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The official story


doesn’t mean a thing when 

it’s written by slaveowners



By John Kaminski



To believe the official story about Sandy Hook is to believe the official story of 9/11. It takes the same kind of willing blindness to refuse to competently analyze relevant facts that are usually suppressed or at least denigrated by a hidden perpetrator.


To believe in 9/11 is to believe 6 million Jews perished in concentration camp gas chambers during World War II. The Holocaust idea didn’t really percolate until the late 1960s when Elie Wiesel wrote his fabricated Holocaust novel and was later given the Nobel Prize. Observe these three iconic etchings on the public’s consciousness, erecting a smokescreen for Jewish criminality with three fantasies presented as historical fact. This is the official story extant in the world, gnawing at the structures of society as the world turns into the slave colony the Jews have always wanted it to be.


To believe in the fable of the 6 million (which was first trumpeted in the late 1800s, right after Jews murdered Czar Alexander II) is to believe Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the president hero who guided us to victory in World War II. Actually, FDR blocked European leaders from making peace with Hitler and blocked Japan from getting oil from abroad, forcing three great nations of people who all wanted peace into the most destructive war ever waged.


It seems almost too fantastic to note that Jews have destroyed the countries which have been most kindly to them. Germany stands as the primary example, stripped of its genuine independence in perpetuity by the Jew World Order currently nested in the United States. Russia certainly has felt the lash of the Jews, with Mr. Solzhentisyn’s tally of 66 million non Jewish dead being their major contribution to that unfortunate country.


Poland and Germany took them in when they were chased out of Russia for killing the czar, and nothing but blood has followed these once proud nations ever since.


What is happening in the United States lags behind the misfortunes that have been vomited upon European countries. The African invasions have been coordinated by Jewish NGOs as part of the kosher plan to destabilize all the nations of the world through debt and disruption.


They have made it a crime to say the Jewish religion is depraved, when examples of kosher depravity are the primary examples of decay in all countries.


“If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there”

— Moed Kattan 17a

Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews. When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep.

— Sanhedrin 57a

“Jews are Divine. If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God”

— Sanhedrin 58b

And the foundation of the new Holocaust religion, the holy 6 million? Choose your own biggest whopper:,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php


Today, America is dying of a venereal disease of the spirit called Jewish morality, spread throughout the population by a nonstop onslaught of perverse propaganda from Jewish owned media aimed at destroying all families and making everyone depend on the all-powerful arms of the state.


This is called Communism, which according to the famous rabbi Moses Hess, is another term for Judaism. So if you have any interest in the people who are now running society, consider one of the things these so-called humans believe?


Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human. All Gentile children are animals.

— Yebamoth 98a








Are you afraid

to tell the truth?

You ought to be: Offend the Jews 

and your future is in jeopardy

By John Kaminski

When history is a lie, revisionism becomes the truth.

What we’re up against is bigger than any country. In fact, it’s bigger than all the countries in the world.

The ruthless powers that be have decided that only they can declare what is truth and that it is against the law to disagree with them. The human mind is being locked up for the final time.

Amazon, Google and Facebook are all Jewish entities, and all prohibit objective discussion about the lies told about the World Wars. Utterances that describe the events of World War II that are not approved by the Jews are now called “hate crimes”.

Jews most definitely cannot prove what they say about WWII — but we can. Six million?! Baloney! 296,081 is Germar Rudolf’s 2003 count, following the International Red Cross count in October 1980 of 273,905. How many billions of dollars have the Jews stolen from the world with this falsehood they have inflicted on everyone with their incessant and fallacious media propaganda?

Jews can’t prove there were gas chambers at Auschwitz or anywhere else. The thousands of hysterical Jewish testimonies about concentration camp horrors remain totally refuted by the International Red Cross visits during the war which found German treatment of prisoners far superior to the way Americans treated the Japanese prisoners they interned during WW II.

Think about why Ursula Haverback, age 89, would risk prison to tell the real story of WW II, in which three Jewish controlled countries — Britain, the USSR and the USA — conspired to eliminate the last viable challenger to Jewish financial control of the world, which was the German economic miracle devised and deployed by Adolf Hitler. Would Mrs. Haverbeck do this because she was insane, or because she was telling the truth?

Even more puzzling, why would the German government insist on jailing an old woman who questioned a simple detail of history — unless they were trying to cover up a gigantic lie? For those with eyes to see, the answer is clear.

Think too about Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gadhafi, both of whom treated their citizens much more kindly than the Jewish-run countries of the West. They followed Hitler’s example of treating their own people well. And they were murdered by the Jewish Deep State using their favorite weapon, the American war machine.

Most Americans simply have not realized that all contemporary media — movies, music, TV, even books — are controlled by Jews. Those outlets not owned by Jews are statistically insignificant and generally ignored.

But now, the Jewish onslaught of trying to erase independent thought from the world has intensified. A whole category of history has been expunged by the Jews from all the electronic media they own, which is practically everything.

And honest people are being lined up for incarceration and silence so the Jews may more easily make their fabricated history become the de facto history of the world.

Imprisoned by lies

Everyone in the world is now prevented by financial blackmail from even contemplating the truth. Jews control all your money, no matter how many non Jewish intermediaries exist between you and them.

Even as you read this, the vise grips clamped around your head begin to tighten.

Play ball and you have nothing to worry about. Blow the whistle on these child-eating maniacs and you’re going down hard. They’ll kill your children. A Congressman whose questions were a little too sharp just resigned because of that threat. Remember what happened to Paul Wellstone. 

Revisionists tend to be idealists. They observe objectively. What they write tends to be clear. They don’t make things up, unlike the purveyors of the lies they seek to revise.

I’m like everybody else. I believed the propaganda I heard most of my life (or at least since the late 1960s). Took me to middle age to be jarred into realizing I was believing in some obvious lies.

What if telling the truth will cost you your job? What if your wife and family call you a beast and throw you out of the house for harboring such horrendous ideas?

Jews own your soul because they own your money and also have the ability to take it all away from you at any time.

They want you to be afraid to tell the truth. As a replacement, they want you to believe their truth, which is invariably at variance with what actually happened.

Both World Wars, 9/11, the fouling of the sky with chemtrails, the poisoning of humanity with Glyphosate, and the capture of the world’s media — these are all Jew poisons you ingest daily.

God help you if you start telling people that Adolf Hitler was actually the good guy. It won’t matter to them that it happens to be the truth, because they’re so scared of what will happen to them should they choose to stop living their lie.

Mainstream history is entirely false

In case you don’t know by now, Jewish truth is an oxymoron. There is no such thing existing in the world. The Jews’ holiest books command Jews to lie to non Jews in all situations. Now they’ve swindled the money of every country in the world, which all dance to the puppet’s tune while their leaders steal most of the money.

The penetration of Jewish lies in the world mind is nearly complete. Most of what people have been tricked into believing is false.

Regarding the empirical facts of World War II, we can prove what we say and they can’t. They can only cast aspersions, trap you in blackmail, or if all else fails, hire some hungry poor person with sociopathic tendencies to murder you. If your offense is somewhat less bothersome, they use the courts, the law, the legal profession, the cops, and the TV stations which will tell everyone what a bad person you are because you disagree with the Jews.

In the European Union courts, when it comes to Holocaust disputation, they say the truth is no defense. They put you in jail merely for attempting to tell the truth.

How silly is that? Pick an adjective. Insane would be a good one.

Jewish scripture urges Jews “to kill the best Gentiles”, which they do, constantly.

A game we can’t win

The measure of Jewish control of Britain was amply demonstrated by the arrest and continuing harassment of singer Alison Chabloz. This self-appointed Jew organization had to browbeat the government four times before charges were finally pressed. She could have lampooned any other ethnic group and no one would have lifted an eyebrow.

And then they staged this phony arrest of Tommy Robinson supposedly protesting the Muslim rape epidemic to make sure Alison got no media coverage. (By the way, why have British authorities allowed the Muslim rape epidemic to continue for more than ten years?)

We’re playing a Jewish game with the media, and it’s a game we can’t win.

Jez Turner was put in jail for worse. He described Jewish control of British history perfectly and got slammed into jail during a particularly fruitful roundup of Revisionist activists

Now the Schaefers are in jail and Arthur Topham, who had been devoutly monitoring the daily status of the recently arrested, remains silent.

And this is what these anti semitism laws are all about: to prevent discussion of Jewish crimes.

Jewish soldiers kill Palestinians for fun. Jewish food producers poison Americans by the millions. Jewish drug manufacturers have addicted the whole world to their poison pills.

All Jews are sociopaths because they follow the insane commands of the Talmud. Jews are not allowed to report crimes by their fellow Jews. How can they be good citizens anywhere?

They have turned America into a sociopathic country, using the promotion of blacks to retard the culture of whites.

People are being lied to. The U.S. is the chief force for evil in the world, mostly because they are doing the bidding of rich Jews who control the world’s money supply.

Besides Israel and the Jews in the City of London I defy you to tell me another power in the world that can make the U.S. military go anywhere in the world and murder those they are ordered to eliminate.

Mindless obedience to murderous policies

Tell the truth and go to jail! It’s the new party toast. Everything has been reversed. Leave those child molesters alone; they’re the ones in charge of the world.

How in the world is anyone supposed to deal with a legal system that declares the truth is no defense. What would Thomas Jefferson say about that?

Everything has been reversed. The good people are being put in jail. The bad people are making the laws.

So that the freedom of speech and thought once guaranteed to all Americans are no longer in effect. Today, we can no longer criticize Jews for their manic criminality that negatively affects everybody on Earth.

We will be arrested if we do. But if we don’t the future promises only mindless obedience to murderous policies from which we may never be able to protect ourselves.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.







The next death you ignore 

just might be your own 


The most dangerous person on the planet is one whose mind is made up, blocking his ability to perceive the misinformation that pollutes his own education. 



By John Kaminski



When you defend the reputation of the United States, what is it exactly that you are defending? Perhaps it’s America’s willingness to kill people at the behest of Israel that you like so much? Or maybe you admire the way U.S. cops are fond of shooting people’s pets or robbing them on the interstate when they’re traveling a long way with their life’s savings?


From 9/11 to Sandy Hook to Las Vegas, you can now see our government creating crimes to keep its beloved law enforcement apparatus in business. When 88 doctors with cures for cancer are mysteriously murdered and no investigations are undertaken, you’ll know what our government has planned for us.


Increasingly we are beginning to see that our government is the source of our misery rather than the spearhead of our protection that we expect it to be, that we were promised it would be. Now we observe a watering down of the U.S. population by unassimilable Third World escapees to further destabilize what was once, at least internally, a peaceful country. As Somalis murder Americans in U.S. parks, this perverse process is accelerating our slide into a locked down police state.


There is one threat greater than all the others yet it is never talked about. It is a case of the people committing the crimes pretending to be solving them.


The real danger is America’s propensity for making war, and justifying these attacks with heroic but false rhetoric, glib fabrications to steal from the enemy some precious commodity or process. History testifies that for this kind of dishonesty there is no forgiveness, only retribution.


More powerful than any country


It is an entity more powerful than any country.


Whose dictates are more powerful than any court ruling.


Americans are guilty of not knowing what their country is doing. They don’t even know who’s running their own country.


No way that the official stories of any of these world-shaking events are remotely close to being true. They didn’t even attempt to explain what really happened in Las Vegas.


The horrors we hide and the excuses we use mask the killer within.


He’s not someone else. You know him. He’s the one who turns away. He’s the one who, when faced with the question whose answer could save the world, turned away. It’s not my problem, he muttered. Why was it you were living? we asked.


The Deep State is comprised of half dead politicians who have made their evil millions by voting for anything that increases the power of the media military complex, for where there is strife there is profit, and since we’re overpopulated, vaporizing a few million serfs here and there doesn’t really factor in their long run.


Our children are sent overseas in the constant wars so the U.S. is not overrun by disenfranchised young males who if left to their own devices are bound to cause trouble, perhaps even revolution.  


Stronger than any country, more ruthless than any mafia, no court decision anywhere may be decreed without their approval.


How many more deaths must you ignore before you decide to act. After all, the next death you ignore just might be your own. 


We pretend not to see


It is the goal of the predators, I have insisted on numerous occasions, to keep all other countries in a state of disarray, because people are less likely to revolt against a corrupt status quo when all their attention is focused on staying alive or feeding their own families. America has been run this way for the past century, but now you see this with visceral clarity amid the rubble of Israel’s bombed-out neighbors. You also see it all across Europe overrun with hungry Africans, and now increasing every day the obnoxious decay of abandoned buildings and government sponsored terror incidents in the USA.


The most dangerous person on the planet is one whose mind is made up, blocking his ability to perceive the misinformation that pollutes his education. His false world view sabotages his entire life’s work because he is held hostage to the dictates of an artificial political system whose noble lies mask the ugly deeds of a worldwide crime syndicate. He is either a part of that criminal enterprise or the victim of it. Prisoners and guards, preying upon each other — that’s what the world has come to.


For some years I’ve been saying, only half in jest, that the U.S. President and the Russian leader both work for the same boss, and that all the bloody histrionics that take place in the world every day are just a passion play to convince long suffering residents of all countries that there really are two superpowers so trillions of dollars must be spent on weapons rather than feeding the poor, of which I’m told two billion people are on the verge of starvation every single day.


Either way both Putin and Trump are intimates of the Lubavitchers, both are indestructibly wired to Israel, and that relationship is writing our sorry future.


Trump’s recent visit to Finland to speak with Putin elicited a bizarre and unanimous response from the main cheerleaders for the Deep State, all of whom are terrified that their slices of their payoffs from defense industries might shrivel up.


All the politicians and TV shills blasting President Trump for trying to be friendly to Russia have one thing in common, and that is their unabashed enthusiasm for and lavish support from military contractors — hence their incessant promotion of constant war.


Those corpses we don’t notice


Realize that and then the bombshell hits you — this is the way America has always operated! America survives and prospers because it profits from the constant wars it creates. 


The major component of our economy is the production and sale of the weapons of war. Jewish bankers created the Federal Reserve to fund World War I. Their guns have been blazing ever since. The United States of America seems to be unable to operate without making war on someone.


Here dwells the unspoken shame we all share as we watch our beloved soldiers swagger around the world acting like a hit squad for Israeli billionaires with no moral qualms about what they’re doing, just following orders, the orders of psychopaths not interested in the welfare of any single human being, but only in the retrograde social order they are paid handsomely to promote. 


Realizing this reveals the great secret shame every American should feel but doesn’t, and that is looking the other way from the false reasons to go to war in exchange for the placid and secure lifestyle that has been the hallmark of existence in the United States for most of the last half of the 20th century.


It doesn’t matter how many people we have to kill. We willingly ignore the reasons we go to war in exchange for the right to drink beer and watch TV and not have to think about the crimes our government commits to make us comfortable. It’s just the kind of people we are . . .


Media lure us to our doom


It’s the Jewish media that keep us in this dumbed down place, arguing about Russian meddling when we should be freaking out about Jewish control of every aspect of our lives. Just think for a moment about the degradation of American society since Jews took control of it, first with the legislations of 1913 (income tax, Federal Reserve etc.) and then by creating the World Wars which gave them absolute control of the world financial situation, and with that, total control of the way people think.


Think about how our children used to be safe from sex predators and now they’re exposed to these perverts in first grade thanks to Jewish control of the schools.


The power to define reality misused has given everyone an inaccurate view of the world. One group controls everything, and it can put you in jail for trying to tell the truth.


You think we’ve made progress? Mad Dog Mattis, the general who fried Fallujah in white phosphorus, is President Trump’s top military adviser! The president’s own family is immersed in the Chabad Lubavitcher philosophy that aims to kill or enslave all the non Jews of the world.


This ritual of putting people in jail for challenging Jewish lies about the Holocaust is but the first step in the tightening of allowable perceptions that Jewish rule will mercilessly impose upon the world.


How can you pledge allegiance to a country that goes around the world murdering designated enemies for fun and profit? These aren’t criminals we’re killing; they aren’t even really enemies. They’re just people in the wrong place at the wrong time, standing in the way of that archetypal evil known as progress.


We have a predator that is plundering us, but we don’t seem to mind as long as we have the best gadgets and the financial freedom to flaunt our privilege before the struggling starvelings of the world.


No matter what their investment in blood and bravery, the American people and the soldiers who fight for them never reap the rewards of their efforts; no, the rewards are reserved for those who arranged the wars, who made it happen with their newspapers and their pitchmen and their crooked politicians whose ultimate allegiance is only to their own wallets.


Now they’ve created laws which only allow us to say what they permit us to say. This is the end of human freedom, right now. By your participation in this society, and your continued use of Amazon and Google, you have approved it. There is no way to participate in their reality and oppose them.


The worst crime is teaching well meaning people that they needed to fight when they never really needed to. How many of your sons and daughters were sacrificed to this false goal? How many more will we leave to die before we correct the problem?


Now when we really need them to fight the kosher rot that has turned a free country into a slave state, we find them paid by Jewish billionaires to gesticulate in the streets shouting Communist slogans while preparing to demolish the country that has nurtured them, and taught them to be mindless hedonists pursuing their illusory “freedoms”.




John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.








War God’s world


American thugs trade

morality for murder






By John Kaminski



Religion is a lie in and of itself, so why shouldn’t it support the murderous lies of government? After all, they’re both in the same business, enslaving souls for fun and profit.


Yet lie or not, the world is enriched and made safer by those who believe. Nonbelievers are guided by their own self-destructive rationalizations. Wherever they spew their heartless venom turns into a bleeding ghetto, as they eternally try in vain to defeat their own deaths rather than trust in the spirit who created all of us and everything else.


This is the human conundrum. The answer is voluntary impulse control, something that throughout their blood-soaked history humans have never been able to master.



By John Kaminski



How the American people fool themselves. They have convinced themselves they are heroes, when in fact they prosper on the mutilated corpses of capitalist predation, a thoughtless process that eventually consumes them.


They beat their breasts as victors, but look the other way when their government murders innocent people. They even look the other way when their government murders their own family members, justifying it as patriotism. Legitimate heroes are duped into giving their lives for pranks played by the super rich.


Just as people with no integrity don’t realize they have no integrity, people with no morals never realize that they are immoral — they don’t care that they’re immoral — which makes them a sociopathic danger to everyone else who might be acting honestly.


No hope for fools


A darkness of spirit beclouds the world at the end of turbulent year as pompous politicians go to murderous extremes to prove their incomparable value to clueless voters. Clergy mouth their meaningless platitudes, cover up their coworkers’ molestation of children, and never speak above a whisper about the lies of our leaders. 


The government surreptitiously assassinates doctors who cure things Big Pharma does not want cured lest its pill profits nosedive. Television, movies  and the universities spew only the tales the warmakers want told. Worse than that, all university research is exclusively aimed at warmaking potential. And then, soldiers who question why they are being sacrificed often wind up dead from friendly fire, if their own government doesn’t kill them first, which is what happened to Seal Team 6 (to cover up the bin Laden death lie).


Churches preach for war to secure their exemption from taxes. That’s why churches never can criticize the state or they will lose their hypocrite’s largesse. Fiery evangelists of every religion preach for the destruction of the infidel who happens to be the enemy of whomever controls the money supply.


The hidden subversion of Christianity was hidden in its restrictions on usury, which guaranteed a monopoly of the financial world to the Jews, whose misuse of that privilege has been the robbery of all countries to fund their continuing desecration of everything they touch.


As a result, there is no longer any moral center for the people of America, no one and nothing to believe in. Everything has been debunked and the perverts have taken over, while their victims — which is everyone — remain too debilitated and confused to even fight back.


Falsehoods for the people


The salient feature of all the wars of the 20th century is that they were all triggered by fake provocations: the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11. In each instance it was the Jewish bankers who engineered these colossal tragedies, while the Jewish newspapers turned hired killers into patriotic heroes, a syndrome that continues today.


World War II remains the most egregious example, as both FDR and Churchill agreed that the demolition of Germany was arranged to eliminate it as an economic rival to the Jewish bankers, whose chief nest was and is in the City of London. <>


With the demise of a church-regulated population, the innate sense of morality most humans possess in every culture seems to have dissipated and been replaced by the passionless pragmatic realism of money. This arena is today utterly controlled by the Jews, and spells doom for the human species. Guided only by the concept of profit, a life in which there is no respect for others is not worth living. It leads only to loneliness, misery and self-destruction, and is precisely where the human species is currently heading. 


Today, we no longer have the congenial neighborhoods that were interlinked by their churches. Many of the old tightly knit ethnic neighborhoods are now erased, warped by drug addled Africans, and slandered by the perverse prurience of Jewish media trying desperately to standardize us into one-size-fits-all robots.


What preacher today do you know who has reminded Americans their government paid the people who gassed those Syrian children, conveniently forgotten down the memory hole of the spin machine? What preacher is asking which Israeli hit squad machinegunned all those people in Las Vegas? And addressing a stunning act of treason, who will bust the Lutherans for smuggling a staggering number of African tribesmen into Minnesota and Maine for profit?


Throughout the 20th century, Americans’ sense of integrity has been slowly but surely sandblasted out of existence by spin. It isn’t ‘what can be achieved?’ anymore; somewhere along the line it became ‘how much money can you make by achieving it?’


Particularly in the case of doctors, but also writers, this attitude cheapens the effectiveness of the author, often makes him popular but seldom makes him truly useful. Noble doctors who champion the causes of their patients too often wind up dead, as Erin Elizabeth will tell you on Health Nut News <>


Depressed, or just disappointed


Demoralization mislabeled as depression appears responsible for the poor success rates of anti-depression drugs. Demoralization can’t be cured by drugs, only by a better, more honest world. 


As it is absorbed, consumer culture imposes numerous influences that weaken personality structures, undermine coping and lay the groundwork for eventual demoralization. Its driving features – individualism, materialism, hyper-competition, greed, over-complication, overwork, hurriedness and debt – all correlate negatively with psychological health and/or social wellbeing. The level of intimacy, trust and true friendship in people’s lives has plummeted. Sources of wisdom, social and community support, spiritual comfort, intellectual growth and life education have dried up. Passivity and choice have displaced creativity and mastery. Resilience traits such as patience, restraint and fortitude have given way to short attention spans, over-indulgence and a masturbatory approach to life. <>

Ask around and you’ll probably find out that most people don’t really believe in anything other than fulfilling their immediate needs. This lack of faith in anything leads to demoralization, characterized by boredom.


“Human culture has mutated into a sociopathic marketing machine dominated by economic priorities and psychological manipulation,” wrote John F. Schumaker, a retired psychologist living in New Zealand. (see link above)

Never before has a cultural system inculcated its followers to suppress so much of their humanity. Leading this hostile takeover of the collective psyche are increasingly sophisticated propaganda and misinformation industries that traffic the illusion of consumer happiness by wildly amplifying our expectations of the material world. Today’s consumers are by far the most propagandized people in history. The relentless and repetitive effect is highly hypnotic, diminishing critical faculties, reducing one’s sense of self, and transforming commercial unreality into a surrogate for meaning and purpose.

The more disoriented people become, Schumaker wrote, the more they are controlled by the spin they have chosen, which, being meaningless, ultimately will lead to disappointment, exacerbating the debility.

Over time, people’s core assumptions can become unstable.

So the problem then becomes, not sick individuals, but a sick culture. And compounding this observation, which also pertains to talk about changing the U.S. Constitution, is that the people doing the changing can also be just as dangerous as the people who created the problems in the first place.

When talking is not enough


What do you do with a mad dog? Its behavior won’t change. There is no reasoning with it. We face such a situation in the world today. We know who the dog is. We know the dog won’t listen. Coddling him has resulted in the world we have today, deliberately kept in chaos to justify the force governments use to rob people. 


Mad dogs can do anything they want. And if you let them, they will hurt you.


Doing good is not the sole province of religion. People who try to tell you it is are simply trying to snatch your soul, which naturally is owned by you and the ones you love, and no one else.


The best way I know of blotting out the poison white noise is by the sounds of nature, which are increasingly being declared off limits by the Deep State demons desperately trying to herd people into cities where they can be more effectively controlled. My question is, what U.S. city is not already a ghetto?


You don’t need any fancy philosophy. You just need to be a normal human being, which is just about impossible these days considering all of the misinformation and disinformation that have been wedged into the nooks and crannies of your brain over time.


Humans could be living in paradise. But instead they have been manipulated into choosing the ghetto. The big question is who put us here. The answer, said the most famous guy in history, is right in front of you, for those who have eyes to see.

Our Complicity in Mass Murder

We anesthetize our revulsion
by pretending we are heroic


The collective intelligence of Americans is shrinking faster than the brain of a man with a headache who takes Ibuprofen, or swallows diphenhydramine to help him sleep.But the principal creator of The Shrinking American Brain is the massive monster of malignant media pumping endless advertising into our brains 24/7, covering up for poison food and bad medicine, pretending to be our window on the world but really painting an ever shrinking portrait of what we are allowed to say in increasingly inane and irrelevant public gatherings.


What is ‘cool’ has now become a sly technique for mind control (he said, as people now walk off bridges playing Pokemon 2). Most kids can’t discern between what is hip and what is destructive, and the mass media push these alluring addictions purely for profit.


Kids, desperate for heroes to idolize, instead run into these manufactured media creations who wind up misleading those who in their teenage zeal believe they have found nirvana. Of such sentiments are gurus born. The result is wasted lives and fractured families. You can bet this didn’t happen by accident.


The media decide what is fashionable and what is taboo. And since the people who start the wars and commit crimes so massive they can’t really be comprehended by ordinary folks trying to maintain their own deteriorating connection to reality . . . let’s face it: the people who pretend to report the news are really owned by the people who are committing the crimes.


Wonder no longer why you have an incomplete perception of reality. The powers that be want it that way, and any explanation they may attempt to justify their benevolence invariably conceals a vast money making operation that is kept secret by government controlled media.


Example? The war in Afghanistan has always been about the poppy crop. This off-the-budget revenue is used to fund all these fantastic false flag operations, the objective of which is to get the lemming public to obey without whining about the ever-expanding abuse they continue to endure.


Examine further examples and observe your brain shrinking away from the horror that is too great to internalize as your own responsibility. Most people scapegoat someone else, which prevents them from scrutinizing their own motivations.


As you argue for your own superiority, contemplate the disaster that has befallen the world in your generation, and reflect upon the part you have — or haven’t — played in it.


And self deception. What kind of history do we have when the clever killer gets to write the final version of events and declare himself the hero?


Is this not the real story of human history, the triumph of betrayal?


As we surveil the vista outside from inside our own perceptual configuration, we look out on the world with regret for the lies we have not challenged that have done so much damage to everyone for making a small group of master criminals that much richer, and the rest of us that much sicker for not being able to recognize the unending series of poisoned maneuvers and products foisted upon us by our leaders.


A history of lying


How do we present ourselves to our children when we are aware of the lies that constrain us in our adult lives? Do we teach them how to suck up to rich people in order to steal their gig or practice their scams when we have learned enough about the path we have chosen? Is loyalty ever really rewarded, or is betrayal the archetypal human trait?


Or does our mental indigestion over the events of the world impart a world cynicism to our children, in which we teach them inadvertently how to cheat and take advantage of people?


Those with the best of these undesirable skills eventually become our leaders. The permanent state of the political art form is getting people to believe promises that can’t possibly be kept.


And there we have the history of the USA. People believing they were getting one thing but always got another eventually found their way to absolute bankruptcy, moral as well as financial.


The really sad cases are the ones who believed in this dramatic construct known as America. Even though they’ve known for some time that the murder of the sailors on the USS Liberty in 1967 and the demolition of the World Trade Center in 2001 were both carried out by America’s best friend in the Middle East.


Our outgoing president ruled that our government doesn’t need a trial to murder someone, and then promptly went out and murdered someone with a drone (and shortly thereafter did the same to his son) for that man’s opposition to U.S. wars against Israel’s enemies.


Do the math. Does someone who correctly perceives the criminal behavior of the U.S. government qualify him for termination under the new rules conferred upon all America by the Manchurian candidate Obama? Apparently so. Are you on the Red List?


Should the Democrats maintain their hold on the White House in 2016, we will have a president who has committed numerous felonies, frauds and perjuries yet remains immune from indictment according to the head of the FBI.


This confirms our shared suspicion that laws are for the little people, and the rich can and will do what they want. There has never been a more glaring revelation about our injustice system than FBI director Comey’s instant exoneration of Hillary Clinton for her obvious crimes.


The fact that she is still running for president gives evidence of the depraved condition of the U.S. government.


The people in charge of our government hire the terrorists who then, for large amounts of money, pretend very convincingly to fight us.


The people in charge of our government, in fact, ARE the terrorists! And we are their mostly unwitting accomplices, in all their perfidious crimes.


What are the real issues?


An honest 9/11 investigation would reveal Jewish control of the American government that permitted a defensive stand down, a fake kamikaze raid, and the demolition from within the World Trade Center towers, pretty much eliminating as a suspect anyone without the sanction of multiple countries, but most especially by the U.S. and Israel.


People all over the world know this as truth, but our government, currently is strangling itself over the lies it has told that are leading the world toward its doom by the worldwide deployment of weapons of mass destruction as it desperately tries to maintain its clumsy fictions.


The tragic 9/11 melodrama has turned American brains to mush, as they may not approach the truth without risking social sanction and quite possibly the destruction of their entire lives.


As with the Holohoax mythology, our government believes you must accept the facts it presents without questioning them. Questioning them would be unpatriotic. And to be unpatriotic these days, according to the perverts who run the world, is to qualify for instant death courtesy of some Clintonesque-type hit squad, or by vampire federal prosecutors getting bonuses for terror convictions who seek to ruin your life because of your attempted association with the truth.


In fact, according to the new Department of Homeland Security rules, it is now against the law to seek the truth. In France, this has already been made into law, which is why Daryl Bradford Smith shut down his website, The French Connection, one of the great repositories of texts relevant to the way the world really runs.


All conversations about the events in the world — from the false flag terror episodes to the clandestine assassinations of bankers and doctors who attempt to break free of the propaganda shackles — both begin and end with the profound realization that Jews control every aspect our lives, and the media manipulation that infects all of the information we receive makes it nearly impossible to ascertain accurate accounts of current events.


The real issue is that we can’t tell this to our children, lest their world view shatter prematurely and their psyches incur permanent damage. If we do not confess our irresponsibility for not developing a forthright government intent on integrity, we let our children grow up with a misrepresentation of history that sabotages all their decisions.


We can’t tell the whole truth about ourselves. To do so would plummet us beyond the depths of despair and compel our children to hate us for our cowardice.


We give no thought to the dead we ourselves have killed by our indifference to what our own government is doing. Then, when we know what our government is really doing, we turn away from the horror, and return to other matters that occupy our lives, stifling the memory of our complicity in this endless bloodbath that benefits no one but the psychopaths who have arranged all these horrific events.

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The formula Jews use

to overthrow societies

By John Kaminski

Precious few Americans possess the inner fortitude to realize that throughout our recent history, the mighty U.S. military, pretending to be the good guys, has actually mass murdered the good guys. The American people — their eyes blinded by Jewish lies — believed their boys were noble heroes. In actuality they were really insane murderers following the orders of cynical psychopaths, perpetrating injustice on behalf of the international bankers.

Think about it! Qaddafi, Saddam, Hitler. They were all heroes to their own people, yet vilified by the Jewish press, which controls the thoughts of the Western world. They all were bombed to smithereens, their countries eviscerated by the Jewish American war machine (which has Jewish generals sending their goy lemmings to their deaths).

All this time, from the invasion of the Philippines in the late 1890s to the fire bombing of Yemen that is going on right now, the United States has remained the darling of Jewish media, as Britain was a century before, recklessly wandering serial killers claiming to be the protectors of the world.

As it has for thousands of years, this kosher web of sadistic deception has asphyxiated the thought processes of humanity, and created a putrid panorama of corruption, destruction and deceit for everyone. People and nations who remain oblivious to the poison tentacles of Jewish finance soon succumb, swindled by their time-tested formula of drowning borrowers in endless interest payments. People lose their property first, then their lives.

I liked Trump’s idea about getting along with Russia. It made sense, at least in the short term. In the long term it could be really bad news for the rest of the world. But what almost nobody realizes is that the Jews have worked across time to put wedges between white nations, sociological time bombs hammered home by inflammatory Jewish media who get these white countries to attack each other.

Site of the most powerful nest of Jews in the world, England always envied the creative brilliance of the Germans. While it imitated their educational structures, the Brits utterly vilified and destroyed the Germans because they couldn’t outcompete them. Today Germany is a lobotomized Jewish clone. But then, Britain had been turned into a Jewish robot with Cromwell’s revolution in the 1600s. The Jewish bankers in England destroyed France long before they got around to devastating Russia. And now they’ve been sucking the blood out of the bloated American carcass for more than a century.

Why the sense of panic among Deep State denizens, who thrive on bribes from the very people who set white nations against each other? Then they watch with satisfaction as these deluded entities destroy each other? Or is it all just an act, aimed at painting The Donald as a patriot crusader who with the other hand gives Israel all the military might it requests?

Time, and not very much more of it, will tell the tale.




Click on this text to see Jim Rizoli interview with John Kaminski March 2016 ...

Click on this text to see Jewish Control of Reality by John Kaminski on Brian Ruhe Show...


We are deer in the headlights of a fast-approaching doom

By John Kaminski


There is no moral authority in the world capable of confronting this clever cabal of neocon mass murderers. The churches are all bought off and hiding their own crimes. And the governments are all tied up by the Jews, not at all concerned with the rights of non Jewish human beings.


What is the purpose of human beings? To raise healthy families and keep your neighborhood neat? To preserve the earth in all its glory? Instead humans have abused and destroyed it. Absent fathers trade lives for profits and let their children romp unguided toward disaster in a drug addled mixed race hell.


What defines success in our curdled civilization is the ability to lie convincingly and make people believe they are striking it rich when in actuality you are picking their pockets. Every politician who ever lived knows that trick as he speaks of peace while planning for war.


And Donald Trump might yet prove to be the world’s greatest chameleon, as he hires the very villains he promised to dislodge from the swamp he is pretending to drain.


You are being played, for your wealth and your life. You are being kept in line in preparation for the fleecing and the slaughter.


Parallel failures


The failure of journalism is really the failure of religion, and the impotence of both. Neither one can really prove it is telling the truth, but people choose to believe them anyway because most people prefer to believe in something. If we retain some rudimentary intelligence, eventually we learn the evening news is gospel truth from the devil himself.


Neither journalism nor religion are strong enough or brave enough to confront the purveyors of filth who continue to rule all governments, and buy the allegiance of high-priced whores known as journalists.


Since they both play off conflict, journalism and religion keep the world in combat mode over who tells the better story of why we are here, which we still haven’t figured out, and likely never will.


In our forced white noise semi coma we are taught not to notice the lies of the media and the lies of the government are one and the same. Our lives are ruled by executive sessions we know nothing about, and never will. The walls of our prison are appealingly concealed by sensual social pleasures that, like Tylenol, shrink our brains.


The speedy progress of technology correspondingly diminishes our physical abilities, and our ability to think organically based upon the early training our parents gave to us is methodically rubbed out by government programs designed to craft compliant slaves for the superstate.


The real criminals are the people who have been in charge, and Donald Trump has hired many of them to supposedly drain the swamp of Washington corruption.


Some criminals can never be rehabilitated and Trump has surrounded himself with the very Washington insiders he criticized on the campaign trail. I think we’re about to witness unprecedented affronts to civil liberties and increased aggression overseas in service to Israeli interests.


In all of this brouhaha about electoral manipulations, the real gist of the truth is constantly and deliberately obscured due entirely to the misleading behavior of mainstream media.


The main point that the American people have missed throughout the 20th century and before is that the people who report the news and shape what’s in your brain have, since the dawn of the republic, been unnaturally connected to the movers and shakers who commit all the megacrimes — like stealing Iraq’s oil, in fact. Or Libya’s water. Or Afghanistan’s poppy crop.


Gang of crooks


And by missing all the news that is shapeshifted by Jewish newspaper owners, the majority of Americans has been prevented from realizing that every aspect of society, at this late date, is controlled lock, stock and barrel by a pathological gang of crooks who managed to take secret control of England in 1645 and has spread its stain of greed, perversion and compound interest across the entire world, into every single most personal corner of our lives.


Ordinary people who have been hammered into the public school/mass media version of humans have no inkling of the information that has been hidden from them — Roosevelt and his Jewish advisers started World War II, the Mossad engineered all the destruction of 9/11, and your government is trying to kill you by brazenly approving poison food and toxic medicines for human consumption.


You may now guess who owns the pharmaceutical and food production industries, and who among government regulators gets to approve these genocidal situations. The lawyers who champion the various causes collude with judges appointed to stall human freedom for profit, and nothing substantive ever gets passed that is not of primary value to the rich people who run the world.


Jews have changed the character of the world from decent human beings to thieves. The dominant ethos in America is now screw everyone you can and get rich. Just look as the way hospitals preposterously inflate prices for the uninsured, or what the government pays for household items — stuff like thousand dollar faucets and hundred dollar screwdrivers.


It’s like we have all become cannibals consuming ourselves. The Jews consider their teaching successful.


An insult to humanity


Jews are an insult to humanity, in their fatuous claims to be above the law of God and man. They have corrupted every society they have ever encountered, ever infected, from their plague ridden robbery victims they left in ancient Egypt to the bathhouse perversions of present day Brooklyn where men with long white beards rape children in saunas, Jews break down the bonds of society by their secret perversions that cheapen the value of the term human.


They are a profound embarrassment to the remainder of the human species.


Jews have been at the forefront of uncountable schemes to not only rob others of their hard-earned possessions but also to hurt other people simply for the pleasure it gives them. As the French cynic Voltaire noted, this personality, if allowed to fester undiagnosed and untreated, will destroy everything we know, everything we hold dear. It will be fatal to the whole world, he said.


And speaking of the whole world, I have a dear friend who has contracted Guy McPherson’s disease and believes the prediction of the renegade environmental zealot who now says HUMANS WILL GO EXTINCT IN TEN YEARS. People who immerse themselves in this perspective inevitably begin contemplating suicide.


McPherson’s demeanor has taken a turn for the worse since he began his campaign of explaining why life on this planet will not survive the rising heat that will result from the release of methane from the unfreezing polar regions. <>


And to top off our daily dose of cognitive dissonance, I have another close friend tuned into the sudden disappearance of sunspots predicting record cold years ahead, much like the Maunder Minimum cooldown of the 17th century. <>



Quiz yourself


So, how did you take to the news that virtually everything you have learned from mass media throughout your life has been false? It is the condition of the world that this is not the worst news you received today.


Until we deal with the basic bank scam no progress can be made in any area. Because the Jews control the money they control the world.


When they are through robbing you of all your possessions, they will have no reason to keep you around. You could be used for mulch, or Soylent Green.


We have to realize the situation and identify who is aiming to destroy society for their own twisted purposes.


If you insist it’s not the Jews then you are forever trapped in their darkness and at risk for your life.


If there is no goodness left in America, it is because you have not spoken up. Jewish entertainment has left you deaf, dumb and blind to the beauty of the world it teaches you to destroy.


John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.





The Rebel

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Deadly disconnect


When abusive government

fails to protect its own people,

revolution is inevitable



By John Kaminski



We, the ordinary citizens of the United States, have no connection to the government that insists it speaks in our name. The only way we can get its attention is with large amounts of cash, all of which gets stuffed into the pockets of the elected extortionists, and none of which goes to the original purpose of whatever request we have chosen to make.


We ordinary citizens also do not get valid information from our news media, which are corruptly connected to the government they are supposed to be covering objectively. Journalism has always been afflicted by ulterior motives hiding behind a plausible veneer, but never moreso than now, when the world’s news gathering organizations are all controlled by a handful of Jews, and our disintegrating reality is being shaped by their subhuman compulsions. CNN is made in Israel, and so are all the other networks and newspapers.


On both on NBC and NPR, I heard the news readers mention the 6 million lie again as if it was established fact. It is not. The quantification of the Jew scam can be measured by the difference between 6 million and the 271,000-plus the Associated Press reported in 1947. The AP is now owned by the Rothschilds, and you can’t find that information anywhere.


Today, first among the inconvenient stories corporate media ignore is the tragedy of the Bundys and their friends, who stood up for Constitutional justice and have been destroyed by the government and ignored by the public. Truth tellers take note of your probable fate.


The Constitution supposedly guarantees that except in cases of murder, no one can be denied bail. Yet the Bundy entourage, which only tried to spotlight the illegal federal takeover of Western ranchlands, has mostly been held in solitary confinement for more than a year. When four were found innocent despite a rigged trial, the government tased their lawyer and filed new charges to keep them in jail. 


And Ammon Bundy, after 13 hours naked in a cramped shower, got two dislocated shoulders. His supporters believe the government is trying to kill him, just like it murdered Lavoy Finicum, an exemplary human being whose truth terrified our criminal government.


Today the drama continues as government deceptions appear to be aimed at dragging out the legal process indefinitely for those patriots still kept in solitary confinement. For Cliven Bundy at 72, incarceration amounts to torture. 


And of course for Lavoy Finicum, as honorable an American who has ever lived who was murdered by the FBI, there is no bringing him back to life even as his killers go unpunished.


The thing I had wished happened initially was that during Donald Trump’s long campaign harangue of Hillary Clinton he would have mentioned that it was the $450,000 the Clinton Foundation received for brokering a deal to sell the uranium on the Hammonds’ ranch in Oregon that actually put the Hammond men, father and son, in jail on a trumped up charge from a kangaroo court (aren’t they all?!). 


A contract they were forced to sign stipulated that when they sell their ranch, it would have to be to the Bureau of Land Management, which is at the center of all this persecution of patriots merely trying to defend their rights as citizens.


But this is typical American justice. And you never hear about it on TV. Much of the real news, especially news embarrassing to the government, never makes it to the evening broadcasts.


So too with Donald Trump, who has handed over America to the Lubavitchers, the most violently deranged among all the twisted Jewish denominations. Like all of his immediate predecessors in the White House, Trump has sold out America to the Jews.


And therein lies a tale of America’s quadrennial insanity. What winning presidential candidate has ever remembered his campaign promises? None. So now Hillary is a nice person instead of one of the great criminals in political history, blamed by scholars for the murders of Vince Foster and Muammar Qaddafi.


Trump won the election because the electorate was convinced Hillary was going to start World War 3 with Russia. And how long did it take for the Deep State to totally disrupt Trump’s plans for peace with Russia? This John McCain-Lindsey Graham insanity has ruled the U.S. since the Gerald Ford administration, Cheney and Rumsfeld, even back then, quintessential employees of the Deep State that rules America and the world.


It took less than 100 days for the Deep State to totally denature Trump’s apparent plans for peace with Russia. Either Trump knew it would happen or he is not as smart as we thought. When he bombed Syria for no valid reason except his Lubavitcher daughter’s crocodile tears, he lost all those voters who voted for him because they thought he WAS smart.


Really, all Trump ever was was a really good real estate salesman who had his Rothschild godfathers erasing every mistake he ever made.


Anytime McCain and Graham are happy, humanity has lost another round.


And America is now run by a Lubavitcher couple — the Kushners — heavily in debt to the mob and wholly owned by the worldwide Jewish murder machine.


Welcome to your worst nightmare — America, gone bad. We have a government intent on putting us in jail, and we can’t trust anything our government tells us. From the Food and Drag Administration to the Centers for Disease Control — we can’t trust a thing they say.


This is the real Jewish contribution to America — you can’t believe a thing most people say.


When abusive government no longer protects its people, revolution is inevitable.


If only Americans could be roused from their cognitive slumber . . . ah, but no, there are simply too many people on one kind of government assistance or another, too many preachers with tax-exempt status to protect, and too many high priced executives pulling down big checks for government jobs that shouldn’t really even exist.


Because the USA has lied, cheated and massacred the whole world during the last two centuries, it should have come as no surprise that it would eventually lie, cheat and massacre its own citizens, which it is now doing, especially to those critics who point out all the crimes our government, controlled by a foreign power, continues to commit.




John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.


A Collection of John Kaminski's Internet Essays

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False opposition
and the
 artificial reality

By John Kaminski

This is a message to all those trendy writers and hot shot social critics out there, especially the ones who talk about Satanism and don’t make the connection to the lethal menace now threatening everything we own. If you’re not clued into the Jewish worldwide murder machine, with the Israelis, the Sanhedrin and the London bankers doing the planning and the brain-damaged American goyim doing the killing, then you’re part of the problem. 

We are talking about the enemy of everything that lives, who has inserted its lethal tentacles into every country on Earth, and is strangling the life out of each and every one.

Either by innate ignorance or some fat check that gets slipped into your pocket by scumbags conspiring to wreck the world, you have no clue about what’s really going on. Humanity is being turned into a race of docile, dependent droids, unable to actually think for ourselves because of all the kosher misinformation we continue to swallow every single second of our rapidly shrinking lives.

Two streams of thought dominate American political debate today and neither one is either valid or healthy. Both are based on lies, and there is no room left for the truth as Jewish newspapers twist American minds into slavery and sadism.

Politicians slide easily between one party and the other. There’s an old Greek quote I can never find that recommends never having either a politician nor a lawyer as your leader, because their lives are devoted to being paid for what they say, thereby invalidating any pretense they may offer as proof of their integrity.

False opposition and the artificial reality

It is so important to remember that the thugs in Washington supposedly representing the American people gassed those hundreds of children in Syria — twice! — and tried to blame it on the Syrian president. Are you proud you can take credit for killing all those children? And can you begin to comprehend what a Jew-driven monster the American murder machine is today?

The ideological leader of the U.S. is John McCain, who tells us to do what the Jews say and everything will be fine. He is the one American who meets frequently with the terrorists known as ISIS, and no doubt had a hand in arranging the false flag murders of those children.

Atrocities such as this are what America is best known for around the world, total untrustworthiness and an utter lack of compassion. Just go ask a native American.

Lately I’ve become more afraid to ask if people care about these things. The very people we have been trying to wake up have now become our greatest danger, because they have knuckled under to the system and will turn you in for thought crimes against the state in order to curry favor with the authorities who will then use them as snitches. Think 9/11 skeptics movement . . .

Wayback Machine

Click on this text to see John's articles at The Wayback Machine website...

Our Complicity in Mass Murder

We anesthetize our revulsion
by pretending we are heroic


The collective intelligence of Americans is shrinking faster than the brain of a man with a headache who takes Ibuprofen, or swallows diphenhydramine to help him sleep. (See footnote.)


But the principal creator of The Shrinking American Brain is the massive monster of malignant media pumping endless advertising into our brains 24/7, covering up for poison food and bad medicine, pretending to be our window on the world but really painting an ever shrinking portrait of what we are allowed to say in increasingly inane and irrelevant public gatherings.


What is ‘cool’ has now become a sly technique for mind control (he said, as people now walk off bridges playing Pokemon 2). Most kids can’t discern between what is hip and what is destructive, and the mass media push these alluring addictions purely for profit.


Kids, desperate for heroes to idolize, instead run into these manufactured media creations who wind up misleading those who in their teenage zeal believe they have found nirvana. Of such sentiments are gurus born. The result is wasted lives and fractured families. You can bet this didn’t happen by accident.


The media decide what is fashionable and what is taboo. And since the people who start the wars and commit crimes so massive they can’t really be comprehended by ordinary folks trying to maintain their own deteriorating connection to reality . . . let’s face it: the people who pretend to report the news are really owned by the people who are committing the crimes.


Wonder no longer why you have an incomplete perception of reality. The powers that be want it that way, and any explanation they may attempt to justify their benevolence invariably conceals a vast money making operation that is kept secret by government controlled media.


Example? The war in Afghanistan has always been about the poppy crop. This off-the-budget revenue is used to fund all these fantastic false flag operations, the objective of which is to get the lemming public to obey without whining about the ever-expanding abuse they continue to endure.


Examine further examples and observe your brain shrinking away from the horror that is too great to internalize as your own responsibility. Most people scapegoat someone else, which prevents them from scrutinizing their own motivations.


As you argue for your own superiority, contemplate the disaster that has befallen the world in your generation, and reflect upon the part you have — or haven’t — played in it


And self deception. What kind of history do we have when the clever killer gets to write the final version of events and declare himself the hero?


Is this not the real story of human history, the triumph of betrayal?


As we surveil the vista outside from inside our own perceptual configuration, we look out on the world with regret for the lies we have not challenged that have done so much damage to everyone for making a small group of master criminals that much richer, and the rest of us that much sicker for not being able to recognize the unending series of poisoned maneuvers and products foisted upon us by our leaders.


A history of lying


How do we present ourselves to our children when we are aware of the lies that constrain us in our adult lives? Do we teach them how to suck up to rich people in order to steal their gig or practice their scams when we have learned enough about the path we have chosen? Is loyalty ever really rewarded, or is betrayal the archetypal human trait?


Or does our mental indigestion over the events of the world impart a world cynicism to our children, in which we teach them inadvertently how to cheat and take advantage of people?


Those with the best of these undesirable skills eventually become our leaders. The permanent state of the political art form is getting people to believe promises that can’t possibly be kept.


And there we have the history of the USA. People believing they were getting one thing but always got another eventually found their way to absolute bankruptcy, moral as well as financial.


The really sad cases are the ones who believed in this dramatic construct known as America. Even though they’ve known for some time that the murder of the sailors on the USS Liberty in 1967 and the demolition of the World Trade Center in 2001 were both carried out by America’s best friend in the Middle East.


Our outgoing president ruled that our government doesn’t need a trial to murder someone, and then promptly went out and murdered someone with a drone (and shortly thereafter did the same to his son) for that man’s opposition to U.S. wars against Israel’s enemies.


Do the math. Does someone who correctly perceives the criminal behavior of the U.S. government qualify him for termination under the new rules conferred upon all America by the Manchurian candidate Obama? Apparently so. Are you on the Red List?


Should the Democrats maintain their hold on the White House in 2016, we will have a president who has committed numerous felonies, frauds and perjuries yet remains immune from indictment according to the head of the FBI.


This confirms our shared suspicion that laws are for the little people, and the rich can and will do what they want. There has never been a more glaring revelation about our injustice system than FBI director Comey’s instant exoneration of Hillary Clinton for her obvious crimes.


The fact that she is still running for president gives evidence of the depraved condition of the U.S. government.


The people in charge of our government hire the terrorists who then, for large amounts of money, pretend very convincingly to fight us.


The people in charge of our government, in fact, ARE the terrorists! And we are their mostly unwitting accomplices, in all their perfidious crimes.


What are the real issues?


An honest 9/11 investigation would reveal Jewish control of the American government that permitted a defensive stand down, a fake kamikaze raid, and the demolition from within the World Trade Center towers, pretty much eliminating as a suspect anyone without the sanction of multiple countries, but most especially by the U.S. and Israel.


People all over the world know this as truth, but our government, currently is strangling itself over the lies it has told that are leading the world toward its doom by the worldwide deployment of weapons of mass destruction as it desperately tries to maintain its clumsy fictions.


The tragic 9/11 melodrama has turned American brains to mush, as they may not approach the truth without risking social sanction and quite possibly the destruction of their entire lives.


As with the Holohoax mythology, our government believes you must accept the facts it presents without questioning them. Questioning them would be unpatriotic. And to be unpatriotic these days, according to the perverts who run the world, is to qualify for instant death courtesy of some Clintonesque-type hit squad, or by vampire federal prosecutors getting bonuses for terror convictions who seek to ruin your life because of your attempted association with the truth.


In fact, according to the new Department of Homeland Security rules, it is now against the law to seek the truth. In France, this has already been made into law, which is why Daryl Bradford Smith shut down his website, The French Connection, one of the great repositories of texts relevant to the way the world really runs.


All conversations about the events in the world — from the false flag terror episodes to the clandestine assassinations of bankers and doctors who attempt to break free of the propaganda shackles — both begin and end with the profound realization that Jews control every aspect our lives, and the media manipulation that infects all of the information we receive makes it nearly impossible to ascertain accurate accounts of current events.


The real issue is that we can’t tell this to our children, lest their world view shatter prematurely and their psyches incur permanent damage. If we do not confess our irresponsibility for not developing a forthright government intent on integrity, we let our children grow up with a misrepresentation of history that sabotages all their decisions.


We can’t tell the whole truth about ourselves. To do so would plummet us beyond the depths of despair and compel our children to hate us for our cowardice.


We give no thought to the dead we ourselves have killed by our indifference to what our own government is doing. Then, when we know what our government is really doing, we turn away from the horror, and return to other matters that occupy our lives, stifling the memory of our complicity in this endless bloodbath that benefits no one but the psychopaths who have arranged all these horrific events.




White blindness


When mixed with black rage,

it will trigger the apocalypse


Whites have failed to live up to 

the moral code they pretend to obey



By John Kaminski (under construction)



If the white race is such a bunch of Godlike figures, why is the rest of the world coming after us with an overwhelming sense of glee in their eyes for what whites have done wrong to them over the many centuries? I mean this will be ‘Lord of the Flies’ for adults! (1) Or perhaps another French Revolution, when neighbor killed neighbor.


Why is all this happening, you ask? 


The simple answer? Because the Jews want to happen! Jews have urged the darker races to steal what they want from whites, because that’s what Jews do.


Jews want all other countries to look like Iraq does today because they’re so much easier to control in a devastated condition.


White supremacists surely have never confronted the conundrum that they are responsible for their own fate, that the way they have treated the world is responsible for their own destruction. They took the bribe and committed the crime. Now they must pay for their destructive decisions, and disappear from existence. Or so the other races say.


The way whites have treated the world has come back to bite them. The Jews helped whites conquer the world, and now whites are being cast aside in favor of the new beta male, the Coudenhove-Kalergi version of humanity in which everyone looks like Barack Obama (2) and no one can think for themselves.


The Muslim rapefest of Europe is accomplishing this Jewish goal as we speak. It forecasts the kind of putrid conditions the future will bring us.


Whites boast of all their so-called cultural achievements and insist they are the perfect human specimens, but never, no never, do they address the ruined lives and piles of innocent corpses they have left behind in service to their poisonous get-rich-quick schemes, which have turned much of the Third World into rubble. Think Iraq, or Syria, or any dozens of countries ravaged by well-dressed corporate monsters.


Whites failed the morality test when they accepted the Jews’ money to plunder the world. It first happened in England in the 1640s. And a little later it allowed the Rothschilds to take over the whole planet and call it Greater Israel.


Whites’ claim to superior status falls flat on its face when you consider that state to which they have fallen as hired hitmen always doing the Jews’ dirty work, or “wet work”, as the case may be and usually is.


The pretty lies the powers that be have told the world have allowed them — us! — to murder untold millions of innocent women and children and call it heroic bravery, even though all these wars and invasions were created from behind the scenes by bankers who cared nothing for either the allies or the enemy. Wars generating colossal amounts of cash make American affluence possible. This is a proven fact that far too many Americans refuse to address. 


Hence, Americans are mass murderers of the worst type. They kill without recognizing they kill, and without admitting it. Driven by the Jews, what Americans have done to the rest of the world is unforgivable. 


In their thoughts and actions, Americans are vassals to the Jews. Both are both pests and parasites. The recipe for a pest that reflexively continues its lethal practices is extermination, and I fear the rest of the world is slowly figuring this out. Maybe that should be . . .  I hope the rest of the world  . . .


This is where ordinary Americans don’t want to hear any more, and turn away. The debate becomes too heavy for them, because they are unable to confront their own guilt. Their lives are simply too comfortable to address such an unpleasant and politically incorrect subject.


American patriotism — what a joke! How can anybody cheer mass murder being committed, not to protect ourselves, but to hammer defenseless countries into submission so the rich can get richer and the poor can continue to suck their Jewish exhaust pipes.


What kind of moral blindness does it take to believe the lies propagated by Jewish media that Americans are heroes. As Smedley Butler, the famous general, put it: “I was a bagman for the mob.”


Our reward for such willing ignorance is to eat Glyphosate infected food that is killing us, and to go to doctors who poison us with their boobytrapped prescriptions.


The primary white blindness belongs to England, which, like Judas, first allowed the Jews back into England for a few coins. This is how the white race failed humanity. They accepted the bribe that flattered their egos and were willing to kill to protect their ill-gotten gain.  


Now England is overrun by Africans who have been declared equals with all Britishers. This is your reward for collaborating with the Jews: the metamorphosis of America into Africa. This chaos virus has spread all over Europe, especially in Sweden and France, which have large sections of their countries into which the police dare not go.


Just the way the Jews want it.


A population in the dark


While watching former President George W. Bush (the younger, and more insane) speak, I often fantasized he was predicting what the enemy would do with uncanny accuracy because he was describing what his insane Defense Department had already planned what the “enemy” would be doing. Subsequent actions have proven me undeniably correct (pat pat).


When Bush was describing what the terrorists were doing to the world, he was really describing the criminal behavior of U.S. troops.


But thanks to Jewish media, the general public remains clueless. We still have media calling ISIS our enemy to be bombed, yet the funding for this evil force comes from U.S. and Saudi allies. Just like the U.S. creation of al-Qaeda, more war means more profits for the Jewish killers.


The sad part about the blacks is that they have been given these very flawed so-called heroes to idolize. Very few of these media creations have succeeded in lifting black culture morally, but thanks to Jewish media, blacks have been deceived into destructive actions that cannot help but reflect the ancient denigrating adjectives that are justifiably attached to all of them.


The only really acceptable behavior for blacks is to act white. Otherwise they only bring African voodoo insanity into a white world that would like to be civilized. The Jews like it that blacks are trying to turn America into Africa, which will make it easier to control and exploit.


People who are beneath you on the “how do you treat them” spectrum are people you should help up; to people above you, you should not fail to ask for help because if they are above you they should and are usually pleased to help. If they don’t help, they’re probably not above you.


Moral failure of whites


Whites have failed to live up to the moral code they profess to endorse. As a result the entire world is in chaos. There is no more insincere person in the world than one who behaves like this. Most Americans behave like this. They simply do not have the courage of their professed convictions.


Which is why Americans have never really kept any treaty they ever made.


Whites have communicated this hypocrisy to the darker races it has exploited, and now the behavior is coming home to roost. We have taught the world that our religion is really only a cover story for our crimes.


In the case of the Jews, the situation is much worse. They have sworn before the world that they may rape, rob, imprison and murder anyone they choose to, and are not to be held to account for any crime. This is the way America operates. The Jews have the money to buy everyone many times over. America has become a totally Jewish country, friend to no one, exploiter of all, including itself.


If whites are so smart, why haven’t they solved this problem and gotten everybody to love them instead of now when everybody hates them.


Of course, this entire process has been exacerbated by the Jew. I once said Jews have never had anything that they didn’t steal from someone else. What they have stolen from the white race is its integrity, its valor and courage, its devotion to what is best for all of humankind.


This has been stolen by profiteers who lure level headed people into believing and supporting the idea they can all get rich by screwing other people, which in the long run always turns into bribery, blackmail and murder, the ever present hallmarks of the Jewish chokehold on humankind.


It has been replaced by the Jewish trademark sins of avarice and gluttony, where they are known to sacrifice their own children for a reasonable profit.


And this is what our children have been taught, every hour of every day this constant drumbeat drives them toward insanity. Combined with toxic vaccinations and year after year of repetitive propaganda, they will become perfect soldiers of the New World Order who can kill children and then joke about it.


Now Common Core, the trick, they say is subverting the thought processes of preschoolers before they even reach the curricula of first grade, so that their critical thinking skills will remain damaged throughout their academic careers. (3)


White supremacists have at least opened the door to seeing the Jewish master plan for the takeover of reality, promoting Jewish interests to the exclusion of the host nation’s, like when they dumped American history from the New York City school curriculum but kept Holocaust education. 


And then they wonder why their world is falling apart.


They ignore Plato: One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.

“ . . . the chief penalty is to be governed by someone worse if a man will not himself hold office and rule.” (4)


So whites’ claim to being the superior branch of the human species echoes in the empty silence of human stupidity as would the ravings of a man in a straitjacket reverberate down the halls of an insane asylum.


We are as others see us. Fatuous whites proclaim they are the saviors of civilization; all the other races claim we are their enslavers.


As we shrivel toward extinction, this is a deadly dichotomy that we whites would do well to further explore.


As they did so long ago in Haiti (5), when blacks gain control of a country they massacre all the whites. This is playing out for real in South Africa today, and in a more devious manner all across Europe. It is soon to be the main topic of conversation in America.


We owe all the other races an ironclad guarantee that they will never do that to us, but in the anemic and compromised condition of the white race today, we neither have the desire nor the ability to back up that threat. 


As a result, a tsunami of senseless, preplanned savagery is about to roll over us as America turns into Africa.




Note 1: “Lord of the Flies” (1954) was author William Golding’s first book and the one that won him the Nobel Prize. It is a story about boys stranded on a desert island who, without adult supervision, start killing each other.

Note 2: 

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan — The Genocide of the Peoples of Europe

Note 3:

Common Core “has children memorizing whole words in kindergarten, long before they are introduced to phonics in elementary school. By then, with the whole-word reflex in place, much of the damage to the brain is done, at least for most kids.”

Note 4: Plato, Republic, 347a

“Then,” said I, “you don't understand the wages of the best men

for they are not covetous of honor. So there must be imposed some compulsion and penalty to constrain them to rule if they are to consent to hold office. That is perhaps why to seek office oneself and not await compulsion is thought disgraceful. But the chief penalty is to be governed by someone worse1 if a man will not himself hold office and rule. It is from fear of this, as it appears to me, that the better sort hold office when they do, and then they go to it not in the expectation of enjoyment nor as to a good thing,2 but as to a necessary evil and because they are unable to turn it over to better men than themselves.” 

Note 5:

1804 Haiti massacre

See also

A rabid flock of lying killers (2003)

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA. (under construction)

Brother Nathaneal Kapner (Real Jew News) has been criticized for exposing the Jewish control of America  by Ripoff Report (the unaccountable slander channel), by Jewish controlled websites,and by blogger John Sanidopoulos as being mentally ill, unorthodox, and having been excommunicated from monasteries.

But, one needs to carefully consider the source and prejudices of his critics.


Brother Nathaneal, a former Jew, is quirky enough to attract attention, and well researched and reasonable enough to be believed when it comes to shedding light on the Jewish / Zionist stranglehold on America and other European nations.


Because Brother Nathaneal is one leading the fight against Zionism and because his work is so valuable to seekers of truth, the defense of his ministry by John Kaminski is hereby offered for your own analysis (Storm Brooks).





In Defense of Brother Nathanael


By John Kaminski


Sometimes, in our fear, we make judgments that are incorrect.


Sometimes, in our frustration, we lash out at the very people who are trying to help us, misperceiving their style, or the language they use, for their substance.


And sometimes, when we realize the odds we’re up against, we plummet into a confusing state of cognitive dissonance, not knowing who to trust because the information we have gathered is inconsistent, and just doesn’t seem to add up.


Such a situation has arisen in the recent revelation that Brother Nathanael Kapner, one of the foremost critics on the Worldwide Web of everything Jewish, has a curious history of posing as an orthodox monk and being kicked out of several monasteries for his decidedly unorthodox behavior.


When discovered and published, these allegations raised the explosive ire of Joe Cortina, a principled military veteran almost as well known as Kapner over the years for his forthright opposition to the worldwide horror known as Jewish behavior.


The links casting Kapner as a fraud with mental problems were cobbled together by Lindsey Tackett, a lesser known player on the same team as Kapner, Cortina and myself. Tackett is perhaps best known for his audio recording of the complete Protocols of Zion, which, at more than three hours long, very few have listened to.


A 2002 Boston Globe story cast Kapner as a cantankerous homeless man who became a thorn in the side of a local synagogue. <>


Blogger John Sanidopoulos described the Internet personality now known as Brother Nathanael as having been kicked out of monasteries for disruptive behavior, and having been formally disowned by the head of the Orthodox church in America. <>


And an Internet outfit called the Ripoff Report maintains that a person who once knew Kapner said he was bipolar and had lost contact with his family. <>


However (and this is a big however), when you look at Kapner’s website <> it contains a veritable cornucopia of stories that is one of the best repositories of anti-Jewish material and insight on the entire web.


This is not the output of a crazy man; it is the incredibly perceptive compilation of a man who knows the insane practices of the Jews from the inside, and wretches at their antihuman behavior, from the killing of children and harvesting of their organs to the sexual abuse of their own children and the forbidding of informing law enforcement about the ritualized crimes they are committing.


This realization leads to the precipice of cognitive dissonance. Is Brother Nathanael being defamed to neutralize and delegitimize his legitimate criticism of Judaic insanity? Or is he the one who’s insane, and all the Jews are really a bunch of good guys being defamed by a malcontent?


Hundreds of videos and stories, from “How Lieberman Stole Our Freedoms” to “America is Run by Jews”, attest to the authenticity of Kapner’s perceptions. That his outlandish priestly garb and often manic mannerisms, in the minds of some, tend to undermine the validity of his message takes nothing away from the insightful realism of his reports. What he says the Jews are doing to the world is spot on.


Behavior of Israelis in their continuing genocide of every Arab they can get their bloody hands on, Cortina repels some (including sometimes me) with his primitive Bible thumping, but at the end of the day, there is no person on this Earth with a more fervent desire to see that these Jewish murderers get what they deserve.


So when he gets upset, I pay attention. Even as I can reject his brittle religiosity and his belief in credulous fairytales, there has never been any doubt in my mind that we are on the same side when it comes to seeking justice for the oppressed or punishing those who have enslaved us, if we can ever get out from under their manipulative thumb.


Which leads us to the ever-present problem of trying to form a coherent alliance against the Jewish murder scheme being prevented from uniting by all these people who insist their own particular religious idiosyncrasies are more important to protect and promote than recognizing that the whole world needs to put aside all those minor points of theological folderol and unite against the major threat to the continuance of all natural life on this planet, which is Jewish perfidy.


This is not happening. And if it doesn’t happen, we’re all doomed (we being all the non Jews of the world), because it is the stated intention of the Jews to kill everyone whom they cannot use as slaves.


Catholics are advised by their “infallible” leader that the Jews are their “elder brothers”, while the Jews in specious secrecy snicker that the Son of God is hanging upside for eternity in a pit of excrement.


Muslims act nice until they become the majority, and when they do, no white woman is safe, and neither is any white civilization. A majority of Muslims does not realize that their beloved Muslim Brotherhood is actually run by Jews in London.


Some brands of Protestants genuflect to their homosexual ministers and preach the Jewish concept of diversity while their towns disintegrate into a landfill of crack dealers, rampant cops and empty factories. Other evangelical Protestants, misled by the Jewish version of Christianity known as the Scofield bible, attend massive rallies trumpeting the twisted idea that the nation of Israel is more important than the divine personality on which their religion is supposedly based.


Both Christians and Muslims fight each other’s brothers to death over which version of their holy history is correct. In my opinion, that’s just the way the Jews set the whole thing up wanted it, to keep brothers fighting each other so no one will notice who’s stealing all the money.


So Brother Nathanael garners all this attention for the wrong reason. So he had a hard time most of his life, pointing out the flaws in hypocritical religions that their organizers had no interest is correcting, before he finally found his niche revealing the inside story of the most evil religion of all.


The writers we should all being going after are the ones who pretend to be responsible and respectable, but don’t ever mention the real driving force behind all the crimes that are later blamed on the governments that have been totally infiltrated by the greatest evil force the world has ever known, the Jews.


Veteran writer Dick Eastman pointed out a great example of it the other day when he dissected Jewish writer Steven Lendman’s story about how China and Russia are preparing for war with the United States.


While Lendman waxed poetic about how the U.S. is behind all this worldwide turmoil, Eastman pointed out that it is International Finance that triggers all these bloody maneuvers, and International Finance means the Jews, something Lendman never, ever mentions.


And that is the case with the vast majority of political commentators, in both mainstream media and on the web, who act as if Barack Obama actually thinks for himself and is not following the directives of those Jewish moneymen who put him in power, which more people nowadays realize was really for the purpose of engineering the destruction of the United States and the profit of Jewish interests.


It is also the case with popular Internet news sites such as Alex Jones, Information Clearing House, Citizens for Legitimate Government, Intel Hub, Before It’s News, Activist Post and many others who dazzle their readers with intricate investigations of U.S. government criminality without ever once tracing the blame to where it rightly belongs, to the Jewish puppet masters who are running our reality, and us with it, right into the ground.


The reason for this deception is clear, just as it is with mainstream media — because all of these sites are owned and/or run by Jews, which is why they never mention the true architects of the programs, crimes and atrocities that are all aimed at the destruction of the United States, and the world as we know it.


None of them ever mention the Jewish puppet masters operating the fake Americans who everybody believes are running these sadistic schemes.


Which is something no one could ever accuse Brother Nathanael or Joe Cortina of doing.


My own policy is that I never believe any fact emanating from either a Jewish writer or a Jewish news source. Three thousand years of Jewish history convinced me that this was the wisest course.


I first realized this way the only way to go in about 2004, when I had convinced myself that every aspect of the 9/11 tragedy — the planning, the execution and the coverup — was entirely controlled by Jews, and then covered up by Jewish-controlled media and Jewish-owned politicians.


The endless succession of needless wars that has followed were wholly the work of Jewish interests, and the reporting on them was wholly twisted by Jewish media.


So when I encounter someone now who insists there are Jews in the world who are fighting for the light against the darkness, I tell them, I have never met a Jew who is utterly forthright about the Jewish fraud we have been deceived into believing is the history of World War II, or the reason for the Kol Nidre oath allowing Jews to lie about everything, or the reason why the Talmud orders death for any non Jew who dares to read it.


But I’m old enough and reasonable enough to know that people can overcome their own brainwashing, and even overcome their own bad histories, see the light, and act productively, if not compassionately. So I applaud Brother Nathanael for overcoming his chaotic disruptiveness and creating for himself a useful legacy of truthfulness.


I’ve always wondered, even though I know better now, why there was never a movement among Jews to reveal the horrid practices of Judaism and try to rejoin the human race.


Still, in my more hopeful moments, and in my futile search for a good Jew, if I had to choose a Jew to trust about the inner workings of the demonic disciplines of Judaism, Brother Nathanael Kapner would be a good choice, because the things he has written about Jews are true.


Personally I’d like to see more investigations of the writers who deliberately don’t write about Jews, rather than about the ones who do.






John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA. Edit Text




This is a list of all articles by John Kaminski on this Serendipity website. The articles are listed chronologically. Dates below show when the article was published on this website (not the date when it was written).


  1. The Shadow of Her Smile (January 6, 2003)
    Commentary on the current political situation in the U.S.


  2. The System Can't be Fixed (January 20, 2003)
    Commentary on the current state of U.S. society


  3. 9/11 was a Hoax (April 2, 2003)
    The American government killed its own people


  4. Heads They Win, Tails We Lose (June 26, 2003)
    Jewish media myths leading us toward World War III


  5. The Lies of our Leaders (June 23, 2003)
    Americans believe it's no longer important to tell the truth


  6. Our Leaders Lie — Do You Lie Too? (July 21, 2003)
    A discussion of video evidence concerning the attacks on the World Trade Center


  7. Ghosts of Oklahoma City (August 6, 2003)
    Eight years after the Oklahoma City Bombing


  8. Why I Write (August 7, 2003)
    Commentary on the current state of U.S. society


  9. John Kaminski: When the Big Lie Prevails, Crime Pays (September 7, 2003)
    The 9/11 murderers were Americans, and they likely won't be caught


  10. Arrest the President Now! (September 19, 2003)
    For the good of America and of the entire world George W. Bush must be stopped.


  11. Levels of the Game (November 30, 2003)
    The way the world *really* is.


  12. They Got the Wrong Guy (December 15, 2003)
    John Kaminski's commentary upon the arrest of Saddam Hussein.


  13. 9/11 Coverup Falling Apart (December 20, 2003)
    John Kaminski on the statement by the Kean Commission regarding 9/11


  14. What Do We Do? (December 27, 2003)
    John Kaminski reflects on the state of America


  15. Much Farther Down the Road to Hell (January 9, 2004)
    Reflections on Americans' lack of response to American atrocities in Iraq


  16. The Race to the Rainbow Bridge (January 22, 2004)
    John Kaminski on the bifurcation and the two paths in our future.


  17. The Shattered Glass (February 10, 2004)
    What if we what we thought was healthy was actually killing us?


  18. The Day America Died (March 8, 2004)
    Why you shouldn't believe the official story of what happened on September 11, 2001


  19. Devils from Heaven (March 24, 2004)
    John Kaminski on religion.


  20. Hallelujah! In Fallujah (April 11, 2004)
    John Kaminski's Thoughts at Easter 2004


  21. Penalty of an Ancient Fraud (April 14, 2004)
    Why killing is the biggest business of all


  22. The Fatal Flaw in the 9/11 Coverup (April 17, 2004)
    Why can no one name the hijackers or prove they flew the planes?


  23. Now we know for sure they lied about 9/11 (April 19, 2004)
    John Kaminski's review of the video 'In Plane Site'.


  24. The Man in the Big White Stone (May 7, 2004)
    Thoughts on a Visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


  25. Why 'the Good War' Wasn't So Good (May 11, 2004)
    Imprisoned poet's long-forgotten words mean more to us now


  26. Why We Need Martial Law (June 16, 2004)
    Criminal government is destroying America; military must step in to restore Constitution


  27. The Deepening Darkness (June 24, 2004)
    U.S.-Israeli mercenaries pose as al-Qaeda, carry out staged beheadings


  28. Fortune and Men's Eyes (July 10, 2004)
    Does the objective truth really exist or is human civilization a colossal collection of lies?


  29. Your Next Vote Will Kill Millions (July 15, 2004)


  30. 9/11 Probe? The Joke's On Us (July 27, 2004)
    6.7 million Americans are in jail, but Kean panel refused to investigate the crime; worse, alternative explanations fail to convince public that coverup happened.


  31. The Point We Keep Missing (September 11, 2004)
    The biggest problem with the world is Americans


  32. The Real Danger Lies Within (September 25, 2004)


  33. Deciphering the 9/11 Distractions (October 22, 2004)
    The government's lies are obvious, but some skeptics are far more subtle


  34. The Mirage of the Miracle (December 10, 2004)
    No amount of hope and prayer will stop the criminal elite who are ravaging the world


  35. The Next Steps (January 2, 2005)
    Essential maneuvers to forestall Armageddon


  36. Aspects of Treason (January 5, 2005)
    The latest in a long list of reasons why Bush and his friends should be in jail


  37. The Second Wave (February 18, 2005)
    New books, new groups fuel smoldering resurgence of 9/11 skeptics movement


  38. Parallel Universes (April 15, 2005)
    In this world, lies are lucrative, but the truth doesn't pay much


  39. Sick Strategies for Senseless Slaughter (May 25, 2005)
    The murderous fools are not trying to end the war; they're trying to keep it going as long as they can


  40. Are You Prepared for World War Three? (July 26, 2005)
    When that defining moment finally comes, will you have the time to remember what you could have done to stop it?


  41. If Joe was right ... (August 4, 2005)
    ... then Zionist neocon crazies plan to kill millions to control the world — but who was Joe, really?


  42. Who's Wagging Whom? (August 11, 2005)
    Do sinister Jews control the world or are they mere puppets of some white racist Illuminati?


  43. John Kaminski: Agents Provocateur? (October 23, 2005)
    How the hell can you really tell valid criticism from clever deception?


  44. Sickness in the Static (January 19, 2006)
    You know they lied to you, but you’re too scared to admit it


  45. Pain in the Brain (February 8, 2006)
    Footprints of the elephant in our living room

The only thing worse than being played the fool is remaining a fool.