Emmanuel Curasso
FEW PEOPLE understand the true reason the Armenian Genocide happened. The
most common (and mistaken) belief is that the motivation was Turkish nationalism.
The promulgation of that incorrect view is largely the work of the Jews, upon whose
ethnic relations most of the blame really does fall. (ILLUSTRATION: Emmanuel Curasso)
Because the Armenian Genocide was prompted, not by Turkish nationalism, but
by the financial interests of a Jewish banking family, the Rothschilds. Although Turkish
nationalism made it easier for the Rothschilds to manipulate the situation, and whereas
a certain amount of ethnic strife preceded 1915, it was the meddling of these Jewish
bankers that caused the genocide itself.
The Rothschilds owned (since 1884) the Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company,
which extracted oil from fields near Baku, in Azerbaijan, and shipped it over the Caucasus
by rail to Batumi in FSR Georgia, thence by sea via the Dardanelles to their refinery
in Fiume (a port city now called Rijeka, in Croatia) on the Adriatic. The products, including
kerosene, were then sold throughout central Europe in competition with similar products
sold by the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil company. The Rothschilds wanted to eliminate
ethnic conflict along the trade route, and since the Armenians were the weakest party in
those conflicts, the cheapest way for the Rothschilds to get what they wanted was to
eliminate the Armenians.
There is a photograph taken by a German officer in 1915 showing a row of young women
who had been hanged upon crosses in mockery of the Crucifixion of Jesus because
they had refused to convert to Islam. Many of the Young Turks’ “infantry” were, indeed, Muslims.
But Jews were directing the campaign.
In conventional history, subject matter that is considered by the Jews to be sensitive may
be presented in a way that is either almost accurate but nowhere near complete, or else
it is reasonably complete but nowhere near accurate. Or it might be neither
complete nor accurate, but rather an intentionally deceptive fabrication.
It is so with the common account of the instigators of the Armenian Genocide: the
“Young Turks.” What the historical narratives commonly omit is that the Young Turks were
founded by a Jew who grew up in Italy, Emmanuel Curasso. Curasso set up the Young Turks
as a secret society in the 1890s, beginning in Salonika, Macedonia. Most of the Young Turks, and
virtually all of their leadership, were Jews.
This isn’t really uncommon. The Jews have learned many tricks of political deception.
They will go so far as to set up their own opposition, and, attributing its membership
to other ethnicities — e.g. Muslims, Christians, racists — will later condemn these
other groups for deeds that they, themselves, committed. Most of the time, the corrupted
version of history goes into the school textbooks unchallenged (for a trivial example,
see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF5UfnhuF_c ).
Assisting the Rothschilds wasn’t the Young Turks’ only purpose. They also wanted
to undermine Sultan Mehmed in order to facilitate the theft of Palestine by Zionist Jews.
Many of the Jews among the Young Turks adopted noms de guerre. For example, the
real name of the Young Turk writer known as “Tekin Alp” was Moishe Cohen. Also, the
editor-in-chief of the Young Turks’ main newspaper, The Young Turk, was Vladimir Ze’ev
Jabotinsky, a Zionist Jew who worked as a journalist in Italy during the 1890s and lived in
Odessa prior to the Armenian Genocide.
So, really, the blame for the deaths of 1.5 million Christian Armenians doesn’t belong to
any sort of nationalism. It belongs to greedy Jews who wanted their oil business to enjoy
increased profits.
We read in “The Armenian & Jewish Genocide Project: Eliminating Ethnic Conflict
Along the Oil Route From Baku to the Suez Canal Region” by Clifford Shack:
Considering this brief history at the dawn of the new Oil Age, a question presents
itself to the inquisitive and demanding student. To an all-powerful banking family like
the Rothschilds, whose vast wealth bankrolled many a war, causing millions of fatalities…
was the removal of a small minority like the Armenians a fair price to pay for the
peace in a region so crucial to the development and investment of the Far East, which
contained countless millions, later billions of consumers? Squeamish the
Rothschilds were not, their line of work requires pragmatism to rule their day.
It would be fair to say that the genocide of a group of a million or so, to serve the benefit
of a billion or so, is less of a question of should it be done, than how it could be done.
So as not to reveal any plausible motive which could link the actual planners to the
genocide, the scheme involved a proxy party, which was manipulated
through layers of influence, providing sufficient cover for the planners.
The mere elimination of the Armenian population of Baku would not solve the problem
of ethnic conflict in that region. The surrounding areas would provide reservoir effect in
resupplying the conflicting minority element. [It is here interesting to note that there is no
malice on the part of big business in their decision to erase a population. It is simply
easier to erase a million than tens or hundreds of millions of the surrounding Moslem population.]
There is some exculpatory verbiage in Shack’s text.
“…was the removal of a small minority like the Armenians a fair price to pay for the peace
in a region so crucial to the development and investment of the Far East, which contained
countless millions, later billions of consumers? … It would be fair to say that the genocide of a
group of a million or so, to serve the benefit of a billion or so, is less of a question of should it
be done, than how it could be done.”
That’s misleading. Possibly Clifford Shack is confused here. Corporations in general, and
most definitely the Rothschilds in particular, do not exist to serve mankind, nor
even their customers. They exist to make a profit, to convey wealth to their
owners, their shareholders.
The Rothschilds didn’t have any “greater good of mankind” motives when they began plotting
the murder of the Armenians. They had their own advancement, the increase of their own wealth
and power, as their incentive.
A picture released by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute dated 1915 purportedly shows soldiers standing over skulls of victims from an Armenian village.
Why won’t Israel acknowledge
the Armenian Genocide?
Because the Donmeh cryto-Jewish
leadership of Turkey was responsible.
The following two articles provide some relatively unknown yet critical history concerning
the Armenian Genocide which occurred from 1915 through 1923. That the genocide took
place is indisputable; that various countries would have the world community of nations
believe otherwise is quite curious.
However, considering the roles — both direct and indirect — that the genocide deniers
actually had in the engineered atrocity, it is now understood why they cling so tightly to
their false version of history. The Modern State of Israel (MSI) is particularly connected
to the Armenian Holocaust as it is also known. This has proven to be the case by virtue
of the secret Jewish leadership known as the Dönmeh which surreptitiously ruled Turkey before
and after the Armenian Genocide.
What is extremely important to understand is the Zionist foundation of that Jewish leadership.
For it is a cabal of hardcore Zionists who have been behind every major revolution and
genocide in modern history. For example the Bolshevik Revolution that turned czarist
Russia into a massive penal colony (aka Gulag Archipelago) was orchestrated and carried
out by Anglo-American Zionists. The top tier of the entire leadership of the eventual
USSR was predominantly made up of closet Zionists or disaffected Russians of Jewish
ancestry. The authority on this factual history is no less than Alexander Solzrenitzen, author of
“The Gulag Archipelago”. As follows:
RUSSIA & THE JEWS: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Exposes The Christian Holocaust
With this correct understanding it is now much easier to comprehend why the Armenian
Holocaust even took place. Such a cataclysmic event was manufactured for reasons
which can only be understood looking through the lens of a Zionist planner. Of course,
in 1915 the master plan was to establish the MSI in 1947. Regardless of what was necessary
toward the formation of Israel — civil wars and revolutions, World Wars and Great
Depressions, genocides and mass exoduses — the plan would not be thwarted.
Did 70 Million Die So The Jews Could Have Palestine?
But why was the Armenian Holocaust so integral to their plans to establish the Modern
State of Israel? Were there corporate oil interests also intersecting in the same region
which made the genocide of Christians a business expedient? What were the specific
religious tensions and other regional influences that brought about the first genocide of
the 20th century which many refuse to recognize? Some of the answers
can be found at the following link, as well as at the two exposés below.
Why Were Jewish Zionists Behind The Armenian Holocaust?
Jewish Young Turks and the Armenian Genocide
Spirit of Serbdom
The Committee of Union and Progress, later known as Young Turk movement which was
responsible for the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the genocide of Armenians, Greeks
and Assyrians, was created and controlled by Jews. They belonged to a group called
Donmeh, crypto-Jews who converted to Islam in order to hide their Jewish identity. These
Donmeh Jews were also followers of Sabbatai Zevi, a self-proclaimed Jewish Messiah
who converted to Islam as well. The international Jewish elite planned to create a Jewish
state in Palestine but the problem was that Palestine was under Ottoman rule. Founder
of the Zionist movement, Theodor Herzl wanted to negotiate with the Ottoman Empire
for Palestine, but he failed. The international Jewish elite wanted to gain control over the
Ottoman Empire and destroy it in order to free Palestine, therefore the crypto-Jews
of the Donmeh group founded the Committee of Union and Progress under the guise
of a secular Turkish nationalist movement. The Young Turks had at least two congresses
(1902 and 1907) in Paris in order to plan and prepare a revolution in order to gain control
over the Ottoman Empire. In 1908, the Young Turks launched
a revolution and forced Sultan Abdul Hamid II into submission.
The international Jewish elite provoked the first world war in order to achieve several goals,
including the revolutions in Russia and Germany and the destruction of the Ottoman Empire.
In 1917, Great Britain signed the Balfour Declaration, the promise for the creation of a Jewish
state in Palestine. British troops could gain control over Palestine and prepared it for the
creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Crypto-Jew Mustafa Kemal Ataturk created a Turkish
Republic in order to destroy the Ottoman Empire completely. The Jewish revolutionist Alexander
Parvus (who got rich through arms trading) was the financial adviser of the Young Turks
and the Jewish Bolsheviks supplied Ataturk with 10 million gold roubles, 45,000 rifles, and
300 machine guns with ammunition. In 1915, the Young Turks committed a genocide against
the Armenians, but also against the Greeks and Assyrians. The main reason for the
Jewish genocide of the Armenians is that the Jews believe that the Armenians are the Amalekites,
the arch enemies of the Israelites (Jews believe they are the descendants of the
ancient Israelites). The Turkish government and Jewish groups such as the ADL deny the
Armenian genocide, highly likely because the key persons of the Young Turk movement were
Jewish, including Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
Jewish author and rabbi Joachim Prinz confirmed in his book
“The secret Jews” that Ataturk was a donmeh crypto-Jew, page 122:
“The revolt of the Young Turks in 1908 against the authoritarian regime of Sultan Abdul Hamid
began among the intellectuals of Salonika. It was from there that the demand for a constitutional
regime originated. Among the leaders of the revolution which resulted in a more modern
government in Turkey were Djavid Bey and Mustafa Kemal. Both were ardent donmehs.
Djavid Bey became minister of finance; Mustafa Kemal became the leader of the new
regime and he adopted the name of Atatürk. His opponents tried to use his donmeh
background to unseat him, but without success. Too many of the Young Turks in the newly
formed revolutionary Cabinet prayed to Allah, but had as
their real prophet Shabtai Zvi, the Messiah of Smyrna”
On 14 October 1922, the Literary Digest published an articled entitled
“The Sort of Mustafa Kemal is” which states:
“A SPANISH JEW BY ANCESTRY, an orthodox Moslem by birth and breeding, trained
in a German war college, a patriot, a student of the campaigns of the world’s great
generals, including Napoleon, Grant and Lee—these are said to be a few outstanding
characteristics in the personality of the new ‘Man on Horseback’ who has appeared in the
Near East. He is a real dictator, the correspondents testify, a man of the type which is at
once the hope and fear of nations torn to pieces by unsuccessful wars. Unity and power
have come back to Turkey largely through the will of Mustafa Kemal Pasha. No one has
yet, it appears, referred to him as the ‘Napoleon of the Near East,’ but some enterprising j
ournalist will probably do it sooner or later; for Kemal’s way of rising into power, his
methods at once autocratic and carefully considered, even his military tactics, are said to
resemble those of Napoleon.”
In an article entitled “When Kemal Ataturk Recited Shema Yisrael”
by the Jewish author Hillel Halkin, he quoted Mustafa Kemal Ataturk:
“I’m a descendant of Sabbetai Zevi—not indeed a Jew any more, but an ardent admirer
of this prophet of yours. My opinion is that every Jew in this country would do well to join his camp.”
Gershom Scholem wrote in his book “Kabbalah”, page 330-331:
“Their liturgies were written in a very small format so that they could easily be hidden.
All the sects concealed their internal affairs from Jews and Turks so successfully that for
a long time knowledge of them was based only on rumor and upon reports of outsiders.
Donmeh manuscripts revealing details of their Shabbatean ideas were brought to light
and examined only after several of the Donmeh families decided to assimilate completely
into Turkish society and transmitted their documents to friends among the Jews of
Salonika and Izmir. As long as the Donmeh were concentrated in Salonika, the sect´s
institutional framework remained intact, although several Donmeh members were active
in the Young Turks` movement which originated in that city. The first administration that
came to power after the Young Turk revolution (1909) included three ministers of Donmeh
origin, including the minister of finance, Djavid Bey, who was a descendant of the Baruchiah
Russo family and served as one of the leaders of his sect. One assertion that was commonly
made by many Jews of Salonika (denied however, by the Turkish government) was that
Kemal Atatürk was of Donmeh origin. This view was eagerly embraced by many of Atatürk´s
religious opponents in Anatolia.”
Inspector-General of the Turkish Forces in Armenia and Military Governor of the
Egyptian Sinai during WW1, Rafael De Nogales, wrote in his book “Four Years Beneath
the Crescent” that the chief architect of the Armenian genocide, Talaat, was a donmeh Jew,
page 26-27:
“That was the renegade Hebrew (donme) of Salonika, Talaat, the principal organizer of
the massacres and deportations, who, fishing in muddy waters, succeeded in raising
himself from the humble rank of postal clerk to that of Grand Vizier of the Empire.”
Author Henry Wickham Steed stated in his book “Through Thirty Years:
1892-1922: A Personal Narrative”, page 218-219:
In this task he failed. King Ferdinand,
the chief culprit, outlived him and was destined to
lead his country into yet greater disaster. Meanwhile the Turks, among whom the
influence of the—largely Jewish—Committee of Union and Progress was still powerful,
were accentuating the ‘national’ policy which had provoked the first Balkan War and were
dreaming at once of pan-Islamic and ‘New Turanian’ dreams. Many of the Young Turkish
leaders I knew already. Talaat, Minister of the Interior and afterwards Grand Vizir, I
had met in Paris in 1909. Others had visited me in Vienna. Upon Talaat I called soon
after reaching Constantinople. He received me with almost affectionate
cordiality and began at once a magniloquent dissertation upon high politics.”
One of Marcelle Tinayre’s article in L’Illustration in December of 1923, which was translated
into English and published as “Saloniki”, The Living Age, Volume 320,
Number 4156, (1 March 1924), pp. 417-421, one part of it mentions that:
“The donmehs of today, affiliated with Free Masonry, instructed in Occidental universities,
often professing total atheism, have given leaders to the Young Turk revolution. Talaat Bey,
Djavid Bey, and many other members of the Committee of Union and Progress were deunmehs
from Saloniki.”
“It is a well-known fact that the Salonika Committee was formed under Masonic auspices
with the help of the Jews and Donmehs, or crypto-Jews of Turkey, whose headquarters
are at Salonika, and whose organization took, even under Abdul Hamid, a Masonic form.
Jews like Emmanuel Carasso, Salem, Sassun, Fardji, Meslah, and Donmehs or crypto-Jews,
like Djavid Bey and the Baldji family, took an influential part both in the organization of
the Committee and in the deliberations of its central body at Salonika. These facts, which
are known to every Government in Europe, are also known throughout Turkey and the Balkans,
where an increasing tendency is noticeable to saddle the Jews and Donmehs with
responsibility for the sanguinary blunders which the Committee has made. ” –
“Jews and the Situation in Albania”, The London Times, 11 July 1911, page 5
On 9 August 1911, The London Times published a Letter to the Editor from “The Time´s”
Constantinople Correspondent, followed by the Chief Rabbi´s closing comments on the matter,
where one section informs us that:
“Gaster’s views concerning Freemasonry in Turkey do not coincide with those held by
many Moslems. I need only mention Colonel Sadik Bey and the Committee insurgents,
and Sheikh Rashid Ridha. Heaven forbid that I should express an opinion as to which
is right. I will merely remark that, according to information which I have received from
genuine Freemasons, the majority of the lodges founded under the auspices of the Grand
Orient of Turkey since the revolution were, at the outset, avatars of the Committee of Union
and Progress, that they have not yet been recognized by British Freemasonry, and that the
first ‘Supreme Council’ of the G. O. of Turkey appointed in 1909, contained three Jews
(Carasso, Cohen, and Faraggi) and three Dönmés (Djavid Bey, S. Kibar, and Osman Talaat).”
Author Nester Webster wrote in her book
“Secret Societies and Subversive
Movements” page 284:
“The Young Turk movement began in the Masonic lodges of Thessaloniki under the direct
supervision of the Grand Orient Lodge of Italy, which later shared in the success of
Mustapha Kemal.”
On 20 August 1908, the Paris newspaper Le Temps,
printed the interview of the Young Turk Refik Bey who said:
“It’s true that we receive support from Freemasonry and especially from Italian Masonry.
The two Italian lodges [of Thessaloniki] — Macedonia Risorta and Labor et Lux —
have provided invaluable services and have been a refuge for us. We meet there as
fellow Masons, because it is a fact that many of us are Masons, but
more importantly we meet so that we can better organize ourselves.”