May 3, 2021





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16-year-old German girl talks about what is happening in Germany (2016) - (00:20:17)
6 Million by John Niems - (00:04:19)
700 Years Banking Cabal by William Stuart - (00:57:04)
9/11 Conspirators Exposed! - (00:15:00)
9/11 Leaders Celebrate a Breakthrough: Ed Asner and Richard Gage on the Grand Jury Investigation - (00:55:01)
9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis - (00:17:06)
9/11 TRUTH NOW! - (00:08:07)
A Bug's Life - Then they ALL might stand up to us! - (00:01:13)
A Message To American Veterans - Col. Jack Mohr - (00:27:50)
A Quietly Buried 911 Fact By Ken O'Keefe - (00:03:06)
A Stark Warning to Jews! - (00:02:22)
A Tribute to Dr James P Wickstrom - (00:03:49)
Abby Martin Exposes Zionism & Israel on Joe Rogan Podcast Strong Language - (00:25:10)
Adolf Hitler - If The World Were Full of Devils - (00:02:17)
Adolf Hitler - My Religion - My God! - (00:15:18)
Adolf Hitler and the Black Jews - (00:11:02)
Adolf Hitler Gives Thanks! - (00:05:34)
Adolf Hitler The Foolish Dreamer! - (00:02:12)
Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told - (06:32:13)
AG Bill Barr holds summit on combating anti-Semitism - (01:56:33)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed her jewish heritage - (00:01:09)
America Can't Make A Missile That Works | Israel Will Fix It! ~ Brendon O'Connell - (00:48:43)
America Meddling in the Middle East - Col. Jack Mohr - (00:56:03)
Americas Hidden Jewish Tyranny 2018 - (01:19:46)
Andrew Joyce The History of Jewish Influence - (01:09:41)
Anti-Semite? ~ Snordster - (00:18:30)
Anti-semitic, it's a trick we always use it! - (00:01:21)
Anti-Semitism on the rise at French-German border - (00:05:02)
AntiRacist Hitler - (00:10:01)
Architects and Engineers: Solving the Mystery of Building 7 - with Ed Asner - (00:14:59)
Are Americans Now Required To Sign A Loyalty Oath TO ISRAEL!? - (00:13:12)
Armed militia march to protect firearms rights in Virginia! - (00:01:58)
Auschwitz, the Comedy (Full) - (00:19:38)
Being Jewish In America In The Age Of Trump - (01:05:43)
Believe Nothing (but understand as much as you can) - (00:09:21)
Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Warns America About Talmudic Jews - (00:43:02)
Bernie Would Be the First Jewish President! - (00:02:41)
Beyond Treason: The True Story of Depleted Uranium - (01:28:29)
Bishop Richard Williamson - Gas Chambers, Anti-Semitism and the Truth! - (00:05:47)
British Intelligence Historian Dr John Coleman - Illuminati & Committee of 300 - (01:43:29)
Bulworth Tells It Like It Is & Explains The Jewish New World Order Agenda! - (00:13:08)
Burning and Spitting on preacher of Jesus the Christ in Jerusalem - (00:09:58)
Catholic Confidential. Deplorable Jesuit Secrets Revealed - (01:21:21)
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve - (01:30:11)
Col. Jack Mohr Talks About His Capture In Korea - (01:45:45)
Communism by the back door - (04:48:05)
Confederates of Color Before and After the Emancipation Proclamation by Earl Ijames - (01:13:21)
Congressional Hearing About Antisemitism On College Campuses - November 7th 2017 - (02:50:28)
Congressman Pete McCloskey R CA describes ADL bullying full speech - (01:08:57)
Crying jew Tells Congress To Silence Those Who Question The Holocaust In The USA! - (00:05:18)
David Cole in Auschwitz Full Documentary - (00:59:41)
David Cole's Banned 1994 IHR Conference Speech! - (00:52:14)
David Sheen - A Jew Tells How Nasty The Jews Are! - (00:25:15)
Democrats & Republicans Try To Make Protesting Israel Illegal! - (00:13:33)
Doctor Scott Jensen speaks out about being investigated after COVID-19 Comments - (00:23:36)
Donahue Show Holocaust Deniers ~ (David Cole) - (01:03:49)
Donald Trump - The Perfect Goyim - (00:01:48)
Donald Trump, 9/11, CASE CLOSED 2 - (01:29:59)
Doug Stanhope - Fuck the Jews! - (00:08:52)
Dr. Alan Sabrosky U.S. Military Knows Israel did 9/11 - (00:09:58)
Dr. Rima Laibow - Huxley's Brave New World - (01:37:18)
Dr. Rima Laibow Codex Alimentarius and the Agenda 21 Depoulation Plan! - (00:40:07)
Dr. Roberto Petrella, Fear Mongering? or Truth? - (00:06:51)
Eisenhower Murdered Over a Million German Soldiers AFTER the War! - Thomas Goodrich - (00:09:37)
Erasing The USS Liberty: 50th Anniversary Of Israel's Attack On America - (01:45:07)
Ernst Zundel Interviews Ingrid Rimland 1998 - (01:43:43)
Ernst Zundel vs Sabina Citron - (01:04:40)
Ernst Zundel, Interviewed by an Israeli Journalist 1996 - (02:03:20)
Esoteric Agenda - (02:03:54)
EUROPA - The Last Battle - Part 1 - (01:14:58)
EUROPA - The Last Battle - Part 2 - (01:02:26)
EUROPA - The Last Battle - Part 3 - The Rise of Adolf Hitler - (00:39:34)
EUROPA - The Last Battle - Part 4 - (01:48:27)
EUROPA - The Last Battle - Part 5 - (00:53:05)
Europe For Europeans - (00:19:37)
Eustace Mullins - The New World Order - (00:58:20)
Ex-CIA Philip Giraldi - Is Israel a U S ally? - (00:10:22)
Farrakhan These Satanic JEWS! - (00:09:57)
Firestorm Bombing Over Dresden Germany A Real WW2 Holocaust - (01:17:33)
First Responders Urge 9/11 Investigation Sept. 11, 2019 Press Conference - (00:56:37)
Five Finger Death Punch - Wrong Side Of Heaven - (00:07:12)
Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation - (01:21:10)
Fred A. Leuchter Full Report! - (00:25:18)
Freemasonry in ww2 Germany - (00:04:23)
Fuck Israel! - (00:06:31)
Furious Jews threaten to stone us for preaching Jesus Christ in Jerusalem! - (00:13:08)
G Edward Griffin Creature From Jekyll Island Second Look at the Federal Reserve - (00:42:15)
Galen Winsor: The Nuclear Scare Scam - (01:31:19)
General George S. Patton Was Assassinated! - (00:08:39)
George Carlin - Usage Of The Word Fuck - (00:02:31)
Give Me Ten Men (Col. Jack Mohr) - (00:42:08)
God's Gonna Cut You Down! ~ Johnny Cash - (00:02:44)
Goy Guide to World History - E. Michael Jones - (02:38:09)
Gray State - Official Concept Trailer - (00:02:39)
Gunter Grass - What Must Be Said! ~ Snordster - (00:03:30)
Had Enough Yet White People? - (00:41:51)
Hate Crimes? - (00:07:14)
Helen Thomas: 'I'm Not Anti-Semitic, I'm a Semite!' - (00:13:32)
Hitler Disarmed His Own People - (00:06:27)
Hitler Speech The Fight Between Two Worlds - (01:35:12)
Holly Seeliger: Harvard's Darkest Secret: The Salem Witch Trials and Mass Hysteria - (01:39:43)
Holocaust Survivors Who Tell The Truth - English Subtitles - (00:15:17)
HoloCost Revisionism - (00:10:48)
HOLOHOAX - German Grandmother & the Central Council of the Jews! - (00:19:06)
HOME - (01:33:17)
How International Jewry declared 'Holy war' on Germany! - (00:05:46)
How the Jews Caused WW2 - (00:05:46)
How The Jews Opened America's Borders - (00:15:26)
How the Jews Treat Christians in Israel - It's Serious! - (00:02:14)
I'm not white I'm Jewish - (00:03:39)
I've been doing some research! - (00:02:35)
If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! - (00:03:22)
If Israel could do this to a young American Jew, imagine what Palestinians face every day - (00:04:07)
Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - - (00:06:07)
Impeachment & Russiagate SOLVED - (00:21:36)
In This Struggle Truth Will Be Victorious - (00:02:20)
Intense Hostility (spit upon like ten times) Preaching in Jerusalem - (00:11:50)
Is Ilhan Omar an Antisemite? - (00:18:35)
Israel Controls USA - A MUST WATCH for... ALL OF US GOYIM! - (00:14:55)
Israel Has Used America as a Whore! - (00:06:48)
Israel Lobby Polish Holocaust Propaganda - (00:01:45)
Israel Targets War Vets! - (00:11:51)
ISRAEL: Our Best Friend in the World .. WHO NEEDS ENEMIES? - (01:35:14)
Israel's true friend. Bolton meets Netanyahu to discuss Iran - (00:02:09)
Israeli female soldiers breaking the silence about Palestine - (00:01:18)
Israeli snipers shoot children playing on rooftop in Gaza - (00:01:05)
Israeli Soldiers Target Children - (00:03:34)
Israelis killing Americans in Iraq - (00:07:34)
Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. Australian documentary film. Viewer discretion. - (00:45:30)
It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It! - (00:03:14)
It's Okay To Be White (Official Music Video) | The Decency - (00:04:29)
Jacob Rothschild Admits His Family Was Involved In Creating Israel - (00:15:56)
James Goddard VS Mark Collet Debate | Civic VS Ethnic Nationalism - (03:18:17)
Jew Stabs Himself And Claims It Was An Antisemitic Attack - (00:01:51)
Jewish Bernie Sanders Reaching Out to the Jewish Community! - (00:03:58)
Jewish Dianne Feinstein Wants to Ban All Guns! - (00:00:45)
Jewish Madeleine Albright - The deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it! - (00:00:23)
Jewish Mafia Enforcing Multiculturalism & Gene Mixing (Jews are behind mass migration) - (00:28:54)
Jewish Organizations Seek To Shut Down Adam Green's Know More News - (00:04:56)
Jewish Rabbi Explains How Dennis Wise Was Right About Hitler! - (00:15:19)
Jewish revenge is coming - (00:04:01)
Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited The Hidden Cult Full Version - (01:19:44)
Jewish Student Caught Putting Swastikas On Her Own Door And Claiming AntiSemitic Attack - (00:01:46)
Jews and Immigration - (00:13:19)
Jews are NOT Patriots - ADL - (00:11:11)
Jews Are Only The Tip Of The Spear! How The World Really Operates! - (01:20:57)
jews justify white genocide via inversion/projection .. aka the jewish question - (00:02:20)
Jews Won't Let You See This On Your TV! - (00:06:07)
Judea declares war on Germany - march 24 1933 - (01:02:22)
JUNE 8TH, 1967 by John Niems - (00:03:59)
Ken O'Keefe on Trump & More - Impunity in the Nuclear Age - Part 1 of 2 - (00:36:48)
Ken O'Keefe Unveils The Truth About Adolf Hitler! - (00:02:01)
Know Your Enemy ~ Rage Against the Machine - (00:04:55)
Larry Silverstein lies about 911 - The Luckiest Man Alive! - (00:11:00)
Lecture by General Robert E. Lee - (00:52:15)
Leon Degrelle The Epic Story of the Waffen SS - (01:21:58)
LPACTV: The New Dark Age - (01:34:32)
Manic Street Preachers - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will be Next - (00:04:45)
Mark Weber on Revisionism and Politics - (01:01:28)
Meet Bill Gates - (00:38:45)
Mein Kampf Audio Book (Full Length) - (20:00:05)
Members Of Congress Applaud And Cheer Combating Antisemitism Resolution! - (00:10:25)
Michael Hoffman - Judaism Discovered - (02:08:47)
Mike Pence - US should do what Israel wants! - (00:02:48)
Mike Pence - Zionist! - (00:11:05)
Military - Suicide Cover-ups - (00:04:39)
My Experience with Jewish Power: Part 1 (Pastor Peter J. Peters) - (00:55:08)
My Experience with Jewish Power: Part 2 (Pastor Peter J. Peters) - (01:19:42)
N.W.O. - Ministry Sphinctour {live} - (00:06:05)
Nazis Punished Nazis For Mistreating Jews - (00:06:00)
Netanyahu Brags About Controlling Trump - Media Silent - (00:06:21)
Netanyahu: No greater supporter to Jewish people than Trump - (00:02:28)
Netanyahu: Trump asked me to evacuate White Helmets from Syria - (00:03:24)
Never Forget - 9/11 Crimes Were Never Thoroughly Investigated - (00:33:02)
NSA Never Busts israel. Ever! - (00:10:54)
One Ring to Rule Them All..Technology My Precious! - (02:07:33)
Open Up Your Eyes... - (00:05:23)
Original 13th Amendment of the Constitution Rediscovered! - (00:13:44)
Our families are starving the revolution is coming! - (00:02:23)
Pastor Steven Anderson Works Out The Math Behind Auschwitz - (00:37:10)
Patriotic American Militia Members Give Warning To The Jewish Traitors In Congress - (00:46:31)
people of color fighting for german wehrmacht in ww2 reichsfolk nonracist national socialists - (01:11:57)
Plandemic Part 1 - (00:22:48)
Plandemic Part 2 | INDOCTORNATION - (01:15:30)
Politicians by John Niems - (00:04:19)
Powerful Quotes From Mein Kampf - (00:12:01)
President Trump Admits, Putin Loves Israel, loves Bi Bi [Quote] | Fox News - (00:07:57)
Quotable Quotes From the Chosen Ones - (00:14:26)
Rabbi Yaron Reuven on Hitler, Economy, Jews, Weimar Republic: Hitler was right! - (00:03:33)
Rare 1967 Record Exposes the Illuminati - (02:43:45)
Ray Hagins The illegitimacy of a people called JEWS - (01:04:42)
Republic vs Democracy - (00:10:35)
Resistance to Jewish Power: Henry Ford, part 1 & 2 - (00:51:20)
Robots And AI: The Future Is Automated And Every Job Is At Risk - (00:15:11)
Save Europe, Save Humanity! - (00:10:44)
Scarlet & The Beast Exposed - (01:02:17)
Scum of the Earth Blood Hungry for the Kill ~ Snordster - (00:10:01)
Secret Facts of the Holocaust - (00:17:08)
Secret WW2 History - Minorities in the German Army - (00:29:41)
SHOCKING: Rabbis deliver obnoxious diatribes on women - (00:04:26)
Solving 9-11 Ends the War! ~ Christopher Bollyn - (01:38:16)
Stone Cold Kompramat | From Israel With Love ~ Brendon O'Connell - (00:24:41)
Taking America To The Pits Of Hell - By Dr. Chuck Baldwin - January 26, 2020 - (00:59:45)
Talmud - (00:15:25)
Team America: World Police - Dicks, Pussies and Assholes - (00:01:41)
The 25 Points of National Socialism - (00:08:17)
The Balfour Agreement! Jacob Rothschild Admits His Family Was Involved In Creating Israel - (00:15:56)
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money - (00:29:34)
The Black Death - Translated Jew Confession of Well Poisoning (Sept 1348) - (00:08:05)
The Bolshevik Revolution - Darkness Descends - (00:53:30)
The Communist Takeover of America - (01:06:01)
The Death of Free Speech - (00:55:59)
The Difference Between National-Socialists and Neo-Nazis (neo-Nutzism) - (00:03:53)
The Dresden German Holocaust - (00:07:19)
The Enslavement of Whites in Early America ~ Michael Hoffman - (00:50:18)
The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler - Jim Condit Jr - (02:22:36)
The greatest lie ever told - The Holocaust - 2015 Documentary - (01:17:21)
The Greatest Story Never Told - (06:32:13)
The Hidden Enemy - Psychiatry in the Military - (01:46:43)
The Hoax Hate Crime Finally Properly Called a Hoax | Three Years and Few Corrections Later - (00:13:49)
The Illuminati Exposed! 50 year old recording EXPOSES ALL! - (01:17:07)
The Israel Lobby in the USA, episode 1 - (00:48:10)
The Israel Lobby in the USA! (All Episodes) - (03:07:18)
The Jewish Communization Of Russia! - (01:19:28)
The Jewish Israel Lobby's Impact on America - (01:55:55)
The Jewish State What It Really Means! - (00:14:56)
The Kalergi Plan Documentary (White Genocide & International Communism) - (00:49:56)
The Myth of the Good Jew - (00:08:52)
The Perfect War: Technowar in VIETNAM (1987) - Part 1 of 2 - (00:58:16)
The Perfect War: Technowar in VIETNAM (1987) - Part 2 of 2 - (00:58:56)
The Pharmacratic Inquisition - (01:51:19)
The Pittsburgh Shit Show - Trump-tard Rally - (01:00:00)
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Explained (Full) - (00:17:13)
The REAL Leaders Of The World (Must See Documentary) - (02:17:46)
The Real Reason the South Seceded by Donald Livingston - (00:47:16)
The so-called Jews hate Jesus! - (00:01:21)
The State Has The Right To PLUNGE A NEEDLE INTO YOUR ARM BY FORCE If You Refuse! ~ alan dershowitz - (00:06:39)
The Story of Your Enslavement - (00:13:09)
The Talmudic/Communist Blueprint to Conquer America - Col. Jack Mohr - (00:38:16)
The True Adolf Hitler - (00:06:04)
The truth about the jewish elites - (00:08:35)
The Truth About The Jewish Elites! - (00:05:00)
The Truth Of The Slave Trade! - (00:48:51)
The Ultimate Red Pill Remastered - (03:24:23)
The VIDEO FREEMASONRY DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE!!!!! FEMA Death Camp Executioners... - (00:07:04)
The Way To Get 9/11 TRUTH NOW! - (00:05:59)
The World Defeated the Wrong Enemy! - (03:46:26)
There Are too Many Bureaucrats and They Are Paid too Much! - (00:06:39)
There is no Evidence of Gas Chambers! - (00:10:19)
They fought for Europe! - (00:29:39)
Those Seeking the Jews destruction, We Will Seek Their Destruction ~ Trump - (00:07:27)
THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? - (02:12:02)
Trump And Putin Put Israel Center Stage - Jul. 17, 2018 - (00:03:18)
Trump frees Jesus Hater Sholom Rubashkin, Jews Party Like It's 1999. Christians Ignore Their Own - (00:06:07)
Trump Is More Jewish than Netanyahu! - (00:03:10)
TRUMP IS THE SWAMP: Trump's Jewish Elite MAFIA and The 5 Dancing Israelis - (00:24:03)
Trump signs executive order combating anti-JEW SPEECH- December 11th 2019 - (00:24:12)
Truth is anti-Semetic ~ Snordster - (00:06:28)
U.S. Military Knows Israel did 9/11 ~ Dr. Alan Sabrosky - (00:09:58)
USS Liberty The Unmentioned Parts - Survivor Richard Larry Weaver - (00:35:03)
Video Footage of Israeli Military Actions Against Children! - (00:11:44)
Video screened at UN Human Rights Council meeting February 28 2019 - (00:04:31)
Vietnam war documentary - (01:58:25)
War is a Racket by Major General Smedley Butler - (00:08:54)
We Are At War But Nobody Told You! - (00:09:30)
We Are Not Allowed to Criticize Israel! - (00:03:14)
We will destroy the Freemason! - (00:06:46)
We will impose Noahide Laws on All Countries - Rabbi Yisrael Ariel - (00:06:27)
What Did The Founding Fathers Say About The Jews? - (00:04:07)
What Did The Founding Fathers Say About The Jews? - (00:04:07)
What do Famous People Think About Zionist Jews? (Full Length) - (01:38:22)
What Hitler Said About the Danzig-Bromberg Massacres - (00:03:56)
What Hitler Said About War! - (00:04:16)
What Started World War 2 the Real Cause? - (00:17:47)
What the Media Won't Tell You About Israel - (00:10:23)
What World Famous Men Have Said About the Jews! (Full Length) - (01:03:37)
WHISTLEBLOWER Ex-Elite Banker Speaks Out - (02:15:35)
Who Brought the Slaves to America? - Walter White Jr. - (00:54:18)
Who is Financing ZOG Chump Trump? - By Johnny Gat - (00:14:59)
Who Killed John O'Neill? - (01:40:23)
Who Owns Us? by John Niems - (00:04:05)
Why are You Telling Me? ~ Snordster - (00:07:30)
Why is the US government always hiding this? - (00:21:01)
Why Trump Bombed Syria - (00:11:14)
Why US and Israel wants to ban this video! - (00:59:27)
Will Vladimir Putin save the world? - (00:47:10)
William Cooper - Amazing Lansing, Michigan Lecture Rare - (01:00:27)
William Copper last interview - (00:12:57)
William Pierce -- Katyn Forrest Massacre - (00:22:20)
William Pierce -- The Genocide at Vinnitsa - (00:24:07)
Wounded Warrior Project accused of falling short of mission - (00:05:44)
WW2 150,000 Jewish Soldiers Served Hitler and the Nazis - (00:02:12)
WWII - General Patton: We're fighting the wrong enemy (by Dr. Peter Hammond) - (01:41:25)
You Won't Believe Why They Could Withhold Relief Funds from Harvey Victims - (00:09:07)
Young JFK's diary reveals his fascination with Adolf Hitler - (00:02:42)
Your Government, Your Family, Your Police State (Louis Beam) - (00:49:01)
ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM | 2008 (HD) - (02:03:07)
Zionism's Holocaustianity Big Lie - (00:14:59)
Zionist Jew Butchers Behind Communism! - (00:06:42)
Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Documentary - (01:35:36)


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