By 1864, 150 years ago, Woolfolk claims the wealth of the world already was concentrated
in their hands.
"The Imperialism of Capital to which I allude is
a knot of capitalists--Jews almost to a man--
who make their headquarters in the Money Quarter of London, in Threadneedle
Street, Lombard,
and other streets in that vicinity, where bankers have their habitat.
These Jew capitalists have succeeded in
centralizing in their own hands the industry and commerce of the earth.
--They own almost all the debts of the world, --the debts
of nations, states, counties, municipalities,
corporations and individuals, --amounting in the aggregate, it is estimated,
to seventy-five billion dollars,
on which they are annually receiving about four billion dollars of interest. --They own
the manufactories,
the shipping, and the commerce of Great Britain, and most of the manufactures, shipping and
commerce of the whole
world. --They have attained control of the industry and trade of th
e whole earth; and are rapidly centralizing all business
in their own hands.
They hold possession of all the great lines of trade and business of all kinds,
and they regulate all
prices by their own arbitrary methods.
This Money Power of the Money Quarter of London is the only grand
pre-eminent Imperialism
existing on the earth."

"In 1764, the British East India Company was the grandest and
richest corporation
in the world. It was the only corporation, which ruled a territorial empire. It was
enriched by traffic,
by the extension of its trade through the conquest of the trading
stations of its Continental rivals and by the wholesale
plunder of came
to pass that the greater part of the stock of the East India Company, and of the
other companies afterwards
organized out of the dividends of that great company,
fell into the hands of the Jews. The Jews became the great Money Kings of the
History presents no career of conquest, in which fraud, deceit and rapine
were so blended as in the conquest of India by
the East India Company. It was
the first example in the history of the world of a trading corporation
becoming an imperial power; and its imperial
rule was marked by
the rapacity, chicane and fraud that characterize a great corporation
in the soulless and conscienceless pursuit
of gain."
With the invention of the steam engine in 1775, only the capitalists of the
British East India Company had
the means to profit from the industrial revolution.
They set up hundreds of joint stock companies--manufacturing companies of all kinds,
coal and iron mining, railways
and ships, real estate-- which concealed their ownership.
"In commercial crises, often originated,
and always manipulated by them,
they managed systematically to break down rival companies,
and buy them out, and to rob and plunder
the minority stockholders;
until, in the end, these organized capitalists got into their own
hands and very cheap, all, or the greater
part of the stock of the various
companies, manufacturing, mercantile and shipping, that
originated in steam manufactures. They
thus reduced to a system and science the
art of crushing rival companies, and freezing out minority stockholders."
speculates that the Rothschilds did not act alone but represented a syndicate of Jewish bankers.

(Crowns of Europe beg before
Lionel Rothschild)
"The rise of the house of Rothschild
is memorable as the first grand combination of the Jews in a syndicate, for the transaction
of a vast business in which all their capital
might be combined. The Rothschilds became the head of the Jew Money Kings, and
have ever since been the head of the Jews,
acting as a syndicate. That house is probably at the head of the Jew Money Power
of the world. The wealth of the Money Power
is simply beyond calculation. It cannot amount to less than $160,000,000,000. It is
probably nearer two hundred billions...
The Money Power has so much money, now, that it can not find investment for it. In
one more double it will about have all the
property of the earth. At the beginning of its career, a double of its capital
meant $100,000,000. Now a double of its
capital means $400,000,000,000. And all the property of the world is less than $600,000,000,000."
According to Woolfolk, the Rockefellers and most great American industrialist-financiers were merely agents of the London
Money Power.
Oil is a classic example of how it established a monopoly in every enterprise. Owning the railroads needed to transport oil, the
Money Power put
competitors out of business by undercutting their prices.
This cartel of cartels kept the business class in
line by creating the spectre of Communism:
"It is their policy to keep up a hot agitation for Communism
and Socialism in the great cities; so that the businessmen, in
their antagonism to those ideas, will keep on the side
of the Money Power. It is a significant fact that most of the agitators
for Socialism are Jews, who are most probably the agents
of the Money Power to keep up this agitation for their own purposes...
It is a part of the consummate craft of these Money Kings."
"The Red Dragon" is an important reminder that even 150 years ago, wealth and power
were concentrated in relatively few hands.
Modern history reflects the hidden machinations of this Money Power to advance
their "world government." The whole world is being colonized.
We see evidence today that one hand directs all the great multinationals. For
example, they all sing from the same songbook of diversity,
homosexuality and feminism. All US Presidents are front men for this banking cartel.
Their Cabinets are chosen from the ranks of the
Rockefeller-controlled CFR. Presidents who defy the Money Power are eliminated. (i.e. most
recently JFK and Nixon.)
All the Presidential candidates support Israel which was created by the banking cartel to be their world government
This lethal problem arose because the nations of the world were too feckless to do something so simple as creating
their own currency.
relied on a network of Jewish bankers to create their medium of exchange in the form of debt to themselves. No
nation had the
or wit to break away from this worldwide imperialist system which is tightening its grip and inevitably must enslave mankind.
Unfortunately, these bankers
are not just interested in power or money. They are Satanists who wish to sabotage civilization and rededicate humanity to Lucifer.
We must reject this juggernaut in all its manifestations. Common
sense eventually will prevail not because
it is common sense, but because continuous violation of common sense produces collapse.