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JUNE 17, 2021
NY Times: The World Used to Fear German Militarism. Then It
If there is one thing more nauseating
than hearing a non-German ignoramus spout historical nonsense about "German Militarism" ™,
it is having to endure the recital of this goofy garbage from an actual guilt-ridden, brainwashed German. Jochen Bittner
is a political editor for the weekly German newspaper, Die Zeit, and also a contributing opinion writer for
the International Jew York Slimes. He was born nearly three decades after the end of The Great War
of Global Aggression Against Innocent Germany and, evidently, raised to obediently regurgitate such self-loathing.
Here is but a small whiff of Bittner's sanctimonious, apologetic virtue-signalling rotgut -- a psychotic attitude
that is so quintessentially (a $10 word for "being a perfect example of") German these days. Barf bags
at the ready, boys and girls -- here it is:
"Born from the moral and physical rubble of World War II,
and reunited only 30 years ago, some of Germany's national character traits are still being formed. Others have fully matured
— including a deep and abiding anti-militarism.
At the same time, Germans began
to come to grips with the moral horror of the Nazi era. One conclusion from that reckoning was a deep aversion
to military strength — for many Germans, particularly in the generation born immediately after the war, their unshakable
guilt meant they could never be trusted with the power to make war."
to face, sighing, shaking head)
1. Bittner -- a brainwashed, self-loathing, blond-haired, blue eyed German
nitwit spouts the usual cliched bullsh*t about the "immoral" history of "German Militarism."
™ // 2. World War I propaganda poster // 3. World War II propaganda poster.
Regular readers of The Anti-New York Times --- presumably all of whom have
read "The Bad War" by now -- certainly do not need to be told how Germany was the self-defense-minded
victim of both World War I and World War II. The true "moral horror of the Nazi era" lies not
in anything that the Germans did, but rather, in what "the good guys" did to Germany! So rather than rehashing
that which "youse guys" already know, let us dig even further into the past for the purpose of dispelling the
enduring myth of "German Militarism ™." The
Romans and "German Militarism ™" About 2,000 years ago, the legions of Imperial Rome
began the long and bloody process of conquering a region they called "Germania." Though not unified as a single
state, "German Militarism ™" -- utilized in self-defense -- made the Romans
pay a heavy price for its failed northward expansion. The Huns and "German
Militarism ™" During the 400's, the rampaging Huns devastated German regions just outside
of the Roman Empire. It was "German (Visigoth) Militarism ™" -- utilized
in self-defense and allied with the Romans, which beat back the Asiatic invaders. The
Moors and "German Militarism ™" During the 700's, the invading Moors
(originally from North Africa) were blocked from penetrating deeper into Europe (they had already conquered Spain)
by the Frankish (Germanic) King, Charles Martel. Once again, "German Militarism ™"
-- utilized in self-defense stopped an alien force.
1. The Romans invaded German lands. // 2. The Huns invaded German lands.
// 3. The African Moors invaded Frankish / German lands.
The Mongols and "German Militarism ™" During
the 1200's, the murderous monstrous Mongols reached their furthest western limit with a typically genocidal attack against
the German Kingdom of Bohemia. It was time-buying combination of heroic "German Militarism ™"
-- utilized in self-defense -- combined with the unexpected death of Ogedai Khan (son
of Genghis Khan) to bring an end to the Mongol push that had menaced all of western civilization. The French and "German Militarism ™" As even Establishment historians agree, the Franco-Prussian (German) War of 1870-71 was started by expansionist-minded
French Emperor Napoleon III. "German Militarism ™" -- utilized in self-defense --
beat back the French invaders and laid siege to Paris. After the war, the various German states unified into a single nation
whose Kaiser (Wilhelm I) and Chancellor (Otto von Bismarck) would work ceaselessly to keep the peace in
Europe in the face of relentless pressure from the Rothschild Reds, the British and the French.
1. The Mongols invaded German lands. // 2. The French invaded German
kingdoms. // 3. The two World Wars of the 20th century --- same pattern of self-defense.
So you see, my dear Herr Bittner,
you Germans, ever vulnerable at the center of Europe as you are, have no need to feel guilty or ashamed of your "militaristic"
history. Indeed, your miserable sorry ass wouldn't even be alive today were it not for "German Militarism ™."
From time immemorial, "German Militarism ™" has been akin to the sharp needles of a porcupine.
All that the "fearful" nations of the world ever had to do to avoid being pricked was to leave the gentle herbivore
in peace. That's the truth; and may the blinded and oppressed people of occupied dying Germany one day come to realize it
again. _______________________________________________________________________________________
A highly
publicized German exhibition of atrocities allegedly carried out by regular German army forces during the Second World
War has been closed down in the wake of revelations that many of the harrowing photographs it displayed are deceitful.
The organizers of "War of Annihilation: Crimes of the German Armed Forces, 1941-1944," announced the shutdown
... after ever more evidence had come to light proving that much of the controversial exhibit is fraudulent ... In one
exhibition photo, Musial explains, the corpses shown were actually Ukrainians who had been killed by the Soviet security
police ...
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Jewish Cabal
by VNN research staff
Some of these Jews were directly responsible for plunging America into WWII
by deliberately alienating America from
anti-Communist countries such as Germany and Japan long before the outbreak of hostilities. These Jews also pioneered the idea of Big Egalitarian Government in America;
some of them were later discovered to
have been spies for the Soviet Union.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (photo at right), president of the United States of America, 1933-1945, was himself partly
of Dutch-Jewish ancestry.
1. Bernard M. Baruch -- a financier and adviser to FDR. 2. Felix Frankfurter -- Supreme Court Justice; a key player in FDR's New Deal
system. 3. David E. Lilienthal -- director of Tennessee
Valley Authority, adviser. The TVA changed the relationship of government-to-business in America. 4. David Niles -- presidential aide. 5. Louis Brandeis -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice; confidante of FDR; "Father"
of New Deal.
6. Samuel
I. Rosenman -- official speechwriter for FDR. 7. Henry Morgenthau Jr. --
Secretary of the Treasury, "unofficial" presidential adviser. Father of the Morgenthau Plan
to re-structure Germany/Europe after WWII. 8. Benjamin V. Cohen -- State
Department official, adviser to FDR. 9. Rabbi Stephen Wise -- close pal
of FDR, spokesman for the American Zionist movement, head of The American Jewish Congress. 10. Frances
Perkins -- Secretary of Labor; allegedly Jewish/adopted at birth; unconfirmed. 11. Sidney Hillman
-- presidential adviser. 12. Anna Rosenberg -- longtime labor adviser to FDR,
and manpower adviser with the Manpower Consulting Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board
and the War Manpower Commission. 13. Herbert H. Lehman -- Governor of New York, 1933-1942,
Director of U.S. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations, Department of State,
1942-1943; Director-General of UNRRA, 1944 - 1946, pal of FDR. 14. Herbert Feis -- U.S. State Department
official, economist, and an adviser on international economic affairs. 15. R. S. Hecht --
financial adviser to FDR. 16. Nathan Margold -- Department of the Interior Solicitor, legal adviser. 17. Jesse I. Straus -- adviser to FDR. 18. H. J. Laski -- "unofficial foreign adviser"
to FDR. 19. E. W. Goldenweiser -- Federal Reserve Director. 20. Charles E. Wyzanski
-- U.S. Labor department legal adviser. 21. Samuel Untermyer -- lawyer, "unofficial
public ownership adviser" to FDR. 22. Jacob Viner -- Tax expert at the U.S. Treasury
Department, assistant to the Treasury Secretary. 23. Edward Filene -- businessman, philanthropist,
unofficial presidential adviser.
David Dubinsky -- Labor leader, president of International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
25. William C. Bullitt -- part-Jewish, ambassador to USSR [is claimed to be Jonathan Horwitz's
grandson; unconfirmed]. 26. Mordecai Ezekiel -- Agriculture Department economist. 27. Abe
Fortas -- Assistant director of Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of the Interior Undersecretary.
28. Isador Lubin -- Commissioner of Labor Statistics, unofficial labor economist to FDR. 29. Harry Dexter White [Weiss] -- Assistant Secretary of the Treasury;
a key founder of the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank; adviser, close pal of Henry Morgenthau.
Co-wrote the Morgenthau Plan. 30. Alexander Holtzoff -- Special assistant, U.S. Attorney
General's Office until 1945; [presumed to be Jewish; unconfirmed]. 31. David Weintraub -- official
in the Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations; helped create the United Nations;
Secretary, Committee on Supplies, 1944-1946. 32. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster -- Agriculture Department
official and head of the Near East Division of the Board of Economic Warfare; helped create the
United Nations. 33. Harold Glasser -- Treasury Department director of the division of
monetary research. Treasury spokesman on the affairs of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. 34. Irving Kaplan -- U.S. Treasury Department official, pal of David Weintraub. 35. Solomon Adler
-- Treasury Department representative in China during World War II. 36. Benjamin Cardozo -- U.S.
Supreme Court Justice.
37. Leo Wolman
-- chairman of the National Recovery Administration's Labor advisery Board; labor economist. 38.
Rose Schneiderman -- labor organizer; on the advisery board of the National Recovery Administration. 39. Jerome Frank -- general counsel to the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Justice,
U.S. Court o Appeals, 1941-57. 40. Gerard Swope -- key player in the creation of the N.R.A. [National
Recovery Administration] 41. Herbert Bayard Swope -- brother of Gerard 42. Lucien Koch -- consumer
division, N.R.A. [apparently-Jewish] 43. J. David Stern -- Federal Reserve Board, appointed by FDR 44. Nathan Straus -- housing adviser 45. Charles Michaelson -- Democratic [DNC] publicity man
46. Lawrence Steinhardt -- ambassador to Soviet Union 47. Harry Guggenheim -- heir to Guggenheim
fortune, adviser on aviation
48. Arthur Garfield Hays -- adviser on civil liberties 49. David Lasser -- head of Worker's
Alliance, labor activist 50. Max Zaritsky -- labor adviser 51. James Warburg -- millionaire,
early backer of New Deal before backing out 52. Louis Kirstein -- associate of E. Filene 53. Charles Wyzanski, Jr. -- counsel, Dept. of Labor 54. Charles Taussig -- early New Deal adviser 55. Jacob Baker -- assistant to W.P.A. head Harry Hopkins; assistant head of W.P.A. [Works
Progress Admin.] 56. Louis H. Bean -- Dept. of Agriculture official 57. Abraham Fox -- research
director, Tariff Commission 58. Benedict Wolf -- National Labor Relations Board [NLRB] 59.
William Leiserson -- NLRB 60. David J. Saposs -- NLRB 61. A. H. Meyers -- NLRB [New England
division] 62. L. H. Seltzer -- head economist at the Treasury Dept. 63. Edward Berman
-- Dept. of Labor official 64. Jacob Perlman -- Dept. of Labor official 65. Morris L. Jacobson
-- chief statistician of the Government Research Project 66. Jack Levin -- assistant general
manager, Rural Electrification Authority 67. Harold Loeb -- economic consultant, N.R.P. 68.
William Seagle -- council, Petroleum Labor Policy Board 69. Herman A. Gray -- policy
committee, National Housing Conference
70. Alexander
Sachs -- rep. of Lehman Bros., early New Deal consultant
71. Paul Mazur -- rep. of Lehman Bros., early consultant for New Deal 72. Henry Alsberg -- head of the Writer's Project under the W.P.A. 73. Lincoln Rothschild -- New Deal art administrator
There are a multitude
of points to be made verifying the fact that Germany was the apex of civilization, civil being the root word of civilization,
before it was smashed by three JEW controlled empires during WWII. The most horridly shameful event in human history.
civil - synonyms: polite, courteous, well mannered, well bred, gentlemanly, chivalrous, gallant, ladylike, gracious, respectful, refined, urbane, polished, cultured, cultivated, civilized, cordial, genial, pleasant, affable, obliging, decent, mannerly _____________________________________________________________________________
Winston Churchill:
"We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not." - Winston Churchill (1936
broadcast) "Germany becomes too powerful. We have
to crush it." - Winston Churchill (November 1936 to US-General Robert E. Wood)
"Germanys unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen
its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an own exchange system from which the world-finance
couldnt profit anymore. ...We butchered the wrong pig." - Winston Churchill, The Second World War
(Book by Winston Churchill, Bern, 1960) [Amazon]
"The war wasnt only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have,
if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn't want to."
- Winston Churchill to Truman (Fultun, USA March 1946) "Should Germany merchandise again in the next 50 years we have led this war (WW1) in vain."
- Winston Churchill in Times (1919)
war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany." - Winston Churchill (Autumn 1939
"Not the political doctrine of Hitler
has hurled us into this war. The reason was the success of his increase in building a new economy. The roots of
war were envy, greed and fear." - Major General J.F.C. Fuller, historian, England
"We didn't go to war in 1939 to save Germany from Hitler...or
the continent from fascism. Like in 1914 we went to war for the not lesser noble cause that we couldnt accept
a German hegemony over Europe." - Sunday Correspondent, London (17.9.1989)
"Now we have forced Hitler to war so he no longer can peacefully annihilate one piece
of the Treaty of Versailles after the other." - Lord Halifax, English embassador in Washington (1939)
"The enemy is the German Reich and not Nazism, and those who still havent
understood this, havent understood anything." - Churchills chief counselor Robert Lord Vansittart
(September 1940 to foreign minister Lord Halifax)
"It will be the Polish army that will invade Germany on the first day of war." - The Polish
embassador in Paris (15.8.1939) "I will crunch Germany." - Roosevelt 1932(!)
"What we didn't want to comprehend in the German (anti-Hitler)
resistance during war, we learned completely afterwards: this war wasnt led against Hitler but against Germany."
- Eugen Gerstenmaier, President of the German Bundestag since 1954, member of the resistance group "Bekennende
Kirche" during WW2
"Hitler and the German people
didn't want this war. We didn't answer Hitlers various petitions for peace. Now we have to admit that he was right.
Instead of a cooperation with Germany, which he had offered us, now stands the gigantic, imperialistic might of
the Sovjets. I feel ashamed to see how the same intentions which we accused Hitler of now are pursued under a
different name." - Sir Hartley Shawcross, British chief-accuser in Nuerenberg
"We made a monster, a devil out of Hitler. Therefore we couldnt disavow it after the
war. After all, we mobilized the masses against the devil himself. So we were forced to play our part in this diabolic
scenario after the war. In no way we could have pointed out to our people that the war only was an economic preventive
measure." - US foreign minister Baker (1992)
Source:- Important Quotations For A Better Understanding Of WWII
John Kennedy Called Hitler 'Stuff of Legends,' Diary Reveals A diary kept
by President John F Kennedy as a young man travelling in Europe, revealing his fascination with Adolf Hitler, is up for
auction. Kennedy, then 28, predicted "Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most
significant figures who ever lived". "He had in him the stuff of which legends are made," he continued.
Kennedy wrote the entry in the summer of 1945 after touring the German dictator's Bavarian mountain retreat. It is thought
by historians to be the only diary every kept by the 35th US president. The original copy will be auctioned for the first
time on 26 April in Boston by longtime owner Deirdre Henderson, who worked as a research assistant for Kennedy while he
was a US senator with White House ambitions. ____________________________________________________________ The Other Horror: 'Ethnic Cleansing' of Germans
At the end of World War
II, between twelve and fourteen million people, ethnic Germans, were forcibly expelled from Eastern Europe, or, if they had already fled, were prevented from going back to their
homes ... Others were detained in appalling conditions
in concentration camps for weeks, suffering from disease, starvation, and maltreatment, before they were brutally pushed out to the west. Long lines trudged towards Germany, with the
weak succumbing to hypothermia and malnutrition. Altogether
probably half a million and perhaps as many as a million perished in what was the largest action of what later came to be known as "ethnic cleansing" in history. This massive
act of expulsion and forced migration is still largely
unknown outside the countries most closely affected by it.
The Ugly and Forgotten Legacy of Potsdam To Americans
World War II is all that is great about America. It represents American bravery, sacrifice, fortitude and compassion ... When the expulsions came to a halt
at the end of 1947 some 1,415,135 Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia had been expelled into the United States Zone of Occupation, along with 750,000 to
the Russian zone and 1,500,000
to British zone ... Thus, the United States was complicit in legalizing the largest episode of ethnic cleansing that occurred in the twentieth century when
12,000,000 to 16,000,000 Germans came to be expelled from their historic homelands from east-central Europe from the spring of 1945 to the end of 1947. ___________________________________________________
What They Did to so called "Nazi" Germany was Simply
By Phillip Marlowe I remember seeing a photo in a history book showing the dead corpses of
Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbel’s children outside Hitler’s Berlin bunkers. The poor little kids were
dressed nicely and their skin was white as snow. The parent’s twisted, partially burned corpses lay next to them,
carefully arranged for the photogs. Supposedly, they were poisoned by the Goebbels as the dirty raping commies closed in. The photo was terrible. I thought deeply
about the whole matter for quite some time. Since history books never used to show such things, I wondered why this was
so important for the book editors to run. Then it struck me: The dirty bastards were gloating. This was something people
somewhere were happy to show readers, including HS students. As a warning, no doubt. Lately, they’ve been running
on TV (like every other day) WWII documentaries where they show black and white photos and film of German civilians who
committed suicide in the closing days of the war. Even computer colorizing the blood like in a Speilberg movie. For real. James Baker, Secretary of the Treasury under
Reagan and Secretary of State under H. W. Bush, once said something very revealing: “We painted Hitler as a monster, a devil. And that’s
why we couldn’t move away from that portrayal after the war. We had mobilized the masses against the devil incarnate.
And so we were forced to continue in this satanic scenario after the war. We could not possibly made our people clear (to
them) that the war was actually only a preventive economic measure.” — German magazine Der Spiegal interview, 1992 What he’s implying here, is that Germany under Hitler’s leadership posed a serious risk
to the FIAT money Central Banking scam America and the rest of the Western World were chained. Hitler had to get taken out before the real
reason of Germany’s success became too widely known among us hoi polloi. We are still secret debt slaves to the creeps.
This form of servitude was diabolically brilliant, but contained a built-in flaw — the debt would eventually collapse
under the weight of itself. Haven’t
you wondered why things are so flocked up money-wise? And getting worse by the day? I remember only a year or two after 9/11
when you could still get a Burger King whopper meal for $3.29. Sometimes they had it on sale for $2.99. Nowadays it will
cost you over $7 and that’s in rural America, mind you. What Hitler did was create a new Deutschmark that was simply backed by German physical labor
and German intellectual advances (the super industrious Germans always had their crap together). He outlawed usury and created
a new Treasury note based on German output. He completely cut out the International Jewish banking cabal, like the Rothschild’s
and Warburg’s, from the deal. For this, they had to destroy the country from end-to-end, killing tens of millions. Just imagine all the pain and suffering caused
by these rats. Just imagine the sadness of our own folk back in the USA, like Gold Star mothers and fathers. Germans
wildly loved Hitler — they knew he was working to restore Germany after the rats at Versailles saddled the country
with enormous WWI war reparations, while foreign Jews rushed in to buy up everything after the Weimar Republic trashed the
currency. Berlin was turned into a mecca of sick perversions (but not as bad as what is happening in America right now).
To this day, immoral Jews still look back on pre-war Berlin in fondness. Check out the 1972 movie “Cabaret” with Jew homo, Joel Grey. Basically, in whatever
jobs the German people worked, the country’s GNP contributed to German family’s well-being and not some lousy
creeps living high on the hog in some other countries. Exactly what our Founding Fathers intended for America. You might think the democrat clowns now running
for president would say something along these lines but no, they know all too well complimenting Nazi Germany or even coming
close to National Socialist policies would mean the end of their careers. They won’t even dare say the least thing
about the Federal Reserve. You can bet Jewish Bernie boy knows exactly the deal — although that blithering Donky-faced
idiot, Alexandria Ocazio-Cortez, is probably clueless. They want socialism but like in Venezuela and Cuba. Globalist Jewry probably has something more
in mind like China, where all of us are turned into abused worker drones in corporate factories like Amazon, while sleeping
in stinky bunk bed dorm rooms at night. These same creeps are working hard to turn us Whites into a powerless, spat-upon
minority in the lands our Forefathers conquered and created, just so we don’t have the demographic power to stop them
before it’s too late. Japan
did something similar as Nazi Germany to keep banking working for the nation. But Japan was militaristic up the ying-yang
and America would certainly have to go to war with them sooner or later. FDR knew this and baited them into attacking us
first, so he could backdoor the US into war with Hitler. They even publicly said (they had to) Hitler would be first on
the hit parade. Documents have
since come out showing FDR had already written a declaration of war on Hitler days before Hitler beat him to the punch.
American naval ships had already long been harassing German shipping on the High Seas and we were sending Britain arms and
munitions. Hitler foolishly believed America were just too niggered up to fight worth a crap. General Tojo and the Japs
also felt us barbarian, hairy-assed “Gaijin” were weak-willed soldiers, who could easily be defeated by the
Emperor’s fanatical and agile Nips. Of course, Hitler didn’t help by attacking Poland first, even though Polish thugs were probably paid by Global
Zionists to slay native Germans in the Danzig Corridor (the Bromberg massacres). Britain and France acted like Hitler invading
was a big deal and declared war, but if it was so terrible, then why did they allow Stalin taking over Poland and Czechoslovakia
after the war? Even to this day, the fact of Stalin attacking Poland in conjunction with Hitler is often cleverly ignored
in WWII documentaries. It was
because the real “powers-that-be” didn’t really give a rat’s ass about Poland or the Polish people.
They wanted to keep commie comrades happy. They quietly wacked the hard-driving General George C. Patton in the hospital
after a set-up accident; since they couldn’t have him coming back to the states and blabbing away, maybe even while
running for president. Patton had by then realized we killed the wrong enemy and said so in letters home to his wife. Commie
Zio bastards in the OSS certainly intercepted and read those letters in the dark of the night. In fact, Winston Churchill promised Stalin most of Eastern Europe when
he was drunk as hell in Yalta partying with Stalin late at night (what he called “the Naughty document”). That
famous “Iron Curtain” speech he gave at a college in Fulton, Missouri was a filthy hypocrite joke. Churchill
gave away everything his people (and ours) died fighting for, except for maybe France — sort of. Little wonder you
never heard of any of this. Churchill
was deep in the pocket of Jewry. In 1936, a Jew industrialist group called “The Focus” set up a nice little slush
fund for the mostly bankrupt Churchill to the tune of 2 million dollars. The Focus was headed by Sir Bernard Waley-Cohen
(right). Interestingly, “Cohen” is a big time Jewish Levite priesthood name. The banker’s cabal already
planned to take down the Fuerher man and establish Israel, long before Poland.* Churchill may have talked a good game, but was a big punk in reality. When
I realized this years ago, I threw out my reproduction Churchill bust.
The whole bit about the holocaust is meant to brainwash us Whites with “White
Guilt” just like the business with slavery and the homies. You can’t turn on the TV for five lousy minutes without
seeing them pushing all PC crap in various ways. FOX news, too. Hell, they’ve even been working to brainwash our women
to mate our race away. That alone should run you furious. People, people, what we have here in America has been a giant scam for over one hundred years.
And the dirty bastards have been manipulating the White race from the start. Now they are working hard to flood the West
with non-Whites before we all finally “get it.” We’re literally giving away our lands to the rats. You need to wake up now. *Zionist Jews had been planning all this
from the 19th century. In fact, they were all ready to go after WWI (even put out the sacred 6 million number in advance),
but got a little distracted after the Wall Street-backed Bolshies successfully stole Russia and bloodily wacked all the
Romanovs. This was when the Reds came out of the woodwork in Germany, the US and other White countries, spouting commie slogans
to the workers, trying to take over the rest. We’ve been dealing with Marxist Jew crap forever.
Adolf Hitler's Spot-On 1936 Speech on the Evil of Soviet Bolshevism
(Transcript) Delivered at the September 1936 Nuremburg
NSDAP rally. Source: The Ethnic European.
"The aim of Bolshevism ... is to exterminate all that is healthy and replace the same by depravity
and degenerate elements. We do not want a situation here in Germany, as in Russia, in which 98% of official key
positions are held by alien Jews." "Such is the difference between
the Bolshevik and the National Socialist revolutions: The one transforms prosperous and peaceful countries
into a waste of ruin and devastation, whilst the other, re-builds a broken-down and poverty-stricken Reich into
an economically sound and prosperous state." “We do not deny the grave concern which we feel at the thought of other nations becoming a victim
of Bolshevism towards which we are deadly antagonistic. This deadly enmity of ours is not based on an obstinate
refusal to recognise any ideas that may be contrary to ours. But this hostility is based on a natural feeling of
revulsion towards a diabolical doctrine that threatens the world at large and Germany.
The first phase in the fight of National Socialism against Communism did not take place in Russia. Soviet
Communism tried to poison Germany between the years 1918 and 1920, and its methods of penetration into this country
was much the same as its present-day military efforts in moving the Bolshevik military machine closer and closer
to German frontiers.
We have stamped out Bolshevism,
which Moscow’s blood-fiends such as Lewin, Axelroth, Neumann, Bela-Kuhn, etc. tried to introduce into Germany.
And it is because we see day by day these efforts of Soviet rulers to meddle in our domestic affairs have not yet
ceased, that we are forced to regard Bolshevism beyond our frontiers as our deadly enemy.
We have fought Bolshevism in Germany as a philosophy that endeavoured to poison and destroy our
people. And Bolshevism will continue to be fought if it attempts to introduce its sordid Spanish methods into
Germany (Spanish Civil War). It is not the aim of Bolshevism to free
nations from their ailments. Its object is to exterminate all that is healthy and replace the same by depravity
and degenerate elements. We do not want a situation here in Germany, as in Russia, in which 98% of official key
positions are held by alien Jews. Under no circumstances do we want our national intelligence debased.
Communism, however, cannot deny
that in Russia today 98% of all official positions are held by Jews who not only can never be classed as members
of the proletariat, but who have never earned an honest penny in their lives. We have fought Bolshevism because its leaders had planned for us a slaughter house on Russian and Spanish
lines. Such is the difference between the Bolshevik and the National Socialist revolutions. The one transforms
prosperous and peaceful countries into a waste of ruin and devastation, whilst the other, re-builds a broken-down
and poverty-stricken Reich into an economically sound and prosperous state. The
German people were familiar with the true nature of Bolshevism whilst the peoples of Britain and the United States
were kept in ignorance. Censorship protected Jewish-owned finance houses and corporate interests that were investing
in Bolshevik USSR.
We believe that it is a bigger task to put five million
people back to work than to burn down houses and churches and allow hundreds of thousands of workers and peasants
and others to kill each other. We have also fought Bolshevism on general economic grounds. From time to time, the world hears of hunger famines in Russia. Since
1917, that is, since the victory of Bolshevism, there is no end to this form of distress. Russia, starving for
close on 20 years, was one of the richest grain countries in the world. When compared with Germany, Russia possesses eighteen times more land
per head of population, and yet what a sorry form of economic policy this country must have to deny its people
a decent form of livelihood. If Bolshevism in Russia, however, does not succeed in getting nine farmers to produce
sufficient to at least support one non-farmer what then would have happened in Germany, where two and a half farmers
produce enough to support seven and a half non-farmers? What would have happened to Germany and the whole of its economic structure if Jewish-Bolshevik
economic malpractice had ever been allowed to take root here? We have fought Bolshevism because a victory for it in Germany would have spelled
starvation for perhaps 50% of our population. If Russia were incapable of supporting not even eight people
per square kilometre, then in Germany under Bolshevik rule, not even ten million would have had the necessary
minimum standard of living. For here in Germany, our 68 million people occupy the same area, which in Russia
would not support more than 5 million. Bolshevism preaches world revolution, and it would use the German workers as cannon fodder for the attainment of
its goal. We National Socialists, however, do not want our military forces to be used for forcing upon other
nations something that they do not want. Our Army does not swear an oath that it will carry our National Socialist
ideology to other nations. British politicians in England have so far not had the opportunity of learning what Communism in one’s
own country stands for. But we have. As I am the one who has fought against this Judeo-Soviet teaching in Germany and stamped it out. I
flatter myself that I possess more understanding of the true character of Bolshevism than those armchair critics
who at most have read up on the subject a little. Today, I follow the spread of Bolshevik poison throughout the world just as assiduously as I followed
its poisonous trail years ago in Germany, and never lost an opportunity of warning the country. The abhorrent
mass-murders of nationalists, the burning alive of wives of nationalist officers after soaking them in petrol,
the revolting murder of children of nationalist parents as for example in Spain, should serve as a warning to
help to break down resistance in other countries.” ________________________________________________________________
Click on this text to visit another JUSTICE FOR GERMANS website...
Click on this text to watch: Truth Is Out: Katyn massacre carried out on Stalin's direct orders and then blamed it on the
"Should the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the people of this world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind."
...Adolf Hitler David Irving, The Manipulation of History: Part 1Historian David Irving talks about how history is manipulated
and WWII is probably one of the most manipulated events of contemporary history, including but not limited to the Holocaust.
Hence the necessity of revisionism. David Irving The Manipulation of History: Part 2Historian David Irving talks about how history is manipulated and WWII is
probably one of the most manipulated events of contemporary history, including but not limited to the Holocaust. Hence the
necessity of revisionism.David Irving The Manipulation of History: Part 3Historian David Irving talks about how history is manipulated
and WWII is probably one of the most manipulated events of contemporary history, including but not limited to the Holocaust.
Hence the necessity of revisionism.David Irving The Manipulation of History: Part 4 (Final)Historian David Irving talks about how history is manipulated
and WWII is probably one of the most manipulated events of contemporary history, including but not limited to the Holocaust.
Hence the necessity of revisionism. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Stalin’s Order #0428 – A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words…
is it Really? Order # 0428 – the ‘Torch-Men-Order’Many
ask, “How can [so-called] ‘Holocaust Deniers’ and Revisionists, deny the photographic evidence
of German Soldiers killing civilians?” The so-called, proof in pictures… What is Order #0428 – commonly known as? ‘Torch-Men-Order’ [now confirmed by todays Russian Government] Stalin’s
Order #0428, commanded on the 17th November 1941, declared that Partisans wearing German uniforms, particularly those of
the Waffen-SS, were to destroy all settlements within a swathe of about 40 – 60 km depth from the main battle lines
and to ruthlessly kill the civilian population. With these tactics it was important to leave a few survivors, who would
report the staged “German Atrocities.” This method of warfare was also confirmed by German soldiers
who captured many Jewish-Russian Partisans wearing German uniforms. Almost daily, reports were being issued by the media, that the German forces advanced with the declared politics
and aim of a “Scorched Earth” approach, which devastated the vast Russian lands in the most horrific
way. Apart from the logical fact that no invader destroys the very infrastructure necessary for his advancement in
an occupied territory, Germany’s Program, called “Ostacker Programm” (Eastern fields program)
was designed to restore the devastated lands. (Archive Series 429, Rolle 461, General’s Headquarters of the Army, Division,
foreign Units East II H 3/70 Fr 6439568. Filed: National Archive Washington) [1][in progress] “Fackelmänner Befehl” (torch men-order) confirmed.
Russian Security Service FSB published Stalin’s order No. 0428,
as follows; ‘Deutsche Greueltaten’ translation ‘German Atrocities’ “All settlements, in which German troops are
found, up to a depth of 40 – 60km from the main lines of battle, are to be destroyed and set on fire, also 20-30km
from the roads. For the destruction of the settled areas in the required radius, the air force will be made available, also
artillery and rocket-launchers will be used extensively, as well as intelligence units, skiers and Partisan divisions, who
are equipped with bottles with flammable liquid. These hunting expeditions in their activities of destruction are to be
dressed to the greatest extent in German soldier’s uniforms and uniforms of the Waffen-SS looted from the German army.
This will ignite
hatred toward all fascist occupiers and make the conscription of partisans from the outlaying areas of fascist territories
easier. It is important to have survivors who will tell about “German atrocities”. For this purpose every regiment
is to form hunter-units of about 20- 30 men strong with the task to detonate and incinerate the villages. We have to select
brave fighters for this action of destruction of settled areas. These men will be especially recommended to receive bravery
awards when working in German uniforms behind enemy lines and destroying those settlement outposts. Among the population
we have to spread the rumor that the Germans are burning the villages in order to punish the Partisans.” If the Jewish Bolsheviks were purposely sacrificing people in these ways, to create anti-German propaganda,
there is no doubt they would have photographed these horrors to drive the message home. No doubt, from this time originate
the famous ‘Atrocity Photos’ of mass-executions which are the favourites of the press. Furthermore, this does not reconcile with the Official ‘Holocaust’ narrative, of the Germans
going to great extent to conceal their crimes by burning records and millions of bodies, which is one of the excuses as
to why the Allies could not find any evidence to the purported mass gassings of internees. The ‘Official’ narrative
would have us believe that the Germans (in the middle of war and Soviet advancement) hunted through millions of documents
to dispose of records of killing people – by burning them – but insure they developed hundreds of incriminating
photographs to leave behind, accessible for the world to see? Additionally,
with hands tied behind the back and the single shot to the back of the neck/head, was the method and training of the Cheka
and NKVD, for singular executions. As was proven with the Bolshevik crime of the Katyn Forest Massacre. 
Click on this text to hear Thomas Goodrich, the author of "Hellstorm" 1944-1947, speak of the contents of his book with Texe
Click on this text to view EUROPA THE LAST BATTLE (Part 5)...
Click on this text to watch David Irving: The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History...
Click on this text to listen to and watch Ernst Zundel on the Predictions of a German Leader...
Why the World hates Hitler?
Liberalism's deadliest enemy Adolf Hitler transformed Germany into an authoritarian socialist
state advocating sovereignty of Nations advancement of labor preservation of the European ethnic groups and commerce
based on exchange of wares to replace the International gold standard.
Becoming Chancellor in 1933, he tackled his country's bankruptcy massive unemployment, communist
subversion and foreign domination. His social economic programs and diplomacy restored German prosperity and independence
within three years, despite determined opposition from Western democratic leaders. Richly intriguing and not without
arousing a sense of awe, Germany exerted tremendous influence our time the antithesis of democratic values in
a century witnessing the triumph of democracy, Germany went down fighting.
The task of recording the history of the period is therefore largely in the hands of the
country's former enemies. One of the flaws in their annals is a superficial assumption that National Socialism
was a rootless political program and the product of one man's worldview. There was in fact a conscious endeavor
by the national socialists to align policies with German and European customs and practices.
They believed their goals
correspond to the natural progression of their continent and found the diametrical Western democratic concept to
be alien and immoral. In fact National Socialism was central Europe's answer to globalization and its dog of war
During the first half
of the 20th century two world wars ultimately imposed democratic governments on European states that have been
pursuing separate forms of politics. One of the most successful weapons in the arsenal of democracy was atrocity
propaganda; it demonized the enemy motivating allied armies and promoting their cause abroad. It justified the
most ruthless means to destroy him it defined the struggle as one of good versus evil, simplifying understanding
for the populations of the United States and the British Commonwealth.
The atrocities at allied propagandists attribute to Germany remain lavishly publicized to
this day conducted more zealously by the entertainment industry than by historians. This is largely an emotional
presentation with little or no factual content rather it would be more useful for the authors of such legends to
question for example why: after the victorious Allies established democratic governments throughout Europe in
1919, this state formed became practically extinct there in 20 years Russia, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania,
Austria, Germany, Greece, Spain, Slovakia, and soon thereafter France adopted authoritarian regimes.
Several of these countries
closed ranks with Germany as Hitler gave viable popular political form to the growing resentment against Liberalism
and its culture breaking spirit. National Socialism was not a spontaneous phenomenon that derailed Germany's evolution
and led the country astray it was a movement 200 years in the making anchored deeply in the traditions and heritage
of the German Volk and their fundamental requirements for life. Adolf Hitler gave tangible political expression
to ideas nurtured by many of his countrymen that they considered complementary to their national character. Though
his opposition party's popular support was mainly a reaction to universal economic distress, Hitler's coming to
power was nonetheless a logical consequence of this German development. While American European and Jewish financial interests continued to invest vast sums of
capital into global communism and colonialism in the West were industrially advanced societies existed, liberalism
became the chief social mechanism for controlling mass populations. By breaking down cultural norms and thereby
cultural health and integrity, the elites sought to undermine national spirit. By breaking the cohesiveness of
European cultures they sought an accelerated globalization process as a consequence. Hitler considered modern liberalism
as a hijacking of European culture, therefore he promoted Germany self-sufficiency and independence, his party
advocated the sovereignty of Nations while classical liberalism was the social mechanism by which the European
people shared the feudal monarchical system that had ruled for centuries. Its greatest legacy was making people
conscious of their individual human rights, although National Socialist propagandists publicly acknowledged the
contribution of liberalism they warned that without controls the free reign of personal ambition would always lead
to abuse.
And as much as liberalism
was once of service in promoting the value of individual initiative and qualities of leadership, its ideals of
freedom and personality have degenerated into the concept of downright arbitrary conduct in personal life, but
even more so in economic and commercial life. Hitler argued that the absence of sufficient state controls in a
democracy enabled the wealthy class to manipulate the economy the press and elected officials for its own gain.
In other words there was practically no responsibility built into democracies: the anonymity of the majority of
the moment decided, government ministers were subject to it but there was no opportunity hold this majority responsible.
As a result, the doors opened to political carelessness and negligence to corruption and fiscal mismanagement corruption.
In America had
spread so much according to him that no American citizen got upset anymore over incidents of shameless corruption
and civil service because mismanagement was regarded as a natural phenomenon of the government itself. Democracy
had failed because it was a product of liberalism.
To overcome the liberal ideal, which for many was freedom personified he introduced an alternative
state form. It created opportunities for self-development but also instructed Germans in obedience. In so doing,
Hitler eventually achieved the parity between individual liberty and state obligation long contemplated by the
german intellectual movements of the previous century.
National Socialism was diametrically opposed to Marxism as it emphasized national pride
while still promoting individualism property ownership was a human right and German horrible systems based on ability
were simply not part of Marxist doctrine. The incompatible nature of these philosophical systems would eventually
draw Germany into a war with the global financial forces. As it would become gradually clear, that the two largest
liberal democracies in the West namely England and the USA were financing the industrialization of the Soviet Union,
this he rightly understood meant: a military buildup that would eventually be unleashed upon Germany eastern
border at some point in the future.
As a side note, Hitler served in the Bavarian army during the first world war where
he fought at the battles of EEP, the Somme, Arras and Passchendaele, earning the Iron Cross first class, the Iron
Cross second class, the wounded badge, the cross of Honor, the Bavarian Cross of Military Merit, the third class,
was sorts amongst others. In other words, he understood war. In order to understand the physical crisis which
Hitler inherited we must go back to 1914. Germany's financial troubles began on the first day of World War one,
when the Western central bank simultaneously took her off of the International gold standard at the time much
of Germany's gold was stored in foreign nations as a way of doing trade foreign banking and international investing
this blow ensured that by 1918 the German gold mark would be worthless and Germany would be guaranteed to lose the
After 1918, the
deliberately weakened rush mark was susceptible to volatility and hyperinflation with the Dawes plan enforced under
1924 the foreign central banks made an attempt to make the Reich bank independent of German government so that
international interests could control its money supply. This led to massive overdrafts and the financial crisis
of 1931 which bankrupted the country utterly. When Hitler, Hjalmar Schacht, and Vaulter Funk reestablished government
control of the Reich Bank via a law passed in the Reichstagin 1937, all foreign control of German affairs was
eliminated but World War two was also made inevitabl.
The 1918 - 1919 post-war naval blockade starved Germany into taking terms at Versailles.
They lost 60% of their industry their foreign holdings and colonies were stolen by international brokers its gold
reserves disappeared and large tracts of its lands were incorporated into surrounding countries. This taught Germany
that alien and foreign interests could not be trusted. Hitler's idea to circumvent the dependence on these interest
groups was autarky or self-sufficiency. Germany would do for itself whenever it could and trade only if the benefits
were great enough similar in some aspects to the Spartan economy of old.
Two days after becoming Chancellor Hitler outlined his economic program in a national
radio address quote: “within four years the German farmer must be rescued from poverty, within four years
unemployment must be finally overcome. The government enacted laws based on the strategy conceived by Fritz Reinhardt
a state secretary in the righteous Ministry of Finance this unassuming pragmatic economist introduced a national
program to create jobs on the premise that it is better to pay people to work than to award them jobless benefits.
The labor procurement
law of June the 1st 1933 allotted 1 billion rush marks to finance construction projects nationwide it focused on
repair or remodeling of buildings business structures residential housing and forms construction of subdivisions
and farming communities regulating waterways and building gas and electrical works. Men who had been out of work
the longest or who were fathers of large families received preference and hiring. None were allowed to work more
than 40 hours a week and the law stipulated that German construction materials must be used. Also past that summer
the building repair law providing an additional five hundred million Reichmarks for smaller individual projects.
Home owners received
a grant covering 20% of the cost of each project including repairs and additions owners of commercial establishments
became eligible for grants for conducting renovations plus for installing elevators or ventilation systems renters
could apply for grants to upgrade apartments. Under the law's provisions, property owners receiving grants borrowed
the balance of new construction costs from local banks or savings and loans. The government provided borrowers
coupons to reimburse them for the interest on the loans.
The tax relief law of September 21st 1933 offered income and corporate tax credits for repairs.
The regime covered nearly 40% of the cost for each renovation the company refinancing law legislated the same day
converted short-term loans into long-term ones with lower interest. The law reduced the previous 7% interest rate
to four ultimately to 3% this did not hamper finance companies since it prevented defaults on loans. The refinancing
law released businesses from the obligation to pay their portion of unemployment benefits to former associates.
The resulting available capital enabled them to rehire employees and expand production.
The labor procurement
law provided newlywed loans of 1,000 Reichsmarks at 1% monthly interest. The loans came in the form of coupons
to buy furniture household appliances and clothing to be eligible the bride had to have been employed for at least
six months during the previous two years and had to agree to leave her job. Returning women to the home vacated
positions in commerce and industry creating openings for unemployed men. For each child born to a couple, the government
reduced the loan by 25% and deferred payments on the balance for one year. For larger families upon birth of the
fourth child the state forgave the loan it financed the program by imposing sur taxes on single men and women.
By June 1936 the
government approved seven hundred and fifty thousand marriage loans. Reinhart described the policy of diverting
women into the household economy as steadily regrouping our German women with regard to the labor market and with
respect to social policy. This regrouping alone will in a few years be sufficient to eliminate unemployment and
bring about an enormous impetus in every branch of German economic life”.
The marriage law released approximately 20,000 women per month from the workforce after
September 1933. The increase in newlyweds created a corresponding need for additional housing more tradesmen found
work in new home construction. In the furniture industry manufacturing creased by 50% during 33 alone factories
producing stoves and other kitchen appliances could not keep pace with consumer demand. The state imposed no property
tax on young couples purchasing small single-family homes As Reinhardt predicted, reduced payments and jobless benefits and increased revenues through
corporate income and sales taxes largely offset the enormous cost of the program to reduce unemployment and revive
the economy. The race also focused on relieving the distressed circumstances facing the chairman farmer. The Depression
had left many farms in debt younger family members often left their homes to seek opportunity in the cities.
September 1933 law established
the Reich food producers, an organization to promote the interests of people in the agrarian economy fishermen
and gardeners. With 17 million members the principle objectives were to curtail the gradual dining-out of farms
in Germany and prevent migration of rural folk to concentrated population centers.
Controlling the market value of foodstuffs the organization gradually raised the
purchase price of groceries by over ten percent by 1938. This measure was not popular among the public but it ensured
that Germany now created and controlled its own food supply. Germany's economic reforms could never been so successful without overhauling the
tax structure. In the Weimar Republic state and local governments had raised revenue for operating expenses reparation
payments to the auntaunt and public aid through steadily increasing taxation. The drain on working families’
budgets had reduced purchasing power, restricted the demand for consumer goods, decreased production and caused
layoffs. As more people lost jobs, unemployment payouts were augmented.
This meant placing greater demands on those still in the workforce municipalities
collected taxes and fees according to local needs without a nationally coordinated revenue system. Costly, inefficient
and overlapping bureaucracies burden citizen and economy alike tax reform was a major element of right arts recovery
program initial measures legislated to this end demonstrate what a crippling influence the voracious runaway Taxation
had previously exercised on Commerce. The first to benefit from tax relief was Germany's automotive industry. The
motor vehicle tax law of April 1933 abolished at one stroke all operating taxes and fees for privately purchased
cars and motorcycles license after March 31st of that year. The reduction in consumer cost to own and operate
a car was so dramatic as to significantly boost sales. While the industry produced just 43,000 passenger vehicles in 1932,
the number doubled during Hitler's first year in office new car production increased annually the number of people
employed in automobile manufacture climbed and in less than four years from 1933 to 1937 the industry built 15
more assembly plants
The government recovered the revenue lost from a peeled automotive taxes to reduce payments
of jobless benefits income tax from newly employed auto workers highway tolls and corporate tax. The state collected
an additional 50 million Reichmarks by offering owners of older cars the opportunity to pay a one-time reduced
fee to permanently eliminate their annual vehicle tax liability. The government devoted the entire amount to improving
roads thereby hiring more people for pavement and bridge repair. Others found work in industries that manufactured
The tax law ratified
on June 1st of 1933 eliminated fees for the replacement and purchase of tools and machinery as long as buyers opted
for German made articles. This measure breathed life back into industrial equipment production. In the long run
Germany's policy of reducing taxes to promote Commerce increased public revenues.
In a Nuremberg speech in 1936, Reinhardt described income tax as the main source of revenue.
Income tax is measured according to the citizens’ actual income that is therefore the most socially just
form of collecting ta. The 1933 Swedish study comparing taxation among great powers established that the German
people paid 23% of their income in taxes in the u.s. the amount was 24% in Norway 25 Britain 25 and Italy 31 percent
this figure did not take into account America's numerous hidden taxes that were non-existent in Germany
No program to restore
German prosperity could omit international trade. Deprived of its colonies, the Reich had to develop foreign markets
to acquire raw materials for industry and a portion of the food supply.
With gold reserves exhausted, the National Socialist Administration had to create
alternative source of purchasing power. Despite objections from Hjalmar Schacht, president of the Reich bank. Hitler
withdrew Germany's money system from the gold standard. Gold was the recognized medium of exchange for international
commerce over centuries that had become a commodity as well.
Financier bought and sold gold speculated on fluctuations in price and loaned it
abroad at high interest. Hitler substituted a direct barter system and foreign dealings. German currency became
defined as measuring units of human productivity. The British general JFC fuller observed Germany is already beginning
to operate more on the concept of labor than on the concept of money.
In January 1938 the Soviet diplomat Christian Rockoffski commented on the German
money system, Rockoffski had held posts in London and in Paris and was acquainted with Wall Street financier he
explained: “Hitler, this uneducated ordinary man as that of natural intuition and even despite the opposition
of the technician shocked created an especially dangerous economic system an illiterate and every theory of economics
driven only by necessity he has cut out international as well as high Private Finance Hitler possesses almost
no gold and so he can't endeavor to make it a basis for currency since the only available collateral for his money
is the technical aptitude and great industriousness of the German people technology and hard work have become his
Germany's withdrawal
from the gold based internationally linked monetary system in favor of a medium of exchange founded on domestic
productivity correspondent to Hitler's belief in maintaining the sovereignty of nations. This was unwelcome development
in London in Paris in New York, were cosmopolitan investment in banking institutions profited from loaning money
to foreign countries. Germany no longer had to borrow in order to trade on the world market. Foreign demand for
German goods correspondingly created more jobs within the Reich.
With these economic policies in place, coupled with his focus on nativist traditional culture
as the core value system of the German nation, Hitler became a globalist nightmare. The rapid turnaround of Germany's
economy, the positive outlook of a young dragon generation and the utter disdain for progressive liberalism and
media ran democracy, all but guaranteed an international assault on the fatherland.
Despite to have our agreement and many other attempts to placate observers abroad Hitler's
coup was answered in the heaviest way possible one in which the German people were made to suffer greatly. Even
now they face extermination from the abstract guilt placed upon them by the victors that very same group the Germans
struggled to throw off. We can now only watch in horror as this nation slowly drowns.
Finally, Adolf Hitler was one of the great leaders in Human History in particularly the
most important leader for the White people (Ethno-Europeans worldwide). The world is being destroyed since several
decades if not centuries by those behind the curtains, the Jews. Only few people, who meditate enough and connected
the dots, realize that the Whites ethno-Europeans people were the main losers of WW2, not the Germans.. They
gave the full control of their countries to the Jews and missed the chance to be saved by the Germans. They were
since then and before used by the Jewry to wage wars against the enemies of the Jewry at some particular instance
of time. They are now facing their inevitable peaceful ethnic extinction due to their adoption of Marxism, egalitarianism,
multiculturalism, feminism, anti-family propaganda, and all other forms of social and moral corruptions promoted
by Jewry. There might be no chance at all today to have such leadership to save the West unless we re-learn History
and conclude who is the great evil behind everything. Moreover most White ethno-Europeans became too much morally
corrupt and globalists to even suggest the idea that they have right to exist peacefully on the planet. They are
so afraid to speak out against their most fierce deadliest enemy, the Jews.
Please do your best to watch “Europa the Last battle” in all its parts,
especially part 5, part 3 or part 7. Create DVDs from this documentary and give it as gift to your friends. It
is currently one of the most exciting educational materials. It is constantly removed and re-uploaded on YouTube,
but few clicks allows you to find it back.
Stay safe J Alice. F _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Click on this text to watch 7 Minutes of lies Exposed from Canadian Truth
. . .
Hitler: One of the Good Guys – 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist
Germany and 10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys This article is two articles combined – made by other people. They have excellent information
in them. I have also added two extracts from Adolf Hitler speeches at the end – which demonstrate what national socialism
was really all about – community, family, comradery, altruism etc – as well as this I have added a gallery of
Adolf Hitler images showing him with the German people and with animals… this man was not an evil tyrant. Open your mind – you have been lied to about Adolf
Hitler and National Socialism incessantly – from the moment you were born. There is a reason for this. Here is an overview of 12 Things you were not told
about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany: 1. Hitler Broke Free from the International Banking Cartels —
2. Hitler Created a Thriving Economy with No Unemployment — 3. Hitler Emphasized Respect for Women, Children and Strong
Family Values — 4. National-Socialist Preservation of Environment and Animals — 5. Hitler Banned Experimentation
on Animals (Vivisection) — 6. Hitler Funded Research into “Free Energy” Technologies — 7. German
Workers Were Well-Treated — 8. Organized Industrial Production & Farming — 9. Hitler Eliminated Crime and
Improved Health of Germans — 10. No Citizen Will Starve or Freeze — 11. The National-Socialist Anti-Tobacco Mission
— 12. National-Socialists Created a Culture that Cherished Music Here is an overview of 10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys:
1/. He never wanted to kill any Jews — 2/. He cared about conditions for the Jews in the work camps — 3/. He
had compassion for other sentient beings — 4/. He tried to prevent the destruction of his fellow Europeans —
5/. He cared passionately about his people and German heritage — 6/. He was a humble man, from a humble background
–7/. He held correspondence with Mahatma Gandhi — 8/. He was a man of God — 9/. He implemented cultural
and social reform — 10/. He stamped on usury / eliminated debt slavery
Article 1:
12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist
Germany “After
visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds
him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.” – John F. Kennedy  Adolf Hitler was raised in a middle
class family, and during the early years of his life his family even went through a difficult period of starvation. After
being a soldier in World War I, on January 30th 1933, he found himself head of the German government, fulfilling the dream
of every poor and middle class person who ever sought to make it big. We are all familiar with the story of Hitler that the United States would like you
to believe. Hitler has been made out to be one of the most “evil” people to have ever lived, slaughtering millions
of innocent Jews. This same story has been echoed throughout Hollywood for decades, and by now it’s safe to say billions
of dollars have been spent to convince you of this black and white, good vs evil perspective about the National-Socialist
regime. What if it isn’t entirely accurate? After investigating the work of others who have documented history in an unbiased fashion, as well
as those who have interviewed people who worked and lived alongside Hitler, there is strong evidence to suggest that what
we’ve been told is extremely inaccurate. A completely new examination of Hitler and National-Socialist Germany during
World War II is required, and from this examination a different story is sure to emerge. Here are 12 things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and
National-Socialist Germany: 1. Hitler Broke Free from the International Banking Cartels When Hitler’s period as Chancellor of Germany began,
the German people had no work, no money and were starving. A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy
a loaf of bread at the time, and many Germans were living in shacks after countless homes and farms had been seized by
Rothschild/Rockefeller-controlled banks. In his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Hitler’s Reichsbank President, Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, let
out the big secret: “The
mark’s dramatic devaluation began soon after the Reichsbank was “privatized,” or delivered to private investors.” In other words, responsible for the post-war hyperinflation
was not the German government, but rather the privately owned central bank in Germany, and its monopoly it had over the
creation of money. Germany’s economy was crashed and devastated by bankers… that is, until Hitler arrived. After Hitler was elected, refusing to play ball with the
Rockefeller-Rothschild rules, one of the first things he did was fix the corrupt, debt-based financial system. By completely
thwarting the international banking cartels, the National-Socialist government issued its own currency known as Reich Marchs,
which were debt free and uncontrollable by international financial interests.
Debt Free Finance = Freedom
If America nationalized their currency as Hitler did for Germany, they
would effectively sever all ties with international bankers, the manipulation of their government and economy would cease,
and they would live debt-free. Just as Hitler issued debt-free currency for Germany, Abraham Lincoln setup an interest free
banking system in the United States when he was President, and he was murdered for it. Former US president Andrew Jackson
issued interest-free currency, and two shots were fired at his head in an assassination attempt, but the shots misfired
and he survived. John F. Kennedy issued interest-free currency during his presidency and we all know how he met his untimely
demise. After Germany’s
public banking system was installed, world Jewry responded by declaring war on Germany, including a global boycott of German
goods. Within two years, the German economy was flourishing with its new-found stable, and inflation-free currency. 2. Hitler Created a Thriving Economy with No Unemployment After setting up a public banking system, Hitler began his
reign by constructing new roads, bridges, dams, canals, port facilities, and much needed repair of public and private buildings. Everything was done with public money that owed no interest
to the International “Banksters”. As Hitler said, “For every Mark issued, we required the equivalent of
a Mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.” Next, the NATIONAL-SOCIALIST government encouraged women to be homemakers, and all
the work being done to repair and improve the country’s infrastructure and transportation created jobs for men. The
unemployment problem had been solved within only two years, and Germany was back on its feet. It’s often been claimed, that Hitler’s success
in reviving his nation’s economy was based largely on government spending for rearmament. This is a myth. As the renowned
British historian A. J. P. Taylor noted: “Germany’s economic recovery, which was complete by 1936, did not rest
on rearmament; it was caused mainly by lavish expenditure on public works, particularly on motor roads, and this public
spending stimulated private spending also, as [British economist John Maynard] Keynes had said it would. …while nearly
everyone else in Europe expected a great war, Hitler was the one man who neither expected nor planned for it.” –
A. J. P. Taylor, From Sarajevo to Potsdam (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975), p. 140. 3. Hitler Emphasized
Respect for Women, Children and Strong Family Values  During the economic hardship just
before Hitler was elected, Germany was seeing a declining rate of birth. In 1933, hitler passed a law that enabled married
couples to obtain interest free loans minimum 1000 Reich Marks (equal to 9 months salary) to set up homes and start families. For each child birthed, the couple was allowed to keep 250
marks and did not have to repay it. This system pioneered by the National-Socialist government exists today in Switzerland.
In the eyes of Nazis, women were viewed as the preservers of the tribe, the guardians of future generations, and the priestesses
of domestic virtue. Recognizing
that families are the primary unit around which a functioning society is built, Hitler emphasized the principle of maintaining
a strong bond among family members. Admired for his high regard for mother’s, families were inspired and strengthened
under the leadership of Hitler. Poor families were helped by using financial incentives, and family allowances, marriage loans and child subsidies
were provided equally to each and every segment of society. 4. National-Socialist Preservation of Environment and Animals  Under the National-Socialist regime,
mishandling an animal was considered a heinous crime, and if somebody was discovered mistreating an animal, they were sent
to [work] camps. As someone with great admiration for animals, Hitler showed great concern for animals native to Germany,
and passed laws that ensured their safety and well-being. In 1934, Hitler passed a law called Das Reichsjagdgesetz (the Reich Hunting Law), which regulated
how many animals could be killed per year, and to establish proper ‘hunting seasons’. This law has now been
adopted by most western countries. Animal conservation was included in Primary, Secondary and College levels, and in 1935, the Reichsnaturschutzgesetz
(Reich Nature Protection Act) was passed. which placed several native species on a protection list including the wolf and
Eurasian lynx. It is likely that this law saved some native forest-inhabiting species from going extinct. The Nazi’s were also the first to create environmental
protection laws in history. The German Imperial Conservation law of 1935 was passed, which protected “remaining portions
of landscape in free nature whose preservation on account of rarity, beauty, distinctiveness or on account of scientific,
ethnic, forest, or hunting significance lies in the general interest.”
“[It is] useful to know the laws of nature – for that enables
us to obey them. To act otherwise would be to rise in revolt against heaven.” – Adolf Hitler Hitler was a well-known lover of animals. 5. Hitler Banned Experimentation on Animals (Vivisection)  ‘Nazi’ Germany was the
first country in the world to ban vivisection, or any experimentation on live animals. With its great concern for animal
conservation, and human treatment, a complete ban of vivisection was enacted in April 1933. The Prime Minister of Prussia Hermann Goring has said: “An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not
only a necessary law to protect animals and to show sympathy with their pain, but it is also a law for humanity itself….
I have therefore announced the immediate prohibition of vivisection and have made the practice a punishable offense in Prussia.
Until such time as punishment is pronounced the culprit shall be lodged in a concentration camp.” (Above) This German cartoon depicts animals that were saved
from vivisection saluting Hermann Goring. The sign in the window reads “Vivisection Forbidden”. 6. Hitler Funded Research into “Free Energy”
Technologies  Hitler was well aware that in order
to truly escape the stronghold of economic manipulation by the international banking cartel he would need to find a way
to eliminate Germany’s dependence on oil. An inexhaustible source of energy that was not monopolized by the private
money cartels was required for true sovereignty, and this is what Hitler sought.
This pursuit led Germany to develop what has been called The Nazi Bell,
which is described by author Joseph P. Farrell as “a hyper-dimensional physics device being researched under the auspices
of the SS departments Entwicklungstelle-IV, Forschung, Entwicklung, und Patente, and SS General Hans Kammler’s super-secret
weapons black projects think-tank, the Kammlerstab.“ According to Farrell, “the mission brief of the Entwicklungstelle IV was to develop
free energy and to make Germany independent of foreign oil.” The National-Socialist Bell was designed, in Farrell’s estimation, for a threefold
purpose: Energy Independence Advanced Propulsion Technology A Weapon of Tremendous Power In his book Babylon’s Banksters, Joseph P. Farrell points to evidence that after the War, the
United States made every effort to reconstruct the personnel team that worked on the National-Socialist Bell, so that they
could develop the technology for themselves and restore the balance of power between “National-Socialist International”
and “Anglo-American” elite factions. 7. German Workers Were Well-Treated
 With the goal of enhancing the standard
of living for all German citizens equally, Adolf Hitler stimulated the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, by
funding numerous worker’s welfare programs including: – Highly Subsidized International vacation trips. – 134,000 theater and concert
events for 32 million people (Between 1933-1938). 2 million people went on cruises, and – 11 million went on theater
– Every citizen was given a radio.
– A 5 day work week for all citizens.
– Free Public
– Hitler’s government banned Trade Unions, and it was mandatory that all workers had to join the German
labor Front trade union. – Every large factory had
to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools for its workers.
During the Third Reich, German workers were better treated
than at any time before, or since. 8. Organized Industrial Production & Farming As opposed to the current American economy, where production is driven by the pursuit
of maximum profit, Hitler initiated a policy of self-sufficiency, where the goal was to produce only what is required by
Germans. The goal of the National-Socialist government was to produce for its country everything the German people needed
without having to rely on imports to meet the needs of its citizens. Along with the calculated production of material goods, new policies were introduced
so that the aim of farming was to produce what German’s needed, not what was most profitable. The government subsidized
the farmers for loss of profit and farmers were given guarantees that all of what was grown would be purchased. 9. Hitler Eliminated Crime and Improved Health of
Germans By giving
social misfits and criminals jobs, Adolf Hitler was able to reduce the crime rate in Germany. In his 1976 book The Twelve-Year
Reich, author R. Grunberger stated that there were significant drops in the rates of murder, robbery, theft, embezzlement
and petty larceny during the Hitler years. Many foreigners were impressed by the improved outlook and health of Germans, including Sir Arnold Wilson, a British
M.P. who visited Germany seven times after Hitler came to power. “Infant mortality has been greatly reduced and is considerably inferior to that
in Great Britain,” wrote Wilson. “Tuberculosis and other diseases have noticeably diminished. The criminal courts
have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants. It is a pleasure to observe the physical
aptitude of the German youth. Even the poorest persons are better clothed than was formerly the case, and their cheerful
faces testify to the psychological improvement that has been wrought within them.” 10. No Citizen Will Starve or Freeze  A canister used for collections during
the Winter Relief Fund. A
prime philosophy of Germany at the time was that all citizens should share the same standard of living. With this in mind,
National-Socialist Germany boasted one of the largest public welfare programs in history with the slogan “None shall
starve nor freeze”. Every year, high-ranking Nazi’s and citizens would take to the streets to collect charity
for the unfortunate, which generated a feeling of comradeship toward those in need.
They even went to the extent of publishing names of those who didn’t
give charity in the paper as a punishment or reminder of their neglect. According to Mark Weber of the Institute for Historical
Review, “On one
occasion, a civil servant was prosecuted for failure to donate, and his argument that it was voluntary was dismissed on
the grounds it was an extreme view of liberty, to neglect all duties not actually prescribed by law, and therefore an abuse
of liberty.” 11. The National-Socialist Anti-Tobacco Mission  National-Socialist doctors were the
first to write a major scientific paper linking smoking to lung cancer. Following this report, smoking was banned in restaurants
and public transportation systems. Advertising of smoking and cigarettes was severely regulated by the Nazis, and tobacco
tax was raised to deter people from smoking. In what was one of the most expensive and effective anti-tobacco movements
in history, numerous German health organizations began educating the public that risks of miscarriage were heightened when
pregnant women engaged in smoking. National-Socialist Anti-Tobacco Ad: “He does not devour it, it [the cigarette] devours him!” In the year 1940, while annual cigarette consumption per capita
in America was over 3,000, in Germany it was only 749. Hitler prohibited the sale of cigarettes to women. Hitler prohibited smoking for people under the age
of 18.
Hitler prohibited smoking for people in uniforms.
Hitler prohibited smoking in public areas.
Hitler was the first
to place “warning” photos of cancerous lungs on cigarette boxes.
12. National-Socialists Created a Culture that Cherished Music Recognizing the importance weaving music into the fabric
of a country rich in culture, Hitler founded the State Music Institute in 1933 after he came into power. Its purpose was
to promote the timeless work of composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Wagner, among others. The Nazis ensured that
every German citizen had a radio. Youngsters were encouraged by the National-Socialist government to pursue music as a career in order to preserve
the rich ancient German cultural heritage. Source: Article 2: 10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys – by Digger All these points are verifiable. They just take a bit of objective,
independent research. 1/.
He never wanted to kill any Jews  Whenever you hear anyone espouse
(repeat) the lies about Hitler the nasty Jew-killer. Please always make a point of asking this very simple question: “Where
did you get that information from?” Perhaps we all at some point have repeated this fable. Why would we not, when it’s shoved down our throats
24/7, year in year out for decades(?) There hasn’t been a man on this planet who has been demonized as much as Herr
Hitler. If Hitler wanted
to kill Jews, why oh why throughout all his speeches and manuscripts and his book Mein Kampf did he not mention this? Did
he just forget? No, he didn’t say or write it BECAUSE HE HAD NO INTENTION OF KILLING THE JEWS. No matter what amount of destruction he had observed done
by the Jews to his people; he had enough self-discipline and ethical code not to take revenge. Being a strong character,
he was able to rise above the darkness, the demonic standards of the Judaic mindset and show self-restraint and humility. That is why he created ‘containment work camps’
for the Jews and certainly NOT death camps. 2/. He cared about conditions for the Jews in the work camps  Unbeknown to billions of people the
Nazi camps were not death camps, nor were they places to carry out human experiments. They were simply containment camps.
Something had to be done with these destructive anti-social Jews who were strangling Germany. Thanks to the Jews, Germany
had lost it’s moral code and had become debased and de-cultured, does that ring a bell? Something had to be done! And Hitler did do something –
he placed all the Jews in containment camps to allow Germany to breath again. But – this is the key point in this
essay/piece. He did it in a way which was ethical. The camps had decent sufficient food (bearing in mind it was war time),
they had theaters, swimming pools, football pitches, post offices where inmates could communicate to the outside world,
kindergartens, art and music recreation and even prostitutes. Quality sanitation within the camps was paramount and that is why the inmates clothes
were regularly de-loused with Zyklon B gas. There were no human gas chambers……THAT IS A BIG FAT KOSHER LIE;
to which the world has had to endure for over half a century. My theory is that if there had not have been a war effort, Hitler would not have even
made the Jews work. AND I bet you the containment camps would have been luxury rehabilitation centers. In order to slowly
de-programme the Jews from their mind control cult. 3/. He had compassion for other sentient beings  Many historians claim he was a vegetarian.
I believe this is true, but whether it is or not, the point is he had a clear connection and affection for his fellow creatures.
I’m not suggesting just because he may have been a veggie that therefore he was a good person; but this was a man
of compassion and that he recognised the importance of compassion in society. He had so much affection for his German shepherds
(picture below with his beloved dog). He banned all animal experimentation, recognising it to be evil. Hitler could see
the connection between all life forms. It was his level of consciousness. Respect for nature, animals and human life. 4/. He tried to prevent the destruction of his fellow
Europeans Numerous
occasions Hitler tried to warn and assist his fellow brethren about the Jewish trap they had fallen for and who really was
behind all the warmonger. He dropped fliers from planes trying in vein to prevent Germany and Britain fighting. He initially
wanted to make alliances with Britain. Many occasions he gave opportunities to opposing European forces, where he could have
slaughtered them. It was his internal spiritual angst for him to be fighting (defending) amongst his European brothers and
sisters. He did all he could to avoid war, he was not the warmonger we all have been led to believe. 5/. He cared passionately about his people and German
heritage  Hitler observed the degrading machinations
of the Jews in Austria and Germany. It not only disgusted and angered him, but saddened him to see how these two nations
were being destroyed from the inside out like a cancer – a cancer that his sleepy folksmen could not see. The exact
same angst those of us who are Jew-conscious find ourselves in. He was a man who cared about society, a man who cared about
culture, who cared about nature, about moral values and about building and improving as opposed to destroying and degrading. He was a man who had fought for his country, in the trenches
and been hospitalized for his country. How many of our sell out politicians today can claim that? He was a true spokesman
of the people, for the people who had diligently worked his way up from grass roots. From microcosmic pep talks to his fellow
workman on building sites, to talks in beer houses, to speeches in basements, to town halls. As well as all the behind-the-scenes
work and risks. Slung in jail, mocked and defamed. Endless tireless work to resolve the destruction of his peoples. I would also strongly suggest he cared about all peoples.
Yes, including black people, despite the kosher myth he was a supremacist racist.
6/. He was a humble man, from a humble background  Can any of us name one present western
politician who can claim that these days? No, today they’re all criminals, fed through the kosher criminal system.
All built on materialistic gain and kudos. All content with serving the beast for their demonic and self-serving interests.
Their greed and hubris having no boundaries. Hitler worked on building sites as a laborer for crying out loud. How many of these leaches under
the guise of politicians do you know have that background? He was also a humble street artist, barely scraping a living
together. Some days he had to decide whether to spend his meager earnings on a political book, or to eat – he opted
for the former. Now that is passion in politics and a drive for social reform.
7/. He held correspondence with Mahatma Gandhi This alone doesn’t necessarily suggest he was a good
person. But more that Gandhi and Hitler were in alignment on many issues. They both recognized the evil force they were up
against and both were coming from a humanitarian position. The bottom line is Gandhi would not have corresponded with a
so-called evil mad dictator hell bent on wanting to kill the Jews and rule the world. 8/. He was a man of God Hitler was NOT an atheist – despite what the Jewish
propaganda machine wants us to believe. He often made references to God and spoke in terms of a Divinity. He was somebody
who could clearly make the connection between Divine law and Natural laws. He was spiritually and morally driven throughout
all his political career. Read his book Mein Kampf to see his consistent reference to Christian values. 9/. He implemented cultural and social reform Throughout Hitler’s political career, his common theme
was about ‘cleaning up’. He had seen the filth the Jews had created and desperately wanted Germany to reverse
these degrading trends. He banned supermarkets, because he wanted local small businesses to prosper. He banned degrading
modern art, as he recognised it for what it was. He banned vivisection (animal experiments), because in his wisdom he could
see how futile and unnecessary they were. He encouraged healthy youth activities and social programmes to enhance cultural pride and individual self worth,
such as sports and recreational activities. He encouraged men to be men and women to be feminine. He helped develop beauty,
cleanliness and pride back into the German people. 10/. He stamped on usury / eliminated debt slavery
 This subject links in most of the
points in this list and what Hitler achieved as a leader. But I thought it was essential that this topic was highlighted
in isolation, as it was probably the single most important act of bravery and compassion Hitler offered to his people. Unfortunately
this act alone was enough to piss off the Jewish IMF and therefore create WW2.
Usury is the elite Jews most powerful and demonic weapon amongst their
whole armament of destructive weapons. More powerful than their poisons and even their mind control techniques. Because
it’s their use of compound interest that enables them to create a stranglehold on every industry and therefore every
level of society. Nobody can escape usury – everybody is infected by it.
That is why Hitler created his own independent currency as a first
move when he came to power. And hey presto – that is why Germany was able to get back on it’s feet and flourish
as all nations should. Hitler recognised the judaic invention of usury as unlawful, ungodly and unnatural – and as
a talmudic curse which has crippled every host nation the Jews have entered into and ultimately, that which brings about
their demise. Hitler freed
his people of this curse. In Conclusion Hitler was probably the hero of the second world war and the 21st century. A man of ethical courage, a man of spiritual
perception and good intent. A spiritual soul who cared – cared about all life forms, all cultures, about goodness and
Light and ultimately about Truth. Because he was one of the good guys. Source: Two
Adolf Hitler speeches – Demonstrating much of what National Socialism is really about: Community, Comradery, Altruism… You can watch these speeches on YouTube – search: This
is National Socialism Hitler
Speech Extract 1- National Socialism: Community and Altruism “A new community is being built in Germany, and it is our most beautiful goal
and aim. Those who can’t even see past their own nose deserve our pity more than anything else. It is the luck to
help, which rewards those who commits themselves to this socialist state, and this commitment must happen every new winter.
Our social welfare system is so much more than just charity. Because we do not say to the rich people: Please, give something
to the poor. Instead we say: German people, help yourself! Everyone must help, whether you are rich or poor! Everyone must
have the belief that there’s always someone in a much worse situation than I am, and this person I want to help as
a comrade. If one should say: Yes, but do I have to sacrifice a lot? That is the glory of giving! When you sacrifice for
your community, then you can walk with your head held up high…”
Hitler Speech Extract 2 – National Socialism: German Youth
and Comradery “A
new state cannot simply fall down from the sky, instead it has to grow from within the people. Because when I need loyalty,
belief, confidence, fanaticism and commitment, then I must turn to where I can still find these values, and these values
can always be found in the people themselves, in the masses of the people!
My German youth, just as we’re gathered here, my young comrades,
as part of the life of the people, so must the rest of the people. It was not always so. In the past, people did not want
to understand each other. Each thought only of themselves. At best, their class alone. We have been witnesses to the consequences
of this aberration of the spirit. In your youth you must safeguard that which you possess, the great feeling of comradeship
of being part of the group. If you hold on to this, then there is no force in the world who can take it from you. You will
be one people bound together as tightly as you are now. As German youth, our only hope, the courage and faith of our people.
You, my youth, are indeed the living guarantee of the living future of Germany – not an empty idea – not an empty
formalism, or an insipid plan. No! You are the blood of our blood, the flesh of our flesh, and the spirit of our spirit.
You are the continuation of our people…” A
link to a video of these Hitler Speeches: https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=DNUADN8MHWHY Schadewaldt Hans - The Polish Atrocities against the German Minority
in Poland. http://www.balderexlibris.com/index.php?post/Schadewaldt-Hans-The-Polish-Atrocities-against-the-German-Minority-in-Poland
Poland Seeks Compensation From Germany For WWII Atrocities: Should They Be Saying Sorry Instead? http://www.renegadetribune.com/poland-seeks-compensation-germany-wwii-atrocities-saying-sorry-instead/
A Blank Check & Forked Tongues: How Britain & Poland Started WWII & Blamed Hitler & Germans For
Eternity! http://www.renegadetribune.com/blank-check-forked-tongues-britain-poland-started-wwii-blamed-hitler-germans-eternity/
Ethnic Germans: A Forgotten Genocide https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1994&v=23pNOPJt93s
HITLER'S SINCERE PEACE LETTER TO FRENCH PRESIDENT http://tomatobubble.com/id723.html
The True reason why Hitler attacked Zionist Poland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3V3D1aio_U
WHO REALLY STARTED WORLD WAR TWO? The DANZIG MASSACRES in 1939 By BOLSHEVIK JEWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4xqUvUqy-4
EDWARD SMIGLY RYDZ: THE MAN WHO STARTED WORLD WAR II http://www.tomatobubble.com/smigly_rydz.html
Hitler: They Used Poland As A Dummy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4nTsIl0Xkk
1. "Racist" German autograph-seeking
fans mob Black-American sprinter Jesse Owens. Owens later spoke fondly about how well he was treated
in Germany and how Hitler did NOT "snub" him at all. 2. Owens befriended German long jump competitor, Luz Long. The two remained "pen pals"
until Long was killed in World War II. * "Hitler didn't snub me. It was FDR who snubbed me. He didn't
even send me a telegram." -- Jesse Owens
In 1938 Theodore Andrica, the Nationalities Editor of the Cleveland Press and author of the
"Around the World in Cleveland" ... In 1938 Theodore Andrica _____________________________________________________________
JFK Judaic Verboten Speech
"After visiting these two places (Berchtesgaden and the Eagle's
lair on Obersalzberg), you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds
him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambitions for his country which rendered him
a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death
that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."
--John F. Kennedy 'Prelude To Leadership - The European Diary of John F. Kennedy - Summer, 1945. Regnery Publishing,
Inc. Washingon, DC. p 74
__________________________________________________________________________ Who Involved the U.S. in WWII When 83% of
Americans Voted Against It? By N. Jones (Historical Tribune)
Besides the Pearl Harbour
False Flag, How did They Manipulate America into WWII? – A war 83% of Americans (according to the June 3rd,
1941, Gallup Poll results) were against and asserted they wished to remain uninvolved?
of the Elders of Zion – VII:6 “…In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments
of the goyim in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if
we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or
“We Jews,” as the spokesmen of this clannish nationalism might put it, “are
well aware that in America, England, France and the Soviet Union, as well as in every other part of the world, the
rule is: Judah must come first!
As long as the interests of America are identical with the interests of Old
Testament ‘Nazism’, we will be good Americans, but as soon as our interests begin to conflict with
the interests of America, we shall betray her too. Generally speaking, democracy suits us if and when it is led
by as many Jews as possible. The so-called freedom of the press is good for us too, provided the descendants of
the seed of Abraham, above all, can avail themselves of it. Yes! this freedom is a valuable thing, but only where
we Jews are at liberty to do anything we like!”
Oh, you faint-hearted ones, who listen terror-stricken
to the marching S.A. and S.S. troops; be not afraid! By now we are experts in undermining and capturing democracies.
We are familiar with the methods of imposing our particular interests on the masses. America, the richest state
of the Goyim is being shaken by mortal economic crisis. The time is ripe to start our all-out offensive, which,
will also give political power into our hands. And ours will be a take-over of a more permanent character than
that of Hitler. We are going to conquer America neither by arms nor by theories. We possess a reliable prescription
to call down Nemesis on America. The fate of America was prescribed by our own Führer – Moses! Torah is
our Mein Kampf!
This will be the year for sounding the Trumpets in America, where in Washington’s
time, the total number of Jews were a mere four thousand. But now our bankers, our socialists and our journalists
will be blowing trumpets and, our ‘Brain-Trust’ will execute the New Deal at the expense of the American
Pioneer-Population. Thereafter, the only remaining question will be: Whom are we going to put in the Presidential
Chair at Washington?
“Those of you living in despair in your palatial residence in Wall Street
or in 13th Street, as well as in the ghettos of Brooklyn and Bronx, must not doubt that we shall find our man,
who will be a real match for Hitler, while at the same time, place political power over America into our hands.
You need only read our directions in the Protocols.” (The World Conquerors, p. 80-81)
X: “Liberalism produced constitutional status, which took the place of what was the only safeguard
of the Goyim, namely despotism (autocracy)… then it was that we replaced the Ruler by a caricature of a
government – by a president, taken from the mob, from the midst of our puppet overture – our slaves. In
the near future we shall establish elections, in favour of such presidents, as have in their past some dark undiscovered
stain, some “Panama” or other – then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment
of our plans, out of fear of revelations…”
“Who will therefore, be the new President,
who will place America in our hands and will execute our orders?” His name is Franklin D. Roosevelt! –
the late descendant of the Spanish Sephardim.
Fear not dear Franklin, our “Advisors” are
now gathering around you, to support you in the decision making for all your future endeavours, which is at such
a pivotal time in our world history. Felix Frankfurter from Vienna, Henry Morgenthau from Mannheim, Bernard Baruch
from Könoigsberg and Albert Einstein from Berlin. Samuel Roseman who will write your speeches is there, so
are our labour leaders; amongst them our compatriot Sidney Hillman who controls American labour in the Administration
for you. There is David Dubinsky, also a fellow immigrant from Russia, who will transform the Christian workers
into tax payers for Zionism.
The entourage we will provide you will consist exclusively of trustworthy
men, such as La Guardia, Mayor of New York, a Jew from Fiume and, Alger Hiss, the protègè of Frankfurter
and of Senator Lehman. Bernard Baruch will control the 351 most important branches of American industry, which
will militarily equip the American boys to go fight against our cryptonite – National Socialism.
behalf of America, Alger Hiss will conduct the talks with Stalin and, Einstein, Oppenheimer and David Lilienthal
will produce the atomic bomb. As managers of the UNNRA, La Guardia and Herbert Lehman will help the intended future
Jewish ‘Displaced Persons‘ of our coming war – a war which we will declare. Our appointed Henry
Morgenthau Jr., Secretaty of the Treasury, will prepare a splendid plan for the extermination of the German people,
based on the insightful authorship of our intellectual confidant, President of the ‘American Federation of
Peace,’ Theodore Kaufman. Our own Mortiz Gomberg, will see to it that 18 million people from the countries
of our opponent will become ‘Stateless’ in Europe, our trustworthy men will distribute $11 million worth
of cheques to provide our Bolshevik counterparts with arms and Harry Dexter White will also give them U.S. occupation
printing plates, to enable the ‘Displaced Persons’ to print with abandon, so they can be cashed-up
to usurp all positions of European “Authority” after our boys summarily assassinate all who have opposed
us – at the expense of the American people who reject involvement in our coming war.
No, fear
not dear Franklin, the patriotism of this American dream to sail across the seas to punish OUR enemies, is in the
good and trustworthy hands of Judah!
Bernard Baruch – the unofficial President of America.
Judge Samuel Roseman – the Founder and Head of the ‘Brains-Trust’ – Roosevelts “Advisors”
Professor Raymond Moley – Favorite Advisor.
Rabbi Stephan Wise (Weiz) – President
of the WJC and Roosevelts closest Advisor/Firm Hand – see here: The Jewish Plan for WWII and all the Benefits
it would Bring World Jewry
Henry Morgenthau Sr. – Unofficial Advisor, Jewish State Lawyer.
N. Kaufman – President of the ‘American Federation of Peace’ / Author of ‘Germany Must
Perish’, precursor to the Morgenthau Plan – see here: Germany Must Perish
Harry Dexter White
(Weit) – Senior U.S. Treasury department official (Transport of U.S. printing plates to Bolsheviks – see
here: WWII: Espionage and the US funding of the Conquering Communists of Europe
Felix Frankfurter –
Supreme Court Justice Justice Benjamin Cardozo – Advisor. Gerald Shwope – Advisor. E.
A. Filene – Advisor. Charles Taussig – Brains-Trust Advisor. Nathan Margold – Interior Department
Solicitor. Charles Wyzanski Jr. – Labour Department Solicitor. Professor Leo Wolman – Labour
Strike Board. Rose Schneiderman – Labour Advisory Board. Isador Lubin Jr. – Labour Bureau Statistician. Solomon Rosenblatt – Amusement Administrator. E. A. Goldenweiser – Federal Research Director. Jerome Frank – General Councel. Mordechai Ezekile – Economic Advisor (Co-author of A.A.A. Laws). Herbert Feis – “The Brains of the State Department.” Henry Morgenthau Jr. – Secretary of the
Treasury. David Lilienthal – TVA Director. Sidney Hillman – Labour Advisory Board. L.
N. Landau – PWA General Solicitor. A. Steinhard – Minister to Sweden. Professor Albert E. Taussig –
NRA Advisor. Alexander Sachs – NRA Code Authority. Maurice Karp – NRA Director of Personnel. Robert Freshner – CC C Forest Army Head. Robert Strauss – NRA Assistant Administrator. Donald Richberg
– NRA Advisor. H. I. Strauss – Ambassador to France. Ferdinand Pecora – “Special”
Investigator. Samuel Untermayer – Stock-Exchange Bill Advisor. Professor James M. Landis –
Federal Trade Commissioner…
Just to name a few of the “Trustworthy Men” (JEWS) of American
interests. ______________________________________________________________
Click on this text to view "Ethnic Germans: A Forgotten Genocide"... Germans migrated down the Danube in three major waves
beginning more than 700 years ago, and settled in mountainous areas of Bohemia and Moravia. These Ethnic Germans became very
prosperous and those in Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia were known as Danube Swabians. 1939 the Czech President expelled German
minority to be executed with utmost brutality resulting 1 million sudeten Germans losing their lives. Many Ethnic Germans
settled in St. Louis, USA
The Starving of Germany in 1919
I first read about the starvation
of Germans at the end of WWI in a book written by British historian Clive Ponting, he reported that close
to 900.000 Germans died of starvation in 1918 and 1919. The “starvation policy” had begun in 1914. Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty
and one of the framers of the scheme, admitted that it was aimed at “starving the whole population
— men, women, and children, old and young, wounded and sound — into submission.”
Such British policy was in contravention of international law on two major points.
First, in regard
to the character of the blockade, it violated the Declaration of Paris of 1856, which Britain itself had
signed, and which, among other things, permitted “close” but not “distant” blockades.
A belligerent was allowed to station ships near the three-mile limit to stop traffic with an enemy’s
ports; it was not allowed simply to declare areas of the high seas comprising the approaches to the enemy’s
coast to be off-limits. The second point is related to contraband.
Briefly, following the lead of the Hague Conference of 1907, the Declaration of London of 1909 considered
food to be “conditional contraband,” that is, subject to interception and capture only when
intended for the use of the enemy’s military forces.
In December
1918, the National Health Office in Berlin calculated that 763,000 persons had already died as a result of
the blockade by that time. In some respects, the armistice saw the intensification of the suffering, since
the German Baltic coast was now effectively blockaded and German fishing rights in the Baltic annulled.
The reason for
the food blockade to be kept in place after the end of the hostilities was aimed at forcing Germany to
sign the Versailles Treaty without any change on the strict conditions they were imposing. Today no one
remembers it because it was kept secret and there were no leaks to the western press while 900,000 German
men, women and children died because of the British naval blockade. Even today only a few non-Germans
know the truth and American and British historians, seems to have brushed off this most appalling crime
as a footnote in history. Even the founder of the Boy Scouts, Robert Baden-Powell, naively expressed his satisfaction that the German
race is being ruined; though the birth rate.
Although the war had ended in November 1918, Germany was still under
Allied blockade, which was ruthlessly enforced. The first state of Germany to benefit from a lifting
of the blockade would be communist-controlled Bavaria. One must
search diligently for historical references to the continued, devastating blockade. Diether Raff confirms
the peace-time blockade in his “A History of Germany – From the Medieval Empire to the Present”:
“The Allied
peace terms turned out to be extremely severe, far exceeding the worst fears of the German government…
The peace treaties of Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest were declared invalid and the food blockade around
Germany was to continue… Thus Germany’s capitulation was accomplished and an end set to
four years of enormous bloodshed. “It was the blockade that finally drove the Central Powers to accept
defeat,” says Richard Hoveth in his study of the struggle on the high seas during World War I:
“At first mild in its application, the blockade’s noose gradually tightened until, with the American
entry, all restraint was cast aside. Increasingly deprived of the means to wage war, or even to feed
her population, the violent response was insurrection; apathy and demoralization the mute consequence
of dashed hopes and thin potato soup.” Basil Liddell Hart
is quoted by Hoveth to the effect that, revolution and internal unrest notwithstanding, the blockade was
“clearly the decisive agency in the struggle.” After confiscating the German merchant navy,
the Allies proceeded to confiscate German private property all over the world, contrary to all precedent
from previous wars when private property had been held in escrow until the ratification of peace treaties,
when it would revert to its legitimate owners.
Allied powers reserved the right to keep or dispose of assets belonging to German citizens, including
companies they control [Article 167 B]. This wholesale expropriation would take place without any compensation
to the owners [Articles 121 and 279 B].
But Germany remained responsible for the liabilities and loans on the
assets that were taken from them. Profits, however, remained in the hands of the Allies. Thus, private
German property and assets were confiscated in China (Articles 129 and 132), Thailand (Articles 135-137), Egypt
(Article 148), Liberia (Articles 135-140) and in many other countries. Germany was also precluded from investing
capital in any neighboring country and had to forfeit all rights “to whatever title it may possess
in these countries. The Allies were given free access to the
German marketplace without the slightest tariff while products made in Germany faced high foreign tariff
barriers. Articles 264 to 267 established that Germany “undertakes to give the Allies and their associates
the status of most favored nations for five years.
Germany was
already experiencing near famine conditions but it was at this moment that the Allies decided to confiscate
a substantial part of what was left of Germany’s livestock. The American representative at Versailles,
Thomas Lamont, recorded the event with some indignation:
“The Germans were made to deliver cattle, horses,
sheep, goats, etc.,… A strong protest came from Germany when dairy cows were taken to France
and Belgium, thus depriving German children of milk.” Herbert Hoover, a mining engineer and future president
of the United States – in 1900 defended Tianjin from the assaults of the Boxer – was sent
on a mission to help the starving population but he could do very little because of the fury of the French
and the British. Shipments had been delivered to Allies and to neutrals, but British officials had
refused to break their blockade to let cargoes go into Germany. Moreover, Germany had failed to act
on an agreement to turn over merchant ships before receiving food [eventually forced on the Weimar government
and showed no desire to pay for shipments in gold – a possibility that French financiers were thought
to be opposing so that their nation might get what gold there was as indemnity. There is evidence that Wilson actually thought
the European powers would accept his 14 Points” and feed starving Germans now that the war was over
but, of course, that was not the case as discovered by Wilson’s humanitarian point man, Hoover. England’s
Prime Minister, Lloyd George, meanwhile, thought that the starvation was being ameliorated. He favored
– although quietly – feeding his ex-enemy. In early March 1919, General Herbert Plumer, commander of the British
Army of Occupation, informed Prime Minister Lloyd George that his men were begging to be sent home;
they could no longer stand the sight of “hordes of skinny and bloated children pawing over the
offal from the British camps”. Finally, the Americans and British overpowered French objections and at
the end of March, the first food shipments began arriving in Hamburg. But it was only in July, after
the formal German signature to the Treaty of Versailles, that the Germans were permitted to import raw
materials and export manufactured goods. On May 7 of that year, Count von Brockdorf-Rantzau had indignantly referred to this
fact in addressing the Versailles assembly:”The hundreds of thousands of noncombatants,” the
German chief delegate had stated, “who have perished since November 11, 1918, as a result of the blockade,
were killed with cold deliberation, after our enemies had been assured of their complete victory.” The food blockade ended on July 12, 1919.
Besides the direct effects of the British blockade,
there are the possible indirect and much more sinister effects to consider. A German child who
was ten years old in 1918, and who survived, was twenty-two in 1930. Vincent raises the question of whether
the miseries and suffering from hunger in the early, formative years help account to some degree for
the enthusiasm of German youth for Nazism later on. Incredibly, the last cheque covering
reparations for WW1 was issued by Angela Merkel in 2010.
The Stupidest, Most Tragic War (WW1)
... As a former soldier and war correspondent, I've always considered
World War I as the stupidest, most tragic and catastrophic of all modern wars ... This war was not only an endless nightmare
for the soldiers in their pestilential trenches, it also violently ended the previous 100 years of glorious European civilization,
one of mankind's most noble achievements ... Contrary to the war propaganda that still clouds and corrupts our historical
view, World War I was not started by Imperial Germany. Professor Christopher Clark in his brilliant book, `The Sleepwalkers'
shows how officials and politicians in Britain and France conspired to transform Serbia's murder of Austro-Hungary's Crown
Prince into a continent-wide conflict ... Clark clearly shows how the French and British maneuvered poorly-led Germany
into the war. |
The Ghosts of 1918
On November 11, Europe will mark the 100th anniversary of the end of
World War I ... It would be difficult to think of a more catastrophic moment for the West, which has never fully recovered
from the conflict ... The National Security Strategy document released earlier this year by the Trump administration maintains
that terrorism is no longer the biggest threat to the United States. Instead, it emphasizes great power conflict between
America, Russia and China ... So one hundred years after the end of World War I, international affairs appear in many
ways to be coming full circle. Despite the venerable dream of a federation of man, there are numerous flash-points, ranging
from the South China Sea to the Baltic States to Syria, that could draw the great powers into a conflict that inadvertently
turns into a much larger one than anyone had anticipated. |
On the Brink: How World War I Began
... The historiography of World War I is immense, more than 25,000
volumes and articles even before next year's centenary. Still, Clark, and Sean McMeekin, in "July 1914," offer
new perspectives. The distinctive achievement of "The Sleepwalkers" is Clark's single-volume survey of European
history leading up to the war. That may sound dull. Quite the contrary ... Both authors put a stake through the heart
of a common narrative that has Germany mobilizing first so as to spring the preventive war its generals had long advocated.
It didn't ... Not having a villain to boo is emotionally less satisfying, but Clark makes a cogent case for the war as
a tragedy, not a crime: in his telling there is a smoking pistol in the hands of every major character. | A Century
After the US Got Involved in World War I, It's Time to Acknowledge Why Much media notice is likely to be taken this spring
of the fact that a hundred years ago the US declared war on Germany, initiating for the first time ever American participation
in a military conflict on European soil ... But it is unlikely that many observers will venture beyond what for a long time
has been the standard explanation of that involvement ... From beginning to end, the official US response to the Great
War was dominated by the goal of trying to restore and then put on a more secure foundation the kind of international
order American policy makers wanted. Ideologically, they assured themselves that this was a quest in the interest not
only of all Americans, but of the entire world. _____________________________________________________________________________ A LAST APPEAL TO REASON
Hitler never intended to go to war with Britain, he was simply left with no choice. Thousands of ethnic Germans were being massacred in Poland, in lands once
belonging to Germany, while the Poles were encouraged by the Americans, French and the British, who were in turn,
attempting by any means, to force Germany into an all-out war.
Hitler wanted the British to join him in a war against the Soviets who had been planning
all along to conquer Europe in it’s entirety. Germany was literally caught between a the proverbial rock and hard place. Hitler had relied upon the unwritten understanding,
that the blood ties between Britain and Germany meant that loyalty would overcome bribery and the lure of Zionist
money. 
He thought that he was appealing
to and dealing with Honorable men. He was wrong. Published below, is the translated text
of a leaflet, which was dropped in large quantities over England, following a speech along the same lines that
was given by Adolf Hitler at the Reichstag. Unfortunately, the propagandising of the British and American people by the Government and the mass media
prevailed, and Britain was dragged into one of the most bloody, and far reaching conflicts, in living memory. 
BY ADOLF HITLER “I have summoned you
to this meeting in the midst of our tremendous struggle for the freedom and the future of the German nation. I
have done so, firstly, because I considered it imperative to give our people an insight into the events, unique
in history, that lie behind us, secondly, because I wished to express my gratitude to our magnificent soldiers,
and thirdly, with the intention of appealing, once more and for the last time, to common sense in general.
If we compare the causes which prompted this historic struggle
with the magnitude and the far- reaching effects of military events, we are forced to the conclusion that its
general course and the sacrifices it has entailed are out of proportion to the alleged reasons for its outbreak
– unless they were nothing but a pretext for underlying intentions. The programme of the National Socialist Movement, in so far as
it affected the future development of the Reich’s relations with the rest of the world, was simply an attempt
to bring about a definite revision of the Treaty of Versailles, though as far as at all possible, this was to
be accomplished by peaceful means. This
revision was absolutely essential. The conditions imposed at Versailles were intolerable, not only because of
their humiliating discrimination and because the disarmament which they ensured deprived the German nation of all
its rights, but far more so because of the consequent destruction of the material existence of one of the great
civilised nations in the world, and the proposed annihilation of its future, the utterly senseless accumulation of
immense tracts of territory under the domination of a number of states, the theft of all the irreparable foundations
of life and indispensable vital necessities from a conquered nation. While this dictate was being drawn up, men
of insight even among our foes were uttering warnings about the terrible consequences which the ruthless application
of its insane conditions would entail – a proof that even among them the conviction predominated
that such a dictate could not possibly be held up in days to come. Their objections and protests were silenced
by the assurance that the statutes of the newly created League of Nations provided for a revision of these conditions;
in fact, the League was supposed to be the competent authority. The hope of revision was thus at no time regarded
as presumptuous, but as something natural. Unfortunately, the Geneva institution, as those responsible for Versailles
had intended, never looked upon itself as a body competent to undertake any sensible revision, but from
the very outset as nothing more than the guarantor of the ruthless enforcement and maintenance of the conditions
imposed at Versailles. All attempts
made by democratic Germany to obtain equality for the German people by a revision of the Treaty proved unavailing.
World War Enemies Unscrupulous
Victors It is always in the interests of a conqueror to represent stipulations that are to his advantage as
sacrosanct, while the instinct of self-preservation in the vanquished leads him to reacquire the common
human rights that he has lost. For him, the dictate of an overbearing conqueror had all the less legal force, since
he had never been honorably conquered. Owing to a rare misfortune, the German Empire, between 1914 and 1918, lacked
good leadership. To this, and to the as yet unenlightened faith and trust placed by the German people in the words
of democratic statesmen, our downfall was due. Hence the Franco-British claim that the Dictate of Versailles was a sort of international, or even a supreme,
code of laws, appeared to be nothing more than a piece of insolent arrogance to every honest German, the assumption,
however, that British or French statesmen should actually claim to be the guardians of justice, and even of human
culture, as mere effrontery. A piece of effrontery that is thrown into a sufficiently glaring light by their own
extremely negligible achievements in this direction. For seldom have any countries in the world been ruled with
a lesser degree of wisdom, morality and culture than those which are at the moment exposed to the ragings of certain
democratic statesmen. The
programme of the National Socialist Movement, besides freeing the Reich from the innermost fetters of a small
substratum of Jewish-capitalist and pluto-democratic profiteers, proclaimed to the world our resolution to shake
off the shackles of the Versailles Dictate.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Click on this text to examine The book: GERMANY MUST PERISH by A JEW (Theodore Kaufman) and learn why JEWS in Germany were
required to wear a Star of David on their clothing after Germans read the book...
. . .
Click on this text to examine THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY (Paperback Book) by Benton L. Bradberry (Author)
____________________________________________________________________________________________ The "Hooten Plan" to Genocide the Germans: In 1943, prominent American anthropologist Ernest Hooton wrote an an article headlined
“Breed War Strain Out of Germans” for New York Daily newspaper. The concept was an “outbreeding”
plan to “destroy German nationalism and ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological
and sociological capacities.” ...(Earnest Albert Hooton (November 20, 1887 –
May 3, 1954) was a Jewish-American physical anthropologist known for his work on racial classification and his popular writings such as the book Up From The Ape. Hooton sat
on the Committee on the Negro, a group that "focused on the anatomy of blacks and reflected the racism of the
time). The Harvard University professor’s
proposal called for genetically transforming the German nation by encouraging mating of German women with non-German
men, who would be brought into the country in large numbers; and of German men, forcibly held outside of Germany,
with non-German women. Ten to 12 million German men would be assigned to forced labor under Allied supervision
in countries outside of Germany to rebuild their economies.
“The objects of this measure,” wrote Dr. Hooton, “include reduction
of the birthrate of ‘pure’ Germans, neutralization of German ‘aggressiveness’ by outbreeding
and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals.”
This scheme, Hooton estimated, would require at least 20 years to be implemented. “During
this period, it would encourage the immigration and settlement in Germany of non-German nationals, especially males,”
he wrote.
Although aspects of
the 1943 plan were delayed, in the decades since the end of World War II something of the spirit of the genocidal
Hooton plan is being unleashed on Germany’s population. In actuality, it was jump started given that an
estimated five million or more German POWs (see Rhine-Meadows death camps) and civilians were exterminated and
murdered in the Hellstorm period of 1944-1946. This is hidden history.
Now that Germany’s birth rate is below the replacement level, millions
of racially and culturally alien migrants are welcomed as settlers in Germany. The number of children of mixed
ethnicity has sharply increased, and the ethnic-cultural character of much of the country has been drastically
altered, especially in the larger cities.
Now come official figures from Germany’s Federal Statistics Office (FSO): One in three German residents under
age 18 have foreign roots.
In Berlin, people with a migration background comprise 30% of residents. Ethnic Germans are already minority in
the district center and many of the surrounding central districts.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLRvfuqg_M8 Proxy Highlight Jan 8, 2017 ... The "Hooton Plan" During
World War II, Hooton proposed to eradicate the German people by infiltrating them slowly with masses of non-European male
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7rMVuETAy0 Proxy Highlight Sep 21, 2016 ... In German with English subtitles by DIDI 18. Ursula
Haverbeck, the courageous octogenarian previously imprisoned for pointing out the lack of evidence to support the holocaust
delusion, here presents details of the planned genocide of the european christian peoples via The Hooten Plan.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-s9_8-WIFg Proxy Highlight Sep 24, 2016 ... Ursula Haverbeck, the courageous octogenarian previously
imprisoned for pointing out the lack of evidence to support the holocaust delusion, here presents de...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--XGno0izxA Proxy Highlight Sep 24, 2016 ... Ursula Haverbeck talks about the migrant crisis in
Europe, Germany, the world wars, Hooton plan, Nizer plan, Morgenthau plan, and more. https://www.youtube. c...
Proxy Highlight Sep 20, 2016 ... The Hooton Planand the Migrant Crisis SUBTITLED IN
ENGLISH BY DIDI 18, this is an almost 30 minute video by Ursula Haverbeck explaining why Europe is being invaded ... it's
all in the Hooton Plan! Only one book describing the Hooton Plan is still available, but only in German. Ursula tells us
that four ...
Proxy Highlight Sep 21, 2016 ... In German with English subtitles by DIDI 18. Ursula
Haverbeck, the courageous octogenarian previously imprisoned for pointing out the lack of evidence to support the holocaust
delusion, here presents details of the planned genocide of the European christian peoples via The Hooten Plan.
www.newnationalist.net/2017/06/11/germany-to-be-trans... Proxy Highlight Jun 11, 2017 ... In practice a much more horrific version
of the Hooton Plan was jump started with a genocide. An estimated five million or more German POWs (see Rhine- Meadows death
camps- You Tube banned in Europe) and civilians were exterminated and murdered in the Hellstorm period of 1944-1946 –
(You Tube ...
Click on this text to watch HELLSTORM (a video based on the book by Thomas Goodrich) describing the horrors perpetrated upon
the German Nation by the Three JEWISH controlled empires (USA-UK-Soviet Union) that smashed Germany.
_______________________________________________________________ How
Franklin Roosevelt Lied America Into War
... American involvement in war with Germany was preceded by a long series of steps
[by FDR, including] ... the orders to American warships to shoot at sight at German submarines, formally announced
on September 11 [1941]. The beginning of actual hostilities may be dated
from this time rather than from the German declaration of war, which followed Pearl Harbor ... The promises
to "keep America out of foreign wars" were a deliberate hoax on the American people, perpetrated for
the purpose of insuring Roosevelt's re-election and thereby enabling him to proceed with his plan of gradually
edging the United States into war. Life Magazine Prepares Americans for War Ten months before the outbreak of war in Europe, the most influential US illustrated
weekly magazine was psychologically preparing Americans for war with alarmist claims that Germany threatened
the United States. This major article in the October 31, 1938, issue of Life magazine, headlined "America
Gets Ready to Fight Germany, Italy, Japan," told readers that Germany and Italy "covet ... the rich
resources of South America," and warned that "fascist fleets and legions may swarm across the Atlantic."
In fact, at the time Hitler and all other high-level German officials fervently sought to avoid any conflict
with the US, Britain or France. But President Franklin Roosevelt was secretly pushing for war. In September
1939 Britain and France -- encouraged by the US -- declared war against Germany. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Historian Looks At 'Ethnic Cleansing’ of Germans The
German Expellees: Victims in War and Peace, by Alfred-Maurice de Zayas. New York: St. Martin's Press,
1993. 200 pages. 24 Photographs. Map. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Reviewed
by Robert Clive The
grim fate of the 15 million German civilians who found themselves trapped in the path of the Red Army
in the closing months of World War II, or on the wrong side of the re-drawn postwar borders, is not a
topic that has tended to excite the interest of historians. And the general public, which is subjected
to constant reminders about wartime Nazi brutality, is certainly not aware that at least two million
Germans lost their lives in the course of flight and mass expulsion from their ancestral homes in Eastern
Europe. Alfred de Zayas, a graduate of Harvard
Law School who earned a doctorate in history at the University of Gottingen in Germany, has devoted
much of his professional career to setting the record straight. His earlier books, Nemesis at Potsdam
(which detailed Allied responsibility for the brutal mass expulsion of Germans at the end of the war), and
The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, met with critical acclaim on both sides of the Atlantic. First published in German in 1986, The German Expellees is based on
extensive research in European and American archives. This American edition is updated with new material
not included in the German version. Chapter One
sketches the history of the Germans living throughout East Central Europe. Even students of history are
generally unaware of the fact that, starting in the twelfth century, German artisans, farmers, soldiers, and
churchmen were invited by reigning princes, kings, and emperors to settle in their domains. The essentially
peaceful character of the so-called “Drang nach Osten,” which witnessed the establishment
of a German presence in East Prussia, Pomerania, East Brandenburg, Silesia, Bohemia, Moravia, Slovenia,
Croatia, Serbia, Transylvania and Russia, has long been misrepresented as some sort of "march of
conquest." The author then turns
to the Paris Peace conference, where President Wilson's lofty pledge to secure "self-determination"
did not, it turned out, apply to Germans, Austrians, and Hungarians. The Treaty of Versailles also denied the
right of self determination to German citizens who resided in areas to be separated from pre-war Germany,
including those living in Danzig, Posen, and West Prussia. De Zayas recounts that the interwar Czech
and Polish governments discriminated against their German minorities. Polish atrocities against ethnic
Germans (Volksdeutsche) were, unfortunately, not a fiction of Goebbels' propaganda office,
but were all too true. Soviet atrocities against the German civilian populations of East Prussia, Pomerania,
and Silesia have been recounted before, even if they are still not widely known. De Zayas reviews these grim events, drawing specific attention to the
fate of Nemmersdorf, East Prussia, which fell to the Red Army in October 1944 and was then recaptured
a short time later by the Wehrmacht. Women and children were gang raped and then murdered in the most
brutal fashion. In the words of American historian
and diplomat George Kennan: “The disaster that befell this area with the entry of the Soviet forces
has no parallel in modern European experience. There were considerable sections of it where, to judge
by all existing evidence, scarcely a man, woman or child of the indigenous population was left alive after the
initial passage of Soviet forces … The Russians … swept the native population clean in a manner
that has no parallel since the days of the Asiatic hordes.”
Allied decisions for "resettlement" are considered in Chapter Four. Although
the 1941 "Atlantic Charter" proclaimed by Roosevelt and Churchill expressly rejected territorial
changes that did not meet the desires of the affected people, this did not discourage the British and
American leaders from victims of this relatively unknown holocaust have later supporting the forcible
mass expulsion of ethnic Germans from Eastern and Central Europe. As early as August 1942, the Allied leaders
accepted the principle of forcible expulsion, which they reaffirmed at the Teheran Conference in 1943.
At the February 1945 Yalta Conference, Churchill and Roosevelt further agreed to permit Stalin to use
Germans as slave labor after the war, a practice that the diplomats dubbed "reparations in kind."
An estimated 874.000 German civilians were abducted to Soviet ~ Russia, of whom 45 percent perished in
captivity. The expulsion and deportation
of millions of ethnic German civilians from Czecho-Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia
is detailed by the author, who remarks that "hitherto it would seem that the blackout on this period of history
had been complete." While the Allied leaders at the Potsdam Conference called for the "orderly"
and "humane" resettlement of the hapless Germans, in practice it was anything but. As de Zayas further points out, mass deportations were designated as "war crimes"
and "crimes against humanity" by the Nuremberg Tribunal. But even as the Allied court was sentencing
Germany's wartime political and military leaders to death for such acts, millions of Germans were being
brutally driven from their homes. The German Expellees
is a well-written, concise introduction to a chapter of what James J. Martin has characterized as "inconvenient
history." These horrific events were not haphazard or spontaneous. Rather, this mass "ethnic
cleansing" of German civilians was official Allie policy. For too long, the victims of this relatively
unknown holocaust have remained largely forgotten and unmourned. About
the Author Robert Clive is the pen name of an American
specialist of the political, diplomatic and military history of modern Europe. He holds a doctorate in
history. From The Journal of Historical Review, March/April
1994 (Vol. 14, No. 2), page 39. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
 Winston Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower tried to suppress captured
Nazi documents that showed Britain’s former King Edward VIII discussing his desire for peace with Adolf Hitler, according
to files newly released in London.
The National Archives
published more papers from the U.K. government’s secret basement storeroom in the Cabinet Office where papers deemed
“too difficult, too sensitive” for the regular filing system were hidden away. They include a 1953 memo from
Churchill, marked “top secret,” explaining the existence of a series of German telegrams carrying reports of
comments by the Duke of Windsor, as Edward VIII was known after he abdicated in 1936. “He is convinced that had he remained on
throne war would have been avoided and describes himself as firm supporter of a peaceful compromise with Germany,”
reported a telegram from Lisbon in neutral Portugal, where the duke was staying in July 1940. “Duke believes with certainty
that continued heavy bombing will make England ready for peace.”
Edward abdicated so he could marry
an American divorcee, Wallis Simpson. The couple set up home in France, but when World War II broke out they moved to Spain.
The government in Madrid, formally neutral but sympathetic to Germany, asked for guidance from Berlin as to what should
be done with them. German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop replied, asking if they could be kept there. Then he ordered
a watch on their house. Ribbentrop’s interest was piqued when he was told, a few days later, that in private “Windsor spoke
strongly against Churchill and against this war.” While he considered what to do, the duke and duchess made their
way to Portugal, where they made similar comments. The Nazis decided to act. ‘Persuaded or Forced’ “The duke should return to Spain under
all circumstances,” Ribbentrop wrote, adding that they should then be “persuaded or forced” to stay there.
His plan was then to offer the duke “the granting of any wish,” including “the ascension of the English
throne.” Churchill, meanwhile, was alive to the danger of having an alternative monarch so close to being in Nazi hands.
He appointed the duke as governor of the Bahamas. When the Windsors were reluctant to leave Europe, Churchill threatened
Edward, who held honorary military rank, with court-martial. Ribbentrop, anxious not to let his prize escape, launched Operation
Willi to persuade the Windsors to return to Spain, kidnapping them if necessary. But despite sabotage attempts and bomb
threats, the Germans failed. The plan was “to persuade the duke to leave Lisbon in a car as if he were going on a fairly long pleasure
jaunt, and then to cross the border at a specified place, where Spanish secret police will ensure a safe crossing,”
according to a note sent to Ribbentrop. The telegrams describing their operation were found in 1945 as Hitler’s regime collapsed.
When they were passed to the British government, Clement Attlee, who had replaced Churchill as prime minister, wrote to
his predecessor, saying that their publication “might do the greatest possible harm.” Churchill replied, agreeing
and expressing the hope that it might be possible to “destroy all traces” of the files. Publication Plan But after Churchill
returned to power in 1951, he was horrified to learn Attlee had subsequently changed his mind, apparently at the urging
of Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin. Historians in Washington now proposed to publish the Nazi telegrams. In 1953, Churchill wrote to President Eisenhower,
expressing his concern that “they might leave the impression that the duke was in close touch with German agents and
was listening to suggestions that were disloyal.” Eisenhower, who had been the allies’ supreme commander, had
seen the telegrams in 1945, but believed he had successfully suppressed them, arguing they were “obviously concocted
with some idea of promoting German propaganda.” He was unaware a microfilm of them had been passed to the State Department. By the 1950s, too
many people had seen the messages for them to be destroyed, and the British historian in charge of preparing the documents
for publication threatened to resign if they were suppressed. They were eventually published in 1957, with the duke describing
them as “complete fabrications.”
"We have no doubt about
your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents."
... Mahatma Gandhi to Adolf Hitler __________________________________________
'Fake News' 1941: Pres. Roosevelt's 'Secret Map' Speech President Roosevelt's Infamous 'Secret Map' Speech
... Roosevelt was not the
first or the last American president to lie to the people. But rarely has a major American political figure given a speech
as loaded with brazen falsehood as Franklin Roosevelt did in his Navy Day address of October 27, 1941 ... Roosevelt went
on to reveal that he also had in his possession "another document made in Germany by Hitler's government. It is a
detailed plan to abolish all existing religions -- Catholic, Protestant, Mohammedan, Hindu, Buddhist, and Jewish alike"
which Germany will impose "on a dominated world, if Hitler wins."
FDR's Astounding Counterfeit Nazi Invasion Map In 1941, President Franklin
D. Roosevelt faced an excruciatingly delicate task. Although he had promised - and campaigned on - a policy of American
neutrality in World War II the year before, Rooseveltached to help the Allies ... How, exactly, could he about-face and
sell the war to his people? In October of that year, he masterfully managed the feat. In his nationally-broadcast Navy
Day address, Roosevelt made an extraordinary claim ... The map - presented as clear evidence of the Nazis' hostile aspirations
in what was (under the century old Monroe doctrine) still considered "America's backyard" - had its intended
effect. Although the Germans vehemently denied the map's existence, the American people largely rallied behind what could
now be pitched as a preemptive war of self-defense. _________________________________
Click on this text to watch a three minute video titled: HITLER VS. ROTHCHILD...
Click on this text to listen to: Massacre at Dachau and other Allied war crimes...
Adolf Hitler on the Importance of Racial Preservation
 There are certain truths which stand out so openly
on the roadsides of life that every passer-by may see them.
Yet, because of their very obviousness, the general run of people disregard such
truths or at least they do not make them the object of any conscious knowledge. People are so blind to some of the simplest
facts in everyday life that they are highly surprised when somebody calls attention to what everybody ought to know all
the innumerable forms in which the life-urge of Nature manifests itself are subject to a fundamental law–one may call
it an iron law of Nature–which compels the various species to keep within the definite limits of their own life-forms
when propagating and multiplying their kind. Each animal mates only with one of its own species. The titmouse cohabits only with the titmouse, the finch with
the finch, the stork with the stork, the field-mouse with the field-mouse, the house-mouse with the house-mouse, the wolf
with the she-wolf, etc. Every
crossing between two breeds which are not quite equal results in a product which holds an intermediate place between the
levels of the two parents. This means that the offspring will indeed be superior to the parent which stands in the biologically
lower order of being, but not so high as the higher parent. For this reason it must eventually succumb in any struggle against
the higher species. The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker. This urge for the maintenance of the unmixed
breed, which is a phenomenon that prevails throughout the whole of the natural world, results not only in the sharply defined
outward distinction between one species and another but also in the internal similarity of characteristic qualities which
are peculiar to each breed or species. If Nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior
race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such a case all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of
years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile. If we review all the causes which
contributed to bring about the downfall of the German people we shall find that the most profound and decisive cause must
be attributed to the lack of insight into the racial problem and especially in the failure to recognize the Jewish danger. By neglecting the problem of preserving the
racial foundations of our national life, the old Empire abrogated the sole right which entitles a people to live on this
planet. Nations that make mongrels of their people, or allow their people to be turned into mongrels, sin against the Will
of Eternal Providence. And thus their overthrow at the hands of a stronger opponent cannot be looked upon as a wrong but,
on the contrary, as a restoration of justice. If a people refuses to guard and uphold the qualities with which it has been endowed by Nature and which have their
roots in the racial blood, then such a people has no right to complain over the loss of its earthly existence. Everything
on this earth can be made into something better, provided always that the racial blood is kept pure. But the loss of racial
purity will wreck inner happiness forever. It degrades men for all time to come. And the physical and moral consequences
can never be wiped out. If
this unique problem be studied and compared with the other problems of life we shall easily recognize how small is their
importance in comparison with this. They are all limited to time; but the problem of the maintenance or loss of the purity
of the racial blood will last as long as man himself lasts. The black-haired Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end,
satanically glaring at and spying on the unsuspicious girl whom he plans to seduce, adulterating her blood and removing her
from the bosom of her own people. The
Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. In his systematic efforts to ruin
girls and women he strives to break down the last barriers of discrimination between him and other peoples. The Jews were
responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate
and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. For as long as a people remain racially
pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the
Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people. That is why the Jew systematically endeavours to lower the
racial quality of a people by permanently adulterating the blood of the individuals who make up that people. The Star of
David steadily ascended as the will to National Self-Preservation declined.
(Excerpts from Mein Kampf, Chapter XI: Nation and Race) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Myths The subject on which I've spoken with you most often is
the dominant Jewish influence in the mass media of news and entertainment. I've spoken most often about this because
it is the most important problem with which we must deal. It's also a subject on which I receive a lot of flak.
One of the most common forms of flak is the objection that it doesn't matter. Sure, the Jews control the media,
but it doesn't make any difference, critics tell me. They're just good businessmen, and they know how to run the media
profitably. That's why they've gained control, and it's no worse than it would be if a bunch of Irishmen or Mormons
were in their place. Now, really, I think that many of the people who tell me this don't actually
believe it. They just want to be Politically Correct, and it's Politically Correct to absolve the Jews of blame
for anything. Even many of the people who are distressed about what Jewish media control is doing to our society
don't want to identify that control as Jewish. The Baptists, for example, who have launched a boycott of the Disney
Corporation because of the raunchy movies its Miramax films division has been turning out, refuse to identify
either Disney boss Michael Eisner or the Miramax bosses Bob and Harvey Weinstein as Jewish. The Baptist protest
is against immorality in films, they insist, not against the Jewish control of the film industry. You know, that's a bit like saying you're against syphilis but you have nothing against spirochetes.
And it's not really honest, this determination to be Politically Correct. Political Correctness is based on a
denial of reality, on the substitution of a deliberately falsified picture of the world in the place of reality. And this
dishonesty, this refusal to admit Politically Incorrect truths, does have very serious consequences for all of
us. If we refuse to talk realistically about the Jewish control of the mass media, we may as well give up on trying
to do anything about the negative effects this Jewish media control is having on our society. Let me give you a specific example of refusal to face a Politically Incorrect truth.
Steven Spielberg has a new film out, Saving Private Ryan, and it's been getting a lot of attention
by the reviewers. They say that the film is good because it is so realistic, because it gives such an honest portrayal
of the Second World War. And of course, the film does show the blood-and-guts aspect of the war a bit more starkly
than other films have. But honest it is not. It propagates the same lies about the Second World War that every
film -- and I mean every film -- made by the Jewish film industry in Hollywood for nearly 60 years has propagated.
And the reviewers, regardless of what else they say about these films, all repeat these same basic lies. These lies are that the Second World War was a "necessary" war
-- that is, that there was no way we could have avoided it -- and that it was a "good" war -- that is,
a morally justified war. We were forced to fight Germany in order to protect America. We could not have stayed
out of the war or fought on the other side, because that would have been immoral. The other side was evil. We fought
against evil. By destroying Germany and Hitler we saved the world, Hollywood tells us. We saved freedom. We saved
the world from slavery and tyranny. Hitler was an evil man, the most evil man who has ever lived, and with his
evil SS troops he intended to enslave the world and destroy everything beautiful and good. But we stopped him.
We saved America. We saved the world. That's Hollywood's unvarying story,
and it's a lie: an extremely dangerous and destructive lie. But unfortunately, it is a lie which is accepted unquestioningly,
uncritically, by almost everyone, and not just by the lemmings. We hear that lie today in connection with Spielberg's
new movie; and in fact, we hear it from television news anchormen and from politicians and from other authority
figures every time the war is mentioned. No dissent is permitted. But that's the case only for the Second World
War. One can have dissenting views about the Spanish-American War or about the First World War or about the Korean
War. One can question the morality or the necessity of those wars without being considered an evil person. And
as for the war in Vietnam, one can even take the position of America's enemies, as film actress Jane Fonda and
a student activist named Bill Clinton did. But it has not been the
government's hard line against dissenters which has kept people parroting the dogma that the Second World War was
a war which was both necessary and good. And it hasn't been any reluctance to offend the veterans of the Second World
War, because we have more living veterans of the Vietnam war in our society, and those opposed to the Vietnam
war have never worried about offending them. No, the dogma
that the Second World War was necessary and good, that it saved the world or that it preserved our freedom, is
entirely the creation of Jewish propagandists. Of course, the Second World War didn't preserve America's freedom.
America's freedom was never threatened by Germany. Hitler could not even have imagined taking away America's freedom.
His war against America was entirely defensive. We were the aggressors. The U.S. Army invaded Germany and took
away Germany's freedom, not the other way around. There was never the slightest danger that Hitler would invade
America. And we certainly didn't save the world; what we did
was turn half of the world over to rule by communist butchers for nearly 50 years. We didn't even defend America's
vital economic interests by destroying Germany. The only people whose vital interests were defended by America's
participation in the Second World War were the Jews. And these facts
really aren't even disputed by serious and knowledgeable people today. No reputable historian or military leader
would make the claim today that the United States was in danger of being invaded by Germany or that our vital
interests were threatened by Germany. In other words the war was not necessary. Every knowledgeable person understands
that, but very few will say it. As for the claim that Hitler and
his SS were evil monsters, and that America was on the side of righteousness in destroying them, we can simply
look at the facts again: look at what the two sides actually did during and after the war. It is generally conceded
that the Germans treated American prisoners of war about as well as they could under the circumstances. And it
also is generally conceded that Hitler's troops, SS or otherwise, behaved themselves better toward the civilian
populations of the countries they occupied than did the armed forces of any of the other combatants, including
the Americans. Hitler's SS troopers did not rape civilians, for example. Contrast this behavior with that of the
Americans and our allies, such as the Red Army. The Red Army,
our comrade in arms, was notorious for raping and murdering civilians; in fact, Red Army men were encouraged to
engage in atrocious behavior by their own government, our ally. And the U.S. Army itself engaged in several massacres
of German prisoners of war: for example, the massacre of more than 500 disarmed SS prisoners at Dachau by members
of the U.S. Army's 45th Division on April 29, 1945. And then there was the mass starvation of German POWs in prison
camps after the war. And there was the massive ethnic cleansing, in which more than 2 million German civilians
were murdered after the war. The U.S. government approved of this mass murder, of this ethnic cleansing -- we
gave the OK -- and our allies carried it out. If we
consider the mass rape and murder of civilians to be evil, if we consider the mass execution of prisoners of war
to be evil, and if one of our motives for going to war was to fight evil, then clearly we were fighting on the
wrong side. And it's not as if we didn't know how our gallant Soviet ally would behave before we began our effort
to destroy Hitler and his forces. We had plenty of evidence of massive Soviet atrocities even before the war began.
Our government knew what the communists had done in Ukraine. Our government knew about the mass arrests and executions
in the Soviet Union. And before we crossed the English Channel to invade Europe we knew about the mass executions
of Polish officers by the Reds at Katyn and elsewhere. And yet we allied ourselves with the mass murderers. We
helped the mass murderers and mass rapists murder and rape millions of more Europeans. And so the claim that we
were going to war to fight evil is simply a lie. The Second World War was not a good war. It was not a moral war. It
was the most atrocious war of modern times. And we were on the side of those committing nearly all of the atrocities
during that war: we were deliberately on the side of evil. And there is
just one reason that we fought on the side of evil. It was because that was the Jewish side. In the years before
the war Hitler wasn't rounding up people by the thousands and shooting them the way the communists were. Hitler
wasn't shooting anybody. His SS troops weren't raping or terrorizing anyone either. Hitler was doing one thing
which resulted in a huge, lying hate-propaganda effort against him from Hollywood. That one thing was Hitler's
campaign to break the grip of the Jews on Germany. In Germany Hitler took the news and entertainment media away
from the Jews. He kicked them out of the legal profession, which they had monopolized. He kicked them out of the
teaching profession, where they had been pumping their ideas into the heads of German children. And Hitler did
all of this peacefully, non-violently. He didn't round Jews up and shoot them. He simply made it illegal for them
to own German newspapers and German radio stations. He made it illegal for them to practice law or to teach in
German schools. And so the Jews were leaving Germany. Between 1933 and 1939 two-thirds of the Jews in Germany
emigrated. At the same time Jewish commissars in the Soviet Union were butchering millions of people. But the hate propaganda
coming out of Hollywood was entirely anti-German, not anti-Soviet. The Jews' only concern was the welfare of their
fellow Jews. They didn't care how many Russians or Ukrainians were murdered. But they screeched at the top of
their lungs when Hitler took the German media away from them. And they lied
to the American people about what was happening in Europe. They lied in order to try to make us hate the Germans
the way they did. When a Jew assassinated a German diplomat in Paris in 1938 and the German people reacted by
smashing up Jewish department stores and synagogues in several German cities, the Jewish news media in the United
States reported the incident as if Jews were being massacred wholesale in Germany. That was the famous "Crystal
Night," which the Jews still continue to remind us of every year in order to milk a little more sympathy
from us. The picture of Germany painted by Jewish hate-propaganda in the United States during the years preceding
the Second World War was a complete distortion of reality. Americans were told that Germans lived in constant fear
of the Gestapo and the SS, that Hitler was a madman who terrorized the German people and who fell to the floor
and chewed the edge of his carpet when he became angry. Americans were told that Germany was a land of concentration
camps and barbed wire and police dogs. Our invasion of Germany was to be a "liberation" of the German
people from the tyrannical rule of Hitler and the SS. That's actually the word the Jewish propagandists used to
describe the American and Soviet terror bombing, rape, and dismemberment of Germany: "liberation." The American
and Soviet invaders were to be the "liberators." Of course, the
Jews didn't control all of the mass media before the Second World War. They didn't control the National Geographic
Magazine, for example, and this magazine, with its articles and photographs on life in Germany flatly contradicted
the hate-propaganda coming from Hollywood. A good example, if you have access to old National Geographics, is the
February 1937 issue. But the National Geographic Magazine really wasn't a mass medium, and Jewish Hollywood had
a much stronger grip on the average American's mind. And so the image of Germany most Americans had was the Jewish
image of a land of terror and fear and brutality and repression controlled by Hitler's SS automatons, a land which
needed to be "liberated" and which was a deadly menace to America. The hate-propagandists of Hollywood
lied us into the most murderous and destructive war of all time solely because they hated the Germans, and they
wanted us to destroy the Germans for them. And they have
maintained their pre-war lies even to this day, their portrayal of Hitler as a crazed carpet chewer and the SS
as a gang of sadistic thugs, and they have added to this their postwar hate-propaganda of gas chambers and of
lampshades and soap supposedly made from the bodies of murdered Jews. Most Americans still believe that their fathers or
grandfathers "liberated" Germany and "saved" the world. They still believe that the Second
World War was a "necessary" war and a "good" war. And the reason they believe it is that they
have seen hundreds of Hollywood films and television shows which have repeated these same lies to them over and
over and over again, and no public figure has ever had the courage or honesty to contradict them. We're still
hearing the same lies in films like Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan and in the reviews
of that film in the controlled media: Americans as "liberators." The fact is that Hollywood's lies about Germany led to millions of White Americans and Europeans being
slaughtered solely for the sake of punishing the Germans for throwing the Jews out of Germany. And we are put at
a great disadvantage even today by those same lies, because they prevent so many of us from examining the past
honestly. And if we cannot understand what happened in the past, we are much less likely to choose a wise course into
the future. But the real point of my example of Hollywood hate-propaganda about Germany before and during the
Second World War is that the Jews, with their control of so much of the mass media today, are able to sway the
attitudes of the whole country to suit themselves. They are able to persuade us to give precedence to their interests
and concerns instead of ours. They are able to change the course of history to their advantage and to our disadvantage
by changing the way the American masses see the world. They were able to do that in the 1930s and 1940s, even
before television. Today, with television, they are even more able to change American attitudes and opinions to
gain advantages for themselves. And today there are plenty of other examples of the Jews' misuse of their media power to manipulate the
opinions and attitudes of our people to our disadvantage. There is the current prospect of another war in the Middle
East. Saddam Hussein and Iraq are being held up as a threat to America, a threat to the world, just as Germany
was represented as a threat to the world before the Second World War, when in fact Iraq is a threat only to the
Jews' plans for the Middle East, and Germany was a threat only to the Jews' plans for controlling Europe. But the
prospect of another war is very real, and it will remain real as long as the Jews retain their control of the media
and of U.S. government policy. Iraq certainly is no threat to America and never has been, but if the Jews become
worried about Saddam Hussein's ability to thwart Israel's further expansion, you can be sure that we will be called
on again to save America, to save freedom, and to save the world by "liberating" Iraq. And unfortunately,
most Americans will respond to the call. They will believe that they are being patriotic by responding, just as
most of the veterans of the Second World War still believe that they were being patriotic in responding to the
call to save America from Hitler. That's not the way it should be.
Our people's patriotism shouldn't be abused like that. Our mass media shouldn't be used to manipulate our people
to our disadvantage. Of course, most people being what they are, they will be manipulated one way or another. Most
people will believe what they're told to believe by their television. Which means that it is essential that the
people who control the mass media, the people who decide what the masses should be told -- these must be our people,
people with our interests not people with an entirely different agenda of their own. The mass media could be a
powerful force for good, a powerful force for enlightening and uplifting and guiding our people rather than for
exploiting them.
You know, a lot of people understand
that; they understand the power of the mass media. Our political leaders certainly understand that. Many academics understand
it. But they won't buck the Jews. They prefer to go with the flow, to get what advantage they can for themselves,
but not to speak out against the way the media have been and are being misused to exploit our people. They are
afraid of becoming targets of Jewish hate-propaganda themselves. And they understand the difficulty of convincing
the public of the truth after the public already has been convinced of a lie; the public is fond of its myths,
especially its patriotic myths, and hardly any patriotic myth is more cherished than that of the Second World
War being a necessary and a moral war. And so the politicians and the academics
won't point out the lies inherent in Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan. And that means that we'll have
to do it ourselves, the hard way. We'll have to continue building our own media: media like these American Dissident
Voices programs. That's a long and difficult job. And while we're doing that we'll be hearing and seeing a lot
more romanticized propaganda from Steven Spielberg and the Weinstein brothers and the rest of the Jewish media
establishment. But at least we are reaching more people with the truth this month than we did last month, and we'll
reach more still next month.
_______________________________________________________ The
true story of a Jewish news agency that peddled fake news to undo Hitler Examples of newspaper front pages during World War II in
an exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. Photo by Marcin Wichary/Creative Commons (RNS) — When the Jewish Telegraphic Agency launched the Overseas
News Agency in 1940, JTA’s new subsidiary promised to report the facts and to “indulge in no propaganda, preach
no theory or philosophy.” But before ONA was a year old, according to a new
book, it had partnered with Britain’s foreign intelligence agency to spread fake news aimed at discrediting Hitler
and enlisting the United States’ help with the war in Europe. The news wire
also reportedly tried in vain to work with the FBI and may have collaborated with the predecessor to the Russian spy agency,
the KGB.  Image courtesy of Prometheus Books
From the start, said Steven Usdin, author of “Bureau of Spies: The Secret Connections Between Espionage
and Journalism in Washington,” ONA made attacking Nazi Germany a priority over reporting the truth, aligning itself
with the interests of British Security Coordination, the New York outpost of MI6, the British equivalent of the CIA.
ONA’s anti-Nazi propaganda work raises the question of whether fake news can ever be a good thing,
said Usdin, who is the Washington, D.C., editor of BioCentury, which tracks life sciences policy and biotechnology.
“There are times where people say that it’s appropriate or OK to compromise with some kind
of ethical principle because there’s an existential threat, but it’s usually not true,” he told Religion
News Service. “Here, it really was. I would have done it, and I would have been proud of it.
“I think it’s extraordinary,” Usdin said. In declassified documents, MI6 doesn’t
talk about just having influence over the wire service. “They basically say that they have effective control over ONA,”
he said. British intelligence used that control to plant lies that are the stuff
of The Onion. “Hitler’s paranoia has reached the point where he suffers
from delusions,” read one “sib,” the British spies’ shorthand for the Latin sibilare, a whisper
or hiss. “He has an uncontrollable fear that his mustache is growing more and more like Stalin’s, and he has
it shaved every morning much closer than usual.” The mustache rumor never
made it into print, as far as Usdin has found, but mainstream media reported equally outlandish sibs, including an ONA tale
that 200 man-eating, Australian sharks had been imported to the English Channel to dissuade German sailors and pilots from
attempting to cross. “That seems like something that someone thought of over
a pint,” Usdin said. “They just threw a lot of mud, and whatever stuck on the wall, they were happy with,”
Usdin said. “I think they also thought Americans were particularly gullible.” On Nov. 2, 1941, The New York Times ran a front-page Associated Press story, based on ONA reporting, claiming that
the British navy was using a superexplosive, 47 times as powerful as TNT. The report
read “as if the British government was in the habit of revealing military secrets to any reporter clever enough to
ask the right questions,” Usdin writes. The following day, the Times buried
a small story stating that “more imaginative rumors” of highly secret British ammunition “should be taken
with perhaps a little more than the proverbial grain of salt.” Another planted
story that ran in the Times held that a 130-year-old Bedouin soothsayer’s death was being taken in the Middle East
as a sign of Hitler’s imminent downfall.  A.C. Corley, left, sells copies of the Panama City News-Herald with the
headline “Allies Dig Deeper Into Nazi Defenses” to Moody Busby and Roger Keough circa 1942. The photo was
used in the June 3, 1944, edition of the Tyndall Target. Photo courtesy of Tyndall Target/Creative Commons
Founded by Jacob Landau as the Jewish Correspondence Bureau in The Hague in 1917, the news agency moved
four years later to New York. When the war broke out in Europe, according to a 1984 JTA story, The New York Times and other
subscribers felt they couldn’t continue to use the JTA name, saying it was “too ‘parochial’ and implied
biased news reporting.” But within a year of ONA’s founding in 1941,
50 American and Canadian dailies carried its stories, the JTA added. JTA’s
website doesn’t detail any collaboration with spies, and Usdin said there’s no evidence its reporters knew of
ONA’s deal with the British. MI6 declined to comment, instead referring RNS to official history of the war period
the agency released a few years ago. But, according to Usdin, the deal went as follows:
British intelligence agreed to fund the JTA subsidiary in exchange for ONA press credentials for its spies and the right
to use the outlet to spread fake stories in the U.S. and international press. Besides The New York Times, the New York
Herald Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Washington Post and others ran its stories.
The Austrian-born founder, Landau, tried to pitch the FBI on a similar deal, but his accent got in the
way. In an April 1942 memo, assistant director Percy E. Foxworth wrote to his boss, J. Edgar Hoover, of a meeting with Landau
where he suggested that JTA and ONA, with their network of 600,000 South American Jews and foreign-language newspaper clients,
could assist the bureau. “Since Mr. Landau’s English was very poor,
and it was rather difficult to understand his exact proposition, I requested that he prepare a memorandum outlining in detail
just what he felt his group would be able to do and the estimated expense involved,” Foxworth wrote.
In the memo, Landau suggested, among other things, that ONA could employ noncitizens with extensive information.
“Your employing them directly has obvious disadvantages,” he wrote.  Steve Usdin. Usdin never found definitive proof that Hoover declined to hire Landau, but two years later an FBI memo noted that
it had investigated Landau, JTA and ONA for failing to register as foreign agents. Usdin noted that about this time Hoover
had turned on the British after BSC began collaborating with the Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor to the CIA,
and went after several BSC operatives. Several Soviet secret cables also mention
ONA, and a third seems to discuss granting credentials or a visa for an ONA reporter to work in Moscow. Yet another document
reveals that the Soviets knew Landau was working with an intelligence agency. After
writing a 2005 book about the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg spy ring, Usdin began working on a guide to Washington espionage
sites, and he was working on a sidebar on the National Press Club when he realized that stories about spying at the club,
where ONA had its D.C. office, could fill a whole volume on its own. His office
filled with stacks of Freedom of Information Act files, but he began to question how wide an appeal the book could have.
“Every day, I would look at the stack, and it would look back at me,” he said. “Every
once in a while, I would pretend I was working on a book.” Then, all of a
sudden, fake news and attempts to influence elections were dominating the national conversation, and his research got a new
life. In the book, Usdin notes that the overwhelming majority of journalists in
the war years neither worked for nor collaborated with intelligence officials and didn’t plant fake stories.
When critics say he shouldn’t have written this book during the Trump era, he pushes back. “It’s
tremendously irritating to me that an area of inquiry should be off-limits, because people can misinterpret it,” he
said. “That’s not history. That’s something else.” He also
advises approaching the news with humility that comes from poring over lessons of the past. Isolationists during World War
II have come down on the wrong side of history, he said, but noted they were dismissed at the time as right-wing fearmongers
for their charges that British intelligence was operating in the U.S. and placing fake stories in U.S. newspapers.
“It turned out they were right,” Usdin said. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________- ________________________________________________________ NEW YORK TIMES SHOCK HEADLINE SEPTEMBER 7, 1939: By Mike King - tomatobubble.com
INVADE REICH' The 1939 Saar Offensive
/ Invasion of Germany is not
new to your humble author. What I did not expect, however, was to find news of this little-known French invasion
of Germany - which took place just days after Britain & France declared war on Germany - to be plastered
on the front page of an old issue of the New York Slimes. Oh how I just luuuuuv using the Jewish-owned
Slimes to confirm the truth of World War II for those stubborn newspaper-worshipping blockheads who still
believe in the myth of "The Good War." A full
8 months before The Great One (that's Hitler for all you newbies & normies)
finally was to launch the preemptive invasion of the puppet Low Countries (Belgium / Netherlands)
and France, the not-so-innocent French initiate the Saar offensive; the ground invasion into Saarland, Germany. The large scale assault was supposed to have
been carried out by 40 divisions and 40 tank battalions. According to the Franco-Polish
military convention, the French Army had planned to gain
control over the area between the French border and the Siegfried
Line of German defense. Much to the dismay of the fools in Poland,
the full 40-division all-out assault does not materialize. The empty promise is just a trick just to get Poland's stupid Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly -- secure in the belief that the Allies would
later allow him take all of Prussia -- to pick a fight with Germany.
But a limited
invasion and occupation of Germany’s Saar region does indeed occur. On October 16 & 17, the German army,
reinforced with troops returning from the Polish campaign, conducts a counter-offensive which retakes
the lost German towns and territory from the invading French. In liberating what the French had invaded,
the Germans lose 196 soldiers, plus 114 missing and 356 wounded. 
1- Invading French soldier reads a poster in German village of Lauterbach. 2-
French-occupied area of Germany. ***** So you see, dear reader, the Anglo-French Allies not only instigated
the war by playing Poland; and not only were the first to declare war;
but they also drew first blood upon Germany. ***** But don't take my word for it. Have a look at "the paper of record."
'FRENCH INVADE REICH' But wait; it gets even better. Just 3 days later,
the "prestigious" New York Slimes not only again reminds us of France's aggression, but reveals
that Germany via #2 man, Hermann Goering), even after having been invaded,
continues to plea for peace while the British prepare for a "Three-Year War." Here it is: 
So there you have it folks, as confirmed
by the "prestigious" New York Slimes: France attacks and invades Germany; Germany responds with
more pleas for peace; Germany loses hundreds of men in liberating the invaded territory; as the Allies
openly admit to preparing for a long war -- all happening a full 8 months before Germany's westward "aggression"
known as the "Blitzkrieg" (ooooh, that word sounds so scary, doesn't it?). ______________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 days before the
start of the history-altering genocidal tragedy that was World War II, Adolf Hitler pleaded for peace with Britain
and France. His sincere overtures were ignored as the Allies, under the phony pretext of "protecting"
their aggressive and militaristic Polish ally, declared war first! HITLER'S SINCERE PEACE LETTER TO FRENCH PRESIDENT
By Mike King (Tomato Bubble)

The headlines
of the Hitler-hating
newspapers of Britain and America confirmed that it was the Allies who declared "a long war"
on Germany while Hitler continued to plead for peace and calm. Note the sub-headline in Image # 3: "Blunt Reply to Goering's Peace 'Try On'" -- a reference
to Britian's refusal to even talk with the Germans (Hermann Goering was the #2 man in Germany)
Below is the abridged text of the thoughtful and logical letter which Hitler wrote to French President
Edouard Daladier -- just days before the outbreak of the war with British-French Poland -- a letter
which The New York Times published on its front page, and cannot now deny.
 1939:
"BERLIN THINKS DOOR IS LEFT OPEN TO PEACEFUL SOLUTION" ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
August 28, 1939 Hitler
Note and Paris Communique The text of Chancellor Hitler's letter to Premiere Daladier of France: Chancellor's Letter HITLER: My dear Minister President: I understand the misgiving to which you give expression. I, too, have never overlooked the
grave responsibilities which are imposed upon those who are in charge of the fate of nations. As an old front line fighter, I, like yourself, know the horrors
of war. Guided by this attitude and experience, I have tried to remove all matters that might
cause conflict between our two peoples. I have quite frankly
given one assurance to the French people, namely, that the return of the Saar would constitute the
precondition for this. After its return I immediately and solemnly pronounced my renunciation
of any further claims that might concern France. The German people approved of this, my attitude. ANALYSIS: Under the terms of the post-World War I Treaty of Versailles,
the Saar region was to be occupied jointly by the United Kingdom and France for 15 years. The Saar's
coal production was controlled by France. In 1935, a referendum was permitted and the people of the Saar region (which
borders France) voted, by a margin of 91%, to return to Germany. After the Saar vote to happily reunify with the German fatherland was held as promised, Hitler declared
that Germany's western borders were fixed. As you could judge for
yourself during your last visit here, the German people, in the knowledge of its own behavior held
and holds no ill feelings, much less hatred, for its one-time brave opponent. On the contrary, the pacification of our western frontier led to an increasing sympathy.
Certainly as far as the German people are concerned, a sympathy which, on many occasions, showed itself
in a really demonstrative way. ANALYSIS: This is 100% true. Throughout the 1930's, neither in
the German press nor among the happy German people, does one find any expression of animosity towards
France or England. This is remarkable given what was done to the defenseless nation after World War
I (territorial losses, crushing monetary reparations, hunger blockade, occupation, theft of resources,
etc). 1- After many years of humiliation and suffering,
the German people under Hitler had obtained happiness. The last thing they or their government wanted
was for another destructive war against France and England. 2- Former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George visited
Hitler in 1936, and then wrote: "There
is for the first time since the war a general sense of security. The people
are more cheerful. There is a greater sense of general gaiety of spirit throughout
the land. It is a happier Germany. I saw it everywhere and Englishmen I met during my
trip and who knew Germany well were very impressed with the change. The idea of a Germany intimidating Europe
with a threat that its irresistible army might march across frontiers forms no part of
(Hitler's) new vision. HITLER:
The construction of the western fortifications, which
swallowed and still swallow many millions (of Marks) at the same time constituted for Germany a document
of acceptance and fixation of the final frontiers of the Reich. In doing so, the German people
have renounced two provinces which once belonged to the German Reich, later were conquered
again at the cost of much blood, and finally were defended with even more blood. I believed that by this renunciation and this attitude every conceivable source of conflict
between our two peoples that might lead to a repetition of the tragedy of 1914-1918 had been done away
with. ANALYSIS: Hitler
makes a very logical point here. If someone builds an expensive fence along
a certain line on his property, common sense tells us he has accepted that line as his property line,
and everything on the other side as his neighbor's. By spending millions
of marks on border fortifications at a certain location, Hitler's verbal renunciation of additional
territory was supported by actual deeds as well. In order to diffuse any possible tension between France and Germany, Hitler
renounced any claim to the stolen provinces of Alsace-Lorraine and built Germany's defense fortifications behind
the region. HITLER: This voluntary limitation of
the German claims to life in the West, can, however, not be interpreted as an acceptance of
all other phases of the Versailles dictate. I have really tried, year after year, to achieve
the revision of at least the most impossible and unbearable provisions of this dictate by
way of negotiation. This was impossible. In this sense I have tried to remove from the world
the most irrational provisions of the Versailles dictate. I have made an offer to the Polish
government which shocked the German people. Nobody but myself could even dare go before the public with such
an offer. It could therefore be made only once. ANALYSIS: The
man is telling the truth, again! In its September 2nd issue, the New York Times will summarize the details
of the generous offer that Germany made to aggressive Poland. Among other concessions, Hitler offered
to give Poland a 1-mile wide highway running through German territory so that it would always have access
to the Baltic Sea. Poland's answer was to increase the abuse of Germans who were stranded in Poland
due to the post-World War I land grab. Western
Prussia was stolen at gunpoint under threat of starvation after Germany was deceived and betrayed
into unconditionally surrendering during World War I. The ridiculous Danzig Corridor handed the region
to the newly-created state of Poland and cut off Eastern Prussia from the rest of the Reich. Germans
trapped in the Corridor and the "free city" of Danzig (Image 2 / today Gdansk, Poland) were
horribly abused and denied the right of self-determination. HITLER: I am deeply
convinced that if, especially, England at that time had, instead of starting a wild campaign against
Germany in the press and instead of launching rumors of a German mobilization, somehow talked the Poles
into being reasonable, Europe today and for twenty-five years could enjoy a condition of deepest peace. . As things were, Polish public opinion was excited by a lie about German aggression.
Clear decisions that the situation called for were made difficult for the Polish government. Above all,
the government's ability to see the limitations of realistic possibilities was impaired by the guarantee
promise that followed. ANALYSIS:
Hitler was not the only one to accuse the British press of warmongering. Among
others, Lord Beaverbrook, the biggest newspaper man in England, made this same observation in a
pair of 1938 private letters. Beaverbrook: “There are 20,000
German Jews in England – in the professions, pursuing research. They all work against an accommodation
with Germany.” In a subsequent letter, Beaverbrook added: “The Jews have got a big position in the press here. . At last I am shaken.
The Jews may drive us into war.” Media mogul Beaverbrook wrote privately what he dared not say publicly. The Polish government declined
the proposals. Polish public opinion, convinced that England and France would now fight for Poland, began to make demands
one might possibly stigmatize as laughable insanity were they not so tremendously dangerous. At that
point an unbearable terror, a physical and economic persecution of the Germans although they numbered
more than a million and a half began in the regions ceded by the Reich. ANALYSIS: In regard to Poland being
propped up and encouraged to fight Germany, again, Hitler can be corroborated by an independent source.
From Count Jerzey Potocki, Polish Ambassador to the United States, written privately in 1934: "Above all, propaganda here is entirely in Jewish
hands. When bearing public ignorance in mind, their propaganda is so effective that people have no real
knowledge of the true state of affairs in Europe ... President Roosevelt has been given the power..
to create huge reserves in armaments for a future war which the Jews are deliberately heading for."
Marshal Rydz-Smigley
was the effective military dictator of Poland. Backed by the UK, France, & FDR, the "brave"
Smigley (who later fled from his defeated country) was very
outspoken in his warmongering against Germany. I do not want to speak of the atrocities that occurred.
Suffice it to say that Danzig, too, was made increasingly conscious through continuous aggressive acts
by Polish officials of the fact that apparently it was delivered over to the high-handedness of a power foreign to the
national character of the city and its population. ANALYSIS: It's true, again! As the Polish government "looked
the other way", Germans suffered extreme abuse at the hands of Bolshevik terror gangs. The September 3rd
massacre at Bromberg, which propaganda historians have tried to mitigate, but cannot deny, gives a clear indication of the malevolent and
envious hatred directed towards innocent Germans. At Bromberg, as many as 3000 Germans, including women
and children were tied up, tortured, bludgeoned, mutilated, butchered or shot - and it wasn't the
first time that such events took place in the Corridor. HITLER: May
I now take the liberty of putting a question to you, Herr Daladier: How would you act as a
Frenchman if, through some unhappy issue of a brave struggle, one of your provinces severed by
a corridor occupied by a foreign power? And if a big city - let us say Marseilles - were hindered from
belonging to France and if Frenchmen living in this area were persecuted, beaten and maltreated, yes,
murdered, in a bestial manner? You are a Frenchman, Herr Daladier,
and I therefore know how you would act. I am German, Herr Daladier. Do not doubt my sense of
honor nor my consciousness of duty to act exactly like you. If, then, you had the misfortune
that is ours, would you then, Herr Daladier, have any understanding that Germany was without
cause to insist that the corridor through France remained, that the robbed territory must not be restored,
and that the return of Marseilles be forbidden? ANALYSIS:
The logic of Hitler's question to Daladier is impossible to refute, which is
why propaganda historians have edited the existence of the Danzig Corridor, as well as the abuses and
murders which took place within it, out of the history
books and off of the TV crockumentaries.  Daladier (left) meeting with Hitler
in 1938 to peacefully diffuse the Sudetenland controversy. HITLER: Certainly I cannot imagine, Herr Daladier, that Germany would fight
against you for this reason. For, I and all of us, have renounced Alsace-Lorraine in order to avoid
further bloodshed. Much less would we shed blood in order to maintain an injustice that would as unbearable
for you as it would be immaterial to us. Possibly we, as old front fighters, can best understand each
other in a number of fields. I ask you, however, do understand this also: That it is impossible for
a nation of honor to renounce the claim of almost two million human beings and to them maltreated at
its own borders. I have therefore set up a clear demand to Poland. Danzig and the Corridor must return
to Germany. I see no way of persuading Poland, which feels herself as unassailable, now
that she enjoys the protection of her guarantees, to accept a peaceful solution. If our two countries on that account
should be destined to meet again on the field of battle, there would nevertheless be a difference in
the motives. I, Herr Daladier, shall be leading my people in a fight to rectify a wrong, whereas the
others would be fighting to preserve that wrong. ANALYSIS:
Touche! The Fuhrer got you on that one, Monsieur Daladier!
Care to respond, Eddie? Eddie? Hello? (sound of crickets) HITLER: That is the more tragic since many important men, also among your
own people, have recognized the insanity of the solutions then found (at Versailles) as also the possibility of maintaining
it lastingly. That our two peoples should enter a new, bloody war of destruction is painful not only for
you, but also for me, Herr Daladier. As already observed, I see no possibility for us on our part to
exert influence in the direction of reasonableness upon Poland for correcting a situation that is unbearable
for the German people and the German Reich. - Adolf Hitler SUMMARY Nearly
7 years into Hitler's reign, at a time when Europe was still at peace and Jews were living well
and prospering in Hitler's Germany (it's true!), Hitler's logical, thoughtful and truthful attempt
to avert disaster fell on deaf ears. Neither the French nor the British even attempted
to refute Hitler's claims. Instead, just like modern day 'court historians,' they simply ignored the
irrefutable points which Hitler expressed; and then babbled on about "the rights of Poland." By now, the warmongering pressures on French President
Daladier and British Prime Minister Chamberlain were too much to hold back. Thus emboldened, the militaristic
and ultra-nationalist government of Poland allowed ultra-Nationalists and Jewish Bolshevik Partisans
to escalate their border provocations of Germany; culminating with the September 1st German counter-attack
against Poland, followed by the liberation of the Corridor and Danzig. Britain and France declared war on Germany, yet did not lift a finger to help Poland.
Having been played for 'chumps.' Poland was soon discarded by the Allies as Stalin's
Soviet Union then invaded Poland from the east. While continuing to ignore Hitler's pleas for peace, the
Allies will spend the next eight months plotting Scandinavian-based maneuvers and deploying a massive mechanized
fighting force in northern France, in anticipation of invading Germany via "neutral" Belgium
and Holland, sometime in the Spring of 1940. The rest, as they say, is history. The delirious
people of German Danzig greet Hitler as their liberator.
Britain & France went to war and unleashed hell over this?!
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ American General Leroy Lutes remarked: "The French now grumble that the Americans
are a more drunken and disorderly lot than the Germans and hope to see the day when they are liberated from the
Americans." Lutes discovered that the Allied propaganda which portrayed the Germans as brutes was untrue:
"I am informed the Germans did not loot either residences, stores, or museums. In fact the people
claimed that they were meticulously treated by the Army of Occupation."
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "I saw absolutely
no evidence of German abuse of the [French] population." ...General John Eisenhower (Ike's Son) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
French population did not seem in any way pleased to see us arrive as a victorious army to liberate France."
...Sir Alan Brooke - British Army Chief of Staff ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Most Frenchmen
speak of the correctness of the German army's behavior."
...British Captain B. H. Liddell Hart __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Click on this text to watch: Liberation from Bolshevism: Wehrmacht & Waffen-SS Troops Welcomed in the Soviet Union...
 At a time when any viewpoint
or person can be labeled as “Nazi,” I thought a useful exercise would be to see what the key National Socialists,
including Adolf Hitler, were actual saying about matters of race and nation. For the straw-man arguers out there, this is
an exercise, not an endorsement. But it should also be noted that National Socialist views became much more radicalized
in the context of and during the pressures of total war. The New Nationalist (TNN) battles hard against
neocon wars in the modern world and, if anything, could be labelled pacifist. Carrying out hard-line ethno-nationalistic
ein reich, ein volk territorial agendas with spill over usually isn’t worth the risk and cost. But in the case of
Germany’s 1939 attack on Poland to recover lost lands and people, it was nothing new, or unusual historically. Nor were the National Socialists the first
and only ones to commit war crimes or find themselves in wars that got completely out-of-hand. The following video shows
American submariners murdering adrift Japanese sailors in cold blood. The second video is Allied strafing of unarmed German
farmers and horse-drawn wagons. This was the tip of the iceberg. Nobody had a monopoly on this kind of war-time
behavior or suffering. For more balance, also see Renegade Film’s “Hellstorm.” NOTE: Since posting this article, we have learned that the following two videos showing U.S. war atrocities
have been blocked in the United States. We highly recommend using a VPN to bypass such censorship. With this article, I am simply putting the context and words spoken by the original leaders on the record. It might
behoove those using the “Nazi” epithet to at least familiarize themselves with some of the framework that was
being promoted. This is also directed at the more extreme racialists in the so-called White Supremacy movement who invoke
National Socialism to propagandize real hardcore racism and race war.
On the issue of Jewry, the National Socialists viewed them as opponents, sworn enemies
and potential security threats. To quote Hitler’s view, “Apparently, we are to believe that the Pöbelvolk
(Jewish multitude) consisted entirely of baby sitters and wet nurses.” A key principle of National Socialism racial policy was clearly stated by
Hitler: “Our racial pride is not aggressive except in so far as the Jewish race is concerned.”
The Jewish question was described at length and was a centerpiece. For those wondering what some of the rancor was all about,
the following statements summarize it. Hitler called this the Jewish community or state (Jewry). He also spoke
of the Jewish “character”. Variations of this thinking was commonplace in Europe during this era. The ultimate goal of the
Jewish struggle for existence is the enslavement of productively active Folks. In order to achieve this goal, which in reality
has represented Jewry’s struggle for existence at all times, the Jew makes use of all weapons that are in keeping with
the whole complex of his character. Therefore in domestic politics within the individual
nations he fights first for equal rights and later for superior rights. The characteristics of cunning, intelligence, astuteness,
knavery, dissimulation, and so on, rooted in the character of his Folkdom, serve him as weapons. They are as much stratagems
in his war of survival as those of other Folks in combat. In foreign policy, he
tries to bring nations into a state of unrest, to divert them from their true interests, and to plunge them into reciprocal
wars, and in this way gradually rise to mastery over them with the help of the power of money and propaganda. His ultimate
goal is the denationalization, the promiscuous bastardization of other Folks, the lowering of the racial levy of the highest
Folks, as well as the domination of this racial mishmash through the extirpation of the Folkish intelligentsia and its replacement
by the members of his own Folk.
Hitler on Jewish methods [source: Dietrich Eckart-Hitler Dialogue, 1923]: “Every
time new and promising opportunities for meddling have arisen, the Jew has been immediately involved. He has demonstrated
an uncanny ability to sniff out like a bloodhound anything which was dangerous to him. Having found it, he uses all his
cunning to get at it, to divert it, to change its nature, or, at least, to deflect its point from its goal. Schopenhauer
called the Jew ‘the dregs of mankind,’ ‘a beast,’ ‘the great master of the lie.’ How
does the Jew respond? He establishes a Schopenhauer Society.” The same with
the Goethe Society. ‘We tolerate no Jews among us,’ said Goethe. ‘Their religion permits them to rob non-Jews,’
he wrote. ‘This crafty race has one great principle: as long as order prevails, there is nothing to be gained,’
Goethe continued. He categorically emphasized: ‘I refrain from all cooperation with Jews and their accomplices. All
in vain; the Jewish Goethe Society is still there. It would be there even if Goethe himself had expressly forbidden such
knavery.” Internationalism requires basically good intentions. But
the Jew fundamentally and completely lacks these. He hasn’t the remotest idea of classifying himself with the rest
of humanity. His aim is to dominate others in order to extort from them at his leisure. Were he really interested in comradeship,
he has had the longest and most abundant opportunity for it. Jehovah commanded him to make no alliances with foreign peoples,
but, on the contrary, to devour one after the other. (Exodus 34:12; Deuteronomy 7:16)
Slavic Poles: Hard to physically distinguish from Germanics. This outlook on Jews was repeated by others
such as Alfred Rosenberg who was part Slavic (father was half-Estonian and half-Latvian in origin). He ran eastern territory policy as Reich
Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories and was a very influential figure in racial policy. For the record, TNN are revisionists, but believe serious crimes and depravations
were committed against Jews, primarily as “enemies of the state.” ALL history is revised, but
this one seems rather time warped. Unfortunately, it is against the law — especially in Europe — to even discuss
and revise this topic outside of the official narrative-whatever that is.
In the movie “Denial” there is a scene in which Debroah Lipstadt and her attorney are at Auschwitz preparing their case against David
Irving. The attorney with real frustration exclaimed that it was beyond belief that there hadn’t been a proper independent
forensic investigation there in 50 years (now 75 years). The same could be said of Treblinka. A document discovered in recent
years for those who want to do some justice to the subject are the Goebbels diaries, which conform rather poorly to the
official narrative. A source for all Goebbels references to Jews in 1942-1945 can be read here. In early 1943 he was comparing his state’s actions as on par to another war criminal, Winston Churchill’s Bengali depravation atrocities. As the war on the eastern front
intensified, Rosenberg’s proactive friendly Slav strategy faltered as more and more that group were portrayed as boogeymen
in war propaganda. The Germans were in total war survival mode and exploited Slavs for labor. Rosenberg wrote wartime documents
that effectively stated that his Slavs-as-allies policy had been damaged by bad actors. Poland and Poles were targeted I believe for geopolitical reasons and long-term
animosities (ran both ways) more so than racial. On March 4, 1944, Hitler wrote a memorandum to Himmler admitting the
hard war-time policy toward Poles was a regretful mistake. “Poles are the most intelligent of all the people with whom Germany
came across during the war in Europe… Poles in my opinion and based on the observation and reports from the General
Government, are the only nation in Europe that combines high intelligence with the incredible cleverness. They are the most
talented people in Europe, because while living in extremely difficult political circumstances, acquired the great sense
of living, unparalleled anywhere. Based on recent research made by Reichsrassenamt,
the scientists came to the belief that Poles should be assimilated into German society as racially valuable. Our scholars
concluded that a combination of German orderliness with Polish imaginativeness would give excellent results”.
Of interest are Heinrich Himmler’s views (considered extreme by Nazi
standards) on various Europeans. He espoused cooperative Pan-Europeanism. This is from a personal conversation with
Latvian Artur Silgailis, chief of staff of Inspection General the Latvian Legion-SS: He [Himmler] then singled out those nations which he regarded
as belonging to the German family of nations and they were: the Germans, the Dutch, the Flemish, the Anglo-Saxons, the Scandinavians
and the Baltic people. ‘To combine all of these nations into one big family is the most important task at the present
time’ [Himmler said]. ‘This unification has to take place on the principle of equality and at that same
time has to secure the identity of each nation and its economical independence.
After the unification of all the German nations into one family, this family has to take over the mission
to include, in the family, all the Roman nations whose living space is favored by nature with a milder climate. I
am convinced that after the unification, the Roman nations will be able to persevere as well as the Germans.
This enlarged family of the White race will then have the mission to include the Slavic nations into the
family also because they too are of the White race. It is only with such a unification of the White race that the Western
culture could be saved from the Asiatic race. At the present time, the Waffen-SS
is leading in this respect because its organization is based on the principle of equality. The Waffen-SS comprises not only
German, Roman and Slavic, but even Islamic units and at the same time has proven that every unit has maintained
its national identity while fighting in close togetherness. I know quite well my Germans. The German always likes to think
himself better but I would like to avert this. It is important that every Waffen-SS officer obeys the order of another officer
of another nationality, as the officer of the other nationality obeys the order of the German officer.
More truth on the lies about Jesse Owens and Adolf Hitler at 1936 Berlin
Olympics. Other fabrications are dispensed with as well. That moment when you realized your teachers lied. Rosenberg (and Hitler and Goebbels) were influenced by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, who wrote The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century. I have read large parts of Rosenberg’s book “The Myth of the Twentieth Century” (the second most-read book in the Third Reich) and all of Chamberlain’s. Rosenberg provides a deep history
of Judaic activity in Europe. The book is footnoted in terms of an incredible number of historical accounts and observations.
People today don’t know it, but there was an enormous effort during this era to research and document Jewish
activity historically. Today, this kind of material falls into the realm of hidden and suppressed history. Chamberlain shows a lot of scholarship and footnoting masquerading as pseudo-science.
This admittedly resulted in raised eyebrows for me. But. honestly, (((where))) have we seen this before? To save others from going
through this exercise, I can condense the key points of National Socialism for you: These men were steadfast in the belief
that western European culture, homelands and peoples ought to be protected, preserved and actively nurtured. They also showed
an ethno-nationalist preference for their own in-group or “blood.” They viewed the world as riff with real threats
and evil intent. They thought they were the “awakeners.” They felt Jewry in particular ran counter-operations
against their preferences and needed to be vigorously opposed. Here we see this in today’s context. But what does the völkisch or Aryan race
mean at least in the Rosenberg-Goebbels-Chamberlain-Hitler school? All European peoples were included —
not just Germans, but Celts, Slavs, Greeks and Latins — a race built on the ancient Proto-Indo-European culture. Race and nation were different concepts,
and the National Socialists looked at Germany as needing special consideration because of common language, soil, culture
and more-recent bloodlines. These were framed as “God’s gift and handiwork.” But they would say the
same thing about Romania, Italy or Britain. Germany readily acknowledged that racial and ethnically they were an admixture.
A “Book of Virtues” was given to every Hitler Youth and described it: A variety of related European races have merged in Germany.
One trunk grew from these roots. Each race gave its best strength. Each contributed to the German soul. We Germans
have a fighting spirit, a look to the horizon, the “desire to do a thing for its own sake” of the Nordic race.
Another racial soul gave us our cozy old cities and our depth. Yet another racial soul gave us mastery of the magical realm
of music. Yet another gave us our ability to organize, and our silent obedience. We can not hold it against anyone
if he carries a variety of racial lines, for the German soul does as well, and created out of it the immeasurable
riches which it possesses above all other nations. The greatness of our Reich grew out of this soul.
This movement was convinced that if these principles were violated, the
result was national Volk decay, turmoil and dissolution. The problems of fragmented Germany before creation of the First
Reich in 1871 were often alluded to in their message and writings. The nexus was that once volkish principles were lost,
as appeared to be happening in the 1920s, so did the honor and rights of the nation. The same concept
of national rights is front and center today with the imposed weaponized migration invasions. In 1937, Hitler
put it this way: There
is one error which cannot be remedied once men have made it, namely the failure to recognize the importance of conserving
the blood and thereby the racial aspect and character which are God’s gift and God’s handiwork. It is not for
men to discuss the question of why Providence created different races. As I look
back on the great work that has been done during the past four years you will understand quite well that my first feeling
is simply one of thankfulness to our Almighty God for having allowed me to bring this work to success. He has blessed our
labors and has enabled our people to come through all the obstacles which encompassed them on their way… Today I
must humbly thank Providence, whose grace has enabled me, who was once an unknown soldier in the War, to bring to a successful
issue the struggle for the restoration of our honor and rights as a nation.
I see it as a simpler proposition: It takes several thousand years to create
a people/culture and a few generations to completely destroy them. Is my observation neo-Nazi? Why is it even necessary to
label it as such unless your real objective is to destroy the makeup of an entire continent. Take it or leave it, but that’s
what the term “white genocide” entails. On
the notion that the Volk movement was fanatical or an occult, even here Hitler calls attention to the pitfalls as expressed
in a 1938 speech: National
Socialism is not a cult-movement — a movement for worship; it is exclusively a ‘volkic’
political doctrine based upon racial principles. In its purpose there is no mystic cult, only the
care and leadership of a people defined by a common blood-relationship. Therefore we have no rooms for worship, but
only halls for the people — no open spaces for worship, but spaces for assemblies and parades. We have
no religious retreats, but arenas for sports and playing-fields, and the characteristic feature of our
places of assembly is not the mystical gloom of a cathedral, but the brightness and light of a room or hall which combines
beauty with fitness for its purpose. … We will not allow mystically-minded occult folk with a passion for exploring
the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our Movement.
But what did this all mean to other races? This aspect is perhaps the greatest lie about National
Socialism. Hitler stated: In saying this, I promise you I am quite free of all racial hatred. It is, in any case, undesirable
that one race should mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes, which I am prepared to admit, systematic
cross-breeding has never produced good results. Its desire to remain racially pure is a proof of the vitality and good health
of a race. Pride in one’s own race — and that does not imply contempt for other races — is also
a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves.
They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have
the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisation to which we belong.
Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find
it to get on with them.
 In real practice there were some black German families
in the Ruhr as a result of French occupation in the 1920s. Were they sent to camps? Hardly, if classified as loyal Germans,
they served in the Wehrmacht. Hitler
disliked European colonialism (which was a hot potato in that period) and here sounds almost like a Social Justice Warrior: The white races did, of
course, give some things to the natives, and they were the worst gifts that they could possibly have made, those plagues
of our own modern world-materialism, fanaticism, alcoholism and syphilis. For the rest, since these peoples possessed
qualities of their own which were superior to anything we could offer them, they have remained essentially unchanged.
Where imposition by force was attempted, the results were even more disastrous, and common sense, realizing
the futility of such measures, should preclude any recourse to their introduction. One solitary success must be conceded
to the colonizers: everywhere they have succeeded in arousing hatred, a hatred that urges these peoples, awakened
from their slumbers by us, to rise and drive us out. Indeed, it looks almost as though they had awakened solely and simply
for that purpose! Can anyone assert that colonization has increased the number of Christians in the world? Where are those
conversions en masse which mark the success of Islam? Here and there one finds isolated islets of Christians, Christians
in name, that is, rather than by conviction; and that is the sum total of the successes of this magnificent Christian religion,
the guardian of supreme Truth! Taking everything into consideration, Europe’s policy of colonization has ended
in a complete failure.
on Arab nationalism and Islam: Never, at any price, should we have put our money on France and against the peoples subjected to her yoke. On the
contrary, we should have helped them to achieve their liberty and, if necessary, should have goaded them into doing
so. There was nothing to stop us in 1940 from making a gesture of this sort in the Near East and in North Africa.
In actual fact our diplomats instead set about the task of consolidating French power, not only in Syria, but in Tunis,
in Algeria and Morocco as well. Our ‘gentlemen’ obviously preferred to maintain cordial relations with distinguished
Frenchmen, rather than with a lot of hirsute revolutionaries, with a chorus of musical comedy officers, whose one idea was
to cheat us, rather than with the Arabs, who would have been loyal partners for us.
The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France.

Within these European nationalist movements there
were purists and others who were more pragmatic. When you read Hitler’s Mein Kampf (1924) [Chapter 11: Race and
People] it is very harsh, hardcore and talks of inferior peoples and discussion of the weak and wavering. In the context of when it was written, Germany was in serious trouble and
in deep demoralization. Red Terror [see “Hidden, Suppressed History of Red Terror in Post WWI Europe“] was a real threat, and millions (of the best) had been murdered in Russia. At the time, Jewish-Bolshevik hordes
were portrayed as inferior people. Today, the history of this era is heavily suppressed, but it wasn’t in Europe at
the time. Hitler himself had
served four years in the trenches in France, had been gassed and traumatized. In addition, concepts like eugenics were the
norm at that time even in the U.S. and U.K. The idea that “Nazis” owned this philosophy is a falsehood. When you look later (speeches, table talks
and the Zweites Buch circa 1928) at this subject, you see Hitler more evolved, toned down in rhetoric and influenced by
the Rosenbergs and Chamberlains. Hitler had a philosophy of developing strong people for benefit of the community. For instance,
he wanted to cull out hereditary diseases. But in power after getting blow-back on initial attempts at eugenic sterilizing,
the National Socialists threw in the towel and threw down the gauntlet to the churches, in effect saying “you take
responsibility.” In a 1934 speech Hitler said: It would have been more to the point, more honest and more Christian, in past decades not to support those who intentionally
destroyed healthy life than to rebel against those who have no other wish than to avoid disease. Moreover, a policy of ‘laissez faire” in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole… If
the Churches were to declare themselves ready to take over the treatment and care of those suffering from hereditary diseases,
we should be quite ready to refrain from sterilizing them.
The non-laissez faire approach of National Socialism in the economic sphere was expressed
thusly. He uses the term “preventing cruelty to the individual guiltless victims” again and, in fact, frequently. Benefit to the community
precedes benefit to the individual… The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself
appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This
is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain its right to control the owners of property… A policy of laissez
faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole.
The following clips from speeches by Adolf Hitler were made when Germany
was still on its ass-1933. They are illustrative of the philosophy of “nation/Volk as a whole,” charity
and ending prejudices. National Socialist Germany turned to an in-group effort and appeal to help the millions of dispossessed
“Volk.” In-group appeals are a great strength and positive trait of the Judiacs, but apparently not others?
This was a first order of business once in power, quite apart from government relief and work for the unemployed. It required the personal touch of a voluntary
association and so with characteristic German thoroughness they proceeded to do it. And as you can see in the classic rants,
Hitler sold it hard and effectively. The aim of the National Socialist Welfare Society was the relief for persons who are
physically and mentally sound, but who, in consequence of adverse general conditions, have fallen into a state of distress
that threatens the health and development of both themselves, their dependents and their nation. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Napoleon once observed that "History is a lie agreed upon."
If you believe
that the Allied soldiers, American and British soldiers were angels compared to the evil German and Russian soldiers; you
are mistaken. (I do not talk of the cruel nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nor of the terror bombing of Dresden
in 1944)) World War Two did weird things to all the fighters of all nations. They too had the blood lust. Even the American
and British soldiers. Below are instances when the 'good' Allied soldiers went bad. One hardly hears of them. But to be a
impartial student of history one has to be single-minded in the devotion to fairness. Other wise it would not be history,
but mere western propaganda. ------------------------------
scores of Allied witnesses interviewed for this narrative, almost every one had direct knowledge or even experience of the
shooting of German prisoners during the campaign... Many British and American units shot SS prisoners routinely,
which explained, as much as the fanatical resistance that the SS so often offered, why so few appeared in POW cages."
Patton wrote in his diary on 4 January 1945: "The Eleventh
Armored is very green and took unnecessary losses to no effect. There were also some unfortunate incidents in the
shooting of prisoners. I hope we can conceal this."
German resistance continued on into the Fall and
"the discipline of even some of the finest U.S. units was cracking," including the famous 82nd and 101st Airborne
Divisions. On 5 November 1944, Eisenhower's driver and girl friend, Kay Summersby, recorded: "General Betts reports
that disciplinary conditions in the army are becoming bad. Many cases of rape, murder, and pillage are causing complaints
by the French Dutch, etc." A month later, General Leroy Lutes remarked: "The French now grumble that the
Americans are a more drunken and disorderly lot than the Germans and hope to see the day when they are liberated from the
Americans." Lutes discovered that the Allied propaganda which portrayed the Germans as brutes was untrue:
"I am informed the Germans did not loot either residences, stores, or museums. In fact the people claimed that they
were meticulously treated by the Army of Occupation." By the end of the war, over 450 GIs were sentenced to
death by courts-martial, nearly all for having committed nonmilitary offenses like rape and murder.
In sharp contrast
with the picture long held up to us of American GIs being welcomed by a grateful French populace, David Irving ("War
Between The Generals") is one of several historians who are casting new light on these events. It seems that far from
acting like Boy Scouts out on a mission of mercy, American soldiers terrorized many of the people they were supposed to
be liberating from the clutches of the nasty Nazis. As Irving informs his readers: "An ordeal began for the
French who stayed behind in Normandy to welcome their liberators. They were liable to be vandalized, robbed, raped, murdered.
Indeed, the behavior of GIs throughout liberated Europe was causing apprehension in Washington. The Joint Chiefs
reviewed a report from Rome too that conditions now were worse than when the Germans had been there." Following a visit
to Caen, B.H. Liddell Hart, the famous British military strategist and historian, pointed out that "Most Frenchmen
speak of the correctness of the German Army's behavior. They seem particularly impressed that German soldiers were shot
for incivility to women and compare this with the American troops' bad behavior toward women." According to an official
U.S. Army report, "Unfortunately most of these undisciplined acts were caused by colored troops."
American author Marguerite
Higgins visited Germany during the time in question and later wrote of her experiences. In her book, "News in an singular
thing" she described a visit to a GI "Interrogation Center"
"The GI led us to the main door of the camp...Behind
the bars of the cell we saw 3 uniformed Germans. Two of them, beaten and covered with blood, were lying unconscious on the
floor. A third German was lifted up by the hair on his head, and I shall never forget, he had red
hair like a carrot. A GI turned his body over and struck him in the face. When the victim groaned, the GI roared, "Shut
your mouth, damned Kraut!" ....It turned out that for almost a quarter of an hour, the doubled rows of
20 to 30 GI’s stood aligned taking turns methodically beating the six captured Germans...It came out later that the
worked-up GI’s had captured six young German boys, who had never even been members of the SS. The youngsters had only
recently been inducted into a government work battalion. The boy with the red hair was 14 years old. The other 5 German
boys in the cell blocks were between 14 and 17 years old."
Two members of the Waffen
SS were pulled out of their camouflage holes , led to a hollow and shot. Both of their hands were raised at the time.
A Waffen SS member, K., who was convalescing in a hospital due to a bullet in his
lungs, was shot to death by an American soldier as he was being transferred to another hospital in the company of a Red
Cross Nurse.
April 1945
Paderborn. An SS officer is ordered by his interrogators to take
off his shirt and undershirt. He is then beaten about the face and back with a whip. An MP extinguishes his lit cigarette
on the man’s back. He is then ordered to stand with his face against a wall, while his interrogators press the muzzle
of a gun against his neck. A chain is placed around his wrist and twisted until the man collapses from the pain.
Bavaria. A Police General is taken prisoner and led to a cell,
where an American soldier holds a pistol to his head and then urinates all over his body.
At a special camp run by the Americans for captured SS and Nazi Party members, a sadistic American
Sergeant, Paul Doyle, brutally torments the men under his charge. Daily he beats men into unconsciousness, often breaking
their ribs. The men are beaten so frequently and so badly that they have to be hospitalized. One night he enters a cell
and beats a man for an exceptionally long period of time. When the victim becomes unconscious, water is thrown into his
face to revive him. He is then beaten again. Finally, he is dragged from his cell unconscious. The man is later hospitalized
for severe injuries, internal and external. Another SS officer is so badly beaten by Doyle that he later dies of his injuries.
Another victim has his head pushed under water for long periods of time and his buttocks so severely whipped that the skin
is torn and hanging.
An SS man is beaten repeatedly on the soles of
his naked feet.
Two SS men are forced to smear each other’s
face with human vomit.
Two SS men are shot to death after they surrender
their arms to Americans.
Schesslitz. A deputy Ortsgruppenleiter is beaten
bloody by Americans with rubber truncheons and fists about the head. He is then compelled to eat lit cigarettes. In a
garden the form of a grave is measured out, then the man is bound hand and foot and is left lying on the floor all night
long in a room lit by candle light. The next day the man is ordered to dig a grave and then stand in it, while an American
soldier has his picture taken defecating and urinating in the pit.
Two SS men are spat at by an American Sergeant and then kicked in the genitalia until they collapse.
May 1945
An SS member
is burned repeatedly with cigarette butts all over his body.
SS man is chained by his legs and hung up over a latrine with his head in the toilet.
Altenburg. SS members are forced to completely disrobe. Americans then whip them so badly that they
lose consciousness. In that condition they are left lying on the floor.
Herford. A severely wounded SS officer is compelled by the Americans to carry heavy rolls of barbed
wire on his naked shoulders, running at double time. The man soon collapses when the skin from his back is ripped from his
June 1945
A group of SS leaders are laden down with heavy stones and then commanded to exercise barefoot over
broken stones and gravel, until they collapse and have to be carried away. Two amputees are bound together with cords and forced to remain standing without
any nourishment for 48 hours. Whereupon the "interrogator" Sergeant Wertheim quips: "Now you have two legs."
Cage 22: Prisoners are forced to clean the latrines night after night-with their
bare hands.
Cage 23: The American camp Sergeant whiles away the
hours by sticking needles into the stomachs of helpless prisoners. Note: The above occurred in camps in France.
July 1945 Stuttgart. A man was dragged out of his bed in the
middle of the night by American soldiers because he was accused of being a member of the Allegemeine SS.
He was dragged into the street and cudgeled. One half hour later, he was again
dragged out of his bed by 2 Americans and driven to an open field and ordered to get out. The man refused, fearing he would
be shot in the back. Consequently he was beaten with rifle butts and fists until he was unconscious. Water was thrown
on his face and he regained consciousness, whereby he was again beaten unconscious for a second time. As a result of
the attack he suffered broken ribs, gaping head wounds, brain damage, and loss of teeth.
the vicinity of Munich, Waffen SS members were forced to eat their uniform insignias. August 1945
the POW camp Wolfhagen, a severely wounded SS corporal is tortured by Americans in order to extract a confession. He is
kicked in the genitals and burned over and over again with lighted cigarettes. The young man is 20 years old.
Weiden. POW camp. Two SS men are handcuffed to each other while
interrogators beat them. They are repeatedly struck in the kidneys.
Special mention should be made for the Ziegenhain camp, where we have the identities of the American inquisitors. The methods
of torture used were even worse than the above mentioned cases. The chief interrogators at this camp were Inspector Simon,
Watson, and Lieutenant Goodman. One of their favorite games was to play "Autobahn", whereby a victim had the hair
of his eyebrows and eyelashes cut or ripped out. Later the hair was shoved into the victims mouth or nostrils for long
periods of time.
Here are a few more examples of "special
A machine technician had his head banged into
a wall so many times that blood spurted out of his nostrils.
A man
was brought in for "interrogation". He was beaten extensively on the hands, face, neck and ears with a rubber
truncheon festooned with barbed wire. Afterwards he was struck in the face repeatedly with bare fists. He was forced to
stare in blinding lights for hours on end and threatened with hanging or shooting. He had swastikas painted on his neck
and forehead.
A victim is forced to swallow a postcard with
Hitler’s photo, along with a burning cigarette.
A man is led
into one of the torture chambers. There he is compelled to undress and lie in vomit, urine, and filth. He is then compelled
to perform acts so disgusting that they shall not be recited here.
(Near Hamburg, 1945) A week after the discovery of the Belsen Concentration Camp, a rumour reached the British Army's 'Desert
Rats' that the 18th SS Training Regiment of the Hitler Jugend Division, had shot their prisoners at the nearby village of
Rather. The 'Rats' were engaged in a fierce battle with the SS defenders in the village of Nahrendorf. Slowly, and in groups,
the SS began to surrender. As the noise of battle died away the villagers emerged from their cellars and found the
bodies of 42 SS soldiers lying in a shallow grave. The bodies were then interned on a hilltop cemetery near the
village. Each year, hundreds of SS veterans visit the cemetery to pay tribute to their fallen comrades whom, they say, were
shot in cold blood on the orders of a ‘crazed blood-thirsty British NCO’. (Perpetrators are honoured, victims
are forgotten) The "London Cage", a MI19 prisoner of war facility in the UK during and immediately after the war, was subject to allegations of torture. MASSACRE BY
AMERICANS * The Dachau massacre: killing of German prisoners of
war and surrendering SS soldiers at the Dachau concentration camp. * In the Biscari massacre, which consist
of two instances of mass murders, U.S. troops of the 45th Infantry Division killed roughly 75 prisoners of war, mostly
Italian. * Operation Teardrop: Eight of the surviving, captured crewmen from the sunk German submarine U-546
are tortured by US military personnel. Historian Philip K. Lundeberg has written that the beating and torture
of U-546's survivors was a singular atrocity motivated by the interrogators' need to quickly get information on what the
US believed were potential missile attacks on the continental US by German submarines.
American soldiers killing SS guards at Dachau In the
aftermath of the Malmedy massacre a written order from the HQ of the 328th US Army Infantry Regiment, dated December 21,
1944, stated: No SS troops or paratroopers will be taken prisoner but will be shot on sight. Major-General
Raymond Hufft (U.S. Army) gave instructions to his troops not to take prisoners when they crossed the Rhine in 1945. "After
the war, when he reflected on the war crimes he authorized, he admitted, 'if the Germans had won, I would have been on
trial at Nuremberg instead of them.'" Stephen Ambrose related: "I've interviewed well over 1000 combat
veterans. Only one of them said he shot a prisoner... Perhaps as many as one-third of the veterans...however, related incidents
in which they saw other GIs shooting unarmed German prisoners who had their hands up." DACHAU MASSACRE: Closeup of the bodies of SS personnel
lying at the base of the tower. Their uniforms are camouflage patterned. DACHAU MASSACRE: The photograph shows the bodies of
six of the guards at the base of Tower B DACHAU MASSACRE: SS men confer with Gen. Henning Linden
during the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. Pictured from left to right: SS aide, camp leader Untersturmführer
Heinrich Wicker (mostly hidden by the aide), Paul Lévy, a Belgian journalist (person with helmet looking to the left),
Dr. Victor Maurer (back), General Henning Linden (person with helmet, looking right) and some U.S. soldiers.
Date: 5 May 1945. By: Lt. Col. Joseph M. Whitaker, IGD,
Asst. Inspector
General, Seventh Army.
The witness was sworn.
363 Q Please state your name, rank, serial number and organization.
Howard E. Buchner, 1st Lieutenant, MC, 0-435481, 3rd Bn., 157th Infantry.
(The witness was advised of his rights
under the 24th Article of War.)
364 Q Do you remember the taking of the Dachau Concentration Camp?
Yes, sir.
365 Q Were you the surgeon of the 3rd Battalion, 157th Infantry, at that time?
Yes, sir.
366 Q Did you see or visit a yard by the power plant where some German soldiers
had been shot?
A I did, sir.
367 Q Can you fix the hour at which
you saw this?
A Not with certainty, but I would judge about 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon.
Q Of what day?
A I can't give the exact date.
Q Describe to me what you saw when you visited this yard.
A We learned
that one of our companies had gone through the camp and that it was something to see out there. So, we got on one of the
peeps to visit there and we were detained for some time by the commanding officer of the 1st Battalion, 157th Infantry, because
he didn't know whether the place had been cleared. When we got there we saw a quadrangular enclosure, there was a cement
wall about ten feet high and inside this enclosure I saw 15 or 16 dead and wounded German soldiers lying along the wall.
Q Did you determine which were dead and which were wounded?
A I did not examine
any of them, sir, but I saw several of them moving very slightly.
371 Q Did you make any examination to determine
whether or not those who were not dead could be saved?
A I did not.
Q Was there any guard there?
A There was a soldier standing at the entrance of this
yard whom I assumed to be a guard.
373 Q Do you know the soldier or what company he was from?
No, sir.
374 Q Do you know whether or not any medical attention was called for these wounded German soldiers?
I do not. BY
COL. HOWARD A. BUECHNER ------------------------
Near the French village of Audouville-la-Hubert 30 German Wehrmacht prisoners were massacred by U.S.
Historian Peter
Lieb has found that many US and Canadian units were ordered to not take prisoners during the D-Day landings in Normandy.
If this view is correct it may explain the fate of 64 German prisoners (out of 130 captured) who did not make it to the
POW collecting point on Omaha Beach on D-Day. According to an article in Der Spiegel by
Klaus Wiegrefe, many personal memoirs of Allied soldiers have been willfully ignored by historians until now because
they were at odds with the "Greatest Generation" mythology surrounding WWII, but this has recently started
to change with books such as "The Day of Battle" by Rick Atkinson where he describes Allied war crimes in Italy,
and "D-Day: The Battle for Normandy," by Anthony Beevor. Beevor's latest work is currently discussed by scholars,
and should some of them be proven right that means that Allied war crimes in Normandy were much more extensive "than
was previously realized".
of the Dachau Massacre was Hans Linberger, who was one of the German soldiers that were forced out of the SS hospital and
lined up against a wall to be shot. In the photograph below, which shows the scene of the shooting, the hospital building
is on the right. The following article
about Hans Linberger was written by T. Pauli for Berkenkruis in October 1988.
is the magazine of the veterans of the Flemish SS volunteers in World War II; T. Pauli was the chairman of the group in
1988 when this article was published. Pauli quoted from the testimony given to the German Red Cross by Hans Linberger. Begin quote from article in Berkenkruis, October 1988, by T. Pauli: Hans LINBERGER was wounded east of
Kiev when an AT-gun blew away his left arm and covered his body with shrapnel. It was his fourth wound. After a long stay
in the hospital he was posted to the Reserve-Kompanie at Dachau, on the 9th of March 1945. On the 9th of April,
1945, the heavily wounded laid down their weapons; they were no longer suited to be put into action. They reported themselves
to the head of the hospital, Dr. SCHRÖDER, who sent them to the barracks. Evacuated women and children were present
in barrack right next to it. Preparations to be evacuated were made, doctors, staff and caretaking personnel all wore white
coats and the German Red Cross-armband. Occasional battle noise was heard from SCHLEISSHEIM that day
(April 29, 1945), but around 4:30 PM things got quiet again. When suddenly single gunshots were to be heard, LINBERGER went,
holding a small Red Cross-flag, to the entrance (of the hospital). (This occurred around noon.) As could be seen from his
empty left sleeve, he was badly injured. To the Americans, who were pushing forward in battle-like style, he declared that
this was an unarmed hospital.
One Ami (sic) placed his MP against his chest and hit him in the face. Another
one said "You fight Ruski, you no good". The Ami (sic) who placed the
MP (Machine Pistol) against his chest went into the hospital and immediately shot a wounded man, who fell down to the ground
motionless. When SCHRÖDER wanted to surrender, he was beaten so hard that he received a skull fracture. (Ami was German
slang for an American.) The Americans drove everyone
out to the main place and sorted out anyone who looked like SS. All of the SS men were then taken to the back of the central
heating building and placed against the wall. A MG (Machine gun) was posted and war correspondents came to film and photograph
the lined up men. Here begins SS-Oberscharführer
Hans Linberger's testimony, under oath to the DRK (German Red Cross), about the following events: The
comrade who was standing right beside me fell on top of me with a last cry - "Aww, the pigs are shooting at my stomach"
- as I let myself fall immediately. To me it didn't matter if they would hit me standing or lying down. As such I only got
the blood of the dead one, who was bleeding badly from the stomach, across my head and face, so I looked badly wounded. During
the pause in the shooting, which can only be explained by the arrival of drunken KZ-prisoners, who, armed with spades, came
looking for a man named WEISS. Several of them (the wounded soldiers) crawled forward to the Americans and tried to tell
them that they were foreigners, others tried to say that they never had anything to do with the camps. Yet this man WEISS
said: "Stay calm, we die for Germany". Oscha. (Oberscharführer) JÄGER asked me, while lying down, if
I had been hit, which I had to deny. He was shot through the lower right arm. I quickly gave him a piece of chocolate, as
we were awaiting a shot in the neck. A man wearing a Red Cross armband came to us, threw us some razor blades and said "There,
finish it yourself". JÄGER cut the wrist of his shot arm, I cut the left one, and when he wanted to use the blade
on me, an American officer arrived with Dr. SCHRÖDER, who could barely keep himself standing, and the shooting was
stopped. This allowed us to drag away the wounded. I remember a comrade with a shot in the stomach, who came to us at Dachau,
in a room of café Hörhammer, where all possible troops were mixed together. On the road, we were spit upon and
cursed at by looters from the troop barracks who wished we would all be hung. During this action (sic) 12 dead were left
nameless. As I later found out, documents and name tags had been removed on American orders, and a commando (work party)
of German soldiers were supposed to have buried these dead in an unknown location. During the shooting, the wife of a Dr.
MÜLLER, with whom I had been in correspondencer years before, had poisoned herself and her two children. I was able
to find the grave of these persons. In this grave supposedly are buried 8 more SS-members, including an Oscha. MAIER. MAIER
had an amputated leg and was shot in another area of the hospital terrain adjacent to the hospital wall. He lay there with
a shot in his stomach and asked Miss STEINMANN to kill him, since he could not bear the pain any longer. His dying relieved
Miss STEINMANN from completing the last wish of this comrade. In the proximity of the hospital/mortuary were probably other
comrades executed at the walls, as I later found traces of gunfire there. Later,
as a prisoner of war, I was pointed to a grave in the same hospital terrain, by the wife of a former KZ-prisoner, who on
All Saints Day in 1946 (November 1st) came near the fence and, while crying, remembered some children buried in the grave.
The children must have died after the collapse (Zusammenbruch) when the Americans took over the camp. Further, comrades from
the Waffen-SS are buried in the same grave, as could be concluded from a message of the Suchdienst (the German MIA tracing
American soldiers in the Pacific often deliberately killed Japanese soldiers who had surrendered.
According to Richard Aldrich, who has published a study of the diaries kept by United States and Australian soldiers, they
sometimes massacred prisoners of war. Dower states that in "many instances ... Japanese who did become prisoners were
killed on the spot or en route to prison compounds." According to Aldrich it was common practice for U.S. troops
not to take prisoners. This analysis is supported by British historian Niall Ferguson, who also says that, in 1943,
"a secret [U. S.] intelligence report noted that only the promise of ice cream and three days leave would ...
induce American troops not to kill surrendering Japanese." Ferguson states
such practices played a role in the ratio of Japanese prisoners to dead being 1:100 in late 1944. That same
year, efforts were taken by Allied high commanders to suppress "take no prisoners" attitudes, among their own personnel
(as these were affecting intelligence gathering) and to encourage Japanese soldiers to surrender. Ferguson adds that measures
by Allied commanders to improve the ratio of Japanese prisoners to Japanese dead, resulted in it reaching 1:7, by mid-1945.
Nevertheless, taking no prisoners was still standard practice among U. S. troops at the Battle of Okinawa, in April–June
1945. Ulrich Straus, a U.S. Japanologist, suggests that frontline troops intensely
hated Japanese military personnel and were "not easily persuaded" to take or protect prisoners, as they believed
that Allied personnel who surrendered, got "no mercy" from the Japanese. Allied soldiers believed that
Japanese soldiers were inclined to feign surrender, in order to make surprise attacks. Therefore, according to Straus, "[s]enior
officers opposed the taking of prisoners[,] on the grounds that it needlessly exposed American troops to risks..." When
prisoners nevertheless were taken at Gualdacanal, interrogator Army Captain Burden noted that many times these were
shot during transport because "it was too much bother to take him in". Ferguson suggests that "it was not only the fear of disciplinary action or of dishonor that deterred German and Japanese
soldiers from surrendering. More important for most soldiers was the perception that prisoners would be killed by the enemy
anyway, and so one might as well fight on." U. S. historian James J. Weingartner
attributes the very low number of Japanese in U.S. POW compounds to two important factors, a Japanese reluctance to surrender
and a widespread American "conviction that the Japanese were "animals" or "subhuman'" and
unworthy of the normal treatment accorded to POWs. The latter reason is supported by Ferguson, who says that "Allied
troops often saw the Japanese in the same way that Germans regarded Russians—as Untermenschen."
capture of the Remagen Bridge, the US Army hastily erected around 19 Prisoner of War cages around the bridge-head to hold
an estimated one million prisoners. The camps were simply open fields surrounded by concertina wire. Those at the Rhine
Meadows were situated at Remagen, Bad Kreuznach, Andernach, Buderich, Rheinbach and Sinzig. The German prisoners
were hopeful of good treatment from the GIs but in this they were sadly disappointed. Herded into the open spaces like cattle,
some were beaten and mistreated. No tents or toilets were supplied. The camps became huge latrines, a sea of urine from one
end to the other. They had to sleep in holes in the ground which they dug with their bare hands. In the Bad
Kreuznach cage, 560,000 men were interned in an area that could only comfortably hold 45,000. Denied enough food and water,
they were forced to eat the grass under their feet and the camps soon became a sea of mud. After the concentration camps
were discovered, their treatment became worse as the GIs vented their rage on the hapless prisoners.
In the five camps around Bretzenheim, prisoners had to survive on 600-850
calories per day. With bloated bellies and teeth falling out, they died by the thousands. During the two and a half months
(April-May, 1945) when the camps were under American control, a total of 18,100 prisoners died from malnutrition, disease
and exposure. This extremely harsh treatment at the hands of the Americans resulted in the deaths of over
50,000 German prisoners-of-war in the Rhine Meadows camps alone in the months just before and after the war ended.
Some Allied soldiers collected Japanese body parts.
The incidence of this by American personnel occurred on "a scale large enough to concern the Allied military
authorities throughout the conflict and was widely reported and commented on in the American and Japanese wartime press." The collection of Japanese body parts began quite early in the war, prompting a September
1942 order for disciplinary action against such souvenir taking. Harrison concludes that, since this was the first real
opportunity to take such items (the Battle of Guadalcanal), "[c]learly, the collection of body parts on a scale large
enough to concern the military authorities had started as soon as the first living or dead Japanese bodies were encountered." When Japanese remains were repatriated from the Mariana Islands after the war, roughly 60
percent were missing their skulls. In a memorandum dated June 13, 1944, the U.S. Army Judge
Advocate General (JAG) asserted that "such atrocious and brutal policies," in addition to being repugnant,
were violations of the laws of war, and recommended the distribution to all commanders of a directive pointing
out that "the maltreatment of enemy war dead was a blatant violation of the 1929 Geneva Convention on the sick and wounded,
which provided that: After every engagement, the belligerent who remains in possession of the field shall take measures
to search for wounded and the dead and to protect them from robbery and ill treatment." American sailor with a Japanese skull These practises were in
addition also in violation of the unwritten customary rules of land warfare and could lead to the death penalty. The U.S.
Navy JAG mirrored that opinion one week later, and also added that "the atrocious conduct of which some US personnel
were guilty could lead to retaliation by the Japanese which would be justified under international law".
The Dachau Concentration Camp, near Munich, was liberated
by US forces on the 29th. of April, 1945. First to enter the camp and confront the horror within was Private First Class
John Degro, the lead scout of Company 1, 3rd Battalion, 157 Infantry Regiment, 45th Division of the US 7th Army. Prior to
entering the camp, the troops had come upon a train of thirty nine cattle trucks parked just outside the camp. The train
had come from Auschwitz in Poland after a journey of thirty days. The trucks were filled with the corpses of 2,310 Hungarian
and Polish Jews who had died from hunger and thirst. Enraged, the Americans rounded up most of the SS guard complement of
560 men, hundreds of whom had already deserted. Included in the round-up was a detachment from the 5th SS Panzer 'Viking'
Division sent to Dachau earlier to maintain security and replace those who had deserted. Guarded by angry GIs, one group
of guards were lined up against a wall to await the appearance of their commander, SS Obersturmfüher Heindrich Skodzensky.
When he appeared, dressed immaculately with polished boots, and giving the military salute, which was
ignored by the US company commander, Lt. William Jackson, who ordered "Line this piece of shit up with the rest of
'em over there". The GIs lost control and began shouting 'Kill em, kill em'. Filled with murderous rage
and with tears streaming down his face, one GI of the 15th Infantry Regiment, opened fire with his machine-gun. After three
bursts of raking fire, a total of 122 SS men lay dead or dying along the base of the wall. A few of the camp inmates, dressed
in the familiar striped clothing and armed with .45 caliber pistols, then walked along the line of dead and dying guards
and administrated the coup de grace to those still alive. Forty other guards were killed by revengeful inmates, some having
their arms and legs torn apart. At another site near the SS hospital, hundreds of German guards were machine
gunned to death on the orders of the executive officer of Company 1, 3rd Battalion. Altogether, a total of 520 persons,
acting as camp and tower guards, including many Hungarians in German uniforms and recently returned from the Eastern Front,
were killed that day. The sad fact is that many of these guards were new arrivals at the camp and were not the real culprits,
the truly guilty had already fled. (Controversy rages to this day over just how many camp
guards were killed at Dachau and different units of the US Army are still claiming the title 'First Liberators')
(April, 1945)
On the same day that the Dachau Concentration Camp was discovered, a massacre took place in the little
hamlet of Webling about ten kilometres from the camp. A Waffen-SS unit had arrived at the hamlet, which consisted of about
half a dozen farm houses, barns and the Chapel of St. Leonhard, to take up defensive positions in trenches dug around the
farms by French P.O.W. workers. Their orders were to delay the advance of American tanks of the 20th Armoured Division and
infantry units of the 7th US Army which was approaching Dachau. The farms, mostly run by women (whose husbands were either dead, prisoners of war or still fighting)
with the help of French POWs, came under fire on the morning of 29th April causing all inhabitants to rush for the cellars.
One soldier of Company F of the US 222nd Infantry Regiment of the 42nd Rainbow Division, was killed as they entered the
hamlet under fire from the Waffen-SS unit. The first German to emerge from the cellar was the owner of the farm, Herr Furtmayer.
Informed by the French POWs that only civilians, not SS, were in hiding in the cellers, the GIs proceeded to round up the
men of the SS unit. First to
surrender was an officer, Freiherr von Truchsess, heading a detachment of seventeen men. The officer was immediately struck
with a trenching tool splitting his head open. The other seventeen were lined up in the farmyard and shot. On a slight rise
behind the hamlet, another group of eight SS were shot. Their bodies were found lying in a straight line with their weapons
and ammunition belts neatly laid on the ground. This would suggest that the men were shot after they surrendered. Altogether,
one SS officer and forty one men lay dead as the infantry regiment proceeded on their way towards Dachau. Next
day the local people, with the help of the French POWs, buried the bodies in a field to be later exhumed by the German War
Graves Commission and returned to their families.
DRESDEN (February 13/14, 1945)
This city of culture is situated on both sides of the Elbe river. Of no
tactical or strategic value to the German war effort it was considered 'safe' from destruction by air attacks. By 1945 it
became a shelter for some 350,000 refugees fleeing from the approaching Red Army. At the Yalta conference Stalin requested
more action against cities such as Berlin, Leipzig and Chemnitz. No mention was made of Dresden. The fact that Dresden was
chosen was because the Russians at that time were only fifty kilometres away from the city, much nearer to Dresden than than
they were to Berlin, Leipzig or Chemnitz. No doubt Churchill was eager to impress the Soviet leader, Stalin. RAF and USAAF
bombers devastated the city in the most concentrated incendiary attack of the war in Europe (Operation Thunderclap) In
all, 733 British bombers dropped 1,478 tons of high explosive bombs and 1,182 tons of incendiary bombs and 311 US Flying
Fortresses dropped 771 tons of bombs on the city. Around 35,000 persons were reported as 'missing' after the fire-storm which
engulfed the city and destroyed eleven square miles of its center including 14,000 houses, 22 hospitals, 72 schools and
31 department stores. By the 10th of March, 18,375 dead and 2,212 seriously injured were accounted for. The final death
toll was expected to reach 25,000.
 In one of the city squares 6,865 bodies were cremated.
Thousands of British and American prisoners-of-war were on work detail in the city from the large POW camp Stalag IVb at
nearby Muehlberg. Casualties among the prisoners were fewer than a hundred. Around 200,000 refugees from the east were camped
in the city's 'Grosser Garten'. It was estimated that about 1,300,000 people were in the city as the raid started. The
toll would have been much higher had not some bomber crews, knowing that thousands of refugees were in the city, deliberately
jettisoned their bomb loads wide of the mark. It is doubtful that the air attack on Dresden shortened the war by
even one day. At this point of the war, Germany was on the brink of collapse so why give the still twitching corpse this
one final brutal kick? Churchill was later to say "The destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the
conduct of Allied bombing". In 1956, Dresden in Germany and Coventry in England, (1,236 deaths) entered a twin-town
relationship. (In 1956, the German Statistical Office estimated that German civilian dead, due to air raids throughout the
war, to be around 410,000) _________________________ Pforzheim: The Dresden Nobody Knows About ... Between
7:50 and 8:12 p.m. local time on February 23, 1945, RAF aircraft dropped 1575 tons of high explosive and incendiary bombs
on Pforzheim, setting off a firestorm that is widely seen as one of the most devastating in military history. According
to official statistics, 17,600 people died, and tens of thousands of others were injured. The market square and old town
area were destroyed and completely depopulated. In the entire city, over 80 percent of the architecture that existed in
1945 was defaced, making Pforzheim, proportionally speaking, the worst instance of destruction at the end of WWII. The
Allied bombardments of Dresden and Hamburg have been well documented and remain in the public consciousness today, both
in Germany and abroad. But Pforzheim doesn't.
TRAGEDY The merciless revenge perpetrated on
the entire German civilian population of Eastern Europe during the closing stages of the war, and for many months after,
took the lives of over 2,100,000 ethnic German men, women and children. For generations these Germans had lived and toiled
in areas that today are part of central and Eastern Europe. Around fifteen million of these Volksdeutsche were driven from
their homes and ancestral lands in Poland, East Prussia, Silesia, Ukraine, Belarus and Serbia and forced back into the Allied
occupied zones of Germany.
This was the greatest forcible evacuation of people in European history. It is estimated
that of the eight million Germans expelled from Poland around 1,600,000 died in the process. In Czechoslovakia, memories
of the Lidice massacre inspired acts of revenge against German soldiers and civilians. Soldiers were disarmed, tied to stakes,
doused with petrol and set alight. Wounded German soldiers in hospital were shot in their beds, others were hung up on lamposts
in Wenzell Square and fires were lit beneath them so that they died the gruesome death of being roasted alive. These ethnic
Germans lived in fear of the Russians but no one thought that the dreadful fate which awaited them would not even emanate
from the Soviets at all but from their own neighbours, the Czechs!
Thousands of innocent German residents were
murdered in their homes by the Czechs, others were forced into interment camps where they were beaten and maltreated before
being expelled. Bishop Beranek of Prague declared: 'If a Czech comes to me and confesses to having killed a German,
I absolve him immediately'. The Americans, utterly blind to the political consequences of allowing the Soviets to liberate
Czechoslovakia, halted at the Karlsbad-Pilsen-Budweis line. The Sudeten Germans now had no protection from the
torrent of bestiality vented on them by the Czechs. In Brno, 25,000 German civilians were forced marched at gun-point to
the Austrian border. There, the Austrian guards refused them entry, the Czech guards refused to re-admit them. Herded into
an open field they died by the hundreds from hunger and cold before being rescued by the US 16th Tank Division on May 8th
1945. In the Russian occupied zones of Eastern Europe and in Germany, hundreds of thousands of civilian men and women, Poles,
Czechs, Romanians and Germans, were transported to the Urals in the Soviet Union and used as slave labourers until released
in the late 40s. Mostly ignored by the world's press, the unimaginable suffering experienced by the expellees is
largely unknown outside Germany, yet it was systematically carried out in a brutal fashion as official Allied policy in accordance
with the decisions formulated at Yalta and Potsdam.
RAMPAGE ON MONTE CASSINO Monte Cassino fell to the Allies on May 18, 1944. After a four month struggle and the abbey bombed into ruins
by the US Air Force, Polish troops of the 12th Lancers, 3rd Carpathian Division, raised their regimental flag over the ruins
of the 6th century Benedictine Monastery situated high in the Apennines of central Italy. The next night thousands
of French Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian and Senegalese troops, attached to the French Expeditionary Corps, swarmed over the
slopes of the hills surrounding Monte Cassino and in the villages of Ciociaria and Esperia, which is in the region of Lazio,
raped every woman and girl that came within their sight. Over 2,000 women, ranging in age from 11 years to 86 years
suffered at the hands of these gang-raping soldiers as village after village was entered. Menfolk who tried to protect their
wives and daughters were murdered without mercy, around 800 of them died. Two sisters aged 15 and 18 were raped by dozens
of soldiers each. One died from the abuse, the other was still in a mental hospital in 1997, 53 years after the event. Most
of the dwellings in the villages were destroyed and everything of value was stolen.
Later in the war, these same
troops raped around 500 women in the Black Forrest town of Freudenstadt, on April 17, 1945, after its capture. In
Stuttgart, colonial French troops, mostly African, but under the command of General Eisenhower, rounded up around 2,000
women and herded them into the underground subways to be raped. In one week more women were
raped in Stuttgart than in the whole of France during the four year German occupation.
Allied troops, as well as Axis troops, committed terrible atrocities during the war. Some
years after the war a mass grave was discovered just west of the city of Nuremberg. In it were the bodies of some 200 SS
soldiers. It was not until 1976 that one of the bodies was positively identified. It was the body of SS Hauptsturmfuhrer
Kukula, the commander of the 1st Battalion, 38th SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment. Autopsies on the other bodies showed
that most had been shot at close range, the others beaten to death by the rifle butts of the US Seventh Army GIs. In the
village of Eberstetten, 17 German soldiers of the 'Gotz von Berlichingen' Division were shot after they surrendered to US
On April 8, 1945, fourteen members of the 116th Panzer Division were marched through the streets
of Budberg to the command post of the US 95th Infantry Division. There, they were lined up and shot. Three
were wounded but managed to escape.
On April 13, 1945, tanks of the US 97th or 78th Infantry Division were approaching
the village of Spitze about fifteen miles east of Cologne. They came under fire from a 8.8 anti-tank gun which disabled one
of the tanks. That night, the village was pounded by tank and artillery fire and at daybreak the US forces entered the village.
All the inhabitants, about eighty, were gathered together in front of the church. Included in the eighty were twenty German
soldiers, members of an anti-aircraft unit stationed in the village. They were separated from the civilians and
marched several hundred yards to a field just outside the village. There, they were lined up and mowed down by machine-gun
fire. Next day the US Army ordered the civilians to dig graves and bury the dead. On April 14, 1995, a memorial
for the twenty victims was built near the spot.
------------------------ At the village of Chenogne in Belgium a
group of twenty-one German soldiers emerged from a burning building carrying a Red Cross flag. Their intention was
to surrender to the US forces but as they exited the doorway they were shot down by machine-gun and small arms fire. This
happened soon after the Malmedy Massacre on December 17, 1944.
During the Allied assault on Sicily, the largest of the Mediterranean
islands, (July, 1943) a dozen unarmed civilians, including some children, were apprehended by US troops after the town of
Canicatti surrendered. The civilians were reported to be looting after they had entered a bombed out soap and food factory
and were filling buckets with liquid soap that had spilled on the ground. At around 6pm, when an American officer,
a lieutenant-colonel, and a group Military Police, accompanied by three interpreters, entered the factory the officer fired
a series of shots from his automatic Colt-45 point blank into the crowd. He reloaded and fired again. Eight of the civilians,
including an eleven year old girl, died. The officer and soldiers then drove off. Fearing reprisals from
the residents of the town, the incident was hushed up for over sixty years. Due to the efforts of Dr. Joseph S.
Salemi of New York University, this atrocity was brought to light. The perpetrator of this crime, Lieutenant Colonel McCaffery,
died in 1954.
CANADIANS During the fighting at Leonforte in July 1943, according
to Mitcham and von Stauffenberg in the book The Battle of Sicily, The Loyal Edmonton Regiment killed captured German prisoners.
Kurt Meyer, of the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend, accused
Canadian forces of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division during the 1944 Normandy campaign of breaching the Hague Conventions.
He claims that on 7 June notes were found that ordered no prisoners to be taken, information confirmed by Canadian infantry
under interrogation; that prisoners were not to be taken if they hindered operations. Hubert Meyer also confirms this story;
he states that on 8 June a Canadian notebook was found that contained orders to not take prisoners if they impeded the attacking
force. Kurt Meyer also calls upon evidence from Bernhard Siebken’s war crimes trial during which the allegation was
made that Canadian infantry shot, on at least one occasion, German soldiers who had surrendered during the campaign.
C.P. Stacey, the Canadian official campaign historian, reports that
on 14 April 1945 rumours had been spread that the commanding officer of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada
had been killed by a civilian sniper; this resulted in the highlanders setting fire to civilian property within the
town of Friesoythe in a case of reprisal. Stacey later wrote that the highlanders first removed German civilians
from their property before setting the houses on fire, he commented that he was "glad to say that [he] never
heard of another such case".
------------------------------------------ AMERICANS KILLED MEN OF SS TOTENKOPF
IN 1945 When the Totenkopf surrendered (to the Americans) they were
turned over to the Soviets Linz in 1945. Those who were wounded or simply too exhausted to make it to Pregarten were executed
by the Americans along the way (some 80 in all suffered this fate).
The incident was investigated by Lt. Col. Joseph Whitaker, the Seventh
Army's Assistant Inspector General. A report on the "Investigation of Alleged Mistreatment of German Guards at Dachau"
was filed on June 8, 1945. It was marked secret, but the contents were later revealed to the public in 1991. A copy of the
report is included in Col. John H. Linden's book "The Surrender of Dachau 29 April 1945." The paragraphs below,
from the Secret Report, pertain to the Execution of German soldiers by members of the 45th Division. Dan Dougherty was a 19-year-old soldier with C Company, which was ordered to relieve
I Company after the SS soldiers were killed. In an interview in April 2005 with Jennifer Upshaw, Assistant City Editor of
the Marin Independent Journal in Marin County, California, Dougherty said that the men of I company had "gone berserk"
under the strain. "They became very emotional,
crying," Dougherty said. "We went in to relieve them. They'd walked along that same train of boxcars. We came to
the coal yard. It was a strange sight because here are about 10 reporters standing in this courtyard around corpses of SS
officers." An estimated 200 to 300 SS guards were rounded up - two to three dozen were "killed unnecessarily,"
Dougherty said. "I Company, we now know they got there about noon and at 2 p.m. arrived at the southwest corner and
worked over to the east side where the prison was. They were holding the prisoners of war in the coal yard. We know there
something happened. About 17 (guards) were shot." Dougherty said he has learned through his research a U.S. Army private
insisted the group had fired at the guards in self defense, although the company's commanding officer said the group was
not provoked. "I think it haunted some of them," he said. No one was ever charged with a crime, he said. ---------------------------------
In a previous interview
with Ronnie Cohen of the Jewish Weekly News of Northern California in April 2001, Dougherty said that, soon after
he arrived at Dachau, he had seen about 10 reporters staring at a pile of corpses. The following is a quote from
Dougherty in this article: "This
mound of corpses was about 2 or 3 feet high and 15 feet across. And they were SS. One of the corporals in my company
whips out a hunting knife and cuts a finger off one of the bodies. He wanted an SS ring for a souvenir." Herbert Stolpmann was a German POW
who worked for the US military at Dachau after the liberation. In an e-mail letter to me, Stolpmann wrote: When American Troops "liberated" Camp
Dachau proper, they forced all the SS-families, including women and children, out of the so-called villas, put their
fathers against the wall and shot them. Most of the mothers had cyanide capsules; they gave them to their children
and told them, put them into their mouths, bite onto them as soon as Daddy is shot. The American "Liberators"
stopped the shooting after about 24 children were dead.
The American soldiers who were involved in the Dachau massacre were
court-martialled, but the papers were torn up and then burned by General George S. Patton, Commander of the US
Third Army. The Dachau massacre was kept secret until 1991 when information was finally released. ------------------------------------------------
(Near Hamburg. 1945) A week
after the discovery of the Belsen Concentration Camp, the news reached the British Army's 'Desert Rats' that the 18th SS
Training Regiment of the Hitler Jugend Division, had shot their prisoners at nearby Rethem. The 'Rats' were engaged in a
fierce battle with the SS defenders in the village of Nahrendorf. Slowly, and in groups, the SS began to surrender. As the
noise of battle died away the villagers emerged from their cellars and found the bodies of 42 SS soldiers lying in a shallow
grave. The bodies were then interned on a hilltop cemetery near the village. Each year, hundreds of SS veterans visit the
cemetery to pay tribute to their fallen comrades whom, they say, were shot in cold blood on the orders of a ‘crazed
blood-thirsty British NCO’. Source: Compunews
--------------------------------------------- THE FRENCH PEOPLE THOUGHT THE GERMANS WERE
German resistance continued on into the Fall and "the discipline of even some
of the finest U.S. units was cracking," including the famous 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions. On 5 November 1944,
Eisenhower's driver and girl friend, Kay Summersby, recorded: "General Betts reports that disciplinary conditions
in the army are becoming bad. Many cases of rape, murder, and pillage are causing complaints by the French Dutch, etc."
A month later, General Leroy Lutes remarked: "The French now grumble that the Americans are a more drunken and
disorderly lot than the Germans and hope to see the day when they are liberated from the Americans." Lutes
discovered that the Allied propaganda which portrayed the Germans as brutes was untrue: "I am informed
the Germans did not loot either residences, stores, or museums. In fact the people claimed that they were meticulously treated
by the Army of Occupation." By the end of the war, over 450 GIs were sentenced to death by courts-martial,
nearly all for having committed nonmilitary offenses like rape and murder.
___________________________________________________________________ British Torture at Bad Nenndorf
By Johannes
Bad Nenndorf is a bathing resort in the fringe
of the uplands of the River Weser's watershed where people with joint ailments are treated with mud baths and soaks in sulfurous
waters. On the grounds of the spa suffused with sulfur fumes stands a stately mud-bath house from the 19th Century. At the
entrance, cure-seekers are greeted by the goddess Hygeia. Late in the 1920s, the bathhouse was extended into a massive complex
with innumerable bathing huts.
War-Criminal Headquarters
After the
end of the war, Bad Nenndorf wound up in the British Zone of occupation. In violation of the Hague Convention for Land Warfare,
the occupiers subjugated the civil order and persecuted civilians, in particular political leaders, of the conquered land.
In the Potsdam Protocol of August 2, 1945, the following is proclaimed:[1]
War criminals and those who have participated in planning or carrying out Nazi enterprises involving
or resulting in atrocities or war crimes shall be arrested and brought to judgment. Nazi leaders, influential
Nazi supporters and high officials of Nazi organizations and institutions and any other persons dangerous to the occupation
or its objectives shall be arrested and interned.
accordance therewith, the area surrounding the mud-bath house was designated a Civil Internment Camp[2] in early August
1945. 1200 residents of the area had to vacate their houses. The area was fenced off with barbed wire. The mud-bath house
received a new function: registration center and prison for Germans who were to be charged as war criminals. In the bathing
huts, the fixtures were removed and the tubs in the floors cemented over. From this resulted functional prison cells with
tiled walls. NSDAP functionaries, members of the SS, officers
from every branch of the Wehrmacht, diplomats and industrialists were confined in the cells in order to be "prepared"
for the coming war-criminal trials. But here also were kept defecting Soviet officers and mere illegal immigrants who were
suspected of being spies for the Soviet Union-that same Soviet Union that was still an ally of Great Britain in 1945 and
1946. The guard staff consisted of members of a British
punishment company, who hoped by faithful performance in this assignment to recover the ranks that they had been stripped
Report of Victim Oswald Pohl
There are only two reports
of conditions in the mud-bath house at Bad Nenndorf. One report comes from the head of the Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt of
the SS (Economic and Administrative Main Office), SS General Oswald Pohl, who was confined for a time at Camp Bad Nenndorf
at the end of May 1945. In the last communication before his execution, he wrote:[3]
The mud-bath house at Bad Nenndorf |
treatment by the English in Bad Nenndorf was inhuman. I was confined alone in a cell in which there were four plank beds.
My handcuffs were not removed in the locked and watched cell neither by day nor by night, neither when I ate nor when I attended
to bodily needs. Indeed, at night with my hands still tied, I was bound by yet another fetter to the posts of the plank
bed so that I could not move and for that reason was unable to sleep. I was hustled to my interviews down a long corridor
to the interrogation room, during which some of the warders pushed me from behind, and others were to either side, who occasionally
knocked me down with tripping and kicks. In front of the door of the interrogation room, I was forced to run in place until
the beginning of the interview, which the warders forced to an ever-higher tempo by kicks in the ass and curses and threats.
All this happened under the gaze of the sergeant posted at the scene. The way back to my cell consisted of the same gauntlet,
wherein I was often knocked down by tripping, and ran headlong into the wall. On the second day, a chair was brought into
my cell. I had to site down to be 'shaved.' Even though I was shackled, two warders held me down on the chair while a third
pulled my head back unmercifully by the hair so that I fell backward several times.... A
fourth warder smeared my face with something that burned like acid while he slapped my face back and forth. After he had
thoroughly 'lathered' me, he scraped my face with a dull razor so roughly that my blood dripped onto my jacket. During this
procedure, his helpers continually spewed violent threats and imprecations in my face. Finally, as though
on command, everyone in the cell—there must have been eight or ten of them—set upon me, yanked me up, and pummeled
me blindly, bound and defenseless as I was. Blows of fists rained down on my head and kicks hit me in every part of my body.
Tottering on my legs, I careened from corner to corner until I collapsed unconscious from a massive blow or kick to the
area of the stomach. When I came to, all was quiet in my cell. I lay on a plank bed and I noticed that
two doctors were attending me, one of whom took my pulse. My handcuffs were off. I passed out again. I
was only able to guess how long all this had taken after night had fallen. Since it was almost dark when I woke up, it must
have been around eight o’clock; the beating must have begun around five. Someone handed me a cup of strong coffee
and then I was brought to my last interview, this time without having to run a gauntlet. This interrogation lasted until
long past midnight. The interrogating officer, noting my condition, inquired as to how it had come about. I gave him a brief
account of the above. He stood up outraged and apologized in the name of the British Army. Then he left the room for a long
while to—as he assured me—arrange with the commandant for punishment of the perpetrators. The affray had caused
me the loss of an incisor and a molar. The next morning at 7 o’clock I was transported, bound,
in a truck to Nuremberg.” Another Report The second report
comes from the hand of the Nenndorfer Heinrich Steinmeyer and his wife Marie. The report was published in 1952 in in the
magazine Quick[4] and further circulates in Bad Nenndorf in various reproductions. Heinrich Steinmeyer was an inmate of the prison and died
in 1948 from the effects of his imprisonment. “British Interrogation Camp Bad Nenndorf
1945 – 1947 […] the bathhouse [was] hermetically sealed away from the rest of the world.
Except for the British officers, who automatically had clearance, and those British warders to whom clearance had been issued,
no one knew of the existence of any such prison as this one. The Germans, of course, least of all, since whoever was consigned
to this inferno was immediately rendered mute, invisible, obliterated. No reports ever came out to next
of kin from Bad Nenndorf. The British authorities, who were situated in Herford, gave information neither to next of kin,
to the Red Cross which had been tipped off, nor even to the Quakers, who wished mercifully to provide aid. They even denied,
when specific identification of a prisoner was submitted, that the man was even in Nenndorf… [The
tiled walls of the cells] became […] a great source of fun for the British watchstanders, and a source of misery for
the prisoners because the soldiers systematically smeared the walls with feces and the prisoners then had to clean the walls
spotlessly with their fingers or a toothbrush. The individual cells were never heated and in the bitter cold winter of 1946-47,
the water faucet in the dayroom froze up. The floors and walls were icy cold. One plank bed. No sack of straw. Two sheets.
And all night long, the electric light was on, and every hour the guard noisily opened the door and two times every night
came officer’s rounds. The prisoners had to get up, stand still and give their number. For twenty minutes, one had
to hear the slamming of the doors, the tramping of the guards, the bellowing of the accompanying soldiers.
This Is How They Passed Their Days … The guard staff were a hand-picked motley crew of thugs
who probably possessed but little feeling, and certainly never any sympathy whatsoever. They were all members of a penal
company who had to atone for a criminal offense, and here worked out their obligated tours of duty. And they made their
remaining time as entertaining and pleasant for themselves as they possibly could. Now and then they had wild disputes among
themselves and the prisoners then heard some of the grievances the boys nursed, and they realized in whose hands they lay.
Sodomy, thievery, fraud, burglary, attempted murder, desertion. The threat to the prisoners lay in the fact that for every
one of these brigands, a shining reward lay in the offing. A fierce struggle for survival drove them back and forth.
Each had earlier held a military rank. And each had a chance to win their honor back. But to the detriment of the inmates,
this opportunity lay in subjecting the inmates to the roughest and most-brutal treatment possible. For this reason, the
boys worked up the most-sadistic, private methods each of them could by which to torture the prisoners.
Every prisoner at Nenndorf reported that, after having fallen asleep with great effort, he was then awakened in great
disturbance. In between were days, one like the other. Rising time was 4:30. If the sergeant was in
a bad mood, he came around at 3:30 or 4:00. The prisoners stumbled out of bed—that is, from their plank beds. Five
minutes later, both sheets were to be drawn drum-tight across the bed. During the day, none was to sit, nor to lie. If any
poor sod happened to sit or lie for a second or two—denial of food. The day consisted of pacing
back and forth in their cells from 4 in the morning to 9:30 at night, or standing against the wall. They stood against the
wall until they felt they would go crazy. Every prisoner knew within minutes of his arrival at Nenndorf
that he was lost here, since 5 minutes after his arrival he stood in the intake room, where a sergeant tore the clothes
from his body. It may be said of the Nenndorf garb that every arrival looked like a clown—jacket too small, pants
too wide or too narrow, and everything stiff with dirt. Laundry was never done. In the issuance of shoes, the sergeant in
charge was not satisfied unless the size of shoes issued was at least four sizes too large. That sounds harmless enough,
but it gave rise to unimaginable torture. There were no shoelaces, our shoes just hung on our feet, and since every step
we took outside our cells had to be on the double, we constantly stumbled and fell, the while driven onward with screams
and pokes with rifle butts. After 3-4 hours: weak tea and perhaps a little porridge. After this, standing or pacing in the
cell until one again thought oneself driven to madness. The Man with the Uppercut
Before the evening officer’s rounds, we had to take off our jackets, pants, and shoes and lay them in front of
our cells, standing behind them in shirt and underpants. The commandant of Nenndorf, whose name no one will ever forget,
Colonel Stevens, took pleasure in conducting the evening harangue. Rotund with broad shoulders and a face that was always
dark red and many campaign ribbons on his chest, he looked askance at the pitiable, half-frozen forms in their underclothes
with his small, cold eyes. Now and then he would randomly shout at one or another. This inarticulate yelp contained a question,
which the prisoner invariably could not understand. Colonel Stevens would never wait for an answer, but rather immediately
strike the man under the chin with his fist. Then began a vicious ceremony under the gaze of the watchstanders.
As soon as this tour was over, two or three prisoners were fetched from their cells. They had to sluice water, that had
been placed specifically for this fiendish routine, down the long corridor and just so that the insensate bodies of the
prisoners were soaked in the filthy froth. So their clothes, if they could be called clothes, lay until dawn in the swill
until they awoke and had to clutch the totally besmirched and frozen rags against their bodies. Of course
there were interviews and interrogations. A huge number of witnesses have testified that British officers punched and kicked
German army officers, officers of the Waffen SS and party functionaries mercilessly until they received the testimony they
desired. Every prisoner in his cell either held his ears shut or trembled in every fiber of his body or ran uncontrollably
back and forth in his narrow space whenever the deafening yelling, screaming, howling, crying and babbling of the tortured
prisoners inescapably echoed down the corridor from the interrogation rooms, punctuated by the ferocious curses of the British
interrogation officers. Experiences in Hell SS Obersturmbannführer Dr. Oebsger-Roeder
was beaten unconscious by several British officers on Good Friday 1946, such that he had to be carried back to his cell.
It took months for his grave injuries to heal. SS Sturmbannführer Dr. Hahnke, chief of legations
in the cultural-political section of the foreign ministry was so badly beaten up that for the rest of his life he had a
game leg. The last head of the film department of the propaganda ministry, Parbel, not only was flogged
upon his arrival, but was consigned by a British major, a former German, to the feared and notorious Cell 12. In this place,
buckets of water were continually poured so that the prisoner, barefoot in only a shirt and pants, had to either stand or
pace back and forth all night in the wet. The poor soul spent fully eight days and nights in this hell and his condition
even moved the minimal pity of one of the warders, who secretly took him out, gave him shoes and let him rest for an hour
on the seat of the privy. Captain Langham presided over most of the beating incidents. His name is unforgettable
to Nenndorfers. He made sure that the unconscious were taken to the shower, there to be revived so that the beatings could
resume. Most of the torturers were sergeants. It speaks for the gallows humor of the prisoners that
in the midst of this misery, they made up nicknames for one and another of these hangmen. One of these was called Henry
VIII because he was bursting at the seams and continually roaring with a purple face. Another was called Red-eye for reasons
that require no explanation. Another was called Smiley, and he was the worst of the beasts since he would appear in their
cells in the middle of the night wearing an ice-cold smile, sweep them out of their bunks and make them do strenuous exercises
until they were half-broken. Escape attempts were hopeless, but nonetheless two prisoners who lived
in the day room tried it: one of them got away; the other was caught near the camp in the search that ensued the detection
of their absence, in which the entire guard staff took part. The unfortunate was interrogated at length and was so beaten
that he finally gave away who had supplied him with civilian clothes. This was a miner who worked during the day in Barsinghausen,
and on whose door the fugitive knocked one night. As the miner hesitated, his wife said to him, 'Help him, for Christ’s
sake.' The miner was detained a few weeks and what this man, an old Social Democrat, had to undergo in that period was cruel
in the extreme. He had to throw up at every meal; by the time of his release he also was a complete wreck. The escapee himself
was beaten thoroughly and then his handcuffs were chained to the shackles on his legs so that to get around, he had to walk
or stagger completely bent over. Many saw him in this condition. No Nenndorfer will ever forget the
British 'military doctor' assigned to look after them, Captain Smith. A haggard, grizzled, emaciated figure that personified
resignation. He would glance into each cell, listen absent-mindedly when anyone complained about this or that, and then
growl, ‘No personal remark.’ (Nothing to report.) Anyone who had a toothache was entirely
neglected, and many had toothaches from being struck repeatedly in the mouth. There was no dentist. The dentures of Dr.
H. C. Winkler, that venerable Mayor Winkler, who had directed the film industry and financed other major enterprises of
the Third Reich, broke when he was thrown into jail at the age of 72. He could no longer chew. Captain Smith listened to
the old man, who finally said he would starve to death. Smith responded drily, ‘Then you’ll starve to death.’
Oh, You Holy Christmastime Anyone who spent Christmastime 1945 in Bad Nenndorf will never forget
it their whole life. The prisoners employed in the kitchen had scrimped and expended the most strenuous
efforts to produce a little cheer on that evening. They had managed to produce ginger bread from their meager resources.
And on that Christmas Eve, a faint glimmer of light in the thick fog of mutual hostility appeared. One of the guards, of
Polish descent, visited each cell and to its occupant wished a 'Merry Christmas' in his heavily accented English.
His own people had received gross mistreatment in the war, perhaps he himself, maybe even by some of those that night
confined in this prison, but this night, he spoke from his heart. He had no inkling what a wave of Hell
was about to break over the heads of the prisoners in a few hours. The entire British staff, falling-down drunk, wandered
from cell to cell and beat, punched, and kicked anything that came between their fists and their boots, the whole night
through. A night of much […] A Certain Type Must Be Eliminated Verbatim quotation
from an interrogation: ‘We know very well that you and your friends weren’t Nazis. But you’re out of luck.
You’re of a type that we want to eliminate even more than we do the Nazis.’ It was the mill
of collective guilt But there were also God’s mills, which grind slowly but surely what is cried
to Heaven to spread it by rumor throughout the rest of the world. Prisoners who were released, spoke. And it became clear
that in Nenndorf, things happened at the hands of the English that were as bad as, even worse than, since they were committed
in the name of liberation and democracy, things for which Germans at Nuremberg were hanged or sentenced to prison. Many
of the prisoners had been sworn to silence. But many were not silent. The ball started rolling. The
Catholic camp chaplain of Civil Internment Camp III in Fallingbostel, Vicar Magar, heard the rumors and sought particulars
of another Nenndorfer, Mr. Parbel, which he immediately passed on to the bishop of Hildesheim. And within a few weeks, this
venerated dignitary came to Nenndorf and held mass in full regalia and delivered himself of the most scathing condemnation
of the torture huts operated by the Britons as described by several prisoners. He swore to relay the information in full
force to Cardinal Griffy in England. On the first Pentecost of 1947, the deputized member of Parliament
Stokes stood at the door of Bad Nenndorf and demanded admittance. The British officers, feigning all innocence, had to let
him in. The deputy went from cell to cell and made report of all. What he saw was enough: pitiful, beaten, half-starved,
sick, intimidated, broken shells of persons. On the same evening, the British guard staff, who had for
more than a year plagued and tortured the defenseless, came on the run with friendly but distracted faces from cell to cell
and shared out their own rations of cigarettes, chocolate and bon-bons. But the ball was still rolling…
Senior officers of the London constabulary Scotland Yard appeared and gathered evidence as to the conditions theretofore.
They made no secret of the fact that they were preparing for a trial of the commandant and guard staff of the English interrogation
camp […] Acquittal for the Torturers: 'I Didn’t Know,' and 'I Followed Orders'
The trial in London went on and on. The defendants included the commandant of Camp Bad Nenndorf, Colonel Stevens, one
of the most-brutal interrogation officers, First Lieutenant Langham, the camp doctor Captain Smith and some other offenders.
It was embarrassing for Lieutenant Langham in that he was shown to be a former citizen of Germany. But much more was amiss.
The commandant of the camp Colonel Stevens was let off on the grounds that he didn’t know about the brutality […]
Even the sergeants Red-Eye, Henry VIII and Smiley were acquitted, and on no less than the excuse that they were just carrying
out orders [...] The only sentence arising from the trials was that passed on Captain Smith. His sentence consisted of his
being discharged from the British Army. It was no punishment, since Captain Smith was an old man, long ready for departure,
long since not an active military doctor, and he fastened upon this basis for mitigation […]” ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Background: This is the booklet accompanying a 1942 exhibition
on the Soviet Union, organized by the Nazi Party’s propaganda office. The brochure is 48 pages with
numerous black and white photographs of the exhibition. I translate only a part of it here, and include
five of the photographs. The Nazis put out a “documentary film” with the same title that supplemented
the exhibition. A version of that film with English subtitles is available from International Historic Films. The source: Das Sowjet-Paradies.
Ausstellung der Reichspropagandaleitung der NSDAP. Ein Bericht in Wort und Bild. Berlin: Zentralverlag
der NSDAP., 1942. The German original is available here. The Soviet
Paradise An Exhibition of the Nazi Party Central Propaganda Office
As early as 1934 the Reichspropagandaleitung of
the NSDAP organized an exhibition from the available written and visual material. Its goal was
to inform the German people about the dreadful conditions in the Soviet Union. The exhibition’s organizers often had the feeling that their portrayal of conditions in the Soviet Union
was far from accurate. This feeling has since been confirmed — but in an entirely different
manner than expected. Everything that had been said about Bolshevism before the outbreak of the war
with the Soviet Union has been thrown into the shadows by reality. Words and pictures are not enough to
make the tragedy of Bolshevist reality believable to Europeans. This agrees with what our soldiers
repeatedly say. It is impossible to portray conditions in the Soviet Union without oneself having seen and
experienced them.
The idea therefore was
to provide German citizens with an exhibition based on everyday life under Bolshevism in order to
show them the misery of life there. A number of expeditions to areas held by our troops were made to gather
the necessary original material for the exhibition. Millions of visitors have received an accurate picture of the misery of life under Bolshevism through
the numerous original items. Experts, above all our soldiers, still agree that even this exhibition
does not give a full picture of the misery and hopelessness of the lives of farmers and workers in the “Soviet
Paradise.” “The
Riches of the East.” [This
section discusses the Soviet Union’s natural resources.]
The Germanic Settlement in the East.
[This section discusses German migrations to the east.] Marxism and Bolshevism — The Invention of Jewry.
Early on, Jewry recognized unlimited possibilities for the Bolshevist nonsense in the East. This
is supported by two facts: 1. The inventor of Marxism
was the Jew Marx-Mordochai; 2. The present Soviet
state is nothing other than the realization of that Jewish invention. The Bolshevist revolution itself stands
between these two facts. The Jews exterminated the best elements of the East to make themselves the
absolute rulers of an area from which they hoped to establish world domination. According to the GPU’s
figures, nearly two million people were executed during the years 1917 to 1921. A direct result of the revolution
was the terrible famine that demanded 19 million victims between 1917 and 1934. Over 21 million people
lost their lives though this Jew-incited revolution and its consequences.
The Facade of Bolshevism
The bloody attacks of Bolshevism into Europe were always accompanied by wild agitation
that claimed that the Soviet Union was the “paradise of farmers and workers.” In reality this
was propaganda, and all the cultural, social and technical advances that Bolshevism claimed were nothing
but a deceptive facade that concealed the gray misery of daily life under Bolshevism. This is illustrated
in the next room of the exhibition. In its center, there is an original Bolshevist monument mass produced
from plaster on a wood frame. One was found in every city. Because of their poor quality they quickly
began crumbling, a true example of Bolshevist culture. Such monuments intensify the dirty and miserable
atmosphere that all Soviet cities share, interrupted only by a few prestige buildings that display
technical weaknesses. They are built for propaganda purposes, and to deceive travelers from abroad. These facades, built only for propaganda reasons, are the mark of all
Bolshevist cities. Model streets in the American style are filled with huge buildings with a thousand
deficiencies, which mock the miserable workers who are forced even after 25 years of Bolshevist culture to live gray and joyless lives. The contrast between government buildings and the general wretched housing
is the same as the difference between military production and those things that are necessary for daily life.
The enormous military expenditures dwarf those of all other nations, but everyday goods are of wretched
quality. The war is not responsible for the population’s lack of cups and saucers, furniture and
beds, the most basic decorative items such as curtains or inexpensive carpets, not to mention the most
necessary items of clothing. Such things are just as expensive as foodstuffs. A generous estimate
of the weekly average wage of a worker is 100-125 rubles. Here are the costs: 1400 rubles for a suit 360 rubles for a pair of shoes 24 rubles for a kilo of butter
22 rubles for a kilo of meat
Those were the peacetime prices in the USSR, which does not however mean
that such things could actually be bought. Bad bread and potatoes were the almost exclusive diet of the miserable
population during the Bolshevist system’s 20 years of peace.
The glaring contrast between the between the splendid weaponry and the deep poverty
of the people is clear from the living conditions in Moscow, which by the way are neither better nor worse than those in other Bolshevist cities. Conditions
were not particularly good even before the war in 1913. But by 1928 four people lived in the average room,
and six by 1939, independent of whether or not they were related. All usable rooms are jammed full.
Normal dwellings of the kind we are used to in Germany are unknown. Each room is a kitchen, living room,
and bedroom for its inhabitants. If one looks for those responsible for these miserable conditions,
one always finds Jews. Is it not interesting that the word “anti-Semite” is the worst thing
one can be accused of in the Soviet state, for which one all too easily is sentenced to forced labor or death?
A look at the statistics on the Jewdification of high offices in the Soviet Union makes everything
clear. Nearly all the ministries, which the Bolshevists
call “people’s commissions,” are controlled by the Jews.
Further proof that the Soviet state belongs to the Jews is the fact that
the people are ruthlessly sacrificed for the goals of the Jewish world revolution. Besides the notorious
Stachanov system, women are systematically degraded to labor slaves. Even during peace, women increasingly
worked even in the hardest jobs such as coal mining and the smelting industry.
A further fact makes clear to the expert that the Jews are behind Soviet
industrial structure: The Woroschilov factory in Minsk was supposed to produce 650 machines tools with a value
of 81 million rubles annually. Given the nature of Jewish thinking, the decisive thing was the total
value of the production. Because of a lack of experts, tools, and parts the factory produced only
480 machine tools with a value of 59.2 million rubles. To fulfill the plan, the factory managers secretly
built a boiler-maker in the back, which produced goods sold at black market prices. This made
up for the difference of 22 million rubles. The plan was thus met with production of 81 million rubles,
even though 170 too few machines were produced. The
Soviet Army — A Terrible Threat to Europe. Ever since the murder of the Tsar, the Jewish-Bolshevist ruling clique in Moscow has planned the
annihilation of Europe. All raw materials and the whole labor force were exploited ruthlessly to meet
this goal. Foreign specialists and engineers were brought in to make up for the domestic failings. Production
figures that astonished the entire world resulted. This became evident in the Wehrmacht’s figures
on captured war booty. 180,000,000 people had to work under the most brutal and primitive conditions solely for armaments production.
That is the explanation for the unimaginable amount of Bolshevist weaponry, most of which has been destroyed
or captured in the great battles of annihilation of the Eastern campaign.
This vast armory was intended to help Jewry overrun Europe. In preparation, Bolshevism
had prepared its positions in Finland, the Baltic, Poland, and Bessarabia. These were the bases from
which the decisive blows would be struck against the West. The vast extent of this weaponry, some of which still exists, is perhaps best shown by the booty
of the great encirclement battles of 1941 and the winter battles: 25,000 tanks, 32,000 heavy guns,
and 16,000 airplanes were captured or destroyed, and over 4,000,000 prisoners were taken. Classes in a Classless State Bolshevism preached that there would of course be no classes
in its paradise, since only the proletariat would remain after the elimination of the former ruling class.
The emptiness of the claim is obvious to any unprejudiced observer, who can see the degrees of slavery
among the population. The Jewish ruling class and its lackeys are at the top, then the masses of factory
workers in the cities. A deep chasm separates them from the totally impoverished collective farmers.
Bolshevism intentionally created these great differences for two reasons:
1. To lure the masses to the cities to support the Bolshevist armaments program; 2. To give the workers the impression that they are better off than the
farmers and to deceive them into believing that their primitive and miserable life is wonderful in comparison
to that of the collective farmers. The workers do not and cannot know that by our standards their
existence is wretched, since they are hermetically sealed off from the rest of the world. Beside the
workers and the collective farmers, there are two classes without any rights at all: the members of the former
intelligentsia and the middle class, who are not of proletarian descent. There are also forced laborers,
who are used as cheap and defenseless slaves in the vast uncultivated regions. Millions of them die
as the result of bad food, poor accommodations and hard work.
The GPU — The Terror Instrument of Jewish Bolshevism The brutal terror Bolshevism exercises through the GPU is perhaps
the best answer to the frequent question of why the Bolshevists fight so bitterly at the front. 25 years
of terror have produced a gray and broken mass who silently follow orders because that is their only
way to remain alive. Resistance means death, often the death of the entire family. The bestial terror regime
of the Jewish GPU is best seen in the sadistic methods of torture used against supposed “enemies.” The exhibition includes an execution cell from a GPU dungeon. According
to a captured commissar, nearly 5,000 people were shot by the GPU in five years behind its iron bars. The cell is tiled. The condemned were brought to the cell and shot in
the back of the neck. The corpses were moved to the side and sprayed with a hose to wash away the blood.
A fan provided fresh air so that the next victim would not faint from the blood, because he was to
remain conscious until the last moment. Another
narrow cell was used to secure confessions. Prisoners were forced to kneel for hours. If they stood up they
hit the ceiling and set off an alarm, and a spotlight was aimed toward them. If they sat on the small
seat they got an electric shock that forced them off. A wooden prong on the door pressed against their
stomachs. The worst of all terror institutes
of the GPU are the forced labor camps in which millions of innocent victims die every year. Only rarely
do they know why they were taken from their families and jobs to work in the icy wastes of Workuta
or any of the numerous other labor camps. Most of them are there only because free labor was needed somewhere
in the wilderness. No one cared about them. They were shipped there under the principle: “People?
We have enough of such trash.” The
unhappy victims, condemned with or without cause, follow a miserable path from which death is the only real
escape. It begins with a spy, often a member
of one’s own family. One night the GPU knocks on the door and takes its victim. Put in narrow
cells, worn out by endless interrogations. and finally forced to confess by the usual methods of torture,
with or without a verdict, they are transported to forced labor camps with inadequate food, often in the bitter
cold. Many die on the way. In the forced labor camps themselves, they are stuffed into small barracks.
The pitiful food ration depends on the amount of work done. It is never enough, and the hard work soon
leads to exhaustion. The smallest offense is punished severely by a spell in an ice cell. Continual
overwork, bad food, and the lack of sanitary facilities soon lead to serious illness. The sick forced laborers
are put on starvation rations to speed their deaths, for the GPU has no interest in weak workers.
They must be disposed of as quickly as possible. Very
few forced laborers return to freedom. Kajetan Klug was one of them. He was a leader of the Marxist Defense
League in Linz. After the unsuccessful insurrection of February 1934, he had to flee the revenge of
the Dolfuß regime. His route led him through Czechoslovakia to the land of his dreams, the “Paradise
of Farmers and Workers.” In Moscow he took over the leadership of the Austrian emigrants and became
a party member. But he soon learned the misery of the workers and farmers. When he openly criticized
these conditions, he was accused of espionage. He was arrested, tortured, acquitted, and finally condemned
with no proof to 5 years of forced labor in Central Asia. The wintry wasteland of Workuta finally opened
his eyes to the real nature of the “Paradise of Farmers and Workers.” A few days before the beginning
of the war with the Soviet Union, he succeeded in escaping to the German embassy. Along with the embassy
personnel, he was able to reach Germany. The
Misery of the Collective Farmers [This section discusses life on collective farms.]
The Life of the Worker in the Soviet Paradise Wherever one looks there is poverty, misery, decay, and hunger. This true
both of the countryside and the cities. The atmosphere of Bolshevist cities, too, is grim and depressing. The exhibition here, all the experts agree, is particularly genuine.
It always astonishes, for the simple reason that the terrible things it makes visible are real. Here is a
Bolshevist culture park, with its mass produced sculptures that cannot endure the weather because
of their poor quality. They add to the atmosphere of general atmosphere of decay that all cities in the land
of the Bolshevists share. There, just as it was originally, is a collapsing barracks, a so-called home
for students, standing in the shadow of a university built on the American model. Its wretched inhabitants
at least have a good view of the prestige buildings. From a distance, one cannot see that the quality of
every aspect of the buildings is wretched. The interior of the dormitory corresponds to its exterior. Broken chairs, a damaged bed with torn
coverings, a shabby ceiling, a few propaganda posters and books, an old curtain: That is the room
of the dormitory leader. As many as eleven less fortunate inhabitants are packed into the other rooms. A washroom
for 63 students, without running water, is next to the dormitory leader’s room. Look into any side street. A dark hole of a shop with the most primitive
things: paper clothing (in peace time!), bread, a few cans and bottles. A modest supply of everyday
items. It is a government shop. It is governmental because there are no shopkeepers in the Soviet “paradise,”
at least in our sense. Nor are there any craftsmen or independent merchants, since private property
has been abolished. Next door there is the workshop of a private cobbler, an exception to the usual ban
on private property, since he works on his own and is not a member of the normal collective. Still,
high taxes take a large part of his modest income, which is hardly enough to provide for himself and his
family. Hidden behind a pile of garbage in a courtyard
in the center of Minsk is a restaurant, also a state enterprise. It is miserably equipped. The guests
need to bring their own eating utensils. Such items are rare enough so that they would otherwise be stolen.
And this is not a place for the poor. It is frequented by managers and government officials. The manager
has a special room for his favored guests with several shabby upholstered chairs. The food itself comes
from a factory and is always the same, which led to constant complaints in the comment book. And that in
peace time! Alongside the prestige buildings
of the university, there are numerous wretched workers’ dwellings. One of them was removed to
be part of the exhibition along with all its furnishings. Six families lived here. Each had a single room
that served as bedroom, kitchen, and storage room. There was no running water, and the women all agreed
that things were so crowded they could never get things in order. Still, they thought these were good
rooms since at least they were dry and warm. Many of their comrades lived in wet basements, in caves, or had
no roof over their head at all, since the city government did not worry about the many homeless. Everywhere
there was desolation and apathy. Even worse
than all this misery is the complete disruption of family life, indeed the beginning of its complete elimination.
The exhibition includes one of those offices where marriages are performed for a charge of 50 rubles,
without any need for documents. There are countless cases in which men and women have been married
numerous times, without ever getting divorced from their previous spouses. The reason is that papers are
rarely checked carefully. The result of such
terrible disruption of marriages and families must inevitably lead to complete misery and decay of the youth.
The exhibition shows this by the example of the Besprisornys. These gangs of boys from 4 to 15 rob
and steal to support themselves. They live in collapsing buildings and caves. According to people
in Minsk, a city of 300,000, there are 3,000 such orphaned children. These deserted children say that they
never knew their fathers or mothers, and have no names. They do not know how old they are. One such
Besprisornys gang was captured and put in a German orphanage. Their clothing is on mannequins that give a realistic
picture of how these unfortunate children lived in complete misery in the “Soviet Paradise.” Many displays give a picture of everyday life in the Soviet Paradise.
A doctor’s office deserves special notice. It gives the lie to all the Bolshevist propaganda about
the “exemplary social condition” in the Soviet Union. As a result of the abolition of private
property, the doctor is a poorly paid state employee earning 400 rubles a month. She has three
rooms, one of which she lives in, one a waiting room, and one the treatment room. The medicines and equipment,
the operating table and everything else are unbelievably primitive and do not meet even the minimum
hygienic standards. This doctor had 30,000 people to care for, many of whom lived more than a day’s
travel from her office. “Europe
Enters” Poverty, misery, decay, hunger, and need wherever one looks: That is the Soviet paradise that our soldiers experience
every day, and that millions of exhibition visitors encountered in many original displays that
give them a genuine picture of the so loudly praised social accomplishments of the Jewish-Soviet state.
He who has seen the exhibition understands the historic conflict in which we are now engaged, a conflict
in which there can be no compromise. There are only two possible outcomes: Either the German people
will win and ensure the survival of the world and its culture, or it will perish and all the peoples of
the world will fall into the barbarism of the Soviet state that has reduced millions to powerless
starving slaves.
To stop that from happening,
the best elements of Europe are fighting under German leadership at the side of our soldiers to destroy
the fateful threat to the life and culture of Europe. Our battle is to free the East, along with its vast
and inexhaustible riches and agricultural resources, and to save Europe from the nightmare that has
threatened it for millennia. In the words of the Führer:
“In defeating this enemy, we remove a danger from the German Reich and
all of Europe more severe than any it has faced since the Mongol hordes swarmed across the continent.”
_____________________________________________________________ Many Russians Hoped that Hitler Would Free Them from Stalin 
To put it briefly: Ethnic Russians
were much less loyal to the Soviet regime in their encounters with the German occupiers than historians have believed up
to now. This is the story told by UiO researcher
Johannes Due Enstad, who has recently published a book about the German occupation of Northwest Russia during World War
2. After World War II the Soviet
Union created a grandiose history of how all the inhabitants of the Soviet Union were loyal to the regime and formed a common
front against the Germans in the “Great Patriotic War”.
It has been common knowledge for a long time that this is an untrue story, because
many Baltic and Ukrainian people despised the Bolshevik regime. At the same time, western historians have largely agreed
that the ethnic Russians were loyal to the Stalin regime when the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. According to Enstad, who is a post-doc at
the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages at the University of Oslo, it is time to crack this myth
apart. In a book recently published by the academic publishers Cambridge University Press, he addresses which side the people
of Northwest Russia chose during the German occupation.  “This area can, in both historical and geographical terms, be seen as a Russian
core area and has been part of the Soviet state since the revolution. Nevertheless people – especially the peasants
in the countryside, who accounted for 90% of the population – were much less loyal to the regime and the Soviet state
than has been thought,” explains Enstad. Gave
Christmas gifts to the occupiers Something that happened in December 1941, six months after the start of
the German occupation, illustrates the positive reaction quite well. During that time people from some of the small villages
collected several thousand woollen socks, mittens and felt boots as Christmas gifts for the German soldiers. Inside
one of the socks there was a note signed by a Russian by the name of Mikhail Nikiforov: “I am sending these socks
as a gift to the invincible German army and pray that you defeat the Bolsheviks so that they are eradicated forever, and
also for a quick victory and a safe journey home”. “This is just one of a number of similar sources expressing
a hope that the Germans would defeat the Soviet regime and contribute to a better life for the Russians,” Enstad explains
and adds: “At the same time we can note that the Germans were wished a safe journey home. No-one wanted them
to stay and take over the country. This shows there was some patriotism here, but this was primarily linked to the Russian
fatherland and not the Soviet regime.” Adolf Hitler the liberator But why did so many
Russians show such a benevolent attitude towards the occupation force? “Stalin had failed to generate a strong
bond of faith between the Russian peasants and the regime. On the contrary, he was much hated by many peasants who had seen
their lives go from bad to worse because of the collective farming the regime had implemented with great brutality,”
Enstad explains. A source from the book puts it like this: “My forefathers were prosperous farmers; the
Bolsheviks made them into slaves and beggars”. From 1929 onwards, the farmers were forced into collective farms
– kolkhozes – often under slave-like conditions. Kulaks – affluent farmers – should be eliminated
as a social class, according to Stalinist ideology. This policy also hit hard in Northwest Russia. During the period
1930-1933, there were more than 125,000 farmers in the area who lost their citizenship rights, were deported to Siberia
or were simply shot. The policy also led to a disaster for the harvests; there were famines in 1936-1937 and during the
winter of 1940. In 1937-1938 the “Great Terror” arrived, where Stalin, in an unbelievably brutal fashion,
acted to get rid of all who might be thought of or imagined as opponents of the regime. Given such a backdrop, it
is possible to understand why so many Russians put their trust in the Germans. One good example is a letter written to “Der
Führer” by the inhabitants of three small villages in the autumn of 1941: “We give our most sincere
thanks for liberating us from Stalin’s lackeys and collective farms. On the 10th of July the German Armed Forces –
your Wehrmacht – freed us from the yoke of the dammed communists, the political leaders and the Stalinist government.
[…] We will fight against the communists together with your troops. We give thanks to the German Army for our liberty
[…] and ask that this message is delivered to our liberator Adolf Hitler.” Dissolved the collective
farms When the Red Army and the party apparatus fled from Northwest Russia, the farmers claimed their rights
and dissolved the collective farms. Further south, in the fertile black earth region, the Germans maintained the collectives,
so as to stay in control of the rich crops. In the North West region, where the earth was less fertile, they accepted the
dissolution and introduced a “semi-private” agriculture. According to Enstad, this German agricultural
policy was the main reason why the positive attitude to the occupants lasted as long as it did. During the winter
of 1941-1942, there was famine in a number of areas close to the front line and the population of Leningrad suffered greatly.
However, behind the front line – and especially in the countryside – it is believed that a large part of the
population had better access to food than was the case prior to the German invasion.  “This was due to the private farms being more efficient
and the fact that it was difficult for the Germans to control the agricultural production in detail. It was easier for the
farmers to hide part of the crops than it had been earlier”, says Enstad. A Russian journalist, who travelled in the occupied areas, expressed it like this: “Compared to the ‘government for the workers and the farmers’, the Germans
were simply dilettantes when it came to the art of plundering the countryside”. “Many sources interviewed after the war tell us that, in a material sense too, they were
better off during the German occupation than during the years after the Germans were chased into retreat,” says Enstad. Russian Orthodox renaissance
Another reason for the relative popularity of the occupiers was their policy on religion.
They re-opened the churches the Soviet regime had closed, something which caused something close to a religious renaissance
for the Russian Orthodox church and a real revival movement in parts of the occupied areas. “This shows that the Stalinist oppression of the church in no way managed to break the
religiousness in the peasant populations. The Russian Orthodox faith was still a completely central part of their identity,”
Enstad explains. He says that many priests openly supported
the occupants and prayed for a German victory in their sermons. “At the same time this acted as a double-edged sword for the Germans. Opening the churches
led to increasing Russian nationalism and a growing feeling that the Russians should not live under the rule of strangers,”
he says. Rich source
material Enstad’s
sources are in the main first-hand sources collected from German and Russian state archives. “These were reports by the German military units responsible for the
occupied areas and intelligence from Russian partisans operating behind the German lines,” explains the researcher. German and Russian reports gave a totally
opposite picture of the mood of the population, however, in Enstad’s opinion, there are good reasons to believe that
the German sources were closer to the truth. “The Germans reported in a Prussian, matter of fact style, being open about both progress and setbacks. The
partisans, however, reported using an idealised image of what was desired, exaggerated the number of Germans killed and
generally expressed what they knew Moscow wanted to hear – that all Soviet citizens were loyal to the state. Enstad also used diaries, memoirs and interviews,
conducted after the war, with people who experienced the German occupation of Northwest Russia. These sources also show
that the Germans were given a much warmer welcome than both Soviet propaganda and western historians have claimed. _______________________________________________________________
"We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland,
nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents."
... Mahatma Gandhi to Adolf Hitler ___________________________________________________________________________________________
They Did It To Eastern Europe And Germany And They Will Do It To You Next. What “we” did to Germany, during and after World
War Two, was of such bestiality and horror, that it beggars belief, that seventy years on, the only feature of
that war, a war which Germany was forced to fight, which is still discussed, is the unproven claims of crimes against
Jews, the very people whom called for the total annihilation of the German people.
This continuing propaganda is used to distract us
from the savagery of their own behaviour against civilians all across the region. All of the barbarity of which
they accuse the Germans should be laid, where it belongs, at their door. General Eisenhower, the beast who would soon be the
President of the United States, at the opening of the Ruhr drive declared. “Our primary purpose is the destruction
of as many Germans as possible. I expect to destroy every German west of the Rhine and within that area in which
we are attacking.” Eisenhower, the Swedish Jew, having raped, robbed and destroyed his way across France
and Germany, then went on to starve one and a half million German Prisoners of War to death in his Rhine Meadows
Death Camps. The
Jew trio of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, did then at Yalta, condemn millions of the people, of Eastern Europe
to a life under the control of the mass murdering Jew, Joseph Stalin, under whose orders untold millions of Christians
were brutally tortured and murdered. In 1933, the declared aim of International Jewry, was the mass murder of the German people, every man,
woman and child, for daring to break free from the stranglehold of the Jew controlled, international banking system.
In order
to disguise this truth, a tsunami of propaganda had to be unleashed, which was directed against the German victims
of those Jews, which turned reality on its head, condemning the German people to be accused and found guilty, of
things, which even had they been true, were as nothing compared with what the Jews did to the Germans.
It is now common knowledge, that Jew Bankers funded
a coup d’etat in Russia, followed by the incredibly brutal slaughter of sixty-five million Christians, which
included the starvation of millions in Ukraine, the Holodomor. Two decades later these same Jews were initiating a war against Germany,
having already laid out their intention to wipe Germany off the face of the earth, by whatever means necessary.
In the middle of this slaughter of the Germans, when they had managed to murder a mere twenty-million poor souls,
the Jew Morgenthau’s Plan, to murder them all, had to be called off, due to International repulsion at what was
going on. As was the City of London Jew’s attempt to starve the Irish to death, when shiploads of supplies
arrived from America. The Jews then claimed to have themselves suffered during this cold-blooded war against the Germans.
No shit? Suffering which in the main was due to ‘starvation’ – which is of course the Jews own
favourite weapon,- as a result of the murderous bombing of food convoys, which were bringing supplies to the
Camps, attacks which were carried out by the Jews own allies and disease, mainly Typhus. Most children now believe
that the war was declared to stop Hitler from killing Jews, such is the power of propaganda and the lies of those
Jews. “All
German cities above 50,000 population and many smaller ones were from 50 to 80 per cent destroyed. Dresden, as
large as Pittsburgh, was wiped out and nearly all of its 620,000 inhabitants buried under the ruins.”
The British, whom to this day congratulate themselves
for having fought the “Good War,” when in view of what they did to the German people, they should
be down on their knees, begging forgiveness for having been duped into an illegal war for the Jews, they instead,
to this day, vilify their victims the ‘Krauts’ mainly of course in their Jew controlled media newspapers,
hiding the hate speech under the excuse of a football match. “Hamburg, with its 1,150,000 people, was blasted
by huge attacks, in one of which the flames rolled a mile into the sky and roasted alive hundreds of thousands
of civilians in street temperatures of a thousand degrees.” The British still celebrate their glorious victory, without
regard for the bloodshed involved, while still praising the way they coped with the minuscule bombardment of London,
which they call the ‘Blitz,’ and the attack on Coventry, when Churchill left the people to die, under
the bombs, when he had known the raid was coming. “So, on April 4, 1945, Kassel (a town which was bombed on dozens of occasions)surrendered,
not more than 15,000 of its 250,000 still in the city and living. Thousands lay buried under the countless tons
of brick and mortar and twisted steel that had been dwellings and stores and factories.
“That was a year ago and it’s no exaggeration
to say that they are still dazed. Only a few have snapped out of their stupor to become real leaders. It is not
uncommon to see a person burst into helpless tears, if the conversation turns to recounting the war”(unnamed
journalist) The British and their allies, are now using the same scorched earth policy, across the Middle East, where
they are now employing the same terror tactics, this time crouching behind the same Commissars, now calling themselves
ISIS, using the same terror tactics which served during the invasion of Germany, rape, crucifixion, torture and
beheadings, which, had they been given the chance, would have massacred the German people out of existence. The
aim now is in order to reduce the population of the Middle East, to satisfy the dark desires of Israel.
The same thing was done to the ethnic Germans
in Eastern Europe, which created the greatest mass expulsion of people in history. This was when ‘hostilities
ended’ for the rest of us maybe, but not for the Jews in Soviet Russia, whom carried on their ‘Bitter
Harvest’ against White Christians, in all of the States which they had grabbed as ‘booty’ at
Yalta. So dear
readers, what is going on in the Middle East today, can be traced all the way back to the shenanigans after the Great
War, the Russian coup d’etat, the downfall of the Ottoman Empire, the dismantling of the Austro Hungarian
Empire, and the handing over of an already populated Palestine into the hands of the Jews. The next step in this
grisly history is the installation of Greater Israel and then The New World Order, which will insist on a mass
genocide i.e. according to their own scribblings, they would prefer there to be no more than five-hundred-millions
of us.This genocide will include the ‘good Jews’ and there are
many of them, along with the rest of us. We are all in it together. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Between the months of April and May, the German capital Berlin saw more than
100,000 rape cases according to hospital reports, while East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia saw more than 1.4 million rape
cases. Between the months of January and August
of 1945, Germany saw the largest incident of mass rape known in history, where an estimated two million German women were
raped by the Soviet Red Army soldiers, as written by Walter Zapotoczny Jr. in his book, ‘Beyond Duty: The Reason Some
Soldiers Commit Atrocities’. Hospital reports also stated
that abortion operations were being carried out daily across all German hospitals.  Natalya Gesse, who was a Soviet war correspondent at the time, said that
the Soviets didn’t care about the ages of their victims. “The Russian soldiers were raping every German female
from eight to eighty. It was an army of rapists,” she said. This
caused the deaths of no less than 200,000 girls and women due to the spread of diseases, especially that many eyewitnesses
recounted victims being raped as much as 70 times in that period. Red Army soldiers would mass rape German women as a kind of revenge against their enemy: The German army. They felt
that it was their earned right to do so as the German army had ‘violated’ their motherland by invading it. In
addition to not being in contact with women for long periods causing their animal instinct to be heightened. In his book, Zapotoczny said that even female Russian soldiers did not disapprove of the
rapes, some finding it amusing.  “Our fellows were so sex-starved,” a Soviet major told a British
journalist at the time, “that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy or even eighty - much to these grandmothers’
surprise, if not downright delight.” In his book, Zapotoczny
said that even female Russian soldiers did not disapprove of the rapes, some finding it amusing. In 1948, rape cases decreased vastly after Soviet troops were ordered back to their camps
in Russia and left residential areas in Germany. 



Bandits in Uniform' The Dark Side of GIs in Liberated France US soldiers
who fought in World War II have commonly been depicted as honorable citizen warriors from the "Greatest Generation."
But a new book uncovers the dark side of some GIs in liberated France, where robbing, raping and whoring were rife.
May 29, 2013 The liberators made a lot of noise and drank too much. They raced around in their jeeps, fought in the streets
and stole. But the worst thing was their obsession with French women. They wanted sex -- some for free, some for
money and some by force. After four years of German occupation,
the French greeted the US soldiers landing in Normandy on June 6, 1944 as liberators. The entire country was delirious
with joy. But after only a few months, a shadow was cast over the new masters' image among the French.
By the late summer of 1944, large numbers of women in Normandy were complaining about rapes
by US soldiers. Fear spread among the population, as did a bitter joke: "Our men had to disguise themselves
under the Germans. But when the Americans came, we had to hide the women." With the landing on Omaha Beach, "a veritable tsunami of male lust" washed over France, writes
Mary Louise Roberts, a history professor at the University of Wisconsin, in her new book "What Soldiers Do:
Sex and the American GI in World War II France." In it, Roberts scrapes away at the idealized picture of
war heroes. Although soldiers have had a reputation for committing rape in many wars, American GIs have been largely
excluded from this stereotype. Historical research has paid very little attention to this dark side of the liberation
of Europe, which was long treated as a taboo subject in both the United States and France.
American propaganda did not sell the war to soldiers as a struggle for freedom, writes Roberts,
but as a "sexual adventure." France was "a tremendous brothel," the magazine Life fantasized
at the time, "inhabited by 40,000,000 hedonists who spend all their time eating, drinking (and) making love."
The Stars and Stripes, the official newspaper of the US armed forces, taught soldiers German phrases like:
"Waffen niederlegen!" ("Throw down your arms!"). But the French phrases it recommended to soldiers
were different: "You have charming eyes," "I am not married" and "Are your parents at home?"
After their victory, the soldiers felt it was time for a reward. And when they enjoyed themselves
with French women, they were not only validating their own masculinity, but also, in a metaphorical sense, the
new status of the United States as a superpower, writes Roberts. The liberation of France was sold to the American
public as a love affair between US soldiers and grateful French women. On
the other hand, following their defeat by the Germans, many French perceived the Americans' uninhibited activities
in their own country as yet another humiliation. Although the French were officially among the victorious powers,
the Americans were now in charge. 'Scenes Contrary to Decency'
The subject of sex played a central role in the relationship between the French and their
liberators. Prostitution was the source of constant strife between US military officials and local authorities.
Some of the most dramatic reports came from the port city of Le Havre, which was overrun by
soldiers headed home in the summer of 1945. In a letter to a Colonel Weed, the US regional commander, then Mayor
Pierre Voisin complained that his citizens couldn't even go for a walk in the park or visit the cemetery without
encountering GIs having sex in public with prostitutes. "Scenes
contrary to decency" were unfolding in his city day and night, Voisin wrote. It was "not only scandalous but
intolerable" that "youthful eyes are exposed to such public spectacles." The mayor suggested that
the Americans set up a brothel outside the city so that the sexual activity would be discrete and the spread of
sexually transmitted diseases could be combated by medical personnel. But
the Americans could not operate brothels because they feared that stories about the soldiers' promiscuity would
then make their way back to their wives at home. Besides, writes Roberts, many American military officials did
not take the complaints seriously owing to their belief that it was normal for the French to have sex in public.
But the citizens of Le Havre wrote letters of protest to their mayor, and not just regarding
prostitution. We are "attacked, robbed, run over both on the street and in our houses," wrote one citizen
in October 1945. "This is a regime of terror, imposed by bandits in uniform."
'The Swagger of Conquerors' There
were similar accounts from all over the country, with police reports listing holdups, theft and rapes. In Brittany,
drunk soldiers destroyed bars when they ran out of cognac. Sexual assaults were commonplace in Marseilles. In
Rouen, a soldier forced his way into a house, held up his weapon and demanded sex. The military authorities generally took the complaints about rape seriously. However, the soldiers who were convicted
were almost exclusively African-American, some of them apparently on the basis of false accusations, because racism
was also deeply entrenched in French society. A café owner from
Le Havre expressed the deep French disillusionment over the Americans' behavior when he said: "We expected
friends who would not make us ashamed of our defeat. Instead, there came incomprehension, arrogance, incredibly
bad manners and the swagger of conquerors."
Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan
American WWII GIs were dangerous
sex-crazed rapists who the French feared as much as the Germans, explosive book claims- Book 'debunks myth that the GI were manly and always behaved
- By 1944 women in Normandy 'filed complaints
about rapes by US soldiers'
- Debauchery, lawlessness
and institutional racism are chronicled in book
- Penned by Mary Roberts, a history professor at the University of Wisconsin
- Veterans Affairs rep says there is 'no way' to reprimand the U.S. soldiers
- Comes just after Sexual Assault Prevention Month in the
U.S., where the military is under fire for string of high-profile assault cases
- Japanese politician also just claimed that American soldiers used their women as 'sex
slaves' during WW
 American WWII GIs were dangerous sex-crazed rapists
who the French feared as much as the Germans, explosive book claims- Book 'debunks myth that the GI were manly and always behaved well'
- By 1944 women in Normandy 'filed complaints about rapes by US soldiers'
- Debauchery, lawlessness and institutional racism are chronicled
in book
- Penned by Mary Roberts, a history
professor at the University of Wisconsin
- Veterans Affairs rep says there is 'no way' to reprimand the U.S. soldiers
- Comes just after Sexual Assault Prevention Month in the U.S., where
the military is under fire for string of high-profile assault cases
- Japanese politician also just claimed that American soldiers used their women as 'sex
slaves' during WWII
Swapping stockings for kisses and teaching girls how to jive, American GIs were meant to be a welcome ray of sunshine
in war-torn Europe. But a new book has revealed the dark
side of Europe’s liberation after the Second World War. Professor Mary Louise Roberts, from the University of Wisconsin, said within months of D-Day ordinary French women
came to fear their American ‘liberators’. She tells how, by the summer of 1944, large numbers of women in Normandy filed complaints about rapes by US soldiers.
And their arrival prompted a wave of crime all over France, with American soldiers
caught committing robberies and petty thefts. Professor Roberts
said: ‘My book seeks to debunk an old myth about the GI, thought of as a manly creature that always behaved well.
The GIs were having sex anywhere and everywhere. ‘In
the cities of Le Havre and Cherbourg, bad behaviour was common. ‘Women, including those who were married, were openly solicited for sex. Parks, bombed-out buildings, cemeteries
and railway tracks were carnal venues. ‘People could
not go out for a walk without seeing somebody having sex. ‘But
the sex was not always consensual, with hundreds of cases of rape being reported.’ The locals of Le Havre were shocked by the soldiers’ behaviour and wrote letters of protest to their mayor. One complaint, from October 1945, said: ‘We are attacked, robbed, run over both on
the street and in our houses.
‘This is a regime of terror, imposed by bandits in uniform.’ ‘Scenes contrary to decency are unfolding in this city day and night,’ Voisin wrote,
adding it was ‘not only scandalous but intolerable’ that ‘youthful eyes are exposed to such public spectacles’.
The mayor suggested the Americans set up a brothel
outside the city to avoid public outrage and contain the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. However although US officers
publicly denounced the behaviour they did little to curtail it. The book also claims the US army ‘demonstrated a deep and abiding racism’, suggesting they pinned a disproportionate
number of rapes on black GIs. Documents show that of
152 troops disciplined by the army for rape, 130 were black. Professor Roberts said: ‘American propaganda did not sell the war to soldiers as a struggle for freedom but
as a sexual adventure.’ She points out that The
Stars and Stripes, the official newspaper of the US armed forces, taught soldiers German phrases like ‘waffen niederlegen’
meaning ‘throw down your arms’. However the
French phrases it recommended to soldiers included ‘you have charming eyes,’ ‘I am not married’
and ‘are your parents at home?’ US magazine Life even fantasised that France was ‘a tremendous brothel’
inhabited by ‘40,000,000 hedonists, who spend all their time eating, drinking and making love’.
A cafe owner from Le Havre said at the time: ‘We expected friends who
would not make us ashamed of our defeat. Instead, there came only incomprehension, arrogance, incredibly bad manners and
the swagger of conquerors.’
The author claims that when the first soldiers swarmed ashore at Omaha
Beach in Normandy (pictured) on D-Day, it was 'a veritable tsunami of male lust' ONGOING PROBLEM: SEXUAL ASSAULTS IN THE MILITARY
The book, which was released in June, focuses specifically on the
soldiers of World War II and their interaction with the French people, but problems of sexual assault in the military persist
to today, though now the victims are those in uniform as well. The Pentagon
is reeling from a series of sex-related scandals in recent weeks, including cases in which military advocates for victims
of sexual assault were themselves accused of sex crimes. Figures from the Department
of Defense show a 37 per cent increase in reports of unwanted sexual contact, from groping to rape, last year. About 26,000
cases were reported in 2012. 'Sexual harassment and sexual assault in the military
are a profound betrayal - a profound betrayal - of sacred oaths and sacred trusts,' Mr Hagel said. 'This scourge must be
stamped out.' His comments came a day after President Barack Obama delivered
a similar message to graduates at the U.S. Naval Academy in Maryland, saying sexual assault threatened to erode trust and
discipline in America's armed forces.
Click on this text to watch an interview with a former Waffen SS soldier (1985)...
The Dark Side of Liberation
soldiers who landed in Normandy on D-Day were greeted as liberators, but by the time American G.I.’s were headed back
home in late 1945, many French citizens viewed them in a very different light. In the port city of Le Havre, the
mayor was bombarded with letters from angry residents complaining about drunkenness, jeep accidents, sexual assault —
“a regime of terror,” as one put it, “imposed by bandits in uniform.” This isn’t the “greatest
generation” as it has come to be depicted in popular histories. But in “What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American
G.I. in World War II France,” the historian Mary Louise Roberts draws on French archives, American military records,
wartime propaganda and other sources to advance a provocative argument: The liberation of France was “sold” to
soldiers not as a battle for freedom but as an erotic adventure among oversexed Frenchwomen, stirring up a “tsunami
of male lust” that a battered and mistrustful population often saw as a second assault on its sovereignty and dignity. “I
could not believe what I was reading,” Ms. Roberts, a professor of French history at the University of Wisconsin,
Madison, recalled of the moment she came across the citizen complaints in an obscure archive in Le Havre. “I took out
my little camera and began photographing the pages. I did not go to the bathroom for eight hours.”
“What Soldiers Do,” to be officially published next month by the University of Chicago Press, arrives
just as sexual misbehavior inside the military is high on the national agenda, thanks to a recent Pentagon report estimating that some 26,000 service members had been sexually assaulted in 2012, more than a one-third increase since 2010. While
Ms. Roberts’s arguments may be a hard sell to readers used to more purely heroic narratives, her book is winning praise
from some scholarly colleagues.“Our culture has embalmed World War II as ‘the good war,’ and we don’t
revisit the corpse very often,” said David M. Kennedy, a historian at Stanford University and the author of the Pulitzer
Prize-winning book “Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945.”
“What Soldiers Do,” to
be officially published next month by the University of Chicago Press, arrives just as sexual misbehavior inside the military
is high on the national agenda, thanks to a recent Pentagon report estimating that some 26,000 service members had been sexually assaulted in 2012, more than a one-third increase since 2010. While
Ms. Roberts’s arguments may be a hard sell to readers used to more purely heroic narratives, her book is winning praise
from some scholarly colleagues.“Our culture has embalmed World War II as ‘the good war,’ and we don’t
revisit the corpse very often,” said David M. Kennedy, a historian at Stanford University and the author of the Pulitzer
Prize-winning book “Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945.” Ms. Roberts,
whose parents met in 1944 when her father was training as a naval officer, emphasizes that American soldiers’ heroism
and sacrifice were very real, and inspired genuine gratitude. But French sources, she argues, also reveal deep ambivalence
on the part of the liberated. “Struggles between American and French officials over sex,” she writes, “rekindled
the unresolved question of who exactly was in charge.” Sex was certainly on the liberators’ minds. The book cites military propaganda and press
accounts depicting France as “a tremendous brothel inhabited by 40 million hedonists,” as Life magazine put it.
(Sample sentences from a French phrase guide in the newspaper Stars and Stripes: “You are very pretty” and “Are
your parents at home?”) On
the ground, however, the grateful kisses captured by photojournalists gave way to something less picturesque. In the National
Archives in College Park, Md., Ms. Roberts found evidence — including one blurry, curling snapshot — supporting
long-circulating colorful anecdotes about the Blue and Gray Corral, a brothel set up near the village of St. Renan in September
1944 by Maj. Gen. Charles H. Gerhardt, commander of the infantry division that landed at Omaha Beach, partly to counter a
wave of rape accusations against G.I.’s. (It was shut down after a mere five hours.) In France, Ms. Roberts also found a desperate letter from
the mayor of Le Havre in August 1945 urging American commanders to set up brothels outside the city, to halt the “scenes
contrary to decency” that overran the streets, day and night. They refused, partly, Ms. Roberts argues, out of concern
that condoning prostitution would look bad to “American mothers and sweethearts,” as one soldier put it. Keeping G.I. sex hidden from the home
front, she writes, ensured that it would be on full public view in France: a “two-sided attitude,” she said,
that is reflected in the current military sexual abuse crisis. Ms. Roberts is not the first scholar to bring the sexual side of World War II into clearer view.
The 1990s brought a surge of scholarship on the Soviet Army’s mass rapes on the Eastern front, fed partly by the international
campaign to have rape recognized as a war crime after the conflict in the former Yugoslavia. At the same time, gender historians began taking a closer look at “fraternization”
by American soldiers, with particular attention to what women thought they were getting out of the bargain. “The standard story had been
that the Soviets were the rapists, the Americans were the fraternizers, and the British were the gentlemen,” said Atina
Grossmann, the author of “Jews, Germans and Allies: Close Encounters in Occupied Germany.” An American soldier and a Frenchwoman kissing in a picture that raised eyebrows after appearing
in Life magazine in 1944.CreditRalph
Morse/Time Life Pictures-Getty Images Work that looked at sexual assaults by American
soldiers, even on a small scale, remained controversial. J. Robert Lilly’s “Taken by Force,” a groundbreaking study of rapes of French, German and British civilian women by G.I.’s, based on courts-martial records
Mr. Lilly uncovered, drew a strong response when it was published in France in 2003. But the book, which emphasized the grossly disproportionate
prosecution of black soldiers, struggled to find an American publisher amid tensions between the United States and Europe
over Iraq. “American presses wouldn’t touch the subject with
a 10-foot barge pole,” said Mr. Lilly, a sociology professor at Northern Kentucky University. (Palgrave Macmillan
published his book in the United States in 2007.) Today the seamier side of liberation is not entirely absent from popular accounts.
“The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945,” the final volume of Rick Atkinson’s best-selling trilogy about the war, published this month, includes a brief discussion of the Army’s campaign against venereal disease
(“Don’t forget the Krauts were fooling around France a long time before we got here,” an Army publication
warned soldiers in December 1944), as well as a reference to Mr. Lilly’s work. The few scholars who have looked more closely at rape by G.I.’s have attributed its racially skewed prosecution to “the Jim Crow army,” which was happy
to depict rape as a problem only among the noncombat support units to which black soldiers were mostly limited. “White
soldiers got a pass because of their combat status,” said William I. Hitchcock, author of “The Bitter Road to Freedom” (2008), a history of the liberation of Western Europe from the perspective of often traumatized local civilians. “The
Army wasn’t interested in prosecuting a battle-scarred sergeant.” Ms. Roberts, who closely studied transcripts of 15 courts-martial
in Northern France, certainly sees American racism at work. “Let’s Look at Rape!,” a 1944 Army pamphlet credited to “a Negro Chaplain,” contained a prominent illustration of a noose
— a clear suggestion that the Army was going to “protect the color line,” she writes. (Among the soldiers
hanged for rape and murder was Louis Till, the father of Emmett Till.) But her analysis is hardly more flattering to the French, whose often shaky accusations, as
she sees them, reflected their own need to project the humiliations of occupation onto a racial “other.” (“We
have no more soldiers here, just a few Negroes who terrorize the neighborhood,” one civilian remarked in April 1945.)
Roberts said the book has attracted strong interest from French publishers, where willingness to explore the darker side
of liberation jostles with a lingering fear of seeming ungrateful.
Click on this text to examine how the JEWS are presently erasing GERMANY with a vengeance...
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auf der rechten Seite der Homepage. Having overwhelmed Hitler’s Germany the Allied armies immediately
set up show trials and military tribunals that experts, jurists and top military commanders compared to Stalin’s notorious
show trials. Squads of American and British hangmen were drafted into Europe to kill multiple prisoners convicted at these
deeply flawed trials ‘trials’ in which a prisoner’s right to defend himself was inadmissible.  The most notorious of Britain’s executioners was
Albert Pierrepoint; he showed no qualms about the judicial slaughter of prisoners after his being posted to defeated Germany. A well-known drunkard, Pierrepoint later retired
to a life as a publican. His near Blackpool bar displayed a plaque carrying the words, ‘No Hanging About’. Pierrepoint’s
victims included teenagers, some of whom were later found to be innocent. In documents held at Records Office in Kew, London,
tests revealed that it was taking up to 25 minutes for prisoners of war to die following the trapdoors opening on grim rows
of gallows. Hangings did not inflict instantaneous death; the hearts of surrendered servicemen and women continued to beat
following each execution. With so many prisoners being condemned to death doctors present at each execution injected chloroform
and other substances into the twitching victims’ bodies to hasten their end.  England’s Hangman, Albert
Pierrepoint is claimed to have hanged over 600 people but the official figure is 435 victims. Of these hanged, over
200 were German surrendered captives. For each murder Albert Pierrepoint was paid £15. These included
John Amery, Joseph Kramer, William Joyce, and Timothy Evans. Albert Pierrepoint described the botched hanging of German
spy Karel Richter as “a terrible mess”.  Two of those convicted of treason and hanged by Pierrepoint, John Amery (left)
and William Joyce (right) Pierrepoint later said, “It is said to be a deterrent. If death were a deterrent,
I might be expected to know. It is I who has faced them last, young men and girls, working men, grandmothers. I have been
amazed to see the courage with which they take that walk into the unknown. “It did not deter them then, and it had
not deterred them when they committed what they were convicted for. All the men and women whom I have faced at that
final moment convince me that in what I have done I have not prevented a single murder.” Pierrepoint’s
assistant, Syd Derney says, “He proudly told me that he had done more jobs than any other executioner in English history.” A gallows system similar to that used in British prisons Experiments
in hanging techniques at Hamelin in Germany during the winter months of 1945 / 1946 involved putting to the gallows 64 German
prisoners found guilty on charges that would never have been considered offences in any properly conducted court of law. The hanging of German prisoners, including civilians and prisoners of war, was carried out by Americans, Soviets
and the British using production line methods. In the British Occupied Zone as many as thirteen prisoners awaited execution
at any one time. It was felt that there would be an ‘inordinate delay’ if bodies were left suspended for
more than an hour or more, which was necessary to ensure someone hanged could not regain consciousness.  Doctor F. E. Buckland, Assistant
Director of Pathology, British Army of the Rhine, was asked by the Director of Medical Services whether he thought there
was any objection to injecting the body immediately after the execution with lethal dose of ‘some chemical solution’.
This was then done to ensure that the body could be removed ‘without delay.’ The first series
of prisoner killings took place on December 13, 1945.Scheduled to be hanged that day were three women and ten men.
The women were to be hanged one by one, the men in pairs. According to the file, after the trap was sprung, the medical
officer descended the stairs to the room below where, standing on a step ladder, he listened to the beat of the heart for
half a minute. He would then inject 10cc of chloroform.  Some of the victims the medico
injected directly into the heart, which he noticed caused instant heart stoppage. Others were injected intravenously in the
arm, which caused the heart to stop within a few seconds. This latter method, of course, proves beyond all doubt that
the hanged victims were at that point alive.
In the third series of executions carried out on May 15,
1946, the doctor used an electrocardiograph, which instrument records electrical heart activity. This revealed that inaudible
impulses were produced for a further ten minutes in the martyrs’ bodies. Twenty-minutes would elapse between hanging
and merciful release through death. Dr. Buckland concluded that in future executions bodies should be
left hanging for fifteen minutes until a heartbeat was no longer audible rather than the customary hour interval.
This the doctor surmised, would make it ‘possible to affect dual executions at half hourly intervals.’ The hanging procedures were now putting to death
a constant stream of victims, including women and children as young as thirteen years of age for the slightest misdemeanor
of the vicious regime imposed by the British, American and Soviet armies of occupation. 

American Historian Looks At 'Ethnic Cleansing’ of Germans The German Expellees: Victims in War and Peace, by Alfred-Maurice de Zayas. New York: St. Martin's Press,
1993. 200 pages. 24 Photographs. Map. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Reviewed
by Robert Clive The grim fate of the 15
million German civilians who found themselves trapped in the path of the Red Army in the closing months of World War II,
or on the wrong side of the re-drawn postwar borders, is not a topic that has tended to excite the interest of historians.
And the general public, which is subjected to constant reminders about wartime Nazi brutality, is certainly not aware that
at least two million Germans lost their lives in the course of flight and mass expulsion from their ancestral homes in Eastern
Europe. Alfred de Zayas, a graduate of Harvard Law School
who earned a doctorate in history at the University of Gottingen in Germany, has devoted much of his professional career
to setting the record straight. His earlier books, Nemesis at Potsdam (which detailed Allied responsibility for
the brutal mass expulsion of Germans at the end of the war), and The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, met with critical
acclaim on both sides of the Atlantic. First published in
German in 1986, The German Expellees is based on extensive research in European and American archives. This American
edition is updated with new material not included in the German version. Chapter One sketches the history of the Germans living throughout East Central Europe. Even students of history
are generally unaware of the fact that, starting in the twelfth century, German artisans, farmers, soldiers, and churchmen
were invited by reigning princes, kings, and emperors to settle in their domains. The essentially peaceful character of
the so-called “Drang nach Osten,” which witnessed the establishment of a German presence in East Prussia, Pomerania,
East Brandenburg, Silesia, Bohemia, Moravia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Transylvania and Russia, has long been misrepresented
as some sort of "march of conquest." The author
then turns to the Paris Peace conference, where President Wilson's lofty pledge to secure "self-determination"
did not, it turned out, apply to Germans, Austrians, and Hungarians. The Treaty of Versailles also denied the right of self
determination to German citizens who resided in areas to be separated from pre-war Germany, including those living in Danzig,
Posen, and West Prussia. De Zayas recounts that the interwar Czech and Polish governments discriminated against their German
minorities. Polish atrocities against ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) were, unfortunately, not a fiction of Goebbels'
propaganda office, but were all too true. Soviet atrocities against the German civilian populations of East Prussia, Pomerania,
and Silesia have been recounted before, even if they are still not widely known.
De Zayas reviews these grim events, drawing specific attention to the fate of Nemmersdorf, East
Prussia, which fell to the Red Army in October 1944 and was then recaptured a short time later by the Wehrmacht. Women and
children were gang raped and then murdered in the most brutal fashion. In the words of American historian and diplomat George Kennan: “The disaster that befell this area with the
entry of the Soviet forces has no parallel in modern European experience. There were considerable sections of it where,
to judge by all existing evidence, scarcely a man, woman or child of the indigenous population was left alive after the
initial passage of Soviet forces … The Russians … swept the native population clean in a manner that has no
parallel since the days of the Asiatic hordes.” Allied
decisions for "resettlement" are considered in Chapter Four. Although the 1941 "Atlantic Charter" proclaimed
by Roosevelt and Churchill expressly rejected territorial changes that did not meet the desires of the affected people,
this did not discourage the British and American leaders from victims of this relatively unknown holocaust have later supporting
the forcible mass expulsion of ethnic Germans from Eastern and Central Europe. As early as August 1942, the Allied leaders
accepted the principle of forcible expulsion, which they reaffirmed at the Teheran Conference in 1943. At the February 1945
Yalta Conference, Churchill and Roosevelt further agreed to permit Stalin to use Germans as slave labor after the war, a
practice that the diplomats dubbed "reparations in kind." An estimated 874.000 German civilians were abducted
to Soviet ~ Russia, of whom 45 percent perished in captivity. The
expulsion and deportation of millions of ethnic German civilians from Czecho-Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia
is detailed by the author, who remarks that "hitherto it would seem that the blackout on this period of history had
been complete." While the Allied leaders at the Potsdam Conference called for the "orderly" and "humane"
resettlement of the hapless Germans, in practice it was anything but. As de Zayas further points out, mass deportations were designated as "war crimes" and "crimes against
humanity" by the Nuremberg Tribunal. But even as the Allied court was sentencing Germany's wartime political and military
leaders to death for such acts, millions of Germans were being brutally driven from their homes. The German Expellees is a well-written, concise introduction to a chapter of what James
J. Martin has characterized as "inconvenient history." These horrific events were not haphazard or spontaneous.
Rather, this mass "ethnic cleansing" of German civilians was official Allie policy. For too long, the victims
of this relatively unknown holocaust have remained largely forgotten and unmourned. About
the Author Robert Clive is the pen name of an American specialist
of the political, diplomatic and military history of modern Europe. He holds a doctorate in history.
From The Journal of Historical Review, March/April 1994 (Vol. 14, No. 2), page 39. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

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The Starving of Germany in 1919
I first read about the starvation of
Germans at the end of WWI in a book written by British historian Clive Ponting, he reported that close to 900.000
Germans died of starvation in 1918 and 1919. The “starvation
policy” had begun in 1914. Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty and one of the framers of
the scheme, admitted that it was aimed at “starving the whole population — men, women, and children,
old and young, wounded and sound — into submission.”
Such British
policy was in contravention of international law on two major points.
First, in regard to the character of the blockade, it violated
the Declaration of Paris of 1856, which Britain itself had signed, and which, among other things, permitted “close”
but not “distant” blockades. A belligerent was allowed to station ships near the three-mile limit
to stop traffic with an enemy’s ports; it was not allowed simply to declare areas of the high seas comprising
the approaches to the enemy’s coast to be off-limits. The second
point is related to contraband. Briefly, following the lead of the Hague Conference of 1907, the Declaration
of London of 1909 considered food to be “conditional contraband,” that is, subject to interception
and capture only when intended for the use of the enemy’s military forces.
In December 1918, the National Health Office in Berlin calculated that 763,000 persons had already died as a result
of the blockade by that time. In some respects, the armistice saw the intensification of the suffering, since
the German Baltic coast was now effectively blockaded and German fishing rights in the Baltic annulled.
The reason for
the food blockade to be kept in place after the end of the hostilities was aimed at forcing Germany to sign the
Versailles Treaty without any change on the strict conditions they were imposing. Today no one remembers it because
it was kept secret and there were no leaks to the western press while 900,000 German men, women and children died
because of the British naval blockade. Even today only a few non-Germans know the truth and American and British
historians, seems to have brushed off this most appalling crime as a footnote in history. Even the founder of the Boy Scouts, Robert Baden-Powell,
naively expressed his satisfaction that the German race is being ruined; though the birth rate. Although the war had ended in November 1918,
Germany was still under Allied blockade, which was ruthlessly enforced. The first state of Germany to benefit
from a lifting of the blockade would be communist-controlled Bavaria. One must search diligently for historical references to the continued, devastating blockade. Diether Raff confirms
the peace-time blockade in his “A History of Germany – From the Medieval Empire to the Present”:
“The Allied
peace terms turned out to be extremely severe, far exceeding the worst fears of the German government… The
peace treaties of Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest were declared invalid and the food blockade around Germany was to
continue… Thus Germany’s capitulation was accomplished and an end set to four years of enormous bloodshed. “It was
the blockade that finally drove the Central Powers to accept defeat,” says Richard Hoveth in his study of
the struggle on the high seas during World War I: “At first mild in its application, the blockade’s
noose gradually tightened until, with the American entry, all restraint was cast aside. Increasingly deprived of the means
to wage war, or even to feed her population, the violent response was insurrection; apathy and demoralization
the mute consequence of dashed hopes and thin potato soup.” Basil Liddell Hart is quoted by Hoveth to the effect that, revolution and internal unrest notwithstanding, the
blockade was “clearly the decisive agency in the struggle.” After confiscating the German merchant
navy, the Allies proceeded to confiscate German private property all over the world, contrary to all precedent
from previous wars when private property had been held in escrow until the ratification of peace treaties, when
it would revert to its legitimate owners.
The Allied powers reserved
the right to keep or dispose of assets belonging to German citizens, including companies they control [Article
167 B]. This wholesale expropriation would take place without any compensation to the owners [Articles 121 and
279 B].
Germany remained responsible for the liabilities and loans on the assets that were taken from them. Profits, however,
remained in the hands of the Allies. Thus, private German property and assets were confiscated in China (Articles
129 and 132), Thailand (Articles 135-137), Egypt (Article 148), Liberia (Articles 135-140) and in many other countries. Germany was also precluded from investing capital in any neighboring country and had to forfeit all rights “to whatever
title it may possess in these countries. The Allies were given
free access to the German marketplace without the slightest tariff while products made in Germany faced high foreign
tariff barriers. Articles 264 to 267 established that Germany “undertakes to give the Allies and their associates
the status of most favored nations for five years.
Germany was
already experiencing near famine conditions but it was at this moment that the Allies decided to confiscate a substantial
part of what was left of Germany’s livestock. The American representative at Versailles, Thomas Lamont,
recorded the event with some indignation:
“The Germans were made to deliver cattle, horses, sheep, goats, etc.,…
A strong protest came from Germany when dairy cows were taken to France and Belgium, thus depriving German children
of milk.” Herbert Hoover, a mining engineer and future president of the United States – in 1900 defended Tianjin
from the assaults of the Boxer – was sent on a mission to help the starving population but he could do very
little because of the fury of the French and the British. Shipments had been delivered to Allies and to
neutrals, but British officials had refused to break their blockade to let cargoes go into Germany. Moreover,
Germany had failed to act on an agreement to turn over merchant ships before receiving food [eventually forced on the Weimar
government and showed no desire to pay for shipments in gold – a possibility that French financiers were
thought to be opposing so that their nation might get what gold there was as indemnity. There is evidence that Wilson actually thought
the European powers would accept his 14 Points” and feed starving Germans now that the war was over but,
of course, that was not the case as discovered by Wilson’s humanitarian point man, Hoover. England’s
Prime Minister, Lloyd George, meanwhile, thought that the starvation was being ameliorated. He favored –
although quietly – feeding his ex-enemy. In early March 1919, General Herbert Plumer, commander of the British Army of Occupation,
informed Prime Minister Lloyd George that his men were begging to be sent home; they could no longer stand the
sight of “hordes of skinny and bloated children pawing over the offal from the British camps”. Finally, the Americans
and British overpowered French objections and at the end of March, the first food shipments began arriving in Hamburg.
But it was only in July, after the formal German signature to the Treaty of Versailles, that the Germans were
permitted to import raw materials and export manufactured goods. On May 7 of that year, Count von Brockdorf-Rantzau had indignantly
referred to this fact in addressing the Versailles assembly:”The hundreds of thousands of noncombatants,”
the German chief delegate had stated, “who have perished since November 11, 1918, as a result of the blockade,
were killed with cold deliberation, after our enemies had been assured of their complete victory.” The food blockade ended on July 12, 1919.
Besides the direct effects of the British blockade,
there are the possible indirect and much more sinister effects to consider. A German child who was ten years
old in 1918, and who survived, was twenty-two in 1930. Vincent raises the question of whether the miseries and
suffering from hunger in the early, formative years help account to some degree for the enthusiasm of German youth
for Nazism later on.
Incredibly, the last cheque covering reparations for WW1 was issued
by Angela Merkel in 2010. 
 Allied troops and vehicles are seen on Omaha Beach after it was secured
after D-Day Irish-American film director John Ford, famous for movies such as Stagecoach and The
Grapes of Wrath, filmed the D-Day landing at Omaha Beach from both ship and land, being wounded himself in the
process. But very little of his filming has been released to the public. The Eisenhower Centre reported in the
1990s that they were “unable to find the film”. This is because of what the film contained, we only ever see what’s approved, whether the invasion
of Normandy or anywhere else in the war. The late historian Stephen Ambrose, who was both Eisenhower and Richard Nixon’s
official biographer, conceded that one third of all the American combat GIs he’d ever interviewed (he’d
interviewed well over 1000) said they had witnessed unarmed, surrendering German soldiers with their hands up
being shot (Bradley A. Thayer, Darwin, and international relations p.190). And that’s just the ones prepared
to confess it; let the enormity of it sink in for a moment. This
indicates war crimes on a gigantic scale having been committed, all while we’ve been brainwashed and deceived
into thinking the Allies were ‘the good guys’. Many of the Allied troops were openly encouraged not
to take prisoners and no charges were ever brought against those who shot prisoners. American infantrymen wade towards a beach during the D-Day
Landings Ernest Hemingway was
also one of those implicated in the murder of captives. Was this karma for this might be the dark secret behind
the war correspondent’s suicide in 1961, by which he took his own life with a shot in the head. The three-empire allies were determined to win World War II by any means necessary
and to obliterate the German nation as a competitor once and for all.  German prisoners-of-war are marched along Juno Beach landing area
to a ship taking them to England, after they were captured by Canadian troops The words of an old German soldier come to mind: “We would have fought a lot
harder in the West if we had known they were going to be like the Russians.”  21 August 1944: German prisoners of war captured after the D-Day
landings in Normandy are guarded by US troops at a camp in Nonant-le-Pin, France US
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, a war criminal of epic proportions boasted at the time of D-Day, “Once and for
all, the stage is being set for the beginning of the United Nations.” What he really meant is it was being
set for the New World Order.

After Pearl Harbor, the US state
department strong-armed Latin American allies like Costa Rica into dispossessing, and often deporting, German
immigrants. (The Guardian) With the Statue of Liberty
looming overhead, an 11-year-old boy named Jurgen sat huddled in his coat, alongside his family and few pieces
of luggage, as a cold wind blew off the Hudson River. Ellis
Island is best known as the former gateway for millions of immigrants entering the US, but in the winter of 1944,
the boy – Jurgen – and his family were about to be deported to Germany. “We were processed on Ellis Island as illegal immigrants,” said
Jurgen, now 82. “In reality, we were kidnapped by the US government.” Jurgen and his family were among thousands of Latin Americans of German origin who were rounded up by
their respective governments on orders from the US following the bombing of Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. They were detained in accordance with a little-known US state department program. The Special
War Problems Division would orchestrate the detention of more than 4,000 Latin Americans from Germany, Japan and
Italy in internment camps in Texas and elsewhere, as well as localized detention centers in Latin America. In all, 15 Latin American countries would
deport residents and citizens of German ancestry to detention centers in the United States, often without legal
recourse, according to a statement from the National Archives.
The internment of more than 120,000 Japanese Americans in camps has been recognized
by the US Congress, but the story of Latin Americans with origins in axis countries has been largely lost to history. As the 73rd anniversary of the US entry
into the second world war approaches, fewer and fewer people remain who experienced firsthand the Immigration
and Naturalization Service internment camps in the US. The second world war arrived swiftly for Jurgen’s family and other Germans
living in Costa Rica. Less than a month after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Jurgen’s father was arrested by
Costa Rican police on 2 January 1942. By the late 1930s,the FBI had begun to identify possible Nazi sympathizers, fearing Axis forces would
establish a foothold in Latin America. In the case of Costa Rica, the US Embassy in San José submitted
a list of names to be deported to the government, a move acknowledged in a State Department memo dated 15 November 1943. Larger countries like Mexico, Chile and
Argentina resisted the demand to deport their citizens, but that was not an option for the small Central American
nation. In 1942, the US state department announced that it would boycott all Costa Rican products from German-owned
companies. Coffee accounted for more than half of the country’s exports between 1938 and 1945 – and
the coffee business was dominated by German firms, according to Gertrud Peters, an economic historian at the National
University of Costa Rica. Unable
to ship goods to Germany because of the allied blockade, Costa Rica – among many other Latin American nations
– was forced to comply. Two
weeks after Jurgen’s father was detained, a letter arrived from the police informing his family that he
had been deported to the US, where he was being held in the country’s largest internment camp, in Crystal
City, Texas. The dusty Texas
town could not have been more different from the mild climate and green mountains of San José. The 500-acre internment camp, which at its
peak would house nearly 3,400 detainees, was still largely under construction when Jurgen arrived in late 1943. “The camp was built on an
old spinach field,” Jurgen said. “There was a statue of Popeye in the town.” The statue still
stands in Crystal City today. After
rain the unpaved roads would become thick with mud, and Jurgen and the other children took to walking to the latrines
on short stilts to protect their shoes. Jurgen said that the camp provided all the basics for his family, including simple accommodation in three-unit row
houses, communal latrines and food. His father, a businessman, found work laying asphalt for the camp’s roads
and, briefly, plucking feathers off turkeys. Jurgen and his younger brother cut beet greens with a knife to earn $1 an hour, which the family could use to
order goods from the Montgomery Ward Catalog. The family was already saving up to buy coats for the next leg of
their journey back to Germany. Besides keeping axis nationals from supposedly impeding the US war effort at home, Crystal City served
an important role for the US abroad: providing the country with a grab-bag of prisoners who could be traded for
Americans held by the Third Reich. Faced
with the prospect of spending the remaining years of the war in detention, Jurgen’s family volunteered for
deportation. The family traveled
by train to Ellis Island before they boarded a Red Cross ship and sailed back to Europe. Allied and Russian forces
were beginning to close in on Germany. As Jurgen and his family filed off the boat in Lisbon, a line of American
prisoners waited to board, bound back to the United States. Jurgen’s family eventually returned to Costa Rica in 1948. They were able to
recover their properties, but the same could not be said for many German families, whose businesses and land were
seized by the government and sold to pay down the national debt and subsidize populist land reforms. After years in war-torn Germany,
what they found in Costa Rica was yet more conflict: following a disputed election in 1948, the country fell into
a brief civil war. That war brought about the rise of President José Figueres, the leader who abolished Costa
Rica’s army in 1948. The following year, Costa Rica declared its political neutrality.
______________________________________________________________________________________ Revisionists Challenge D-Day Story
... Far from being universally welcomed as liberators, many troops had a distinctly
surly reception from the people of Normandy. The reason for this was simple. Many Normandy towns and villages had been
literally obliterated by Allied bombing ... Some 20,000 French civilians were killed in the two-and-a-half months from
D-Day, 3,000 of them during the actual landings ... "It was rather a shock to find we were not welcomed ecstatically
as liberators by the local people, as we were told we should be ... They saw us as bringers of destruction and pain,"
Mr Roker wrote in his diary ... In his book, Mr Hitchcock raises another issue ... Allied looting, and worse. "The
theft and looting of Normandy households and farmsteads by liberating soldiers began on June 6 and never stopped during
the entire summer," he writes.
The 'Greatest Generation'?: A Shameful Chronicle of GIs in Europe
... What Soldiers Do [by Mary Louise Roberts] proves and documents, without doubt or gainsaying, whether
the author intended it or not, that U.S. soldiers in World War II were the greatest generation of whoremongers in the history
of the American military ... "GIs were emboldened to believe the nation was theirs for the taking." In garrison
towns like Le Havre, the GI's "disregard for French social norms meant they had public sex with prostitutes and assaulted
women on the streets." ... The GIs propositioned women right in front of their husbands or boyfriends. Women could
not walk the streets alone; sexual relations occurred in broad daylight under the eyes of children.
| Their Wehrmacht Was Better Than Our Army ... The inescapable
truth is that Hitler's Wehrmacht was the outstanding fighting force of World War II, one of the greatest in history. For
many years after 1945, this seemed painful to concede publicly ... The Allied leaders invited their ground troops
to fight the Wehrmacht with equipment inferior in every category save artillery and transport. German machine-guns, mortars,
machine-pistols, antitank weapons and armored personnel carriers were all superior to those of Britain and America. Above
all, Germany possessed better tanks ... One of the more absurd propaganda clichés of the war was the image of the
Nazi soldier as an inflexible squarehead. In reality, the German soldier almost invariably showed far greater flexibility
on the battlefield than his Allied counterpart.
_____________________________________________________________________________ The "Nazis" never "proclaimed Deutschland uber alles." That well-recognized term
-- often mistranslated to "Germany above all others" and erroneously believed
to be the title of the song in question -- is actually only the opening line of the "Deutschlandlied" (Song of Germany). The
song, which later became Germany's National Anthem, was penned in 1841 by August Heinrich Hoffmann
- nearly a half-century before Hitler was even born, and three decades before the German state (Reich)
was consolidated. Far from preaching "supremacy," the "Deutschlandlied" only represented
the hopes for the eventual unification of the 30 or so German states, nothing more!  
Hitler hadn't even born yet
when the lyric "Deutschland uber alles" was coined. In fact, Hitler's mom, Klara, hadn't been born either! Additionally, the phrase "Deutschland uber alles" - (Germany
above all things), is always, and I mean always, presented out-of-context, as if
to suggest that the Germans were boasting of their superiority to all other peoples. The following line
of the song clarifies and confirms that the anthem, far from being a song about conquest, was actually about the unified
defense of the small German states which, historically, have been relentlessly attacked by Romans,
Huns, Mongols and, most relevant to the song, the French. Here
is the full translation of the harmless and beautiful song of national defense and brotherhood: 1. Germany, Germany
above all * (Deutschland uber alles) Above everything in the world * (in terms of love
for Germany) When, always, for protection and defense Brothers
stand together. From the Maas to the Memel From the Etsch to the Belt, Germany, Germany above all Above all in the world. 2. German women, German fidelity, German wine and German song,
Shall retain, throughout the world, Their old respected fame, To inspire us to noble deeds For
the length of our lives. German women, German fidelity, German wine and German song. 3. Unity
and right and freedom For the German Fatherland; Let us all strive to this goal Brotherly, with heart and hand. Unity and rights and freedom Are the pledge of fortune
grand. Prosper in this fortune's glory, Prosper German fatherland. These lyrics transcend ideology and political
systems. Indeed, it was the ultra-liberal, western puppet, Jewish-owned Wiemar Republic, not "the
Nazis," who declared the Deutschlandlied the National Anthem in 1922! But that won't stop the Marxist-Jewish
propagandists from continuing to dupe good men with never-ending disinformation about "the Nazis"
and the phrase "Deutschland uber alles." _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Hitler's 'Barbarossa' Proclamation
On the morning of June 22, 1941, Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels announced
to the world the startling news that German forces, together with Finnish and Romanian troops, had struck against
the vast Soviet Union. On German radio he read Adolf Hitler's historic proclamation justifying the attack. Among
other things, he said that Stalin had massed some 160 divisions to strike westwards. In reality, more than 300
Soviet divisions were assembled against Germany and Europe. Hitler and his generals had thereby greatly underestimated
the Soviet danger -- a fateful miscalculation that ultimately proved catastrophic, and not just for Germany. To
the Italian leader Benito Mussolini, Hitler wrote that deciding to attack Soviet Russia was "the most difficult
decision of my life." And even though it meant engaging Germany in a two-front war, something he had specifically
warned against in Mein Kampf, this was a decision he never regretted. Hitler's strike against the Soviet
Union, code-named "Barbarossa," has often been called his worst single military blunder because the immense
clash he unleashed ended four years later, in May 1945, with his suicide in his Berlin command post, Soviet forces
hoisting the Red hammer-and-sickle banner above the Reichstag, and Germany's unconditional surrender. Hitler's
"Barbarossa" assault is often, but simplistically, portrayed as a treacherous and unprovoked surprise
attack against a peaceable ally, motivated by greed, dreams of empire, loathing of Russians and other Slavic peoples,
and visceral hatred of Communism. Today, 60 years later, German and Russian historians continue to grapple with
the origins of this mightiest military clash in history. Because Hitler's proclamation of June 22, 1941, helps
to explain the German leader's motives for turning against Soviet Russia, it is a document of historic importance.
The text is given here in full.
German people! National Socialists! Weighed
down with heavy cares, condemned to months-long silence, the hour has now come when at last I can speak frankly. When on
September 3, 1939, the German Reich received the British declaration of war there was repeated anew the British
attempt to thwart every beginning of a consolidation of Europe and thereby its rise, by fighting against whatever
power on the Continent was strongest at any given time. That is how, in times past, Britain ruined Spain in many
wars. That is how she conducted her wars against Holland. That is how later she fought France with the aid of
all Europe, and that is how, at the turn of the century, she began the encirclement of the then German Reich and,
in 1914, the [First] World War. It was only on account of its internal lack of unity that Germany was defeated in 1918.
The consequences were terrible. After hypocritical declarations that the fight was solely against the Kaiser and his regime,
and once the German army had laid down its arms, the annihilation of the German Reich began according to plan. While the prophecies
of a French statesman that there were two million Germans too many -- in other words, that this number would have
to be eliminated by hunger, disease or emigration -- were apparently being fulfilled to the letter, the National
Socialist movement began its work of unifying the German people, and thereby initiating the resurgence of the
Reich. This rise of our people from distress, misery and shameful disregard was in the form of a purely internal
renaissance. In no way did that affect, much less threaten, Britain. Nevertheless, a new, hate-filled policy of encirclement
against Germany began immediately. Internally and externally there came into being that plot, familiar to all
of us, between Jews and democrats, Bolsheviks and reactionaries, with the sole aim of inhibiting the establishment
of the new German people's state, and of plunging the Reich anew into impotence and misery. Apart from us, the hatred of this international
world conspiracy was directed against those nations that, like ourselves, were neglected by fortune and were obliged
to earn their daily bread in the hardest struggle for existence. Above all, the right of Italy and Japan, just as much as
that of Germany, to share in the goods of this world was contested and in fact was formally denied. The alliance
of these [three] nations was, therefore, purely an act of self-protection in the face of the egoistic global combination
of wealth and power that threatened them. As early as 1936 [Winston] Churchill, according to statements by the
American General Wood before a committee of the American House of Representatives, declared that Germany was once
again becoming too powerful and must therefore be destroyed. In the Summer of 1939 the time seemed to have come for Britain to
begin to realize its intended annihilation by repetition of a comprehensive policy of encirclement of Germany.
The plan of the campaign of lies staged for this purpose consisted in declaring that other people were threatened,
in tricking them with British promises of guarantees and assistance, and of getting them to go against Germany,
just as had happened prior to the [First] World War. From May to August 1939, Britain thus succeeded in broadcasting to
the world that Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Bessarabia. as well as Ukraine, were being directly threatened
by Germany. Some of these states allowed themselves to be misled into accepting the promise of guarantee proffered
with these assertions, thus joining the new encirclement front against Germany. Under these circumstances I considered
myself entitled to assume responsibility, before my own conscience and before the history of the German people,
not only of assuring these countries or their governments of the falseness of these British assertions, but also
of setting at rest the strongest power in the east [the Soviet Union], by especially solemn declarations regarding
the limits of our interests. National Socialists! At that time you probably all felt that this step was a bitter and difficult one
for me. The German people has never harbored hostile feelings against the peoples of Russia. However, for more
than two decades the Jewish Bolshevik rulers in Moscow had been endeavoring to set aflame not only Germany but
all Europe. At no time did Germany ever attempt to carry her National Socialist worldview into Russia, but on
the contrary Jewish Bolshevik rulers in Moscow unswervingly endeavored to foist their domination upon us and other
European nations, not only by ideological means but above all with military force. The consequences of the activity
of this regime were nothing but chaos, misery and starvation in all countries. I, on the other hand, have been striving for
two decades, with a minimum of intervention and without destroying our production, to arrive at a new socialist
order in Germany, one that not only eliminates unemployment but also permits the productive worker to receive an
ever greater share of the fruits of his labor. The achievements of this policy of national economic and social
reconstruction -- which strove for a true national community by overcoming rank and class divisions -- are unique
in today's world. It was therefore only with extreme difficulty that I brought myself in August 1939 to send my [Foreign]
Minister [von Ribbentrop] to Moscow in an endeavor there to counter the British encirclement policy against Germany.
I did this only out of a sense of responsibility toward the German people, but above all in the hope of finally,
in spite of everything, achieving long-term detente and of being able to reduce sacrifices that otherwise might
have been demanded of us. While Germany solemnly affirmed in Moscow that the designated territories and countries -- with the exception
of Lithuania -- lay outside any German political interests, a special [supplementary] agreement was concluded
in case Britain were to succeed in inciting Poland into actually going to war against Germany. In this case, as well, German
claims were subject to limitations entirely out of proportion to the achievements of the German forces. National Socialists!
The consequences of this treaty, which I myself desired and which was concluded in the interests of the German
nation, were very severe, particularly for Germans living in the countries concerned. Far more than half a million
[ethnically] German men and women, all small farmers, artisans and workmen, were forced to leave their former
homeland practically overnight in order to escape from a new [Soviet] regime that at first threatened them with
boundless misery and sooner or later with complete extermination. Nevertheless, thousands of Germans disappeared. It was impossible
ever to determine their fate, let alone their whereabouts. Among them were no fewer than 160 men of German Reich
citizenship. To all this I remained silent because I had to! For, after all, it was my one desire to bring about
a final relief of tension and, if possible, a permanent settlement with this [Soviet] state. However, already during our advance
in Poland, Soviet rulers suddenly, and contrary to the treaty, also claimed Lithuania. The German Reich never
had any intention of occupying Lithuania, and not only failed to present any such demand to the Lithuanian government,
but on the contrary refused the request of the then Lithuanian government to send German troops to Lithuania in
that spirit for that purpose as inconsistent with the aims of German policy. Despite all this I complied also with this fresh
Russian demand. However, this was only the beginning of continually renewed extortions, which have been repeated
ever since. The victory in Poland, which was won exclusively by German troops, prompted me to address yet another
peace offer to the Western powers [Britain and France]. It was rejected, due to the efforts of the international
and Jewish warmongers. Already at that time the reason for this rejection lay in the fact that Britain still had
hopes of being able to mobilize a European coalition against Germany, which was to include the Balkans and Soviet
Russia. It was therefore decided in London to send Mr. Cripps as ambassador to Moscow. He received clear instructions
under all circumstances to resume relations between Britain and Soviet Russia, and develop them in a pro-British
direction. The British press reported on the progress of this mission, except insofar as tactical reasons did
not impose silence. In the fall of 1939 and the spring of 1940 the first results actually made themselves felt. As Russia
undertook to subjugate by armed force not only Finland but also the Baltic states, she suddenly motivated this
action by the assertion, as ridiculous as it was false, that she must protect these countries from an outside
threat, or forestall it. This could only be meant to apply to Germany, for no other power could even intervene in the Baltic
area, let alone go to war there. Still I had to be silent. However, those in power in the Kremlin immediately went
further. Whereas
in the spring of 1940 Germany, in accordance with the so-called Friendship Treaty [of Sept. 28, 1939, with Soviet
Russia], withdrew her forces from the eastern frontier and, in fact, for the most part cleared these areas entirely
of German troops, a deployment of Russian forces at that time was already beginning, to an extent that could only
be regarded as a deliberate threat to Germany.
According to a statement that [Soviet Foreign Minister] Molotov
personally made at that time, there were 22 Russian divisions in the Baltic states alone already in the spring of
1940. Given that the Russian government always claimed that it had been called in by the local population, the
purpose of their presence there could only be a demonstration against Germany. While our soldiers from May 10, 1940,
onward were breaking Franco-British power in the west, Russian military deployment on our eastern frontier was
continuing to an ever more menacing extent. From August 1940 onward I therefore considered it to be in the interest of
the Reich to no longer permit our eastern provinces, which moreover had been laid waste so often before, to remain
unprotected in the face of this tremendous deployment of Bolshevik divisions. Thus, and just as intended by this British-Soviet
Russian cooperation, there came about the tying up of such strong [German] forces in the east that a radical conclusion
of the war in the west, particularly as regards aircraft, could no longer be vouched for by the German leadership.
This, however, was in line with the goals not only of British but also of Soviet Russian policy, for both Britain
and Soviet Russia intended to let this war go on for as long as possible in order to weaken all Europe and render
it ever more impotent. Russia's threatened attack on Romania was in the last analysis equally intended to gain possession of
or, if possible, to destroy, an important base of the economic life of not only Germany, but of all of Europe.
Since 1933 the German Reich sought with boundless patience to win over states in southeastern Europe as trading
partners. We therefore also had the greatest interest in their internal consolidation and order. Russia's advance
into Romania and Greece's alliance with Britain threatened to quickly turn these regions as well into a general
theater of war. Contrary to our principles and customs, and at the urgent request of the then Romanian government, which
was itself responsible for this development, I advised that it acquiesce to the Soviet Russian demands for the sake
of peace, and to cede [the province of] Bessarabia. The Romanian government believed, however, that it could answer
for this before its own people only if Germany and Italy in compensation would at least guarantee the integrity
of what still remained of Romania. I did so with heavy heart, above all because when the German Reich gives a
guarantee, that means it also abides by it. We are neither Englishmen nor Jews. I still believe at this late hour to have served
the cause of peace in that region, albeit by assuming a serious obligation of our own. In order, however, finally
to solve these problems and achieve clarity concerning the Russian attitude toward Germany, as well as under pressure
of continually increasing mobilization on our eastern frontier, I invited Mr. Molotov to come to Berlin. The Soviet Foreign
Minister [during their November 1940 meeting] then demanded Germany's clarification of or agreement to the following
four questions: Molotov's first question: Is the German guarantee for Romania also directed against Soviet Russia in case
of attack by Soviet Russia against Romania? My answer: The German guarantee is a general one and is unconditionally binding upon
us. Russia, however, never declared to us that she had other interests in Romania beyond Bessarabia. The [Soviet]
occupation of Northern Bukovina was already a violation of this assurance. I did not therefore think that Russia could
now suddenly have more far-reaching intentions against Rumania. Molotov's second question: Russia again feels itself menaced by
Finland, Russia is determined not to tolerate this. Is Germany ready not to give any aid to Finland, and above
all immediately to withdraw German relief troops marching through to Kirkenes? My answer: As ever, Germany has absolutely no
political interests in Finland. A new war by Russia against the small Finnish nation could not, however, be regarded
any longer by the German government as tolerable, all the more so because we could never believe that Finland could
threaten Russia. Under no circumstances did we want another theater of war to arise in the Baltic. Molotov's third
question: Is Germany prepared to agree that Soviet Russia give a guarantee to Bulgaria and, in this regard, send
Soviet troops to Bulgaria, in connection with which he -- Molotov -- was prepared to state that the Soviets did
not intend on that account, for example, to depose the King? My answer: Bulgaria is a sovereign state, and I have no
knowledge that Bulgaria had ever asked Soviet Russia for any kind of guarantee such as Romania had requested from
Germany. Moreover, I would have to discuss the matter with my allies. Molotov's fourth question: Soviet Russia absolutely requires
free passage through the Dardanelles, and for her protection also demands occupation of a number of important bases
on the Dardanelles and the Bosporus. Is Germany in agreement with this or not? My answer: Germany is prepared at any time to
agree to altering the Treaty of Montreux [1936] in favor of the Black Sea states. Germany is not prepared to agree
to Russia's taking possession of bases on the Straits. National Socialists! Here I adopted the only attitude that I could
adopt as the responsible leader of the German Reich, but also a conscientiously responsible representative of
European culture and civilization. The result was to increase the activity in Soviet Russia directed against the
Reich, above all, however, the immediate commencement of undermining the new Romanian state from within, and an
attempt to remove the Bulgarian government by propaganda. With the help of confused and immature leaders of the Romanian
[Iron Guard] Legion a coup d'etat was staged in Romania whose aim was to overthrow Chief of State General Antonescu
and produce chaos in the country so as to eliminate thee legal authority and thus remove the precondition for
implementing the German guarantee. I nevertheless still believed it best to remain silent. Immediately after the failure of this
undertaking, there was renewed reinforcement of concentrations of Russian troops on Germany's eastern frontier.
Panzer detachments and parachute troops were transferred in ever increasing numbers to dangerous proximity to the
German frontier. The German armed forces and the German homeland know that until a few weeks ago not a single German
tank or motorized division was stationed on our eastern frontier. If any final proof was required for the coalition meanwhile formed
between Britain and Soviet Russia, despite all diversion and camouflage, the Yugoslav conflict provided it. While
I made every effort to undertake a final attempt to pacify the Balkans and, in sympathetic cooperation with the
Duce [Mussolini], invited Yugoslavia to join the Tripartite Pact, Britain and Soviet Russia jointly organized that
coup d'etat which, in a single night, removed the government that had been ready to come to agreement. For today we can
inform the German nation that the Serb putsch against Germany did not take place merely under the British, but
primarily under Soviet Russian auspices. While we remained silent on this matter as well, the Soviet leaders now
went one step further. They not only organized the putsch, but a few days later [April 5, 1941] concluded that
well-known friendship treaty with those submissive creatures, which was meant to strengthen the Serbs in their
will to resist pacification of the Balkans, and to incite them against Germany. And this was no platonic intention:
Moscow demanded mobilization of the Serbian army.
Because, even then, I still believed it better not to speak out,
those in power in the Kremlin went still further: The government of the German Reich today possesses documentary
evidence proving that Russia, in order finally to bring Serbia into the war, gave her a promise to supply her, by way
of Salonika, with weapons, aircraft, munitions and other war materials against Germany. And this happened almost
at the very moment that I was advising Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka to bring about an easing of tensions
with Russia, still hoping thereby to serve the cause of peace. Only the rapid advance of our incomparable divisions to Skoplje
[Skopje], as well as the capture of Salonika itself, frustrated the aims of this Soviet Russian-British plot.
Officers of the Serbian air force, however, fled to Russia and were there immediately received as allies. It was only the
victory of the Axis powers in the Balkans that thwarted the plan to tie down Germany this summer in months of fighting
in southeastern Europe while meantime steadily completing the deployment of Soviet Russian armies and strengthening
their readiness for battle in order, finally, together with Britain and supported by anticipated American supplies,
to tie down and then defeat the German Reich and Italy. Thus Moscow not only broke but miserably betrayed the stipulations
of our friendship treaty. All this was done while the rulers in the Kremlin, exactly as in the case of Finland
and Romania, up to the last moment pretended peace and friendship and issued seemingly harmless denials. Although I have been obliged by circumstances
again and again to keep silent, the moment has now come when to continue as a mere observer would not only be
a sin of omission but a crime against the German people -- yes, even against the whole of Europe. Today something like 160 Russian divisions
are standing at our frontier. For weeks there have been constant violations of this frontier, not only affecting
us but also in the far north [against Finland], as well as Romania. Russian airmen consider it sport nonchalantly
to overlook these frontiers, presumably to prove to us that they already feel themselves masters of these territories.
During the night of June 17 to 18 Russian patrols again penetrated into Reich territory, and could only be driven
back after prolonged exchange of fire.
This has brought us to the hour when it is necessary for us to counter this
plot of Jewish-British warmongers and equally the Jewish rulers of the Bolshevik center in Moscow. German people!
At this moment a deployment of forces is taking place that, in its extent and scope, is the greatest the world
hitherto has seen. United with their Finnish comrades, the fighters of the victory of Narvik are standing in the
Northern Arctic. German divisions commanded by the conqueror of Norway [General Dietl], together with the heroes
of Finnish freedom under their Marshal [Mannerheim], are protecting Finnish soil. Formations of the German eastern
front extend from East Prussia to the Carpathians. German and Romanian soldiers are united under Chief of State
Antonescu from the banks of the Prut along the lower reaches of the Danube to the shores of the Black Sea. The task of this
front, therefore, is not merely the protection of individual countries, but the safeguarding of Europe, and thereby
the salvation of all. I therefore decided today to once again lay the fate and future of the German Reich and our
people in the hands of our soldiers. May the Lord God help us especially in this fight!
Excerpts from a presentation by Lady Michele Renouf, speaking in Vancouver, reporting
on a recent “Identitarian” conference in Mexico during which the true events of World War II were discussed
in relation to understanding current affairs in modern day Europe. She spoke of “swindle-speak”
and the historical misappropriation of terms by the media and enemies of truth, providing the term “holocaust”
(a burnt whole offering) as a major example. She cited historical facts concerning the British military policy
of targeting civilians in the WWII air war against Germany, and she concludes that it was the Germans who, by
definition, were the true victims of an actual “holocaust”. She referred to Churchill’s
policy, to “baste” the Germans and burn them alive. Thus, she said, “the German people should
rightfully reclaim this term for themselves”. She then quoted Dennis Richards, Official Historian of the
R.A.F. who admitted that the British initiated the air war, targeting civilians, in order to goad Hitler into bombing
England in retaliation. Regarding effective
activism in terms of “Identitarianism”, from her own expertise in the advertising industry, she says
that in order to reach the general public with the message, it is important to not use the adversary’s terminology,
to not act and dress as they wish, and of not adopt archaic or nostalgic symbolism which the enemies of truth have
already demonized. She urges civility and creativity in order to appeal to the wider audience with one’s
message and opposes the “Neo-Nazi” look and methods. I attended this presentation and was involved in the Q&A
segment, included in this video. One should not assume, however, that I necessarily subscribe to the “Identitarian”
viewpoint. My issue is and remains “Justice for Germans” with the caveat, that humanity as whole will
also benefit from understanding the truth about Hitler, National Socialism and World War II. I was, however,
much impressed with her presentation. My main reason for attending was my great respect for her, in light of all
of her activism on behalf of the German people and for Our Fallen over many years, and indeed, for all of humanity
against our common enemy or “our predator” as she calls them.Her contention that the “Holocaust”
happened to the German people echoes my own sentiments. This is also evidenced in the documentary film “Hellstorm“. It
was delightful to re-acquaint myself with her since our last meeting nearly 4 years ago. We spent several hours
chatting privately after the event had concluded, and I shared with her some of what I have done in that time,
including the founding of The Truth and Justice for Germans Society. She read the mandate and constitution, and she endorses it, saying “it is long overdue” and she wondered “why
has it not been done before?” Other TJGS members were also in attendance and greatly appreciated her presentation. Related Info: http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Identitarianism Lady Michele’s main website:
to the claims of the “Court Historians”, the Allied Terror-Bombing Campaign was not intended for the
destruction military targets, as my previous post demonstrate, but rather, to “de-house” and to kill
as many German civilians as possible. “Court Historians”
are the intellectual bodyguards of the State. They shape and defend the “official line” or interpretation
on the State’s wars, its presidential regimes, or other key historical events and public policies. As a
result they enjoy high esteem and recognition in the mainstream media and academia. As defenders of the status
quo they frequently attack and label their critics as “conspiracy theorists,” “revisionists,”
“isolationists,” “appeasers,” “anti-intellectuals,” or other boogie men, rather
than engage in civil discourse or discussion. http://www.houseofpaine.org/court_historians.html
British documents as referred to by David Irving (and many other
Non-Court Historians), and many quotes from the British military leadership confirm that the British and later
also the Americans, deliberately targeted civilians, contrary to International Law. (See Dehousing Paper) Further proof of this, however, is in the routine use of Delay-Action Bombs by the Allies. Many of the bombs which were dropped upon German cities contained a perfidious mechanism which, rather than exploding
immediately upon contact with the ground or with buildings, were designed to explode hours or days later, thereby
causing harm to survivors when they had emerged from their bomb shelters and cellars. They also caused serious
danger to the Fire Fighters and Rescue personnel, sometimes killing them or making their duties virtually impossible
to carry out. Both the British and Americans had these types of ordinances in their arsenals and also and frequently
deployed them. Yes, this is how the so-called “good guys” and “liberators” waged war.
The chemical-mechanical fuse devices contained in them were housed in the rear portion of a
standard aerial bomb. However, added protection using artificial materials (celluloids) were built in to prevent
an immediate explosion upon impact. A glass ampule, located in the rear section, which contained acetone would
instead break open upon impact and then slowly begin to dissolve a series of the protective celluloid plates or
barriers, which barricaded the explosive materials, eventually triggering the firing pin and then finally
detonating the bomb at a later point in time. The time of detonation was dependant upon how long it took for the
acetone to dissolve the celluloid barriers. The speed of this chain of could also be varied according to the number
or thickness of the barriers and / or the strength of the acetone contained in the glass ampule. Thus, they
could be designed to detonate in any time frame ranging from several hours to a week. These Delay-Action Bombs
can only be regarded as murderous weapons of terror and mass destruction. (Weitere
Infos auf Deutsch, siehe: http://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Alliierter_Bombenterror) Many such bombs, however, did not explode at all and are still being dug up
today on German soil by farmers or in the course of road construction, the building of railways or the digging
of tunnels for underground public transportation lines, etc. These have also frequently been found in rivers and
canals. These bombs are, however, no less deadly than the day they were dropped, over 70 years ago. As a result,
and to this day, “bomb alarms” are still a common occurrence in German cities and towns, resulting
in sections of towns to be evacuated, roads to be closed and rail transportation to be halted for hours while highly
trained bomb-disposal experts attempt to diffuse them, move them, or to detonate them on the spot. They could,
however, under the right conditions, still explode spontaneously. Finding
unexploded German ordinance on British soil is, by comparison, a more rare occurrence. Whenever one is found,
it is usually in London. This speaks to the fact that the German side did not use Delay-Action Bombs, as claimed
by Wikipedia (without citation) for example, and also to the fact that England was never bombed to anywhere near the same extent as
Germany. Nonetheless, when a single unexploded World War II German bomb is discovered in England, as was
recently the case in London on March 22, 2015, it is an international “sensation” and news reports of
this are carried world wide, apparently as proof of the barbarism of the “evil Nazis”. See my
web search for news reports here: https://startpage.com By contrast, it is rarely reported in the international media when
unexploded British or American bombs are found on German soil. Why? Perhaps because it is such a common occurrence.
Perhaps because they don’t want the world to know and to understand the full extent of the criminal Allied
Terror Bombing Campaign and the types of bombs that were used. Or perhaps because, “it happened to evil Germans
who deserved it, and so who cares”? One recent exception, however, appeared in the Wall Street Journal:
German City Evacuated After Unexploded World War II Bomb Is Found – Officials cleared 20,000 people from area surrounding Cologne’s Mülheim bridge (WSJ |May 27th,
2015) Excerpts:
“Seven decades since the end of World War II, unexploded bombs from are still found regularly throughout Germany,
a legacy of the Allies’ sustained bombing campaign aimed at destroying German industry [a
big lie, as exposed in the my previous posts] and breaking domestic morale. In Cologne alone, 25 bombs on
average are discovered and deactivated each year, so far without causing any incident, city officials say.
“ “Most large
and midsize German cities were subject to bombing campaigns in the later phase of the war, leading to casualties
estimated between 305,000 and 600,000 people, according to various historical records. [These are typical, deliberately
downsized BRD stats]. In May 1942, Cologne became the first German urban area to face mass-scale bombing [refers
to the Area Bombing Directive of Feb. 14th, 1942 and does not consider earlier bombings of German cities] when British Royal Air Force bombers dropped
more than 1,400 tons of ordnance on the city. Allied forces bombarded the city 262 times during the war,
city spokeswoman Sabine Wotzlaw said.” Here is an exceptionally good and thorough article:
Nobody Knows How Many Unexploded Bombs Are Hidden Under Berlin – Vice.com –
April 14, 2014, By Katie Engelhart  The Reichstag after the Allied bombing of Berlin (Photo via) In the thick of WWII, Allied pilots dropped some 2 million tons (estimates vary) of bombs on German soil. Most of the bombs exploded, but up to 15 percent were duds and failed to detonate
on impact. Today, these unexploded relics lie waiting. Experts figure that up to 250,000 live bombs remain scattered around Germany, and barely a week goes by without a bomb squad being summoned to one of them—unearthed,
perhaps, by a hapless construction worker or a farmer tending to his fields. Authorities
take precautions, but there are still accidents. Bombs go off suddenly and sometimes people die. Though most of
the Great War’s combatants are long dead, WWII’s casualty list keeps growing. Over the last few years,
the presence of unexploded ordnance (UXO) has become a more pressing problem. As WWII bombs grow old, their stabilizing
agents begin to decompose and they become sensitive to the tiniest of tremors. As this happens, the risk of spontaneous
explosion increases. This situation isn’t unique to rural backwaters,
either. Berlin, which was bombed to shit between 1940 and 1945, hosts an estimated 2,000 to 4,000 unexploded bombs (in addition to loads of unexploded grenades, rockets, artillery shells, mortars, mines, etc.) with around
ten to 15 live bombs found in the capital each year… CONTINUE READING HERE:
http://www.vice.com/read/unexploded-wwii-bombs-germany Also note that the Inglorious Bastard ALL LIES bear no responsibility even today
for the cost of the bomb disposal operations. Nor do these occupiers, who still have armies on German soil today,
send any of their own teams to disarm and dispose of their World War II bombs which they dropped. Meanwhile, the
Germans today pay, and pay, and pay to apparently anyone who makes a claim against them, absorbs countless refugees
from other countries, sends money and arms to IsraHell, and continually props up other failing EU states, all the
while being continually smacked in the face with World War II Lies and Propaganda. The outright theft of German
territory is not even discussed, much less compensation for our lost lands, or to the millions of Germans who were
ethnically cleansed. And to date, no member of the ALL LIES has ever been tried for a War Crime or Crime Against
Humanity, in spite of all of the overwhelming body of evidence. So, did
the war really end in 1945? Were the Germans in fact “liberated”? And was this really “the good
war”? Or was it just the model for future wars against all nations who defend themselves against the tyranny
of the International Bankster Gangsters and their New World Order agenda?
Excerpts from a presentation by historian David Irving from the late 1980s / early 90s in Germany in which he
explains how it was the British who started the aerial bombing and the targeting of civilians, and how it was Churchill,
from the beginning, who made it British policy, knowing full well that it was a war crime. The intent was to eventually
force Hitler to retaliate in kind. Hitler, himself, had always opposed the targeting of civilian populations, even
long before the war. Moreover, this was a deliberate policy of subverting Hitler’s attempts to make peace
by instigating hatred of the Germans in England. Irving provides some details of Hitler’s peace initiatives
and terms. It is well documented that Hitler and had always sought friendship with England. It was the British
war mongers in Parliament, however, who long before 1939 had been instigating for war. Statistics are also provided
here which demonstrate how little damage was actually done to German industry and military production as compared
to the monstrous destruction of German cities and towns, resulting in heavy civilian casualties.
Still more to follow on this topic! 
It is widely believed to this day that the Germans instigated the aerial bombing campaign
against European and British cities, and thus “got what they deserved” in kind. Often cited are the
German bombings of Warsaw and Rotterdam. These two instances of bombings are not in dispute, however, the
context must be considered. The details are seldom discussed, and hence, little known. The rules of warfare must
also be considered. The deliberate targeting of civilians was indeed a “war crime”. The Hague conventions
tolerated the bombing of cities IF they were under military occupation (ie “defended”), which was the
case with both Warsaw or Rotterdam. The Hague Conventions for Land Warfare
(which Germany was a signatory to) stated: Article 25
The attack or bombardment of towns, villages, habitations or buildings which are not defended, is prohibited. Article 26 The Commander of an attacking force, before commencing
a bombardment, except in the case of an assault, should do all he can to warn the authorities. Article
27 In sieges and bombardments all necessary steps should be taken to
spare as far as possible edifices devoted to religion, art, science, and charity, hospitals, and places where
the sick and wounded are collected, provided they are not used at the same time for military purposes.
The besieged should indicate these buildings or places by some particular and visible signs, which should
previously be notified to the assailants. http://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/hague02.asp In the cases of both Warsaw and Rotterdam, the bombing was not
intentionally to target civilians. Indeed, Hitler had long campaigned against such actions in warfare and at the
commencement of hostilities with Poland, he gave explicit orders to the Luftwaffe to not target civilians, and
they adhered strictly to this order. In Warsaw, however, the Polish army retreated into the city and turned
it into fortress. In essence, they took the city and the population as a hostage. They were given several ultimatums
to surrender, with reasonable time to do so, but they refused. Flyers were also dropped from the air to warn civilians
of the imminent danger. All prudent measures were taken. While civilians indeed died, they were not intentionally
targeted. The aim of the bombing was to force a surrender of the Polish forces which were holed up there. That
was not, according to the international law, a “war crime”. Here, one may also question why Hitler
felt compelled to attack Poland in the first place. I have covered this in numerous past posts, however, to understand
this fully, I recommend reading: 100 Documents on the Origin of the War (German White Book) pdf The situation in Rotterdam was very similar. A group of Dutch resistance
fighters that fought at the Grebbeberg took refuge in Rotterdam. This eventually resulted in a German ultimatum
that if the Grebbeberg resistance did not cease, Rotterdam would be bombed. The resisters finally complied and
the bombing raid was to called off at the last minute. However, there was a communications problem. Ground flares
intended to call off the attack were not seen or by one of the inbound bomber formations and Rotterdam was thus
inadvertently bombed. About 900 people died and 80,000 people became homeless as a result of ensuing fires which
were NOT caused by incendiaries, but rather, by hazardous materials stored on the ground. Mainstream history confirms
that: “Student radioed to postpone the planned attack.
When the message reached KG 54’s command post, the Kommodore, Oberst Walter Lackner, was already approaching
Rotterdam and his aircraft had reeled in their long-range aerials. Haze and smoke obscured the target; to ensure
that Dutch defences were hit Lackner brought his formation down to 2,300 ft (700 m).[27] German forces on the Noordereiland
fired flares[28] to prevent friendly fire — after three aircraft of the southern formation had already unloaded,
the remaining 24 from the southern bomber formation under Oberstleutnant Otto Höhne aborted their attack.
The larger formation came from the north-east, out of position to spot red flares launched from the south side of
the city, and proceeded with their attack. Fifty-four He 111s dropped low to release 97 tonnes (213,848 lb) of bombs,
mostly in the heart of the city. Why the formation had not received the
abort order sooner remains controversial. Oberst Lackner of the largest formation claimed that his crews were
unable to spot red flares due to bad visibility caused by humidity and dense smoke of burning constructions and
subsequently needed to decrease altitude to 2,000 feet.[30] But the red flare, which Lackner failed to see, might
have also been used by the Germans to show their location in the city to avoid friendly fire. An official German
form designated red as the colour for that purpose.[31]” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotterdam_Blitz While the details of what actually happened versus what was supposed
to happen (or not happen) remain somewhat sketchy, it was clearly a military vs military attack, and not intended
to deliberately target the civilian population of Rotterdam. This, however, will inevitably beg the question “why
did the Germans invade peaceful, neutral Holland? Surely they had no right to do so!” This question
must be answered with another question. Why did the neutral Dutch permit the RAF to use its airspace to attack
the German cities of the Ruhr Valley? Why did they not defend their stated neutrality? The German White Book
Nr.8 – The Sole Responsibility of England for the Bombing War (1943) indicates numerous instances of British
bombers attacking German cities in the Ruhr from the direction of neutral Belgium and Holland. To my knowledge,
this book is not available in an English translation. Weissbuch_Nr.8_Alleinschuld_England Indeed, the British Expeditionary Force planned to attack Germany through these
countries, which were apparently not opposed, while still maintaining their declaration of neutrality. Germany
was therefore not obliged to respect their proclaimed neutrality in defence of its own sovereign territory.
It must also be noted that Germany did not bomb the city of Paris (or other major French cities). Why
not? Because the French declared them to be “free cities”. In other words not occupied by the
French military or “not defended”. Thus they and their cultural artifacts, architecture etc
were protected and would not be bombed by the Luftwaffe. That, however, did not dissuade the British and Americans
from bombing Paris and other French cities later, thereby destroying cultural artifacts and killing many thousands
of French civilians in the name of “liberation”. The British
bombing of German cities started well before Churchill even became Prime Minister, on Sept. 5th, 1939 at Wilhelmshaven.
Then resumed again with ferocious intensity in the Spring of 1940 and increased with the advent of the unelected
Churchill’s rise to power. “On 3 September 1939
the French and British empires had declared war on Germany and England’s Royal Air Force began attacking German
warships along the German coast with the North Sea. The attacks by the Royal Air Force (RAF) on German cities began
with the attack on Wilhelmshaven on 5 September 1939. Eight months later, on the 9th of May 1940 began the German
offensive in the West. On the 11th of May the British Cabinet decided to unleash the Bomber Command on the air
war against the German hinterland. The following night British planes aimlessly dropped bombs for the first time
on residential areas of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt. And from then on made such attacks on cities in the Ruhr
area night after night. Up to the 13th of May 1940, i.e. two days later, the German side registered a total of
51 British air attacks on non-military targets plus 14 attacks on military targets such as bridges, railway tracks,
defense and industrial plants.The first carpet bombing of a German city was in the night of the 15th to 16th of
May 1940 in Duisburg. After that the RAF committed repeated air attacks on German cities. The night of the 24th
of August 1940 – bombs meant to be dropped on the Thameshaven oil storage depot and on the Short’s
factory at Rochester, by mistake or simply because they were randomly unloaded in order to escape fighters, fell on the
City of London and nine other districts inside the Greater London area. Incendiaries lit fires in Bethnal Green,
and St.Giles’ Church in Cripplegate was damaged. Oxford Street department stores were damaged. Nine people
were killed and 58 injured. On the 25th of August 1940, British bombers attacked Berlin by night, and indeed not
even to target important military targets, because the Royal Airforce (RAF) was not even capable, having not developed
any bomb-targeting devices. On the 6th to the 7th of September 1940, a German air raid on London took place –
but specifically on military targets such as ports, railway stations, war factories and power stations. Crews
were expressly prohibited to drop their bombs on residential areas, because thereby, no ‘war deciding’
successes could be expected.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/87187334/Churchill-the-Warmonger-Started-the-Bombing-on-Cities-First (includes the German text, although I am still looking for the original source. I have contacted the person who posted
this for his assistance and am awaiting a reply. I will update this post if and when I receive the requested info).
Regarding England, the fact is, that Germany endured a solid 5 months of bombing of its cities
and civilians before responding in kind. The city of Coventry endured a mere 380 dead. While regrettable, that
was absolutely minuscule in comparison to the bombing of hundreds of German cities and towns, and the casualties
which the German side endured by this unprovoked, criminal British policy of targeting civilians.
For those who read German, I also recommend reading: ERICH KERN. Verbrechen
am deutschen Volk. Eine Dokumentation alliierter Grausamkeiten. 1964. VERLAG K. W. SCHÜTZ • GÖTTINGEN
Kern__Erich_-_Verbrechen_am_deutschen_Volk (pdf)

[J4G Exclusive, courtesy of Mike Walsh] During World War Two more bombs by weight were
dropped on the city of Berlin than were released on the whole of Great Britain during the entire war. All German
towns and cities above 50,000 populations were from 50% to 80% destroyed. The great city of Dresden, dubbed the
Florence of Northern Europe, was incinerated. Up to 300,000 civilians lost their lives.
Hamburg, one of Europe’s greatest and most beautiful cities, was torched. Genghis Khan
would have exulted in the methodical razing of an entire city and the destruction of its population. The only surviving
building was the city’s cathedral. This ecclesiastical wonder was saved not because of its spiritual symbolism.
It survived only because it served the Royal Air Force (RAF) and United States Air Force (USAF) as a bombing run
marker. By no stretch of the imagination could such total destruction be
written off as legitimate. Entire areas of Hamburg and other European cities, that offered no war value, were
similarly destroyed. Furthermore, such total destruction of infrastructure and innocent lives cannot be dismissed
by the ‘they started it first’ false argument. Nor can it be dismissed as a tit-for-tat
bombing. In this one German city alone, over just a few nights in July 1943, the number of dead exceeded the
entire military and civilian death toll of Britain during the war. The Economist
September 1941 conceded that just 2% of (British) real estate had been destroyed by German bombing. The article
included a note that commented on ‘the furious pace at speculators who were buying the bombed sites for
a song’. This situation remained largely unchanged until the end of the war. Germany never engaged in blanket
or terror bombing, nor was it Germany that dropped atomic bombs on two of Japan’s most beautiful cities.
Cities that incidentally were the only two Christian cities in Japan. Hamburg.
Operation Gomorrah. July 1943. Following the RAF raids the volcanic flames were hurled 5,000 feet into the sky,
four times the height of New York’s Empire State Building. With the consequential gases, they rose as high
again, and caused meteorological reaction high as the earth’s stratosphere. Between 1940 and 1945, sixty-one German cities with a total population of 25 million souls were destroyed
or devastated in a bombing campaign initiated by the English government. Destruction on this scale had no other
purpose than the indiscriminate mass murder of as many German people as possible quite regardless of their civilian
status. One of the campaign’s main aims was to reduce the German population (genocide) and furthermore reduce
its capacity to become a trade rival to Britain. The bombing campaign led to Luftwaffe bombing of Britain in retaliation.
This resulted in 60,000 British civilians’ deaths and 86,000 injured. THE
MOST UNCIVILIZED FORM OF WARFARE The eminent British war historian
and strategist, Captain Sir Basil Liddell Hart declared that through this strategy, victory had been achieved “through
practicing the most uncivilized means of warfare that the world had known since the Mongol invasions.”
– The Evolution of Warfare. Baber & Faber, 1946, p.75. “It was absolutely contrary to international
law.” – Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. “The British Government would never resort
to the deliberate attack on women and children for the purposes of mere terrorism.” – Prime Minister
Neville Chamberlain before he was ousted as Prime Minister. Winston Churchill’s
enthusiasm for the deliberate destruction of civilian populations could be traced back to his comment: “The
air opened paths along which death and terror could be carried far behind the lines of the actual enemy; to women,
children, the aged, the sick, who in earlier struggles would perforce have been left untouched.” –
Winston Churchill, The Great War. Vol. 3 P1602. The German chancellor,
on the other hand, was repelled by the mere thought of targeting civilians. “The construction of bombing
airplanes would soon be abandoned as superfluous and ineffective if bombing as such were branded as an illegal
barbarity. If, through the Red Cross Convention, it definitely turned out possible to prevent the killing of a
defenseless wounded man or prisoner, then it ought to be equally possible, by analogous convention, and finally to
stop the bombing of equally defenseless civil populations.” – German Chancellor Adolf Hitler.
“Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly three months
after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets. Hitler would have been willing at any time to stop
the slaughter. Hitler was genuinely anxious to reach with Britain an agreement confining the action of aircraft
to battle zones.” – J. M Spaight. CB. CBE. Bombing Vindicated, p.47. Principal Secretary to the
Air Ministry. The first breach of international law: “This raid
on the night of May 11 1940, although in itself trivial, was an epoch-marking event since it was the first deliberate
breach of the fundamental rule of civilized warfare that hostilities must only be waged against the enemy combatant
forces. Their flight marked the end of an epoch which had lasted for two and one-half centuries.” –
F. J. P Veale, Advance to Barbarism, p.172. “The first ‘area’
air attack of the war was carried out by 134 British bombers on the German city of Mannheim on the 16 December
1940. The object of this attack, as Air Chief Marshall Peirse later explained, was, ‘to concentrate the
maximum amount of damage in the center of the town,” – The Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany.
(H. M Stationery Office, London, 1961). As early as 1953 H. M Stationery
Office published the first volume of a work, The Royal Air Force, 1939 – 1945, The Fight at Odds. P.122
described as ‘officially commissioned and based throughout on official documents which had been read and approved
by the Air Ministry Historical Branch. Its author, Dennis Richards, reveals that: “If the Royal Air
Force raided the Ruhr, destroying oil plants with its most accurately placed bombs and urban property with those
that went astray, the outcry for retaliation against Britain might prove too strong for the German generals to
resist. Indeed, Hitler himself would probably lead the clamor. The attack on the Ruhr was therefore an informal
invitation to the Luftwaffe to bomb London.” “We
began to bomb objectives on the German mainland before the Germans began to bomb objectives on the British mainland.”
– J. M. Spaight, CB. CBE. Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry. “Because
we were doubtful about the psychological effect of propagandist distortion of the truth that it was we who started
the strategic bombing offensive, we have shrunk from giving our great decision of May 11 1940, the publicity it
deserves.” – Bombing Vindicated. J.M. Spaight, CB. CBE. Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry.
“Air Marshall Tedder made every effort to be a worthy pupil of his superior, Prime
Minister Winston Churchill. The Marshall told high British officers that Germany had lost the war because she had
not followed the principle of total warfare.” – New York Times, January 10 1946.
“Retaliation was certain if we carried the war into Germany… there was a reasonable
possibility that our capital and industrial centers would not have been attacked if we had continued to refrain
from attacking those of Germany.” – J. M. Spaight, CB. CBE. Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry.
“The primary purpose of these raids was to goad the Germans into undertaking reprisal
raids of a similar character on Britain. Such raids would arouse intense indignation in Britain against Germany
and so create a war psychosis without which it would be impossible to carry on a modern war.” –
Dennis Richards, the Royal Air Force 1939 – 1945. The Fight at Odds. H. M Stationery Office.
“It gave Coventry and Birmingham, Sheffield and Southampton, the right to look Kiev
and Kharkov, Stalingrad and Sevastopol, in the face. Our Soviet allies would be less critical of our inactivity
if they had understood what we had done.” – J. M. Spaight, CB. CBE. Principal Secretary to the
“It is one of the greatest triumphs of modern emotional engineering that, in spite
of the plain facts of the case which could never be disguised or even materially distorted, the British public,
throughout the Blitz Period (1940 – 1941), remained convinced that the entire responsibility for their sufferings
it was undergoing rested on the German leaders.” “Too
high praise cannot, therefore, be lavished on the British emotional engineers for the infinite skill with which
the public mind was conditioned prior to and during a period of unparalleled strain.” – Advance
to Barbarism, P. 168. Mitre Press, London. F. J. P Veale, British Jurist. The
bombing of the English city Coventry, a city with a manufacturing base is often claimed to be ‘our Dresden’.
It is difficult to imagine a more ignorant riposte. “The inhabitants of Coventry, for example, continued
to imagine that their sufferings were due to the innate villainy of Adolf Hitler without a suspicion that a decision,
splendid or otherwise, of the British War Cabinet, was the decisive factor in the case.” – F.
J. P Veale. Advance to Barbarism, P.169. “One of the most unhealthy
features of the bombing offensive was that the War Cabinet – and in particular the Secretary for Air, Archibald
Sinclair (later Lord Thurso), felt it necessary to repudiate publicly the orders which they themselves had given
to Bomber Command.” – R. H. S Crosman. Labor Minister of Housing. Sunday Telegraph, October 1 1961.
“Is terror bombing now part of our policy? Why is it that the people of this country
who are supposed to be responsible for what is going on, are the only people who may not know what is being done
in their name?” “On the other hand, if terror bombing be
part of our policy, why was this statement put out at all? I think we shall live to rue the day we did this, and
that it (he bombing of Dresden) will stand for all time as a blot on our escutcheon.” – Richard
Stokes, MP. This Member of Parliament was referring to the Associated Press
Correspondent of Supreme Allied Headquarters in Paris. This had gloated. “This unprecedented assault
in daylight on the refugee-crowded capital, fleeing from the Soviet Red Army tide in the East. The report had
been widely broadcast in America, and by Paris Radio. It was suppressed in Britain for fear of public revulsion.”
“Thus, in a minute dated 28 February 1943, Sir Archibald Sinclair explained to Sir
Charles Portal, Chief of the Air Staff, that it was necessary to stifle all public discussion on the subject because
if the truth had been disclosed in response to the inquiries being made by influential political and religious
leaders, their inevitable condemnation would impair the morale of the bomber crews and consequently their bombing
efficiency.” – F. J. P Veale, Advance to Barbarism, p.29. WORKING
phase of the British air offensive against Germany began in March 1942 with the adoption of the Lindemann Plan
by the British War Cabinet, and continued with undiminished ferocity until the end of the war in May, 1945.
The bombing during this period was not, as the Germans complained, indiscriminate. On the
contrary. It was concentrated on working class houses because, as Professor Lindemann maintained, a higher percentage
of bloodshed per ton of explosives dropped could be expected from bombing houses built close together, rather than
by bombing higher class houses surrounded by gardens.” – Advance to Barbarism, F. J. P Veale,
British Author and Jurist. SLAYING IN THE NAME OF THE LORD
“I am in full agreement (of terror bombing). I am all for the bombing of working class
areas in German cities. I am a Cromwellian – I believe in ‘slaying in the name of the Lord!” –
Sir. Archibald Sinclair, British RAF Secretary for Air. WOMEN AND
Air Chiefs) argued that the desired result, of reducing German industrial production, would be more readily achieved
if the homes of the workers in the factories were destroyed; if the workers were kept busy arranging for the burial
of their wives and children, output might reasonably be expected to fall.” – Advance to Barbarism,
F. J. P Veale; Distinguished British Jurist. *** Mike
Walsh, a journalist, author and researcher has studied and published his books on the political history of the
20th Century for over 40 years. In addition, he has contributed hundreds of articles to international media. An
Irish citizen of considerable revolutionary pedigree, Michael Walsh has an international reputation also as a
poet. Currently he has published four titles
covering the vexed questions of the Reich and World War Two. These best-selling books are available on Amazon
Books and Kindle. “Heroes of the Reich”, “The All Lies Invasion”, “Heroes Hang When Traitors
Triumph”, and “Thus Sprach der Fuhrer”. Further titles will follow in 2015 and 2016.

The Reich catapulted otherwise quite ordinary people into international acclaim. HEROES
OF THE REICH is neither a military nor political history of the men and woman of many nations who gave their loyalty
and in many cases their lives to the Führer’s Reich. HEROES OF THE REICH reveals the true accounts
of political and military icons, fabulous artistes, great musicians, the ordinary people who withstood to their
deaths the overwhelming onslaught of the combined forces of the British, Soviet and American Empires. HEROES
OF THE REICH marks 82 years since the German leader, Adolf Hitler was elected, 70 years since the end of the Reich.
Hitler’s triumph was that he alone laid claim to be the only true democrat in the War of the Dictators.
Soviet leader Joe Stalin, a Georgian, was never elected. Nor was half-American British Premier Winston Churchill.
Whilst U.S. President Roosevelt was narrowly elected, it was afterwards conceded that it was his empty promise
not to involve the American people in another European war that achieved his ‘victory.’ Order at Amazon
19 Pics: WW2: Soviets dressed
as Germans killing people & Faked Photos – Stalin’s Order #
0428: the ‘Torch-Men-Order’ [Now here
is a really excellent article. This guy takes a close look at photos from WW2 and shows you real ones and faked
ones. This collection of real and fake photos is the best I’ve seen from WW2. I hope we can get more
such studies to look at closely. It
becomes clear that certain photos have been used and modified. One that really stands out for me as nonsensical
is the one of them about to hang the guy from a German tank’s gun. Why would you use an important and expensive
piece of equipment for such a trivial purpose? If you are going to hang someone, just hang from from a nearby
tree. Why a tank? What if you damaged your weapon? It is a precision weapon. The last thing you’d want to
mess with is the gun which is what’s keeping you alive. The mention of removing the background to hide the location is an important point. I’ve read that
the CIA can take almost any photograph and tell you where it was taken – simply by analysing shadows, etc. It is important to see the points of how these guys were faking it as Germans,
while using Jewish communist techniques of execution. A very important point also is this: Since this is 1941, why would the Germans destroy infrastructure
that they will benefit from? It is clear that throughout the time that the Germans advanced, that it was the Soviets
who were using scorched earth tactics. In fact, the Russians used scorched earth tactics against Napoleon.
In Wikipedia we read: The
Grande Armée was a very large force, numbering 680,000 soldiers (including 300,000 of French departments).
It was the largest army ever assembled in the history of warfare up to that point.[17] Through a series of long marches Napoleon pushed the army rapidly through Western Russia in an attempt to bring the Russian army to battle, winning a number of minor engagements and a major battle at Smolensk in August. Napoleon hoped the battle would win the war for him, but the Russian army slipped away and continued the retreat,
leaving Smolensk to burn.[18] French plans to quarter at Smolensk were abandoned, and Napoleon pressed his army on after the Russians.[19]As the Russian army fell back, the Cossacks applied scorched-earth tactics, burning down villages, towns and crops and forcing the French to rely on a supply system that was incapable of
feeding the large army in the field.[15][20] Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_invasion_of_Russia So even in Napoleon’s day
the Russians were using scorched earth tactics against the invaders. In fact the Russians even set fire to their
capital Moscow! That’s how determined they were. So switching to WW2, it is totally consistent that ALL scorched earth tactics used during the time
of the German advance had to have come from the Soviets. NB: Note also the cremation photo that was faked. That relates to the so-called Jewish holocaust! All nonsense
– and we’ll get to that topic more closely. Jan] 
Here’s the excellent article:- Order # 0428 – the ‘Torch-Men-Order’ Many ask, “How can [so-called] ‘Holocaust Deniers’ and Revisionists,
deny the photographic evidence of German Soldiers killing civilians?” The so-called, proof in pictures. What is Order #0428 – commonly known as? “Torch-Men-Order” [now confirmed by todays Russian Government] Stalins
Order #0428, commanded on the 17th November 1941, declared that Partisans wearing German uniforms, particularly
those of the Waffen-SS, were to destroy all settlements within a swathe of about 40 – 60 km depth from the
main battle lines and to ruthlessly kill the civilian population. With these tactics it was important to leave
a few survivors, who would report the supposed “German Atrocities.” This method of warfare was also confirmed by German soldiers who captured many Russian Partisans wearing German
Almost daily, reports were being issued
by the media, that the German forces advanced with the declared politics and aim of a “scorched earth”
approach, which devastated the vast Russian lands in the most horrific way.
Apart from the logical fact that no invader destroys the very infrastructure necessary for his advancement in an
occupied territory, Germany’s Program, called “Ostacker Programm” (Eastern fields program) was
designed to restore the devastated lands.
(Archive Series 429, Rolle 461, General’s Headquarters of the Army, Division, foreign Units East II H 3/70
Fr 6439568. Filed: National Archive Washington)
[1][in progress] “Fackelmänner
Befehl” (torch men-order) confirmed. Russian Security Service FSB published Stalin’s order No.
0428, as follows; ‘Deutsche Greueltaten’ – translation –
‘German Atrocities’ “All settlements,
in which German troops are found, up to a depth of 40 – 60km from the main lines of battle, are to be destroyed
and set on fire, also 20-30km from the roads. For the destruction of the settled areas in the required radius,
the air force will be made available, also artillery and rocket-launchers will be used extensively, as well as
intelligence units, skiers and Partisan divisions, who are equipped with bottles with flammable liquid. These hunting
expeditions in their activities of destruction are to be dressed to the greatest extent in German soldier’s
uniforms and uniforms of the Waffen-SS looted from the German army.
This will ignite hatred toward all fascist occupiers and make the conscription
of partisans from the outlaying areas of fascist territories easier. It is important to have survivors who will
tell about “German atrocities”. For this purpose every regiment is to form hunter-units of about 20-
30 men strong with the task to detonate and incinerate the villages. We have to select brave fighters for this
action of destruction of settled areas. These men will be especially recommended to receive bravery awards when
working in German uniforms behind enemy lines and destroying those settlement outposts. Among the population we
have to spread the rumor that the Germans are burning the villages in order to punish the Partisans.” If the Jewish Bolsheviks were purposely sacrificing people in these ways,
to create anti-German propaganda, there is no doubt they would have photographed these horrors, to drive the message
home. No doubt, from this time originate the “famous” atrocity Photos
of mass-executions which are the favourites in the press.
Furthermore, this does not align
with the Official ‘Holocaust’ narrative, of the Germans going to great extent to conceal their crimes
by burning records and millions of bodies, which is one of the excuses as to why the Allies could not find any
evidence to the purported mass gassings of internees. The ‘Official’ narrative would have us believe
that the Germans (in the middle of war) hunted through millions of documents to dispose of records by burning
them, but leave hundreds of incriminating photographs accessible for the world to see?
Additionally, the single shot to the back of the neck/head, was the method
and training of the Cheka and NKVD, for singular executions. 
The fear and hate hysteria created from
imagery, was not just limited to performing in front of the camera… simply manipulating the imagery by
superimposing over innocent photo’s for the desired effect, was also utilised… here is just a small
example of many. 


Fraudulent Nazi Quotations By Mark Weber Fraudulent
quotations attributed to Hitler and other Third Reich leaders have been widely circulated for years. Such quotes are often
used by polemicists -- of both the left and the right -- to discredit their ideological adversaries by showing that Nazis
held similar views. This tactic works because people have been educated to believe that anything Hitler and other Nazi leaders
thought or said was malevolent, wrong-headed or evil, and that no reasonable or ethical person could hold similar views.
Here's a look at a few of the many remarks falsely attributed
to Hitler and other top Nazis. Goebbels: 'Truth is
the Enemy of the State' Hitler's propaganda chief,
Joseph Goebbels, supposedly said: "If you tell a lie
big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time
as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes
vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie,
and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State." Rush Limbaugh, the popular American radio commentator, is just one of the many influential Americans who has cited
this quotation. During a May 2007 radio broadcast he claimed that these remarks are "from Hitler's war room, the Nazi
spinmeister-in-chief, Joseph Goebbels," who was "speaking for his cronies in the Nazi party." Limbaugh went
on to claim that American "Democrat Party" leaders were using "a version" of Goebbels' technique to
try to "repress dissent." And in January 2011 US Congressman Steve Cohen, a Democratic party politician of Tennessee,
accused Republicans of propagating "a big lie, just like Goebbels" about a proposed national health care plan.
In fact, Goebbels' views were quite different than what this
fraudulent quote suggests. He consistently held that propaganda should be accurate and truthful. In an address given in September 1934 in Nuremberg, he said: "Good propaganda does
not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake to believe that people cannot
take the truth. They can. It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand.
A propaganda that lies proves that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long run." In an article written in 1941, he cited examples of false British wartime claims, and
went on to charge that British propagandists had adopted the "big lie" technique that Hitler had identified and
condemned in his book Mein Kampf. Goebbels wrote: "The English follow the principle that when one lies, one
should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous." Hitler and Gun Control In a speech, sometimes said to have been delivered in 1935, Hitler is supposed to have exclaimed: "This year
will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our
police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" This quote has been popular with Americans who defend the constitutional right to "keep and bear arms."
It's cited to discredit those who support restrictions on firearms ownership and use. It's also cited to support the often-made
charge that Hitler and his government curtailed gun ownership in Germany, and confiscated weapons held by private citizens.
The truth is rather different. When Hitler and his National
Socialist Party took power in early 1933, they inherited a somewhat restrictive firearms law that the liberal-democratic
"Weimar" government had enacted five years earlier. In 1938 Hitler's government revised the earlier law by loosening
those restrictions, thereby enhancing the rights of Germans to own weapons. The most thorough confiscation of firearms ever
imposed on Germans was carried out at the end of the Second World War by the occupation forces of the United States and
other victorious Allied powers. Hitler on 'Law and
Order' Hitler is supposed to have said during a speech
in 1932, shortly before he became Chancellor: "The streets
of our cities are in turmoil. The universities are filled with students rebelling and rioting. Communists are seeking to
destroy our country. Russia is threatening us with her might and the Republic is in danger. Yes, danger from within and
without. We need law and order! Yes, without law and order our nation cannot survive ... Elect us and we shall restore law
and order. We shall, by law and order, be respected among the nations of the world. Without law and order our Republic shall
fail." This quotation, which is meant to embarrass and
discredit those who support "law and order," was especially popular with younger Americans during the late 1960s
and early 1970s. It appeared on posters and in the 1971 movie "Billy Jack."
In his many election campaign speeches in 1932 Hitler stressed the themes of justice, freedom, jobs
and national unity -- not "law and order." German universities in 1932 were not "filled with students rebelling
and rioting." In fact, German students were among the most fervent supporters of Hitler and his National Socialist movement.
Goering on Culture Hermann Goering, a high-ranking Third Reich official, is often quoted as having said:
"Whenever I hear the word culture, I reach for my revolver." Reichsmarschall Goering (Göring), who
was commander of Germany's air force, would never have said anything like this. Along with other high-level Third Reich
leaders, he esteemed the arts, and prided himself on his appreciation of culture.
This quote is a distortion of a line by a character in the play Schlageter by German writer
Hanns Johst. The original line (translated) is "When I hear [the word] culture ... I release the safety on my Browning!"
A version of this quote is presented in a staged scene in "Why We Fight," a US government wartime propaganda film,
to suggest that the typical "Nazi" was an uncultured thug. Hitler and Conscience "I am
liberating man from the degrading chimera known as conscience," Hitler is supposed to have said. This widely repeated
quote appears, for example, in The Great Quotations, a supposedly authoritative collection compiled by Jewish American
journalist and author George Seldes. It's a version of a remark attributed to Hitler by Hermann Rauschning in his book,
The Voice of Destruction (Conversations with Hitler), which is a source of many fraudulent quotations
supposedly based on private talks with Hitler that, in fact, never took place. The "original" text of this quote, as presented by Rauschning, is: "Providence has ordained that
I should be the greatest liberator of humanity. I am freeing men from the restraints of an intelligence that has taken charge;
from the dirty and degrading self-mortifications of a chimera called conscience and morality, and from the demands of a
freedom and personal independence which only a very few can bear." In fact, Hitler repeatedly emphasized the importance of acting conscientiously. For example, in at least three different
public statements or speeches 1941 alone, he spoke about acting in accord with his conscience. Rudolf Hess, a close friend
and trusted colleague, once said that his devotion to Hitler was based in large measure on his regard for Hitler's resolute
conscience. In a 1934 speech Hess said: "The conscience of a moral personality is a far greater protection against
the misuse of an office than is the supervision of parliament or the separation of powers. I know no one who has a stronger
conscience, or is more true to his people, than Adolf Hitler ... The Führer's highest court is his conscience and his
responsibility to his people and to history." Hitler:
'Destroy By All Means' The US government propaganda
film, "Why We Fight," quotes Hitler as having said: "My motto is 'Destroy by all and any means. National
Socialism will reshape the world'." This is a version of a remark attributed to Hitler by Hermann Rauschning in his
influential book. The "original" text, as presented by Rauschning, is: "I want war. To me all means will
be right ... My motto is not 'Don't, whatever you do, annoy the enemy!' My motto is 'Destroy him by all and any means.' I
am the one who will wage the war!" Another version of this invented remark appears in the book Hitler and Nazism
(1961), by historian Louis Leo Snyder, who was a professor at City College of New York.
Hitler on Terrorism Hitler
has often been quoted as saying: "Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear
of sudden death." This quote is based on two invented remarks in Hermann Rauschning's mendacious book, The Voice
of Destruction. Hitler: 'We Are Barbarians' Hitler has often been quoted as saying: "They refer to me as an uneducated barbarian.
Yes, we are barbarians. We want to be barbarians, it is an honored title to us. We shall rejuvenate the world. This world
is near its end." This is another fraudulent Hitler
quote from the fanciful work of Hermann Rauschning. Hitler
and 'Brutal Youth' "A violently active, dominating,
intrepid, brutal youth -- that is what I am after ... I want to see in its eyes the gleam of pride and independence, of
prey. I will have no intellectual training. Knowledge is the ruin of my young men." This widely cited remark is included,
for example, in George Seldes' The Great Quotations. The source cited by Seldes is an item in The Nation
by the popular American journalist and author John Gunther (1901-1970). In fact, this is a version of a remark attributed to Hitler by Hermann Rauschning, whose imaginative work is a source
of many phony "quotes." Another fraudulent Hitler remark in this same spirit and from this same source, likewise
cited by the supposedly authoritative Seldes, is this: "Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating
poison that liberalism ever invented for its own destruction." These remarks misrepresent Hitler's real views. In fact, National Socialist Germany was a world leader in science,
learning, technology and medicine. Hitler was admired by some of the leading intellectuals of the age, including Knut Hamsun,
Ezra Pound, Louis-Ferdinand Celine and Martin Heidegger. References
/ For Further Reading Randall Bytwerk, "False
Nazi Quotations" (http://bytwerk.com/gpa/falsenaziquotations.htm) Paul F. Boller, Jr. and John George, They Never Said
It: A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquotes, & Misleading Attributions (New York: Oxford, 1989). Joseph Goebbels, "From Churchill's Factory of Lies," ("Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik"),
January 1941. Reprinted in Zeit ohne Beispiel (http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/goeb29.htm) (1941) Joseph Goebbels, "Propaganda" (Nuremberg:
1934) (http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/goeb59.htm) William L. Pierce, Gun Control in Germany 1928-1945
(1994) John Toland, Adolf Hitler (1976) Mark Weber, "Goebbels and World War II Propaganda," 2011 (http://www.ihr.org/other/goebbels2011weber.html) Mark Weber, "Goebbels' Place in History," The
Journal of Historical Review, 1995. (http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v15/v15n1p18_Weber.html) Mark Weber, "Hitler as 'Enlightenment Intellectual':
The Enduring Allure of Hitlerism," 1997 (http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v16/v16n5p34_Weber.html) Mark Weber, "Rauschning's Phony 'Conversations With
Hitler': An Update," 1985 (http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v06/v06p499_Weber.html)
The Most Heartless War Crime Ever Committed: When
the Soviets Sank a German Refugee Ship Full of Children 
The deliberate
sinking of this refugee ship filled with innocent german women and children remains not only the worst nautical
disaster in world history but one of the most heartless and sadistic war crimes ever committed. For millions of Germans cut off
on the Baltic coast by the rapid Red Army advance, only one avenue of escape remained open - the sea. Even
here, however, Soviet aircraft controlled the skies above and submarines prowled unseen below. In the various
ports along the coast, thousands upon thousands of ragged, frozen refugees pressed to the water’s edge in
hopes of landing a spot on one of the few vessels available. The numbers were so great and the fear so consuming that efforts to board when ships did dock often resembled
riots. “The crush to get on board
was just terrible,” a witness wrote from Pillau. “I saw a pram being squeezed out of all recognition
by the pushing masses. One old man fell into the water and there was nothing one could do in the crush—also
it was so cold he would have died on hitting the water.”
Because armed guards had orders to evacuate as many women and children as possible, babies
were used like tickets, with half-crazed mothers tossing infants down to relatives
on the pier. Some children landed safely; some did not. If anything, the situation at Gotenhafen was even more horrific. As the Wilhelm Gustloff made
ready to take on passengers in late January 1945, the ship’s crew was stunned by what they saw. “There must
have been 60,000 people on the docks . . . ,” remembered second engineer, Walter Knust. “[A]s soon
as we let down the gangways people raced forward and pushed their way in. In the confusion a lot of children got
separated from their parents. Either the kids got on board leaving their parents on the harbor or the children
were left behind as their parents got pushed forward by the throng.”
A former cruise liner designed to accommodate two thousand passengers and crew, by the time
the Gustloff cast ropes on January 30, the beautiful white ship had taken on as many as eight thousand refugees.
Even so, as she backed away from port, her path was blocked by smaller craft jammed with people. “Take us with you,” the refugees cried. “Save the children!” “We put down nets and everybody on the small ships scrambled up as best they
could,” said the Gustloff ’s radio operator, Rudi Lange. “As we got under way I think I remember
being told by one of the ship’s officers to send a signal that another 2,000 people had come aboard.” That black, stormy night, as she struggled through high winds and heavy,
ice-filled waves, the Gustloff ’s ventilation and plumbing systems failed utterly. Strained far beyond its
limits, the tightly-sealed ship filled with a hot, nauseating stench of urine, excrement, and vomit. The groans
and screams of severely wounded soldiers and the wails of separated families added to the ghastly horror. But the
worst was yet to come. At approximately 9 p.m., three heavy jolts rocked the passengers on the Gustloff. “Vroom—Vroom—Vroom! That’s what it sounded like,”
recalled a young boy upon hearing the torpedoes. “I
heard [the] explosions,” wrote engineer Knust, “and I knew what had happened at once, because the engines
stopped and then I saw a rush of water through the engine room. First the ship lurched to starboard under the
force of the blast. Then she rose and began listing to port. I put on my shoes and jacket and hurried out into
the corridor.” Panic-stricken, thousands
below deck stampeded through the narrow passageways crushing and clawing others in an attempt to reach the life
boats. “People were rushing about and screaming. Alarm bells shrilled,” remembered one terrorized passenger. “We struggled through the crowd to one of the boats,” said
Paula Knust, wife of the ship’s officer. “It was so cold as the wind hit us. I was wearing only slacks
and a blouse and blazer. Already the ship had a heavy list. The waves seemed very high, and you cannot imagine how
terrible it looked.” Most lifeboats
were frozen solid and even those that could be freed were mishandled in the panic and spilled their screaming occupants
into the black sea. Walter and Paula Knust grappled with one boat that did manage to get away. “As we hit
the water,” the husband recalled, “I could see people leaping from the side of the ship into the sea.
I thought those who escaped drowning would freeze to death. It was so cold.” Indeed, the water was so frigid that
those who leaped overboard might just as well have jumped into boiling oil or acid for their chances of survival
were almost as slim. In seconds, minutes at most, the struggling swimmers were dead. While loud speakers blared words of comfort—“The ship will
not sink. Rescue ships are on the way”—thousands of freezing people pressed along the decks. Convinced
that the sealed bulkheads had held and that indeed, the ship would not sink, many passengers fled indoors once more
to escape the razor sharp winds and –20 degree temperature. The respite proved brief, however. At ten o’clock a heavy tremor ripped the Gustloff as the bulkheads
broke and the sea rushed in. Within seconds, the big ship began to roll on its side. Sixteen-year-old Eva Luck
was in the ballroom with her mother and little sister: [S]uddenly the whole music room tilted and a great cry went up from all the people there. They literally
slid in a heap along the angled deck. A grand piano at one end went berserk and rolled across the crowded room
crushing women and children in its path and scattering others before it. Finally it smashed into the port bulkhead
with a discordant roar as though a giant fist had hit all the keys at once.
Elsewhere, other victims went flying through glass enclosed decks into the sea.
Amid the screams, sirens and roar of rushing water, gunshots sounded throughout the doomed ship as those trapped
below committed suicide. Miraculously
escaping the ball room with the help of a sailor, Eva Luck’s family frantically tried to escape: My mother had forgotten to put her shoes on, and I moved clumsily on high heels
towards the iron rungs of the ladder going up the ship’s inside. People around us were falling about as the
ship moved but I was able to grasp the rungs and haul up my little sister. . . . My mother followed us to the
upper deck. When we got there it was terrible. I saw with horror that the funnel was lying almost parallel with
the sea. People were jumping in. I could hear the ship’s siren and felt the ice-cold water round my legs.
I reached out to try and grab my sister. I felt nothing but the water as it swept me out and over the side. Fortunately for Eva and a few others, the force of the flooding water freed
a number of life rafts. As survivors scrambled aboard, the Gustloff began her swift descent. “Suddenly,”
remembered a woman in a lifeboat, “it seemed that every light in the ship had come on. The whole ship was
blazing with lights, and her sirens sounded out over the sea.”
Paula Knust also watched the drama: I cannot forget the loud clear sound of the siren as the Gustloff with all her lights on made the final
plunge. I could clearly see the people still on board the Gustloff clinging to the rails. Even as she went under
they were still hanging on and screaming. All around us were people swimming, or just floating in the sea. I can
still see their hands grasping at the sides of our boat. It was too full to take on any more. When rescue ships later reached the scene, they pulled from the icy waters
a mere nine hundred survivors. All else—an estimated 8,000-9,000 men, women and children—were lost. Even then, however, the nightmare did not end. When rescue vessels touched
land, scores of victims were disembarked at Gotenhafen. Thus, in less than twenty-four hours, after a harrowing
night of incredible terror, some refugees found themselves on the very docks they had hoped to leave, once again
searching desperately for a way to escape to approaching Red Army.  

Lost Story of German Latin Americans Interned During WW2

After Pearl Harbor, the US state
department strong-armed Latin American allies like Costa Rica
into dispossessing, and often deporting, German immigrants. (The Guardian) With the Statue of Liberty
looming overhead, an 11-year-old boy named Jurgen sat huddled in his coat, alongside
his family and few pieces of luggage, as a cold wind blew off the Hudson River. Ellis Island is best known as the former gateway for millions of immigrants entering the US,
but in the winter of 1944, the boy – Jurgen – and his family
were about to be deported to Germany. “We were processed on Ellis Island as illegal immigrants,” said Jurgen, now 82 . “In reality, we were kidnapped by the US government.” Jurgen and his family were among thousands of Latin Americans of German origin who were rounded up by their respective
governments on orders from the US following the bombing of Pearl Harbor on 7
December 1941. They were detained in accordance with a little-known
US state department program. The Special War Problems Division would
orchestrate the detention of more than 4,000 Latin Americans from Germany, Japan
and Italy in internment camps in Texas and elsewhere, as well as localized
detention centers in Latin America. In all, 15 Latin American countries would deport residents and citizens of German ancestry to detention centers in the United States, often without legal recourse, according to a statement from the National Archives. The internment of more than 120,000 Japanese Americans in camps has been
recognized by the US Congress, but the story of Latin Americans with
origins in axis countries has been largely lost to history.
As the 73rd anniversary of the US entry into the second world war approaches, fewer
and fewer people remain who experienced firsthand the Immigration and Naturalization
Service internment camps in the US. The second world war arrived swiftly for Jurgen’s family and other Germans living in Costa Rica.
Less than a month after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Jurgen’s
father was arrested by Costa Rican police on 2 January 1942. By the late 1930s,the FBI had begun to identify
possible Nazi sympathizers, fearing Axis forces would establish a foothold in
Latin America. In the case of Costa Rica, the US Embassy in San José submitted
a list of names to be deported to the government, a move acknowledged in a State
Department memo dated 15 November 1943. Larger countries like Mexico, Chile and Argentina resisted the demand to deport their citizens, but that was not an option for the small Central American nation. In 1942, the US
state department announced that it would boycott all Costa Rican products
from German-owned companies. Coffee accounted for more than half of
the country’s exports between 1938 and 1945 – and the coffee
business was dominated by German firms, according to Gertrud Peters, an
economic historian at the National University of Costa Rica.
Unable to ship goods to Germany because of the allied blockade, Costa Rica – among many other Latin American nations – was forced to comply. Two weeks after Jurgen’s father was detained, a letter arrived from
the police informing his family that he had been deported to the US,
where he was being held in the country’s largest internment camp,
in Crystal City, Texas. The
dusty Texas town could not have been more different from the mild climate
and green mountains of San José. The 500-acre internment camp, which at its peak would house nearly 3,400 detainees, was still largely under construction when Jurgen arrived in late 1943. “The camp was built on an old spinach field,” Jurgen said. “There
was a statue of Popeye in the town.” The statue still stands in
Crystal City today. After rain
the unpaved roads would become thick with mud, and Jurgen and the other
children took to walking to the latrines on short stilts to protect their shoes. Jurgen said that the camp provided all the basics for his family, including
simple accommodation in three-unit row houses, communal latrines and food. His
father, a businessman, found work laying asphalt for the camp’s roads and,
briefly, plucking feathers off turkeys. Jurgen and his younger brother cut beet greens with a knife to earn
$1 an hour, which the family could use to order goods from the Montgomery
Ward Catalog. The family was already saving up to buy coats for the
next leg of their journey back to Germany. Besides keeping axis nationals from supposedly impeding the US war effort at home, Crystal City served an important role for the US abroad: providing the country with a grab-bag of prisoners who could be traded for Americans held by the Third Reich. Faced with the prospect of spending the remaining years of the war in detention, Jurgen’s family volunteered for deportation. The family traveled by train to Ellis Island before they boarded a Red
Cross ship and sailed back to Europe. Allied and Russian forces were
beginning to close in on Germany. As Jurgen and his family filed off
the boat in Lisbon, a line of American prisoners waited to board, bound
back to the United States. Jurgen’s
family eventually returned to Costa Rica in 1948. They were able to
recover their properties, but the same could not be said for many German
families, whose businesses and land were seized by the government and sold to pay down the national debt and subsidize populist land reforms. After years in war-torn Germany, what they
found in Costa Rica was yet more conflict: following a disputed election in 1948,
the country fell into a brief civil war. That war brought about the
rise of President José Figueres, the leader who abolished Costa Rica’s army in 1948. The following year, Costa Rica declared its political neutrality.
_________________________________________________________________________________ Unpunished War Crimes: American
Camp Guard Opened Fire on German POWs After War was Over  The only justification Clarence Bertucci gave was that he hated the
Germans, and therefore, he had to kill them. (War History Online) Prisoners of war come part and parcel with the human institution
of warfare. If an enemy combatant surrenders, he (or she) is to be accorded a certain amount of civility, courtesy of the
Geneva Convention. Before this, it was considered to be smart political conduct, as foreknowledge that surrender shortly
brought death thereafter meant there would be absolutely no surrender. Both of these reasons were why the murder of German prisoners after the completion of the second world war will
be remembered in a new museum at Salina, Utah. At its height,
the United States prisoner of war camps acted as the temporary home for nearly 426,000 German and Italian soldiers. In Utah
alone, the Naval Supply Depot in Clearfield, Hill Field in Layton, Tooele, Utah Army Service Forces Depot in Ogden, the
Deseret Chemical Warfare Depot, Bushnell General Hospital in Brigham, Dugway Proving Grounds, Logan, Orem, Tremonton, and
Salina were all used as the prisoner of war camps. Dee
Olsen and his daughter are busy restoring three remaining buildings from the prisoner of war camp, and soon the story of
the massacre will be heard at the museum. Salina was the site of one of many camps across the United States that had held
prisoners both during and after the war prior to being sent home. Prisoners would frequently work as free day workers for local farming families like Dee Olsen’s.
While the older German prisoners kept to themselves, the younger prisoners whose English was better would often become quite
social. It was mid summer
in 1945 when Clarence Bertucci, Army Private First Class, was busy flirting with a girl at a local city café when
he dropped an ominous hint about something he was planning on doing later on that night. When he got back to the camp, he
hauled a .30-caliber machine gun up to the top of a tower to start his regular guard duty and started gunning down German
prisoners of war while they slept in their tents. He fired off 250 rounds in 15 seconds and hit 30 of the 43 tents in the camp. Other soldiers raced to stop the slaughter,
but in the end, nine prisoners lay dead, and many more were left wounded. The only justification Bertucci gave was that
he hated the Germans, and therefore, he had to kill them. The camp was closed, and the dead were interred at the military ceremony at Fort Douglas. A
military court discerned that Bertucci was clinically insane at the time of the shooting, and he spent the rest of his life
in a mental hospital until he died in December of 1969. Germany had already surrendered at the time of Bertucci’s rampage, and the surviving POWs were transported
back to Germany when they had sufficiently recovered enough to travel securely. The massacre at Utah soon disappeared from
the headlines when the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Japan.
Many of Olsen’s friends in the community did not support the project. They
did not want to turn the camp into a place of remembrance, while another friend thought the project was ridiculous and that
the building should have been destroyed. Olsen’s daughter, Tami Olsen-Clark disagrees and is in support of the project. According to Olsen-Clark, these
were young men who were captured doing what their country asked of them, and it’s of the utmost importance that we
remember the lessons of history, even when it’s unpleasant. The grand opening of the museum will also honor a Civilian Conservation Corps camp located at
the same site.

Germany's defeat in May 1945, and the end of World War II in
Europe, did not bring an end to death and suffering for the vanquished German people. Instead the victorious Allies
ushered in a horrible new era that, in many ways, was worse than the destruction wrought by war. (IHR) In a sobering and courageous book, After the
Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation, British historian Giles MacDonogh details how the ruined and prostrate
Reich (including Austria) was systematically raped and robbed, and how many Germans who survived the war were either killed
in cold blood or deliberately left to die of disease, cold, malnutrition or starvation. Many people take the view that, given the wartime misdeeds of the Nazis, some degree of vengeful
violence against the defeated Germans was inevitable and perhaps justified. A common response to reports of Allied atrocities
is to say that the Germans "deserved what they got." But as MacDonogh establishes, the appalling cruelties inflicted
on the totally prostrate German people went far beyond that. His
best estimate is that some three million Germans, military and civilians, died unnecessarily after the official end of hostilities.
Millions of these were men who were being held as prisoners of war, most
of whom died in Soviet captivity. (Of the 90,000 Germans who surrendered at Stalingrad, for example, only 5,000 ever returned
to their homeland.) Less well known is the story of the many thousands of German prisoners who died in American and British
captivity, most infamously in horrid holding camps along the Rhine river, with no shelter and very little food. Others,
more fortunate, toiled as slave labor in Allied countries, often for years. Most of the two million German civilians who perished after the end of the war were women, children and elderly
-- victims of disease, cold, hunger, suicide, and mass murder. Apart
from the wide-scale rape of millions of German girls and woman in the Soviet occupation zones, perhaps the most shocking
outrage recorded by MacDonogh is the slaughter of a quarter of a million Sudeten Germans by their vengeful Czech compatriots.
The wretched survivors of this ethnic cleansing were pitched across the border, never to return to their homes. There were
similar scenes of death and dispossession in Pomerania, Silesia and East Prussia as the age-old German communities of those
provinces were likewise brutally expunged. We are ceaselessly
reminded of the Third Reich's wartime concentration camps. But few Americans are aware that such infamous camps as Dachau,
Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz stayed in business after the end of the war, only now packed with German captives,
many of whom perished miserably. The vengeful plan by US
Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau to turn defeated Germany into an impoverished "pastoral" country, stripped
of modern industry, is recounted by MacDonogh, as well as other genocidal schemes to starve, sterilize or deport the population
of what was left of the bombed-out cities. It wasn't an
awakening of humanitarian concern that prompted a change in American and British attitudes toward the defeated Germans. The
shift in postwar policy was based on fear of Soviet Russian expansion, and prompted a calculated appeal to the German public
to support the new anti-Soviet stance of the US and Britain. MacDonogh's
important book is an antidote to the simplistic but enduring propaganda portrait of World War II as a clash between Good
and Evil, and debunks the widely accepted image of benevolent Allied treatment of defeated Germany.
This 615-page volume is much more than a gruesome chronicle of death and human suffering.
Enhanced with moving anecdotes, it also provides historical context and perspective. It is probably the best work available
in English on this shameful chapter of twentieth century history. ______________________________
Nicholas Shakespeare - The Telegraph (Britain)
Thirstily swallowed
by a humiliated France, the dominant narrative of the French Resistance was cooked up by General de Gaulle - "Joan
of Arc in trousers", Churchill testily called him - when he addressed the crowds outside the Hôtel de Ville
on August 25, 1944. "Paris liberated! Liberated by its own efforts, liberated by its people with the help of the
armies of France, with the help of all of France." Yet, as Robert Gildea exposes in this comprehensive survey of the
French Resistance [Fighters in the Shadows], the myth that the French freed themselves is largely poppycock ... It is
not hard to see why the Resistance, in Gildea's estimation, "mobilised only a minority of French people. The vast
majority learnt to muddle through under German Occupation and long admired Marshal Pétain." ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“CONFESSIONS” UNDER TORTURE The Allies used extremely brutal torture against their German prisoners, not just during the war, but afterward,
to force them to provide fraudulent confessions to crimes they never committed—all to get convictions at war crime
trials. The subject is well known to Revisionists, but the facts have been suppressed by the mainstream for more than 65
years and few people outside of this circle are aware of it. The American Senator, Joseph McCarthy, in a statement given to the American Press on May 20th,
1949, drew attention to the following cases of torture to secure such confessions. In the prison of the Swabisch Hall, he
stated, officers of the S.S. Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler were flogged until they were soaked in blood, after which their
sexual organs were trampled on as they lay prostrate on the ground. As in the notorious Malmedy Trials of private soldiers,
the prisoners were hoisted in the air and beaten until they signed the confessions demanded of them. On the basis of such
“confessions” extorted from S.S. Generals Sepp Dietrich and Joachim Paiper, the Leibstandarte was convicted as
a “guilty organisation”. S.S. General Oswald Pohl, the economic administrator of the concentration camp system,
had his face smeared with faeces and was subsequently beaten until he supplied his confession. In dealing with these cases, Senator McCarthy told the Press: “I have heard evidence
and read documentary proofs to the effect that the accused persons were beaten up, maltreated and physically tortured by
methods which could only be conceived in sick brains. They were subjected to mock trials and pretended executions, they were
told their families would be deprived of their ration cards. All these things were carried out with the approval of the
Public Prosecutor in order to secure the psychological atmosphere necessary for the extortion of the required confessions.
If the United States lets such acts committed by a few people go unpunished, then the whole world can rightly criticise us
severely and forever doubt the correctness of our motives and our moral integrity.” The methods of intimidation described
were repeated during trials at Frankfurt-am-Mein and at Dachau, and large numbers of Germans were convicted for atrocities
on the basis of their admissions. The American Judge
Edward L. van Roden, one of the three members of the Simpson Army Commission which was subsequently appointed to investigate
the methods of justice at the Dachau trials, revealed the methods by which these admissions were secured in the Washington
Daily News, January 9th, 1949. His account also appeared in the British newspaper, the Sunday Pictorial, January 23rd, 1949.
The methods he described were: “Posturing as priests to hear confessions and give absolution; torture with burning
matches driven under the prisoners finger-nails; knocking out of teeth and breaking jaws; solitary confinement and near starvation
rations.” Van Roden explained: “The statements which were admitted as evidence were obtained from men who had
first been kept in solitary confinement for three, four and five months … The investigators would put a black hood
over the accused’s head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him and beat him with rubber hoses
… All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This
was standard operating procedure with our American investigators.” The American investigators responsible (and who later functioned as the prosecution in the trials) were: Lt.-Col.
Burton F. Ellis (chief of the War Crimes Committee) and his assistants, Capt. Raphael Shumacker, Lt. Robert E. Byrne, Lt.
William R. Perl, Mr. Morris Ellowitz, Mr. Harry Thon, and Mr. Kirschbaum. The legal adviser of the court was Col. A. H.
Rosenfeld. The reader will immediately appreciate from their names that the majority of these people were “biased
on racial grounds” in the words of Justice Wenersturm – that is, were Jewish, and therefore should never have
been involved in any such investigation. Despite the fact that “confessions” pertaining to the extermination
of the Jews were extracted under these conditions, Nuremberg statements are still regarded as conclusive evidence for the
Six Million by writers like Reitlinger and others, and the illusion is maintained that the Trials were both impartial and
impeccably fair. When General Taylor, the Chief Public Prosecutor, was asked where he had obtained the figure of the Six
Million, he replied that it was based on the confession of S.S. General Otto Ohlendorf. He, too, was tortured and his case
is examined below. But as far as such “confessions” in general are concerned, we can do no better than quote
the British Sunday Pictorial when reviewing the report of Judge van Roden: “Strong men were reduced to broken wrecks
ready to mumble any admission demanded by their prosecutors.” http://www.ihr.org/books/harwood/dsmrd03.html Reports
of widespread torture at the postwar American-run “war crimes” trials at Dachau leaked out, resulting in so
many protests that a formal investigation was eventually carried out. A US Army Commission of inquiry consisting of Pennsylvania
Judge Edward van Roden and Texas Supreme Court Judge Gordon Simpson officially confirmed the charges of gross abuse. German
defendants, they found, were routinely tortured at Dachau with savage beatings, burning matches under fingernails, kicking
of testicles, months of solitary confinement, and threats of family reprisals. Low ranking prisoners were assured that their
“confessions” would be used only against their former superiors in the dock. Later, though, these hapless men
found their own “confessions” used against them when they were tried in turn. High ranking defendants were cynically
assured that by “voluntarily” accepting all responsibility themselves they would thereby protect their former
subordinates from prosecution. One Dachau trial court
reporter was so outraged at what was happening there in the name of justice that he quit his job. He testified to a US Senate
subcommittee that the “most brutal” interrogators had been three German-born Jews. Although operating procedures
at the Dachau trials were significantly worse than those used at Nuremberg, they give some idea of the spirit of the “justice”
imposed on the vanquished Germans. Virtually all of
the US investigators who brought cases before American military courts at Dachau were “Jewish refugees from Germany”
who “hated the Germans,” recalled Joseph Halow, a US Army court reporter at the Dachau trials in 1947. “Many
of the investigators gave vent to their hated by attempting to force confessions from the Germans by treating them brutally,”
including “severe beatings.” The case
of Gustav Petrat, a German who had served as a guard at the Mauthausen, was not unusual. After repeated brutal beatings
by US authorities, he broke down and signed a perjured statement. He was also whipped and threatened with immediate shooting.
Petrat was prevented from securing exonerating evidence, and even potential defense witnesses were beaten and threatened
to keep them from testifying. After a farcical trial by a US military court at Dachau, Petrat was sentenced to death and
hanged in late 1948. He was 24 years old. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v12/v12p167_weberb.html James J. Weingartner, the author of A Peculiar Crusade: Willis
M. Everett and the Malmedy Massacre, wrote the story of the Dachau proceedings from information provided by Everett’s
family and gleaned from his letters and diary. According to Weingartner, shortly before the proceedings were to begin, defense
attorney Lt. Col. Everett interviewed a few of the 73 accused with the help of an interpreter. Although the accused were
being held in solitary confinement and had not had the opportunity to consult with each other, most of them told identical
stories of misconduct by their Jewish interrogators. Benjamin
Ferencz, Jewish lead U.S. prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals in 1945 and 1947: “We did not have a regular
courtroom where to call witnesses and question them, with a secretary present and someone who did the cross-examination
or that would guarantee their rights. We collected statements from witnesses that we considered favorable and they would
write an affidavit. And then they had to swear it in front of an officer. If it was from a hostile witness we would interrogate
him privately to see if we could determine the truth. And when we reached the point where we felt we had ascertained the
truth, we asked him to write in his own hand and sign it; then usually brought in an officer to witness that.” – USHMM interview 1994 Washington Post: Giving Hitler Hell (21 July 2005) Jewish Intelligence Officer Arnold Weiss: “How did you do it?” I ask Weiss. “The
kapos,” he explains, “that’s where we got the idea. We had seen what the DPs (displaced persons) did to
the kapos, and we realized they could do us a favor. We studied up a little on military law, and there was nothing on the
books preventing us from delivering suspects for additional debriefing to the DPs,” Weiss recalls. He says he’s
not sure where the idea originated, who first put it into motion, or how widespread it was. “Whoever first came up
with this, I honestly don’t know. I don’t think they’d own up to it anyway.” While it was perfectly legal under military law to hand over suspects for further questioning
to DPs, says Benjamin Ferencz, who was a lead U.S. prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals in 1945 and 1947, knowingly
delivering suspects for execution was not. And of course the DPs were not interested in extracting information. Benjamin Ferencz: “I once saw DPs (displaced persons) beat
an SS man and then strap him to the steel gurney of a crematorium. They slid him in the oven, turned on the heat and took
him back out. Beat him again, and put him back in until he was burnt alive. I did nothing to stop it. I suppose I could
have brandished my weapon or shot in the air, but I was not inclined to do so. Does that make me an accomplice to murder?” Lt. William Perl was an Austrian Jew who had emigrated to America
in 1940. He was the chief interrogator of Germans accused of the Malmedy massacre. This was because he could speak fluent
German; and indeed many of the interrogators at Nuremberg were German or Austrian Jews who had emigrated to America before
WWII and were known as the ‘Ritchie Boys’. There were roughly 9000 of these Jews in America and they specialized
in the “interrogation” of German prisoners. Perl was an active Zionist who had worked to get European Jews into
Palestine illegally before he came to America. Perl was also a good friend and associate of the Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky,
founder of the murderous Irgun terrorist organization in Israel. Perl supervised the torture of the German defendants. Other
Jews on the interrogation staff specalizing in torture techniques at Nuremberg included Josef Kirschbaum, Harry Thon and
Morris Ellowitz. British Postwar Torture Centers Col. Robin Stephens (pictured left) was in charge of a sadistic
torture program during and after WWII, still largely covered up by the British government. Much of the fabricated “evidence”
obtained under duress was used as a pretext to convict National Socialist leaders for war crimes. The London Cage was used partly as a torture centre, inside which large numbers of German
officers and soldiers were subjected to systematic ill-treatment. In total 3,573 men passed through the Cage, and more than
1,000 were persuaded to give statements about war crimes. The brutality did not end with the war, moreover: a number of
German civilians joined the servicemen who were interrogated there up to 1948. Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture by Ian Cobain https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cruel-Britannia-Secret-History-Torture/dp/184627334X The secrets of the London Cage https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2005/nov/12/secondworldwar.world How Britain tortured Nazi PoWs http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2223831/How-Britain-tortured-Nazi-PoWs-The-horrifying-interrogation-methods-belie-proud-boast-fought-clean-war.html Bad Nenndorf interrogation centre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Nenndorf_interrogation_centre The interrogation camp that turned prisoners into living skeletons https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2005/dec/17/secondworldwar.topstories3 The
postwar photographs that British authorities tried to keep hidden https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2006/apr/03/uk.freedomofinformation Further reading: Tortured Confessions: How the Allies extracted confessions
out of captured German soldiers after WWII http://wariscrime.com/new/tortured-confessions/ Torture and Testicle Crushing at Nuremberg https://www.darkmoon.me/2015/torture-and-testicle-crushing-at-nuremberg/ How the Allied Victors of WWII tortured and killed their German prisoners https://www.darkmoon.me/2015/german-victims-how-the-allied-victors-of-wwii-tortured-and-killed-their-german-prisoners-part-1-of-2/ How Jews tortured innocent Germans to make Holocaust Evidence http://www.nazigassings.com/BernardClarke.html The Holocaust legend is built on “confessions” obtained VIA TORTURE; Jewish interrogators beat, tortured,
and crushed the testicles of German defendants at war crimes trials http://exposing-the-holocaust-hoax-archive.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/the-holocaust-legend-is-built-on.html Untrue Confessions: Fabricated Testimony & Circumstantially Prudent Concessions http://www.thebirdman.org/Index/Others/Others-Doc-Jews/+Doc-Jews-Holocaust-DebunkingLies&Liars/FabricationOfTheNurembergTrials.htm Hellstorm — The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 By Thomas Goodrich http://www.amazon.com/Hellstorm-Death-Nazi-Germany-1944-1947/dp/1494775069
WW2 Bombings Claimed
60,000 French Lives: Almost All Died at the Hands of the Allies
 Historians believe Allied bombardments killed
almost as many French people as German bombs killed Britons during the Blitz. (BBC) According to research carried
out by Andrew Knapp, history professor at the UK's University of Reading, British, American and Canadian air raids resulted
in 57,000 French civilian losses in World War Two. "That's a figure slightly below, but comparable to, the 60,500 the British lost as a result of Luftwaffe bombing
over the same period," says Knapp who is the co-author of Forgotten Blitzes and a book just published in France called
Les francais sous les bombes alliees 1940-1945 (The French Under Allied Bombardment). "It is also true that France took seven times the tonnage of [Allied]
bombs that the UK took [from National Socialist Germany]," says Knapp. "Roughly 75,000 tonnes of bombs were dropped
on the UK [including Hitler's V missiles]. In France, it's in the order of 518,000 tonnes," he says. 'War crimes' Winston Churchill, who addressed the French over the airwaves with confidence
and even a certain relish in their own language, spoke to them as Allies despite the collaboration with the Nazis of a part
of the French population. But
the bombing tactics employed did not always reflect this. Knapp divides the Allied bombardments into three categories: "Some did manage to be accurate
and cause minimal civilian casualties. "The second category, you can see why they did it but the level of civilian casualties might be considered
disproportionate to the military advantage. And the third category it's really quite hard to understand, even with hindsight,
why they did it at all." The
most disturbing example is the bombing of Le Havre in September 1944. Nearly all of the city was reduced to ash and 5,000
French men, women and children were killed. Allied infantry took the port a few days later but, many believe, they would
have done it without the bombardment. "It's fairly clear," says Knapp, "that on the basis of the treaties we have signed now - not the
treaties we had signed then - some of these raids would be eligible for the category of war crimes." Silence 'amazing' Catherine Monfajon, author of a documentary on the subject that has just
been shown on French TV, says the French often showed great spirit.
At the funeral for more than 100 French apprentices killed in an Allied air raid
on St Nazaire, when a Vichy official started speaking about "birds of death", a whistle of disapproval rose from
the very gallery where the parents of the dead boys were standing.
At the end of the War, St Nazaire was recorded as "100% destroyed" but
talking about the destruction in this and 1,500 other towns was taboo.
"That silence is amazing and amazed me," says Monfajon. "France was
the third country most bombed by the Allies after Germany and Japan and it is hardly mentioned in our history books." This was largely because of the way the collaborationist
Vichy regime used these casualties in their propaganda in order to turn public opinion against the Allies. Even so much as questioning the bombing was
considered suspect, she says. "And people were split between their pain, their anger and their gratitude towards these
pilots who brought them freedom. Who died for that." Rubble and ash As the bombing of French cities intensified around D-Day, Churchill expressed concern that
the scale of civilian casualties could durably damage Anglo-French relations even after the war was won. Arthur "Bomber" Harris, head of RAF Bomber Command, wanted all
his bombers pounding Germany. Although
apparently untroubled by the carnage inflicted on German civilians, he was pained by French casualties to the point of collecting
money to send to help Allied bombing orphans. Almost half of Bomber Command's airmen were killed in action. Their missions, their commanders argued, would help
win the war more quickly. But
as the French are finally daring to say, the "liberation" of Normandy towns like Saint Lo, Caen and Le Havre turned
them into wastelands of rubble and ash. On D-Day itself, 2,500 Allied soldiers were killed. About the same number of French civilians were killed also. __________________________________________________________________________________________
Click on this text to watch: The Danube Swabians, An Unknown Story...
___________________________________________________________________________________________ Tens of thousands of documents show how Argentina supported Hitler
 Argentina’s Jewish supremacist political
umbrella revealed excerpts from tens of thousands of documents about World War II that shed light on the National Socialist
influence on the country and the German officials criminals who hid there after WW2. In a short documentary, the Delegation of Argentine Jewish Associations,
or DAIA, released some images from the documents, including one that shows 15,000 people gathered in Buenos Aires at a sports
venue, Luna Park, for a rally supporting Hitler on April 10, 1938.
The documents are expected to clarify the help that Argentina, which stayed neutral
for much of World War II before joining the Allies, provided to wanted National Socialist officials after WW2. The country
was a postwar refuge for National Socialists including Adolf Eichmann, who was captured in the northern area of Buenos Aires
in 1960, and form SS captain Erich Priebke. Among the documents are communications between Argentina and countries involved in World War II — as well
as information sent by the Argentine Embassy in Germany. Some documents also contain records related to the blacklist of
Jews. The video presented by
DAIA includes images of a resolution by the country’s Foreign Ministry forbidding entry to “non-desirable immigrants,”
referring to the Jews who wanted to escape from the National Socialists in Europe. In 1992, Argentina’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs declassified the 139,544 documents,
mostly dated between 1939 and 1950. The digitized documents — mainly letters, telegrams, newspaper articles, notes
and reports — total five terabytes of information, or the equivalent of 15,000 CDs. The documents currently are in the hands of researchers for DAIA’s
Center for Social Studies, or CES, and the Ciudadanos Libres por la Calidad Institucional, or Free Citizens for Institutional
Quality. The latter institution asked for and obtained the documents from the Argentinean Foreign Ministry about six months
ago and agreed to work with the archives in cooperation with DAIA. The documentary contains the first details of the study of the documents being conducted by a team of researchers. “The investigation will take some myths
about the National Socialists in Argentina and replace those myths with facts and truth. We will deliver reports about the
main findings of the current work with the historic archives,” Marisa Braylan, the director of CES, the research body
of the Argentinean Jewish political umbrella, told JTA. The short documentary, “The Argentinean Role during WWII,” opens with images of the NS gathering in
Buenos Aires for, according to DAIA researcher Braylan, “the most important demonstration in favor of Hitler outside
Germany.” Braylan also
says in the short video that on Dec. 13, 1939, the German cruiser Admiral Graf Spee arrived damaged at the Montevideo port,
in Uruguay, near the Buenos Aires port. The ship was scuttled and “all the crew” were received in Argentina. __________________________________________________________________ The following is an interview with Karl Wilhelm Krause in the early 1990s. The interview is
recorded in the video: In The Service Of The Führer Hitler's Shadow Documentary (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-15GPsXAqg). According to the video, Krause was Hitler's valet from 1934 to 1939, and was also responsible for his personal safety and
security during that period. But also from the interview it is evident that he had contacts with Hitler after his service
as valet was terminated. https://youtu.be/b-15GPsXAqg In
The Service Of The Führer Hitler's Shadow Documentary (1) At Min. 15:40:
Krause tells of a conversation shortly after he became Hitler's valet about joining the Party. When he asked Hitler about
this, Hitler told him it was not necessary to join the Party and in time he, Hitler, thought he might dissolve the Party.
Krause said he also heard Hitler make this statement to Richard Wagner's widow, Winfried Wagner. At Min: 16:63 Hitler said:
"There are only Germans, no Party." (2) At Min. 26:00: Krause tells that what Hitler did, he did for his people not for himself.
He goes on to tell that Hitler was an uncomplicated man. His mission was to raise the German people up to the highest level. (3) At Min 40:40: In reference to the German entry into Austria on March 12, 1938
and then the short dialogue at the hotel which raised the issue of the hotel bill: Hitler said in reply to the statement that
the bill was way to high, "Just pay it. Maybe they got many debts too." That evidences a view that if the money
is issued directly into the economy, the debt will come down. Maybe I am reading something into this here but that is consistent
with his January 30, 1939 speech. (4) At Min. 41:50 Krause tells of Hitler's response when informed of the destruction
on Crystal Night: "What the hell have they done. I will get the blame for this." Krause continues in telling of
Hitler's outrage over this incident. This was only six weeks after the settlement of the Sudetenland crisis. Hitler obviously
knew this would be a strong propaganda tool for the warmongers. And it was, compounded by Roosevelt's public removal of the
American ambassador from Berlin. This raises the question: Did Jews from outside Germany instigate this incident, as some
have told? (5) At Min. 43:40 Krause tells of Hitler's response to the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop
Pack: "He raised his hand and he slapped it down on his knee and he said: "Its done, Really." If this agreement
was meant to be consistent with Chapter 14 of Mein Kampf, then it had to be a bluff. Maybe the nest comment from Krause will
shed some light on why Hitler attacked Poland. (6) At Min. 44:50 Krause tells that after the meeting with the generals immediately preceeding
the invasion of Poland, Hitler said: "The ball is rolling. Even I can't stop it now. God willing, it will have a good
outcome." Krause's statement on this decision to invade Poland: "I understood it this way. It was the Wehrmacht
that wanted to go into Poland and not him." But Krause also admits that Hitler was in agreement with the invasion and,
as head of state, was responsible for the decision to invade Poland. What happened over the next six years was exactly what Hitler told in Mein Kampf would happen
if an agreement was made with Russia under Jewish Communist rule. Obviously Hitler violated his words in Mein Kampf. But did
he know he was violating those words when he made the decision on August 23, 1939 and more so on September 1, 1939? In other
words, did he believe that Stalin had become a nationalist not communist? Even if he believed this, he still had to know he
would still be dealing with the devil and by this invasion he would be doing the devil's work. This he rediscovered conclusively
a little over a year later with Molotov's visit to Berlin in November 1940. But even before Poland was secured militarily
the devil commenced to overrun the three Baltic counties, and invade Finland and Romania. (7) At Min, 46:20 Krause recalls Ribbentrop's words to the Englishman, probably Sir Nevile
Henderson, the English ambassador: "Come to your senses, man!" Kruse then paraphrases Ribbentrop: "There is
no reason to start a war regarding Poland and then suddenly Mr. Eden ran down the stairs. And I remember how he said: 'If
I would have stayed up there another 15 minutes with them, I probably would have been in agreement with them, the Germans.
But that is not permitted!'" It is likely that Kruse misstated here, confusing Henderson for Eden. This is over fifty
years later and from the beginning of the war in the West, Eden was the British Foreign minister. It is to bad the interviewer
did not challenge this so as to either get a correction or a clarification. (8) At Min 47:22 Krause reinforces that that was reasonably well known: That Hitler especially
wanted to be on good terms with England and if possible, also with the French. That Hitler made clear in his January 30, 1939
speech. (9) At Min, 54:00 Kruse emphatically states: "don't believe for a minute that he,
Hitler, was told everything that was going on during the war. I can tell you of one episode of a situation briefing at the
Wolf's Lair all of the generals were there for a meeting and then they stepped outside. I glanced at my watch and then I realized.
Oh my. It is almost time for lunch. So I quickly went to the Kitchen to see how lunch was coming along. And everything seemed
good. Then when I came back out I realized that all of the generals were standing outside talking. Now there was sort of a
barracks on the one side then the hall and on the other side there were various rooms. The situation room was near the front.
As the generals were standing outside, I overhead them say: 'He can tell us what ever he wants, but we will just do what we
think is right.' The boss actually couldn't trust any of them. And he didn't." (10) At Min. 37:30 Kruse gives his final opinion of Hitler: "Hitler wanted the best
for the German people. But he wasn't able to achieve it. And that really frustrated him, if you know what I mean. It really
tormented him inside. And that more than anything else is what led to his eventual demise." Much of what Kruse says in these last two parts is in close agreement with Tedor's, Hitler's
Revolution. Kruse's comments that Hitler wanted the best for his people is evident in the change he made to the Riechsbank,
making it a bank of issue not a private institution beholden to a privileged private interest. That Hitler removed the Jewish
community from power in Germany was of no small purpose in achieving this most important of historical events in the modern
age. Solely from this achievement alone we might judge Hitler as the only true statesman in history
if we understand that the role of the statesman is to serve all of the people in his nation, not simply the elites, Hitler,
of all the statesmen the world has had since the written record of history was established, is the only one history records
to give the power of the issuance of the money to the people. The commentary by Kruse is supportive of much other historical evidence that leads to the conclusion
that Hitler strove to make Germany a better place for all of its people, not just its elites. He did this by removing the
issuance of money from the privileged elites and placing in the government, presumably to the benefit of the people. But for
this he was to be defeated by the world's elites, including those in Germany, led dominantly by a small number of Jews
that seem to have control over almost all of the Jewish people. The video ends with a statement from Gandhi to Hitler: "We have no doubt about your bravery
or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents." _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
History is the propaganda of the victors but their spin on yesterday’s heroes
has since crashed on the internet highway. Had World War II ended in a peace deal, the German Workers Reich, before and after
Adolf Hitler, would have been far more omnipotent and yet much more peaceful than the United States. 
By 1945 Bolshevism would have run its disastrous course rather than allowed to continue
harvesting tens of millions of Christian martyrs for a further 45 years. Britain and European would still today be influential
and bringing mutual prosperity to Far East Asia and Africa. South Africa and Rhodesia would be as prosperous and benign as
they were before Negro despotism. Predictably, character assassination follows military defeat and many great men of the
period are since vilified. But had peace been negotiated London’s Hyde Park would be Lawrence of Arabia Park? Norway’s monuments would celebrate Vidkun Quisling and Knut Hamsun. Romania would honour Cornelius
Codreanu. In Ireland, UK and U.S. the name William Joyce is affixed to great public buildings and boulevards in the United
States, Britain, and Ireland. Few who now hate these men actually know them. What they do hate are the caricatures
that allied propagandists turned these brave men into. These caricatures created by the allies are as mythical as mermaids. 
Heroes Hang when Traitors Triumph by Mike Walsh gives a different perspective of former
much-vilified foes. Here are the spin-free true stories of men who set examples of great courage and fortitude yet since
had their reputations defiled by victors’ horseshit. T. E. LAWRENCE AKA LAWRENCE OF ARABIA 
New evidence strongly suggests that one of Britain’s greatest war adventurers
was assassinated by the British Secret Service. The legendary desert warrior, friend of outstanding writer Henry Williamson
and admirer of Adolf Hitler, previous to his murder, had stated his intention to join the British Union of Fascists. If
T. E. Lawrence and Henry Williamson were to oppose the war then the Churchill led war clique’s intention to force
war on Germany via Poland’s provocations might have been derailed.
WILLIAM JOYCE HANGED FOR WORDS HE DIDN’T SAY 
The academically brilliant William Joyce was falsely dubbed ‘Lord Haw-Haw’. During
the war, it was said the Irish-American had betrayed Britain. American LIFE magazine calculated that 50% of the English
people listened to William Joyce’s opinions broadcast from Hamburg. The manager of East Riding Radio Relay
Service complained; “We are inundated with requests for Lord Haw-Haw broadcasts, which we are not allowed to give.” Statesman David Lloyd George; “The Government ought to take notice of every word this man says.” The true account of William Joyce, family background, his tireless struggle against the Reds, his decision
to seek sanctuary in Germany when hunted by the Special Branch, and his tragic fate, will bring a lump to many throats. VIDKUN QUISLING AND THE MARTYRDOM OF A VIKING

Unconvinced about the power of victors’ propaganda? Sir Vidkun Quisling thoroughly
earned his British knighthood. An adventurer and close friend of polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen, the great statesman worked
with the International Red Cross in famine-struck Ukraine. With others, Quisling is credited with saving the lives of millions of Eastern Europeans. Throughout
his life, especially during the failed Bolshevik attempt to subvert Norway, Vidkun Quisling showed rare courage. This
and much more and yet his name has become synonymous with cowardice and treachery. His story will inspire you. It
will also teach you to respect the power of propaganda. CORNELIU CODREANU IRON GUARD LEGION 
It was student protests that helped to extinguish the flames of Bolshevism in Eastern
Europe. During the rise of the Reich, it was Leipzig students, not the NSDAP that inspired and initiated the mass
burning of Marxist ideology, pornography and anti-German subversive literature. Elsewhere in post-war Europe student power helped topple governments. One such was Romania’s
Corneliu Codreanu, the fiery leader of the revolutionary Romanian Iron Guard. Had his aims been achieved then
Codreanu’s name in Romania today would be as revered as Kemal Ataturk’s is in Turkey. His is an inspiring
account of a little-known saga of Central European revolution. KNUT HAMSUN NORWAY’S SOLZHENITSYN

In 1920 Knut Hamsun was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature but was it undeserved? Not
according to Ernest Hemingway: “Hamsun taught me to write.”
The roll-call of iconic giants of literature, who revered Knut Hamsun, includes Isaac Bashevis Singer who
said, “The whole modern school of fiction in the twentieth century stems from Hamsun.” Franz Kafka, Leo Tolstoy, Stefan Zweig, Henry Miller, Hermann Hesse and many others of similar renown. Thomas
Mann described Knut Hamsun as, “A descendant of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Friedrich Nietzsche.” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Man in the Glass Cage Bullet-proof,
Soundproof: What's the Difference? Probably the most-famous man-in-a-glass-cage in history was Adolf Eichmann, an ex-lieutenant
colonel of National-Socialist Germany’s vaunted Schutzstaffel, better known as the SS. His 1961 Jerusalem
trial for crimes alleged to have been committed outside Israel before the creation of the Israeli state was broadcast in
near-real time over television, making it one of the first such events so televised. The black-and-white images of Eichmann
pleading for his life were common on television screens all over the world for the trial’s 125-day duration, and so
was the sight of the famous glass enclosure that Eichmann was placed in to give his testimony. Of course, denying, even
minimizing his crimes would obviously not have gained him a reprieve from being hanged, so much of his testimony was confessional
in nature, but so stage-managed as not to resemble too-closely the mawkish self-accusation made familiar to observers everywhere
in ham-handed Soviet productions such as the 1936-38 Moscow Trials, in which conspirators against the Soviet state propounded
their sins so fulsomely as to reveal their contrivedness to all but the most-blinkered of spectators. The glass enclosure was said to be bullet-proof, and although it was never tested with
actual gunfire, there would seem to be little reason to suppose that it wasn’t bullet-proof. But it was also soundproof,
or nearly so. The structure had a metal roof, which might be justified on grounds of providing it with structural strength,
but it also contributed to the enclosure’s sound-proofness, such that Eichmann had to speak into a microphone in order
to be heard outside the booth. If the system had any kill switch(es), it does not appear that any such was actually used
during the proceedings. However, Eichmann was in a position
to reveal damning testimony against a number of then-prominent Israeli leaders over collaboration with Eichmann’s
National-Socialist German government that occurred in the late 1930s, before Germany and Great Britain declared war on each
other. Obviously, any such testimony was scrupulously not elicited in the questioning Eichmann was subjected to,
nor would the slightest trace of any such thing have appeared in whatever scripts Eichmann was made to recite. This collaboration
is referred to in some detail in an extended book review by Ron Unz published on August 6, 2018 in the Unz Review, in which Unz poses questions like the following: A more cynical observer might find it a very odd coincidence that the first
prominent Nazi the Israelis made such an effort to track down and kill had been their closest former political ally and collaborator.
Observers remembering the past alliances of the US with Antonio Noriega
of Panama, Saddam Hussein of Iraq and/or Osama bin Laden of al Queda might find something familiar in this turn of events.
The constant presence of two burly guards in the booth with Eichmann accords well with this scenario; one imagines that
all their “labor” might have been obviated by the simple expedient of chaining Eichmann’s ankles to the
floor, safely concealed from sight by the non-glass lower panels of his “bullet-proof” enclosure. It’s
easy to suppose that the guards, either of whom obviously could have overpowered Eichmann, disposed of a gag, handcuffs
and other means of swiftly silencing any off-script utterances Eichmann might have attempted in a suicidal paroxysm. But
such “trials” are quite nothing if not theater. Shoah trials, they might be called from today’s
perspective. I cannot claim credit for the riveting speculation
that the real purpose of the enclosure, and the guards, was to make certain Eichmann stayed on-script with his every word.
The notion appears in Unz’s book review: Presumably,
harsh means were employed to persuade him not to reveal any of these dangerous pre-war secrets at his Jerusalem trial, and
one might wonder if the reason he was famously kept in an enclosed glass booth was to ensure that the sound could quickly
be cut off if he started to stray from the agreed upon script.
The scenario of a “Nazi” captive being made to sing for his life and then executed
for his troubles is as old as … how old might such a sequence be? As old as Scheherazade and a thousand-and-one Arabian
nights? However old, how could its age dissuade a potential victim from trying, against all trying, to win a last, final
fingerhold on life, precious life, if only for one hour more, one minute, one…?
Interestingly, half a century after the trial for which it was built, the enclosure itself has
acquired a certain celebrity of its own. At the initiative of entertainment mogul Milton Maltz, namesake of Cleveland’s
Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, “the” enclosure (it isn’t clear whether it really was the enclosure, or
a replica) toured New York and Cleveland. Its “debut” at least outside Israel, was on February 17, 2016 at Maltz’s
Cleveland establishment. This article promises that the exhibit, which presents Eichmann’s abduction and his sentencing and execution, will travel to various
other cities in the US. As of October 19, 2018, the exhibit is in South Florida, and a person at the host museum in Dania,
Florida informed me over the telephone that the enclosure on display is in fact a “replica” of the original—perhaps
understandable in view of how heavy it would be if in fact all “bullet-proof” glass and tellingly in keeping
with the replica nature of the gas chambers in “Nazi death camps” and other artifacts of the savage treatment
purportedly visited upon Europe’s Jews by the National-Socialist Germans who lost World War II. The knowledge in Eichmann’s memories, which he disclosed neither in his trial testimony
nor in the two-part series in Life Magazine in which he recounted his activities carefully compartmented
from those in which he conspired with Zionist leaders against the British occupiers of the coveted homeland of Zion, Palestine,
was a veritable atomic bomb to the moral legitimacy of the Zionist movement that had secured the establishment of Israel
a mere 12 years before his abduction. Eichmann had to be controlled, to sing the Israeli song, and thereafter to
be hanged, as he was, in Israel’s prison at Ramla in 1962. Comparisons
with the 1946 performances of Rudolf Hֲöss, former commandant of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, are irresistible, unless, of course,
you feel Höss was spouting accurate (and informed) truths, instead of contrived stories, á la Scheherazade,
to prolong or even save his life in the face of lethal charges by actors who had complete disposition not only of his own
life, but of those (he was at least led to believe) of those whom he held most-dear, his wife and children. Eichmann’s Israeli captors, so far as is known, did not threaten Eichmann’s
family members (still in Argentina), but the proposition that they did not offer him ways of deferring, or eliminating, the
power of (his) life or death of which they disposed is simply inadmissible. Eichmann “acted” for his life, and
lost. The outcome was foreordained. And if, bound and gagged
as he effectively was, he had sought, like Icarus, to fly too close to the sun, he would have plummeted to the hard earth,
his wings melted as surely as the gag would have been placed across his mouth. By such are we “informed” of the sins of those who lost the war. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Click on this text to watch an interview with a Waffen SS veteran (1985)...
And then there were the Russian "Allies".... Crucifying German Women: The Testimony of Captain Hermann Sommer  A number of troop companies reported
to the fortress commander [at Königsberg] the discovery of several mounds of corpses situated quite close
to one another. (Renegade Tribune) The commander, General Lasch,
ordered a commission to investigate these discoveries. The commission reported that many similar piles of bodies
were strewn throughout the area; but in two cases there were virtual mountains of bodies made up of ca. 3,000 women,
girls, children and only a few men. A special commission of doctors, forensic investigators and foreign journalists was formed to establish
identities and the circumstances of the deaths. The work was made difficult by the fact that the Russians had
poured gasoline on the mounds of bodies and attempted to burn them. Nevertheless many of the dead were photographed.
The pictures graphically showed the often savage circustances under which these people had been murdered. On the
basis of these pictures and of reports made by the forensics team, the conclusion was drawn that the victims had
been beaten and stabbed; in very few cases were persons killed by a shot to the base of the skull. A large number
of bodies had the breasts cut off, the genitals stabbed through and were disemboweled. The testimonies of witnesses,
who had survived the raping and other physical abuse by the Russians, along with the photographs, are on file in
my department. They were used by the security officers and officials of the criminal police to interrogate prisoners
of war brought back from the Eastern Front; and to question civilians in the attempt to establish the identities
of the victims. I made my
own observations when I was sent to Metgethen on official business on February 27, 1945. Just on the outskirts
of town near the first railway crossing, I turned my motorcycle into a gravel driveway so that I could look over
a building and see if it was suitable for service use. Behind the building I suddenly came upon the bodies of 12
women and six children. Most of the children had been killed by a blow to the head with a blunt instrument, some
had numerous bayonet wounds in their tiny bodies. The women, mostly between 40 and 60 years of age, had been killed
with knife or bayonet. All of them bore the unmistakable black-and-blue marks of beatings. After the first Soviet blockade had been completely smashed, I
was ordered on February 28, 1945, to report to a unit of the 4th Army. On my way, I stopped for a rest in the
village of Gross Heydekrug. I had arrived just as medics and civilians were burying some 35 mostly female bodies.
Here again I saw the gruesome mistreatment practiced by the Russians, all shown to me by indignant soldiers and
civilians. Most of the victims were again women. A corporal told me of a church where a girl and two soldiers
had been found. The girl had been actually crucified on the altar cross, the two soldiers strung up on either side. Farther into the village I saw
civilian bodies lying everywhere, as far as the highway crossing to Powayen. While most of the men had been shot in
the base of the skull, the women were completely naked, raped and then killed in the most brutal way with stab wounds
or rifle butt blows to the head. At the highway crossing to Powayen stood a Soviet tank which had been dragging
the now-dead bodies of four naked women behind it. A commission was already there taking photographs of the scene. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, A Terrible Revenge:
The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 1944-1950 (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994), pp. 40-41. Karl Potrek, a civilian from the capital city
of Königsberg, had been recruited into the Volksturm and hurriedly sent as reinforcement to the area of Gumbinnen
and Nemmersdorf. He later reported: At the edge of town, on the left side of the road, stands the large inn ‘Weisser Krug’ …
In the farmyard further down the road stood a cart, to which four naked women were nailed through their hands in
a cruciform position. Behind the Weisser Krug towards Gumbinnen is a square with a monument to the Unknown Soldier.
Beyond is another large inn, ‘Roter Krug’. Near it, parallel to the road, stood a barn and to each
of its two doors a naked woman was nailed through the hands, in a crucified posture. In the dwellings, we found a total of seventy-two women, including
children, and one old man, 74, all dead … all murdered in a bestial manner, except only for a few who had
bullet holes in their necks. Some babies had their heads bashed in. In one room we found a woman, 84 years old,
sitting on a sofa … half of whose head had been sheared off with an axe or a spade …  Not a “war
crime”: German boy and girl, murdered at Nemmersdorf by gallant Soviet liberators. Both the Simon Wiesenthal
Center and the Washington Holocaust Memorial Museum, with characteristic Judeocentrism, honor the Red Army in World War II as “heroes”
for releasing Jews from their internment in German concentration camps. We carried the corpses to the village cemetary where they lay
to await a foreign medical commission … In the meantime, a nurse from Insterburg came, a native of Nemmersdorf,
who looked for her parents. Among the corpses were her mother, 72, and her father, 74, the only man among the
dead. She also established that all the dead were Nemmersdorfers. On the fourth day the bodies were buried in two
graves. Only on the following day did the medical commission arrive, and the tombs had to be reopened. Barn doors
were set on blocks on which to lay the bodies so that the commission could examine them. This foreign commission
unanimously established that all the women, as well as the girls from eight to twelve years and even the woman
of 84 years had been raped. After the examination by the commission, the bodies were again buried. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, Nemesis
at Potsdam: The Expulsion of the Germans from the East, 3rd edn (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1988),
pp. 63-64. For
reasons best explained by a psychologist, one of the aberrations practiced by the [Soviet] soldiers was to take victims,
mostly female, strip them naked and nail them to barn doors in cruciform fashion. This one particular atrocity
features prominently in many eyewitness reports. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European
Germans, 1944-1950 (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994), p. 42. Flags will hang in the Holocaust Museum to honor the millions of
Soviet soldiers who drove Nazi forces westward and who were the first allied forces to liberate and publicize
the existence of the camps … Much more than simply wartime memorabilia, these military artifacts are a
significant contribution to memory, one that will remind future generations of the pivotal role Soviet forces
played in defeating Nazism. “Russian
Embassy Presents Flags of Liberating Units to Museum,” U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Newsletter, Fall 1992,
p. 6.
‘German girls’ were subject to reprisals after 1945 for relations with the soldiers Norwegian women and their children on their
way to Germany from Elverum, Norway, in April 1945. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images Norway’s government
has officially apologised to Norwegian women targeted for reprisals by the authorities for having relationships with members
of the German occupying forces during the second world war. Between 30,000 to 50,000 Norwegians, labelled “German girls”,
had sexual relations with German soldiers during the occupation, according to conservative estimates from Norway’s
Centre for Holocaust and Minorities Studies. Many of the woman were subject to reprisals by officials after the 1945 liberation
of Norway, including illegal arrests and detentions, job dismissals and even being stripped of their nationality. “Young Norwegian girls and woman who had
relations with German soldiers or were suspected of having them, were victims of undignified treatment,”
Norway’s prime minister, Erna Solberg, said. “Today, in the name of the government, I want to offer my apologies,” Solberg said
at an event to mark the 70th anniversary of the UN’s universal declaration of human rights. More than 70 years after the end of
the second world war, very few of the women are still alive and the official apology is unlikely to open the way
for financial reparations for their families. During the war, more than 300,000 German soldiers occupied Norway, a neutral country
the Nazis invaded on 9 April 1940. “We cannot say women who had personal relations with German soldiers were helping
the German war effort,” said Guri Hjeltnes, historian and director of the Centre for Holocaust and Minorities
Studies. “Their crime was breaking unwritten rules and moral standards. They were punished even more harshly
than the war profiteers.” None of the estimated 28 Norwegian men married to German women during the war were
expelled or had their nationality taken away from them, Hjeltnes said. In 2000, Oslo formally apologised to the 10,000 to 12,000 children born to Norwegian mothers and German soldiers, who also suffered reprisals. _____________________________ Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950 (Eisenhower's Death Camps) [back] Genocide Food as a Weapon of War Allied War Crimes [More than nine million Germans died
as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after the Second World War, including 1.5-2 million
German prisoners, which is the alleged number that died in Auschwitz. Architect--Morgenthau.] See: Allied War Crimes US based Concentration Camps for Germans Concentration Camp (USA) Concentration Camps (Boer War) Concentration Camps (Holocaust) See: Eisenhower Churchill [2013] Rhine meadow camps in summer 1945 (part 1) [2012 June] The European Atrocity You Never Heard About An estimated 500,000 people died in the course of the organized expulsions; survivors were left in Allied-occupied
Germany to fend for themselves. Allied War Crimes 1941-1950 by Rixon Stewart [2008] Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million
Germans .. [1989] Eisenhower's Death Camps. The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two by James Bacque War Crimes: USA by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, AUS Ret. In 'Eisenhower痴 Death Camps': A U.S. Prison Guard Remembers New Book Details Mass Killings and Brutal Mistreatment of Germans at the End of World War Two A Review of James Bacque's "Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944-1950" by
Eric Blair [REVIEW] Eisenhower Telegram to the War Department, 18 October 1945 [2000] HOW ALLIES TREATED GERMAN POWs by Michael Walsh In 'Eisenhower痴 Death Camps': A U.S. Prison Guard Remembers Books [2014 Book, Film] Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich [2007] After the Reich: The Brutal History of Allied Occupation by Giles MacDonogh REVIEW Review [2003] Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944-1950 by James
Bacque More than nine million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and
expulsion policies after the Second World War [1989] Other
Losses by James Bacque [1988] Nemesis at Potsdam: The Expulsion of the Germans from the East by Alfred M. de Zayas External Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950 See: Eisenhower Holocaust revisionism Quotes According
to Bacque between 1941 and 1950 around one and a half to two million German prisoners of war died, whilst a further five
million seven hundred thousand German civilians died between 1946 and 1950, largely, Bacque maintains, as a result of Allied
policy. In all Bacques estimates that between nine and half and fourteen million ethnic Germans, German prisoners of war
and civilians were to die in these iniquities. Part of the blame for this can be laid at the feet of Josef Stalin who, through
his propaganda minister, Ilya Ehrenburg, actually encouraged the rape and degradation of the German civilian population. Allied War Crimes 1941-1950 by Rixon Stewart ..."it
is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more
Germans in peace than were killed in the European Theater." [2008] Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million
Germans His best estimate
is that some three million Germans, military and civilians, died unnecessarily after the official end of hostilities. A
million of these were men who were being held as prisoners of war, most of whom died in Soviet captivity. (Of the 90,000
Germans who surrendered at Stalingrad, for example, only 5,000 ever returned to their homeland.) Less well known is
the story of the many thousands of German prisoners who died in American and British captivity, most infamously in horrid
holding camps along the Rhine river, with no shelter and very little food. Others, more fortunate, toiled as slave labor
in Allied countries, often for years. Most of the two million
German civilians who perished after the end of the war were women, children and elderly -- victims of disease, cold, hunger,
suicide, and mass murder. Apart from the wide-scale rape of millions
of German girls and woman in the Soviet occupation zones, perhaps the most shocking outrage recorded by MacDonogh is the
slaughter of a quarter of a million Sudeten Germans by their vengeful Czech compatriots.New Book Details Mass Killings and Brutal Mistreatment of Germans at the End of World War Two According
to Bacque, given the extraordinarily harsh conditions imposed upon them by the Allies (i.e., the British, French, Soviets,
and Americans), at least 9.3 million and possibly as many as 13.7 million Germans, had, by 1950, needlessly died as a result.A Review of James Bacque's "Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944-1950" by
Eric Blair [REVIEW] After the Reich: The Brutal History of Allied Occupation by Giles
MacDonogh His best estimate is that some three million Germans, military and civilians, died unnecessarily after the
official end of hostilities.....Most of the two million German civilians who perished after the end of the war
were women, children and elderly -- victims of disease, cold, hunger, suicide, and mass murder.....perhaps
the most shocking outrage recorded by MacDonogh is the slaughter of a quarter of a million Sudeten Germans by their vengeful
Czech compatriots......We are ceaselessly reminded of the Third Reich痴 wartime concentration camps.
But few Americans are aware that such infamous camps as Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz stayed in business
after the end of the war, only now packed with German captives, many of whom perished miserably.
These words were feared by all German women in 1945. It was
an indication that something unpleasant was coming their way. These words were uttered by wild looking
tough battle-hardened Red Army soldiers who had learnt that smattering of German. The
mass gang rape of German Fraus and Fraulein when the country lost the war remains one of the most under-reported piece of
 | Soviet
soldiers burst into a room filled with young German girls |
Perhaps it was wilfully buried by the British and American media and
academia because most of the brutal rapes were committed by their WW2 ally, Soviet Russia. Both countries had gone to bed
with Uncle Joe (Stalin), to save the inevitable loss of lives if Russia had not done the dirty work and done most of the
fighting in subduing Nazi Germany.
while vengeful Soviet soldiers raped hapless German women, the honorable American and British soldiers looked the other way.
Worse still, they too raped with gusto. These facts are recently coming to light
and was reported by a prominent German periodical Der Spiegel. Yes, even American and British soldiers, the so-called the
"best generation of all times" violated German women.
that the powerful English language media dominated by these two countries just looked the other way.
The horrific plight of German women has started to be noticed in the English language
media only in the last one decade owing to works by British historians like Antony Beevor.
We guess in today's internet world
with online translations, people were beginning to read what the Germans had been saying all along.... That all Allied soldiers
had raped and sexually abused German women at the end of the Second World War and the years following that.
 | A Russian soldier
forces himself on a hapless German woman |
These mass rapes against German women
were one of the greatest crimes against women throughout history. Rapists were mainly Red Army soldiers, many of them -
non-white soldiers from the Asian republics of the Soviet Union.. However, unfortunately, it must be said that many rapists,
were American soldiers. They certainly behaved like animals, but they had official sanction. The European women of those
nations that had been allies of Nazi Germany were targeted too. German historian Miriam Gebhardt writes about a German man saying, "My niece was raped by fourteen
Russian officers in the next room. My wife was towed by a Russian in the barn and also raped. After being locked up in a
stable and raped the next morning five clock at gunpoint again. When the column was gone, we found my wife under a pile of
straw, where they had fled in fear. "
As a former slogan sums up: "The Americans took six years
to fight down the German soldiers to have a German woman, it took a day and a table of chocolate."
terrible deeds played out not only in the areas where Red Army soldiers often roamed. Also in the UK, the French and the
American zone of occupation, there was mass rape, sometimes for several days.
Berlin women, it seems,
were short of food, but well provided with poison.There were instances of mass-suicide by poison.
The actor Paul Bildt and some twenty others dispatched themselves thus, only he woke again and lived for another dozen years.
His daughter was among the dead. Attesting once more to the incidence of suicide among the nobles, especially those who
lived on isolated estates in the Mark Brandenburg, the writer cites a number of cases showing how far the old families
would go to protect the dignity of their daughters: death was preferable to dishonour. After The Reich by Giles Macdonogh P 99  The film Eine Frau in Berlin "A woman in Berlin ", based
on the bestselling book of the same name conjures up images of one of the most brutal pages from the past: sexual violence
against German women at the end of World War II.
Insulting the honor of German women. Ordinary women who had nothing to do with the
Nazi government. Was it fair?And the Americans looked away.
 Millions of women victims raped by Russian soldiers during the last months of World War II. Anthony
Beevor's book "Berlin -- The Downfall 1945" documents rape by Russian soldiers. "Beevor's conclusions
are that in response to the vast scale of casualties inflicted on them by the Germans the Soviets responded in kind, and
that included rape on a vast scale. It started as soon as the Red Army entered East Prussia and Silesia in 1944, and in
many towns and villages every female aged from 10 to 80 was raped." The author "was 'shaken to the core'
to discover that even their own Russian and Polish women and girls liberated from German concentration camps were
also violated." Until recent years, East German women from the World War II era referred to the Red Army war memorial
in Berlin as "the Tomb of the Unknown Rapist." HOW THE SERIAL RAPE BEGAN
GANG RAPE IN NEMMERSDORF Just inside the east Prussian border with Soviet occupied Lithuania, the town of Nemmersdorf was
the first to fall (temporarily) into the hands of the victorious Soviet Army. Overrun
by General Gatlitsky's 11th Guards Army, his soldiers, crazy with bloodlust, set about raping, looting and killing with
such ferocity that eventually discipline had to be restored to force the soldiers back to fighting the war.
From buildings, Russian signs were hung which read 'Soldiers! Majdanek does not forgive. Take revenge without mercy!'. When
the Soviet 4th Army took over the town five days later, hardly a single inhabitant remained alive. Women were found nailed
to barn doors after being stripped naked and gang raped, their bodies then used for bayonet practice. Many women, and girls
as young as eight years old, were raped so often and brutally that they died from this abuse alone. Children were shot indiscriminately
and all those trying to flee were crushed to death under the treads of the Soviet tanks. Forty French prisoners-of-war were
shot on the spot as spies after welcoming the Red Army as liberators. Seventy one women and one man were found in houses,
all dead. All the women, including girls aged from eight to twelve, had been raped.
In other East Prussian villages within the triangle Gumbinnen-Goldap-Ebenrode, the
same scenes were witnessed, old men and boys being castrated and their eyes gouged out before being killed or burned alive.
In nearby Metgethen, a suburb of Königsberg, recaptured by the German 5th Panzer Division, around 60 women were found
in a demented state in a large villa. They had been raped on average 60 to 70 times a day. In nearly every home, the bodies
of women and children were found raped and murdered. The bodies of two young women were found, their legs had been tied
one limb each between two trucks, and then torn apart when the trucks were driven away in opposite directions. At Metgethen
railway station, a refugee train from Konigsberg, consisting of seven passenger coaches, was found and in each compartment
seven to nine bestially mutilated bodies were discovered. To the Russians, refugee trains were ideal sources of women and
booty. In the town of Niesse in Silesia, 182 Catholic nuns were raped and debauched daily by the Russians. In the town of
Demmin in Mecklenburg, German troops destroyed the bridge over the river Peene to slow down the advance of the Red Army.
Nevertheless, the town was handed over to the Soviets without much of resistance and soon after around 800 of its citizens
committed suicide by drowning in the Peene or by taking poison in fear of rape or murder by the Soviet troops.
In a house in another town, children were found sitting around a dinner table, plates of potato pancakes in front
of them. All were dead, their tongues nailed to the table. Soviet officers reported back to Moscow that mass poisoning from
captured alcohol, including dangerous chemicals found in laboratories, is damaging the fighting capacity of the Soviet Army.
All too often, soldiers who had drunk too much and were unable to perform the sex act, used the bottle to mutilate their
victims obscenely. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, an ex-captain in the Soviet Army, recalls, "All
of us knew very well that if girls were German they could be raped and then shot. This was almost a combat distinction".
(Details of these, and other atrocities, are contained in the Eastern Documentation Section of the German Federal Archives
in Berlin)
The orgy of rape by Soviet troops was far greater than at first believed. Even Russian
women and young girls, newly liberated from German concentration camps in Poland and in Germany, were brutally violated.
The thousands of Russian women taken to Germany for forced labour also fell victims to the rapists. 'I waited for the Red Army for days and nights. I waited for my liberation, but now our soldiers treat us far
worse than the Germans did' said one Maria Shapoval,'They do terrible things to us'.
REVENGE AT NEUSTETTIN (February 16-18, 1945)
On the 16th of February, soldiers of the First White Russian Army occupied
the town of Neustettin just inside the German border with Poland. In the town was the 'Wilmsee' camp of the German R.A.D.
(Reich Women's Labour Service). In the huts were some 500 uniformed girls of the RAD. They were taken to the foreign workers
barracks at the local iron foundry. All were considered by the Russians to be members of an illegal army.
In an office set up by the Russian commissar groups of
girls were brought in and ordered to undress. Two men (believed to be Poles) then entered the room and grabbing one of the
girls bent her backwards over the edge of a table and then proceeded to cut off her breasts before the eyes of the others.
Her screams were accompanied by cheers and howls of approval from the Russians. The same fate awaited all the others each
procedure becoming ever more cruel. More girls were brought in continually and out in the courtyard hundreds were clubbed
to death, only the prettiest being led to the commissars office for torture, mutilation and death. A few days later when
a German reserve tank unit from Cottbus temporarily recaptured the town they were utterly devastated by what they saw.
Survivors told of what they had seen. Mothers had to witness
their ten and twelve year old daughters being raped by up to twenty soldiers, the daughters in turn witnessing their mothers
being raped, even their grandmothers. In most houses in the town nearly every room contained naked and dead women with the
Swastika symbol crudely carved on their abdomens. No mercy was shown to the women and girls. It is estimated
that about 2,000 girls that had been in the RAD and BDM (League of German Girls) camps in and around the town were raped
and murdered in the first few days of the Soviet occupation. American and British soldiers too...
Not all rapists wore a red star. John Dos Passos in "Life" on January 7, 1946, stated that "lust, whiskey and plunder - was a reward for the soldier."
One soldier wrote in Time magazine (Time) on November 12, 1945: "A lot of normal American families would be horrified
if they knew how utterly insensitively our boys "behaved here." An army sergeant wrote: "And our army and
British army ... had their share of looting and rape ... Although these crimes are not typical for our troops, but their
percentage is high enough to give our army of sinister reputation, so that we too can be called an army of tyrants." Sociologist and criminologist
Professor Bob Lilly makes unprecedented use of military records and trial transcripts to throw light on one of the overlooked
consequences of the US Army's presence in Western Europe between 1942 and 1945: the rape of an estimated 14,000 civilian
women in the United Kingdom, France and Germany. 
The Rhine meadow camps in summer
Liberation of Bergen Belsen, well nourished Jewish detainees with German striped detainee suits and caps on a cold
day in wet and cold April 1945, April 15, 1945 [5]; other web sites state that this photo would be from Dachau.
| In 1945 and 1946 London Satanist Zionist Committee
of 300 presented German dead bodies as Jewish dead bodies - dead body plays are typical for Satanist behavior:
The Rhine meadow
camps in summer 1945 (part 4) Part 4: German
bodies shown as Jewish bodies for Hitchcock's films about German concentration camps: wrong bodies from Rhine
meadow camps, wrong lorries, showers and crematories etc.
 Hitchcock, portrait 1956, he likes betraying and laughing
at Germans | | ![Liberation of Bergen Belsen, well nourished Jewish detainees with German striped detainee suits and caps on a cold day in wet and cold April 1945, April 15, 1945 [5]; other web sites state that this photo would be from Dachau. Liberation of Bergen Belsen, well nourished Jewish detainees with German striped detainee suits and caps on a cold day in wet and cold April 1945, April 15, 1945 [5]; other web sites state that this photo would be from Dachau.](https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/iIAn8TU4lUZUFeSJ06R0vYAHhm0sgHS_ReIz43sVZtJSAAKE7yCMr3m5vpB4XnDUYWTd6Wn-iv_6T4s3D0qiCv4SaDAH6HAbc5Mx3RJwaYZAc8EoFVD-V8YPKVM9FxbLq3o3z7yDvupcBsdBB3C-S40k53_MuuDELPiNV_f59YFQbaCgRExqwDL-gA6qU3RMEg43ze15TFfITm8jeor1-1nhUdGTbg=s0-d-e1-ft#http://www.hist-chron.com/eu/D/1945-rheinwiesenlager/ENGL/004-d/005-Liberation-Bergen-Belsen-well-nourished-detainees-w-caps-April15,1945-66pr.jpg)
Liberation of Bergen Belsen, well nourished
Jewish detainees with German striped detainee suits and caps on a cold day in wet and cold April 1945,
April 15, 1945 ; other web sites state that this photo would be from Dachau. | Dead bodies torn by SS men on the way to the mass
grave 01, the clothes are NO striped uniforms of detainees in German ccs, and there are NO tattooed numbers, and
there are NO remnants of earth on the bodies |
Part 4: German bodies shown as Jewish bodies for Hitchcock's films about
German concentration camps: wrong bodies from Rhine meadow camps, wrong lorries, showers and crematories etc. Master liar Hitchcock was in Germany together with mass murderer and
Zionist Eisenhower. Mass murderer Eisenhower had organized the Rhine meadow camps with 5 million German prisoners
of war, and within 6 months 1 million died (750,000 on the "American" side and 250,000 on the French
side). Since 1942 Zionists made propaganda on and on in the whole world that Jews would be "gassed" in
German concentration camps. Well, but all this was a big lie because the German concentration camps were under
control of the Red Cross AND of the Zionists themselves who could move freely everywhere! But Eisenhower wanted
a "confirmation" for the propaganda. Eisenhower gave the order to Hitchcock: Make some films thus people
will believe that the rumors about the German mass murder against the Jews are right. They should believe it really.
This was simple: Hitchcock was filming in the Rhine meadow camps and simply said in the films that the emaciated
Germans and the German bodies would be Jewish bodies - and the film was ready. They were also driving piles of
German bodies from the Rhine meadow camps through Germany showing the bodies in German concentration camps stating
that these would be Jewish bodies. And these lies were established by force of arms and were spread in the whole
world. Well, the principle faults one can detect these lies of
Eisenhower and Hitchcock are the following ones: -- German dead bodies from the Rhine meadow camps - when they
wear clothes - are NOT wearing the German striped "zebra" prison uniforms but are mostly wearing remnants
of the German gray soldier uniforms of the German army "Wehrmacht" -- German bodies have no tattooed
number of detainees -- and there are no remnants of earth on the bodies and thus these bodies never were
excavated before but these bodies are "fresh" bodies. Journalists
were never watching precisely and since 1945 they mean that the NS regime had murdered millions of Jews. But it
was just the other way round: Criminal allied murdered 1 million German soldiers in the Rhine meadow camps and
then were presenting the dead bodies as Jewish dead bodies. And for making the lie even more perfect the allies
also invented epidemics in the German concentration camps having been the "cause" for the bodies. Point 1: Rhine meadow camps with emaciated German soldiers
and with piles of German bodies The Rhine meadow camps of 1945 with 5 million
detained German soldiers in Germany were deliberately concealed. Eisenhower - a hater of the Germans - had not
enough having murdered in Dresden over 230,000 Germans. In the Rhine meadow camps Eisenhower let die deliberately
750,000 German soldiers, and 250,000 more were murdered by hunger in the French zone which was installed in July
1945 taking over Eisenhower's death camps there. But this was not published because there were no newspapers in
Germany in 1945 and the Red Cross had no good press spokesman as it seems. Even "U.S." president Truman
was not informed what was going on in Germany in the "American" zone but the Morgenthau plan was fulfilled
killing as many Germans as possible after the war - and the Rhine meadow camps were only the beginning because
the deliberately installed starvation which was installed by Zionist Eisenhower was killing even 5 million more
Germans in remaining Germany from 1945 to 1950. During 1945 "American" soldiers had a paradise life
and were making holidays in criminal Nazi Switzerland and Swiss press - whereas the International Red Cross has
it's seat in Switzerland in Geneva - is concealing until today (2013) the mass murder in the Rhine meadow camps
under mass murderer Eisenhower... Point 2: Hitchcock presenting
emaciated German soldiers and piles with German bodies as Jewish victims Eisenhower was a racist Zionist and Bible Jehova racist. His bosses were the Zionists Baruch (financier and
stock exchange guru) and Zionist Morgenthau. Morgenthau wanted to have all Germans killed having a powerless or
even a Germany without population. Zionist Eisenhower wanted to kill as many Germans as possible, and he had a
"friend" with him, film maker Hitchcock. There should be films made supporting the claim "Germans"
had gassed "6 million Jews". Now German dead bodies in the Rhine meadow camps were filmed and the German
dead bodies were driven around in whole Germany and they were presented in the German concentration camps claiming
that the dead bodies would be dead Jews. Analysis
of Hitchcock's films: some fakes and some proofs Controlling the Hitchcock films one can detect the fake, see the following details. German helmets had an ear
protection and a neck protection, but "American" helmets were round like a circle without protection
of ear and neck. Different
forms of helmets of the Wehrmacht and the "U.S." Army |  | Helmets of the Wehrmacht with the protection of ears and neck, example during Barbarossa campaign [1]
|  |
German helmets of the Wehrmacht with the protection of ears and neck, example of a hand grenade course [2] |  |
"American" soldiers with round "American" helmets and with rows of German bodies in a
Rhine meadow camp [3] |  |
"American" soldiers with round "American" helmets piling German bodies on
a trailer in a Rhine meadow camp [4] |
Eisenhower and Hitchcock were bringing the fake to a head. German bodies
were partly driven around in whole Germany, were shown on the trailers or piled on the ground and presented to the
population as "Jewish bodies". But the mass fraud was clear --
there were no tattooed numbers of detainees on the bodies -- when the bodies had clothes on then these were
German uniforms and not striped zebra uniforms from German concentration camps which had Jewish detainees
-- and the bodies could not be digged out either because the bodies were so clean and new that there were no rests
of earth on them. "American" occupation forces claimed that Auschwitz
had been the "center" of the murder of the Jews whereas NEVER ANY "American" soldier was in
Auschwitz in the concentration camp. Well, Eisenhower just copied the cc of Auschwitz in a Rhine meadow camp and
thus Hitchcock made his Auschwitz films. But all these fakes can be detected easily with the "American" helmets. Examples of fakes from Bergen Belsen
![Liberation of Bergen Belsen, well nourished Jewish detainees with German striped detainee suits and caps on a cold day in wet and cold April 1945, April 15, 1945 [5]; other web sites state that this photo would be from Dachau. Liberation of Bergen Belsen, well nourished Jewish detainees with German striped detainee suits and caps on a cold day in wet and cold April 1945, April 15, 1945 [5]; other web sites state that this photo would be from Dachau.](https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/q_W98rBoz94Al1Neb236eNw_u2fR_SBo792VzMRUTg6fVeP4a_Wp0OKtwk6u04FF8LYPM2mTr4EtGrv6bV6O2GbpoZW7iwwHlIVOcLmZFp7RKnJAZDXrwIvcxbx3XRaRsWXDmh4_Snq_-OMjPNw9taecALq7eEi6fjcEsKFmUzbKdHYedLwQnOi-W7oGRl5PIoVeqZx9LpHz_9Zf2X5HY9M=s0-d-e1-ft#http://www.hist-chron.com/eu/D/1945-rheinwiesenlager/ENGL/004-d/005-Liberation-Bergen-Belsen-well-nourished-detainees-w-caps-April15,1945.jpg) Liberation of Bergen Belsen, well nourished Jewish detainees with German
striped detainee suits and caps on a cold day in wet and cold April 1945, April 15, 1945 [5]; other web sites
state that this photo would be from Dachau. Photos from the faked cc film by Hitchcock: "An Alfred Hitchcock Documentary
On The Nazi Holocaust" (53min.1sec.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0wA4rDuG58 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRr6P0d6r9I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaR3qud2-e8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIZ2KPZhDUs When the links are not working, go to http://www.youtube.com looking for the title "An Alfred Hitchcock Documentary On The Nazi Holocaust", so you get the
actual links of the film. Always look for the film of 53 min. 1 sec. Let's see the fakes about Bergen-Belsen |
Hitchcock made some little mistakes: In the film he is saying himself
that the prisoners are "soldiers". And there are also women greeting the detainees -
thus German women greeting German soldiers - and these are not women greeting Jews. And there are allied lorries
with a five pointed star of the "American" army on the hood. And all detainees
have dark gray clothes. Thus these are GERMAN PRISONERS OF WAR, above all those with a white "turban"
on the head. These are white massive head bandages after
having suffered head injuries in the fight. In Bergen Belsen there were allegedly dead bodies by typhus and these
bodies are said having been buried only 9 days after the liberation, and these dead bodies
of typhus only partly show irregular dark spots, but often no one. In the film is also a medical
doctor presented without medical white coat calling himself Mr. Little (Mr. Klein). And at
the end the English are claiming that there had been typhus in Bergen Belsen concentration camp installing a warning
sign in English "Typhus" and the film is inventing a laboratory
of "London students". Hitchcock is inventing that typhus came from getting too less soup and too
less water - word by word. Well, when there had been a typhus epidemic in Bergen Belsen then the German camp leadership
had installed an own warning sign - in German - and in coordination with the Red Cross! According to the Baron of the Lies Hitchcock even Jewish children survived Bergen-Belsen in a good
estate of health, even a new born baby.: <There were more than
200 children under 12 years old still alive in Belsen camp.> | | | |  | Children in
Bergen-Belsen (22min.37sek.) [6] |
|  |
New born baby
in Bergen-Belsen (22min.5sek.) [7] Some children were born in the
camp. | | | | |
camp (11min.1sek.) [8] Here the mass murderer Eisenhower and film maker Hitchcock were organizing a huge fraud and calumny
against Germany. | |  |
"American" lorries with a five pointed star on the hood coming with German prisoners of war
(1min. 49sec.) [9] Thus this is not a German lorry but an "American" or British lorry. And here do not come Jews but here
come German detainees being greeted by German women and children. |  |
Such people are NOT Jewish detainees but GERMAN soldiers in gray coats and with head injuries with
white head bandages. Here they are standing allegedly around a "water lorry". (2min. 9sec.) [10]
| |  |
This is NO Jew but this is a German soldier in his gray army uniform of the Wehrmacht. He is eating
bread at a barbed wire fence (2min. 23sec.) [11] German soldiers
under the allied command had to "arrange" themselves on a meadow. |  |
Women sector, women meadow (4min. 22sec.) [12]
Also these women are NOT wearing the striped German zebra
uniform for detainees in German ccs as Jewish detainees had, but these are German assistant staff members from
the camp being forced under allied command to arrange on the meadow. Additionally there were no "women's
meadows" in German concentrations camps but there were "women's camps". "Women's meadows"
only existed under mass murderer Eisenhower from 1945 to 1946... | |  |
German prisoners of war in a queue (11min. 6sec.), many have white
bandages on their head because of head injuries [13]. Jews in German concentration camps had NO head bandages for
sure. Thus here are NO Jews but GERMAN soldiers - in the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen under allied English
administration. | |
pipes and in the back ground a car of the Red Cross can be seen (11min. 50sec.) [14] | | |
A car of the Red Cross is closed (18min. 37sec.) [15]
| When
pictures with a car from the Red Cross are shown then it can be admitted that the camp was well managed and there
were no or hardly any epidemics, but all cases of illnesses were brought to hospitals as long it was possible. | |
supply in the camp (11min. 33sec.) [16] When films are claiming that German administration had blocked the water supply leaving Jewish detainees
suffering without water then this is just a normal propaganda fake to destroy the reputation of the Germans. | | |
Water supply in the camp 03 with washing possibility (11min. 39sec.)
[17] Additionally
there cannot be seen any striped Jewish zebra detainee's uniform in this film, but these detainees are women from
SS. |  |
Here is
a German prisoner of war topless in summer 1945 searching clothes on the ground, and in the background there is
a dead German detainee in a gray uniform (3min. 7sec.) [18] This
scenery cannot be from April 145 because April 1945 was cold and wet with much rain and even snow. Nobody was walking
topless in April 1945. But liar Hitchcock claims this would be a Jewish detainee during the liberation of the
camp in April 1945... | |  |
The ground is full of German bodies or full of helpless dying German prisoners of war in gray uniforms starving
and suffering in their own excrements (3min. 23sec.) [19] There
CANNOT BE SEEN ANY striped zebra uniform of German concentration camps. All clothes come from dead German soldiers.
These are NO Jews FOR SURE. | |  |
Male emaciated dead bodies without clothes and without spots and without tattooed numbers of detainees
(4min. 54sec.) [20]. These dead bodies are German bodies from the Rhine meadow camps. | | |
dead body with big breast and with irregular spots on her body with an open mouth (4min. 8sec.) [21]
The irregular spots are never
explained. Some bodies have spots, others not. Nothing is clear about it. Thus there is the suspicion that the
spots are painted. | |
of Bergen-Belsen: SS has to dig out a mass grave and allies are helping with a bulldozer (6min. 48sec.) [22]
When a
mass grave is digged out with sun shine and dry earth this scenery cannot be from cold and wet April 1945 but
this scene was taken more at the end of May or in June 1945. | |  |
Faked board in English with the claim "Typhus" at the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen
AFTER the liberation (18min. 4sec.) [23] When an "occupation power" claims that there had been an epidemic in a German concentration
camp this is mostly a lie. In the case of Bergen-Belsen a board in English was installed. But when Bergen-Belsen
had had typhus then the German administration had installed an own board with a warning in German. Thus the English
occupation power has invented this epidemic justifying the masses of dead bodies which were brought to the camp
later. Inventing an epidemic concealing the own crimes is a standard maneuver of the Anglo-Saxon psychological
warfare... |  |
Bergen-Belsen: task force with an alleged action on April 24, 1945, dead bodies arriving in a trailer
(12min. 33sec.) [24] German bodies from a Rhine meadow camp were brought to Bergen-Belsen in a trailer and German SS men have to push
the trailer. | | |
Bergen-Belsen, hips of dead bodies on a trailer (12min. 54sec.) [25] The
dead bodies on the trailer have NO tattooed numbers of detainees and the bodies are absolutely clean and have
NO remnants of earth or other contamination by earth. Thus these are German bodies from Rhine meadow camps. But
the British occupation power with it's weapons is ordering here in Bergen-Belsen that these would be Jews... |  |
Corpse pit in the region of Bergen-Belsen (13min. 30sec.) [26] The bodies in the mass grave have - when they have
clothes yet - no striped German detainee's uniform as Jews had in German concentration camps but they mostly have
remnants of German gray Wehrmacht uniforms. And not one single body has a detainee's number which would have been
shown at once by the journalists. Thus these bodies are German bodies from the Rhine meadow camps being buried
here in Bergen-Belsen. | |  |
Public with emotions watching the lorry full of emaciated dead bodies coming probably from the Rhine
meadow camps (12min. 48sec.) [27] British occupation power organized
a public booing SS men. By force of arms SS men were ordered to believe that these bodies would be Jewish bodies.
And the local German public cannot detect the lie that these are German bodies because they don't know that the
Rhine meadow camps exist... |  |
A cameraman filming SS men how they take dead bodies to the pit (15min. 12sec.) [28]
When there had been tattooed
numbers then the media staff had shown these tattoos with zooms at once. | |  |
SS men have to take the dead bodies from the trailer to the pit, the bodies have no spots (14min. 30sec.)
[29] Not one single dead body has got a tattooed number as Jewish captives had in German
concentration camps. These dead bodies are totally clean
and there is no earth on them, thus these bodies NEVER were buried and NEVER have been digged out |
one single body has got a tattooed number as Jewish detainees had in German concentration camps. There is no striped
German zebra uniform for detainees in German concentration camps as Jews had. And the dead bodies show no remnants
of earth or other contamination by earth. Thus these bodies were not buried and not digged out. These bodies mostly
have dark clothes and remnants of German army uniforms. Thus these are German dead bodies in Bergen-Belsen being
taken to the mass grave by force of arms of the criminal occupation forces. Hitchcock simply indicates that these
would be Jewish bodies. And the stupid journalists are not aware of the fraud spreading it in the whole world,
also in "neutral" Switzerland where the Red Cross has got it's seat and where the documents show how the
German concentration camps really were... |  |
Dead bodies torn by SS men on the way to the mass grave 01, the clothes are NO striped uniforms of
detainees in German ccs, and there are NO tattooed numbers, and there are NO remnants of earth on the bodies (23min.
14sec.) [30] Thus these dead bodies are NOT Jewish detainees but
very probably German victims from Eisenhower's Rhine meadow camps. | |  |
Dead bodies torn by SS men on the way to the mass grave 02, the clothes are NO striped uniforms of
detainees in German ccs, and there are NO tattooed numbers, and there are NO remnants of earth on the bodies (23min.21sec.)
[31] Thus these dead bodies are NOT Jewish detainees but very probably
German victims from Eisenhower's Rhine meadow camps. | | | |  |
An SS group in a mass grave under the order of British machine guns (23min. 55sec.) [32] The machine gun of the criminal allies is dictating
the allied meaning here. In Germany there is developing a submissive mentality concerning the persecution of the
Jews and at the end any free research is prohibited. |
SS men
with a medical doctor in white (5min. 31sec.) [33]
Medical doctors of the allies also have got the white dress as one can see
here in this scene. | |  |
Here a person is speaking presenting himself as a medical doctor Mister Fed Little (Fritz Klein),
and he says that this day would be April 24, 1945 standing before the mass grave (15min. 54sec.) [34]
This person is speaking German perfectly claiming to be a "medical doctor"
from Romania being working in concentration camps since 1 1/2 years already. But he does not even have a doctor's
white dress on and he is not stating any cause of death in his speech. Thus this is probably no doctor but is
is a background artist making a statement in this film for a pocket money stating being a medical doctor and stating
that this day would be April 24, 1945 (but April 1945 was very cold and wet... | | | | |
mayors and pastors have to see the piles of bodies (13min. 9sec.) [35] Also these mayors are going into the trap that these would be
Jewish bodies. British occupation force is operating with force of arms and personal meanings contradicting the
official one is punished by shooting. | |
telling-off at the mass grave with wards with machine guns (17min. 35sec.) [36] With the constant extortion of being shot the criminal
occupation forces (here the British) are asserting the meaning that the bodies would be Jews...
| |
The commander of Bergen-Belsen, Josef Kramer, portrait (6min. 19sec.)
[37] He was
the victim of the criminal Western Allies - in his case by the British occupation forces - they made the calumny
blaming Mr. Kramer for being responsible for 70,000 Jewish deads which have never been... |
| |
wards in Bergen-Belsen (6min. 5sec.) [38] They were also victims of the criminal Western allies, in this case of the British occupation forces.
They were blamed for having caused the death of 70,000 Jews... | |
An English operations manager speaking with revolver to the camera
"We actually don't know what has been going on in these camps" (24min. 6sec.) [39]
At the end of his speech
he is confessing that he did not know what was going on precisely in this camp. He only knew what he was fighting
for: <We actually don't know, what has been going on in these camps. I know personally what I am fighting for.>
(24min.28-35sek.) | | |
An English reporter with Hebrew accent
is installed before the mass grave from allegedly April 24, 1945 filled with dead bodies (24min. 44sec.) - stating
he "does not know where the dead bodies are coming from"... [40] Thus the reporter does not know where the bodies are coming from, and there is no medical investigation either!!! | Here is the statement of the English Hebrew reporter: <I am T. D. Tredges, attached as partway to controlling this camp. [...] I have been here 8
days. And never in my life I have seen such damnable gustiness. This morning they brought about 5,000 bodies. We
don't know from where they are. Behind me you can see the pit which contain another 5,000. There were two others
like it in preparation. All these deaths have been caused by systematic starvation and typhus and disease - it
has been splead - because of the treatment meeted out for this poor people by the SS guards and their SS chief.>
(24min.35sek.-25min.23sek.) | |
| |
also lying about typhus And another lie is spread by Hitchcock stating that
there were lice in Bergen Belsen and not enough soup and water causing typhus [?!] (18min. 16-19sec.). Quotation of the lies: <Lack of soup and
water brought lice to the inmates, and lice carried typhus.> Well, typhus does
not come from lice, and lice do not come from too less soup or water, but typhus is a fever with belly aches and
constipation caused by intestine bacteria when people are not washing their hands after the toilet having remnants
of excrements under their finger nails eating these remnants by food or otherwise entering their mouth. Wikipedia
says: <[...] rise of fever, belly
aches, constipation and higher body temperature, slower heart beat. Cause of typhus is the bacterium Salmonella
Typhi (Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica Serovar Typhi) [...] There is paratyphus with not so strong symptoms than typhus,
not caused by Salmonella Typhi but by Salmonella Paratyphi. [...] The agent is a typhus bacterium (Salmonella
enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Typhi), a feces bacteria transmitted orally for example by contaminated food
or water. Today typhus is more the problem of development countries. In industrial countries it's an exception.
Big parts of typhus illnesses is in connection with journeys to far countries with low hygienic standard. Immunization
should be done for journeys to tropical areas like India also when it's only a partial protection. World wide
typhus disease is affecting 32 million people every year.> orig. in
English: <[...] fever, abdominal pain, constipation and for the high body temperature rather slow heartbeat (relative bradycardia ) is characterized. The disease is caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi ( Salmonella enterica ssp. Enterica serovar
typhi ). [...] Paratyphoid is an attenuated disease of typhoid fever, not Salmonella
typhi , but Salmonella
paratyphi . [...]The causative agent is the typhoid bacterium ( Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica serovar
typhi), a Gram-negative , flagellated bacterium that is transmitted fecal - orally , for example, through contaminated food or contaminated water . Typhus is a problem of developing countriestoday . Cases in industrial nations are the exception; a large proportion of the typhoid diseases
that occur here are associated with long-distance travel of those affected to countries with low hygienic standards. When traveling to tropical areas (eg India ), immunization should be considered, even if it provides only partial protection. Worldwide,
about 32 million people fall ill each year> (from Wikipedia: Typhus: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhus) Divine service at
the mass grave - and the text of Hitchcock - the German text is not permitted A pastor speaking the divine service at the mass grave (25min. 38sec.) [41] |  |
A pastor speaking the divine service at the mass grave, view on the book (25min. 42sec.)
[42] | Hitchcock is saying
his own sarcastic text not allowing the speech of the German pastor: <We should never know who they were, or for pot holms [?] they were torn, whether they were catholics, Lutherans,
or Jews: We only know they were born, they suffered, and they died - in agony in Belsen camp.> (25min.30sek.-26min.12sek.) The mass graves of Bergen-Belsen are marked with boards but there is not written
if there are Jews, Germans, English or French buried. Alleged mass grave in Bergen
Belsen Nº 6 with about 800 deads [43] This data
of 26 April 1945 for the mass grave is not probable because April 1945 was wet and cold in Germany even with snow.
Therefore installing this mass grave could have been in June 1945. When a
camp is even burnt down by the allies then it's clear that any proof is destroyed which could be a proof for the
German side. British allies invented a typhus epidemic and by this invented reason they burnt down the Bergen Belsen
camp (26min. 50sec.) [44] And then the whole camp was flattened
and nothing was left of it. Thus there is even a bigger suspicion that the allies have to conceal something. And
just in this procedure the only real striped German detainee's uniform is shown in the film. Thus it's clear what
ware the dead bodies in the film: German bodies, most probably from the Rhine meadow camps. A bulldozer flattening Bergen Belsen camp cutting the barbed wire fence (27min. 58sec.) [45] |  |
A bulldozer "taking" a striped
detainee's uniform of German concentration camps which was NEVER seen in the film before (28min. 4sec.) [46] | More photos from the faked Hitchcock film about German concentration camps "An
Alfred Hitchcock Documentary On The Nazi Holocaust" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0wA4rDuG58 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRr6P0d6r9I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaR3qud2-e8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIZ2KPZhDUs When the links are not working, go to http://www.youtube.com looking for the title "An Alfred Hitchcock Documentary On The Nazi Holocaust", so you get the
actual links of the film. Always look for the film of 53 min. 1 sec. Faked scenes about cc Dachau Hitchcock's
lies about undernourished detainees Most of the detainees in German
concentration camps were well nourished considering the testimonies of original detainees after the war. Here
are some examples from the German concentration camp of Dachau: Detainees in the concentration camp of Dachau 01 sitting in the window (30min. 30sec.) [47] |  |
Concentration camp of Dachau, portrait of a detainee 02 830min. 40sec.) [48] |
 |
And one has to know: German concentration camps were under the control of the Red Cross like herein Bergen Belsen
(11min. 50sec.) [49] | | |
German concentration camps were under the control of the Red Cross
AND of the Zionists. People affected by heavy illnesses were brought to hospitals by cars of the Red Cross or to
military hospitals. Lies of Hitchcock
about shower rooms as "gas chambers" Washer nozzle in a shower room in the concentration camp
of Dachau (34min. 25sec.) [50] There is this clear proof: granulate of "Cyclone B" cannot pass the little holes of this
washer nozzle. All gassing in shower rooms is a criminal fantasy of Zionist mass murderers Eisenhower, Baruch,
Morgenthau, Roosevelt, and Hitchcock. It's a normal war propaganda with a giant calumny against the enemy. The lies of Hitchcock
about crematories: single muffle furnaces are not made for masses of bodies This crematory is shown in the film to be in Dachau, with
single muffle furnaces (35min. 20sec.) [51] There is
the following principle: Such single muffler furnaces in crematories are made for single burning of dead bodies
getting the ashes for the family of the dead. When there would be masses of dead bodies then a bigger oven had
been built for burning about 20 bodies in one. Obviously such a mass death has NOT happened ant there were only
some singular burnings of deads bodies. Additionally one has to know that in these German cc - as investigations
by Faurisson showed - many crematories were built only AFTER the war by the criminal Zionists - as a propaganda
and nothing more! A train with detainees at the
cc Dachau in February 1945 There was this train with detainees allegedly at the cc
Dachau in February 1945 about (36min. 20sec.) [52]
At the end of the Third Reich the whole infrastructure was collapsing. The remaining camps were overcrowded and
the trains with the detainees had last priority. Thus a transport was not 3 days but 30 days. Such trains with
detainees came to Dachau and the SS leadership of the cc Dachau had not the spirit any more to build a military
hospital for the deads and half deads of this train and had not the spirit to install a cemetery. This omission
was exploited by the criminal "Americans". Instead of helping and helping the survivors and honoring
the many 1,000s surviving detainees in the concentration camp of Dachau the SS leadership was killed and executed
because of this neglected train with detainees. Point
3: The principle of the cut in the films of criminal Mr. Hitchcock First
one can see well nourished detainees, mostly with striped zebra detainee's uniforms, and then comes the cut showing
the emaciated German prisoners of war from summer 1945 on the meadows or in the mud of the Rhine meadow camps
in the contaminated gray uniforms WITHOUT the typical striped zebra uniforms of detainees from German concentrations
camps in the Third Reich. The title of the film "Documentary" sounds well but this is a film where practically
everything is a fake: Gas chamber scenery has been taken
after May 1945 for presenting this fantasy to the whole world provoking a bad mood against Germans. And in this way
the English "American" and Zionist propaganda hast manipulated the brains in the world during more than
50 years and placed their Zionist slaves in the media in the whole world spreading this propaganda on and on. The
truth about the German concentrations camps can be seen here for example:
Point 4: Jews telling from German concentration camps: music, theater, soccer Original Jewish testimonies from German concentration camps report regularly
about work and music and theater and even soccer in the camps. Here are examples from Shoa Foundation "Survivors
who tell the truth": Video:
Holohoax: Survivors who Tell the Truth | | |
Point 5: Effect of the faked Hitchcock films about
German concentration camps on the Nuremberg Process - where is the war tribunal for criminal "U.S.A."? And now one has to know that the regime of Eisenhower against Germans was not only with the Rhine meadow camps causing
1 million Germans deads and the hunger regime during the post-war era in Germany from 1945 to 1950 provoking 5
million more German deads - but by these faked Hitchcock films the "U.S.A." have influenced the Nuremberg
Process in a way so Germany was convicted with a faked 6 million murder against Jews and had to pay for this, and
the allies were exempted from any guilt and the mass murderer Eisenhower was not detected until 1989 when historian
James Bacque came with his research. These criminal "U.S.A." have to be torn to a war tribunal for being
convicted for their wars, fakes and manipulations not only concerning the "American" war crimes in Germany
1943-1950 (also the destruction of towns had not to be and the war could have been finished in 1943 already),
but also concerning Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. "U.S.A." are the most destructive state
in the world destroying all other states by bombs and propaganda - and the proofs are very distinct concerning
Germany of 1945 here on this web site. And perhaps the criminal Zionists have to pay money back which was payed
for a mass murder of millions which was NEVER COMMITTED - pay money back to Germany. Point 6: No mass murder against the Jews in German concentration camps - but other sites with
mass death With all these data there is absolutely safe: There was
no mass murder in German concentration camps against the Jews in the dimension of 100,000s or millions. The real sites
with many deads in the persecution of the Jews were -- Auschwitz with epidemics
because the camps was in a marsh and bodies were buried contaminating the ground and the drinking water -- behind the Eastern Front the remaining Jews who were not deported by Stalin to Russia in 1940 and 1941 and
who were not taken by industries or the Red Army in 1941 were shot partly from 1941 to 1943 in mass shootings
partly by the Wehrmacht or by SS commands (with Germans, Ukrainians, Baltic people and Belorussians etc.) or also
by local anti-Semitic population themselves. Zionists did not protect the Jews from Eastern Europe because they
did not want them to have in Palestine for the colonization in Israel. --
the same mass murder for Jews counts for the Red Army where Stalin and his commanders let fight many Jews in the
first rows as "cannon fodder" -- since 1943 detainees were taken back from Eastern Europe
to the Reich to building sites of the tunnel constructioning and fell sick and died there --
at the same time Hitler and Stalin organized in common the clandestine deportation of European Jews to the GULAG -- in 1944 and in 1945 there were some 1,000 Jewish victims in the remaining overcrowded camps because
of hunger and epidemics, in trains and in death marches as a "penalty" for the defeat of Germany in the
war -- since 1945 many Jewish women who had suffered hunger a long time during years could not recover
well and had no fertility any more -- Jewish children being safe on "Christian" farms were often
not given back because nobody knew where the Jewish parents were and because many men were missing on the farms
and there was a general lack of staff -- many Jews also separated from Jewry in general for not being
persecuted any more. -- from 1945 to 1946 Stalin let come back 100,000s of Jews from
central Russia to Eastern Europe and this provoked new pogroms in Poland. Kiev in the Ukraine became a broad
Jewish center and in 1946 Kiev had more Jews than in 1939. At the same time the "American" President
Truman was bribed by the Zionists with 2 million Dollars permitting a racist "Jewish State" in Palestine
against all Muslims... -- and when in 1948 this bribed and criminal "U.S.A."
bribed by Zionists was "opening" the new "satellite" of Israel in the Middle East, Stalin
felt encircled and betrayed and he shut the Iron Curtain for Jews and all Jews in Russia could not leave the country
until Gorbachev until 1986. Stalin let russify the Jews by discriminations in professions -- and Stalin's
direct answer to the foundation of the racist Zionist state of Israel under the patronage of the criminal racist
"U.S.A." was the blockage of Berlin. We thank to the criminal Zionist
bribed and undermined "U.S.A." for their destructive and terrorist "cultural contribution". ______________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________ An Awful Revenge: The Eastern Victors’
Concentration Camps after World War II
The eastern victors continued to operate many formerly German concentration camps
after World War II. Additional camps to intern ethnic Germans were established in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania
and Yugoslavia. The existence and operation of these postwar camps is a matter of major historical significance. While the
population of the German concentration-camp system had grown to a record peak of 700,000 by the beginning of 1945, the number
of Germans incarcerated across Europe in similar camps by the end of 1945 was possibly even higher.[1] Soviet-Run Camps The German concentration camps at Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, Mühlberg, Fürstenwalde, Liebe-Roze, Bautzen
and other locations were taken over by the Russian Gulag Archipelago. The camp at Buchenwald, for example, was transformed
into “Special Camp No. 2” and was operated by the Soviet Union until 1950.[2] Conditions at the camps under Soviet control were atrocious. The camps were labeled “special” because the Soviets
insisted that the internees be cut off completely from the civilian population.[3] Even Gen. Merkulov, the Soviet official in charge of the concentration camps in Germany, acknowledged the severe lack of
order and cleanliness, particularly at Buchenwald.[4] One former inmate described his five years in the Soviet-run Buchenwald
Camp: People were mere numbers. Their dignity was consciously
trampled upon. They were starved without mercy and consumed by tuberculosis until they were skeletons. The annihilation
process, which had been well tested over decades, was systematic. The cries and groans of those in pain still echo in my
ears whenever the past comes back to me in sleepless nights. We had to watch helplessly as people perished according to
plan—like creatures sacrificed to annihilation. Many nameless people were caught up in
the annihilation machinery of the NKVD after the collapse of 1945. They were herded together like cattle after the so-called
liberation and vegetated in the many concentration camps. Many were systematically tortured to death. A memorial was built
for the dead of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp. A figure of death victims was chosen based on fantasy. Intentionally,
only the dead of the 1937-1945 period were honored. Why is there no memorial honoring the dead of 1945 to 1950? Countless
mass graves were dug around the camp in the postwar period.[5] While no one can know the exact number of inmates and deaths
at Buchenwald, it is reasonably certain a higher percentage of inmates died under Soviet control than under German control.
Viktor Suvorov estimates that 28,000 people were imprisoned by the Soviets at Buchenwald from 1945-1950, of whom 7,000 (25%)
died. By comparison, he estimates that 250,000 people were imprisoned by the Germans at Buchenwald from 1937 to 1945. Of
that number, Suvorov estimates that 50,000 (20%) died. The Soviet-run Buchenwald had a higher estimated death rate than
the German-run Buchenwald.[6] Suvorov’s estimates of deaths at Soviet-run Buchenwald are probably
understated. Some sources estimate that at least 13,000 and as many as 21,000 persons died in Soviet-run Buchenwald.[7] Also, a detailed June 1945 U.S. government report on German-run Buchenwald put the total deaths at a lower number
of 33,462, of whom more than 20,000 died in the final chaotic months of the war. These total deaths include at least 400
inmates killed in British bombing raids.[8] Thus, the death-rate percentage at the Soviet-run Buchenwald versus the German-run Buchenwald is probably substantially
higher than Suvorov’s estimates. Russian estimates show a total
of 122,671 Germans passed through Soviet-run camps in the Soviet Zone after the end of the war. Of this total, 42,889 Germans
died, or approximately 35%. The official Soviet statistics probably underestimate the true number of dead in the Soviet-run
camps. American military intelligence units and Social Democratic Party groups in the late 1940s and 1950s estimate that
a much higher total of 240,000 German prisoners passed through Soviet-run camps. Of these, an estimated 95,643 died, or
almost 40%. In these revisions there were 60,000 prisoners at Sachsenhausen,
where 26,143 died; 30,600 prisoners at Buchenwald, where 13,200 did not survive; and 30,000 prisoners at Bautzen, where
16,700 died. These higher death counts are supported by discoveries of numerous mass graves of Germans buried near the Soviet-run
camps.[9] No one has ever been punished for the deaths and mistreatment of
German inmates in the postwar Soviet-run camps. The hundreds of thousands of visitors who visit the Buchenwald campsite
each year only see museums and memorials dedicated to the “victims of fascism.” There is nothing at Buchenwald
to remind visitors of the thousands of Germans who perished miserably in Buchenwald after the war when the camp was run
by the Soviet Union.[10] Polish-Run Camps Many
of the Germans in Poland were also sent to former German concentration camps. In March 1945, the Polish military command
declared that the entire German people shared the blame for starting World War II. Over 105,000 Germans were sent to labor
camps in Poland before their expulsion from Poland. The Polish authorities soon converted concentration camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau,
Łambinowice (called Lamsdorf by its German occupants) and others into internment and labor camps. In fact, the liberation
of the last Jewish inmates at the Auschwitz main camp and the arrival of the first ethnic Germans to Auschwitz were separated
by less than two weeks. When the camps in Poland were finally closed,
it is estimated that as many as 50% of the German inmates, mostly women and children, had died from ill-treatment, malnutrition
and diseases.[11] In a confidential report concerning the Polish concentration camps filed
with the Foreign Office, R.W.F. Bashford wrote: “[T]he concentration camps were not dismantled, but rather taken over
by new owners. Mostly they are run by Polish militia. In Świętochłowice, prisoners who are not starved or
whipped to death are made to stand, night after night, in cold water up to their necks, until they perish. In Breslau there
are cellars from which, day and night, the screams of victims can be heard.”[12] Lamsdorf in Upper Silesia was initially built by Germany to house Allied
prisoners of war. This camp’s postwar population of 8,064 Germans was decimated through starvation, disease, hard labor
and physical mistreatment. A surviving German doctor at Lamsdorf recorded the deaths of 6,488 German inmates in the camp
after the war, including 628 children.[13] A report submitted to the U.S. Senate dated August 28, 1945 reads: “In
“Y” [code for a camp, from the original document], Upper Silesia, an evacuation camp has been prepared which
holds at present 1,000 people….A great part of the people are suffering from symptoms of starvation; there are cases
of tuberculosis and always new cases of typhoid….Two people seriously ill with syphilis have been dealt with in a
very simple way: They were shot….Yesterday a woman from “K” [another camp] was shot and a child wounded.”[14] Zgoda, which had been a satellite camp of Auschwitz during the war,
was reopened by the Polish Security Service as a punishment and labor camp. Thousands of Germans in Poland were arrested
and sent to Zgoda for labor duties. The prisoners were denied adequate food and medical care, the overcrowded barrack buildings
were crawling with lice, and beatings were a common occurrence. The camp director, Salomon Morel, told the prisoners at
the gate that he would show them what Auschwitz had meant. A man named Günther Wollny, who had the misfortune of being
an inmate in both Auschwitz and Zgoda, later stated, “I’d rather be 10 years in a German camp than one day in
a Polish one.”[15] Sexual Assaults in Polish Camps A notable element of the postwar Polish camp system was the prevalence of sexual assault as well as ritualized sexual
humiliation and punishment suffered by the female inmates. The practice at Jaworzno, as reported by Antoni Białecki
of the local Office of Public Security, was to “take ethnically German women at gunpoint home at night and rape them.”
The camp functioned as a sexual supermarket for its 170-strong militia guard contingent. The sexual humiliation of female prisoners in the Polish camp at Potulice had become an institutional practice by
the end of 1945. Many of the women were sexually abused and beaten, and some of the punishments resulted in horrific injuries.
The sexual exploitation of women in Polish-run camps contrasts to the experience of women in German-run concentration camps.
Rape or other forms of sexual mistreatment was an extremely rare occurrence at German concentration camps, and severely
punished by the authorities if detected.[16] The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) attempted to send
a delegation to investigate the atrocities reported in the Polish camps. It was not until July 17, 1947, when most Germans
had either died or had been expelled from the camps, that ICRC officials were finally allowed to inspect a Polish camp.
Yet even at this late date there were still a few camps the ICRC was not allowed to investigate.[17] Jewish journalist John Sack has confirmed the torture, murder and sexual
assaults of German prisoners in postwar Polish camps operated by the Office of State Security. Most of the camps were staffed
and run by Jews, with help from Poles, Czechs, Russians and concentration-camp survivors. Virtually all of the personnel
at these camps were eager to take revenge on the defeated Germans. In three years after the war, Sack estimates that from
60,000 to 80,000 Germans died in the Office’s camps.[18] Efforts to bring perpetrators in Polish camps to justice
were largely unsuccessful. Czesław Gęborski, director of the camp at Lamsdorf, was indicted by the Polish authorities
in 1956 for wanton brutality against the German prisoners. Gęborski admitted at his trial that his only goal in taking
the job was “to exact revenge” on the Germans. On October 4, 1945, Gęborski ordered his guards to shoot
down anyone trying to escape a fire that engulfed one of the barracks buildings; a minimum of 48 prisoners were killed that
day. The guards at Lamsdorf also routinely beat the German prisoners and stole from them. German prisoners in Lamsdorf died
of hunger and diseases in droves; guards recalled scenes of children begging for scraps of food and crusts of bread. Gęborski
was found not guilty despite strong evidence of his criminal acts.[19] Czech-Run Camps The Theresienstadt concentration camp in Czechoslovakia was used by Germany during the
war to intern many of Germany’s, Austria’s and Czechoslovakia’s most-famous or -talented Jews. On May 24,
1945, the Czech government decided to use the Theresienstadt Camp to imprison 600 Germans from Prague. Within the first
few hours of their arrival, between 59 and 70 of these Germans were brutally beaten to death. Two hundred more Germans were
reported to have died from torture and beatings within the next few days. The camp commandant, Alois Pruša, took
great pleasure in the beatings, and reportedly used at least one of his daughters to assist him in killing the German inmates.
Pruša and his assistant told the remaining surviving Germans that they would never leave the camp.[20] Torture appears to have been the rule in Czech-run Theresienstadt. Guards
at Theresienstadt used a variety of instruments for beating and lashing their victims: steel rods sheathed with leather,
pipes, rubber truncheons, iron bars and wooden planks. One woman in Theresienstadt observed and still remembers the screams
from a female SS member forced to sit astride an SA dagger. Dr. E. Siegel, a Czech-speaking medical doctor working for the
ICRC, was also subjected to extensive torture in Theresienstadt. Dr. Siegel thought the guards were ordered from above to
commit their acts of torture, because the methods used in all Czech-run camps were broadly similar.[21] Some of the savagery at Theresienstadt stopped when Pruša was
replaced by a Maj. Kálal.[22] However, one secret Soviet report said that the German inmates at Theresienstadt repeatedly begged the Russians to stay
at the camp. The report states: “We now see the manifestations of hatred for the Germans. They [the Czechs] don’t
kill them, but torment them like livestock. The Czechs look at them like cattle.” The horrible treatment at the hands
of the Czechs led to despair and hopelessness among Czechoslovakia’s ethnic Germans. According to Czech statistics,
5,558 ethnic Germans committed suicide in 1946 alone.[23] Czech author Dr. Hans Guenther Adler, a Jew who was imprisoned during
the war in Theresienstadt, confirmed that conditions in Czech-run Theresienstadt were deplorable for Germans. Adler wrote: Certainly there were those among them who, during the years of occupation,
were guilty of some infraction or other, but the majority, among them children and adolescents, were locked up simply because
they were German. Just because they were German…? That phrase is frighteningly familiar; one could easily substitute
the word “Jew” for “German.” The rags given to the Germans as clothes were smeared with swastikas.
They were miserably undernourished, abused….The camp was run by Czechs, yet they did nothing to stop the Russians
from going in to rape the captive women….[24] After the war, the ICRC reported that the sexual abuse
of female inmates in Czech-run camps was pervasive and systematic. A foreign observer of one Czech camp noted that the women
were “treated like animals. Russian and Czech soldiers come in search of women for purposes which can be imagined.
Conditions there for women are definitely more unfavorable than in the German concentration camps, where cases of rape were
rare.” In another Czech-run camp, the soldiers would “take away the prettiest girls, who would often disappear
without trace.” Jean Duchosal, secretary general of the ICRC, reported
that girls were often raped at the Matejovce Camp in Slovakia, and that beatings were daily occurrences. The same was true
of the Czech-run camp of Patrónka. A Prague police report of June 1945 mentioned that Revolutionary Guards were in
the habit of “exposing women’s body parts and burning them with lighted cigarettes.”[25] A common feature of most Czech-run camps was the provision of so little
food as to make not merely malnutrition but actual starvation largely a function of the length of incarceration. The Czech
government in 1945 and 1946 instituted a policy that there would be no improvement in the food rations provided to ethnic
German inmates regardless of the availability of food. For example, despite the fact that malnutrition-related deaths were
occurring at a rate of three per day, none of the 4.5 tons of food the ICRC delivered to the Hagibor camp shortly before
Christmas 1945 was issued to the inmates. Richard Stokes, the prominent British Parliament member, visited Hagibor in September
1946 and calculated the daily food ration at Hagibor to be “750 calories per day, which is below Belsen level.”[26] The ICRC found that published regulations regarding the dietary requirements
of inmates in Czech-run camps were almost invariably ignored. Pierre W. Mock, head of the ICRC delegation in Bratislava,
calculated the daily caloric intake of prisoners at Petržalka I Camp at 664 per person during the third week of October
1945. The daily caloric intake had declined to 512 per person when Mock returned to the Petržalka I Camp in the last
week of December 1945. At Nováky, a former German concentration camp, Mock found the milk and bread ration to be
woefully inadequate to feed the population of more than 5,000. An ICRC
visitor at the Hradištko camp near Prague was informed by the guard in charge of food distribution that the inadequate
food ration issued to the inmates was fixed by law and unchangeable. The guard also told the ICRC visitor that the few Czech
children at Hradištko received twice as much food as the German inmates. A social worker attempting to ameliorate
the worst elements of the Czechoslovak camp system confidentially advised the British Foreign Office that the Czech government
would not permit relief supplies to be distributed to the needy German civilian inmates.[27] German prisoners at Svidník camp in Czechoslovakia
were also forced to clear away mine fields. Strong protests from the ICRC at Bratislava eventually succeeded in having this
practice stopped.[28] The ICRC sent a general memorandum to the Prague government on March 14, 1946, stating that its duty was to carry out the
German expulsions as humanely as possible. In view of the unsatisfactory condition of the Czech-run camps, the ICRC recommended
that provisional internment of Germans in Czechoslovakia end as soon as possible.[29] Conclusion The
German prisoners in postwar Soviet, Polish and Czech concentration camps were subject to brutal treatment resulting in the
loss of many tens of thousands of lives. Their treatment was probably worse than the treatment of prisoners in German-run
concentration camps during World War II. Endnotes
[1] Douglas, R. M., Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War, New Haven and London:
Yale University Press, 2012, p. 136. [2] Suvorov, Viktor, The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II, Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute
Press, 2008, p. 279. [3] Naimark, Norman M., The Russians in Germany: A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949, Cambridge, Mass.
and London: Harvard University Press, 1995, p. 377. [4] Weber, Mark, “Extermination Camps Propaganda Myths,” in Gauss, Ernst (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust:
The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory, Capshaw, Ala.: Theses and Dissertations Press, 2000, p. 299.
[6] Suvorov, Viktor, op. cit., p. 279. [7] Weber, Mark op. cit., p. 299. [9] Naimark, Norman M, 1995, op. cit., pp. 376, 378. [10] Weber, Mark, op. cit., p. 299. [11] Merten, Ulrich, Forgotten Voices: The Expulsion of the Germans from Eastern Europe after World War II, New Brunswick
and London: Transaction Publishers, 2012, pp. 9, 65. [12] Public Record Office, FO 371/46990. [13] De Zayas, Alfred-Maurice, Nemesis at Potsdam: The Anglo-Americans and the Expulsion of the Germans, London: Routledge
& Kegan Paul, 1977, pp. 125-126. [14] “Evacuation and Concentration Camps in Silesia” in Congressional Record, Senate, Aug. 2, 1945, Annex
A-4778/79. [15] Lowe, Keith, Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2012,
pp. 135-137. [16] Douglas, R. M, op. cit., pp. 141-142. [17] International Committee of the Red Cross, Report of its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva: 1948, Vol.
1, pp. 334 et seq. [18] Sack, John, An Eye for an Eye, 4th edition, New York: Basic Books, 2000, p. 114. [19] Naimark, Norman M., Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe, Cambridge, Mass. and London:
Harvard University Press, 2001, p. 130. [20] MacDonogh, Giles, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation, New York: Basic Books, 2007, pp.
153-154. [21] Ibid., pp. 154, 157. [23] Naimark, Norman M., , 2001, op. cit., p. 118. [24] De Zayas, Alfred-Maurice, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 2nd
edition, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, p. 97. [25] Douglas, R. M., op. cit., pp. 141-142. [26] Ibid., pp. 144, 151-152. [27] Ibid., pp. 144, 146. [28] International Committee of the Red Cross, Reports of Its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva: 1948, Vol. 1,
pp. 334, 675f. [29] De Zayas, Alfred-Maurice, , 1977op. cit., p. 125.
A Holocaust Was What the Americans Did to the Germans Eisenhower’s Starvation Order
By James Bacque Never had so many people been put in prison. The size of the Allied captures was unprecedented
in all history. The Soviets took prisoner some 3.5 million Europeans, the Americans about 6.1 million, the British
about 2.4 million, the Canadians about 300,000, the French around 200,000. Uncounted millions of Japanese entered
American captivity in 1945, plus about 640,000 entering Soviet captivity. As soon as Germany surrendered on 8 May 1945, the American Military
Governor, General Eisenhower, sent out an “urgent courier” throughout the huge area that he commanded,
making it a crime punishable by death for German civilians to feed prisoners. It was even a death-penalty crime
to gather food together in one place to take it to prisoners … The order was sent in German to the provincial
governments, ordering them to distribute it immediately to local governments. Copies of the orders were discovered
recently in several villages near the Rhine … The message [which Bacque reproduces] reads in part: “…
under no circumstances may food supplies be assembled among the local inhabitants in order to deliver them to
the prisoners of war. Those who violate this command and nevertheless try to circumvent this blockade to allow
something to come to the prisoners place themselves in danger of being shot….”
Eisenhower’s order was also posted in English, German and
Polish on the bulletin board of Military Government Headquarters in Bavaria, signed by the Chief of Staff of the
Military Governor of Bavaria. Later it was posted in Polish in Straubing and Regensburg, where there were many
Polish guard companies at nearby camps. One US Army officer who read the posted order in May 1945 has written that
it was “the intention of Army command regarding the German POW camps in the US Zone from May 1945 through
the end of 1947 to exterminate as many POWs as the traffic would bear without international scrutiny.” … The [American] army’s
policy was to starve [German] prisoners, according to several American soldiers who were there. Martin Brech,
retired professor of philosophy at Mercy college in New York, who was a guard at Andernach in 1945, has said that
he was told by an officer that “it is our policy that these men not be fed.” The 50,000 to 60,000
men in Andernach were starving, living with no shelter in holes in the ground, trying to nourish themselves on
grass. When Brech smuggled bread to them through the wire, he was ordered to stop by an officer. Later, Brech
sneaked more food to them, was caught, and told by the same officer, “If you do that again, you’ll
be shot.” Brech saw bodies go out of the camp “by the truckload” but he was never told how many there
were, where they were buried, or how. … The prisoner Paul Schmitt was shot in the American camp at Bretzenheim after coming close to the wire
to see his wife and young son who were bringing him a basket of food. The French followed suit: Agnes Spira was
shot by French guards at Dietersheim in July 1945 for taking food to prisoners. The memorial to her in nearby Buedesheim,
written by one of her chidren, reads: “On the 31st of July 1945, my mother was suddenly and unexpectedly
torn from me because of her good deed toward the imprisoned soldiers.” The entry in the Catholic church register
says simply: “A tragic demise, shot in Dietersheim on 31.07.1945. Buried on 03.08.1945.” Martin Brech
watched in amazement as one officer at Andernach stood on a hillside firing shots towards German women running
away from him in the valley below. The prisoner Hans Scharf … was watching as a German woman with her two children came towards an
American guard in the camp at Bad Kreuznach, carrying a wine bottle. She asked the guard to give the bottle to
her husband, who was just inside the wire. The guard upended the bottle into his own mouth, and when it was empty,
threw it on the ground and killed the prisoner with five shots. ….Many prisoners and German civilians saw the American guards burn the food
brought by civilian women. One former prisoner described it recently: “At first, the women from the nearby
town brought food into the camp. The American soldiers took everything away from the women, threw it in a heap and poured
gasoline [benzine] over it and burned it.” Eisenhower himself ordered that the food be destroyed, according
to the writer Karl Vogel, who was the German camp commander appointed by the Americans in Camp 8 at Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Although the prisoners were getting only 800 calories per day, the Americans were destroying food outside the
camp gate. James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950, pp. 41-45, 94-95. Note from
RI: See also Thomas Goodrich's: Summer 1945—Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate
______________________________________________________________________________________ STALIN DID ORDER THE NUREMBERG TRIALS “They can be killed. But first, they have to be tried in court.”
~ Josef Stalin The Nuremberg Trials. December 15, 2018 by Mike Walsh A RUSSIAN INSIDER scoop sheds light on the previously unknown basis for the infamous Nuremberg
Show Trials in which the defeated German foe were ‘tried’, sentenced, mostly hanged or sentenced to long years
in prison. Revisionist historians always held the view that the notorious trials and military tribunals
were modelled on the notorious show trials of Soviet dictator Joe Stalin (1936 – 1938). Following Germany’s
military defeat thousands of Allied military commanders condemned or refused to take part in the shameful victors show trials.
Now the truth has finally emerged. During a recent Russian television talk show, a former high ranking
officer in the Red Army explains that Stalin insisted that ‘Nazi war criminals’ receive a trial
rather than be immediately executed, to the dismay of Winston Churchill and French leader Charles De Gaulle. The Nuremberg trials allowed a remarkable speech by Reichsmarschall Herman Göring, who was a brilliant orator,
in which he pointed out Western hypocrisy over racial war crimes: the Allies, after all, maintained their own form of racism
in their colonies, and the Americans practiced segregation. Who were they to lecture Germans on racial oppression? The foxy
Joe Stalin knew this would come up, and looked forward to scoring propaganda points against his hypocritical and cynical
allies. Göring’s speech so impressed the
American sergeant guarding him that the serviceman procured the poison with which Göring took his own life, thereby
avoiding the humiliation of a public hanging. Yakov Kedmi, the officer (high-ranking,
retired), then goes on to talk about how the US had no reservations about committing heinous war crimes in Vietnam, and that
Colin Powell, a young major at the time, argued that war crimes trials were not needed for what happened in Vietnam. He then goes on at length about how and why so many high-level Nazis were protected by the US so that they would
help the Americans in the impending Cold War with the Soviet Union, presumed if Stalin rebelled against America’s financial
grip on the post-war USSR economy and Lend Lease payback. Yakov Kedmi, says, “I get angry when people
talk about history and pretend to be truth-seekers, ostensibly objective, yet avoid or cover up certain facts like talking
about the Nuremberg trials. The Nuremberg trials were a result of a single person’s will. His name was Joseph
Stalin. If it weren’t for him, these trials wouldn’t have taken place. You can think whatever you want of Stalin,
but hushing up this fact is nothing but falsifying history. That’s not how history should be studied. For several years, he imposed his will on the entire Soviet administration and those who didn’t want the
trials to take place. Because he said, “They can be killed. But first, they have to be tried in court.” He was
the first one in the world to demand a trial for them. Not representatives of the democratic US. Not the democratic UK or
France. In his speech, Göring, being charged with a racial approach, said, “You’re
condemning a racial approach?” They (the Allies) didn’t want the trials because they were colonial
countries. They owned Africa. It was not in their interest. How could they have condemned racial discrimination? Consider
the way Belgians treated Africans. The pundit goes on to say that Stalin’s purpose was to completely
remove Germany’s political and military elite and to totally destroy the remnants of its armed forces because he feared
they might be used against the rebellious Soviet Union. The retired Red Army general goes on to explain.
“Why didn’t they condemn the Wehrmacht, for a simple reason? Because at that time, some German generals were
sitting down with American and British generals and planning a war against the Soviet Union so they couldn’t do it.” A taboo topic in the West is that Wall Street banking houses, in collaboration with globalist corporations, financed
and collaborated in the overthrow (Russian Revolution) of Imperial Russia in 1917. After saving ‘Private
Stalin’ in the winter of 1941 / 1942 there was fear that Stalin having control over central Europe would renege of
the United States and Westminster. The Soviet dictator was aware that if the German military elite and the Wehrmacht survived
then their being pivoted to destroy the Red Army would pose a threat to Stalin’s regime. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Nuremberg: The Last
Battle by David Irving  The Last Battle – the absolute hypocrisy of the
Allied trials of the German “war criminals” is
documented by the master researcher and historian David Irving using unpublished diaries of the judges, lawyers and accused. FDR insisted we “castrate the German people.”
Stalin wanted 50,000 executed, Eisenhower wanted punishment
beyond the death penalty. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Click on this text to view: Y. Kedmi: Allies Wanted to Kill Germans Without Trial; Without Stalin There Would be No Nuremberg!
Click on this text to visit German Victims Deutsche Opfer website...
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If Hitler Had Won World War II We’d Have A Better, More Just World Today 
George S. Patton realized late in the war that the United States fought the wrong country. Patton felt the U.S.
should have sided with Germany to destroy Jewish Bolshevik/Communist USSR. This information comes from Patton’s
diary entries, letters he wrote to his wife, and comments he made to military officers and staff. World War II was
incredibly complex. However, in the final analysis, WWII was essentially a war between two competing ideologies:
Nationalism vs. Jewish internationalism/globalism. Adolf Hitler and his allies fought to preserve the concept
of nationalism, not just for Germans but for all peoples the world over. Nationalism really just means the sovereignty
of an ethnic people and the right of such ethnic people/nationalists — within their own bordered
country — to self-determination. What is meant by self-determination? Self-determination
just means an ethnic people preserving their unique culture and heritage and pursuing their collective goals as
a unique people. This applies to any ethnic peoples: Nigerians, Germans, Swedes, Vietnamese, Mexicans,
Tibetans, etc. On the other side of WWII was Jewish (Bolshevik) internationalism (today we simply call this ‘globalism’).
In the 1920’s, 1930’s, and of course during WWII, powerful Jewish internationalists were fervently
advancing the Jewish worldview of eventually eliminating all nations… except for a Jewish homeland…
(what was later to be — after WWII — the nation of Israel in 1948). Today we see that nothing has
changed; Jewish internationalism/globalism still works toward gradually “merging” all peoples of the
world (particularly in the Western World) into one globalist system with a global government, global laws, consistent
global culture, global bank, global currency, etc. In short, Jewish globalism (i.e., the weakening and eventual
elimination of all nations) is the exact opposite of nationalism (i.e., a world composed of nations
… specifically, ethnically homogenous and bordered nations). The Allied powers of WWII (led by Roosevelt,
Churchill, Stalin, et al) were tools of International Jewry and thus de facto fighting for the Jewish
globalist worldview. After the (Jewish-run) Allies won WWII in 1945, international Jewish forces were then free
to exercise a Jewish ‘Sphere of Influence’ over the greater Western World (and as we see today,
increasingly over the rest of the world). Alternatively, if Hitler had won World War II and then exercised a Nationalist ‘Sphere
of Influence’ over the greater Western World, we’d have a more just, fair, and moral Western
World today. The rest of the world would have similarly benefited had the Germans been victorious since German
influence would have surely spread elsewhere (ideas such as non-usurious banking and strong family oriented culture
would likely have spread globally). Had Hitler won World War II, what would be different in the post-war world? Here are a few examples: 1 – No USSR
(the Soviet government murdered millions of its own people during its 70 year reign — to study this topic
read the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; Hitler would have liberated the USSR, though taking large parts of
its Western region for lebensraum, “living space”) 2 – No cold war (because there would be no USSR) 3 – No Communist
Eastern Europe/Iron Curtain (when WWII ended, Eastern Europe fell to Communism — this was part of Stalin’s
spoils of war) 4 – No Red China and Mao’s subsequent killing of 40 – 60 million Chinese (the USSR created
favorable conditions for Mao’s Communists which ultimately led to Mao’s victory over Chiang Kai-shek’s
nationalists in 1949, thus if no USSR, no Mao victory)
5 – No Communist North Vietnam (both the Soviet Union and Red
China aided Ho Chi Minh) 6 – No Communist Cambodia and Pol Pot’s slaughter of 2 million Cambodians (Red China aided Pol
Pot) 7
– No dividing Korea into North Korea and South Korea (the Allies split Korea after WWII ended, with North
Korea becoming Communist… another of Stalin’s spoils of war) 8 – No Communist Cuba (given the previous, what support
would Castro have had in the 1950’s?)
9 – No Communism anywhere (Hitler was the world’s
most fervent anti-Communist) 10 – Liberalism and multiculturalism wouldn’t dominate Western ethos (both are
Jewish creations and both have always been heavily promoted/advanced by Jews; thus if no Jewish influence, then
no liberalism and no multiculturalism… at least certainly nowhere near the degree we see today) 11 – No Cultural
Marxism and no political correctness (these are social engineering “tools” which came out of the Jewish
think tank known as the Frankfurt School) 12 – No third world immigration into Western nations (Jews wouldn’t be
in power positions to craft and force through liberal immigration laws; Jews are responsible for each and every
Western nation’s liberal immigration policy/laws, as all were orchestrated by a consortium consisting of
the World Jewish Congress, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and B’nai B’rith) 13 – No depraved
filth on TV, in movies, etc. (because Jews wouldn’t run Hollywood) 14 – No widespread pornography
(Jewish lawyers and Jewish activists were the main challengers of anti-obscenity laws, under the guise of “Freedom
of Speech”) 15 – There would still be prayer in public schools (Jewish lawyers were instrumental in banning prayer in
public schools under the guise of so-called “separation of church and state,” something that appears
nowhere in the U.S. Constitution) 16 – No man-hating radical feminist movement (Jews such as Betty Friedan, Sonia Pressman,
and Gloria Steinem, among others, were the key drivers of radical feminism) 17 – No Israel and all the problems
it has brought the USA and the immeasurable misery it has wrought on the Palestinians 18 – Jews would be living in Madagascar
(perhaps) and would be carefully monitored (Madagascar was one place Hitler considered as a Jewish homeland) Many reading
this will ask, “But what about the Holocaust?” The Holocaust has been grossly exaggerated by organized
Jewry in order to create sympathy for Jews worldwide and thus help advance the Jewish agenda (i.e., people seen
as victims tend to get their way). It is also used as a political weapon to justify Israeli militarism against
the Palestinians. Hitler’s Final Solution (rebranded in the early 1970’s as the “Holocaust”)
was a plan to remove Jews from Europe, not to kill them. During WWII, just as the U.S. couldn’t trust Japanese
Americans, thus causing FDR to round many of them up and place them in concentration camps, Hitler couldn’t
trust Jews since many were partisans sympathetic to the USSR and hence they aided the USSR in various subversive,
anti-German activities. Therefore the National Socialists rounded up Jews and placed them in concentration camps. Somewhere around
one million Jews died during WWII (not six million) mostly due to disease and starvation in the final months of
the war. Heavy Allied bombing of Germany and parts of German occupied Europe destroyed many roads, rail lines,
and bridges making it impossible for Germany to adequately supply the camps with food and medicine. The result
is that many Jews died of starvation and disease; and of course many non-Jews also died of starvation and disease
(again, due to a massive Allied bombing campaign and its destruction of German transportation infrastructure).
Lastly, there were no “gas chambers.” Much has been written about this. To study the “gas chamber”
subject, read the research papers published by Germar Rudolf and Carlo Mattogno (there are many others as well).
To get a broad overview of the Holocaust, read my article, What Was The Holocaust… What Actually Happened? It
should also be noted that Hitler never wanted to “conquer the world.” He simply wanted to safeguard
Europe and the greater Western World from all manner of nefarious Jewish influence and, more broadly, safeguard
the world-at-large specifically from, 1) usurious Jewish banking and, 2) Jewish-driven cultural degradation. As previously
stated, the Allied heads-of-State (Roosevelt, Churchill, et al) were puppets of International Jewry; each sold
his soul for power and prestige. Again, as earlier stated, World War II was a war between two competing ideologies:
Nationalism -vs- Jewish Bolshevik internationalism/globalism — unfortunately International Jewry won. Was World War II
“the good war” as is often claimed? No, it was exactly the opposite. The Allied victory marked the beginning
of the end of Western Civilization. Why
Hitler Declared War on the United States
Here is the complete text of Hitler's historic
address of Dec. 11, 1941, in which the German leader recounts the reasons for the outbreak of war in September
1939, explains why he decided to strike against the Soviet Union in June 1941, reviews the dramatic course of
the war thus far, and deals at length with US President Roosevelt's hostile policies toward Germany. Hitler
details the US government's increasingly belligerent actions against Germany and Italy, and concludes by announcing
that Germany was now joining Japan in war against the United States. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Click on this text to listen to two knowledgeable men describe the reality of World War II and the modern reality as a result
of the war...
American Jurists and Attorneys Opposing Injustice at
Charles F. Wennerstrum
Iowa Supreme Court Justice Charles F. Wennerstrum, who served as the presiding judge in the Nuremberg trial of German generals,
resigned his appointment in disgust at the proceedings. In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, he criticized
the one-sided handling of evidence in the trials. Wennerstrum said that selection of the evidence in the trials was made
by the prosecution from the large tonnage of captured German records. The defense had access only to those documents which
the prosecution considered material to the case.[1]
Justice Wennerstrum also said that the prosecution and staff at Nuremberg were more interested in revenge than justice. He
stated: “The prosecution has failed to maintain objectivity aloof from vindictiveness, aloof from personal ambitions
for convictions...The trials were to have convinced the Germans of the guilt of their leaders. They convinced the Germans
merely that their leaders lost the war to tough conquerors.”[2]
Wennerstrum stated: “The entire atmosphere is unwholesome…Lawyers, clerks, interpreters, and researchers were
employed who became Americans only in recent years, whose backgrounds were embedded in Europe’s hatreds and prejudices…If
I had known seven months ago what I know today, I would never have come here…The high ideals announced as the motives
for creating these tribunals have not been evident.” The lack of appeal in the Nuremberg cases left Wennerstrum “with
a feeling that justice has been denied.”[3] Edward
L. Van Roden Pennsylvania
judge Edward L. Van Roden and Texas Supreme Court Justice Gordon Simpson were members of a three-man commission to investigate
the torture and abuse of German defendants in American-run war-crimes trials. Their Simpson Commission report examined the
139 death sentences against Germans which at that time had not been carried out. The cases against the 139 doomed men fell
into three groups: Germans accused of involvement in crimes at the Dachau Concentration Camps, in the killing of the crews
of downed American warplanes, or in the Malmédy incident. Van Roden stated in an article in The Progressive magazine
that he was shocked at the methods used to obtain confessions from German defendants: The statements which were
admitted as evidence were obtained from men who had first been kept in solitary confinement for three, four, and five months.
They were confined between four walls, with no windows, and no opportunity of exercise. Two meals a day were shoved in to
them through a slot in the door. They were not allowed to talk to anyone. They had no communication with their families or
any minister or priest during that time.
This solitary confinement proved sufficient in itself in some cases to persuade the Germans to sign prepared statements.
These statements not only involved the signer, but often would involve other defendants.
Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused’s head and
then punch him in the face with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken.
All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we
investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was Standard Operating Procedure with American investigators.[4]
Van Roden stated that German prisoners who still refused to sign false statements faced more-severe improper treatment:
Sometimes a prisoner who refused to sign was led into a dimly lit room, where a group of civilian investigators, wearing
U.S. Army uniforms, were seated around a black table with a crucifix in the center and two candles burning, one on each
side. “You will now have your American trial,” the defendant was told.
The sham court passed a sentence of death. Then the accused was told, “You
will hang in a few days, as soon as the general approves this sentence: but in the meantime sign this confession and we can
get you acquitted.” Some still wouldn’t sign.
We were shocked by the crucifix being used so mockingly.[5]
Van Roden concluded: “Unless these crimes committed by Americans are exposed by us at home, the prestige of America
and American justice will suffer permanent and irreparable damage.”[6] Willis N. Everett,
Jr. American attorney
Willis N. Everett, Jr. was assigned to defend the 74 German defendants accused in the Malmédy incident. The trial
took place from May 16 to July 16, 1946 before a military tribunal of senior American officers operating under rules established
by the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal.[7]
Everett and his defense staff of lawyers, interpreters and stenographers divided into several teams to interview the defendants.
Everett wrote to his family of the experience:
Several defendants today said they thought they had had a trial…a
Col. sat on the Court and his defense counsel rushed the proceedings through and he was to be hanged the next day so he might
as well write up a confession and clear some of his fellows seeing he would be hanged…another kind of court had black
curtains…The Lt. Col. sat as judge at a black-draped table which had a white cross on it and the only light was two
candles on either end. He was tried and witnesses brought in and he was sentenced to death, but he would have to write down
in his own handwriting a complete confession. Then the beatings and hang-man’s rope, black hood, eye gougers which
they claimed would be used on them unless they confessed. Not a one yet wrote out his statement but each stated that the
prosecution dictated their statements and they said it made no difference anyway as they would die the next day. So on and
on it goes with each one of the defendants. The story of each must have some truth because they have each been in solitary
Jochen Peiper, the lead defendant in the Malmédy trial, made an extremely favorable impression on Everett. Peiper
testified at the trial of the beating he received while being interrogated:
On the last day of my stay in Schwäbisch
Hall I was called for interrogation and received, as usual, a black hood over my head. And I had to wait down there in the
hall of the prison for about five minutes, since the American sergeant who came for me went to get some other comrades of
mine from their cell. During this occasion when I was standing there quietly waiting, I was struck in the face by a person
unknown to me, and several times in my sexual parts with a stick.[9]
All of the defendants at the Malmédy trial were found guilty, with Peiper and 42 other defendants sentenced to death
by hanging. Peiper wrote a letter to Willis Everett after the trial expressing his gratitude for Everett’s work as
his defense attorney: Before our steps separate, I want to thank you especially for all help you gave us
as a human being, as a soldier and chief counsel of the defense during the past eight weeks. In a time of deepest human
disappointment, you and [Lt. Col. Harold] McCown have returned to me much faith I already had lost. This will remain one
of the best remembrances and was worth the whole procedure of the Malmédy case.[10] Willis Everett
on a Mission Willis
Everett was convinced that the Malmédy trial had been a justicial travesty. Approximately 100 of Everett’s friends
and some additional American military officers advised Everett to forget about the Malmédy case and live in the present.
Everett’s outrage, however, set him on a mission to obtain justice for the Malmédy defendants.[11]
Everett and another defense-team member prepared a 228-page critique of the investigation and trial, stating that the Malmédy
convictions had been secured primarily on the basis of “illegal and fraudulently procured confessions.” The
petition also argued that the trial was a travesty of justice to German soldiers since the Allies were also guilty of the
same violations of international law. Everett sent this document to Lt. Col. Clio Straight’s office for inclusion in
the internal review process that was mandatory before verdicts and sentences became final.[12]
Everett began to muster forces for a concerted campaign to reverse the Malmédy verdict. Everett read Charles Wennerstrum’s
article in the Chicago Tribune, and wrote to Wennerstrum of his struggle to get a rehearing in the Malmédy
Consistently I have told the Commanding General EUCOM that I was going to the U.S. Supreme Court and the papers if they do
not send the case back for retrial. Frankly I know of no way to get to the Supreme Court but have done a lot of “bluffing”
along this line to force them to send the case back for retrial…We both think alike about war crimes trials except
that I am a Rebel on the subject and you were gentle in your manner.[13]
Wennerstrum served as a source of sympathetic and judicious counsel for Everett in the months to come, and provided Everett
with introductions to potentially supportive Midwestern politicians. Everett continued with a multipronged campaign of judicial
appeal, publicity and congressional pressure to get a retrial of the Malmédy case.[14]
The U.S. Supreme Court refused a petition from Everett to rehear the Malmédy case. Everett then prepared an appeal
to the International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ). Everett knew there was little chance the ICJ would accept his
case since only states could be parties to cases before the ICJ. Everett discussed with Wennerstrum the innovative notion
of arguing that since there was no German national government after Germany’s unconditional surrender, there was no
one but Everett to make the appeal. Both lawyers agreed it was worth a try.
Wennerstrum also advised that they add the even more
adventurous argument that, while the court statute might prohibit individuals from filing cases, “international common
law” might be alleged to require it.[15]
The ICJ predictably refused to hear Everett’s appeal of the Malmédy case. Everett also received word on or about
December 29, 1948, that some of the death sentences in the Malmédy case had been approved by Gen. Lucius Clay. Everett
despaired that the U.S. Army was determined to protect itself at all costs, even at the price of hanging innocent men.[16] Justice Prevails,
Late The
Simpson Commission report recommended that all of the death sentences not yet carried out in the Malmédy case be commuted
to life imprisonment. The report affirmed Everett’s misgivings about the mock trials and stated that the pretrial
investigation had not been properly conducted. The turmoil resulting from the commission report along with the aforementioned
article by Edward L. Van Roden caused the U.S. Senate to investigate the Malmédy trial.[17]
The investigation of the Malmédy trial conducted by the Senate Committee on Armed Services determined that there was
“little or no evidence” to support Van Roden’s claim that the Malmédy defendants had been physically
abused.[18] However, the committee determined that improper pretrial procedures such as mock trials had adversely influenced the trial
process, if not the outcome.[19]
On January 30, 1951, Gen. Thomas T. Handy, commander-in-chief of the U.S. European Command, commuted the death sentences
not yet carried out of the Malmédy defendants to life in prison. Handy alluded to the fact that the killings had
taken place in a confused and desperate combat situation to justify the commutation of the Malmédy sentences.[20]
Handy’s decision produced jubilation among Malmédy critics and convicts. Peiper wrote to Everett:
We have received a great victory and next to God it is you [from] whom our blessings flow. In all the long and dark years
you have been the beacon flame for the forlorn souls of the Malmédy boys, the voice and the conscience of the good
America, and yours is the present success against all the well-known overwhelming odds. May I therefore, Colonel, express
the everlasting gratitude of the red-jacket [worn by prisoners sentenced to death] team (retired) as well as of all the
families concerned.[21]
The Malmédy defendants were gradually released from prison courtesy of the Annual Review Board and tensions resulting
from the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Jochen Peiper was the last Malmédy defendant to leave prison, receiving
his release on December 22, 1956.[22] Sacrifice of American
Attorneys Advocating
the freeing of the Malmédy defendants had required great courage and personal sacrifice on the part of the American
attorneys. Gen. Telford Taylor, chief counsel for war crimes at Nuremberg, publicly castigated Judge Charles Wennerstrum
for having made statements “subversive of the interests and politics of the United States.” In an open letter
to Wennerstrum, Gen. Taylor said that Wennerstrum had made a “deliberate, malicious, and totally unfounded attack
on the trials.” Taylor’s letter to Wennerstrum concluded: “If you in fact held the opinions you are quoted
as expressing, you were guilty of grave misconduct in continuing to act in the case at all.”[23]
Edward L. Van Roden told Everett that he also paid a price for his involvement in the Malmédy case. Strong circumstantial
evidence indicates that Van Roden had been blacklisted by the judge advocate general’s office and denied further active
duty in the army reserves, with likely adverse effects on his retirement prospects.[24]
Willis Everett also made a huge personal and financial sacrifice to free the Malmédy defendants. The physical and
emotional stress from the appeal process caused Everett to suffer from declining health and at least one heart attack. Everett
estimated his out-of-pocket expenses to be as much as $50,000, to which must be added the income lost through his neglect
of his law practice. The West German consul in Atlanta later presented Everett with a check for $5,000 as a gesture of appreciation
for his exhaustive efforts on behalf of the Malmédy defendants.[25]
For American attorneys Charles Wennerstrum, Edward L. Van Roden, and Willis Everett, an old-fashioned sense of justice far
outweighed the personal sacrifices they faced in criticizing the American-run war-crimes trials. Their actions on an ethical
imperative and sense of moral values were greatly appreciated by many Germans. Jochen Peiper wrote to Willis Everett: “You
have been America’s best ambassador to Germany, setting an example that was respected and recognized far beyond the
defendants of the Malmédy case.”[26] ENDNOTES
[1] Foust, Hal, “Nazi Trial Judge Rips Injustice,” Chicago Daily Tribune, Feb. 23, 1948, pp. 1-2.
[7] Parker, Danny S., Hitler’s Warrior: The Life and Wars of SS Colonel Jochen Peiper, Boston, Mass.: Da Capo
Press, 2014, p. 148. [8] Weingartner, James J., A Peculiar Crusade: Willis M. Everett and the Malmedy Massacre, New York: New York University
Press, 2000, pp. 42-43. [9] Parker, Danny S., Hitler’s Warrior: The Life and Wars of SS Colonel Jochen Peiper, Boston, Mass.: Da Capo
Press, 2014, p. 171. [11] Weingartner, James J., A Peculiar Crusade: Willis M. Everett and the Malmedy Massacre, New York: New York University
Press, 2000, pp. 119, 138. [14] Ibid., pp. 145, 179. [15] Ibid., pp. 150, 175, 181-183. [17] Parker, Danny S., Hitler’s Warrior: The Life and Wars of SS Colonel Jochen Peiper, Boston, Mass.: Da Capo
Press, 2014, p. 187. [18] http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/Malmedy_report.pdf.
[19] Parker, Danny S., Hitler’s Warrior: The Life and Wars of SS Colonel Jochen Peiper, Boston, Mass.: Da Capo
Press, 2014, p. 187. [20] Weingartner, James J., Crossroads of Death: The Story of the Malmédy Massacre and Trial, Berkeley, Cal.:
University of California Press, 1979, 236. [22] Parker, Danny S., Hitler’s Warrior: The Life and Wars of SS Colonel Jochen Peiper, Boston, Mass.: Da Capo
Press, 2014, pp. 194, 200. [23] Foust, Hal, “Nazi Trial Judge Rips Injustice,” Chicago Daily Tribune, Feb. 23, 1948, p. 2.
[24] Weingartner, James J., A Peculiar Crusade: Willis M. Everett and the Malmedy Massacre, New York: New York University
Press, 2000, p. 209. [25] Ibid., pp. 199, 220. [26] Ibid., pp. 222, 227.
Gleiwitz: A False, False Flag?
Nothing unusual happened at the
Gleiwitz transmitter station on the night/early morning of 31 August. There was certainly no false-flag event initiated
by SS or SD troops there. However, a few vexing questions remain unanswered.
According to most historians, the Gleiwitz Incident is the “false
flag” that touched off World War II in Europe. Put simply, it was the Nazis’ casus belli “heard
‘round the world.” This is what most of us accept as true. The reality is far simpler and less exciting, however... Nothing unusual happened at the Gleiwitz transmitter station in Germany near the Polish
border on the night/early morning of 31 August. There was certainly no false-flag event initiated by SS or SD troops there.
However, a few vexing questions remain unanswered. I will ask and try to answer a few right now, and then I will ask and
offer a few more alternative answers later on as we proceed through the sordid details.
Before I proceed, a brief word about the White Book. The German White Book (Das Deutsche Weißbuch)
was one of several official records produced and kept by the German government. In fact, the White Book concept dates back
to World War I. It contains reports, memos, etc. of German officials, such as Joachim von Ribbentrop, in support of the
German government and its agenda. The White Book we are concerned with in this case was produced by the Auswärtiges
Amt (Foreign Office). Incidentally, Ernst Heinrich
Freiherr von Weizsäcker, a traitor and anti-Hitler conspirator, served as State Secretary at the Foreign Office from
1938 to 1943. Together with Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and General Ludwig Beck, Mr. Weizsäcker was a leader of the “anti-war”
group in the German government. The relevance of these details will become clear as we proceed, since Weizsäcker and
Canaris may have originated and/or fabricated the ‘Gleiwitz Incident’ report as documented in the White Book.[1] In the light of the evidence I have researched, this is the most compelling circumstantial case thus far. Firstly, we do not know who the source for the official White Book report is for this
purported event. There is an entry in the White Book for 31 August 1939 which is attributed to the police president of Gleiwitz.
There is a problem with this, however. The police president at the time was a certain Mr. Schade, and he was murdered in
a postwar Polish camp after his IMT (International Military Tribunal) interrogation in 1945.[2] He was never cross-examined during the trial,[3] so his testimony to confirm that he is the actual source will not be had. It is possible that this man was in cahoots with
the SS men who appeared at the transmitter station to conduct a brief (and seemingly innocent) radio exercise over the weather
channel and who then promptly left. (More about them later). Did Mr. Schade (have to) take a vow of silence in
this regard? If this is the case, then the report as well as the broadcast about a supposed “shootout and fatal wounding”
at the station were SS fabrications. In any case, they were bogus. Nothing happened and the fake report was planted to deceitfully
implicate Poland in a scuffle and fatal shootout at the station, an event and death which never happened but which the Allies
claimed did happen. Put simply, this was a fictitious report and broadcast that ultimately backfired on the SS and was in
fact used against them with all kinds of lurid details added post facto by the Allies. This is a possible explanation.
But there is another possible explanation. What if these SS men were not actually SS men, but imposters with fake
credentials? Without Schade’s honest account, we will likely never know if either of these explanations is
correct. Secondly, we do not know the source for the presumably
live broadcast from nearby Breslau supporting the claim that the station was in Polish hands and that some sort of commotion
was happening there at 20:00 hours. There was a Breslau broadcast in this regard because Captain Otto Radek[4], whom we will revisit later on, and a few other “earwitnesses” heard the broadcast. They got all excited about
it since there were reportedly numerous such separate border shootouts/events that took place that night—none of which
Hitler mentioned by name in his “infamous” war-proclamation speech the following day. At any rate, unless the
“few SS men” were responsible for this broadcast and the station personnel on duty that night were in cahoots
with them to keep quiet about it, then they cannot be the source for this broadcast. All we know is that eyewitnesses at
the station, including Radek’s own subordinates with whom he spoke that night, testified that “a few SS men”
showed up and conducted a radio exercise there at the station and then promptly left. There was no shooting, no disturbance,
nothing. All was quiet, they asserted. If this is the case, then these SS men were innocent of creating a fictitious commotion
and broadcast, and some other source is responsible. The questions to ask given this scenario are who was
it and how was it done? We may never be able to answer these questions, but they must be asked since we do not have
sufficient answers. There is one other problem I must mention
up front. Unlike the SS, the Grenzpolizei is mentioned by name in the White Book entry regarding the Gleiwitz transmitter
station. It turns out that the Grenzpolizei worked intimately with Admiral Wilhelm Canaris’s Abwehr (German Military Intelligence Service) on sabotage missions against Poland prior to the outbreak of war.[5] The significance of this oft-overlooked detail will become clear as we delve into the details of the incident at Mosty. One can see how and why the official record is so convoluted. The official narrative
actually consists of many conflicting narratives featuring a whole range of improbable characters. We won’t get into
all the details here, but suffice it to say that the official story is nothing more than fanciful fiction. And poorly written
fiction at that! Let us briefly examine just a few details
to unscramble this mess as best as possible. Historians overwhelmingly accept as true, as do most people who know of this
“incident,” that the SS, SD and Gestapo worked together to concoct an elaborate fake raid on the radio-transmitter
station located in Gleiwitz (now known as Gliwice[6]), a small border town located on the Polish-German frontier. By most accounts, a handful of either SS or SD men—historians
are unable to agree on which—purportedly dressed up as “Polish soldiers” or “insurgents” and
staged a shootout at the transmitter station. This shootout was purportedly led by the notorious Nazi turncoat Alfred Naujocks[7], the sole source behind the Nuremberg account of the raid. These SS and/or SD men were supposed to have left a body—only
recently identified as a Polish citizen of German descent named Franz Honiok (minus any proof)[8]—at the scene as evidence that much more than just a scuffle took place there.[9] However, some historians, such as Dennis Whitehead, seem to think that the SS/SD shot and killed a few of their own men to make the whole thing seem real,
and that in fact hundreds of men took place in this whole covert operation (300, to be exact)—which includes two other
“false-flag” raids at Hohenlinden or Hochlinden (henceforth, H/H; historians cannot agree on which location it
was) and Pitschen. In a nutshell, Mr. Whitehead merged several contradictory versions of the Gleiwitz Incident in an attempt
to sell the entire “Nazi false-flag” story as legit. He failed in his mission because two (or more) fictional
accounts are no better than one. My own research into this incident, and the other two purported false flags at H/H and
Pitschen, proves that not a single one of these historians’ claims is verified. Not a single one. As it stands, the Gleiwitz Nazi “false-flag” incident is nothing more than
a hoax. It is a media fabrication that may have originated with (and/or been expanded upon by) the traitorous Wilhelm Canaris
and Co. residing safely behind the security of the much-respected Abwehr[10], abetted by fellow traitors such as General Halder, Erwin Lahousen, Herbert Mehlhorn, Hans Oster, and a handful of other
traitors and sellouts during and after the war. I say this with relative confidence because the official account of what
happened at Gleiwitz, H/H and Pitschen is nearly identical to the real story of the incident at Mosty. I will recount this
incident now, minus the fine details. Wilhelm Canaris’s
Abwehr SO- and KO-Groups were entrusted to destroy or secure certain strategic points behind enemy lines prior to
Germany’s official invasion of Poland. At the last minute, and much to Canaris’s chagrin if his surviving colleagues
are to be believed, Hitler called off the invasion awaiting an answer from Italy concerning support for his Polish endeavor.
Canaris’s Abwehr men had to scramble back out of Poland and retreat to Slovakia pending further notice from
above. One of Canaris’s men was caught (Josef Kulik), however, and an official inquiry was conducted by Polish military
authorities as to why this German was cavorting about in their territory. He was able to assuage the Poles by feigning to
have gotten lost and confused as to the border demarcations between Poland and Slovakia, and after a brief interrogation
and investigation he was apparently released. This is so uncannily similar to how the story of Gleiwitz, H/H and Pitschen
is told by Mr. Whitehead and other historians that one is impelled to take a second look and to compare them. Upon doing
this, I have concluded that the Gleiwitz/H/H/Pitschen macro-incident is nothing more than a tall tale modeled on the real incident at Mosty, perhaps to clear the name of Canaris and the reputation of the Abwehr, instead indicting and condemning
specifically “Nazi” state organs (SS, SD and Gestapo). In other words, the Gleiwitz White Book report may be
a case of cover (for the Abwehr) and projection (onto the Nazis). (I explain in my two-volume book a range of
possible Allied motives for doing this.) If correct, this may explain why “Abwehr” and “Grenzpolizei”[11] are both mentioned in that White Book entry and why zero references to the SS, SD or Gestapo are present in that same entry.[12] There is zero doubt that Abwehr traitors and fellow travelers expanded upon the fictitious incident with wild
and lurid details implicating every Nazi organ they possibly could during and after the war, most notably during the IMT.
This is beyond any doubt. But, moving along here, also curiously missing from this entry is Captain Otto Radek and 3rd
Company of Border Guard Battalion 1/68.[13] He and his border guard, not the border/frontier police or anyone else, were in charge of station security that evening.
Thus, when Capt. Radek heard some sort of commotion at the station via the nightly Breslau broadcast, he was taken aback
and immediately made for the station via motorcar. To his complete surprise, all was quiet upon his arrival and his fellow
guardsmen reported that nothing had happened there. The traitorous Abwehr appears to be the missing link that makes
sense amidst all the conflicting information surrounding this entry and the purported “Nazi false flag” at Gleiwitz,[14] which I thoroughly explain and explore in my two books.[15] One has to read both books to piece the entire case against the Abwehr and other traitors together, as there are
many layers to this rotten onion. In this instance, “Abwehr”
is an inapposite term to use in this entry seeing as how Die Abwehr was the name of Germany’s military intelligence
service at the time. We are expected to accept without question that no other term was appropriate in this entry
and context. It just strikes me as odd. And again, this particular entry is attributed to none other than Police President
W. Schade, a man murdered not by Nazis but, as I will address again later, by Poles in a postwar concentration camp in 1945.[16] After the war, when Capt. Radek attempted to properly investigate what did take place at the station that night, if anything,
his efforts were thwarted in interesting ways.[17] It seems obvious who was silencing whom here. Permit me
to further speculate about the transmitter entry as a possible Abwehr/Grenzpolizei fake. The source for the White
Book entry must also have been the source (or was in close touch with the source) for the Gleiwitz incident news stories/reports
put out by the DNB (Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro[18]) and the Völkischer Beobachter (VB). Whoever that source was, it seems to me, was trying to make the Nazi
press look bad. And it is a fact that several Abwehr traitors along with their allies were working to subvert Hitler
since 1937, especially regarding his diplomacy concerning Poland. Maybe said source planted this White Book entry knowing
that not only the Nazi press but the Allied press too would pick up on it and use it against Germany (i.e., that Hitler
had “started the war with a lie”). In other words, maybe the Allied press was tipped off about this purported
“incident” (along with the two others at H/H and Pitschen, which the British press also reported on) and subsequent
White Book report, and so they could utilize it how they wanted against Germany. Indeed, the British press had reported
on these incidents (Gleiwitz, H/H and Pitschen) before they were even completed! As well, both the DNB and VB agencies reported
an incident at Gleiwitz featuring contradictory details to those of the White Book and to those of the Allied versions (including
that of Mr. Naujocks). Let’s move on. Deeper research into the purported Gleiwitz Incident indicates that nothing happened
at the transmitter station aside from the brief SS radio exercise/test. There was no commotion, no shootout and no fake
Polish soldiers or ruffians. The Gleiwitz hoax was laid to rest for the remainder of the war. Even most mainstream historians
refer to it as “forgotten,” “little known” or “insignificant.” However, it was resurrected
for the IMT to indict the Nazis in particular as the sole guilty party for the outbreak of war with Poland, and all by most
murderous and deceitful means! Germany had to look bad. Because, as we all know, the USSR really was bad. The worst kind
of bad. And Britain was bad too. The British leadership, notably Sir Winston Churchill, was very interested in war breaking
out on the Continent to the benefit of the Empire’s longstanding “Divide and Conquer” strategy. Somehow
the Nazis had to look worse than everyone else. The spotlight
of condemnation had to remain on Germany. Touching off the world’s worst war by needless murder and clandestine trickery
was the perfect indictment of an otherwise honorable nation. Throughout the IMT, it only got worse for Germany. Indeed,
this Gleiwitz incident set the stage for the entire Allied casus belli against Germany. Germany, and Germany alone,
was the sole culprit for the outbreak of war. By any means necessary. I would also venture to guess that the incident at
Venlo, during which the Germans seized two English SIS spies just across the Dutch border, had something to do with the resurrection
of the Gleiwitz hoax for the IMT.[19] The Gleiwitz fiasco is best known to historians and the
public as either Operation Himmler or Operation Tannenberg. Yes, you read that right folks! Historians
cannot even agree on the name of this “false flag” without which Hitler had no just cause for war against Poland.
Had so many lives not been lost in that conflagration, and had not so much needless guilt and personal smearing been meted
out against otherwise innocent parties and persons, this whole thing would be comical.
I must digress for just a moment and recap because the following two points need to be appreciated
fully. First, qualified historians cannot even agree on what this “false flag” operation was called.
Yet, without this operation (and the two others that supposedly went along with it at H/H and Pitschen), (we are
told that) Hitler couldn’t even hope to sell his invasion of Poland to the German people as legit, let alone to the
world. It was, per the official historical record, his “casus belli”. Secondly, historians cannot decide
if it was the Gestapo, SS or SD, or all three(!), that led the three purported border raids, nor how many men were involved
in each. The official narratives are a shambles. Really, these two points alone establish the untenability of the official
historical record regarding Gleiwitz. And if the record is this problematic, why should Germans (then or now) bear any guilt
in this regard? This is in fact why the truth about what did and did not happen at the Gleiwitz transmitter station is so
important to determine. Germans have been bearing needless guilt and shame regarding this aspect of World War II. I believe
historian Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof has called it “the war that had MANY fathers,” not just one father. Moreover, as with Lord Dacre’s Table Talk, which Dr. Richard Carrier
has again blasted as essentially worthless as a record of Hitler’s utterings[20], real Third Reich history (Real3R) has been eluding the public for decades. It is high past time to set the entire World
War II record straight. In a nutshell, my tentative conclusion
about Gleiwitz is as follows: The German White Book ‘Gleiwitz
Incident’ entry of 31 August 1939 originates with 1) Abwehr/Grenzpolizei traitors, or 2) Police President
W. Schade. Since Herr Schade was conveniently murdered in a postwar Polish concentration camp in 1945, as aforesaid, he
is not the likeliest suspect. Unfortunately, Canaris was killed by the Nazi state for his long-time duplicity, so there will
likely never be a sure way to confirm who, precisely, originated this official report. Suffice it to say that in the light
of all the evidence, or lack thereof, as well as the Mosty Incident, which implicates the Abwehr, Grenzpolizei
and Canaris in provable ‘war crimes’ as well as in regard to violation of Poland’s sovereignty when war
was not yet on, the Abwehr, Grenzpolizei and Canaris are the likeliest suspects. I hardly need mention that
Hitler called the war off on 25 August[21], so if he was going to utilize alleged “false flag” raids at Gleiwitz, H/H and Pitschen as his reason(s) for
war, why would all three “false flags” only be planned for (and actually take place on) 31 August and
not also on the evening/early morning of 24/25 August as with Mosty? Talk about playing with fire! Please recall that the
invasion took place on 1 September, not on 26 August as originally planned. It was not until recently that the
official narrative tried to mitigate this blatant error. Every single account has asserted that all three “raids”
took place on the evening/early morning of 31 August. Moreover, why did Hitler neglect to mention a single one
of these most-coveted of false-flag events by name in his declaration of war speech the next day? That’s a huge problem
that not a single historian has addressed. Until now, of course. I will now ask a couple more vexing questions, which I explore in my two-book set.
The Allied press, specifically in Britain and the US, as well as the Völkischer Beobachter
(official NSDAP newspaper) and the DNB (semi-official news agency with Allied connections and employees) put out conflicting
and disputable versions of the alleged incident. Why? Who delivered the Breslau broadcast about what reportedly happened at the Gleiwitz transmitter
station? Was it a traitor? An Allied mole? Let’s ponder
these possibilities for a moment. A traitor or mole would
be motivated to sabotage Hitler’s war effort and/or to undermine his credibility and/or honorable conduct. This was
in fact one of the earliest goals of the traitors in the Abwehr (their collective sabotage of Hitler’s diplomatic
efforts commenced in 1937). The Allied press reported soon
after Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939 that he had “started the war with a lie.” Who fed the Allied
press this line? That “lie” consisted of the “false flags” perpetrated by the instruments of the
NSDAP itself (Gestapo, SS and SD) at Gleiwitz, H/H and Pitschen. However, not one of these “false flags” has
any evidence to support it. Revisionist historian Carlos
W. Porter mentions a “posh Polish-bank branch” near the border which did “very little business.”
It was allowed to exist and operate with the German authorities’ permission. Oddly, it disappeared right around the
time of the purported Gleiwitz “false flag.” Did any of these folks have British and/or Abwehr/Grenzpolizei
traitor connections or contacts? If so, might their involvement in this “false-flag” hoax (at the time) explain
the murder of Gleiwitz transmitter station manager Klose (murdered by partisans in 1945) as well as the murder of Gleiwitz
police president Schade? If this Polish-bank branch was involved at any level in this “false-flag” hoax, then
my hypothesis accounts for both its existence and sudden disappearance, something that has thus far eluded historians. Perhaps
the Abwehr and/or Grenzpolizei had something to do with it. In any event, why was this “false-flag” hoax resurrected after the war, and why did it receive so much
attention during the IMT and after the war as it pertains to the Allied narrative? (See accompanying appendix of actual
IMT testimony.) Remember, it was “insignificant” and “little known” at the time (even though
it was supposed to be Hitler’s casus belli Number One). One sensible explanation is that the Abwehr’s
traitorous agents—e.g., Erwin Lahousen and Wilhelm Canaris in absentia—as well as SD/SS turncoats, such as Alfred
Naujocks (who defected to the Allies toward the end of the war) and even Heinrich Himmler’s adjutant Karl Wolff, were
needed as star witnesses for the prosecution (and later on for the Cold War as American agents). As such, these people’s
‘war crimes’ and the Abwehr’s ‘war crimes’ at Mosty et. al were simply dismissed or
apparently attributed to dead men and/or the SS, SD and Gestapo via Gleiwitz, H/H and Pitschen. The Abwehr’s and these other traitors’ suspected role in concocting
these “false-flag” reports and stories—either at the time (in 1939) or later on during the IMT, or in postwar
memoirs and magazine interviews like the one featuring Herbert Mehlhorn in Stern in 1952—seems undeniable.
The purported “false flags” at Gleiwitz, H/H and Pitschen mirrored their own sabotage missions in Poland nearly
to a tee. That’s uncanny. Not to mention Alfred Naujocks’s two missions against Formis and the SIS agents resemble
the Gleiwitz scene enough to render Gleiwitz a fictional knock-off. Lastly, we must ask why Alfred Naujocks’s IMT affidavits mention only two “false flag”
sites (Gleiwitz and Hohenlinden) while the IMT and postwar accounts of other suspected actors in this hoax (e.g., Lahousen
and Mehlhorn) mention three sites, one of which is incorrect (Hochlinden)? Is this because the IMT “evidence”
and postwar “history” had to match Hitler’s actual 1 September proclamation, wherein he casually mentioned
three sites and not just two? It sure makes one wonder, especially since Hitler failed to name them specifically.
Indeed, he failed to exploit any of them as his casus belli. Instead, he and Dr. Goebbels’s propaganda machine
exploited the Bromberg Massacre (which took place two days after the invasion on 3 September) and other alleged Polish atrocities and persecutions
against German minorities residing in Poland. Just check out the book Die polnischen Greueltaten an den Volksdeutschen in Polen: Im Auftrage des Auswärtigen Amtes auf Grund urkundlichen
Beweismaterials zusammengestellt, bearbeitet und herausgegeben. What’s more, the British already knew Hitler’s real casus belli, which is featured in
the secret Whitehall Report. I must admit, the Allies were clever. But they
were also sloppy. They were equally sloppy regarding the Crystal Night “telexes” that they concocted out of
whole cloth for the IMT prosecution. Let’s recap the
main points of our inquiry thus far. The Gleiwitz false
flag never took place. What reportedly did take place was
a brief radio exercise or test conducted by a few purported SS men who properly identified themselves to station personnel
on duty that night. Since the Gleiwitz station’s weather channel was not intended to broadcast far and wide but only
locally (another glaring problem with the official narrative), it was the perfect station to conduct a relatively private
test or exercise. (It was also the perfect station to serve as setting for a media hoax.) What these SS men’s
motives were for conducting said exercise/test remains unclear. My own research has revealed that communications were cut
or failing all along the frontier leading up to the war, so it may be that they were simply interested to see whether the
station was still functioning as intended. Perhaps they might need to use it for local communications purposes. It’s
hard to say, but nothing untoward happened at that station and there are several witnesses who have attested to that.
Those who have contradicted this version of what happened there, or could have contradicted it, are all confirmed traitors
and/or IMT prosecution star witnesses. Or, they were murdered or died untimely deaths.
Convenient, isn’t it? The
Gleiwitz false flag is based on a real Abwehr/Grenzpolizei sabotage (“crime against peace”)
mission behind Polish lines (i.e., the incident at Mosty). It
should not surprise anyone to learn that all of the surviving “stars” of the Gleiwitz, H/H and Pitschen stories
were Abwehr traitors or SD/SS turncoats. What’s more, many of these same “stars” featured prominently
for the IMT prosecution. What a coincidence, eh? The Gleiwitz hoax may have originated with Abwehr/Grenzpolizei traitors and was
resurrected during the IMT as revenge for the Venlo affair. After
all, it was none other than Mr. Naujocks who successfully pulled off the kidnapping of two British SIS agents, Stevens and
Best, by brazenly dashing across the Dutch border and hauling them off by motorcar after a brief scuffle and shootout..
Churchill was furious and had to revamp the entire SIS as a direct result. This affair embarrassed Britain immensely—to
be involved in such shenanigans! What’s more, the Dutch had violated their own neutrality by allowing said agents to
use their country as a spies’ playground. Hitler exploited this incident for all it was worth, which was quite a lot.
It was such a lethal blow to British prestige and fair play that Winston Churchill and his fellow British authorities would
have had good reason to use the very man who captured their agents, a man who had caused them so much political pain and
international embarrassment, for their IMT casus belli against Germany. That man was none other than Mr. Naujocks. Hence the resurrection of the Gleiwitz hoax for the IMT featuring Alfred Naujocks as
star witness! The IMT scene likely went something like this: “We wrote up these nice affidavits for you, Mr. Naujocks.
You sign your name to them and we let you go. Sound good?” After signing off on the Gleiwitz affidavit (along with two others), Naujocks disappeared—until his strange
death in the 1960s. You see, Naujocks was just about to be brought to trial by the West German government for the death
of a man at the Gleiwitz transmitter station—because that’s what the official 1961 Gleiwitz movie put out by the communist East German government claimed had happened!!—when he just up and died. Or he disappeared. Historians are not exactly sure
which it was. But the craziest thing about that trial is that Naujocks was cleared of all charges (in absentia). The man
who was allegedly shot and left for dead at the Gleiwitz station could not be identified. In fact, the prosecution could
not establish that a shooting or murder had even taken place there! Yeah, the rabbit hole does go deep on this one. I could go on and on with the curious details of this incident, but that would defeat
the purpose of my two-volume book on this topic. I recommend interested persons read both books in order to know the Gleiwitz
incident, and so much more, inside it and out. Hitler did
not utilize the Gleiwitz incident to make his case for war. Uncanny, really, seeing as how it was supposed to have made his
case for war with Poland and all. Among the most pressing problems about what purportedly transpired at Gleiwitz, at least
as I see it, is that there are countless versions of this most ‘singular’ event. How is this possible since
there is only ever one version of the truth? To my knowledge,
there is not a single historian who claims that the purported “false flag” at Gleiwitz was legitimate. Some historians
have supported Hitler’s real motives for invading Poland, which are fully fleshed out in my two-volume book set, though
said historians are few and far between. Most historians condemn every move Hitler and Germany made because that is what
political correctness guides them to do. They are shackled by the official World War II narrative, which must always be
anti-Nazi. Having said that, Time Magazine ran the
following story on Monday, 29 May 1939: “King Alexander
of Yugoslavia and French Foreign Minister Louis Barthou were murdered at Marseille in 1934 by a professional assassin whose
Italian connections were carefully hushed. Two years ago British Ambassador to China Sir Hughe M. Knatchbull-Hugessen was
machine-gunned and dangerously wounded by a Japanese plane. During the Spanish Civil War “pirate” submarines
torpedoed British and French merchantmen. If an incident were needed to start a war, the world has recently had plenty
of them.” (emphasis added) Yes, the world,
including Hitler himself, had witnessed many incidents that could rightly have been used as pretexts for war. If this was
the case, then why were and are Hitler’s reasons considered “unjust”? The fact of the matter is that Hitler
did not need a raid at the Gleiwitz station to justify invading Poland. In fact, an incident concerning a certain Mr. Gruebner
is recognized by the media here as a valid case for war. The Time journalist was in fact wondering whether Hitler
would use this man’s murder as his casus belli against Poland. The Time article went on to report that “Early
this week there was another, this one at Kaltof in highly inflammable Danzig. Involved was no highly placed ruler or diplomat,
but a German butcher named Gustav Gruebner, who was killed by a shot fired from an official Polish automobile. Since incidents
amount to what nations want to make them, Führer Adolf Hitler could give Butcher Gruebner a sure niche in history by
deciding that this was just the right kind of provocation he needed to march into Danzig.” Hmm…I thought that the Gleiwitz raid was “just the sort of incident”
Hitler needed? What happened to that? We then read: “There are always two versions to diplomatic incidents, and l’affaire
Gruebner was no exception. The Polish account: the Polish Vice-Commissioner to Danzig went to Kaltof to investigate the sacking
of a Polish customs house by a German mob; his party was attacked, compelling his chauffeur to fire in self-defense. To
this the German version bears little resemblance: there was merely an orderly demonstration against ‘molestations’
of German girls by Polish officials, and Gustav Gruebner was plugged for no reason at all. The Nazi-controlled Danzig Government
through the Senate President promptly demanded compensation for Butcher Gustav’s bereaved relatives, apologies, and
the surrender of the ‘murderer.’ The Poles made counter-demands: punishment of those guilty of the attack on
the customs house, compensation for damages and assurances for the protection of Polish interests.” As we can see, both sides were antagonizing one another, and both sides had legitimate
grievances. Germany was no more nor less guilty for touching off World War II than Poland (or Britain, or France, or the
US, or the USSR). As the old saying goes, “it takes
two to tango.”[22] Appendix (relevant
IMT testimony; all emphasis added) 27 Aug. 46 As a Crime against Peace
the SD is accused of having staged so-called border incidents before the outbreak of the war to give Hitler an excuse for
starting the war. The Prosecution, however, referred to only one border incident in which the SD is alleged to have
participated. That is the alleged attack on the Gleiwitz radio station.
In this connection the Prosecution made reference to the affidavit of Alfred Naujocks of 20 November
1945. This is Prosecution Document 2751-PS. The deponent of Document 2751-PS, Alfred Naujocks, was heard before the Commission.
On that occasion he declared that the execution of the attack on the Gleiwitz radio station was not included in
the aims and purposes of Amts III and VI. The witness
further testified that no sections of Amts III and VI were used for the execution of that border incident in Gleiwitz
and that the men who with him attacked the Gleiwitz station did not belong to the SD, Amt III. The witness also stated that by the term “SD men” in his affidavit
of 20 November 1945 he did not mean the members of any definite office of the RSHA; but common usage of the term
“SD men” referred to RSHA members of all offices which were subordinate to Heydrich. The witness further stated that he was charged with the execution of the border incident
at Gleiwitz, not because he belonged to Amt VI and worked there, but that exclusively personal reasons were responsible
for that decision.[23] The witness testified that on the basis of the conversation he had had with Heydrich he had gained the impression
that Heydrich would have given him that assignment even if he had not been a member of Amt VI and the SS.
The order for the execution of this assignment reached the witness Naujocks not through the official channels of
the chiefs of Aemter III or VI. The chiefs of Aemter III and VI had no knowledge of this action. The members of the SD, Amt III and Amt VI, had no knowledge that the attack was
carried out by Naujocks, a member of Amt VI. Particularly the members of the SD-Leitabschnitt which was in charge
of Gleiwitz, and the outpost of the SD, had no knowledge of this activity and could not have had, because Naujocks
had been forbidden to get in touch with any members of the SD whatsoever in that territory. …I also submitted 215 affidavits for the office of the RSHA as well as for all
territories of the SD-Leitabschnitte and the SD-Abschnitte, particularly for those situated in the regions of Katowice, Danzig,
and Saxony. Those affidavits testify that the members of the SD during the critical time had no knowledge of the
faked border incidents or the participation of the SD in them. The affidavit by the witness Dr. Mildner (2479-PS) is refuted by the testimony of the witness Naujocks and Affidavit
Number SD-11, Dr. Marx. This subject matter does not provide sufficient grounds to declare the SD to have been criminal,
since this would presuppose proof of the fact that the SD as an organization was employed in the aggression, and that its
members had cognizance thereof. (Source: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/08-27-46.asp) 29 Aug. 46 …The Gestapo and SD were likewise involved in the commission of Crimes against
Peace. The very incident that served as an excuse for the invasion of Poland, and thus set off the entire war, was
executed by the Gestapo and the SD. I refer to the simulated Polish attack on the radio station at Gleiwitz.
where concentration camp prisoners were dressed in Polish, uniforms, murdered, and left as evidence of a Polish raid, so
as to afford Hitler a justification for the attack upon Poland. (Source: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/08-29-46.asp) 23 Aug. 46 …In this connection the Indictment makes the charge that the Gestapo,
together with the SD, had artificially created border incidents in order to give Hitler a pretext for a war with Poland.
Two border incidents are cited, the attack on the radio station at Gleiwitz and a feigned attack by a Polish group at Hohenlinden. The attack on the radio station at Gleiwitz was not carried out
with the participation of Gestapo officials. The witness Naujocks, who was the leader of this undertaking but did not belong to the Gestapo, has
confirmed unequivocally that no member of the Gestapo participated in this action. Instructions for this undertaking
emanated directly from Heydrich and were transmitted orally by him directly to Naujocks. Instructions concerning the feigned attack at Hohenlinden were transmitted by
Mueller, the chief of Amt IV of the RSHA, to Naujocks; however, Naujocks, who directed this action, has expressly denied
any participation by Amt IV. Afternoon
Session DR. MERKEL: I had gone as far as the
testimony of the witness Naujocks regarding the attack on the radio station at Gleiwitz and the attack of that group near
Hohenlinden. He stated that, quite naturally, it was not one of the tasks of Amt IV of the RSHA to engineer border
incidents. Nor did Mueller select members of Amt IV for the purpose of staging the above-mentioned border
incident, but only individuals who were in his confidence; for Heydrich did not trust the Gestapo with respect
to secrecy and reliability. Naujocks stated literally:
“I cannot identify Mueller with the organization of the Gestapo.” (Source: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/08-23-46.asp) DR.
LATERNSER: Did you have knowledge of the attack on the Gleiwitz radio station?
VON RUNDSTEDT: No. (Source: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/08-12-46.asp) DR.
FRITZ: Please give us examples of cases wherein you felt you were deceived. FRITZSCHE: During this Trial the news was discussed which circulated at the beginning of the Polish war about the
attack on the Gleiwitz radio station. At that time I firmly believed in the truth of the official
German news. I need say nothing about this case. (Source: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/06-27-46.asp) 20 Dec. 45 “3. I went to Gleiwitz and waited there a fortnight. Then I requested permission
of Heydrich to return to Berlin but was told to stay in Gleiwitz. Between the 25th and 31st of August I went to
see Heinrich Muller, head of the Gestapo[24], who was then nearby at Oppeln. In my presence Muller discussed with a man named Mehlhorn plans for another border incident,
in which it should be made to appear that Polish soldiers were attacking German troops .... Germans in the approximate strength
of a company were to be used. Muller stated that he had 12 or 13 condemned criminals who were to be dressed in Polish uniforms
and left dead on the ground at the scene of the incident to show that they had been killed while attacking. For this purpose
they were to be given fatal injections by a doctor employed by Heydrich. Then they were also to be given gunshot wounds.
After the assault members of the press and other persons were to be taken to the spot of the incident.[25] A police report was subsequently to be prepared. (Source: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/12-20-45.asp) 4 April 46 DR. NELTE: You know, of course, that this matter was connected with the subsequent attack
on the radio station at Gleiwitz. Do you know anything of this incident?
KEITEL: This incident, this action came to my knowledge for the first time here through
the testimony of witnesses. I never found out who was charged to carry out such things and I knew nothing of the
raid on the radio station at Gleiwitz until I heard the testimonies given here before the Tribunal. Neither do I
recall having heard at that time that such an incident had occurred. (Source: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/04-04-46.asp) 30 Nov. 45 COL. AMEN: Will you explain to the Tribunal the nature of the assistance required? LAHOUSEN The affair on which I am now giving testimony is one of the most mysterious
actions which took place within the Amt Ausland-Abwehr. A few days, or sometime before –
I believe it was the middle of August – the precise date can be found in the diary of the division –Abwehr
Division I, as well as my division, Abwehr Division II, were given the task of providing Polish uniforms
and equipment such as identification cards and so on, for an Undertaking Himmler. This request, according
to an entry in the diary of the division which was kept not by me, but by my adjutant, was received by Canaris
from the Wehrmacht Operations Staff or from the National Defense Department. I believe the name of General
Warlimont is mentioned. COL. AMEN: Do you know where this
request originated? LAHOUSEN: Where the request originated
I cannot say, I can only say that it reached us in the form of an order. It was, to be sure, an order on which
we, the divisional chiefs concerned, already had some misgivings without knowing what, in the last analysis, it meant.
The name Himmler, however, spoke for itself, and that is also evident from entries of the diary which record my question
why Herr Himmler should come to receive uniforms from us. COL.AMEN:
To whom was the Polish material to be furnished by the Abwehr? LAHOUSEN: These articles of equipment had to be kept in readiness, and one day some man from the
SS or the SD – the name is given in the official war diary of the division – collected them. COL. AMEN: At what time was the Abwehr informed as to how this Polish
material was to be used? LAHOUSEN: The real purpose
was unknown to us then; we do not know its details even today. All of us, however, had the reasonable
suspicion that something entirely crooked was being planned; the name of the mission was sufficient indictment for
that. (Source: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/11-30-45.asp) 8 March 46 MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: And would you care to tell the Tribunal what you know about
the fictitious incidents along the Polish border? BODENSCHATZ:
I do not know anything positive. I was asked by Colonel Williams whether I knew in advance about the incident of the Gleiwitz
broadcasting section. I told him I knew nothing about it. It was only that the incidents on the Polish
border were very similar to those which happened on the Czech border. It may have been presumed – that was only my
opinion – that they were perhaps deliberate. But I had no positive proof that anything had been staged on our
part. (Source: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/03-08-46.asp) [1] Please consult the English translation of the relevant reports at http://www.allworldwars.com/German%20White%20Book.html (accessed December 20, 2018). [2] I am currently inquiring about the testimony of Mr. Schade and I will publish an update as soon as I have that information.
It is possible that Mr. Schade based his report on what he heard from the Breslau broadcast, assuming he did hear it that
night and that it contained all the necessary details, but without seeing his testimony I cannot confirm or deny this. We
do not know how he got the details for this report. We also do not know exactly what was said in that broadcast. “Earwitnesses”
offer conflicting testimony in this regard. [3] Cross-examination is when the defense attorney questions the prosecution’s witness(es), in this case Mr. Schade,
during a trial. Cross-examination allows the defense to present evidence via witnesses of their choosing. [4] See footnote 11. [5] See p. 437 in Vol. 1 of my Gleiwitz book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1517072921/ [6] Pronounced “Glee-veets-uh” [7] During an attempted kidnapping gone sour, Alfred Naujocks accidentally shot and killed Rudolf Formis, the radio technician
who was operating an illegal station near Prague in behalf of Hitler’s personal enemy, Otto Strasser. Reinhard Heydrich,
his superior at the time, was furious. At Venlo, just across the Dutch border, Mr. Naujocks nearly bungled the kidnapping
of two British SIS agents suspected of assisting Georg Elser in the assassination attempt on Hitler at the Bürgerbräukeller—Mr.
Stevens and Mr. Best. Since Mr. Naujocks did pull off the mission successfully, he was awarded the Iron Cross by Adolf Hitler. [8] See Bob Graham, “World War II’s first victim,” August 29, 2009, The Telegraph on the Web, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-two/6106566/World-War-IIs-first-victim.html (accessed November 28, 2018). [9] Most mainstream historians assert that deceased concentration camp inmates (referred to as Heinrich Müller’s
“canned goods”) were left at the scene as opposed to just a single man. However, few of these historians agree
on the number of bodies purportedly left at the scene; nor does any of these historians support their claims with
reliable evidence. They all rely on conjecture and hearsay. See Heinz Höhne’s thesis, for example. (Heinrich
Müller was Chief of the Gestapo throughout the war. He disappeared or died in 1945.) [10] There are two more possibilities as to the origins of the Gleiwitz report/incident, one of which is that it is an Abwehr/Grenzpolizei
fabrication, the other of which it is a Polish-British fabrication. I explore both hypotheses in detail, accompanied by
a wide range of evidence, in my two-volume book on the topic. Please see Volumes 1 and 2 of The Gleiwitz Incident: Nazi
False Flag or Media Hoax?, which is available directly from me or from Amazon.
[11] The Abwehr and Grenzpolizei worked intimately together throughout Canaris’s sabotage mission in
Poland prior to the outbreak of war (i.e., leading up to the incident at Mosty). Unlike the SS, SD and Gestapo, IMT testimony
exonerating these three agencies aside, neither the Abwehr nor the Grenzpolizei was implicated and/or condemned
as criminal organizations during the IMT. [12] If the SS was trying to be clandestine and circumspect about conducting fake border incidents, then why are they mentioned
by name (SS-Verfügungstruppe) in the official White Book entry of 31 August 1939 as Entry #5? Were
the Nazis so stupid? Not to mention this border incident happened at Hoflinden, not Hohenlinden or Hochlinden. [13] Otto Radek, first lieutenant and later captain in World War I, was instructed to set up the border guard in the Gleiwitz
area; he was also appointed commander in charge. Radek was a reserve officer and public-school teacher, an upstanding citizen.
Beginning on 24 August 1939 the border guard was deployed in full force; they received live ammunition with the objective
to safeguard the region. The Gleiwitz transmitter station was secured by 3rd Company of Border Guard Battalion 1/68. [14] Sometime in March 1937, senior Abwehr Officer Paul Thümmel provided much significant information about the
German intelligence services to Czech agents who in turn, forwarded the data to SIS London. Thümmel also delivered
details about “military capabilities, and intentions” as well as “detailed information on the organization
and structure of the Abwehr and SD” along with “the near-complete order of battle of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe,
and German mobilization plans.” He later provided advance warnings of the German annexation of the Sudetenland as
well as the invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland.” (See Jeffrey Richelson, Century of Spies: Intelligence in
the Twentieth Century (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), 85.) Before Spring 1938 came to an end, the conservative members of the German Foreign Office and many officers in the
military had expressed fears about the risks of a European war initiated by Hitler. A conspiratorial group formed around
General Erwin von Witzleben and Admiral Canaris as a result. Throughout the process, Canaris and subordinates such as Helmuth
Groscurth worked to prevent war. Canaris participated in the plots among the military leadership for a coup against Hitler
and attempted to establish covert communication lines with the British. Before the invasion of Poland occurred, the Abwehr
went so far as to send a special emissary, Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin, to London in order to warn them. (See Klaus Hildebrand,
The Foreign Policy of the Third Reich (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1973), 70–71;
Richard Bassett, Hitler’s Spy Chief: The Wilhelm Canaris Betrayal (New York: Pegasus Books, 2011), 147–164;
and Gerhard Weinberg, Hitler’s Foreign Policy 1933–1939: The Road to World War II (New York: Enigma Books,
2005), 585. [15] The only rival explanation (i.e., the official revisionist explanation) which is not without its own problems is that Polish
insurgents operating out of a local bank front (i.e., the “posh Polish-bank branch” as described by Revisionist
Carlos Porter) really did attack the station, and this whole thing was covered up by the Allies post facto. The
incident was then turned around on the Nazis, hence the need for Alfred Naujocks’s affidavits for the IMT. But this
explanation ignores the Mosty parallels completely, and it does not account for who was behind the Breslau broadcast
about a shootout and scuffle at the radio transmitter station that certain “earwitnesses” claim to have heard.
Of course, not only the shootout and scuffle but the Breslau broadcast in Polish and German could have been conducted by
Polish insurgents, but there are conflicting eyewitness/earwitness reports asserting that NOTHING at all happened at the
station. No insurgents, no nothing. I explore all possibilities in my books, without committing myself 100% to any
single explanation owing to a few unanswerable questions. My hope is that my books will prompt further inquiry
and perhaps we will get some definitive answers at last. What I can say with 100% certainty is that the Nazis did not conduct
a false flag there or anywhere else on the border that evening/early morning. [16] Might Mr. Schade have been working with Abwehr/Grenzpolizei subversives/traitors in this regard? Yet another possibility.
It would certainly explain why he could not be cross-examined (Abwehr and fellow traitors had to be protected throughout
the IMT for the prosecution’s sake) and why he had to be murdered by the Allies as quickly as possible, so as not
to be further questioned or allowed to talk to the public or write contradictory memoirs post facto. Bear in mind
too that the Gleiwitz station manager, Herr Klose, was murdered by partisans in 1945. Odd, no? [17] I detail all of this in my books. [18] The Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro GmbH (DNB) was the official, central press agency of the German Reich at the
time of National Socialism. [19] CODOH readers may consult my two-volume set entitled The Gleiwitz Incident: Nazi False Flag or Media Hoax? for those (and many more) details. [20] He wrote on his blog, “historians are so annoyed that they don’t have good sources, that they start unconsciously
acting like the sources they do have are good. Because, you know, “it’s all we have,” and “we have
to work with what we have.” Historians all too often leverage sources with hope rather than fact: a source sucks and
is unreliable, but is all they have, so they treat it as authoritative and reliable. This has happened with Hitler’s
Table Talk: the vast suspicion that surrounds its reliability is ignored, and it continues to be treated as the verbatim
words of Hitler, when in fact it appears actually to be the words of minions recording their recollections of him, and later
editors who changed up what they wanted.” See Richard Carrier, “History as a Science,” October 7, 2016,
https://www.richardcarrier.info/archives/11311 (accessed November 27, 2018). [21] Hitler had set the invasion of Poland date as August 26, but on August 25 he called off the attack when he heard that Britain
had signed a new treaty with Poland promising military support. [22] For much more detail about this Time article and Hitler’s real reasons for war against Poland, please consult
my book co-written with J. A. Sexton entitled The Hitler Worship Cult: Distortion, Justification & Mythmaking. We have included countless important details, such as the following: “…the German death figure
of about 5,000 blew up into 58,000, and then 300,000 by the time Hitler heard about it…actual conference minutes of
Hitler and his generals confirm the thesis that Hitler was willing to use force against Poland as early as March 1939 (five
months prior to the alleged ‘anti-German massacres and atrocities’ and the physical invasion in August).” "This Hitler Worship Cult myth just collapsed. Totally. Poland was not in a position
to launch an offensive war against Germany, which is why Hitler used the alleged mass persecution of ethnic Germans in Poland
as his public casus belli. He could not sell his war to the German (or world) public otherwise.” (p. 29)
Hitler never cited the purported Gleiwitz incident, not privately or publicly. [23] Why would Heydrich request Naujocks after he (Naujocks) nearly blew the kidnapping of Stevens and Best at Venlo, and completely
blew the mission to kidnap Formis? Naujocks is unreliable. Period. [24] But we just read in the afternoon session of 23 August 1946 that “Naujocks stated literally: ‘I cannot identify
Mueller with the organization of the Gestapo’.” [25] Members of the press and other persons were never taken to the scene of the incident.
Still Wearing their Boots and Helmets: The Warriors Who Fell Fighting Soviets at the Gates of Berlin  Still wearing their boots and helmets, and carrying their weapons, the bodies of
German soldiers who died in the Battle of the Seelow Heights have finally been unearthed. (Daily Mail) A team of archaeologists - the Association for the Recovery
of the Fallen - have uncovered the skeletons of men who died defending Berlin from the soldiers of the Red Army in the final
days of the Second World War. The dig, in Klessin, Brandenburg,
brought to the light weapons, helmets, boots and the bones of those fighting to protect the glorious Third Reich. In
keeping with the spirit of respect the Association fosters, a simple wooden cross was set up at the site, topped with a
distinctive 'coal scuttle' German helmet found in the earth.  The work is painstaking: Human beings are buried below
the soil. Gradually skulls are unearthed by the archaeologists
The battle was part of the Soviet assault on Berlin, lasting three days in April
1945. Almost a million soldiers of the Red Army under the command of the sadistic Marshal Georgi Zhukov, attacked the
position known as the Gates of Berlin. Defending the German position were 110,000 soldiers of the 9th Army.  In memoriam: A cross is planted in the ground above a trench and adorned with
a German helmet. Seelow
Heights was where some of the most bitter fighting in the overall battle took place. Fighting began in the early hours of
April 16 with a massive bombardment by thousands of artillery weapons. On the third day the final line of the Seelow
Heights was breached leaving nothing but fractured German divisions between the Red Army and the chancellery in Berlin. The
number of Russian soldiers thought to have died ranges from 5,000 to 33,000, while some 12,000 German troops perished.
 How this soldier met his end is unknown but he fell fighting
the Red Army as it advanced on Berlin in the twilight of the Third Reich By April 23, the German capital was fully encircled and the Battle of Berlin
entered its last stage. Within a fortnight, Adolf Hitler was dead and the war in Europe was effectively over. For many
of the German soldiers who died in the battle where they fell is where they have remained ever since – buried deep
in mud and soil - until now.  A German tin helmet, a boot, a gun, a belt and what looks
like a thigh bone are all that is left of a German soldier
The Association for the Recovery of the Fallen, which consists of volunteers from
Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Holland and Switzerland, was founded in 1992, with some 200 members working as volunteers.
 A German soldier has lain undisturbed for 70 years after falling in the Battle
of the Seelow Heights, part of the Soviet assault on Berlin in 1945 The association's mission statement on its website says: "We
are searching for the nameless dead, who lay without commemorative stones in the mass graves of War or were buried somewhere,
as individuals and are considered as missing. We want to restore people to their name, which was taken from them over
60 years ago. We are not looking for soldiers of the Wehrmacht, not for U.S. GI's, Marines, soldiers of the red army
or Polish Military - not for infantry, soldiers, sailors or airmen - not for Good or Bad. We are looking for people
- Sons, Fathers, Brothers. Fallen soldiers are also victims - victims of a gruesome war, which they had not caused and
had not wanted." [Amen...!]
Ernst Zündel: The Hitler We Loved and Why
 In a single will is bound
the might Of millions living, millions dead. In a single Faith is joined the force Of
countless million anxious souls. In a single hand the warm salute From joyful throngs of outstretched hands; In a single fist the bold demand Of endless ranks of hardened
fists; In a single heart the storm and light Of all a people's fearless hearts. With the
thund'ring might of pealing bells His voice resounds throughout the
world. The world will listen...
Gerhard Schumann (translated from the
German by Luther Williams) At no time in recorded history has a leader, a wielder of power in human terms, not as popular figurehead
or celebrity, had such a closeness to his followers, his entire people, as did Adolf Hitler. It can only be called a love
relationship... What, other
than love, can explain the German people's glad welcome of this humble, but thoroughly dedicated savior from the Eastern
Marches? What, other than love, can explain how the people of greater Germany remained with him in bad times and in good,
for better or for worse? What, other than love, can explain the fact that those who remember him love him still? We loved him because he stood for the best
that was in us, and as our Leader, demanded of us our best. It was never Hitler's Germany. It shall always be: Germany's
Hitler, the man loved by his people. This is why we loved him... We loved him because he loved us and our children. We loved him so much that we, the young and not so young, made pilgrimages to his home in the
Alps - not to ask him for favors, but merely to catch a glimpse of him and to be near him. We loved him because he was a good listener and lived simply. We loved him because he spoke the unspoken
thoughts of our souls in such a way that all could understand. He did not "over-simplify" our problems. He clarified
them. He did not beguile us with cheap solutions and easy panaceas, for there were none. He did not "guarantee"
us a better world. He asked us to FIGHT for one. Fight we did, for we who heard him knew he was right. We loved him because he was honest. He did not expound the supposed virtues
of democracy and then corrupt the process with purchased votes. We loved him, not because he was a "great dictator", but because he was a great teacher,
a living example of the order he preached. Without order, nothing can exist. How well we who had suffered knew this lesson!
But when there is no basis for instruction, no racial pattern, no heredity, the lesson of order cannot be learned, no matter
how brilliant the instructor. He taught us this all-important truth of Race. Hitler's inspiration kindled our racial potential
for construction and creativity. His order was not imposed upon us. It came from within. We loved Hitler because he was a White Man. He practiced our White virtues
of forthright honesty and his actions matched his words. If something was filth, he disposed of it as filth with sanitary
thoroughness. He did not enshrine the excrescence of sick minds. He was not ashamed to burn shameful enemy propaganda which
was aimed at the destruction of our souls. He was not like our racial enemy and his democratic stooges who preached freedom of the press and practiced suppression. We loved him because he replaced the wasteful
idleness of our penal system with productive labor and punishment with redemption. Even habitual criminals fulfilled useful
roles in our society, roles which even they could look upon with pride. Not only did he save us from them, he saved them
for us. We loved him because
he protected us from religious charlatans -- preachers for profit who posed as prophets of God in order to batten like vampires
on the trust of simple believers. We
loved him because he defended us against the racial enemy's campaign to spread perversion among us. He knew that sexual perversion
was poison and that enough of it could kill any race. We thanked him for removing from circulation the many Jew smut publications which championed all manner of sexual
deviation, including abortion, in the name of "freedom of the press." We loved him because he removed our alien dominators and place them back
among their own kind. We loved
him because he freed us from those corrupted by gold and replaced them with able and incorruptible men. We loved him because he did not surround himself with persons who sought
idle privilege, but who sought instead the privilege of serving us. No means of helping our people was too humble for our
"high and mighty" leaders. We contributed freely, for we loved our leaders almost as much as we did our Leader. We loved him because he made our police force
work for us, not against us. Our young learned that our police were not against us, but a necessary help in the establishment
of a healthy society. Certainly, all available help was necessary to protect the honest citizens from the machinations of
traitors, secret societies and minority pressure groups. We supported our police because they were German police, working
for German government. Thus, we required far fewer police to "maintain public order" under Hitler than we do today,
under alien domination. We loved
him because he did not persecute our enemies, but prosecuted them. without fear or favor, according to law -- our law. We loved him because he saved us from the
alien invaders who promoted the extinction of our Race, the White Race.
We loved him because he kept our entertainment media free of the perversion of race-mixing
and race suicide. We loved him
because he used the entertainment media to educate us about life and true values. The themes were uplifting in ways which
were never dull. Best of all, they were OUR plays and films, by OUR people.
We loved him because he taught us the truth about Race and proved, even to skeptics,
that the White Race is the founder of all great cultures and civilizations and that race-mixing is the great destroyer. We loved him because he hid nothing from
us. He was confident in our strength to face the worst atrocities our enemies had to offer -- and surmount them with courage
and determination. We loved
him because he taught our Fellow White men, the Poles, the truth about their Jewish Soviet "liberators." He showed
the world the ghastly face of communism by revealing the Katyn Forest Massacre of the Polish officer corps and by proving
forever the guilt of the Soviet system. We loved him because he had bold plans which benefited man and harmonized with nature. We loved him because he gave us the best roads in the world, envied and
emulated by other peoples ever since. Not only did he give us roads, but a cheap, practical car to run on them, the Volkswagen:
the People's Car. We loved
him for giving us honest money and thereby saving our jobs, our homes and our industry. He made our lives not only bearable,
but fruitful. We loved him
because he did the Work of the Lord, by driving the money-changers out of our country. He taught us that true wealth is not
based on gold nor upon credit. but upon the productivity of our land and people. Honest money is only possible with honest
men. No system of law or gold can protect us from criminals in government. There is no substitute for honest men. We loved him because he wrested the creation
of our money away from the Jews, like his American predecessor, Abraham Lincoln. He restored our economy to peacetime prosperity.
It was not preparation for war that ended our depression. Where the Jews retained their money power, the depression worsened.
Unemployment rose drastically in America and Britain at this time. As the British military strategist, Liddell Hart, maintained:
The last thing Hitler wanted was war. But war came at last. and none too soon for the Jewish bankers! War was declared by
Britain in 1939, but little fighting occurred. Britain announced Jewish terms for ending the war: Kill Hitler and return
to the international gold standard. For Germany, the choice was certain death by starvation or possible death in battle. The Jewish bankers had created massive unemployment
in our country, just as they had done in England, France, America and throughout the world. They did this by decreasing
the supply of money, which our racial renegade governments had allowed them to control entirely. Before Hitler came to power, 7 million Germans were unemployed and over
6 million only partially employed. In the four bleak years from 1929 to 1933, despair and hopelessness caused the death by
suicide of some 250,000 of our people. We loved him because he freed us from dire dependency on the whims and vagaries of foreign suppliers of domestic
necessities. He taught us that political independence was possible only with economic independence. In 4 years, from 1933 to 1937, he made us virtually self-sufficient in
the production of steel, aluminum, chemicals, petroleum and general industrial production. We loved him because he had a deep reverence for our past. A people whose
roots are strong cannot be toppled by gusts of fad, fashion and foolish innovation. We loved him because he was a deeply spiritual man who did not allow the
Jews to confuse Christian teachings. The Christian churches loved him. Over 40% of the SS were Catholics. We loved him because he built churches for us. Christian churches. In the
name of Christianity, our enemies destroyed these churches, later bragging about the "precision" of their bombing
raids. Today, Rabbis lecture in "Christian" schools. The Talmud of the Jews, their "holy book." describes
non-Jews as "beasts of the field" and "cattle." The Jews have not changed. Why have the Christians changed? We loved him because he reaffirmed the goodness
and the wisdom of wholesome work and wholesome food. We loved him because he trusted his people. He did not find it necessary to restrict firearms ownership. No true
Leader need fear the armed members of his Race. We loved him because he taught us to appreciate beauty by creating it with our own hands. Perfection and excellence
were our goals. As we worked to master our medium, we learned to observe Nature and to apply Her Laws. Thus did we become
artists and also National Socialists, for National Socialism is simply the application of Nature's Laws to politics. We loved him because he encouraged the sexes to realize their full potentials,
as complementary rather than competitive beings. Men were made for women and women for men. Each was trained for that which
he or she could do best. This did not mean that men could not be artistic or creative, nor did it mean that women could
not be great aviatrixes, photographers, film-directors, athletes. etc. It simply meant that, whatever we did, our men were
manly and our women feminine. Enemy inculcation of sexual role confusion with the aim of crippling the sexes' role in child-rearing
was thus overthrown and scattered to the winds. We loved him because he devoted much effort and care to provide the unborn and parents to-be with a healthy and
pleasant environment. Beginning with healthy young parents, Hitler encouraged good prenatal care by stressing healthy diet,
exercise and freedom from intoxicants. The unhealthy and the mentally-defective were discouraged from inflicting more of
themselves upon our hard-pressed population; sterilization was recommended for carriers of genetic defects. The German people
could decide who should have children -- not the Jewish bankers. We loved him because he protected the rights of the unborn and because he treated the young
with the love and respect they deserve as our successors and he made them worthy of that love and respect by training them
for responsible adulthood. We
loved him because he brought us Europeans together. With him, we knew our strength and felt the awesome importance of our
Racial Mission as never before. He brought all of us together, even Americans, Russians and Britons. White men from all
the countries of Europe joined his ranks to defend the Holy Swastika Banner of our Race. Because we fought to the end, the
destruction of White Civilization was avoided. Our sacrifice was not in vain! We loved him because he brought out the best in our fighting men. He bestowed
upon us a new generation of heroes. He was loyal to our allies and backed his words with action. We loved him for his greatness in overlooking the mean propaganda pricks
of enemy gadflies. We loved
him for his chivalry, his conduct of war so as to lose as few White lives as possible -- friend or foe. We loved him because he honored our heroes. A Race without heroes is a
dead or dying Race. Our White heroes are brave, forthright, strong and kind. The "heroes" of our racial enemy are
cowardly, devious, weak and cruel. A Race is known by its heroes, because heroes are examples to cherish and to emulate.
Thus do we differ from our racial enemy, the Jew. We loved him because his spiritual presence prevented our sufferings and sorrows from overwhelming us. He was adored like no other mortal, before
or since. Today, his
spirit soars beyond the shores of the White Man's home in Europe. Wherever
we are, he is with us.
Who has been a concealed Zionist Jew in Germany since the end of World War II,
but pretends to be German? (Author unknown-Written in 2014) Translated from
German into English (1)
We Germans thought we had German, but foreign guided political actors, in "German" government and "German"
ministries. NO! They are concealed Jewish Zionists (that means, German-hating to German-death-planning politically active
Jews from Freemasonry [= entrepreneurs, banks, insurance companies and civil servants), Jesuits, from churches, free churches
and monastic and fictitious humanitarian circles], who pretend to be Germans. Once you have found this out, the scales fall from your eyes, and you clearly
recognize your inner enemies in your own country: ALL political parties (perhaps except the national ones), all higher positions and key positions in Germany
in existence since the end of the Second World War are Jewish Zionist occupied. And even the more simple Jewish sleepers
in our country, who are waiting for the Zionist kick-off sound for the great finale against the German people, have shown
their true face today, anti-German and pro-asylum seekers, for they know that the flood of asylum seekers consists largely
of Jews - who are referred to as "Syrian refugees" - and of militarily trained foreign-bred civilian mercenaries
in the service of anti-German Zionism, and that these Zionists have been deliberately invited here and smuggled in by the
Federal Government and churches/monasteries since 2014. As is often the case in the history of Germany, hidden from us, hidden Jews are smuggled into
Germany, this time from Israel, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Albania, North Africa, Central Africa,
China, Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa and from all over the world, as alleged refugees. Germany is to be turned into a pure
Jewish state (the emigration shipments of the last decades also served this purpose), with expulsion, marginalization, cancer
creation, health damage and the extermination of Gentile Germans. Zionists, as well as most of the ordinary Jews, always only appear on the face as
the same as the host people, but feel, think and act from German-hating to deadly anti-German positions, and are almost
always concealed Bolshevik Communists, and actively support the Zionist-invented atrocity lies against the German people.
Whereby both Jews and Zionists,
always and under all circumstances, pretend to be ancient Germans. Their appearance is hypocritically-pious, pretentious,
bland, affable. They are perfect actors. They like to pretend to be an ancient German sleeping sheep, demonstratively overlaying
themselves with Germanism with unimaginable hypocrisy, impudence and audacity, called Yiddish chutzpah;
Jews and Zionists are also active and especially
frequent members of the boards and functions of veteran associations, soldier comradeships, traditional costume associations,
marksmen's associations, old customs associations, folk dance groups, evangelical and catholic and free church bible circles,
church choirs, gospel choirs, trombone choirs, diaconal clubs, shooting clubs, football clubs, history clubs, pub singing
(also as organizers and musicians), hunting cooperatives, singing clubs, beekeepers' clubs, clubs where old German crafts,
German folk songs and folk dance are cultivated, bobbin lace clubs, historical clubs, music clubs, etc. Their cluelessness
is pretense. Almost all Jews actively support Zionism. By the way, Jews and Zionists also easily eat pork and pork sausage. Jews have long been blond
and blue-eyed, through genetic manipulation, already 70 years ago. Their religion is the claim to Zionist sole property of Germany, and to Zionist autocracy
in Germany and over the whole world, namely a concealed Zionist = communist dictatorship, and to Zionist sole property of
the earth, by damage, decomposition and destruction of peoples' cultures, by disenfranchisement, expropriation, enslavement
and extermination of other peoples, especially the white people, and there, particularly the German people.
else in Germany is a Zionist? Answer: (2) 99% of all mass media belong to only 5 Zionist families.
They, and most of their employees, are Zionist Jews, i.e. 99 % of all journalists, editors, publishers, print shop owners
and employees, television, radio, regional and satellite broadcasters, publishing houses (above all Bertelsmann with more
than 350 sub-publishers of other names) and the so-called think tanks who have been thinking in our behalf for 70 years
and who want to relief us from our own thinking and condition us to think what they embed in us to be thinking, with all
the psychological means of propaganda, brainwashing and their brain-manipulating, narcotic bio-weapons, newspapers, magazines,
advertising industry, music industry, film industry, Hollywood, library directors, museum directors, theater directors,
actors, professional musicians, website creation companies, copy shops, Twitter, Facebook, Wi-ki(=Lie)pedia, Google, Amazon,
Microsoft, film distribution. The entire (anti-)cultural business is Jewish-Zionist. Today, "information" is round-the-clock Zionist propaganda and mass
manipulation taking place every day, falsifying history, brainwashing, dividing and splitting the German people, the German
family, the German generations, building artificial enemy images, hammering into people's heads Zionist falsifications of
history, hammering in feelings of guilt, self-abandonment, pushing thinking and speaking taboos, covering up the most serious
Zionist crimes and desecrating the law to the detriment of the German people, whereby distracting from important matters
through vanities and parties. The Zionist lives off lies, cover-ups, fraud, gigantic censorship and secrecy, and dies by
truth and transparency, free speech and free information. (3) Almost all ecclesiastical and monastic clergy, ministers and theologians (and their seemingly
"Christian" closest followers who gather around them) are Jewish Zionists, and indeed in ALL denominations, because
denominations serve only as camouflage of one and the same Zionist wolves in sheep's clothing. (If one of these concealed
Zionist camouflages blows up, the next one is long ready for inconspicuous change there, as a new shelter). The apparently
competing "Christian" denominations such as Protestant, Catholic, Evangelical, Free Church, and all other apparently
competing separate branches (as well as the Islamic mosques, for even Islam has concealed Jewish Zionist clergy), are all
concealed Zionist organizations; they all serve only for Zionist deception, for influencing the Germans to surrender to fate
and self-abandonment instead of producing action and will power, the noblest virtues of our ancestors, the Teutons, (and
similar is the influence on the people in Islamic countries), and to the soul murder of the gullible Gentile Germans (and
Muslims). Zionist organizations are also: Adventists, Methodists, Baptists, Kolping, Quakers, Mennonites, Free Christian
Communities, Regional Church Communities, Pentecostal Communities, Scientology, Jehovah's Witnesses, Pietists, Orders, Christ
Brotherhoods, and whatever else they call themselves. That is, almost all pastors, priests, pastor's wives, teachers of religion, deacons, vicars, chaplains,
bishops, popes, cardinals, missionaries, "Christian" sisters, Muslim imams and, of course, all higher and highest
church-monastic dignitaries, monks, nuns, convent brothers and sisters (Jesuits, Jacobins, St John, Samaritans, Maltese,
Opus Dei, Gideons, Franciscans, Benedictines, Dominicans, Trappists, Franciscans, St John, Cistercians, Taizé, Augustinians,
deaconesses, Merciful Sisters, Christ Brotherhoods, Mother's houses, and whatever they call themselves), as well as almost
all those who gather around these ecclesiastical and monastic circles mentioned, and they like to pretend to be "Christians",
"helpers", "good people" "tolerant people" (parish personnel, Bible circles, prayer circles,
church choirs, gospel choirs), Trombone choirs, men's circles, women's circles, YMCA, Christian scouts, Integra, women's
breakfasts, "helpers" and "friends" circles for asylum seekers, church organizations such as Diakonie,
Caritas, kindergarten teachers, hospices, Misereor, Médecins sans Frontières and others; and their sub-organizations
consist mostly of up to almost 100% Zionist, anti-German Jews. The churches and monasteries, free churches and sects are the inner core of anti-German Zionism,
along with the Freemasons and their numerous sub-organizations with other names that fake "humanity."
4) Civil servants and civil servants pensioners of
ALL offices and authorities (e.g. Justice, police, tax offices, clergy (are also civil servants), Federal Statistical Office
and Federal Archives (where Zionist forgery is still practiced today to the detriment of the German people), administration
at all levels from government and ministerial administration via district administration offices to local government, central
bank, state banks, headmasters AND teachers and school staff of all types of schools (Primary schools, High schools, Secondary
schools, Technical colleges, Colleges, Universities, Adult education centers, special schools for the disabled), postal
workers, railway workers, the Bundeswehr, customs, the Bundesgrenzschutz (Federal Border Police), water management offices,
pension insurance, surveying offices, agricultural offices, environmental offices, employment agencies and other civil servants
and civil servants pensioners of all authorities, offices and administrations, public servants.
All are Jews almost without exception, because from
the end of World War II civil servants and public service positions were only awarded to Jewish Zionists and Jews, and this
is still the case today, as an unwritten law. Germans were excluded from civil service (except for the severely disabled,
where Jews and Germans were admitted as civil servants). Thus secured, it was easy for Zionist Judaism to "reform" more and more to its own advantage,
to disgrace German laws and to change framework conditions, so that Zionist Judaism gradually became more and more promoted
in all areas and concealed the Zionist-occupied offices of the Federal Chancellery, the Office of the Federal President,
ministries, government, etc.; i.e. legislation, jurisprudence and law enforcement. Germany in 70 years transformed more
and more clearly into an injustice system AGAINST the German people, like the former murderous and tyrannical Soviet nomenclature
(= government, secret services, officialdom, militia, military leadership), who was also more than 90% Jewish and who tyrannized
the Russian host people and disenfranchised, enslaved, deported, forcibly resettled millions of Germanic-blooded Russian
host people as far as Siberia and the Chinese Sea, and murdered more than 30 million. [admin* Solzhenitsyn says 66 Million]
Immediately after World
War II and in the last 70 years a gigantic, daily proceeding, covert, systematic Zionist plundering of the German people
and Germany, and a criminal redistribution from Germans to Zionists took place, not only of money and values, but in every
imaginable area, e.g. Patent and book theft from 1945-1950 and until today, with the most valuable research results and
basic knowledge, which was acquired by Germans of many generations, but was taken away from Germans and is no longer available,
as well as no more access possibilities, no more sponsorships, no more opportunities, no more chances, and by secret privatizations
of public supply facilities belonging to the German people, these were privatized secretly and criminally given to Zionists
and Jews. (5) High nobility,
middle and lower nobility (e.g. Habsburgs, abroad also royal dynasties such as British royal dynasty, Belgian royal dynasty,
Dutch royal dynasty, Swedish royal dynasty, Spanish royal dynasty, Duchy of Luxembourg etc.), princely dynasties, von Weizsäcker,
Count Lambsdorff, von Guttenberg, von Dohnany, Turn und Taxis, Count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi, etc. . . are all
Zionist Jews, with rare exceptions like Prince Otto von Bismarck and Emperor Wilhelm II. These were NO Jews and NO Zionists.
(6) Bankers, insurance agents
and employees (primarily Allianz and Dekra), financial service providers, brokers, law firms (auditors, lawyers, tax consultants,
management consultants, insolvency administrators, financial consultants, notaries, foundations, consultants, experts) AND
their staff. Almost all are Zionists. (7) Immediately after the World War, the Zionists and Jews, who all pretended to be Germans, divided
Germany among themselves, as far as media, banks, insurances, energy trading, basic supplies, retail trade, wholesale trade,
intermediate trade, middle class and industry were concerned and created personal small and large territorial monopolies. Only Zionists and Jews received licenses for small grocery stores (corner shops),
household goods shops, as newspaper and magazine publishers, printing houses, newspaper and magazine and stationery shops
with tobacco and lottery and Toto (football bets) tickets, "specialist" shops, intermediaries, wholesalers, small,
medium and large (monopolistic) entrepreneurship. So everything that existed after World War II in industry, wholesale and specialist shops, master
craftsmen's businesses (including butchers, bakeries, locksmiths, grocery shops, roofers, painters, carpenters, heating
companies, interior decorators, photo shops, drugstores, construction companies, road construction companies, sand pits,
mines, slate mines, quarries, gravel pits, etc.) pretended to be German, but in the majority of cases was Zionist or Jewish.
So by the end of the 1940s, Judaism had already divided Germany into territorial monopolies; the entire retail and wholesale
trade and intermediate trade was Jewish-Zionist (and still is today). Germans were only given subordinate positions dependent
on Judaism, and rarely received a license to become self-employed. Immediately after the end of the Second World War the (hidden) Jewish Zionists (who
pretended to be Germans), also thanks to the direction and the capital of the Zionist world Jewry (Freemasons, Jesuits,
churches, monasteries), had immediately again all parties, politics, media, banks, law offices, authorities, praxises, pharmacies
and key positions in Germany in their hands and made sure that it was only again (secret) Jews (who also pretended to be
Germans) who received financial support to set up their own business with food shops, specialist shops, businesses (even
if they had no training, they were the bosses). Even as executive employees (personnel managers, accountants, authorized
signatories), chief secretaries, telephone operators, etc., only Zionists were and are taken by Zionist companies, but as
ordinary workers and employees Germans were employed. Since 1989, however, Jews have been preferred here as workers as well, and Germans only as temporary
employees and with much lower wages and only if no Jews are available. Today, 2016, this can be seen very clearly. The entire
retail and wholesale trade after the end of World War II, i.e. every corner shop, household goods shop, laundry shop, clothing
shop, watch shop, jewelry shop, eye wear shop, bedding shop, every other retail and wholesale trade and many craft and other
businesses (bakeries, butchers' shops, dairy shops, locksmiths' shops, spinning mills, weaving mills, foundries, bicycle
shops, painting shops, electrical shops, car dealerships, car workshops, etc.) went into Jewish hands after the war.
Even if they had no training for it, they had the
money of world Jewry at their disposal and hired German-trained professionals as dependent employees. Regional territory
sales rights were distributed exclusively among Judaism, covering the whole of Germany. Germans had to serve Judaism as
subordinate workers and employees. Germans were hampered and hindered in their independence. Jewish career counselors and
business start-up counselors also made sure of this. In the decades after World War II, the recommendation for secondary
schools was given by Zionist teachers, who concealed their disposition, primarily to children of Jewish parents; German
children were prevented from doing so, despite their good talent. Today, all entrepreneurship is concentrated on Jewish Zionists, many with monopoly-like
positions, from regional monopolies to global monopolies. Also ebay, Baywa, Rehau AG, electronics stores, food chains, DIY
stores, energy giants, nursing homes, basic supply facilities, energy supply, are Zionist companies, and many other businesses
Zionists have often fraudulently and criminally appropriated. All personnel rental companies and temporary employment agencies
are Zionist companies - modern slavery of Zionist nomads humiliating and oppressing Germans. The insolvency administrators and buyers of entire companies,
crafts enterprises and workshop liquidations are also Jewish Zionists. They buy complete traditional German craft workshops,
hobby workshops, entire households with valuable old specialist book stocks, original documents, original photos, original
letters and original military material in order to forge history even today and confiscating from the German people vital
books, original period documents and original photos produced by Germans. The conclusive contemporary witnesses are from
the time between 1600 and 1945 and the true history of Germany is betrayed, to make it disappear completely before the German
people and to make them disappear exclusively to the occupying forces USrael, Great Britain and the Zionist Masonic and
monastic circles, to abuse them and use this media against the German people and to keep the Information secret from truth
researchers. All secret
Zionist companies (and there are hardly any others anymore) in Germany have been hiring Jews since 1945 and especially more
so since 1989, with a strong preference for Jews; Germans are only paid as temporary workers, and worse, only if no
Jew is currently available. (8)
The "German" post-war governments, ministries and parties consisted and still consist mainly of concealed Zionist
Jews who pretend to be Germans. Today, almost all members of parliament, ministerial officials and municipal party officials
are Jewish Zionists. In every election we have only the choice between Zionists and Zionists, no matter which party we choose
(except, perhaps, the national parties, but these are infiltrated by state-paid agents of the secret services and by state-paid
informers: questionable types from bad scenes, in order to discredit the People' parties, even to commit attacks paid by
the state, which are then attached to the People's parties in order to ruin their reputation and make them ineligible in
the eyes of the public). [admin*They have done this in America with independent small churches (where "churches"
in America do not necessarily mean Christian faith but some philosophy) by infiltrating them with belligerent people and
dividers causing infighting, and with murderers, and then blaming the church itself for it until it was financially and
their reputation ruined.] Therefore
away from the party system imposed on us by the German Zionists and back to the Germanic system of personally liable, proven
confidants directly elected by the German people for thousands of years as temporary leaders (more below).
9) The majority of the medical profession are Jews
and Zionists (including immigrants and medical staff) of all disciplines (including specialists, dentists, veterinarians),
pharmacists, psychologists, psychiatrists, undertakers, crematorium staff, cemetery gardeners, gravestone companies, non-medical
practitioners, employees of health insurance companies, kindergarten teachers, nurses, geriatric nurses, medical assistants,
dental assistants, hospital staff, opticians, orthopedic and medical retailers, hearing aid acousticians, owners of health
food stores, organic food shops and health food stores, and similar. (10) Officials and secretaries of trade unions, chambers of crafts, chambers
of industry and commerce, professional associations, social associations, international non-governmental organizations,
and foundations are mostly fanatical communist Zionists. (11) The majority of the farming community, pond farmers, field jurors, garden centers, seed trade,
grain mills, oil seed mills, tanneries, timber trade and processing, sawmills, construction companies, energy trade, coal
trade, sand mines, other mines, gravel pits, quarries, slate mines. Some concealed Zionists (including the current chairman
of the Central Council of Jewish Shoemakers) stress that their estate and lands are 400 years family-owned and traceable:
This property stems from
Jewish robbery, made possible by the 30-year war of 1618-1648 between the Jewish monasteries and the Church and the Freemasons,
during which 60 % of the German people were slaughtered so that Jews could criminally acquire land and key enterprises that
the Germans had built up (previously the Odal law was in force, which prevented such hostile takeovers). And the same thing
happened repeatedly since - for example: between 1881 and 1914 about 2 million Jews were expelled from Russia for attempts
at destabilization, because they undertook at least five revolutionary attempts to introduce Jewish communism in Russia
by previously dividing, destabilizing and agitating the Russian people against each other; all were incited against the
Tsarist family. Masonic Jews tried several times to assassinate the Tsarist family, everything to introduce (Jewish-ruled)
Communism into Russia, until the Bolshevik Zionists finally succeeded by assassinating the entire Tsarist family and by
the October Revolution of 1917. The same happened in Germany through the November Revolution of 1918, that also forced Emperor Wilhelm II to Holland
against his will by Jewish Freemasons (Max von Baden) in cooperation with Jewish Jesuits and Jewish church and monastery
people, and without his knowledge proclaimed his abdication and the end of the monarchy. By Freemasons and church people,
Jewish Communism gained the upper hand in Germany (called Weimar Republic, because if one had openly said Communism, every
German would have woken up immediately), where Germans had nothing to say any more. (The truth about this Zionist-controlled November Revolution of 1918, which
served to crush the monarchy hated by Jews, is suppressed in German historiography.) The monarchy under Imperial Chancellor
Otto von Bismarck and Emperor Wilhelm II had brought the German majority a glorious heyday, an excellent education and health
system, great prosperity and high standing throughout the world as a nation of thinkers and scientists.
The following link leads to an interesting essay.
[admin*Many of the links listed here no longer work, at least I can't get them to work.] It says that many Jews who had
been expelled from Russia between 1880 and 1914 because of their Communist revolutionary attempts, emigrated from Russia
to the USA. HOWEVER, IT IS ALL KEPT SECRET, that between 1880 and 1914 the overwhelming majority of eastern Jews migrated
with false identities into the German east territories of the German Empire (especially after the masonic-church forced
abdication of Reich chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1891, who had prevented this until then), and from then on these Jews
pretended to be Germans, and had been provided with money from world Jewry. The task given to them by world Jewry was to acquire key industries in the
German Reich (which had previously been prevented by the Germanic Odal law, which is still valid in Norway today), and which
often happened through Jewish deceit, forgeries, usury of interest, fraud and trickery; there is a lot of original literature
from these years about this, e.g. the book „Juden schänden deutsches Recht“ (Jews desecrate German law).
By tricks, also with the
help of WORLD Jewry, Jews took over innumerable completed enterprises of basic supply, which had been built up in many generations
of work by a German family from scratch, and of which the German owners had often been expropriated with cunning and malice:
Farms, craftsmen's workshops, enterprises, e.g. oil mills, sawmills, printing works, newspapers, press distribution, coin
minting, ore mines, coal mines, slate mines, silver mines, well construction companies, gravel pits, quarries, construction
companies, sand pits, ore mines. Furthermore, medicinal springs, water springs, coal deposits, carpentries, grain mills, mills where healthy vegetable
oils were ground from oil seeds as well as linseed oil varnish for wood preservation, farms, garden centers, tanneries,
brick works, forestry companies, minting coins, timber trade, coal trade, seed trade, livestock trade, building material
trade, blacksmith's shops, etc. And as further tasks, these as alleged Germans into the German realm immigrated hidden east
Jews of the world Judaism had given the task by World Jewry, to bring many Jewish children into the world and to infiltrate
the press and authoritarian places to prepare for Jewish-Bolshevik communism in Germany. http://www.maschiach.de/content/view/961/39/ [admin* I don't understand
why the author is suggesting this link above! Who wants to read these lies!] 12) Many owners of hotels, restaurants, amusement arcades, discos, petrol stations,
bistros, inns, pubs, pizzerias, chicken stalls, kebab stalls, peddlers, carnies, carpet dealers, taverns; owners of German,
Chinese, Turkish, Greek, Yugoslav, Italian restaurants and snack bars, of cafés, fruit and vegetable shops as well
as food and fish shops and wholesalers, owners and operators of event halls, trade fairs, amusement arcades, vending machines,
hairdressing salons. (The Turkish, Italian and Spanish shop owners are mostly Sephardic Jews.) (13) Club officials of all types of clubs, including soldier
comradeships, veteran clubs, reserve clubs, displaced persons' clubs, history clubs, local heritage clubs [admin*A Jew,
pretending to be a German, was the accountant (of course, where the money is!!! in a German club that I know of], traditional
clubs, traditional costume clubs, beekeepers' clubs, forest farmers, rural youth, dialect clubs, customs clubs, marksmen's
clubs, folk music clubs, football clubs, fire brigade clubs, sports clubs. Jews impose Germanism on themselves, but they
feel, think and act against the genuine German people, i.e. they act for the communist dictatorship of Judaism in Germany
and all over the world [admin*I was kicked out of a "German" club in the United States, only because I told them
two facts about German history that is contrary to the mainstream lies, namely, that Poland started the war and that a Jew
wrote the book "Tell the truth and shame the devil" which exposes the Holohoax. That's all I have done and I had
to leave. I could tell there were a couple of Jews in this club. The lie about the Germans must continue; therefore, all
these "German" clubs have Jewish spies who "grab truth speakers by the neck" and instigate group hate
against them until the club gives in and gets rid of the "shit disturber."] (14) County councils, and/or 2nd and/or 3rd mayors and most municipal councils
and city councils and county councils, regardless of which party or non-partisan without party affiliation. Almost all are
hidden Jews, and mostly Zionists. (15) Most lawyers, tax advisers, auditors, insolvency administrators, management consultants, notaries, financial
advisers, experts, appraisers, career advisers, real estate agents, advisers of all kinds such as financial advisers, investment
advisers, legal advisers, career advisers, business start-ups advisers, debt counsellors, pregnancy (abortion) advisers;
also the staff of these law firms. (16) Also among the asylum seekers and immigrants of the last 50 years from the Eastern Bloc, from Serbia and Bosnia,
from Turkey and Iran, and other countries, there are millions of hidden Jews, because also among the light and dark and
black Muslims and Asians and Africans there are many Jews, who, in order not to identify themselves as Jews, claim to be
ex-Yugoslavians, ex-Bosnians, ex-Serbs, Russians, Poles, Chinese, Turks, Africans, but who feel Jewish, think and act Jewish,
and who support Zionism, meaning they support the Jewish claim to world supremacy over the earth, just like the German hidden
Jews. Their religion is not piety, but the claim for them alone to dominate the world. "Religious" meeting places
serve only as camouflage and are primarily meeting places for concealed Jewish-Zionists politically active AGAINST their
host peoples. The
gentile Muslims (e.g. many Arab, all Palestinian, many Libyan, some Iranian and many Iraqi), on the other hand, are our
German friends and allies, as long as they are not hidden Jews. You recognize them by the fact that they themselves are
active in unmasking the Jewish lies against the German people and against their own peoples, and that they do NOT come to Germany, and that they do NOT want to mix with the German people, just as the genuine German people
do not want to mix with foreign races, but are active in their home countries against the Zionist robbers. In the
Jewish mass media they are wrongly called terrorists and persecuted, although they are freedom fighters for their peoples
against the Zionist occupation and the Zionist robbery. In
the high culture of the Teutons it was known for at least 30,000 years, that the purity of a people without blood mixing
with other races is the guarantee for good stock for a higher development of a people from generation to generation. This
was also known from the animal kingdom, and it was noticed in plants. Therefore, it was well known among Teutons, that race
mixtures result in inferior bastards with bad characters like evilness, unpredictability, split personalities as well as
mental and physical deficiencies, at the latest from the second generation on. The (all-Jewish) Jesuits, Jacobins, church and monastery people, and (all-Jewish)
Freemasons keep these ancient Germanic insights hidden with them and under lock and key before the broad masses of gentiles.
Instead, they viciously force total racial mixing to then be able to enslave a stupid, controllable world population that
will have an intelligent quotient below 90, that will be sufficient to work enslaved and subjugated but will be too stupid
to see through the malicious, systematic de-homogenization, disenfranchisement and extermination, especially of white peoples.
They'll be subjects for Jewish dictatorship, Jesuit-church monastic, Masonic all Zionist masterminds, and not be able to
defend themselves with wise defensiveness, hatred and hardness against these enemies of all homogeneous, strong peoples and
pure races. To Part 2 The complete German article here:
Von Deutschfeindlichen bis Deutschtodfeindlichen - 11.04.2018 (Orginal Artikel ist aelter!)
(17) The majority of the so-called refugees
and expellees after World War II who came to "left-over Germany" were in reality NOT GERMANS, but Khasarian East
Jews from Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, East Prussia, Silesia, Sudetenland and other East territories of the German empire.
Some villages of the German East areas had a concealed 80% Jewish population to which they had already immigrated from 1891
on, from today's Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, Galicia, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, the Caucasus and
other regions, or they were Sephardic Jews from Turkey, Spain, Holland, Italy, Greece or other countries. The genuine German refugees and expellees from the German East territories, on the other
hand, almost never arrived on the residual German soil after the end of World War II, had instead been bestially slaughtered,
beaten to death, drowned and tortured to death by Zionist-Jewish civilians and the military (see the homicide demands by
German-hating Jewish Zionists such as Ilja Ehrenburg, Benesch, Ernest Hooton, Louis Nizer, Theodore Nathan Kaufman, Jagoda
and other Zionists). Introductory Note - Germany Must Perish Germany must perish 1941-Kaufman-58 pg Hooton Plan (deutsch) Nizer Louis-What To Do With Germany_1944_110pg. The murder of genuine German expellees and refugees was the passenger ticket for these
East Jews to travel with false identities to the left over land of Germany, where they pretended to be [German] refugees
and expellees from then on and to this day, and, together with the other Jews who had been mentioned under 1) to 18) as
kind of undiscovered Jewish "sleepers" in Germany continued the war against the German people as a covert war
until today, in the mentioned key places. To this day, they AND THEIR OFFSPRING uphold the lies about their own roots. To
this day they actively feel, think and act against the German people for a Zionist always integrates himself only in appearances.
Internally he NEVER integrates himself and under NO circumstances into his host people, remains foreign and hostile to his
host people without showing this to gentiles. His religion is the claim to privileges, preferential treatment and, above
all, to the Zionist takeover of the land of the host people, and to the ultimate world domination of Judaism on earth, with
the eradication of the white Germanic-blooded people. [admin*Turkey
is full of Doemne Jews, and since Germany is flooded with "Turks" it's flooded with Eastern Jews. - Armenia has
been taken over by Jews, so many of these "Armenian people" in Germany are really Jews. I had written to all the
Armenian organizations I could find on the internet, and the members, about the Lies regarding WW1 Germans supposedly harming
the Turks, sent them a book on that and had no single reply. It is therefore most likely that these Armenians in Germany
are really jews. All the East is flooded with Jews and Germany it follows is flooded by Jews since it has gotten so many
people from the East. It does not end here. The Jews are coming from everywhere into Germany to overtake it.] The white peoples of Germanic origin were almost the
only ones who could free themselves again and again from these hypocritical and devilishly dangerous perpetrators of their
host people, whose faith expressly allows them, even orders them, to deceive, lie, rob their host peoples, to mislead and
murder, using every treachery imaginable (read "Talmud", "Sohar" and "Protocols of the Wise Men
of Zion"; learn about Kabbalists, Frankists, Sabbatians, High Grade Freemasons, Jesuits and Jacobins who form the Communist-Bolshevik
tip of world Zionism). Jews have repeatedly wormed themselves
into Germany under false identities, operating with malice and deceit, first as clergymen, money lenders and merchants,
in order to finance wars, using interest usury, intrigues, manipulation with the result of annihilation of the existing
Germanic natural and solar religion; i.e., destroying the German people by the Jewish falsifications of the original Bible
[admin*text = historical German text before the Bible was invented] and the original Koran and by ecclesiastical monastic
spiritual disarmament ("love your enemies"), and the concealed Jewish state feudal lord speaks to the concealed
Jewish church lords and monastic feudal lord: "You keep
them poor, and I'll keep them stupid." Further, by manipulation
up to murder of souls by annihilation of the species' millennia-old natural religion of the Teutons and annihilation of
the millennia-old high culture of the Teutons, and by bribery of elected confidants to get to key places of the German people
and to make everything and every Church-deceived idiot dependent on them or put them in bondage. By mastering the press
(today the entire media, television, radio, music and film industry, which is a single propaganda tool for Zionists against
genuine Germans) Zionists manipulate and divide whole societies and whole peoples' tribes, build up false enemy images in
the host people themselves, undermine the homogeneity, cohesion and defensiveness of the host people, instigate fratricidal
wars in order to appropriate themselves as laughing third party property of the slaughtered. They have at least 2000 years
of experience in this practice. Hostile Jewish infiltration
already began in Germany with the concealed Jewish, cruel and bloody forced Christianization of our ancestors, the Teutons
(ca. 500 to ca. 1450 AD). Entire farms, craft enterprises, entire villages and regions were burned down by those who forced
Christianity, i.e. burned down together with their inhabitants. Healing women were robbed of their healing knowledge by nuns
and monastery brothers through the most severe ecclesiastical and monastic tortures and then burned alive as alleged witches,
wise men who saw through the diabolical intentions and the parasitism of the clergy were tortured to death as heretics with
cogwheels and in many other cruel ways. “Christliche Grausamkeit An Deutschen Frauen” The property of the murdered went to the ecclesiastical monastic feudal lords. That's where the gigantic land property
of the churches, monasteries, orders and brotherhoods originates, which is still leased today again and again each time
for 99 years and remains nevertheless property of the churches. But the Christianity enforcers were again and again defensively
pushed back by the individual Germanic tribes. The castles
built at that time by whole Germanic village communities, were fortifications with wells, had stockpiles for many months,
secret passages to the outside, weapons and ammunition depots, and served as protection and defensive castles of the inhabitants
of whole regions against the ecclesiastical monastic, secretly Jewish, murderous Christian religion enforcers with their
slave armies. It was death or baptism, and baptism meant forced financial contributions to the secret jewish church and
monastery feudal lords. It meant prohibition to the Germanic people by death penalty to continue their high culture, their
religion of nature and sun, their customs, their songs, their dances, their writing (Runes) and their exploitation-free,
usury-free form of society and their self-administration. Shaping and cultivating and teaching their children crafts and
to read and write, all this was forbidden to the Germanic people with the heaviest punishments and death penalties. Papst Unschuldig hat 9 Millionen deutsche Frauen als Hexen zu Tode foltern lassen Reading and writing became the sole prerogative of the Jewish feudal lords, who established ecclesiastical and state
feudal rule over the Teuton tribes, conversed in Latin, and arranged for the complete enslavement, stupefying, impoverishment
of the Teutons, who in the Middle Ages suffered their deepest humiliation and enslavement, impoverishment and despair, caused
by the Jewish ecclesiastical monastic and state (nobility) feudal lords. There are thousands of original poems and songs
from this period of the Middle Ages, where the Germanic tribes clearly name the pests. Here is an example of a poem from
1630, i.e. from the time of the 30-year war (1618-1618). Explanations in advance:
(1) Among those born of women (this is written in Latin = reference to nuns who give birth to children
of popes, cardinals and bishops in monasteries) (2) Excrement of birds
of prey, despicable humans (3) Papacy (4) Jesuits (5) Sheepskin = try to camouflage harmful intentions
by a harmless camouflage such as looking like a sheep (6) Effort to present
oneself to the outside world better than one is, hypocrisy, disguise. (7)
Malice (8) wolf-like: dangerous, greedy for very big loot, persevering,
highly developed brain, leader and strict hierarchy in the herd, they observe victims exactly before attacks, tear meat
of particularly vulnerable parts out like throat, nose, stomach, use weaknesses of the victim, kill only if victim is weakened
strongly through blood-loss. (9) full of dishonor, disloyalty (10) They come in disguise. *** Inter natos mulierum (1), The mischief (2) originates in the ³papacy (3), So Jesuits (4) are named, And misfortune is instigated in all the land, in sheep's clothing (5) and hypocrisy (6), treachery (7), wolfishness
(8) and all disloyal (9), coming at us hooded (10). The Jewish
infiltration continued with each further war, because each war since then was Jewish, Masonic, ecclesiastical and monastic.
Old writings, poems and songs, which are however kept under lock and key by the churches/monasteries, give unambiguous information
about this (30 year war 1618-1648 during which 60% of the Germans were slaughtered; liberation wars, peasant wars, 7 year
war, and many further wars, also the First and Second World War). The Jews (at the head Jesuits and Freemasons), however, were in the end exposed again and again as the originators
of the splits, divisions and hidden and open wars against Teutons and Germans and expelled from Germany (and other countries),
but came back under false identities, new camouflages and with cunning tricks. Even in the 1890s, Eastern Jews came to Germany, as I previously said. Earlier they had been expelled from Russia
because they had attracted attention by subversive, fraudulent and criminal machinations against the ancestral Russian host
people, and by attempted attacks against the Tsar's family, so that the Tsar expelled them. That is why the entire Tsarist
family was murdered by a Jewish-Masonic order about 25 years later for them to abolish the monarchy in Russia and to force
Jewish Communism. AFTER the forced
abdication of Imperial Chancellor Prince Otto von Bismarck in 1891, these Eastern Jews had been given free access to Germany,
for Emperor Wilhelm II did not see the danger the way Imperial Chancellor Bismarck did, since the Emperor was educated and
influenced by church monasteries (i.e. Jewish). [admin*Kaiser Wilhelm II was a Jew lover, was surrounded by Jews and asked
Jews regularly for political advice!!! Then he got screwed over by them by them falsely blaming him for WW1 and then forcing
his abdication. So much for trusting Jews!!!] Bismarck, who had been Chancellor of the Empire under Emperor William II, had always been fully aware of
the danger that Judaism and Zionism posed to the German people (Zionism= politically active anti-German Jewry, camouflaged
in thousands of harmless or humanitarian sounding federations like Freemasons, Jesuits, churches, monasteries, brotherhoods,
orders and federations). From 1871 to 1891 Prince Otto von
Bismarck, as Chancellor of the Reich, had protected the German people from Judaism by ensuring that no Jew in the German
Reich got into the press, official office, banks, public authorities or other key positions. Reich Chancellor Prince Otto
von Bismarck stated in 1871: "I do not approve of the
Jews controlling the press, assuming key political positions or holding an official office.” After Prince Otto von Bismarck's forced abdication in 1891 (instigated by the Jews) [admin*Kaiser
Wilhelm II catered to the Jews’ every whim because he was a strong Christian and apparently believed in the Jews'
chosen role], under the direction of the churches, monasteries and Freemasons, Germany was massively infiltrated by Khasarian
Eastern Jews (who had been expelled from Russia by the Tsar due to severe damage to the Russian people and attempts at destabilization
by Jews in various cities of Russia) and by Sephardi Jews from Holland, Belgium, Italy, France, and Turkey, and finally
by Jewish Masonic, Jesuit, church and monastic intrigues and hypocrites, the German people were forced into the First and
Second World War. It only appeared to be a war against Kaiser
Wilhelm II or against Adolf Hitler - that was the depiction by the Jewish press - in reality they were Jewish-Zionist wars
against the German people (read the book "Ludendorff Erich-Der Totale Krieg 1935 130S.ScanFraktur" by General Erich von Ludendorff from 1930s; it deals with the total war of Judaism on all levels against the
German people). In the same way, for 70 years until today,
the Zionist Jews in Germany have continued the war against the German people as a secret ‘total war’ on all
levels, in insidious ways: by laws being violated by Zionists, that has turned jurisdiction into an injustice, subtle continuous
further expansion of enormous favoritism for Judaism in all areas, from school and training to proprietorship to founding
of corporations and their promotions. Gigantic company subsidies
go only to Zionist companies. There is deception and manipulation of the native German people on all levels, systematically
created lack of German children, e.g. by Jewish abortion doctors, Jewish pregnancy (abortion) counseling centers, the Jewish
invented pill and 'pill afterwards' free of charge on health insurance vouchers, devaluation of motherhood, childcare outside
of the home from infancy; family separation from the aged, old and sick, i.e. division of the generations and disintegration
of the clans. Application of bio weapons such as chem trails
(where tons of highly toxic bio weapons, waste materials from oil, fracking and chemical industries and heavy metals
such as barium, aluminum, strontium, arsenic, zinc, lead, and nano particles from aircraft are sprayed almost daily over
Germany from great heights, poisoning humans and animals, air, water and soil, causing cancer, trigger embolisms, cause dementia,
Parkinsons, respiratory diseases and many other diseases, and darken the sun and prevent the sun rays from reaching the
earth, so that fruit and vegetables cannot form vitamins and minerals, so that the cell renewal of humans and animals is
disturbed and even prevented. Furthermore, the warm air, that
remains above the chemtrail clouds, is blown to the North Pole by manipulation of the earth magnetism by so-called bio weapons
such as HAARP and ELF waves, where the polar caps are melted down so that greedy people can more easily reach the mineral
resources of the Arctic there. The melting of the polar caps is sold to us as a 'global warming' lie, for which every country
has to pay billions to fight the alleged global warming produced by unscrupulous Zionists. We are exposed to radiation without
our knowledge. Other dangers are fracking, genetic manipulation, geo-engineering for weather manipulation, fluoridation,
iodization, highly toxic halogens lamps, highly toxic energy-saving lamps, while the harmless incandescent lamps have been
banned. Forced Anglicization, American howling instead of
our own millennia-old songs and customs, prepared EMP strike, concealment of crimes against the German people by exchanging
the clear, precise German language and replacing it with forced English and double-talk (war is called "peace mission").
State-paid murderers like the "Blackwater" troops against peoples deployed in the US-Israeli wars of aggression
are today veiled under the name "Academi", weather manipulation is called geo-engineering, freedom fighters for
their peoples are called "terrorists", infiltrated civilian soldiers, aggressors and invaders are called refugees,
murder of defenseless civilians, children, women and men are called collateral damage.
Prohibition of thinking, speaking and writing about crimes against the German people is called "political
correctness", patriots are called "pack". Rotwelsch (= a Jewish rogue language) is replaced today by this
double-talk language and the forced anglo change of our language, with which crimes against the German people are
veiled, American yowling is called "the best music of all times", etc. Tens of thousands of highly secret and
highly criminal privatizations of German public utilities in favor of Zionists since 1989 have been called PPP contracts
or CBL contracts (i.e. private-public-partnership contracts or cross-border-leasing contracts, or today "public-private
partnership", because these criminal PPP and CBL secret privatizations in favor of Zionists have slowly been exposed).
For example, forced anglo language changes and its abbreviations hide crimes instead of naming things in the precise and
meaningful GERMAN language. Since 1990 we have had seed monopolization,
water privatization, energy privatization, telephone network privatization, sewage plant privatization, television and radio
station privatization, hospital privatization, military barracks privatization, prison privatization, privatization of judicial
buildings, privatization of motorways, privatization of school buildings, privatization of public utility companies, prison
privatization, privatization of judicial buildings, privatization of motorways, privatization of school buildings, privatization
of railway networks, railway stations and trains, privatization of dairies, privatization of post offices, privatization
of airports, privatization of prisons, privatization of judicial buildings, privatization of motorways, privatization of
school buildings, privatization of railway networks, privatization of railway stations and trains, privatization of dairy
plants, privatization of airports, and privatization of railways and railway stations. Above all we have secret privatizations,
all in favour of Zionists who pretend to be Germans. Immigration of further hidden Jews from all over the world to Germany
has been taking place for 70 years, and now also in the flooding of Germany with millions upon millions, also Jewish and
other dark-skinned foreign-bred criminals, released from prisons, Social parasites, illiterates and militarily trained,
well-trained mercenaries in civilian, but in the service of Zionism (Blackwater military = Academi-military, Gladio secret
armies of NATO, EurGendfor troops), who are deployed against the German people. 18) All companies that already are training the newly smuggled in asylum seekers, have hired asylum seekers and
will continue to do so, are concealed Jewish-Zionist companies. This applies both to craft enterprises (bakeries, roofers,
locksmiths, food industry, etc.) and to large enterprises (food chains, secretly privatized hospitals, industrial enterprises,
etc.), as well as to agricultural enterprises and non-governmental organizations.
19) All those are fanatical Jewish Zionists who in the last 70 years to date have reported hundreds
of thousands of truth finders and truth disseminators to police or prosecutors or intelligence services because these truth
finders had discovered and published that the horrible accusations against the German people are Zionist lies, and that the
"evidence" for this alleged German guilt is Zionist forgeries. ALL
THAT, from 1) to 19), ARE THE ONLY REAL RACISTS IN GERMANY, NAMELY ZIONIST RACISTS AGAINST THE GENETIC GERMAN PEOPLE. There are exceptions, but in the above areas 1) to 19) almost all are Zionist Jews. Germans
were pushed to the sidelines in jobs and are dependent on Judaism, working in temporary and agency work, and in day-labour-like
micro self-employment. Temporary work and 1-Euro jobs are nothing other than Jewish invented, modern slavery, simply a new
variant of Jewish communism, just like the Jewish invented globalization, which is nothing other than Jewish world domination. Other Jewish Zionist organizations outside Germany are: World Bank, IMF (IWF), EU including
all sub-organizations, OSCE, NATO, BIZ (Bank for International Money Exchange), Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Bridge,
Bilderberger, Council on Foreign Relations, UNO (also called UN or United Nations = Jewish World Government) including all
UN sub-organizations, which by the way also serve as camouflage organizations of civil servant terrorists for espionage,
unrest, de-stabilization of other countries and for acts of terrorism against peaceful peoples (Unesco, WHO, WTO, WWF, and
many more), Wikipedia, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Paypal, Microsoft, Apple, global non-governmental organizations such as
Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, Doctors Without Borders, Greenpeace, UNESCO, are also such Zionist camouflage organizations
that serve Zionist goals alone, even the Red Cross has predominantly Jewish-Zionist functionaries and has already been abused
several times in world history for Zionist machinations; i.e. for the smuggling in of secret service agents to destabilize
other peoples and many more. What all Zionists and most Jews
in Germany have in common is that they pretend to be ancient Germans to the outside world, impose Germanism on themselves
as a mask, but are not loyal to the German people, but feel, think and act in a German-phobic manner, and uphold the Zionist
lies against the German people. For 70 years WE HAVE IN GERMANY
THE ENEMIES IN OUR OWN LAND: Zionists (= Jews hostile to the Germans or DEADLY-hostile to the Germans) who are openly and
covertly active against the German people, and Jews who cover and support these Zionists. Whereby both variants, Jewish Zionists
and Jews, pretend to be Germans. For 70 years. We have since
1945 almost exclusively concealed Jewish-Zionist Federal Chancellors (majority) and today a concealed Zionist Federal Chancellor
[admin*Angela Merkel is actually a Jewess, she says so in a speech in Israel - a video thereof I have somewhere on my website],
Zionist Federal Presidents, mostly Jewish-Zionist governments and oppositions, Zionist ministries, 99% Zionist mass media
(this list is not yet complete). And they all waged and continue to wage war against the genuine German people in a covert
manner from 1945 until today. Due to the Zionist-invented,
non-liable party system, it only seems that in every election we have a choice between seemingly different parties. In reality,
EVERY party is occupied by Zionists in its functional and key positions. We Germans are only allowed a choice between Zionist
A or Zionist B or Zionist C or Zionist D ... (except, perhaps, with the ethnic, EU-critical and globalization-critical parties). This is not only the case with elections at the government level, but also down to the
municipal level: If once, in the rarest of exceptional cases, a Genuine German became mayor after 1945, you can be sure that
from a Zionist point of view this was a breakdown, and that then the deputies, i.e. the 2nd and 3rd mayors, are concealed
Zionists. Here is a caricature of the "party voter"
(unfortunately cannot be uploaded. The caricature shows the party voter, who is good enough to climb a steep staircase again
and again (= election process). The stairs end abruptly (= with the casting of the ballot the party voter has lost all rights
to Zionists, has become completely powerless and without rights), which he does not notice, so that he now steps into the
abyss and falls deeply, seriously injured, by EVERY party election. Because the voter does not see through this Jewish-invented, non-liable party system, and because he has been hammered
into his head since his school days into believing that "the right to vote is an electoral duty", he feels obliged
to vote again at every election, so he gets up again, goes to the next election and the election after the next and after
the next and after the next, despite all the injuries and humiliations suffered by the elected "representatives of the
people" after every single preceding election, by every party he has elected. He climbs the steep stairs again (= elect
one party again, this time another, but this one also consists of non-liable, concealed Zionist representatives of the German
people) in order to fall deeply on his face again, for he has again, for the umpteenth time, become completely without rights
and has become powerless through the election of a party. The
voter is regularly cheated by EVERY party, no matter which party he has elected, because EVERY party is Zionistically founded,
or Zionistically undermined and taken over. (Perhaps with the exception of the national and at the same time EU and globalization-critical
parties, but it is constantly tried, to infiltrate these ethnic-national parties by the secret service, in order to have
smuggled in spies, controlled by the secret service, carry out attacks which are then to be blamed on these ethnic-national
German parties, so that they appear in the eyes of the voters to be ineligible criminals. This has been Zionist secret service
tactics for 70 years.) And the party voter cannot hold any
party liable for the fraud to the detriment of the German people after the election. The voter is therefore ALWAYS the seriously
cheated one after every party election. He has become completely powerless and without rights with the casting of the ballot. The party voter solution: NO PARTIES, but personally liable, directly elected by the German people, proven confidants
as representatives of the people, as in the ancient, at least 30,000 years old proven, Germanic high culture. (Book tip:
„Sittengesetze unserer Art“ (moral laws of our kind) by lawyer Jürgen Rieger who was probably murdered. High culture of our German ancestors: The knowledge about it was well known in historiography
for 800 years, but has been suppressed for 70 years with force and violence and kept under strictest lock and key by the
churches, monasteries and Freemasons (all three concealed Zionist organizations, under tens of thousands of other names
of church-monastic and Freemason sub-organizations, but working together toward the same goal, the destruction and extermination
of the white, Germanic-blooded race and the confiscation of Germany for Zionists and Jews who want to impersonate "The
German People" before the world and already do so). The insidiousness and deceit of this anti-human race is 7 times
further ahead of us than a German can imagine. Abolish the white race https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q90kmUbEv7c
So complete boycott of party elections and forcing RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE'S RESPRESENTATIVES (PERSONALLY
LIABLE TO THE PEOPLE ) directly represented ONLY by German-blooded people (and only by German-blooded men and women who
already bear responsibility for their own family with at least 1 child), directly elected, highly intelligent, proven, personally
liable shop stewards taken from the German-blooded people, as people's representatives and as temporary leaders. They must be Germans fighting for the truth for the German people, and at the same time
be experts in their fields who all know the suppressed true history of the German people very well and who have been fighting
for the German people for decades like lions, and who have been unjustly prosecuted, banned from their profession, banned
from performing, and imprisoned, but who have not allowed themselves to be bent. Their trials were hushed up by the Zionist
media. To name just a few of these truth fighters for the German people: - Lawyer Sylvia Stolz - Lawyer and writer Horst Mahler, - Dipl.-Chemist Dr. Ernst Gauß, who under the pseudonym Germar Rudolf scientifically
examined the alleged gas chambers and exposed the Zionist lies and falsifications of the century about them, and wrote numerous
books about them, which are Zionistically suppressed in the German-speaking area for decades, - Journalist Gerd Honsik (book " Freispruch fuer Hitler (1988, 233 S., Text)", read absolutely, as "pdf" for free download in the Internet to find if one looks tough, because
it is daily thousands of times deleted, since there is the Internet, - High School teacher and truth fighter Günter Deckert - Dipl.-Ing. and truth fighter Wolfgang Fröhlich, -
Teacher and truth fighter Friedrich Töben, - Publisher
and truth fighter Ernst Zündel, - Criminologist, journalist
and writer Dr. Claus Nordbruch, - Political scientist and
publisher Udo Walendy - Truth fighter Frank Rennicke, whose
2-time candidacy as NPD Federal President was completely hushed up by all mass media
- Graphic artist and truth fighter Gerhard Ittner - and thousands of others who for decades have proven themselves as upright fighters for the truth, honor and freedom
of the genuine German people and who have not given in and not allowed themselves to be bought, although they have been
hunted down and damaged by the Zionism-state. They have repeatedly
received unjustified fines and imprisonment to silence them, Zionist persecution around the entire globe, assassination
attempts, and decades of slander in the Zionist Wiki(=lie)pedia, suffered through Zionist abuse of media power, and also
arbitrariness by Zionist parts of the judiciary, state security, and constitutional protection, which themselves and personally
suppress the truth for the German people. The above mentioned
(and thousands of others like Jürgen Rieger, Thies Christophersen, Manfred Roeder and many others) fought their whole
lives after the end of World War II for the liberation of the German people from the guilt lie and from the US-UK hostile
occupation which still exists today: Some were even killed
by Zionist-Masonic or Zionist-secret service agents for this reason, like Jürgen Rieger, Jörg Haider, Martin Bott,
Heiner Gehring, Kirsten Heisig, Rudolf Heß and many others. We Genuine Germans will win this concealed Jewish-Zionist war against the German people together only with cool
heads, wisdom and diligence in the truth enlightenment. And the way we win is by this:
(a) by liberating the historical truth about the Jewish and Zionist lies of the century against the
German people, and (b) by identifying everyone in Germany
who is a concealed Zionist in Germany and who is a concealed Jew in Germany AND does not cooperate in the victory of truth
for the German people but covers and supports the Zionist lies that are hostile or deadly-hostile to Germans. Beginning
with the - all of them - concealed Jewish-Zionist churches, monasteries, church organizations, media people, politicians,
Masonic (also Freemasonry are Jewish-Zionist organizations) entrepreneurs, Zionist officials and public servants: Everyone
must be personally liable for his lies and cheating, falsifying and manipulating, committing crimes and desecrating laws
to the detriment of the genuinely German people for 70 years. According to Germanic law tried and tested for thousands of
years and according to Odal law THREE generations back and forth are tried under this law. Identifying enemies in one's own country is very easy
these days: Give your friends, work colleagues, schoolmates,
neighbors, acquaintances, relatives, club colleagues, city councilors, mayors, deputies, district administrators, pastors,
priests, pastors, newspaper journalists, booksellers, the writings of the revisionists to read. And/Or: Talk to them about their position on the flood of asylum seekers. It is guaranteed that you will easily find out who is a Zionist Jew, altogether on the
basis of the behavior towards historical truth or towards the re-population forced upon us by the genuine German Zionists. (1) Expose Zionists with the help of revisionist literature: (a) Every genuine German will rejoice irrepressibly over
the firm knowledge and evidence of the revisionists about the Zionist lies of the century against the German people, will
cheer and dance, and will read as many as possible of the 35,000 book titles of the revisionists [admin*I think this statement
is an error. These 35,000 oppressed and forbidden titles are not all revisionist work, only a very small part thereof.
Most of the book titles are normal German writings not only during Nazi Germany but during centuries of German writing covering
natural healing, plant knowledge, science, history, and just about everything a society writes about. This is done to destroy
the memory of German culture!], who for decades have been secretly suppressed with all violence and power. Each genuine
German will also actively disseminate these findings day by day from now on. The Genuine German can't help it, in view of
the nasty, even diabolical, unmasked Jewish forgeries of the century and Jewish lies of the century against the Genuine
German people. (b) Quite differently, the concealed Jewish
Zionists behave like this: silence, or shrugging one's shoulders, or contradiction, or breaking off contact, or threat.
From his or her reaction, eye to eye, you will definitely be able to tell the truth about who you are dealing with. (2) To expose Zionists on the basis of their attitude to the current flooding of Germany
with asylum seekers, including many concealed Jews from Israel, Iran, Syria [admin*and of course Turkey and Armenia] and
many other countries, as well as militarily trained dark and black-skinned alien races (Zionist-controlled, that is UN-
and NATO- and EU-controlled murderer troops, which are secretly directed against the German people, e.g. Blackwater military,
Academi military, Euro-Gendfor military, Gladio secret armies of Nato, special task forces of Nato). Rape, thefts, raids,
murders, massacres are directed to destabilize our country up to the enforcement of a civil war for the extermination of
the Genuine German truth fighters, and forced re-population and transformation of Germany into a Jewish-Zionist dictatorship. (a) Every genuine German rejects this concealed Zionist-imposed flooding with Jews, mercenaries
and other foreign-bred, dark-skinned and black-skinned Jews from Islamic countries. It is controlled by world Zionism (churches,
monasteries and their sub-organizations e.g. diocese, Caritas, Misereor, as well as Freemasons and their sub-organizations
Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, InnerWheelClub, Soroptimist, Round Tables, Zonta, Ambassador Club, Service Clubs), UN, NATO, EU.
We are flooded with millions of hidden Jews from all over the world, even dark-skinned ones, who are given themselves out
as Syrian refugees and get the immediate right to stay, and with other alien races, dark-skinned ones and black-skinned
ones, foreigners to our culture, paid mercenaries, poverty and economic refugees, etc., in order to make the genuine German
people a minority in our own country. (b) Whoever does not
take a clear position on this subject, or who hypocrites to be a sleep-sheep or a do-gooder, or describes himself as tolerant,
is highly suspect and almost always a Jewish Zionist. "Good" people (proponents of the flood of asylum seekers,
circles of friends and helpers for asylum seekers) are only "good" to hidden Jews; they are deeply hostile and
racist towards Germans in their actions. Exactly these hypocritical "good" people, ARE the true racists against
the genuinely German people, namely concealing anti-German to deadly-anti-German Zionists. And even "sleep-sheep"
hypocrites are almost always Jewish Zionists. Whichever variant they are, they know full well that a covert Jewish-Zionist
war is being waged against the real German people, and they secretly support this Zionist war against us genuine Germans. MANY ZIONISTS can be identified in Germany who are actively conducting this hidden war
against the German people openly and covertly, and many Jews who are covering up and supporting these Zionists, because
immediately after the end of the Second World War most probably 26 million Jews lived alive and unharmed on German land,
who (to this day, also their descendants) lived with typical Jewish chutzpah (purposeful, tremendous, shocking impudence
paired with hypocrisy), unscrupulousness, falsehood, holier than thou attitude, as phony Christians, hypocrisy, penetrance,
presumption, impudence, audacity, aggression and impertinence pretending to be from ancient German stock, but anti-German
to deadly-anti-German. For 26 million was the first number that world Jewry published as the number of Jews allegedly gassed
by Germans. Today, perhaps 40 million live on German soil, who call themselves Germans, but are Zionists or Jews, including
those of Zionist-Turkish-Jews origin, Russian origin, Ukrainian origin, Eastern European origin, Arab origin, Asian origin,
African origin, Persian origin and other non-German origin who immigrated to Germany in the last fifty years, but who today
have German passports although they act destructively against the German people. Approximately 33 million Germans were slaughtered before, during, between and after the First and Second World War.
They were massacred, killed, starved to death, drowned in the ice-cold Baltic Sea and in rivers and lakes, tortured to death,
burned to death, in two wars for which neither Hitler nor Kaiser Wilhelm were to blame. But they were insidiously Zionist-forced
wars against the German people. The rest of the German people were bowed down and broken by enormous false accusations from
Zionism, and the painfully missing and dead Germans were replaced by the Jews who were alive and kicking on German soil
after the wars, and by Jews who had come back from neighboring countries, as well as by further East Jews and Sephardi Jews
who had been smuggled in, all of whom, to this day, pretend to be Germans and also their descendants, but also their descendants
in the Second World War, and 3rd generation act anti-German to deadly-anti-German, with rare exceptions. They know very
well that the perpetrator people were NOT the German people, but the Zionist people. END
admin: At the end of the war these Jews took the German home land (stolen), took houses (stolen),
confiscated whole farms (stolen). It was a robbery party that was planned. If a single real German came back to his estate,
he was probably murdered immediately, so I imagine. Surely the Jews also stole titles of the dead or murdered nobility of
Germany, just as they did in France in the French Revolution, which was really a Jewish revolution.
Nochmals in deutsch: http://www.germanvictims.com/2019/02/von-deutschfeindlichen-bis-deutschtodfeindlichen-teil-1-von-2/ http://www.germanvictims.com/2019/02/von-deutschfeindlichen-bis-deutschtodfeindlichen-teil-2-von-2/
___________________________________ Summer,
1945: Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate by Thomas Goodrich. “We Americans have the dangerous tendency
in our international thinking to take a holier-than-thou attitude
toward other nations. We consider ourselves to be more noble and
decent than other peoples, and consequently in a better position to decide what is right and wrong in the world. What kind of war do civilians suppose we fought, anyway? We shot prisoners in cold blood, wiped out hospitals, strafed lifeboats, killed or mistreated
enemy civilians, finished off the enemy wounded, tossed the dying into a
hole with the dead, and in the Pacific boiled the flesh off enemy
skulls to make table ornaments for sweethearts, or carved their bones into
letter openers….[W]e mutilated the bodies of enemy dead, cutting off
their ears and kicking out their gold teeth for souvenirs, and buried them with their testicles in their mouths…. We topped off our saturation bombing and burning of enemy civilians by dropping atomic bombs on two nearly defenseless cities, thereby setting
an all-time record for instantaneous mass slaughter. As victors
we are privileged to try our defeated opponents for their crimes against
humanity; but we should be realistic enough to appreciate that if
we were on trial for breaking international laws, we should be found guilty
on a dozen counts. We fought a dishonorable war, because morality had a low priority in battle. The tougher the fighting, the less room for decency, and in Pacific contests we saw mankind reach the blackest depths of bestiality.” —- Edgar Jones, WWII
Veteran _______________________________________________________________ 
The Brainwashing of the German Nation by Udo Walendy. Available
at NATIONAL ALLIENCE: https://natall.com/ $20.00 Paperback (2003) A shattering expose by a German citizen,
historian and teacher regarding how far freedom of expression is permitted in
his native country today. Walendy describes the hidden truth of the “legal” origin of today’s
German laws, forced on a defeated people, now stripped of their history
and their identity, brainwashed by their conquerors. This is a sampling of
his writings that led to his arrest and incarceration by the German government under paragraph 130 of the German penal code pertaining to alleged” incitement to racial hatred.” __________________________________________________ The Morgenthau Plan and the Problem of Policy Perversion
The Morgenthau Diaries consist of 900 volumes located at Roosevelt Library
in Hyde Park, New York. As a consultant to the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, I was assigned to examine all documents
dealing with Germany, particularly ones related to the Morgenthau Plan for the destruction of Germany following the Second
World War. The Subcommittee was interested in the role of Dr. Harry Dexter White, the main architect of the Plan ... The
objective of the Morgenthau Plan was to de-industrialize Germany and diminish its people to a pastoral existence once
the war was won ... Anyone who studies the Morgenthau Diaries can hardly fail to be deeply impressed by the tremendous
power which accumulated in the grasping hands of Dr. Harry Dexter White, who in 1953 was identified by Edgar Hoover as
a Soviet agent.
Why is Revisionism Important? / The Vengeful 'Morgenthau Plan' Mark Weber,
historian and director of the IHR, speaks about the importance of historical revisionism, and Prof. Anthony Kubek speaks
about the `Morgenthau Plan' for a brutal and vindictive Allied occupation of Germany after the end of World War II. From
the Ninth IHR Conference (1989).
The dominant view of World War II is that it
was the “good war.” Hitler bears exclusive responsibility for the onset of war, because he aimed to conquer Europe,
if not the entire world. The United States tried to avoid entering the war but was forced into the fight by the surprise
Japanese attack on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. The
authors on this list dissent. For them, Responsibility for the war was mixed, and Roosevelt provoked Japan’s attack.
Allied conduct of the war, furthermore, was characterized by grave ethical misconduct. Alperovitz, Gar. The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb Comprehensive study that shows dropping the atomic bombs was not needed to bring about Japanese surrender.
Baker, Nicholson Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization Stresses the violations of the norms of civilized war in World War II, with full attention to the role of Winston Churchill.
The Decision to Use th... Barnes, Harry Elmer, ed. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace A collection of essays by leading revisionist historians, concentrating on Franklin Roosevelt’s policies.
Beard, Charles A. President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, 1941 Beard, one of the foremost twentieth-century American historians, argues that Roosevelt provoked the Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor. Buchanan, Patrick J.Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War. Argues that the British guarantee to Poland in March 1939 was a mistake, because there was no feasible means of fulfilling
it. Chamberlin, William H., America’s Second Crusade A highly critical account of American policy during World War I. America failed to learn the lesson of intervention
in World War I. Crocker, George, Roosevelt’s Road to Russia Emphasizes the extent to which American involvement in the war led to a pro-Soviet policy. Cowling,
Maurice, The Impact of Hitler A detailed study of British cabinet politics in the 1930s, countering the view that Chamberlain sought peace at any
price with Hitler. Doenecke, Justus Storm on the Horizon: The Challenge to American Intervention, 1939-1941. A detailed study of the American anti-war movement, showing the diversity of arguments used to oppose Roosevelt’s
bellicose policies. Fussell, Paul. Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War Vivid portrayal of the deleterious effects of the war on human psychology and behavior. Refutes the romanticized picture
of the “good war.” Garrett, Garet. [ed. Bruce Ramsey] Defend America First: The Antiwar Editorials of the Saturday Evening Post, 1939-1942. Garrett, a leading figure of the Old Right, argued that coming to the aid of the Allies would weaken America. We should
concentrate on home defense. Human Smoke: The Begin... Glaser, Kurt, Czecho-Slovakia, A Critical History. A good account of the minorities problem in Czechoslovakia. Emphasizes the unrealistic policies of the Beneš
government. Greaves, Bettina, Pearl Harbor: The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy. A detailed account of Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor, based on the research of Percy Greaves. Hoover, Herbert. Freedom Betrayed. A very detailed account of Roosevelt’s foreign policy by his predecessor in the White House. Based on careful
documentation. Jaksch, Wenzel, Europe’s Road to Potsdam. An account of the Sudeten situation in the 1930s, critical of Czech policies under Beneš. The author
was head of the Sudeten Social Democrats. Kirschbaum, Joseph M. Slovakia: Nation at the Crossroads of Central Europe. An informed account of Slovak policies in the 1930s. Good on the breakup of the Czech state after the Munich Conference.
Klein, Burton H. Germany’s Economic Preparations for War. Argues that Germany in the 1930s did not plan for a long war. The author is a leading Chicago School economist.
Kubek, Anthony, How the Far East Was Lost. The first chapter, based on pioneering work by Stephen H. Johnsson, shows the influence of pro-Communist officials in
pushing for US provocation of Japan before Pearl Harbor. Mahl, Thomas E. Desperate Deception : British Cover Operations in the United States. 1939-1944 An account of British propaganda and intelligence activities aimed at involving America on the side of Britain
in the war. Morgenstern, George. Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War One of the first revisionist studies of Pearl Harbor and still one of the best. Highly detailed and very well written.
Neilson, Francis, The Churchill Legend. Includes a devastating analysis of Churchill’s multi-volume history of the war. Perpetual War for Perp...
Newman, Simon March 1939: The British Guarantee to Poland British policy under Chamberlain was not based on weakness but on a long term strategy of confronting Hitler.
Raico, Ralph, Great Wars and Great Leaders. Written by a great classical liberal historian, the book includes a mordant account of Winston Churchill. Russett, Bruce, No Clear and Present Danger. Argues that the prospect of an Axis dominated Europe failed to pose a sufficient threat to the United States to justify
American intervention Sanborn, Frederic, Design for War. Contains material on the US efforts to provoke a Japanese attack not readily available elsewhere. The author
was a distinguished international lawyer. Sargent, Porter, Getting US Into War. Stresses the role of British propaganda in pushing America toward war. Schroeder,
Paul, Axis Alliance and Japanese-American Realtions 1941. Contends that America foreign policy toward Japan was unduly rigid. Schultze-Rhonhof,
Gerd. 1939–The War That Had Many Fathers. Detailed account of German foreign policy in the 1930’s, arguing that responsibility for the war does
not rest exclusively on Hitler. The author is a retired German general. Sledge, E.B. With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa A searing personal memoir of the horrors of war. Stinnett, Robert B. Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt deliberately sought war with Japan and denied information to the Army and Navy commanders at Pearl Harbor.
President Roosevelt an... Charles A.
Suvorov, Viktor The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II. Contends that Stalin was preparing to launch an invasion of Germany, but Hitler beat him to the punch.
Tansill, Charles C. Back Door to War. A comprehensive survey by one of the leading twentieth-century American diplomatic historians. Shows how Roosevelt
succeeded in involving the US in war in Europe by provoking war with Japan. Contains valuable material on the
European diplomatic situation in the 1930s. Taylor, A.J. P. The Origins of the Second World War. Argues that World War II came about through accident and miscalculation rather than by design. Topitsch, Ernst, Stalin’s War. Topitisch, a philosopher sympathetic to the Vienna Circle logical positivists, contends that Stalin sought a European
war and that Hitler’s invasion of Russia in 1941 preempted a Soviet attack. Trachtenberg,
Marc The Craft of International History: A Guide to Method. The book contains a careful analysis supporting the “back door to war“ theory, i.e., that Roosevelt sought
war with Japan in order to secure American entry into the war in Europe. Veale, F. J. P. Advance to Barbarism. Discusses the Allied responsibility for mass saturation bombing. ________________________________________________________________
15 MARCH 1945)
_____________________________________ Expulsions of Germans after World War II (Part I)
Introduction One of the great tragedies of the 20th century was the forced expulsion of ethnic Germans from their ancestral homes
in Europe after the end of World War II. The Allies carried out the largest forced population transfer—and perhaps
the greatest single movement of people—in human history. A minimum of 12 million and possibly as many as 18.1 million
Germans were driven from their homes because of their ethnic background. Probably 2.1 million or more of these German expellees,
mostly women and children, died in what was supposed to be an “orderly and humane” expulsion.[1] One estimate of the number of Germans expelled runs to 16.5
million: 9.3 million within the 1937 Reich borders and 7.2 million outside. The Germans within the 1937 Reich borders include
2,382,000 East Prussians, 1,822,000 East Pomeranians, 614,000 in Brandenburg east of the Oder, and 4,469,000 Silesians.
The Germans outside the 1937 Reich borders include 240,000 in Memel and the Baltic States, 373,000 in Danzig, 1,293,000 in
Poland, 3,493,000 in Czechoslovakia, 601,000 in Hungary, 509,000 in Yugoslavia, and 785,000 in Romania. The Russians did
not expel many of their 1.8 million Volga Germans from the Soviet Union; instead, the Volga Germans were predominantly deported
to other (distant) locations within the Soviet Union.[2] Historical and Legal Bases for Expulsions The mass expulsion of entire populations after the conclusions of armed conflicts was
not in the European tradition. With the exception of the Treaty of Lausanne in July 1923, which sanctioned mutual expulsions
after the Greek-Turkish war of 1921-1922, European nations did not contemplate nor carry out resettlement schemes prior
to World War II. The Poles and Czechs, however, were determined to forcibly expel their minority populations under the auspices
of international organizations. These two governments-in-exile, located in London during most of the war, sought approval
from the victorious Allies for the forced expulsion of their German minorities.[3] The Polish and Czechoslovak governments-in-exile found that the Allies were in complete agreement that the Germans
should be expelled from both postwar Poland, which had annexed major portions of the former Germany, and the former Sudetenland.
Documents from the Russian archives make it clear that Stalin and Molotov were fully informed about the Polish and Czech
plans to deport their Germans. The Soviet leaders told the Czechs and Poles that they not only had no objection in principle
to the deportations, but that they also thought positively about them. Stalin unambiguously endorsed the expulsions in a June 28, 1945 conversation with the Czechoslovak prime minister
and deputy foreign minister: "We won't disturb you. Throw them out." Stalin gave the Polish communist leader Władysław
Gomułka advice on how to get the Germans to leave, “You should create such conditions for the Germans that they
want to escape themselves.”[4] Some provisional decisions concerning the expulsion of Germans
had been made at the Tehran Conference in December 1943. Stalin wanted to keep the eastern half of Poland which he had acquired
pursuant to the terms of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact made with Germany. In order to compensate Poland for her lost territory,
East Prussia and perhaps Upper Silesia would be ceded to Poland. Poland would gain back in the west the same amount of territory
she lost in the east. Churchill demonstrated to Stalin his thoughts on a Poland shifted westward with three matchsticks.
Stalin was pleased with Churchill’s demonstration.[5] Edvard Beneš, the president of the Czechoslovak government, justifiably claimed that he had received the
blessings of Roosevelt and Churchill for the transfers. Both the American and British governments were sympathetic to the
Czechoslovak and Polish cases for expulsion of the Germans and, like the Soviets, had no objection in principle. Churchill was especially callous on the subject of German expulsions. On October 9, 1944,
Churchill remarked to Stalin that 7 million Germans would be killed in the war, thus leaving plenty of room for Germans
driven out of Silesia and East Prussia to move into rump Germany. On February 23, 1945, Churchill dismissed the difficulties
involved in transferring the German population to the west. Churchill insisted that the transfers would be easy to make
since most of the Germans in the territories now taken by the Russians had already left.[6] The question is: What moral or legal basis would allow the
Allies to expel the ethnic Germans from their homes? The forced expulsion of millions of Germans was a clear violation of
the Atlantic Charter signed by the United States and Great Britain in August 1941. The Atlantic Charter had promised in
Point Two that there would be no territorial changes that do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the people concerned.
However, the Sudetenland Germans, East Prussians and Silesians were not asked if they wanted to stay in their 700-year-old
homelands. They were thrown out against their will.[7] British statesmen decided to repudiate the noble principles
of the Atlantic Charter. In March 1944, the Earl of Mansfield stated before the British House of Lords: “The Atlantic
Charter will not apply to Germany, and therefore there is no reason whatever why we should not contemplate, if not with
equanimity, at least without consternation, any unavoidable sufferings that may be inflicted on German minorities in the
course of their transference.”[8] Other British statesmen including Churchill made similar
statements that the Atlantic Charter did not apply to Germany. During a debate in the House of Commons on February 23, 1944,
Anthony Eden expressed his view of the Atlantic Charter: “There are certain parts of the Atlantic Charter which refer
in set terms to victor and vanquished alike. Article Four does so. But we cannot admit that Germany can claim, as a matter
of right on her part, whatever our obligation, that any part of the Charter applies to her.” A British Labor MP later acknowledged on March 1, 1945, before the House of Commons:
“We started this war with great motives and high ideals. We published the Atlantic Charter and then spat on it, stomped
on it and burnt it, as it were, at the stake, and now nothing is left of it.”[9] The
expulsion of ethnic Germans can be viewed in the United States as both a repudiation of the Atlantic Charter and the adoption
of the Morgenthau Plan. Section Two of the Morgenthau Plan, which dealt with the “New Boundaries of Germany,”
stated: “Poland should get that part of East Prussia which doesn’t go to the USSR and the southern portion of
Silesia.” However, the drastic territorial changes finalized at the Potsdam Conference on August 2, 1945 went beyond
what even Morgenthau had envisioned. It was agreed at the Potsdam Conference that all German land east of the Oder-Neisse
Rivers that was not under Soviet administration “shall be under the administration of the Polish state.”[10] The Potsdam Conference was held from July 17 to August 2,
1945, to decide how to administer Germany after her unconditional surrender to the Allies. The goals of the conference included
the establishment of postwar order, peace-treaty issues, and remedying the effects of the war, at least on its victors.
Participants were the United States represented by President Harry S. Truman, the Soviet Union represented by Joseph Stalin,
and Great Britain represented first by Winston Churchill and later by Clement Attlee. In a bitter blow to French pride,
France was not invited to the Potsdam Conference. Although the Allies had independently agreed on the need to move the Germans
out of Eastern Europe, the discussions at Potsdam indicated that the Americans and British had second thoughts on the expulsion
of the Germans.[11] President Truman at Potsdam expressed his concerns
about where 9 million Germans would go. Stalin reassured Truman that most of the Germans had already left. Stalin later
noted that the Poles had retained some Germans to work in the fields, but that the Poles would expel them once the harvest
was in. Churchill also stated somewhat disingenuously that
“I have grave moral scruples regarding great movements and transfers of populations.” Churchill then added that
perhaps the Germans who had left Silesia should be allowed to go back. Stalin told Churchill that the Poles would hang the
Germans if they returned. Stalin also said that the Germans had already been driven out of Czechoslovakia, and that there
was no need to contact President Beneš about the German expulsion.[12] Despite the reservations of the Western Allies, at the conclusion
of the Potsdam Conference all parties agreed to the transfer of the Eastern Germans. The Western Allies could have said
no, but they wanted to avoid any breach with the Soviets. Sir Denis Allen, a member of the British delegation, recalled: We were then all too well aware—and to a degree hard to picture in
retrospect—of our ignorance of what was really happening in Eastern Europe and still more of our inability to influence
events there. If experience of the Nazi era and of war had engendered a certain
numbness and indifference to human suffering, it had also bred new hope that, against all the odds, the wartime alliance
might be consolidated into a workable system of post-war collaboration in Europe and in the world at large. So there was
a widely shared determination not to press concern over events in the East that we could not prevent, to the point where
it might maim at birth the Control Council and the United Nations; if hopes were to be frustrated, let it be the Russians
and not ourselves who were seen to be responsible.[13] The Potsdam Conference adopted Article IX
of the Potsdam Protocol regarding the German-Polish border and Article XIII regarding the transfer of the Eastern Germans
to what was left of Germany. The first paragraph of Article XIII reads: “The Three Governments having considered the
question in all its aspects, recognize that the transfer to Germany of German populations, or elements thereof, remaining
in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary will have to be undertaken. They agree that any transfers that take place should be
effected in an orderly and humane manner.”[14] Article XIII of the Potsdam Protocol was intended
to bring the then-ongoing expulsions under a regulated procedure. According to Paragraphs Two and Three of Article XIII,
the Allied Control Council in Berlin was to determine how many Germans were to be resettled. Until then a moratorium on
expulsion of the Germans was to be in effect. However, the moratorium was ignored, and the expulsions continued just as
before, and during the conference itself.[15] At Nuremberg the mass deportations perpetrated by the Nazis
were included as part of the crimes allegedly committed by the National Socialist government of Germany. On November 20,
1945, Pierre Mounier, assistant prosecutor for France, reproached the accused for having ordered the mass deportations.
Mounier stated: “These deportations were contrary to the international conventions, in particular to Article 46 of
The Hague Regulations 1907, the laws and customs of war, the general principles of criminal law as derived from the criminal
laws of all civilized nations, the internal penal laws of the countries in which such crimes were committed, and to Article
6(b) of the Charter.” France’s chief prosecutor at Nuremberg also denounced the mass deportations perpetrated
by the Nazis as “one of the horrors of our century.”[16] The
Nuremberg court expressed the opinion that even in a total war, when a country must fight for its very existence, civil
rights and in particular The Hague Convention and its Regulations on Land Warfare place restraints upon those waging war.
The mass deportations perpetrated by National Socialist Germany were held to be both a war crime and a crime against humanity.
The irony is that while the Nuremberg trials were in progress, the mass deportation of millions of Germans was occurring
under the sanction of the same powers whose prosecutors and judges were condemning the mass deportations perpetrated by
the Germans.[17] Bertrand Russell criticized the expulsion of the Germans
in a letter to the London Times: In
eastern Europe now mass deportations are being carried out by our allies on an unprecedented scale, and an apparently deliberate
attempt is being made to exterminate many millions of Germans, not by gas, but by depriving them of their homes and of food,
leaving them to die by slow and agonizing starvation. This is done not as an act of war, but as part of a deliberate policy
of “peace.” …Are mass deportations crimes when committed by
our enemies during war and justifiable measures of social adjustment when carried out by our allies in time of peace? Is
it more humane to turn out old women and children to die at a distance than to asphyxiate Jews in gas chambers? Can those
responsible for the deaths of those who die after expulsion be regarded as less guilty because they do not see or hear the
agonies of their victims? Are the future laws of war to justify the killing of enemy nationals after enemy resistance has
ceased?[18] American historian Ralph Franklin Keeling
commented on the hypocrisy of the Potsdam Agreement: Potsdam calls for annulment of all Nazi laws which established discrimination on grounds of race and declares: “No
such discrimination, whether legal, administrative or otherwise, shall be tolerated.” Yet these forced migrations
of German populations are predicated squarely on rank racial discrimination. The people affected are mostly wives and children
of simple peasants, workers, and artisans whose families have lived for centuries in the homes from which they have now been
ejected, and whose only offense is their German blood. How “orderly and humane” their banishment has been is
now a matter of record.[19] The Early Expulsions of Germans For more than three months prior to the Potsdam Agreement on August 2, 1945, the Polish
government was expelling German citizens from what it now called the “Recovered Territories”—a reference
to the fact that Poland once ruled Silesia and Pomerania under the Piast dynasty 600 years earlier. Czechoslovakia had been
expelling German civilians since mid-May 1945. Although Yugoslavia and Romania had neither asked for nor received permission
from the Allies to expel their German citizens, both of these countries soon began large-scale deportations of their German
populations. While the expulsions of the Germans were crude and disorganized, they were neither spontaneous nor accidental.
Instead, the expulsions were carried out according to a premeditated strategy devised by each of the governments concerned
well before the end of the war.[20] The expelling nations relied almost exclusively on the use
of terror to propel their German minorities across the frontiers. Except for a very few instances, deportations as a result
of mob actions did not cause the German expulsions. Rather, the so-called “wild expulsions” were carried out
primarily by troops, police and militia acting under orders and policies originating at the highest levels of the expelling
governments. So chaotic was the process of expelling the
German minorities that many foreign observers, and even many people in the expelling countries themselves, mistook the violent
events of the late spring and summer of 1945 as a spontaneous process from below. The expelling governments were more than
happy to allow the myth of the “wild expulsions” to grow, since this myth enabled them to disclaim responsibility
for the atrocities that were essential components of the expulsions.[21] The worst of the violence in Poland occurred between mid-June and mid-July 1945, particularly
in the districts bordering the Oder-Neisse demarcation line, which were designated by the Polish Army Command as a military
settlement area. The commander of the Polish Second Army expressed on June 24, 1945 the Polish position on the rapid transfer
of the Germans: We are transferring the Germans
out of Polish territory and we are acting thereby in accordance with directives from Moscow. We are behaving with the Germans
as they behaved with us. Many already have forgotten how they treated our children, women and old people. The Czechs knew
how to act so that the Germans fled from their territory of their own volition.
One must perform one’s tasks in such a harsh and decisive manner that the Germanic vermin do not hide in their houses
but rather will flee from us of their own volition and then [once] in their own land will thank God that they were lucky
enough to save their heads. We do not forget Germans always will be Germans.[22] The Germans who were forced to resettle were
usually allowed to take only 20 kilograms of baggage with them, and were escorted to the border by squads of Polish soldiers.
In late June 1945, at least 40,000 Germans were expelled within a few days. One commentator described what this meant to
the Germans living near the Oder-Neisse line: The
evacuation of individual localities usually began in the early morning hours. The population, torn from their sleep, had
scarcely 15 to 20 minutes to snatch the most necessary belongings, or else they were driven directly onto the street without
any ceremony. Smaller localities and villages were evacuated at gunpoint by small numbers of soldiers, frequently only a
squad or a platoon. Due to the proximity of the border, for the sake of simplicity the Germans were marched on foot to the
nearest bridge over the river, driven over to the Soviet side [i.e., into the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany] and there
left to their own fate.[23] The German expellees were frequently robbed
by members of the Polish militia and military units that carried out the expulsions. Food supply became an acute problem,
and the uprooted Germans were often destitute and exhausted when they arrived in the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany.
The German expellees became easy prey for Soviet occupation troops, who often stole the few belongings the Germans had brought
with them. Some Germans were beaten and raped, forced to perform humiliating acts, and some were randomly killed.[24] Not all of the cross-border traffic of Germans was in a
single direction. At the end of the war, many hundreds of thousands of Germans from the Recovered Territories who had fled
the Red Army’s advance to the west now returned to their homes. The returning Germans did not understand that there
was not going to be a return home. The alarming spectacle of the population in the Recovered Territories of Poland actually
increasing in the weeks after V-E Day was one of the factors spurring local authorities to quickly proceed with “wild
expulsions” of the Germans. Polish troops and government officials used aggressive and often violent measures to prevent
the unwanted Germans from returning to their homes.[25] However great the hazards and miseries of life on the road
were for the German expellees, they were usually preferable to the expulsion trains the Polish authorities began to operate.
Taking up to two weeks to reach Berlin, the trains were typically not provisioned and lacked the most basic amenities. As
a result the death rate on the trains soared. One passenger wrote:
In our freight wagon there were about 98 people, and it is no exaggeration to say that we were squeezed
against each other like sardines in a can. When we reached Allenstein people started to die, and had to be deposited along
the side of the rails. One or more dead bodies greeted us every morning of our journey after that; they just had to be abandoned
on the embankments. There must have been many, many bodies left lying along the track…. The train spent more time stopping than moving. It took us more than 14 days to reach the Russian occupation zone.
We rarely traveled at night….After a few days we had no more to eat. Sometimes, by begging the Polish driver, we
were able to get a little warm water drawn from the engine….The nights were unbearable because of the overcrowding.
We could neither keep upright nor sit down, much less lie down. We were so tightly squeezed together that it was impossible
not to jostle each other occasionally. Recriminations and quarrels erupted, even attempts to exchange blows in the middle
of this human scrum. The very sick suffered the worst. Typhus was widespread throughout the entire transport and the number
of deaths grew with each passing day. You can well imagine the state of hygiene that prevailed in the wagon.[26] A German priest who witnessed the arrival
of German expellees at the border described what he saw: The people, men, women, and children all mixed together, were tightly packed in the railway cars, these cattle wagons
themselves being locked from the outside. For days on end, the people were transported like this, and in Görlitz the
wagons were opened for the first time. I have seen with my own eyes that out of one wagon alone 10 corpses were taken and
thrown into coffins which had been kept on hand. I noted further that several persons had become deranged…The people
were covered in excrement, which led me to believe that they were squeezed together so tightly that there was no longer
any possibility for them to relieve themselves at a designated place.[27] The worst of
the violence appears to have been taken against the German minority in Czechoslovakia. A brief but intense outbreak of revenge-taking
occurred across Czechoslovakia in May and June 1945 in response to the determination of German forces to continue fighting
up to, and even after, V-E Day. Foreign observers and some Czechs themselves were shocked by the scale, the intensity, and
the lack of discrimination of the reprisals against German civilians. One person wrote:
The end of the occupation was the beginning of the expulsion of German civilians,
if they had survived the first hours and days of brutality. Retaliation was blind. An old woman was defenestrated; a member
of a visiting German orchestra was beaten to death in the street because he could not speak Czech; others, not all of them
Gestapo members, were hanged, doused with gas and lit, as living torches. Enraged mobs roamed through hospitals to find
easy victims there. One [of those murdered] was a Czech patient, who happened to be the father of the writer Michael Mareš,
but his papers listed a Sudeten birthplace. From May until mid-October official statistics listed 3,795 suicides of Germans
in Bohemia.[28] The Ministry of Education, the Military Prison,
the Riding School, the Sports Stadium and the Labor Exchange in Prague were set aside as prisons for German civilians. The
Scharnhorst School was the scene of a massacre in which groups of 10 Germans were led down to the courtyard and shot. In
Strahov as many as 10,000 to 15,000 Germans were herded into the football stadium. Here the Czechs forced 5,000 prisoners
to run for their lives as guards fired on them with machine guns. Some Germans were shot in the latrines. As a general rule
all SS men were shot, either by a shot in the back of the neck or to the stomach. Even after May 16, 1945, when order was
meant to be restored, 12 to 20 Germans died daily at the Strahov Stadium. Most of the victims had been tortured first.[29] The worst atrocities during this period in Czechoslovakia
were perpetrated by troops, police and others acting under color of authority. In a compound at Postoloprty in northern
Bohemia, parties of up to 250 Germans at a time were removed and shot by Czechoslovak soldiers on June 5 and 6. The precise
number of Germans killed ranges from a low of 763 (the number of bodies unearthed in 1947) to a high of 2,000. In a similar
incident at Kaunitz College in Brno a Czechoslovak investigation found that at least 300 Germans died as a result of torture,
shooting or hanging in May and June 1945. On June 18, 1945,
Czechoslovak troops shot 265 German civilians in the back of the neck and buried them in a mass grave the Germans had first
been forced to dig beside a railway station. At Lanškroun, a two-day “People’s Tribunal” conducted
by a prominent member of Beneš’s party resulted in 20 people who were shot; two hanged; others tortured; and
others drowned in the town’s fire pool. In the city of Chomutov on the morning of June 9, up to a dozen Germans were
tortured to death in a “cleansing operation” conducted by Staff Captain Karel Prášil on a sports
field in full view of sickened Czech passersby.[30]
On May 30, 1945, under threat from a trade union headed by the Communist activist Josef Kapoun,
the mayor of Brno agreed to an expulsion action against German civilians that same evening. The first column of expellees
was marched off in the general direction of the Austrian frontier. A second group of German expellees, rounded up from neighboring
villages and towns, followed them a few hours later. The German expellees, who by now numbered some 28,000, were denied
permission to cross into Austria by the Allied occupation authorities. Rather than allowing the Germans to return home, the
Brno activists responsible for the expulsion confined them in a collection of impromptu camps in the border village of Pohořelice.
Lacking food, water or sanitary facilities, 1,700 Germans are estimated to have died in these camps.[31] A Red Cross nurse estimated that an additional 1,000 expellees died on the march to the camps.[32] In light of the euphemistically styled “excesses”
of May and June, some Czechoslovak policymakers and western correspondents began to criticize the Czech actions. For example,
F.A. Voigt, longtime diplomatic correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, wrote that the Czechs themselves were
adopting “a racial doctrine akin to Hitler’s…and methods that are hardly distinguishable from those of
Fascism. They have, in fact, become Slav National Socialists.”[33] The Czechoslovak government, however, never seriously attempted to rein in the agencies
over which it exercised control. Czech leaders realized that nothing but the application of force on a massive scale could
rid Czechoslovakia of its German population. Too much terror might result in at worst some embarrassment abroad; too little
terror would prevent the success of the operation. Beneš implicitly acknowledged as much in a speech broadcast on
Radio Prague: “We are accused of simply imitating the Nazis and their cruel and uncivilized methods. Even if these
reproaches should be true in individual cases, I state categorically: Our Germans must go to the Reich and they will go there
in any circumstances.”[34] The Czechoslovak government introduced numerous measures
discriminating against their German minority. Germans could go out only at certain times of day; they were forced to wear
white armbands, sometimes emblazoned with an “N” for Nĕmec or German; they were forbidden
from using public transportation or walking on the pavement; they could not send letters or go to the cinema, theater, or
pub; and they could not own jewelry, gold, silver, precious stones and other items. They were issued with ration cards,
but were not allowed meat, eggs, milk, cheese or fruit, and had restricted times for buying food. The Germans were also
sometimes forced to work as slaves on farms, in industry, or in the mines.[35] For many Germans an aspect of the expulsions was blatant
theft. Czech president Edvard Beneš was quoted as saying: “Take everything from the Germans. Leave them only
a handkerchief to sob into.”[36] Beneš declared all Germans and Hungarians to be politically unreliable and their possessions were therefore to fall
to the Czech state.[37] The Czech partisans frequently took anything that appealed
to them, and sometimes simply moved into a German’s house, appropriating the former owner’s possessions. In
1945 there were many instances of farmworkers appropriating German farms, junior doctors taking over German medical practices,
and junior managers taking over German businesses. There were cases of pure opportunism: Czechs who had formerly moved in
German circles suddenly became the apostles of Czech nationalism and hunted down former German acquaintances. Once the wilder
days were over, the new Czech Republic moved to regulate the plunder of German property so that the booty reverted to the
state.[38] Throughout the summer of 1945, trains of German expellees continued
to pour into Berlin and other German and Austrian cities. The Western journalists who had traveled to Berlin to cover the
Potsdam Conference were aghast at the scenes they encountered at the railroad stations, with dead and dying littering the
platforms. Charles Bray, Germany correspondent of the London Daily Herald, described finding four dead Germans
on a visit to Stettin Station, with “another five or six…lying alongside them, given up as hopeless by the doctor,
and just being allowed to die.” Bray discovered the suffering of the German expellees “gave me no satisfaction,
although for years I have hoped that the Germans would reap the seeds they had sown.”[39] Several observers compared the fate of the German expellees to the victims of the German
concentration camps. Maj. Stephen Terrell of the Parachute Regiment stated: “Even a cursory visit to the hospitals
in Berlin, where some of these people have dragged themselves, is an experience which would make the sights in the Concentration
Camps appear normal.”[40] Adrian Kanaar, a British military doctor working in a Berlin
medical facility, reported on an expellee train from Poland in which 75 had died on the journey due to overcrowding. Although
Kanaar had just completed a stint as a medical officer at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, what he witnessed of the
expellees’ plight so distressed him that he declared his willingness to face a court martial if necessary for making
the facts known to the press. Kanaar declared that he had not “spent six years in the army to see a tyranny established
which is as bad as the Nazis.”[41] Gerald Gardiner, later to become Lord Chancellor of Great
Britain, had been a member of a volunteer ambulance unit working with concentration camp survivors. Gardiner stated with
regard to the expellee trains arriving in the late summer and autumn of 1945 from the Recovered Territories, “The
removal of the dead in carts from the railway stations was a grim reminder of what I saw in early days in Belsen.”[42] Robert Murphy, a career diplomat who had served as Gen.
Eisenhower’s political advisor and was now the State Department’s senior representative in Germany with the
rank of ambassador, became concerned about the Allied mistreatment of the German expellees. Murphy stated with regard to
the German expellees: In viewing the distress
and despair of these wretches, in smelling the odor of their filthy condition, the mind reverts instantly to Dachau and
Buchenwald. Here is retribution on a large scale, but practiced not on the Parteibonzen [Party leaders], but on women and
children, the poor, the infirm. The vast majority are women and children…. Our
psychology adjusts itself somehow to the idea that suffering is part of the soldier’s contract…That psychology
loses some of its elasticity, however, in viewing the stupid tragedy now befalling thousands of innocent children, and women
and old people….The mind reverts to other recent mass deportations which horrified the world and brought upon the
Nazis the odium which they so deserved. Those mass deportations engineered by the Nazis provided part of the moral basis
on which we waged the war and which gave strength to our cause. Now the situation
is reversed. We find ourselves in the invidious position of being partners in this German enterprise and as partners inevitably
sharing the responsibility.[43] An eyewitness report of the arrival in Berlin
of a train which had left Poland with 1,000 German expellees aboard reads:
Nine hundred and nine men, women, and children dragged themselves and their luggage from a
Russian railway train at Leherte station today, after 11 days traveling in boxcars from Poland. Red
Army soldiers lifted 91 corpses from the train, while relatives shrieked and sobbed as their bodies were piled in American
lend-lease trucks and driven off for interment in a pit near a concentration camp. The
refugee train was like a macabre Noah’s ark. Every car was jammed with Germans…the families carry all their
earthly belongings in sacks, bags, and tin trucks…Nursing infants suffer the most, as their mothers are unable to
feed them, and frequently go insane as they watch their offspring slowly die before their eyes. Today four screaming, violently
insane mothers were bound with rope to prevent them from clawing other passengers. “Many
women try to carry off their dead babies with them,” a Russian railway official said. “We search the bundles
whenever we discover a weeping woman, to make sure she is not carrying an infant corpse with her.”[44] The stated rationale during the war for the
transfers had been to remove a cohort of dangerous Germans—above all, fit men of military age—who might threaten
the security of the countries in which they lived. Instead, it was women, children, and old men who were deported, while
the fit men had been held back for slave labor. Earl Ziemke
wrote of the expelled Germans: “…Only 12% could be classified as fully employable; 65% needed relief. Contrary
to agreements made before the movement to keep families together, the countries expelling Germans were holding back the
young, able-bodied men. Of the arrivals 54% were women, 21% were children under 14 years, and only 25% men, many of them
old or incapacitated.”[45] The period of the “wild expulsions”
had involved massive state-sponsored programs of targeted violence, resulting in a death toll of many hundreds of thousands
of Germans. Yet it was an episode that escaped the notice of many Europeans and virtually all Americans. From its signing on August 2, 1945, the Allies would attempt to administer the expulsions in the “orderly and humane”
manner specified by the Potsdam Agreement. However, the so-called organized expulsions turned out to be no more orderly and
humane than the “wild expulsions” had been. Notes [1] Dietrich, John, The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy, New York: Algora Publishing, 2002,
p. 137. [2] MacDonogh, Giles, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation, New York: Basic Books, 2007, p.
162. [3] Naimark, Norman M., Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe, Cambridge, Mass. and London:
Harvard University Press, 2001, p. 108.
[5] De Zayas, Alfred-Maurice, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 2nd
edition, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, p. 83. [6] Naimark, Norman M., Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe, Cambridge, Mass. and London:
Harvard University Press, 2001, pp. 109-110. [7] De Zayas, Alfred-Maurice, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 2nd
edition, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, p. 88. [8] Dietrich, John, The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy, New York: Algora Publishing, 2002,
p. 145. [9] De Zayas, Alfred-Maurice, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 2nd
edition, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, p. 88. [10] Dietrich, John, The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy, New York: Algora Publishing, 2002,
p. 137. [11] Naimark, Norman M., Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe, Cambridge, Mass. and London:
Harvard University Press, 2001, p. 110.
[13] De Zayas, Alfred-Maurice, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 2nd
edition, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, p. 86. [18] Russell, Bertrand, The London Times, Oct. 23, 1945, p. 5. [19] Keeling, Ralph Franklin, Gruesome Harvest: The Allies’ Postwar War against the German People, Torrance, Cal.:
Institute for Historical Review, 1992, p. 13. [20] Douglas, R. M., Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War, New Haven & London:
Yale University Press, 2012, p. 93.
[22] Bessel, Richard, Germany 1945: From War to Peace, London: Harper Perennial, 2010, pp. 214-215.
[25] Douglas, R. M., Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War, New Haven & London:
Yale University Press, 2012, p. 103.
[27] Davies, Norman and Moorhouse, Roger, Microcosm, London: Pimlico, 2003, p. 422. [28] Demetz, Peter, Prague in Danger: The Years of German Occupation, 1939-1945, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
2008, p. 235. [29] MacDonogh, Giles, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation, New York: Basic Books, 2007, p.
134. [30] Douglas, R. M., Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War, New Haven & London:
Yale University Press, 2012, p. 96.
[31] Ibid., pp. 98-99. See also MacDonogh, Giles, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation,
New York: Basic Books, 2007, p. 139.
[32] MacDonogh, Giles, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation, New York: Basic Books, 2007, p.
139. [33] Douglas, R. M., Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War, New Haven & London:
Yale University Press, 2012, p. 97
[35] MacDonogh, Giles, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation, New York: Basic Books, 2007, p.
131. [36] Goodrich, Thomas, Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947, Sheridan, Colo.: Aberdeen Books, 2010,
p. 241. [37] MacDonogh, Giles, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation, New York: Basic Books, 2007, p.
128. [38] Ibid., pp. 126-127, 131. [39] London Daily Herald, Aug. 24, 1945. [40] Douglas, R. M., Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War, New Haven & London:
Yale University Press, 2012, p. 117.
[44] Wales, Henry, Chicago Tribune Press Service, Nov. 18, 1945.
[45] Ziemke, Earl, U.S. Army in the Occupation of Germany, Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, United States
Army, 1975, p. 435.
____________________ British Girls in the Third Reich: 'We Had the Time of Our Lives' In the 1930s, many English families sent their daughters to finishing school in Nazi Germany.
Rachel Johnson, sister of the London
mayor, interviewed several for her most recent book. / ... They said: "We had the best time of our lives." They
felt fantastic being in Germany during the Third Reich. "It was the highlight of my life," one told me. To them,
it was a rich experience, because England
was very stuffy at that time -- lots of unemployment, terrible food and nasty weather. In Bavaria they had the crisp mountain air, a healthy life, the opera, the mountains and handsome Germans in uniform. They
couldn't believe their luck! No chaperons,
no parents. They had everything, including sex. _______________________________________--