons per square meter. Once dead, with no more muscular tension, the persons would have slumped to the floor, forming a heap whose height can be estimated.

Van Pelt declared during the Irving-Lipstadt trial that the median weight of a victim was 60 kg;[71] most probably he took this number from Pressac, who already earlier mentioned a median weight of 60 kg.[72] With certainty, it can be assured that the total weight of the 1,500 victims was (1,500 × 60) = 90,000 kg, which we can consider equivalent to 90,000 liters or 90 m3.

Theoretically 90 m3 distributed over a surface of 207 m2 correspond to a height of (90 ÷ 207) = 43.5 cm, and to a coverage of the floor of 100%. Obviously, the corpses are not water or sand, and between them some space would have remained, even though small. If one assumes a double height of 87 cm, the volume and the surface available in reference to the heap of corpses would also have doubled: 0.87 x 207 = 180 m3, of which 90 m3 claimed by the corpses and 90 m3 of free space between them. In this case, the free space would constitute the sum of all interspaces and of all air pockets existing among the 1,500 corpses; there are thousands of interspaces and air pockets, not necessarily communicating with each other, for a total height of 87 cm.

This height corresponds more or less to that of conscious adults prone on their knees or sitting on the floor with an erect torso, as Drawings 1 and 2 of Document 35 show.[73]

The rendering of Crematorium II displayed by the Auschwitz Museum shows the “gas chamber” full of victims (Document 36). Pressac was referring to this; according to him, “not more than a thousand victims” are depicted.

In this reconstruction, the air-extraction duct is placed too high, and also the connection opening to the “gas chamber” is placed too high. The original drawings display in fact that these openings were located almost at floor level (see Document 2, D, D1, and Document 37).

In Document 36, Rectangles A, B and C represent three openings in their correct positions. Even though the heap of corpses appears exceedingly high, it can be intuitively understood that in a real gassing, all exhaust openings would have been inevitably obstructed by the corpses to one degree or another. The real scenario would also be:

  • up to 90 m3 piled on top of the openings, penetrated by thousands of interspaces and air pockets between the corpses (not necessarily communicating with each other and, if not communicating, impossible to ventilate the trapped vapors of hydrogen cyanide), which would have hugely increased the friction of the gas mixture which was supposed to pass through;
  • ventilation openings physically obstructed by the corpses lying on the floor.

In these conditions, the ventilation of the room would have been totally ineffective, if not impossible.

Document 38 depicts visually the “gas chamber” with the layer of corpses of approx. 87 cm in height.

The reasoning related to the height of the corpses is obviously valid only under certain limitations; it is obvious that, by reducing the number of victims, hypothetically also the surface available on the floor would have increased. For example, if only 1,000 victims are considered over a surface of 207 m2, a density of approx. 5 standing persons per square meter would have resulted; the height of the heap would have been definitely lower, but still, the corpses would obstruct the ventilation openings. These would remain more or less unobstructed only with fewer than 1,000 victims. But the number of 1,500 victims reported is claimed even by orthodox Holocaust historians as too small. Franciszek Piper states in fact that “approximately 2,000 persons were crammed inside Morgue #1 on average”.[74]

In this perspective, from the numerical point of view, the issue would be perfectly credible. Based on the Kalendarium of Danuta Czech,[75] from March 14, 1943 (first “gassing” in the Crematorium II) to the end of the year, the 47 “gassings” numerically more important would have been distributed like this:

  • from 1,000 to 1,500 persons: 9
  • from 1,500 to 2,000 persons: 16
  • from 2,000 to 2,500 persons: 14
  • from 2,500 to 3,000 persons: 6
  • from 3,500 to 4,000 persons: 2.

The case of the “gassing” of 1,500 persons and more in Crematorium II would also have happened many times more in the year 1943. The case of the Hungarian Jews’ deportation in 1944 was already mentioned earlier.

The deportation of the Jews from the ghetto of Łódź can also be mentioned. According to Franciszek Piper, 55,000-65,000 persons arrived at Auschwitz from August 15 to September 2, 1944, in 18 days;[76] this means (55,000-65,000 ÷ 18 =) 3,055-3,610 per day. Add to this the eight “gassings” of 2,000 persons and the five of 3,000 during 1944 mention in Czech’s Kalendarium.

The rendering of the Auschwitz Museum represents one of the alleged devices which allowed pouring of the Zyklon B inside the room from above. The most-acclaimed witness, Kula, painstakingly described the device, and Pressac drew it with some precision.[77] It was constituted of a kind of small metal casing of tight iron mesh, of unknown height, which ran inside a larger column made of a net of iron mesh with a square section of 70 x 70 cm; but its course stopped in the upper part of the larger column without ever reaching the floor. Zyklon B was poured from above inside the metal casing, and it remained and evaporated in the upper part of the room, we can assume between 1.90-2.00 and 2.40 meters (the ceiling height).

Van Pelt disagrees, and he presents his own drawing, in which the casing reaches the floor.[78] Such a system would have determined in any case the dissipation speed of the vapors of hydrogen cyanide into the free space above the bodies of the victims. As the execution progressed, an increasingly dense and high layer of dead bodies would have blocked the dissipation of more gas into this space.

In this scenario, a gas pocket in the free upper part of the room with an increasingly high concentration of the gas would have resulted, and it would have been challenging to remove it.

4) Pressac and van Pelt speculate on the ventilation of Morgue #1

Pressac claims that, “After 15 minutes of ventilation the air in the room would be completely renewed. A homicidal gassing (using 5 to 7 kg of Zyklon-B for 1,000 to 2,000 persons) would last about 20 minutes: 5 minutes for the action of the HCN bringing swift death (the quantity introduced being 40 times the lethal dose) and 15 minutes of ventilation BEFORE BEING ABLE TO OPEN THE GAS TIGHT DOOR. [79]

In his book of 1993, Pressac wrote that the ventilation lasted 15-20 minutes and that the air of the room was “practically exchanged every 3-4 minutes”.[80]

The prerequisite of his reasoning is that 4 air exchanges correspond to a total renewal of the air of the room (8,000 ÷ 60 x 15 =) 2,000 m3 of air in 15 minutes; 2,000 m3 ÷ approx. 500 m3 = 4 air exchanges in 15 minutes, according to the erroneous conjecture of Pressac of the increase of the air-blowers’ capacity to 8,000 m3/h; with the real capacity of 4,800 m3/h, the exchanges in 15 minutes would have been approx. 2.5.

Van Pelt presents two tables in which the residual concentration of hydrogen cyanide in the “gas chamber” is calculated in ppm (parts per million) as a function of time, as well as the median concentration to which a person would have been exposed for 15 minutes, all based on an initial concentration of 1,000 and of 10,000 ppm.

His Table 5.2 contemplates an initial concentration of 10,000 ppm of HCN,[81] which is the one more consistent with orthodox the Holocaust narrative, even though it is too low.

Rudolf Höss claimed that the gassing of 1,500-1,600 persons in Crematoria II and III took on average 7 kg of Zyklon B;[82] an amount which in the free space of the room of approx. 497 m3 (after deduction of the approximately 7 m3 occupied by the pillars and by the concrete beam) would have generated a theoretical end concentration of hydrogen cyanide of (7,000 ÷ 497 =) 14 g/m3, equivalent to 11,662 ppm.

The table at issue is as follows:

Time [min] HCN [ppm] HCN [ppm]
after 15 min.
0 10000 3805
10 1908 726
20 364 138
30 70 26
40 13 5
50 2 1

Van Pelt limited himself to taking this data from the above-mentioned description by Richard J. Green. He used at the time a calculator available on the site of the “American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists” in which the data could be inserted in order to obtain the results. As he clearly stated and as results from the formula given by van Pelt, the value of air exchanges was 9.94 per hour, but this value corresponds to a capacity of 4,800 m3/hour; only some lines above, van Pelt claims, as we saw before, that the capacity was 8,000 m3/hour, and that the number of air exchanges was 15.8. Apparently, he did not notice this nonsense.

The reason for these calculations was to refute the statements of Germar Rudolf about the impossibility to access the “gas chambers” after a homicidal gassing.

The calculations are completely doubtful and inconsistent, because they do not take into consideration three crucial elements:

  1. The “gassing” times declared by the most important witnesses are by far shorter: 3 minutes (J. Weiss), 3-5 minutes (C.S. Bendel), 5 minutes (M. Nyiszli), 3-15 minutes (R. Höss), 3-10 minutes (judge J. Sehn).[83] Immediately after the “gas chamber” was opened, the removal of the corpses of the victims began.
  2. The evaporation of the hydrogen cyanide required extremely longer times to reach the maximum theoretical concentration, 3 hours at 15°C according to experiments performed in 1942.[84]
  3. The theoretical scenario envisaged by Green and van Pelt presupposes an empty room, in which nothing obstructs the ventilation. It is then clear that even with some hundreds of persons inside the “gas chamber” this model would not correspond anymore to reality, because the corpses would represent a factor of disturbance – possibly even damaging – to the ventilation.

It is further obvious that the corpses of the victims would have reduced the available volume with a theoretical increase of the hydrogen-cyanide concentration. In the case of the 1,500 victims, the concentration would have been (504 – [2.22 + 5][85] - 90[86] ) ca. 406 m3; (7,000 ÷ 406) = 17.24 g/m3, equivalent to 14,361 ppm.

This would also have affected the air exchanges per hour:

(4,800 ÷ 406 =) 11.8 per hour.

But the documents do not mention anything in this regard.

Since the “gas chambers” of Crematoria IV and V allegedly were activated without ventilation systems, one could ask how, according to van Pelt, the ventilation of the rooms was achieved, and especially how long it took. His embarrassment about such a simple question is shown by his silence, and it results even more from his pretense that Crematoria IV and V were “efficient and economical killing machines”.[87] Efficient? How could three “gas chambers” with a volume of approximately 521 m3, with 2 doors of 100 x 200 cm, and 7 small windows of 30 x 40 cm have an efficient ventilation?

The pretense of van Pelt is clearly absurd.

5) Opening the “gas chamber” door

Pressac thought that one could correct the unavoidable flow of the gas from Morgue #1 into the other rooms of the basement of the crematorium, by opening the access door from the north court and the one at the end of Morgue #2, and then activating the ventilation system of this room. This solution does not take into account the fact that the “gas chamber” with its blocked air-exhaust channels may have been in overpressure (air blown inside from the intake air-blower, heat generated by the bodies of the victims), while the furnace room was in double underpressure, both for the air draft of the chimney and for its own ventilation system; also Morgue #2 was equipped with a similar ventilation system, and was also in underpressure; in simple terms, an air flow was constantly moving towards the cremation furnaces and towards the exhaust openings located on the ceiling of the furnace room; a similar air flow moved into Morgue #2 toward the corresponding air-blower.

By opening the door of the “gas chamber” with its blocked exhaust ducts, a lethal mixture of gas would have flowed out into the next room (in the drawings “Vorraum”, vestibule) and would have spread out all over the basement and via the elevator shaft into the furnace room. As a precautionary measure, and in order to avoid the gas mixture entering the three rooms of the former Leichenkeller 3 (Cubicles X, Y and Z in Document 39), it would have been necessary to close this door (but it was not gastight). How to eliminate the gas pocket of the vapors of hydrogen cyanide? The most rational system would have been this:

  1. keep the door of the corpses chute open in order to let fresh air coming in dilute the air-vapor mixture coming out of Morgue #1;
  2. turn on the exhaust air-blower of the ventilation system of Morgue #2, and wait for the number of air exchanges necessary to purify its air;
  3. in order to prevent the gas mixture from seeping up the elevator shaft, it would have been necessary to deactivate the cremation furnaces and to avoid using the furnace room’s exhaust blower during the evacuation of the gas mixture.

This procedure is explained in Document 39.

How can anyone seriously believe that the engineer of the Topf Company and the Central Construction Office would have been so grossly inept as not to foresee these gross incongruities?

The danger of intoxication both for the inmates working in the crematoria and for the German guards watching over them should not be underestimated, since the lethal concentration of hydrogen cyanide by inhalation is of 300 ppm (0.36 g/m3).[88]

But the main problem is that these discrepancies, unavoidable in the absurd technical fabrication of the “gas chamber” were never raised by any “eye witness,” and they are not mentioned in any document of the concentration camp.

These drawbacks would have caused hydrogen cyanide intoxication of inmates and of SS guards practically during each gassing, but the only two known cases refer to the general matter of disinfestation; one was mentioned by Höss in the Sonderbefehl of August 12, 1942;[89] the other happened on December 9, 1943, when a civilian worker forced his way prematurely into an accommodation barrack which had been disinfested shortly before.[90]

The logical consequence to be taken from all that has been considered above is that “gassings” of 1,500 or even of 1,000 or even of some hundreds of persons never took place. However, because the reality of homicidal “gassings” is claimed only by witness statements, and these always adduce numbers well above 1,500; and because there would have been well over 1,500 gassing victims in each claimed batch due to the high number of Jewish transports arriving in Auschwitz, it can only be deduced that the claimed “gassings” described by witnesses as simple operations without dangers were impossible, and therefore they were not real.

Editor’s Remark

Typical air vents (registers)
Click on image to open large version

The screens covering the openings of a ventilation system, also called registers, usually have slits as openings as shown in the illustrations to the right. The type used in the Morgues #1 of Crematoria II & III at Auschwitz merely had very small holes, which increased the drag of the air-intake system considerably. Since these screens were made by the Auschwitz inmate work shop in early 1943, it is safe to assume that the Topf employees designing the ventilation system in November 1941 and March 1942, including its blowers and motors, did not know what these registers would look like. Rough calculations of the ventilation system’s drag indicate that these vents actually caused half of the system’s pressure loss.

If the engineers or fitters involved in installing the system wanted to reduced that drag, thus increase the air flow, the easiest way to accomplish this would have been by increasing the diameter of the holes in those screen, or by simply merging all holes of a row into a slit, rather than messing with the masonry ductd by adding additional air-intake holes.



Many ignorant, brainwashed people have contemptuously called me a “Holocaust Denier”.  The following is the response I give, to those who will listen:

Excuse me, but I don’t “deny” ANY “Holocaust”… Do you?


I fully accept the account of the brave and famous Russian writer and historian, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who was often called “The Conscience of the 20th Century”; who served eight long years in the Soviet Gulag prison system, when he reports in the book he published in the year 2000 entitled “Together For Two Hundred Years” that, in the Soviet Holocaust, 66 million innocent Gentiles, mostly Christians (and it being a full ELEVEN TIMES the number of Jews claimed to have been killed by the Germans in WWII), were kidnapped, tortured, raped, and murdered in a wide variety of cruel, wanton, and horribly inhuman ways in the thousands of monstrously evil Gulag concentration camps at the hands of the Jewish Bolshevik “Ivan the Terrible” Cheka corps.


I freely acknowledge the fact that on February 13 & 14, 1945, in the quintessential Holocaust of the non-military city of Dresden, more than 700,000 phosphorus bombs were dropped on 1.2 million helpless people, which produced a firestorm that was called a “Single Column of Flame”, where the temperature in the center of the city reached 1600 degrees centigrade, and in which approximately 500,000 German women, children, elderly, wounded soldiers, random citizens, and even all of the animals in the city zoo were slaughtered by concussion and fire in a single night.


I absolutely recognize that more people died there in Dresden, in that one big flame, than the estimated total of 246,000 helpless people who died in two other quintessential Holocausts, the senseless, wantonly murderous, abominable, and unnecessary atomic attacks upon the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.


I openly avow the virtually forgotten Holocaust endured by the passengers and crew of the Wilhelm Gustloff, an unarmed German passenger liner which was torpedoed and sunk in the freezing waters of the Baltic Sea, 13 miles off the coast of Pomerania on January 30, 1945, as it carried, besides it’s men and crew, some 73 wounded soldiers, 373 members of the Womens’ Naval Auxilliary, and some 9,000 German civilian refugees – mostly women and children – who were all fleeing in terror from East Prussia in the advance of the Red Army, and where only a few hundred lived to tell the tale, making it the deadliest disaster in maritime history, killing nearly ten times the number who died on the Titanic.


And I fully admit that, as tallied and reported by the International Red Cross, a grand total of 271,304 people – not all of them Jews – died in all of the German concentration camps, combined, by the end of World War II – a Holocaust which was solely the result of typhus epidemics and starvation caused by the Zionist controlled, allied carpet bombings of supply routes and centers all over Germany that made it impossible to transport food and medical supplies to prisoners, soldiers, and civilians alike.



I certainly do not deny the Holocaust of the over 1,000,000 German post-war, non-combatants who were rounded up, detained without any food, water, shelter, or medical care, and purposely, and systematically killed through starvation and exposure in 1945-46 under the supervision of the allied commander Dwight D. Eisenhower, in the largest outdoor concentration camp this side of modern-day Palestine, or the concurrent Holocaust of the wholesale cold-blooded rape and murder of untold hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of women and children as the communist Red Army of the Soviets also took its “revenge” upon the defeated Germans.


I do not deny the Holocaust suffered by the good men and crew of the practically unarmed USS Liberty surveillance ship, which was deliberately attacked by air and sea, with machine gun, cannon, and torpedo fire by Israeli forces on June 8, 1967, killing 34 and wounding 174, in an attempted false flag operation which was intended to sink the ship, and murder all aboard, in order to draw the United States into the Middle East conflict on the side of Israel, and was only foiled by the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the crew in aiding the radio operator to successfully get off a call for help.


And I do not deny the Holocaust of the some 3,000 people who died in a single day as a result of the false flag attack on the World Trade Center in New York which was engineered and perpetrated by leaders of Israel in order to kick off their pre-planned “Clash of Civilizations” which they hope will eventually cause their two sworn enemies, the Christians, and the Muslims, to forget their historical religious commonalities, and annihilate one another in the yet to be the greatest Holocaust in history – a third world war – as the “Chosen Ones” sit on the sidelines… and direct… and watch… and profit… while gleefully rubbing their hands as even more untold millions of innocents die.


I also do not deny the Holocaust of the Jenin Refugee Camp, on April 13, 2002, where Israeli forces attacked the camp using bulldozers, tanks, and Apache helicopters, in a cruel, indiscriminate, blood-lust slaughter, which was said to be “Horrific beyond belief”, and which lasted for 13 days, flattening large areas of the town, and killing unknown hundreds of innocent men, women, and children, many of whom were buried alive; or the earlier, similar, Holocausts at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon in 1982, in which it is known that at least 800 Palestinians were killed.


Nor do I deny the wholesale slaughter and destruction perpetrated upon the sovereign nation of Iraq, in the Holocaust that was the illegal, and unjustified war of aggression that, from 2003 to the present, has resulted in the murder of over 1,000,000 innocent Iraqi men, women, and children, and brought their country to ruin, as one of the first steps in Israel’s ongoing war of terror, which they have the unmitigated gall to present to the world as a war “ON” terror… for which the final tally of victims is yet to be seen.


while I’m at it, let me just note here that I fully acknowledge the fact that the perpetrators of the above mentioned, and relatively recent Holocausts have a very long history of either directly, or indirectly committing numerous other such atrocities against many peoples over many millenia, even since ancient Biblical times – from the slaughter of the Midianites to the African slave trade – a number of which being the basis of, and celebrated during various Jewish holidays. And though I do not particularly describe them here, I don’t deny any of them either.


What I do deny is the ridiculous and exaggerated claim that there is ANY evidence at all that ANY Jews at all – much less “six million” of them – died from ANY intentional gassings, or as a result of ANY kind of organized or systematic program of genocide perpetrated against Jews by Germany’s Nazi regime… and I challenge you to produce ANY evidence or “proof” that is not merely made up of either pre-war, wartime, or post-war anti-German propaganda… because none, from either then or now, actually exists.


So, if you want to talk about a “Holocaust”… and I mean a REAL, genuine, genocidal “Holocaust”, and not only the ones from the past, but one that is happening right NOW, in the present, all you need to do is to pull your brain-dead/brainwashed heads out of your collectively ignorant rear ends, and look into the current goings-on in Gaza, The West Bank, Syria, and the Middle East in general, where the racist, supremacist, Zionist, Talmudic Jews are feverishly working day and night to exterminate anyone, either Gentile or Jew, who stands in their way in their quest to build their racist, supremacist, “Kingdom of the World”… a.k.a., Eretz Israel.


And if any of you sanctimonious accusers deny any of these realities, and merely cling to the all too common view that the only “Holocaust” that really matters is one that is purported to have been suffered by the Jews, then for people like you to call anyone else a “Holocaust Denier” is one of the most laughable, and hypocritical examples of psychopathic projection I have yet seen anywhere… even as you continue to stupidly, and unashamedly, prove your ignorance and psychopathy with every ridiculous charge you make.




Dissecting the Holocaust

Dissecting the Holocaust applies state-of-the-art scientific technique and classic methods of detection to investigate the alleged murder of millions of Jews by Germans during World War II. In 22 contributions of each ca. 30 pages, the 17 authors dissect generally accepted paradigms of the ‘Holocaust’. The blockbuster anthology that struck Holocaust orthodoxy a body blow from which it has never recovered. Dissecting marshals the work of more than a dozen researchers to subject the conventional historiography of the “gas chambers”, the “six million”, the postwar trials, and other linchpins of the extermination story to careful, precise, methodical, and withering analysis. Germar Rudolf on how chemical analysis gravely weakens the case for gassing in the Auschwitz-Birkenau crematoria, Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana on the crematory ovens of Auschwitz, Robert Faurisson, Manfred Köhler, and Claus Jordan on how testimony was coerced and convictions manufactured, Fritz Berg, Ingrid Weckert, Carlo Mattogno, and Arnulf Neumaier on the technical and evidentiary absurdities of gassing claims for German trucks in gas chambers and at Majdanek and Treblinka, Udo Walendy and John Ball on analysis of photos alleged to depict the crimes or their locations, Rudolf on the evidence for Jewish losses during WWII, Jürgen Graf on myths about the concentration camps, and more. Dissecting’s handsome design and format lend themselves well to the numerous illustrations, charts, and diagrams with which these leading revisionists advance the wealth of evidence the book offers against the Holocaust myth. This is a book — the book — that every revisionist needs to own, and to read.
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/01-dth.pdf
HTML: http://vho.org/dl/ENG/dth.pdf
Kindle: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/01-dth.mobi

Lectures on the Holocaust

This book was written to fit the need of both those who have no in-depth knowledge of the Holocaust or of revisionism, as well as for well-versed readers familiar with revisionism. Anyone who wants to bring himself up to date on revisionist scholarship, but does not want to read all the special studies that were published during the past ten years, needs this book! The book’s style is unique: It is a dialogue between the lecturer and the reactions of the audience. Rudolf introduces the most important arguments and counter arguments of Holocaust revisionism. The audience reacts with supportive, skeptical, and also hostile questions. The Lectures read like an exciting real-life exchange between persons of various points of view. The usual moral, political, and pseudo-scientific arguments against revisionism are addressed and refuted. This book resembles an entertaining collection of answers to frequently asked questions on the Holocaust. With generous references to a vast bibliography, this easy-to-understand book is the best introduction into this taboo topic for both readers unfamiliar with the topic and for those wanting to know more.
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/15-loth.pdf
Kindle: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/15-loth.mobi

Breaking the Spell

In 1941, British Intelligence analysts cracked the German “Enigma” code. This undermined the German war effort – but also threw new light on day-by-day events in the Nazi concentration camp system. Between January 1942 and January 1943, encrypted radio communications between those camps and the Berlin headquarters were intercepted and decrypted. Oddly enough, historians have largely ignored the information furnished in these intercepts relating to “arrivals,” “departures,” recorded deaths and other events at these camps. The only reasonable explanation for this embarrassing omission is that the intercepted data seriously contradicts, even refutes, the orthodox “Holocaust” narrative. The revealed information does not expose a program of mass murder and racial genocide. Quite the opposite: it reveals that the Germans were determined, desperate even, to reduce the death rate in their work camps, which was caused by catastrophic typhus epidemics. Were the British here hoodwinked by the Nazis, as some historians to this day try to claim—or is the truth both simpler and more shocking? In 1988 and 1991 forensic studies threw light on the question of whether or not the claimed gas chambers at Auschwitz had served as slaughter houses for hundreds of thousands of people. Both studies had concluded that the only facilities where Zyklon B gas had been used were hygienic rather than homicidal, killing bugs rather than Jews. Needless to say that these iconoclastic studies were ignored or in some countries even outlawed, and that their authors were ostracized and even imprisoned. Dr. Kollerstrom, a science historian, has taken these studies, which are in obvious, stark contrast to the widely accepted narrative, as a starting point for his own endeavour into the land of taboo. After he had published a brief paper summarizing what he thought the data forced him to conclude, he was thrown out of his College where he had been a member of staff for eleven years. In his new book Breaking the Spell, Dr. Kollerstrom shows that “witness statements” supporting the human gas chamber narrative clearly clash with the available scientific data. He juxtaposes the commonly accepted ideas about a Nazi extermination policy toward the Jews with a wide array of mostly unchallenged, but usually unmentioned evidence pointing in a quite different direction, for instance: Zyklon B is a buzz word for the claimed Nazi mass murder, but all non-anecdotal evidence proves that this chemical was merely used as a pesticide in order to improve the inmates’ health and reduce, not increase, camp mortality. Zyklon B applied in delousing chambers formed chemical compounds detectable to this day. No such compounds can be found, but ought to be expected, in the claimed homicidal gas chambers. The UK’s intelligence decrypts prove that the German camp authorities were desperately trying to save their inmates’ lives. “Six Million Jews threatened or killed”: read 167 quotes from newspapers with that “news” spanning from 1900 to 1945, with a peak after World War ONE! Yes, one, not two! Germany has paid compensation to millions of Nazi victims, and Israel has implicitly admitted that many million Jews survived the Holocaust. A British archaeological team looked for traces of the claimed 800,000 victims of the Treblinka camp—and came back empty-handed. Dr. Kollerstrom concludes that the history of the Nazi “Holocaust” has been written by the victors with ulterior motives and that this history is distorted, exaggerated and largely wrong. He asserts that this history is, in truth, a great lie that distorts our common perceived reality and misdirects human history to this very day.
Kindle & Paperback: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Breaking-Spell-Holocaust-Myth-Reality-ebook/dp/B00Q8UK8BM/

Curated Lies
Since the early 1990s, revisionist historians have published an increasing amount of research about the infamous German facility at Ausch­witz in what is now Poland. This research surpasses the work of the Auschwitz Museum’s own research department in both quantity and quality while failing to find in the tens of thousands of available wartime documents any trace of plans for gas chambers for executing people at Auschwitz or any of its satellite camps.

Because these facts contradict a great body of the history of World War II, Polish researchers at the Auschwitz Museum have been under enormous pressure to respond to this revisionist challenge. In 2014, the museum researchers issued a book, The Beginnings of the Extermination of Jews in KL Auschwitz in the Light of the Source Materials, reprinting 74 original German wartime documents which they claim prove the construction and use of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz by the German government and the German civilian and military forces who ran the camp. However, upon examination of the book, none of the “new” evidence or analysis holds water. In its main section, Curated Lies is therefore a point by point refutation of the Auschwitz Museum’s book. This main section is preceded by a section focusing on the Auschwitz Museum’s most coveted asset: the alleged gas chamber inside the Old Crematorium, toured every year by well over a million visitors. We begin Curated Lies therefore by exposing the many ways in which visitors have been deceived and misled by forgeries and misrepresentations committed by the Auschwitz Museum, some of which are maintained to this day.
Kindle & Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Curated-Lies-Misrepresentations-Distortions-Deceptions-ebook/dp/B01EZFN4TO

Inside the Gas Chambers
Since the early 1990s, critical historians have published a steadily growing number of carefully investigated studies on the so-called “Holocaust.” Hence the orthodox historians, usually paid by the government, were compelled to do something against the rising tide of revisionist arguments. Therefore, after a conference had been held in Germany to discuss the matter, an anthology appeared in early 2011 under the aegis of the German historians Günter Morsch and Bertrand Perz. It claims to refute the arguments of critical historians.

Indicative for this study is, however, that revisionist arguments are basically not addressed at all. Hardly any of the many revisionist works which have appeared over the past 20 years is even mentioned.

In the present book, Italian scholar Mattogno mercilessly exposes the embarrassing superficiality and dogmatic ignorance of these historians. Over and over again it becomes clear that their claims are in part utterly unfounded or are frequently based on the distorted and disfigured use of sources. Based on his unparalleled knowledge of the source material, Mattogno aptly reduces the theses of the court historians to absurdity. This book summarizes the arguments for and against every single gas chamber claim made for any of the German war time camps: Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Dachau, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Sobibor, Stutthof and Treblinka. Even the mystical “Gas Vans” are covered plus the euthanasia centers at Bernburg, Brandenburg, Grafeneck, Hadamar, Hartheim and Sonnenstein. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date summary of revisionist knowledge.

By means of this book, mainstream Holocaust historiography has suffered a defeat which comes close to its intellectual extermination.
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/25-itgc.pdf
Kindle: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/25-itgc.mobi

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century

First published in 1976, this slightly revised and enhanced edition of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century is the seminal work of “Holocaust” revisionism and still the most widely read on the subject. In 502 pages of penetrating study and lucid commentary, Dr. Butz gives the reader a graduate course on the subject of the Jews of World War Two Europe – concluding not only that they were not virtually wiped out, but what’s more, that no evidence exists to date to confirm that there was ever any attempt to do so.
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/07-thottc.pdf
HTML: http://vho.org/GB/Books/thottc/
Kindle: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/07-thottc.mobi

The Giant With Feet of Clay
This outstanding short study provides a merciless demolition of the central claims of the Holocaust thesis by way of a probing examination of Raul Hilberg’s canonical The Destruction of the European Jews. By narrowing his focus to those pages in Destruction that deal directly with the plans, program, method, and numerical results of the alleged Nazi mass murder of the Jews, Swiss researcher Graf relentlessly exposes the weakness and, often, absurdity of the best evidence for the extermination program, the gas chambers, and anything like the six million death toll. Giant can be devastatingly funny in its deconstruction of Hilberg’s flimsy attempts to portray mass gassing and cremation at Auschwitz and Treblinka; its focused brevity makes this book both an excellent introduction and a fine refresher course on the essentials of the revisionist case.
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/03-tgwfoc.pdf
Kindle: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/03-tgwfoc.mobi

The First Holocaust

“The First Holocaust” by Don Heddesheimer is a critical work documenting the continuous Jewish attempts at floating out Holocaust propaganda before, during and after World War One, often invoking the magical “6,000,000” figure and using the term “Holocaust”. Of course, these clever propagandists have since accomplished their goal of establishing the outrageous myth of the Jewish Holocaust™ in the public consciousness following the end of WW2. In large part due to fictional Hollywood movies like “Shindler’s List”.
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/06-tfh.pdf
HTML: http://www.vho.org/GB/Books/tfh/
Kindle: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/06-tfh.mobi

The book “The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism” describes how the 6 million number is kabbalistically derived. 600,000 souls leaving Egypt multiplied by the 10 sephiroth. The number 6 million is a symbolic number with a religious meaning and the Holocaust is part of the religious dogma of Judaism. The symbolic 6,000,000 and the special term, holocaust, were carefully created, crafted and fabricated by those who follow undeniably Talmudic-Kabalistic doctrines. Jewish author, Benjamen Blech, confirmed this reality in his book “The Secrets of Hebrew Words”.
PDF: http://www.infiniteabundance.us/images/Holocaust_Dogma_of_Judaism_by_Weintraub.pdf

The Myth of the Six Million

This book was published anonymously in 1969, but it is now a common knowledge that the author of this pioneering little book was Prof. David L. Hoggan, a history professor at Stanford University. It almost seems a precursor to the explosive report Did Six Million Really Die? as it lays out common-sense and little known facts about the real policies of Third Reich Germany and its policies towards repatriating Jews out of Germany.
PDF: http://vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres/hoggan2.pdf
HTML: http://www.ihr.org/books/hoggan/Myth_TOC.html

Debunking the Genocide Myth

Paul Rassinier was arrested by the Gestapo in October 1943 and deported to Germany, where he was held prisoner until the end of the war in Buchenwald and Dora concentration camps. Rassinier was profoundly distressed by the many lies and myths about the concentration camps that were being circulated. He wrote: “Then one day I realized that a false picture of the German camps had been created and that the problem of the concentration camps was a universal one, not just one that could be disposed of by placing it on the doorstep of the National Socialists. The deportees — many of whom were Communists — had been largely responsible for leading international political thinking to such an erroneous conclusion. I suddenly felt that by remaining silent I was an accomplice to a dangerous influence. With regard to gas chambers, the almost endless procession of false witnesses and of falsified documents to which I have invited the reader’s attention during this long study, proves, nevertheless, only one thing: never at any moment did the responsible authorities of the Third Reich intend to order — or, in fact, order — the extermination of the Jews in this or any other manner.” Paul Rassinier, the “father of revisionism” wrote 6 revisionist books between 1949 and 1967.
PDF: http://vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres/debunk.pdf
HTML: http://www.ihr.org/books/rassinier/debunking.html

Did Six Million Really Die

Did Six Million Really Die? was originally published by the Historical Review Press in England in 1974. It was an immediate success and even though no bookshop would stock it, word spread fast. Did Six Million Really Die? is the book for which Ernst Zündel was taken to court in Canada for merely reprinting; leading to the two great Holocaust trials of 1985 and 1988 in which the Holocaust was fully exposed in court by Ernst Zündel and his excellent defence team represented by distinguished attorney Doug Christie. Did Six Million Really Die? is also the book for which gifted French teacher François Duprat was murdered in 1978 for publishing the first French translation.
PDF: http://vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres5/harwoodeng.pdf
HTML: http://www.zundelsite.org/harwood/didsix00.html

THE GREAT HOLOCAUST TRIAL: The Landmark Battle for Freedom of Speech
The Great Holocaust Trial

The record of the persecution of German-Canadian heretic Ernst Zündel by a de facto Sanhedrin, for publishing the book, Did Six Million Really Die? is almost too fantastic to countenance. Zündel faced two years in prison if convicted. His defense was initially regarded by the press and public as preposterous. “How can anyone deny the Holocaust?” was the incredulous response to the news that Zündel would vigorously defend himself and the free speech rights of all Canadians. The trial was expected to be a quick and ignominious rout of Zündel and his supporters. But in a startling reversal, the “survivors” who had appeared in court in order to send him to jail, had to submit their “testimony” to scrutiny, the rules of evidence and cross-examination, something that had never happened before and has never happened since. Canadians grew ever more surprised and shocked at the amazing admissions which the defense team elicited from the supposed “eyewitnesses” to the homicidal gas chambers. As a result, television reporters and print journalists who covered the trial for more than eight weeks in 1985 produced broadcasts and news reports that turned Canada upside down. Zündel was tried again in 1988. This time he assembled the ‘Leutcher Report,’ an on-site forensic examination of Auschwitz by ‘Mr. Death,’ Fred Leutcher, capital punishment engineer for the U.S. prison system. When Zundel could not be silenced by the Canadian courts, his enemies turned to bombs, arson and the dungeons of Zionist Germany.

The Great Holocaust Trial is the only revisionist account of Ernst Zündel’s first trial, one of the few times in history when so-called “Holocaust survivors” were subjected to cross-examination by a counsel for the defense as astute, fearless and well-informed as Douglas Christie.
PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/248474654/THE-GREAT-HOLOCAUST-TRIAL-The-Landmark-Battle-for-Freedom-of-Speech

Eyewitness testimony must always be verified. There are two essential means of verifying such testimony in criminal cases: confronting the account with the material elements (in particular, with expertise as to the crime weapon), and the detailed cross-examination of the witness on what he/she purports to have seen. Thus, in the proceedings where it had been a question of the homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz, no judge nor any attorney was able to claim any kind of expertise regarding the weapon of the crime; moreover, no lawyer ever cross-examined the witnesses by asking them to describe with precision even one of these chemical slaughter-houses. That is, up until 1985. When witnesses that year were finally cross-examined on these subjects during the first Zündel trial in Toronto, their rout was total. Because of this resounding set-back and by reason of other calamities previous to or following 1985, the defenders of the thesis of Jewish extermination have begun to abandon a history of Auschwitz primarily founded on testimonies and are obliging themselves, at the present time, to replace it with a scientific basis, or, at least, one which appears scientific, founded on factual research and proofs. The ‘testimonial history’ of Auschwitz in the manner of Elie Wiesel and Claude Lanzmann is discredited.
HTML: http://codoh.com/library/document/935/

The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes
Among scholars and the general public, the prevailing consensus holds that millions of European Jews were sent to death in gas chambers as part of an official Nazi policy of mass extermination during the Second World War. So entrenched is this consensus that throughout the Western world those who publicly question its accuracy are now routinely subject to censorship, academic censure, and even criminal prosecution. In contemporary society, no other species of dissident scholarship is met with comparably illiberal reaction.
In an intellectual atmosphere thus poisoned by acrimony and haunted by the specter of persecution, The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes stands as a calm, deftly reasoned, and highly original affirmation of intellectual freedom. Drawing on extensive empirical and documentary evidence as well as methods of cultural criticism conventionally eschewed by field historians, Samuel Crowell argues that the “canonical&” Holocaust gassing claim can be traced to a fateful crisis of modernism — a crisis revealed in popular texts and long-forgotten cultural ephemera. Spanning from the earliest broadcast rumors to the extermination narrative that was sealed at Nuremberg, Crowell s probing analysis permits us to consider how a grim narrative emerged and evolved in the cyclonic momentum of an era marked by social upheaval, total war, and unprecedented technological change.
Though it has achieved the status of an underground classic, The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes has until now been available only in samizdat editions and on the Internet. This definitive edition has been updated and revised and includes a new introduction by the author. In addition to the title essay, supplemental texts include an appended restatement of Crowell s important monograph, “Bomb Shelters at Birkenau,” as well as the never-before-published essay, “The Holocaust in Retrospect.”
(2011 Edition) Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/The-Chamber-Sherlock-Holmes-Understanding/dp/1616583479
(2000 Edition) PDF: http://codoh.com/media/files/downloads/xsherlock.pdf
Review by Richard A. Widmann: http://inconvenienthistory.com/archive/2011/volume_3/number_2/gas_chamber_of_sherlock_holmes_1.php

Debating the Holocaust
This is a book about the Holocaust, and about two competing views of that event. On the one hand we have the traditional, orthodox view: the six million Jewish casualties, the gas chambers, the cremation ovens and mass graves. Traditional historians have thousands of surviving witnesses and the weight of history on their side. On the other hand there is a small, renegade band of writers and researchers who refuse to accept large parts of this story. These revisionists, as they call themselves, present counter-evidence and ask tough questions. They are beginning to outline a new and different narrative. Thus there has emerged something of a debate — a debate of historic significance. This is no peripheral clash between two arcane schools of thought, regarding some obscure details of World War II. It is about history, of course, but it also speaks to fundamental issues of our time: freedom of speech and press, the operation of mass media, manipulation of public opinion, political and economic power structures, and the coercive abilities of the State. It is an astonishingly rancorous and controversial debate, with far-reaching implications.
Kindle & Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Debating-Holocaust-Look-Sides-Handbooks-ebook/dp/B013GCQ1U6

The Six Million Fact or Fiction
Just some of the amazing revelations in this book include:
– How Zionists and Nazis cooperated before the war on writing Germany’s racial laws—and in the setting up of Jewish settlements in Palestine;
– How Zionists offered to take up arms for Nazi Germany against Britain during World War II;
-How Nazi policy was first aimed at encouraging Jews to emigrate, and then after the war broke out, to evacuating them east of the Urals;
– How official German records shows that there were 4.5 million Jews under Nazi control, and of that number, 4.3 million lodged claims as “Holocaust victims” after the war;
– How the Soviet Union used torture to produce the lion’s share of “confessions” extracted from Germans to support the “extermination” allegations;
– How the Jewish lead prosecutor in the “Einsatzgruppen” trials publicly admitted to having witnessed torture and personally used death threats to extract “confessions”;
– Exactly what Adolf Eichmann Confessed to—and what he did not;
– The shocking lies and distortions contained in the two John Demjanjuk trials;
– How the Auschwitz Camp Museum has formally admitted that the “gas chamber” it has shown to millions of tourists is actually a fake;
– How original German architect plans of Auschwitz show no “gas chambers”;
– How forensic chemical examination of Auschwitz has disproved the use of Zyklon-B in the so-called “ruined gas chambers”;
– How official Israeli and Polish university archaeological digs at Belzec and Sobibór have failed to find any evidence of “gas chambers”; and of how a similar dig at Chelmno directly contradicted “eyewitness” testimony;
– How the “gas chambers” at Majdanek have glass windows, baths, and real showers for the alleged “victims”;
– How the “carbon monoxide” gas bottles on display at Majdanek, still connected to a “gas chamber,” are in fact engraved and marked as “carbon dioxide!”;
– Details of the “Star of David gas chamber tile” hoax at the 2013 Treblinka archaeological dig;
– How a delousing chamber at Dachau has been misrepresented as a homicidal gas chamber;
– How German POWs were forced to alter a shower room at Sachenhausen to support a Soviet show trial—but that the forgery was so crude and embarrassing that the Communists knocked down the building in 1952.
– The Bergen-Belsen camp is also reviewed, along with an explanation of the typhus epidemic which swept the camp in the last months of the war and created the horror images of emaciated dead bodies now associated with “the Holocaust.”

This new version also deals with the “eyewitness survivor” memoirs and their outright lies and forgery, starting with a superbly illustrated expose of the faked memoirs of “Nazi hunter” Simon Wiesenthal and many others.
Finally, the last section discusses the all-important question of how and why the Holocaust storytellers have gone through so much trouble to make up the incredible story of the “Six Million.”

169 illustrations. December 2014 Third edition.
Kindle & Paperback: http://www.amazon.com/Six-Million-Fact-Fiction/dp/1499174926/

The Holocaust Hoax Exposed
Today, if a book similar to this one were published in Europe, its author would be arrested and imprisoned. Their crime: simply questioning the so-called holocaust where six million Jews were allegedly exterminated during WWII. Indeed, researchers have endured solitary confinement, brutal beatings by Jewish assailants, ongoing harassment, lengthy court battles, career suicide, and media attacks directed against their work all because they presented a revisionist history of this pivotal event. Other writers have been the victims of hate crimes, extensive smear campaigns, fines, death threats, and monetary rewards placed upon their heads after going into hiding. The perpetrators behind these jack-booted Thought Police tactics are an entire Holohoax industry devoted to suppressing factual data in favor of peddling heavy-handed doses of propaganda. Despite these obvious dangers, The Holocaust Hoax Exposed dissects every element of what has become the 20th century s most grotesque conspiracy. Covered in jarring detail is the mythology surrounding concentration camps, the truth about Zyklon-B, Anne Frank s fable, how the absurd six million figure has become a laughingstock, and the betrayal by maniacal Zionists of their own Jewish people that led to their deaths (via starvation and disease) after Allied bombings cutoff supply lines to German work camps. Yet, the only way an Israeli state could be created on stolen Palestinian land following WWII was through the most outlandish lies imaginable. Consequently, the Holohoax industry has become a tyrannical dictatorship that incessantly manipulates, distorts, marginalizes and manufactures false results to achieve their Machiavellian ends. By taking their hysterical obsessions to psychopathic levels, the charlatans behind this ruse make it glaringly apparent how weak their foundation is. To compensate, these intellectually dishonest con men (and women) continue to persecute revisionist historians all because they re incapable of supporting their arguments through legitimate debate. The Holocaust Hoax Exposed is the final nail in a rotting coffin that has long been buried beneath a plethora of deceit.

The Real Case for Auschwitz

In 1993 Jewish theologian Deborah Lipstadt called British historian David Irving a “Holocaust denier.” Irving sued her for libel in return. Subsequently a court case unfolded in England which attracted the attention of the world’s mass media in 2000. The sharpest weapon in Lipstadt’s defense arsenal was Jewish art historian Robert van Pelt, who presented an expert report claiming to refute revisionist assertions about Auschwitz. Because Irving had neither the support by any expert witnesses nor was he himself an expert on the Holocaust, he inevitably lost the case. Robert van Pelt was therefore praised as the defeater of revisionism. When he published his revised expert report in his book The Case for Auschwitz in 2002, he even advanced to the foremost expert on Auschwitz in the public’s eyes. Mattogno’s The Real Case for Auschwitz is the revisionist response to Robert van Pelt. Its first revelation is that van Pelt has committed plagiarism: he plundered and basically regurgitated the research results published in 1989 and 1993 by French researcher Jean-Claude Pressac – yet without naming his source even once. On more than 700 pages, Mattogno thoroughly scrutinizes van Pelt’s contorted assertions by juxtaposing them to material and documentary facts. Mattogno’s analysis is devastating for van Pelt, as it reveals that van Pelt’s study of Auschwitz ignores crucial counter-arguments, fails to approach pivotal technical issues with technical means, is highly inconsistent, uses deceptive methods, presents conflicting sources without due source criticism, deforms all sources to serve the author’s perspective, and reveals a shockingly threadbare knowledge of the history of Auschwitz. Mattogno therefore concludes: “The Case for Auschwitz is neither a scholarly nor a historical work; it is only a biased journalistic assemblage of poorly understood and poorly interpreted historical sources.” This is a book of prime political and scholarly importance, as it delivers the exterminationists’ case the most devastating blow ever!
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/22-atcfs.pdf
Kindle: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/22-trcfa.mobi

Auschwitz Lies

Untruths and mainstream propaganda abound when it comes to the Auschwitz WWII German labor camp. Here are just a few:

1. French biochemist G. Wellers claimed he exposed The Leuchter Report as fallacious, but in truth he exposed only his own grotesque incompetence;
2. Polish researcher Prof. J. Markiewicz said he proved that Zyklon-B was used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz, but Markiewicz was found to have fabricated his results;
3. Chemist Dr. Richard Green declared that Revisionists’ chemical arguments were flawed, yet Green was forced to admit that Revisionists were right after all;
4. Prof. Zimmerman alleged that the crematories in Auschwitz could cremate all victims of the claimed massmurder. But in truth, accountant Zimmerman proved only his lack of expertise on the subject;
5. Profs. M. Shermer and A. Grobman said they could refute the entire array of Revisionist arguments. But in reality they covered only a tiny fraction of Revisionist arguments—and botched their attempts at refutation;
6. Keren, McCarthy and Mazal found the “Holes of Death,” saying they proved the existence of the Auschwitz gas chambers. But no, they twisted evidence to support their case and suppressed the facts.

These and many other untruths about Auschwitz are exposed for what they are: political lies created to ostracize dissident historians and keep the Western world in Holocaust servitude.
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/18-al.pdf
HTML: http://www.vho.org/GB/Books/al/
Kindle: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/18-al.mobi

In this meticulously written work, Italian scholar Carlo Mattogno demolishes the boldest attempt yet to answer the revisionist critique of the Auschwitz extermination story. Carlo Mattogno has performed yeoman service for the cause of truth by showing how unjustified Jean-Claude Pressac is in reviving once more the old legend that there really were gas chambers used for the mass annihilation of millions of Jews at Auschwitz. He shows how Pressac has misinterpreted his data and has thereby in reality been a “crypto-revisionist,” rather than a true “exterminationist.” In his confused argumentation, Pressac has demonstrated ignorance of the structure and functioning of both crematory ovens and gas chambers, and of the nature and use of the disinfectant Zyklon-B. Pressac’s use of such statistics as exist is arbitrary and largely fanciful, resulting in a down-sizing of the number of alleged victims. Where information does not exist, Pressac invents it, often with mutually contradictory arguments in different parts of his presentation (e.g. concerning the purpose and use of the crematoria as supposedly intended by the SS). With his relentless deconstruction of Pressac’s affirmations and interpretations, and his demonstration of Pressac’s incompetence, Mattogno has hammered one more nail into the coffin of the old myth of the mass murder of Jews at Auschwitz and elsewhere.
— A. Dibert, pen name of a professor emeritus at an Ivy League university.
PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/96633790/Auschwitz-End-of-a-Legend
HTML: http://vho.org/GB/Books/anf/Mattogno.html

Forged War Crimes Malign the German Nation

Udo Walendy examines the alleged visual documents—photographs—that are claimed to prove the atrocities perpetrated by the National Socialists against the Jews. The question at issue is what exactly the pictures show, whether they were retouched or whether they may even be completely fabricated, i.e., montages or drawings. A pile of dead bodies or an open mass grave, for example, can be presented as evidence for the gas chamber murders, but what is there to prove that the pictures do not in fact show the German victims of Allied air-raids, or the victims of starvation or epidemics in German or Allied camps, soldiers killed in action, victims of pogroms, or even persons killed by the Soviet secret service? Udo Walendy shows with numerous examples that the falsification of photographs for purposes of incriminating the Third Reich is rather more the rule than the exception. It is astonishing to note that there are usually many different versions of a forged photograph, which makes it easy to spot cases of alteration. Walendy shows that the photo documents analyzed by him cannot be incontestable evidence for the claims usually associated with them.

Many of the Holocaust and other WWII atrocity photographs shown in Forged War Crimes can be viewed in our public libraries, where they are presented as authentic. By comparing versions in different books and analyzing lighting and scale, this astonishing book exposes them as forgeries. They are the product of Stalin’s Cold War propaganda operation and many are merely photographed drawings. For exposing fraud its author, Udo Walendy, was imprisoned in Germany. The judge told him “We are sentencing you not for what you wrote, but for what you left out.”
PDF: http://archive.org/details/ForgedWarCrimesMalignTheGermanNation

Auschwitz The Underground Guided Tour

This remarkable study of Auschwitz is unlike anything yet published. Though it is purposely small in size and easy to read, it carries a powerful punch. The author visited Auschwitz as a tourist armed with a broad study of the literature surrounding the world-famous site, and from that visit has proceeded to deconstruct the Auschwitz shown to her and others as a “death” or “extermination” camp. By taking the reader on an “underground guided tour” around Auschwitz-Birkenau, she clearly demonstrates it to be, at varying times and locations within the perimeters, a simple labor, concentration and transit camp for political prisoners, where the health of the inmates was a prime concern of the camp authorities. Sound unbelievable? After reading this carefully researched book, you will see the horror stories for so long spread about Auschwitz-Birkenau in a new, more skeptical, light, and you may very well be so impressed you’ll want to share your new vision with others. A cautiously written work that moves toward a surprising conclusion, leaving us pondering how so much that is not true has seeped into our consciousness as “fact.” Lavishly illustrated.
PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/89737378/Carolyn-Yeager-Auschwitz-The-Underground-Guided-Tour

Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich
Historical writings to date dealing with matters related to the Third Reich paint a grim picture. This applies especially to writings that deal with the Jewish ethnic group. To this day there are still accounts of the Jewish emigration that depict it as some kind of clandestine operation – as if the Jews who wished to leave Germany had to sneak over the borders in defiance of the German authorities, and leave all their possessions and wealth behind.

The truth is that the emigration was welcomed by the German authorities, and benefitted from encouragement and assistance that increased over time. Emigration was not some kind of wild flight, but rather a lawfully conducted and regulated matter. Weckert‘s booklet elucidates the emigration process in law and policy, thereby correcting the traditionally received picture of Jewish emigration from Germany significantly.

German authorities and Jewish-Zionist agencies worked closely together on this emigration. Jews interested in emigrating received detailed advice and offers of help from both sides. The accounts of Jews fleeing Germany in secret by night across some border or straits are fabulous. On the contrary, the German government wished German Jews only to live elsewhere. The myths to the contrary were contrived only to accord with the greater myth of genocidal intent and were capitalized upon by erstwhile “smugglers” seeking sainthood.
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/12-jefttr.pdf
Kindle: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/12-jefttr.mobi

Address to the Mannheim District Court 15 November 2006 to 29 January 2007
Resistance Is Obligatory

The uncensored inside story from the “thought criminal” himself—Germar Rudolf. Rudolf was a highly respected chemist with a promising career—a graduate of the Max Planck Institute—who made the “mistake” of telling the truth at a place (Germany) and time (during court) when lies are the only permissible public statements about the holocaust. When informed he would be sent to prison for his factual testimony made during a law case involving the holocaust, Rudolf went underground. He ended up in America, fell in love and was wed to his U.S. citizen sweetheart.

However, in late 2005, Rudolf—now a peace activist and publisher—was kidnapped by the U.S. government and deported to Germany to face charges of “holocaust denial.” There he was put on trial for his historical writings. During this trial his defense lawyers were prohibited under the threat of prosecution from filing motions in support of Rudolf’s historical views. All motions filed by Rudolf’s defense team directed at proving that his writings are scientific in nature and are therefore protected by the German constitution were rejected by the court. Academics willing to confirm as expert witnesses the scholarly nature of Rudolf’s writings were barred from testifying.

Confronted with this kafkaesque situation, yet undaunted, Rudolf gave a brilliant speech in court that lasted seven sessions. In it he elucidated what science is and how to recognize its exemplars. He proved that his writings undoubtedly qualified. He demonstrated moreover why the German laws designed to suppress peaceful dissidents are unconstitutional and in violation of human rights. Furthermore he explained in detail why it is everyone’s obligation to resist in a non-violent way a state which throws peaceful dissidents into dungeons.

The court was hardly moved by Rudolf’s arguments. It sentenced him to 30 months imprisonment and ordered Rudolf’s opus magnum, his Lectures on the Holocaust, to be confiscated and burned under police supervision. In addition, the public prosecutor initiated another criminal investigation against Rudolf, because he had tried to publish his defense speech from his prison cell.

After Rudolf had served his full prison term, he was released from prison in the summer of 2009 but also put under a three-years lasting “conduct supervision” by the German authorities. After this restriction was rescinded in the summer of 2011 due to his emigration to the U.S., his defense speech in support of liberty finally sees the light of day. The book also contains, among other things, a comprehensive documentation of the motions rejected by the court as well as two expert reports of historians who could not testify. Additionally, it is illustrated with a number of gorgeous drawings prepared by Rudolf during his time in prison, 16 of them in full color.
PDF: http://germarrudolf.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Resistance.pdf

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                                            The Secret Holocaust

The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians.

By Eustace Mullins

The devastation of civilization to date by the rapacious hordes of Godless Communism, as well as their planned annihilation of all non-Jewish societies and political organizations, began to ravage the world in the nineteenth century. It has resulted in incredible suffering and death for many millions of Christian victims in many parts of the world.

Yet as these Christian victims lie in their graves, unmourned and unknown, a new class of international citizens, (the creators of Marxist terrorism), profess to be the only "victims" who have endured suffering in the past one hundred and fifty years. They command the world to weep for them, because they control the world.
These harbingers of terror claim to be "refugees", since they had no nation of their own, but infested the civilized societies in every part of the world for two thousand years, bringing with them, in every instance, disease and death.

They have emerged from one shattered nation after another, not as refugees, but as the final victors, bearing away their loot, and scurrying through ports which they have created and which they alone know how to follow, until they come to another host nation.

With them they bring, like the medieval Bubonic Plagues, (an infection which they were accused of spreading), a terrible contamination, an infestation which quickly spreads through the new host country, and fells all who become its victims. This plague is world Communism, and its known carriers, the furry scavengers who have found their way through the sewers into every civilized place, are the international Jews.

We are asked to weep only for the Jews, and to ignore the many millions of actual victims of world terrorism in the past one hundred and fifty years, a chronicle of such horror that one scarcely can bear to put down this bloodstained record, not merely in fear that the world might put away its business in order to mourn these countless victims of international Communist terrorism, but that the tragic fate of these innocents, most of them women and children, is one of such pathos that one's heart could break from the full impact of its terrifying implications for everyone alive today.

One of the first victims of the international financiers, shortly after publication of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx in 1848, was the Southern civilization of the United States. White immigrants had wrested from a hostile territory the means to create a gracious culture, one which the ruder and more unlettered sections of the new Republic could only gape at in admiration, an admiration, however, which soon turned to envy and then hatred.

This hatred brought armies into the American South, bearing the terrorists who, unknown at that time, were the first Communist totalitarians determined to wreak their hatred and policies of annihilation on all civilized people.

The Southerners were unfortunate enough to be the first victims. Military governments were set up in the conquered South, operating solely on the totalitarian concepts of Godless Communism, with courts functioning under martial law. The Southerners had been robbed of their Constitution, and of their rights to property and even to existence.

Their homes were burned and looted, and savage hordes were unleashed to rape and pillage the properties which were occupied only by women and children. To deny the inherited rights of these Southerners, which were still their due under the laws of this nation, a brutal reign of terror, featuring Federal Judges, Federal Courts, and Federal Prisons, which were set up for the first time in any state of these United States. For those Southern patriots who dared to protest these outrages, Federal insane asylums were set up for those who were not executed on the spot.

From New York, Jewish carpetbaggers, the Lehmans, the Baruchs, and other special emissaries of the Rothschilds, came to seize from the widows and orphans of the Confederate dead their last savings, their last possessions, and their devastated lands. The "Federal" power was absolute, for the military Reconstruction of the South was an occupation zone, and no democratic procedures were allowed the vanquished Southerners until they had been stripped of their last holdings. The impoverished survivors were forced to make a living by whatever pitiful means left to them.

In Europe, too, the civilized nations were beset throughout the nineteenth century by successive wars and revolutions, which resulted in millions of Christian refugees. Modern history begins with the Congress of Vienna in 1815, when the Jews, unleashed from their ghettoes and bearing a tide of gold amassed by the Rothschilds through their instigation and financing of wars from 1775 to 1812, used their newly acquired wealth to subvert the established governments of Europe and to start them on their terrifying slide into oblivion.

Their victims were helpless before their Jewish onslaught because they were Christians who believed that love for one's fellow man guides the affairs of the earth. And so it does, until Satan intervenes through his people. It was impossible for any Christian to believe that such bloodthirsty savages could exist among any civilized people.

Nor could the Christians, believing in their religion of Christ's love for humanity, understand the virulent hatred which the Jew bore towards all of God's creatures and which is beyond the ken of any civilized human being. [please bear in mind that above mentioned Congress of Vienna was made possible by the house of Romanov and that German nobility of Russia which Mr. Mullins presently tells were such blessing to Russia, and mankind in general]

Only now, as the Christian peoples totter on the verge of worldwide annihilation by the Jewish master scheme, can some indication of the nature of the enemy begin to be seen.

In the New Republic, April 13, 1983, it is noted that a Polish agitator, Adam Michnik, is accused of being a Zionist who is "prepared to torture patriotic opponents". In the same issue, we find that Jerry Urban wrote in a Polish journal that "the bloodthirstiness of Zionist doctrine and practice" must be opposed.

Urban calls attention to "genocide in its Israeli edition", referring to the continued massacres of Arab women and children under the direction of fanatical Zionists in the notorious Rosh Hasahan Massacre, a religious celebration which served the dual purpose of Jewish ritual murder and the political goals of the world's most famous terrorist, Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who desires to murder every Arab man, woman and child in the territories which the Jews plan to annex and settle in the Middle East.

Urban brings up a vital point in referring to the well known genocidal practices of the Israeli Government, suggesting that the Jews are now delighting in mass murder as a compensation for the myth that they quietly went to their "deaths" in the notorious "Holocaust" fantasy without resisting their Nazi "killers".

The idea that the heretofore "passive" Jews are, for the first time in their history, learning to kill, belies the entire recorded history of this plague. There are too many well-documented massacres in history in which the Jews tortured and murdered their victims with the greatest glee, gloating in such barbaric practices of tearing out the hearts of women and children and smearing the blood on their faces, while the Jewish women ripped out the writhing entrails of their dying victims, wrapped the steaming evidences of their victory around their waists, and began the traditional Jewish dance of the Hatikvah as the celebration of their triumph over their vanquished foes.
The Book of Esther records one of many such massacres of their victims by the Jews.
ESTHER VIII:11: "Wherein the King granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay, and to cause to perish, all the power of the people and province that would assault them, both little ones and women, and to take the spoil of them for their prey."
Thus a Jewish prostitute employed her power over the King to demand that he allow the Jews to massacre "both little ones and children", not merely in one town, but throughout the Kingdom, because "the Jews which were in every city", just as they are today.

This Biblical story records the first instance of total war, in which women and children were to be slain, as opposed to the traditional military combat, in which professional soldiers, trained for this role, met on the battlefield to vie against each other, and to win or lose honorably in the field.

This image of Esther was entitled,
"A Talmudic Tale of Terror and Treachery"

The Jews, as their million dollar a week apologists, Pat Robertson and Reverend Jerry Falwell, go to great pains to explain to us, did not have to fight on the battlefield to win territory, because God had promised them the Earth, and this "Sacred Promise" is the only law in the world today. It is to be hoped that at some point Falwell and Robertson will show us the actual documents on which this historic deed was recorded.
Robertson praying, his hands in the familiar mana cornuta, international sign of Satan.

To date, they ignore all questions about any proof of their fantastic claims on behalf of the Jews, and the millions keep rolling in. Despite the flagrant efforts of Falwell and Robertson on behalf of the Jewish world murder plan, the record shows that the Jew prefers to avoid the battlefield and the hazards of face to face combat, and to stealthily set up the massacres of helpless women and children.

Such has been their history, and today, we have even seen it live on color television. It was the ingrained bloodthirstiness of the Jews which led them to select as their principal "religious" holiday, the Feast of Purim, which celebrates their massacre of the innocents.
One of the most striking parts of this well known quotation from the Book of Esther, the only genuinely Jewish book of the Bible, and, for that reason, the only one in which God is not mentioned, is the revelation that the code word of the Jews to indicate their knowledge of the Jewish World Murder Plan, is their remembrance of their massacre of the innocents by their code phrase, "had a good day".

Since that massacre, Jews have always offered this recognition phrase to each other, in Yiddish or in whatever language of the particular nation which they planned to take over, by saying, "Have a good day", meaning, of course, "We're looking forward to more massacres of the women and children of the goyim, or the gentile cattle."

Women and children, easy victims in the recent assault on Gaza, 2008-2009.

Now that the Jews have attained such enormous economic and political power in the United States, they have instructed all of their gentile employees in the vast networks of retail grocery, drug and apparel stores which they own throughout the United States that they must greet each customer by saying, "Have a good day."

This apparently friendly and supposedly meaningless salutation lets the Jew in the know be tipped off that he is in a store owned by Jews, and that the owners are anticipating "having a good day" in the future by more slaughters of the innocent and helpless gentile women and children.
The most important statement in the Book of Esther is the warning that "the fear of the Jews fell upon them."

Today, the dark shadow of imminent tragedy looms over every Christian, because of their fear of the Jews, and because of their instinctive knowledge, like penned cattle in a slaughterhouse, that the Jew intends to kill them for his profit.

Jacob Timerman, in an enlightening series of articles in the New Yorker magazine in 1982, said, "To understand the existence of the Other and then admit his existence without hatred is something new for Israel as a whole."

The Other, of course, means the non-Jew, a person whom the Jew cannot see without hatred. Because of his savage nature, the Jew wishes only to kill him and drink his blood. It is this terrible desire which bars the Jew from peaceful existence in any civilized nation, and which has been solely responsible for the occasional but ineffective resistance which the intended Christian victims have offered in opposition to his murder plans.

The Jew has only one purpose in the Middle East, and that is to murder all of the Arab inhabitants and to take their lands. The great scholar. Dr. Eric Bischoff, discovered this revelation in the official Jewish text of the Thikune Zohar, Edition Berdiwetsch, 88b, a book which, like all Jewish "religious" texts, is actually a code of cabalistic rituals detailing the instructions on how to murder the gentiles.

"Furthermore," says the Thikune Zohar, "there is a commandment pertaining to the killing of strangers, who are like beasts. This killing has to be done in the lawful Jewish method. Those who do not bid themselves to the Jewish religious law must be offered up as sacrifices to the High God."

From the historian's point of view, the Jewish world war against all Christians proceeds in an unbroken succession of events from ancient history, when Jewish prostitutes such as Esther persuaded rulers to destroy their own people at the whim of the Jews.

Mayer Anselm Rothschild

In 1773, Mayer Anselm Rothschild met with twelve leading Jews to plot the downfall of the emerging Christian nations in both the New World and the Old World. During the American struggle for independence, Rothschild founded his fortune on the money received by the Elector of Hesse in payment for the mercenaries whom he rented to the British in their attempt to crush the American colonists.
The War of 1812 was instigated by the Rothschilds to force the renewal of their charter for the Bank of the United States. When this charter was vetoed by President Andrew Jackson in 1836, the Jews precipitated a financial panic and set up their plan to bring about the Civil War, which would simultaneously destroy the American Republic and despoil the wealthy Christian families of the South.

The Communist Manifesto of 1848 set Europe ablaze with revolutions, wars and counter-revolutions.

In August 1903, Max Nordau, in his address to the 6th Zionist Congress in Balse, Switzerland, revealed the plan for even greater conflagrations, the coming world wars:

"Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward ... The Zionist Congress; the English Uganda proposition; the future World War; the Peace Conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created."
Max Nordau, the man who dreamt of the deaths of 50 000 000 Christians.

Onward and upward, over the bodies of fifty million more dead Christians this was Max Nordau's ecstatic vision of the coming World War, and so it came to pass. Professional historians have never been able to offer a satisfactory explanation of how the European nations became embroiled in the first World War.

Jewish Revolutionary Gavrilo Princip shown being seized by police moments after mortally wounding Archduke Ferdinand and his wife. The assassination of Catholic Monarch ~ Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand ~ heir to the Austrian throne, was carried out by the Jewish assassin Gavrilo Princip using a Browning pistol on Jun. 28, 1914. The Zionist newspaper PEIEWISCHE VORDLE wrote on Jan. 13, 1919, "The international Jewry... believed it *necessary to force Europe into the war so that a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world.

Arch-duke Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavril Princeps at Sarajevo; Austria demanded an apology from Serbia, Serbia apologized but Austria inexplicably declared war anyway.Max Warburg, Jewish advisor to the Kaiser who also helped fund the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution. He advised the Kaiser to go into WW1 so Zionists could push for an Israeli state. Both Warburg and Schiff were Rothschild agents. Warburg also arranged for Lenin to be transported through Germany to Russia in a sealed train to lead the conspirators to their Bolshevik triumph.

Three Jewish advisers to Kaiser Wilhelm, Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, Max Warburg and Albert Ballin, then had the Kaiser declare war, and the other nations were involved.

Why ? To carry out the Zionist Jewish Plan.

On February 8, 1920, Sir Winston Churchill expressed his alarm over world developments in an interview published in the Sunday Illustrated Herald, London:

"From the days of Adam (Spartacus) Weishaupt, to those of Karl Marx to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman. This worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.

"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international, and for the most part, atheistic Jews. It is certainly a very great one: it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders."
Churchill referred, of course, to the overthrow of the Christian Orthodox Church in Russia and its replacement by a hateful gang of homicidal maniacs, whose unimaginable success was accomplished by the astute financial aid of Jacob Schiff to the Jewish revolutionaries, and by Max Warburg in Germany, who, at the crucial moment of the revolution in Russia, arranged for Lenin to be transported through Germany to Russia in a sealed train to lead the conspirators to their Bolshevik triumph.

Jacob Schiff whose money bankrolled the Jewish Bolsheviks who were responsible for millions of Christian deaths and the overthrow of the Russian Christian Orthodox Church.

[Sea Lord Churchill was only too happy to perform a large scale blood-sacrifice at Gallipoli, using British soldiers as offering, so there is enough to worry about on his own plate ... had England not fomented and started that war, there would have been no reason for the German High Command to revolutionize and send Lenin and financing to Russia]

An Orgy of Murder, Extreme Torture and Pillage

The orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish triumph in Russia has never been equaled in the history of the world. For more than a thousand years, the White Russians, descendants of German settlers in Russia, had provided an economic climate in which Russia, the "breadbasket of Europe", had prospered.

In a few days, this stable civilization vanished, perhaps never to return. The fortunate ones were those who recognized the peril in time to flee with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Those who dallied or sought to save others were shot down in mass executions persisting through the night, the constant rattle of machine guns muffled by the roar of truck engines raced at full throttle to drown the sound of the shots and the screams of the dying. Had you experienced the high standard of living in feudal Russia, perhaps, you would have a different opinion of this alleged prosperity.

On March 13, 1917, Jacob Schiff sent Milyukov, new Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Bolshevik Revolutionary Government, and a personal friend of Schiff, a telegram reproduced in the New York Times, April 10, 1917:

"Allow me, as the irreconcilable enemy of the tyrannical autocratic government which pitilessly persecuted our co-religionaires, to congratulate through your intermission the Russian people for what they have so brilliantly accomplished, and to wish success to your comrades in government and to yourself."

The issue also reproduces Milyukov's enthusiastic reply, "We are one with you in our hatred and antipathy for the old regime which is overthrown." [idiot ! the czar only abdicated on March 15, the Bolsheviks did not come to power until November, and Milyukov had no part in their government, but was running fast as he could]

The T'zar's exquisite daughters. At first, the girls did not die because of the jewels sewn into their corsets. These jewels were for protection but also so that the family could have some money for when they fled the country. The shooters were horrified at how the girls were able to withstand the bullets and feared that the family really was in power due to Divine Right (the idea that Kings and Queens are placed on the throne by God). To solve that problem, the shooters tried to stab them with bayonets. That failed, too, because of the jewels, so then, they were shot in the head at close range.

The key word here is "hatred". The Jews were free to indulge their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims. Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed.

Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain.
Others were placed in boxes with only their heads, hands and legs sticking out. Then hungry rats were placed in the boxes to gnaw upon their bodies.

Some were nailed to the ceiling by their fingers or by their feet, and left hanging until they died of exhaustion.

Yakov (Yankel) Mikhailovich Yurovsky is best known as the chief executioner of Russia's last emperor, Tsar Nicholas and his family after the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Others were chained to the floor and hot lead poured into their mouths.

Many were tied to horses and dragged through the streets of the city, while the mob attacked them with rocks and kicked them to death.

Mothers were taken to the public square and their babies snatched from their arms. A Red terrorist would take a baby, hold it by the head, head downward, and demand that the Christian mother deny Christ. If she would not, he tossed the baby into the air, while another member of the mob rushed forward to catch it on the tip of his bayonet.

Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies.

There were many places of public execution in Russia during the days of the Revolution one of which was described by the American Rohrbach Commission, (Defender Magazine, October, 1933):

"The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull. All the walls was bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep and about 10 meters long was along its length full to the top with blood.

"Some bodies were disemboweled, others had limbs chopped off, some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out the head, face and neck and trunk were covered with deep wounds. Further on, we found a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner we discovered a quantity of dismembered arms and legs belonging to no bodies that we could locate."

We already know of the glee with which Jacob Schiff and other Jewish bankers greeted the news that their co-religionaires in Russia were now engaged in the favorite Jewish practice of mass murder, but what of American government officials, who were well-informed by a number of intelligence sources about these atrocities?

The satanic Communist Chekists took pleasure in brutally torturing their victims- Many of who were Roman Catholics: The priests in Kherson were crucified. Archbishop Andronnikov of Perm had his eyes poked out and his ears and nose cut off. There were Chekists who cut open their victim's stomach, pulled out a length of small intestine, nailed it to a telegraph pole, and with a whip forced the victim to run circles around the pole until the whole intestine became unraveled. Eyes of Church dignitaries were poked out, their tongues cut off, and they were buried alive. The Bishop of Voronezh was boiled alive in a big pot, after which monks, revolvers at their heads, were ordered to drink. In Kharkov people were scalped. In Tsaritsyn and Kamyshin peoples hands were amputated with a saw. In Poltava and Kremchug the victims were impaled. In Odessa they were roasted alive in ovens or ripped to pieces. In Kiev, victims were placed in coffins with decomposing bodies and buried alive.

We have at least one record of a public response by a prominent government official, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States. On April 2, 1917, Wilson, after learning of these atrocities, went before the Congress of the United States and said,

The elegant Romanov family was assassinated within minutes of this photo being taken.

"The autocracy that crowned the summit of Russia's political structure, long as it had stood and terrible as was the reality of its power, was not in fact Russian in origin, character or purpose; and now it has been shaken off and the great generous Russian people have been added in all their naive majesty and might to the forces that are fighting for freedom in the world for justice, and for peace. Here is a fit partner for a League of Honor."
Wilson's goofy reference to the "non-Russian" nature of the Czar's government referred to the fact that the Czars were descendants of Germans who had settled in Russia one thousand years earlier. The oldest dynasty in Europe, the Russian aristocracy, was denounced by the Communist propagandist Wilson as being "non-Russian!

One wonders how Wilson would have described his own origins, a President of the United States whose family had been in the United States less than a hundred years, and whose racial and geographical origins remain a matter of considerable speculation.

Wilson apparently believed that the thousand years the Romanovs had lived in Russia did not qualify them for Russian citizenship, but they were replaced by Communists who not only were Russians, but who belonged to no nation of this earth.

The Overman Committee in 1919 published a report of its findings which are pertinent to this subject. Titled, "Bolshevik Propaganda Hearing Before the Sub-Committee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 65th Congress," it records the testimony of Dr. George A. Simons, former superintendent of the Methodist Missions in Russia, from which we briefly quote:

"We were told that hundreds of agitators had followed in the trail of Trotsky-Bronstein, these men having come over from the lower east side of New York. Some of them, when they learned that I was the American pastor in Petrograd, stepped up to me and seemed very much pleased that there was somebody who could speak English, and their broken English showed that they had not qualified as being real Americans.

"A number of these men called on me and were impressed with the strange Yiddish element in this thing right from the beginning, and it soon became evident that more than half the agitators in the so-called Bolshevik movement were Jews. I have a firm conviction that this thing is Yiddish, and that one of its bases is found in the east side of New York.

"The latest startling information, given me by someone with good authority, is this, that in December, 1918, in the northern community of Petrograd ~ that is what they call the section of the Soviet regime under the Presidency of the man known as Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) ~ out of 388 members, only 16 happened to be real Russians, with the exception of one man, a negro from America who calls himself Professor Gordon.

"I was impressed with this, Senator, that shortly after the great revolution of the winter of 1917 there were scores of Jews standing on the benches and soap boxes, talking until their mouths frothed, and I often remarked to my sister, 'Well, what are we coming to anyway. This all looks so Yiddish.'

Up to that time we had very few Jews, because there was, as you know, a restriction against having Jews in Petrograd, but after the revolution they swarmed in there and most of the agitators were Jews.

"I might mention this, that when the Bolshevik came into power, all over Petrograd, we at once had a predominance of Yiddish proclamations, big posters and everything in Yiddish. It became very evident that now that was to be one of the great languages of Russia; and the real Russians did not take kindly to it."

A widely known French journal, "L'Illustration", of September 14, 1918, commented, "When one lives in contact with the functionaries who are serving the Bolshevik Government, one feature strikes the attention, which, is almost all of them are Jews. I am not at all anti-Semitic; but I must state what strikes the eye: everywhere in Petrograd, in Moscow, in provincial districts, in commissariats, in district offices, in Smolny, in the Soviets, I have met nothing but Jews and again Jews.'

"The more one studies the revolution the more one is convinced that Bolshevism is a Jewish movement which can be explained by the special conditions in which the Jewish people were placed in Russia."

The Overman Report explains why Woodrow Wilson was so happy that the "non-Russian" Romanovs, intruders who had only lived in Russia for one thousand years, had been replaced by violent overthrow of their government by Yiddish speaking Jews from the lower East Side of New York, but who, being Wilson's own kind, were now to be hailed by the government of the United States as mass murderers who were "a fit partner for a League of Honor."

One can only conjecture whether Wilson, who was never examined for mental problems despite his many erratic actions culminating in his final breakdown, did not long to be there with his co-religionaires, a League of Honor which pleasured itself by ripping babies out of their mothers' wombs, walking knee deep in the blood of their victims, ripping out an eye here, a tongue there, hacking off a leg or an arm, in short, trying to be impartial in dealing out Jewish "justice" to the "non-Russian autocrats" whose only fault was that they had been too stupid and too easy-going to protect their homes and families against the invasions by the Jewish terrorist until it was too late.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn relates that some sixty-six million "real Russians" have been murdered since the Bolshevik Revolution at the hands of the Yiddish revolutionaries, and now two hundred million citizens of the United States await their turn in the abattoirs of the bloodthirsty Zionist terrorists.

Rev. Denis Fahey, in his book, "The Rulers of Russia", exposed the real names of many of the Jewish terrorists who operated the Soviet murder machine in Russia. Trotsky was Bronstein, Martov was Zederbaum, Zinoviev was Apfelbaum, Kamenev was Rosenfeld, Parvus was Helphand, Bohrin was Nathanson, and so on.

Many of the White Russians fled towards the Pacific, from Vladivostock to the Port of Dairen. The Russian women, who had presided over the most gracious palaces known to European civilization, were forced to turn to prostitution to find bread for their starving children; others, finding the degradation unbearable, committed suicide or slowly starved to death. Decades after the Russian Revolution, some of the White Russian women could still be found in houses of prostitution in Shanghai, Peking and Tokyo.

The male survivors of the Marxist Terror, many of them highly cultured scholars, philosophers and scientists, found no means of support from their highly specialized talents in the harsh Asiatic world of the refugee. One Russian General was seen pulling a rickshaw as a coolie in Shanghai for a few days; he later hung himself in his barren room.

Those who survived the initial Terror in Russia were fated for an even harsher death, a slow agonizing one as a prisoner in a Jewish operated concentration camp. For many years the Jews, through their total control of the media in Christian nations, prevented any word of the horrors which they daily perpetrated on Christians in Soviet Russia from reaching the outside world.

Finally one victim, who had survived a sentence in a concentration camp, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, reached safety. In his book, "The Gulag Archipelago", he informed an incredulous world that the blood-maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million victims in Russia from 1918 to 1957!

Solzhenitsyn cited Cheka Order No. 10, issued on Jan. 8, 1921: "To intensify the repression of the bourgeoisie." It was this order on which the establishment of the terrible Siberian camps, Kolyman and many others was based. Solzhenitsyn also brought to the Christian world the names of the mass murderers who ran these camps.

All of them were Jews. Typical was one Lazar Kogan, who watched thousands of slave laborers die during his stint as boss of the White Sea Canal construction. He would sometimes remark to a new prisoner, "I believe that you personally were not guilty of anything. But, as an educated person, you have to understand that social prophylaxis was being widely applied."

"Social prophylaxis" was one of the vicious Jewish phrases which they used as euphemisms for their massacre of the Christians. Their victims, once they were consigned to the camps, were no longer considered human, as the Jews considered all others to be non-human. They were known simply by the nickname of "zeks", slang for "zakluchenny", which means "prisoner" in Russian.

The Jews were given another opportunity to massacre helpless Christians during the Spanish Civil War. Ernest Elmhurst states in "World Hoax", p. 157, "Of no less significance was the transfer of Soviet Russia's former peace delegate at Geneva ~ the Jew Rosenberg (Moses Israelsohn) with his staff of 140 members to the office of Ambassador to Spain in August of 1936."

This cadre of highly trained specialists in torture and murder passed over a reign of terror which was largely ignored by the rest of the world, because the journalists covering the Spanish War, Ernest Hemingway and many others, were themselves sympathetic to the Communists and they sought only to discredit the Spanish patriots, the "Fascists" as they contemptuously termed them.

The Rosenberg murder teams were called "World Revolutionary Movement Purification Squads." Their "purification" consisted mainly of massacres of priests, nuns, choirboys and women and children as is so well described in the Book of Esther and the occasion of the Jewish celebration of the Feast of Purim.

Arthur Bryant, in his well-documented "Communist Atrocities in Spain", tells of one murder squad which went to the Dominican Convent in Barcelona and informed the Mother Superior that "because of possible mob violence" the nuns should accompany the squad to a place of safety. They were then taken to the suburbs and murdered.

Their Jewish leader commented, "We needed the building. We didn't want to muss it up before we occupied it."

E.M. Godden, in "Conflict in Spain," says on p. 72, "During the last week of July, 1936, the bodies of nuns were exhumed from their graves and propped up outside the walls of their convents. Obscene and offensive placards were attached to their bodies."

In Madrid, it was estimated that one tenth of the population of Spain was murdered by the Communist Jews by 1939. De Fonteriz in "Red Terror in Madrid" tells how Cheka crews organized by Dimitrov and Rosenberg carried out a program of torture and murder so obscene that it cannot be repeated or described.

To further their World Murder Plan, the Jews have occasionally allowed a few of their numbers to be sacrificed. This was brought out at the meeting in Rothschild's home in 1773, when it was stated, "But it has paid us even though we have sacrificed many of our own people. Each victim on our side is worth a thousand Goyim."

What the speaker meant was that if one Jew happens to be killed, he will be avenged by the death of one thousand Christians, or "cattle" as the Christians are derisively referred to by the Jewish cult.

The speaker went on to point out to his rapt listeners that "We are interested in just the opposite ... in the diminution, the killing out of the Goyim." The record of this meeting in Rothschild's house survived how?

Certainly. no murder plan had ever previously been so meticulously laid out or so precisely put into operation. The figures are in, and they are indisputable; fifty million victims in World War I; a hundred and fifty million victims in World War II; sixty-six million Christians murdered by Jewish fanatics in Russia since the success of the Bolshevik Revolution.

Many, if not the majority, of these victims of Jewish terrorism were women and children. Millions of them perished of starvation and exposure in campaigns of Communist expulsion from their homes. Typical was the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia after World War II, during which more than one million Germans died, and the expulsion of the Germans from Poland, a horrifying trek which cost the lives of two million Germans.

The Jews especially delighted in the deaths of these millions of Christian refugees, since the manner of their death fulfilled the most cherished doctrine of the Jewish hatred of all Christians -~ that non-Jews, being considered as non-humans or cattle, in the Jewish term "Goyim", are not to be buried.

This is a violation of Jewish law, which prohibits "animals" from being buried. These millions of Christian refugees lay where they fell during their terrible Communist expulsions, and never received Christian burial.

Early in World War II, the Communist delighted in the opportunity to indulge in their favorite sport of mass murder. During the first days of the war, 15,000 Polish officers, who were the flower of the nation, were captured. They were taken to three Jewish operated Communist camps, Starobiesk, Kozielsk, and Ostashkov. Only 448 were ever seen alive again. The rest vanished, but not without trace.

The Kozielsk camp was situated in the grounds of a former Orthodox monastery, five miles from the Kozielsk railway station in this camp, about 5000, were sent away in small groups, the process continuing until April, 1940.

Parfeon Kisselev said that in the spring of 1940 prisoners were brought to Katyn Forest in three or four buses daily. >From his house he heard shots and shouts. It was rumored that 10,000 Poles were shot there. When the German Army occupied the area in 1943 an investigation was begun.

The Final Report of the German Police dated June 10, 1943, states that, "It was proved that, without exception, death was caused by a shot in the back of the neck. The seven mass graves of murdered Polish officers which have been cleared cover a relatively small area. >From the translation of diaries, of memoirs and other notes found with the bodies, it was proved that the officers who had been taken prisoner by the Soviet Army in 1939 were sent to various camps: Kozielsk, Starobielsk, Ostashkov, Putiviel, Bolotov, Pavlishcev Bor, Shepyetovka, Gorodok.

"The majority of those killed in Katyn Forest had been in the Kozielski camp. From the end of March, until the first day of May, 1940, the prisoners from Kozielsk arrived by rail. The exact dates cannot be established. A few short intervals apart, a batch left almost every day; the number of prisoners varied between 100 and 300 persons.

"Thence, in the early morning, the prisoners proceeded in special Lorries to the Katyn Forest. There the officers were immediately shot, thrown into the waiting graves and buried, as may be seen from the evidence of witness Kisselev, who has seen the ditches being prepared. That the shooting took place immediately after the arrival of a batch of prisoners is proved by witnesses who heard shots after every such arrival.

"There was no accommodation in the forest apart with the rest house, which has a limited capacity. From the position of the bodies it may be assumed that the majority were murdered outside the graves. Very many of the dead men had their hands tied behind their backs. The evidence of witnesses confirms that access to the forest was forbidden. Voss, Secretary of the Field Police." Professor Butz's Report stated, "Documents found on the victims (identity cards ~ but not military passports ~ diaries, letters, postcards, calendars, photographs, drawings, etc. gave the names, age, profession, origin and family relations of the victims. Pathetic entries in the diaries testify to the treatment of the victims by the NKVD.

"Letters and postcards from relatives in Upper Silesia, in the 'General Government' and in the Russian-occupied zone, written, to judge the post office stamps, between Autumn, 1939, and March or April, 1940, clearly point to the time of the crime (spring, 1940)."

The Katyn Case came before the Nuremberg tribunal as part of the general trial of German "war criminals", the Soviets having claimed this atrocity had been committed by the Germans. Although it was on the agenda, the Soviets omitted it from the judgment, nor was any Pole allowed to testify about it.

Mr. G.F. Hudson wrote in the quarterly, "International Affairs", "The unquiet dead of Katyn still walk the earth." In subsequent years, a number of Congressmen have sought to reopen the case, including Hon. George A. Dondero, Hon. Ray Madden and others.

A U.S. Congressional Select Committee, 2 July 1952, reported that "The committee unanimously agrees that evidence dealing with the first phase of its investigation proves conclusively and irrevocably that the Soviet NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs) committed the massacre of Polish Army officers in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia, not later than the spring of 1940.

"The committee further concludes that the Soviets had plotted this criminal extermination of Poland's intellectual leadership as early as the fall of 1939 ~ shortly after Russia's treacherous invasion of the Polish nation's borders. There can be no doubt that this massacre was a calculated plot to eliminate all Polish leaders who subsequently would have opposed the Soviets' plan for communizing Poland."

The end of World War II gave the Communists the opportunity to wreak revenge on all who had opposed them during the war. As a result, from two to five million victims were massacred by Jewish terrorists in France, Italy, Czechoslovakia, and other countries in which the Communists were allowed by their Allies to murder at will all anti-Communists or "Fascists".

The Sunday Oklahoman shed some light on this horror, Jan. 21, 1973, "Document tells Allied Part in Deaths of Thousands": "A former White House consultant has provided the Sunday Oklahoman with a secret document exposing for the first time what appears to be Allied complicity in the deaths of thousands of unsuspecting, liberated prisoners of war and displaced persons after World War II.

"The document, a 10-page British Army report, is believed to be part of voluminous Anglo-American files on the forcible repatriation to the Soviet Union of an estimated 2 to 5 million unwilling anti-Communists between 1944 and 1948. The files, codenamed Operation Keelhaul, are still kept under tight security in London and Washington as virtually the last major secret of World War II.

"The secret British report summarizes one repatriation operation in Italy in which Russian POWs and DIs were turned over to the Red Army and almost certain execution after being duped by the British into believing they would be given asylum in the West. It tells of the agony and the horror experienced by the prisoners."

The leading criminal in this mass execution of two to five million anticommunists was ~ who else ~ our grinning Ike, head of the European sector for the Allied armies, or, as you may know him, our former President, Eisenhower. The crime of Operation Keelhaul was not on the agenda at Nuremberg.

To finance the State of Israel which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews, who had committed all the atrocities, now imposed enormous "reparations" demands on the conquered German people.

To date, they have extorted more than thirty-five billion dollars from German workers, money which has been collected at the points of bayonets, not Jewish bayonets, but the bayonets of the American Army, which has been maintained as an occupying force in West Germany for nearly four decades, solely to provide military power behind the puppet German Government, which has as its primary function the furnishing of money for the parasitic State of Israel.

Some twenty years after World War II, the Jews began to fear that scholars might focus on the terrible massacres of women and children during that war by armies directed by the Jews. The incineration of thousands of families by mass fire-bombings of the cities of Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden and other European cultural centers; the firestorms which killed many thousands of families in Tokyo; as well as the nuclear holocausts unleashed on civilian populations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the last days of the Japanese War, when the Imperial Staff was already suing for peace (the Jews did not want to lose this opportunity to test their new Jewish Hell-Bomb on human targets); these and their numerous other war crimes, began to concern the Jews.

Their guilt was inescapable; it seemed a mere matter of time until their crimes would call down retribution on their heads. To forestall this possibility, the Jews began a furious campaign of their own; a highly synchronized and coordinated worldwide campaign publicizing their new myth, the "Holocaust", in which six million Jews were said to have been burned.

Six million Jews were also said to have been gassed. Whether this meant there were actually twelve million Jews "killed" no one seems to know. That holocausts, or mass murders by fire, occurred during World War II was a matter of historical record.

There existed photographs of stacks of burned corpses, which had been made in Cologne, Hamburg, and Dresden after the mass fire-bombing of those cities by Allied aircraft. The problem the Jews faced was that there had been no holocausts of Jewish victims during World War II, nor were there any photographs of burned Jewish bodies.

Not to worry ~ the Jews simply appropriated the photographs of the bodies of their German victims, which are exhibited today in gruesome "museums" in Germany as exhibits of dead Jews. It was a matter of record that the Jews had actually done quite well during World War II.

In Germany, incredible sagas of bribery and corruption on the home front had secured the mass evacuation of all Jews from German cities just before the fire bombings began. When entire German families perished amid scenes of unspeakable horror, the Jews were safely ensconced in comfortable quarters in such refugee camps as Auschwitz.

The ultimate testimony as to their rescue by being segregated in these remote camps, far from the danger of the mass bombing raids, comes from ~ who else ~ the Jews themselves. As they never cease to assure us ~ they "survived".

Although they survived amid scenes of genocide or massacres of non-Jews in many countries, they realized several decades later that it was necessary for their purposes to claim that they had been "exterminated".

The protection camps in which they had been safely segregated by the Germans during World War II now became "death camps". Not only were they death camps, but they were camps such as Auschwitz, memorialized in the Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1981, as having "its own soccer stadium, its own library, its own photo lab, and its own symphony orchestra."

The same article proudly boasts that "the hospital at Auschwitz grew to considerable size, with about twenty doctors and more than three hundred nurses." This was a "death camp?" The fact was that there was not a single German military field hospital near any combat front as sizeable or as well-equipped as the hospital at the "death camp" of Auschwitz, yet Auschwitz is always cited by the Jews as the place were millions of Jews were "put to death".

The purpose of the large modern hospital has never been satisfactorily explained, since the Jews now claim that within hours after arriving at Auschwitz, the Jews were hurried to the "gas chambers". This claim might have more validity had it not been for one unfortunate oversight by the Jews ~ they did not build the gas chambers at Auschwitz until after World War II had ended.

lmost forty years after the war, in which"six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis", as they claim, there are annual festivals, conventions, and other mass gatherings of many thousands of the "survivors of the death camps". Even more peculiar, hardly any of these prosperous, healthy and well fed "victims" claims to have been the survivor of only one "death camp".

Nearly all of them claim to have been a prisoner in five or six of the camps, this at a time when Germany, fighting a two front war, could not keep its troops supplied in the combat areas. The Jews ask us to believe that every few months they were transferred from one camp, put on a train and carried hundreds of miles to another "death camp" to be killed, and then a few months later, apparently not having been killed, they were entrained to yet another "death camp", where they remained without being harmed until the end of the war.

The reason for the otherwise inexplicable claims of the Jewish "Survivors" that they were in many different "death camps" is revealed by a simple explanation, "gelt". The "survivors" regularly receive monthly payments from the conquered Germans.

"Garfinckel" receives a monthly payment in Israel from Germany because he was a prisoner in Auschwitz.

"Rosenfeld" receives a monthly payment from Germany in Israel because he was a prisoner in Treblinka.

"Steinberg" receives a regular monthly payment in Israel from Germany because he was a prisoner in Dachau.

Garfinckel, Steinberg, and Rosenfeld ~ you don't know them? He's the same fat, grinning Jew you saw in the news coverage of the Holocaust convention.

"BEWARE OF THE FABLES OF THE JEWS". Titus 1:14. The Myth of the Holocaust or the "vanished six million Jews" is not solely a matter of collecting revenue from defeated enemies. It is also one of the most powerful weapons of propaganda in the hands of the Jews in their drive for total world power.

Today, all officials seeking to continue in office or to seek higher office in the United States must not only make a ritual pledge of eternal and unquestioning faith in the Myth of the Holocaust. To question the Myth of the Holocaust means a challenge to the Jewish world dictatorship, and it must be punished at once by the most severe sentence. Thus the most fantastic elaborations on the basic lie of the "Six million" appear regularly on American religious programs, in educational books, and in the press.

Among the rare public figures who have dared to question the Myth of the Holocaust are such individualists as the actor Robert Mitchum, who told an Esquire interviewer, in response to a question about "the six million", "So the Jews say." "So the Jews say?" shrieked the horrified interviewer. "Yeah," growled Mitchum, "so the Jews say."

Another actor, Ronald Reagan, while seeking public office, told a Jewish audience in California that "It might help your cause if you would limit your claims of victims to numbers that you could actually prove." A reporter noted that "the audience began to hiss like geese, in a rapidly rising cacophony while the aspiring politician dashed to the wings, never to reappear in the particular auditorium."

Whatever Reagan's doubts about "the six million", he has since kept them to himself. The Reagan Administration will be remembered for the ultimate enshrinement of "the final solution". Two government buildings on the Washington Mall have now been given by "our government" to the Jews for a "Holocaust Memorial".

The Washington Mall, like the Roman Forum, is the center of American aspirations for our Republic, and runs from the White House to the Capital with its principal adornment the magnificent Washington Monument. To the consternation of most Americans, the Washington Monument can now be called "Jew Alley".

Many native Washingtonians have begun to express criticism of this amazing development. In the Washington Post, April 25, 1983, William Raspberry writes on the editorial page, "I simply don't understand it." He points out that although this is to be an official American monument; neither the perpetrators nor the victims were Americans.

He quotes a Howard University professor as wondering why there shouldn't be a Slavery Memorial on the Mall to honor the memory of the slaves, or a Wounded Knee Memorial for the Indians. What he doesn't say is that the erection of a Jewish Memorial on the Washington Mall is a boast of absolute power, that the Jews have achieved absolute power over their goyim slaves in America.

We can understand that there is a huge memorial to Karl Marx erected in Red Square in Moscow. Are we incapable of understanding why a memorial to the Jews is erected on the Washington Mall?

Raspberry, who is black, goes on to tweak the big noses of his Jewish employers, the Meyer family who own the Washington Post, by saying that "a pledge that nothing of this sort will ever be permitted to happen again" worries him, because it is happening right now.

He doesn't mention the obvious example, the Rosh Hashanah Massacre of Arab women and children in Lebanon, but of course Raspberry fails to understand two crucial factors; first, that "it" never happened at all, and second, that the Jews are attempting to place the rest of the world on notice that "the Chosen People" are sacred, and that no one must ever harm a hair on their heads.

It's quite all right to massacre all the goyim or non Jewish cattle, in Cambodia, Vietnam, Africa, or Lebanon; this has nothing to do with the "sacred" presence of the Jew.

"Never Again?" the well-publicized slogan of the Jews which refers to the Myth of the Holocaust, should more properly be "Never", meaning that not only did it never happen but that it is all right for the Jews to massacre the gentile cattle whenever it suits their purposes, because the Myth of the Holocaust gives carte blanche to the Jews to kill as many gentiles as possible, "The diminution, the killing out of the Goyim," as old Anselm so lustfully put it, because it is obvious that the more gentiles that are killed, the fewer remain alive as a possible threat to the Jews.

The Myth of the Holocaust is interpreted by the Jews as giving them permission to maintain international murder squads whose assassins routinely carry out executions in every country of the world, not only against "enemies of Israel", but also against those who are merely suspected of being "potential enemies of Israel". It pays to be careful.

In no country are the murder squads of the Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence Service, given greater freedom than in the United States. Cooperation with the Jewish assassins is the first line of business for the CIA, the FBI, and the IRS.

The Mossad routinely gives these government agencies lists of American individuals on its hate lists, who are to be given "special attention". These lists comprise more than half of all the IRS "special audits" of American citizens.

Despite the frenetic cooperation of official American bureaus with the Israeli assassins, the favor is rarely returned. The Jews treat the American goyim with justifiable contempt, and rarely lose an opportunity to spit in their faces.

Our Marines soon found this out in Lebanon, when the Israeli soldiers routinely threatened them, offensively cut across Marine lines, and shot at them. Menachem Begin's political stance at the present time is to maintain a strong Israeli military presence in Lebanon, despite President Reagan's frequent whines that the Israelis really ought to pull out of that war torn country.

At these requests, the Israelis responded with the assassination of President Gemayel, and the Rosh Hashanah Massacre of women and children. The latest requests for Israeli withdrawal were met with the "mysterious" explosion which blew up the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, with great loss of life. It is confidently stated that this explosion will never be solved. As long as the Jews, Walt Rostow and Henry Kissinger (both Zionists) were selling out U.S. interests things were fine.

Secretary Shultz must wonder when Begin will order him to be murdered, and President Reagan and others as well. The Israelis are the most likely suspects in the U.S. Embassy explosion. An extremist named Abu Nidal was named in Jack Anderson's column, April 25, 1983, Washington Post, that "secret State Dept. reports quoted two highly placed intelligence sources explanation that the explosion was in Israel's interests as it aided to 'divide and conquer' to disrupt the PLO by setting one faction against the other. The sources said Israel had secretly provided funds to Abu Nidal's group."

From the outset, the Myth of the Holocaust has had its problems with "the numbers game". It has not been easy to sell the story of the "extermination" of an entire people, when that people is more numerous, more visible, more prosperous, and more powerful in more countries than at any time during its history.

It is even more difficult to sell the story of "survivors of death camps", who survived, not one year, but stays of four to six years in "death camps", in which, according to the testimony of the "Survivors", "everyone was being killed every day"; survival, not merely in one "death camp", but tours of five or six camps over a period of four to six years.

The casualty rate would be higher on a bus tour of the Bronx. It took a certain amount of raw courage to fix on the number of those "exterminated" at the magic figure of "six million" during a period when the world census of Jews showed an increase from ten million to twelve and a half million. Even the most hardened Jews shrank from the certain exposure and censure of peddling such fantastic lies to the most gullible of the goyim.

Fortunately, they did not have to. If Ronald Reagan expressed some hesitancy at accepting the magic figure of six million early in his career, other goyim, notably, the great evangelists, showed no such qualms. There is now some rivalry among the million dollars a week stooges who jumped on the Golden Bandwagon, but there seems to be little doubt that it was not Billy James Hargis, the homosexual Bible-thumper, but Billy Graham, "that nice boy from North Carolina," who first struck gold in the Myth of the Holocaust.

Graham soon proved that his loyalty to God was surpassed only by his loyalty to the State of Israel, while Billy James Hargis and Rev. Carl McIntire huffed and puffed in his well-tailored rear. In recent years, they have been surpassed by two even smoother peddlers of "fundamentalist Christianity", Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.

Each day these servile shabez goi pay homage to the Myth of the Six Million, urging their bewitched television audience to send more money to them, and of course, to Israel. Although their cut comes off the top, Israel does get a fair share of the take, but the supposed recipient of all of their fund-raising, God, is said to get nothing at all.

Although the United States boasts of being the birthplace of "investigative journalism", where an aggressive Mike Wallace thrusts a microphone into the face of a cringing quack while denouncing him for overcharging an elderly patient for an aspirin, the Myth of the Holocaust continues to enjoy complete immunity from the prying activities of ten thousand young journalists who dream of the Pulitzer Prize, the Book of the Month Club, and the Hollywood contract.

These dreams can become reality, as Woodward and Bernstein discovered when they published their White House fantasies as fact, but the Myth of the Six Million is secure from any invasion by these "great journalists" or any of their compatriots, as none of them dare to question the sanctity of this never-to-be-questioned figure.

For years, Jews refused to provide any proof acceptable in court which would substantiate these claims, even though a $50,000 reward was offered for proof that any Jew had been gassed in any type of "Holocaust" operation during World War II, yet this astonishing offer never excited the curiosity of any "investigative journalist" in America.

In the ordinary course of events, a twenty dollar bill or a two-Martini lunch is all that is required to set them on the track. Until these highly trained professionals take up the scent along the dog-run, we continue to be plagued by the Jewish claims that six million of their brightest and their best were foully done to death during World War II.

If a $50,000 offer could not bring forth proof of even one death, how much would it cost to find proof that six million died? The record shows that only Christians have been the victims of the historic massacres. The Jews, when they did not do the killing themselves, as they always prefer to do, were always in the background as the only instigators of these crimes against humanity.

We can and we must protect ourselves against the blood-thirsty bestiality of the Jew by every possible means, and we must be aware that the Christian creed of love and mercy can be overshadowed by the Jewish obsession that all non Jews are animals to be killed.

Addendum: By Wm. S. LeGrande. The foregoing account of the Jews shows that Jews desire to destroy all non-Jews that they consider dangerous to them and to rule the others. The Christians and Arabs are high on their list for murder. The evils of the Jews are countless.

Deceit and lies are two of their best tools. They love the "God's Chosen" lie. The Jews are mostly Khazars. Khazars have no identity with Israelites at all. The Jew lie on this subject is carried by Christian churches out of ignorance or as a pay-off for favors.

During the time of Christ, the Jews were Israelite mixtures and this and the Talmudic idiocy is what Christ condemned the Pharisees for. The next lie is that Christ was a Jew.

Nowhere in the Bible is Christ referred to as a Jew. The Bible says Christ was an Israelite.

The present day Israelites are central European Christians and their descendants in accordance with Bible prophecy. To make a strong case for these Jew lies and deception we find that Jesus said that the Talmudic Jews were of their father the devil. He said they were liars, thieves, and murderers and were adulterers. The word adulterer is so wide in scope that the Jews make sure it is avoided.

The Jews even changed the commandment "Thou shalt not adulterate" to "Thou shalt not commit adultery". "Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's wife" covers the intended reference.

Adulterate takes in the total scale of evil. Adulterate means mix, make impure, change, unnatural, deceit, debase, pollute, contaminate, false, lie, corrupt, pervert, wicked, cruel, sinful and all manner of evil practiced by the Jews in their pursuit of deceit as demonstrated in the writing, "The Secret Holocaust" by Eustace Mullins.

Christ told us the Jews were adulterers. This brings us to the "Six Million Holocaust" lie that Dr. Butz's book "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century" so ably describes. Mullins explains how this was profitable to the Jews. But it was also a necessity that the World War II and the Six Million lie be kept alive. The real Holocaust is the Sixty-Six Million Holocaust that the Jews performed and engineered in Russia. The cruelties that went with it are unthinkable as explained by Mullins.

This is not like the German Six Million which is a cover-up for the Sixty-Six Million, and is a proven known truth and a dress rehearsal for the torture and death of the other world Christians and Moslems. The Arabs can tell you what they have gone through in the last few years and are still going through today. How can this be?

The Jews brag that it is "our terrible power of the purse"!

Even today, U.S. citizens don't know the Jews own the U.S. money system known as the "Federal Reserve System", and even though the U.S. Congress is able to change it, they are too cowardly in the face of death that awaits them.

Likewise, when the Jews tell Congress to send aid to brother Jews in Russia, or to the Israelis, or to send your sons to war for Jew profit, the Congress obeys without hesitation, and they do it promptly. The Jew-controlled news media sees that the citizens approve also. So when you hear the word "holocaust," remember that there is a big lie six million holocaust that the Germans were accused of, and there is a true sixty-six million holocaust that the Jews keep covered up.

It is like the first little boy who knocked the daylights out of the second little boy, and the first boy immediately started screaming, "He hit me! He hit me!" The innocent second little boy found out how shouts prevailed, as in the case of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The second little boy was punished. The lying first little boy went free. So it is every day with the Jews in Russia and communism world-wide, and the Israelis in the Palestine area.

Look at Poland and all Jew-communist controlled areas of the world. Poland is 90% Catholic and anti-Jew-communist. However, they are still prisoners of the Jews. This is only one example.

The commandment says "thou shalt not murder". Death is the punishment for breaking a commandment. This addendum points out that the Jews are not chosen people.

Jesus Christ was not a Jew.

The Jews lie about Jewish extermination in a German holocaust.

The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians.

The REAL Holocaust CAUSED by Eastern European Communism..!! https://youtu.be/YH3SRyasstc

Behind the Holocaust
By J.B. Campbell
What was Hitler’s unforgivable sin?

Hitler resisted Judaism. When you’re a little kid in school or at the movies, resisting Judaism can be made to seem a very wicked thing. As an adult, you can be made to think that to resist Judaism is the very worst, the most dangerous thing. When you see what has happened to people who have resisted Judaism, well – you certainly don’t want that to happen to you.

Adolf Hitler was, is and will always be the most dangerous character in history due to his resistance against Judaism combined with his eloquence in explaining why Judaism must be resisted. Some of us “Jew-fighters” have a personal motto, delenda est judaica, or Judaism must be destroyed. Or, Defense Against Jewish Aggression. When we have studied the history of whatever period you care to name, or just looked at the news, true humans react with the natural urge to remove this cancer from society. The most astonishing example of the Jewish mentality was last year’s murderous assault against the humanitarians attempting to bring food, medicine and building materials to the people of Gaza. Jewish ways are repellant to the human mind and are not examined overmuch for that reason.

Judaism can be simply described as very bad behavior.

Hitler never attempted to destroy Judaism but rather to isolate it and perhaps remove its adherents from Europe. This followed attempts to train Jews to be productive human beings in places such as Dachau and Theresienstadt. As Evelyn Kaye writes in The Hole in the Sheet, orthodox Jews do not work. They are allergic to work, preferring instead to occupy themselves by reading the Talmud and arguing endlessly with other Jews about what they read. So this is a big problem with Jews, their refusal to work and produce something that is not based on ripping off and confounding their victims.

Hitler’s attempt to re-train Jews, which didn’t work, and then to remove Jews from Europe was a work in progress. Since the Khazars had infiltrated Europe from the east, his plan for relocation was to put them back in the Pale whence they came. This scheme depended upon the success of Operation Barbarossa, the great assault against the Soviet Union which was always the ultimate and stated objective of the National Socialists. Communism had to be destroyed so that Judaism could be re-confined to its traditional home in the Pale of Settlement. Hitler’s basic plan for Jews was somehow to confine and isolate them in a place in which they could be prevented from doing humanity more harm. This is a very difficult thing to do because there are so many aspects to Judaism, the most dangerous of which is banking, which is the main point of this piece.

Because now I’m seeing that the main purpose of keeping alive the Holocaust is to protect Jewish banking practices.

Before we get to that, let’s examine the Holocaust briefly. It’s a big subject but the whole subject is demolished by the videotaped visit to Auschwitz by a young American Jew named David Cole, which took place back in 1992. For example, a dozen years ago I was visited by a reporter named Dave Hendrix from the Dallas Morning News. He was interviewing me for a big story he was writing on the militia and the general resistance movement in America. He would spend four days interviewing me at my home in Carmel, California. When we were first introduced, no doubt knowing my attitude, he made a disclosure: “I must tell you before we begin, that I am a believer in the Holocaust.” I immediately responded, “Not a problem.” And nothing more was said about it for a day or so. On the second day, before he retired to his hotel, I asked if he would be willing to look at a film? He agreed. I showed him David Cole’s Visit to Auschwitz  and when it was over said, “Well, there’s another viewpoint.” Dave, however, was speechless. He finally said, “That was devastating to everything I’ve ever believed.”

By the fourth day, I had persuaded Dave to drop the militia/resistance project and instead write a big piece on Oklahoma City, since my good friend Cheri Seymour had so much primary information on the subject in her files. Reluctant at first to attack that subject, he eventually requested and got the green light from Dallas. This nearly got him killed. Dave met with Cheri and me a week or so later in Hermosa Beach and received his first load of documents from Cheri. He went back to his apartment and was felled by a severe heart attack. His wife was fortunately and unusually at home and got the EMT people there in time to save him, which he would not have been able to do for himself. When he finally recovered, the OKC story was canceled and Dave was made a story editor, never again to investigate and write as he had been doing for many years. When we met again, he said simply, “They got me. It was not a natural heart attack.”

As you will see in the Cole video, the holy gas chamber is a fake. Which makes the entire Holocaust story a fake. You can study it for a day or for a lifetime and your conclusion will be the same. There was never a plan for exterminating Jews and there was never an instrument. As Professor Robert Faurisson has asked for years, “Show me a gas chamber. Draw for me a gas chamber.” It can’t be done because there was never such a thing.

There is the matter of the Six Million. As we in the anti-Jewish movement well know, the Jews were claiming years before, during and after the First World War that six million Jews had been exterminated by the Germans. Of course, no one took this seriously. By 1943, American Jews were once again claiming that six million Jews were in danger of annihilation or had in fact been annihilated, years before the same wild claim would start up again around 1960. Now, why is this?

We now know that the insane Jewish liars are guided in this by a mystical attachment to the number six, as seen with their national symbol, the six-pointed star. Six, or six hundred, or six thousand, or six hundred thousand, or six million Jews must be removed before the messiah returns or Israel reappears or whatever. It’s not important to us, just that this is a magic number to them. And they should be wholly burnt in ovens. Hence, Holocaust (wholly burnt).  Read >>> Jewish History and the Scriptual Orgin of the 6 Million Dollar Number

The six million Jews exterminated by the Nazis depended in large part (66%) on Auschwitz, where four million of them were infamously done to death. Thanks to Ernst Zundel and the International Red Cross, Mikhail Gorbachev in 1989 released to the Red Cross the captured death records from Auschwitz. The forty-six volumes cover the period of May, 1940 to December, 1944 and record about 69,000 deaths, mainly from disease or natural causes. The IRC had investigated all the German and Polish camps during and after the war and estimated about 200,000 deaths, some of them Jewish. When the US Army liberated Dachau, for example, of the 32,000 inmates, about 1,200 were Jews. Jewish representation was so tiny during WWII as to be insignificant, except in their minds. In their minds, the 60 million actual deaths of real people were insignificant, not worthy of consideration.  Read >>> Long-Hidden Death Certificates Discredit Extermination Claims

We can read and read and the more we read the bigger the swindle is revealed. That’s why the main thing is to watch David Cole’s video and not get too wrapped up in the Holocaust, one way or the other. But we should understand the real purpose of Holocaust indoctrination, which I now believe is this: our money.

Our money is our lifeblood. Without money, of course, we die as individuals. Without a proper money system, society dies, which is pretty much what is happening to our society now. This is due to the Jewish money system imposed on us by the aliens who own the private money-making company they call the Federal Reserve System.

We are today witnessing the dangers of precious metals. The only metals that are precious to me are steel, lead and brass. Gold and silver, while intoxicating in their wonderfulness, are just as dangerous and volatile as liquid intoxicants and just as likely to make you lose your wits – and your fortune. There is nothing righteous or magical or even necessary about a nation’s currency being “backed” by gold or silver. This was proved by Adolf Hitler during the 1930s. It was proved so conclusively that the Jews want to make sure that it’s never tried again. The best way to ensure this is to associate debt-free currency with mass murder!

For some reason, the Jews of the world wanted to destroy Germany. We can probably never understand their insane drive to do this but the facts cannot be denied. They also wanted to destroy the Russian ruling class and the Russian people, as we saw happen following their takeover of Russia in 1917. And we see that they apparently wanted to destroy the American people from an early time, dating at least since 1913. The destruction of the Russians, Germans and Europeans in general depended on their takeover of the American banking system in 1913, because it was followed closely by the totalitarian devastation that began in 1914 with the assassination of the Austrian archduke by Gavrilo Princip.

World War I ended in 1918 and this began Germany’s great misery. They were blamed by the victors for starting the war and were forced to pay “reparations” that became so extreme by the early 1920s that their money became worthless. Hundreds of thousands of Germans starved to death because of the money and because of a blockade by England and America to prevent food from getting in. A food convoy was organized by Henry Ford, Herbert Hoover and Norway’s Vidkun Quisling to rescue the starving people of Germany and others in Europe. Quisling’s name has been turned into a dirty word by the Jews and is misused today by people who should know better. He was a great humanitarian and took Germany’s side against the forces of Judaism and Bolshevism for over twenty years.

Adolf Hitler, like Franklin Roosevelt, came to power democratically in January, 1933, in the depths of the world depression. Both Germany and America were starving because of the actions of the Federal Reserve System, now twenty years old. They were starving because the Fed had “deflated” the money supply, withdrew currency from circulation and refused to issue new currency. Credit to farmers and businesses and individuals was denied for no particular reason. Roosevelt outlawed gold and began its confiscation in April, with punishment of ten years in prison and ten thousand dollars in fines. Once he got all of our gold, which was then priced at about twenty dollars an ounce, he raised the price to thirty-five dollars. That made it the biggest, boldest swindle up until that time. Of course, the Federal Reserve System swindlers got the gold – and the massive increase in value.

Hitler came to power over a bankrupt and starving country with unemployment at roughly 50%! The Americans had stolen all Germany’s gold by the early ‘20s, so there was no basis for a monetary system other than to keep borrowing from the Jewish crooks on Wall Street that had given Germany the Young Plan and the Dawes Plan of perpetual indebtedness to private bankers masquerading as the “central bank.” What to do?

Hitler and Hjalmar Schacht issued debt-free currency based on Lincoln’s debt-free currency. What they did led to the swift regeneration of the German economy and the world’s greatest prosperity of the working class, while the rest of the world stayed mired in the Great Depression being run by the sadistic central bankers. This was the worst possible crime and had to be punished by the most terrible war in human history, including fire-bombings of entire cities and deliberate mass starvations of millions following the war. Our nuclear bombs would have dropped on Germans but they weren’t ready in time, so they were dropped on Germany’s allies who were trying to surrender. Please refer to Theodore Kaufman’s charming little book, Germany Must Perish!, which was the basis of the Morgenthau Plan for Germany, executed mercilessly by Dwight David Eisenhower, which resulted in the starvation deaths of millions of Germans.

YouTube Video:  The Secret of Oz

  Ellen Brown and Bill Still have provided us with debt-free currency plans that will deliver us from the Federal Reserve racketeers and eliminate our indebtedness to the pinstriped scum-rats in less than one year, based on the Hitler model, which they don’t want to say. John F. Kennedy declared war on the Fed racketeers by issuing four billion dollars in debt-free US Notes in April of his last year on earth. Abraham Lincoln first issued debt-free currency when the bankers whom he’d approached for war loans wanted 34% in interest. He only survived a few days longer than his war for crimes against the bankers.

So let’s understand what’s behind the Holocaust. Why don’t Brown and Still, both monetary geniuses, want to credit Hitler and Schacht with the secret to economic prosperity in the face of total meltdown? Why, because of the Holocaust! The greatest economic miracle in history occurred in Germany under Adolf Hitler, who ignored the central bankers intent on raping the world, seizing real property, through high interest and deflation. The Russians have recently confirmed suspicions that the American legend of the Depression (“As bad as it was – nobody starved.”) is a lie. Russian investigators have revealed that millions of Americans actually died of starvation and exposure during the years 1929 to 1941 but their deaths were written off to natural causes.

As Hitler remarked in his declaration of war following Pearl Harbor, he had delivered Germany from the doubly devastating conditions of the Versailles Treaty and the general world Depression by 1935 while Roosevelt kept mighty America in abject misery with his Federal Reserve starvation policies right to the present time (December, 1941). He stole all the people’s gold and then increased its value by 60%. And he refused to do what Lincoln had done before him and what Kennedy would do after him: he refused to issue debt-free currency and rescue the American people from aggravated poverty, degradation and death by starvation.

How could that be? How could Hitler state such a thing? Because it was true. It was simple and it was true. The secret to general and permanent prosperity is for the government of any country to issue debt-free currency in amounts necessary for commerce and growth. That is what the founders had in mind with Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. We should read that over from time to time. Clause 5 says that the “Congress shall have power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.” Clause 6 is even better: “Congress shall have the power To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States.”

You can see where this puts the owners of the counterfeiting company called the Federal Reserve System. The proposed punishment for counterfeiting was execution by hanging.

Anyway, let us recognize the Holocaust for what it is, a device to make the idea of debt-free currency repellant to our minds, because anyone who would do it really just wants to gas the Jews.






Revisionism Online Websites!


The Institute for Historical Review


Ahmed Rami / Radio Islam


The Occidental Quarterly


The Occidental Observer


Committee to Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH)


The Barnes Review


Lady Michele Renouf's website


Inconvenient History


Air Photo Evidence


The Holocaust Historiography Project


Paul Eisen's Blog / Anti-Zionist Revisionism


Carlos W. Porter


David Duke


David Irving / Focal Point Publications


Libertad Pedro Varela


National Journal: For the sake of knowledge and truth


What Really Happened


The Rense Page


Anthony Lawson


Balder Blog

140 Occurrences Of The Word Holocaust


The Number 6,000,000 Before The Nuremberg Trials Began

Update 2017: The origins of the gaschamber story - British Wartime Propaganda

Brilliant research of recently released war-time British government documents reveals that the story of alleged German homicidal gas-chambers was a propaganda-lie invented by the British Secret Service as early as December 1940.
Britiains Rumour Factory by ANDY RITCHIE, London, January 2017 (pdf)

Til Forsiden
New York Times, May 1, 1920, p. 8 - Click Image to see whole document

Sorted by date:


Originally Posted by Stephen S. Wise, New York Times, June 11, 1900

There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.

Click images for full size
Russia has since 1890 adopted a deliberate plan to expel or exterminate six million of its people - From The Russsian Jewish Yearbook 1911
TaShuVu You Shall Return | Enlarge
HOLOCAUST Handbooks Series, Vol. 6
Don Heddesheimer - The First Holocaust
Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims During and After World War One
- The First Holocaust features an amazing collection of press clippings and propaganda articles dating back to the late 19th century that make claims of the suffering and imminent extermination of European Jewry. Among such articles we find that Jews have, dozens of times before WWII, invoked the cabalistic “6,000,000″ number as the number of Jews on the verge of death and destruction during various periods of turmoil and conflict in Europe and Russia. Undoubtedly, this book exposes the deliberate fraudulence of these sinister Zionist campaigns and media blitzes — long before Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in1933 — designed to elicit public sympathy and financial support for Jewish political ambitions, such as Zionism and Communism.

The obsessive invocation of the cabalistic fable of “6,000,000 dead or dying Jews” dating back at least four decades prior to the events of WWII directly undermines and betrays the notion that 6,000,000 Jews perished in Europe between 1939-1945, as Jews have claimed. It was a lie the first time, and it is a lie today! Read more| Download book as pdf

Chicago Tribune 1921
New York Times November 12, 1919, p. 7.
New York Times, May 3, 1920, p. 11
New York Times 17 februar 1945 - klik
New Gas Chamber lies after the war:
The Jewish Press, February 21, 1991
Gas chambers for all Jews
Response, Vol. 12, No. 1, Spring 1991
Gas chambers for all Jews
JUNE 11, 1900 - NEW YORK TIMES - p
7 Rabbi Wise's Address
Germar Rudolf Documentary
The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
Six Million Open Gates by S.A.R. Lynch
Contains thousands of articles from newspapers archives



Originally Posted by Encyclopaedia Britannica, 10th Edition, 1902, page 482

While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded...


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), September 18th, 1903, page 6

[...] six million downtrodden brethren.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), February 19th, 1904, page 2

[...] where five or six million people existed under persecution.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), October 7th, 1904

[...] the final and definite deliverance of the six millions of Russian, Roumanian and Galician Jews [...] transporting five or six million people over the sea.


Originally Posted by New York Times, January 29th, 1905

He declared that a free and a happy Russia, with its 6,000,000 Jews, would possibly mean the end of Zionism, since the abolition of the autocracy would practically eliminate the causes that brought Zionism into existence.


Originally Posted by New York Times, November 1st, 1905

From 1800 to 1902 he caused 6,000,000 Jewish families to be expelled from Russia [...]


Originally Posted by New York Times, March 25th, 1906

[...] the condition and future of Russia's 6,000,000 Jews were made on March 12 in Berlin to the annual meeting of the Central Jewish Relief League of Germany by Dr. Paul Nathan [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), October 18th, 1907, page 13

[...] for six million people cannot emigrate.


Originally Posted by Deseret Evening News, March 17th, 1908

[...] poverty, starvation and disease are the afflictions which now beset the six million Jews in that country and Roumania.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 7th, 1908

[...] when six million Russian Jews are crying [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), February 4th, 1910



Originally Posted by The Zionist Congress, 1911

[...] complete annihilation for six million people [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 18th, 1911, page 14

Very soon a fervid Russian patriotism will reign in every Ghetto, and the melting-up of the race begin. But this absorption of the five or six million Jews [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 25th, 1911

[...] six million Jews are still groaning under the most terrible yoke.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), September 1st, 1911

[...] the downfall lf six million creatures [...] for no war has ever destroyed six million human lives.


Originally Posted by New York Times, October 31st, 1911

The 6,000,000 Jews of Russia are singled out for systematic oppression and for persecution due to process of law.


Originally Posted by American Jewish Year Book 5672 (23 Sep 1911 - 11 Sep 1912), page 308:

Russia has since 1890 adopted a deliberate plan to expell or exterminate six millions of its people for no other reason than that they refuse to become members of the Greek Church, but prefer to remain Jews.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), January 5th, 1912

[...] more than six million Jews reside in small towns and villages there is no Sabbath question.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), July 10th, 1914, page 9

[...] where six million Jews are suffering [...]


Originally Posted by New York Times, December 2nd, 1914, page 12

APPEAL FOR AID FOR JEWS. [...] the plight of more than 6,000,000 Jews [...] upon the Jewish people, more than nine millions of whom live in the countries at war and over six million of these in the actual war zone in Poland, Galicia and the whole of Russian frontier.


Originally Posted by New York Times, January 14th, 1915, page 3

In the world today there are about 13,000,000 Jews, of whom more than 6,000,000 are in the heart of the war zone; Jews whose lives are at stake and who today are subjected to every manner of suffering and sorrow [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), March 19th, 1915

How the casting of six million people into the deepest abyss of servitude and outlawry is to relieve tension we cannot understand.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), June 25th, 1915

The annihilation of the six million Jews now congregated in the Russian domains goes on in a well defined and systematic manner.


Originally Posted by New York Tribune, October 14th, 1915

What the Turks are doing to Armenians is child's play compared to what Russia is doing to six million Jews, her own subjects.


Originally Posted by The Mercury, December 4th, 1915

[...] six millions of Russian and Polish Jews are to-day the most pitiable victims of that race hatred and that race fanaticism which have been the creed of Germany [...]


Originally Posted by The Jews in the Eastern War Zone, The American Jewish Committee, 1916

[...] where six million human beings guilty only of adherence to the Jewish faith are compelled to live out their lives in squalor and misery, in constant terror of massacre [...] estimated at six million or more [...] of these six million people [...] a kind of prison with six million inmates [...] The persons most affected, the six million Jews of Russia [...] The Jews are loyal and brave, and it is most inadvisable to pursue a policy which might convert six million subjects into enemies. [...] the six million Jews of Russia still continued [...] nearly three of the six million [...]


Originally Posted by The Tacoma Times, February 28th, 1916

[...] there were 6,000,000 Jews in Europe absolutely without food or resources.


Originally Posted by New York Times, February 28th, 1916

Nearly six million Jews are ruined in the greatest moral and material misery; millions of them are refugees, dependent upon the good will of their brethren.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), March 3rd, 1916

"Nearly six million Jews are ruined."


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), March 31st, 1916, page 6

Position of the Jews in Russia. The Jews in Russia, numbering about six million, are denied full political and civil rights and are economically oppressed.


Originally Posted by El Paso Herald., April 22nd, 1916, page 5

Six Million Jews Are Deprived Of Papers By Russian Censorship. [...] Six million Jews have been robbed of their newspapers.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), August 4th, 1916

[...] six million Jews [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh) - Volume 50 Issue 2, September 5th, 1918

[..] Russia, where the bulk of the Jewish people to the number of well over six million still dwell, is a land of blood and midnight darkness.


Originally Posted by New York Times, October 18th, 1918

Six million Souls Will Need Help to Resume Normal Life When War Is Ended. [...] Committee of American Jews Lays Plans for the Greatest Humanitarian Task in History. [...] 6,000,000 Jews Need Help.


Originally Posted by The Watchman and Southron, April 5th, 1919

Six million Jews in Poland, Lithuania, Galicia, Palestine, Turkey and Siberia are dying of starvation. [...] These six million despairing souls are totally dependent on American generosity for the bare necessities of life.


Originally Posted by El Paso Herald., April 7th, 1919

[...] to save from starvation six million Jews who are the helpless victims of the German Terror.


Originally Posted by New York Times, September 8th, 1919, page 6

127,000 Jews Have Been Killed and 6,000,000 Are in Peril. [...] 6,000,000 souls in Ukrainia and in Poland have received notice through action and by word that they are going to be completely exterminated - this fact stands before the whole world as the paramount issue of the present day.


Originally Posted by San Francisco Chronicle, October 19th, 1919, page 18

6,000,000 JEWS IN BREAD LINE, STRAUS WRITES. More Than Third of Entire Race in World Reduced to Despair in Europe. [...] Six million Jews, out of the 16,000,000 in the world [...]


Originally Posted by Cape Vincent Eagle, October 23rd, 1919

[...] there are six million people in other lands without food, shelter or raiment is disturbing. [...] When read, as I have read all my life, of the persecution and slaughter of the Jews I am not proud of my own race or of my religion.


Originally Posted by The American Hebrew, October 31st, 1919, page 582

The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop! From across the sea six million men and women call to us for help [...] Within them reside the illimitable possibilities for the advancement of the human race as naturally would reside in six million human beings. [...] In this catastrophe, when six million human beings are being whirled toward the grave by a cruel and relentless fate, only the most idealistic promptings of human nature should sway the heart and move the hand. Six million men and women are dying from lack of the necessaries of life [...] bigoted lust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of human life [...] in the name of the humanity of Moses to six million famished men and women. Six million men and women are dying [...] six million Jewish men and women are starring across the seas [...]


Originally Posted by The Evening Tribune Providence, October 31st, 1919, page 11

In the midst of our campaign for the relief of the six million Jews of Eastern Europe [...]


Originally Posted by Felix M. Warburg, New York Times, November 12th, 1919

The Jews were the worst sufferers in the war. The successive blows of contending armies have all but broken the back of European Jewry and have reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth.


Originally Posted by The Toledo News-Bee, December 27th, 1919

Six Million Human Beings Are Suffering the Tortures of Disease, Hunger and Death [...] American Jewish Relief Committee


Originally Posted by Tulsa Daily World, April 11th, 1920, section B, page 14

Today 6,000,000 Jews Are Facing the Darkest Days Ever Known in the Long History of the Race


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 1st, 1920, page 8

Just Another Drive, but the Lives of 6,000,000 Human Beings Wait Upon the Answer.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 2nd, 1920, page 1

[...] six million human beings, without food, shelter, clothing or medical treatment.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 3rd, 1920, page 11

Your help is needed to save the lives of six million people in Eastern and Central Europe.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 5th, 1920, page 9

[...] to save six million men and women in Eastern Europe from extermination by hunger and disease.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 5th, 1920, page 19

Six million starving, fever-stricken sufferers in war-torn Europe appeal to us.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 7th, 1920

[...] Jewish war sufferers in Central and Eastern Europe where six millions face horrifying conditions of famine, disease and death.


Originally Posted by The Ogden Standard-Examiner, August 20th, 1920

[...] there are six million Jews in eastern and central Europe whom the war has left dependent upon America.


Originally Posted by New York Tribune, August 29th, 1920

"Six million Jews were made homeless by five years of foreign and domestic wars.


Originally Posted by New York Times, July 20, 1921, page 2

BEGS AMERICA SAVE 6,000,000 IN RUSSIA. Russia's 6,000,000 Jews are facing extermination by massacre.


Originally Posted by New York Times, April 21st, 1926

"In Heaven's Name, Arouse the Jews of America!" New York's Quota: $6,000,000 United Jewish Campaign of New York


Originally Posted by The Montreal Gazette, December 28th, 1931, page 25

MILLION JEWS FACE STARVATION. [...] FEARS CRISIS AT HAND. [...] six million Jews in Eastern Europe face starvation, and even worse, during the coming winter.


Originally Posted by Symphony of Six Million, film, April 29th, 1932

Directed by Gregory La Cava, written by Fannie Hurst (story), J. Walter Ruben, Bernard Schubert (screenplay), starring Ricardo Cortez.


Originally Posted by New York Times, March 29, 1933

It is now active in relief and reconstructive work in Eastern Europe where 6,000,000 Jews are involved.


Originally Posted by New York Times, June 1st, 1933, page 6

Dr. Margoshes said he had received a letter from the poet at Zurich a few days ago, statig that she had "run away from the holocaust" [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Western Bulletin, September 21st, 1933

At this period of human persecution and of human destruction, when life, especially Jewish life has ceased to be of any value in the cruel land of bloody Germany, when the lives of hundreds of thousands are tortured and hang in the balance - during this holocaust [...]


Originally Posted by New York Times, September 8th, 1935, page 26

The preliminary session of the first world conference of the Federation of Polish Jews being attended by sixty delegates from eighteen countries representing 6,000,000 Jews [...]


Originally Posted by Chaim Weizmann: Reden und Aufsatze 1901-1936. jud. Bucherverlag Erwin Lowe, Berlin 1937

Declared the 6 million number to be symbolic of the Jewish destiny.


Originally Posted by Chaim Weizmann, 1936

It is no exaggeration to say that six million Jews are sentenced to be imprisoned in this part of the world, where they are unwanted, and for whom the countries are divided into those, where they are unwanted, and those, where they are not admitted.


Originally Posted by Israeli Government Year Book of 1953

Dr. [Chaim] Weizmann spoke to Peel Commission sent out by Britain in 1936 of six million Jews in European countries who had neither hope nor future save in the land of Israel.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 31st, 1936, page 14

AMERICANS APPEAL FOR JEWISH REFUGE. The petition, in expressing the opinion of enlightened Christian leadership in the United States, favoring a larger Jewish immigration into Palestine, stressed the intolerable sufferings of the millions of Jews in "the European holocaust." [...] to save these unfortunate millions from total annihilation [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Western Bulletin, June 12nd, 1936, page 3

Great Britain has it within her power to throw open the gates of Palestine and let in the victimized and persecuted Jews escaping from the European holocaust.


Originally Posted by The Montreal Gazette, August 8th, 1936, page 5

Delegates of 32 Nations Represent six million Hebrews.


Originally Posted by Chaim Weizmann, The (London) Times, November 26th, 1936

While in Western Europe many individual Jews had happy homes, in Eastern Europe there were 6,000,000 unwanted unfortunates who were condemned to be penned up in places where they could not live. [...] the presence of these 6,000,000 people without a future whose condition was a threat to Europe.


Originally Posted by Chaim Weizmann, The Jewish Western Bulletin, December 11th, 1936, page 3

[...] where six million Jews are in a position which is neither life nor death.


Originally Posted by Jewish Western Bulletin, December 31st, 1937

The number six million is often used to describe the Jewish population of Central and Eastern Europe.


Originally Posted by New York Times, January 9th, 1938, page 12

PERSECUTED JEWS SEEN ON INCREASE. 6,000,000 VICTIMS NOTED. [...] Five to six million in all are today the victims of governmental anti--Semitism [...]


Originally Posted by New York Times, February 23rd, 1938, page 23

A depressing picture of 6,000,000 Jews in Central Europe deprived of protection or economic opportunities, slowly dying of starvation, all hope gone [...] Now anti-Semitism has spread to thirteen European nations, and threatens the very existence of millions of Jews.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), April 1st, 1938, page 15

I shall not comment upon the first except to remind you that six million Jews in Europe are struggling between life and death.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 2nd, 1938

The rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe today, which has deprived more than 6,000,000 Jews and non-Aryans of a birthright [...]


Originally Posted by Turtle Mountain Star, Rolla, North Dakota, October 6th, 1938

Five or six million Jews, uprooted by dictatorship and tossed about by economic storms, may have to depend upon the development of the Holy Land, under British mandate, as a solution to their difficulties. But they face the hostility of the Arabs living there, whose economic and religious interests conflict with theirs. [...] ...protects the settlers from the raiding Arabs. [...] The Arabs Are Coming! [...] The dreaded Mohammedan raiders have been sighted by a neighbor settler...


Originally Posted by The Times, November 22nd, 1938

Mass emigration of Jews to Palestine for two years and the formation of a Jewish national assembly was advocated by Sir John Haslam, M.P., in a message which he sent to a public meeting at the Kingsway Hall last night held by the New Zionist Organization. The message stated that the problem now involved some 6,000,000 Jews.


Originally Posted by New York Times, January 15th, 1939, page 27

Rabbi Silver wanted assistance to Jewish emigration safeguarded so that European governments would realize that "it is impossible to evacuate 6,000,000 Jews."


Originally Posted by The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, January 27th, 1939

Only six million Jews remain at the moment safe. But they will have to carry the burden.


Originally Posted by Chaim Weizmann, The Palestine Post, February 14th, 1939

The fate of six million people was in balance [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, February 17th, 1939, page 20

The fate of six million people is in the balance. [...] They supported their stand with a declaration that Jews never needed unrestricted immigration to Palestine as much as at present, with 6,000,000 Jewish refugees seeking a haven.


Originally Posted by The Evening Independent, February 22nd, 1939, page 1

6,000,000 Helpless. [...] there are six million Jews in Europe today fighting desperately against intolerance and despair. For them the support of the united appeal is crucial.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Western Bulletin, March 3rd, 1939



Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 7th, 1939, page 4

Not in Hitler's Hands, In Yours... The Fate Of Six Million European Jews


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 7th, 1939, page 33

[...] six million Jewish people who are in dire need today.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 14th, 1939, page 4

Recent events in Central Europe have brought to 6,000,000 the total number of Jews in Central and Eastern European countries affected by anti-Semitic activities [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 14th, 1939, page 6

[...] whether our 6,000,000 fellow countrymen will live or die [...] "More than a million refugees, starving, tortured, fear-dazed, have been dragged from their homes, separated from their families, expelled from their countries. Five million more, await with horror the moment this misery will strike them [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 21st, 1939, page 15

[...] the distress and suffering of 6,000,000 Jews in Europe. [...] HAVE YOU DONE YOUR DUTY? THE UNITED JEWISH FUND NEEDS YOUR HELP FOR THE HELPLESS 6,000,000 IN EUROPE


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, April 28th, 1939, page 3

[...] 6,000,000 fellow Jews who are in distress today.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, May 5th, 1939, page 9

PLIGHT OF 6,000,000 [...] The 6,000,000 European Jews [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, May 12th, 1939, page 7

The year of 1939 is the year of the most critical struggle of 6,000,000 European Jews.


Originally Posted by Contemporary Jewish Record, Volume 2 July/August 1939 (Published by the American Jewish Committee)

[...] the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six million Jews in East and Central Europe.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, October 13th, 1939, page 2

[...] the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six million Jews in East and Central Europe.


Originally Posted by The Southern Israelite, November 28th, 1939

[...] the coming ward would be the annihilation of the six million Jews in East and Central Europe.


Originally Posted by The Southern Israelite, May 3rd, 1940

"Almost six million Jews find themselves on the brink of starvation and extermination. Their only hope is the help which the Jews of America can extend to them. The success of the United Jewish Appeal will determine their fate.


Originally Posted by New York Times, June 25th, 1940, page 4

Six million Jews in Europe are doomed to destruction, if the victory of Nazis should be final. [...] The chances for mass emigration and resettlement of European Jewry seems to be remote, and European Jews face the danger of physical annihilation. Even the 4,000,000 Jews under Soviet rule, although free from racial discrimination, are not safe in the event of a final Nazi victory.


Originally Posted by The Palestine Post, July 1st, 1940, page 6

Nor must we despair that six million Jews will forever lose trace of their historic heritage.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, November 15th, 1940

J.N.F. to Raise $6,000,000 for Palestine During Coming Year. [...] the Jewish National Fund of America voted to raise $6,000,000 for the holy land's war needs during the coming year.


Originally Posted by New York Times, October 2nd, 1941

[...] as to avoid the likelihood of another holocaust.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, November 28th, 1941

6,000,000 Jews in Europe Look to America for Aid, Says Warburg. Fully six million Jews in Europe [...]


Originally Posted by The Jewish Spectator, Volume 7, 1942, page 53

Now, too, the unspeakable tragedy of almost six million Jews under nazi domination is not considered sufficiently important to be discussed.


Originally Posted by The Palestine Post, November 1st, 1942

The Chief Rabbi, who spoke on behalf of Empire Jewry and Jews of the United Nations, as well as of all six million Jews in Europe, said that the deliberate extinction of the whole house of Israel was being carried out by Hitler's sadists and quislings on a scale beyond compare even in the annals of Israel.


Originally Posted by New York Times, December 13th, 1942, page 21

Rabbi Israel Goldstein in Temple B'nai Jeshurun, Eighty-eighth Street, near Broadway, declared: "Authenticated reports point to 2,000,000 Jews who have already been slain by all manner of satanic barbarism, and plans for the total extermination of all Jews upon whom the Nazis can lay their hands. The slaughter of a third of the Jewish population in Hitler's domain and the threatened slaughter of all is a holocaust without parallel.


Originally Posted by The Courier-Mail (Brisbane), December 19th, 1942

GERMAN HORROR CRIMES; ALLIES PROMISE JUSTICE. Statements issued simultaneously in London, Washington and Moscow, told at German barbarity and of proof of the Nazi determination to exterminate Jews. [...] Hitler's decision to exterminate the Jews [...] It is estimated that there are between five and six million Jews in Occupied Europe [...] Nazi Slaughter House. [...] Hitler's oft-repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe.


Originally Posted by Barrier Miner (Australia), December 23rd, 1942

Mr. Silverman suggested that Australia and Canada could each absorb 6,000,000 Jews. [...] MOST ARE DOOMED [...] The Jewish Congress declares that 2,000,000 Jews have been exterminated so far.


Originally Posted by The Massacre of a People: What the Democracies Can Do, 1943

The following article is an except from "Let My People Go," a pamphlet written on Christmas Day, 1942, in London. [...] Of the six million Jews or so who were living at the outbreak of the war in what is at present Nazi-occupied Europe, a high proportion -between one and two million- have been deliberately murdered by the Nazis and their satellites. [...] Unless something effective is done, within a very few months these six million Jews will all be dead [...]


Originally Posted by American Zionist Emergency Council (from 1970 known as the American Zionist Movement) - "Palestine" - Volumes 1-5 (1943)

Jewish civilian casualties will be close to six million [...]


Originally Posted by Debates: House of Commons, official report, volume 5, Canada, 1943

I should like to read a bit from a pamphlet entitled "Let My People Go," written by Victor Gollancz: Of the 6,000,000 Jews or so who were living at the outbreak of the war in what is at present nazi-occupied Europe, a high proportion -say between one and two million- have been deliberately murdered by the nazis and their satellites. [...] within a very few months these six million Jews will all be dead [...]


Originally Posted by Contemporary Jewish Record, Volume 6 1943 (Published by the American Jewish Committee)

Suddenly, during the summer of 1942, world public opinion was shocked out of its lethargy by the realization that the Nazis had decreed the complete extinction of six million Jews and that a third of the victims had already perished.


Originally Posted by The Canberra Times, January 25th, 1943

[...] Jews are being subjected as part of Hitler's plan to exterminate six million Jews in occupied Europe.


Originally Posted by The (London) Times, January 25th, 1943

They note further that the extermination already carried out is part of the Carrying into effect of Hitler's oft-repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe, which means in effect the extermination of some 6,000,000 persons in the territories over which Hitler's rule has been extended.


Originally Posted by Ben Hecht, Reader's Digest, February 1943, page 108

Of these 6,000,000 Jews almost a third have already been massacred by Germans, Rumanians and Hungarians, and the most conservative of the scorekeepers estimate that before the war ends at least another third will have been done to death.


Originally Posted by New York Times, March 2nd, 1943

[...] appalling is the fact that those who proclaim the Four Freedoms have so far done very little to secure even the freedom to live for 6,000,000 of their Jewish fellow men by readiness to rescue those who might still escape Nazi torture and butchery.


Originally Posted by The Advertiser (Adelaide, Australia), May 15th, 1943

[...] the possibility of the complete wiping out of six million Jews if something is not immediately done to secure a harbor of refuge.


Originally Posted by Toledo Blade, August 27th, 1943

3,000,000 Jews Left In Europe - 5,300,000 Reported To Have Perished. Europe's Jewish population has been reduced from 8,300,000 to 3,000,000 during the 10 years the Nazis have been in power, says the Institute of Jewish Affairs.


Originally Posted by The Palestine Post, January 23rd, 1944

Only a handful of Polish Jews survived the extermination. They were now either with the partisans in the forests or living as Crypto-Jews. The death toll was six million, they declared.


Originally Posted by Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weissmandl, May 15th, 1944

And you - our brothers in Palestine, in all the countries of freedom, and you, ministers of all the kingdom - how do you keep silent in the face of this great murder? Silent while thousand on thousands, reaching now to six million Jews, were murdered. And silent now while tens of thousands are still being murdered and waiting to be murdered? Their destroyed hearts cry to you for help as they bewail your cruelty. Brutal you are and murderers too you are, because of the cold-bloodedness of the silence in which you watch.


Originally Posted by Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weissmandel, May 31st, 1944

[...] heads of government and radio must announce what was done to our people in the slaughter house of Belzec, Malkinia (Treblinka), Sobibor, and Auschwitz. Till now six times a million Jews from Europe and Russia have been destroyed.


Originally Posted by United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Convention Proceedings, September 25th-29th, 1944

WHEREAS: History records no parallel to the bestial cruelties inflicted on the Jewish people of Europe by the Nazis and their satellites, whose coldly calculated program of extermination of all European Jews very nearly succeeded, almost six million Jews having been murdered in cold blood [...]


Originally Posted by Chicago Bar Record, October 1944

There were then at least eight million virtually homeless Jews in Europe who acquired rights under this treaty. Happily, perhaps, for the Arabs, that number has been cut down by six million.


Originally Posted by Proceedings of the Annual Convention, Vols. 62-66. Illinois State Federation of Labor, October 2nd, 1944

WHEREAS, Six million Jews were murdered by the Nazi henchmen during the time the Nazis kept Europe under their bloody heel [...]


Originally Posted by Youngstown Vindicator (Ohio), November 27th, 1944

A five-volume "black book" containing a documentary record of the German massacre of approximately 6,000,000 European Jews is being prepared by the state publishing house.


Originally Posted by The Pittsburgh Press, November 28th, 1944, page 5

Six Million Jews Listed Slaughtered. A five-volume "black book" containing a documentary record of the German massacre of approximately six million European Jews was being prepared today by the State publishing house. [...] The work was under the general editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg and the editorial board included Poet-Playwright Konstantin Simonov, Writer Vsevold [Vsevolod] Ivanov and Poetess Vera Imber.


Originally Posted by The Leader, November 28th, 1944

Russian "Black Book" lists German crimes. The first volume of a five-volume Russian "black book" recording the documentary form of the German massacre of approximately 6,000,000 European Jews has been completed by the Soviet state publishing house [...] The five-volume work is under the general editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg, noted Soviet writer and war correspondent, with an editorial board that includes poet-playwright Kanstantin [Konstantin] Simonov, writer Vsevold [Vsevolod] Ivanov and poetess Vera Imber. Editors of the work -which will be published in both Russian and English in press runs of hundreds of thousands of copies- estimate from data now available that the Germans killed between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 Jews in Russia, Poland and western Europe. They believe an additional 500,000 now are being murdered in Hungary.


Originally Posted by The Palestine Post, November 28th, 1944

SIX MILLIONS MURDERED. The Soviet State Publishing House is preparing the publication of another "Black Book," a documentary record of the German massacre of approximately six million European Jews. [...] According to the Soviet editors, the Germans killed between five and six million Russian, Polish and Western European Jews, and an additional half million are being murdered in Hungary now.


Originally Posted by The Jewish Criterion, December 1st, 1944

[...] 5,500,000 Jews have been killed in Germany and German-occupied territories since the outbreak of the war. [...] Yes, the Germans murdered close to six million Jews [...]


Originally Posted by Nahum Goldmann, Jewish Western Bulletin, December 8th, 1944

[...] apart from Jewish losses in combat service, 5,500,000 Jews have been killed in Germany and German-occupied tesritories [territories] since the outbreak of the awr [war]. These figures exceed the number anticipated even by the most pessimistic. [...] Yes, the Germans murdered close to six million Jews [...]


Originally Posted by Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet War News, December 22nd, 1944

In the regions they seized, Germans killed all Jews, from the old folks to infants in arms. Ask any German prisoners why his fellow countrymen annihilated six million innocent people [...]


Originally Posted by New York Times, January 8th, 1945

6,000,000 JEWS DEAD. The Jewish population in Europe has been reduced from 9,500,000 in 1939 to 3,500,000. Of the 6,000,000 European Jews who have died, 5,000,000 had lived in the countries under Hitler's occupation.


Originally Posted by New York Times, February 11th, 1945, page 10

1,200,000 Jews survived of the 6,000,000 who had been under German rule during the war, and that most of them were eager to come to Palestine.


Originally Posted by New York Times, February 17th, 1945

Dr. Joseph Schwartz, European director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, estimated today that 500,000 of Europe's 6,000,000 Jews had escaped destruction by emigration and that only 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 of Europe's 6,000,000 Jews were now left on the Continent.


Originally Posted by Joseph Thon, president of the National Organization of Polish Jews in America, March 22nd, 1945

I accuse the whole German people that in the years 1939 to 1945 they slaughtered upward of 15,000,000 men, among which there were 6,000,000 Jews. [...] The German people murdered, in cold blood, in excess of 6,000,000 European Jews, among them over 3,000,000 Polish Jews.


Originally Posted by Ilya Ehrenburg, The Advertiser, March 27th, 1945

[...] the Germans tortured the last handful of Jews. The Germans killed six million Jews -all the Jews of Poland, Hungary, the Ukraine, Lithuania, Byelo-Russia, West Europe and of course Germany.


Originally Posted by Army News (Darwin, Australia), April 11th, 1945

NAZIS HAVE MURDERED SIX MILLION JEWS. Of a population of 16 million Jews in the world before the war, more than six million had been murdered by the Nazis.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 2nd, 1945

[...] estimated that only 1,000,000 of 6,000,000 Jews in Europe in 1939 were still alive.


Originally Posted by The Pittsburgh Press, May 13th, 1945

Nazis Destroy six million Jews. [...] Of the eight million Jews living in Germany and German occupied countries before the war, 6,200,000 have died from either execution, cruel treatment or starvation, according to latest figures compiled by Jewish welfare organisations here.


Originally Posted by New York Times, May 20th, 1945, page 7

[...] seemingly endless streams of former "slaves" from all parts of Europe and by the huge cantonments of liberated victims of Nazism. More than six million of them have been liberated [...]


Originally Posted by The Times (London), August 14th, 1945

[...] some 6,000,000 men, women, and children - were put to death by the Nazis and their satellites.


Originally Posted by The Canberra Times, September 6th, 1945

SIX MILLION JEWS KILLED BY GERMANS. Throughout the war the Germans killed 6,000,000 Jews, the number left in Europe being approximately 1,600,000 [...] most surviving Jews desired to emigrate to Palestine. The agency plans to send six groups of six men each to help Jews in German camps. [...] It is planned to erect a monument on the summit of Mount Scopus to commemorate the Jews who died. It will bear the names of all the 6,000,000, including soldiers, partisans and ghetto fighters. All the Jewish cultural documents and religious objects left in Central and Eastern Europe are to be collected in Palestine.


Originally Posted by The Chester Times, October 10th, 1945

It was our very unhappy conviction all along that the responsibility for extinction of six million Jews in Europe was not Hitler's alone. The entire Christian world shares that responsibility.

Source: The raw version: 6,000,000 - Pastebin.com

The War of the Worlds story from H. G. Wells of 1898

And this was no disciplined march; it was a stampede--a stampede gigantic and terrible--without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of civilisation, of the massacre of mankind. Source



Click image to enlarge


A German blog has an even more comprehensive list of quotes, all linked to their original newspaper sources: 256 occurrences of the idea of 6,000,000 Jews before this number was announced at the Nuremberg trials, starting already in 1869 - MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Tennessee

Criticomblog - 256 Erwähnungen von 6.000.000 Juden vor Bekanntmachung durch die Nürnberger Prozesse

WinstonSmithMinistryoftruth.blogspot.ca - 271 references to 6,000,000 Jews prior to the Nuremberg Trial announcement

Radical Press 7 aug 2015 - Holocaustianity on the march By Brandon Martinez

Climategate.nl - Ontkenners? Dat zijn we allemaal…(2) (Vele interessante feiten - Many interesting facts & good reasoning)

Exposing the Holocaust Hoax Archive

Balder.org - The American Hebrew October 31, 1919 - The Crucifixion Of Jews Must Stop - Martin H Glynn - Six Million Holocaust

Balder.org 3 November 2012 - The Most Fantastic Holocaust Survivor Stories - Jewish Soap, Lampshades, Fertilizer, Mengele, Miracles

Balder.org - Danish holocaust researcher refutes claim of 6 million Jews killed during The Holocaust

Balder.org - Dänischer Holocaust Forscher weist Behauptung von sechs Millionen ermordeten Juden zurück

Balder.org - Dansk holocaustforsker afviser påstanden om 6 millioner dræbte Jøder under Holocaust

Til Forsiden

Balder Blog

Clicky Web Analytics

Why the Holocaust Story Was Invented



The genocide of European Jewry by National Socialist Germany is considered by many to be the most thoroughly documented event in human history. Tens of thousands of books, magazine, and newspaper articles have been written and numerous criminal trials have been conducted to document the mass extermination of European Jewry. The crimes of Germany against Jews are considered to be so uniquely evil that the term “the Holocaust” has been invented to describe the alleged genocide of European Jewry. I have been asked the questions: “Why was the Holocaust story invented? Who benefits from this falsification of history?” This article will answer these questions.


Justification for War with Germany


World War II was by far the bloodiest and most destructive war in human history. Many people wondered whether all of the death and destruction caused by the war had been necessary.


The so-called Holocaust was used by the Allies to demonize Germany and prove that their war effort was necessary to defeat such an evil nation.


With the liberation of Ohrdruf, Buchenwald and Dachau by the American army and the liberation of Bergen-Belsen by British troops, large groups of Western observers confronted the horrors of the German camps for the first time. The gruesome scenes of huge piles of dead bodies and emaciated and diseased surviving inmates were filmed and photographed for posterity by the U.S. Army Signal Corps. Prominent newsmen and politicians were flown in to Germany to see the harrowing evidence at the camps for themselves. The horrific scenes in the German camps were used by the Allies to justify their participation in the war.[1]


Jewish historian Robert Jan van Pelt writes:[2]


“To the Allies, the discovery of the camps proved a final justification of their war effort. In 1940, Churchill had proclaimed that a Nazi victory would bring “a new Dark Age made more sinister by perverted science.” The liberation of the camps proved that Churchill had not exaggerated the danger. And even though Auschwitz had been liberated by the Russians, the English and Americans heard many stories about that camp.”


Establishment of Israel


The Holocaust story has also been used to justify the creation of the State of Israel. Simon Wiesenthal writes:[3]


“The creation of Israel was the only possible and the only correct reaction to Auschwitz. There had to be a country in the world where the Jews were the landlords instead of tolerated guests, a place of refuge in the truest meaning of the word, even for Jews who live in other countries.”


David Ben-Gurion stated at the beginning of World War II that the war should end by giving the Zionists their own state. After the war, Ben-Gurion and other Israeli leaders said that the Holocaust had proven once again that the only solution to the Jewish problem was an independent state in Israel. David Ben-Gurion again mentioned during Adolf Eichmann’s trial that the Holocaust happened because Jews did not live in their own country.[4]


Israeli historian Tom Segev explains why the Holocaust story is so important to Israel:[5]


“Israel differs from other countries in its need to justify—to the rest of the world, and to itself—its very right to exist. Most countries need no such ideological justifications. But Israel does—because most of its Arab neighbors have not recognized it and because most of the Jews of the world prefer to live in other countries. So long as these factors remain true, Zionism will be on the defensive. As a justification for the State of Israel, the Holocaust is comparable only to the divine promise contained in the Bible: It seems to be definitive proof of the Zionist argument that Jews can live in security and with full equal rights only in their own country and that they therefore must have an autonomous and sovereign state, strong enough to defend its existence.”


Tom Segev further writes:[6]


“The demonization of Nazism and its mythologizing, in general, were also necessary since the Holocaust served as the main justification for the creation and existence of the State of Israel.”


Justification of Israeli Violence


There were at least 33 massacres of Palestinian villages during Israel’s “War of Independence.” Zionist forces were larger and better equipped than their opponents, and by the end of the war over 750,000 Palestinians were ruthlessly expelled from their homes.[7] As Tom Segev writes:[8]


“Israel was born of terror, war, and revolution, and its creation required a measure of fanaticism and of cruelty.”


Entire cities and hundreds of villages in Israel were left empty and repopulated with new Jewish immigrants. The Jewish immigrants numbered 100,000 in April 1949, most of them survivors of the so-called Holocaust. The Palestinians lost everything they had and became destitute refugees, while the Jewish immigrants to Israel stole the Palestinians’ property and confiscated everything they needed.[9]


The Holocaust story has been repeatedly used to justify Israel’s aggression against its neighbors. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin justified the demolition of an alleged Iraqi nuclear facility in June 1981 with the words:[10]


“We must protect our nation, a million and a half of whose children were murdered by the Nazis in the gas chambers.”


Before Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in June 1982, Begin told his cabinet:[11]


“You know what I have done and what we have all done to prevent war and loss of life. But such is our fate in Israel. There is no way other than to fight selflessly. Believe me, the alternative is Treblinka, and we have decided that there will be no more Treblinkas.”


A few weeks after Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, Begin stated that after the Holocaust the international community had lost its right to demand that Israel answer for its actions. Begin declared in the Knesset, “No one, anywhere in the world, can preach morality to our people.” A similar statement was included in the resolution adopted by Begin’s cabinet after the massacres in Palestinian refugee camps on the outskirts of Beirut.[12]


By the late 1980s there was hardly a day when the Holocaust story was not mentioned in one of the Israeli newspapers. Such constant exposure encouraged many Israeli soldiers to plan ways to exterminate the Arabs. According to Israeli education-corps officer Ehud Praver, “too many soldiers were deducing that the Holocaust justifies every kind of disgraceful action.”[13]


German Guilt


The so-called Holocaust has also been effectively used to induce guilt in the German people. As British historian Ian Kershaw writes:[14]


“Decades would not fully erase the simple but compelling sentiment…‘I am ashamed to be German.’”


Friedrich Grimm, a renowned German authority on international law, was shown samples of new leaflets printed soon after the war in German to be distributed by the Allies throughout Germany. Describing German war crimes, the leaflets were the first step in the reeducation program designed for Germany. Grimm suggested to an Allied officer that since the war was over, it was time to stop the libel. The Allied officer replied:[15]


“Why no, we’re just getting started. We’ll continue this atrocity campaign, we’ll increase it till no one will want to hear a good word about the Germans anymore, till whatever sympathy there is for you in other countries is completely destroyed, and until the Germans themselves become so mixed up they won’t know what they’re doing!”


The Allied campaign to make Germans feel guilty concerning the so-called Holocaust has been highly successful. German guilt is so powerful that it has caused the German government to make enormous reparations and offer humble apologies to the Allies. Millions of German expellees have paid reparations to survivors of the German concentration camps even though these German expellees had their land and personal possessions stolen from them.


James Bacque writes in regard to German feelings of guilt:[16]


“Guilt pervades Germany like a religion. It is the ‘Canossa Republic,’ penitent in pain before its judges. Guilt is so powerful that it has caused the Canossa Republic repeatedly to deny any intention of reclaiming sovereignty over the eastern lands, although it is a well-established UN principle that no government has the right to waive the claims of individuals to their property. Nor may it impede their right of return to their former homeland.”


Allied Crimes Against Germans


The Holocaust story has also been used to cover up and ignore Allied crimes against Germans after World War II. German deaths after the war can be divided into three groups of people. The first group is the German prisoners of war (POW) in both Europe and the Soviet Union. The second group is the German expellees, and the third group is the Germans already residing in Germany. While no one will ever know exactly how many Germans died from 1945 to 1950, it is certain that the deaths far exceed most traditional estimates. The great majority of these deaths were caused by the lethal policies imposed by the Allies against Germany after the war.


A conservative estimate of German deaths in the Allied POW camps is 1.5 million. This includes over 517,000 POW deaths in the Soviet Union, 100,000 POW deaths in Yugoslavia, Poland and other countries, with the remaining POW deaths in U.S. and French camps. The Germans who died in these Allied POW camps suffered miserably from exposure, disease and slow starvation. This well-documented Allied atrocity is still denied by most historians today.


Probably a minimum of 2.1 million German expellees died in what was supposed to be an “orderly and humane” transfer. The estimate of 2.1 million German expellee deaths is acknowledged to be valid by most traditional historians. Notable authorities have estimated a much higher number of German expellee deaths.[17]


An estimated 5.7 million Germans already residing in Germany died from the starvation policies implemented by the Allies after the war. James Bacque details how this 5.7 million death total is calculated:


The population of all occupied Germany in October 1946 was 65,000,000, according to the census prepared under the ACC. The returning prisoners who were added to the population in the period October 1946-September 1950 numbered 2,600,000 (rounded), according to records in the archives of the four principal Allies. Births according to the official German statistical agency, Statistisches Bundesamt, added another 4,176,430 newcomers to Germany. The expellees arriving totaled 6,000,000. Thus, the total population in 1950 before losses would have been 77,776,430, according to the Allies themselves. Deaths officially recorded in the period 1946-50 were 3,235,539, according to the UN Yearbook and the German government. Emigration was about 600,000, according to the German government. Thus, the population found should have been 73,940,891. But the census of 1950 done by the German government under Allied supervision found only 68,230,796. There was a shortage of 5,710,095 people, according to the official Allied figures (rounded to 5,700,000).[18]


The sum of 1.5 million German POWs, 2.1 million German expellees, and 5.7 million German residents equals the minimum estimate of 9.3 million Germans who died needlessly after the war. This is far more Germans than died during the Second World War. Millions of these Germans slowly starved to death while the Allies withheld available food. The majority of these postwar dead Germans were women, children, and very old men. Their deaths have never been honestly reported by the Allies, the German government, or most historians. Instead, all we ever hear about is the alleged genocide of European Jewry


Allied Guilt and Apathy


The Allies have also been declared guilty of not doing more to prevent the so-called Holocaust. Jewish historian Deborah Lipstadt writes:[19]


“A real antipathy toward Jews certainly affected the Allied response. While no one among the Allies or in the press wanted to see Jews killed, virtually no one was willing to advocate that steps be taken to try to stop the carnage. Many Allied officials in positions of power in London and Washington were tired of hearing about Jews and even more tired of being asked to do something about them even though there were steps that could have been taken.”


Elie Wiesel writes in regard to the Allies’ failure to rescue European Jewry:[20]


“It almost seems as if both diplomats and statesmen spent more time inventing reasons not to save the Jews than trying to find a way to save them.”


U.S. Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush have all made statements that the United States will never again fail to act to stop something as evil as the genocide of European Jewry. At the dedication of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, President Bill Clinton spoke in a similar vein:[21]


“For those of us here today representing the nations of the West, we must live forever with this knowledge: Even as our fragmentary awareness of crimes grew into indisputable facts, far too little was done.”


Michael Goldberg says in regard to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:[22]


“The museum stands as a grim reminder that for all its purported ideals, America nevertheless turned its back on Jews fleeing Hitler…Hence, the museum’s recalling what happened to Jews in the past may move Americans and their national policymakers in Washington to support Israel in the present, lest in the future, the same fate lie in store for Jews again—and the same moral failure await Americans once more.”


President Barack Obama affirmed on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Dachau:[23] “…we fervently vow that such atrocities will never happen again” and “History will not repeat itself.”


Of course, President Obama forgot to tell his audience that most of the inmates at Dachau died of natural causes. Obama also conveniently failed to mention that the single biggest atrocity that occurred at Dachau was the mass murder by American troops of 520 German guards on the day Dachau was liberated.[24]


Reparations to Jews


German guilt for the so-called Holocaust has resulted in massive reparations being paid to Holocaust survivors and the State of Israel. German reparations to Jews were discussed from the beginning of World War II. Tom Segev writes:[25]


“The idea [of reparations] seems to have been in the air from the time the war started, apparently sparked by the punitive reparations payments imposed on Germany at the end of World War I. Ben-Guiron received a memorandum on the subject as early as 1940. Berl Katznelson spoke of it publicly toward the end of that year. By December 1942, there was already a private organization in Tel Aviv called Justicia that offered to help Nazi victims draft compensation demands.”


Hatred of Germans in Israel was intense after the war. Many advocated a special law barring Israelis from all social contacts with German citizens. However, since most Israelis felt that the Germans owed them massive reparations for the so-called Holocaust, Germany and Israel began negotiating reparations on March 20, 1952. The Luxembourg Agreement was reached six months later and committed the German government to paying massive reparations to Holocaust survivors.[26]


Nahum Goldmann said in a 1976 interview that the Luxembourg Agreement “constituted an extraordinary innovation in the matter of international rights.” Goldmann also boasted that he had obtained 10 to 14 times more from the Bonn government than he had originally expected.[27]


Millions of Jews eventually received personal compensation for their pain and suffering in the so-called Holocaust. The German federal government as of 1998 had paid reparations to Israel and Third Reich victims of about $61.8 billion. In addition, Germans had paid many additional billions in private and other public funds to wartime forced laborers.[28] German reparations to Israel and Jews continue to this day.[29]


Jewish Solidarity


The Holocaust story is described by many Jewish leaders as a uniquely evil event. An example of this view was expressed by Abraham H. Foxman when he was the National Director of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith:[30]


“The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God’s chosen children and, thus, on God Himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of Creation as recorded in the Bible; and like its direct opposite, which is relived weekly with the Sabbath and yearly with the Torah, it must be remembered from generation to generation.”


Michael Goldberg confirms that the Holocaust story has become a religion to many Jews:[31]


“As the Holocaust has become many contemporary Jews’ master story, so, too, its perpetual observance has become their paramount Jewish practice, its veneration their religion. And as with any organized church, this Holocaust cult has its own tenets of faith, rites, and shrines."


Israelis are obsessed with the history and heritage of the Holocaust. A 1992 study of Israeli college students found that close to 80% of those asked identified with the statement, “We are all Holocaust survivors.” The so-called Holocaust has become a way for secular Jews to feel connected to their Jewish heritage.[32]


The Holocaust, which is remembered ritually through the observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day, is a major means of creating solidarity among Jews. While some Jewish communities experience conflicts among Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Jews, they set aside their differences and join together to remember the so-called Holocaust. Any truth in Judaism’s slogan of “Jews Are One” manifests itself ritually on Holocaust Remembrance Day.[33]




The alleged genocide of European Jewry has been used to justify the Allied war effort, to establish the State of Israel, to justify Israeli violence against its neighbors, to induce guilt in both Germans and the Allied nations, to cover up and ignore Allied crimes against Germans, to allow Jews to receive massive reparations from Germany, and to create solidarity in the Jewish community. The extreme importance of the Holocaust story in advancing Zionist/Jewish interests ensures that this falsification of history will continue in the future.

Probing the Holocaust by Germar Rudolf, Eric Hunt
The Holocaust: A New History by Panagiotis Heliotis
Some Testimonies from Thessaloniki by Panagiotis Heliotis
Some More Testimonies from Greece by Panagiotis Heliotis
Commandant of Auschwitz by Carlo MattognoRudolf Höss

Click on this text to watch MONIKA SCHAEFER'S video titled: Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust....




                             Holocaust Revisionist Monika Schaefer Arrested in Germany and Placed in Solitary Confinement for Thought Crime

A series of emails suddenly began entering my inbox last week, giving me the shocking news that Monika Schaefer, on a Christmas visit from Canada to Germany, the country of her ancestors, had suddenly been arrested in a courthouse in Munich. Here she had gone to attend the trial of Sylvia Stolz for alleged Holocaust denial, one of several other well-behaved citizens, sitting there quietly and not expecting any trouble.


Suddenly and unexpectedly, the sword of Damocles descended on Monika’s neck. The judge announced  a short break in the trial. During this brief interval, three police officers strode up to Monika Schaefer and started manhandling her. Slipping a pair of handcuffs onto her wrists, they frogmarched her out of the courtroom and dragged her down to the basement area where she was thrown into a prison cell, there to await in solitary confinement further news of why she had been so outrageously ill-treated.


I have been unable to piece together the full details of what happened before and after Monika’s arrest, but I gather from the emails I received that the following scenario is probably an accurate one. A spiteful family member in Canada was the “Judas” traitor who informed the Canadian Jewish organization, B’nai Brith Canada, that Monika was about to fly to Munich on a Christmas holiday and attend the trial of Sylvia Stolz while she was there. B’nai Brith Canada then got in touch with B’nai B’rith Germany and tipped them off that Monika was about to touch down on German soil. The German Jews then prepared the mousetrap for Monika. Both the Canadian government and the German government, under total subjugation to their Jewish overlords, were complicit in the capture of Monika Schaefer. They decided to catch her, and Monica innocently walked into their trap.


Monika Schaefer, in other words, is the new Ernst Zundel. She will now be incarcerated in a German prison, there to be punished for the crime of telling her mother in a YouTube video that she had been wrong about the Holocaust.


This is the video you are about to see in a few minutes when you have read through the emails below. I received about 10, but I am publishing only three so as to avoid needless repetition. These emails were sent to me all last week with the suggestion that I should publish them on my site in order to alert the world to the plight of Monika Schafer. She needs our support. Today it’s Monika. Tomorrow it will be you and me.


ALFRED SCHAEFER (Monica’s brother) : Dear Friends,


Monika Schaefer was arrested on January 3 2018 in the very heart of “Holocaust country” while attending, as an observer, the bizarre inquisition hearings against the courageous Sylvia Stolz. This “trial” was for illegal words that Sylvia Stolz had spoken at the “Anti Censorship Coalition” (AZK) in Switzerland in 2012.   The twisting nonsensical accusations of the inquisition was beyond bizarre. What the snake that calls itself the “State Prosecutor” did, will be something that will amuse future generations when studying the “witch” trials of 2018.


45 minutes into the inquisition the “State Prosecutor” snake called for a surprise break, which was then used to arrest my courageous sister Monika. The only thing Monika did was watch quietly as the inquisition was dealing with Sylvia Stolz.  These people have us under close observation and figured it was a good opportunity to demonstrate their “power”, and intimidate us.  


Another snake masquerading as a “State Prosecutor” accompanied by 3 heavily armed thugs handcuffed Monika and dragged her away. When my sister protested that she is a free person from Canada and had done nothing wrong, the “State Prosecutor” snake told her, “If you wanted to stay free you should have stayed in Canada”.


(Welcome to Holocaust country)


Now they have moved Monika Schaefer to the high security prison in Munich and will keep her there indefinitely. Monika is accused of making an apology to her own dear mother. The title of the video was “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust”. (Video featured below)


What has angered the Jews is the fact that this one little video has undone hundreds of millions of dollars worth of their psychological warfare that most of us had become victims of. They thought that their ridiculous “Holocaust” program was now firmly wired into our brains, and then, along comes Monika and blows it out of the water with a simple apology to her Mom. That really surprised them.


This is happening at the same time that our borders are open and millions of young men from Africa and Asia are flooding into our European countries with a free pass to do whatever they want.  This is something that the Jews had planned for the European countries for a very long time. In the end our cities are supposed to turn into Lagos or Calcutta type slums that can no longer resist Jewish hegemony.


The sick perverted criminals that ordered Monika arrested are people that put a pancake on their head and nibble the foreskins off of little 8 day old baby boys thinking that this odd behavior somehow gives them the privilege to rule the planet. These perverts are the same ones that tried to silence me a long time ago already, but have failed.  Here they are: B’nai Brith Canada.


To put Monika Schaefer in prison because she apologized to her Mom is making many people very angry and not helping people “like” the Jews very much. In fact, this may give Jews who want to come clean and join humanity, the opportunity to help us get Monika out of prison. So, if you are a Jew, we have many JEWdicial costs to cover, and helping Monika out of prison can be used as proof that you are a “good” Jew.  Just contact me and we can work together.


Alfred Schaefer

Alfred Schaefer and his sister Monika.
This photo was taken in Munich the day before Monika’s arrest a few days ago.


GERD:  My dear Y——,

while visiting an exhibition of extaordinary watches here in Nünberg, together with Raouf from Paris, I got a phone call from Alfred. He´s in München attending the trial against Sylvia Stolz, together with his sister Monika and Henry Hafenmayer. And during a break in the trial Monika was arrested by the police, handcuffed and brought to jail in Fürstenfeldbruck. We are all outraged and shocked. It was only yesterday that we waved goodbye when leaving the very, very, very kind Schaefers in Tutzing.


Our thoughts are with our DEAR, DEAR MONIKA who is in jail, inflicted on her by the hatred of the Jews, who show no mercy for those who dare expose their lies.



DIANE K: Liebe Freunde, dear Friends, the following will give you the latest information which we have currently on hand in regards to Monika. I hope you will recognise its importance, to widely distribute this article as is, or in your own interpretation.


(German transcript)


Canadian citizen Monika Schaefer was arrested on January 3, 2018 in the Munich district court. As a spectator, she wanted to attend the public hearing against Mrs. Sylvia Stolz who is accused of alleged “Holocaust denial”. In the specially staged break, after only 30 minutes of negotiation, she was arrested in the hall, in front of the hall of the trial, and handcuffed (!) and then marched to a detention cell.


The charge is SEDITION : over the video featured below, “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust.”


As a German-Canadian, Monika Schaefer reflects in the video on being bullied as a little girl growing up in Canada, in the aftermath of WWII, for being German.


The German Inquisitors are very angry over her video “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust” (June 2016). Their worldwide activities in the fight for the truth disturb the ruling dark forces. Commissioned by B’nai B’rith Canada, the execution assistants have become active in the Federal Republic of Germany. The helpers of Satan want to hold Monika Schaefer in Germany until so long to be decided in an Inquisitionsveranstaltung on the further whereabouts.


Readers of this article are not supposed to philosophize about whether Monika would rather have stayed in Canada to avoid this persecution in Germany.


The noose of necessity in history draws ever closer around the neck of those who serve evil and embody it. It is not the dissidents who fear for their personal well-being because they know what they are tirelessly fighting for. You know what is right and truth on your side! And the future is only conceivable in truth. The lie means death and destruction.


Do not be sad Monika, get up and fight the lies! Recognize the connections that have led to what surrounds us today over the past 100 years. The flooding of Europe with strangers from other lands is just one of the terrible symptoms.


In Monika’s case, the devil used a family informer to do his dirty work. It has always been shown in history that these traitors are not loved by anyone, not even by the one they used as a traitor.


If you are a kind and compassionate person, drop Monika a few lines. Spread the news of her arrest and describe the injustice she has suffered at the hands of these evil hypocrites.

This is Monica’s address:
Monika Schaefer
Schwarzenbergstr. 14
81549 München


UPDATE: From an anonymous correspondent signing off as “German Girl”.
(This long email has had been abridged slightly).


Dear Madam or Sir,


Today, 58-year-old Canadian Monika Schaefer visited the political show trial of Sylvia Stolz, accused of Holocaust denial. Ms. Schaefer, who lives overseas, was visiting her brother Alfred Schäefer, who lives in Germany.


For the first time, she was noticed by a video from 2016 in which she publicly apologized to her parents for not believing their stories about National Socialist Germany, which are contrary to today’s “official“ portrayal! After some research into the story, Ms Schaefer came to the conclusion that the Holocaust, in her opinion, could not have taken place, as she expressly said in her video!


Well, the sole “non-belief“ in this event is, as most people already know, a punishable offense in Germany, as long as one expresses this “non-belief“ publicly. This “crime“ is prosecuted under section 130 of the StGB “Volksverhetzung” and severely punished!


Ms. Schaefer was, until the publication of this three-minute video, a respectable woman who has no criminal record! Her only crime is to be in “doubt“ of a historical event, which is like no other, “legally“ protected by the state! She has not hounded or offended any people in this statement. I do not know if this video is still online. But for “criminal“ reasons, I will understandably not post it here!


Ladies and gentlemen, our “judiciary“ not only introduces Stasi methods, but even surpasses them, is an unspoken secret.


It is also known that disgusting show trials are held in Garmany against 90-year olds, because they worked in wartime in a concentration camp as an accountant or guard and who can not even prove the concrete participation in a crime!


Alone the above paragraph should, if you have a limited understanding of the law, freeze the blood in your veins! The Inquisition is literally chasing cavalry all over Germany to arrest even the last “Nazi“, even if he is 99 and is already on his deathbed.


It is also accepted that these people, some seriously ill, die during these nerve-wracking trials, as happened in the case of Reinhold Hannig. Later, to make matters worse, it is not regretted that the accused, who in his life did not personally harm a fly, was “legally“ tortured to death.


But now one resorts to such perfidious and disgusting means that one can say without doubt: Russian Bolshevism has finally arrived in Germany! If you do not know what that is, in Russia under Stalin harmless people were politically persecuted, tortured and murdered for the mere expression of their opinions. Stalin managed to eradicate in this way approximately a quarter of his own people.


Monika Schaefer is now in custody and will receive her detention order tomorrow!


I urge you for your help! Spread this judicial crime, because otherwise I can not label it, in your blogs and videos! The German people must learn to what means is seized here and by what standards is spoken here right!


Do not let it go so far, as the poor Russians under Stalin’s blood-soaked hands had to experience for themselves and make your contribution! If you think that’s overdone, think again. We are Germany, the land of poets and thinkers!


That much must be allowed !!!


“A german girl”.



                                                                                   The Trial of Monika Schaefer and Sylvia Stolz

Monika’s incarceration actually offers the Jews the opportunity to prove their possible innocence and good intentions by simply getting her out of prison



…by Jonas E. Alexis and Alfred Schaefer


 JEA: You said that your sister, Monika Schaefer, whom we interviewed in the past, “was arrested on January 3, 2018, in the very heart of ‘Holocaust country’ while attending, as an observer, the bizarre inquisition hearings against the courageous Sylvia Stolz.”


Describe the situation for us here. What was the “crime” that the German lawyer Stolz committed? And how did the thought-police and what David Irving calls “the traditional enemies of the truth” recognize Monika? Did she speak during the “inquisition hearings”?


AS: We were attending, as quiet spectators, the inquisition ordeal that Sylvia Stolz was enduring.


As for the “crime” that Sylvia Stolz committed, the thought police did not approve of some of the words that she had spoken in a speech she delivered in Switzerland at the AZK (Anti-Censorship-Coalition) in 2012. It was a very eloquent speech in a crowded hall, and has garnered much attention worldwide.


Keep in mind that Sylvia Stolz was put in prison for three and a half years for defending the late Ernst Zündel at an inquisition in Mannheim Germany in 2005 – 2006. She was arrested after the inquisitor had demanded that she stop presenting further evidence during the trial. She was told that any evidence that contradicts the Holocaust narrative is illegal.


That did not stop her and she continued presenting evidence until they dragged her into the dungeon. This is not a horror movie, this is the reality of our world today, and it will continue to get worse until we stop it.


Here is an excellent link for more information about Sylvia Stolz’s case.


Sylvia Stolz Holocaust Death Knell


Back to Monika and the inquisition we were attending as quiet observers. They were talking about laws and paragraphs and interpreting them in the strangest way. For me, quite frankly, I could not make any sense out of any of it. I only noticed that whenever Sylvia Stolz and her attorney presented detailed explanations of something, that the inquisition would brush it aside and reply with some jibber jabber that made no sense.


This is what is now done to all those who have the courage to speak up about their logical conclusions after understanding the historical data and the evidence.


What the Jews fear more than anything else is people understanding the big picture. This big picture goes back several thousand years, and to understand our predicament today, we must go back at least to the French Revolution in the late 1700’s.  Very important is to understand the true nature of what we call the world wars, as well as what communism and the iron curtain was all about.


The Holocaust lie has been much more than only a financial fraud. The money that the Jews extorted out of not only the German people is one of many benefits,[1] but certainly not the most important one.


The primary reason for creating this myth was to divert attention away from the genocides that the Jews had engineered, fomented, and perpetrated behind the iron curtain under the guise of communism and Bolshevism.[2]


The Iron Curtain divided our world into evil communism and sacred democracy. For the other side, it was the opposite. Sacred communism and evil imperialism.


We in the West were told only truth and we were the good people, and on the other side of this iron curtain were only bad people who were told lies. This is how the world order was interpreted for us as we were growing up in the post-World War west.


The very large land mass on the east side of the Iron Curtain had experienced a true barbarism under communism which we now know was a Jewish construct. Under that system, any mention of Jewish control was defined as anti-Semitism and carried the instant death penalty.


The photographic evidence of the genocides that took place out of our view behind the iron curtain were later interpreted for us as pictures of innocent Jews murdered by those evil Nazis. All Germans were evil Nazis with the exception of Mr. Schindler.  This was taught to us in school, in the media, and was continually being ramped up.


The Jews know why they must control all the media. It is the window through which we develop our perception of the reality in the world.


It is the instrument through which everything is interpreted for us. Each population is fed the interpretation that fits the role that has been planned for them in the Jewish agenda. This is as true today as it was in the past to foment wars and revolutions.


This indoctrination was carefully seeded and ramped up long before hostilities came and went in what is now known as the big world wars. Here is a website that articulates how they react when this is exposed:


When Brainwashing Fails Throw Her In Jail – Canadian Violinist Monika Schaefer Who Dared Apologize to her Deceased Mom in Heartfelt Video


Back to Monika and her arrest:


My first thoughts about Monika being arrested in a scenario that would propel this story onto the world stage was: There were some insiders who want to finally get this lie over with, and they know that Alfred will make a big deal out of this, so we will serve this to him on a silver platter.


Reading the MSM narrative a few days later proved me wrong. They were gloating about how clever they were to spot a Holocaust denier at the trial of another notorious right wing extremist Holocaust denier, and they were patting themselves on the back at their own sneakiness and bravery in calling for a surprise break to trap and arrest Monika. They were also amusing themselves at the simple minded stupidity of one Holocaust denier coming to see another Holocaust denier and then getting arrested. Anyone that stupid deserves to be arrested. That was the tone in the Jewish controlled newspaper.


After seeing how this has now aroused indignation worldwide, they are not patting themselves on the back anymore.


The only words that Monika spoke the entire time was when she protested that she is a free person from Canada and has done nothing wrong. The inquisitions State Prosecutor told her: “If you wanted to remain free you should have stayed in Canada”.


Remember, this is not a movie about the dark middle ages, it is Jew occupied Germany today.


JEA: In his book The Jewish Century, Jewish historian Yuri Slezkine begins by saying that “The modern age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century.” He adds that “Modernisation” is essentially “about everyone becoming Jewish.” Is it safe to say that when everyone becomes “Jewish,” then freedom of speech and expression invariably diminishes? Is that what’s happening to Monika and countless of others?


AS: When we become Jewish we become morally corrupt and spiritually empty. We become a total negative and destroyer of everything that is worthwhile and good. The Jews themselves are the least free of all people. If you read the late Israeli academic Israel Shahak’s works, he warns us about this.[3]


When Jews are amongst themselves they keep getting more insane, since it is the insanest of the Jews who always coerce the more moderate Jews to follow them down the path of increasing insanity. They practice ritual defamation against all those they see straying from the very narrow path laid out for them. That is how these most radical Talmudic Jews operate, they become increasingly intolerant of any and all that are not as insane as themselves. These most radical Jewish rabbis are taking their own tribe and all of humanity with them over the edge and into the abyss.


They have duped many people to swallow their Hate speech and political correctness swindle to destroy our free speech.


To put Hate Speech into context. For over one hundred years now, the Germans have been subjected to increasing and pervasive hate speech in the form of unrelenting atrocity propaganda. Now that the Jews themselves are becoming the object of hatred as general awareness rises, they think they can stop a natural response by outlawing it.


The propaganda that has destroyed our natural defence instincts has been inculcated into our minds from before we were even born. The Jews even made money doing this by making movies like “Schindlers List” or the Holocaust series, and having our children watch these. This is presented to them as historical fact, when in fact it is nothing but fantasy.


In Germany itself, the indoctrination ran under labels such as de-Nazification or re-education. In Iraq it was called de-Bathification. Parallel to this, the Jews started putting laws into place that make exposure of their re-education illegal, with Holocaust denial or Hate speech laws.


Because the Holocaust lie can no longer be maintained, the perpetrators are moving the goal posts during the game by redefining any violation of their thought laws as “incitement“ or “hurt feelings” without even mentioning their Holocaust lie.


The chutzpah of this moving of the goal posts is clear when reading the official justification for the last raid on our house here in Germany in the summer of 2017.  They stated that my work is Undermining the Trust people have in our Legal system.


In this raid they stole all the video and computing equipment that they could find. All my cameras, microphones, storage devices, computers, even my wife’s computer.   They also stole all of my stockpile of AE911-Truth brochures and DVD’s even though these do not mention Jews. Any description of the empirical evidence of what happened on September 11 2001 has now been defined as incitement to hatred and is thereby illegal.


They have never returned anything that they have stolen from me, ever. Not from the first raid in 2016 and not from the second raid in 2017. They are trying to silence me by making it impossible for me to make any more videos.


Freedom of speech is something we have lost. Speaking the truth is now punished more severely than if an invader rapes a German woman. In fact, the invaders are encouraged to do just that by the intimidation meted out by our system, against any German who dares complain. This is true in all white countries to all European descendants. This is fulfilling the Jewish desire to breed down or exterminate the white race.


JEA: You said that “they have moved Monika Schaefer to the high security prison in Munich and will keep her there indefinitely. Monika is accused of making an apology to her own dear mother.” You also told me: “When my sister protested that she is a free person from Canada and had done nothing wrong, the ‘State Prosecutor’ told her, ‘If you wanted to stay free you should have stayed in Canada.’” Doesn’t that tell us something about the two countries?


AS: The Jews are now demonstrating their power by openly flaunting National Sovereignty. They stand above any entity that calls itself Canada or Germany. In my video “1984” the Jews flaunt this power. For them, the world is divided into Jurisdictions. Here at minute 6:00 in this video they talk about the Jurisdictions of Canada and Germany.


JEA: I looked online to see if any of the Zionist organs out there would even remotely mention what happened to Monika Schaefer, but her name was completely blacked out. What does that tell you?


AS: The Jewish establishment is trying to hard wire their fake history into our collective memory. This is necessary for their new Jew world order where the fictitious “Holocaust” is the foundation of everything. The Holocaust is the center of the universe. They have completely blacked her out, except in the context that I described above where they gloated about having caught another of these wretched Holocaust deniers.


What the Jewish establishment has somehow overlooked is the fact that the Holocaust lie that they keep ramming down our throats is in fact the noose which is wrapped around their own neck and is tightening with every day that they continue to foist this on us. They seem not to understand what it means when people are ignoring their media, leaving them screeching hysterically to themselves their conditioned rats as the world is waking up.


JEA: I have been reading the works of Steven Pinker of Harvard for years now. He tells us in The Better Angels of our Nature in particular that violence has declined, despite the fact that Pinker never talks about the Israeli crimes in the Middle East, despite the fact that terrorist cells have increased since the invasion of Iraq,[4] despite the fact that Israel has been sterilizing Ethiopian women against their will, which resulted in a fifty percent decline in their birthrate,[5] despite the fact that Israeli authorities were engaged in systematically torturing four to six thousand Palestinian prisoners every year,[6] despite the fact that at least thirty thousand of them had gone through that new gulag process since 1987,[7] despite the fact that car bombings and explosions are killing people virtually every day in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.[8]


Pinker has a book coming out in February titled: Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress. I doubt that he will even mention the persecution of Holocaust revisionists. Do you think that these people are producing serious scholarship? Aren’t they propounding propaganda in the name of scholarship and “reason”?


AS: People like Steven Pinker are pseudo intellectuals whose mission is to mislead us, much the way Noam Chomsky did this very successfully for many years. All of these people are being exposed in shorter intervals than ever before and these people will all be held to account. Steven Pinker will never mention the role of Talmudic Judaism in any of this. He writes of 9-11 as being the worst terror attack on the USA without qualifying it as being a Jewish false flag attack on the USA. This he has written as late as 2016, when no serious intellectual would put his name on a statement like that.


He is defined as a cognitive scientist and linguist. Of course, just like Noam Chomsky is a professor of linguistics. These people specialise in linguistic manipulation to deceive us.


A great deal of today’s propaganda is focused on making sure that no group of people, in particular the white European people, are able to find any racial or national cohesion.  Everything that Jews write must be seen within the context of their larger agenda, which is to transform the world from one of nations and races to one of dumbed down individuals and consumers. They want to have all people on earth being reduced to self centred consumers with no bond to any group. The purpose of human life on this planet to be reduced to being a consumer that feels bad because of the fake Holocaust. Any behaviour that deviates from this narrative is muted.


The only group this would leave is the Jews. But even here they are deluded, because a parasite, when it no longer has a host population to leach from, feeds on itself. A world of dumbed down and confused individuals will no longer be able to produce anything of value, leaving nothing to nourish the parasite.


As is described in Israel Shahak’s works, more Jews have died at the hands of other Jews, than have died at the hands of the Goyim. Steven Pinker’s title, “Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress” is typical for Jewish feel-good propaganda.


The title is the complete opposite of the actual condition and direction of our civilisation today, in 2018. How much Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress is there in not understanding which gender you are, since the physical evidence is supposedly no longer relevant?


How much Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress is there when my sister Monika gets arrested and thrown into a high security prison for apologising to her own mother in a heartfelt video with the title “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong about the Holocaust”?


The realities of Iraq, Syria, Israel, the countless false flag terror atrocities, the plight of the Palestinian peoples, all of these things do not exist in the Jewish controlled media.   They interpret everything for us based on the question; “Is it good for the Jews and Israel, or not?”


As George Orwell warned in his famous novel 1984, War is Peace, Lies are Truth, Hate is Love, Enslavement is Freedom. In this context, our Hate Speech and Political Correctness hysteria all makes sense.


JEA: Why do you think the Holocaust establishment is afraid of just one person (Monika)? If she is espousing lies and fabrications, why don’t they just produce serious historical truths? Or if she is telling the truth, why are the people who keep telling us that they believe in “democracy” and “freedom” putting her in prison? Is it guilty conscience?


AS: The Holocaust establishment is not afraid of Monika, but very afraid of the message that she is articulating. In their cowardly hubris they are frantically trying to stop this message, and like a little child that covers its own eyes and then says, “Now you can’t see me,” they think that putting Monika in an isolated cell in a high security prison will stop the message.


They think they can continue to intimidate others from talking about the fact that the Holocaust is nothing but a massive Jewish scam, which every thinking person now knows anyway. They are behaving like a small child caught with its hand in the cookie jar.


The genie is out of the bottle, and by trying to get it back in by arresting innocent Monika, they have in fact amplified and increased the value of her message.


Her arrest was the most spectacular own goal I have ever seen. Many people who would have been content to keep sleeping if this did not happen have now been jolted out of their complacency. This level of advertising would have cost us many millions of dollars, so we are grateful that they have given this to us.


You ask if “guilty conscience” has anything to do with Monika’s arrest.


No, psychopaths do not have a conscience as we normal human beings do. All the talk about democracy and freedom is nothing but empty talk to keep us docile and quiet. Monika’s arrest is supposed to intimidate others from following her footsteps. We are supposed to be too afraid to think and then to speak out about what we have learned.


People are supposed to believe that Holocaust denial must be evil. Otherwise, why would someone go to prison for it?  The farther the Jewish establishment takes this, the worse the outcome will be for them. This is not about Monika, or you, or I. This transcends all of us alive now, on this planet. This is about human beings being able to sustain life and civilisation on this planet.


Fortunately, we are now able to observe a very predictable natural phenomenon. This matrix of lies and intimidation coming to its inevitable end. Whether overcoming an illness ourselves, or whether a monoculture eventually suffers from a surprise scourge, the outcome is always the same.


All monocultures have short lifespans. Judaism ruling the world is a monoculture, or in this case an anti-culture.


Healing processes always begins after recognition by the host that there is in fact a problem. We now find ourselves well advanced in this phase, which is always the precursor to the actual healing. Humanity has gone through this struggle with this parasite well over one hundred times before. The event that defines the healing process is known throughout history as the expulsion of the Jews.


The only difference this time is the magnitude and the destructive potential since the parasite allegedly has hundreds of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems. And yet, humanity has no choice in the matter, as the parasite has openly declared its desire to exterminate the white race.


Your final question: Is it guilty conscience?


Again, psychopaths have no conscience. To function successfully as a parasite within our societies, one of the basic requirements is to neutralise any empathy. This mindset is a prerequisite for running the money system and doing what they have been doing since their emergence on this planet as a parasite.


To ensure that the male perpetrators never do have a conscience, or empathy, they are subjected to a painful and traumatising ordeal at the age of precisely 8 days. Metzitzah b’peh, or ritual circumcision. When a baby is born, it has just come out of a world where its entire universe has been the mother’s voice, hearing the mother’s heartbeat, everything was warm and protected. At birth, the little infant is suddenly faced with the real world of everything that it encounters outside of the mother’s womb. In a natural environment this baby would find itself in its mother’s arms, able to breast feed, and very protected.


When the male babies are then subjected to the ordeal of circumcision and a Rabbi sucking the blood off of the fresh wound, this has a very traumatising effect on the babies trust for those it trusted most.


It has been proven that this trauma has a permanent effect on the child. It does irreparable damage to the infants trust in his fellow human beings. In Israel, parents pay a fine for each day that they are late in circumcising their newborn baby boys. It appears that the 8th day is the most effective in maximising the trauma.


A proper psychopath has no trust in any other human being.


JEA:  Back in 2004, flaming Neocon David Horowitz, who still believes that the US liberated Iraq in 2003, complained that there needs to be some “intellectual diversity” in academe.[9] Why do you think these people don’t say the same thing about Holocaust revisionism? E. Michael Jones has argued that academe has essentially become Talmudic.[10] I think it’s a fair assessment. Your take.


AS: Jews like Horowitz will always articulate these things with the Jewish agenda in mind.  They don’t believe what they say, they know they are lying as their Talmud instructs them to. He believes what he is saying about as much as Irene Zisblatt believed the stories she told us about hiding her diamonds by eating them and finding them again in her excrement, cleaning them and eating them again so that the evil Nazis would not find them.


This was how she interpreted her “ordeal” for us, as one of the millions of Holocaust survivors. She told these stores as if she believed it, knowing all along that they were lies in the perceived interest of Judaism.  Some of us were foolish enough to believe these lies.


So, no, he does not believe that the US liberated Iraq in 2003. That is what the Jewish establishment does. They lie to advance the Jewish agenda. It was the Chomsky video in an article by Kevin Barrett years ago, that made that clear to me, and set me off on my new career which has now resulted in my sister in high security detention and myself in the crosshairs.


When they see a former country lose its sovereignty and be subjugated for Jewish rule and money system, it is labeled as being liberated. Germany was “liberated” in 1945, because it then became a Jewish colony. It lost its independence and is now crippled. The once proud and independent Germans have been reduced to docile zombies, much like all the European peoples have, whether in Canada, the USA, France or the UK. When Jews exterminate a people they do it incrementally in the hopes that the victims don’t wake up in time to defend themselves. Now, all of us whites are marked for slow extermination.


The establishment always howls for diversity and tolerance, but will persecute anyone who “diverts” away from their Holocaust lie. Their tolerance for this diversity is zero.   In fact, their tolerance for truth and evidence is zero.


A population that is unable to define an existential threat for what it is, has forfeited its own future and existence. If our great-grandparents could see the utter nonsense that is being taught to our children they would not believe we could have allowed this to go so far.


We have our 10 year old children being taught about anal sex. This is force-feeding pornography to the most vulnerable in our society, and there is no resistance. This is only possible because the parents of these children have already been demoralised themselves and do not feel the need to speak up. They are in a comatose state as our civilisation is sliding deeper and deeper to the point of total collapse.


Students that grow up with this level of corrupted morals will not be any threat to the new Jew world order, but they will also not be able to keep our civilisation functioning, or even prevent their very own genocide.


E. Michael Jones is spot on when he calls our Academia Talmudic. Yuri Bezmenov had articulated this very well in the interview he made in 1985 after having left the Soviet Union 12 years earlier, and assessing conditions in the United States.


Bezmenov recognized the USA as being hopelessly subverted and demoralised already in 1985, and since then the subverters have had an additional 30+ years to make us what we are today. This is alarming, and only drastic remedial action will prevent the genocidal blood baths that will be our future.


Here is the most important footage of Yuri Bezmenov’s dialog in my Pavlov’s dog and behaviour control video explaining the subversion:


It is a do or die, a them or us, situation. It makes me sad to think that it will be our generation that will have been responsible for the loss of our civilisation if we remain asleep. We need to go from fun and games mode into survival, responsibility and accountability mode.


We have thousands of generations behind us who have braved and succeeded hardships we can hardly even imagine, and now it is up to us to ensure that there will be thousands more in the future. Our failure to get this right will make us the generation that was unable to maintain what we have inherited from our ancestors. We were too busy having fun and let it all burn down.


2018 will be decisive in setting our course.


What makes me optimistic is the fact that people are waking up at an explosive rate, and people who do understand the facts have a much higher energy level and sense of purpose than do the zombies, and it will be out of this newly energised population that new leadership will emerge that will be able to rally the people behind a meaningful purpose. Our survival. Nobody goes back once they have woken up. Democracy as we know it today is dead. It has utterly failed us. The explosive awakening was a very predictable thing, a natural phenomenon. I talked about the exponential processes in my Brainwashing 3 video as you can see here.


We will reconfigure our societies with institutions and leadership that are accountable for their decisions. In today’s democracy there is no accountability, it is all anonymous and secret.


The citizens are made as dumb as possible and told what to vote. It is like asking pre-teen children at home how your home should be run. They will vote to eat chocolate pudding every day and then play.


In closing, I want to revisit the Talmudic Jew Noam Chomsky who has been thoroughly exposed here at Veterans Today. We speak about this man in this interview:


History Reviewed Alfred Schaefer Imprisonment of Germans


Here is what he has been up to in France:


Chomsky Faurisson Liberte Dexpression


These Jews seem not to understand where this is leading to. The healing process that we can observe globally will make life very uncomfortable for those Jews who have not yet spoken up about the mother of all lies. These Jews are being used by their very own people to act as a human shield when the inevitable retribution comes.


This natural phenomena is unstoppable. In my own dialog with Chomsky in 2013, which led to my first video production, I advised him to explain the difference between a Zionist and a Jew, rather than lie to his audience. He ignored my advice and called me arrogant.


Monika’s incarceration actually offers the Jews the opportunity to prove their possible innocence and good intentions by simply getting her out of prison. They may not get a better opportunity to prove their innocence as human beings.







Some Testimonies from Thessaloniki



Oral Testimonies of the Jews from Thessaloniki about the Holocaust. What’s this you ask? This is the book we are going to focus on this time. As survivor testimonies are very important for the official storyline, it’s clear that the more of them we examine, the closer we get to the truth. Testimonies are also a big hurdle for many people to even consider taking a look at Holocaust revisionism, as they tend to think that so many survivors cannot possibly be lying. They can’t be blamed for that, and indeed, most of the survivors are certainly not lying. The problem is that very few people have actually read a single testimony, and those that have done so, did not do it carefully. So, let’s get down to it.

The Numbers

There are 51 interviews in the book (26 women, 25 men). Except for two, the rest have been in Auschwitz–Birkenau. Now, here is the interesting part: 39 out of these 51 never mention gas chambers. Not once. On the other hand, almost all of them know about the crematories (45 out of 51). This is quite unexpected. But let’s ignore this for now and see what the survivors have to say.

The Rumor Factory

As we know, upon arrival at the camp, there was a selection, and many would go on their separate ways. The survivors describe in detail the numerous hardships they have suffered, and how they lost their relatives. But how do they know this? When we look for an answer, we realize that they did not actually see them die. One witness puts it this way:

“I learned it in the camp. We were asking where are our moms, our dads and they were telling us: They are gone... […] Since we did not see anyone, we believed it.” (p. 58)


“We learned it at the camp from the blockälteste, who told us to look after ourselves, because our people are no longer alive.” (p. 92)


“We have not yet learned anything about our parents. We could see smoke rising from afar and were wondering what it is. Until a prisoner, Slovak or Polish, in broken French, told us: ’What are you waiting for? There are your mothers. They have burned them. There are no more.’ That’s how we learned about the great tragedy. At first we did not believe her. We thought she was crazy. But later we learned it for real!” (p. 118)


“We found out when we entered the camp. They were other older Greek women, who came before us. […] They told us that they are burning them in the crematoria. […] Since they who had been in the camp a long time were telling us this, of course I believed it.” (p. 176)


“After we went there, we were asking the Polish who were political prisoners, what is it that’s burning? For 5-10 days they were telling us it’s rye bread they are making, and then they told us it’s our families.” (p. 242)


“At first I did not believe it. ’Impossible’, I said. ’We are being duped’. But when after a week we heard other prisoners confirming it, most of them old, French, Polish, Jews from Russia, we believed it.” (p. 289)

And another:

“We were seeing the ovens and they told us that they went to the ovens. The other prisoners told us this.” (p. 271)

And on and on. Those of us who have served in the military know very well what kind of a rumor factory a camp can be. All sorts of things are spread from one person to the next. Nobody questions what he hears, and usually he asks someone else for confirmation who is just as clueless. Needless to say, the misinformation problem was much worse in a concentration camp with the crematories next door, in the middle of a war. And the prisoners had no way of knowing the truth.

Now, what is most interesting is that there are two women who actually saw their fathers after they had been told that they were dead. The first talked with him for a while and later received a note from him before eventually losing all contact (p. 27). The second found out that her father was at Buna and perished during the retreat (p. 143).

So, most of the survivors are not lying. They fell victim to the rumors that were rampant at the camps. Here is another well-known rumor:

“Then they gave us a little soap and told us it’s from the ashes of our parents. We did not even touch those soaps.” (p. 29)

The Selections

Then, we have the selections. Selections were going on all the time at the camp. The prisoners went through numerous ones, and of course they were certain that these were life-or-death situations:

“Indeed, we knew very well then that whomever they picked not for work, he was to be burned; we had understood this well. Not only had we understood it, but it was deep in our minds that whoever was not for work was for burning.” (p. 27)

Or more simply:

“If someone got sick, he was immediately sent to the crematory.” (p. 147)

And yet in the same book we read about some prisoners who got seriously sick at the camp, but they did not “burn”. For example, one woman says:

“I contracted typhus at Birkenau. The Germans came every day to take for the oven. I wasn’t the only one at the hospital. There were others...” (p. 55)

Despite that, nobody sent her to the furnace. Instead, she was later sent to Auschwitz where she spent another two months in bed. She was eventually transferred to Bergen-Belsen.

Another woman suffered from scabies. She was treated at the Auschwitz hospital and recovered. And yet she seems to believe that,

“In Birkenau they would have never given me medicine, they would have put me to the gas.” (p. 196)

Finally, a prisoner was accidentally shot in the leg by an SS man. But no gas for him. He was sent to the hospital, where they removed the bullet. He also had an operation for a hernia in his stomach. He stayed four months at the hospital (p. 392). Quite a lot of trouble the Germans went through for one man, right? But the prisoners were so convinced that their lives were constantly in danger that they misinterpreted everything:

“If the German took your card with him, tomorrow morning you were going to burn. They were saying that they will send you to a better camp to recover some of your strength. They did this once to fool us. A transport that left for the crematorium, came back after a month.” (p. 329)

So, it was all just an evil German trick! But the prisoners were too smart for that. Still, sometimes they realized they were wrong. A prisoner went voluntarily through a selection in order to be transferred to Germany. He thought that those who were left behind were going to be killed. But:

“The rest were not murdered then. Some of course died later. But some were liberated six months before me. It wasn’t a selection for the crematoria, as we thought. They wanted only the strongest to be sent to Germany, while they kept the weakest at the camp. But who knew this back then?” (p. 260)

Indeed. And this is why we should never jump to conclusions.


In the Preface, one of the editors writes:

“It was the year of 1989. Suddenly within a week two ’hostages’ had died, and the number of survivors from the Auschwitz and Birkenau camps was shrinking fast. At the same time, I was reading and hearing more and more about disputes on the number of the victims of the genocide of the Jews, and even on the events themselves. It became an obsession to me that I had to, as they were still alive, write down their testimonies. Nobody had ’talked’ by then; nobody wanted to open the ’box’ of his most terrible memories, which he had buried so deeply. And yet, while there are still those few survivors, others dare to dispute the undeniable facts of those times.” (p. 7)

So, the editors’ goal was to preserve the memories of the survivors in order to combat the growing doubt about the “undeniable facts.” They should be thanked for their efforts, of course, but despite what they believe, a critical reading reveals that these testimonies poke quite a few holes in the official version of events. The survivors suffered a lot, but when it comes to planned mass extermination, not only are there many inconsistencies, but even the infamous gas chambers very rarely appear. In time, this work might prove to be another nail in the coffin of the official storyline.

If the editors hadn't passed away, the only way to show our gratitude would be by wishing that they would not be around to see it.

Erika Kounio-Amarilio, Almpertos Nar (eds.), Prophorikes martyries Hevraiōn tēs Thessalonikēs gia to Holokautōma (Oral Testimonies of the Jews from Thesssaloniki about the Holocaust), Thessaloniki: Paratērētēs 1998,  494 pages, ISBN: 978-9602609408 (newer edition: Athens: Ekdoseis Eurasia, 2015; ISBN 9786185027506, 516 pp.)




                                                                                                  TV HOST DEMOLISHES THE HOLOCAUST MYTH

Contrary to propaganda Adolf Hitler never proposed the ‘Big Lie Technique’. In Mein Kampf, Germany’s former Chancellor states clearly that the Jews use the big lie technique to weave the most fantastical lies in history. The German leader’s remark was an accusation, not an endorsement.

The big lie technique is used by the Western powers to justify the invasion of Iraq, Russian, Chinese, or North Korean threat. The big lie justifies the invasion of Afghanistan, the so-called ‘War or Terror’, 9/11, the overthrow of the Libyan government, Israel’s occupation of Palestine, Syrian President Assad’s use of chemical weapons.

Mahmoud on the holocaust

Speaking on the Egyptian AlHadath Alyoum mainstream television channel Aahmad Suleimn said the holocaust is “a nonsense story invented by the Jews for extortion purposes.”

The mainstream journalist went on to say that “Britain and the United States spread rumours about the extent of the Nazi massacres, and about the annihilation of East European Jewry to serve their own political and economic interests.”

Speaking on January 27, the popular newsman said, “Today is the international day commemorating the greatest lie in history: the holocaust, that nonsense story invented by Jews, who have been using it for years to extort the world.

“The Jews spread this lie by using their influence and their arsenal of media outlets. They label anyone denying the story as an anti-Semite. They falsely claim that during World War II, upon a decision supposedly made by Hitler, over six million East European Jews were burned in ovens, designed especially for that purpose.”

The mainstream journalist added, “The Jews use the story about the holocaust as a means of political and material extortion and in order to gain the sympathy of the world. This is of course completely groundless. They pretend to be the victims, while they are, in fact, the number one perpetrators of genocide, robbing and plundering the rights of others.



“This led many writers and historians to doubt the story of the holocaust, first and foremost, a French researcher and historian Paul Rassinier, who wrote that ‘not a single document exists anywhere in the world about the holocaust, and there is not a single blueprint or design of the alleged gas chambers. It has been proven historically that the utilities were used to disinfect the clothes of Jewish prisoners and camp guards, due to the spread of epidemics at the time. As for the crematoria, they were regular ones, which were used to get rid of the corpses of people who died during the epidemics.

Who Can Deny Cash Chambers

“Obviously, Hitler and the Nazis were harsh on the Jews, but they did not kill or annihilate them. They used them to build railroads and to pave roads. They worked in military factories for the sake of the arsenal of the Nazi army.

Another damning refutaton

The Jews have been shouting that six million East European Jews were killed in the holocaust, but all the historians say that the number of Jews in Eastern Europe back then never exceeded five million because many of them had emigrated to America or Palestine, the so-called Promised Land.”

Auschwitz deaths reduced o one million

How Many Jews Died in the German Concentration Camps?

Carl O. Nordling


It is well known that the majority of those who were interned in the German concentration camps during part of the Second World War did not return to their homes after liberation. Most of these people were Jewish. It has been a common belief that about six million Jews died in these camps, intentionally killed in accordance with a grand program for the physical extermination of the entire Jewish population of Europe. Most laymen presume that this was proven by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1946. The international court did not prove anything of the sort, however, and historians who have dealt with contemporary German or Jewish history have long since modified this description in various degrees.


Recently, new light has been shed on Jewish population loss in the Second World War by the German Walter N. Sanning in his book The Dissolution of East European Jewry. This is an investigation of twentieth-century Jewish demography and migration, done with carefulness and objectivity. It is based on more than 50 publications containing statistical population data on Jews in various countries, including migrations, fertility, mortality etc. Sanning's most quoted source is, however, Gerald Reitlinger's book The Final Solution, written in the 1950's. (One could say with some justice that Reitlinger laid the foundation for Sanning's work.) The great majority of statistical data used by Sanning is taken from the American Jewish Year Book (various issues), the Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971) and the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1943). As far as I can judge, Sanning's sources appear to be the best ones obtainable.


It has been said of Sanning's work that "not one in a thousand undergraduates could find fault with it" and that "only a few more graduates would be competent to identify its flaws and to convincingly question its credibility." [1] If that be the case, I feel more or less obliged to comment. I have spent three decades working professionally with the same kind of demographic complexes and processes, and therefore I regard myself as one of the few who would be competent to identify at least the grosser flaws and mistakes in a work of this kind. After a careful reading of Sanning's book, however, I have found no mistake or misconstruction of a type that would change its conclusions to any appreciable degree. Nor am I aware of any other serious criticism of Sanning's results or methods in the eight years that have elapsed since his book first appeared in German (as Die Auflösung des osteuropäischen Judentums). As a general appraisal, I would say that as far as the book deals with Jewish population losses within the German sphere of influence, it is the most reliable investigation done in the entire post-war period. This does not mean, of course, that it is guaranteed to be faultless, nor that it answers the question of how many Jews died in the German concentration camps.


Although nobody has been able to discover any faults, the book may of course contain such. Therefore, other methods should be used to check the reliability of the significant figures. Fortunately, I possess statistical material that lends itself to a check of some of Sanning's results. Furthermore, Sanning's and my own material, taken together and compared with still a few other pieces of statistical information, might enable us to form a fairly reliable answer to the question posed in the title of this article.


The statistical material at my disposal consists of data concerning 722 identified European Jews from the German sphere of influence. The biographies of all these 722 are to be found in the Encyclopaedia Judaica, and they can be regarded as a representative sample of Jews of a certain level of culture in the late 1930's. Persons of old age are overrepresented in the group, however, and none of the 722 was born later than 1909 (according to the principle of selection that I decided upon). This should be kept in mind, since it appears that emigration was much less frequent among those born before 1880 than among the younger people. And, of course, mortality was much higher among the older group than among the rest of the population. It is also significant that a great number of distinguished Jews had already emigrated before 1938 and were therefore unable to take part in the more general emigration that seems to have occurred in the years 1939 to 1941. Distinguished Jews presumably had more foreign contacts and perhaps realized the danger of impending persecutions earlier than others. Therefore, my group of identified Jews of 1938 probably includes a relatively high proportion of persons who were prone to stay where they were, even under adverse conditions. A statistical survey of the fates of all these 722 Jews has been published in The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Summer 1990).


Sanning has used the year 1939 as one of his "stop lines," and for this year he has found 5,044,000 Jews present in the area under consideration. [2] By means of a series of complex calculations he is able to demonstrate that no less than about 2,200,000 Jews emigrated from the area in the period between the German attacks on Poland and on the Soviet Union (that is, 1939-41). In other words, 44% of the Jewish population in what became the German sphere of influence would have left the danger zone before the real danger materialized. Although this figure took me by surprise, I cannot find that Sanning has erred on this point. Comparison with the group of 722 identified Jews shows that among them 33% (of those present in 1939) emigrated before the end of 1941. (See Table 1.)


The cause of the difference between 44% and 33% is easily explained by considering the special make-up of my sample group. For instance, if we look at the identified Jews born 1880-1909 and consider the whole period from 1938 to 1944, we find that no less than 51% emigrated. Those born after 1909 (that is, about half the population) may have been even more prone to emigrate. Besides, Jews who were not renowned or in the public sector certainly had possibilities (in many cases) to change their ethnic affiliation and (in some cases) even their names and identities. By such means ordinary Jews could slip away more easily than well-known people.


Evidently, we have to consider Sanning's number of 2,847,000 Jews present in the German sphere of influence in June 1941 as the best estimate so far (certainly with margins of error). This figure will therefore be used as the base for the following comparison. With the aid of Table 1, we are now going to compare the percentages of certain significant subgroups.


Fortunately for our purposes, the bureaucratic Germans carefully registered and numbered the detainees in the Auschwitz concentration camp and in the Theresienstadt ghetto. While the latter was solely inhabited by Jews, the former had a mixed clientele consisting of various persecuted groups of people, such as Gypsies, conscientious objectors, homosexuals, vagrants, political adversaries and hard-boiled felons. Since it is commonly held that the Jews were by far the largest group, we will assume here that they made up 60% of all Auschwitz detainees. This granted, we find that 8.6% of all the available Jews (the "basic" group) were registered, sooner or later, in the Auschwitz camp. In many cases this happened after a previous stay at Theresienstadt. The corresponding figure for the group of identified Jews is 8.5%. Pending the arbitrariness of the above-mentioned figure of 60%, no statistically significant difference can possibly be exposed in this case. According to the Encyclopaedia Judaica, 65% of the Auschwitz detainees were eventually recorded as having died within the camp, and another 20% are supposed to have died after transfer to satellite camps or during the final evacuation of the camp proper (that is, Auschwitz and Birkenau). The total number of missing Auschwitz detainees would thus be 207, 000, or 7.3% of the "basic" number. This may be compared with the confirmed proportion of 7.6% missing out of the "basic" number of identified Jews. (See Table 1.)


From the book on Theresienstadt by H.G. Adler we learn that 141,000 were registered as inhabitants, or internees, of this German-created Jewish town in Bohemia. [3] This number equals 5.0% of the "basic" number, which corresponds perfectly with the fact that 5.0% of the identified Jews (of 1941) were also brought to Theresienstadt. The majority of the internees of this ghetto, however, were sent to Auschwitz (and are thus included in the above mentioned number of registered prisoners). This fate befell only a fourth of the identified inhabitants of the ghetto probably because these contained a higher proportion of so-called "prominent" Jews who were exempt from being moved to other camps. (All the Danish Jews were for some reason placed in this category.) The group of identified Jews also suffered a much lower death rate than the rest (31% each as against 63% among the ghetto remainers in each case). It follows that the percentage of survivors was much higher in the case of the identified Jews than among the inhabitants in general.


There is hardly any reason to contest the accuracy of the camp registration numbers quoted above. If they are correct, it follows that the "basic" number of 2,847,000 Jews present in June 1941 must also be fairly accurate. This is so because we know from the sample of identified persons what percentages of camp detainees are to be expected, and we have found percentages that fit in with these expectations.


Those who died in Auschwitz and Theresienstadt represent a little less than half the total loss in all the German concentration camps as far as the identified Jews are concerned. As for the Jewish population in general, the total number of camp deaths would be contained within Sanning's category "Jews missing in the German sphere of influence." This number of "missing" turns out to be 304,000, according to Sanning's primary method of calculating. As a check, Sanning has used another method as well. This secondary calculation results in a number of 330,000 missing out of a "basic" number of 2,738,000 (within a somewhat narrower sphere of influence). The primary number of "missing" represents 10.7% of the "basic" number, the secondary 12.1% of the "basic" number. These percentages should be compared with 12.3% missing due to other causes than normal mortality among the group of identified Jews. At the first glance, this looks like a rather good agreement. But due to the coarse statistical methods used by Sanning, these figures can have "no claim to absolute certainty" - to use Sanning's own words. He says that the available data on population size, migration, flight and deportation, fertility and mortality rates, mixed marriages and assimilation tendencies are often so vague that a slight variation in the calculation procedure might well change the result by several hundreds of thousands of persons in the "missing" category. Therefore, what Sanning really has achieved is only to show that the number of missing Jews at the end of the war in the German sphere must have been between, say, 150,000 and 500,000. The lower figure can be ruled out immediately on account of the number of registered deaths in Auschwitz and Theresienstadt. The best estimate seems to be the assumption that these deaths amounted to about 51% of all Jews missing from German concentration camps, in accordance with the proportion among the groups of identified Jews. This would mean approximately 470,000 missing altogether from the camps. Since about 50,000 would have died "naturally, " according to the normal mortality rate, there would be some 420,000 "missing" from a statistical point of view. This is 14.7% of the "basic" number to be compared with 12.3% in the case of the identified Jews.


It may perhaps contribute to the check if something could be said about the number of survivors from the concentration camps. One man who should have known the number of Jewish detainees in the camps was SS leader Heinrich Himmler. Fortunately, a certain Jewish representative was in the position to interview him on this matter as late as April 1945. This was Mr. Norbert Masur from Sweden, who went to negotiate with Himmler about a possible liberation of imprisoned Jews. During these talks Himmler mentioned the number of Jews still alive in some of the camps: 25,000 in Theresienstadt, 20,000 in Ravensbrück, from 20,000 to 30,000 in Mauthausen, 50,000 in Bergen-Belsen and 6,000 in Buchenwald. Later information indicates that some of the figures were too high, and that the Buchenwald number was far too low. The sum was probably fairly correct. But Himmler intimated that 150,000 Auschwitz Jews should also be counted among the survivors. According to the SS leader, these would have been alive in the camp until its evacuation. This may be fairly true, but apparently Himmler had no count of survivors after the evacuation, and he seems to have had no ideaof what had happened to the evacuees. We know from other sources that only a minority of them survived the transport in open railroad cars in the bitterly cold winter, perhaps about 30,000 to 50,000. Then there were many other camps with Jewish detainees, not mentioned by Himmler, and it seems reasonable to assume some 30,000 or 40,000 survivors among them. That would mean around about 200,000 Jewish survivors from all the German concentration camps. A total mortality of 70% among the Jewish detainees would follow from these assumptions. This is a very high figure from other points of view. The mortality in the corresponding group of identified Jews was "only" 75%, although they were much older than inmates in general and should have been much more prone to die under the conditions. Perhaps we have estimated somewhat too high a number of deaths and/or a little too low a number of survivors, after all.


In any case, the number of Jews missing in the German sphere turns out to be very far from the "established" figure of six million. Shouldn't we expect some cardinal error in the whole reasoning just because of this great discrepancy? Certainly, some further checking seems required. But first, let us remember that we have considered here only the number of Jews who died in the German concentration camps, not all the European Jews who died in the war. Among the 5,500,000 Jews in the Soviet sphere (in 1941) more than one million died, according to Sanning's investigation. These deaths include both "normal" victims of the war and victims of German and Soviet persecution. Secondly, the Jewish "basic" population of about 2, 850, 000 couldn't possibly have suffered a loss of something like six million. This figure should have been discarded long ago, especially since Reitlinger proved it to be unrealistic nearly 40 years ago. The reasonable question to ask is rather this: In view of the proclaimed anti-Semitic policy of the National Socialists and Hitler's talk about Ausrottung, how could more than two million escape deportation? What about the famous German efficiency?


Part of the answer comes from Himmler himself, who said to Mr. Masur: "I have left 450,000 Jews in Hungary" - as if he had done it out of humanity. (The real reason probably was lack of transport facilities at the time when Hungary came under direct German rule.) Romania never came under direct German rule, and consequently very few Romanian Jews were deported to German camps. The Romanian government pursued an anti-Semitic policy of its own, and Hitler was satisfied with that. More than half a million of the "basic" number were Romanian Jews. Much the same conditions prevailed in Italy, France, Croatia and Slovakia, and the Gestapo had to be content, in most cases, with shipments of non-naturalized Jews from these countries. Naturalized Jews in Belgium, Bulgaria and Finland seem to have been entirely exempt from deportation. In Poland, hundreds of thousands of Jews were allowed to stay in the city ghettos (until they revolted as in Warsaw 1943). Most of the Jews in Denmark escaped the planned deportation by fleeing over the Sound to Sweden -- and the German Army and Navy did virtually nothing to prevent them.


The fate of the non-deported Jews was often very miserable, especially in the case of Poland, and it certainly deserves a special study.


Another problem that would deserve a special study from a statistical point of view is the alleged system of transporting old Jews incapable of work to camps in the East with the sole intention of killing them immediately upon arrival. It would be unavailing to look for such cases in the registers, since the allegation requires that the murder took place without any notice taken of the names and identities of the victims. All that can be said here is that the alleged practice could hardly have been responsible for any large number of deaths. If that had been the case, there would certainly have been many more than 32 missing after Auschwitz among all the identified Jews reported by the Encyclopaedia Judaica. And, since a quarter of the identified Jews sent to Auschwitz were aged 65-80, we would probably have seen several cases of "killed on arrival" in their biographical notices. Instead, we find two rather unexpected examples. The Encyclopaedia Judaica reports of Gisi Fleischmann (47) that she was "killed on arrival," and of Raymond Lambert (49), "gassed upon arrival." On the other hand, it says that, for example, Béla Bernstein (76) "died" in Auschwitz and Eduard Duckesz (76) "perished" within the camp. It is not even certain that the Encyclopaedia is to be relied on in the case of Fleischmann, since later information reports her as deported to Birkenau (Auschwitz) in August and murdered about 18 October (Martin Gilbert in his book The Holocaust, 1986).


Our general conclusion must be that the question posed in this article's title cannot be answered with any precision as long as we have recourse only to the above-mentioned sources. The general magnitude was certainly half a million, but the actual number of Jews who died in the German concentration camps might well have been as low as 300,000 or as high as 600,000. In order to establish a more precise answer to the question, more sample investigations should be accomplished. Any Jewish society, club, school class or small community might constitute such a sample, if only all or most of its members could be traced through the war. The study of a sufficient number of such samples would probably answer the above question and a number of other questions as well.


I shall finish this article by referring to just one small sample group of deported Jews from the Holocaust literature:


  • Albert Düssel taken to Auschwitz, later to Neuengamme, died there 1945
  • Mrs "van Daan" taken to Auschwitz, later to Buchenwald, died there 1945
  • Peter "van Daan" taken to Auschwitz, later to Mauthausen, died there 1945
  • Margot Frank taken to Auschwitz, later to Belsen, died there 1945
  • Anne Frank taken to Auschwitz, later to Belsen, died there 1945
  • Mrs Frank taken to Auschwitz, later to Belsen, died there 1945
  • Mr "van Daan" taken to Auschwitz, last seen there in 1945
  • Mr Frank taken to Auschwitz, survived in camp hospital.

This gives some idea of what can be achieved by means of the study of samples of known individuals.




  • Adler, H.G.: Theresienstadt, 1941-1945. Tübingen, 1960
  • Encyclopaedia Judaica. Jerusalem, 1972.
  • Sanning, W.N.: The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry. Costa Mesa, California, 1990.
  • Masur, Norbert: En jude talar med Himmler. Stockholm, 1945.

Table 1

Statistical Data Concerning Jewish Population in German Controlled Area Compared to the Corresponding Figures For a Sample of Identified Jews in Same Area










Present 1939
(Source: Sanning)





Present Jan. 1939
(Source: Enc. Judaica)

Emigrated 1939-41
(Source: Sanning)





Emigrated 1939-41
(Source: Enc. Judaica)

Present 1941

= 2,847



= 423

Present December 1941

Jews registered at Auschwitz (assuming that 60% of all registered were Jewish)
(Source: Enc. Judaica)





Deported to Auschwitz
(Source: Enc. Judaica)

Missing in May 1945 (85% of all according to Enc. Judaica)





Missing in May 1945
(Source: Enc. Judaica)

Survived Auschwitz

= 37



= 4

Survived Auschwitz

Registered at Theresienstadt
(Source: H.G. Adler)





Deported to Theresienstadt
(Source: Enc. Judaica)

Forwarded from Theresienstadt
(Source: H.G. Adler)





Forwarded from Theresienstadt
(Source: Enc. Judaica)

Died in Theresienstadt
(Source: H.G. Adler)





Died in Theresienstadt
(Source: Enc. Judaica)

Survived Theresienstadt





Survived Theresienstadt






Missing adter deport. to concentration camps
(Source: Enc. Judaica)

Missing not due to emigration or normal mortality
(Source: Sanning)





Missing not due to normal mortality (72-20)

Alive in conc. camps April 1945 according to Himmler
(Source: N. Masur)





Alive in conc. camps May 1945
(Source: Enc. Judaica)

Note: All figures refer to Jews living in the countries under German control in June 1941.


From The Journal of Historical Review, Fall 1991 (Vol. 11, No. 3), pages 335-344.


About the Author

Carl O. Nordling (1919-2007) was a Finnish-born architect, urban planner and historian. He graduated as an architect from the Helsinki University of Technology in 1939, and migrated to Sweden in 1944. As a statistician, he applied statistical methods to a number of scientific problems and published a large number of articles, mainly in his native Swedish. Internationally he is perhaps best known for papers he published in English-language peer-reviewed scientific journals.








1946 US report said ‘Poles persecuted the Jews as vigorously as did the Germans’

Post-war declassified State Department document found long history of Polish anti-Semitism before, during and after Holocaust


The file picture taken just after the liberation by the Soviet army in January 1945, shows a group of children wearing concentration camp uniforms behind barbed wire fencing in the Oswiecim (Auschwitz) Nazi concentration camp.  (AP Photo)
The file picture taken just after the liberation by the Soviet army in January 1945, shows a group of children wearing concentration camp uniforms behind barbed wire fencing in the Oswiecim (Auschwitz) Nazi concentration camp. (AP Photo)

A US State Department report from May 15, 1946, found “evidence that Poles persecuted the Jews as vigorously as did the Germans” during the World War II Nazi occupation of Poland.


The declassified report was distributed Thursday by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the same day that a Polish law making it a crime to accuse the Polish nation of Nazi-era atrocities took effect. Also Thursday, senior Israeli and Polish diplomats met in Jerusalem in a bid to resolve differences over the law.


The report highlights Polish anti-Semitism and persecution of Jews in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust, and traces it back to a long history of Polish anti-Jewish legislation before World War II and anti-Jewish activities by Poles during the Holocaust.


The 1946 document “analyzes the policies of the Polish Government, the current anti-Semitic manifestations, and the possibilities for Jewish survival in Poland” in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust.


The report found that “native Poles” abetted the activities of the Germans during World War II.


The report, which was declassified in August 1983, speaks of anti-Semitism as “a traditional feature of Polish political and economic life,” saying that “the continuance of the conflict between the Government and the opposition in Poland is conducive to a resurgence of anti-Semitism, which is easily employed as a weapon in this conflict.”


The State Department conceded that following the Holocaust, “the government has made anti-Semitism a crime,” but, it said, “the outrages continue, although on a somewhat reduced scale.”


During a 2001 memorial service in the Polish town Jedwabne, Jews commemorate the WWII murder of its Jewish community by Polish neighbors. (Wikimedia Commons)

The document says that since the early nineteenth century, life for the Polish Jewish community — the largest in Western Europe — was made difficult by anti-Semitism.


“Religious and economic in its origins, Polish anti-Semitism was preached by political parties and church heads and practiced by officials high and low,” according to the report. By 1939, on the eve of the Nazi occupation of Poland, “it was one of the distinguishing factors of the country’s political, social and economic life.”


“Because anti-Semitism had already become so ingrained in Polish thought, it is not altogether surprising that it still manifests itself in post-war Poland, although common suffering at the hand of the Germans might have been expected to bring the Poles and the Jews closer together.”


After World War I, Poland became an independent nation which “adopted discriminatory policies towards its Jewish citizens,” including a ban on ritual slaughter, limits on the number of Jewish university students, and discriminatory taxation.


“When Hitler came to power… anti-Semitic elements in Polish political life became more aggressive,” and “by mid-1936 the Government itself… gave approval to the economic boycott of the Jews.”


As a result of this legislation, by 1939, most of the Jews in Poland lived as “second-class citizens” despite having token representation in parliament.


This undated World War II photo released by the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial shows a group of Polish gendarmes. (Yad Vashem via AP)

The Provisional Polish Government in the immediate aftermath of the war was “devoid of the anti-Semitism which had characterized pro-war governments and had marked some elements in the former Government-in-Exile in London.” Still, the government struggled to contain the “hostility toward the Jews [which] is widespread.”


“By mid-1944, widespread anti-Semitism was reported in Lublin and other parts of Poland, attributable at this time to the departing Germans. By April 1945, more reports were current and a dozen Polish towns were named as places where Jews had been killed, allegedly by members of the Polish Home Guard (Armia Krajowa), the armed forces formed by and loyal to the Government-in-Exile. These sporadic instances finally culminated in two fairly large-scale anti-Semitic incidents: at Rzoszov on June 11 and at Cracow on August 11, 1945.” According to official figures, “fascist gangsters” had killed 352 Jews in Poland since the liberation.


The Polish legislation enacted Thursday calls for prison terms of up to three years for attributing the crimes of the Nazis to the Polish state or nation. The bill would also set fines or a maximum three-year jail term for anyone who refers to Nazi German death camps as Polish.


One key paragraph of the law states: “Whoever claims, publicly and contrary to the facts, that the Polish Nation or the Republic of Poland is responsible or co-responsible for Nazi crimes committed by the Third Reich… or for other felonies that constitute crimes against peace, crimes against humanity or war crimes, or whoever otherwise grossly diminishes the responsibility of the true perpetrators of said crimes – shall be liable to a fine or imprisonment for up to three years.”


The legislation, proposed by Poland’s conservative ruling party, has sparked a bitter dispute with Israel, which says it will inhibit free speech about the Holocaust. The United States also strongly opposes the legislation, warning it could hurt Poland’s strategic relations with Israel and the US.


Jewish groups, Holocaust survivors and Israeli officials fear its true aim is to repress research on Poles who killed Jews during World War II. The law and subsequent backlash to it have unleashed a wave of anti-Semitism in Poland.









                                                               The Lost Story of German Latin Americans Interned During WW2


After Pearl Harbor, the US state department strong-armed Latin American allies like Costa Rica into dispossessing, and often deporting, German immigrants.


(The Guardian)


With the Statue of Liberty looming overhead, an 11-year-old boy named Jurgen sat huddled in his coat, alongside his family and few pieces of luggage, as a cold wind blew off the Hudson River.

Ellis Island is best known as the former gateway for millions of immigrants entering the US, but in the winter of 1944, the boy – Jurgen – and his family were about to be deported to Germany.


“We were processed on Ellis Island as illegal immigrants,” said Jurgen, now 82. “In reality, we were kidnapped by the US government.”


Jurgen and his family were among thousands of Latin Americans of German origin who were rounded up by their respective governments on orders from the US following the bombing of Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941.


They were detained in accordance with a little-known US state department program. The Special War Problems Division would orchestrate the detention of more than 4,000 Latin Americans from Germany, Japan and Italy in internment camps in Texas and elsewhere, as well as localized detention centers in Latin America.


In all, 15 Latin American countries would deport residents and citizens of German ancestry to detention centers in the United States, often without legal recourse, according to a statement from the National Archives.


The internment of more than 120,000 Japanese Americans in camps has been recognized by the US Congress, but the story of Latin Americans with origins in axis countries has been largely lost to history.


As the 73rd anniversary of the US entry into the second world war approaches, fewer and fewer people remain who experienced firsthand the Immigration and Naturalization Service internment camps in the US.


The second world war arrived swiftly for Jurgen’s family and other Germans living in Costa Rica. Less than a month after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Jurgen’s father was arrested by Costa Rican police on 2 January 1942.


By the late 1930s,the FBI had begun to identify possible Nazi sympathizers, fearing Axis forces would establish a foothold in Latin America. In the case of Costa Rica, the US Embassy in San José submitted a list of names to be deported to the government, a move acknowledged in a State Department memo dated 15 November 1943.


Larger countries like Mexico, Chile and Argentina resisted the demand to deport their citizens, but that was not an option for the small Central American nation. In 1942, the US state department announced that it would boycott all Costa Rican products from German-owned companies. Coffee accounted for more than half of the country’s exports between 1938 and 1945 – and the coffee business was dominated by German firms, according to Gertrud Peters, an economic historian at the National University of Costa Rica.


Unable to ship goods to Germany because of the allied blockade, Costa Rica – among many other Latin American nations – was forced to comply.


Two weeks after Jurgen’s father was detained, a letter arrived from the police informing his family that he had been deported to the US, where he was being held in the country’s largest internment camp, in Crystal City, Texas.


The dusty Texas town could not have been more different from the mild climate and green mountains of San José.


The 500-acre internment camp, which at its peak would house nearly 3,400 detainees, was still largely under construction when Jurgen arrived in late 1943.


“The camp was built on an old spinach field,” Jurgen said. “There was a statue of Popeye in the town.” The statue still stands in Crystal City today.


After rain the unpaved roads would become thick with mud, and Jurgen and the other children took to walking to the latrines on short stilts to protect their shoes.


Jurgen said that the camp provided all the basics for his family, including simple accommodation in three-unit row houses, communal latrines and food. His father, a businessman, found work laying asphalt for the camp’s roads and, briefly, plucking feathers off turkeys.


Jurgen and his younger brother cut beet greens with a knife to earn $1 an hour, which the family could use to order goods from the Montgomery Ward Catalog. The family was already saving up to buy coats for the next leg of their journey back to Germany.


Besides keeping axis nationals from supposedly impeding the US war effort at home, Crystal City served an important role for the US abroad: providing the country with a grab-bag of prisoners who could be traded for Americans held by the Third Reich.


Faced with the prospect of spending the remaining years of the war in detention, Jurgen’s family volunteered for deportation.


The family traveled by train to Ellis Island before they boarded a Red Cross ship and sailed back to Europe. Allied and Russian forces were beginning to close in on Germany. As Jurgen and his family filed off the boat in Lisbon, a line of American prisoners waited to board, bound back to the United States.


Jurgen’s family eventually returned to Costa Rica in 1948. They were able to recover their properties, but the same could not be said for many German families, whose businesses and land were seized by the government and sold to pay down the national debt and subsidize populist land reforms.


After years in war-torn Germany, what they found in Costa Rica was yet more conflict: following a disputed election in 1948, the country fell into a brief civil war. That war brought about the rise of President José Figueres, the leader who abolished Costa Rica’s army in 1948. The following year, Costa Rica declared its political neutrality.




Holocaust Handbooks & Documentaries

Presented by Castle Hill Publishers and CODOH
ISSN 1529-7748 (books) & 2059-3872 (documentaries)

Groundbreaking Documentaries on the Biggest Taboo of the Western World

In 1992, Jewish filmmaker David Cole went to Auschwitz to make a documentary, in which he exposed the lies, distortions and outright falsifications committed by the local Polish Museum. His movie made him famous—or infamous, some contend. With this courageous young Jewish man's deed, critical Holocaust research entered a new era: that of well-researched documentaries bringing to light the incongruencies of the orthodox Holocaust narrative.


Copyright Notice: The following movies have been released to the public domain for educational purposes only. They can be copied and distributed free of charge only. No commercial use is permitted. If copied and distributed, no changes to the movies are permitted without the prior written consent of the author/director of the movie.


So far, the following 17 documentaries are available for free download:


To learn more about them, click on their respective links.


Sort by: Title Year. Rows per page:
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Dean Irebodd: Auschwitz—The Surprising Hidden Truth

Auschwitz—where the Germans killed the Jews. But when you look at the details of what is claimed about Auschwitz and what was physically possible, strange, even incredible discrepancies turn up. This video describes some of the most glaring facts which don't jibe with the usual narrative. Learn more

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Dean Irebodd: Buchenwald—A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil.; 2nd, revised edition

The German wartime concentration camp at Buchenwald became one of the center stages of Allied post-war propaganda depicting Germans as profoundly evil and justifying not only the slaughters going in during WWII, but also many of the wars to come in the future. This documentary shows how the Powers That Be manipulate the gullible American public and much of the rest of the world for pro-war purposes. Learn more

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Germar Rudolf: Curated Lies—The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions

On May 9, 2016, Dr. James Fetzer, retired professor of philosophy of science, hosted Germar Rudolf during Episode 198 of his internet broadcast The Real Deal. Rudolf presented an overview of the recently released study CURATED LIES: The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations & Deceptions by Italian Holocaust Historian Carlo Mattogno. Learn more

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David Cole: David Cole in Auschwitz—David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum; slightly shortened, sound-remastered edition

A young Jewish holocaust revisionist puts some hard questions to a museum tour guide and to the senior curator of the Auschwitz State Museum… Learn more

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Anthony Lawson: Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid?; 2nd, revised edition

This video discusses the social and judicial persecution of individuals voicing dissident opinions on the historical event usually referred to as the Holocaust. It castigates that persecution and lays bare the illegality and amorality of such activities. It also presents a number of striking arguments showing that revisionists just may be right. Learn more

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Dean Irebodd: Nazi Shrunken Heads—A 24-minute free video about lies which justify war; 2nd, revised edition

The German wartime concentration camp at Buchenwald became one of the center stages of Allied post-war propaganda depicting Germans as profoundly evil and justifying not only the slaughters going in during WWII, but also many of the wars to come in the future. This documentary shows how the Powers That Be manipulate the gullible American public and much of the rest of the world for pro-war purposes. Learn more

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Dean Irebodd: One Third of the Holocaust—A holocaust denial movie on the subject of Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec

This documentary explains how Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec were not death camps, thereby debunking 1/3 of the holocaust. It asks questions like, "Would the Germans have really put a fence made out of tree branches around a deathcamp?" Answer: "Uh, no, that's silly." And would they have then conducted a huge burning operation inside this flammable fence? Learn more

click for more details about this movie

Germar Rudolf: Probing the Holocaust: The Horror Explained (Part 1); 2nd edition

With horrific images of corpses strewn on the ground and in trains at the Bergen-Belsen, Nordhausen and Dachau concentration camps, the Allies convinced the world that six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis. This documentary analyzes this imagery. Learn more

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Germar Rudolf: The Chemistry of Auschwitz—Buna Rubber, Zyklon B, Prussian Blue and the Gas Chambers; 3rd edition

Auschwitz was a center of chemistry. The German chemical industry built gigantic factories for rubber and fuel. But that's not what we associate with the name "Auschwitz." We think of gas chambers and Zyklon B, two chemical things as well. How did the gas chambers of Auschwitz look like? How did they operate? And Zyklon B: what is it? How does it kill? Does it leave traces that can be found still today? These and other questions are thoroughly examined in this documentary. The horror of Auschwitz is meticulously dissected, and thus, for the first time, it really becomes comprehensible. This video documentary accompanies the book of the same title, which is Volume 2 of the series "Holocaust Handbooks." Learn more

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Germar Rudolf: The Day Amazon Murdered History

In March 2017, Amazon banned all revisionist books from its online stores worldwide. This documentary tells the inside story of what exactly happened and why… Learn more

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Germar Rudolf: The First Holocaust—The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure

A documentary on the surprising origin of the six-million figure. Germar Rudolf takes the reader on a time travel back until 1850 while tracing back the origin and various usages of the claim that six million Jews were suffering and in danger of being exterminated in a "holocaust." Learn more

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Eric Hunt: The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax

Since its inception in 1994, Steven Spielberg's "Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation" has recorded numerous testimonies of "Holocaust survivors." The present documentary uses some of them to prove that the orthodox tale about the alleged extermination camp at Treblinka is untenable. Learn more

click for more details about this movie

Eric Hunt: The Last Days of the Big Lie; 2nd revised edition

The Last Days of the Big Lie is a documentary which debunks the repulsive liars glorified as victims and heroes in the Steven Spielberg produced, Academy Award winning Holocaust “documentary” fraud "The Last Days." Learn more

click for more details about this movie

Germar Rudolf: The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt—Part 1; 2nd edition

On April 7th of 2017, Deborah Lipstadt appeared in Oxford, England, where she related her experiences surrounding her courtroom battle against British historian David Irving. This presentation discusses some of the claims she made during that speech. It is demonstrated that many of her claims are not only false, but are actually deeply rooted in prejudice and a profoundly anti-academic attitude. Learn more

click for more details about this movie

Germar Rudolf: The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt—Part 2

Deborah Lipstadt's claim to fame is her 1993 book Denying the Holocaust and the events it triggered. This video exposes her book as a collection of lies and deceptions.

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click for more details about this movie

Eric Hunt: The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth

This documentary debunks the “Gas Chambers Disguised as Shower Rooms” propaganda coup staged by the Soviets in August 1944 when they occupied the Lublin-Majdanek camp. Back then Allied Holocaust propaganda took flight, and with this documentary it finds it Nemesis.

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click for more details about this movie

Eric Hunt: The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax; 2nd, revised edition

The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax debunks Zionist British Archaeologist Caroline Sturdy Colls’ fraudulent “investigation” of Treblinka, which included digging near clearly marked Christian graves claiming to have found new “hidden mass graves”, falsely assigning homicidal intent to a normal life-saving shower room at Majdanek, and misidentifying a terra-cotta tile excavated at Treblinka as belonging to the floor of a homicidal “gas chamber.” Learn more





Eyewitnesses to the Treblinka “Gas Chambers”


      Traditional Holocaust historians state that Treblinka was a pure extermination camp in which approximately 870,000 Jews were murdered. The number of Jewish survivors of Treblinka is generally thought to have been between 40 and 70, and probably closer to the lower figure. This article will examine the credibility of several Jewish survivors of Treblinka.




      Chil Rajchman was a Jewish survivor of Treblinka who was interviewed by the US Office of Special Investigations in 1980. He later traveled to the United States to appear as a witness for the prosecution in the extradition trial of John Demjanjuk. Rajchman also took the witness stand in Jerusalem where Demjanjuk was put on trial for allegedly being a murderous guard at Treblinka.[2] The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that Demjanjuk’s guilt had not been proven, and that the eyewitness testimony of Rajchman and four other witnesses failed to identify Demjanjuk credibly.[3]


Rajchman described the gas chambers at Treblinka in his memoirs:


     The Schlauch road is not long. In a few minutes you find yourself in a white structure, on which a Star of David is painted. On the steps of the structure stands a German, who points to the entrance and smiles—Bitte, bitte! The steps lead to a corridor lined with flowers and with long towels hanging on the walls.


       The size of the gas chamber is seven by seven meters. In the middle of the chamber there are shower-heads through which the gas is introduced. On one of the walls a thick pipe serves as an exhaust to remove the air. Thick felt around the doors of the chamber renders them airtight.


      In this building there are some 10 gas chambers. At a short distance from the main structure there is a smaller one with three gas chambers. By the doors stand several Germans who shove people inside. Their hands do not rest for a moment as they scream fiendishly—Faster, faster, keep moving![4]


      Rajchman wrote that exhaust gas from a Diesel engine was piped into the gas chambers.[5] However, Austrian engineer Walter Lüftl and American engineer Friedrich Paul Berg have both documented that exhaust from Diesel engines could not have been used for mass executions at Treblinka. Lüftl concludes in his report that the stories of gas chambers with Diesel engines and gas vans at places such as Treblinka can only be disinformation.[6]


         Berg writes: “However, the story [of mass gassings] becomes even more incredible when one discovers that far better sources of carbon monoxide, better even than gasoline engines, were readily available to the Germans. Those other sources did not require either Diesel fuel or gasoline.”[7]


      Rajchman in his memoirs also reported the following horrific incident:


       It once happened that an oven was brought next to a huge grave, where perhaps a quarter of a million people were buried. As usual the oven was loaded with the proper number of bodies and in the evening it was lit. But a strong wind carried the fire over to the huge grave and engulfed it in flames. The blood of some quarter of a million people began to flare, and thus burned for a night and a day. The whole camp administration came to look upon this marvel, gazing with satisfaction at the blaze. The blood came up to the surface and burned as if it were fuel.[8]


       Since blood consists mostly of water and is nonflammable, Rajchman’s story that blood burned as if it were fuel is totally absurd.[9] 


        Rajchman also reported other instances when the blood from gassed victims rose to the surface: “I remember that every morning when we went out to work, we would notice that the surfaces of the pits had burst in dozens of places. By day the ground was firmly trodden down, but at night the blood pressed up to the surface…The blood of tens of thousands of victims, unable to rest, thrust itself up to the surface.”[10]


         Rajchman’s story that blood “pressed up to the surface” at night but was trodden down during the day is ludicrous. Rajchman’s memoirs about his stay in Treblinka are no more credible than his testimony at the John Demjanjuk trial.   




      Richard Glazar was a Jew sent to Treblinka at the beginning of October 1942. He said he spent 10 months in Treblinka before escaping from the camp.[11] Glazar in his memoirs also stated that exhaust gasses from motors were used in the gas chambers at Treblinka:


      The gas chambers are the only brick buildings in the entire camp. Actually, they comprise two structures. At first was built—somewhat farther from the entrance—a smaller structure with three gas chambers, each about five by five meters. Sometime in the fall of 1942 the second building, containing 10 gas chambers, was completed. This building is located very close to the Pipeline, at the point where it opens into the second part of the camp. There is a hallway running all the way down the middle of the new building. One enters the gas chambers, five on either side, from this hallway. The new gas chambers measure about seven by seven meters. The motor room is built onto the back wall, where the hallway ends. The exhaust gases from the motors are pumped into the gas chambers through conduits in the ceilings of the chambers. These conduits are disguised as showers.[12]


      Glazar made two major errors in his book. First, Glazar wrote that the Germans started to burn the corpses “one overcast November afternoon” in 1942.[13] This statement contradicts the standard Holocaust literature, which claims the incineration of corpses did not start until March/April 1943.[14]         


      Second, Glazar said that he was part of a camouflage unit that performed forestry work in the vicinity of Treblinka. Glazar wrote:


      The camouflage unit is the only one of the old work squads that still has enough real work to do…Several times a day…some part of the 25-man unit has to go out into the forest, climb into the trees, harvest large branches, and carry them back into the camp, where they will be used for repairs. The other part of the unit straightens and firms up the posts, tightens the barbed wire, and weaves the new pine boughs into the fence until there are no longer any gaps in the dense green wall.[15]


      Thus, according to Glazar, 25 inmates supplied Treblinka with its greenery for concealment. The “camouflage unit” would have been much larger if wood from the forest had been used to cremate the 870,000 corpses in Treblinka. The camouflage unit would also have chopped down the trees and then cut off the branches rather than engaging in tree-climbing activities. Yet Glazar apparently opines that such tree-felling never occurred during his time at Treblinka. Since historians universally state that there were no crematoria at Treblinka, this rules out the cremation of some 870,000 corpses using firewood.[16]    


      Air-photo evidence also indicates that the massive deforestation necessary to cremate 870,000 bodies never took place around Treblinka. Thomas Kues writes:

      By comparing a detailed 1936 map of the Treblinka area with air photos taken by the Luftwaffe in May and November 1944 we are able to estimate the scope of contemporary deforestation in the area. If 870,000 bodies had really been burned at Treblinka, then the procurement of the required fuel would have denuded the entire wooded area north of the camp site. The air photos show that this is clearly not the case. Rather, the visible possibly deforested areas—amounting to less than 10 hectares—indicate the cremation of at most some ten thousands of bodies.[17


      The argument that only a fraction of the corpses were burned is not valid, since the Soviet and Polish forensic examinations of Treblinka would have discovered hundreds of thousands of corpses. The Allies would have shown these corpses to the world as proof of German genocide.


      The only remaining conclusion is that most Jews at Treblinka were sent somewhere else, most likely to German-occupied Soviet territory. Richard Glazar’s memoirs inadvertently confirmed the revisionist thesis that Treblinka was a transit camp.[18]    




      Jankiel Wiernik escaped from Treblinka and published a document in May 1944 describing his experiences at Treblinka. Wiernik wrote:


      A Jew had been selected by the Germans to function as a supposed “bath attendant.” He stood at the entrance of the building housing the chambers and urged everyone to hurry inside before the water got cold. What irony! Amidst shouts and blows, the people were chased into the chambers.


     As I have already indicated, there was not much space in the gas chambers. People were smothered simply by overcrowding. The motor which generated the gas in the new chambers was defective, and so the helpless victims had to suffer for hours on end before they died. Satan himself could not have devised a more fiendish torture. When the chambers were opened again, many of the victims were only half dead and had to be finished off with rifle butts, bullets or powerful kicks.


      Often people were kept in the gas chambers overnight with the motor not turned on at all. Overcrowding and lack of air killed many of them in a very painful way. However, many survived the ordeal of such nights; particularly the children showed a remarkable degree of resistance. They were still alive when they were dragged out of the chambers in the morning, but revolvers used by the Germans made short work of them…[19] 


      So according to Wiernik, the gas chambers at Treblinka were not very efficient. Many victims suffocated or had to be killed with bullets, rifle butts or powerful kicks.


      Jankiel Wiernik wrote: “Between 10,000 and 12,000 people were gassed each day.”[20] Wiernik also wrote: “The number of transports grew daily, and there were periods when as many as 30,000 people were gassed in one day…”[21] This is an incredibly large number of people killed by a defective motor that took “hours on end” to kill the victims and which was frequently left off overnight.


      Wiernik also wrote that handsome Bulgarian Jews were discriminated against: “These handsome Jews were not permitted an easy death. Only small quantities of gas were let into the chambers, so that their agony lasted through the night.”[22] This would have made the gassing process at Treblinka even more inefficient. I wonder how 870,000 Jews could have been killed by such inefficient methods.


       Wiernik described the corpses of the alleged gassing victims: “All were equal. There was no longer any beauty or ugliness, for they were all yellow from the gas.”[23] Actually, victims of carbon-monoxide poisoning exhibit a cherry-red or rosy red coloring.[24] Wiernik’s statement that the victims were “all yellow from the gas” is obviously false.


      Wiernik wrote in regard to the cremation of corpses: “It turned out that bodies of women burned more easily than those of men. Accordingly, the bodies of women were used for kindling the fires…When corpses of pregnant women were cremated, their bellies would burst open. The fetus would be exposed and could be seen burning inside the mother’s womb.”[25] The absurdities promulgated by Wiernik are really beyond description, yet he is probably the most prominent witness to the alleged gassings at Treblinka.[26]   




      Abraham Goldfarb arrived in Treblinka on August 25, 1942, and escaped from Treblinka during the revolt in 1943.[27] Goldfarb described the gassings at Treblinka:


      On the way to the gas chambers Germans with dogs stood along the fence on both sides. The dogs had been trained to attack people; they bit the men’s genitals and the women’s breasts, ripping off pieces of flesh. The Germans hit the people with whips and iron bars to spur them on, so that they would press forward into the “showers” as quickly as possible. The screams of the women could be heard far away, even in the other parts of the camp. The Germans drove the running victims on with shouts of “Faster, faster, the water is getting cold, and others still have to take a shower!” To escape from the blows, the victims ran to the gas chambers as quickly as they could, the stronger ones pushing the weaker ones aside. At the entrance to the gas chambers stood the two Ukrainians, Ivan Demjaniuk and Nikolai, one of them armed with an iron bar, the other with a sword. Even they drove the people inside with blows…


       As soon as the gas chambers were full, the Ukrainians closed the doors and started the engine. Some 20 to 25 minutes later an SS man or a Ukrainian looked through a window in the door. When he had made sure that everyone had been asphyxiated, the Jewish prisoners had to open the doors and remove the corpses. Because the chambers were overcrowded and the victims had held onto one another, they were all standing upright and were like one single mass of flesh.[28]


      Goldfarb stated that dogs at Treblinka attacked the men’s genitals and the women’s breasts while the victims ran to the gas chambers. I wonder why the other survivors failed to report these vicious dog attacks of the gassing victims. Goldfarb’s story is highly suspicious


     Goldfarb’s statement that the victims “were all standing upright and were like one single mass of flesh” is also not credible. Many of the dead victims would have fallen to the floor no matter how crowded the gas chambers. The dead victims would not have been “like one single mass of flesh.” 




      No documentary or credible material trace exists of the alleged gas chambers at Treblinka. We would know nothing about the Treblinka gas chambers except for the testimony of a small number of eyewitnesses. 


      A November 15, 1942 report produced by the resistance movement of the Warsaw ghetto originally stated that steam chambers were used to kill Jews at Treblinka. In 1944, Jankiel Wiernik converted the embarrassing “steam chambers,” which characterized the first phase of the Treblinka atrocity propaganda, into “gas chambers.” Official historiography now considers the gas chambers of Treblinka as established historical fact.[29]


      However, as discussed in this article, the eyewitness testimony of the Treblinka gas chambers is not credible. Such testimony cannot be used to prove that Germany mass murdered Jews at Treblinka. Germar Rudolf writes:


      Thus, if 100 witnesses and 100 confessions state that the moon is made of green cheese or that 870,000 corpses can be burned within a few months without fuel and without leaving traces, both assertions being of a similar intellectual quality, then we have to conclude—in light of all the forensic evidence—that the witnesses and the defendants are wrong. Like it or not![30]        




[1] Willenberg, Samuel, Surviving Treblinka, New York: Basil Blackwell Inc., 1989, p. 2.

[2] Kues, Thomas. “Chil Rajchman and His Memoirs.” Inconvenient History, Vol.2, No. 1, Spring 2010. https://inconvenienthistory.com/2/1/1916.

[3] An excellent account of John Demjanjuk’s trial is provided in Sheftel, Yoram, Defending “Ivan the Terrible”: The Conspiracy to Convict John Demjanjuk, Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1996.

[4] Rajchman, Chil, The Last Jew of Treblinka: A Survivor’s Memory 1942-1943, New York: Pegasus Books, 2011, pp. 11-12.

[5] Ibid., p. 58.

[6] Lüftl, Walter, “The Lüftl Report,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, Winter 1992-1993, pp. 391-406. 

[7] Berg, Friedrich Paul, “The Diesel Gas Chamber: Ideal for Torture—Absurd for Murder,” in Gauss, Ernst (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory, Capshaw, Ala.: Theses and Dissertations Press, 2000, p. 456.

[8] Rajchman, Chil, The Last Jew of Treblinka: A Survivor’s Memory 1942-1943, New York: Pegasus Books, 2011, pp. 91-92.

[9] https://inconvenienthistory.com/2/1/1916.

[10] Ibid., p. 79.        

[11] Glazar, Richard, Trap with a Green Fence: Survival in Treblinka, Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1995, p. VIII.

[12] Ibid., p. 37.

[13] Ibid., p. 29.

[14] Mattogno, Carlo and Graf, Jürgen, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Washington, D.C., The Barnes Review, 2010, p. 39.

[15] Glazar, Richard, Trap with a Green Fence: Survival in Treblinka: Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1995, pp. 127-128.

[16] Mattogno, Carlo and Graf, Jürgen, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Washington, D.C., The Barnes Review, 2010, pp. 39-40.

[17] https://inconvenienthistory.com/1/2/1912.

[18] Ibid.

[19] Donat, Alexander (editor), The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, New York: Holocaust Library, 1979, pp. 163-164.

[20] Ibid., p. 159.

[21] Ibid., p. 164.

[22] Ibid., p. 172.

[23] Ibid., p. 159.

[24] Mattogno, Carlo and Graf, Jürgen, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Washington, D.C., The Barnes Review, 2010, p. 73.

[25] Donat, Alexander (editor), The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, New York: Holocaust Library, 1979, p. 170.

[26] Mattogno, Carlo and Graf, Jürgen, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Washington, D.C., The Barnes Review, 2010, p. 154.

[27] http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/ar/treblinka/treblinkarememberme.html.

[28] Kogon, Eugen, Langbein, Hermann, and Rückerl, Adalbert (editors), Nazi Mass Murder: A Documentary History of the Use of Poison Gas, New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1993, pp. 126-127.

[29] Mattogno, Carlo and Graf, Jürgen, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Washington, D.C., The Barnes Review, 2010, pp. 51-62, 299.

[30] Ibid., p. 307.
