Click on this text to read "RUSSIA and the JEWS - 200 YEARS TOGETHER" by A. I. Solzhenitsyn (PDF format - RENEGADE TRIBUNE
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Book by Jewish Historians Celebrates Jewish Role in Mass Murder of Russians Under Bolshevism... Two Hundred Years Together was written
by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident who won a Nobel Prize for Literature.
It is about the time of the Russians and the Jews inside the empire. He wrote in
Russian of course but various publishers decided they were not going to put out an English
version because they were Jews or frightened of them. The together of the
title refers to Russians and Jews. The first volume was Russian-Jewish History 1795-1916.
The second was called The Jews in the Soviet Union. So it is clear enough why the Jews
were never going to like what he had to say. Alex knew them close up and
personal. Alex tells the truth about Jews so they hate him and his book. Oddly it has
been put out in German and French. One might think the Germans would not be allowed
access to the truth about the shysters marketing the Holocaust® story. Perhaps
they have been brain washed into acceptance. This
book is so Feared by World Zionist Jewry, that they have refused to translate it into
English to this very day, the World Over. This shows you how much of the
World Media that ‘They’ control. It’s been translated
into German and French only, from the original Russian. A group of Professors
and Translators, so fed up with this Ultra World Censorship of an Acclaimed near masterpiece,
and trying to keep information away from American’s, have begun Translating it on their own at their own expense, and are making it ‘Freely
Available’ to all.
Click on this text to read RUSSIA and the JEWS - 200 YEARS TOGETHER... by A. I. Solzhenitsyn
Click on this text to watch Voices from the Gulag
Click on this text to watch Gulag: Many Days Many Lives (parts 1-5 of 10)
Click on this text to watch a discussion regarding Aleksandr Solzhenitsyns The Jews in the Soviet Union Pt. 1
Some History If one follows the presentation of J. D. Bruzkus, respected Jewish author of
the mid 20th century, a certain part of the Jews from Persia moved across the Derbent Pass to the lower Volga where Atil [west coast of Caspian on Volga delta], the capital city of the
Khazarian Khanate rose up starting 724 AD. The tribal princes of the Turkish Khazars, at the
time still idol-worshippers, did not want to accept either the Muslim faith – lest they
should be subordinated to the caliph of Baghdad – nor to Christianity – lest they come under vassalage to the Byzantine emperor; and so the clan went over to the Jewish faith in 732. But there was also a Jewish colony in the Bosporan Kingdom [on the Taman Peninsula
at east end of the Crimea, separating the Black Sea from the Sea of Azov] to which Hadrian had
Jewish captives brought in 137, after the victory over Bar-Kokhba. Later a Jewish settlement
sustained itself without break under the Goths and Huns in the Crimea; especially Kaffa (Feodosia)
remained Jewish. In 933 Prince Igor [912-945, Grand Prince of Kiev, successor of Oleg, regent
after death of Riurik founder of the Kiev Kingdom in 862] temporarily possessed Kerch, and his
son Sviatoslav [Grand Prince 960-972] [G14] wrested the Don region from the Khazars. The Kiev
Rus already ruled the entire Volga region including Atil in 909, and Russian ships appeared
at Samander [south of Atil on the west coast of the Caspian]. Descendents of the Khazars were
the Kumyks in the Caucasus. In the Crimea, on the other hand, they combined with
the Polovtsy [nomadic Turkish branch from central Asia, in the northern Black Sea area and
the Caucasus since the 10th century; called Cuman by western historians; see second map, below]
to form the Crimean Tatars. (But the Karaim [a jewish sect that does not follow the Talmud]
and Jewish residents of the Crimean did not go over to the Muslim Faith.) The Khazars were finally conquered [much later] by Tamerlane [or Timur, the 14th century conqueror]. A few researchers however hypothesize (exact proof is absent) that the Hebrews had wandered to some extent through the south Russian region in west and northwest direction. Thus
the Orientalist and Semitist Abraham Harkavy for example writes that the Jewish congregation
in the future Russia “emerged from Jews that came from the Black Sea coast and from the
Caucasus, where their ancestors had lived since the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity.” J. D. Bruzkus also leans to this perspective. (Another opinion suggests it is the remnant o the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.) This migration presumably ended after the conquest of Tmutarakans
[eastern shore of the Kerch straits, overlooking the eastern end of the Crimean Peninsula; the
eastern flank of the old Bosporan Kingdom] (1097) by the Polovtsy. According to
Harkavy’s opinion the vernacular of these Jews at least since the ninth century was Slavic,
and only in the 17th century, when the Ukrainian Jews fled from the pogroms of Chmelnitzki [Bogdan
Chmelnitzki, Ukrainian Cossack, 1593-1657, led the successful Cossack rebellion against Poland
with help from the Crimean Tatars], did Yiddish become the language of Jews in Poland.
[G15] In various manners the Jews also came to Kiev and settled there. Already under Igor, the lower part of the city was called “Kosary”; in 933 Igor brought Jews that had been taken captive in Kerch. Then in 965 Jews taken captive in the Crimea were brought
there; in 969 Kosaren from Atil and Samander, in 989 from Cherson and in 1017 from Tmutarakan.
In Kiev western Jews also emerged.: in connection with the caravan traffic from west to east,
and starting at the end of the eleventh century, maybe on account of the persecution in Europe
during the first Crusade. Later researchers confirm likewise that in the 11th century,
the “Jewish element” in Kiev is to be derived from the Khazars. Still earlier,
at the turn of the 10th century the presence of a “khazar force and a khazar garrison,”
was chronicled in Kiev. And already “in the first half of the 11th century the jewish-khazar
element in Kiev played “a significant roll.” In the 9th and 10th century, Kiev was
multinational and tolerant. At the end of the 10th century, in the time when Prince
Vladimir [Vladimir I. Svyatoslavich 980-1015, the Saint, Grand Prince of Kiev] was choosing
a new faith for the Russians, there were not a few Jews in Kiev, and among them were found educated
men that suggested taking on the Jewish faith. The choice fell out otherwise than it had 250
hears earlier in the Khazar Kingdom. Karamsin [1766-1826, Russian historian] relates it like
this: “After he (Vladimir) had listened to the Jews, he asked where their
homeland was. ‘In Jerusalem,’ answered the delegates, ‘but God has chased
us in his anger and sent us into a foreign land.’ ‘And you, whom God has punished,
dare to teach others?’ said Vladimir. ‘We do not want to lose our fatherland like
you have.’” After the Christianization of the Rus, according to Bruzkus, a portion
of the Khazar Jews in Kiev also went over to Christianity and afterwards in Novgorod perhaps
one of them – Luka Zhidyata – was even one of the first bishops and spiritual writers.
Christianity and Judaism being side-by-side in Kiev inevitably led to the learned zealously contrasting them. From that emerged the work significant to Russian literature, “Sermon on Law and Grace” ([by Hilarion, first Russian Metropolitan] middle 11th century), which contributed to the settling of a Christian consciousness for the Russians that lasted for centuries. [G16] “The polemic here is as fresh and lively as in the letters of the apostles.” In any case, it was the first century of Christianity in Russia. For the Russian neophytes of
that time, the Jews were interesting, especially in connection to their religious presentation, and
even in Kiev there were opportunities for contact with them. The interest was greater than later
in the 18th century, when they again were physically close. Then, for more than
a century, the Jews took part in the expanded commerce of Kiev. “In the new city wall
(completed in 1037) there was the Jews’ Gate, which closed in the Jewish quarter.”
The Kiev Jews were not subjected to any limitations, and the princes did not handle themselves
hostilely, but rather indeed vouchsafed to them protection, especially Sviatopolk Iziaslavich
[Prince of Novgorod 1078-1087, Grand Prince of Kiev 1093-1113], since the trade and enterprising
spirit of the Jews brought the princes financial advantage. In 1113, Vladimir (later called “Monomakh”), out of qualms of conscience, even after
the death of Sviatopolk, hesitated to ascend the Kiev Throne prior to one of the Svyatoslavich’s,
and “exploiting the anarchy, rioters plundered the house of the regimental commander Putiata
and all Jews that had stood under the special protection of the greedy Sviatopolk in the capital
city. … One reason for the Kiev revolt was apparently the usury of the Jews: probably,
exploiting the shortage of money of the time, they enslaved the debtors with exorbitant interest.”
(For example there are indications in the “Statute” of Vladimir Monomakh that Kiev
money-lenders received interest up to 50% per annum.) Karamsin therein appeals
to the Chronicles and an extrapolation by Basil Tatistcheff [1686-1750; student of Peter the
Great, first Russian historian]. In Tatistcheff we find moreover: “Afterwards they clubbed
down many Jews and plundered their houses, because they had brought about many sicknesses to
Christians and commerce with them had brought about great damage. Many of them, who had gathered
in their synagogue seeking protection, defended themselves, as well as they could, and redeemed
time until Vladimir would arrive.” But when he had come, “the Kievites pleaded with
him for retribution toward the [G17] Jews, because they had taken all the trades from Christians
and under Sviatopolk had had much freedom and power…. They had also brought many over
to their faith.” According to M. N. Pokrovski, the Kiev Pogrom of 1113 had
social and not national character. (However the leaning of this “class-conscious”
historian toward social interpretations is well-known.) After he ascended to the
Kiev throne, Vladimir answered the complainants, “Since many [Jews] everywhere have received
access to the various princely courts and have migrated there, it is not appropriate for me,
without the advice of the princes, and moreover contrary to right, to permit killing and plundering
them. Hence I will without delay call the princes to assemble, to give counsel.” In the
Council a law limiting the interest was established, which Vladimir attached to Yaroslav’s
“Statute.” Karamsin reports, appealing to Tatistcheff, that Vladimir “banned
all Jews” upon the conclusion of the Council, “and from that time forth there were
none left in our fatherland.” But at the same time he qualifies: “in the Chronicles
in contrast it says that in 1124 the Jews in Kiev died [in a great fire]; consequently, they
had not been banned.” (Bruzkus explains, that it “was a whole Quarter in the best
part of the city… at the Jew’s Gate next to the Golden Gate.”) At
least one Jew enjoyed the trust of Andrei Bogoliubskii [or Andrey Bogolyubsky] in Vladimir.
“Among the confidants of Andrei was a certain Ephraim Moisich, whose patronymic Moisich
or Moisievich indicates his jewish derivation,” and who according to the words of the
Chronicle was among the instigators of the treason by which Andrei was murdered. However there
is also a notation that says that under Andrei Bogoliubskii “many Bulgarians and Jews
from the Volga territory came and had themselves baptized” and that after the murder of
Andrei his son Georgi fled to a jewish Prince in Dagestan. In any case the information
on the Jews in the time of the Suzdal Rus is scanty, as their numbers were obviously small.
[G18] The “Jewish Encyclopedia” notes that in the Russian heroic songs (Bylinen) the “Jewish Czar” – e.g. the warrior Shidowin in the old Bylina about Ilya and Dobrin’a –
is “a favorite general moniker for an enemy of the Christian faith.” At the same
time it could also be a trace of memories of the struggle against the Khazars. Here, the religious
basis of this hostility and exclusion is made clear. On this basis, the Jews were not permitted
to settle in the Muscovy Rus. The invasion of the Tatars
portended the end of the lively commerce of the Kiev Rus, and many Jews apparently went to Poland.
(Also the jewish colonization into Volhynia and Galicia continued, where they had scarcely
suffered from the Tatar invasion.) The Encyclopedia explains: “During the invasion of
the Tatars (1239) which destroyed Kiev, the Jews also suffered, but in the second half of the
13th century they were invited by the Grand Princes to resettle in Kiev, which found itself
under the domination of the Tatars. On account of the special rights, which were also granted
the Jews in other possessions of the Tatars, envy was stirred up in the town residents against
the Kiev Jews.” Similar happened not only in Kiev, but also in the cities
of North Russia, which “under the Tatar rule, were accessible for many [Moslem? see note
1] merchants from Khoresm or Khiva, who were long since experienced in trade and the tricks
of profit-seeking. These people bought from the Tatars the principality’s
right to levy Tribute, they demanded excessive interest from poor people and, in case of their
failure to pay, declared the debtors to be their slaves, and took away their freedom. The residents
of Vladimir, Suzdal, and Rostov finally lost their patience and rose up together at the pealing
of the Bells against these usurers; a few were killed and the rest chased off.” A punitive
expedition of the Khan against the mutineers was threatened, which however was hindered via the mediation of Alexander Nevsky. “In the documents of the 15th century, Kievite
[G19] jewish tax-leasers are mentioned, who possessed a significant fortune.”
Comment to Two Hundred Years Together: From the Beginnings in Khazaria
We have all heard of the Khazars, and how the majority of Ashkenazi jews probably descend from them, but it is fascinating to see that history given a time and place, and fleshed out. Harkavy’s thesis that the caspian jews were from the ten lost tribes or the remnant of the
not-lost two tribes seems either implausible or self-defeating to me. (1) Why would those people
have lost their collective memory of who they were? If it is claimed that they did remember,
then why did they not write it down (genealogies, etc.)? (2) On the other hand, if they were
descended from exiled Israel, but lost all continuity with the same, in what sense should they
be regarded as jews? That is racism in the only form that the term makes any sense, but which
still celebrates an absurdity: namely, thinking that mere blood, without any inherited culture,
character, or accomplishment, grants one solidarity. It is also interesting to
see how in relatively recent history (yes I know, I must be weird to think of 1000 AD as “recent”)
we can observe the formation of brand-new ethnic groups from a combination of migration and
marriage, the turkish Cuman tribe for example becoming the partially european yet distinct tribe
of Crimean Tatars. In this regard, it is also fascinating to see that the majority
of modern-day jews are essentially a branch of the Turks.
wetheonepeople.com/...torture-methods-of-the-bolshevik... In Soviet overrun the Bolshevik
methods of torture and the inflicting ritualistic murder
was openly encouraged. Several sources tell how Chekists in Kharkov
placed their
victims in a row. Then, having nailed their hands to a table their torturers cut around
their wrists with a knife. Boiling water was poured over the skin was peeled off.
alphahistory.com/.../torture-methods-cheka-1924 Torture methods used by the CHEKA (1924) In 1924, Russian
writer Sergei Melgunov published a detailed account of violence and torture
during the Bolshevik Red Terror. In this grim extract, he outlines some of
the extreme torture methods employed by
CHEKA agents (here referred to
as “Excommers”).
www.renegadetribune.com/...jewish-bolshevik-bestial-tortures In
effect, the horrors of WWI, WWII, disabilities, deformities and mutations caused by the Jewish radioactive
weapons, including DU, are part of this extermination by
www.darkmoon.me/2011/crimes-of-the-bolsheviks The
orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish triumph
in Russia
[after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917] has never been equaled in the history of
world….The Jews were free to indulge their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims.
Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed.
www.doomedsoldiers.com/torture-methods-of-ub.html The
last named method causes the skin on one’s hands to burst and the blood to flow from
underneath one’s fingernails. The torture is applied passionlessly in
a premeditated manner. Those
who faint are revived with a morphine shot. Before the torture session [ensue] some receive
booster shots [Pol. zastrzyki wzmacniające].
This is the booklet accompanying a 1942 exhibition on the Soviet Union, organized by the Nazi Party’s
propaganda office. The brochure is 48 pages with numerous black and white photographs of the exhibition. I translate
only a part of it here, and include five of the photographs. The Nazis put out a “documentary film”
with the same title that supplemented the exhibition. A version of that film with English subtitles is available
from International Historic Films. The source: Das Sowjet-Paradies.
Ausstellung der Reichspropagandaleitung der NSDAP. Ein Bericht in Wort und Bild. Berlin: Zentralverlag der
NSDAP., 1942. The German original is available here. The Soviet Paradise
An Exhibition of
the Nazi Party Central Propaganda OfficeAs early as 1934 the Reichspropagandaleitung
of the NSDAP organized an exhibition from the available written and visual material. Its goal was to inform
the German people about the dreadful conditions in the Soviet Union.
The exhibition’s organizers often had the feeling that their portrayal of conditions
in the Soviet Union was far from accurate. This feeling has since been confirmed — but in an entirely different
manner than expected. Everything that had been said about Bolshevism before the outbreak of the war with
the Soviet Union has been thrown into the shadows by reality. Words and pictures are not enough to make the tragedy
of Bolshevist reality believable to Europeans. This agrees with what our soldiers repeatedly say. It is
impossible to portray conditions in the Soviet Union without oneself having seen and experienced them. The idea therefore was to provide German citizens with an exhibition based
on everyday life under Bolshevism in order to show them the misery of life there. A number of expeditions to
areas held by our troops were made to gather the necessary original material for the exhibition. Millions of visitors have received an accurate picture of the misery of
life under Bolshevism through the numerous original items. Experts, above all our soldiers, still agree that even
this exhibition does not give a full picture of the misery and hopelessness of the lives of farmers and workers
in the “Soviet Paradise.” “The
Riches of the East.” [This
section discusses the Soviet Union’s natural resources.] The Germanic Settlement in the East. [This section discusses German migrations to the east.]
Marxism and Bolshevism — The Invention of Jewry. Early on,
Jewry recognized unlimited possibilities for the Bolshevist nonsense in the East. This is supported by two facts: 1. The inventor of Marxism was the Jew Marx-Mordochai; 2. The present Soviet state is nothing other than the realization of that
Jewish invention. The Bolshevist revolution itself stands between these two facts. The Jews exterminated the best elements
of the East to make themselves the absolute rulers of an area from which they hoped to establish world domination.
According to the GPU’s figures, nearly two million people were executed during the years 1917 to 1921.
A direct result of the revolution was the terrible famine that demanded 19 million victims between 1917 and
1934. Over 21 million people lost their lives though this Jew-incited revolution and its consequences. The Facade of Bolshevism
The bloody attacks of Bolshevism into Europe were always accompanied by wild agitation
that claimed that the Soviet Union was the “paradise of farmers and workers.” In reality this was
propaganda, and all the cultural, social and technical advances that Bolshevism claimed were nothing but a deceptive
facade that concealed the gray misery of daily life under Bolshevism. This is illustrated in the next room of
the exhibition. In its center, there is an original Bolshevist monument mass produced from plaster on a wood
frame. One was found in every city. Because of their poor quality they quickly began crumbling, a true example of
Bolshevist culture. Such monuments intensify the dirty and miserable atmosphere that all Soviet cities share,
interrupted only by a few prestige buildings that display technical weaknesses. They are built for propaganda
purposes, and to deceive travelers from abroad. These
facades, built only for propaganda reasons, are the mark of all Bolshevist cities. Model streets in the American
style are filled with huge buildings with a thousand deficiencies, which mock the miserable workers who
are forced even after 25 years of Bolshevist culture to live gray and joyless lives. The contrast between government buildings and the general wretched housing
is the same as the difference between military production and those things that are necessary for daily life.
The enormous military expenditures dwarf those of all other nations, but everyday goods are of wretched quality.
The war is not responsible for the population’s lack of cups and saucers, furniture and beds, the most
basic decorative items such as curtains or inexpensive carpets, not to mention the most necessary items of clothing.
Such things are just as expensive as foodstuffs. A generous estimate of the weekly average wage of a worker
is 100-125 rubles. Here are the costs: 1400
rubles for a suit 360 rubles for a pair of shoes 24 rubles for a kilo of butter 22 rubles for a kilo of meat
Those were the peacetime prices in the USSR, which
does not however mean that such things could actually be bought. Bad bread and potatoes were the almost exclusive
diet of the miserable population during the Bolshevist system’s 20 years of peace. The glaring contrast between the between the splendid weaponry and the
deep poverty of the people is clear from the living conditions in Moscow, which by the way are neither better nor worse
than those in other Bolshevist cities. Conditions were not particularly good even before the war in 1913. But by
1928 four people lived in the average room, and six by 1939, independent of whether or not they were related.
All usable rooms are jammed full. Normal dwellings of the kind we are used to in Germany are unknown. Each room
is a kitchen, living room, and bedroom for its inhabitants. If one looks for those responsible for these miserable
conditions, one always finds Jews. Is it not interesting that the word “anti-Semite” is the worst
thing one can be accused of in the Soviet state, for which one all too easily is sentenced to forced labor or death?
A look at the statistics on the Jewdification of high offices in the Soviet Union makes everything clear. Nearly all the ministries, which the Bolshevists call “people’s
commissions,” are controlled by the Jews. Further
proof that the Soviet state belongs to the Jews is the fact that the people are ruthlessly sacrificed for the goals
of the Jewish world revolution. Besides the notorious Stachanov system, women are systematically degraded to
labor slaves. Even during peace, women increasingly worked even in the hardest jobs such as coal mining and
the smelting industry. A further fact makes clear
to the expert that the Jews are behind Soviet industrial structure: The Woroschilov factory in Minsk was supposed
to produce 650 machines tools with a value of 81 million rubles annually. Given the nature of Jewish thinking,
the decisive thing was the total value of the production. Because of a lack of experts, tools, and parts
the factory produced only 480 machine tools with a value of 59.2 million rubles. To fulfill the plan, the factory
managers secretly built a boiler-maker in the back, which produced goods sold at black market prices. This made
up for the difference of 22 million rubles. The plan was thus met with production of 81 million rubles, even
though 170 too few machines were produced. The
Soviet Army — A Terrible Threat to Europe. Ever since the murder of the Tsar, the Jewish-Bolshevist ruling clique in Moscow has planned the annihilation
of Europe. All raw materials and the whole labor force were exploited ruthlessly to meet this goal. Foreign
specialists and engineers were brought in to make up for the domestic failings. Production figures that astonished
the entire world resulted. This became evident in the Wehrmacht’s figures on captured war booty. 180,000,000 people had to work under the most brutal and primitive conditions
solely for armaments production. That is the explanation for the unimaginable amount of Bolshevist weaponry,
most of which has been destroyed or captured in the great battles of annihilation of the Eastern campaign. This vast armory was intended to help Jewry overrun Europe. In preparation,
Bolshevism had prepared its positions in Finland, the Baltic, Poland, and Bessarabia. These were the bases from
which the decisive blows would be struck against the West. The vast extent of this weaponry, some of which still exists, is perhaps best shown by the booty of the great
encirclement battles of 1941 and the winter battles: 25,000 tanks, 32,000 heavy guns, and 16,000 airplanes were
captured or destroyed, and over 4,000,000 prisoners were taken. Classes in a Classless State Bolshevism
preached that there would of course be no classes in its paradise, since only the proletariat would remain after
the elimination of the former ruling class. The emptiness of the claim is obvious to any unprejudiced observer,
who can see the degrees of slavery among the population. The Jewish ruling class and its lackeys are at the
top, then the masses of factory workers in the cities. A deep chasm separates them from the totally impoverished
collective farmers. Bolshevism intentionally created these great differences for two reasons: 1. To lure the masses to the cities to support the Bolshevist armaments
program; 2. To give the workers the impression that
they are better off than the farmers and to deceive them into believing that their primitive and miserable life
is wonderful in comparison to that of the collective farmers. The workers do not and cannot know that by our
standards their existence is wretched, since they are hermetically sealed off from the rest of the world. Beside
the workers and the collective farmers, there are two classes without any rights at all: the members of the former
intelligentsia and the middle class, who are not of proletarian descent. There are also forced laborers, who
are used as cheap and defenseless slaves in the vast uncultivated regions. Millions of them die as the result
of bad food, poor accommodations and hard work. The
GPU — The Terror Instrument of Jewish Bolshevism The brutal terror Bolshevism exercises through the GPU is perhaps the best answer to the frequent question
of why the Bolshevists fight so bitterly at the front. 25 years of terror have produced a gray and broken mass
who silently follow orders because that is their only way to remain alive. Resistance means death, often the
death of the entire family. The bestial terror regime of the Jewish GPU is best seen in the sadistic methods of torture
used against supposed “enemies.” The
exhibition includes an execution cell from a GPU dungeon. According to a captured commissar, nearly 5,000 people were
shot by the GPU in five years behind its iron bars. The cell is tiled. The condemned were brought to the cell and shot in the back of the neck. The corpses were
moved to the side and sprayed with a hose to wash away the blood. A fan provided fresh air so that the next
victim would not faint from the blood, because he was to remain conscious until the last moment. Another narrow cell was used to secure confessions. Prisoners were forced
to kneel for hours. If they stood up they hit the ceiling and set off an alarm, and a spotlight was aimed toward
them. If they sat on the small seat they got an electric shock that forced them off. A wooden prong on the door
pressed against their stomachs. The worst
of all terror institutes of the GPU are the forced labor camps in which millions of innocent victims die every year.
Only rarely do they know why they were taken from their families and jobs to work in the icy wastes of Workuta
or any of the numerous other labor camps. Most of them are there only because free labor was needed somewhere in
the wilderness. No one cared about them. They were shipped there under the principle: “People? We
have enough of such trash.” The unhappy victims,
condemned with or without cause, follow a miserable path from which death is the only real escape. It begins with a spy, often a member of one’s own family. One night
the GPU knocks on the door and takes its victim. Put in narrow cells, worn out by endless interrogations. and finally
forced to confess by the usual methods of torture, with or without a verdict, they are transported to forced
labor camps with inadequate food, often in the bitter cold. Many die on the way. In the forced labor camps themselves,
they are stuffed into small barracks. The pitiful food ration depends on the amount of work done. It is never
enough, and the hard work soon leads to exhaustion. The smallest offense is punished severely by a spell in an ice
cell. Continual overwork, bad food, and the lack of sanitary facilities soon lead to serious illness. The sick
forced laborers are put on starvation rations to speed their deaths, for the GPU has no interest in weak workers.
They must be disposed of as quickly as possible. Very
few forced laborers return to freedom. Kajetan Klug was one of them. He was a leader of the Marxist Defense League
in Linz. After the unsuccessful insurrection of February 1934, he had to flee the revenge of the Dolfuß
regime. His route led him through Czechoslovakia to the land of his dreams, the “Paradise of Farmers and
Workers.” In Moscow he took over the leadership of the Austrian emigrants and became a party member. But
he soon learned the misery of the workers and farmers. When he openly criticized these conditions, he was accused of
espionage. He was arrested, tortured, acquitted, and finally condemned with no proof to 5 years of forced labor
in Central Asia. The wintry wasteland of Workuta finally opened his eyes to the real nature of the “Paradise
of Farmers and Workers.” A few days before the beginning of the war with the Soviet Union, he succeeded
in escaping to the German embassy. Along with the embassy personnel, he was able to reach Germany. The Misery of the Collective Farmers
[This section discusses life on collective farms.] The Life of the Worker in the Soviet Paradise Wherever one looks there is poverty, misery, decay, and hunger. This true
both of the countryside and the cities. The atmosphere of Bolshevist cities, too, is grim and depressing. The exhibition here, all the experts agree, is particularly genuine. It
always astonishes, for the simple reason that the terrible things it makes visible are real. Here is a Bolshevist
culture park, with its mass produced sculptures that cannot endure the weather because of their poor quality.
They add to the atmosphere of general atmosphere of decay that all cities in the land of the Bolshevists share.
There, just as it was originally, is a collapsing barracks, a so-called home for students, standing in the shadow
of a university built on the American model. Its wretched inhabitants at least have a good view of the prestige
buildings. From a distance, one cannot see that the quality of every aspect of the buildings is wretched. The interior of the dormitory corresponds to its exterior. Broken chairs,
a damaged bed with torn coverings, a shabby ceiling, a few propaganda posters and books, an old curtain: That is the
room of the dormitory leader. As many as eleven less fortunate inhabitants are packed into the other rooms.
A washroom for 63 students, without running water, is next to the dormitory leader’s room. Look into any side street. A dark hole of a shop with the most primitive
things: paper clothing (in peace time!), bread, a few cans and bottles. A modest supply of everyday items. It
is a government shop. It is governmental because there are no shopkeepers in the Soviet “paradise,” at
least in our sense. Nor are there any craftsmen or independent merchants, since private property has been
abolished. Next door there is the workshop of a private cobbler, an exception to the usual ban on private property,
since he works on his own and is not a member of the normal collective. Still, high taxes take a large part
of his modest income, which is hardly enough to provide for himself and his family. Hidden behind a pile of garbage in a courtyard in the center of Minsk is
a restaurant, also a state enterprise. It is miserably equipped. The guests need to bring their own eating utensils.
Such items are rare enough so that they would otherwise be stolen. And this is not a place for the poor. It
is frequented by managers and government officials. The manager has a special room for his favored guests with
several shabby upholstered chairs. The food itself comes from a factory and is always the same, which led to
constant complaints in the comment book. And that in peace time! Alongside the prestige buildings of the university, there are numerous wretched workers’ dwellings.
One of them was removed to be part of the exhibition along with all its furnishings. Six families lived here.
Each had a single room that served as bedroom, kitchen, and storage room. There was no running water, and the
women all agreed that things were so crowded they could never get things in order. Still, they thought these were good
rooms since at least they were dry and warm. Many of their comrades lived in wet basements, in caves, or had
no roof over their head at all, since the city government did not worry about the many homeless. Everywhere
there was desolation and apathy. Even worse than
all this misery is the complete disruption of family life, indeed the beginning of its complete elimination.
The exhibition includes one of those offices where marriages are performed for a charge of 50 rubles, without any
need for documents. There are countless cases in which men and women have been married numerous times, without
ever getting divorced from their previous spouses. The reason is that papers are rarely checked carefully. The result of such terrible disruption of marriages and families must inevitably
lead to complete misery and decay of the youth. The exhibition shows this by the example of the Besprisornys.
These gangs of boys from 4 to 15 rob and steal to support themselves. They live in collapsing buildings and caves.
According to people in Minsk, a city of 300,000, there are 3,000 such orphaned children. These deserted children
say that they never knew their fathers or mothers, and have no names. They do not know how old they are. One
such Besprisornys gang was captured and put in a German orphanage. Their clothing is on mannequins that give a realistic
picture of how these unfortunate children lived in complete misery in the “Soviet Paradise.” Many displays give a picture of everyday life in the Soviet Paradise.
A doctor’s office deserves special notice. It gives the lie to all the Bolshevist propaganda about the “exemplary
social condition” in the Soviet Union. As a result of the abolition of private property, the doctor
is a poorly paid state employee earning 400 rubles a month. She has three rooms, one of which she lives in, one a
waiting room, and one the treatment room. The medicines and equipment, the operating table and everything
else are unbelievably primitive and do not meet even the minimum hygienic standards. This doctor had 30,000 people
to care for, many of whom lived more than a day’s travel from her office.
“Europe Enters” Poverty, misery, decay, hunger, and need wherever one looks: That is the Soviet paradise that our soldiers
experience every day, and that millions of exhibition visitors encountered in many original displays that
give them a genuine picture of the so loudly praised social accomplishments of the Jewish-Soviet state. He who has
seen the exhibition understands the historic conflict in which we are now engaged, a conflict in which there
can be no compromise. There are only two possible outcomes: Either the German people will win and ensure the survival
of the world and its culture, or it will perish and all the peoples of the world will fall into the barbarism
of the Soviet state that has reduced millions to powerless starving slaves.
To stop that from happening, the best elements of Europe are fighting under German
leadership at the side of our soldiers to destroy the fateful threat to the life and culture of Europe. Our
battle is to free the East, along with its vast and inexhaustible riches and agricultural resources, and to save Europe
from the nightmare that has threatened it for millennia. In the words of the Führer: “In defeating this enemy, we remove a danger from the
German Reich and all of Europe more severe than any it has faced since the Mongol hordes swarmed across the continent.” wetheonepeople.com/...torture-methods-of-the-bolshevik... In Soviet overrun the Bolshevik
methods of torture and the inflicting ritualistic murder was openly encouraged.
Several sources tell how Chekists in Kharkov placed their victims in a row. Then, having nailed their hands to a
table their torturers cut around their wrists with a knife. Boiling water was poured over the skin
was peeled off.
alphahistory.com/.../torture-methods-cheka-1924 Torture methods used by the CHEKA (1924) In 1924, Russian
writer Sergei Melgunov published a detailed account of violence and torture during the Bolshevik
Red Terror. In this grim extract, he outlines some of the extreme torture methods employed
by CHEKA agents (here referred to as “Excommers”).
www.renegadetribune.com/...jewish-bolshevik-bestial-tortures In
effect, the horrors of WWI, WWII, disabilities, deformities and mutations caused by the Jewish radioactive weapons,
including DU, are part of this extermination by slow torture already, as are the weaponized medical
practices to ‘treat’ cancer, the radiotherapy and chemotherapy that are surely slow
means of torture when the non-intrusive, harmless and 100% …
www.darkmoon.me/2011/crimes-of-the-bolsheviks The
orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish triumph in Russia
[after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917] has never been equaled in the history of the world….The
Jews were free to indulge their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims. Christians
were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed.
www.doomedsoldiers.com/torture-methods-of-ub.html The
last named method causes the skin on one’s hands to burst and the blood to
flow from underneath one’s fingernails. The torture is applied passionlessly in a premeditated
manner. Those who faint are revived with a morphine shot. Before the torture session [ensue] some
receive booster shots [Pol. zastrzyki wzmacniające].
Russian Jews The Russian Empire at one time hosted the largest population of Jews in the world. Within these territories the Jewish community flourished and developed many of modern Judaism's most distinctive theological and cultural traditions. Jews have been
present in contemporary Armenia and Georgia since the Babylonian captivity. Records exist from the 4th century showing that there were Armenian cities possessing Jewish populations ranging from 10,000 to 30,000
along with substantial Jewish settlements in the Crimea. The presence of Jews in the territories corresponding
to modern Belarus, Ukraine, and the European part of Russia can be traced back
to the 7th-14th centuries CE. Under the influence of the Caucasian Jewish communities Bulan, the Khagan Bek of the Khazars, and the ruling classes of Khazaria (located in what is now Ukraine, southern Russia and Kazakhstan), adopted Judaism
at some point in the mid-to-late 8th or early 9th centuries. Documentary evidence
as to the presence of Jews in Muscovite Russia is first found in the chronicles
of 1471. The
following is a list of Jews born in the territory of the former Russian Empire or its successor the Soviet Union. It is geographically defined, so it also includes people born before the places were included in
the Russian Empire / Soviet Union, or after the dissolution of the Russian Empire
in 1918-1922 and the Soviet Union in 1991, even if the people never were Russian
subject or Soviet Citizen.
Names in "Bold" are Geni profiles. Names in "Light Blue" are Wikipedia links awaiting
a volunteer to build transfer as a Geni profile to the World Tree.
List of Russian Jews
Rabbis - • Aharon of Karlin (II)
- • Joseph Chayyim ben Isaac Selig Caro
- • Naphtali Cohen
- • Yisrael ben Eliezer (The Baal Shem Tov) הבעש"ט, Rabbi, founder of Hasidic Judaism
- • Shlomo Ganzfried
- • Aharon Gurevich
- • Yitzhak Isaac Halevy Rabinowitz Rabbi founder Agudath Israel
- • Chaim Mordechai Aizik Hodakov
- • Yitzchok
Isaac Krasilschikov
- • Berel Lazar
- • Joseph Lookstein , Geni
- • Meir Leibush Weiser - Malbim
- • Shmarya Yehuda Leib Medalia
- • Shmuel Leib Medalia
- • Zalman Moishe HaYitzchaki
- • Hillel Paritcher
- • Eliezer
Zusia Portugal
- • Baruch Poupko
- • Yitzchak Yaacov Reines
- • Zvi Yosef Resnick
- • Mnachem Risikoff
- • Mörderhai Scheiner
- • Isaac
- • Schneour Zalman Schneersohn
- • Aryeh Leib Schochet
- • Shneur Zalman of Liadi שניאור זלמן מליאדי
Founder and First Admor of CHABAD
- • Dovber Schneuri, The Mitteker Rebbe דב-בער שניאורי,
האדמו"ר האמצעי Second Admor
- • Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Hatzemach Tzedek מנחם מנדל שניאורסון,
הצמח צדק, Third Admor
- • Shmuel Schneerson, MaHaRash - שמואל שניאורסון,
מהר"ש Fourth Admor
- • Shalom Dovber Schneersohn, RaShab - שלום דב-בער שניאורסון,
רשא"ב Fifth Admor
- • Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, Rayatz - יוסף יצחק שניאורסון,
רייא"ץ Sixth Admor
- • Ahron Soloveichik
- • Moshe Soloveichik
- • Chaim Soloveitchik חיים סולובייצ'יק
- • Dov Sudak, Rabbi of Krijopol before the war
- •
Menachem Nachum Twersky, 1st Chernobyler
- • Yehuda Leib Tsirelson
- • Shlomo
Yosef Zevin
Source Religious Scholars and Educators (not Rabbis or mostly known not as Rabbis) - • Eliyahu Ben Shlomo Zalman, The "Gaon of Vilna" (1720-1797), Talmudic scholar and mathematician
- • Chaim of Volozhin (1749-1821), Talmudic educator
Scientists Natural scientists - • Anatole Abragam, physicist
- • Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov, physicist, Nobel Prize (2003)
- • Zhores Alferov, physicist, Nobel Prize (2000)
- • Lev Artsimovich, physicist
- • Nikolai Bernstein (1896-1966), physiologist
- • Gersh Budker, nuclear physicist
- • Ilya Frank, physicist, Nobel Prize (1958)
- • Yakov Frenkel, physicist
- • Vitaly Ginzburg, physicist, Nobel Prize (2003)
- • Vladimir Gribov, physicist
- • Waldemar Haffkine, biologist, vaccine against colera and plague
- • Boris Hessen, physicist
- • Abram Ioffe (1880-1960), physicist
- • Vladimir Keilis-Borok, physicist
- • Yuli
Khariton, physicist
- • Lev Landau, physicist, Nobel Prize (1962)
- • Veniamin Levich, electrochemist
- • Alexander Vilenkin, cosmologist
- • Selman Waksman, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1952)
- • Yakov Zel'dovich (1914-1987), physicist
- • Anatoliy Kravets, microbiologist, Head of the Laboratory of
Genetics of Microorganisms (KRIEID) (his notability is extremely questionable: cannot find him in Google )
Mathematicians - • Georgy
Adelson-Velsky, mathematician
- • Vladimir Arnold (1937-2010), mathematician
- • Grigory Barenblatt, mathematical mechanics (fluids and solid)
- • Joseph Bernstein, mathematician
- • Sergey Bernstein (1880-1968), mathematician
- • Alexander Brudno, mathematician
- • Chudnovsky
brothers, amateur mathematicians
- • Vladimir Drinfeld, mathematician, Fields Medal (1990)
- • Eugene Dynkin, mathematician
- • Paul Sophus Epstein, mathematician
- • Israel Gelfand, mathematician,
- • Alexander Gelfond, mathematician
- • Mikhail Gromov (b 1943), mathematician, Abel Prize (2009)
- • Semyon Aranovich Gershgorin, mathematician
- • Victor Kac, mathematician
- • Veniamin Kagan (1869-1953), mathematician
- • David Kazhdan, mathematician
- • Leonid Kantorovich (1912-1986), mathematician and economist, Nobel Prize (1975)
- • Aleksandr Khinchin, mathematician
- • Mark Krasnoselsky, mathematician
- • Mark Krein, mathematician,
- • Alexander Kronrod, mathematician
- • Yevgeniy Landis, mathematician
- • Solomon Lefschetz, mathematician
- • Vladimir Levenshtein, mathematician
- • Leonid Levin, mathematician, computational complexity theory
- • Jacob
Levitzki, Ukrainian-Israeli mathematician
- • Grigory Margulis, mathematician, Fields Medal (1978), Wolf Prize (2005)
- • David Milman, mathematician
- • Hermann Minkowski, mathematician
- • Mark Naimark, mathematician
- • Grigori Perelman, mathematician
- • Anatol Rapoport (1911-2007), mathematical biologist, mathematical psychologist, game theorist
- • Vladimir Rokhlin Sr., mathematician, professor of Leningrad University
- • Vladimir Rokhlin Jr., applied mathematician,
professor of Yale University
- • Jakob Rosanes, mathematician
- • Lev Schnirelmann, mathematician
- • Zvi
Hermann Schapira, mathematician
- • Moses Schönfinkel, logician
- • Samuil Shatunovsky, mathematician
- • Yakov Sinai, mathematician, Abel Prize (2014)
- • Pavel Urysohn, mathematician
- • Boris Weisfeiler, mathematician
- • Victor Zalgaller, mathematician
- • Oscar Zariski, mathematician
- • Efim Zelmanov, mathematician, Fields Medal
Economists - • Alexander Gerschenkron, economic historian
- • Naum Krasner, economist
- • Leonid Hurwicz, economist, Nobel Prize (2007)
- • Leonid Kantorovich (1912-1986), mathematician and economist, Nobel Prize (1975)
- • Simon Kuznets, economist,
Nobel Prize (1971)
- • Jacob Marschak, economist
- • Alexander
Nove, economist
Social Scientists, other than Economists, Legal Scholars, or Religious Scholars - • Urie Bronfenbrenner, developmental psychologist
- • Solomon Buber, Hebraist
- • Ariel Durant, historian,
- • Boris Eichenbaum, historian
- • Mikhail Epstein, literary theorist
- • Moshe Feldenkrais, inventor of the
Feldenkrais method
- • Jean Gottmann, geographer
- • Lazar
Gulkowitsch, Jewish Studies scholar
- • Abraham Harkavy, historian
- • Zellig Harris, linguist
- • Roman Jakobson, Russian/American linguist
- • Yuri Lotman, prominent linguist and historian of culture
- • Seymour Lubetzky,
cataloging theorist
- • Alexander Luria, neuropsychologist
- • Jacob
Rabinow, inventor
- • Ayn Rand, philosopher
- • Dietmar
Rosenthal, linguist
- • Leonid Roshal, pediatrician, negotiator
- • Isaak
Russman, historian
- • Max Seligsohn, Orientalist
- • Lev
Shestov, philosopher
Writers and poets
- • Grigory Adamov, writer
- • M. Ageyev, novelist
- • David Aizman, writer and playwright
- • Vasily Aksyonov, writer (Jewish
- • Sholom Aleichem, Yiddish-language writer
- • Isaac Asimov, science fiction writer
- • Isaac Babel, writer
- • Eduard
Bagritsky, poet
- • Grigory Baklanov, novelist
- • Agniya
Barto, novelist
- • Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, Hebrew-language writer
- • Isaac Dov Berkowitz, writer
- • Chaim Nachman Bialik, poet
- • Rachel Bluwstein, poet
- • Yosef Haim Brenner, Hebrew-language writer
- • Osip Brik, author
- • Joseph Brodsky, Russian-language poet, Nobel Prize (1987)
- • Sasha Cherny, poet
- • Vladimir Galperin, journalist and writer, literature professor
- • Aleksandr
Gelman, playwright
- • Yuli Daniel, writer
- • Michael
Dorfman, journalist and esseyst
- • David Edelstadt, Yiddish-language anarchist poet
- • Ilya Ehrenburg, writer
- • Natan Eidelman, writer
- • Alter Esselin,
poet, carpenter
- • Alexander Galich, playwright poet
- • Asher
Hirsch Ginsberg (Ahad Ha'Am), Hebrew-language writer
- • Lydia Ginzburg, writer
- • Yevgenia Ginzburg, writer
- • Jacob Gordin, American playwright
- • Leon Gordon, writer
- • Grigori Gorin, playwright and writer
- • Vasily Grossman, writer
- • Igor Guberman, writer
- • Peretz Hirshbein, playwright
- • Ilya Faynzilberg (Ilf), writer
- • Vera Inber, poet
- • Lev Kassil, writer
- • Veniamin
Kaverin, writer (Jewish father)
- • Arkady Khait, satirist and playwright (ru:Хайт,
Аркадий Иосифович)
- • A.M. Klein, poet
- • Pavel Kogan, poet
- • Lev
Kopelev, author and dissident
- • Arkady Kotz, poet
- • Lazar
Lagin, writer
- • Vladimir Lantsberg, writer
- • H. Leivick,
- • Benedikt Livshits, writer
- • Nadezhda Mandelstam,
- • Osip Mandelstam, poet
- • Samuil Marshak, poet
- • Yunna Morits, poet
- • Semen Nadson, poet (Jewish father)
- • Yeremey Parnov, writer
- • Boris Pasternak, writer, Nobel Prize (1958)
- • Yakov Perelman, writer
- • Elizaveta
Polonskaya, translator, poet
- • Vladimir Posner, writer
- • David
Pinski, writer
- • Lev Razgon, writer, gulag inmate for 17 years
- • Yevgeny
Rein, poet
- • Ayn Rand, writer (born Alisa Rosenbaum)
- • Anatoli Rybakov, writer
- • David
Samoylov, poet
- • Genrikh Sapgir, poet
- • Natalya Sats,
playwright (Jewish father)
- • Mendele Mocher Sforim, founder of modern Yiddish and modern
Hebrew literature
- • Viktor Shklovsky, writer and critic (Jewish father)
- • Ilia Shtemler, writer
- • Gary Shteyngart (Steinhart), writer
- • Yulian Semyonov, writer
- • Boris Slutsky, war-time poet
- • Mikhail Slonimsky, writer (Jewish father)
- • Boris and Arkady Strugatsky,
science fiction writers (Jewish father)
- • Mikhail Svetlov, poet
- • Shaul
Tchernichovsky, poet and translator
- • Yuri Tynyanov, writer
- • Mikhail
Zhvanetsky, writer and comedian
- • Efim Bershin, poet, essayist, novelist (Born Efim Berenshtein)
Musicians - • Joseph Achron, composer
- • Lera Auerbach,
- • Vladimir Ashkenazi, pianist (Jewish father)
- • Yefim
Bronfman, pianist
- • Simon Barere, pianist
- • Rudolf
Barshai, conductor
- • Dimitri Bashkirow, pianist
- • Yuri
Bashmet, violist
- • Irving Berlin composer and lyricist
- • Lazar Berman, pianist
- • Matvei
Blanter, composer, Katyusha
- • Felix Blumenfeld, pianist
- • Shura
Cherkassky, pianist
- • Bella Davidovich, pianist
- • Issay
Dobrowen, pianist and composer
- • Isaak Dunayevsky, composer
- • Mischa
Elman, violinist
- • Mark Ermler, conductor
- • Anthony
Fedorov, singer, American Idol finalist
- • Samuil Feinberg, composer
- • Vladimir Feltsman, pianist
- • Veniamin Fleishman, composer
- • Yakov Flier, pianist
- • Grigory Frid, songwriter
- • Artur Friedheim, composer
- • Kirill Gerstein, pianist
- • Josef Gingold (1909–1995) violinist
- • Grigory Ginsburg, pianist
- • Emil Gilels, pianist
- • Grigory Ginzburg, conductor
- • Michail-Ivanovič-Glinka , composer (Author of famous "Jewish Song", but there is no data that he had Jewish ancestors, and given
who were his parents, it is extremely questionable).
- • Mark Gorenstein, conductor
- • Riva Gorohovskaya, pianist
- • Maria Grinberg, pianist
- • Natalia Gutman, cellist
- • Jascha Heifetz, violinist
- • Mordechai Hershman, chazzan
- • Jascha
Horenstein, conductor
- • Vladimir Horowitz, pianist
- • Oleg
Kagan, violinist
- • Ilya Kaler, violinist
- • Tina Karol,
- • Boris Khaykin, conductor
- • Evgeny Kissin,
- • Alexander Knaifel, composer
- • Leonid Kogan,
- • Mikhail Kopelman, violinist
- • Yakov Kreizberg,
- • Josef Lhévinne, pianist
- • Alexander
Lokshin, composer (Jewish father)
- • Arthur Lourié, composer
- • Oleg Maisenberg, pianist
- • Samuel Maykapar, composer/pianist
- • Nathan Milstein, violinist
- • Shlomo Mintz, violinist
- • Boris Moiseev, dancer, showmaker
- • Benno Moiseiwitsch, pianist
- • David Oistrakh, violinist
- • Igor Oistrakh, violinist (Jewish father)
- • Leo Ornstein, composer
- • Gregor Piatigorsky, cellist
- • Pokrass brothers, composers
- • Alexander Rosenbaum, singer/songwriter
- • Anton Rubinstein, pianist/composer
- • Nikolai Rubinstein, pianist/composer
- • Samuil Samosud, conductor
- • Alfred Schnittke, composer (Jewish father)
- • Joseph Schillinger, composer, music theorist, and composition teacher
- • Daniil
Shafran, cellist
- • Leo Sirota, pianist
- • Regina Spektor,
singer-songwriter and pianist
- • Isaac Stern, violinist
- • Mark
Taimanov, pianist. Also an outstanding chess grandmaster. (According to Wikipedia, had a Jewish paternal grandfather).
- • Sophie Tucker, singer
- • Efrem Zimbalist, Russian-born American violinist
- • Maxim Vengerov, prominent violinist
- • Alexander Veprik, composer
- • Maria Yudina, pianist
- • Yakov Zak, pianist
- • Mikhael
Rauchverger, pianist and composer
- • Aleksey Igudesman, violinist
Fine artists - • Eugene
Abeshaus, painter
- • Meer Akselrod, painter
- • Benish
Mininberg, painter
- • Nathan Altman, painter and stage designer from Vinnytsia
- • Boris Anisfeld, painter, theatre
- • Boris Aronson, painter & designer
- • Mordechai Avniel, painter
- • Léon Bakst, painter & costume
- • Abraham Berline, painter
- • Eugène
Berman, painter
- • Leonid Berman, painter
- • Mikhail
Bernshtein, painter
- • Isaak Brodskiy, painter
- • Marc Chagall, painter from Vitebsk
- • Bella Chagall, the wife of Marc Chagall
- • Joseph Chaikov, sculptor
- • Ilya Chashnik, painter
- • Nudie Cohn, fashion designer
- • Sonia Delaunay, painter
- • Boris Efimov, cartoonist
- • Robert Falk, painter
- • Naum Gabo, sculptor
- • Michail Grobman, painter
- • Boris
Iofan, architect
- • Roman Abelevich Kachanov, animator
- • Ilya
Kabakov, conceptual artist (Jewish father)
- • Yevgeny Khaldei, photographer
- • Michel Kikoine, painter
- • Komar and Melamid, art-duo
- • Jacob Kramer, painter
- • Pinchus Kremegne, painter
- • Morris Lapidus, architect
- • Felix Lembersky painter
- • Isaac Levitan, painter
- • Jacques Lipchitz, sculptor from Druskininkai
- • El Lissitzky designer
- • Abram Manevich, painter
- • Louise Nevelson,
- • Ernst Neizvestny, sculptor
- • Solomon Nikritin,
- • Yuri Norstein, animator
- • Jules Olitski,
- • Leonid Pasternak, painter
- • Antoine Pevsner,
- • Semion Rotnitsky, painter
- • Issachar Rybak,
painter from Yelizavetgrad
- • David Shterenberg, painter from Zhitomir
- • Chaim Soutine, painter from Minsk
- • Raphael Soyer, American painter
- • Genndy Tartakovsky, Russian-born American animation director
- • Joseph
Tepper, painter
- • Israel Tsvaygenbaum, Russian-American artist
- • Lazar
Yazgur, painter
- • Valentin Yudashkin, fashion designer
- • Ossip
Zadkine, sculptor (Jewish father)
- • Saveliy Moiseyevich Zeydenberg, painter
- • Jacob Adler, actor
- • Milana Aleksandrovna Vayntrub
- • Michael Aronov
- • Elina Bystritskaya, actress
- • Alexander Alov, actor
- • Lev Arnshtam, film director
- • Leonid Bronevoy, actor
- • Grigori Chukhrai, film director and screenwriter,[126] father of Pavel Chukhrai
- • Pavel
Chukhrai, film director and screenwriter, son of Grigori Chukhrai
- • Maya Deren, filmmaker
- • Mark Donskoi, film director
- • Fridrikh Ermler, film director, actor,
and screenwriter
- • Aleksandr Faintsimmer, cinematographer
- • Valentin
Gaft, actor
- • Zinovy Gerdt, actor
- • Aleksei German,
- • Moisei Ginzburg, architect
- • Vitaliy
Ginzburg, director
- • Alexander Goldstein, director
- • Abraham
Goldfaden (1840–1908), playwright and theatre director
- • Yuli Gusman, director
- • Alexander Gutman, director
- • Aleksei Kapler, film artist
- • Roman Karmen, documentary filmmaker
- • Roman Kartsev, actor
- • Boris Kaufman, cinematographer
- • Mikhail Kaufman, cinematographer
- • Gennady Khazanov, comedian
- • Iosif Kheifits, film director
- • Yefim Kopelyan, actor
- • Mikhail Kozakov, actor
- • Grigori
Kozintsev, theater and film director
- • Mila Kunis, television actress
- • Anatole Litvak, director
- • Solomon Mikhoels, actor & director
- • Lew Milinder, actor
- • Alexander Mitta, film director
- • Alla Nazimova, actress
- • Vladimir Naumov, director
- • Maya Plisetskaya, ballerina
- • Iosif Prut, playwright
- • Yuli Raizman, film director and screenwriter
- • Elena Ralph, model
- • Faina Ranevskaya, actress
- • Arkady Raikin, comedian
- • Mikhail Romm, film director, scriptwriter, and educator (Jewish father)
- • Abram
Room, film director
- • Grigori Roshal, film director and screenwriter
- • Hanna Rovina, actress
- • Ida Rubinstein, dancer
- • Alexander
Schirwindt, actor, director and screenwriter
- • Mikhail Schweitzer, screenwriter
- • Yefim Shifrin, comedian
- • Viktor Shenderovich, humorist
- • Esfir Shub, editor, director, and writer of documentary films
- • Yakov
Smirnoff, American comedian
- • Lee Strasberg, acting teacher
- • Leonid
Trauberg, film director, scriptwriter, and educator
- • Dziga Vertov, documentary film director
and film theoretician
- • Anton Yelchin, Russian-born American film/television actor
- • Sergei Yursky, actor
- • Sergei Yutkevich, film director and screenwriter
- • Mark Zakharov, theater and film director and playwright
- • Michael Dorfman,
Russian-Israeli essayist and human rights activist
Politicians Pre-Revolution Politicians and Revolutionaries - • Osip Aptekman, revolutionary
- • Pavel Axelrod,
Menshevik, Marxist revolutionary
- • Yevno Azef, government agent / provocateur and revolutionary
- • Dmitri Bogrov, assassin of Russian reformist Prime Minister Stolypin
- • Fedor
Dan, revolutionary
- • Leo Deutsch, revolutionary
- • Gesya
Gelfman, revolutionary
- • Grigory Gershuni, revolutionary
- • Grigory
Goldenberg, revolutionary
- • Julius Martov, Menshevik leader
- • Mark
Natanson, revolutionary
- • Alexander Parvus, revolutionary
- • Pinhas
Rutenberg, Zionist, Social revolutionary
- • Israel and Manya Shochat, founders of the Hashomer
Soviet Politicians - • Georgy Arbatov, Soviet politician, academic & political advisor
- • Adolph Joffe, Bolshevik diplomat
- • Lazar Kaganovich, Soviet politician
- • Lev Kamenev, Bolshevik leader (Jewish father)
- • Olga
Kameneva, Russian Bolshevik revolutionary and a Soviet politician (sister of Leon Trotsky)
- • Maxim
Litvinov, Soviet ambassador and Minister of Foreign Affairs
- • Karl Radek, Soviet politician
- • Grigory Sokolnikov, Bolshevik politician
- • Yakov
Sverdlov, Bolshevik leader, the first head of state of the Russian SFSR
- • Leon Trotsky, Bolshevik politician, the founder of the Red Army
- • Moisei Uritsky, Soviet politician
and communist revolutionary, head of secret police in Petrograd, assassinated.
- • V. Volodarsky,
Soviet politician and communist revolutionary, editor of Bolshevik journal and censor, assassinated
- • Genrikh
Yagoda, head of Secret Police in the Stalin era (1934–1936)
- • Grigory Zinoviev,
Soviet politician
Post-Soviet Politicians - • Anatoly Chubais, Russian Deputy Prime Minister, now Chairman of UES
- • Mikhail Fradkov, Russian Prime Minister
- • Boris Nemtsov, Russian Deputy
Prime Minister
- • Vladimir Zhirinovsky - a Russian politician, leader of the Liberal
Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), Vice-Chairman of the State Duma, and a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
of Europe."
Israeli politicians - • Menachem Begin מנחם בגין, Israel 6th Prime Minister (1977–1983), Nobel Peace Prize (1978)
- • Yitzhak Ben-Zvi יצחק בן-צבי, second President of Israel (1952–63)
- • Shmuel Dayan שמואל דיין, Zionist activist, Israeli politician
- • Levi Eshkol לוי אשכול, Israel 3rd Prime Minister (1963–69)
- • Ephraim Katzir אפרים קציר, fourth President of Israel (1973–78)
- • Avigdor Lieberman, Israeli Government
Minister (2001–02; 2003–04; 2006–08; 2009–12; 2013– )
- • Golda Meir גולדה מאיר, Israel 4th Prime Minister (1969–74)
- • Shimon Peres שמעון פרס, Ninth President of Israel (2007–2014}; Israel 8th Prime Minister (1984–86; 1995–96), Nobel Peace Prize
- • Pinhas Rutenberg, Zionist, Social revolutionary
- • Yitzhak Shamir יצחק שמיר, Israel 7th Prime Minister (1983–84; 1986–92)
- • Natan Sharansky, Israeli politician
- • Moshe Sharett משה שרת, Israel 2nd Prime Minister (1954–55)
- • Zalman Shazar זלמן שז"ר, third President of Israel (1963–73)
- • Israel and Manya Shochat, founders of the
Hashomer movement
- • Chaim Weizmann חיים ויצמן, first President of Israel (1949–52)
Politicians and Revolutionaries, other countries - • Raya
Dunayevskaya, founder of Marxist humanism in the U.S.
- • David Dubinsky, American labor
- • Theodore Rothstein, Russian-British communist
Military persons: Solders, Officers, Generals... Russian, Soviet, post-Soviet Military
Persons - • Tuvie Bielski, Belarusian partisan
- • Yakov Blumkin, Soviet spy
- • Ivan Chernyakhovsky, Soviet Front Commander,
- • David Dragunsky, Soviet tank brigade commander, WWII
- • Moshe
Gildenman, known as Dyadya ("Uncle") Misha, partisan commander[57]
- • Walter
Krivitsky, Soviet spy
- • Semyon Krivoshein, Soviet mechanized corps commander, WWII
- • Rodion Malinovsky, Soviet front commander, WWII, Minister of Defence[ (Jewish origin is disputed)
- • Iona Yakir, Red Army commander and one of the world's major military reformers between World War I and World
War II
- • Mikhail Pavlotsky, lieutenant colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union
Israeli military persons - • General Yaakov Dori רב-אלוף יעקב דורי, the first Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) (1948–1949)
- • Ze'ev Jabotinsky זאב ז'בוטינסקי, founder of British Jewish Legion
- • General Chaim Laskov רב-אלוף חיים לסקוב, the fifth Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (1958–1961)
- • Yitzhak Sadeh יצחק שדה, Palmach commander and one of the IDF founders.
- • Joseph Trumpeldor יוסף טרומפלדור, founder of British Jewish Legion and early pioneer-settler in Israel (born in Pyatigorsk)
- • General Tzvi Tzur, the sixth Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (1961–1964)
Military Persons of other Countries - • Sidney Reilly,(Born
Shlomo Rosenblum) a Ukrainian-born adventurer and Secret Intelligence Service agent
Business Persons and Famous Managers Pre-revolution Business Persons Soviet Time Famous Managers Post-Soviet Business Persons - • Roman Abramovich, businessman,
owner of Chelsea F.C., Russia
- • Pyotr Aven, businessman, banking, Russia
- • Mikhail Fridman, businessman, banking and telecommunications, Russia
- • Vladimir
Gusinsky, exile, former media tycoon
- • Boris Khait, businessman, banking and insurance,
in 1990-th vice-president of the Russian Jewish Congress
- • Alexander Mashkevich, businessman,
mining, Kazakhstan
- • Leonid Nevzlin, exile, former top manager and businessman
- • Grigory Surkis, businessman, Ukraine, former chairman of the Football (Soccer) Federation of Ukraine
Emigrant Business Persons - • Leon Bagrit, pioneer of automation
- • Bernhard Baron, cigarette maker
and philanthropist
- • Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google
- • Zino
Davidoff, cigar / tobacco merchant
- • Bernard Delfont, impresario
- • Arcadi Gaydamak, owner of Portsmouth F.C., AJ Auxerre, and Bnei Sakhnin F.C.
- • Leslie
Grade, executive (should be removed because he was not born in Russia)
- • Lew
Grade, impresario, Chairman of ATV from 1962
- • Max Levchin, co-founder of PayPal
- • Morris Markin, founder of Checker Cab
- • Michael Marks, co-founder of
Marks & Spencer
- • Louis B. Mayer, co-founder MGM
- • Ida
Rosenthal, founder of Maidenform Brassieres
- • David Sarnoff, head of RCA
Sport Persons Intellectual Sports Chess - • Lev Alburt
- • Yuri Averbakh
- • Alexander
- • Ossip Bernstein
- • Benjamin Blumenfeld
- • Isaac Boleslavsky
- • Mikhail Botvinnik, World Champion
- • David Bronstein, World Championship
- • Maxim Dlugy
- • Iossif Dorfman
- • Mark Dvoretsky
- • Louis Eisenberg
- • Yakov
- • Alexander Evensohn
- • Salo Flohr
- • Semen Furman
- • Boris Gelfand
- • Efim
- • Eduard Gufeld
- • Boris Gulko
- • Dmitry Gurevich
- • Ilya Gurevich
- • Mikhail
- • Nicolai Jasnogrodsky
- • Gregory Kaidanov
- • Ilya Kan
- • Garry Kasparov, World Champion
- • Alexander
Khalifman, FIDE World Champion
- • Alexander Konstantinopolsky
- • Viktor
Korchnoi, World Championship challenger
- • Ljuba Kristol
- • Alla
Kushnir, Women's World Championship challenger
- • Anatoly Lein
- • Konstantin
- • Grigory Yakovlevich Levenfish
- • Irina Levitina
- • Vladimir Liberzon
- • Andor Lilienthal
- • Moishe Lowtzky
- • Vladimir
- • Sam Palatnik
- • Ernest Pogosyants
- • Iosif Pogrebyssky
- • Lev Polugaevsky
- • Lev
- • Abram Rabinovich
- • Ilya Rabinovich
- • Leonid Shamkovich
- • Ilya Smirin
- • Gennadi
- • Leonid Stein
- • Peter Svidler
- • Mark Taimanov. Also an outstanding pianist. (According to Wikipedia, had a Jewish paternal grandfather).
- • Boris Verlinsky
- • Yakov Vilner
- • Leonid Yudasin
Physical Sports Boxing - • Yuri Foreman,
Belarusian-born Israeli US middleweight and World Boxing Association champion super welterweight
- • Louis
Kaplan ("Kid Kaplan"), Russian-born US, world champion featherweight, Hall of Fame
- • Shamil
Sabirov, Russia, Olympic champion light flyweight
Canoeing - • Leonid Geishtor, USSR (Belarus), sprint canoer, Olympic champion (Canadian
pairs 1,000-meter)
- • Michael Kolganov, Soviet (Uzbek)-born Israeli, sprint canoer, world
champion, Olympic bronze (K-1 500-meter)
- • Naum Prokupets, Moldovan-born Soviet, sprint
canoer, Olympic bronze (C-2 1,000-meter), gold (C-2 10,000-meter) at ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships
Fencing - • Vadim Gutzeit,
Ukraine (saber), Olympic champion
- • Grigory Kriss, Soviet (épée), Olympic
champion, 2x silver
- • Maria Mazina, Russia (épée), Olympic champion, bronze
- • Mark Midler, Soviet (foil), 2x Olympic champion
- • Mark Rakita, Soviet
(saber), 2x Olympic champion, 2x silver
- • Yakov Rylsky, Soviet (saber), Olympic champion
- • Sergey Sharikov, Russia (saber), 2x Olympic champion, silver, bronze
- • David
Tyshler, Soviet (saber), Olympic bronze
- • Eduard Vinokurov, Russia (saber), 2x Olympic
champion, silver
- • Iosif Vitebskiy, Soviet (épée), Olympic silver, 10x national
championIrina Slutskaya
- • Ilya Averbukh, Russia, ice dancer, Olympic silver
- • Oksana
Baiul, Ukraine, figure skater, Olympic gold, world champion
- • Alexei Beletski, Ukrainian-born
Israeli, ice dancer, Olympian
- • Sasha Cohen, figure skater (U.S. National Champion and
silver medalist at the 2006 Winter Olympics)
- • Aleksandr Gorelik, Soviet, pair skater,
Olympic silver, World Championship 2x silver, bronze
- • Natalia Gudina, Ukrainian-born
Israeli, figure skater, Olympian
- • Gennadi Karponossov, Russia, ice dancer & coach,
Olympic gold, World Championship 2x gold, silver, 2x bronze
- • Michael Shmerkin, Soviet-born
Israeli, figure skater
- • Irina Slutskaya, Russia, figure skater, Olympic silver, bronze,
World Championship 2x gold, 3x silver, bronze
- • Maxim Staviski, Russian-born Bulgarian,
ice dancer, World Championship gold, silver, bronze
- • Alexandra Zaretski, Belarusian-born
Israeli, ice dancer, Olympian
- • Roman Zaretski, Belarusian-born Israeli, ice dancer, Olympian
Football (American) - • Joe
Magidsohn, Russia, Halfback
- • Igor Olshansky, Ukraine, DL (Miami Dolphins)
Gymnastics - • Evgeny (or
Yevgeny) Babich, Soviet, Olympic champion, world & European champion, 2x runner-up
- • Yanina
Batyrchina, Russia, Olympic silver (rhythmic gymnastics)
- • Maria Gorokhovskaya, USSR,
Olympic 2x champion (all-around individual exercises, team combined exercises), 5x silver (vault, asymmetrical bars, balance
beam, floor exercises, team exercises with portable apparatus)
- • Natalia Laschenova,
USSR, Olympic champion (team)
- • Tatiana Lysenko, Soviet/Ukrainian, 2x Olympic champion
(balance beam, team combined exercises), bronze (horse vault)
- • Mikhail Perelman, USSR,
Olympic champion (team combined exercises)
- • Vladimir Portnoi, USSR, Olympic silver (team
combined exercises) and bronze (long horse vault)
- • Yulia Raskina, Belarus, Olympic silver
(rhythmic gymnastics)
- • Alexander Shatilov, Uzbekistan/Israel, world bronze (artistic
gymnast; floor exercises)
- • Yelena Shushunova, USSR, Olympic 2x champion (all-around,
team), silver (balance beam), bronze (uneven bars)
Ice hockey - • Max Birbraer, Russian from Kazakhstan; lived & played in Israel; 1st Israeli
drafted by NHL team (New Jersey Devils)
- • Vitaly Davydov, Soviet, defenseman, 3x Olympic
champion, world & European champion 1963–71, runner-up
- • Nikolay Epstein, Soviet
hockey coach
- • Alfred Kuchevsky, Soviet, Olympic champion, bronze
- • Yuri Lyapkin, Soviet, defenceman, Olympic champion
- • Yuri Moiseev, Soviet,
Olympic champion, world champion
- • Vladimir Myshkin, Soviet, goaltender, Olympic champion,
- • Ian Rubin, Ukraine/Australia, Russia national team
- • Yevgeni
Zimin, Soviet, Olympic champion 1968–72, world & European champion 1968–69, 1971
- • Viktor
Zinger, Soviet, Olympic champion; world champion 1965–69
Judo - • Ārons Bogoļubovs, USSR, Olympic bronze (lightweight)
Rugby league - • Ian Rubin,
Ukraine/Australia, Russia national team
Sailing - • Valentyn Mankin, Soviet/Ukraine, only sailor in Olympic history to win gold
medals in three different classes (yachting: finn class, tempest class, and star class), silver (yachting, tempest class)
Shooting - • Lev Vainshtein,
USSR (Russia), 3x team world champion (25 m & 50 m pistol) and Olympic bronze medalist (300 m rifle)
Soccer (association football) - • Leonid
Buryak, USSR/Ukraine, midfielder, Olympic bronze
- • Andriy Oberemko, Ukraine, midfielder
(Illichivets & U21 national team)
- • Israel Olshanetsky, USSR, attacking midfielder
Dynamo Lenningrad.
- • Boris Razinsky, USSR/Russia, goalkeeper/striker, Olympic champion,
- • Mordechai Spiegler, Soviet Union/Israel, striker (Israel national team), manager
Speed skating - • Rafayel
Grach, USSR, Olympic silver (500-meter), bronze (500-meter)
Swimming - • Vadim Alexeev, Kazakhstan-born Israeli, breaststroke
- • Semyon Belits-Geiman, USSR, Olympic silver (400-m freestyle relay) and bronze (800-m freestyle relay); world
record in men's 800-m freestyle
- • Lenny Krayzelburg, Ukrainian-born US, 4x Olympic champion
(100-m backstroke, 200-m backstroke, twice 4x100-m medley relay); 3x world champion (100-m and 200-m backstroke, 4×100-m
medley) and 2x silver (4×100-m medley, 50-m backstroke); 3 world records (50-, 100-, and 200-m backstroke)
Table tennis - • Marina Kravchenko,
Ukrainian-born Israeli, Soviet and Israel national teams
Track and
field - • Aleksandr Averbukh, Russian-born Israeli, 2002 &
2006 European champion (pole vault)
- • Maria Leontyavna Itkina, USSR, sprinter, world records
(400-m & 220-yards, and 800-m relay)
- • Svetlana Krachevskaya, USSR, shot put, Olympic
- • Vera Krepkina, USSR, Olympic champion (long jump), world records (100-m dash
and 4x100-m)
- • Faina Melnik, Ukrainian-born USSR, 11 world records; Olympic discus throw
- • Zhanna Pintusevich-Block, Ukraine, sprinter, world 100-m & 200-m champion
- • Irina Press, USSR, 2x Olympic champion (80-m hurdles & pentathlon)
- • Tamara
Press, USSR, 6 world records (shot put & discus); 3x Olympic champion (2x shot put & discus) and silver (discus)
Volleyball - • Nelly Abramova,
USSR, Olympic silver
- • Larisa Bergen, USSR, Olympic silver
- • Yefim
Chulak, USSR, Olympic silver, bronze
- • Nataliya Kushnir, USSR, Olympic silver
- • Yevgeny Lapinsky, USSR, Olympic champion, bronze
- • Georgy Mondzolevsky,
USSR, 2x Olympic champion, 2x world champion
- • Vladimir Patkin, USSR, Olympic silver,
- • Yuriy Venherovsky, USSR, Olympic champion
Water polo - • Boris Goikhman, USSR, goalkeeper, Olympic
silver, bronze
- • Nikolai Melnikov, USSR, Olympic champion
Weightlifting - • Moisei Kas’ianik,
Ukrainian-born USSR, world champion
- • Grigory Novak, Soviet, Olympic silver (middle-heavyweight);
world champion
- • Rudolf Plyukfelder, Soviet, Olympic champion, 2x world champion (light
- • David Rigert, Kazakh-born USSR, Olympic champion, 5x world champion (light-heavyweight
and heavyweight), 68 world records (According to Wikipedia, he is of German ancestry, not Jewish)
- • Igor Rybak, Ukrainian-born USSR, Olympic champion (lightweight)
- • Valery
Shary, Byelorussian-born USSR, Olympic champion (light-heavyweight)
Wrestling - • Grigorii Gamarnik, USSR, world champion (Greco-Roman lightweight), world championship
- • Samuel Gerson, Ukrainian-born US, Olympic silver (freestyle featherweight)
- • Boris Maksovich Gurevich, Soviet, Olympic champion (Greco-Roman flyweight), 2x world champion
- • Boris Michail Gurevitsch, USSR, Olympic champion (freestyle middleweight), 2x world champion
- • Oleg Karavaev, USSR, Olympic champion (Greco-Roman bantamweight), 2x world champion
- • Yakov Punkin, Soviet, Olympic champion (Greco-Roman featherweight)
- • David
Rudman, USSR, world championship bronze
- • Boris Gurevich won the 1968 Summer Olympic Games
freestyle middleweight (191.5 lbs; 82 kilograms) gold medal in Mexico City
Other sports - • Nissim Cahn, twice Bronze Medal for
Israel, curling
- • Alexander Gomelsky, Soviet basketball coach
Professionals Engineers - • Emanuel Goldberg (1881–1970), pioneered Microdots and microfilm retrieval technology
- • Mikhail Gurevich, co-founder of the Mikoyan Gurevich (MiG) aircraft design bureau
- • Semyon Kosberg (1903-1965), head of aircraft engines and rocket engines design bureau
- • Semyon Lavochkin (1900-1960), founder and head of aircraft and missiles design bureau
Medical Doctors and similar - • Alexander Bernstein (1870-1922), psychiatrist
Jurists, Legal Scholars Other - • Boris Volynov, Soviet Astronaut; the first Jew in space (Jewish mother)
- • Natasha
Epstein, beauty queen (and a graduate of Harvard University ) (is she really notable? Google does not show anything)
_________________________________________________________ How
Jews Killed Jews In Order To Create The State Of Israel
Now, when professor of Jewish
history at Brandeis University, Anthony Polonsky published a monumental
three volume work entitled “Jews in Poland and Russia,” and in Israel opinions are divided about the wisdom of proposed nuclear bombing of Iran one should also remember the book of Naeim Giladi and his description how Jews killed Jews in order to create the
state of Israel. Naeim Giladi, is the author of the book: “Ben-Gurion’s
Scandals: How The Haganah and Mossad Eliminated Jews,” (Dandelion
Books, LLC, Tempe Arizona, 2nd expanded edition 2003). Giladi wrote
this book first in Hebrew and then in Arabic upon arrival to the US where he confirmed as an eye witness the facts concerning the Zionist bombings in Iraq, the rejection by Israel of Arab peace overtures and the deadly violence inflicted by Jews on Jews in the
cause of creating Israel. Then Stalin’s intended Israel to
be a “bone of contention” in the Middle East in the Cold
War. Some observers mention the possibility that Stalin also hoped
to create Isarel as a Marxist state, part of the Soviet postwar empire. www.pogonowski.com Stalin’s decision
do use the Zionists in establishing the state of Israel after the Second World War, was motivated primarily by his intent to oppose the United States in the oil rich Middle East. The temporary Soviet support for the Zionists materialized in the form of allowing 711,000 Jews to exit from countries behind the Iron Courtain, in 1945-1947
supposedly in order to emigrate to Palestine.
The Zionists advertised this migration under the code-name “Briha” -
Escape of Jews from Europe. In reality the vast majority of Jews
preferred to go to the United States or stay in France. Of the 711,000
Jewish refugees, panicked by some fifteen pogroms staged by the NKVD
in 1945-1947, with some Zionist assistance, only 232,000 actually went to Palestine. Only the Pogrom of Kielce of the 4th of July, 1946, was described in the world press, naturally
in the Soviet version. Fifteen other pogroms in the satellite states, four of them in Budapest alone, were never reported in the world media or were reported in such a way that
they did not survive in public memory. The Zionists organized the
groups of Jewish refugees who left Poland mainly through the cities of Szczecin
and Klodzko. The Soviet terror apparatus in Kielce conducted
show-trials of nine Poles, who under tortures
signed confessions
and were immediately executed. Later their families provided evidence, that
none of the executed men, was present in Kielce on the 4th of July, 1946. The Bishop of Kielce, Czeslaw Kaczmarek was tortured for forty hours and lost nineteen teeth before Jewish security officers were able to extract from him an incriminating statement.
They acted under the supervision of colonel Jozef Rózanski Goldberg,
director of the ministry of national security (MBP), who wrote threatening
note to Bishop Kaczmarek: “I have smashed the faces of the lawyers,
and I warn you Bishop Kaczmarek, not to ever seek legal help.” Dr. Roman Dzwonkowski, SAC described these events in Nasz Dziennik of May 20- 21, 2006,
Nr . 117m (2527) “War on the Catholic Church in the Polish People’s Republic (PRL 1945-1989).” These events happened during the reign of terror of Jozef Berman, Moscow’s
representative in Warsaw, in Soviet controlled Poland. According to Stefan Korbonski, (former head of the military and the civil underground
in Poland), during ten years after World War II, “Poles
and Jews in World War II.” Polish people lived under Jewish terror
controlled by Stalinist Russia. Stefan Korbonski published a number
of books on wartime Poland, such as “The Polish Underground State” (ISBN o-88254-517-5). Stefan Korbonski received the Righteous Gentile Award from Yad Vashem in Israel. The Soviet terror apparatus organized the departure for Palestine of Jewish war-veterans
and provided them with weapons manufactured in Czechoslovakia.
In March 1947, the Soviet Union, represented by Andrei Gromyko,
was the first member state of the United Nations to demand the partition
of Palestine and creation there of the state of Israel as a new
member of the UN. The UN authorized the Partition of Palestine in November
1947 and on May 14, 1948 the state of Israel was founded.
The Israeli armed forces were officially established on May 28, 1948. They were
composed of the Haganah (the defense) and the Irgun Zwei Leumi (National Military Organization.) The armed forces of the new Israeli state included 60,000 soldiers and officers, many of them veterans of the Second World War. They occupied more land than they
could settle with Jews present in Palestine where population of
million Arabs. The Israeli conquests provoked an Arab rally in defense
of their homeland, which was confiscated by the Jewish invaders
from Europe, mostly Turkmen Khazar converts to Judaism. who did not have Semitic DNA> Naeim Giladi, author of the book: “Ben-Gurion’s Scandals: How The Haganah and Mossad
Eliminated Jews,” was 12 years old when on June 1, 1941 during the riots provoked by
the British colonial forces, when several hundred Iraqi Jews were
killed. In 1921, a British puppet, Amir Faisal, became king of Iraq. He
appointed many Jews to important government positions, including
that of economics minister. At that time “Zionism has sown dissension between Jews and Arabs” as a result of the British support for the “Balfour Declaration.” In exchange for helping to bring the United States into the First World War, the British
proclaimed Palestine as a “Jewish Homeland.” This was done in a letter
of November 2, 1917 written by the foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour,
to the chief Zionist in Gr. Britain, Walter Rothschild (see John Cornelius:
“The Hidden History of the Balfour Declaration.”) The new bitterness, which did not previously exist, developed between Jews and Arabs.
British support for the Zionists and the British “tutelage” of Iraq was deeply resented by
the Iraqi Arabs, among whom grew an anti-Zionist backlash. The British occupied
Basra in Iraq on April 12, 1941. They alleged that the local Jews
pledged allegiance to them and provoked riots that served as a pretext
for intervention and looting by the British army, which occupied
Bagdad on May 30, 1941. False rumor was spread that Jews from Palestine
were fighting alongside the British against the Iraqi’s near the town of Felujah. By June 2, looting spread to the Jewish quarter in Bagdad damaging 1300 stores and 1000 homes. The British Indian Gurkha
units killed some 500 Jews in the streets of Bagdad as a part of
the British pacification and occupation of Iraq. Then the Zionists underground was set up in Iraq. The Zionist conquests in Palestine
and massacres of Arabs, such as in the village of Deir
Yassin, strengthened
the anti-British movement in Iraq. In January 1948 riots broke out in Iraq
against the British domination. When Israel declared its independence the Iraqis closed the oil pipeline connected to the refinery in Haifa. As a Zionist, Naeim Giladi was imprisoned in Abu-Gharib prison later used for torturing the Iraki prisoners by the CIA fifty
years later as described in “One Woman's Army by: The Commanding General
of the Abu-Gharib Prison ... - Powell's Books Oct 12, 2005 –
The “One Woman's Army” by Janis Karpinski: In an outspoken
memoir by Brigade General Janis Karpinski, who received a Bronze Star for service in the Gulf War. The author Naeim Giladi escaped from Abu-Gharib in September 1949. Six month later on March 19, 1950, a bomb exploded in the American Cultural
and Library frequented by Jews in Bagdad. On April 8, 1950 a bomb
was thrown at the Jews into El-Dar El-Bida Café, where Jews
were celebrating the Passover and four of them were injured. Leaflets
were distributed calling on Jews to leave Iraq immediately. Very many Jews
who had no property jammed emigration offices to renounce their
citizenship and to apply for permission to leave for Israel. Jewish
owned The Jewish owned Beit-Lawi Automobile Company building was damaged
by a grenade on May 10, 1950 without any causalities. On June 3, 1950 grenade exploded harmlessly in the Jewish area El-Batawin and Zionists sent telegrams to Israel asking for an increase of immigration quotas for Iraqi Jews. On June 5, another Jewish building was damaged without killing anyone by a bomb explosion on El_Rasjid street. On January
14, 1951 a high-voltage cable damaged by a grenade killed three
Jews outside Masouda Shem-Tov Synagogue. By ten the exodus reached 600-700
Jews per day. Contrary to the Zionist propaganda, Giladi writes: ”The
terrible truth is that the grenades
that killed and maimed Iraqi
Jews and damaged their property were thrown by Zionist Jews.” The leaflets
published by the Zionist underground in Iraq on March 16, 1950 and
on April 8, 1950, called on Jews to leave Iraq immediately. Wilbur
Crane Eveland, CIA agent stated in 1988 that: “In an attempt to portray the Iraqis
as anti-American and to terrorize the Jews, the Zionists planted bombs in the U.S. Information Service library and in the synagogues. Soon Leaflets began to appear urging Jews to
flee to Israel.. The Iraqi police later provided our embassy with evidence
to show that the synagogue and library bombings, as well as the
anti-Jewish and anti-American leaflet campaigns, had been the work
of an underground Zionist organization, most of the world believed reports
that Arab terrorism had motivated the flight of the Iraqi Jews whom the Zionists had “rescued” really just in order to increase Israel’s Jewish population.”
(Wilbur Crane Eveland, “Ropes of Sand: America’s Failure
in the Middle East,: N.Y. Norton, 1980, pp 48-49). Giladi writes that Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973) needed “Oriental”
(Arab) Jews to farm the thousands of acres of land left by the Palestinians,
who were driven out by Israeli forces in 1948. Israel Shamir describes
the hatred of farm work and farm workers by the European Jews (“Jewish
History, Jewish Religion”). Out of over one million hectares
owned by Jews in carist Russia less than 10% was worked by Jews themselves. Giladi describes how Israel was using bacteriological methods and deliberately infected
many Palestinians with typhus and dysentery. He quotes Israeli daily, Hadashot of August 13, 1993 in which Sara Laybobis-Dar reported interviews with Isarelis who had knowledge of the use of bacteriological weapons in the 1948 war. Mileshtin said that bacteria was used to poison the wells of every village emptied of its Arab inhabitants and Moshe Dayan, a division commander at the time “gave orders in 1948 to remove
Arabs from villages, bulldoze their homes, and render water wells
unusable with typhus and dysentery bacteria.” The Arab town of Acre was well defended and was situated on a creek named Capri.
The Haganah put typhus bacteria upstream into water flowing to Acre, the defenders
got sick and Jewish forces were able to occupy that locality. Haganah sent
Jews dressed as Arabs into Gaza, then occupied by Egyptian soldiers,
who caught them putting two cans of bacteria, typhus and dysentery into
the drinking water supply. Giladi started his political activity
because of contemptuous treatment by eastern European,
mostly Polish
Jews of Jews from Islamic countries who were treated like “Negroes.” Among Jews, who came from Poland there were many descendents of mixed marriages and their features differed from Semitic Jews in the Arab countries. Giladi organized demonstrations in Ashkelon, against Ben-Gurion’s racist policies and
10,000 people participated. They protested being treated as “second class”
citizens in Israel. The cease-fire with Egypt in 1970 brought enough tranquility
to enable the “second class” Israelis to demand equal
treatment. They were called “Israel’s Black Panters” and proudly displayed posters of personalities such as Martin Luther King, Malcom X, and Nelson Mandela. Similar attitudes were common in Germany before WWI when the German Jews discriminated
against the “Ost Juden” who tried to migrate to Germany from the East.
According to professor Israel Shahak at the end of the “golden
decade” of Jewish colonization and exploitation of Poland’s
Ukrainian provinces in 1648 Khmelnytzky rebellion broke out and
possibly as many as 50,000 Jews were slaughtered Khmelnytzky’s Cossaks. At that time the Jewish leadership became convinced, that Jews will be evicted from Poland sooner or later, as they were evicted earlier from England, France, German states, and most
recently from Spain.
The flight of Jewish money out of Poland to Berlin helped to finance in 1701 the creation
of the Kingdom of Prussia, the initiator of the partitions of Poland in 1762. When the international crime of the partitions of Poland was taking place, the Germans evicted from western Poland masses of poor Jews called “Bettel Juden.” Germans allowed only
well-to-do Jews to remain in the Kingdom of Prussia. The expressions “The Bettel Juden” as well as “The Ost Juden”
were used as contemptuous
terms by German Jews, and they were similar in
intent to the term“Jews from Islamic countries” as it is used
today in Israel. When the Isareli authorities condoned the massacres of Palestinians in Lebanon at
Sabra and Shatilla, Naeim Giladi moved to the United States, revoked his
Israeli citizenship and became an American citizen. In order to
publish his book translated into English, Giladi spent $60,000 out
of pocket, or rather out of proceeds from the sale of his house in Israel.
He mentions that on Sept 12, 1990, the New York State Supreme Court issued a restraining order, at the request of the Israeli government, to prevent the publication of Victor Ostrovsky’s book, “By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer.” (The New York State Appeals Court lifted the ban the next day.) Giladi now considers the Zionst program to be criminal from the beginning,
Zionist leaders knew, that in order to establish a Jewish
state, they had to expel the indigenous Palestinians and import hundreds
of thousands Jews (first 232,00 from Soviet satellite states and
then 547,000 from the Arab states). Vladimir Jabotinsky (Włodzimierz
Żabotyński) frankly admitted that such a transfer of population could only be brought by force and terror. To drive Jews out of
their homes in countries such as Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary
pogroms were
staged by the NKVD in Kielce in the Soviet occupied eastern Europe. The
best known of these is the pogrom of Kielce on the 4th of July, 1946. There also occurred two pogroms in Bratislava and four pogroms in Budapest in 1945-1947, etc. But the Pogrom in Poland received most publicity, because it could “kill two birds with one stone,” so
to speak: persuade the Polish Jews to leave for Israel, and convince
the western powers that only a strong Soviet hand could keep “anti-Semitic”
Poland from “doing harm to Jews.” Subsequently
the Zionists organized, with Soviet permission, the exit of some 711,000
Jews from countries behind the “Iron Curtin.” The Zionists also organized the terror in the Arab states and caused the flight of Jews from Bagdad, Damscus, and other Arab cities in 1950-1951, and later.
In the early 1950s an Iraqi investigator published in Arabic a book of the1950-51 bombings
in Bagdad. The book was titled “Venom of the Zionist Viper,” in which the anti-hero is Israeli emissary Mordechai Ben-Porat. Mossad, working through the US Embassy in Bagdad, bought up all the books about the “Zionist Viper” and destroyed
them. Giladi writes about Zionist collaboration with the Nazis
and states that Britain was able to
force the Arab governments to operate
under pro-British leaders. And if, as in Iraq, these leaders were
overthrown, then the British would foment an anti-Jewish riot or two in order to use the riots as useful pretexts to invade the Arab capital and reinstate the “right”
leaders. In 1949, Israel sent the spy Mordechai Ben-Porat to Iraq, to offer
the government of el-Said in Bagdad, large financial incentives
to enact a law that would take away the citizenship from the Iraqi Jews
so that they would be forced to migrate to Israel. Uri Avnery, writing in the magazine Haolam Hazel, accused Ben-Porat of the Bagdad bombings. Ben-
Porat is still called Morad Abu al-Knabel or “Mordechai of the Bombs.” Giladi asked Ben-Gurion: why, since Israel is a democracy with a parliament, does it not
have a constitution? Ben-Gurion answered: “Look boy if we have a constitution,
we have to write in it the border of our country. And this is not our
border, my dear.” Asked: “Then where is the border?,”
Ben-Gurion answered: “Wherever the Sahal (Isareli army) will
come, this is the border.” Thus, according to Naeim
Giladi “Jews killed Jews to create the state of Israel. ” He is the
author of the book mentioned before: “Ben-Gurion’s Scandals: How The Haganah and Mossad Eliminated Jews.” Ghiladi’s book provides ample proof for that statement. Thus, in the process of creating, enlarging and consolidating the state of Israel more than million two hundred thousand Jews were cruelly and brutally driven by terror from their
homes in Europe and in the Middle East. This was planned and done
in order to create a Jewish state in Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian
Arabs. |