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President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Jewish Cabal

by VNN research staff

Some of these Jews were directly responsible for plunging America into WWII by deliberately alienating America
from anti-Communist countries such as Germany and Japan long before the outbreak of hostilities.
These Jews also pioneered the idea of Big Egalitarian Government in America; some of them were later discovered to
have been spies for the Soviet Union.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (photo at right), president of the United States of America, 1933-1945, was himself partly of Dutch-Jewish ancestry.

1. Bernard M. Baruch -- a financier and adviser to FDR.
2. Felix Frankfurter -- Supreme Court Justice; a key player in FDR's New Deal system.
3. David E. Lilienthal -- director of Tennessee Valley Authority, adviser. The TVA changed the relationship of government-to-business in America.
4. David Niles -- presidential aide.
5. Louis Brandeis -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice; confidante of FDR; "Father" of New Deal.
6. Samuel I. Rosenman -- official speechwriter for FDR.
7. Henry Morgenthau Jr. -- Secretary of the Treasury, "unofficial" presidential adviser. Father of the Morgenthau Plan to further ruin Germany and mass murder Germans after WWII.
8. Benjamin V. Cohen -- State Department official, adviser to FDR.
9. Rabbi Stephen Wise -- close pal of FDR, spokesman for the American Zionist movement, head of The American Jewish Congress.
10. Frances Perkins -- Secretary of Labor; allegedly Jewish/adopted at birth; unconfirmed.
11. Sidney Hillman -- presidential adviser.
12. Anna Rosenberg -- longtime labor adviser to FDR, and manpower adviser with the Manpower Consulting Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board and the War Manpower Commission.
13. Herbert H. Lehman -- Governor of New York, 1933-1942, Director of U.S. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations, Department of State, 1942-1943; Director-General of UNRRA, 1944 - 1946, pal of FDR.
14. Herbert Feis -- U.S. State Department official, economist, and an adviser on international economic affairs.
15. R. S. Hecht -- financial adviser to FDR.
16. Nathan Margold -- Department of the Interior Solicitor, legal adviser.
17. Jesse I. Straus -- adviser to FDR.
18. H. J. Laski -- "unofficial foreign adviser" to FDR.
19. E. W. Goldenweiser -- Federal Reserve Director.
20. Charles E. Wyzanski -- U.S. Labor department legal adviser.
21. Samuel Untermyer -- lawyer, "unofficial public ownership adviser" to FDR.
22. Jacob Viner -- Tax expert at the U.S. Treasury Department, assistant to the Treasury Secretary.
23. Edward Filene -- businessman, philanthropist, unofficial presidential adviser.
24. David Dubinsky -- Labor leader, president of International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
25. William C. Bullitt -- part-Jewish, ambassador to USSR [is claimed to be Jonathan Horwitz's grandson; unconfirmed].
26. Mordecai Ezekiel -- Agriculture Department economist.
27. Abe Fortas -- Assistant director of Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of the Interior Undersecretary.
28. Isador Lubin -- Commissioner of Labor Statistics, unofficial labor economist to FDR.
29. Harry Dexter White [Weiss] -- Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; a key founder of the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank; adviser, close pal of Henry Morgenthau. Co-wrote the Morgenthau Plan.
30. Alexander Holtzoff -- Special assistant, U.S. Attorney General's Office until 1945; [presumed to be Jewish; unconfirmed].
31. David Weintraub -- official in the Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations; helped create the United Nations; Secretary, Committee on Supplies, 1944-1946.
32. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster -- Agriculture Department official and head of the Near East Division of the Board of Economic Warfare; helped create the United Nations.
33. Harold Glasser -- Treasury Department director of the division of monetary research. Treasury spokesman on the affairs of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
34. Irving Kaplan -- U.S. Treasury Department official, pal of David Weintraub.
35. Solomon Adler -- Treasury Department representative in China during World War II.
36. Benjamin Cardozo -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
37. Leo Wolman -- chairman of the National Recovery Administration's Labor advisery Board; labor economist.
38. Rose Schneiderman -- labor organizer; on the advisery board of the National Recovery Administration.
39. Jerome Frank -- general counsel to the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Justice, U.S. Court o Appeals, 1941-57.
40. Gerard Swope -- key player in the creation of the N.R.A. [National Recovery Administration]
41. Herbert Bayard Swope -- brother of Gerard
42. Lucien Koch -- consumer division, N.R.A. [apparently-Jewish]
43. J. David Stern -- Federal Reserve Board, appointed by FDR
44. Nathan Straus -- housing adviser
45. Charles Michaelson -- Democratic [DNC] publicity man
46. Lawrence Steinhardt -- ambassador to Soviet Union
47. Harry Guggenheim -- heir to Guggenheim fortune, adviser on aviation
48. Arthur Garfield Hays -- adviser on civil liberties
49. David Lasser -- head of Worker's Alliance, labor activist
50. Max Zaritsky -- labor adviser
51. James Warburg -- millionaire, early backer of New Deal before backing out
52. Louis Kirstein -- associate of E. Filene
53. Charles Wyzanski, Jr. -- counsel, Dept. of Labor
54. Charles Taussig -- early New Deal adviser
55. Jacob Baker -- assistant to W.P.A. head Harry Hopkins; assistant head of W.P.A. [Works Progress Admin.]
56. Louis H. Bean -- Dept. of Agriculture official
57. Abraham Fox -- research director, Tariff Commission
58. Benedict Wolf -- National Labor Relations Board [NLRB]
59. William Leiserson -- NLRB
60. David J. Saposs -- NLRB
61. A. H. Meyers -- NLRB [New England division]
62. L. H. Seltzer -- head economist at the Treasury Dept.
63. Edward Berman -- Dept. of Labor official
64. Jacob Perlman -- Dept. of Labor official
65. Morris L. Jacobson -- chief statistician of the Government Research Project
66. Jack Levin -- assistant general manager, Rural Electrification Authority
67. Harold Loeb -- economic consultant, N.R.P.
68. William Seagle -- council, Petroleum Labor Policy Board

69. Herman A. Gray -- policy committee, National Housing Conference
70. Alexander Sachs -- rep. of Lehman Bros., early New Deal consultant
71. Paul Mazur -- rep. of Lehman Bros., early consultant for New Deal
72. Henry Alsberg -- head of the Writer's Project under the W.P.A.
73. Lincoln Rothschild -- New Deal art administrator







It was widely known among U.S. military intelligence leaders that Jews played a prominent role in the Roosevelt administration. For this and other reasons, Roosevelt was widely unpopular among most U.S. army officers. Bendersky writes:


“Years later, the wife of Colonel Truman Smith recounted the ‘exultation’ and ‘fierce delight’ in their social and political circle upon hearing the news of Roosevelt’s death. Finally, in her words, ‘The evil man was dead!’ ”[9]

Screenshot_2018-12-24 Document5 - eleanor_fbi_red_record pdfFull document via PBS: here

The foreign-born Felix Frankfurter, a close friend and adviser of Roosevelt, had long been regarded by military intelligence as a dangerous Jewish radical. Frankfurter’s appointment to the Supreme Court in 1939 and his role in the New Deal was symbolic of the Jewish control of Roosevelt’s administration. Numerous other Jewish appointments caused many military officers to suspect Roosevelt of jeopardizing American domestic and foreign policy interests to accommodate Jews.[10]


U.S. General George Van Horn Moseley was one of the most outspoken critics of Jews. Bendersky quotes from Moseley’s writings:


      Endowed with “objectionable” hereditary traits preserved by strict inbreeding, a Jew, Moseley wrote, no matter how assimilated, will always remain a Jew, a permanent “human outcast.” Describing Jews as “crude and unclean, animal-like things,” he exclaimed, “it is like writing about something loathsome, such as syphilis.” Insidiously, Jews rise from the underworld to control the economy, then government, making themselves “all-powerful.” Using international finance simultaneously with communism to further their selfish ends, they know no loyalty to any country. In the modern world, their ultimate goal is the “destruction of Christian civilization as we understand it in America today.”[11]


Congressmen were amazed by Moseley’s outspokenness when he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee in June 1939. Moseley stated that America must learn from the experience of other countries. The “murder squads” of the Jewish Communists Trotsky and Bela Kun killed “millions of Christians” in the Soviet Union and Hungary. In Germany, “fortunately, the character of the German people was aroused” against the “internationalists” who sold them out at Versailles. Moseley stated that in developing its own refugee policy, America could benefit from the German response “for settling the problem of the Jew within their borders for all time.”[12]


Although Moseley’s vehemence made it easy for the army to publicly dismiss him as an oddity, Moseley’s assertions of Jewish-Communist subversion were a widely held belief among American military officers. Moseley’s statements differed very little from the depictions of Jews by General George S. Patton after World War II. Some retired generals would also hold the same views as Moseley into the 1970s.[13]




Many military intelligence officers saw Jews as the force behind World War II. Throughout the 1930s, many military officers foresaw a situation in which Jewish influence would involve the United States in a war against Germany.[14]


A colonel at the Army War College asked Harvard historian William Langer why “all one hears is hostility for Hitler and for Germany.” Langer replied:


      I think the Jewish influence has a great deal to do with it. You have to face the fact that some of our most important American newspapers are Jewish-controlled, and I suppose if I were a Jew I would feel about Nazi Germany as most Jews feel and it would be most inevitable that the coloring of the news takes on that tinge. As I read the New York Times, for example, it is perfectly clear that every little upset that occurs (and after all many upsets occur in a country of 70 million people) is given a great deal of prominence. The other part of it is soft-pedaled or put off with a sneer. So that in a rather subtle way, the picture you get is that there is no good in the Germans whatever.[15]  


John Beaty edited secret daily intelligence reports as a G-2 officer in Washington between 1941 and 1947. Beaty wrote the book The Iron Curtain over America based on his insights while inside G-2. He claimed that World War II was an unnecessary war fostered by Jews. The war was designed to kill as many Germans and Americans as possible by prolonging the war through demands for unconditional surrender and the Morgenthau Plan. The uncivilized bombing of German cities was also designed to mass murder innocent German civilians.[16]


Beaty described the Holocaust as a “fantastic hoax” and United States support for Israel as a policy fiasco. The Iron Curtain over America received strong support from many in the military intelligence community. U.S. General George E. Stratemeyer, for example, said he owed Beaty a great debt, since from Beaty’s book he finally learned what really occurred back home while he was fighting overseas. Stratemeyer said that every loyal American should read The Iron Curtain over America.[17]


Many other U.S. military leaders also concluded that Jews had influenced America to enter World War II. For example, General Albert C. Wedemeyer wrote to retired Colonel Truman Smith a few years after the war that the British, Zionists, and Communists made American entry into the war inevitable. Wedemeyer said they were motivated by selfish interests rather than the welfare of humanity. He stated that “most of the people associated with Communism in the early days were Jews.” Wedemeyer also claimed that Roosevelt’s Jewish advisers “did everything possible to spread venom and hatred against the Nazis and to arouse Roosevelt against the Germans.”[18]




      General George Patton was removed from his position as military governor of Bavaria after the war for showing too much sympathy for Germans. Patton wrote repeatedly during the next few weeks about the plot by “Jews and Communists” to remove any officer who stood in the way of their destructive plans for Germany. Fear of Jewish opinion in the United States made American generals highly sensitive to criticism that they were treating the Germans too softly. Although most of the civilian German population consisted of women, children and old men, one general confided that“we are under constant pressure to kick the Germans around.”[19]



American officers and government officials complained incessantly in private that Jewish “refugees in American uniforms,” together with Jews in the U.S. government, adversely affected American policy toward Germany. For example, Major Charles Robertson, the American public safety officer in Wels, Austria, thought Patton was sacrificed merely to please “the blessed Jews.” Robertson said Jews seized businesses and property from Austrians merely because they had been Nazi Party members. As Robertson portrayed it, Jews had infiltrated the military government and protected their fellow Jews in all cases.[20]


Other officers confidentially criticized the nonfraternization and harsh occupation policies, which some considered in large measure Jewish inspired. American Frank Mason reported from Germany that some refugee officers let Germans starve, treated German POWs with extreme cruelty, and sadistically beat SS officers. According to Mason, given U.S. policy and the way the press mislead Americans about events in Germany, disapproving and disgusted officers felt helpless to change the situation.[21]


The emerging Cold War caused military intelligence to resume its surveillance of Jews and Communists. Confidential intelligence summaries sent to retired general Ralph Van Deman stated that despite their denials, Jews “made an awful poor showing in World War II”; they were “powerful enough to pull the strings” necessary to keep them out of combat. The reports indicated that nefarious Jewish activities were so numerous that even a small staff could not keep up with them. Jewish organizations had unlimited funds and “dwarfed…honest, patriotic groups into insignificance.”[22]


General Charles A. Willoughby, MacArthur’s intelligence chief in occupied Japan, instigated a yearlong investigation of subversive elements in his own headquarters and in Washington. Willoughby wrote:


“There appears to be a racial and geographical affinity for Communism and uncontrolled immigration has become a channel for subversion.”


Willoughby upon retirement became more explicit in identifying these as Jewish influences. For example, he complained that an unprincipled Eisenhower had removed Patton “at the behest of Frankfurter, Bnai Brith and the Jewish Conspirators.”[23]


Military intelligence leaders also worked with Merwin K. Hart, the president of the National Economic Council, who waged a relentless battle against Jews and the Anti-Defamation League. Hart argued that left-wing Jews and Communists had worked closely together to work against American interests. Hart further stated that Jewish-Communist power had forced the United States to make the tragic mistake of partitioning Palestine. That decision cost America oil, alienated its natural Arab allies, and put displaced Palestinians in a dreadful plight.[24]


Anti-Jewish feelings in the officer corps remained long after World War II. For example, following a lecture at Duke Law School on October 10, 1974, General George S. Brown complained that the power of the Israeli lobby was “so strong you wouldn’t believe it.” The Israelis, Brown stated, say:


“Don’t worry about the Congress. We’ll take care of the Congress.” Now this is somebody from another country, but they can do it.


They own, you know, the banks in this country, the newspapers, you just look at where the Jewish money is in this country.[25]   


Bendersky concludes the last chapter of his book by writing:


“What can be established beyond doubt…is that into the late 1970s and beyond, certain retired officers pursued their crusade to save America from a Jewish threat.”[26]

These retired officers were saying similar things about Jews as Adolf Hitler did when he was in power.




Joseph Bendersky wrote The “Jewish Threat” to show that anti-Semitism permeated the highest ranks of the U.S. military throughout the last century.[27] Much of the book’s extensive research and documentation, however, proves the disproportionate power of Jews in America through their own words and actions. The U.S. military intelligence leaders were merely reacting to this disproportionate power as loyal and patriotic Americans. The “Jewish Threat” thus contributes to the large body of evidence indicating that Jews have taken control of the American government to the detriment of non-Jewish citizens.

The social-political transformation of America, as Moseley described:
“In the modern world, their ultimate goal is the “destruction of Christian civilization as we understand it in America today.”





The Soviet Union Did NOT Defeat Germany in World War 2

by Mike King


Among the diploma-decorated dick-heads of western "academia," the "consensus" is that it

was the Soviet Union which defeated Germany in World War II -- with the contributions

of the United States and the United Kingdom being minimal. Here are a few typical headlines

demonstrating this typical ignorance of our esteemed "historians":

  • The Washington Post: (May 8, 2015): The Soviet Union Saved the World From Hitler
  • The Independent (UK, May 10, 2015): Never Forget - The Soviets Won World II in Europe
  • Newsweek: Defeat of Germany in World War II Was Possible Without U.S

Of course, from our perspective, with the crushing defeats of both peaceful Germany and

Japan, decent humanity actually lost World War II -- and (((they))) won. That aside, we'd

like to clean up this duplicitous dung about "the Soviet Union won the war" --- and that

they did so almost single-handedly. To quote one misinformed writer, the argument goes

something like this:

"The German Wehrmacht, which in a few days overran France and drove the British off

the continent, was destroyed in Russia by the Red Army. The allied invasion of Normandy

encountered only a few under-strength German units deprived of fuel.

The German army and all available resources were on the Russian front.

Americans played a small role in the war against Hitler. Eisenhower cleverly waited until the

Red Army had defeated Hitler, and then invaded long after the tide had turned against Germany.

Today Washington claims credit for winning a war in which Washington’s role was small."

Professor Pointyhead and the Russian myth-makers are talking nonsense.

The Soviets absolutely could NOT have won without the US & UK.

Let's begin with:

"The German Wehrmacht, which in a few days overran France and drove

the British off the continent, was destroyed in Russia by the Red Army."

When the Germans launched the preemptive Operation Barbarossa in June,1941, the

Wehrmacht, partly due to skill and tactics; and mostly due to surprise, overran the Red Army

just as easily and just as thoroughly as they had routed the British and French. The

numbers of Soviet prisoners taken and the sheer amount of war material destroyed or

confiscated were staggering. It was only the onset of the Russian winter

that stalled - not reversed - the rapid German advance into Russia.

If the German-Soviet War were a boxing match, Round 1 (1941) was clearly dominated

by Germany. Round 2 (1942) could be considered a draw. It wasn't until Round 3 (1943)

that the Soviets could begin to claim that they had won a round (and even 1943 was

a very close round). As for 1944 & 1945, those years clearly belonged to Stalin.

But there are a few little details that the ass-clowns of

academia seem to have forgotten. Just to cite four:

1: FDR's massive, and I mean massive, infusion of Lend-Lease armaments

and other essential supplies to the depleted Soviet war machine

2: The diversion of German troops to Africa, Italy, France, the Low Countries, Scandinavia,

Greece and Yugoslavia - all necessary to block the Anglo-American

Alliance from advancing from fronts throughout Europe

3: FDR's manufactured war against Japan precluded any possibility of anti-Communist Japan

helping its German ally by way of an attack on the Soviet Union from the Far East.

4: The extensive treason of certain "elite" Prussian generals who were deluded enough to

believe that he Allies would somehow spare Germany of the destruction and

oppression intended for it if Hitler could only be deposed or lose the war.

Just how massive was the free arsenal of state-of-the art goodies which FDR shipped to

"Uncle Joe" via never-ending Arctic convoys? Chew on these numbers, Professor Pointyhead:

  • Trucks: 427,284
  • Tanks and Combat Vehicles: 13,303
  • Aircraft: 11,000
  • Bombers: 3,000
  • Anti-Aircraft Cannons: 8,000
  • Motorcycles: 35,170
  • Ordnance Service Vehicles: 2,328
  • Radar Systems: 400
  • Petroleum Products (gasoline and oil): 2,670,371 tons
  • Explosives: 300,000 tons
  • Field Radios: 40,000
  • Foodstuffs (canned meats, sugar, flour, salt, etc.): 4,478,116 tons
  • Locomotives & Railway cars: 13,000.
  • Tommy Guns (fully automatic machine guns): 135,000
  • Metal Cutting Machine Tools: 400,000

An entire tire plant was actually lifted bodily from the Ford Company's River Rouge Plant

and transferred to the USSR. There were also secondary Lend-Lease deliveries from the

UK to the USSR, most of which were just re-transfers of US aid given to the UK. More

essential goodies: aircraft engines, battleships, destroyers, submarines, mine sweepers, sonar

sets, anti-submarine batteries, naval guns, rocket batteries, gear-cutting machines, drilling

machines, cast-iron pipes, X-ray tubes, electric furnaces and even

essential items such as socks, boots, razors, clothes.


The complete list of Lend-Lease aid, both for the Soviet military and the besieged home-front

population, was published by Major George Racey Jordan in 1952. It is indeed a jaw-dropper

(here). As conceded even by Russian military historians, the augmentation of Soviet fire-power

due to Lend Lease was as much as 30%. That's akin to a 150 pound street-fighter packing on

50 more pounds of muscle - American muscle! And it wasn't only about numbers; the

state-of-the-art quality of items such as radar systems, fighter aircraft and

tommy-guns was beyond what the Soviets could produce at the time.

A German reader from Canada informs us:

"I remember when a few years after World War II, an older friend of mine who was a

Panzer guy at the east front told me a story: When they got hold of stuff that the Russian

Soldiers who had fled left behind , they discovered US canned corned beef and other American

food stuffs. The Germans looked at each other and agreed: "This is the beginning of the end!"

Russia's Lifeline, by Albert Weeks, expands upon Major Jordan's

revelations of the significance of US Lend Lease to the USSR.

The next myth:

"The allied invasion of Normandy encountered only a

few under-strength German units deprived of fuel."

Only "a few under-strength German units, "eh? Over 425,000 Allied and German troops

were killed, wounded or went missing during the Battle of Normandy and its aftermath.

The Allied casualties (killed or wounded) for D-Day alone (June 6, 1944) amounted to 10,000

killed or wounded - a number that would have been many times higher were it not for the

massive pre-invasion bombing of Normandy and treason of certain German generals.

For the entire Battle of Normandy: 83,000 killed or wounded from 21st Army Group

(UK & Canada), 126,000 from the US ground forces. The casualties of the German forces

during the Battle of Normandy are estimated at 200,000 killed or wounded.

We'll talk about that bit of bull-sugar regarding "a few" German units again, momentarily,

but as for the fuel shortages that the Germans had to overcome, the obvious insinuation

that the eastern front was depriving the Germans of fuel in the west is only half-true. Since

1940, the British Royal Air Force had been attacking facilities supplying Germany with

petroleum, oil, and lubrication products. The Americans later joined the "Oil Campaign"

by bombing the Ploesti Oil fields of Romania - Germany's main supplier. Refineries in Norway

were also attacked. Though unable to cripple Germany's supply to the extent they had hoped

for, the damage was certainly enough to contribute to the shortage that some seem

to think was all due to the Soviet campaign.

1. The US / UK Bombing of the Ploesti Oil Fields (1943) // 2. From Scandinavia to

the Mediterranean Sea, the "Bomber Boys" of the US & UK wreaked havoc and devastation.


The errors continue:

"The German army and all available resources were on the Russian front.

Americans played a small role in the war against Hitler"

Arrrrgh! Again, the Germans sustained MASSIVE casualties on the various fronts in which

they were compelled to engage the Americans. You see, there was this fellow named

General George Patton - you may have heard of him - whose genius and aggressive

tactics gave the German high command many nightmares. Not only did the Germans

have to contend with Patton, but America's presence meant that Germany's own great

General, Erwin Rommel, and millions of his tenacious fighting forces were tied up in Africa

and later Italy and France. Had it not been for Roosevelt's treasonous entry into the war,

Britain would have been out of the picture as well and Rommel's armies would thus

have been fighting - and tipping the balance - against what would

have been an under-supplied Red Army on the eastern front.

Though not nearly as bloody and as large as the Eastern front, to suggest that the Western

and Southern theatres were undefended American cake-walks displays an ignorance

about a subject which the academic ass-clowns should refrain from commenting

upon any further. Again, the numbers don't lie:

German Casualties sustained fighting US / UK:

  • North Africa / Italy: 50,000 Dead and 194,000 MIA or POW, 160,000 Wounded
  • France / Belgium: 107,000 Dead and 410,000 MIA or POW, 400,000 Wounded

Write off most of the MIA's as dead, add in the numbers of German airmen and sailors

killed by the US & UK Air Force and Navy; plus those killed by US-trained and US-equipped

guerrilla Partisans (the "Resistance"); and German casualties in the West approach numbers

comparable to those killed in America's Civil War. Yet Fake Historians makes it

seem like there was only token opposition in Western Europe. Nuts!

Oh, and by the way, dear pinko professors, need we remind "youse guys" of the utter

devastation wreaked upon German industry and German civilians by the "Bomber Boys"

of the US & UK Air Forces? Wave upon wave upon wave of Allied heavy bombers mercilessly

banged Germany throughout 1943 and 1944. 'Ya think' all of that urban destruction,

railroad-bombing, refinery bombing, factory bombing, deliberate dam-busting and straight-up

mass genocide might have hindered the German war effort, just a tad?

And then there were the legendary code-breakers of the UK and US. So much of what

Germany planned was known in advance by the Anglo assassins, and duly shared with

their Soviet buddies. This "open book" was catastrophic for Germany (and Japan)

-- and they didn't even realize it!

1. "A small role?" Vicious and dirty Anglo-American attacks such as the infamous

fire-bombing of industrial Hamburg killed 40,000 Germans in one night.

  2. The busting of German dams also took a heavy toll on Germany's infrastructure.

3. The findings of US & UK code-breakers helped the Soviets greatly.


Oh, and "one more ting," as Lt. Colombo used to say. What these fools describe as

"a small role" in undefended Western Europe cost the lives of 250,000 Americans and

an even greater number of badly wounded. That equates to about FIVE Vietnam wars.

For their part, the British also lost about 250,000 military personnel in the European theater

of World War II. That's a total of about a half-million dead Allied fighting men and at least

as many POW's; not a bad take for "a few under-strength German units" which you

claim were "without resources."

"The German army and all available resources were on the Russian front." ---  Really???

Then how the heck did all of those MILLIONS of soldiers end up in Eisenhower's

notorious "death camps" (above)? Not to mention the Germans which Patton, to

Eisenhower's dismay, set free. Did they not get the memo saying that the war was only in Russia?

America's "small role" in Europe? THREE NFL football stadiums full of dead

Americans, and many more stadiums full of injured and POW's. Was it German

housewives armed with broomsticks that inflicted such heavy casualties?

The British also lost about three stadiums full of young fighting

men in the war that Roberts believes the USSR won all by itself.


More errors to correct:

"Eisenhower cleverly waited until the Red Army had defeated Hitler,

and then invaded long after the tide had turned against Germany."

Again, this opinion ignores, or is oblivious to, the reason that "the tide had turned," can

be attributed to FDR's Lend-Lease lifeline to the Soviets, the dispersion of German forces

required to defend multiple fronts, the vicious Partisan warfare being waged under the

guidance of the US secret services, and the merciless terror bombing of German cities.

And as for this business of Eisenhower "cleverly waiting," the delay had NOTHING to

do with 'Ike's' desire to spare American lives. The reason for delaying the invasion of

Normandy until June 6, 1944, as well as for Ike's subsequent fuel restrictions and halt

orders which prevented Patton from taking Eastern Europe, was that FDR and the gang

of Communist Stalin-lovers around him were intending to gift Berlin and Eastern

Europe to Stalin all along. Had Eisenhower invaded in 1943, it would have been politically

impossible to gift Berlin and the east to "Uncle Joe" - who FDR believed he could work

with at the time to build a "New World Order". Yes, Uncle Joe wanted Berlin and he

wanted it bad. And FDR and Ike were only too happy to hand it too him.

Hence, the the "clever" delay.

Here it is from the then influential and well-connected

Time Magazine, 1942 - the Stalin "Man of the Year" issue:

Time Magazine: "There is also a story in high places that, in keeping with the

'tough-guy' tradition, credits Stalin with one other desire: permission from his

allies to raze Berlin, as a lesson in psychology to the Germans

and as a burnt offering to his own heroic people."



You see, contrary to the official delusion, Eisenhower's calculated "delay" was not for the

purpose of minimizing US casualties by letting the Soviets do the heavy lifting. Not at

all! It was Stalin, with FDR's blessing, who wanted and who benefited from the cunning

stalling tactics. Even so, the great Patton with his lightning advances was still on track to

take Berlin; until Eisenhower cut off his fuel supply in 1944, and finally ordered Patton to

halt at the Elbe River (near Berlin) in 1945. Have a look at line # 3 of the New York Times

headline from "Roosevelt Is Dead" issue of April 13, 1945, accompanied by an actual

quote from General Patton.

1. 3rd Line: "9th Crosses Elbe, Nears Berlin" - Why did Eisenhower issue a stop order?

 2. The soon-to-be assassinated Patton - in letter to his wife: "Berlin gave me the blues. ...

It's said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran wereshot and those

who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed."

Though it cost them the lives of many troops and civilians (but no where near the

ridiculous "20,000,000" claimed), the Soviets actually appreciated Eisenhower's

delaying tactics so much that they invited Ike to party atop Lenin's tomb, with

General Zhukov and Stalin himself!   In gratitude for handing all of Eastern

Europe to Stalin, "Ike" was awarded the "Order of Victory" from the Soviets.

And finally:

"Washington’s role was small."

 Though it is indeed true that the US and UK could not have won the war in Europe without

the diversion of 60-65% of Germany's might needed to fight the Soviet hordes in the

east; the same holds true the other way. You see, without the massive Lend Lease Lifeline;

without the bloody southern front (Africa, Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece); without the bloody

western front; (Normandy, Battle of the Bulge); without the OSS (pre CIA) terrorist Partisans

(in France, Holland, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia); without the US propping up of the UK;

without the relentless US / UK bombings and fire-bombings of German cities, railways,

factories, and oil refineries; and without the great Patton; Stalin's Evil Empire

would have been wiped out by the end of 1942, or 1943 at the latest - easily!

To put it in terms of a wrestling analogy; Imagine three cheating wrestlers ganging-up on a

single honorable wrestler. After a full hour in which the out-numbered grappler gives

"The Big 3" all they can handle, the lone fighter finally succumbs. Don't you think it would

be ridiculous, Professor Pointyhead, for any one of the "winning" wrestlers to claim credit

for the victory? Russian President Putin has no choice but to go along with the deeply entrenched

mythology of the great Soviet victory; but for western academics, there

is simply no excuse for such a distortion of the historical record.

World War II in Europe was a 3 Super-Powers Against 1 fight, with the 3 fighting

very dirty while using non-uniformed terrorist Partisans as a deadly "4th man" against the Germany.

*Italy should not be considered a factor in the war because Mussolini's blunders

in North Africa and Greece created  huge problems for Germany. Other lesser powers offset each other.


Should there be any lingering doubt as to the Soviet Union's need of and appreciation

for western material, following is some testimony from the ultimate source himself -- Joe Stalin.

  Just days before the Allied invasion of North Africa (Operation Torch), Psycho Joe declared:

"It is often asked: But will there be a second front in Europe after all? Yes, there will be;

sooner or later, there will be one. And it will be not only because we need it, but above all

because our Allies need it no less than we do. Our Allies cannot fail to realize that since

France has been put out of action, the absence of a second front against fascist Germany

may end badly for all freedom-loving countries, including the Allies themselves." (here)

And then, just days after the Allied invasion of North Africa:

"The Soviet view of this campaign is that it represents an outstanding fact of major importance,

demonstrating the growing might of the armed forces of the Allies and opening the

prospect of the disintegration of the Italy-German coalition in the nearest future.

The campaign in Africa refutes once more the skeptics who affirm that the Anglo-American

leaders are not capable of organizing a serious military campaign. There can be no doubt

that only first-rate organizers could carry out such important military operations as the

successful landings in North Africa ... and the smashing of the Italy-German armies

in the Western Desert, effected with such mastery.

It is yet too soon to say to what extent this campaign has been effective in relieving immediate

pressure on the Soviet Union, but it may confidently be said that the effect will not be a small

one, and that a certain relief in pressure on the Soviet Union will result in the nearest future.

This campaign radically changes the military and political situation in Europe

in favor of the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition. It undermines the prestige of Hitlerite

Germany as the leading force in the system of Axis powers and demoralizes Hitler’s

allies in Europe. It mobilizes the anti-Hitler forces of France and provides a basis for the

organization of an anti-Hitler French army. It creates conditions for putting Italy out of

commission and for isolating Hitlerite Germany. Finally, it creates the prerequisites for the

organization of a second front in Europe nearer to Germany’s vital centres, which will

be of decisive importance for organizing victory over the Hitlerite tyranny." (here)

And in speeches dating back to the desperate days and weeks following the initial German

invasion (Operation Barbarossa), Stalin referred to the importance of military aid from

"friends" in the West:

July, 1941: "The historic utterance of the British Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill, regarding aid

to the Soviet Union, and the declaration of the United States Government signifying readiness

to render aid to our country, which can only evoke a feeling of gratitude in the hearts of the peoples

of the Soviet Union." (here)

And in a telegram to FDR, dated November 4, 1941:

"Your decision, Mr President, to grant the Soviet Union an interest-free loan to the value

of $1,000,000,000 to meet deliveries of munitions and raw materials to the Soviet Union

is accepted by the Soviet Government with heartfelt gratitude as vital aid to the

Soviet Union in its tremendous and onerous struggle against our common enemy — bloody Hitlerism." (here)

And another telegram to FDR, sent in February of 1942:

"I have received your message about U.S. arms deliveries in January and February.

I stress that it is now, when the peoples of the Soviet Union and their Army are

bending their energies to throw the Hitler troops back by a tenacious offensive, that

U.S. deliveries, including tanks and aircraft, are essential for our common cause and our

further success." (here)

And another:

"Your decision, Mr President, to grant the Government of the U.S.S.R. another $1,000,000,000

under the Lend-Lease Act on the same terms as the first $1,000,000,000,

is accepted by the Soviet Government with sincere gratitude." (here)

And also in 1942:

"As regards the international connections of our Motherland, .... Great Britain and the

United States of America, with which we are bound by ties of friendship and alliance,

and who are rendering our country ever-increasing military assistance against the German-fascist invaders." (here)

Tell it, Psycho Joe. Tell it!

And there are many other such telegrams and speeches in which Stalin -- in almost

deferential tones -- gushed with gratitude to FDR for all the planes, tanks, trucks and

equipment that were being shipped to the the Soviet Union. And so, thank you, Mr. Stalin

(you vile murderous monster) for setting the record straight about just how much the

"second front" and the "Lend Lease" aid meant to the survival of your wicked regime.

Headline from UK press -- November, 1941 -- Even BEFORE the U.S. joined the war,

Stalin was pleading for a "second front." Note the story titled with a quote from

FDR, " 'We join in world defence' -- Roosevelt." This was one month BEFORE the

justified attack on Pearl Harbor which FDR and the Reds / Globalists all around

him provoked, and needed to happen.

1. Stalin's own speeches and telegrams to FDR confirm that he needed the help of

the United States. // 2. Daily Mirror, 1941, Front Page: Stalin demands a badly-needed

"second front" in Europe. He got much need relief with the 1942 Allied invasion of

Africa and the threat of an Allied landing in northern France -- which, although D-Day

was not until 1944 -- drew vital German manpower and material away from the Russian

front. // 3. Communist Party USA poster demands "second front." // 3. Statue in Alaska

commemorates the Lend Lease routes through which enormous amounts

of military aid was shipped from the USA to the Soviet Union.

Meet the Man Who Started World War II


Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly 
The ultimate culprits behind the disaster of World War II were the high-level masters of the New World Order crime gang (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Sulzberger, Baruch et al), and their skilled operational henchmen of the political world (FDR, Churchill, Stalin et al). By the way, this is the same self-perpetuating crime syndicate that has, in recent years, been agitating for confrontation against Russia and China. Same game, new players, long story.

But the one thing this dirty gang could never have accomplished by themselves was to trigger the actual war. As even the most geographically illiterate Boobus Americanus or Boobus Europithicus should know, neither the US, nor the USSR, and nor the UK shared a common border from which to make mayhem against Hitler's Germany.

France does share a border with Germany, but when Hitler permanently renounced any claims to the disputed Alsace-Lorraine region in 1935, a possible flash-point between the two rivals was diffused forever.

Another potential trigger was diffused in 1938 when the Munich Agreement - since dubbed by propagandists and ignoramus parrots alike as "Neville Chamberlain's appeasement" - fairly settled the German-Czech dispute to the mutual benefit of Czechs, Slovaks and Germans.

Nor was Germany bound to any dangerous entangling alliances, as it had been prior to World War I when the Reich was committed to fight alongside Austria-Hungary after the Russians and French began mobilizing against that nation.

Hitler's skillful and honest diplomacy resolved the Alsace-Lorraine dispute to France's favor, and the Sudetenland problem to the benefit of all parties. Left: with UK's Neville Chamberlain, Right: with Daladier of France. Unfortunately,neither Daladier nor Chamberlain would be strong enough to hold back the continued pressure from the warmongering factions around and above them.

In November of 1938, the U.S. mid-term Congressional elections dealt a crushing blow to Franklin Demono Roosevelt's Democrat Party. With America still reeling from the decade-long Great Depression, absent some foreign "crisis", it appeared that the failed two-term President would not be able to seek a third term (He ultimately held office until his death in 1945). It should be noted that at this hard time in American history, prosperous Germany was enjoying full employment, a strong currency, the Autobahn, the Volkswagen, and a happy reconciliation between labor and the entrepreneurial class. But I digress.

Even the claims of Jewish persecution in Germany were no longer valid. Though the dominant Jewish elite had in large measure been stripped of high positions in finance, press, government, law and academia, the truth was, the 330,000 Jews who remained in Hitler's Germany were unmolested and actually quite prosperous. Indeed, after anti-Jewish riots broke out following the 1938 Paris murder of a German diplomat by a deranged Polish Jew, it was Hitler himself who, via Josef Goebbels, immediately issued an Emergency Order for the anti-Jewish violence (since exaggerated in scope) to cease.

And so, by 1939, the New World Order crime syndicate and the British & French chauvinists had nearly run out of all options and all propaganda pretexts for instigating another war against peaceful and prosperous Germany, as they had done in 1914. The last hopes for starting the war to re-enslave Germany rested on the shoulders of one man, and one man only. His name was Edward Rydz-Smigly -- the criminal fool who started World War II. As is to be expected, his name is virtually unknown outside of Poland. It's high-time this dirty, rotten, ego-maniacal scoundrel gets the posthumous "credit" he so richly deserves.

After Germany was essentially tricked into laying down her arms and surrendering during World War I, its west Prussian territory was carved out, given to the new state of Poland, and, for the most part, "ethnically cleansed" of Germans. The German port city of Danzig was declared a "free city" and forbidden from rejoining Germany. East Prussia remained part of Germany but was left isolated from the mainland. This illogical and immoral configuration, and the anti-German abuses which were to take place within the "Polish Corridor", would serve as the perfect trip-wire for setting off a new war against Germany.

A Tale of Two Marshals

Born and known as Edward Rydz, the young army commander served in the Polish legions of Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I. He later became one of the leaders of a Polish independence movement that sought to establish a Polish state carved from the Polish majority areas of Austria-Hungary and Russia. Rydz, by appointment of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, became commander of the Polish Military Organization and adopted the 'nom de guerre' of "Smigly" (Fast or Agile). He later added 'Smigly' as an integral part to his surname, which tells us something about his ego. His self-promoting renaming is similar to that of Loseb Jugashvili, who later took the name "Stalin" - Man of Steel.

Pilsudski (l) and Smigly-Rydz fought for Polish statehood.

As a Brigadier, Smigly commanded armies during the Polish-Soviet War which followed World War I. The treaty which ended that war, the Peace of Riga, divided the disputed territories between the relatively new state of Poland and the new Soviet Union (fka Russian Empire).

Marshal Pilsudski would go on to become Poland's head of State until his death in 1935. It is important to note that Hitler and Pilsudski were on good terms. Pilsudski had actually congratulated Hitler on winning the 1933 elections, and the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact was signed just 10 months after Hitler came to power. According to the Pact, both countries pledged to resolve their problems through bilateral negotiations and to forgo armed conflict.

Just before his death, Pilsudski re-emphasized that Poland should maintain neutral relations with Germany. The death of Pilsudki proved to be a great loss for Germany - a fact which Hitler himself expressed during the closing days of World War II.

1. Hitler attends a Berlin Memorial Service held in honor of Pilsudski, whom he respected greatly.

2. Pilsudski and his Foreign Minister Beck (left) make peace with German Minister for Propaganda & Public Enlightenment, Joseph Goebbels, and German Ambassador to Poland, von Moltke.

A Dictatorship Without a Dictator

Following Pilsudski's death, Rydz-Smigly became General Inspector of the Armed Forces. From that point on, Smigly was rapidly elevated. In 1936, he was awarded the title of "Second Man in the State after the President", by the Polish prime minister. Later that year, he was promoted to the rank of Marshal of Poland. Smigly's carefully crafted image as Pilsudski's anointed successor alienated many of Pilsudski's supporters, who saw him as a shameless self-promoter.

The period of Smigly's rule, 1935–39, was often referred to as "a dictatorship without a dictator". But he lacked the moral authority of the beloved Pilsudski and many Poles were divided over their new de-facto dictator; with more than a few hating him outright. The Smigly regime became increasingly authoritarian. This was illustrated by the creation of the Ozon movement, whose objective was to build a popular mass movement that would transform the tin-pot dictator into "Poland's second great leader" (after Pilsudski himself). Several of Poland's senior politicians made a point of distancing themselves from this phony "grass-roots" cult movement.

1 & 2. Smigly-Rydz: always decorated like a Christmas tree and talking big. // 3. The self-glorifying egomaniac poses next to a bust of French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

In addition to being authoritarian, and not universally popular among his own people, the pompous Marshal had grandiose delusions of restoring the old Polish Empire of 1569-1795, in territories which had long since been devoid of Polish inhabitants (Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Czechoslovakia and Prussian Germany). To that end, Smigly's gang embarked on a campaign of aggressive intimidation and forced annexation.

1 & 2. Dreams of restoring Poland's long gone Empire danced in 'Emperor' Smigly's mind. // 3. Nationalist painting, from months before the war started, depicts the Mad Marshal riding triumphantly through the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin as he tramples upon German flags.

Smigly-Rydz Strong-Arms Lithuania & Czechoslovakia

In March of 1938, Smigly issued an ultimatum to the tiny Baltic State of Lithuania. Lithuania had refused to have any diplomatic relations with Poland after 1920, protesting the annexation of the Vilnius Region by the new Polish state. The ultimatum demanded that Lithuania unconditionally agree to establish diplomatic ties with Poland within 48 hours, and that the terms be finalized within two weeks. The establishment of diplomatic relations would mean a renunciation of Lithuanian claims to the region containing its historic capital, Vilnius.

Tiny Lithuania, preferring peace to war, accepted bully-boy Smigly's ultimatum and conditions. Had Lithuania stood firm, it's quite possible that Stalin would have used the ensuing war as pretext to take the Baltic States (which he eventually did in 1940) and start the 2nd Polish-Soviet war. Such was the recklessness of Marshal Smigly.

Many in the "democratic" West, including, ironically, the anti-German New York Times, expressed dismay over Poland's militaristic bullying of Lithuania; a development so dangerous that it caused jitters among Wall Street investors. (here) But in the end, it was generally understood that Poland would be needed for bigger things, so the West "held its nose" and tolerated Smigly's antics.

Later that same year, Smigly made a similar bold move against the Czech government when he took advantage of the Sudetenland Crisis to demand a portion of Zaolzie and some other smaller areas. The Czechs were powerless to stop the forced annexations. Again, the "democratic" West shook its head in dismay, but held its tongue.

1. Lithuania and Czechoslovakia were both strong-armed by 'Emperor' Smigly. // 2. Uninvited, Polish tanks roll into annexed Zaolzie. A few Polish flags are visible, but the people don't seem too excited.

Smigly the Tyrant Eyes Danzig

In addition to the expansionist foreign policy, the Polish military junta was infamous for suppressing ethnic minorities living within its new borders. Indeed, during the 20-year history of the League of Nations, literally hundreds of formal complaints were submitted by German and other ethnic minorities trapped in the stolen lands now controlled by ultra-Nationalist Poland.

Smigly was not content with the possession and ethnic cleansing of stolen western Prussia. He also wanted control over the beautiful "free city" of German Danzig (today known as Gdansk, Poland) and eventually all of eastern Prussia too.

In 1939, supported from "behind the scenes" by elements in the UK, France, and the US (yes, Roosevelt was deeply involved!), Smigly was encouraged to ignore Hitler's sincere and generous proposals for resolving the bizarre and hated partition of Prussia that had caused tension ever since the end of World War I. At one point, Hitler had even agreed to give up claims to western Prussia in exchange for the return of Danzig and a 1-mile wide highway - railway passage linking Germany to eastern Prussia.

Underestimating Germany's resolve, overestimating Poland's power, and foolishly trusting in the western intriguers who were manipulating his bloated imperialistic ego, Smigly ignored Hitler's offers and ratcheted up the abuse of Germans trapped in western Prussia and Danzig. The suffering of the Prussian Germans is not "Nazi propaganda." It is historical fact which the West's "court historians" have purposely edited out of their "Orwellianized" history books.

Believing that the western powers were truly behind him, the cowardly Smigly 'stood down' and allowed predominantly Jewish-Bolshevik terror gangs to attack innocent Germans; both within "Prussian Poland" and inside of German border towns as well. These gangs of Red "partisans", as well as other Polish ultra-nationalists, had been salivating at the prospect of triggering a Western "holy war" against Germany ever since 1933.

The torture-mutilation-massacre at Bromberg occurred just 2 days after the liberating Germans arrived in western Prussia. The brutality of the mass killing gives an indication of the type of abuse that innocent Germans, trapped in Poland, had been suffering while Smigly "looked the other way."

Again, Rydz-Smigly coveted the "free city" of Danzig (98% German) and wished to eventually annex all of eastern Prussia. Step by step Smigly plotted the restoration of an empire that was long gone -- an Empire which even his own people didn't want. A man blinded by such ambition was easy pickings for the British -- those undisputed historical masters of foreign intrigue - and also for the cunning Roosevelt and the Jewish operatives that surrounded him.

By August of 1939, Germany had exhausted all efforts to reason with Smigly's gang. Earlier that year, the British and French had even urged Smigly to allow the Soviet Army to march westward, in the event that war should break out with Germany. Smigly refused, stating that: "there is no guarantee that the Soviets will really take active part in the war; furthermore, once having entered Polish territory, they will never leave it".

Smigly-Rydz Forces Hitler's Hand

On September 1, 1939, after all German attempts to reason with Poland, France and Britain had failed, and after the Polish military, at the urging of Britain, went on full mobilization, the Germans invaded Poland and liberated Danzig. On September 7, along with most of the government, Smigly ran from Warsaw as it came under attack. The immediate counter-attack promised by Poland's French and British "allies" never materialized.

Unbeknownst to the blinded idiot Smigly, the Allies had no such plans and fully expected not only the fall of Poland, but the entry of Stalin's hordes. The Allies only interest was to have an excuse to declare war upon Germany, and then wait for Stalin to attack Germany from the east, necessarily having to pass through Poland. Stalin was indeed ready to pounce on a distracted Poland, but his move against Germany was to be on his time-table, not that of the Allies.

The Allies continued to ignore Hitler's impassioned pleas for peace and would spend the next eight months plotting Scandinavian-based maneuvers and deploying a massive mechanized fighting force in northern France, in anticipation of invading Germany via Belgium and Holland, sometime in the spring of 1940.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Once Rydz-Smigly had given Britain and France the phony pretext needed to declare war against Germany, he was given his 15 minutes of fame and then "thrown under the bus."

The Allies Abandon Smigly; Stalin Finishes Poland

Smigly's ego-maniacal pipe-dream of a new Polish Empire was further crippled when the opportunistic Stalin attacked Poland from the east on September 17th; an invasion which Britain & France, in spite of their "defense guarantees" to Poland, said nothing about! Having picked a fight with one superpower, Germany; and thus exposing Poland to invasion from another, the Soviet Union; Smigly-Rydz sealed his county's doom. His criminal stupidity enabled the brutal butchers of the Soviet NKVD to round up and execute 10,000 of his Polish Army officers at Katyn Forest.

Had Smigly followed the late Marshal Pilsudski's path and remained on friendly terms with Germany, the Soviet invasion and the Katyn Forest massacre of his officer corps would never have happened.

Rather than choosing an honorable punishment for the disastrous folly which he drove Poland into - such as suicide or at least surrendering to the humane Germans - the coward Smigly fled to Romania. Like a true narcissist egomaniac, he deflected any and all blame for the disaster that he and he alone engineered, later stating from his Romanian hideout:

"Cost of construction of modest fortifications along our western border was equivalent to 18-month budget of Poland, and at the same time, we were working on fortifications in the East. A modest armament plan was up to 5 billion zlotys. What was I supposed to do? I am not an economist.

We began partial mobilization in the spring 1939. The nation hated it, more than 1000 Silesians deserted to Germany. We were unable to keep Poland mobilized for so long, we could not afford it."

Pathetic! Smigly admitted that Poland was ill-equipped for war; that the nation itself did not want war; that the Soviets posed a threat from the East; and that Poland could not afford the cost of war. And yet, he purposely pissed in Hitler's face and eagerly rushed head-long into war anyway!

In defense of the accusation of cowardice in regard to his flight, Smigly issued more prideful excuses:

"They say that I am a coward. I had three options: to surrender, to kill myself, and to be captured. It was impossible to fight, as I had only half a company of soldiers with me. To kill myself meant failure."

"To kill myself meant failure", eh Smigly? That would be like the captain of the Titanic abandoning the ship that he helped to carelessly destroy, sneaking onto one of the limited lifeboats, and later declaring, "To have stayed on the ship would have meant failure." As it went, Captain Smith stayed on the Titanic and is believed to have shot himself as the ship went down.

In light of what Smigly's folly enabled the Soviet butchers to do to his officers at Katyn Forest, the pain of remorse alone should have driven him to suicide; but that's assuming Smigly was any kind of a decent or honorable man. Clearly, he was not. Smigly-Rydz would return to Poland in 1941 to work with the Polish underground. He was said to have died of "heart failure" just a few weeks later -- or did some of his fellow Poles repay him for his folly and cowardice?

Hitler Exposes Smigly

During his speech to liberated Danzig in 1939, Hitler addressed Smigly's folly:

"No power on earth would have borne this condition as long as Germany. I do not know what England would have said about a similar peace solution (Versailles) at its expense or how America or France would have accepted it. I attempted to find a solution - a tolerable solution - even for this problem. I submitted this attempt to the Polish rulers in the form of verbal proposals. You know these proposals. They were more than moderate. I do not know what mental condition the Polish Government was in when it refused these proposals."

In that same speech, Hitler goes on to speak of Smigly's cowardice:

"The Polish Marshal (Smigly), who miserably deserted his armies, said that he would hack the German Army to pieces."

And of his cruelty:

"And martyrdom began for our German nationals. Tens of thousands were dragged off, mistreated, and murdered in the vilest fashion. Sadistic beasts gave vent to their perverse instincts, and this pious democratic world watched without blinking an eye."

And of Smigly's willful blindness:

"I have often asked myself: Who can have so blinded Poland? Does anyone really believe that the German nation will permanently stand that from such a ridiculous State? Does anyone seriously believe that?"

The highly decorated and twice-wounded war hero Hitler had this slippery, sleazy, sniveling, self-promoting Smigly clown all figured out.

1- Hitler struts through the streets of Danzig while Smigly hides in Romania. (The Fuhrer is so 'bad-ass', in a good way, isn't he?) 2- The joyous crowds of Danzig greet their liberator.

It wasn't merely the fact that Marshal Rydz-Smigly was a tyrannical, imperialist, warmongering weasel that should have made his name infamous. Compounding all of these vices was his abject stupidity. All "Polish jokes" aside, did Smiggy actually believe that Poland could defeat Germany? Really? Evidently so.

Did the Smigster not suspect, that with his hands full fighting Germany, the bestial Stalin might capitalize on the situation and invade from the east? Evidently not.

Did His Royal Smigness not suspect that his British, French, and America "allies" were just using Poland to pick a fight with Germany, only to throw her out like a used-up lemon rind afterwards? Was Smigly not aware of how the Allies seduced the Russian Tsar to fight with them during World War I, only to refuse him asylum when he was overthrown? The Bolsheviks then captured and murdered the Tsar and his entire family.

Was Smigly not aware of how the British, during World War I, encouraged the Arabs to rise up against the Ottoman Turkish Empire, only to renege on promises made to them and then steal Palestine as well?

Ironically, what Smigly was not able to see was, again, very clear to Hitler. In that same Danzig speech, Hitler spoke about how Poland had been played for chumps:

"For these men (British warmongers) Poland, too, was only a means to an end. Because today it is being declared quite calmly that Poland was not the primary thing, but that the German regime is. I always warned against these men. I pointed out the danger that in a certain country such men could rise and unmolested preach the necessity of war - Herren Churchill, Eden, Duff-Cooper, etc.

The circumstances surrounding the outbreak of this unnecessary war haunted Hitler until his dying day. Hours before his suicide, Hitler dictated his final political testament; in which he stated:

"It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests.

Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I again proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problem—similar to that in the case of the Saar district, under international control. This offer also cannot be denied. It was only rejected because the leading circles in English politics wanted the war, partly on account of the business hoped for and partly under influence of propaganda organized by international Jewry."

The modern "educated" mind, so twisted by 75 years of false propaganda, may find it difficult, if not impossible, to even begin to process such a claim. And yet, an objective analysis of the events of 1939 leads us to the inescapable conclusion that the man was telling the truth!

Hitler saw how the Allies were playing Smigly-Rydz for a chump; and spoke publicly about it months before the war had even started. Wasn't Smigly listening?

Will History Repeat?

Smigly's imperial folly, criminal negligence, and astonishing stupidity not only doomed Poland, but the world as well. That's what happens when a man is blinded by his ego and his ambitions. Given these true facts about the horrible historical record of the mad Marshal, one would think that, in spite of the conventional misunderstanding of World War II, the Poles would universally hold his memory in contempt. But that is not the case. Marshal Edward Rydz Smigly Park is a large tree-covered public park in Warsaw that honors the memory of the man who not only started World War II at the behest of his western manipulators, but doomed his nation to Soviet conquest, mass killings, and nearly 50 years of Communism.

Honoring Smigly? Really? Come on Poland! Are you flippin' serious?

One would also think that Poland learned a valuable historical lesson about 'messin' with super-powers. And yet, the current Polish government, much to the dismay of more than a few Poles, is taking the lead in provoking Putin's Russia on behalf of the western Globalists!

How does the old adage go? "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

1. Brainwashed Poles protest Putin, who, like Hitler, has never threatened them in any way. // 2. Polish President Komorowski tried to play the modern day role of Smigly to Obama's Roosevelt.




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"The Truth is Hate to Those Who Hate the Truth"


The Remarkable Historiography of David Irving

Original Source:  The Unz Review

I’m very pleased to announce that our selection of HTML Books now contains works by

renowned World War II historian David Irving, including his magisterial Hitler’s War,

named by famed military historian Sir John Keegan as one of the most crucial volumes

for properly understanding that conflict. Hitler’s War DAVID IRVING • 1991 …

Continue reading The Remarkable Historiography of David Irving



The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany

Editor's Note:  This article is a classic by author Lasha Darkmoon.  You can find the

original article here, as well as her other articles.  Her piece clearly outlines that the

Weimar Republic, particularly in Berlin, was not some "silver age" for

Germany as Jews like to tell us, but rather a cruel, and calculated sick …

Continue reading The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany



Ernst Zündel replies to the 66-point “Nizkor Rebuttal”


What Was The Holocaust… What Actually Happened?

Editor's Note:  Here is another great article by James L. Miller, this time on the Holocaust. 

The original article can be found here.    I added some extra videos and removed all

the dead links to youtube, except for the Netanyahoo one.  Amazing that youtube's

censorship is so one-sided!  Also, the books I recommended down …

Continue reading What Was The Holocaust… What Actually Happened?



If Hitler Won World War II We’d Have a Better, More Just World Today

Editor's Note:  This is a classic article written by James L. Miller, published originally

here, in 2011.  I am not too sure what Mr. Miller is doing today, but he is spot on with

this original take on what our world would be like if the Germans won WWII. 

Here is his bio from his …

Continue reading If Hitler Won World War II

We’d Have a Better, More Just World Today



Adolf Hitler’s Army of Mankind Vs. Allied Racial Hypocrisy

Editor's Note:  The following article is massive!  It clearly argues the opposite of what

we were brainwashed to believe about Hitler and Nazi Germany (they were rabid r

acists while the Allies were much more inclusive).  Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly

the opposite is of course true.  The SS for example, was a multi-national force of many …

Continue reading Adolf Hitler’s Army of Mankind Vs. Allied Racial Hypocrisy



Holocaust in Dresden: City Wiped Off the Map

Editor's note:  Here is an original news article published in Australia shortly after the

Dresden bombing.  Notice the use of the term Holocaust to describe the destruction

and devastation.  The Jewish hijacking of the term is one more example of the projection

of their own evil on to the Germans. The article mentions the massive …

Continue reading Holocaust in Dresden: City Wiped Off the Map


Tagged Dresden, Germany, History,

Auschwitz Chemistry: How Science Proves The ‘Final Solution’

Was Systematically Gassing Lice Infested Clothing To Save Lives


WEARS WAR on the Lies, Liars & WW2


…Germany built highly sophisticated and expensive disinfestation facilities at

Auschwitz/Birkenau to kill lice and save inmate lives. By one estimate, the SS at

Auschwitz spent almost $1 billion in today’s values to bring the typhus epidemics

raging there under control.[22] An enormous amount of information exists concerning

these German delousing facilities[23], but no similar information exists

regarding the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz/Birkenau.



The Auschwitz camp employed a number of delousing stations, which used steam and

Zyklon-B to kill lice in prisoner clothing. This picture shows autoclave number 2, seen

from the “dirty” clothing side. Infected clothing was put on hangers attached to a trolley

and pushed inside the chamber. Dirty clothes were put on hangers on a trolley which was

pushed into the chamber on two short rails. The disinfection stations were constructed…

View original post 3,737 more words


Jewish-Bolshevik Destruction of Christianity in Russia

Editor's Note:  What does the Russian Revolution have to do with World War II? 

Everything!  First of all, it was not a revolution but rather a coup de' etat planned

and executed by Jewish bankers and terrorists.  Everyone in Europe was horrified

by what was occurring in Russia, and feared it would spread.  Attempts  were …

Continue reading Jewish-Bolshevik Destruction of Christianity in Russia



‘Crystal Night’ 1938: The Great Anti-German Spectacle

WW2Truth Note:  On this anniversary of the Jewish false flag know as 911, I thought I

would spotlight another possible Jewish false flag:  Kristallnacht. 

The following article was written by Ingrid Weckert,

and published in the Journal of Historical Review in 1985. 

It is one of the only sources that I know of that …

Continue reading ‘Crystal Night’ 1938: The Great Anti-German Spectacle



WW2 Bombshell: The Truth of Roosevelt’s ‘Secret Hitler Map’

– and the Canadian Agent Behind it

WW2Truth Note:  Every once in a while the mainstream news lets some truth slip out,

and get it right for a change.  This mostly occurs, however, in Great Britain, and rarely

occurs in the U.S. Original source:



ON THE night of October 27, 1941, the President of the United States limbered up to give …

Continue reading WW2 Bombshell: The Truth of Roosevelt’s

‘Secret Hitler Map’ – and the Canadian Agent Behind it



Holocaust Revisionism for Beginners –

David McCalden Parts 1 – 5 — Fascist Bostonian

David McCalden investigates the Holocaust, and tests the claims made about this

important aspect of history. #holocaust #holohoax #6millionlies #6million #jewlies

#jewishlies #zionistlies #worldwar2 #wwii

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

via Holocaust Revisionism for Beginners –

David McCalden Parts 1 – 5 — Fascist Bostonian



Behind An Eye for An Eye: Revenge, Hate and History

Original source: Three years ago I was

scheduled to speak at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The speech was

announced in this brochure and also on the Internet. But then the Museum canceled it.

For the next forty-five minutes, I'll say here what I'd planned to say at the Holocaust Museum

, and then, just …

Continue reading Behind An Eye for An Eye: Revenge, Hate and History



Another Holocaust Fabrication on the Block

Original source:  Veteran's Today, author, Jonas Alexis The Holocaust Industry will never

cease to attract people who want to make a name for themselves. It is quite obvious by

now that those people who want to resurrect a rotten corpse, a stench in the nostril of

virtually every person with an ounce of common sense. …

Continue reading Another Holocaust Fabrication on the Block




Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939-44

Editor's Note:  The following is a book review of a well-researched but little know

book called:  Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States,

1939-1944, which investigates the large, coordinated plan to infiltrate the United States

on multiple levels in order to destroy the America First "isolationist" movement and

manipulate the U.S. government and its citizens …

Continue reading Desperate Deception:

British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939-44




The German ‘Master Race’ Myth

Original Source:

Hitler on Race “I promise you I am quite free from all racial hatred. It is, in any case,

undesirable that one race should mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes,

which I am prepared to admit, systematic cross-breeding has never produced good results.

Its desire to remain racially …

Continue reading The German ‘Master Race’ Myth




Amazon Banned These 9 Academic Books

Questioning Certain Aspects of the ‘Holocaust’. Why?


Original Source:



This doesn't look like extremist hate speech to us. Judging from these blurbs and titles,

it looks like pretty balanced and fair discussion of a very serious, and vehemently disputed,

allegation. The first one in the list below even presents both sides of the argument in

an attempt to get to the bottom …

Continue reading Amazon Banned These 9 Academic Books

Questioning Certain Aspects of the ‘Holocaust’. Why?




Why Hitler Declared War on the United States

By John Wear, Original Source:

Establishment historians state that Adolf Hitler made a mistake when he declared war

on the United States. For example, British historian Andrew Roberts wrote:[1] “It seems

an unimaginably stupid thing to have done in retrospect, a suicidally hubristic act less

than six months after attacking the Soviet Union. America …

Continue reading Why Hitler Declared War on the United States








The Ethnic European REAL HISTORY survives on book royalties donated by author

Michael Walsh and supporters of real history.


OUR AIMS: To replace victor’s spin with

real history, to enlighten, inspire and to educate,

with your help to share our features as widely as possible.



D Day June 6

The meme created by country music star Robert Edwards puts the D-Day Landing

into perspective free of the victors spin. The graphic depicts a scene from the Normandy Landings.

The Allied invasion of Europe began at 6 am on the 6th day of the 6th month (1944).  

Much has been made of the timing of the landings translating into 666 as being the mark of Satan.


The prominent Jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal,

before he was assassinated by MOSSAD,

reminded Jews everywhere: ‘Most Jews do not like to

admit it but our god is Lucifer and we are his Chosen People’.


The Robert Lloyd meme’s…

View original post 581 more words

Revisiting the “Good War’s” Aftermath: Emerging Truth in an Ocean of Myth

The following article was written by Dwight D. Murphey, after he reviewed the book:

After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation by Giles MacDonogh. 

After reviewing the book, he was so moved by the research of the author that he

decided to investigate further.  The following is his review, and own insights …

Continue reading Revisiting the “Good War’s”

Aftermath: Emerging Truth in an Ocean of Myth



WEARS WAR on the Lies, Liars & WW2



This article expands on the introductory review of

The “Jewish Threat” by Joseph W. Bendersky.


DUJthJJUMAEiC0c.jpg large

During the 1920s, File 245 contained letters between officers, secret agents,

state secretaries, and embassies abroad exchanging the latest information on Jews…

much more concern was displayed toward Jewish refugees and immigration to the

United States. Certain prominent American Jews, including Supreme Court Justice

Louis D. Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter, and Rabbi Stephen Wise, were considered

sufficiently important to warrant individual scrutiny. Most incredible, though, were lengthy,

meticulously documented reports such as “The Power and Aims of International Jewry.”


The “Jewish Threat” Book Review


The “Jewish Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. Army by American historian

Joseph W. Bendersky is a well-researched book that documents that many people

in American military intelligence believed in an international Jewish conspiracy to take

over the world. In fact, many officers in the Military Intelligence Division (MID) were saying…

View original post 2,948 more words



After writing his revisionist bestseller Debating the Holocaust back in 2009,

Dr. Thomas Dalton began investigating the issue of Jewish power and influence in

western society, resulting in a series of two articles on "The Jewish Hand in the World Wars".

He has now turned these essays into a book so that he can reach out to an …

Continue reading The Jewish Hand In the World Wars



What They Did to Nazi Germany was Simply Horrible

Above Image: In a painting by a German artist of the time, innocent civilians and war

refugees get turned to toast in Dresden by the allied firestorm bombing in February, 1945

when the war was pretty much over. About 130,000 people died horribly for absolutely no reason.

Up to a million German civilians might have …

Continue reading What They Did to Nazi Germany was Simply Horrible



Adolf Hitler was not a Controlled Agent. He was not a Rothschild

Fascist Bostonian


Please find below a well written article dispelling the nasty rumors about the great Fuhrer.

These lies have been around too long and believed by too many.




#zionistlies #jewishlies #jewlies #nationalsocialism #wwii


View original post




The Ethnic European REAL HISTORY survives on book royalties donated by Michael Walsh

and supporters of real history. OUR AIMS: To replace victor’s spin with real history,

to enlighten, inspire and to educate, with your help to share our features as widely as possible.


One truck missing from the Moscow Victory Day jamboree on May 9 was the American

manufactured Studebaker US6 2.5-ton Utility Truck 1941 and other vehicles that poured

from the maker’s production lines.


In July 1943, the Red Army planned a major offensive against the Germans grouped at Kursk. 

The major problem for Soviet General Georgy Zhukov in the upcoming operation would be

supply lines. There would be difficulty in quickly moving infantry and field guns to advantageous

positions along a changing front.


The answer to Zhukov’s problems was thousands of U.S. Studebakers to resupply

Red Army troops and armament, move artillery and crews, and haul infantry. …


View original post 982 more words

Germans Blamed for Allied Crimes: Stalin’s Torch-Man Order

Original article at:

Very few people know detail of Joseph Stalin’s notorious Torch-Man Order. As a consequence

people little realize that images depicting German atrocities are falsified. Filmed atrocities

were the responsibility not of the Reich, but of England and America’s Soviet allies.

There can be no excuse for using images of one’s own …

Continue reading Germans Blamed for Allied Crimes: Stalin’s Torch-Man Order






The Ethnic European REAL HISTORY survives on book royalties donated by

Michael Walsh and supporters of real history. OUR AIMS: To replace victor’s spin

with real history, to enlighten, inspire and to educate,

with your help to share our features as widely as possible.


Michael Walsh historian says, “Pay attention not to what corporate TV shows you but

what they are afraid to show you”. Despite access to hundreds of TV channels and

tens of thousands of programmes documenting the Third Reich and WWII, one never

sees sub-titled repeats of the German President-Chancellor’s speeches because time

has proved conclusively Adolf Hitler right time after time.


During a keynote broadcast address to a Nuremberg NSDAP rally, Adolf Hitler clearly

laid out his reasons for Germany opposing international Bolshevism, now known as globalism.

Communist Holocaust

“We do not deny the grave concern which we feel at the thought of other nations becoming a victim…

View original post 1,173 more words

Communism is Judaism, Period

Original Source:

Today there is a lot of talk about fighting Communism. The only problem is that the

American people are not aware of who are the true founders and promoters of Communism.

If you had to find a Communist, where would you look? Would you recognize a

Communist if you saw one? What …

Continue reading Communism is Judaism, Period



Christopher Jon Bejerknes Peddles Tired

OldJewish Lies About Hitler and National Socialism


Recently, Christopher Jon Bejerknes was recently on the "No More News" show with

Adam Green on Youtube.  Adam Green, never really heard of him until now, gave

Bejerknes over 2 hours to regurgitate old Jewish and "court historian" lies about

Adolf Hitler and National Socialism.  He recently has come out with a new book, "of …

Continue reading Christopher Jon Bejerknes Peddles

Tired Old Jewish Lies About Hitler and National Socialism



The Secret Masonic Victory of World War II By Dennis Wise

Original source: And at Bitchute:

Western Freemasonry and their Masonic

funded Eastern Communist friends won World War 2. Everything we see today stems

from that Jewish Masonic victory. All Freemasons in politics know the aim is a one world

communist utopia. All policies today aid the minorities aimed at breaking down the family,

Continue reading The Secret Masonic Victory of World War II By Dennis Wise



EUROPA – The Last Battle ~ The Full Documentary (2017)

Source link:



OF THE WORLD WAR II STORY” WAS? Since the mid-20th century, the world has only

ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that

have now passed, only a single narrative of …


Continue reading EUROPA – The Last Battle ~ The Full Documentary (2017)



Charles Lindbergh Des Moines Iowa Speech September 11th 1941

This is the speech that got Lindbergh in big trouble with the Jews because he

directly states they were responsible for trying to get the U.S. into World War 2.


Fascist Bostonian


#worldwar2 #wwii #jewishlies #jewlies #zionistlies

View original post

How The Jews Forced America Into World War II

Editor's Note:  The following article was featured as the afterward in the book,

WAR, WAR, WAR! by Cinncinatus.  This is an excellent book on the America First movement,

Jewish intrigue, and the Roosevelt administration's responsibility for bringing the U.S.

into World War II.  The book was published BEFORE the official U.S. entry into war,

and … Continue reading How The Jews Forced America Into World War II




The Holocaust — a conspiracy to commit a

massive criminal fraud against the entire white world


Source: The Holocaust -- a conspiracy to commit a massive criminal fraud against the entire white world

What Happened To The Inmates Of The Aktion Reinhardt Transit Camps Of

Treblinka, Belzec & Sobibor in Poland? Can The Allies Version Be Trusted?

WEARS WAR on the Lies, Liars & WW2


What Happened to Jews Not Gassed in the Aktion Reinhardt Camps?



Establishment historians state that all Jews sent to the Aktion Reinhardt camps of

Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor in Poland were exterminated. It is claimed that a handful

of strong young Jews were temporarily spared to keep the camps running. All other Jews

sent to the Aktion Reinhardt camps are claimed to have been

immediately gassed upon arrival without registration.[1]


In his book Holocaust, historian Peter Longerich states that 1,274,166 Jews had been killed

in the Aktion Reinhardt camps by the end of 1942. Longerich bases his statement on the

fact that the Höfle telegram shows that this many Jews had been sent by then to the

Aktion Reinhardt camps. Longerich assumes that every

Jew sent to the Aktion Reinhardt camps was murdered.[2]


I have written an article explaining why the

Aktion Reinhardt camps were transit camps…

View original post 1,570 more words


The Tyranny of World War II

Editor's Note:  The following chapter was taken from the excellent book: The Tyranny

of the Federal Reserve.  I am not familiar with the author, Brian O'Brien, a possible

a pen name, but it is a great overview of the federal reserve, banking,

and the disastrous affects it has created in our society.  Although the author …

Continue reading The Tyranny of World War II



jews bomb Weimar



Nordhausen Bombing The Truth


Fascist Bostonian

#alliedwarcrimes #allywarcrimes #holocaust #holohoax #jewishlies

#jewlies #zionistlies #worldwar2 #wwii #6millionlies #6million

View original post

In The Shadow of Hermes by Jüri Lina

Fascist Bostonian



The below video speaks to the history of the Freemasons and the Bolsheviks.

#communismkills #betterdeadthanred #Bolsheviks

View original post




LACKING SPONSORS and donors we survive on book royalties donated by Michael Walsh.

AIMS: Defence of equality and rights for ethnic-Europeans, to end anti-White racism, hate,

and discrimination. Show your support by purchasing books, donating and sharing stories.


“The sacking of Germany after her unconditional surrender will go down in

history as one of the most monstrous acts of modern times.  Its excess

beggars description and its magnitude defy condemnation.”

– Ralph F. Keeling. Institute of American Economics.


By late 1944, the leadership of the Reich, soon to be overwhelmed by the combined

armies of the Soviet, British and American Empires realised that from as early as

February 1943 the Soviets had established the Trophy Brigades approved by

Washington DC and Downing Street.


The purpose of the Trophy Brigades was to identify and to manage German plunder and

to transport to the Soviet Union everything from domestic goods, the entire contents…

View original post 1,055 more words


Excellent Holohoax research sites    


Wear’s Review Of ‘Hellstorm’ by Thomas Goodrich: The Dark Secrets Of WWII &

Allied Atrocities Come To Light In One Of The Most Shocking Books Ever Written

WEARS WAR on the Lies, Liars & WW2


It was the most deadly and destructive war in human history. Millions were killed,

billions in property was destroyed, ancient cultures were reduced to

rubble–World War II was truly man’s greatest cataclysm. Thousands of books,

movies and documentary films have been devoted to the war. There has

never been such a terrible retelling of the story, however, as one will find in Hellstorm.


In a chilling “you-are-there” style, the author places the reader at the scene, in the moment.

Throughout this book readers will see what Allied airman saw as they rained down

death on German cities; or the reader will experience what those below experienced

as they sat trembling in their bomb shelters awaiting that very same death from above.


The reader will view up close the horrors of the Eastern Front during the last

months of fighting and through the mud, blood and madness of combat they may…

View original post 1,416 more words

The Crucifiction of German Women:

The Testimony of Captain Hermann Sommer

A number of troop companies reported to the fortress commander (at Königsberg) the

discovery of several mounds of corpses situated quite close to one another.

The commander, General Lasch, ordered a commission to investigate these discoveries.

The commission reported that many similar piles of bodies were strewn throughout

the area; but in two cases …

Continue reading The Crucifiction of German Women:

The Testimony of Captain Hermann Sommer



The Bad War and related thoughts



If we are to be able to prevent and work

against war in the future, we must have a better

understanding of the wars of the past, especially

those most destructive wars known as world wars.

  We need to recognize the forces and special interests

that work to cause wars, expose them and defeat them.


When we read that books are banned, we recall the words of Voltaire:

‘To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.’


This book, The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War 2, by M.S. King,

(copyright 2015, 2nd edition 2017, 308 pages) was banned on Amazon last March (2017).* 

There can be no denying that in Western historiography, there is an entrenched bias against

Germany and Germans.  This bias is so strong that one version of

history about the 1930s and 1940s is enforced in…


View original post 1,639 more words

In Stalin’s Gulags

Editor's Note: The alleged Holocaust is the most over publicized non-historical event in history! 

Yet, real holocausts like the millions who perished in the Soviet Gulag System

(see Gulag Archipelago by  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn) are never mentioned. 

Once you investigate the massive amount of death that was inflicted by

the JEWISH run gulag system in the … Continue reading In Stalin’s Gulags



Why Germany Invaded Poland

By: John Wear Original source: Great Britain’s

Blank Check to Poland On March 21, 1939, while hosting French Prime Minister Édouard Daladier,

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain discussed a joint front with France,

Russia and Poland to act together against German aggression.

France agreed at once, and the Russians agreed on the condition that …

Continue reading Why Germany Invaded Poland



Bill O’Reilly’s Terrible Book about the SS – Part One

By: Hadding Scott Original Source:

Political Rhetoric and Profit Killing the SS by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard is a book

inspired by motives other than the quest for truth. The birth of the idea for this book may

have occurred on The O'Reilly Factor, 9 March 2016 when Bill O'Reilly did a program with guest Bernie …

Continue reading Bill O’Reilly’s Terrible Book about the SS – Part One



World War 2 Truth Gets Suspended By Facebook AND Twitter!

Since I was "red-pilled" in 2014 on the real history of World War 2, I have created multiple

webpages and used social media to spread the word about the truth.  Last year, my twitter

account was suspended after I had almost 1500 followers.  Three days ago, I just

discovered that my 3rd facebook page "World …

Continue reading World War 2 Truth Gets Suspended By Facebook AND Twitter!




The Invisible Critic Tells it Like it is Boys and Girls!

If you have not already done so, please check out the Invisible Critic on YouTube, here

is his page: He is just

starting out, but so far, he has some excellent videos debunking the fake history of WWII,

and other politically incorrect topics: McCarthyism, Warren G. Harding, Global Warming, etc. 

You can also support his … Continue reading The Invisible Critic Tells it Like it is Boys and Girls!



The Dresden Firestorm Massacre Was A Botched Allied Mission If The ‘Official’

Death Toll Is To Be Believed & The Victims Are Conveniently Vaporized From History

WEARS WAR on the Lies, Liars & WW2


The incineration of large numbers of people in Dresden is also indicated by

estimates of the extreme temperature reached in Dresden during the firestorm…

I saw the most painful scene ever… Several persons were near the entrance,

others at the flight of steps and many others further back in the cellar. The shapes

suggested human corpses. The body structure was recognizable and the shape

of the skulls, but they had no clothes. Eyes and hair carbonized but not shrunk.

When touched, they disintegrated into ashes, totally, no skeleton or separate bones.

I recognized a male corpse as that of my father.


Dresden montage 1


Many conflicting estimates have been made concerning the number of deaths during the

raids of Dresden on February 13-14, 1945. Historian Richard J. Evans estimates that

approximately 25,000 people died during these bombings.[1]

Frederick Taylor estimates that from 25,000 to 40,000 people died as…

View original post 3,037 more words

Why The Truth About Britain’s Role In Fomenting WWII Will

Remain Hidden & The Myth She Fought A Clean War Will Persist.

WEARS WAR on the Lies, Liars & WW2


The Lie:

Great Britain fought a clean war during World War II.

churchill crush germany

Screenshot_2018-07-15 Campaign Against AntiCaucasianism on Twitter Hermann Balck was one of Germany's greatest #WW2 general[...](1) 

“We will force Hitler into war, whether he wants it or not.”


Churchill 1936, From: Did Jews Fake Hitler’s “Master Race” Phrase To Create War?


The Truth:

In addition to ignoring all German efforts to make peace, Winston Churchill and other leaders

of Great Britain began to conduct a war of unprecedented violence. On July 3, 1940, a

British fleet attacked and destroyed much of the French fleet at Oran in southwestern

Algeria to prevent it from falling into German hands. The French navy went to the bottom

of the sea, and with it 1,297 French sailors. Churchill and the British government did not

seem to mind that 1,297 of their French ally’s sailors were killed in the attack.

This attack of the French fleet illustrates Churchill’s determination to continue fighting…

View original post 1,199 more words

The Hoax that won’t die How the World Jewish Congress invented the Holocaust


Editor's Note:  If you don't know who Carolyn Yeager

is, you should definitely check out her website at: 

Carolyn has a lot of great articles, including this one, which focus on exposing the lies

of the holocaust, Jewish intrigue, World War II and National Socialism. 

My favorite part of her website is the …

Continue reading The Hoax that won’t die

How the World Jewish Congress invented the Holocaust



jews bomb Darmstadt

Many historians focus only on towns like Dresden and Hamburg in regards to terror

bombing campaigns against German cities.  Yes, both of these cities did get it the

worst, but there were literally thousands of cities that were bombed, many completely

destroyed, and many civilians killed for no reason, since

most of the targets had absolutely no military significance.


Here are the details on the small town of Darmstadt, which was significantly bombed. 

There are details about many more towns and cities that were ruthlessly bombed

under the All-Lied terror bombing campaign at the following website:

Jews Bomb Germany


Jews Bomb Germany

download (1).jpg

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The Conspiracy Against Field Marshal Erwin Rommel: From Greatness To Suicide,

His Story Reveals The Allies Intentionally Protracted WWII & Devastated Europe.

WEARS WAR on the Lies, Liars & WW2


Lord Hankey: “…Not only the enemy countries, but nearly all countries were bled

white by this policy, which has left us all, except the

United States of America, impoverished and in dire straits…”


Rommel: “…our enemy in the East is so terrible that every other consideration

has to give way before it. If he [Stalin] succeeds in overrunning Europe, even only

temporarily, it will be the end of everything which has made life appear worth living!”

“What we in the German resistance [against Hitler] during the war didn’t want to see,

we learned in full measure afterward; that this war was

ultimately not waged against Hitler, but against Germany.”




Screenshot_2018-07-15 Campaign Against AntiCaucasianism on Twitter Hermann Balck was one of Germany's greatest #WW2 general[...]

Though Churchill wrote an extensive article about the tyranny and threat of the

Bolshevik Red Terror in 1920, he and the other Allies never declared

war against it nor sought to crush it. Nor did they aide any nation trying…

View original post 3,217 more words



Order Hellstorm at the Barnes Review Description It was the most deadly and

destructive war in human history. Millions were killed, billions in property was destroyed,

ancient cultures were reduced to rubble—WWII was truly man’s greatest cataclysm.

Thousands of books, movies and documentary films have been devoted to the war. But there has never been …

Continue reading HELLSTORM: THE DEATH OF NAZI GERMANY, 1944-1947 – New Edition








Sebastian Haffner’s 1942 Call for Mass Murder of Germans

Editor's note:  This article was originally published in the Journal of Historical Review

in 1983 by Mark Weber.  According to Mr. Weber, he came across this article totally by

accident as he was looking at old microfiche of the Volkischer Beobachter (NSDAP party paper). 

The original article by Haffner was from August 1942 titled "The Reintegration …

Continue reading Sebastian Haffner’s 1942 Call for Mass Murder of Germans







We can no longer rationalize away the holocausts by the Allies



How does a person write an essay on this topic?


For me, there is only one way and that is with anger mixed with terrible sadness. 

Anger is caused by the heinousness and enormity of these purposeful and deliberate

outrages and crimes.  Deep, depressing sadness is caused when contemplating the very

large numbers of innocent lives lost, or for those who managed to survive, for the many

lives ruined.  The gravity of this topic can be crushing, and we recognize that few blog

visitors will  bother to read this essay in its entirety.  But, lack of readership will not deter

me from writing this as I feel morally compelled to do so.  The mass murders of the Allies,

the alleged “good guys”, are both unconscionable and cry out to Heaven for justice.



The recent magazine edition (above) that prompted me to write this post can be purchased at the link…

View original post 2,003 more words

Freed From Prison Yet Forced To Flee? Monika Schaefer, Daughter Of An Honored

German-Canadian Dr Who Escaped Eisenhower’s Death Camps, Discovers The “New-Crime” Virus


WEARS WAR on the Lies, Liars & WW2

Why would a non-violent middle aged Canadian woman released from a German prison

be advised to flee Germany immediately by train to return to Canadain 2018?

Is this almost the same journey her father survived after being

smuggled out of an Eisenhower death camp by an Allied soldier?


Monika’s father was a young German medical student marked for death

by deliberate starvation post-WWII.

He survived and earned, among many other awards, the Order of Canada in 1976 for

service to Canadian, specifically Inuit, health programs and initiatives that saved countless lives.

Monika, a violinist, was an active Green Party member. She also ran as

a federal Green Party candidate in Alberta’s Yellowhead in 2006, 2008 and 2011.


Without even mentioning her brother Alfred’s plight, and worse, we can all

envisage a Hollywood blockbuster thriller movie in the making. Any day now…


Before You Watch The Video Interview…

View original post 872 more words

Written To Discredit David Irving: ‘Lying About Hitler’

By Richard J. Evans. A Refutation Of The Dresden Firestorm Chapter


WEARS WAR on the Lies, Liars & WW2


The Dresden raid was the perfect execution of the Bomber Command theory of

the double blow: two waves of bombers, three hours apart, followed the next day

by a massive daylight raid by more bombers and escort fighters. Only a handful

of raids ever actually conformed to this double-strike

theory, and those that did were cataclysmic…


…The fires from the first raid alone had been visible more than 100 miles from Dresden…

…many historians estimate that temperatures reached 1,500° Centigrade (2,732° Fahrenheit).

Since temperatures in a cremation chamber normally reach only 1,400 degrees to

1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, large numbers of people in Dresden would

have been incinerated from the extreme heat generated in the firestorm.


Lying About Hitler Book Review

      British historian Richard J. Evans wrote a 740-page report to help defend

Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin Books,

against a libel suit filed by David Irving in London…

View original post 4,141 more words

Human Misery, Life In A Death Camp

The Strange Case of Eric Hunt

Many of you may be aware that Holocaust documentary filmmaker Eric Hunt is no longer

making any of his movies since last year, February 2017.  Eric did an excellent job with

his films, exposing the lies about the holocaust in a very engaging and entertaining way.  His last documentary, "Questioning the Holocaust Part 1" is …

Continue reading The Strange Case of Eric Hunt







A Legacy of Dead German Children

Originally published at: Spiegel Online Thousands of German children -- many of them

toddlers fleeing the Soviet advance -- died in Danish refugee camps at the end of

World War II. A crusading doctor has set out to document their suffering and break

long-standing beliefs about post-war Danish humanity. When the Russians advanced to Berlin, …

Continue reading A Legacy of Dead German Children







The Myth of German Villainy – WW2 – International Jewry vs Germany

Editor's Note:  I whole-heartedly agree with the following appraisal of this book,

"The Myth of German Villainy", which has just recently been banned by Amazon,

just like Mike King's "The Bad War".  This book had a huge impact on me four years ago,

when I read it for the first time.  It makes a great …

Continue reading The Myth of German Villainy – WW2 – International Jewry vs Germany



The Truth About World War II Is Beginning To Emerge 74 Years Later

“The Lies About World War II” (

is my most popular column of the year. It is a book review of David Irving’s

Hitler’s War and Churchill’s War, the first volumn of Irving’s three volume biography of

Winston Churchill. A person does not know anything about WW II until he has read these books.


Historians, and even book reviewers, who tell the truth pay a high price. For reasons I

provide in my review, generally it is decades after a war before truth about the war can

emerge. By then the court historians have fused lies with patriotism and created a pleasing

myth about the war, and when emerging truth impinges on that myth,

the truth-teller is denounced for making a case for the enemy.


Wars are fought with words as well as with bullets and bombs. The propaganda and

demonization of the enemy are extreme. This is especially the case when it is the victors

who start the war and have to cover up this fact as well as the war crimes for which they

are responsible. When decades later the covered up crimes of the victors are brought to

light, truth is up against the explanation that has been controlled for a half century. This

makes the truth seem outlandish, and this makes it easy to demonize

and even destroy the historian who brought the truth to the surface.


This makes a problem for a reviewer of revisionist history of World War II. If a reviewer

gives an honest review, he faces the same demonization as

the historian who brought the truth about the war to the surfice.


This happened to me when I reviewed Irving’s books, both of which were researched for

decades and completely documented. I was supposed to denounce Irving, in which

case my stock would have gone up, but giving him an honest review got me branded

“a holocaust denier” by Wikipedia, in my opinion a CIA front created

in order to protect the official stories by marginalizing truth-tellers.


I have never studied the holocaust or written anything about it. I simply reported Irving’s

assessment based entirely on documented evidence that many Jews were killed, but there

was not the organized holocaust that is taught in the schools

and which is a crime to dispute in many European countries.


So, this is how bad it is. I am, according to Wikipedia, a “holocaust denier” for the simple

reason that I honestly reported Irving’s findings instead of jumping on him with hob-nailed

boots for giving evidence contrary to the protected official story.

Anyone who does not protect official explanations is “suspect.”


In my opinion what makes historians suspicious of the official holocaust story is the

extreme resistance to any investigation of the event. One would think that investigation

would support the story if it were true. It would seem that it is the Jews who raise

questions about the holocaust by placing it off limits for open discussion. I personally

am not very interested in the holocaust, because WW II itself was a holocaust. Tens of

millions of people were killed. The Russians themselves lost 26 million, 20 million more

than the holocause figure of 6 million Jews. The Germans after the war was over lost

considerably more thn 6 million in the forced resettlements and General Eisenhower’s

murder of 1.5 million German POWs by starvation and exposure. ( See John Wear,

Germany’s War, and James Bacque, Other Losses, for the massive evidence. )


Somehow World War II has become the Jewish holocaust, not everyone else’s.


My interest is the predominance of propaganda and lies over truth. Ron Unz has the same

interest. Four months after my column, “The Lies About World War II,” appeared, Unz took

the story further in his long report, “Understanding World War II”

( ).

Unz’s columns tend to be monographs or small books, well beyond the attention

spans of most Americans. Unz has given me permission to

republish his monograph in installments. This is the first installment.


I learned from Unz’s article that getting rid of truth-tellers has been the practice of the

West for a long time. Unz got interested in WW II when Pat Buchanan’s book,

The Unnecessary War, became an issue for The American Conservative, a magazine

for which Unz was the major money man. Unz couldn’t find that much difference between

Buchanan’s book and that of A.J. P. Taylor’s The Origins of the Second World War. Yet

The American Conservative, fearful of challenging WW II myths,

was disassociating from its own founder, Pat Buchanan.


Disassociation from official truth cost Taylor his lecturership at Oxford University. Taylor’s

publication of The Origins of the Second World War, caused Oxford to decline to renew

Taylor’s appointment as a university lecturer in modern history. Taylor left Oxford for a

lecturership at the University College London. Note that England’s best historian at the

time was a mere lecturer, not a professor of modern history.

Truth-tellers don’t advance very far in the world of information.


Harry Elmer Barnes explained that the origins of World War I were in France and Russia,

not in Germany, which was the last to mobilize but was blamed for the war, resulting in

the Treaty of Versailles, which led to WW II. Unz was stunned to find that

Barnes, a historian of great stature, was unknown to him. Unz writes:


“Imagine my shock at later discovering that Barnes had actually been one of the most

frequent early contributors to Foreign Affairs, serving as a primary book reviewer for

that venerable publication from its 1922 founding onward, while his stature as one of

America’s premier liberal academics was indicated by his scores of appearances in The

Nation and The New Republic throughout that decade. Indeed, he is credited with having

played a central role in ‘revising’ the history of the First World War so as to remove the

cartoonish picture of unspeakable German wickedness left behind as a legacy of the dishonest

wartime propaganda produced by the opposing British and American governments. And his

professional stature was demonstrated by his thirty-five or more books, many of them

influential academic volumes, along with his numerous articles in

The American Historical Review, Political Science Quarterly, and other leading journals.


“A few years ago I happened to mention Barnes to an eminent American academic scholar

whose general focus in political science and foreign policy was quite similar, and yet the

name meant nothing. By the end of the 1930s, Barnes had become a leading critic of

America’s proposed involvement in World War II, and was permanently ‘disappeared’ as

a consequence, barred from all mainstream media outlets, while a major newspaper chain

was heavily pressured into abruptly terminating his

long-running syndicated national column in May 1940.”


Unz next tells us how the establishment got rid of Charles A. Beard. Beard was an

intellectual of high stature. But “once he turned against Franklin D. Roosevelt’s warmongering

foreign policy, publishers shut their doors to him, and only his personal friendship with the

head of the Yale University Press allowed his critical 1948 volume, President Roosevelt and

the Coming of the War, 1941, to even appear in print. Beard’s stellar reputation seems to

have begun a rapid decline from that point onward, so that by 1968 historian

Richard Hofstadter could write: ‘Today Beard’s reputation stands like an imposing ruin

in the landscape of American historiography. What was once the grandest house in

the province is now a ravaged survival’. Indeed, Beard’s once-dominant ‘economic interpretation of history’

might these days almost be dismissed as promoting ‘dangerous conspiracy theories,’

and I suspect few non-historians have even heard of him.”


William Henry Chamberlin was one of America’s leading foreign policy journalists, an

author of 15 books whose writings appeared regularly in The Atlantic Monthly and Harpers.

His career was terminated when his critical analysis of America’s entry into WW II,

America’s Second Crusade, was published in 1950.


Unz gives other examples of highly credible authors being cast into darkness for telling

the truth while the establishment provides lavish rewards to those who endorse the

propaganda line. Unz concludes that “A climate of serious intellectual repression greatly

complicates our ability to uncover the events of the past. Under normal circumstances,

competing claims can be weighed in the give-and-take of public or scholarly debate, but

this obviously becomes impossible if the subjects being discussed are forbidden ones.”


The victors control the explanations and bury their own guilt and war crimes behind a

humanitarian smokescreen of “saving democracy.” It is the function

of historians to penetrate the smokescreen and to dig up the buried facts.


One of the icons of the Anglo-American world is Winston Churchill. Unz summarizes

some of the information historians have uncovered about Churchill:


“Until recently, my familiarity with Churchill had been rather cursory, and Irving’s revelations

were absolutely eye-opening. Perhaps the most striking single discovery was the remarkable

venality and corruption of the man, with Churchill being a huge spendthrift who lived lavishly

and often far beyond his financial means, employing an army of dozens of personal servants

at his large country estate despite frequently lacking any regular and assured sources of

income to maintain them. This predicament naturally put him at the mercy of those individuals

willing to support his sumptuous lifestyle in exchange for determining his political activities.

And somewhat similar pecuniary means were used to secure the backing of a network of other

political figures from across all the British parties, who became Churchill’s close political allies.


“To put things in plain language, during the years leading up to the Second World War,

both Churchill and numerous other fellow British MPs were regularly receiving sizable

financial stipends—cash bribes—from Jewish and Czech sources in exchange for promoting

a policy of extreme hostility toward the German government and actually advocating war.

The sums involved were quite considerable, with the Czech government alone probably

making payments that amounted to tens of millions of dollars in present-day money to

British elected officials, publishers, and journalists working to overturn the official peace

policy of their existing government. A particularly notable instance occurred in early 1938

when Churchill suddenly lost all his accumulated wealth in a foolish gamble on the American

stock-market, and was soon forced to put his beloved country estate up for sale to avoid

personal bankruptcy, only to quickly be bailed out by a foreign Jewish millionaire intent upon

promoting a war against Germany. Indeed, the early stages of Churchill’s involvement in

this sordid behavior are recounted in an Irving chapter aptly entitled ‘The Hired Help.’


“Ironically enough, German Intelligence learned of this massive bribery of British parliamentarians,

and passed the information along to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who was

horrified to discover the corrupt motives of his fierce political opponents, but apparently

remained too much of a gentlemen to have them arrested and prosecuted. I’m no expert

in the British laws of that era, but for elected officials to do the bidding of foreigners on

matters of war and peace in exchange for huge secret payments seems almost a textbook

example of treason to me, and I think that Churchill’s timely

execution would surely have saved tens of millions of lives.


“My impression is that individuals of low personal character are those most likely to sell

out the interests of their own country in exchange for large sums of foreign money,

and as such usually constitute the natural targets of nefarious plotters and foreign spies.

Churchill certainly seems to fall into this category, with rumors of massive personal

corruption swirling around him from early in his political career. Later, he supplemented

his income by engaging in widespread art-forgery, a fact that Roosevelt later discovered

and probably used as a point of personal leverage against him. Also quite serious was

Churchill’s constant state of drunkenness, with his inebriation being so widespread as to

constitute clinical alcoholism. Indeed, Irving notes that in his private

conversations FDR routinely referred to Churchill as ‘a drunken bum.’
“During the late 1930s, Churchill and his clique of similarly bought-and-paid-for political

allies had endlessly attacked and denounced Chamberlain’s government for its peace

policy, and he regularly made the wildest sort of unsubstantiated accusations, claiming

the Germans were undertaking a huge military build-up aimed against Britain. These

roiling charges were often widely echoed by a media heavily influenced by Jewish

interests and did much to poison the state of German-British relations. Eventually, these

accumulated pressures forced Chamberlain into the extremely unwise act of providing

an unconditional guarantee of military backing to Poland’s irresponsible dictatorship.

As a result, the Poles then rather arrogantly refused any border negotiations with Germany,

thereby lighting the fuse which eventually led to the German invasion six months later

and the subsequent British declaration of war. The British media had widely promoted

Churchill as the leading pro-war political figure, and once Chamberlain was forced to create

a wartime government of national unity, his leading critic

was brought into it and given the naval affairs portfolio.


“Following his lightening six-week defeat of Poland, Hitler unsuccessfully sought to make

peace with the Allies, and the war went into abeyance. Then in early 1940, Churchill

persuaded his government to try strategically outflanking the Germans by preparing a

large sea-borne invasion of neutral Norway; but Hitler discovered the plan and preempted

the attack, with Churchill’s severe operational mistakes leading to a surprising defeat for

the vastly superior British forces. During World War I, Churchill’s Gallipoli disaster had

forced his resignation from the British Cabinet, but this time the friendly media helped

ensure that all the blame for the somewhat similar debacle at Narvik was foisted upon

Chamberlain, so it was the latter who was forced to resign, with Churchill then replacing

him as prime minister. British naval officers were appalled that the primary architect of their

humiliation had become its leading political beneficiary, but reality is what the

media reports, and the British public never discovered this great irony.


“This incident was merely the first of the long series of Churchill’s major military failures

and outright betrayals that are persuasively recounted by Irving, nearly all of which were

subsequently airbrushed out of our hagiographic histories of the conflict. We should recognize

that wartime leaders who spend much of their time in a state of drunken stupor are far less

likely to make optimal decisions, especially if they are as extremely prone

to military micro-management as was the case with Churchill.


“In the spring of 1940, the Germans launched their sudden armored thrust into France via

Belgium, and as the attack began to succeed, Churchill ordered the commanding British

general to immediately flee with his forces to the coast and to do so without informing his

French or Belgium counterparts of the huge gap he was thereby opening in the Allied

front-lines, thus ensuring the encirclement and destruction of their armies. Following

France’s resulting defeat and occupation, the British prime minister then ordered a sudden,

surprise attack on the disarmed French fleet, completely destroying it and killing some 2,000

of his erstwhile allies; the immediate cause was his mistranslation of a single French word,

but this ‘Pearl Harbor-type’ incident continued to rankle French leaders for decades.


“Hitler had always wanted friendly relations with Britain and certainly had sought to avoid

the war that had been forced upon him. With France now defeated and British forces driven

from the Continent, he therefore offered very magnanimous peace terms and a new German

alliance to Britain. The British government had been pressured into entering the war for no

logical reason and against its own national interests, so Chamberlain and half the Cabinet

naturally supported commencing peace negotiations, and the German proposal probably

would have received overwhelming approval both from the British public

and political elites if they had ever been informed of its terms.


“But despite some occasional wavering, Churchill remained absolutely adamant that the

war must continue, and Irving plausibly argues that his motive was an intensely personal

one. Across his long career, Churchill had had a remarkable record of repeated failure,

and for him to have finally achieved his lifelong ambition of becoming prime minister

only to lose a major war just weeks after reaching Number 10 Downing Street would

have ensured that his permanent place in history was an extremely humiliating one.

On the other hand, if he managed to continue the war, perhaps the situation might

somehow later improve, especially if the Americans could

be persuaded to eventually enter the conflict on the British side.


“Since ending the war with Germany was in his nation’s interest but not his own, Churchill

undertook ruthless means to prevent peace sentiments from growing so strong that they

overwhelmed his opposition. Along with most other major countries, Britain and Germany

had signed international conventions prohibiting the aerial bombardment of civilian urban

targets, and although the British leader had very much hoped the Germans would attack

his cities, Hitler scrupulously followed these provisions. In desperation, Churchill

therefore ordered a series of large-scale bombing raids against the German capital of

Berlin, doing considerable damage, and after numerous severe warnings, Hitler finally

began to retaliate with similar attacks against British cities. The population saw the heavy

destruction inflicted by these German bombing raids and was never informed of the British

attacks that had preceded and provoked them, so public sentiment greatly

hardened against making peace with the seemingly diabolical German adversary.


“In his memoirs published a half-century later, Prof. Revilo P. Oliver, who had held a senior

wartime role in American Military Intelligence, described this sequence of events in very bitter terms:


Great Britain, in violation of all the ethics of civilized warfare that had theretofore been

respected by our race, and in treacherous violation of solemnly assumed diplomatic

covenants about “open cities”, had secretly carried out intensive bombing of such open

cities in Germany for the express purpose of killing enough unarmed and defenceless men

and women to force the German government reluctantly to retaliate and bomb British cities

and thus kill enough helpless British men, women, and children to generate among

Englishmen enthusiasm for the insane war to which their government had committed them.

It is impossible to imagine a governmental act more vile and more depraved than contriving

death and suffering for its own people — for the very citizens whom it was exhorting to

“loyalty” — and I suspect that an act of such infamous and savage treason would have

nauseated even Genghis Khan or Hulagu or Tamerlane, Oriental barbarians universally

reprobated for their insane blood-lust. History, so far as I recall, does not record that

they ever butchered their own women and children to facilitate lying propaganda….In 1944

members of British Military Intelligence took it for granted that after the war

Marshal Sir Arthur Harris would be hanged or shot for high treason against the British people…


“Churchill’s ruthless violation of the laws of war regarding urban aerial bombardment directly

led to the destruction of many of Europe’s finest and most ancient cities. But perhaps

influenced by his chronic drunkenness, he later sought to carry out even more horrifying

war crimes and was only prevented from doing so by the

dogged opposition of all his military and political subordinates.


“Along with the laws prohibiting the bombing of cities, all nations had similarly agreed to

ban the first use of poison gas, while stockpiling quantities for necessary retaliation.

Since Germany was the world-leader in chemistry, the Nazis had produced the most

lethal forms of new nerve gases, such as Tabun and Sarin, whose use might have easily

resulted in major military victories on both the Eastern and Western fronts, but Hitler had

scrupulously obeyed the international protocols that his nation had signed. However, late

in the war during 1944 the relentless Allied bombardment of German cities led to the

devastating retaliatory attacks of the V-1 flying bombs against London, and an outraged

Churchill became adamant that German cities should be attacked with poison gas in

counter-retaliation. If Churchill had gotten his way, many millions of British might soon have

perished from German nerve gas counter-strikes. Around the same time, Churchill was also

blocked in his proposal to bombard Germany with hundreds of thousands of deadly

anthrax bombs, an operation that might have rendered much

of Central and Western Europe uninhabitable for generations.”


Equally unsettling facts have emerged from their burial yards
about Franklin D. Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Click on this text to watch revelations regarding the The German SCIENTISTS, the SS and GENERAL HANS KAMMLER.

  1. But most Americans know about German World War II rockets. A few even know that in addition to the car engine the Germans also invented the jet and perfected the superhighway or autobahn (the three most important inventions binding this vast country [i.e. America; Scriptorium ed.] together). Virtually no one knows that in Wright-Patterson Field in Ohio, in the Library of Congress and in the Department of Commerce in Washington, a "mother lode" of 1,500 tons of German patents and research ...

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  4. Category:German inventions of the Nazi period - Wikipedia
    World War II military equipment of Germany‎ (5 C, 18 P) Pages in category "German inventions of the Nazi period" The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total.

  5. 1. Guided Weapons By Kogo. One of the innovative concepts that emerged during WWII was in-flight guidance onto a moving target. One of the earliest examples was the Fritz X anti-ship bomb, first deployed by the German Air Force in 1943: An operator in the launch aircraft guided the Fritz X to its target using radio control, sinking an Italian Battleship.

  6. List of German inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia
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